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and who will govern the islamic republic in very challenging times >> and we'll, while this country will be getting a new president, one thing that's unlikely to change is iranian foreign policy. the country's leadership having made clear that they will continue their hard line towards the united states. and of course, towards israel as well. we'll fred pleitgen in tear ron, thank you very much. >> erin burnett, outfront starts right now outright next, the breaking news, not repeating the bleep show new reporting tonight about what trump is telling confidence he will not do it. cnn's debate two days from now, this is we learned about one of the comebacks. biden is gearing up to deliver. also breaking polls about to close boost in the most expensive democratic primary ever. the biggest progressive names out in full force aoc, sanders, warren is it enough to save jamaal bowman and barak obama is half-sister teargassed, live on cnn. what happened? >> brown there. let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett and outfront tonight. it's not going to be a bleep show while that is a close confidant of the former president, a direct quote, who tells the bowl works, marc caputova, that cnn's upcoming presidential debate will not be like get the 2020 fiasco caputova, who has new breaking details tonight, he'll be here in just a moment. says trump realizes the chaotic debate four years ago cost him valuable support of course, here is just some of what we saw play out just as rational left. >> would you base and who is on your list? you don't, you write, gentlemen, i think i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he's a liar, but i just want i want, to make sure that you wanted lasting it last. firstly i want to make sure. can you let him finish, sir? >> no, he didn't know how to do that 145 times. that is how many times trump interrupted biden or the moderator, 145 times. >> and computers reporting tonight, is it that maybe different this time tonight, trump telling the washington examiner, quote, i was very aggressive in the first one. the second one, i was different and i got great marks on the second one. and the final two days before thursday night's debate, the former president says he is not hunkering down is not spending hours upon hours preparing saying it's very hard to prepare. you've got to know this stuff from years of doing it. and i know all the leaders and i know what i know. it's largely based on common sense. i think debating is an attitude more than anything else. that attitude will be put to the test as we are now learning the two podiums will be eight feet apart. now, eight feet apart. think about that. that's not very far. it is much closer than the last trump biden debate during the covid pandemic when they, when more than 12 feet apart from each other could be the closest they've ever been, maybe at inauguration, it was closer, but it's really close. as for biden, he is leaving nothing to chance. he is ready to push back and he is engaged in formal, traditional debate prep are mj lee is reporting the biden's team believes if and when foreign policy comes up, there is no starker contrast. we even know what one of biden's comebacks might be when pressed and mj is out live is outfront live inside the white house tonight. and mj, you've got some breaking news on what biden is doing and thinking here on some of these debate moments. >> yeah, erin, even though domestic issues are really top of mind for the biden team, i am told by a source that the debate prep sessions at camp david have also focused on foreign policy with jake sullivan, the president's national security adviser, taking the lead on those discussions as the president is prepared for the possibility of foreign policy issues coming up on thursday night. one campaign officials said that when it comes to foreign policy really, the contrast of the president will try to draw against donald trump could not be more striking dark this is how they summed it up. they said president biden stands up to dictators and defend freedom. trump is a loser who is too dangerous and reckless to ever be anywhere close to the oval office. again one famous trump line, that one source had said is likely to come up on thursday night. it's just playing from donald trump recently that he would be a dictator on day one. but aaron, i think one thing that is important to note is that as you're talking about preparing to go up against donald trump on foreign policy matters. one challenge for the biden team is that his positions have actually been quite murky and ambiguous when it comes to gaza. for example, he hasn't actually said much when it comes to ukraine. he has said if he had been president putin wouldn't have invaded and he would have resolved the conflict in one day. but he's never elaborated. so all of that goes into the thinking and the preparations and of course, we've reported that mock debates have begun to camp david. the president is using a podium as a prop, and there are different a's that are playing the roles of donald trump are jake tapper and dana bash and all of that, of course, is meant to replicate the exact experience of the president could have on thursday. and that is really meant to test him on substance as well of stamp as well as stamina as well. >> all right. which obviously is going to be crucial here. >> mj. thank you. and more breaking news on the cnn presidential debate about donald trump's strategy. so let's go straight to the bulwark smart caputova, who broke this part of the story. so mark, you've got new reporting tonight that donald trump is that he gets it. it sounds like the confidence close to him are telling you that he is directly told them that he's going to he's not going to repeat that chaotic debate performance in 2020. what are you learning? >> quote, it's not going to be like last time he told one person who had spoken to me about it. it's not 2020. 