Tonight, a major presidential endorsement that both candidates have been angling to lock down for weeks now. And it turns neither one of them is getting it. An election that is marked by an allout fight for blue collar voters. The teamsters silence brings louder than really any endorsement could tonight. The leadership declaring that they're not backing vice president harris or former president donald trump. So the republican nominee tonight tried to claim otherwise earlier today, i was honored to receive the endorsement of the rank rankandfile membership of the teamsters. I loved that tapes of course, the endorsement comes from the leadership of the teamsters, but we'll talk more about that in a moment. But just to give you a sense of how much trump was trying to woo the teamsters president sean o'brien, he gave him a prime time speaking slot at the republican national convention. Any reaction to teamsters decision not to endorse know they i particularly to honor their not going to endorse the democrats. That's a big thing and this is the first time that i guess 50, 60 years, and that's happened, democrats automatically have the teamsters they took a vote and i guess i was at 60% or more and that's a great honor i should note, that's not exactly right. That democrats automatically get the vote teamsters did endorse both reagan and george hw bush but the importance of the teamsters decision is evident and just help badly both sides wanted it remember, vice president harris just met with a union's leadership on monday, but she walked away with that endorsement, still dangling in the air and the team teamster stand out. I should note from what so far has been a clean sweep of major labor endorsements for the harriswalz false ticket. But they're focus may be more on what's happening inside the nearly 95,000 rank and file teamsters who were in the state of pennsylvania. The problem for the democratic ticket, the teamsters own fingers according to them showed that a majority of their members prefer trump my lead source tonight is the head of an influential labor group, one that has endorsed the harriswalz ticket. I should note united auto workers president shawn fain, and it's great to have you here, shan, because when you look at this this is the first time the teamsters have not endorsed a presidential candidate since 1996 do you see this as a blow to vice president harris not really. Look, it's not a trump endorsement and you know, look, we've done polling in working class people union or not, and especially in our union and i know the other unions mirror the same numbers going back to 2008 and forward. I mean, it's literally been an average of 65% vote, democrat, 32, 32%, but republic, and that's pretty consistent all across the board. And even though i'm not going to get into their leadership and their decision making, but it was pretty apparent today when the michigan teamsters joint counsel, 43, 200 45,000 retired an active members endorsed kamala harris, the joint council, 42 that includes nevada 300,000 members endorsed kamala harris and walz and local to 37 in new york, which is their biggest local, also endorsed harriswalz teams. So i don't read into that too much. I mean, i believe their union just like arguing and most other units i know of in this country are going to vote heavily for kamala harris and tim walz. Yeah, we've heard from the pennsylvania faction of it, although and of course, overall, if you're sitting at home wondering about this, teamsters, they got that 1. 3 million members. A lot of the more in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, and they do a lot my credibility with truck drivers, freight haulers. So those rail workers, i mean, you know that better than anyone. So you're right that it's not an endorsement of donald trump, but without the mount, they're knocking on doors that kind of muscle power that they have. Do you think it could hurt her race? i don't think so because i mean, i believe locals that have endorsed him are going to be they're going to do the work they're going to be boots on the ground and that's where that's that's that's that's the eye toward the troops are you know, i look at the same with us like we had a weekend of action last weekend all over the country in uaw locals and our regions. So we plan on doing that throughout the entire every weekend and throughout the weeks, you know, throughout this entire election process. So i believe the boots will be on the ground regardless because it's a clearcut choice. So who stands with working class people and who doesn't i mean, donald trump wants to fire striking workers and kamala harris stands, stands out there with striking workers on a picket line. It's it's a really clear choice who's with us and who's against us. Well, it's interesting to hear you say that because sean o'brien, who's the head of the teamsters, remember after trump was kinda of laughing and it's seeming to agree with elon musk talking about firing striking workers, shadow brian called it economic terrorism from the trump campaign. He was defending his decision that his leadership team made today. Listen to what he had to say about this call have always taken for granted that they're going to get our vote no matter what. And the republicans of fancy themselves as the working parties. Working people's party. I think right now, both sides have to take a step back and really reevaluate what their commitment is to working people. And that's what we did in this problem. Process what do you say to that, that idea that democrats are taking laborers vote for granted? well, i mean, as i said, when i took over as president, that our endorsements are going to be earned, are not going to be freely given. I don't disagree with that. I do believe you know, after after eight years of reagan and four years of bush won, i believe that the democrat party slid toward the middle and not on that. All of them, but some and the trade deals and after past democrat, you know, some democrats supported all republicans did and it left working class people scratch and our heads, who's got our back and i think it's important that we make him earn our endorsements. But you know, you look at donald trump, we have a track record with him when he was president, he left workers behind. He didn't do a damn thing when plants he he claims that he cares about auto workers and it's insulting but that man showed up in flint, michigan of all places yesterday a city has been devastated by the corporate class taking those jobs out, driving a race to the bottom over the decades, they have and wwe sickening is the fact that the republican party in michigan poison the people to the citizens of flint so that's a party that left working class people behind long ago. And the one thing about the harriswalz team harris and biden team after they swift it, sorted out the pandemic they went to work with the american rescue plan. They saved pensions they went to work with the ira to create the chips act, over 30 factories or i've been built are planned to be built in, are being built in the united states right now. That's an investment in industry. Donald trump didn't bring a damn thing here when he was president. He had the chance. He didn't