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the oval office. but history may not be our best guy. i'd here of course, the politics now are far more vitriolic and rough and tumble, but president biden has been practicing at camp david, the presidential retreat outside washington engine for this very reason, there's no american politician alive who is debated as often he knows well that first term presidential curse. that's why even tonight, he's still practicing with his aides jeff zeleny. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn and outfront next to a special edition lie from cnn's debate headquarters in atlanta, breaking news tonight on biden strategy, a technique that insider for say a said biden's favorability, quote, off the charts. >> this as questions swirl over whether trump will announce his bp as early as tomorrow. has a real-time demonstrate patient of what will happen when one candidate tries to interrupt the other. the question everyone has that and everything else you need to know about the debate rules. and an outfront exclusive tonight, former president trump and never before heard audio gushing over taylor swift you'll hear the word he uses to describe her five times. let's go out front and welcome to a special edition of upfront. good evening from atlanta. i'm erin burnett and i am live from the cnn debate headquarters. here we begin with a breaking news off the charts, new reporting tonight, just about 24 hours before tomorrow's presidential debate on biden strategy. the president looking for more opportunities to look directly into the camera during the 90 minute face off, the president leaning on a tried and true techniques before him, one that advisors for him say, it sent dial testing quote, off the charts. and right now i can tell you that the stage is set inside the podiums are in place for the current president and the former president. the two men will be standing just eight feet apart, much closer than any other time. they've debated this is the first time that cnn is revealing the spin rooms to take a look at that top allies at both campaigns will be tomorrow night in that room trying to say that their candidate won the debate be up to 700, 800 people in that room. because make no mistake. this is the most important event in the 2024 election so far. biden spending now he's sixth the day at camp david in preparation for the debate, trump this afternoon meantime, called into a conservative online channel discussing some of his tried and true favorite topics we have tremendous grads, but did people understand it were leading in every paul had will leading every swing? >> let's say the mug shot is the best set. it just be elvis presley and frank sinatra by a lot, by the way, theta by a lot. but that's the number one bug john or bolt. that it's really an amazing thing. it's going to be big and they say maybe the biggest somebody said, this will be the highest rated show time. i said, don't tell me that. i don't want the poles, of course, is show it a dead heat tonight. we are also learning the former president could be on the verge of announcing his vice presidential pick, even as early as this week, at but debate or even the day after the debate at a rally that he will be hosting in the state of virginia i want to start with kayla tausche. she is out front here in atlanta and kayla, i know you are just learning some major details about how biden plans to do tomorrow night what he's going to say, what are you hearing erin the biden campaign has long argued that the electorate has been largely disengaged this cycle and to a certain extent, disillusioned. >> and there's one method in particular, the president biden is expected to employ tomorrow to attempt to change that. and that is speaking directly to the voters. now up to the moderators, not to donald trump, but looking through breaking through the so-called fourth wall of the camera through the lens and into americans living room. there are two reasons why he's doing it. first the president believes that all politics are personal, but second, it's also been wildly effective for him in the past in 2020, when he did this several times and debates then adviser this is familiar with the data's say that real-time focus groups said that his favorite bility improved dramatically when he did that, and that those so-called dial tests showed his favorability hello, the off the charts, one person familiar with the data saying that during those moments, people didn't view them as a lifelong politician. they viewed him as human, and there was one moment in particular that stood out to voters then aaron, and that is when donald trump went after president biden's son, hunter 4, his various troubles and president biden looked into the camera and said that many american families were sadly familiar with addiction. and he said he loves and is proud of and supports his son. that was the moment that people familiar with the campaign then and that data, say stood out most to voters, expect president biden to do this quite often tomorrow for one reason, in particular, filler as well, and that is because the campaign is distilling the message to that donald trump is for himself, joe biden is for you, they say, and that's why president biden is going to speak directly to them. amazing those just at that level of strategy of straight to the camera, that level of detail that they are at. alright, kayla, thank you very much. and everyone is with me here in atlanta. i want to start with the republican congressman adam kinzinger if seen you in many roles over the years and here you are in a new role. you're taking a stand at it a significant way today. you have just endorsing job i hadn't for president you know, just just for a moment when you you hear kayla is reporting on him, looking straight to the camera, him connecting with people. when you think about where you were superstar republican congressmen. and now you're here. yeah, endorsing joe biden. >> look, that's what's amazing is so what, eight years ago, i was called like a rising star in the republican party and i didn't change what i believed. i mean, you grow up you a few views change, moderate a little bit, but i'm the same person. the party has absolutely you left me because it's not swearing allegiance to any kind of principles or policy anymore. it's all about swearing allegiance