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welcome to all. >> you want us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kimberly hoover. this is cnn newsroom, us president joe biden meets with donors insisting he can lead democrats to victory in november. but now another media outlet says it's time for him to step aside following thursday's presidential debate french voters head to the polls for the first round. the parliamentary elections, one that could see the far-right form the next government. boss, the season's first hurricane races sores the caribbean and it's only growing stronger loveliest on beryl and where it's expected to hit night from atlanta this is cnn the newsroom with kim brunhuber after spending time at camp david to prepare for the debates, joe biden is now at the presidential retreat to spend time with his family following his poor performance. >> but there's no getting away from the calls for him to end his campaign. and those calls just got louder. sources tell cnn that the family gathering isn't aimed at making a decision on that. still, we're told the topic of just how badly the debate went is expected to come up. and these are the people who more than anyone hold significant influence over such decisions. biden and vice president kamala harris spent part of saturday trying to reassure donors that he is still the best candidate for the democratic party at a fundraiser saturday, biden told those gathered so that he'll fight harder. no he'll need to the largest newspaper here in the battleground state of georgia is the latest to call for biden to drop out of the race. the atlanta journal constitution editorial board writing, if he displays the courage and dignity that have defined his political career, you might follow in the footsteps of the nation's first president and welcome his retirement secure in the knowledge that he again served his country with a honore hours later, former atlanta mayor and senior advisor with the biden campaign. kecia lands bottoms, slam the hvac in a tweet saying, please stick to covering the news instead of trying to make it and let the voters decide, while the hvac joins the new york times, the new yorker magazine, and the chicago tribune in calling for the present n, his campaign. cnn's arlette science has more on the presence, latest efforts to put the debate behind him president biden sought to reassure anxious donors after his debate performance, telling a group at a new jersey fundraiser, the he's ready to fight harder in this campaign, the president spent saturday with the first lady attending three fundraiser there isn't the hamptons in new jersey at each of those events. >> he acknowledged his poor debate performance, but try to assure donors that his candidacy remains on track. it comes as biden's advisers have fielded phone calls from anxious democrats and donors concerned about the state of the race and what it could mean to keep biden at the top of the democratic ticket? for that debate. performance sources tell cnn that democrats are conducting polling and research over the weekend and early next week to try to gauge the exact impact that debate will have on this reelection bid. they said they're not just looking at biden's reelection bid, but also how senate democrats who are in competitive races could be affected as well. now the biden campaign so far has doubled down on the fact that president biden is remaining in the 2024 race. they say that he intends to debate donald trump in september. and a memo from the biden campaign's chair, jen o'malley, dillon said that they believe but this will be a very close race, but do believe that their team will put in the work to help joe biden beat donald trump in november. now president biden is going to spend saturday at camp david with the first lady and other members of their family all at a time when many questions are swirling about what could come next for biden in this campaign are let sin ions, cnn traveling with the president in new york we're voters at a rally in washington, dc on saturday, said there are disappointed in the president biden's performance, but some of them say that's not their top concern in this year's election. they turned out for this event put together by the poor people's campaign there he looked fatigued and he looked as if he wasn't capable of the job in terms of the debate, debt night my hope is that he'll recover. >> it will have a very vigorous debating season and campaign seasons where, where he will be able to articulate more clearly with the level of vigor i think at this point, while have our canada's are of a similar age and i'm less worried about that and more worried about what they say they're going to do. >> you should not be saving, you're 8-years-old in office? no. you're out of touch things evolve, people evolve times change. you need to change too, but they don't want you because you're stuck in their old ways, the reason why it doesn't concern me is because of his integrity where his heart is and where his integrity lies is with the american people and it's not withdrawal trauma he's for himself he's forward the billionaire class all he wants is more wealth and joining us now from lancaster, england is richard johnson. he's a lecturer in u.s. politics at queen mary university of london. thanks so much for being here with us. so we just heard some measured views there, but it's impossible to ignore the growing sense of panic among i'm a crafts strategists are racing around conducting new polls. the presence, meeting with his family this weekend, dewey, do you expect them to make any big announcement that perhaps he will step aside? i mean, the timetable i've been hearing is he's got a week to prove himself and the important to keep in mind is the convention. beginning