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is cnn. the world's news network damage control, panic sweeps the democratic party as top officials scrambled to freeze the fallout from president biden's debate performance. when you get knocked down, you get back in his day on the ticket two of the president's most prominent supporters, former house speaker nancy pelosi and congressman jim clyburn. our next and the path ahead, as calls grow for biden to step aside, his campaign says that would cause chaos and give trump the win. we'll, lawmakers agree, stay the course. sheila, our panel and i love experts is here to discuss plus victory lap after a torrent of debate falsehoods former president trump calls it a when we had a big victory did he convince any swing voters, senator lindsey graham will be here hello, i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is at an inflection point. president joe biden is in camp david today for a long-planned family my gathering, it comes as he faces pressure from panic democrats to reconsider his reelection bid. and amid persistent concerns about his capabilities following cnn's presidential debate yesterday evening, biden's campaign brushed off those concerns, including from a stack of newspaper editorials this weekend urging him to step aside as top campaign officials argued, the panic is coming from the bed wedding brigade and the beltway class. and does not reflect voters views biden himself told donors in new jersey yesterday, quote, i understand the concern after the debate. i get it. i didn't have a great night, but i'm going to be the fighting harder and a senior biden campaign official told me that the president has not wavered and his belief that his candidacy is the only path forward for his party. his campaign warned and a fundraising email that replacing biden with another democrat would cause chaos and be quote, a highway to losing just this morning a new cbs yougov poll taken after the debate finds that 72% of voters now say they do not think president biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve as president here with me now is one the top officials in the democratic party, a close ally of president biden former house speaker nancy pelosi. thank you so much for being here. what is your reaction to that poll? 72% of voters say they don't think that the president is fit mentally or cognitively to be president well, what do they think about the other guy do they think that he has the integrity to be president after that performance? let us just go let us not make a judgment about a presidency on one of one debate let's talk about what it means to people in their lives. and that's why you're not seeing much change in the polls on this. the difference between joe biden and the former president is so clear, if you are a woman and you care about your reproductive freedom and your health, them, women do you see a complete difference between enforce a woman's right to choose on the part of joe biden and a ban on abortion with the other guy. if you care about job creation in america, 15 million more jobs created hi joe biden, the worst job performance records since herbert hoover for the other guy, if you're concerned about saving the planet, you're young person, you're caring about the planet and its future. joe biden, the first person in the congress to pass a resolution to study the climate change in the 80s, even before i was in congress a guy who goes to the fossil fuel industry and says, give me $1 billion. so i can reverse what had happened in the ira, right? save the planet. the list goes on and on. whether you're talking about guns in the rest and 16 nobel laureates said, when it comes to inflation, if the other guy gets elected, inflation will soar because of his fiscal policies. so it's not about performance in terms of a debate. it's about performance in a presidency. and i want you to know that the fact is that the reaction to the lai's of donald trump is something that maybe tv isn't focusing on, but people are and to have a debate where you have to spend half your time in the gating. what he said because he has no nothing knows the truth. one side of this, and one side of the screen, you have integrity. the other side? but you have dishonesty. yeah. and we have definitely been pointing out the about 30 falsehoods that we heard from former president trump. but what you just did madam speaker was make the argument for joe biden's reelection in a way that he did not on thursday night, isn't that a problem? >> i don't want i don't say it's a problem. it's a bad night. i see everything as an opportunity. okay. you want to contrast? what these people could do debate if you're not even telling the truth or do you want to tall what it means to you in your life? when this person becomes president, this president he, he lied about january 6. this was a horrible event in our country's history. he was an its president i'd stays who instigated an insurrection. he tries to blame it on me. yeah, i plan my own assassination when he was sitting on his button, the white house, not sending the national guard and lying about it on the show. and people people are are well-meaning. they i had one of your reporters say that he really send the national guard know if they don't want even know then how can we make a judgment about how other people evaluate a presentation? so this is a dangerous person as opposed to a person who again saved our country from covid the first bill we pass shots and the arms, money and packet people its own jobs, children at school. this president with his denial and delay, cause people to die. yeah. and i completely understand what you're doing and you are making the arguments that you were hoping that democratic voters or listened to about why donald trump is bad and shouldn't be put back in the white house. but the reality is there are still a lot of concerns that joe biden is the person to get you to that point, too, making sure that donald trump is not back in there are some prominent columnist, several newspaper editorial board's are just simply calling for biden to step aside for the good of the