to one man who did his best to overthrow a legitimate election, convinced a third of the american people that the election was stolen. and my two-and-a-half year old son deserves to be raised in a country with a strong a democracy is, i've been raised and so it was a no-brainer for me and i just want to emphasize what you just said. you said you haven't changed, right? so in other words, the rising star, adam kinzinger, seen as future republican presidential candidate, is the same guy. yeah. seen joe biden? yeah, because the party no longer knows what it believes anymore. it's all based on what is somebody say at one moment? what does, what does donald trump say? i've refused to swear allegiance to a man, meiosis to the constitution. and again, to preserve this country in this democracy for my kid to honor my grandfather who fought in world war ii. i believe the right thing thing to do is to say, we may disagree on some policy issues with joe biden, but the most important thing is defense of this democracy. and as a conservative i'm, i'm, i'm committed to preserving this democracy know, brad todd, obviously you're republican strategist and we hear about trump maybe announcing is v pick tomorrow or the day after this is a guy who was seen as presidential candidate for the gop could be one day, not this gop but and many who are in his position, a few of them are now possible vp candidates. they went a very different way than adam kinzinger has gone. so do you think that that's we're going to hear who that person is here in these next hours day. i do. i think that donald trump loves a big moment and he loves a big stage. and i think this is the biggest stage, perhaps in this campaign, this first debate is really important. i would be really surprised if we don't wake up friday morning and know and we might know during the debate tomorrow night that would that surprise you because you're giving your giving a little bit of the quizzical bucaram, a look. >> i don't know if it surprises me a little bit. i think that the camp, first of all, donald trump's campaign staff or team deserves a lot of credit because they've actually kept the train on the tracks as well as it possibly could be susie and jason have done their best to try to contain donald trump. you hear that they're trying to contain him tomorrow. if he is losing the debate, then yes. yeah. we'll know who his vice presidential pick is. if he thinks he's owning the bait and you're able to see the structure of the debate benefit him. and when i say structure i mean the mics cutting off, no crowd, et cetera, then there's no way that they're not going to write that cycle out. and so it's going to be he has something in his back pocket in case things go off the rails, blame the moderators, blame the media, and then, oh hell, let's take back the cycle. >> it's, you know, the real struggle for both these candidates is to try to focus the race forward. it's always hard or canada who's this old to focus the race forward and the very number one thing trump could do to focus the race forward is to talk about who might be next unless each unless he chooses another 70-year-old white man. well, i can first i want to say thank you for your leadership because i wish there were more people who picked country over party and you're former party, republican party. >> but i think that donald trump will to because his point, he'll pick if things are going off the rails, if he feels like joe biden is given it to him, really leaning and talking to the american people, which i think joe biden will do so n is really good at that, if ever, interacted with him one-on-one, which most americans don't get the chance to interact with the president. but if you do one-on-one, that is when joe biden thrive. so if he can make the people who are watching that debate. so like he is in a conversation with them, sitting at their kitchen table saying, i understand you're struggles that could really work in his favor. and then donald trump will say, oh, a, b, or c is my, my vice presidential candidate. and joe biden to say, great thanks for the news back to what i was saying because regardless of who it is, he should use that same person to draw the contrast that they're not going to do what somebody sitting to my left would do and that is stand up to donald trump. and say the election was not stolen. and i believe i will go out on a limb and say he may be sitting to your left eye, doubt he actually is, although maybe maybe on your evolution. but let me ask you, congress, wall street journal backing burgum yeah. doug burgum for vice president. jd vance said earlier today that he'd be disappointed not human if you didn't admitted be disappointed if he weren't selected which which way are you hearing? this could go and these are an obviously you could have marco rubio could have someone else, but you've got a young future as you're talking about options. yeah. and then you have doug burgum, who is very different sort of choice for trump. >> doug burgum is trump's safe choice. he says, choice if he doesn't want to be overshadowed. and the thing that donald trump fears more than he fears nuclear war or anything, is being overshadowed about you're going to say black women, go ahead so i think doug burgum, is that safe choice, but i can tell you, no matter what app vincent the debate tomorrow, donald trump is going to be blaming somebody. he'll blame the moderator are still blame. i don't know the air conditioning, whatever it is because everything he does, he's a victim of yeah. and he's the recipient of aaron. can i say one thing though, about the vp? the thing that makes jd vance of questionable candidate is that that's still a sentence. and where the senate is really in the balance. and yes, people say that ohio as a red state, solid, red, solid red, but as an ohio in i'm telling you there's still ways for a share at brown and for democrats to win in that state when you just look at some of the issues ohio wins support. so that's like a role to take that seat open. i wanted to comment. that's a good point. i wanted to comment just briefly on the vice presidential pick. i think doug burnham is a lot. it's very i like them personally, but it's a very stale pick. i think that donald trump chooses a wildcard that we're not talking about. i think he chooses sarah huckabee sanders or even if he really a serious