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42424 evident in his family. >> talked about the debate and the family encouraged the president to stay in the race. there is no plan, there's nothing in the party that contribute to the solution to this the u.s. >> supreme forward, he said to decide whether a former u.s. president, donald trump has presidential immunity hey, before i don't think this is going to be the wind, the donald trump and many of his maga, supporters are expected here in paris unbelievable result really in many ways in the first round the election, the national rally could be position to assume power and become the first far-right party to enter french government sets the the world war hello and welcome our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. also streaming on cnn, max, max foster in paris, where a seismic shift in politics appears to be underway. the country's far right's leaving the first round of the national parliamentary elections with prisons the emmanuel macron's ensemble alliance slumping to a dismal third. >> and i'm rosemary church in atlanta. we'll get back to max in just a moment. but first cnn is learning that the biden family is encouraging the u.s. president to stay in the 2024 race. now this comes despite growing calls for president joe biden to step aside after his poor performance during last week's debate. mr. biden's family also reportedly discussed whether top aides should be fired. cnn's priscilla alvarez has the latest now from washington president biden and his family huddled at camp david on sunday for a previously scheduled photoshoot, but looming over this visit was thursday night's debate and all of the immediate fallout. >> now, to biden advisers tells cnn, the president and his family talked about the debate and the family encouraged the president to stay in the race these advisers saying that the conversations we're focused on how the family can help and not whether president should reconsider his candidacy. now the president himself has also been eagerly collecting data, anecdotal and through public polling force, all of them it says there has been criticism from all corners of democratic party going from democratic lawmakers and democratic officials, as well as donors racked by anxiety. or thursday night's debate performance. now, the president didn't have a fundraising blitz over the weekend where he two conceded that the debate on thursday was not his best, but still maintain meaning that he would stay in the race and that he would fight hard for voters. now, of course, there are still plenty of questions unanswered here and there is still the immediate fallout that the campaign continues to have to wrestle with, particularly on calls over the course of the weekend, trying to reassure their support borders that at the end of the day, it is two vastly different records between president biden and former president donald trump and that is where the focus should stay. but the very least, on sunday, the president having those conversations with his family who are all pivotal to his decision-making. and then offering their support and moving forward. priscilla alvarez cnn washington in the coming hours, the u.s. >> supreme court is set to decide whether a former president donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution. is accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election, including his actions on january 6. but the court's decision could impact other criminal cases against him trump argues that without immunity, presidents would be hamstrung in office and worried about facing charges after leaving the white house and appeals court ruled earlier this year, that trump is not entitled to any protection joining me now is civil rights attorney and legal commentator or riva martin. appreciate you being with us thank you so in just a few hours from now, the u.s. supreme court will rule on donald trump's claim of immunity from criminal charges relating to trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election on january 6, what ruling are you expecting on this expect that the supreme court will rule that there are definitely some actions taken by a sitting president that are immune from prosecution official actions taken by that president. but i also expect that the supreme court court will either determine that some of the actions of donald trump were not official actions and were in fact private actions. or they will send them matter back to the district court judge. judge tanya chutkan, for her to hold an evidentiary hearing to determine which of the actions or indeed official actions of a present or those that are private actions for which there is no immunity. so i don't think this is going to be the when the donald trump and many of his maga supporters is are expecting. >> so how far reaching could this ruling proved to be on other cases against trump? the classified documents case that's a great question, rosemary. and that's why i don't think the court is going to come out with a blanket immunity saying that everything that a sitting president does is immune from prosecution because a sitting president can engage in criminal conduct that can be determined not in the scope of his duties as a president. you know, think about this example. so when a president vetoes a bill, clearly you would not want to criminalize that conduct and you would want the president immune from any criminal prosecution related to criminalizing. i mean, to vetoing bill that wouldn't be criminal conduct. however, in the case of donald trump, with respect to trying to submit a list of or a slate of fake electors, electors who were not selected by those individuals in the state actions by it's president to subvert the 2020 legitimate elect doors and the legitimate a process that was done to elect joe biden is president. those are actions that would be actions of a