on the 19th of august. and you have at the moment you're biden is not the democratic nominee. that will be a choice made by the convention the convention consists of about 4,000 delegates. now, joe biden has 99% of those delegates are pledged to joe biden. the rules of the democratic party say that those delegates should vote in good conscience for the candidate that they have pledged to vote for. but they don't actually have to vote for biden. that was a rule that was changed in the 1980s after ted kennedy's challenge of jimmy carter. it's called the robot rural by critics, said you just have to robotically vote for who you are pledged to vote for. so there is some room for biden's own delegates to vote against him, but i think it's unlikely that they would vote against him and so the question really then is a much more closer question, much more proximate question, which is, would joe biden himself? pulled back and in effect open up the process for a replacement? exactly right and if he were to i mean looking at some of the editorials written one on one of the many blows was that new york times editorial. and in it they wrote, there are democratic leaders better equipped to present clear compelling, and energetic alternatives to a second trump presidency. but is that true? i mean, one of the problems is the lack of a clear successor normally it would be the vice president, but as has been pointed out many times, her numbers are actually worse than the precedence that i think is exactly the problem that has been the problem all along. i think joe by there was a chance that joe biden might have been voluntarily a one-term president. he ran for president 2020, saying that he'd be abridged the future when he selected kamala harris we years ago as his vice presidential nominee, many people thought that in effect he was going to prepare her to be his successor. but from the start of his presidency, doubts emerged about her ability to connect with the electorate perceptions of her competence and so on some fast, some not so fat and i think joe biden and effect decided at some point during his presidency that kamala harris would not be a strong candidate against donald trump. and that determination really, i think meant that he had to run for reelection because biden couldn't say i'm not going to run for reelection. but i also don't have confidence in my vice president to succeed me as the nominee and that is i think still his problem right now is i think probably the biggest barrier to him pulling back. this, his lack of confidence and kamala harris. but then if there's a groundswell for somebody else, let's say if they were to i guess leap frog her metaphorically, there would there be a danger of alienating certain groups of voters and the party essentially tearing itself apart exactly. so then, so then the problem becomes okay, well, in theory, biden could say actually i want us to have a fully open convention. i released my delegates. i want them to listen to the speeches. perhaps we'll have some cnn debates in the next few weeks between potential candidates. my delegates can listen to those debates. the problem with that is that kamala harris will have a strong following within the party, maybe not enough to win the nomination. and her supporters will fail, will feel to a certain extent, rightly aggrieved that the person who's selected her to be the next in line for the presidency right now, doesn't feel comfortable saying that i think she should be the next president in january of next year, and then the risk for the democrats becomes depressed. turnout in november. and this is a all hands on deck election. the democrats need everyone, all of their supporters to turn out they don't have the luxury of key constituencies staying home or having lethargic turnout in november. and that i think is the risk of a messy nomination contest. wasn't i? i listed all of the left-leaning media that are calling for president bind to stand down after that debate but we haven't seen the same mobilization by the right-wing basically calling for donald trump to stand down after, after he was convicted. i mean, the double standards, it seems particularly acute here the certainly is a double standard and you can look at, we can maybe go back to say 2016 actually, when the access hollywood tape came out and trump spoken appalling ways about treating women there were calls at that time for trump to stand down. i think if you look back at the media commentary around that time, people effectively thought trump would be, would be toast and the election. trump's inner circle told him to just plow on, to ignore it. the fundamentals of the election were what mattered more in that sense, they were vindicated. i think the republicans took a certain lesson from that. and i wonder if the biden in a circle, will take a similar lesson. obviously it's a very different set of circumstances but the biden campaign might, might basically say, look what really matters is the fundamentals of the election the economy the fact that you have been the president, people know you can be president because you are the prison at the moment and i think there is a chance that biden does pull through. i'm not saying it's the right decision for november, but i think that there will be strong voices who might even look at the trump example and say, you can weather this storm and still when healey, a fascinating a window of decision, as you spoke up there, as we see what happens, richard johnson. thank you so much for urinalysis. really appreciate it. >> thank you a french voters are going to the polls in the first round of high-stakes snap parliamentary elections, president emmanuel macron's party is facing challenges from both the country's far-right and left-wing coalition. >> my quantum