about winning the white house chooses a nikki haley. i think we're going to see something that is going to shock the conscience i would also say this as a democrat, they're only vice presidential candidate that gives me pause is marco rubio. that is the marco rubio not jd vance or jd vance is a lightweight jd vance contorno, some self in the pretzels. he's adi africa. he fit sits, he doesn't stand for anything. kamala harris would literally shred him tread burgum. marco rubio's formidable because he's been in the stove before. he has. if if marco rubio is able to talk to hispanic voters throughout the country, not just in florida, but arizona, nevada it it becomes a problem. and marco rubio looks like the future of the country. the problem is marco rubio's ambition is probably not sexy to donald trump. >> i think he thinks jd vance, if he's worried about shaping the republican party after he leaves, he picks doug burgum. he's worried about running the government if he wins and he thinks marco rubio, if he's worried about winning the election those three personality wise, i think we can all pick option c, but everybody from psychologically, but everybody would have read it that if he chooses nikki haley, that this is a completely different race, right? >> yeah. i don't know if she take it, but i'll tell you one thing we can actually maybe one thing i can guarantee is donald trump will not make the pick. that's the best for the party after he leaves because the party to him is not something that he believes and it's not policies that i believe it is a tool for him to gain power and drop these convictions again, i want to ask you about something you are endorsing. joe biden over donald trump. you're calling yourself a proud conservative, like i said, you're not saying you've changed your party. that's changed president biden responded to your endorsement. he said this is what putting your country before your party looks like. i'm grateful for your endorsement atom. now, there are major republicans have said they won't support biden or trump, right and they're not they're just not going where you're going. why did you feel it was so important to take that extra step? >> because i think when you say i'm not going to vote for trump, but i can't support biden it's honestly cowardice because what you don't want it, you're like, oh, i still want to be viable in the gop. look i'm sorry. there are third-party candidates in america. it's your right to vote form and a right somebody in, but it has really between donald trump and joe biden. and if you think donald trump is as dangerous as i do as people like mike pence has said he is, then the difference is a policy difference with joe biden and policy we're going to debate these same things in 100 years. a threat on democracy is something that can really damage us now, to a point where we won't even have the luxury of debating policy differences or an ending that none of us, none of us at this table, right? who all live loving moments like this because of the debate and the conversation. thank you all very much. and as we are alive and that they headquarters in atlanta, we're going to take you inside the debate hall and on the stage for the first time. so we're going to show you exactly what happens when one of the candidates tries to interrupt the other. everybody wants to know about this mic cutting off demonstrated. plus breaking news, a dangerous attempted coup, soldiers storming a presidential palace, armed vehicles taking up position in the streets. we have a live report on the ground ahead and and out front exclusive and never before heard audio. trump talking about taylor swift i think she's beautiful very beautiful. >> i find you're very beautiful and there was a lot more beautiful where that came from. >> and we've got more from cnn's debate headquarters right here. in atlanta why choose asleep numbers, smart bad? >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold lake know i'm always hot number. >> does that our lowest price of the season with no interest until 2027 is equal respondents 2989, learn more. >> it's the to astronaut's of apollo 11. 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something that everybody's basking how it's going to work. so we're going to answer that for you. feel mattingly, it's going to walk you through that and more from start to finish president biden will enter from the right side of your screen. >> president trump will enter from the left side of your screen. the podiums are eight feet apart, directly across from them. the moderators, cnn's jake tapper and dana bash. now a reminder, this is a television studio. there's no audience candidates will have two minutes to answer questions and one minute for responses and rebuttals at the moderators discretion, there may be an additional minute for follow-ups clarifications, or responses. so how does it kinda know how much time is left to speak attached to the cameras in the studio and in the candidates field of view of the timing lights when the light show yellow, there 15 seconds left and a candidates answer or response when the lights flash red, there are five seconds left, and when the display is solid red, the time is up at that point, the candidates microphone will be turned off and the other candidate will have their microphone turned on. my colleague victor blackwell has more on that. >> thank you, phil. if we go behind the podiums, you can see two green lights. when they're on, they signal to the candidate his microphone is on. when the green lights are off, they signal to the candidate. his microphone is off. now i want to give you a sense of what it will look like for viewers at home. if a candidate whose microphone phone is off, interrupted candidate whose microphone is on. so i'm standing, get one podium and i'll ask filth to come in and take the other podium and so let's say i'm answering a question. my light is green and i'm speaking feels microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated he's going to interrupt me as i'm speaking. and this is what it will sound like. my volume remains constant while fills interruption can be difficult to understand let's try the opposite. >> my microphone is now on victors microphone is off and he's going to interrupt me my volume remains constant while victors interruption can be difficult to understand. a senior