candidate, trump, not a president. trump's. so you can see where the supreme court would want to draw a line between those those private actions that an individual takes that are not advancing the office of the president of versus those like vetoing the bill, which are clearly under the purview of a presidential. someone is sitting in the white house as the president. >> so how will the justices decide if what trump said and did after the 2020 election were official or private acts how, how is that determination made my decimation and of course, i don't have a crystal ball and can't say definitively what the supreme court will do. >> but my it's suspicion is based on historical record at everything that we've seen is that this court is likely to send this matter remanded back to the district court, remanded to judge tanya tracking for her to hold an evidentiary hearing almost any trial so for there to be a determination by this judge as to win actions were in dea official actions in which actions work indeed private actions. and i think it's important to note that special counsel smith, jack smith made it very clear in the indictment that the actions engage in by down trump to subvert the 2020 election were indeed not actions of a president trump, but as candidate trump and there's a big difference. there's no immunity or no immunity that i believe that this supreme court will four to someone acting as a candidate as essentially a private citizen for all practical purposes. so i think we're going to see this matter remanded back to the district court for there to be an evidentiary hearing for this judge to be the final arbiter. now, of course, we know down on 12 whatever decision is made by the district court is likely to be peeled. again, if possible. so i don't think it's going to be quick resolution to this, but i do not think that the ruling that we are expecting in several hours is going to exonerate down on trump from all criminal liability a rava martin. >> thank you so much for joining us and sharing your legal analysis. appreciate always thank you, rose here in francais, search and support for the far right in the parliamentary elections it was the result really, emmanuel macron had dreaded and we've just heard that 76 candidates have already won their seats in that first round. that means they got absolute majority's in the first round. think back to 2020 2022. and then he five candidates were announced after the first round. so this is historic on many levels. thousands of people taking to the streets of paris to voice their opposition after the strong showing by the national rally, we're not quite sure which of those 76 seats actually went to the national rally. but if it's high it is significant. the party of marine le pen is leading after that first round, the left-wing new popular front colon fishing came in second. macron's centrist alliance came in a pretty distant third actually, cnn senior international correspondent jim bitumen brings it all together from here in paris jubilant cheers fill the headquarters of france's far-right national rally has projections show the party dominated in the country's first round of parliamentary elections a fringe movement, the national rally could be positioned to assume power and become the first far-right party to enter french government since the second world war controversial doi yana, the party of marine le a pen, asserted that the second round of voting to be held next week. >> we'll secure their position. >> they move. let's see a botany democracy has spoken, and the french people have placed the national rally and its allies in first place. you don't, nothing has been won. >> and the second round will be decisive. >> complete results of the election are not finalized and much political maneuvering is expected before the second round of voting is held next week, which could determine whether a seismic shift is underway in french politics, national rally is leader and le pen's protege, 28-year-old jordan bardella could be positioned to become france's next prime minister. a child of italian immigrants, bardella has maintained the party's nationalist politics, and hardline anti-immigration stance. across the country. and its overseas territories. voters turned out in huge numbers to participate in a high-stakes election uncertainty has loomed ever since president emmanuel macron suddenly dissolved parliament and called for snap elections earlier this month. sending shockwaves across the country. now he's gamble appears to have backfired as his alliance of centrist parties faltered in the vote, finishing a third, according to projections in a statement, the president called for the formation of a brawler alliance to block the national rally from coming to power faced for the national rally, the time has come for a abroad. clearly democratic and republican rally for the second round. >> i think a coalition of left-wing parties also had a strong showing coming in the close second, projections show. >> however, no party achieved an outright majority, possibly leading parliament and then political deadlock for now, the preliminary results of the election are being received with intensity, drawing some protesters out to demonstrate i didn't paris as a country with a painful history with fascism and far-right movements, deals with an uncertain future jim veteran cnn, paris a big story for france, but also big story for europe. >> and indeed the west. let's speak to our international diplomatic editor, nic robertson about that, because this france is a major diplomatic economic player, and this will have an impact on the wider world absolutely. >> i mean, look, the way that france has tried to try to play a leading role in bringing peace between lebanon and israel along the border. there, look at the way they've taken a forward leaning position over ukraine in terms of suggesting even that there should be french