called the vote after a centrist alliance was defeated by the far-right in european parliament fluxions earlier this month, a second round of votes will be held on july 7 cnn's saskia of run door and has been falling developments and has more from paris would lose schwa name for bold news. >> but nobody saw this bombshell coming. >> should diesel don't swa, lesson bulinus, you're not french president emmanuel macron cool surprise, cool for snap elections. after his party is defeated the hands of the french far-right in the eu elections. caught everyone off guard. even his prime minister if his bet pays off, he'll go down as a brilliant strategist strata decision who when everybody else thought that he was doing something ridiculous, he had really done something that was amazing for his party. >> if not, i think he will go down in history as somebody who essentially exploded the traditional party system in france so why did maximum do it with a centrist coalition lacking the majority and already struggling to get parliament. >> observers say a no confidence vote, voting happens over two rounds with the french electric heading to the ballot boxes to send 500 i didn't 77 mps to the national assembly macron's announcement sent parties and politicians scrambling to form coalitions. his biggest threat, france's far-right national rally, seen as russia friendly and skeptical of the eu. the party has led by marine le pen's acolyte, 28-year-old, jordan bardella he's a strong contender for france's next prime minister, a role that the president appoints from the party that wins a majority other challenges include the new popular front, a new coalition of socialists, communists, greens, and the far left. you want to officially recognize the state of palestine this man, don't need to do, all you cannot current prime minister gabriella tell who's only been in the job five months. now, back on the campaign trail from somrat peddling a message of economic stability she's all, for whoever francis new prime minister is. they will stand shoulder to shoulder with mecole on the world stage in less than a month's time as paris hosts the olympic games this political uncertainty, it has spilled onto the streets. a quarter of 1 million people, much throughout france in recent weeks to oppose the national rally my cuomo's political gamble in dissolving the parliament hurts his legacy in serious jeopardy. his last years in office could be plagued by political uncertainty or worse, he could be remembered as the french president who paved the way to the fall, right? saskia van don, cnn, paris several caribbean islands including barbados and granada, are bracing for impact as beryl, the first hurricane of this season's atlantic season is expected to turn across the windward islands later tonight or monday is now located north of french guyana army you're all just allison chinchar explains why the storm is so serious that's right. beryl is now the first tropical system to reach hurricane strength for the 2024 atlantic hurricane season. and it's actually expected to intensify even more of the major hurricane status over the next day or so. now, one of the things to note though, is the average first second name storm usually doesn't occur until july 17 than the average date of the first hurricane isn't usually until august 11. so beryl is really in very rare territory here. and one of the main reasons for that is how warm the sea surface temperatures are. on average, the location of beryl is running about three to five degrees above average, and that may not seem like that much, but it's just enough to really allow storms like this to flourish in these very warm conditions, also two to note, it's very aware of where it developed this far east of the windward islands early into the season's say, for example, june is not very common, so it's not just that it's strengthened very quickly, but also the location in which it formed make this a very uncommon storm. now, it's expected to make its way towards the windward islands over the next 12 to 24 hours. and by late sunday or even early monday they this storm is forecast to get two major hurricane strength as it makes its way into the caribbean seat. we already have watches and warnings in place for the windward islands, but several other locations may end up seeing some additional watches and warnings take place as the storm continues to track westward in the coming days u.s. strives to revive the ceasefire proposal for gaza. after i hit a stumbling block still ahead a new diplomatic moved by washington to try to get israel and hamas on the same page stay with us why choose asleep numbers smart bad? >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot. number. does that jackpot lowest price? he's and with no interest until 2027, fifa respondents 2989, learn more. it's the >> i'm richard car and i love my host, my hose is lightweight my host will not kink and my hose is anti leak it at those old hoses. this is my host. the new pocket cupp bullet, now infused with real copper. so your water is always clean and lead free. just turn on the water and watch your hose grow and grow to a full size three quarter inch hose. it stretches and expands like a rubber band. and when you turn off the water away, it 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senior us official says washington has proposed new language, tried to bridge the gaps between israel and hamas. >> according to the news website axios, the new wording focuses on the first phrase of the agreement where the two sides would negotiate further implementation down the line now that's happening is israel presses ahead with its offensive in gaza city neighborhood where a number of wounded are reportedly trapped by fighting and has rescued israeli hostage, addresses