production team has shared this demonstration with the campaign's earlier today, and we're sharing it with you, our viewers, so everyone fully understands how tomorrow night will work. now, we should know by agreeing to participate in this debate, both campaigns and candidates have also agreed to buy by these rules. the cnn presidential debate airs live tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern all right. >> so now you've got the lowdown from viktor and fill. let's bring in tim pawlenty now the former republican governor of minnesota, and a presidential candidate in 2012, and andrew yang the former democratic presidential candidate in 2020 all right, thanks so much to both of you. i see you're inside, you're not hot like me so i'm glad i'm glad for that. so andrew, you've actually squared off against biden and seven debates during the 2020 primary seven times. and you know, his strengths and weaknesses because of that. so what do you think he needs to focus on in these final hours as he's about to go up against trump with no audience joe is. i think a much better debater than people give them credit for erin because he's totally comfortable in his own skin. he knows what message he wants to deliver. he seems very hey authentic and personable while he is doing it for a lot of americans, it's going to be whether these candidates can maintain a sense of robustness and vitality and energy throughout the 90 minute and i think that the spotlight is actually going to be on donald trump because most americans have not seen donald trump continuously for that long. they've just seen snippets here and there. sometimes social media clips. but i genuinely think it's going to be more about the energy they project rather than any specific phrase or message. >> and of course that right? i mean, people are looking for physical stamina and performance, and that's the reality now govern gutter plenty. obviously, you did many debates as governor, three presidential debates as well. and you know that biden has now done, i believe if i i have it right. i said at the top of the show six straight days at camp david doing mock debates from its podium to try to replicate the experience of what he's going to feel like on that stage, trump has not, according to his team, done a single bit of that saying that debating is more of an attitude, more than anything else. governor, is that true well, i think the approach to preparation in this debate reflects the style and the personality and the outlook of these candidates. >> joe biden has spent a lifetime in public service, steeped in issues he's been in the senate basically since his 20s and vice president and trump is intuitive. he is spontaneous and he's not really going to prepare. so you can have more than one style that could work. but i do think what you just described fits each of these two individuals and how they think, how they present and how they prepare andrew i remember at the, at the debate that i did out in ohio, you made some sort of i forgot exactly what the comment was, some now, maybe going against sorry about to say, but the point is you made one very memorable comment and i know that in so many of these debates that's what it comes down to write a comma layers is that little girl was me you get that moment and i want to just play a few of yours from those different debates in 2020 here they are we need to do the opposite of much of what we're doing right now. and the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math if you in the 2020 election, what would you say in your first call with russian president vladimir putin well, first i'd say, i'm sorry, i beat your gun i all right. now, andrew, here's the thing. those leinz, whether you had prepared them in advance and some of those obviously you couldn't have right there was a live audience and you could feed off of that. you could hear their reaction. you can know that they thought it landed well how much of a difference does it make when there is no one in the room, it's dead air, it's just two candidates and two moderators. >> it makes a big difference aaron, i do think that typically trump feeds on an audience more than president biden. and so i think it's smart and 4 the president not to have an audience. i heard that in an earlier segment that joe may be addressing the country directly. one of the things that it does raise is that it's a challenge to have prepared message for. let's call it 60 seconds. that can go straight to camera in this context but i think that is a very worthy swing on the part of the president. i mean, the fact is we're having this debate in part because there needs to be some kind of dynamic shift or change its earlier than any debate we've ever had. and the reason for that, in my view is that the democrats want there to be some kind of catalyst and that is, i think what we're going to see from the president tomorrow night interesting, i've also thought with all the early increase in early voting to it's better to have it earlier as you want, you want it before people start voting. >> governor pawlenty, i don't know if you heard the former republican congressman adam kinzinger. he's endorsing joe biden he says the party change that his he's still a conservative and that but he believes that it is wrong to say as a republican, i can't vote for trump and i can't vote for biden and i just am wondering, i don't know where you are in terms of your preparation to talk about how you feel. but how do you respond to that? as it republican governor who ran for president? who's been through these debates, who deeply believes in the system and the institutions of this country, do you agree with them well, i certainly respect to adam kinzinger as a person, as leader and his service to our nation. >> but as two endorsing biden, i'm not going to vote for biden. i might vote for trump. i voted for him in the past. i worry about trump. i have a lot of concerns about him and so i'm going to wait and see how this goes, but i am not going to vote, but yeah, open-minded. so you're watching tomorrow is an undecided voter well, i'm partially decided in the fact that i'm not going to support biden. >> i can tell you that, but i might support trump and i want to see what how he handled this in as we've talked before, i think a test for trump tomorrow is for persuadable voters can can he demonstrate that