and other nato troops on the ground in a training capacity helping ukrainian forces inside of ukraine, that that's a red line. it seems for some people, for putin, that's a forward leaning position. and of course, macron has been able to set these positions because he has precedent to him, president has purview over foreign policy, defense policy, things like that. this is something however, that marine le pen's party would potentially challenge if they were in that position of power holding the prime minister ship inside the parliament. if they get there, if they made that position they would challenge the precedent on his authority to do that. and they take a weaker stance, for example, on ukraine, they wouldn't want to send a long-range weapons systems that france is sending right now, they wouldn't want to so have french troops inside of ukraine. so there's that where do they stand on certain other foreign policy issues has not been the center of the debate so far, but certainly when it comes the european union they take different positions to president macron, who has president picks the european commissioner from france at the eu in brussels if marine le pen's party, jordan bardella, chooses somebody else as they've indicated, they would, then that again, changes the way that france exercises. it's, it's very heavily, heavy influence at the european union. so there's lot that could potentially change once we get through the second round of second round of voting and we see what the actual result has and how that translates into the french parliament if we look at the rise in nationalism in france and in germany and italy, if we take the european parliament elections and then a assign a rise in the right, at least, or the sharper right in the uk. and then obviously what's happening in america as well, are we seeing a changing face? of the west, and its place in the world i think the short answer is yes, but then you look at the uk and you look at the fact that expected this week the left of center labour party is expected to have record results over the conservative right-wing parties. >> centrist, right party if you look at hungry and viktor orban's, the nationalists right-leaning leader there who's been a sort of an outlier in terms of the european union with his right-wing policies actually, he scored poorly in the most recent elections at the worst, worst he's done since being in power. but the broad trend, as you save this in the united states, the potential for donald trump to be re-elected. what we're witnessing in france witness this weekend, what we saw in about a month ago in the european parliamentary elections, there, and even within the gains that have been made within the right-wing groupings within the european parliament, there is a narrative and a trend so sort of move beyond. let's say, giorgia meloni, the italian prime minister, right wing, came in with a sounding that she might be something of an outlier within nature and the european union but actually works with nato and the european union in strong support of ukraine but there's a drift towards potentially take a right-wing parties taken a position like the afd in germany who, who, who are, who are more right-wing and don't cooperate within, with their representatives within the european parliament so if that drift to the further right happens as a result of marine le pen's success and her party's success in france. and that pushes europe more to the right. and i think the way that you would see that most immediately would be tougher policies on immigration and that certainly some direction that marine le pen, jordan bardella want to take france. and right now now okay. nick, thank you so much, rosie. it's still not over yet. we do have a second round of voting, so all the parties here are really pushing their voters to come back out and reassert themselves. so never underestimate emmanuel macron that everything looks pretty weak for him currently, although he will remain president, but certainly a weakened one as this continues yeah, no doubt. >> he'll be holding his breath for that second round of voting. max will come back to about around the half hour mark. thanks. so much. appreciate it. and still to come kenyans are not finished holding their government accountable after more than a week of protests, they want justice for the people killed by police last u.s. president joe biden spent sunday with his family and made growing calls to drop out of the race for the white house. what advice they gave him that name i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that you'll online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50. >> this ipad pro sold for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less than 20 one dollars. i got this kitchen aid stand mixer for only $56. >> i got this barbecue smoker for 26 bucks and shipping is always green. >> go to deal right now and see how much you can save. as a gynecologist, i'm embarrassed to say this. >> we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women 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essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance it's pretty dual pack. now, that's a breath of fresh air wake kenyans are calling for police to be held accountable after they killed at least 30 people, drawing government protests over the past weeks youth-led protests erupted over a controversial finance the lead kenya's president ultimately throughout cnn's larry madowo joins me now from nairobi with more on this. >> a good to see you, larry. so how likely is it that these police will be held accountable in the end? >> can then police and security forces generally rarely get charged and even fewer, it ever go to jail for killing protesters. even there's, there's video evidence i was reporting outside the kenyan parliament last tuesday when protesters stormed parliament this was the deadliest