a rally in tel aviv talking about her ordeal publicly for the first time let's head over to london when we're joined by elliott gherkins. so elliot, any reason for optimism about this us effort to bring the two sides together? >> i'm not sure there is kim. i'm afraid. look almost a month to the day since president biden to great fanfare announced this ceasefire plan, which he said israel had signed off on and which israel subsequently confirmed that it had indeed signed off on. their response from hamas has been at best luke warm, in fact, on saturday, a spokesman for the militant group said that the proposals still fall short of its demands, which are for a complete cessation of hostilities and full withdrawal of israeli forces. israel for its part, even though it says it's fine with the wording of this proposal that president biden announced about a month ago says that the agreement doesn't prevent it from fulfilling its to two of its main war objectives, which are to destroy hamas has military and governance capabilities. and so when you do have the two sides effectively insisting on on things which are diametrically opposed to one another. israel wanting to effectively destroy hamas, hamas effectively wanting to ensure its survival, then it's very hard to see how and where a breakthrough is going to come from. and so we have this situation where almost nine months on these hundred and 20 hostages remain captive in gaza around a third of them believed to be dead. you've still got the war ongoing and the death toll rising in the gaza strip as well. and you also have these continued protests in tel aviv and across the country demanding that the israeli government do everything that possibly can to bring those hostages home. but unfortunately, there's no sign of any breakthrough, just yet, kim and elliott's there was a terror attack at an israeli embassy in serbia. what more we learned about that so yeah, this happened on saturday morning around 11:00 a.m. local time. >> now, according to n1, which has a cnn affiliate in the country 25-year-old man, a convert to islam, according to serbian authorities approached the israeli embassy in the serbian capital, belgrade, took out a crossbow and fired a bolt at the security officer, who was guarding the building the security officer, despite having this crossbow bolt in his neck, managed to get to his gun, fired several shots and killed the perpetrator. the serbian authorities say that a number of arrests of people in the vicinity were made as a precaution no employees are the israeli embassy well, were harmed. now, you can imagine that israeli embassies and jewish institutions at the best of times have got quite a lot of security around them. that's been ramped up since the hamas-led terrorist attacks of october the seventh. and clearly that security came into its own on saturday morning. israel's foreign minister posting on expressing his gratitude to the serbian government and the authorities for the swift action for protecting the israeli embassy and wishing the security officer who's being treated in hospital a speedy recovery. all right? appreciate those updates. all you got can thanks so much ukraine says a russian missile attack on a town near is up for region on saturday killed at least seven people, including three children, more than 30 other people were wounded. officials say the town was targeted in the middle of the day when people were out enjoying the weekend after the attack, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy repeated calls who allies for more weapons and air defenses he says any delayed means the loss of more human lives since russia's invasion began after 2 million landmines are believed to be scattered in ukraine and women are playing a big role in getting rid of them. official data shows that women now make up 30% of mine clearance teams in ukraine cnn's claire sebastian reports puppies tend to thrive on battle scarred fields. here they're, the battle isn't over. these women are on the front line against it, hidden enemy mines it was once an illegal job for women and ukraine, one of a number of professions considered too dangerous. but since 2018, women have been allowed to pursue jobs like de-mining and russia's full-scale invasion brought another surge in interest. a former math teacher and a former manoch purist and hairdresser or changing their lives to help their country there was a garden before the flood. we had to go in and cultivate the land and there were minds on all sides from the bank to the black strip. you see the plowed fields in the garden. everything was covered in minds. >> the halo trust works around the world, clearing mines making safer environments for people who live and work in the area that ukraine staff is made up of more than 1,200 members almost 30%, uh, women, the organization estimates that up to 2 million landmines may have been laid since russia's full-scale invasion according to the latest reports, the halo trust released more than 3 million square meters of land for safe use since 2022. this also opened key agricultural areas important for food security models zambia because we help, we did mine land. we have the mind enough land and mykolaiv that has been transferred to local use for farming it's not it's an easy task, when that calls for patients efficiency and the ability to work in harsh weather conditions. >> one team member says, being able to help makes her feel like a superhero. especially amid such devastation, they hope to set an example. some ukrainians go off to fight. they stay to clean up the dangerous left behind. glass vast in cnn americans are reacting to president joe biden's disappointing performance at the presidential debate. here from some voters in the swing state of pennsylvania. that's