'what donald trump is saying. >> his team is saying that he learned his lesson from the rather disastrous debate in 2020 but like in 2020, his debate preparation is not being called debate prep. >> don't call it debate prep. they're calling it policy refreshers he's having informal or better said, formal discussions with five top aides and some others who come in. but overall, it's not like what joe biden is doing not not at all. >> and you say, obviously they don't want to use the word debate prep so you also report to the extent that he doesn't have anyone playing biden in rehearsals, which is a crucial part of debate prep for moderators, as i can tell you, having done that or for anyone obviously preparing to debate. so what do you know about the preparations that are taking place and what are these policy refreshers entail? >> will, the policy refreshers and tail him just having about these hour-long meetings. there's been at least six, so far, there's probably gonna be at least one or two more before thursday where jason miller is could top communications adviser, stephen miller, no relation. it was top policy adviser. the campaign co-manager. >> susie wiles the two other top policy advisors are in these sessions every day and then other aids sort of cycle through. and then there are sort of special guests who come in and highlight various issues. and so we have a little sense of the things that he's interested in talking about, preparing to talk about one of them is abortion, foreign policy is another immigration, obviously another trade. >> so what he does and how we respond to some of these other questions, like it's going to be in georgia. >> so he's probably going to be asked about whether he won georgia or not. obviously, he didn't we don't know how he's going to respond, but i'm sure that they're expecting that question to be asked. >> right? right. and then perhaps even they will have no idea how he it wasn't responding until the moment that he does some argue recently, you and i were talking you had reporting about trump's vp shortlist that you had learned that it appeared to have been whittled down to three names. now, you have learned that when you talk about these, you just said hour-long sessions, at least six of them that trump has turned to two of those three to help him in these policy refreshers. tell me more right. >> jd vance, the ohio senator, is there to talk about sort of the what they called the america first movement and sort of heartland issues being from ohio, the midwest, the rust belt, being of great importance. he's sort of participated or he has participated at least one of these sessions and then florida center marco rubio has been there and discuss with him foreign policy and national defense a specialties of rubio. now i wouldn't read in to that too deeply as the fact that they might be favored or disfavored trump recently said that he knows who he is going to pick as his vp, that vp candidate will be at the debate. but everyone's probably gonna be out the debates. so we have no idea of who it is or when he's going to make the announcement. >> right. all right. mark. thank you very much with all those new details. and now to menu know all about preparing for a debate like this. david pollyanna, cki, former chief of staff or senator ted cruz. and for me to former deputy campaign manager for the ron desantis campaign, also the chief strategy officer of acts advocacy which is ironic because david axelrod is karen get a patent. maybe not, maybe there will be after tonight. we're senior adviser, president obama, and of course, senior political commentator. okay. so let's just go through some of this reporting here. actually, venn diagram overlap on foreign policy which may not be the first place you'd expect it, but obviously they're both cv preparing there what do you understand here when you look at biden's preparation, very traditional. it is prepared. >> his someone close to them using the word loser described trump, unclear whether biden would use that word, but as he ready to play phi returned fire with fire, he did four years ago. >> i mean, one of the things that i think really benefited him was that he was very much in the moment he pushed pushback. he had trump on his heels at times and he didn't let trump rattle him in those debates. and that's even more important this time that's the first test for him. so i'm sure that's part of what they're drilling. the other thing is former i mean, current president's incumbent presidents tend to stumble in that first debate because they, they want to defend the record. they know more and they want to share all these details and so on. i'm sure they're trying to rip all that wiring out and say, here's this is how we want to handle this issue. this question, these are the leinz we want to land and they're going over it again and again. >> so they were probably ascii when you have when you hear what we're learning marks reporting on trump hour long sessions. >> so that is prep. >> i mean, it may not be standard prep, but that is his memorizing things at some level, at least six of them you've got marco rubio and jd vance involved having done this with ron desantis and had crews who have been on stage well, one of them with with trump what do you make of this debate prep in debate prep, i think it's a great example. some candidates need to prep like there former litigators and supreme court clerks and some need to practice in different ways, maybe in a more entertaining style. and you have to read your candidate, know how to prep them and in this case, i don't think sitting down and mock debate sessions doesn't sound like the trump team feels that's the way to roll. i think they're trying to slip the pill and the apple sauce. they know he has to prepare, but he doesn't