Area MnDNR Conservation Officer Weekly Reports - Feb. 17, 2021 Written By: Denton L. Newman Jr | 9:00 am, Feb. 17, 2021 × District 10 - Mille Lacs area CO (Conservation Officer) Dustie Speldrich (Willow River) worked Mille Lacs Lake and local lakes during the frigid holiday weekend. One angler was very surprised when they came out of the fish house as Speldrich was walking up. The angler’s eyes looked like saucers as they spun around and ran back in to the house. After a delay, Speldrich was invited inside the house. The angler was trying to hide an extra line. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession, shelter licenses not displayed and shelter identification not displayed. A call of murky looking and rapidly rising creek water was investigated and turned over to the city. Speldrich would like to remind anglers to pick up their trash, including cigarette butts, on the ice. One local lake that has had issues in the past looked very clean this holiday weekend. After mentioning this to a couple anglers, they confessed that they had been cleaning up after other lake users. The world needs more people like this.