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them as they recover from all of them the gravis and great to see you this morning. >> thank you very much. and new hours. cnn news central stars right now history will be made on several levels when president joe biden and former president donald trump take the stage for the cnn debate in atlanta with polls showing there in a dead heat, we have new details on the candidate strategies and the u.s. embassy in moscow fighting back as russia puts detained american journalist evan gershkovich on trial for what the state department says is a sham espionage charge and cities swamped by a deluge of flooding, roadways washed out and river gouges still at major flood stage across the upper midwest when will that water some side nine sarah side or john berman and kate bolduan, this is cnn news central the big day is here nearly here basically, here, joe biden, donald trump preparing to make history the first time a sitting president and debates a former president. >> in this first debate of the 2024 presidential general election all happening and atlanta, georgia all happening on cnn this morning. there's also new reporting on not just what the candidates hope, hope to do onstage, but also what they plan not to do onstage for biden sources say that means going on the attack against donald trump, but also not announcing any new policy for trump. that means perhaps not interrupting so much during the debate and instead, allies are pushing him to focus in on issues they believe he has the upper hand on like inflation and immigration cnn's arlette saenz, kristen holmes, they're speaking to the campaigns of joining us now, chris, let me start with you. talk about the approach and plan for donald trump. what are you learning today? >> donald trump's approach to this entire thing has been completely on traditional. he has not sat in for any kind of real mock debate sessions. no one has played joe biden, no one has played our moderators, jake tapper tapper and dana bash. it has been just a series of interviews and what they call quote, unquote policy sessions, discussions. that is how i will drop picks up information. now, he was interesting because he did a series of interviews of last several days in which he's been very candid about his debate prep up. one time, he actually said the debate, debate prep was hard. he did some reflections saying that in 2020, he thinks he was too aggressive with joe biden. he also talked about how he believes he's been preparing for this debate his whole life. take a listen i think i've been preparing for it for my whole life. >> if you want to know that cheers and i'm not sure you can lock yourself into a room for two weeks or one week or two days and really learn what you have to know. >> now, that's clearly a reference there to joe biden, who has been at camp david preparing for this debate. but we are told by advisers that there was some concern, particularly around the fact that biden was going to be really in this intensive prep. what did that mean for thursday's debate? and it led to a, lot of tempering of expectations from trump's senior advisers after months of saying that joe biden was in competent, that he couldn't stream together a sentence yesterday, we had a call with reporters and senior advisers who essentially said that they believed that joe biden was going to show up on thursday. so clearly they are trying to manage the expectations while still getting at least attempting to get donald trump to stay on message, particularly to talk about inflation, immigration, and crime are let talk now about the approach and plan for president biden in this debate, what are you learning will k president biden remains at camp david running through these mock debates practicing at a podium as he has tried time to prepare for every possible scenario in this matchup against donald trump. now, as you noted, sources have told cnn the president's not planning to unveil any new policy or personnel announcements. a strategy he did try to use back in 2020 during the democratic primary debates instead, biden's focus heading into tomorrow is trying to draw that stark contrast with donald trump, his campaign has said abortion rights, democracy in the economy are really key issues. they expect that biden could tie up in this debate, but they are also cognizant of the fact that foreign policy will loom large over this contest between the two men. advisers say that they expect foreign policy to come up in some sort of manner in this debate. and they really believe that that is one of the key contrast points that they have between biden and trump heading into this debate. now, a campaign official said that in the contrast that will be on display. he said, quote, president biden stands up to dictators and defends freedom. trump is a loser who is two who dangerous and reckless to ever be anywhere close to the oval office again, so the president is expected if things do veer towards foreign policy to try to warn of what trump's vision has been on the world stage of appointing to some of his comments when it comes to supporting are saying russia can do things like do whatever they held they want to dado countries, allied countries when they don't meet certain obligations, it all comes as biden course is facing his own foreign policy pressure as well as there is frustration within