like to be prepared. he doesn't like to be handled, so they are calling them, you whatever they're calling them, but he calls it trump saying debating is an attitude on a certain level. >> is he right yes. >> i mean, i think people read how you handle yourself on the stage, whether you're in control of the stage and so on. but it does matter how you handle a specific questions. and i was interested. marc said, well, they're really eager to talk about abortion. i'm not sure they're eager to talk about abortion. it's got to be ready because that's going to be a major sure. issues. so in classic preparation the, the key is to anticipate as much as you can. and when you're preparing someone for debate, you're comfortable when you hear a question and you know how your candidate is going to handle that question. i think it must be anxiety producing for both these prep teams because they're not quite sure. >> so the distance i was just looking at you, i was wishing i had my tape measure, so i'd say what i mean from need any or say three, three-and-a-half feet. eight feet on some level is actually far. but for this for these two and in this setting it's very close what it was 12 feet last time, they may never have been this close together, maybe maybe inauguration and yet eight feet what does that do? i mean, when you think about when you're prepping before, are you does that distance matter and how do you play that? >> absolutely, it does, especially when you don't have an audience because it seems and feels even closer, you're in a studio. just the two you just the two of you. and clearly there's bad blood between them. we saw that in 2020, we've seen it escalate over the last few years. but i also wanted to touch on one thing i think he campaigns are about prep and being ready to go in, but they're also about confidence going in. and i think right now, the former president walks in with a pretty significant polling advantage. i mean, at this point of the race and 20 on this date and 20 joe biden was leading nationally by ten points. now, you know, donald trump's up by 1% and that holds true in a lot of the battleground states. >> i'm not sure confidence necessarily as his friend, that's when trump tends to get in trouble, is when he's over-confident, but on this thing about distance, one of the reasons that incumbent presidents, and frankly, we've never had this situation before. but trumped intubate in the primaries. neither of these guys are used to having someone this close in their grill, recreating them without deference and challenging them. and that's one of the, one of the things that makes it difficult for an incumbent to prepare now we have to open in common and a former incumbent, right. we'll see how that goes distance, i guess that is that kind of fixed physical proximity when you are a person who is so isolated, each in their own way. yes. age is going to matter. age is going to matter you that 90 minutes going to matter for both. >> we'll see we'll see, but certainly biden's age is at the front of us, right? >> everybody is watching to see how he is back in 2019. remember that debate? yes. we asked him about it. i just want to play how we answered the question at the time that was his pat answer here is vice president biden. if you're elected, you will turn at during your first term. >> last month, former president jimmy carter said he could not have undertaken the duties of the presidency. the years old why are you so sure that you can because i've watched it. >> i know what the job is. i've been engaged. look, one of the reasons i am running is because of my age and my experience with it comes wisdom we need someone to take office this time around who on day one can stand on the world stage so how does the answer that now he's not going to answer it that way now. >> but what he can say is look, this isn't about my future, his future. we're both at the ends of our of our careers here. this is about your future the question you have to ask is, is this person going to fight for mayors? this person had a fight for themselves, and that is very, very clear. >> all right. well, thank you both very much we will say i'm sure these questions all will be be gone. next trump-appointed judge aileen cannon, failing again to make any rulings in the mar-a-lago classified documents case why trump white house attorney ty cobb is next, plus breaking news holds about to close in the most expensive democratic primary ever, one that could be crucial for november. it poses a serious threat to a top aoc ally. a new and graphic video of one of the hostages abducted by hamas at the music is it festival, the first time his family has had any proof that he is alive. tonight. his brother is my guess thursday night my for midland, the most anticipated moment of this election. biden, dr. aren't running mate american, just the future. he gets that should we are a nation of possibility we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything, and now we get to do it all over again. we're going to do it even better two very 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instead of dismissing it out of hand, forcing both sides have spent a lot of time effort to prep and present their arguments. >> and even as she then when hearing happened, seemed to dismiss trump's arguments that the warrant was too broad. >> she said she had a quote, hard time seeing any problems with a warrant she still didn't actually rule on it. it comes on the third and final day of hearings that cannon scheduled on various issues related to the mar-a-lago classified documents case issues that most legal experts argue have no merit other than to delay the trial. a trial which by the way has no trial date, and cannon has delayed indefinitely at this point. i'd front now former trump white house attorney ty cobb. so tie when you look at this okay. so i mean, i don't know