country. tom friedman, a friend of president biden biden's, wrote the following. he wrote joe biden, a good man and a good president has no business running for reelection if he insists on running and he loses to trump, biden and his family and his staff and party members who enabled him will not be able to show their faces what do you say that that should is there any part of you that believes that president biden should step aside i want you to know. >> i came home to california south and north and people are for joe biden and kamala harris. they have some judgment about a person who said, i don't want that stood on that stage and light, light, light, light. if you're just talking about the debate, i respectful of some of the opinions that people have, but it also respectful the grassroots my people are very much biden kamala harris and this is an opportunity for joe bind to go out there and show show. he has the stem and the rest. and by the way, while the press and for some reason they don't there are healthcare professionals who think as that a trump has dementia that his connection, his thoughts of not go together not only that he just lies, he doesn't even know the truth. so if we're just talking about mental acuity, let's be fair about it. i don't think tom friedman thinks that donald trump should be president of the united states and while, while he may be saying we are enablers, we see joe biden up-close. we know how a tune two yards to the issues, how inform t is i debate with him about legislation and the right not debate but discuss it with them. he's right there so in a case, it was a bad night. let's not sugar coat that. it was a bad night. it was a great presidency. and that's what the american people have to choose a night where somebody is going to just misrepresent the facts completely and then you're on your guide. the other person has to negate that or again, it was a bad night. let's move on from that. it's all an opportunity. are our members have had been very thoughtful. they're very concerned about a president who would lie the way they they do and then the republic me ask, just go embrace those misrepresenting me. ask you about those members because there are house and senate democrats who are worried that joe biden could be a drag on their races and could ultimately cost you the senate. >> maybe even the ability to retake the house. do you have any of those concerns we definitely will win the house of representatives. >> it may come as a surprise to you, but one, they saw that performance of trump donors doubled down and said, we absolutely have to have the congress so it kind of, it kind of had an opposite effect in terms of the races, numbers are always concerned about the top of the ticket that's just the way it is. there are always conserved out the chart. are they more concerned now? and i don't sink we'll see you. can't make a judgment after one note. we'll just see how kim has said. we'll have our discussions as we go as we go forward. but how do we how do we walk away from a record of great performance on the part of this president was a promise to do more in terms of all the issues we talked about and what we like to see it, that bus and some of the women's caucus woman omics where women in the workplace, while we have family and medical leave, where we have affordable childcare, where we have home health care for women who are caregiver as men or caregivers to. so that we can have a conch an economy where everyone participates to the fullest and children are cared for because it's all about the children. so it is it's difficult politics is difficult. it's never easy and again members will make their own decision isn't wouldn't be the first time in campaigns as long as i've been involved since i was chair of the party in the 80s that people have not said, i'm running my own race. i'm not getting associated with, you me or yeah, the top of the ticket. yeah. just real quick because you mentioned that you have been at a party chair before. is there even a mechanism that you think would work? i've gif president biden did decide to step aside the campaign says that it would cause weeks of chaos and internal food fighting well, again, there's nothing as well as just as joe biden getting up and taking the ball over the finish line something else could be chaotic. >> i don't say that to say that could never happen because it might not i don't mean now. i mean, in history it could but understand this. this is really important for people to understand. joe biden has won the nomination. he has won the nomination. it's not if it's not officially, he hasn't roll call, hasn't happened you know what real call husband happening around the country because of the timing of the election. >> it's a very different year at it. and so you would have to undo the nomination to be somebody else that would not be a reason to do it or not do it? the question is joe biden's decision to go forward is a decision that we will all embrace because of the record he has an the performance that walk come with it and the contrast. woman's life, job creation reducing inflation saving the planet stopping the gun violence. the list goes on and on lgbtq rights and all the rest. so much it's sake including our democracy. our flag was still there with liberty and justice for all. that's what the election is about. we are not about, we're out of one nights section. forgive me. we are out of tacky. we're out of time. thank you so much for being here this morning. appreciate it. he saved joe biden wants does he want to do it again congressman jim clyburn joins me next, and we're talking about president biden. but what about president trump? get. his own debate performance hurt him with the very voters he needs. senator lindsey graham is 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absolutely no concerns about joe biden's ability not only to win in november, but to be the leader for of the free world for the next four years well, thank you very much for having me. >> i do not believe that joe biden has it problem leading for the next four years because he's done a great job of leading for the last 