the democratic party progressive base of his party over the president's handling of the conflict between israel and hamas. but in addition to foreign policy, the president is also really expected to lean into making that democracy contrast with trump. it is one of the central reasons why he ran in 20202020 for this morning, the campaign is rolling out and endorsement from former republican congressman adam kinzinger, who has warned does that trump is a direct threat to democracy? and so these are all efforts the biden campaign is trying to highlight heading into tomorrow's debate against trump are let kristin, thank you so much for your important as always, in a reminder of this historic debate, all happens here on cnn live in atlanta, georgia. >> see it on cnn. and max tomorrow night, 9:00 p.m. eastern, john. >> so there's that tomorrow, but this morning we are standing by at the supreme court were huge decisions could come down within an hour or more than a dozen cases are still outstanding, including immunity surrounding donald trump and an important abortion case seen as job biskupic is outside? no, she's not. despite what i was told, she is not outside the court. and then she's outside the court insofar as you're bureau is technically set up somewhere outside the supreme court is not inside the supreme court building, but tell us what we expect to see our work. we don't know for sure, but the boxes are coming soon, right? >> they are. and i'm about to rush over their john. so that's why you thought i was probably already outside there, but i'll get they're in a few minutes to be in my place in the courtroom. for the 10:00 eastern time announcement of opinions and john, we're about to see how the supreme court robot regards its place in american life. we've got social policies are lemons over abortion, homelessness, but probably the weightiest case that we've got going is, you one over former president donald trump's immunity should he be shielded from criminal trial for trying to subvert an election back in 2020, we know that special counsel jack smith is trying to bring that prosecution on behalf of the u.s justice department essentially on behalf of the american people. and that trial has been delayed and we're expecting a decision on whether president former president trump has immunity starting today or possibly tomorrow. we know the justices will be in john and also on friday and there's a chance that they will boss deadlines here and not finish up until early next week. but we do not know yet what they're going to do just as we do not know how they are going to rule on these cases, as well as other important pending ones on federal regulation of social media. the end, the environment. john we do not know what they're going to do. so it's hard to know which way the decisions go, but you're getting to such weighty cases here. do you expect that there will be dissents read from the bench, which is relatively rare i do, john, this is the season for those kinds of oral statements from the bench. >> usually it's just the justice who wrote the majority opinion who reads extra but first of all, they have shown so many divisions already and the kinds of cases we have left total 14, probably 12 rulings as they combine various cases, i expect maybe as soon as today to hear another dissent from the bench so far, the only one we've had is when justice sonia sotomayor really protested how the justices overturned a federal prohibition on machine guns that would have included bump stocks, dangerous bumps, stacks. so i think we're going to hear some liberal descends coming soon maybe within the hour, john all right. >> you will be their job is keeping. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> all right. ahead this morning, a big loss for a key progressive democrat in tuesday's primary ways and today, american journalist evan gershkovich trial on espionage charges has begun. he's been in jail in russia for more than a year already the u.s. state department and his employer slamming the whole thing as a sham trial, the harsh reality he is it's spacing ahead and a trail of devastation in the upper midwest, catastrophic flooding swallowing communities as multiple rivers reach their highest levels in ten years the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, once dave moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live. i'd cnn and streaming on backs. >> this is the easiest nontoxic swapped. you'll ever made women to case with 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$25. >> come on. you got to be joking. season from a great food truck race sunday night on food network for the first time since sub progressive, so-called squad formed on capitol hill, a member has now lost at the ballot box. >> cnn projects, new york congressmen jamaal bowman will not be re-elected voters instead opted for democratic challenger george latimer, a big win for him and the pro-israel groups who backed him. bowman has been an out spoken opponent of israel during the war in gaza and has had to apologize for some of his statements, but he did not back down after his loss three three seen in senior national correspondent, miguel marquez has more and the story miguel, the campaign was expected to highlight party divisions on israel. >> what, what does bowen's defeat signal to the democratic party probably not a lot. >> this