Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240917 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240917

Cnn <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> you Are live in the <A href=''>Cnn NewsroomA>. Im <A href=''>Jim AcostAA> in wAshington. We begin this morning with <A href=''>BreAking NewsA>. The suspect in the second AppArent <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA> on former <A href=''>President DonAld TrumpA> is About to AppeAr in <A href=''>FederAl CourtA>. This lAtest incident hAppened while trump wAs golfing At his club in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>, floridA, A secret <A href=''>Service AgentA> noticed the <A href=''>Gun StickingA> for offense And fired At A mAn in the bushes who then fled the scene AfterwArd. OfficiAls found An <A href=''>Ak47 Style RifleA> with A scope And mAteriAls for A bulletproof vest. This since the <A href=''>Suspect 58yeArold RyAnA> routh, he hAs posted extensively on <A href=''>SociAl MediAA> About his politicAl views, including his criticism of former <A href=''>President TrumpA> in meAntime cnns <A href=''>Josh CAmpbellA> And cArlos suArez, they Are covering All of this for us. They hAve new informAtion on this lAtest <A href=''>AssAssinAtion AttemptA>. I wAnt to begin outside with cArlos, outside <A href=''>FederAl CourtA> in <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>, floridA. We expect the suspect to be there soon whAt cAn you tell us . ThAts exActly right, jim, so we expect thAt 58yeArold, <A href=''>RyAn RouthA> will mAke his first AppeArAnce in <A href=''>FederAl CourtA> here At Any minute now. Now federAl prosecutors hAve not sAid just whAt chArges the 58yeArold is fAcing in connection with whAt hAppened At trumps <A href=''>Golf CourseA> here, A yesterdAy As for where this <A href=''>InvestigAtion StAndsA> right now, just About An hour Ago, the <A href=''>PAlm BeAchA> <A href=''>County SheriffA>, ric brAdshAw, he wAs on <A href=''>Fox NewsA> And provided some AdditionAl detAils About the series of events thAt plAyed out yesterdAy Afternoon. AgAin, At this A <A href=''>Golf CourseA>, A brAdshAw sAid thAt the 58yeArold never mAnAged to fire off A single shot in the direction of the former president. And he sAid thAt this did not hAve, rAther thAt this took plAce he wAsnt Able to get A shot off becAuse the <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> Acted so quickly. He sAid, And im quoting him, quoting him here, thAt the system worked now when he wAs Asked whether A routh is it tAlking to federAl investigAtors, <A href=''>Sheriff BrAdshAwA> sAid he wAs not. As for A couple of other items thAt were following At this hour here from <A href=''>West PAlm BeAchA>. We know thAt the united stAtes <A href=''>Secret ServiceA> <A href=''>Acting DirectorA> is AlreAdy here in floridA And thAt he is scheduled to meet with federAl investigA<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> you A<\/a>re live in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cnn-newsroom'>Cnn Newsroom<\/A<\/a>>. Im <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/jim-A<\/a>costA<\/a>'>Jim AcostA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> in wA<\/a>shington. We begin this morning with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>>. The suspect in the second A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>> on former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-donA<\/a>ld-trump'>President DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>bout to A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>r in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-court'>FederA<\/a>l Court<\/A<\/a>>. This lA<\/a>test incident hA<\/a>ppened while trump wA<\/a>s golfing A<\/a>t his club in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>>, floridA<\/a>, A<\/a> secret <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-A<\/a>gent'>Service Agent<\/A<\/a>> noticed the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gun-sticking'>Gun Sticking<\/A<\/a>> for offense A<\/a>nd fired A<\/a>t A<\/a> mA<\/a>n in the bushes who then fled the scene A<\/a>fterwA<\/a>rd. OfficiA<\/a>ls found A<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>k47-style-rifle'>Ak47 Style Rifle<\/A<\/a>> with A<\/a> scope A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>teriA<\/a>ls for A<\/a> bulletproof vest. This since the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/suspect-58yeA<\/a>rold-ryA<\/a>n'>Suspect 58yeA<\/a>rold RyA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> routh, he hA<\/a>s posted extensively on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout his politicA<\/a>l views, including his criticism of former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> in meA<\/a>ntime cnns <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/josh-cA<\/a>mpbell'>Josh CA<\/a>mpbell<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd cA<\/a>rlos suA<\/a>rez, they A<\/a>re covering A<\/a>ll of this for us. They hA<\/a>ve new informA<\/a>tion on this lA<\/a>test <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>. I wA<\/a>nt to begin outside with cA<\/a>rlos, outside <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-court'>FederA<\/a>l Court<\/A<\/a>> in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>>, floridA<\/a>. We expect the suspect to be there soon whA<\/a>t cA<\/a>n you tell us . ThA<\/a>ts exA<\/a>ctly right, jim, so we expect thA<\/a>t 58yeA<\/a>rold, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ryA<\/a>n-routh'>RyA<\/a>n Routh<\/A<\/a>> will mA<\/a>ke his first A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>rA<\/a>nce in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-court'>FederA<\/a>l Court<\/A<\/a>> here A<\/a>t A<\/a>ny minute now. Now federA<\/a>l prosecutors hA<\/a>ve not sA<\/a>id just whA<\/a>t chA<\/a>rges the 58yeA<\/a>rold is fA<\/a>cing in connection with whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened A<\/a>t trumps <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> here, A<\/a> yesterdA<\/a>y A<\/a>s for where this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/investigA<\/a>tion-stA<\/a>nds'>InvestigA<\/a>tion StA<\/a>nds<\/A<\/a>> right now, just A<\/a>bout A<\/a>n hour A<\/a>go, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/county-sheriff'>County Sheriff<\/A<\/a>>, ric brA<\/a>dshA<\/a>w, he wA<\/a>s on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd provided some A<\/a>dditionA<\/a>l detA<\/a>ils A<\/a>bout the series of events thA<\/a>t plA<\/a>yed out yesterdA<\/a>y A<\/a>fternoon. AgA<\/a>in, A<\/a>t this A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a> brA<\/a>dshA<\/a>w sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t the 58yeA<\/a>rold never mA<\/a>nA<\/a>ged to fire off A<\/a> single shot in the direction of the former president. And he sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t this did not hA<\/a>ve, rA<\/a>ther thA<\/a>t this took plA<\/a>ce he wA<\/a>snt A<\/a>ble to get A<\/a> shot off becA<\/a>use the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>cted so quickly. He sA<\/a>id, A<\/a>nd im quoting him, quoting him here, thA<\/a>t the system worked now when he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>sked whether A<\/a> routh is it tA<\/a>lking to federA<\/a>l investigA<\/a>tors, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sheriff-brA<\/a>dshA<\/a>w'>Sheriff BrA<\/a>dshA<\/a>w<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id he wA<\/a>s not. As for A<\/a> couple of other items thA<\/a>t were following A<\/a>t this hour here from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>>. We know thA<\/a>t the united stA<\/a>tes <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy here in floridA<\/a> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t he is scheduled to meet with federA<\/a>l investigA<\/a>tors A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>wn-horsemA<\/a>n'>LA<\/a>wn HorsemA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> officiA<\/a>ls on the ground to get A<\/a> first look A<\/a>t exA<\/a>ctly where this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/investigA<\/a>tion-stA<\/a>nds'>InvestigA<\/a>tion StA<\/a>nds<\/A<\/a>>. It is our understA<\/a>nding A<\/a>s well. ThA<\/a>ts the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>lso going to meet with former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> this A<\/a>fternoon, A<\/a>nd we believed thA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>lso going to get A<\/a> tour of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> where A<\/a>ll of this hA<\/a>ppened fins A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, jim, A<\/a>ll of this is tA<\/a>king plA<\/a>ce in the lA<\/a>st hour or so, A<\/a> good A<\/a>mount of developments out here. A one finA<\/a>l note before i send things bA<\/a>ck to you A<\/a>side from the federA<\/a>l investigA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd the locA<\/a>l investigA<\/a>tion, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-stA<\/a>te-of-floridA<\/a>'>The StA<\/a>te Of FloridA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>lso A<\/a> lA<\/a>unching their own investigA<\/a>tion. The <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/floridA<\/a>-depA<\/a>rtment'>FloridA<\/a> DepA<\/a>rtment<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>w-enforcement'>LA<\/a>w Enforcement<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a>s well A<\/a>s the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/floridA<\/a>-highwA<\/a>y-pA<\/a>trol'>FloridA<\/a> HighwA<\/a>y PA<\/a>trol<\/A<\/a>> our leA<\/a>ding the efforts on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>tes-investigA<\/a>tion'>StA<\/a>tes InvestigA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> into whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> yesterdA<\/a>y. Jim A<\/a>lright. CA<\/a>rlos A<\/a>nd we do understA<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t suspect is now in court. Josh, whA<\/a>t more cA<\/a>n you tell us A<\/a>bout the suspect . Well, were leA<\/a>rning more A<\/a>bout his bA<\/a>ckground A<\/a>nd if you go bA<\/a>ck A<\/a>nd think A<\/a>bout the first A<\/a>ttempted A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion of former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-donA<\/a>ld-trump'>President DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. Theres still questions A<\/a>bout the motive there. This individuA<\/a>l quite different. He hA<\/a>s A<\/a> robust sociA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-presence'>MediA<\/a> Presence<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t we A<\/a>re leA<\/a>rning A<\/a>bout on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>>, he hA<\/a>d criticized president former president didnt <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. He A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>d written extensively A<\/a>bout the wA<\/a>r in ukrA<\/a>ine, russiA<\/a>s brutA<\/a>l invA<\/a>sion of its neighbor. And this wA<\/a>s A<\/a>n individuA<\/a>l, A<\/a>t leA<\/a>st A<\/a>ccording to his <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> footprint, i wA<\/a>s trying to get people to go to ukrA<\/a>ine in order to fight russiA<\/a>n forces. And so A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, this is pA<\/a>inting A<\/a> picture of someone who could pop possibly been the motive A<\/a>t plA<\/a>y here, someone who is A<\/a>ggrieved over thA<\/a>t situA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>d hA<\/a>d previously criticized <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. We A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly hA<\/a>ve sound of this individuA<\/a>l bA<\/a>ck in 2022 tA<\/a>lking to A<\/a>n outlet A<\/a> new <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/newsweek-romA<\/a>niA<\/a>'>Newsweek RomA<\/a>niA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> in ukrA<\/a>ine, hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/listen-russiA<\/a>'>Listen RussiA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> for entire life you know, we hA<\/a>ve one period where it will A<\/a>llow gA<\/a>y whA<\/a>t now leA<\/a>d slip little bA<\/a>ck into the terror A<\/a>nd terrorism. So the world needs to respond. You know, the why <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/world-leA<\/a>ders'>World LeA<\/a>ders<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re not sending militA<\/a>ry is beyond me. Were going to hA<\/a>ve to elect new leA<\/a>ders. The next go A<\/a>round thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> bA<\/a>ckbone A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>ve the fortitude to sA<\/a>y, hey, were not going to tolerA<\/a>te this type of behA<\/a>vior. Now its becA<\/a>use of thA<\/a>t trA<\/a>vel to ukrA<\/a>ine in pA<\/a>rt thA<\/a>t is now led the fbi to lA<\/a>unch this globA<\/a>l investigA<\/a>tion. A <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>w-enforcement'>LA<\/a>w Enforcement<\/A<\/a>> source tells me theyre trying to identify everything they possibly cA<\/a>n A<\/a>bout his trA<\/a>vel, his movements, A<\/a>ny contA<\/a>cts . Im A<\/a>lso told jim thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>d A<\/a> number of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ccounts thA<\/a>t A<\/a>uthorities A<\/a>re but now seeking <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>rch-wA<\/a>rrA<\/a>nts'>SeA<\/a>rch WA<\/a>rrA<\/a>nts<\/A<\/a>> on to include some plA<\/a>tforms thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly heA<\/a>dquA<\/a>rtered outside the united stA<\/a>tes, which will require us A<\/a>uthorities to try to work with the internA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l counterpA<\/a>rts in order to try to get the content of A<\/a>ll of those communicA<\/a>tions. AgA<\/a>in, it looks A<\/a>t leA<\/a>st A<\/a>ccording to initiA<\/a>lly where this is heA<\/a>ded A<\/a>s fA<\/a>r A<\/a>s motive, but A<\/a>uthorities tell us theres still A<\/a> lot of work to be done A<\/a>s this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/investigA<\/a>tion-yA<\/a>shin'>InvestigA<\/a>tion YA<\/a>shin<\/A<\/a>> continues, jim A<\/a>lright, cA<\/a>rlos A<\/a>nd josh. ThA<\/a>nk you very much. A moments A<\/a>go, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-biden'>President Biden<\/A<\/a>> weighed in on the A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>s cnn, senior white <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/house-reporter'>House Reporter<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kevin-liptA<\/a>k'>Kevin LiptA<\/a>k<\/A<\/a>> joins us now, kevin, whA<\/a>t did the president hA<\/a>ve to sA<\/a>y . YeA<\/a>h, the president , first A<\/a>nd foremost, reiterA<\/a>ting thA<\/a>t hes thA<\/a>nkful thA<\/a>t former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> is okA<\/a>y, thA<\/a>t he is unhA<\/a>rmed A<\/a>nd certA<\/a>inly <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-biden'>President Biden<\/A<\/a>>, in vA<\/a>rious stA<\/a>tements hA<\/a>s sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t politicA<\/a>l violence hA<\/a>s no plA<\/a>ce in this country. But when we did see him out on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/south-lA<\/a>wn'>South LA<\/a>wn<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout A<\/a>n hour A<\/a>go, he A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>d A<\/a> very specific messA<\/a>ge A<\/a>bout resources for the united stA<\/a>tes <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>>. Listen to whA<\/a>t he sA<\/a>id <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thA<\/a>nk-god'>ThA<\/a>nk God<\/A<\/a>> one thing i wA<\/a>nt to mA<\/a>ke cleA<\/a>r respond bA<\/a>ck president , does more resources meA<\/a>n more money, more personnel A<\/a>nd he sA<\/a>id there thA<\/a>t he thought the service might need more personnel. Of course, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s long been plA<\/a>gued by stA<\/a>ffing issues A<\/a>gents A<\/a>nd officers tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout feeling burned out by long shifts, by overtime. There is quite A<\/a> high degree of turnover A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t A<\/a>gency. And in fA<\/a>ct, then director <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kim-cheA<\/a>tle'>Kim CheA<\/a>tle<\/A<\/a>> told congress over the summer thA<\/a>t theyre <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>ffing-levels'>StA<\/a>ffing Levels<\/A<\/a>> currently sit A<\/a>t A<\/a>round 8,000 employees. She sA<\/a>ys thA<\/a>ts below their goA<\/a>l of 9,500. So still some work to do on thA<\/a>t front for the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>>, but i think for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-biden'>President Biden<\/A<\/a>>, his goA<\/a>l very much is to ensure thA<\/a>t the A<\/a>gency hA<\/a>s A<\/a>ll of the resources thA<\/a>t it needs to protect former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd certA<\/a>inly when you look A<\/a>t whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened in floridA<\/a>, does rA<\/a>ise some questions A<\/a>bout whether they were enough <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> personnel A<\/a>round the perimeter of thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> . First, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thA<\/a>ts-something'>ThA<\/a>ts Something<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t sources hA<\/a>ve long been concerned A<\/a>bout how porous, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r-the-trump-internA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l'>In PA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r The Trump InternA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> is. Of course we do know now thA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> director, the current director, ronA<\/a>ld rowe, is heA<\/a>ding down to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> to A<\/a>ssess the situA<\/a>tion, to tA<\/a>lk to personnel on the ground there. And it is interesting, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/roe-beginning'>Roe Beginning<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd his cA<\/a>reer A<\/a>s A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/police-officer'>Police Officer<\/A<\/a>> in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>>. So certA<\/a>inly he knows this A<\/a>reA<\/a> well A<\/a>nd will wA<\/a>nt to get the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>y-of-the-lA<\/a>nd'>LA<\/a>y Of The LA<\/a>nd<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s he heA<\/a>ds down there todA<\/a>y A<\/a>ll right. Kevin liptA<\/a>k. ThA<\/a>nk you very much. Over A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>>. We A<\/a>ppreciA<\/a>te it joining me now, A<\/a>re former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fbi-deputy'>Fbi Deputy<\/A<\/a>> director A<\/a>ndrew mccA<\/a>be, former secret <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-A<\/a>gent'>Service Agent<\/A<\/a>> pA<\/a>ul ii cloth, A<\/a>nd former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/philA<\/a>delphiA<\/a>-police'>PhilA<\/a>delphiA<\/a> Police<\/A<\/a>> commissioner generA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/chA<\/a>rles-rA<\/a>msey'>ChA<\/a>rles RA<\/a>msey<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ndrew, let me stA<\/a>rt with you first. WhA<\/a>ts your reA<\/a>ction to whA<\/a>t the president sA<\/a>id A<\/a>bout the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> . I meA<\/a>n, this hA<\/a>s been A<\/a> conversA<\/a>tion in wA<\/a>shington for some time now thA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> does not hA<\/a>ve enough resources jim, you know, A<\/a>s well A<\/a>s i do from your time A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>>, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s been underfunded for yeA<\/a>rs, decA<\/a>des mA<\/a>ybe. They hA<\/a>ve constA<\/a>ntly tried to do more with less. But they reA<\/a>lly unfortunA<\/a>tely hA<\/a>ve to push their personnel resources to the limit. To cover down on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/everexpA<\/a>nding-number'>EverexpA<\/a>nding Number<\/A<\/a>> of protectees thA<\/a>t theyre responsible for combine thA<\/a>t with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-picture'>ThreA<\/a>t Picture<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t were looking A<\/a>t todA<\/a>y. Things A<\/a>re undeniA<\/a>bly more dA<\/a>ngerous A<\/a>nd more complicA<\/a>ted in terms of the domestic <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-picture'>ThreA<\/a>t Picture<\/A<\/a>> tA<\/a>rgeting people like former president s certA<\/a>inly former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>. But potentiA<\/a>lly others A<\/a>s well. And politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>dership A<\/a>t A<\/a>ll levels. So this is A<\/a> time when the service desperA<\/a>tely needs to be supported by congress to hA<\/a>ve the resources they need to do this job well, but lets remember, thA<\/a>ts A<\/a> long leA<\/a>d time, A<\/a> congressionA<\/a>l A<\/a>ppropriA<\/a>tion doesnt A<\/a>utomA<\/a>ticA<\/a>lly convert into cA<\/a>pA<\/a>ble trA<\/a>ined reA<\/a>dy to work. Secret <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-A<\/a>gent'>Service Agent<\/A<\/a>>s or protective division folks. So this is something thA<\/a>ts going to tA<\/a>ke some time A<\/a>nd commitment lets see if congress hA<\/a>s the wherewithA<\/a>l to get it done A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/security-meA<\/a>sures'>Security MeA<\/a>sures<\/A<\/a>> cA<\/a>n be hA<\/a>rdened to. I meA<\/a>n A<\/a>ndrew, you mentioned my time ever the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> i wA<\/a>s there working A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> when they hA<\/a>d A<\/a> couple of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/well-offense-jumping-incidents'>Well Offense Jumping Incidents<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd lo A<\/a>nd behold, they discovered thA<\/a>t the fence wA<\/a>s too low A<\/a>round the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd they rA<\/a>ised it up, A<\/a>lmost double the height of thA<\/a>t fence A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t leA<\/a>ds me to this pA<\/a>ul, i wA<\/a>nted to A<\/a>sk you A<\/a>bout this should the former president hA<\/a>ve hA<\/a>d more protection A<\/a>nd does thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> does the perimeter of thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> need to be hA<\/a>rdened . You cA<\/a>nt just hA<\/a>ve hedges surrounding thA<\/a>t thing offense, it seems to me you might need A<\/a> pretty sizA<\/a>ble <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/brick-wA<\/a>ll'>Brick WA<\/a>ll<\/A<\/a>> or something like thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-of-the-united-stA<\/a>tes'>President Of The United StA<\/a>tes<\/A<\/a>> or the former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-of-the-united-stA<\/a>tes'>President Of The United StA<\/a>tes<\/A<\/a>> goes to A<\/a> nonpermA<\/a>nent protective site like this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>>. The protective model is something cA<\/a>lled A<\/a>n otr or A<\/a>n off the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/record-movement'>Record Movement<\/A<\/a>> whether or not the trump <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s A<\/a> hA<\/a>rdened <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fence-line'>Fence Line<\/A<\/a>> is something thA<\/a>t the the compA<\/a>ny will need to consider. But the secret <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-model'>Service Model<\/A<\/a>> in these instA<\/a>nces moves out A<\/a>heA<\/a>d of the president or former president A<\/a>nd behind in certA<\/a>in elements A<\/a>re with them. Former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> right now hA<\/a>s just A<\/a>bout the sA<\/a>me level of security A<\/a>s the sitting president A<\/a>s fA<\/a>r A<\/a>s federA<\/a>l lA<\/a>w will A<\/a>llow without A<\/a> few militA<\/a>ry A<\/a>ssets. In this cA<\/a>se, the protective element thA<\/a>t proceeds. Former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> out on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> one or two holes A<\/a>re whA<\/a>t we cA<\/a>ll terrA<\/a>in feA<\/a>tures. They know the course it wA<\/a>s the site A<\/a>gent. They recognize this rifle we believe to be A<\/a>n sA<\/a>s sks plA<\/a>tform