de, the highest number of casualties in a single demonstration in kenya, according to the kenyan national commission on human rights and we found a shocking scenes. we were there when police opened fire on largely unarmed protesters, and it stayed with me, so i went back and reviewed some of that video because when you see helpless men die in front of you it's impossible to write that our view brain this story begins with the death of a 19-year-old and a warning to our viewers this story contains some graphic images a prayer for the dead now the family of abraham come out, say the final goodbyes his body being taken for burial. he was only 19 a lot his mother tells us ebrahim, who just graduated from high school and was hoping to go to college abraham was shot twice in the neck at a protest in aerobic how do you see me? >> i didn't go that day because i didn't have childcare but we always went together and came back because the protests were peaceful. >> the first thing i want is just as for ebrahim and all the kids who died because they all had dreams protests broke out across. canada last month against the proposed finance bill. largely driven by young people organizing and social media but the deadliest day was june 25th when protesters, tom parliament in nairobi human rights groups accused police of shooting dozens of unarmed protesters, including some who are fleeing. no one has accepted or denied responsibility for the killings. our crew films shocking scenes like here, left of your screen a man running away is shot in the back with a tear gas canister at close range these protesters standing over a man who's apparently dead police fire, and non-lethal rounds directly i've narrow beats police chief, seen here, commanded the operation. his officers clearly contravening their own rules for the use of force cnn analyze the deadliest two hours when most of the protesters are believed to have been killed. keep an eye on the men in white overalls, waving his arms. earlier in the de 20 eriksen chalamet tissier was supposed to be at the butcher shop where he worked his mother said, but ended up here cnn's cameras captured him dancing until shots bring out police advanced towards the protesters more shots and people, runaways amid the chaos. we what erikson again he is lifeless on the sidewalk around him. other protesters are also on the ground as the smoke lifts one man has been shot in the head. people rushed to help, but police keep firing at them a bag is don't in the air as the smoke grenade goes off. but that protester escaped we were on the scene as this unfolded that three bodies lying on the ground after we had live ammunition coming from parliament's a police truck is on fire the protesters appeared to be pushing the police, overwhelming them, getting closer to parliament, unknown to us at the time, erikson's body was being carried away behind me. his white overalls soaked in blood we obtained his autopsy report. erikson was shot in the back and bled to death moments later, another injured protester is carried away, but he is lucky he survived that protester is 26-year-old, e and k, was also hit in the back. >> i'm in pain because from the government he was demonstrating because he's been jobless since i graduated five years ago our main mission is to change kenya to be a better canar do you regret going on to protest i'm not suggesting anything because it's my right even en is a keen bodybuilder by has lost the use of his legs cnn obtained three autopsy reports of protesters who were demonstrating around parliament on the same day two died from gunshot wounds. one was shot in the head, the other in the back one opposition lawmaker concerned about police brutality in recent days, she says he will fight to hold those responsible homes. >> we cannot accept this colonial minded our cake trigger-happy produce. something must j and we would make sure that the victims of this particular crisis get justice families buried their dead young men and women vocalizing the anger at a government. >> they feel is not listening to them not helping them create a better future an oversight body is investigating police conduct during the protests that many here don't believe they'll ever see justice cnn has reached out to the kenyan police and the ministry of interior by the conduct of security force does on that day. but we have not received a response. president william ruto said in a tv interview, sunday night, that the police did their best and he maintained that criminal the notes infiltrated legitimate prostate protesters. but david check the manual. there was shot in the head he was not a criminal. he was assigned school teacher ebrahim was 19. his funeral. you just saw his mom told is the support they cannot afford to be violent during these protests because they can't even afford treatment and now let's show you the body of eriksen shallow were two images here. he was only 25, had dreams ahead of him. we saw him just 13 minutes before he was shot dead. he loved dancing and it shows some of that on tiktok. and for his family, the grief is just unspeakable. resume heartbreaking story larry madowo joining us. there with that report. appreciate it and still to come more on the french parliamentary sections and how opposition to the far-right national rally party can fight back. stay with this for that july 4 cnn concert event we performance iq by keith urban ashanti, bb wrexham for killers and many more though fourth in america thursday, july 4, seven eastern on cnet. >> nice to meet yet, my name is david i've been a pharmacist for 44 years when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend provision number one, because it's safe and effective, does not require a prescription. >> and i've been taken it quite a while myself and i know it works and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me hey, david, that really works so good for me, makes