how do you see this. this is you give her credit for obviously seeming to not be a fan of this or she should have ruled or she's never should hiring in the first place she should never have had a hearing in the first place. it's hard to give her credit because we're now at the stage where trump's lawyers have thrown so much at the wall and see what would stick. their now throwing just water at the wall to see whether she's interested facts that in fact that even gave him a hearing on this highly irregular. she doesn't she didn't see any merit to two it in the argument. most judges didn't see any, wouldn't have seen any merit to it on the papers and they would have just ruled it's a silly it's a silly thing to have a hearing on. an essence. it boiled down to will you let them search in every room? well these are documents. they could be anywhere. >> right? right. and so in other words, hearing itself shouldn't have happened, but so she now, while she appeared dismiss about she did not actually even rule on it. and she's got more tomorrow. >> this is there's a lot on the table here, right? there's a special counsel's appointment is even constitutional. another hearing that experts station have happened, gag order on trump and whether to place one is it possible that she doesn't rule on any of these? >> it's very possible if she doesn't rule on these. i think she's had a hard place for herself. she either has to disappoint trump which obviously is difficult for her, or she has to make a decision that supports trump. >> but we'll get her removed from the case when it goes to the 11th circuit. >> so i think failing to rule following her name seems to be her new last name. aileen cannon failing rule. she will not rule and once she does, if you will, favorably for comp, she's going to get reversed and spawn, right? >> so it's inner interests, not too and i misspoke today was the final day of hearings. right. and get rulings on them. so i saw this the other day on twitter. i wanted to see what you thought about this was a professor at george washington law school. so he was saying that it floating the idea that if cannon rules that the special accountant accounts was appointment is unconstitutional i know you're saying she probably won't world, but if she were to rule that that the steps from there might be a bit counter-intuitive. he was suggesting the doj should not appeal but should have the us attorney in florida refile the same charges and a new case hope that it gets assigned to a different judge, not cannon, who judge. and then the special counsel prosecutors, who have already been designated as special assistant us attorneys in florida for this case they stay on the new case and continue their prosecution because they're up to speed. >> is that a path that would work? >> so i think that is a path that would work. i don't think it's likely path i guess because you don't even have a ruling at the first. >> even if for two reasons even say she didn't make the ruling and they associate rule the special counsel appointment unlawful and the justice sperm i wanted to try to expedite things. >> could take that course, but she's already done her duty to trump by pushing this case off to the point where it's not going to get tried before the election, right? so the justice department and the stakes would be way too high for the justice department not to appeal the special counsel decision if they invalidated, keep in mind and there are other special counsel's out there. david weiss is out there on the hunter biden case. so just department would would probably proceed to do that. i think randi license professor. yeah. >> i think it's a reasonable solution to a problem, but i don't think it's the solution. >> the justice they would actually go with, right? >> the precedent of it. you have to, you have to have that formal appeal. all right. so there was a late night council filing from the special counsel that we got to see some never before imaging, never-before-se en images of the actual boxes and documents at mar-a-lago. they're like spilled all over the floor and they did this to show to push back on. trump attorney's argument trump's attorneys are saying, well, because the orders of the box is content, which changed it, you can't build a defense about it because you don't know when stuff was put in the box. so they're submitting this to show that while of course the order was changed because we did pick up all the papers off the floor. i guess it's basically part of the argument. >> what does where does this go? so i think i would refer to that as the gimme a break filing you know, i mean, it's trump's argument is so silly box-to-box integrity should be enough for those documents, particularly the ones that were all over the floor but but the theory that it should be in the first third of the box versus the second third. of i have a very hard hard time in my wildest imagination understanding how that could be a defense, right all right. tai thank you. great to be with you. >> all right. next breaking news polls are closing soon in the most expensive house primary ever. what happens in new york tonight could be a crucial telltale sign for november. plus trump's debate style is something we never saw from other presidential candidates you're a tough guy. >> you have to worry about it a little molecule the assignments are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this you cannot outrun it it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is a stuff of nightmares. >> you could hear it and feel it i is in my throat or burning. >> i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> along with earth with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. >> if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. i'm 70 consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you'll know upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name and set yourself and your future self 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we're going to get the results and see what happened here could be crucial for november miguel, what are hearing as polls are getting ready to close well, look, we've got an hour and a half left and everything we have heard, whether it's the polls or the voters that we've talked to over the last several days, or even being at a polling station today, we were mount vernon all day to city hall. >> that should be a very, very strong bowman precinct. and from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when we left to come over here, we asked them how many voters all day they had, how many you think? 