next here on cnn newsroom, please stay with us an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world our country is being destroyed. me are the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond, follows cnn their job hi and so mug god, they are the men and woman building daibes. >> next generation submarines they are giants and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beast we build giant because it takes a while to build one i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that you'll online 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know fraser, franck. franck, brad, how are you? fred, fuel up to seven ti donor. go to organ welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. >> i'm kim brynn, who bird this is cnn newsroom days after his disastrous debate, us president joe biden is now at camp david with family for a long-planned gathering of those family members could help the president decide his next steps, whether he stays in the 2024 race or drops out. biden is trying to put his debate performance behind him, having spent part of saturday telling donors he will fight hard parker amid new calls for him to exit the presidential race, the atlanta journal constitution is the latest editorial board urging biden to give up the democratic nomination meanwhile, voters in biden's hometown of scranton, pennsylvania are reacting to the president's debate night performance. cnn's denny freeman has more at zuma's cafe in scranton, pennsylvania. the coffee flowed friday morning and so did the post post-debate emotions. it was painful to watch. >> i feel like they candidates where two kids sticking it out in preschool. i feel disoriented. that's the word that i've been trying to come up with. >> robin burnt is the owner of the cafe just blocks away from where president biden grew up. >> we allow and biden were were screened one and we want him to be successful tall and we want to feel that connection like we have felt over the last four years. >> and independent, she voted for biden in 2020, but is now left hoping biden gets a second chance to prove he can do the job. they just don't think that was really well represented. so i'd like did him have an opportunity to give it another go well, he stumbled. >> i don't think it was his best night really. and you have to be truthful about that. >> lifelong democrat done a devito was disappointed by biden's performance, but still said she wouldn't vote for former president trump than debate did not spark any concerns in so biden and president biden and his ability to spend the next four years leading our country. but lexi to woolf disagrees. i don't know what four more years would look like for somebody who's already at that point, the wolf voted for biden in 2020, but now for years he doesn't have what it takes for the job. did you? who've concerns about biden's capacity in your words, before last night? yeah yeah. but i think last night was worse here in typically blue lack juan county, biden won by fewer than 10,000 votes in 2020. the margins here crucial as biden won pennsylvania by about 80,000 votes, i was thrilled. >> i couldn't have been happier republican activists and avid trump supporter robin madeira, loved the debate and thinks trump's performance will galvanize the former president's base. >> it certainly will help biden was in such deplorable condition that it certainly will help mike mann zeno turned off the debate early. >> i think president trump performed like a president trump there's a lot of, let's say in there let's seize on details. a lot of broad statement. >> but the registered democrat who voted third party in 2020 said biden did not win him over either. did the debate alleviate any concerns that you might have had about his age? >> no no, they'd be more confirmed my concerns. >> i believe you danny freeman, cnn, scranton, pennsylvania radians we'll, head to the polls again in the coming days after friday's presidential election failed to produce a winner. >> moderate lawmaker, masoud pezeshkian and ultraconservativ e former nuclear negotiator, saeed jelly leite will face each other in a run-off. fred pleitgen tells us what's next iran's presidential election is headed for a run-off after no candidate managed to get more than 50% of the vote. however, it was a pretty good showing by the moderate camp and there may intended at masoud pezeshkian before forehand the moderate can't had actually said that they believed they needed very high voter turnout in order for him to even have a chance to make it to the runoff stage while the voter turnout was actually very low, it was only about 40%. and yet pessach gan managed to get by far the most votes he got around 10.4 million votes, almost 1 million more than the second place candidate said, jelly li. now pessach, ghana's somewhat wants better relations. he says with countries here in the region, but also better relations with the west as well. the supreme leader of this country, ayatollah ali khamenei, he had warn voters not to trust candidates that want better relations with the u.s. too much, you never main pezeshkian, however, there were some who believed that he meant pessach qian with that said jalili for his part, came in second in the first round of voting. he someone who says that he wants policies in line with what hey, ebrahim raisi, the president who of course crashed a little over a month and ago and was killed, would have done that means tough line towards the united states and also a tough line towards israel as well. the next round of voting set to take place this coming friday for likened cnn tech wrong almost three years after the taliban regained power in afghanistan, career in education prospects for young women are dimmer than ever when we come back and look at the