was a pretty moderate district. it became more moderate read district over the last two cycles. and look, it wasn't just that bowman was calling for free palestine. it's that he it was the way he went at it and his take on it. he was calling it a genocide, 75 years of occupation. he was denying that there was any of the violence or the really extreme violence that beheadings and the rape that took place on october 7, on hamas as part, he doubted all that it really just set a very, very bad tone with it's not a huge jewish population in westchester county, but it's a very moderate district. and george latimer been around for decades. he's the county executive, a very powerful position. they're very, very well-known here's how he put it to cnn last night when you lose touch with your district, when you're not on the ground enough. and when you are more concerned about your national profile that you're on the major media outlets what you're not in the neighborhoods that you need to be in all the neighborhood you need to be in, then you lose the focus and you lose support in your district. well, let's be clear. i'm a progressive. i have done a number of things in my home county. we passed a clinic access law. we've done a wide range of things to help the lgbtq community. we've had a black maternal health care initiative. we've lowered the cost of childcare for people. we've electrified a bunch. all those are progressing whereas the gold and look, the progressive left is enraged over how much money aipac and it's super pac put into this. it was a $25,000,000 raise. aipac put in more than $15 million just blanketing the airwaves in this district and the mailers just shoving them through the door but what was most interesting is that both these candidates, none of those ads, none of those mailers mentioned israel and gaza. they talked about biden and whether or not jamaal bowman we could work with biden latimer said he could work with them better. what came back to haunt him was his vote against the infrastructure bill that biden put forward because the squad wanted something bigger, if you remember. so they voted against it as a way of gaining in leverage in the house and that at the end of the day sunken back to you. >> i'm just curious because of that huge amount of money and because this is one of the most expensive races, congressional races that we have seen in recent times, does aipac had their sights set elsewhere? >> cori bush in st. louis, they will her rhetoric has also been very, very strident and very angry over the conduct of the war in israel. i think they'd like to see her. it's a much different district. i think progressives are now beginning to raise money for her and looking for that fight as the next one. bite at where they believe aipac will we'll we'll focus. its attention, sarah. >> miguel marquez. thank you so much for that this morning. okay. >> a warning from 16 nobel prize winning economist about donald trump and inflation and a race to evacuate people living in central oregon. now, wildfire, tripling in size overnight and still 0% contained the most anticipated moment of dyslexia and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one state to vary different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming and backs. >> so we decided to put in an in ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk to different contractors see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful well, we wanted something that our children would feel happy zooming in and we love it and still connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at customer and helps motivate our students custom here we love how customer takes care of everything we need so we can focus on the kids customer and has hundreds products to help you feel connected. 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in now and under 15 minutes, then our products there may think smoother skin, let's say ingrown hair, bless thminder tamari judge mom by morning. got it. got it. boss, daughter. you got this this election season. stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn a new warning from some of the nation's top economists who say a second, donald trump presidency would quote reignite inflation 16 nobel prize winning economist putting out this morning today, worried that what it will mean if donald trump's promised policies become reality. >> cnn spent egan has much more on this. he's joining us now, matt, who are these economists and what are they most concerned about? >> we'll get there most concerned about what trump's policies would do to inflation, which by the way is also the number one concern among voters with this economy. now, these 16 nobel prize winning economists they're warning that trump's policies wouldn't just fail to fix inflation. they would actually make matters burst. let me read you the the line from this letter which was put out just yesterday. they wrote, we believe that a second trump term would have a negative impact on the u.s. economic standing in the world and a d de-stabilizing effect on the us's domestic economy. the letter which was organized by famed economist joseph stiglitz argues that the trump policies would quote, reignite inflation. they point to what they described as quote fiscally irresponsible budgets and research that finds us some of these policies would lift prices. in