Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240926 : compare

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240926

Right now exclusive, a trump accuser is out front as the former president tells women, he will be their boat protector why is she speaking out now plus, show me the money? for special series on america's economy as trump is losing his edge on the number one issue for voters and the breaking news tonight, bracing for impact in florida about to get hit by a category four hurricane it has gone from owed for in ours the strongest to hit the united states in more than a year go live on the ground. Let's go outfront and good evening. I'm erin burnett outfront tonight, confronting trump on his own turf. New ads airing tonight hi it on television stations around maralago and bedminster trolling trump and targeted at national pickup for nonaffiliated voters to see the prominent republican critic of donald trump, george conway is releasing two ads featuring two of the women who have accused trump of sexual assault now, george conway knows trump really well. His exwife, kellyanne conway, is a longtime adviser of trump's and so george conway is targeting these ads with surgical precision. He knows they're not just airing on local television stations that trump gets in his home. So it turns on the tv, he sees them. There also airing on national stations and shows. Trump watches fox news, cnn, espn, and the golf channel. One of the ads is focused exclusively on journalists, natasha stoynoff, who testified under oath that she was assaulted by trump while interviewing him, and melania back in 2005. This is part of our story my name is natasha stoynoff in 2005, i went to interview donald trump at mara lago at one point, melania with upstairs to change your clothes for the next photo shoot and trump said to me, i want to show you this beautiful painting, this beautiful room. He leads me to this room, pushing back against the wall and starts kissing me forcefully and tried to push him, kept coming back at me. I was in shock and smothered than he had his hands here gets my shoulders i felt sick inside. I felt horrified trump, of course, has repeatedly denied the allegations, but stoynoff is someone on trump's mind. In fact, it was just two weeks ago that he brought her up during a press conference. And this one is a rider for people magazine who i actually thought was very nice. She came to maralago and you wrote the most beautiful story you've ever seen. It was a love story about melania and myself i love story. I mean, of course there enough set after trump sexually assaulted her when melania, who was seven months pregnant, was changing when meloni came back downstairs, she said i was nauseated. It didn't seem to register him in the slightest that what he'd done might have hurt or offended me or his wife now, stoynoff, it's going to be outfront in just a moment here's what's really interesting. Even though you just heard trump lauding stoyanovs article in people magazine, right? still talking about it moments later. This is how he talked about her her name was whoever. Let's say her name don't have it whatever her name was even though we talked about the wonderful love story that article that you wrote, it is clear that these new ads paid for by george conway are designed to get under trump's skin. It is clear that is the purpose, but they're also designed to remind women of things like this when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, whatever you want to grab them by the now right now, cnn's latest poll shows trump trailing harris by ten points when it comes to women, that actually puts him exactly in line with how he performed in 2020 when he lost the election. So trump knows, women matter with she is why he's appealing to them now, even though his latest appeal to women is odd you will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared you will no longer be in danger. You're not going to be in danger any longer. You will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today you will be protected and i will be you are protector dasha stoynoff is outfront now for her first interview since this ad was released, natasha, thanks so much for choosing to speak out and because i say this in the context of when you first shared your story when you hoped that it might make a difference in 2016, you received death threats. She was e were under incredible threat. And yet you believe now it's worth the risk again to be heard, to make sure people hear what you have to say. Why do you feel it's worth that? it is a risk to come forward i feel that way in all the other women felt that way as well but the risk that the country faces if he wins again, is far greater to me. And i do think coming forward again right now could make a difference. I actually was in montana a few weeks ago and in a tenminute boride, i change someone's vote. A diehard trump supporter by telling your story. Yep so one voter at a time, and that is what matters. I we all we all know and look at these states last time and how razorthin these margins are these ads though. Obviously i know you're hoping unaffiliated voters will see them, that they will make a difference. They are of course also going to be in trump's homes. They're going to be on television. Maralago told us in bedminster they're going to be and all the networks that he watches faithfully or sporadically including this one, including morning joe right? that he will tune into. So you've covered trump for many years, right? the context of this is you would cover him as a reporter for people magazine. So you do know him. How do you expect he's going to respond? the same way. He always responds. Hell, call us liars. Hill right? some sort of outrageous tweet. Now, he may be extra careful so as not to do famous. I mean, he owes quite a few million dollars to somebody e. Jean carroll for defamation i don't know if he'll be careful this time, but i don't think he can control himself in that way have truth on our side. I know i have truth on my side and so it doesn't really bother me how he's going to respond. So as i was doing the introduction and i was playing part of what trump is saying two women now, as he is trying to move that margin just a little bit your ad comes as he is saying this, i just want to play part of that and we talked about how people would women would not have anxiety and fear if he wins. He also said this you will no longer be in danger. You're not going to be endanger any longer. You will be protected and i will be your protector. So what goes through your mind when you hear that when i first saw that clip, i laughed and then i sent it to the other women. I'm friends with several women who have been groped by him and i feel like we had like a universal like vomit onto our phones the fact that he's saying that he is not a protector of women. He is a predator of women in the incident that happened millennia seven months pregnant, as you've talked about, she goes upstairs to change for the next part of the photo shoot. You're alone with showed oh, shoot, i'm sorry. You're alone with trump he says, go look at this art veney assaults you she actually did respond to that allegation at one point. And let me just play what she said even the story that came out in people magazine the writer that she said that my husband took her to the room and start kissing her she wrote in the