3.5 years i always say that the best predictor of future behavior is past performance and when we look at the past performance of these two men, that are the front runners in their parties we get a lot of indication about what their future behavior would be so jill biden should continue to run on this record i do believe that we will find him when contrast it with the record or the full years of trump to be exactly what we need going forward, not just domestically, but internationally as well. >> what about his performance on thursday though, sir do you understand why some democrats, some independence who were not that interested in voting for donald trump. and we're considering voting for joe biden said, look at that and say i just don't see it. i don't want to vote for him. what do you say to them i would say to them, take into account the record yes. >> it was a bad performance. i've been around these things. i've been a part of debate preparation before, and i know what when i see what preparation overload. and that's exactly what was going on the other night i saw joe biden rabin for words and phrases and even numbers that he was loaded up with. the next day, he gets to north carolina. he freewheeling and he captivated the audience and that's what we should do you know, the book prep debate preparation can be tough but you've got to really do a good job. preparing the candidate. not just with information but with style with the flexion and the kinds of things that we did not see it in joe biden the other night and saw it four years ago? >> i believe on friday, north carolina, he had a teleprompter, but i want to ask about something that you mentioned late last week, which is that you intended to have a conversation with the president. did you talk to him? and if so, was there any discussion at all about him stepping aside? >> i have not talked to the president since friday and if he asked my opinion, i would give it as are always do, and that is very clearly he should stay in this race. you should demonstrate it going forward. here's capacity to lead the country and i think the american people are demonstrating that i just left the state of florida. i was in a convention. we had 8,000 african american men registered for that conference i did not find one single one of them. who told me that they are not fully confident in joe biden. and that's just a fact having hear from people even the people on the floor. yes. there were some trepidation to the next morning but only one of the people i talk to expressed in opinion that joe biden should drop out. everybody else says, we need to make some calibration ship going forward. and that's what we need to do. if you're going to have another debate. the preparation for that debate needs to be different if no question in my mind we cannot be another candidate with all well, i don't know i think that jill biden will do well, but the debate i think it all depends upon what the rules are. i don't like that the bag, but nobody will do in fact, check-in. you just say what you want to say. you know, its ally, the got took 30 some odd lives and nobody checked him on it and say that was up to joe biden to do i'm not sure if i asked you a question and you lied to me with the answer our to follow her up and give you what the facts are and see what your reaction to that would be. and so that to me was not the way to plan the debate. and whoever did that, it agree to that really should think about what they're doing yeah. okay. well, it was a debate, agreed to by president biden. first two proposed this debate? should the president release his full medical records, would that help? >> well. i. think both i'm sure released their personal religious one has trump released records he's released a bunch of fullness is from two doctors, wonderful them is serving in the congress now. and it's being challenged with his performance about being adopted in hi house. once i've called, this is prescription, the candy store no. i think that everybody should be judged by the same rules. so i don't know anything about either one of them is records without doing this we know much more about joe biden's health records. then we know about donald trump and nobody is asking for it. if anybody displays off the wall stuff it was read on display for us in that debate the other night, joe biden has a history of stuttering. he did that as a child. all of us know how stutter is operating. i went to school with one so when you have a trouble getting other word that is what comes from stuttering but when he expressed opinions he was on the money with dependence. he may not have gotten the word out, but the thoughts were great. you said on friday sir, quote i'm a biden person. >> i'm going to be for biden if harris ain't there and i'm going to be for harris. if biden eight, there does that mean that if i know you don't think he should, but if the president did step aside, it should be kamala harris, who is the nominee. full stop i'm for biden harris in this campaign and i will look at i'm sure biden won't be there the next time, which means harris might be that's for the next election. i want to quickly give you the opportunity to respond to something that donald trump said on the debate stage about undocumented migrants. undocumented immigrants rather they're taking black jobs now. and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people, they're taking black jobs and they're taking hispanic jobs. >> what your reaction to that it's joe biden has been talking about this. >> he's been to the other night. don trump has being donald trump he has a very, very very low opinion of people are color black, brown, whatever color he has a low opinion of like people. he's demonstrated that all of his life. and i would like to hear from some of his black supporters why they will not have these discussions about what this man has done two black women, what this man has done too young black youth. and what he has done to his own businesses when it comes to black people. i've talked to her irreverence, soft, and he told me he's been in and out of his businesses and never had seen a black person in