19 that was the entirety of the voters that went to the serious not very busy. it should be. i'm absolutely serious. i was shocked. we kept going up there to talk to these folks. so it was shocking that they only now these are all very small precincts as well. so there's not a lot of voters in those greetings but you'd expect a much better show for bowman in a place like that the energy look bowman came to this district and rho the energy and the anger over the justice a rights and george floyd protests and the justice movement into office. he beat elliott angle, who had been there for many, many years. and now those tides and turn, yes, there was a lot of money from apac, super pac that is in this race. but those messages are resonating is a fairly small jewish relation in the desk district, about 7%, that message is resonating the people who are most angry in this election and is a fairly small number that can off his democratic primaries. they are the ones that are coming out and it doesn't look particularly good for jamaal bowman aaron. >> all right. miguel, thank you very much. that's really i always small precinct, but 19 voters, i'm sorry, i'm just ford says a lot about just issues around this country. all right. out front now, former democratic congressman from new york, director of the cornell institute of politics and global affairs, stevia israel and erik erikson, he is host of the erik erikson show and author of you shall be as gods so steve, you're from new york, you ran the reelection arm of the house. so you know, this district very well i know the precincts are small. i'm sorry, i'm just still stunned by 19 people actually carrying enough to go out what does this mean well, first of all, 19 votes means that congress and bowman is drastically underperforming now, new yorkers are pretty well known for commuting to new york city and voting on their way home. >> so that number will come up, but it still reflects a lack of enthusiasm, a lack of energy for congressman bowman. >> look, there are two competitive democratic primaries and downstate new york, both in the suburbs. jamaal bowman versus county executive george latimer in westchester. and your former cnn colleague john avlon, running against anansi gore off in eastern long. >> that also will see if don as well, both of these races will test this proposition. >> do democratic voters want purity and ideology on the left? or do they want pragmatism? and when abillity near the center, both of those races will test that proposition. >> avlon, obviously about pragmatism and getting it done. and latimer has been running on that. so eric bowman has been vocal in the israel-gaza war and you just heard miguel talk about that the relevance of that in this race. and it has been bowman voted against military aid to israel is described the israeli invasion in gaza as genocide. here are some of the things he said 75 years of military occupation eric what will it say if democrats in new york resoundingly reject that message in 90 minutes? >> you, know i think it's just very strongly that you don't have to be for israel per say, but to be hostilely against it into have the same rhetoric is not the people who were and israel, but antisemites in this country is a bridge too far for a lot of people. jamaal bowman got his seat right? hanine in 2020 against the incumbent chairman of the house foreign affairs committee saying he was two in the pocket of the israel lobby in washington, and i think he might have misread his election in 2020 and overplayed his hand here, people really don't like that rhetoric, particularly given the horrible anti-semitism coast-to-coast in this country on both sides the eye right now. >> so just talking about what this means. those steve, for november and for biden and for democrats, for enthusiasm. if bowman loses tonight, that's the first member of the squad to lose in congress. the squad that had become quite powerful for a period of time. and here's the messaging and some of the most well-known faces of that group suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police. not on my watch well, i not be able to humanize the impact and push back against corporate greed when you say i'm anti woke when you talk about wokeness, you're saying i'm anti-black what does bowman's loss if that's what we see tonight, mean 4? that movement, that group, right the far left wing of your party? well, they're going to need to reassess if if bowman loses, if the progressive candidate in new york one loses, they do need to reassess, but look every race has its own dynamic. i chaired the democratic national campaign committee. no race reflects everything. they're going to say, well, it was $25 million against him. he never had a chance. but they really need to ask this question. every district has its own dynamic. its own center of opinion doesn't make sense to have such a purely progressive message in electorates that prefer the center, right? >> and so eric, okay, now, on the other side, lauren boebert, she is has a primary tonight and she may indeed be victorious as the sixth way race in colorado. those polls closing soon, she barely won her seat last