alarming trend of teenage girls trying to end their lives rather than live under the taliban the final episode of violent earth, they're deadly violence and unleash masters hurricane impacts are worsening, is it too late to undo decades of climate change? >> violin earth? with we have schreiber tonight did nine on cnn. >> when you're home needs work, where do you go? >> angie. angie? that's where angie gay man with angie find top rated certified pros and your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, he's resurface my fluorine. >> he's done plumbing work. i knew it's gonna be done right. >> i was able to sit back and let them do what they do with top 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to warn you this report concerning suicide, maybe upsetting to some viewers huddled on the floor over school books 16-year-old azo meticulously copies the english sentences her neat, cursive writing, a display of devotion to furthering her education. >> my had washing our qiat make it learning new words makes me happy. >> she explains. >> but colnames but this scene was unthinkable, just eight months ago when we first met azo in the same room on the outskirts of karachi in pakistan don't worry you'll be fine. >> says her brother kissing her hand. we are with you always aso was bedridden her skeletal frame, wasting away every breath she took and movement. she made causing unbearable pain azo is from neighboring afghanistan and it's there in her home in july of last year. she tried to kill herself can you talk to us about this is the first time the teenager whose identity is hidden due to security concerns is able to speak to us about what led her to that point. >> all i want my pick can make it on that day, i felt like everything was over. i glanced at pictures of my classmates and filled a deep sense of longing was overwhelmed by hopelessness. and that's why i drank battery acid, convinced it would end my life as those seen here in pink in happier times, is one of countless afghan girls who have attempted suicide an alarming trend spreading across the country since the taliban returned to power almost three years ago a ban on secondary education for girls, one of the most damaging dozens of adx enforced by the teller ban contributing to what human rights activists describe as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world. a call backed up by un officials, the taliban's institutionalized system of gender oppression established an enforced through its violations of women and girls fundamental rights is widespread and systematic amounting to crimes against humanity. >> but despite these powerful language, the un has appeased the taliban for the un conference on afghanistan in doha agreeing to its demands that women's rights are off the official agenda, guaranteeing it's attendance for the very first-time normal afghan women be represented in television meetings. >> there's a shocking and shameful behavior and this really represents a huge win for the taliban on its lay in terms of how much power there april to exercise, how much the, the international community is is allowing their conduct, their abuses to be normalized. >> and this is really devastating for afghan women, especially for girls like oslo after her suicide attempt, she was vomiting blood and couldn't swallow siblings smuggled her into pakistan for treatment at a local hospital. but are those condition only worsened the rising number of girls turning to suicide out of their despair when are storing aid in december, a highly respected institution in pakistan that wishes to remain anonymous, contacted cnn offering azo proper medical care that would ultimately save her life her weight was that ove probably a four-year old. >> she was 22, 22 kilograms at the time that we saw, are there is no doubt in my mind that she they had only a few months are left to live really by consuming battery acid as i suffered, what's called an esophageal stricture and narrowing of the esophagus, stopping food from parsing to her stomach over several procedures, doctors inflated a tiny balloon inside her esophagus to gradually widen the passage allowing her to eat. in january this year, she ate her first meal of rice and milk. oh bad. it was delicious. i felt strong at that moment and so happy. i told myself i could get through these hard days and since then, she has doubled her weight yet, are those battles are far from over she the area where she was pretty badly scarred, the doctor says you requires ongoing medical care and is now at risk of developing esophageal cancer but the immediate threat facing azo and her siblings is deportation as pakistan prepares to expel the next wave of undocumented afghan migrants approximately one fifth of the nearly 3 million afghans living in pakistan were deported by the end of last year homes in refugee camps have been marked by authorities for the next round. and azo is visibly upset at the prospect would you try to kill yourself again if you were forced to return to afghanistan? >> my thick could make rum. i got if i go back to afghanistan, i would end up doing the same thing again because i can't attend school or see my friends. >> i cannot live there for the pediatric surgeon who operated on azo, he says they were lucky to get to her in time. >> we don't want to be at the resuscitating end the goal is to be able to prevention part and to not allow it to happen but sadly, there is no way to stop what is happening in afghanistan under taliban rule. as an entire generation of girls, just like azo are unable to see any light on the horizon anna coren, cnn how does climate specter get among the most big verdicts and 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gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today do young pandas