my day prevalent at stores everywhere without a prescription how does climb inspector get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country, because 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spoke with larry sabato, director of the university of virginia center for politics. and i asked him what he thinks about the pressure president biden is facing following his dismal performance at the presidential debate last week everyone saw with their own eyes what the problem was, and it's hard to explain your way out of it. people can say it's a cold or he was over prepared or whatever the excuses the truth is, most of the negativity has stayed underground, which has been surprising because democrats normal normally express themselves fully in public and that hasn't happened yet. and it's why we have to keep our eyes on two groups. one, the elected officials who will share the ballot with joe biden in november if he stays on the ticket. and of course, the donors you mentioned the big donors at some point some of them are going to abandon the ticket if in fact biden falls behind trump, a good deal more than he already has, right? and of course, so president biden says, the only way he would step aside is if he is shown convincing data that approves its two damaging for the party and the country for him to stay on. now, if that happens, what is the process for replacing him at the convention in august and who would be positioned to take his place is anyone able to take on trump at this point? >> well, the process could charitably be described as chaos again democrats have had some experience with that over the years sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. but there is no plan. there's nothing in the party rules that contribute to the solution to this other than the fact that joe biden would have to do it as soon as possible to get the party enough time to organize the selection of his substitute. and of course, his vice president, kamala harris is going to insist that she's next in line and certainly would be a candidate they but i think there would be others who would be interested, but who organizes this? what would it fall to former president obama and maybe former president clinton and hillary clinton and speaker pelosi. you can think of a group of people that might be able to pull it off but it would be difficult while the party lacks leadership for the presidential election, the republicans aren't going to just be sitting there. they're going to be organizing, airing negative ads, raising more money and probably moving up in the polls so this is a really hard to figure out what both pathways could lead to destruction. so which one do you let's go to mx bolster now in paris where he's covering the french parliamentary elections and maxar, they snap elections were always a gamble for president macron wednesday, and that appears to have backfired while it does really the far-right, really celebrating this surge and support in this first round of elections is not over yet, but we have had the results in from that and they do show that national rally leading just over 33% since of the vote, followed by the left-wing new popular front coalition in second, when nearly 28% mr. macron's centrist alliance is in third with nearly 21%, i should say that 76 of the seats have been confirmed, which is very unusual for a first round 76 candidates, got absolute majority's very few of them. >> we're not sure if any at all where from macron's party they were all from the left and the far right, the far-right doing very well. so all signs are that the far right is coming on extremely strong national rally leader jordan bardella urged voters to remain mobilize though for the second round, which is next sunday, he says it's clear the french people do want change you just all need to sounds that they delivered a clear verdict and confirmed their clear aspirations for change t6 be more demos, porsche devote taking place next sunday is one of the most decisive in the entire history of the fifth republic joining me, eleanor coppola, a member of emmanuel macron's renaissance party how are you feeling? it's been a disaster, hasn't it it has been a terrible and very shocking result. >> but this is not over so we're fighting thing, we're fighting against the ideas of the hustler monitoring because they're very dangerous for france are very the interest for us, for dual citizen, like me for instance so yes, extremely shocked, but fighting who was voting for them? we're getting indications it was a lot of younger people i think a lot of people just voted for them without really knowing what they think or what they believe in because they've been hiding themselves. for instance, on the european position of friends, they were in favor of brexit for many years. now, they don't say it so much because we saw what happened with brexit makes sense. but we're not clear about what they think in terms of also citizenship, as i said, they make a difference between the real french as they say and the friends that are french on paper. that is extremely dangerous. and i think the shame is that we don't have more time. so that they can actually show their true colors because i think many voters would not vote for them if they knew what they really think and what their ideas are. >> macron's have plenty of time to prove himself, though and he hasn't done it to the voters. how does he handle this next week? because i will just explain how it works. you basically going to have three candidates in many constituencies going through to the second round your priority. and the letters is the same is to block the far right. how does that work? >> yeah it's a very complex in particular system because we're not in a preliminary democracy. we have a presidential system somebody with a very strong parliament. so this is really an election where you vote for a person and you