he's not gonna be a total maniac? in other words, can you be somewhat measured ten or 20% better than he was last time? and i think having those mics cut off and the format you described might actually help him andrew, how do you respond to that? >> because i know there's some people watching who may agree with governor pawlenty that they are open to vote putting for trump. maybe they're open to voting for biden or not. i'm putting that that part of it out for a second. governor. but andrew, there are others who will say, how can you be a sane, thoughtful, moderate person and say what governor pawlenty is just saying. do you understand where he's coming from again, i think that the spotlight really will be on donald trump tomorrow. >> and i think americans are gonna be reminded as to some of the things they did not like about trump. unfortunately, americans have short memories and so they don't remember. i'm just suggest though tim trump and gotten to ten to 20% more reasonable. he's just gotten ten to 20% older and looser and more maniacal adult. so i think that's what americans see to tomorrow than a lot of folks are going to be coming off the fence it's not in his direction. >> well, i'm very curious to see what happens. thank you both very much for your thoughtfulness. governor pawlenty, i appreciate your honesty in this, and i look forward to speaking with you afterwards and seeing what you think okay thank you. all right. thanks to both of you. and for the next time, you for the first time, i'm sorry. you are looking at cnn's spin room and just hours, you're going to see all the people, the allies of trump and biden. they work room, they try to spend the debate and there are 700, 800 journalists who are going to be in that room will show you that next and it out front exclusive tonight. never before heard audio tapes of donald trump going after kim kardashian after all, was a lover. >> she and asieh that she's not supporting me issue, sir. and she only did that to be cool in hollywood and we'll be back from cnn's debate headquarters here in atlanta lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now than like and join the call one while watching the game who's winning no idea real milk reel, delicious and don't forget to try some delicious creamy lactate ice cream. what's 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ancestry at that or family business w 805 1880 to three the lead with jake tapper weekdays it for on cnn closed captioning is. brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years, you cora, we make uti relief products hopefully make proactive urinary tract health products. you cora is a life's they tried today at your welcome back to a special edition of outfront live from cnn debate headquarters in atlanta. and with just hours to go until the debate, former president donald trump in a surprise call to the black american business leaders roundtable in georgia, saying he's conviction and this mug shot are helping his appeal to black voters. here's what he said. >> the mug shot is the best since it happened the support among the black community and the hispanic community has skyrocketed it's been amazing and joining me right now from georgia, the atlanta mayor, andre dickens, and it's nice to see you in person and to be here and you're ball me city right? i mean, everywhere i guess it's been we got accustomed to it new york in recent days. okay. what truck just said right there about the mug shot is the best thing since it happened, the support among the black and hispanic community has skyrocketed. how do you even respond to that? talk about his mug shot. >> it's disrespectful. i mean, it's disrespectful there. he even you pretty much only sees black folks and hispanic folk as people with mug shots. he's trying to make a relationship between being a criminal are being convicted of he's got 34 counts that he was convicted he's a convicted felon and he's saying that that appeals to black folks are hispanic folks. that's disrespectful, intolerable, and that's the way he is us and that's why people don't like them like that. >> so let me ask you then about what you think is happening when we look at in georgia, black voters help biden got biden over the top, right? and we all know 10,700, but we know the present margin georgia. okay. but in the latest polling, last time in georgia, biden had 88% of black voters here. and your date. now he is 66% i mean, do you think the polls are just not right or what do you think is driving that? >> yeah, i don't think the polls right now really indicate that true sense of what people are going to do on election day. i think that folks are distracted right now. we have a lot going on as we get closer to this election, people will be making a stark contrast between two individual that couldn't be more different as black people going to show up for joe biden just like they did in 2020. and we're going to have that more than 11,000 votes being his favor. >> so i want to ask you about something else. trump said. he said he was tortured at the fulton county jail. that's the word he used. and he sent a fundraising email out this week which criticize how he was treated there. it said, mayor, i want you to remember what they did to me. they tortured me and the fulton county jail and all caps took my mug shot what's your response to that? i mean again, this fulton county yeah. this is just as your system. and this is what he's saying yeah. >> i mean, trump went to jail because he was arrested for a crime that he did. and then eventually he's been convicted in new york and he will face sentencing he will face judgment in the state of georgia. but when he came into the jail, my understanding he was only there for a little while. he could've been tortured. this is another sense of them being exaggerated exaggerating what has happened to him. and i mean, this is the type of thing that we get with him more allies, exaggeration, and he thinks he's appealing to people with that, but true yeah, it's been revealed that he's a liar. >> so i was looking up here because i wanted to get the number. so larry sabato long time respected political analysts out there. so it looks at the trends he has just switched your state from toss up to lean republican. and right now, latest polling. trump leads biden by five points in georgia. that's obviously huge. that's a huge margin