any of them. how do you adjust, give this man a pass on all of that compare his hiring records to joe biden's hiring records. and then that gives you some indication of whether it would be going forward so what he said there that night by black jobs meant to me that there are certain jobs for black people and there are certain jobs for white people. there are certain jobs for white people, and there's certain jobs for non, right? people and these people coming in, it will be taking those jobs that off for non white people, never mind them being a threat to those jobs for the rest of us congressman jim clyburn. thank you so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you very much for having me up next. >> we'll get into president trump's debate performance with senator lindsey graham. stay witness greetings happen cutie. >> yeah. that's not good. happened huge things happen david happens with three chapter really prime day deals at which she with chewy save 20% on your first pharmacy order. so you can put an end to the edge, get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door if you're shopping for our hall real commute tool lets you find home let's close to work, school. even grandma's house, don't all apps do that? not really trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust. >> see idp disrupts the idp derails let's be honest sucks but living to see idp doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining 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to, state of the union. donald trump is reveling in the upheaval within the democratic party. but what about his own debate performance? here with me now is south carolina republicans descender lins here with me now is south carolina republican senator lindsey graham. thank you so much for being here. sir. you of course. now, a close confidant, general, because answers were long and often he did not give are related answer to the question that he was asked by cnn's count, he made 30 false claims it didn't commit to accepting the election results and who loses what isn't that give you and other republicans pause about him well i thought he had a very good night. people who watched the debates thought the same thing to attend to the day. he was strong, he was clear, he was coherent but this idea that biden had a bad night, that's not that's not the stories had a bad presidency had a disastrous debate. how could we get here? how could the american people see what they saw and not before warned you gotta compliant media, who's written off the problems with president biden. they've tried to solve cell. this is attacked by the right-wing that is compromised. there is no clean fakes here. the man is compromised and the media has been covering the policies of visit administration are destroying the country and the new york times and the lander journal constitution warn him out, but they think he's a good president. he's not a good president. he's a decent man. he's a fail president. he has compromised. that's the story. one here. that's what the world. so i think compromise president. and if you want to look at past performance to judge what's going to happen in the future. god help us all of joe biden gets reelected. senator. i do want to ask you about president biden in one second, but just to follow up on donald trump's since you are effectively a surrogate and a supporter of his? yeah. i did ask him three times about whether he would accept the results of the election, whether or not he ends and he only at the end said that if it was fair and legal and good election are you comfortable with that yeah. >> what are you supposed to say? yeah, i'll accept it no matter if i thought i was cheated, i'm not worried about him accepting the results of the election. i'm worried about between now november does iran get a nuclear weapon? go say, thank joe biden. so compromised he's not going do anything about it. then you did a good job. you let them talk. you're not fact-checkers. you let them talk you know, 13 americans did die in afghanistan on biden's watch from a disastrous withdrawal. but you got to compliant media and a lockstep democratic party who cheers bad policy. have you heard one person named to replace bind that would do anything different on the border? no. have you heard anybody criticize his withdrawal from afghanistan? they're considering replacing him with so this is a very dangerous time for american the world at large. this election turn from this debate, clearly, present biden is compromise, but most importantly, his policies are not working and jim clyburn said, if you like, what's going on, you get going to get more of it 70% of people in this country think we're going in the wrong direction. the democrats keep calling president trump a felon. well, be careful what you wish for. i expect they will be investigations of binds criminality at the border. if i may orcus i should be worried that somebody's going to come after you because you've abused the parole statute, the hunter biden laptop, all 51 of the people who signed a letter saying the laptop was fake and russian disinformation. hope somebody looks at you because that's election interference so this country is going to have a resetting here and using the bind standard of glorifying political prosecutions pandora's box has been opened. what are he steps down are not accountability is coming to him. i want to get to a couple of important issues, sir, but you just warned of retribution yeah i warned that the pandora's box opened by the democrats is going to be applied here. >> there should be an investigation of may orcas and biden for abusing the parole statute that led to the burner of laken riley. they let the accused killer out because of lack of capacity they paroled him a legally i think their criminality of the biden border policies should be looked at. we should look at how people lied about the hunter biden's laptop being vague when it was real? yeah. i expect people to look at that. you had a january 6 committee looking at what happened on january 6. i hope there'll be a committee looking at border policy let's seize have led to the