same story about to me that she saw me on fifth avenue and i said to her natasha how can we don't see you anymore i was never friend with her. I would not recognize her it's interesting there she knew the detail of what you said happened. She knew your name. She knew all of those things. Do you think though, that she at this point truly believes her husband and by the way, i had a friend with me that day when we bumped into melania trump so i have confirmation. Do i think she believes the women? yeah i can't imagine that she would marry somebody and not know what they're about so i'm assuming she does and assuming that she just tries to live with it but i'm not sure we'll see what happens in her memoir, which will see what's in there about that in an oped after trump won in 2016, you wrote it took months before the cruel truth dawned on me. Trump supporters knew we were telling the truth they just didn't care one thing i find interesting and we are pointing out recently on the show, natasha was that you know, 39% of women voted for trump the first time it went up, the second time everybody, this was all known and all of those cases, he's doing the same now and polling as he was last time, we'll see what happens so do you think anything has changed well, i have hope that we have millions of new voters young people who did not know of our stories before in to 68 years is a long time for a young voter, right? and so my hope is to talk to them and my hope is also that since he has been civilly found liable for sexual assault by a jury that people will open their minds up a bit and say, these women are telling the truth. All right. Well, natasha, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. And thank you for speaking out. I know, you know, to kind of open open all that again, it's not a small thing, so thank you. Thanks a much. And let's go now to our panel. Jane, let me start with you, where natasha just finished when she said she's it's not as if she's trying to relitigate with this with people who've already made up their minds. Although i'm sure she would be happy if that's the case, but she's talking think to the many people who are voting this time around, who maybe were too young to really understand this or process all this eight years ago that this might be new information for them and matter to them, what do you think? well, first of all, i really want to thank natasha for telling her story. I think the challenge is twofold. One, the efforts should be to get people to not just not vote for donald trump, but to vote for kamala harris, where we are in a system in which we have two options, essentially so my concern is that this is an effort that is going to turn people off trump, but then doesn't seem to then make the logical transition towards, you should vote for kamala harris. I think the second point here is that my real concern is that so much of people's views of donald trump are baked in, and i don't mean that as being a good thing. I don't think it's good that there are you can tell your story about what happened to you as a result of his actions. And people are going to respond with their we knew that like that's horrifying to me, but i might mad it's my concern here is that the view of donald trump is so baked in that it even influences how we cover him, that he can say things that are objectives insane. And it just is kind of like, well, that's just trump being trump, which is to meet ridiculous, but i think i'm just i'm a little concerned about what this means moving forward. I think that it really is to just how strange this moment is that this is an allegation, and this is a story in which four most politicians before trump, that would be career ending but trump has managed in some ways to blot out the sun in many ways. And so i think that's a concern for me. Well, look, you got mark robinson still in the race and i don't i don't want to go down, hold a sack there, but i mean, just to make the point of the world that we live in megan, what do you say though when you have ads like this coming out? yes, they are targeted in two ways. One specifically at one individual tool which can be very important because it can totally influence how he behaves, what he posts, what he says in these next days but also at these unaffiliated voters out there yeah, i think absolutely these are the women who are independent, who are these undecided voters in the battleground states, these ads hit them in a place that is going to turn them off from voting for donald trump. It is just showing that heat, the contrast between his leadership style and the vice president's leadership style. This coupled with when he says that he is a protector of women when, he says the horrible things he had about jewish people are just making women feel like a secondclass citizen these are all things that just add onto how women feel about him. And i just these these are not helping him with independent women, which is going to decide the election so these are incredibly powerful and meaningful. And i do think it will impact women at the end of the day scott, does this go? get under trump's skin? i mean, what i was planning saying there about him talking about how wonderful the article was in detail, was just a few weeks ago, right? so he remembers this article from 20 years ago in detail because he cares about that sort of stuff. And then he goes as if he didn't remember natasha, his name i mean, you could see it. He's he's angry, right? so does this get under his skin i mean, if he turns on the television to virtually any channel, any news channel 24 hours a day. He's going to see a constant and consistent barrage of allegations. So i would hope that if i were in his shoes, i wouldn't be too overly impacted by another set of television and commercials, negative television commercials. Like what he might encounter. I mean, he's being attacked on tv and every swing state all across the country, every hour of every day, so throw another log onto that fire. So i don't know if he'll be impacted by or not, but there's already quite a bit of negative stuff out there that he's probably taking it on a regular basis. Alright. We'll all stay with me because we have more to talk about here in just a moment. Also, our special series show me the money on america's economy tonight, we're going to take you to two counties that voted for obama, then trump, then biden so how will they vote this time i always tell people i'm not a republican, i'm a real. I think they're all terrible plus breaking news vice president kamala harris and a brand new interview going for trump and that's part of the problem with donald trump. He's just not very serious and the biggest hurricane to hit the united states in more than a year accelerating intensifying as we speak expected to be a category four when it hits florida in our she is the smartest sunday is ever done this for a living james was famous for well winning races, teams believes that change width it's the economy stupid apologizing to know what that meant? and is it to catch her? i am saying publicly what people are saying things out. I have enough money, but i can just shut up. Carbon. Winning is everything stupid saturday, october 5th on cnn when it comes to amgen, lifechanging medical breakthroughs, every second counts. But without investment, those breakthroughs are often paused. 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