have just arrived in the u.s make their home at the san diego zoo. there the first new pandas loan to the united states and more than 20 years cnn's paula newton looks at what this means for china, us relations, and for the pandas themselves meet two of china's newest ambassadors to the u.s not official titles, of course, but that's not what it takes to impress these visitors at the san diego zoo here. >> i like their spots. >> there really cute and fluffy two giant pandas, 3-year-old female singh bow, and four-year-old male human chuan are settling in at the zoo after leaving their habitat and china last week it's the first time china has lone new pandas to the u.s. >> in more than two decades the zoo says the pandas are being closely monitored after their journey and won't be seen in public for several weeks pandas are reportedly already know a few commands and english and are being treated to some of their favorite snacks like fresh bamboo, fruit and a special cornbread and a new enclosure tailor-made to remind them of home are renovated giant panda habitat is inspired by the habitat of giant pandas this in their native range. so there's a lot of vertical structures and hillside and many, many things that harken back to the mountains of see schwann, china's giant panda partnership with the u.s. began in 1972. and it was a success. the animals became star attractions at zoos across the country and several cubs were born. but in recent years, most of the pandas and their cubs have returned to china under the terms of the loan agreements the last two pandas at the san diego zoo left in 20193 pandas at the national zoo in washington, dc returned to china last year, leaving atlanta. the only zoo at the time in the the u.s. to still have pandas. and those are scheduled to leave to the number of the furry envoys of friendship dwindled as relations between washington and beijing became less friendly. but last year, after a face-to-face meeting with us president joe biden, chinese president xi jinping suggested new pandas could be on their way there preservation, something both countries can agree on the cooperation has made positive contributions to improving giant panda conservation research. and enhancing people two people, friendship. >> the national zoo says, it too, will get a new pair of pandas from china later this year. that's good for the global panda population, which is classified as vulnerable according to the world wildlife fund. and good for a generation of children in the u.s. waiting for, you, chuan and sing bow to make their debut. the joy of seeing the beloved creatures up close and in person. the very best part of panda diplomacy. she's never seen pandas before, but how do you feel about pandas coming happy paula newton, cnn brining european champions, italy, or bitterly disappointed after to nil loss to switzerland, who knock them out of the euro 2024 championships. missed the first time in 20 years and italy's failed to get at least to the quarter final stage switzerland will now play your england or slovakia on july 6th. and tournament host germany progress. so the quarter final to the to nil win over denmark in dortmund after a delay for lightning and heavy rain denmark font hard, but i don't gold is allowed and conceded a penalty before jamal musiala scored germany's second goal to seal the when india survived a spirited fight by south africa to win the t20 cricket world cup. are patrick snell has all the actions while india is cricket is celebrating a famous and thrilling win at the men's t20 world cup final on saturday. >> and barbados breaking south african hearts in the process to the iconic kensington oval. they go where india had superstar mater, virat kohli to thank for really stepping up to the plate when his country needed at most up to this day, coli had struggled for runs, but this was coli back to his brilliant best and outstanding getting sore in pilot on the runs to help get his team to 176 or seven from their 20 overs. coal is contribution magnificent, 76 of just 59 bowls south africa's response fueled by heinrich class when you've clobbered it majestically to bring up his half century from 27 deliveries and the protease have to say, looked in really great shape. but when he fell from 50 to this match, beginning to change course south african needing 60, not elasto will, but then a moment of magic of its first ball. david miller is brilliantly cord by suitably or kumar yadav right out on the boundary. just look at this brilliant juggling. it catches the ball before it crosses 46 throws it back into play as he himself goes over the other side of the boundary and then somehow gets himself back onto the field of play to hold onto its south africa in their end and the end falling seven run short heartbreak for them as they were playing in their first ever world cup final. but they can be proud of their effort, india though, when a classic by seven runs as they clf first t20 triumph since 2007. then i also the first team in the history of this company petition to go through a tournament and been let's hear now from their star man, virat kohli it was now or never kind of a situation. >> i knew this is my last e 20 game playing for india. it's the last word that i was going to play so i wanted to make the most of it and this was on we wanted to given an icc tournament. we wanted to lift the cup and as i said, it was the occasion that helped me to put my head down and just respect the situation rather than trying to force things now that really play the game that my team wanted me to play on the skip as well. >> rohit sharma also announcing his retirement from t 20 international cricket historic win for india on with that, it's right back to you all right, that wraps this our of cnn newsroom. i'm kimberly, who