rape and murder of lots of americans, people from 18 to 30 dime by fentanyl pausing, coming through a broken border? yeah, i hope that does happen. >> all right. i want to ask you about the mideast because you haven't working to try to negotiate a defense agreement with saudi arabia? it could pave the way for a broader normalization deal between them and israel. the last time you were on the show, you told me that you want to help president biden get this done and that we're running out of time. does that stand now? >> i am still trying to help president biden his team to have saudi arabia normalized with israel what needs to happen years the war needs to lessen in terms of military conflict in gaza, i think that's going to wind down and they need to negotiate an answer to the palestinian in question. and i think the crown prince would recognize israel building on the abraham accords. president trump said, he wanted to end these wars as quick as possible. it may be possible between now and the election to come up with a solution. and gaza and the west bank, that not only would end the war, but allow israel to live in peace and the palestinians have a more hopeful life. and have the saudi arabia recognize israel, which would be the end of the arab-israeli conflict. i'd like to help in that regard, but i am urging the mirror hurricane people to listen to what congressman clever and said. he thinks president biden has been a great president. he had a bad night. know he had a bad night. he's had a terrible presidency if you want more of the same broken borders, a world on fire out-of-control inflation. then you need to reelect president biden if you weren't fundamentally change and go back to the policies of trump then you need to vote for him. is that clear senator lindsey graham. >> thank you so much for your time this morning. i really appreciate it thank you thank you so has president biden and edge to stop any of the hand-wringing in his own party. i panel is next how many times have you tried to clean a stubborn mess with? >> no success? what you need is the all new waterproof horsepower the new cordless and rechargeable power scrubber that cleans faster and easier, guaranteed watch make done oven greece's no match it, blast away burden, ghraieb, and no time, no 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smoothly as i used to i don't do bad debate as well as i used. to. but i know what i do know now how to tell the truth welcome back to state of the union. >> stark contrast as you saw there between the joe biden on the debate stage and the high-energy biden at his post debate rally, my panel joins me now hello, everybody. i'm kate, i'm obviously going to start with you because you worked for a very long time for president biden what is the reality of what is now happening behind the scenes? well, i think the reality is the race has not fundamentally changed. i think there's universal agreement wasn't a great night for joe biden. he said as much but what we see in all the data that has emerged since thursday is the fundamental head-to-head hasn't shifted. people are not suddenly moving to trump. in fact, what we've seen is that people felt like trump's arguments were not persuasive. they were concerned about what he said about january 6. they were concerned about him saying he wouldn't accept the results of the election. so fundamentally on the places donald trump is politically vulnerable, he really did himself a huge disservice on thursday night. and so i think for biden now, the task is to go out, do what he did in north carolina show that energy, show that it was just one bad night every campaign recovers from one bad night. and i think you see it in yet the biden campaign put out their fundraising numbers, they've raised $33 million since the debate, 26 million was grassroots, including, i think half of that was first-time donors. they're seeing people show up at offices around the country to volunteer. i think people were motivated and energized by what they saw from trump. they don't want him to be an office and i think the biden campaign's now going to harness that energy look, if you have a fight with her boyfriend, you don't get over it in one night, you get mad for a couple of days and i think that's what's happened in the democratic party. joe biden had a bad night on debate night, and i don't think it's wrong to and i don't think this is located is doing but i don't think it's wrong to disparage people who are concerned after that debate. because the ultimate underlying buying issue, what their concern is that they really want to beat donald trump and they know that threatened the donald trump plays. i will say though the folks who are saying that joe biden should drop out of the race are not the people that actually will be determinant of the outcome of the election. i think the debate was actually more of a couch pusher than a candidate. switcher. i don't think people watched that debate and said, i'm not going to vote for joe bad anymore. i'm going to vote for donald trump because for every misstep that misspeaking that joe biden had, donald trump had alive to combat it. and so the american public is like, i don't want either of those. so this is actually where the campaign's matter. you're going to we actually have to get in communities, get on the phones, get indoors place your ads work with groups on the ground to get voters to stay off the couch, to be convinced that joe biden can do that job and that donald trump is a true threat to our democracy. what matters is voters you are our pollster here. what are you hearing? the idea that this is just one bad night that voters are going to be asked not to believe what they saw with their own eyes on thursday is incomprehensible to me the fact of the matter is in january, pew research center found only 29% of americans thought that joe biden had the mental acuity to be president. and yet, even then in january, this was still a close race and so what is absolutely unfathomable to me is that what felt like an enormous political earthquake on thursday night where america got to see for their own with their own eyes what