particular, there's the trump tax plan. remember, trump wants to not just extend those 27 17 tax cuts. he recently told ceos and a closed-door meeting that he wants to lower the corporate tax rate down to 20%. he says that this would make american companies more competitive on the global stage and it would help workers. but the nonpartisan cbo says it would also cost almost 5 trillion dollars and the risk is that it would give the economy a sugar rush, that it doesn't really need. and then that would boost prices. there's also trump's trade plan. he's calling for across the board tariffs of 10% and all us imports plus a 60% tariff on chinese goods he's trying to address these bipartisan concerns over china's trade tactics. but a recent report found that these tariffs would actually increase the annual cost for the typical us family by $1,700 year at a minimum, there's also the immigration plan. remember, trump is calling for sweeping deportations and effectively and immigration crackdown. the problem there of course, is that businesses, they say they need more workers right now, not fewer. now the trump campaign responded by blasting economists saying that the american people don't need quote, worthless out of touch. nobel prize winners to tell them which president put more money in their pockets and you look at the polling. i mean, voters do trust trump more than president biden on some of these issues. trump is leading biden by 18 points and an average of polling on inflation, which is number one issue, 13 points on the economy. and cade, again, that is despite the fact that some of these leading economists are warning that the trump agenda could actually make inflation worse matt great to, see you. thank you so much for the reporting, john. thank you. but i love there is matt talking to k1 front of matt talking to kate in front of matt talking to cave here. it's just goes on forever exactly as it should be. all right it is an historic moment for our nation and for cnn, we have this debate tomorrow night right here on cnn, the earliest general i'll election debate in history 9 for the whole royal to see. >> and i'm joined now by cnn political commentators jamaal simmons and scott jennings. and the reason i say that i just spoke with the sometimes controversial vivek ramaswamy a few minutes ago, but he said something that rang true, whether you like them or not, which is it's a good thing that america can look at both these candidates right now on one stage with none of the bells and whistles going on outside and make their judgment. i totally agree and i also think especially it's happening early. we normally these things happen late. people have already made up their minds. i mean, the second debate baden 2020, came so late in october, millions of people had already voted. so right now you can clear the clutter listen to the two candidates. you can do it on cnn. we're going to have the best anchors. we're going to have the best analysis. we're gonna have the best questions. this is an amazing moment for american democracy. to presidents and the heads of their parties articulating a vision for both parties. it's perfect. >> no. first of all, resign this guy probable foot for this is going to be awesome. i think it's absolutely right. we want to have this candidates standing on stage doing what they do. it's awesome, very helpful for president biden because as we all been watching the news in the polls, you know, he's been kinda struggling to get ahead of donald trump and he's balls and one of the pieces of logic of the biden campaign is the sooner people focus on donald trump, the more often, the more they'll remember what they don't like about them. and maybe joe biden will have a stronger shock. it's good for whoever does well, right? it's good for whoever best articulate their vision, which is good for the american people, really, there is this historic, other historic aspect to it, other than being so early, which is this, the grover cleveland, benjamin harrison thing, which is the first time first time you have a former president against the current president. of course, they didn't debate on cnn these guys are but everyone knows both these candidates guts. so well. so what will it be watching for, for real, the definition of them. there's no to better define political figures probably in american history so what are you looking for plausibility, one of the problems with biden is that people don't think it's plausible that he could serve four more years. one of the problems with trump is the way he left office last time and thought, well, it's not plausible for him to ever come back. so when you put them both on a stage, and even though some people don't like the choice, you're going to have to make a judgment which of these two guys is a more plausible commander in chief for a four-year period. so if you're biden, you're trying to beat back concerns about your age and your mental acuity. and if you're trump, you've got to show up. and i think look under control measured and plausible to retake the office that when you left last time, it wasn't a good day? >> yeah. remember what's gonna be working here is the first 30 minutes of this debate, i think is going to be incredibly important because most people may not make it pass. and though cnn's a great place for people to watch, but they may not make it all the way