time. barely want it switched districts. after the video surfaced of her vaping and allegedly groping at a musical. so she switched districts is it possible she wins again? and with all this, it's it's just keep going it is possible that shootings tonight and this gets to the point on on bowman as well, but there are fits and bad fits for districts and to win, you need to be a fit for your district. >> and if she can win in this district, she was redistricting and had to move then politically, she probably played her hand-write than being where she was, but there are ideological alignments and in a hard republican and hard democratic districts and you need to know your district. you can only deviate from your district so far before they three out of office steve, what does this mean? >> do you think for biden if you do see a rejection tonight of the progressive candidates in new york, what's the message for him well, exactly what was just said you need to have house democratic candidates who are fits for their and media markets fits for their district. >> joe biden has an entire career of trump hi to govern from the center. he has tried to satisfy progressives and to a great extent has done so but i do want, i wanted to say this the new york 16 race with bowman. it's a democratic district that's not going to go to a republican new york one remains to be seen. i do think it tells a story about what's happening in suburbs. so in the 37 battleground states that joe biden must win. this election is in the suburbs, and eric, you agree with that bottom line yeah absolutely. i mean, the suburbs are where it's going to be bought and one. >> all right. well, thank you both very much. it's great to see you. thank you. >> next, obama sr, tear gas, live while on cnn as she spoke out, a mid deadly protests what happened? we're going to show you what we saw and trump not backing down on his claims, biden will be drugged up. it's cnn's debate a claim he's been pushing for years they gave a big fat shot in the and he comes out i'd for two hours, he's better than ever before the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming max. >> you didn't live this strong this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture you. can build new bone with events at ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with a vanity once stronger bones then builds new bone. if benedick can help in just 12 months, if entity is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73% the vanity can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from cardiovascular problem do not take of entity if you have low blood calcium or are allergic to it serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred tell your doctor about jawbone problems as they have been reported with divinity or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh as unusual 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the us with the state department condemning the violence, urging restraint larry madowo was there. he saw some of those bodies. he is outfront tonight from nairobi young kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. >> they demonstrate sitting with flags and banners. i can't even see anymore schedule told me this is the moment they have cyst of the former us president barak obama was teargassed when live on cnn alma obama, a kenyan-british activist who lives in their ob among crowds of protesters on tuesday, kenya in the grip of a quote, total shutdown in response to a controversial finance bill, which includes proposed tax hikes on basic foods including sanitary products, amid a cost of living crisis. young people need a future. they have no jobs 50% of our population under 35 no jobs. he got taxing them without taxing the jobless the protests are part of the country's quotes seven days of rage tuesday's event, turning deadly with policemen heading and detaining demonstrators even resorting to live rounds, discarded those who want their voices to be heard the bill would spots these protests and led to this destruction is seen as an added barrier for those already burdened by the high cost of living the anger intention is felt across the country with people like a woman standing up for what they see as injustice alma obama has long used her voice to protect the rights of others building a kinda based foundation, saudi coup from the ground-up to help orphans and young people in poverty have voiced, became elevated after a younger half brother, who she first connected with during her 20s was elected to the white house in 2008 she was born in kenya, the second child in barak obama's seniors first marriage before he moved in remarried in the us. >> barak obama often spoke of their close relationship, reflecting in his book about the trips that alma thoughtfully organized for him, allowing him to introduce his daughters to his father's ancestral homelands. >> homelands let's oh, my also welcomed him to as president, it was alma who first guided me through kenya almost 30 years ago we have to do to file itself, no matter how little you have, no matter how difficult yourself and circumstances you can still succeed how words from nearly a decade ago translating once again into action on tuesday, look at what's happening anger and determination, fat by many aaron cnn has reached out to the kenyan police about their response to today's protests. >> and we have not heard back. there's been a lot of criticism from human rights bodies about the heavy-handed, overly militaristic response to largely peaceful protesters president william ruto and a national address that some criminals infiltrated legitimate protesters, but that didn't go down well with mostly young protesters were out in the streets. he said they were only armed with banners and flags or the police were honored bullets. so who are the criminals? >> that's the question tonight. >> erin? >> and