have two rounds to vote for them. so that's it makes it possible to block the extremes because you have coalitions that can constitute so i am optimistic about the possibility to block the far right. i think it's not easy, but i think not everything is lost and i call on french people to vote for responsible candidates that will make a democratic and central lions because our country needs that. >> let's take someone from your party is it constituency against someone who's hard left and they don't want take macrons advice and pull out. that's going to complicate things for him every single situation is different and there are many situations that are very complicated. again, you need to look at you know, there's a lot of labeling right now. we talked about three blocks. those three blocks, they don't really exist because when you look at the left block, you see that it's a composition very strange of parties, of people that were fighting each other. so vehemently, only three weeks ago during the european elections so again, i think look at the candidates who is someone who's going to be able to work with a coalition a central coalition, coalition of republicans and democrats and vote for them and vote against the extreme the extreme right in particular, because of their noses ideas, you know president macron very well are you angry with him for calling this vote? >> i think it's a very difficult to understand decision. i was extremely surprised. i know him, logan. well, you didn't even know no one knew today like, i'm i'm not clear loath to him, but i work in the central collision. >> i'm not a politician. that's the other thing. i'm a lawyer. i decided to do politics two years ago because i wanted to change things for my constituents that are the french people that live abroad and latin america and the caribbeans. and i really believe in this idea that my whole head, which is the deepest small, it's, we're going to do politics differently i think what happened over the past two years in the national assembly is that you had a very radicalized, a position to the left and to the right and they were all trying to make this unbearable. we had a number record of muscle johnson celsius. that's when you try to destitute the government and this was something that was probably going to happen anyways. but yes, it is a very difficult decision, but was because he could potentially end up with a he's the president has a far-right prime minister. so that's gonna be more chaos, more uncertainty the french people than a situation where at least he had a prime minister from his own group i think i said this was a surprising, shocking decision, perhaps bold decision. >> but what i'm not sure about is whether it's worse or not, because when you had the position that we had only a few weeks ago saying no to every we think opposing to every single move, we were trying to make to conciliate to do transporters and work. they would disagree as a matter of principle and the republican, which was the central force to the right with whom we could have made alliances and we tried, we, i mean, we tried to make alliances with them and with a socialist and they said, clearly, we're going to have a muslim swansea that is going to make you tick the government down and you're going to have to have a dissolution during budgetary times, when times are tough and the european union, i don't know what would have been the worst, but here we are. we have to face the circumstances and to fight with everything we've got against the far right. so the big decision on next sunday isn't the final decision on who has the majority in parliament, who becomes prime minister as well, and the future of france. >> and it says a lot rosemary doesn't it? about europe as well right now because so many of the themes playing in here all continental just amazing you have been doing a great job, but that of course it does conclude the coverage on the french elections for now. >> thank you so much. appreciate it, max. and after the break, caribbean islands prepare for an unprecedented and extremely dangerous hurricane. we will have more on that in just an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. >> our country is being destroyed near are the most admired country in the world for the most complete week coverage through election day and beyond followed cnn it's hard to run a business on your own make easier on yourself with shopify you have everything you need to sell online and in-person you can have your inventory payments and customers in sync across all the places who doesn't have to be lonely, the towel joined the millions, defining success on their own terms start your journey with a free trial today the down, i knew something was wrong since my fatigue and lightheadedness would come and go. i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor i have a few and that means there's about a five times greater risk of stroke symptoms, like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or lightheadedness come and go. but if you have a fib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more sentence, get checked out, holding off on 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south of barbados as we speak, is 195 kilometers per hour in terms of the wind extremely windy outside. there's no doubt about that. the wind has picked up as gusty. there's not a lot of rain at the moment, but the wind is terribly noticeable at this particular stage? 