rally back with more news in just a moment. please stay tonight on full 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Preschool , Kids , Owner , Biden Grew Up , Robin Burnt , Connection , Independent , Four , Opportunity , Go Well , Concerns , She Wouldn T , Devito , Wolf , Woolf , Lexi , County , Words , Capacity , Margins , 10000 , Robin Madeira , Activists , Avid Trump , Base , Republican , 80000 , Condition , Mike Mann Zeno , Statement , Details , No , Danny Freeman , Masoud Pezeshkian , Winner , Radians , Mother , Former , Run Off , Ultraconservativ E , What S Next , Nuclear Negotiator , Saeed Jelly Leite , Iran , Voter Turnout , Camp , Forehand , Moderate , Showing , Runoff Stage , Pessach Gan , 10 4 Million , 40 , Countries , Relations , Ali Khamenei , West , Now Pessach , Jelly Li , Ghana , Someone , Jalili , Pessach Qian , Ebrahim Raisi , Course , Policies , Little , Taliban , Neighboring Afghanistan , Power , Education Prospects , Voting Set , Cnn Tech Wrong , Girls , Trend , Violence , Episode , Masters Hurricane Impacts , Earth , Angie Gay Man , On Cnn , Climate Change , Worsening , Violin Earth , Angie Find , Pros , Top Rated , Certified , Gonna , Plumbing Work , Pricing , Quotes , Certified Pros , Fluorine , Categories , Right , Home Project , Black Stone , Anything , Bit Bucket , Font , Breakfast Lunch , Dinner , Adventures , Blackstone Doula , Blackstone , Mystery Novels , Writing , Anywhere , Lane , Black Blackstone High , Just Com , Vancouver , Mystery , Prev Jen , Wasn T Sharp , Prescription , Lactate , Friend , Melt , Provision , Brain , Privilege , Lactose , D Day , Game , Few Of Us Go Out , Coal , Luck , Greatness , Anna Hall , Gold , Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile , Millions , Speeds , Gig , Internet Customers , Powerful Mobile Wifi Network , Suicide , Women S Rights , Rate , Anna Coren , Control , Impacts , Misogyny , Eight , Despair , Girl , Report , Viewers , Update , Led One Young African , Education , Sentences , Display , Devotion , It Learning , Cursive Writing , English , Floor Over School Books , 16 , Azo , Pakistan , Scene , Colnames , Outskirts Of Karachi , Breath , Aso , Hand , Brother , Movement , Frame , Spain , Security Concerns , Teenager , Identity , Pick , Battery Acid , Hopelessness , Classmates , Pictures , Longing , Teller Ban , Human Rights Activists , Call , Adx , Dozens , Women S Rights Crisis , Fun , Rights , Violations , Gender , Oppression , Crimes Against Humanity , Attendance , Agenda , Un Conference On Afghanistan In Doha , Win , Television Meetings , Lay , Shocking , Exercise , Behavior , Community , Conduct , Suicide Attempt , Abuses , Oslo , Blood , Siblings , Couldn T Swallow , Weight , Institution , Medical Care , Aid , Cnn Offering Azo , Anonymous , No Doubt , 22 , Esophagus , Doctors , Balloon , Procedures , Food , Passage , Stomach , Narrowing , Parsing , Esophageal Stricture , Milk , Meal , Oh Bad , Battles , Care , Deportation , Wave , Esophageal Cancer , Migrants , Refugee Camps , Afghans , Homes , Prospect , The End , Fifth , School , Friends , Thick , Rum , Surgeon , Goal , Resuscitating , Flight , Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule , Law Firm , Settlements , Verdicts , Climate Spectrum , Most , Firm , Doctor Lawyer , Motor Vehicle Accident , Malpractice , Klein Inspector Up Powerhouse , Call Klein , Fragrance , Injury , Essential Oils , 120 , Energy , Hope , Toss , Pack , Air Wick , Epr , Digit , Zone , John A , Poll , Glass Making , On Ancestry , Quote , Generations , Shoulders , Passion , Save , Glass Blowing , Family Tree , Dna , Parts , Deodorant , Shot , Body Odor , Body , Body Deodorant , Gynecologist , Armpits , Odor , Pits , Reassurance , Everywhere , Privates , Soap , Lumi , 72 , Second , Single , Lumi Do Com One Second , Dream Come True One Second , Pipe Dream , Contract , Todd , Marcus Rogers , Let S Go , Freedom Calls , Badge , Plan , Iphone Plan , Designers , Prices , Heart Racing , Brands , Answer , Guilt , Captioning , Gilt Com , It House , 70 , Pandas , Flash Designer Sales , San Diego Zoo , China S , Loan , Ambassadors , Paula Newton , Visitors , Spots , Titles , Singh Bow , 3 , Zoo , Giant Panda Habitat , Male Human Chuan , Won T , Commands , Bamboo , Fruit , Cornbread , Journey , Snacks , Orange , Enclosure , Structures , Hillside , Partnership , Many , Giant Panda , Success , Mountains , Animals , Star Attractions , Zoos , See Schwann , 1972 , Cubs , Loan Agreements , National Zoo In Washington Dc , 20193 , Friendship , Envoys , Preservation , Cooperation , Beijing , Xi Jinping , Contributions , Pair , Giant Panda Conservation Research , Good , Joy , World Wildlife Fund , Debut , Panda Population , Waiting For , Creatures , Panda Diplomacy , The Very Best , Cnn Brining European , Champions , Championships , Switzerland , Italy , Tournament , Lightning , Final , Progress , Delay , Germany , Heavy Rain Denmark Font Hard , Dortmund , On July 6th , July 6th , India , Snell , Actions , Fight , South Africa , Penalty , T20 Cricket World Cup , Jamal Musiala , Cricket , Men S T20 World Cup , Virat Kohli , Kensington Oval , Superstar Mater , Coli , Runs , Best , Overs , Sore , Plate , Pilot , 176 , Heinrich Class , Protease , Shape , Bowls , 59 , 76 , 27 , Ball , Magic , Match , Cord , David Miller , Kumar Yadav , 60 , Play , Boundary , Side , Field , Juggling , 46 , Heartbreak , World Cup Final , First T20 Triumph , 2007 , E 20 Game Playing For India , Company Petition , Star Man , Occasion , Cup , Icc , Rohit Sharma , Skip , T 20 International Cricket , Kimberly , Conservations , Borders , Short Gun , Fisher , Discovery Sharpening Starting Sunday , Gutters , Anderson Cooper , Cupp , Connector Protector , Grip Fittings , Spray Nozzle , Police , 1803 ,

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