through the fence A<\/a>nd they engA<\/a>ged A<\/a>nd disrupted the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>. So the plA<\/a>n work yesterdA<\/a>y. CertA<\/a>inly they cA<\/a>n use more A<\/a>ssets A<\/a>nd personnel but i dont believe it plA<\/a>yed A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>rt-yesterdA<\/a>y'>PA<\/a>rt YesterdA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> interesting. And chief rA<\/a>msey, whA<\/a>t A<\/a>re your thoughts on this . AppA<\/a>rently <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>w-enforcement'>LA<\/a>w Enforcement<\/A<\/a>> is working to obtA<\/a>in some <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>rch-wA<\/a>rrA<\/a>nts'>SeA<\/a>rch WA<\/a>rrA<\/a>nts<\/A<\/a>> for these <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ccounts A<\/a>re believed to be A<\/a>ssociA<\/a>ted with the detA<\/a>inee but looking A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ccounts A<\/a>heA<\/a>d of time, thA<\/a>t doesnt get you A<\/a> whole lot. I meA<\/a>n, theres its A<\/a>n oceA<\/a>n of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sociA<\/a>l-mediA<\/a>'>SociA<\/a>l MediA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ccounts thA<\/a>t belong to A<\/a> whole slew of disturbed individuA<\/a>ls i suppose it helps A<\/a>fter the fA<\/a>ct in terms of piecing together A<\/a> motive, but its not going to stop something before it hA<\/a>ppens. Not likely well, unless someone A<\/a>lerts A<\/a>uthorities, should they see something suspicious online A<\/a>nd you hA<\/a>ve to rely on the publics help to A<\/a> greA<\/a>t extent when it comes to intercepting threA<\/a>ts like thA<\/a>t. As fA<\/a>r A<\/a>s the security goes you know, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> is going to hA<\/a>ve to mA<\/a>ke do with whA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>ve with A<\/a>dditionA<\/a>l support from stA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd locA<\/a>l A<\/a>gencies. I meA<\/a>n, between now A<\/a>nd november, theyre not going to be A<\/a>ble to hire A<\/a>nyone so theyve got to figure out the best wA<\/a>y of providing protection. Now, i would imA<\/a>gine the president plA<\/a>ys golf A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t locA<\/a>tion quite often, so they mA<\/a>y hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/security-pA<\/a>ckA<\/a>ge'>Security PA<\/a>ckA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy in plA<\/a>ce for thA<\/a>t pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>>. But there A<\/a>re going to hA<\/a>ve to tA<\/a>ke A<\/a> strong look A<\/a>t the perimeter especiA<\/a>lly thA<\/a>t A<\/a>reA<\/a> between holes five A<\/a>nd six disclosed to A<\/a> roA<\/a>dwA<\/a>y. A couple of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mA<\/a>rk-cA<\/a>rs'>MA<\/a>rk CA<\/a>rs<\/A<\/a>> on either end might be A<\/a>ll thA<\/a>ts needed to mA<\/a>ke sure nobody cA<\/a>n pA<\/a>rk A<\/a> cA<\/a>r, nobody cA<\/a>n enter into thA<\/a>t A<\/a>reA<\/a> but theyre going to hA<\/a>ve to look A<\/a>t A<\/a> lot of different options to mA<\/a>ke sure thA<\/a>t theyre A<\/a>ble to provide A<\/a>dequA<\/a>te protection not only for him, but for A<\/a>ll the cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>tes yeA<\/a>h. And A<\/a>ndrew, i meA<\/a>n, youve sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t this setup indicA<\/a>ted A<\/a> high level of preplA<\/a>nning. But A<\/a>s our <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kevin-liptA<\/a>ck'>Kevin LiptA<\/a>ck<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s sA<\/a>ying eA<\/a>rlier on in the progrA<\/a>m thA<\/a>t this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s known to hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> porous perimeter, im just wondering moving forwA<\/a>rd if the former president of the president if the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> , if theyre hA<\/a>ving in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign-event'>CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign Event<\/A<\/a>>s does the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> to federA<\/a>l A<\/a>uthorities, to locA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>w-enforcement'>LA<\/a>w Enforcement<\/A<\/a>> pA<\/a>rtners who work with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>>. They do, they just hA<\/a>ve to go into eA<\/a>ch A<\/a>nd every event or eA<\/a>ch A<\/a>nd every A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>rA<\/a>nce where the foreign president is going to be be doing something A<\/a>nd just sA<\/a>y, hey, we need to double the resources here, wA<\/a>s thA<\/a>t even feA<\/a>sible . Civil no question, jim, thA<\/a>t every every incident like this in ones not neA<\/a>rly A<\/a>s serious A<\/a>s our <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/leA<\/a>rning-opportunities'>LeA<\/a>rning Opportunities<\/A<\/a>> for the protective service, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd so yet everywhere the foreign president goes A<\/a>nd current president A<\/a>nd the other cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>tes go, theyre going to hA<\/a>ve to stA<\/a>rt thinking differently A<\/a>bout the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-A<\/a>ssessment'>ThreA<\/a>t Assessment<\/A<\/a>>. A <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-A<\/a>ssessment'>ThreA<\/a>t Assessment<\/A<\/a>> done on every locA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd its thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-A<\/a>ssessment'>ThreA<\/a>t Assessment<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t drives the A<\/a>llocA<\/a>tion of resources to secure the protectee i think its A<\/a> mA<\/a>tter of rethinking the threA<\/a>t estimA<\/a>tes A<\/a>nd understA<\/a>nding thA<\/a>t whA<\/a>t might hA<\/a>ve been A<\/a>cceptA<\/a>ble five yeA<\/a>rs A<\/a>go, ten yeA<\/a>rs A<\/a>go in this current climA<\/a>te of elevA<\/a>ted threA<\/a>ts is no longer A<\/a> good ideA<\/a>. Weve got to stA<\/a>rt going, tA<\/a>king the extrA<\/a> step to employ locA<\/a>l resources or even privA<\/a>te <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/contrA<\/a>ct-resources'>ContrA<\/a>ct Resources<\/A<\/a>> to bolster, mA<\/a>ybe perimeter A<\/a>ccess, things like thA<\/a>t. Its gonnA<\/a> be A<\/a> different cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>tion A<\/a>t every every different site. But i think theres A<\/a> generA<\/a>l elevA<\/a>tion in concern A<\/a>nd then protective meA<\/a>sures thA<\/a>t need to be tA<\/a>ken in light of the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> persistent complicA<\/a>ted domestic <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-picture'>ThreA<\/a>t Picture<\/A<\/a>> won the likes of which we hA<\/a>ve i dont reA<\/a>lly seen in quite some time yeA<\/a>h, pA<\/a>ul republicA<\/a>n congressmA<\/a>n mike kelly, who is the chA<\/a>irmA<\/a>n of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>> investigA<\/a>ting the previous <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>s. He tweeted this. We hA<\/a>ve requested A<\/a> briefing with us <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened A<\/a>nd how security responded A<\/a>t this point. I meA<\/a>n, whA<\/a>t cA<\/a>n you get out of A<\/a> briefing like thA<\/a>t . ThA<\/a>t we dont A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy know right now believe thA<\/a>t they deserve some A<\/a>nswers. They A<\/a>re investigA<\/a>ting the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>>, certA<\/a>inly since butler in this cA<\/a>se, A<\/a>nytime the president leA<\/a>ves thA<\/a>t secure fA<\/a>cility A<\/a>nd goes to A<\/a> public site, theyre going to be threA<\/a>ts the trump internA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>> in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly relA<\/a>tively secure A<\/a>s fA<\/a>r A<\/a>s it hA<\/a>s offense A<\/a>nd hedges there. The <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>>s thA<\/a>t wherever the A<\/a>bility to secrete yourself in there A<\/a>nd the A<\/a>ssets thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re needed hA<\/a>ve to be A<\/a>mped up in this cA<\/a>se, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s A<\/a>dded counter A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ult, counter surveillA<\/a>nce, counter sniper, A<\/a>s well A<\/a>s drone A<\/a>nd other cA<\/a>pA<\/a>bilities thA<\/a>t A<\/a>rent known to the public. Theyve just well hA<\/a>ve to expA<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t perimeter A<\/a>s wA<\/a>s sA<\/a>id on the outside, theyll hA<\/a>ve to tA<\/a>p into hochuls A<\/a>nd stA<\/a>te more in this cA<\/a>se, it wA<\/a>s the pom, got <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> county police. They were A<\/a>ble to A<\/a>pprehend this suspect, so we should get more A<\/a>nswers. CertA<\/a>inly thA<\/a>n we hA<\/a>d in pennsylvA<\/a>niA<\/a> yeA<\/a>h A<\/a>nd it wA<\/a>s excellent work by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>w-enforcement'>LA<\/a>w Enforcement<\/A<\/a>> yesterdA<\/a>y to A<\/a>pprehend this suspect. Their question A<\/a>bout it, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ndrew-pA<\/a>ul'>Andrew PA<\/a>ul<\/A<\/a>> chief rA<\/a>msey, thA<\/a>nks very much for your time. ThA<\/a>nk you, guys. Coming up A<\/a> deeper dive into the lA<\/a>test A<\/a>ttempt to on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>s life. Ill tA<\/a>lk with democrA<\/a>tic <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/congresswomA<\/a>n-mikie-sherrill'>CongresswomA<\/a>n Mikie Sherrill<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout tA<\/a>mping down the dA<\/a>ngerous rhetoric A<\/a>nd A<\/a> heA<\/a>ted politicA<\/a>l climA<\/a>te. Plus more threA<\/a>ts in springfield, ohio this morning A<\/a>s the mA<\/a>yor is mA<\/a>king A<\/a> pleA<\/a> for the rumors to stop it would, be helpful if they understood the weight of their words A<\/a>nd how they cA<\/a>n hA<\/a>rm A<\/a> community like ours, bring peA<\/a>ce with the words thA<\/a>t youre sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>bout gbs like ours insteA<\/a>d of unrest moments thA<\/a>t took culture over the edge. People who A<\/a>re wA<\/a>tching A<\/a>nd then our world chA<\/a>nge A<\/a>n explosive <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/reverberA<\/a>tion-tv'>ReverberA<\/a>tion Tv<\/A<\/a>> on the edge premieres sundA<\/a>y A<\/a>t nine On Cnn<\/a> this is not A<\/a> thrill, shA<\/a>rp drop the price on hold. This whA<\/a>t it wA<\/a>s set off, A<\/a>ny solve A<\/a>ny subwA<\/a>y did whA<\/a>t A<\/a>ny sub yes. Well, limited time to get 20 off when you order. Now, very good to feel before its going bills A<\/a>re crA<\/a>zy she is no ideA<\/a>. She sitting on A<\/a> goldmine she doesnt know thA<\/a>t if she owns A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/life-insurA<\/a>nce-policy'>Life InsurA<\/a>nce Policy<\/A<\/a>> of 100,000 or more, she cA<\/a>n sell A<\/a>ll or pA<\/a>rt of it to coventry for cA<\/a>sh, even A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/turn-policy'>Turn Policy<\/A<\/a>>, even A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/turn-policy'>Turn Policy<\/A<\/a>> . Youre sitting on A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/goldmine-cA<\/a>ll-coventry'>Goldmine CA<\/a>ll Coventry<\/A<\/a>> direct todA<\/a>y A<\/a>t 800 for 8046180800, or <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/visit-coventry'>Visit Coventry<\/A<\/a>> direct. Com but let we stA<\/a>rted feeding buggy, the fA<\/a>rmers dog, whod lost so much <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/weight-proportion'>Weight Proportion<\/A<\/a>> pA<\/a>cks mA<\/a>kes it reA<\/a>lly eA<\/a>sy to keep him leA<\/a>n A<\/a>nd heA<\/a>lthy in the morning, he flies up the stA<\/a>irs A<\/a>nd hops <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/obA<\/a>mA<\/a>-bed'>ObA<\/a>mA<\/a> Bed<\/A<\/a>> in the pA<\/a>st, he would not hA<\/a>ve been A<\/a>ble to do A<\/a>ny of those things if youre shopping for A<\/a> home reA<\/a>ltor. Com only shows you homes for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sA<\/a>le-source'>SA<\/a>le Source<\/A<\/a>> directly from professionA<\/a>ls, meA<\/a>ning you cA<\/a>n trust every <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/home-listing'>Home Listing<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a> reA<\/a>listic dont A<\/a>ll hA<\/a>ve to do thA<\/a>t. Not reA<\/a>lly. Trust the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/number-one'>Number One<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>pp <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/reA<\/a>l-estA<\/a>te'>ReA<\/a>l EstA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> professionA<\/a>ls trust this tiny <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/home-trend'>Home Trend<\/A<\/a>> not for me. Now, this is more like it the sA<\/a>me goes for my <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/foot-work'>Foot Work<\/A<\/a>> through. I went hA<\/a>ndsfree with white <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fit-sketcher'>Fit Sketcher<\/A<\/a>> slipping, just step in A<\/a>nd go without bending down or touching my shoes, wipe it hA<\/a>ndsfree sketches, slip in hitch, scrA<\/a>tch must not stop. The sA<\/a>nity with cortisone ten for bug bites, poison ivy, A<\/a>nd other riches. Cortisone ten is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/number-one'>Number One<\/A<\/a>>. Doctor recommended. It works fA<\/a>st A<\/a>nd lA<\/a>st four hours. Cortisone ten its A<\/a> good dA<\/a>y to stA<\/a>rt something new to brush A<\/a>wA<\/a>y grA<\/a>y in five eA<\/a>sy minutes to put yourself out there A<\/a>nd A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys put your best fA<\/a>ce forwA<\/a>rd just for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/men-mustA<\/a>che'>Men MustA<\/a>che<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd beA<\/a>rd, A<\/a>nd two options for you. TA<\/a>ke A<\/a> look A<\/a>t when its time for A<\/a>n updA<\/a>te or complete remodels for yourself there. So here is reA<\/a>lly everything down to the stuff A<\/a>bout this with you. Every step of the wA<\/a>y from design A<\/a>nd products to removA<\/a>l, A<\/a>n instA<\/a>llA<\/a>tion whA<\/a>t do you guys think it is, right . He hA<\/a>ndled the entire process to creA<\/a>te A<\/a> beA<\/a>utiful A<\/a>nd functionA<\/a>l bA<\/a>throom for whA<\/a>tever your life needs re bA<\/a>ck with you every step of the wA<\/a>y. Color visit rebuffed. Com for your free inhome design consulconsultA<\/a>tion, memory A<\/a>nd thinking issues. Keep piling up it mA<\/a>y seem like normA<\/a>l A<\/a>ging, but could be due to A<\/a> buildup of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>myloid-plA<\/a>ques'>Amyloid PlA<\/a>ques<\/A<\/a>> in the brA<\/a>in. The sooner you tA<\/a>lk to your doctor, the more options you mA<\/a>y hA<\/a>ve leA<\/a>rned. More A<\/a>t A<\/a>myloid. Com. JA<\/a>ys reA<\/a>lly knows how to put the heA<\/a>rt A<\/a>nd your locA<\/a>l community see whA<\/a>t i did there jA<\/a>ckie evA<\/a>n, my guy. You hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>lone wA<\/a>s dA<\/a>vids right when i stA<\/a>rted somebody hA<\/a>s got the first <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/debit-cA<\/a>rd'>Debit CA<\/a>rd<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s crimo, you i got you we hold on. Dont you owe me money . Your money is A<\/a> pA<\/a>rty of community, so your bA<\/a>nk should be to light chA<\/a>se right now, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pet-dA<\/a>nder-skin'>Pet DA<\/a>nder Skin<\/A<\/a>> cells in dirt A<\/a>re settling deep into your <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>rpet-fibers'>CA<\/a>rpet Fibers<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>nley-steA<\/a>mer'>StA<\/a>nley SteA<\/a>mer<\/A<\/a>> removes the dirt you seen in the dirt, you dont youre corporA<\/a>tes A<\/a>rent cleA<\/a>n until theres <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>nley-steA<\/a>mer'>StA<\/a>nley SteA<\/a>mer<\/A<\/a>> cleA<\/a>n from need the dot to need it now so mA<\/a>ny wA<\/a>ys to sA<\/a>ve life, reA<\/a>dy . While it hA<\/a>ppened. ThA<\/a>ts 365 by whole <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/foods-mA<\/a>rket'>Foods MA<\/a>rket<\/A<\/a>> with the vision to see whA<\/a>ts possible in the grid to mA<\/a>ke it hA<\/a>ppen <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/morgA<\/a>n-stA<\/a>nley'>MorgA<\/a>n StA<\/a>nley<\/A<\/a>> cA<\/a>n help creA<\/a>te the future you cA<\/a>n see trA<\/a>veling with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign'>Trump CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign<\/A<\/a>>. And this is cnn returning now to our <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>>, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> is once A<\/a>gA<\/a>in under mA<\/a>jor scrutiny A<\/a>fter A<\/a>nother A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent A<\/a>ttempt on former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-donA<\/a>ld-trump'>President DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>s life. The second in just two months. Now the congressionA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>> investigA<\/a>ting the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/july-incident'>July Incident<\/A<\/a>> in pennsylvA<\/a>niA<\/a> is requesting A<\/a> briefing with the A<\/a>gency A<\/a>nd joining me now is democrA<\/a>tic <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/congresswomA<\/a>n-mike-you-sherrill'>CongresswomA<\/a>n Mike You Sherrill<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-jersey'>New Jersey<\/A<\/a>>, congresswomA<\/a>n. ThA<\/a>nk you so much for being with us A<\/a>s you know, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy mA<\/a>de some chA<\/a>nges following the july <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>. Do we think do you think more chA<\/a>nges A<\/a>re needed . Well, i think the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> needs more resources A<\/a>nd they need to put some more resources on former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>. This is now the second <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>ed A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>r so i do think they A<\/a>re going to need to hA<\/a>ve some help in thA<\/a>t A<\/a>reA<\/a>. Do, you hA<\/a>ve confidence in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> i do. I think thA<\/a>t they A<\/a>re working hA<\/a>rd to implement plA<\/a>ns, but i just dont think i hA<\/a>ve confidence in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> itself. I dont think there A<\/a>re enough resources right now for them to complete their <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/job-A<\/a>nd-congresswomA<\/a>n'>Job And CongresswomA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> im sure you sA<\/a>w this the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/county-sheriff'>County Sheriff<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id the protection A<\/a>round former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s limited becA<\/a>use he is not A<\/a> sitting president. Do you think thA<\/a>t needs to chA<\/a>nge . I do. AgA<\/a>in, this is the second <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>, so i think we need to put more resources towA<\/a>rds this but i think we A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>ve to A<\/a>ddress some underlying issues thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re going on here A<\/a>s well. This reA<\/a>lly seems to be the confluence of two very bA<\/a>d very bA<\/a>d things going on in the republicA<\/a>n pA<\/a>rty on one side, the A<\/a>ttempts to divide, to enrA<\/a>ge the populA<\/a>tion, to put out fA<\/a>lse rumors A<\/a>nd misinformA<\/a>tion we know the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mA<\/a>yor-A<\/a>nd-springfield'>MA<\/a>yor And Springfield<\/A<\/a>> is begging the republicA<\/a>n pA<\/a>rty to stop with the fA<\/a>lse informA<\/a>tion on immigrA<\/a>nts they hA<\/a>ve portions of the town on lockdown A<\/a>t this point A<\/a>nd A<\/a>n increA<\/a>se in A<\/a>ll of the pA<\/a>rtisA<\/a>nship A<\/a>nd the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/feA<\/a>r-mongering'>FeA<\/a>r Mongering<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>ts going on. And then on the other side, we hA<\/a>ve this complete A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>bility of A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ult rifles, rifles to it seems A<\/a>lmost A<\/a>nyone who wA<\/a>nts to hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>ccess so how did this mA<\/a>n, who A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy hA<\/a>d some convictions for bA<\/a>rricA<\/a>ding himself with A<\/a> weA<\/a>pon, hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>ccess to weA<\/a>pons of wA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t i wA<\/a>s trA<\/a>ined on when i wA<\/a>s in the militA<\/a>ry those A<\/a>re very good questions A<\/a>nd i wA<\/a>nted to A<\/a>sk you A<\/a>bout something else A<\/a>fter the A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/elon-musk'>Elon Musk<\/A<\/a>>, who owns x, formerly known A<\/a>s twitter, posted thA<\/a>t posted this it since been deleted in response to the question, why do they wA<\/a>nt to kill <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> . He sA<\/a>id, quote <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/no-one'>No One<\/A<\/a>> is even trying to A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>te <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/biden-or-kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>'>Biden Or KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> referring to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>>, youre A<\/a> former federA<\/a>l prosecutor. Does this post open him up to some legA<\/a>l jeopA<\/a>rdy whA<\/a>ts your reA<\/a>ction to it . Well, it certA<\/a>inly i think opens him up to some morA<\/a>l jeopA<\/a>rdy. Why is he A<\/a>sking thA<\/a>t question . Is he suggesting people should tA<\/a>ke note of thA<\/a>t A<\/a>nd tA<\/a>ke A<\/a>ction . I meA<\/a>n right now, when we continue to see these A<\/a>ttempts to divide people to divide the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n populA<\/a>tion, to creA<\/a>te chA<\/a>os, to sow discord. This is A<\/a> very dA<\/a>ngerous time A<\/a>nd we need leA<\/a>ders theres who A<\/a>re going to bring people together to unite us. Just A<\/a> few dA<\/a>ys A<\/a>go, we hA<\/a>d the A<\/a>nniversA<\/a>ry of september 11, which is very importA<\/a>nt here in my district. We A<\/a>re A<\/a>long the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/commuter-rA<\/a>il'>Commuter RA<\/a>il<\/A<\/a>> lines into new york city. We hA<\/a>d mA<\/a>ny people who pA<\/a>ssed A<\/a>wA<\/a>y on thA<\/a>t dA<\/a>y in the fA<\/a>ll of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/twin-towers'>Twin Towers<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd so we constA<\/a>ntly note how united we were, how we cA<\/a>me together A<\/a>s A<\/a> country in the fA<\/a>ce of thA<\/a>t crisis. And now A<\/a>s we fA<\/a>ce these perilous times, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gop-A<\/a>nd-project'>Gop And Project<\/A<\/a>> 2025 A<\/a>nd j. D. VA<\/a>nce. And now <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/elon-musk'>Elon Musk<\/A<\/a>> continue to try to sow division A<\/a>nd wedges A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>tred into the populA<\/a>tion. And i think think its very dA<\/a>ngerous A<\/a>nd i, theres A<\/a>nother post thA<\/a>t we wA<\/a>nted to A<\/a>sk you A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/floridA<\/a>-republicA<\/a>n-congresswomA<\/a>n'>FloridA<\/a> RepublicA<\/a>n CongresswomA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nnA<\/a> pA<\/a>ulinA<\/a> lunA<\/a>, A<\/a>. BlA<\/a>med the incident on the quote, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>dicA<\/a>l-left'>RA<\/a>dicA<\/a>l Left<\/A<\/a>> for its irresponsible rhetoric A<\/a>nd A<\/a>fter <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> posted A<\/a>s she wA<\/a>s glA<\/a>d thA<\/a>t trump wA<\/a>s sA<\/a>fe current A<\/a>ide, dA<\/a>n scA<\/a>vino, trumps current A<\/a> dA<\/a>n scA<\/a>vino, responded with this quote your full of blA<\/a>nk. Youre not glA<\/a>d hes sA<\/a>fe. It is your rhetoric thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s cA<\/a>used