through 90 minutes in this particular debate. and if we think about the first debate, last time, the one we're trump had covid and didn't tell people that he had covid. the first debate last time that was when joe biden said, shut up man, right? when we had that moment for him, that wasn't the first 20 minutes that debate in a second debate, joe biden made the point about covid, where he said donald trump tarred covid from a tragedy, from a crisis into a tragedy. and i think getting the contracts out in that first 20 or 30 minutes as probably with what both of those campaigns are gonna be me 4, so we are in this period now is greatest tomorrow night is we're in this sort of 48, 36 hour period here, which is a little silly. and when surrogates or the campaigns come out and say something to me, it's only for two possible reasons. one is to set expectations. the other is to send a message to the candidate whether you're not, you worked for the campaign or work tangential to the campaign? and so the neck ramaswamy, one of the things he said is he says, i think donald trump's going to come out as a unifier because that's the side of him that america doesn't see you. of course. i said they don't see it because he never does anything to indicate that as a unifier. if you read a social media account, but why would ramaswamy be saying? he wants american to see trump as a unifier. >> one thing i think they know is there's so many americans may not actually tune into this debate. so having these clips better out there, and influencing not just the refs, but china's influence the audience. and as you mentioned, influenced the canvas can be important. remember there are two big things here when you're in an there, the verbal things that president in the candidate zoo and their the non-verbal things that they do, right? i worked for al gore back in 2000 and that those sides, were killers right for him as a bush cheney 2000s, we appreciate a design. >> but then there's the george, george bush senior moment where he looked at his wat t debate that's when the nonverbal things, you know what to do. so you got to figure out what's going to work for air canada. i think the unifier message, i think they may be setting up a contrast with biden. >> he ran on this biden ran is i'm going to solo the nation unifier. manny ran on charlottesville. i mean, that was the state reason he got into the race. and i'm wondering if they're setting up a situation where trump and the rest of the surrogate team are gonna go out and say biden ran to unify. he ran on charlottesville and look at what's happening in la on college campuses. this is the opposite of what there's also, i think maybe an element of wish casting with what you've said before, you want to see him come out as measured. ramaswamy saying he wants to come out and see trump as unifying there that you do think is important for trump. he's gotta keep it real. there were two debates in 2021 was a disaster. and number two, which everyone is memory old, he was great. he and by the way, they had muted microphones people forgotten that. we have that on this debate thursday night, i think this sets up for trump to do what ramaswamy said, show up, look like he's he could be the commander in chief, somebody who could bring people together to solve problems, but he's got to do it around the issues though he really has to master the pivot back to inflation that do economy back to immigration. if we spent 90 minutes on things that aren't that, it's a loss for trump. so if trump's going to pivot, how does biden or deal with that? >> biden? i think it's gonna go hard on the contrast right and the contrast here for the biden team is look, maga is so much less popular now than it is today. in fact, some people will say mega is toxic and you look at these last elections, that's what's happened. the question for the biden team that i'm hearing is, are you going to do you want to release relinquish control of your life to donald trump and the maga forces that want to have power over your freedom and choices, or do you want to let somebody like joe biden, who you generally trust? kind of help you have the choices for your own life that contrast is going to be incredibly important. i want to ask one process he thing here before we go, which is the trump team works so hard to spin. he's not doing traditional debate prep, but trump goes on interviews and i'm not doing debate prep. he's got a clear and schedule of mar-a-lago for for two days. color me skeptical that he's not doing debate prep for these two days. got so why are they out there telling people this? i think they're maintaining the image of donald trump as not a traditional politician that's part of the appeal of him that he is not someone who's sitting in a conference room with 100 people showing him briefing memos. that's not the way he does it. my guess is too, he doesn't process information the same way that a 50 year politician like joe biden, what i'm not surprised at the prep for either. i think they're doing what's best for the style of the candidate they have. it's prep prep, agree, but it's not traditional prep. it's not here. read this one hundred page memo and then let's debate it. it's it's him riffing with people, thinking through, i mean, he's something of an entertainer and i don't think they write all the jokes. i think some of it's a little bit more