is happening inside this white house, outside of as one biden staffer told a reporter between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. this what we saw was horrifying and yet the polls point not change because there's a chance that voters already went into thursday thinking i'm concerned that this is who joe biden already is and they have already made that calculation yeah. >> i think you can't wish it away. i think you can't call it a bad night. i don't think you can compare it to anybody's previous bad debate performance is it's unlike anything we've ever saw. a scene in presidential campaigns the deterioration of joe biden over four years is painfully obvious to everyone to me, it really goes beyond the campaign. i mean, there's reporting this morning about from axios about joe biden's closest aides working very hard to shield access to him from virtually everyone over the last three-and-a-half years, i think people don't really just have questions it's about the campaign today. i think they have questions about how the white house is running right now. i think they have questions about whether he can do the job today, let alone for four more years and guys, i'm old enough to remember when donald trump was having trouble picking up a glass of water and walking down a slippery ramp and folks wanted to invoke the 25th amendment now now it took to me to me what we saw thursday night he's not just the candidate. he's the president, right now and so a lot of people i've talked to, you want to know what's going on in there. and is he up to the task to de i want you to speak to what he just said about staff and specifically, you don't work for joe biden any war you are luckily for us, working for us as an analyst. but you worked with everybody in the white house for a long time. it really struck me and i was frankly a bit surprised the way that jim clyburn, who was very influential when after the staff basically it's a staph problem, not a hadn't problem. >> well, look, i think that is i think there is reason to look at the process that led up to the debate and say that wasn't the outcome that we wanted. >> and so let's look at whether that was the right process. i think that's a completely reasonable thing to say. i think look, my experience working for joe biden, he has people around him who are who care about this country, who loved this it's country who want to see the, he want to move the president's agenda forward and do so not by holding back from him or not telling him things he doesn't want to hear are having tough conversations. i got in many, many, many a meeting with joe biden where he went back and forth with us on whether we were right about this that or the other. there is no culture of we can't say anything difficult to him. we have to just we got to just move forward. that's just not that is not the white house i worked in ashley. i want to talk about part of the biden campaign memo that came out that talked about the structure and that's sort of logistics pushing back on the notion that you could even replace president biden and how or how hard it would be it said if he were to drop out, it would lead two weeks of chaos, internal food fighting, and a bunch of candidates who limp into a brutal floor fight at the convention. all while donald trump has time to speak to american voters uncontested did all of that would be in service of a nominee who would go into a general election in the weakest possible position with $0 in their bank account, you on a highway to losing its that i mean, it's not a bad argument at all with it i do think it will be very hard to put somebody else on the top of the ticket. now, i think that joe biden is our nominee. i think joe biden can still beat donald trump. i find i am not saying this as someone just because i worked for joe biden i'm saying this as someone after thursday night, i loved for every voter i could possibly talk to that we need to turn out some voters that were not even super excited about joe biden. and they're like, look, i'm still voting for joe so i think that and they aren't action saying replace him. but there is a part of the chattering class. it is saying that. and so i'm not focused on them. they are the same people that said the red wave was coming coming and it didn't come. i'm talking to real people in battleground states, part of the coalition, young people, black people, brown people who are saying, i know and remember what donald trump was four years ago. and i don't care what happened up there. i want to push you and you have made an interesting argument this morning, which is that the entire reason joe biden remained scenes viable is because all of your people hate donald trump. that's the core argument of the campaign. if that's true, why can't any person stand in there for that argument if all you're really arguing is how dangerous trump is why wouldn't you put someone in? who's got the mental acuity to do the job, who also isn't named donald, but i am said the whole time a year ago, two years ago. i have said, whoever wants to run for the democratic nomination should be able to run from that admin cognition. this is not a change point for me. it's that we need to beat donald trump. and right now, it's joe biden that will be done almost at a time, but i'm wondering i want to get crisper and then one more time because just as you you do really quickly, there's a new cbs poll with yougov this morning on the question of mental health and mental acuity joe biden, the question was, does he have it? 72% say he does not? >> that looks like the polling looked in january, which is why as unbelievable, it's thursday night was there is a chance that this race is so locked in because of the incredible partisanship we may have just seen, the equivalent of the donald trump can shoot someone on fifth avenue moment. >> but for the democrats i can turn in that kind of performance and hang on it. he very well-known say i'm so glad i got to come to my black job today okay. >> that's a different conversation. thanks all for joining me. we'll be right back sometimes it 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