this A<\/a>gA<\/a>in im just wondering whA<\/a>t your responses to A<\/a>ll thA<\/a>t. I meA<\/a>n, it just seems A<\/a>s were getting closer A<\/a>nd closer to the election the rhetoric is getting A<\/a>mped up to some pretty volA<\/a>tile levels the rhetoric is getting A<\/a>mped up to very volA<\/a>tile leA<\/a>d levels on one side of the A<\/a>isle. ThA<\/a>t is getting A<\/a>mped up by the gop republicA<\/a>ns mA<\/a>gA<\/a>, republicA<\/a>ns, by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. I meA<\/a>n, here you hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> post which i think you hA<\/a>ve heA<\/a>rd echoed throughout the democrA<\/a>tic pA<\/a>rty, which we A<\/a>re relieved thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> is sA<\/a>fe. We do not wA<\/a>nt politicA<\/a>l A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tions in this country. We dont wA<\/a>nt politicA<\/a>l violence. We dont wA<\/a>nt <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/people-gun'>People Gun<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd down by A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ult rifles. Weve worked very hA<\/a>rd to implement policies thA<\/a>t would protect people, including our children A<\/a>cross this country A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is met with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/scorn-A<\/a>nd-disgust'>Scorn And Disgust<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd no, you didnt meA<\/a>n thA<\/a>t i reA<\/a>lly dont know whA<\/a>t to sA<\/a>y in the fA<\/a>ce of this other thA<\/a>n A<\/a>n i A<\/a>m personA<\/a>lly very hA<\/a>ppy thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> is okA<\/a>y. I do not wA<\/a>nt in our democrA<\/a>tic society for people to commit politicA<\/a>l violence. I would like to continue to implement <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gun-sA<\/a>fety-legislA<\/a>tion'>Gun SA<\/a>fety LegislA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>>. I hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> sA<\/a>fe <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/storA<\/a>ge-piece'>StorA<\/a>ge Piece<\/A<\/a>> of legislA<\/a>tion thA<\/a>t A<\/a>ny one of my republicA<\/a>n colleA<\/a>gues is free to join. It is supported in A<\/a> bipA<\/a>rtisA<\/a>n wA<\/a>y here <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-jersey'>New Jersey<\/A<\/a>> by different groups i hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/legislA<\/a>tion-emtA<\/a>lA<\/a>-legislA<\/a>tion'>LegislA<\/a>tion EmtA<\/a>lA<\/a> LegislA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> simply sA<\/a>ying thA<\/a>t women who come to A<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/emergency-room'>Emergency Room<\/A<\/a>> who A<\/a>re pregnA<\/a>nt cA<\/a>n get A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bA<\/a>se-level'>BA<\/a>se Level<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/emergency-cA<\/a>re'>Emergency CA<\/a>re<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ny republicA<\/a>n colleA<\/a>gue of mine is free to join thA<\/a>t. We put forth bipA<\/a>rtisA<\/a>n immigrA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/border-security-legislA<\/a>tion'>Border Security LegislA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s tA<\/a>ken down by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. So A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, we see from republicA<\/a>ns, we see from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>, this inA<\/a>bility to govern, A<\/a>n inA<\/a>bility to bring people together, A<\/a>n inA<\/a>bility to put this country first, A<\/a>nd A<\/a> constA<\/a>nt desire A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in to put trump first. His A<\/a>gendA<\/a> first, which is lA<\/a>rgely bA<\/a>d for A<\/a>mericA<\/a> A<\/a>nd i did wA<\/a>nt to A<\/a>sk you A<\/a>bout j. D. VA<\/a>nce. You mentioned him just A<\/a> few moments A<\/a>go A<\/a>nd j. D. VA<\/a>nce is defending these bA<\/a>seless A<\/a>nd debunked clA<\/a>ims both. He A<\/a>nd for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>d spreA<\/a>d A<\/a>bout migrA<\/a>nts in springfield, ohio. Heres whA<\/a>t he told my <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/colleA<\/a>gue-dA<\/a>nA<\/a>-bA<\/a>sh'>ColleA<\/a>gue DA<\/a>nA<\/a> BA<\/a>sh<\/A<\/a>> just yesterdA<\/a>y A<\/a>nd i wA<\/a>nt to get your response to thA<\/a>t. The A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n mediA<\/a> totA<\/a>lly ignored this stuff until <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd i stA<\/a>rt tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout cA<\/a>t memes. If i hA<\/a>ve to, if i hA<\/a>ve to creA<\/a>te stories so thA<\/a>t the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n mediA<\/a> A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly pA<\/a>ys A<\/a>ttention to the suffering of the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n people then thA<\/a>ts whA<\/a>t im going to do. CongresswomA<\/a>n, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/senA<\/a>tor-vA<\/a>nce'>SenA<\/a>tor VA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>cknowledged there thA<\/a>t he mA<\/a>kes up stories thA<\/a>t its okA<\/a>y to mA<\/a>ke up stories to get A<\/a> point A<\/a>cross whA<\/a>t how did you reA<\/a>ct to thA<\/a>t . You know, its like deA<\/a>ling with A<\/a> twoyeA<\/a>rold when youre A<\/a> mom write, A<\/a>ny A<\/a>ttention is good A<\/a>ttention. ThA<\/a>ts ridiculous we need reA<\/a>l leA<\/a>dership in this country we need people who A<\/a>re going to put the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n people first, who A<\/a>re going to focus on issues of A<\/a>ffordA<\/a>bility of womens freedoms of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gun-sA<\/a>fety-legislA<\/a>tion'>Gun SA<\/a>fety LegislA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> who A<\/a>re going to focus on opportunity A<\/a>nd creA<\/a>ting thA<\/a>t opportunity for A<\/a>ll A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns. And thA<\/a>ts whA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>nts to do. She hA<\/a>s sA<\/a>id it A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in A<\/a>nd A<\/a>gA<\/a>in. Her vision for this country could not be more cleA<\/a>r A<\/a>nd could not be more different from the vision thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tobiA<\/a>-A<\/a>nd-vision'>TobiA<\/a> And Vision<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd j. D. VA<\/a>nce A<\/a>nd project 2025, hA<\/a>lf for this country A<\/a>ll right. CongresswomA<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mikie-sherrill'>Mikie Sherrill<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-jersey'>New Jersey<\/A<\/a>>. ThA<\/a>nk you very much for your time this morning. We A<\/a>ppreciA<\/a>te it. ThA<\/a>nk you. And this is A<\/a> live look A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-court'>FederA<\/a>l Court<\/A<\/a>>house in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> in moments, the suspect A<\/a>t the center of A<\/a>n A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent A<\/a>ttempted A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion on former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-donA<\/a>ld-trump'>President DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> will fA<\/a>ce A<\/a> judge were A<\/a>wA<\/a>iting word of chA<\/a>rges A<\/a>nd well bring it sA<\/a>m, to you when we get A<\/a> chA<\/a>nce to bring thA<\/a>t to you bA<\/a>ck in just A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/moment-news'>Moment News<\/A<\/a>> for you sA<\/a>turdA<\/a>y nine On Cnn<\/a> when it comes to A<\/a>mgen, life chA<\/a>nging medicA<\/a>l breA<\/a>kthroughs every second counts. But without lesnett, those breA<\/a>kthroughs A<\/a>re often pA<\/a>st cities seA<\/a>mlessly connected, bA<\/a>nking mA<\/a>rkets A<\/a>nd services, businesses deliver globA<\/a>l finA<\/a>nciA<\/a>l solutions so our client cA<\/a>n keep investing in innovA<\/a>tions for pA<\/a>tients A<\/a>round the world without pA<\/a>use for the love of moving our clients forwA<\/a>rd. For the love of progress why did we choose sA<\/a>fe like we were loA<\/a>ding A<\/a>re suv when crA<\/a>ck sA<\/a>fe flight cA<\/a>me right to us A<\/a>nd we could see exA<\/a>ctly when they hA<\/a>d A<\/a>rrived with A<\/a> replA<\/a>cement. We could trust schedule free <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mobile-service'>Mobile Service<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>fe flight. Com we pA<\/a>y. Your sA<\/a>fe plA<\/a>ce i cA<\/a>n see why youre expA<\/a>nding its nuts online to we know humA<\/a>ns like new toys so A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys stA<\/a>ying one step A<\/a>heA<\/a>d A<\/a>nd with A<\/a>i, we cA<\/a>n look A<\/a>t so much more thA<\/a>n sA<\/a>les dA<\/a>tA<\/a> by our behA<\/a>viors, sociA<\/a>l engA<\/a>gement see thA<\/a>t predictive A<\/a>nA<\/a>lytics. How long hA<\/a>ve you been doing this . As long A<\/a>s weve been with bd out people who know know bd, you from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/number-one'>Number One<\/A<\/a>> rA<\/a>ted brA<\/a>nd in cordless outdoor power, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ego-power'>Ego Power<\/A<\/a>> plus blow, reA<\/a>ching A<\/a>n incredible 765 the event runs up to 90 minutes on A<\/a> single chA<\/a>rge exclusively A<\/a>t lowes hA<\/a>sten ego A<\/a>uthorized deA<\/a>lers A<\/a>nother dA<\/a>y under <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bidenomics-morning-coffee'>Bidenomics Morning Coffee<\/A<\/a>> costs 65 more gA<\/a>s for getting to work costs doubles workers incomes down three strA<\/a>ight yeA<\/a>rs groceries cost you 20 more, A<\/a>nd mortgA<\/a>ge pA<\/a>yments A<\/a>stronomicA<\/a>l bidenomics is working A<\/a>nd were very proud of bidenomics pleA<\/a>sA<\/a>nt dreA<\/a>ms. Im donA<\/a>ld j. Trump A<\/a>nd i A<\/a>pprove this messA<\/a>ge. Hers believes in A<\/a> world where your <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/heA<\/a>lth-cA<\/a>re-isnt'>HeA<\/a>lth CA<\/a>re Isnt<\/A<\/a>> determined by where you live, whA<\/a>t you do, or whether you hA<\/a>ve insurA<\/a>nce. Its personA<\/a>lized to your unique needs. ThA<\/a>ts why we creA<\/a>ted <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/weight-loss'>Weight Loss<\/A<\/a>> by hurs 100 online A<\/a>ccess to glp1 injections for A<\/a>s little A<\/a>s 199 per month including options compounded in the usA<\/a> A<\/a>nd A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>ble now, if prescribed with A<\/a> rA<\/a>nge of treA<\/a>tments developed with leA<\/a>ding weight mA<\/a>nA<\/a>gement speciA<\/a>list, your plA<\/a>n cA<\/a>n be customized to you. Expert cA<\/a>re A<\/a>nd ongoing support <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thA<\/a>ts-heA<\/a>lth-cA<\/a>re'>ThA<\/a>ts HeA<\/a>lth CA<\/a>re<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s it should be. Get stA<\/a>rted A<\/a>t for hers. Com. Dr. Box, there were mA<\/a>ny fA<\/a>iled A<\/a>ttempts to fix my teeth every touched A<\/a>ll my wedding photos. And who hA<\/a>s even A<\/a>ffecting my heA<\/a>lth . I trusted you becA<\/a>use his speciA<\/a>lize in dentA<\/a>l implA<\/a>nts, you creA<\/a>ted A<\/a> permA<\/a>nent solution A<\/a>nd customize my teeth. So it still felt like me my new teeth hA<\/a>ve improved my life. And chA<\/a>nge my future. ThA<\/a>nk you youre so welcome finA<\/a>nce, the smile you wA<\/a>nt for A<\/a>s low A<\/a>s 148 A<\/a> month per A<\/a>rch hes schedule A<\/a> consultA<\/a>tion. WhA<\/a>ts the greA<\/a>test invention of A<\/a>ll time, new hA<\/a>ndsfree skechers, slipins. You just slip in A<\/a>nd theyre on its like they hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>n invisible builtin shoehorn. So your foot slides into plA<\/a>ce without bending down or touching your shoes, then only 77 cA<\/a>sh now, we get A<\/a> 100 <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gift-cA<\/a>rd'>Gift CA<\/a>rd<\/A<\/a>> for A<\/a> free quote, tv on the edge premieres sundA<\/a>y A<\/a>t nine On Cnn<\/a> this morning A<\/a>bout the second pA<\/a>rent A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>> on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. Were leA<\/a>rning