produce. Can i ask you what you make of him saying just before we came on the air tonight that he got the doris meant of the rank and file of the teamsters what should look that way when all those joint councils, i just repeated in michigan and nevada, and new york all endorsed kamala harris and tim walz. So that's over half million members right there. So i i'd say he's a little off on his assessment, but but like everything he says, he's a little bit off so shawn fain, thank you for your time tonight hey, thank you. Great to be here. Great to have you. And i want to talk about the political impact of all of this. So we have to political sources here on set with us the democratic strategist, i usha mills and the republican strategy strategist, shermichael singleton i mean, what a both you think of what this means because it is well beyond what he said about trump there, shawn fain, obviously not the donald trump's biggest fan, i think to put it generously. But, but what impact does this have for democrats? well, i just want to reiterate what was just said because while the national may not have endorsed at the end of the day teamsters 245,000 of them in michigan as well? hello, as in wisconsin, as well as in parts of pennsylvania and philadelphia also in western pennsylvania and representing northern west virginia. All of those teamsters have come out and support of kamala harris. So when you think about the fact that these battleground states really matter and all politics is local and it's about organizing boots on the ground to get at the word out, to get people to vote those critical states that we're talking about, the teamsters are going for kamala harris. I think that this conversation about the national narrative is absolutely true. In fact, that the nationals decided to sit this one out, but where she actually needs the people who are going door to door and getting their members out in those crowds. Critical battleground states kamala harris has what and you can't look at that without looking at the numbers that we're also seeing today about those those three states, the quinnipiac poll that came out today, harris is up in pennsylvania, 51 to 45, michigan, 50%. Donald trump has 45%. Wisconsin, no clear leader there. I mean, you are just seeing so much of this within the margin of error. You see it there. 3. 3 points when you're looking at these numbers and assessing how they get those three important states. I mean, look, it's within the margin of error. I'm not surprised at the races. A lot tighter and closer than it is because of the enthusiasm for the vice president. I get it but you also have to factor in when doing the math that donald trump is typically underestimated in his overall performance. And that's also with considering the threepoint to 3. 3 typical margin of error. So if i'm looking at a state like pennsylvania, where i think our recent cnn poll a week ago suggested 16% of the voters. There are still undecided. I'm trying to figure out where are they? are there in bucks? are there any eerie lizard and other parts of the state? and what is necessary for the former president to penetrate those 60% of those voters who are on the fence, who are not yet behind vice president, i think there's still an opportunity to do that. And on top of all of this, trump is here in new york today, and he was asked earlier when he was at this bar talking about crypto, about what the fed did today, making that huge rate cut a more aggressive than some experts, even expected. He did not seem exactly thrilled about it. This is what he had to say economy to kind of buy that much assuming they're not just playing politics the economy would be very bad for their place one of the other, but there is a big guy make of that? i mean, look, the fed said that we have not necessarily defeated inflation yet. He also mentioned housing costs is still a persistent issue in this country. I don't necessarily think the foreign president phrase it properly, but this is clearly still a real issue for a whole host of americans. And i think it's still the reason why, though the vice president has improved her margins on this issue compared to president biden he is still leading on it. He needs to talk more about it and explain to the american people again, going back to that 16% of pennsylvania, what he's going to do if given another four years. And one of his advisers clearly wanted it to be maybe a 25% cut. Now at 25 points in after the election, that was steve moore who said that to a reporter. I mean, this is good news for people who are trying to buy a home or refinance or credit card debt. But it also does collide with the politics of the moment, right? and let's take the politics out of it for a moment. I want to quote you guys a couple of things. They're a pretty much all economists agree that donald trump would be horrible for the economy. And that literally if he were to win again within months of him taking office, we would see inflation go up so according to a moody study, trump, he would cause a recession by mid2025 goldman you're, looking at jpmorgan asset management. They're saying at this tariff plan that he talks about that kamala harris is essentially calling a tax on the american people. That's actually going to lead to more inflation. If you look at goldman sachs group economists, there are gaming this out and they're saying, well, the u. S. Gdp faces a hit in the case of a win for donald trump. Every trusted economist is saying that this guy is bad for the economy. Mean i think one of the senior is x, that is goldman sachs actually pushed back a little bit on that. I watched an interview a week ago on cnbc pertaining to that, he said this isn't exactly from us. These are some guys working with an outside group and this is their analysis with that said, the biden administration. The biden administration? she's the biden ministration did keep in place some of trump's tariffs. Now, do i necessarily agree with the approach of the former president as it pertains to china unnecessarily. And i do think he should probably rework this a bit more. And i think some republicans would probably agree with that in terms of having a fair balance in terms of trade overall. But i'm not convinced necessarily that the three that you mentioned have given the former president and opportunity to really elucidate, i suppose what his exact plans would be because he's going to get in because he only has calmed. Concepts. Whether it doesn't have any plans, he has concepts of a plan book deals, take on something that's happening while both of these candidates are ferociously out on all of these states that we're talking about. Trump was during the town hall with governor sarah huckabee sanders last night of arkansas, where she talked about how her kids humble her all the time every day and she said she made this dig. If vice president harris saying that she she doesn't have anyone to humble her was the quote, doug emhoff, the second gentlemen is responding to that tonight. I just want everyone to listen to what he had to say about it my kids keep me humble unfortunately, kamala harris doesn't have anything keeping her humble they said that somehow because colon aloe aren't commas quote, unquote,