enjoy concern do you think that that polling is wrong? do you think larry sabato is wrong or or do you think it's just there's still enough time for biden to turn that around yeah, i respect the work of posters. >> no doubt. but i also respect that the people of georgia are going to make a clear choice and what happened last time when we went blue, we continue that blue streak from biden to warnock and ossoff. and then again to war or not? we are solid. leah swing-state. and in my opinion, we will elect and reelect joe biden, the president. >> so what do you need biden to do though yeah, so turn this around because obviously not going the direction you would want it to go. >> yeah, i think tomorrow night here in atlanta on this stage, you're going to see that joe biden is going to tell the american people what he's doing but what he plans to do going forward. and you're going to see the stark contrast between him and former president trump, who is a convicted felon, can run for president again, that's going to be all about revenge and supporting the ultra-rich instead of looking out for the little guy and the rest of american life, joe biden, his door. >> murder gets, i'm glad to see you in person and thank you so much. good to be here at your city. all right. and tonight for the very first time here on outfront, we are going to bring you inside that debate spin room. it's worth hundreds of journalists from around the world will gather for tomorrow's debate. and it's where biden and trump allies will work the room and claim their candidate one. mark preston, is there in that very roman mark, of course, i'll be there tomorrow watching the debate along with nearly 1,000 other journalists. so what are we actually going to see there? who's gonna be in the room well, first of all, erin, i'm sitting here at the center court, mccamish pavilion. >> talk about unbelievable for someone my age who loves georgia tech basketball, but i got to tell you what this place tomorrow. as you said close to 1,000 journalists are going to be here from over 173 different countries are in there gonna be here on this floor. they're going to be up here broadcasting live from all these different booths now, 30 countries represented that are interested in the presidential debate we talked about how much interest there here is in the united states. but we're also seen it all across the country, erin, i'll tell you what. let me show you your home for tomorrow. this is where we're going to see all the spinning happen certainly on our ir, erin all right. >> and we're going to i mean, it is amazing. you see it now and you know what it's going to feel like. it's gonna be sitting room only on a source. there's so many people. all right. >> it's going to hog and crowded no great. >> great. just like out here, although is not correct but out here in he put the hot. alright. thank you. next and outfront exclusive here with trump pass to say about taylor swift in newly released audio tonight about her looks enter politics plus breaking news, a dangerous coup attempts, soldier storming of presidential palace, armored vehicles descending on the capitol will show you the coo smile. you found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis can filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding your so ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin. just your background. once daily. so tiktok was proven better, getting more people clear skin than leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb, serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle 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live from cnn debate headquarters tonight, donald trump and his obsession with taylor swift. >> so in never before released audio that you're about to hear, trump reportedly praised repeatedly now reportedly because you'll hear it for yourself, praises the pop star's looks and talks about our politics with variety editor-in-chief, ram institute what do you think about taylor swift she missed one of the most famous people right now. yeah, i think she's beautiful very beautiful. i find are very beautiful i think she's liberal she probably doesn't like trump but i hear she's very talented. but i think she's very i think she's a very beautiful actual unusually beautiful five times beautiful. >> and just those few seconds remains to today is interviewed trump, and he's out front and i know that you spent more than four hours over the course of six different interviews talking with the dam, you have the tapes all for your new book apprentice in wonderland. so taylor swift, obviously he railed against her for endorsing biden at a meeting with republicans on capitol hill he he seems to have a real focus on her and obsession with her. tell me more about it. >> it's interesting. thank you for having me on it's interesting because in this audio clip, we have an intersection of two of the things that matter most to donald trump fame, which taylor swift is one of the most famous people on the planet. and his perception of beauty. and i think even donald trump knows that taylor swift is so famous that he can't go up against her even though she didn't endorse him. in 2020. and so you hear him kind of trying to negotiate what to say about her. and later on in the clip, i've been asked if he's familiar with taylor's music and he says no, but this is his way of trying to say that he likes taylor swift in the hopes that somehow taylor swift will like them back. >> it's interesting because he was so angry. remember all that conspiracy theory about the super bowl, all of those things. and now he has come around to it. so fascinating. and then an interview, you could just going back to the word beautiful, because that's the one word that he knows he could use and and he was able to say about her different story though with kim kardashian, he had invited her to the white house in 2020. and you also spoke about her with him. here's part of what he told you. i mean i was disappointed in kim with kim i did a lot of prison reform that she couldn't get done with anybody else let people out of prison that i thought would deserve to be let out. and then after it was all over, she announced that she's not supporting me. she said and she only did that to be cool in hollywood swimming in that conversation how do you think he really felt? >> i mean, he could