the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> will remA<\/a>in in floridA<\/a> indefinitely to oversee the investigA<\/a>tion. DonA<\/a>ld trump is prA<\/a>ising the A<\/a>gency for A<\/a> quote A<\/a>bsolutely outstA<\/a>nding job protecting him. But questions remA<\/a>in A<\/a>bout how the suspect got so close, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/58yeA<\/a>rold-ryA<\/a>n-routh'>58yeA<\/a>rold RyA<\/a>n Routh<\/A<\/a>> is in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-court'>FederA<\/a>l Court<\/A<\/a>> right now in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/west-pA<\/a>lm-beA<\/a>ch'>West PA<\/a>lm BeA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>>, floridA<\/a>, shA<\/a>ckled A<\/a>nd in Prison Scrubs<\/a> A<\/a>nd we should heA<\/a>r more from the former president A<\/a> few hours from now when he, hosts A<\/a> virtuA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign-event'>CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign Event<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd cnn politicA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/commentA<\/a>tor-shermichA<\/a>el-singleton'>CommentA<\/a>tor ShermichA<\/a>el Singleton<\/A<\/a>> milton joins me now shermichA<\/a>el, you A<\/a>nd i were tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout this during the commerciA<\/a>l breA<\/a>k. I meA<\/a>n, the rhetoric in this country right now A<\/a>nd we were tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/congresswomA<\/a>n-mikie-sherrill'>CongresswomA<\/a>n Mikie Sherrill<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a> few moments A<\/a>go. Its so rA<\/a>mped up right now. Its so superheA<\/a>ted thA<\/a>t you just worry whA<\/a>t might hA<\/a>ppen between now A<\/a>nd election dA<\/a>y. YeA<\/a>h. I meA<\/a>n, look, i think A<\/a> lot of people jim, A<\/a>re discontent, politicA<\/a>l disillusionment. I believe hA<\/a>ve set in, weve seen A<\/a> lot of disintegrA<\/a>tion of our typicA<\/a>l norms i think youve seen A<\/a> heightened number of A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns feel A<\/a> sense of purpose listeners. And i think if you were to A<\/a>sk republicA<\/a>n voters who support trump, some of their views on the other side, theyd probA<\/a>bly sA<\/a>y these folks A<\/a>nd perhA<\/a>ps A<\/a> threA<\/a>t to my existence where life A<\/a>nd i think if you were to A<\/a>sk folks who A<\/a>re democrA<\/a>ts there, we A<\/a>re mA<\/a>ybe some folks will point to reproductive rights being chA<\/a>ined to sA<\/a>y this is A<\/a> threA<\/a>t to my life A<\/a>nd existed. And so whA<\/a>t youre seeing is thA<\/a>t people in the country A<\/a>re looking A<\/a>t others A<\/a>s literA<\/a>lly wA<\/a>nting to erA<\/a>se their existence. And so im not surprised thA<\/a>t when you see politicA<\/a>l rhetoric thA<\/a>t you were typicA<\/a>lly normA<\/a>lly see during heightened politicA<\/a>l times of turning two people wA<\/a>nted to A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lize their A<\/a>nger, their feA<\/a>r, their A<\/a>nxieties by A<\/a>ttempting to cA<\/a>use hA<\/a>rm to politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>ders is certA<\/a>inly worries me. And A<\/a>t some point, you hA<\/a>ve to imA<\/a>gine thA<\/a>t this is likely going to get worse A<\/a>s we get closer to november the former president , <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thA<\/a>nk-god'>ThA<\/a>nk God<\/A<\/a>>, wA<\/a>s lucky these both times. But whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppens if someone A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly is A<\/a>ble to tA<\/a>ke out this A<\/a>ct, whether its A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst him or someone on the other side, imA<\/a>gine whA<\/a>t thA<\/a>ts going to do to the country. YeA<\/a>h A<\/a>nd i do wA<\/a>nt to A<\/a>sk you A<\/a>bout this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fundrA<\/a>ising-emA<\/a>il'>FundrA<\/a>ising EmA<\/a>il<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign'>Trump CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign<\/A<\/a>> put out moments A<\/a>fter this A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>> trump is sA<\/a>ying in this, my resolve is only stronger A<\/a>fter A<\/a>nother A<\/a>ttempt on my life. I will never slow down. I would never give up. I will never surrender. I <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thA<\/a>nk-god'>ThA<\/a>nk God<\/A<\/a>> every dA<\/a>y for hA<\/a>ving supporters like you on my side very much, you know, theres no A<\/a>mping up of the rhetoric there. He hA<\/a>s been doing it obviously with whA<\/a>ts hA<\/a>ppening in springfield, ohio A<\/a>nd so on when he mA<\/a>kes some comments lA<\/a>ter on todA<\/a>y, whA<\/a>t do you hope to heA<\/a>r from him . I think the former president one nice to nA<\/a>te A<\/a>bilities to hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>nger-A<\/a>nd-resentment'>Anger And Resentment<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd disgust for people who we believe dont see the world the wA<\/a>y we believe it should be rA<\/a>n or should be letter should exist. I think the former president s should probA<\/a>bly tA<\/a>lk to the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n people A<\/a>bout the importA<\/a>nce of reA<\/a>ching A<\/a>cross the A<\/a>isle to people who mA<\/a>y be different. YeA<\/a>h. And sA<\/a>y, look mA<\/a>ybe you view the world A<\/a> little differently, but figure out wA<\/a>ys to A<\/a>gree on some things thA<\/a>t reA<\/a>lly do impA<\/a>ct A<\/a>ll of us, whether its our children or mA<\/a>ybe its the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t we need to figure out wA<\/a>ys to improve our infrA<\/a>structure. Or mA<\/a>ybe its the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t we need to come together so thA<\/a>t our stA<\/a>nding A<\/a>cross the globe, thA<\/a>t resolve we once hA<\/a>d jim so recognize by our A<\/a>llies meA<\/a>n thA<\/a>t there A<\/a>re moments where i think the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n people cA<\/a>n come together in this. CertA<\/a>inly i hope could be one of them. WhA<\/a>t A<\/a>bout some of these reA<\/a>ctions thA<\/a>t youve seen . Im sure youve seen them where, you know, there A<\/a>re folks on the right sA<\/a>ying people on the left, democrA<\/a>ts wA<\/a>nted this to hA<\/a>ppen. They wA<\/a>nt this to hA<\/a>ppen. ThA<\/a>ts, thA<\/a>t goes bA<\/a>ck to my point. YeA<\/a>h. Jim nobody wA<\/a>nts this to hA<\/a>ppen. I would hope <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/no-one'>No One<\/A<\/a>> knows whA<\/a>t he wA<\/a>nts A<\/a> sound thA<\/a>t goes bA<\/a>ck to my point. Ive seen post from some people sA<\/a>ying, why did the shoot or miss. Ive seen polls to the comments thA<\/a>t you just mA<\/a>de A<\/a>nd it goes to the very point thA<\/a>t i wA<\/a>s mA<\/a>king in my initiA<\/a>l comments of people viewing others existentiA<\/a>l threA<\/a>t to their existence. Since when you view individuA<\/a>ls through thA<\/a>t lens, it does not surprise me thA<\/a>t we find ourselves in this pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r moment in time where people A<\/a>re A<\/a>ngry A<\/a>t the other side, where people believe if things dont go their wA<\/a>y, they question, whA<\/a>t does the future look like for them for their fA<\/a>milies, for their interests . And i think more thA<\/a>n ever, this is the probA<\/a>bly the best moment for politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>ders to try to redirect some of this negA<\/a>tive energy into A<\/a> positive <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/direction-y'>Direction Y<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd pA<\/a>triotism to me is A<\/a>ll A<\/a>bout wA<\/a>nting us A<\/a>s A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns to come together, right . Not going A<\/a>fter one negA<\/a>tively cA<\/a>n hA<\/a>ppen in our country thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve seen in other countries though we hA<\/a>ve somehow A<\/a>bsolved of internA<\/a>l chA<\/a>os A<\/a>nd turmoil. Well, whA<\/a>t were finding is thA<\/a>t were not A<\/a>bsolved of those things A<\/a>t A<\/a>ll. And whA<\/a>t were finding is thA<\/a>t the issues thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve divided the other countries A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve led to dictA<\/a>torships A<\/a>nd totA<\/a>litA<\/a>riA<\/a>n stA<\/a>tes A<\/a>nd fA<\/a>scism, etc it is very well possible thA<\/a>t those things cA<\/a>n occur within our own country. You, the ideA<\/a> of A<\/a> democrA<\/a>tic form of government is not perfect. It is frA<\/a>gile, A<\/a>nd were seeing it A<\/a>nd so my hope A<\/a>s A<\/a> politicA<\/a>l strA<\/a>tegist, A<\/a>s A<\/a>n A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n is people come together despite the differences to recognize if we do not, whA<\/a>t comes next . WhA<\/a>t comes next to the future of this country A<\/a>nd think A<\/a>bout this jim, our A<\/a>dversA<\/a>ries A<\/a>re licking A<\/a>t this moment of internA<\/a>l chA<\/a>os with itA<\/a>ly, A<\/a> country, A<\/a>nd no trying to figure out how cA<\/a>n we push the needle A<\/a> bit forwA<\/a>rd . How cA<\/a>n we exploit this . Absolutely. You hA<\/a>ve to think thA<\/a>t there A<\/a>re forces out there who wA<\/a>nt to continue to gin up <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/theres-division'>Theres Division<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>tred becA<\/a>use it works to their <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bed-russiA<\/a>'>Bed RussiA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> rA<\/a>n who knows whoever else is out there A<\/a>ttempting this excellent point. ThA<\/a>ts why we A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys enjoy hA<\/a>ving your own. Sure. My thA<\/a>nks, josh, for michA<\/a>el singleton. ThA<\/a>nks so much. Well be right bA<\/a>ck. CA<\/a>rbon winning is everythings stupid. SA<\/a>turdA<\/a>y, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/october-5th'>October 5th<\/A<\/a>> On Cnn<\/a> recipes recipes thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re more thA<\/a>n their ingredients written by hA<\/a>nd A<\/a>nd lost to time restored using the power of dA<\/a>llA<\/a>s reserving memories A<\/a>nd helping to write new city neA<\/a>r sA<\/a>leA<\/a>ble these men of meA<\/a>ns with their silver spoons heA<\/a>ting up the finA<\/a>nciA<\/a>l fA<\/a>vors of the 1 whA<\/a>t would become of them when they discover <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/robinhood-gold'>Robinhood Gold<\/A<\/a>> eA<\/a>rn their very liberA<\/a>l rA<\/a>tes on idle cA<\/a>sh, unlimited, deposit bomblets. HA<\/a>ndsome time in bA<\/a>shing he would descend into chA<\/a>os there A<\/a>re seeing this chA<\/a>os here on the internet. You cA<\/a>n pretend to be A<\/a>nything like A<\/a>n elderly <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mA<\/a>ns-bA<\/a>nk'>MA<\/a>ns BA<\/a>nk<\/A<\/a>> foreign expert, former dont trust the unfiltered internet. Andy hA<\/a>s 30 yeA<\/a>rs of experience finding the best pros. Angie dont stA<\/a>y tuned leA<\/a>rn more A<\/a>bout this limited time offer from renewA<\/a>l by A<\/a>nderson when it comes to our homes, we only wA<\/a>nt the very best pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>rly when it comes to choosing <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/replA<\/a>cement-window'>ReplA<\/a>cement Window<\/A<\/a>>s A<\/a>nd doors. Hi, im A<\/a>n romer thrilled to be with nick from renewA<\/a>l by A<\/a>nderson. ThA<\/a>nks. And we believe thA<\/a>t everyone deserves to hA<\/a>ve windows A<\/a>nd doors thA<\/a>t look greA<\/a>t. StA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd the test of time A<\/a>nd dont breA<\/a>k the bA<\/a>nk. And with A<\/a>re unpredictA<\/a>ble weA<\/a>ther, i got to tell you <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/quA<\/a>lity-A<\/a>nd-durA<\/a>bility'>QuA<\/a>lity And DurA<\/a>bility<\/A<\/a>> super importA<\/a>nt A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>ts where A<\/a> fiber composite mA<\/a>teriA<\/a>l truly shines. Its twice A<\/a>s strong A<\/a>s vinyl, so its wA<\/a>rrA<\/a>nted not to crA<\/a>ck or rot. And with our energy efficient climb our windows help keep your home cozy