organic than that. it's got an extra motion was great to see you here are the hardest work in men and news business here we'll see you here will see you in atlanta for you he we'll see you. everybody bring their whammy clock i'm going to meet it the most important debate makes me in history is tomorrow night right here on cnn. it is certainly historic. we've never seen anything like this moderated by jake tapper and dana bash 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn and max all right ahead. thank you, john. stunning new video out of minnesota house falling into the river, omits catastrophic flooding there there is an imminent risk of a dam flaps. we will bring you that story and the world's sees wrongfully tamed american journalist, evan gershkovich for the first time in months. russia's trial against him for alleged espionage now underway baked in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage unrivaled access, and exclusive pre and post to beat analysis follow cnn for every countless moment followed to beat night in america tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. you know what's brilliant think about it boring is the unsung catalyst what straps bold do a rocket hurdles and into space, or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smarter dependable in steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happily fulfill which is pretty i'm boring if you 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sleep where you go. >> i'm going to get inspired inspire, sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view important safety information at inspire so soon as host and shark week shortly, he's back. who is the alpha male again? >> asu about to get the chunk much shams. >> shark week hosted by me, john seila starts sunday july 7 on this governance stream on max this morning catastrophic flooding ravaging part of the midwest. >> and now incredible new video. take a look at this showing us the moment a home teetering there on the edge near a dam that is about to fail falls into the raging river below. an 11-year-old captured it all as the house that had been evacuated for a few days. luckily, began to crash down there. you see it going? almost the entire house with all the contents in it. now, more than 20 river gauges in that region have reached major flood stage. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar is monitoring all of this up that video devastating for those homeowners to see all of that going into that dam there, which i understand is very close to potentially failing completely right. >> you've got some of these areas here that are looking at levels. they haven't seen in 20 years. and you think of all of the areas that have built up in those last 20 years. look at this video here that you can see from south dakota again, just all of these areas underwater but didn't normally would not be and it's pretty widespread two, because it's it's not as one or two rivers, creeks and streams that are dealing with excessive amounts of rain. it's a lot of them. you have 21 river gauges at major flood stage 24 at moderate and over 60 at minor flood stage. now, most of them again, are focused around that minnesota, iowa, south dakota area sorry, that's why you still have some of these flood warnings in effect focused right around a lot of those rivers, creeks, and streams, but the water has to flow somewhere in the short-term. most of the concern is a little bit further north, but all of that water is eventually going to flow southward down towards the gulf of mexico, meaning that a lot of these other river gauges are going to start to see their levels beginning to increase this weekend and even into next week because many of these have not yet crested take for example, the mississippi river at st. paul, still on the rise and not really expected to crest until we get into this weekend. and if it does reach those levels, this is what we're talking about, could be the first time in 20 years, they've seen levels this hi, so again, you're talking about an excessive amount of water. now in the short-term, we are finally going to get some drier conditions that cold front is now starting to to slide farther south and east, taking with it the chance of severe thunderstorms. you've got some areas across the northeast and mid-atlantic back down into the south that are looking at potential for hail damaging winds and even tornadoes today that at strong line of thunderstorms right? they're sliding from missouri southward. but at least allowing areas farther north to get a little bit of a break all right. >> allison chinchar. thank you so much for taking a look at that for us. >> there was no evidence that is the message today from us officials in moscow as the sham trial against american journalist evan gershkovich gets underway. he was seen in court this morning, the first time that he has been seen publicly in months, you're seeing the video here he has been falsely accused and wrongfully detained in russia for more than a year now cnn's dots gold has much more on this and asked no reporters in the room, no us embassy officials allowed in. no transparency what are you hearing about what happened today and what's ahead for evan? >> yeah. kate, this this is going to be a secret trial. do it was the first time that we saw evan since march and he looks a little bit different. his