also tonight, a top hamas leader remaining defiant after israel launched an airstrike on his sister's home, killing her and her family. the building reduced to rubble political leader saying, quote, if israel thinks that targeting my family and relatives will change our positions and resistance they are delusional it comes as tonight for the first time we are seeing disturbing new video of the hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7, were so many were killed. >> and i want to warn you that it is graphic. >> this video, which was originally taken by hamas shows three injured, injured hostages in the back of a pickup truck. >> one of them is 30 three-year-old or levy. today is his guns. >> third birthday is third birthday, and his brother, michael ores, brother michael joins me now michael. this video that we are now seeing here for the first time is the only proof that your brother survived the october 7 hamas attack or we're of course so many including his wife, were murdered horrifically by hamas what went through your mind when you saw this video and for the first time knew that he was alive so as you said, that was the first and only time that we saw all alive so for a second it was i can say every leaf see it with our own eyes. >> that is actually live but the second after this released early to hall and sadness old the worst feelings that you can imagine because seeing how terrified it was it was completely scared. >> i know him is all life. i've never seen him so scared in his life he was also covered in blood which was probably his wife's blood. he was murdered the fall of him what can i say it's heart-breaking? his wife. as you said, was murdered by hamas and it can't even imagine what you're thinking and you see that blood and that he may have aid may have seen her die and then being covered in her blood, their child, your nephew, turns three 3-years-old today? 3-years-old today his mother was killed. his father is a hostage gosh, how is that little boy even doing michael? >> it was prologues. it was this saturday, the day you can imagine. we try to put on a mask and be happy for him and show him that we love him and kill him. but underneath we all glide how can i can you celebrate a birthday kid lost his mother and he's looking for his father for almost nine months now michael, i know you wanted people to see this video despite obviously your brother, his fear is pain the blood of loss, but you want the world to see this now why is it so important to you to share this? i wanted to get another reminder how the face of evil look like i think the world has to see it has to remember the desk still 120 hostages a lot of them are still alive, but they are running out of time we call the international community night. >> and put more pressure on hamas to get a deal to release all the hostages as soon as possible well, michael, thank you very much for sharing all of this with us. i thoughts are with you and your brother and your thank you so much next, a special report on trump's freewheeling debate strategy a vulgar and unique style. it's bears no one switching i've given my answer lie on ted thursday night hi live from atlanta the most anticipated moment of this election, biden renren invade america, isn't future because that's where we are a nation of possibility trump. >> we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything. and now we get to do it all over again. we're going to do it even better. two very different visions for america. one precedented night, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max saving for retirement will stop enough and navigating markets can be challenging at times. i understand that's why fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through through the markets, ups and downs. >> what about communication? >> we 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>> that's how president biden's campaign is describing former president trump's baseless allegations that biden could use performance enhancing think drugs. at the debate, it's a familiar trump attack. he used it in 2020 before he debated biden the first time they gave big fat shot in the and he comes out and for two hours he's better than ever before i'm willing to take a drug test. >> i think he should two sunland safadi is out front look at those hands. >> are they small? >> it is a debate style, unlike any other, you've called a women, you don't like fat pigs, dogs slavs and disgusting animals your twitter account only rosie you, donald donald trump, commanding the stage let times the property, and let me talk quiet. is off the cuff approach you're a tough guy, g7. and we a stark contrast to his opponents seemingly more rehearsed and carefully crafted leinz. it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton that freewheeling strategy. i'd like to know what understand why aren't you bring up the mess? i'd like to know why no, it hasn't it hasn't it hasn't been finished at all. >> can cardboard says the question is nice to one on three. has targeted the moderators. >> honestly, megan, if you don't like it, i'm sorry. >> i've been very nice to you, although i could probably maybe not be based on the way you have treated me and his opponents alike. >> i social security payroll contribution will go up as well, donalds, assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it. but what we want to do is to replenish the switching fund with trump. >> oftentimes successfully deflecting policy questions by causing a commotion onstage i have a policy question afternoon for you. >> sorry. >> let's see the answers here. >> don't worry about it worry about it a little molecule by leveling personal biting insults, you went to manhattan and said, i'm lying to the american people in the voters have a right to know you're lying guy up you're the one of the release the here are the one. >> now let me