have been much nastier about her, obviously. but he took he took a hit there. do you think he genuinely feels she betrayed him absolutely. >> i think he feels wounded that he invited kim kardashian to the white house and then she went on social media after joe biden was declared the winner in 2020, and posted three heart emojis on her social media to support the biden harris administration. he was fixated on that early days after he left the white house. >> so how do you think he's obsession with ratings is gonna play into his debate performance tomorrow night. i know you've been busy day. i don't know if you heard he gave an interview with a conservative online outlet and the bottom line of it was, it's could be the highest rate of thing ever, but don't tell me that. you know, i guess making some sort of a joke, but that might give him nerves, but he's obsessed that's what the ratings here. >> i saw that i think one of the conclusions of my book after interviewing donald trump six times after he left the white house, is that donald trump is a performance artist and he takes all the things he learned as a reality star on the apprentice and he's filtering that through his viewpoints as a politician. and so he is obsessed with ratings and always was. and for him, ratings translates to pull numbers, which translates the popularity, which translates to him getting people's attention. so i think tomorrow night donald trump is going to want to put on a show to entertain people. and he's not actually interested in policy or governing or legislation. he just interested in making good tv how did you get a feel from him about how concerned de is about his celebrity or his frankly, even is mortality at this point in the election the thing that matters to him first and foremost are celebrities. >> he's completely fixated on them. a lot of our conversations focused on celebrities. he talked about all the different people that were one at one i'm quite nice to him and then not even mentioned you, aaron l1 at one point, given that you were on the apprentice and as a journalist as cnn, he felt that your coverage wasn't that favorable all right. >> well, thank you very much. i appreciate it. remain i hope everyone will take a look at your book apprentice in wonderland. thank you. thank you, aaron next, breaking news, a major cu attempted soldiers trying to seize control from a democratically elected president. >> we are live with the details next it's special report on the debate moments that upended presidential campaigns let's see i can the third one i can, sorry the cockroach, resilient creatures, true miracles of evolution there is one others aren't far behind, always scavenging for food. >> the cockroach will. >> now that's horrifying your favorite ortho home defense, max, enduring sec barrier one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days at my house, you down majors wild your home doesn't have to be while i'm a paid actor. and this isn't a real company. there's no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork has half the cost some are old recruiter and they have topped your talent and everything from pr to project management, because this is how we 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headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor if you're a pharmacist about shingo ics today all right. >> we have breaking news and attempted coup attempt, just the word in bolivia just moments ago, i want to show you some of these incredible images. these are armed soldiers storming the presidential palace facing down the democratically elected president lopez are armored vehicles also taking up positions in the square of the capital. a pause, which is where many key government buildings are located on that square. i want to go straight to patrick oppmann and patrick all of this unfolding in just a few hours, what more you able to tell us about the coup? >> well, just on a roller coaster, several hours today, as the former head of the bolivian military his frustration with the democratically elected president of bolivia boiling over, spilling over after he lost his job. and he loved lead this group of soldiers with the obrador armored personnel carriers trying to ram open the door of the presidential palace with one of those armored cars, soldiers with their faces covered heavily armed, surrounding the presidential palace. but, but here's the thing. erin, the president of bolivia, not backing the ongoing face-to-face arguing with this alleged coup leader. and that's led to the moment where the new head of the military called on these soldiers to go back to their barracks. they followed through on that order, finally eventually leaving this square where a standoff where the future of this country seemed to be at stake? and then in the last several minutes, we have learned that the alleged coup leader, jose, a one jose zuniga, has now been arrested. so piece has been restored. for the moment, but still very, very tense situation. there yeah. and just to show you the fragility, the fertility of government. thank you very much, patrick oppmann next, a special report on the debate moments that help define presidential campaigns three. >> body serie a 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have downplayed this? do you think he's guilty? the lead with jake tapper weekdays at four and cnn manu raju on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn tonight, make or break? that is how pivotal tomorrow night's debate could be for president biden and donald trump. will they have a line that propels them to victory or gaff that could bring their campaign down. silence are 40 is outfront we're gonna call your donald duck. >> it is a make or break moment, but you can't name the third one. >> the third agency of government. i would i would do away with education the comma, the commerce, and let's see i can't. the third one i can all right oops. the debate stage producing some of the most memorable insignificant turns of the campaign's senator, i served with jack kennedy. i knew jack kennedy jack kennedy was a friend of mine senator, you're no, jack kennedy. >> breakout moments that upended the race. >> i am not going to exploit for political purposes. my opponent's youth and inexperience given a boost of attention to lesser known candidates, i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said