hair has been shaved. that is typical of russian prisoners and his trial is finally going to be set to get underway after more than 15 months of pretrial detention. think about that. he has been imprisoned for more than a year before a trial has even begun. he was up he was arrested while on a reporting trip while doing his job as a reporter for the wall street journal and the russians are accusing him of espionage. this is the first time that american journalist has been put on trial for espionage in russia since the cold war that goes to show you how serious this is. now, no evidence has been unveiled a little. the russian let's claim that evan was working for the cia and was trying to collect information for the cia on a military factory. again, they have not shown any evidence. this trial will be held behind closed doors. none of evans family, or friends, or reporters, or even officials from the u.s embassy will be allowed into this trial. so we will have no idea what's going on? of course there will be no cameras in the trial as well. now, evan, of course, and his family, the wall street journal, the american government on vehemently deny these charges. they call them absurd. they say he was a journal's. he is a journalist, just doing his job the u.s. even accused moscow of holding him just for the purposes of what they call hostage diplomacy. essentially actually as a pawn for a future prisoner swap. but this trial is going to get underway. we do have new statements from the wall street journal who every day has been sending updates on the many, many days that he has been wrongfully imprisoned or reduce some of this statement from their ceo and their editor in chief saying it's jarring to see him a yet another courtroom for a sham trial, health and circuit. and based on fabricated accusations, while we are told he's doing well given the circumstances, evans wrongful detention continues to be a devastating assault on his freedom and his work and an unfathomable attack on the free press. of course, his family who has been enduring months of anguish while they see the member of their family in prison it's been russia also issued a statement saying these past 15 months have been extraordinarily painful for evan and for our family. we miss our son and we just want him home. this trial is expected to take several months and it will resume on august 13, okay all right. >> hadas. thank you. john. >> a dangerous wildfire tripling in size overnight this morning, thousands forced to evacuate their homes and businesses and the nba draft just hours away. this one is wide open, no idea who's gonna go first the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate tomorrow, net it nine live on cnn and streaming on max first-time. >> no biggie. >> we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in for relax, don't be nervous come for wax case before game smoother skin. 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mike shams, shark week hosted by me, john sina, start sunday, july 7, thymus governance stream on max today, president biden is pardoning almost 2000 veterans who were convicted of violating the military now repealed ban on consensual gay sex. that ban had been in effect since 1951 until it was rewritten in 2013. here's what the pardon is going to do. it's going to allow anyone convicted under that provision to apply for a certificate that will finally help them receive any benefits that had been withheld in central oregon of fast-growing wildfires. it's forced more than thousand homes and businesses to evacuate this morning. the pictures jaw-dropping, the darlene three fire about one 190 miles south of portland, tripled in size overnight fueled by gusty winds, they're 1,700 acres have burned so far in the fire. 0% contained. now to olympic swimming legend michael phelps. second, the olympics could be in jeopardy because the world anti-doping agency is failing to often to enforce its own rules and being inconsistent when it does. here's what he told lawmakers we need to help hold them responsible as athletes. our faith can no longer be blindly placed in the world. anti-doping agency, an organization that continues to prove that it is either incapable or unwilling to enforce its policies consistently around the world phelps testimony follows accusations that top chinese swimmers who won medals at the 2021 tokyo olympics had tested positive before those games for a banned performance enhancing drug and tesla issuing two new recalls for its cybertrucks. >> you got again, one is for a potential windshield wiper malfunction that may reduce visibility and affects nearly 12,000 of those wild looking trucks. the other recall is for a piece of plastic trim that can come off while driving federal highway safety regulator say both issues an increase the risk of a crash. there's plastic on that card live. okay wow, john, stuff falling off, stuff problematic. all right. we're just hours away from the nba draft in brooklyn, new york, the letter hawks get the top pick, but who will they choose or who should i say will be the premier? schwa, seen as andy scholes is with us now, come on of my friend andy. i think you're saying all that, john, because a guy from france is like the number one yeah. but this year, no clear cut. number one, pick like many years before and not like victor wembanyama, who's from france as well