tell you let me me i've given my answer lie on ted interrupting the people left behind there were heroes really, and i resent you talking like, are you talking about my son, beau biden, your tie them. >> i don't know. i know i'm hammering ever seen with an unrelenting cadence that oftentimes knox, even the most seasoned debater off their footing why didn't you do lowered earth? >> because i was a senator with a republican president. oh, really, i will be the president on it effective that you were in effect saturday, you could have done it this chaotic approach. bill clinton was abusive to women only amplified by his added the metrics hillary clinton attack those same women and attack them viciously. four of them here tonight and one other strategy shift we've seen trunk make is for him to throw out this playbook entirely. >> one of the debates against hillary clinton in 2016, you showed up any was mostly discipline, more subdued, a total surprise when compared to the past and that's certainly one reason erin, the biden team here, they're preparing for this eventuality that trump could show up on thursday night. he could break that trend, show up more disciplined in our message, fahrenheit, sunland. thank you very much and thanks to all of you will see you tomorrow night with our spco

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Bridge , Chairman , Pocket , House Foreign Affairs Committee , Hanine , Eye , Coast , Office Steve , Messaging , Faces , Police , Group Suburbs , Greed , Defunding , Watch , Impact , Loss , Party , Movement , Wing , Wokeness , 4 , Loses , Dynamic , Campaign Committee , 25 Million , 5 Million , Lauren Boebert , Side , Electorates , Colorado , Districts , Musical , This , Her Vaping , Fits , On Bowman , Fit , Win , Shootings , Republican , Redistricting , Alignments , Hand Write , Rejection , Markets , Career , Media , Want , Hi , 16 , Bottom Line , 37 , Tear Gas , Claims , Debate A Claim , Obama Sr , Stakes Couldn T , Big Fat Shot , Shelf , Porcelain Doll , Streaming Max , Bone , Risk , Vanity , Events , Fracture , Bone Loss , Osteoporosis , Heart Attack , Entity , Benedick , Spine Fracture Risk , Bones , 73 , Death , Stroke , Calcium , Jawbone Problems , Divinity , Cost , Doing Business , Thigh , Thigh Bone Fractures , Shipping Rates , Groin , Break Put , Hip , Ground , Shipping , Advantage , United States Postal Service , Partner , Food , Solutions , Clients , World Food Program , 180 , Families , World Food Programme , God , Globe Oh Cornea Zelda , Agnes , Feeling , Psoriasis , Meeting , Smile , Findings , Godly Carnage , Skin , Moderate , Closeout , The One And Only , Prac , Infections , Ability , Tb , Background , Better , Tissue , Infection , Vaccine , Tiktok , Risks , Jak Inhibitors , Muscle Problems , Liver , Jak Family , Stick , Inhibitor , Cancers , Levs , Lymphoma , Triglycerides , Plaque Psoriasis , Mission , Hiding , Nutrition , Protein , Strength , Health , Minerals , Vitamins , Making , 27 , 30 , Goal Discomfort , A1c , Diabetes , Hundreds , Save , Liberty Mutual White , Elevator , Protesters , Nairobi , Hop Sister , Firing Tear Gas , Larry Madowo , Violence , Kenyans , Arm , Restraint , Bodies , Parliament , Flags , Banners , Cyst , Crowds , Grip , Bob , Alma , British , Response , Jobs 50 , Foods , Finance Bill , Tax Hikes , Crisis , Shutdown , Products , 50 , Quotes , Event , Jobs , Population , Seven Days Of Rage Tuesday , Seven , 35 , Policemen , Demonstrators , Destruction , Bill , Led , Voices , Rounds , Barrier , Alma Obama , Intention , Voice , Injustice , Woman , Half , Poverty , Orphans , Kinda Based Foundation , Saudi Coup , Relationship , Child , Marriage , Book , 2008 , Father , Homelands , Daughters , Homelands Let S Oh , Action , Circumstances , Fat , Aaron Cnn , Human Rights Bodies , Determination , Criticism , Criminals , William Ruto , Address , Didn T Go , Sister , Airstrike , Bullets , Erin , Building , Relatives , Resistance , Rubble Political Leader , Pickup Truck , Back , Injured , Nova Music Festival On October 7 , October 7 , Birthday , Michael Ores , Brother Michael Joins Me Now , Levy , Guns , Wife , Attack , Leaf , Sadness , Hall , Feelings , Nephew , Aid , Eddie , 3 , Hostage , Gosh , Boy , Prologues , Mask , Glide , Fear , Reminder , The Face Of Evil , Community , Desk , 120 , Pressure , Deal , Thoughts , Switching , Special Report , Debate Strategy , Biden Renren , Answer Lie , Isn T Future , Ted , Night Hi , Atlanta , Possibility Trump , One Precedented Night , Saving , Retirement , Fisher Investments , Approach , Communication , Stay , Portfolio , Cheri , Ups And Downs , Track Yes , Cry , Il 23 , Crohn S Disease , Remission , Damage , Sky Rosie , Intestinal Lining , 23 , Actions , Crohn S Disease Control , Crohn , Guest , Fv , Sca , Somewhere , App , The Star , Hotels Com , Business Needs , 1 5 , Chase For Business , Bad , Buildup , Amyloid Plaques , Brain , Aging Com , Cold Wait , Sleepers , Sleep , 94 , Chabra , Fun , Call , Anderson Cooper 360 , Desperate , 360 , 187786 , Think , Trump Attack , Drugs , Allegations , Performance , Fat Shot , Drug Test , Sunland Safadi , Women , Look , Hands , Account , Animals , Pigs , Property , Cuff , Rosie You , Commanding The Stage Let Times , G7 , Opponents , Charge , Law , Temperament , Jail , Secretary Clinton , Aren T , Hasn T It , Mess , Cardboard , Megan , Donalds , Social Security Payroll Contribution , Honestly , Policy Questions , Figure , Fund , Policy Question Afternoon , Causing A Commotion , Answers , Insults , Manhattan , You Re The One , The One , Release , Heroes , Ted Interrupting , Cadence , Beau Biden , I Don T Know , Tie , Debater , Didn T , Senator , Effect , Footing , Metrics , Strategy Shift , Bill Clinton , Hillary Clinton , Discipline , Playbook , Trunk Make , 2016 , Eventuality , Reason , Trend , Sunland , Fahrenheit , Spco , Thanks ,

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