in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/winter-A<\/a>nd-cool'>Winter And Cool<\/A<\/a>> in the summer. Well, thA<\/a>t A<\/a>ll sounds greA<\/a>t. So whA<\/a>t A<\/a>bout the cost we know thA<\/a>t A<\/a>ffordA<\/a>bility is top of mind for every homeowner A<\/a>nd we pride ourselves on delivering outstA<\/a>nding windows A<\/a>nd doors to fit your style A<\/a>nd your budget while thA<\/a>t reA<\/a>lly sets you A<\/a>pA<\/a>rt. So tell me how renewA<\/a>l by A<\/a>nderson is tied to the community well, for stA<\/a>rters, our teA<\/a>m members live right here in your community. We know the chA<\/a>llenges homeowners fA<\/a>ce, A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re committed to delivering the very best for our customers. Plus, we custom build every exclusive A<\/a> clA<\/a>im <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/replA<\/a>cement-window'>ReplA<\/a>cement Window<\/A<\/a>> in the usA<\/a>. It is greA<\/a>t to know thA<\/a>t you hA<\/a>ve such strong roots here before <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/september-30-sA<\/a>fe'>September 30 SA<\/a>fe<\/A<\/a>> 379 on every window A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>ved <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>tio-door'>PA<\/a>tio Door<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd entry door, A<\/a>nd our finA<\/a>ncing cA<\/a>n help mA<\/a>ke your project more A<\/a>ffordA<\/a>ble with no money down, no monthly pA<\/a>yments, A<\/a>nd no interest for 12 months this offer ends September 30<\/a> for A<\/a> free <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ppointment-cA<\/a>ll'>Appointment CA<\/a>ll<\/A<\/a>> 1800 1805011400. ThA<\/a>ts currently, minute 30 minutes you got this one. Remember . I dont wA<\/a>nt to surgery for my <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>treons-contrA<\/a>ction'>PA<\/a>treons ContrA<\/a>ction<\/A<\/a>> to i dont wA<\/a>nt to wA<\/a>it for my contrA<\/a>cture to get worse. Three, i wA<\/a>nt to treA<\/a>tment with minimA<\/a>l downtime for i wA<\/a>nt to nonsurgicA<\/a>l treA<\/a>tment. Good boy A<\/a>nd five. And if not, surgicA<\/a>l treA<\/a>tment is A<\/a>n operA<\/a> ill get A<\/a> second opinion. Lets go tA<\/a>ke chA<\/a>rge of your treA<\/a>tment. If you cA<\/a>nt lA<\/a>y your hA<\/a>nd flA<\/a>t, visit, find A<\/a> hA<\/a>nd speciA<\/a>list. Com to get stA<\/a>rted. Im A<\/a>li mA<\/a>ndelA<\/a>, newest <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>mbA<\/a>ssA<\/a>dor-stA<\/a>nce'>AmbA<\/a>ssA<\/a>dor StA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>> here is plenty story how i becA<\/a>me A<\/a>n A<\/a>mbA<\/a>ssA<\/a>dor. I went to the store A<\/a>nd i lied A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>id i wA<\/a>snt A<\/a>mbA<\/a>ssA<\/a>dor. Do i get A<\/a>t this count the owner cA<\/a>lled me A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>id, would you like to be A<\/a>n A<\/a>mbA<\/a>ssA<\/a>dor for sketchers . And i sA<\/a>id, yes try skechers slipins, closed cA<\/a>ptioning brought to you by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/meso-book'>Meso Book<\/A<\/a>> you or A<\/a> loved one hA<\/a>ve news of helium up. Well send you A<\/a> free book to A<\/a>nswer questions you mA<\/a>y hA<\/a>ve cA<\/a>lled now A<\/a>nd will come to you 800 A<\/a>31, 3,700 cnn is leA<\/a>rning thA<\/a>t us intelligence officiA<\/a>ls recently briefed the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign'>Trump CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout new threA<\/a>ts from irA<\/a>n regime. Cnns <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/zA<\/a>chA<\/a>ry-cohen'>ZA<\/a>chA<\/a>ry Cohen<\/A<\/a>> joins us now. ZA<\/a>ch, whA<\/a>t A<\/a>re we leA<\/a>rning A<\/a>bout the nA<\/a>ture of these threA<\/a>ts to trump A<\/a>nd his cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign . Yes, jim, were leA<\/a>rning through sources thA<\/a>t senior intel officiA<\/a>ls did brief the trump to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/yesterdA<\/a>ys-incident'>YesterdA<\/a>ys Incident<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>t trumps <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/golf-course'>Golf Course<\/A<\/a>>, thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>n does A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>r to be plA<\/a>nning escA<\/a>lA<\/a>ting their plA<\/a>ns to A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck A<\/a>nd to tA<\/a>rget <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd the people A<\/a>round him A<\/a>s pA<\/a>rt of this broA<\/a>der persistent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threA<\/a>t-threA<\/a>t'>ThreA<\/a>t ThreA<\/a>t<\/A<\/a>> im streA<\/a>med thA<\/a>t us intel officiA<\/a>ls hA<\/a>ve been trA<\/a>cking for severA<\/a>l months now, but theyve brought this new evidence to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign'>Trump CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>rning them there A<\/a>re signs thA<\/a>t thA<\/a>t threA<\/a>t could be escA<\/a>lA<\/a>ting A<\/a>nd its notA<\/a>ble, jim, becA<\/a>use this tA<\/a>ke this briefing took plA<\/a>ce prior to A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, the second A<\/a>ttempted A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. And yet A<\/a> second person A<\/a>nd A<\/a>s mA<\/a>ny months wA<\/a>s still A<\/a>ble to get A<\/a>s close A<\/a>s they did to the former president. ReA<\/a>lly reigniting those sA<\/a>me concerns thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened on July 13<\/a> A<\/a>bout the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/security-security-posture'>Security Security Posture<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>round <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> . Not just A<\/a>s it relA<\/a>tes to domestic threA<\/a>ts, but A<\/a>lso foreign ones. We hA<\/a>s been behind A<\/a>ttempted A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion plots of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd other former A<\/a>nd current us pA<\/a>st, we know thA<\/a>t there wA<\/a>s recently A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly A<\/a>n A<\/a>rrest in A<\/a> cA<\/a>se stemming from A<\/a> jA<\/a>nuA<\/a>ry or July 13<\/a> rA<\/a>lly irA<\/a>niA<\/a>n A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion plots, this threA<\/a>t still persists. Us intelligence officiA<\/a>ls remA<\/a>in concerned A<\/a>bout the A<\/a>bility of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> to protect <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. And this is just the lA<\/a>test indicA<\/a>tion of thA<\/a>t threA<\/a>t coming from irA<\/a>n yeA<\/a>h. And zA<\/a>ch, is there A<\/a>ny indicA<\/a>tion A<\/a>s to whA<\/a>t is fueling this irA<\/a>niA<\/a>n tA<\/a>rgeting of the former president. It A<\/a>nd the motivA<\/a>tion seems to be twofold. One, the killing of irA<\/a>niA<\/a>n generA<\/a>l qA<\/a>sem soleimA<\/a>ni bA<\/a>ck when <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> did lA<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> in severA<\/a>l of his top A<\/a>dministrA<\/a>tion officiA<\/a>ls on A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hit-list'>Hit List<\/A<\/a>> of storA<\/a>ge, irA<\/a>n continues to vote now retribution for the killing of soleimA<\/a>ni, but A<\/a>lso more recently, weve seen us officiA<\/a>ls wA<\/a>rn thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>n is trying to undermine A<\/a>n A<\/a>ctively influence the 2024 election outcome. And undermine <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>s cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>cy. SpecificA<\/a>lly so cleA<\/a>rly linking <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s the cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te. ThA<\/a>ts not in their best nA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l security interests in doing everything they cA<\/a>n to keep him out of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>>. And thA<\/a>t includes both A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion plots A<\/a>nd threA<\/a>ts of physicA<\/a>l violence, A<\/a>s well A<\/a>s cyber operA<\/a>tions tA<\/a>rgeting his cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign A<\/a>lright, zA<\/a>ch, thA<\/a>nk you very much. AlwA<\/a>ys A<\/a>ppreciA<\/a>te it. ThA<\/a>nks A<\/a> lot. Coming up 15 minutes to fight for its life. Tiktok, mA<\/a>king its cA<\/a>se to stA<\/a>y in the u. S. But will it be enough thA<\/a>ts next . Erin <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/burnett-outfront'>Burnett Outfront<\/A<\/a>> tonight A<\/a>t seven On Cnn<\/a> these bills A<\/a>re she sitting on A<\/a> goldmine, she doesnt know thA<\/a>t if she owns A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/life-insurA<\/a>nce-policy'>Life InsurA<\/a>nce Policy<\/A<\/a>> of 100,000 or more, she cA<\/a>n sell A<\/a>ll or pA<\/a>rt of it to coventry for cA<\/a>sh, even A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/turn-policy'>Turn Policy<\/A<\/a>>, even A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/turn-policy'>Turn Policy<\/A<\/a>> . Youre sitting on A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/goldmine-cA<\/a>ll-coventry'>Goldmine CA<\/a>ll Coventry<\/A<\/a>> direct todA<\/a>y A<\/a>t 800 coventry direct. Com welcome to the now wA<\/a>y to network. They switch to junipers. Ai needed network, A<\/a>nd everything simpler. So they cA<\/a>n tA<\/a>ke their gA<\/a>me to A<\/a> whole new <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/level-network'>Level Network<\/A<\/a>> is selfconfiguring itself, detecting A<\/a>nd selfheA<\/a>ling they even hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> virtuA<\/a>l A<\/a>ssistA<\/a>nt. A mA<\/a>rvelous. So they cA<\/a>n simply A<\/a>sk the network wA<\/a>s the wifi todA<\/a>y. ThA<\/a>ts the now wA<\/a>y to network A<\/a>t work with relA<\/a>y. You rise A<\/a>bove it A<\/a>ll this election is A<\/a>bout two very different visions. Foreign nA<\/a>tion one focused on the future focused on the pA<\/a>st when the middle clA<\/a>ss is strong, A<\/a>mericA<\/a> is strong lowering the cost of living will be A<\/a> defining goA<\/a>l of my presidency out lower the cost of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/insulin-infrA<\/a>structure-section'>Insulin InfrA<\/a>structure Section<\/A<\/a>> dreA<\/a>d, spring. Everyone A<\/a>nd i will work to pA<\/a>ss the first ever federA<\/a>l bA<\/a>n on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/price-gouging'>Price Gouging<\/A<\/a>> on food more thA<\/a>n 100 Million<\/a> A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns will get A<\/a> tA<\/a>x cut. We will end <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>mericA<\/a>s-housing-shortA<\/a>ge'>AmericA<\/a>s Housing ShortA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> by building Three Million<\/a> new homes A<\/a>nd rentA<\/a>ls. ThA<\/a>t A<\/a>re A<\/a>ffordA<\/a>ble for the middle clA<\/a>ss together, we will build A<\/a>n economy where everyone cA<\/a>n compete A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> reA<\/a>l chA<\/a>nce to succeed now is the time to chA<\/a>rt A<\/a> new wA<\/a>y forwA<\/a>rd im <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>melA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>PA<\/a>melA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd i A<\/a>pprove this messA<\/a>ge its michA<\/a>els lowest prices of the seA<\/a>son tA<\/a>ke up to 70 of thousA<\/a>nds of items like fA<\/a>ll boiled the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/floor-A<\/a>nd-mA<\/a>rch'>Floor And MA<\/a>rch<\/A<\/a>> for his sA<\/a>vings on these A<\/a>nd greA<\/a>t deA<\/a>l on frA<\/a>mes. And youll love this to eA<\/a>rn rewA<\/a>rds while you sA<\/a>ve if you hA<\/a>ve heA<\/a>rt fA<\/a>ilure, fA<\/a>r segA<\/a> cA<\/a>n help you keep living life with the ones you love. Ask your doctor A<\/a>bout for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/segA<\/a>-todA<\/a>y'>SegA<\/a> TodA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> serious side effects, including ketoA<\/a>cidosis thA<\/a>t mA<\/a>y be fA<\/a>tA<\/a>l dehydrA<\/a>tion, urinA<\/a>ry trA<\/a>ct, or genitA<\/a>l yeA<\/a>st infections hello, blood sugA<\/a>r. A rA<\/a>re lifethreA<\/a>tening bA<\/a>cteriA<\/a>l infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stopped tA<\/a>king for segA<\/a> in A<\/a>ll your doctor right A<\/a>wA<\/a>y, if you hA<\/a>ve symptoms of this infection A<\/a>nd off now A<\/a>t very very. Com. But jello but your prA<\/a>cticA<\/a>l joke or some trA<\/a>velers belong in the History Books<\/a> in prA<\/a>cticA<\/a>l jokers A<\/a>ll new <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thursdA<\/a>ys-A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck'>ThursdA<\/a>ys AttA<\/a>ck<\/A<\/a>> on tbs set your dvr now right now, tiktok is on the clock of the widely populA<\/a>r sociA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-plA<\/a>tform'>MediA<\/a> PlA<\/a>tform<\/A<\/a>> is in core trying to convince judges A<\/a>nd just 15 minutes to strike down A<\/a> new lA<\/a>w thA<\/a>t could bA<\/a>n the chineseowned A<\/a>pp in the u. S. And <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-correspondent'>MediA<\/a> Correspondent<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>dA<\/a>s-gold'>HA<\/a>dA<\/a>s Gold<\/A<\/a>> joins us now hA<\/a>dA<\/a>s, is thA<\/a>t correct . They only hA<\/a>ve 15 minutes to mA<\/a>ke their cA<\/a>se whA<\/a>ts hA<\/a>ppening right now in court . WhA<\/a>t cA<\/a>n you tell us . YeA<\/a>h, jim. So A<\/a>s we speA<\/a>k, A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly, A<\/a>ttorneys for tiktok creA<\/a>tors A<\/a>re now mA<\/a>king the A<\/a>rgument in front of the judge A<\/a>s to why tiktok should not be bA<\/a>nned. Tiktok A<\/a>ttorney hA<\/a>s A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy spoken now they only hA<\/a>d 50 A<\/a>bout A<\/a>bout hA<\/a>lf A<\/a>n hour for eA<\/a>ch side. But thA<\/a>ts stretches out becA<\/a>use judges lA<\/a>ter A<\/a>sk questions, there might be rebuttA<\/a>ls. But the reA<\/a>son thA<\/a>t there is such A<\/a> tight time frA<\/a>me is becA<\/a>use if you remember thA<\/a>t lA<\/a>w thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s pA<\/a>ssed, thA<\/a>t sets up this potentiA<\/a>l bA<\/a>n of tiktok sA<\/a>ys thA<\/a>t A<\/a>ny legA<\/a>l chA<\/a>llenge hA<\/a>d to bypA<\/a>ss federA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/district-court'>District Court<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd go strA<\/a>ight to where its now being A<\/a>rgued in the u. S. Court of A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>ls in dc within A<\/a> very tight timefrA<\/a>me. Hes A<\/a> very tight timefrA<\/a>me here becA<\/a>use this lA<\/a>w thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s pA<\/a>ssed sets tiktok up to potentiA<\/a>lly be bA<\/a>nned if its not sold off from its chinese ownership by midjA<\/a>nuA<\/a>ry. So were just tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout not only A<\/a> tight timeline, right now in court, but A<\/a>lso A<\/a> tight timeline in generA<\/a>l, were just months A<\/a>wA<\/a>y from this potentiA<\/a>l bA<\/a>n. So right now, A<\/a>s we speA<\/a>k, theres A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threejudge-pA<\/a>nel'>Threejudge PA<\/a>nel<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd A<\/a>ll theres no jury. Its just A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/threejudge-pA<\/a>nel'>Threejudge PA<\/a>nel<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>ts tA<\/a>king this right now, A<\/a>sking questions to the lA<\/a>wyers for some of these tiktok creA<\/a>tors who A<\/a>re A<\/a>lso A<\/a>rguing A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst this spA<\/a>n theyre A<\/a>lso going to heA<\/a>r from the u. S. Government A<\/a>nd their A<\/a>rgument A<\/a>nd A<\/a>sk questions from those A<\/a>ttorneys A<\/a>s well. Now, whA<\/a>t exA<\/a>ctly is this lA<\/a>w, if you remember, this lA<\/a>w wA<\/a>s A<\/a> bipA<\/a>rtisA<\/a>n becA<\/a>use in lA<\/a>w thA<\/a>t pA<\/a>ssed very, very quickly through congress wA<\/a>s signed by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-biden'>President Biden<\/A<\/a>>. And whA<\/a>t it sA<\/a>ys is thA<\/a>t this, A<\/a>s thA<\/a>t tiktok cA<\/a>n still exist, but it cA<\/a>nnot be under chinese ownership in the u. S. Is A<\/a>rguing thA<\/a>t becA<\/a>use its becA<\/a>use of mostly nA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l security concerns to sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t the government of chinA<\/a> could be collecting sensitive dA<\/a>tA<\/a> on the users theyre A<\/a>lso worried reA<\/a>d A<\/a>bout propA<\/a>gA<\/a>ndA<\/a> us, A<\/a>nd some of their reA<\/a>sonings A<\/a>re A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly seA<\/a>led. And so we cA<\/a>nt see them, but the judges cA<\/a>n see them. Tiktok is sA<\/a>ying, this is A<\/a> first <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>mendment-violA<\/a>tion'>Amendment ViolA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd its A<\/a> constitutionA<\/a>l overreA<\/a>ch A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t these Securities Concerns<\/a> A<\/a>re speculA<\/a>tive concerns. Now, whoever loses will likely A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>l the Supreme Court<\/a> is expected to heA<\/a>r this cA<\/a>se A<\/a>nd it will likely decide before this bA<\/a>nd could tA<\/a>ke effect in jA<\/a>nuA<\/a>ry, jim. YeA<\/a>h, i wA<\/a>s gonnA<\/a> sA<\/a>y, whA<\/a>t might this A<\/a>ll get resolved . This is this question hA<\/a>s been kicked A<\/a>round for some time now yeA<\/a>h. ExA<\/a>ctly. So this this court, this these judges thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re heA<\/a>ring this cA<\/a>se for A<\/a>n hour expected within A<\/a> mA<\/a>tter of weeks to decide. Now, whichever wA<\/a>y it goes with the government wins side will A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>l A<\/a>nd the Supreme Court<\/a> is expected to heA<\/a>r this A<\/a>nd they A<\/a>re expected to decide on this likely before the bA<\/a>n will tA<\/a>ke tA<\/a>ke effect, engineering. And this is importA<\/a>nt becA<\/a>use its not just going to A<\/a>ffect <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tiktok-A<\/a>nd-lA<\/a>w'>Tiktok And LA<\/a>w<\/A<\/a>> more thA<\/a>n 170 Million<\/a> users who use it A<\/a>nd whether therell be A<\/a>ble to still hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>ccess to it becA<\/a>use the chinese government hA<\/a>s sA<\/a>id they cA<\/a>nt use the A<\/a>lgorithm or they wont sell it elsewhere. It will A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> very, very importA<\/a>nt effect on how the internet, how <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/internet-speech'>Internet Speech<\/A<\/a>> is regulA<\/a>ted in this country going forwA<\/a>rd i look forwA<\/a>rd to seeing A<\/a>ll the tA<\/a>kes on this on tiktok while its still there, A<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>dA<\/a>s-gold'>HA<\/a>dA<\/a>s Gold<\/A<\/a>>. ThA<\/a>nk you very much, reA<\/a>lly A<\/a>ppreciA<\/a>te it A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>nks for joining us this morning. Im <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/jim-A<\/a>costA<\/a>'>Jim AcostA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> our next hour of newsroom with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/wolf-blitzer'>Wolf Blitzer<\/A<\/a>> stA<\/a>rts A<\/a>fter A<\/a> short breA<\/a>k. HA<\/a>ve A<\/a> good dA<\/a>y. The pros for hA<\/a>ve i got news for you A<\/a>re pretty yeA<\/a>h. WhA<\/a>t A<\/a>re the kinds we could run out the news before then would never hA<\/a>ppened if i got news for you sA<\/a>turdA<\/a>y A<\/a>t nine on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cnn-A<\/a>nd-streA<\/a>ming'>Cnn And StreA<\/a>ming<\/A<\/a>> next dA<\/a>y on mA<\/a>x A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/morgA<\/a>n-stA<\/a>nley'>MorgA<\/a>n StA<\/a>nley<\/A<\/a>>. Old school, hA<\/a>rd work meets bold new thinking. To help you see untA<\/a>pped possibilities A<\/a>nd relentlessly work with you to mA<\/a>ke them reA<\/a>l jA<\/a>ys reA<\/a>lly knows how to put the heA<\/a>rt A<\/a>nd your locA<\/a>l community. See whA<\/a>t i did there jA<\/a>ckie my guy. Yellows. DA<\/a>ve is right sA<\/a>y A<\/a>s somebody not stop we hold or dont you owe me money . Your money is A<\/a> pA<\/a>rty of community, so your bA<\/a>nk should be to light chA<\/a>ins. Youre seeing skechers, fA<\/a>mous glide step, but where everywhere. And now thA<\/a>t design is A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>ble, enhA<\/a>nced three skechers, lipid, get the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/comfort-A<\/a>nd-style'>Comfort And Style<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/guide-step'>Guide Step<\/A<\/a>> now to convenience is slipping with no bending down or touching her suv, tried glide steps, cA<\/a>ncers, lipids. ThursdA<\/a>y <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/night-footbA<\/a>ll'>Night FootbA<\/a>ll<\/A<\/a>> on prime. Its on pA<\/a>trons <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/thursdA<\/a>y-night'>ThursdA<\/a>y Night<\/A<\/a>> footbA<\/a>ll. Oh, we A<\/a>ll brought hi, my nA<\/a>me is dA<\/a>miA<\/a>n clA<\/a>rk if he hA<\/a>d both medicA<\/a>re A<\/a>nd medicA<\/a>id, i hA<\/a>ve some reA<\/a>lly encourA<\/a>ging news thA<\/a>t youll definitely wA<\/a>nt to heA<\/a>r depending on the plA<\/a>ns A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>ble in your A<\/a>reA<\/a>, you mA<\/a>y be eligible to get extrA<\/a> benefits with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/humA<\/a>nA<\/a>-medicA<\/a>re-A<\/a>dvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge'>HumA<\/a>nA<\/a> MedicA<\/a>re AdvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> duA<\/a>l eligible speciA<\/a>l needs plA<\/a>n these plA<\/a>ns include A<\/a> heA<\/a>lthy <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/options-A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce'>Options AllowA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a> monthly A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce to help pA<\/a>y for eligible groceries, utilities, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rent-A<\/a>nd-overthecounter'>Rent And Overthecounter<\/A<\/a>> items. The heA<\/a>lthy <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/options-A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce'>Options AllowA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>>s loA<\/a>ded onto our prepA<\/a>id cA<\/a>rd eA<\/a>ch month A<\/a>nd whA<\/a>tever you dont spend cA<\/a>rries over from eA<\/a>ch month. Other benefits on his plA<\/a>ns include free rides to A<\/a>nd from your medicA<\/a>l A<\/a>re lA<\/a>rge network of doctors, hospitA<\/a>ls, A<\/a>nd phA<\/a>rmA<\/a>cies. So cA<\/a>ll the number on your screen now A<\/a>nd A<\/a>sk A<\/a>bout A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/humA<\/a>nA<\/a>-medicA<\/a>re-A<\/a>dvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge'>HumA<\/a>nA<\/a> MedicA<\/a>re AdvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> duA<\/a>l eligible speciA<\/a>l needs plA<\/a>n humA<\/a>nA<\/a>, A<\/a> more humA<\/a>n would <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/heA<\/a>lth-cA<\/a>re'>HeA<\/a>lth CA<\/a>re<\/A<\/a>> you booked <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/event-dA<\/a>y'>Event DA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> to stA<\/a>rt something new depression. AwA<\/a>y grA<\/a>y in five eA<\/a>sy minutes to put yourself out 20 dA<\/a>sh. Com A<\/a>nd see how much you cA<\/a>n sA<\/a>ve this is, cnn the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/worlds-news-network'>Worlds News Network<\/A<\/a>> hello, im <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/wolf-blitzer'>Wolf Blitzer<\/A<\/a>> in wA<\/a>shington A<\/a>nd youre in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cnn-newsroom'>Cnn Newsroom<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd we stA<\/a>rt with more <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> right now, sp","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/28\/items\/CNNW_20240916_140000_CNN_Newsroom_With_Jim_Acosta\/CNNW_20240916_140000_CNN_Newsroom_With_Jim_Acosta.thumbs\/CNNW_20240916_140000_CNN_Newsroom_With_Jim_Acosta_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240917T12:35:10+00:00"}

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