last year is in i am saying, but not knowing who's going number one, making this draft very intriguing for the first time since 1975, the atlanta hawks have the first overall pick. they're gonna be followed by the wizards. then you've got the rocket spurs and pistons. the hawks have given no indication who they will be taking. number one, zach rishi shea, a sharp shooting for it out of france is betting favorite to be that first pick super athletic defensive center alex sarr, also add a france. he could be the first or second pick, two frenchmen had never gone 12 in the nba draft. yukon center donovan cling and also expected to be a top pick and all eyes are also going to be on bronny james, will lebron's son go in the first surround. the lakers have these 17th pick tonight. the draft get started at 8:00 a.m. and birman, something happened in the nba for the first time in my lifetime last night, the knicks and nets made a trade according to espn's adrian wojnarowski, brooklyn is sending mikhail bridges to new york reuniting the villanova star with his former wildcat heads teammates jalen brunson, josh hart, and donte divincenzo. on the next paid a huge price to get this done. they sent four unprotected first round picks up protected first round or via the bucks and a pick swap in 2028. so new york going all in on the nova knicks and i mentioned this is the first trade between the knicks and nets since 1983. they don't ever want to help each other out, but i guess in this instance, the knicks kind of overwhelm them with that offered on the next never make bad management decisions. so i'm sure this will vary i'm going to back. that's just subjectively he shows sake you around andy, by the way, his email address for anyone who's plane. i'll give it to you in a minute. i just wanted to let you guys know. i may mess this up. so when you some tips from you, andy, you know what this game all too well women's congressional softball game started by or of co-founded by debbie wasserman schultz after cancer has invited me to throw out the first pitch i instead and bringing a battery, which so i thank you. hid from the battery is right at the bowl. i use because i feel like maybe throwing the bat would be a little bit more exciting. definitely more exciting just before the entanglement between donald trump and joe biden, i can start the rage, the crazy. what do you think? i think it's awesome that you're doing it and i can't think of a better person to do. and i think it's a huge honor. i wish i could be there to see if you've done it before. you i'm not trying bathroom balance often and it's such a great it's such a great game, such a great cause go bad news, babe and go sara sidner. thank you so much for joining us. this is seen a new central cnn newsroom, jim acosta is up next the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at live on cnn and streaming on max. >> this is my coffee shop. we just moved into a bigger space, brought on another employee, an order new branded gear for the team. it was so easy. i just chose my products, added our logo, and placed my order. bring your own team together with custom gear, get started today, and the furniture business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter and 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Region , Areas , Homeowners , Didn T Normally , Haven T , South Dakota , Creeks , Amounts , Minor Flood Stage , Rain , Iowa , 21 , 24 , Area , Streams , Flood Warnings , North , Many , Example , Mississippi River At St , Gulf Of Mexico , Paul , Rise , Hi , Crest , Conditions , Thunderstorms , Cold Front , Back , South , Least , Tornadoes , Mid Atlantic , Potential , Evidence , Bit , Break , Missouri Southward , Officials , American , Embassy , Transparency , Dots , Kate , Evan , Prisoners , Russian , Wall Street Journal , Detention , Reporter , Trip , Cold War , Russians , Little , Claim , Evans , Friends , Military Factory , U S Embassy , Behind Closed Doors , Charges , Government , Purposes , Journal , Hostage Diplomacy , Prisoner Swap , Pawn , Moscow , Statement , Updates , Editor , Ceo , Accusations , Free Press , Assault , Circuit , Circumstances , Son , Prison , Anguish , Draft , Homes , Thousands , Wildfire Tripling , Nba , Hadas , August 13 , Mistakes , Net It Nine Live On Cnn 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Anyone , Ban , Military , Gay Sex , 2013 , 1951 , Certificate , Wildfires , Provision , Portland , Jaw Dropping , Olympic Swimming Legend , 190 , World Anti Doping Agency , Lawmakers , Olympics , Jeopardy , Michael Phelps , Anti Doping Agency , Faith , Athletes , Around The World Phelps Testimony , Games , Swimmers , Drug , Performance , Medals , Tokyo Olympics , Tesla , Piece , Visibility , Recall , Trucks , Recalls , Cybertrucks , Malfunction , Trim , Windshield Wiper , 12000 , Plastic , Safety , Card , Increase , Crash , Driving Federal Highway , Stuff Falling Off , Regulator , Pick , Hawks , Premier , Andy Scholes , Brooklyn , Schwa , Number One , Victor Wembanyama , France , Friend , Cut , Pistons , Atlanta Hawks , Rocket Spurs , The Wizards , 1975 , Alex Sarr , Frenchmen , Indication , Shooting , Favorite , Nba Draft , Zach Rishi Shea , Yukon Center Donovan Cling , Birman , Top Pick , Eyes , Surround , 17th Pick , Son Go , Will Lebron , Bronny James , Lakers , 8 , Trade , Nova 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