how can you define them? and their campaign? they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull lipstick referral, the highlights, it is the lost opportunities and blunders that often are the most enduring if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor and irrevocable death penalty for the killer no, i don't. bernard and i think you know that i've opposed the death penalty during all of my life. >> the bits that are later played and replayed as very like vole i agree with that. i don't think i'm that bad dear life enough. >> thank you. back taking to the candidate. well, after the debate is over, i went to a number of women's groups and said, can you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women, the optics of the big stage has also tripped up many candidates with a casual glance at a watch, an audible sigh, man's practicing fuzzy man asked again. there's differences or even body language. >> but can you get things done and i believe i can attempting to distract voters from the message. some lins or funny cnn, washington thanks for joining us. >> our coverage continues now good evening. i'm feeling collins coming to you live tonight from where history will be you may tomorrow,

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Exaggeration , Analysts , Points , Toss , Concern , Posters , No Doubt , Swing State , Blue Streak , Blue , Opinion , Biden To Warnock , Ossoff , Leah , Reelect , Revenge , Debate Spin Room , Around The World , Rest , Murder , American Life , Door , Worth Hundreds Of Journalists , Journalists , Mark Preston , Mark , 1000 , Erin , Someone , Age , Center Court , Georgia Tech Basketball , Mccamish Pavilion , Floor , Booths , 173 , Spinning , Fir , Source , Outfront Exclusive Here With Trump Pass , Looks , Psoriasis , Feeling , Soldier , Capitol , Coup Attempts , Findings , Smile , Coo , Pill , Plaques , The One And Only , Infections , Reactions , Background , Ability , Vaccine , Doctor , Kidney Problems , Changes , Muscle Problems , Stick , Jackpot , Infection , Liver , Inhibitor , Lymphoma , Cancers , Labs , Triglycerides , Tiktok , Name , Plaque Psoriasis , Risks , Intuitive , Hiding , Aspirin , Jak Inhibitors , Trading App , Trading Opportunity , Futures Trading , Trader , Solution , Account , Clicks , Glimpse , Plus 500 , Businesses , Risk , Trading , Futures , Loss , Solar Flare , Start Trading Futures , Investor Plus , Book , Py Power , Bacon , Eggs , 257 , Overtime Approvals , Working , News Progress , Next , Sling , Designs , Havoc , Payroll Adp , Hr , 40 , 0 , Favorite , Advantage , Phishing , Password , Phone , Code , Text , Mfa , The World S News , Obsession , Pop Star , Talks , Ram Institute , Editor In Chief , Variety , Doesn T Like Trump , Front , Wonderland , Book Apprentice , Interviews , Tapes , Dam , Meeting , Capitol Hill , Intersection , Audio Clip , Focus , Fame , Beauty , Perception , Clip , Music , Interview , Wall , Beautiful , Super Bowl , Conspiracy Theory , Prison Reform , Cool In Hollywood Swimming , Prison , Anybody , There , Hit , Social Media , Administration , Winner , Heart Emojis , Ratings , Line , Rate , Tell Me , Outlet , Reality Star , Conclusions , Performance Artist , Joke , The Apprentice , Nerves , Attention , Viewpoints , Filtering , Popularity , Feel , Mortality , Celebrity , Dude , Legislation , Tv , Celebrities , Conversations , Apprentice , Journalist , Special Report , Control , Icu , Creatures , Cockroach , Miracles , Home Defense , Bugs , House , The Cockroach Will , Enduring Sec Barrier One Application Kills , Ortho , Max , 365 , Upwork , Cost , Recruiter , Jeep , Summer Event , Vacation , Wrangler , Pr , Project Management , Jeep Compass , Brand Dealer , Deals , Suv , Jeep Gladiator , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Sleep Number , Models , Jeep Wrangler , Cold Wait , 2000 , Sleep , Sleepers , Sleep Chapra , 94 , Mystery Novels , Writing , Vancouver , Washington , Eileen , Nine , 999 , Privilege , Mystery , Clear , Wasn T Sharp , Toothpaste , Prescription , Break Up Back , Provision , Swap , Stores , Brain , Dentists , Luminoso , Gutters , Filter , Gutter Solution , Toxins , Mouth , Porch , Deep , Body , Culture , It Pilates , Harlem , Lee Filter Com , Inke , Chase , Cash Heart , Singles , Sink , Home Business Essentials , Doesn T Care , 5 , Shingles , Beret Syndrome , Games , Ingredients , Dose , 19 , 50 , Side Effects , Headache , Coup Attempt , Fever , Swelling , Shivering , Injection Site , Stomach , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Bolivia , Pain Redness , Muscle Pain , Shingo Ics , Square , Pause , Positions , Capital , Buildings , Images , Lopez , Head , Coup , Patrick , Roller Coaster , Patrick Oppmann , Military , Group , Frustration , Armored Personnel Carriers , Bolivia Boiling Over , Obrador , Arguing , Faces , Cars , Coup Leader , Standoff , Led , Barracks , Stake , Piece , Situation , Jose Zuniga , Fertility , Patrick Oppmann Next , Fragility , Serie A , Client , Parents , Expertise , Love , Pet , Law , Growth , Supply Chain , Pets , Progress Oh , Gift , Birthday Gift , Preview , Zoe Don T Panic With Etsy , Relief , Thanks Guy , Don T Panic , Windshield , Etsy , Crack , Ship , Appointment , Safe Flight Com , Beach , Bike Repair Safely , Shiv , Health Care Provider , Big Tare , Battarbee , Bill , Treatment , Derby Fights , Bribe , Research , Hiv Treatment , 18 , Liver Problems , Kidney Failure , Medicines , Buildup , Sex , Transmitting , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Take Dofetilide , Victory , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Stuff , Diarrhea , Nausea , Life Dave S , Price Lock Guarantee , Yep , Gig Speed Internet , High Five , Security , Won T Change , Comcast , Yes , Night Sleep View , Savings , Possibilities , Aid Package , Branch , West Bank , Manu Raju On Capitol Hill , Make , Agency , Silence , Donald Duck , Debate Stage , Comma , I Can T , Commerce , Education , Senator , Jack Kennedy , Turns , Youth , Opponent , Purposes , Inexperience , Boost , Highlights , Mr , Pit Bull Lipstick Referral , Hockey Mom , Blunders , Death Penalty , Most , I Don T , Killer , Enduring , Kitty Dukakis , Bernard , Bits , Vole , Bad , Differences , Groups , Optics , Binders , Watch , Glance , Man S Practicing Fuzzy , Audible Sigh , Body Language , Lins , Coverage ,

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