12 hours ago, i think the prediction would have been that this hurricane, which like you said, has been downgraded to a cat three that it would have impacted much deeper into barbados, but that doesn't seem to be the case. well, this is indeed getting a lot of outer bands from this particular hurricane but it is moving closer towards the islands of, let's say grenada services are going to deans and moving further self and barbados. so it might not impact as we might have thought. however, there is still going to be some impact as the wind is terribly high at this particular stage. >> all right. will certainly keep a very close eye on that talking there with berry wilkinson appreciate it all right. a spectacular stoppage 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history. and for those unfamiliar with the term a double-double what is when a player accumulates a total of ten or more in any two statistical categories in one game, though the sky lost on sunday, reis had ten points and six stain rebounds. chicago's head coach says, she's proud of the player. the previous record was set in 2015. you as gymnast simone biles has booked her ticket to the paris olympics after a major win at the olympic gymnastics trials. she is now the fourth american woman to compete in three olympic games. games. biles placed first and the all around competition on sunday, leading her competitors by more than five points. it guarantees the reigning world champion and the most decorated gymnast ever an automatic spot on the u.s. this team, well as the saying goes, if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you? well, what if it was part of the red bull cliff diving world series? the competition has divers free-falling from as high as 27 meters. this is video from the third leg of the series held on italy's adriatic coast on sunday. the series moves on to northern ireland's causeway coast, anja july 20 and the stories in the spotlight, this hour, the u.s. department of justice is facing criticism as it nears an agreement with boeing over the company's recent string of safety failures and production problems. and attorney representing 737 max crash victims, families is calling the author a sweetheart deal. it said to include a corporate monitor and a fine in exchange for a guilty plea to criminal charges. boeing has until the end of the week to decide whether to accept the agreement or go to trial. on the ground test of a private companies rocket ended in this fiery crash in central china on sunday the company space pioneers says, it's rocket accidentally launched after structural failure caused it to detach from the launchpad. the companies say no one was injured as people in the area were evacuated before the rocket test will smith returned to his music roots at the bet awards on sunday, debuting his new gospel inspired song docket. >> you got it. right. when you get to win the heart you can make it is the oscar-winning actors first solo material in more than five years, teeing up his first major music release in nearly two decades the performance comes just months after smith's surprise coachella appearance. >> and want to thank you so much for being with us here on cnn newsroom. i'm rosemary church, seen in this morning is up next for sure good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. just wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate if i call you out right off the top, it is wonderful to see these women athletes finally getting the recognition they deserve. you ever want to try on new james bond cnn this morning, next a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance no. but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select boat down, john, a 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Person , Coalitions , Extremes , Democratic , Possibility , Lions , Situation , It Constituency , Macrons Advice , Composition , Blocks , Situations , Block , Labeling , Each Other , Particular , Noses Ideas , Republicans , Logan , Politician , Constituents , Caribbeans , Collision , Lawyer , Idea , Assembly , Unbearable , Muscle Johnson Celsius , Uncertainty , Gonna , Alliances , Socialist , Transporters , Principle , Muslim Swansea , Dissolution , Big Decision On Next Sunday Isn T The Final , Circumstances , Themes , Continental , Job , Europe , Hurricane , Coverage , Break , Caribbean Islands , Audience , Election Day , Shopify , Make , Inventory Payments , Places , Sync , Towel , Lightheadedness , Fatigue , Come And Go , Down , Journey , Wasn T A Big Deal , Irregular Heartbeat , Few , Stroke Symptoms , Fib , Heart Racing , Appointment , Stroke Risk , Sentence , Fifths , Won T Change Whether , Eight , Cleaning Tool , Degree Swivel Head , Mop , Curl , Swiffer , 360 , Magic Eraser , 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, Tenth , Total , Women S League History , Chicago Sky , Ten , Simone Biles , Head Coach , Points , Adriatic Coast On Sunday , Categories , Sky , Stain Rebounds , Chicago , Reis , 2015 , Games , Woman , Gymnastics Trials , Win , Olympic , Saying , Competitors , Gymnast , Spot , Champion , Series , Cliff , Leg , Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series , Agreement , Stories , Spotlight , Boeing , Causeway Coast , Anja , Northern Ireland , U S Department Of Justice , July 20 , Sweetheart Deal , Author , Safety Failures , Production Problems , String , Crash Victims , 737 , Rocket , Monitor , Ground Test , Plea , Exchange , Fine , Failure , Crash , Launchpad , Area , Central China On Sunday The Company Space Pioneers , Will Smith , Rocket Test , Music , Bet Awards On Sunday , Gospel , Song Docket , Actors , Music Release , Material , Surprise Coachella Appearance , Cnn Newsroom , Kasie Hunt , Recognition , Life Insurance , Athletes , Life Insurance John , James Bond , John , Boat Down , Policy , Wife , 500000 , 9 , 29 , 00000 , Project , Insurance , Gas Heating , Quote , Heat , Quote Com , Toddler Mom , Type , Anjie , Condition , Syndrome , Game Changer , Connect , Vision , Projects , Angie Com , Fighter , Low , Breakfast Lunch , Bucket , Love , Blackstone , Syn , Soulmate , Internet , Soulmates , Elsewhere , Giggles , Attention , T Mobile , Xfinity You Wouldn T , Signal , Cell , Bed , Excuse , Tough , Huh , Therapy , Mmm , Book Title , Home Router , Home Wrecker ,

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