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on select stearns and foster mattresses cardenas rnas i and use capitol hill. and this two candidates, one historic moment we are now just two days away from the first presidential debate. >> the voter issue that president biden's team is now advising him to lean in on ahead of his match up with former president trump, plus could boeing soon face criminal charges? why federal prosecutors are urging the justice department to take action against the airplane giant and a big step by a major social media app to safeguard its teenage users were following these major developing stores and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central hello there i'm briana cuellar alongside boris sanchez and we are on the count countdown to thursday night's cnn presidential debate, where we are now learning some new details about how several top democrats or war burning the biden campaign to shift strategy and to spend more time targeting former president trump and less time touting what they see as president biden's first term accomplishments. the biden campaign appears to be acting on that advice, releasing a new tv ad that's part of what they say is a $50 million ad buy that directly attacks trump's economic vision for a second term. let's take you to the white house now with cnn's kayla tausche and kayla walk us through the details on this new well, the new ad is part of a battleground effort to blink at the airwaves and really target those independent voters by showing them that president biden is the one that it has voters interests at heart, at not president trump, that predecessor to biden, who these new ads say is only in it for himself. take a listen donald trump loves to attack joe biden by joe biden because he's focused on revenge and he has no plan to help the middle class. he just give more tax cuts to the wealthy here's the difference. donald trump is only out for himself, joe biden is fighting for your family now this marks a sharp pivot from the previous messaging on the economy previously, you may remember last year button was out on the stump crisscrossing the country, talking about bidenomics and trying to convince the electorate that the economy was better than they felt it was. >> then beginning earlier this year, he began talking about how was more work to do who and beginning to acknowledge that maybe the economic woes of the post-pandemic era were not over, but recently i've been told that several top democrat democrats who have the ear of the biden camp has been urging them to make this pivot to stop trying to convince voters that their cost of living is not too high and that job creation and economic growth matter more than one what they're paying for their grocery bill and saying, let's change the conversation entirely and go straight after donald trump. and that's what i think we can see from biden on the debate stage this thursday as well as beyond that, guys and we're told kayla that biden advisers have started these formal mock debates. >> tell us about this well, we know that this is part of the biden playbook. he is no stranger to bates having been a lifelong politician normally advisers go through reams of material they talk about potential questions, answers, topics, and then they culminate in these mock debates and sources have told cnn that those mock debates have gotten underway, although they will not not say how many are taking place. each day only that it varies. this is president biden's turn to practice that format that he's going to be under on thursday night on the debate stage. a source with knowledge telling mj lee that the president has a podium that he is standing behind that they're really trying to to get a feel for what will happen on thursday night and trying to anticipate some of the questions that he may need to react to in addition to the topics that he plans to be on offense, four guys alright. kayla, thank you for that live four is from the white house. president biden has been huddled behind closed doors deep in traditional debate prep and former president trump is doing things his way to get ready for thursday's big face off yeah. >> are you preparing? i'm preparing by taking questions from you and others if you think about it, but i'm preparing by dealing with you. you're tougher than all of them. >> so we're told that trump has no plans to engage in mock debate sessions and has instead been holding informal discussions with advisers and allies on his policy positions. joining us now is republican congressmen mike waltz, a florida, he has a surrogate for the trump campaign. all right so i'm just wondering if we're looking towards this debate. >> what you want to see from trump onstage thursday night well, it doesn't surprise me that biden's changing strategy because bidenomics has clearly been a disaster. so he's going to try to shift his message and i think the contrast is going to be clear. brionna, this isn't theoretical anymore. this was what was life like under the trump administration economically with inflation, with the border, with security in terms of crime. and the world, i mean, just look at the middle east, one part of the world you had isis largely defeated iran, broke, and the abraham accords breaking out. and look at the chaos now, so i think he's just going to make contrast after contrast what policy worked on the border, whether remain in mexico, are actually having the same mexican government put their national guard on their southern border. and we saw a drastic drop in illegal immigration and then what's working now are not working with the wide open border. so you're going to see the contrast. the contrast is going to be clear, but it doesn't surprise me. biden's trying to shift away from what is failed under him and try to make this referendum on trump. >> you want contrasts and we know that biden is going to draw a contrast as well. he's going going to try to do that definitely on abortion. i think we just expect that's going to happen yesterday, was two years. so when they have this debate, it's going to be right there around the two-year anniversary since the supreme court overturned roe, which trump has taken credit 4 what should trump say about abortion? how should he respond to that? >> well, he's going to say, look, the law of the land and sits in the states, there was never a federal law. he doesn't support a federal law that's what row essentially did was say, we're not going to legislate from the bench constitutionally as originalists, those laws have been made down in the state. now if congress chooses to do something different that's on congress and then i want to see president trump asked biden win as abortion not appropriate the de before birth, the week before the month before. and really point out a lot of extreme measures that are out there in terms of later on abortion that a lot of people, most americans do not support there are a lot of americans who think that some of the restrictions when it comes to early on in pregnancy is actually extreme, including in your state of florida, where the may cbs yougov poll of florida registered voters showed 65% of voters said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, 56% of florida voters say the sixth week band is too strict 60% said they'd vote yes on amendment for guaranteeing are right to abortion in florida in november. >> so you talk about that? yes, it does sit in a states. but at the same time, you have a lot of floridians who are having a really hard time with where it is sitting in your state and they're looking they're looking to make sure you're making my point. we're making president trump's point. you're making the supreme court's point in that row. basically legislated from the bench, which was inappropriate constitutionally. and if people want to vote on this issue down in the states, whether it's on a referendum or whether it's for state legislator. that's what they're gonna do. >> what do. but it doesn't mean we're spending a lot of time on this. i think president biden was tried to spend a lot of time on this. and at the end of the de those kitchen table issues of economy, inflation, crime, border, or what's going to dominate when people vote, will family planning, i mean, arguably as a kitchen table issue, right? the economy, one of bob? yes. what upon me is very what are those issues that i just listed? it's biden have to be proud of, not inflation, not help people feel in their wallets, not with a wide open border not with crime. and certainly not with a world that is on fire. right now. he certainly can't point to as middle east policy on china or any other policy so he's going to try to shift to those couple of issues. >> he's going of course, to point his june 4 immigration restrictions on the border. we'll have to see how these two gentlemen handle that on the debate stage. >> still allowing nearly 1 million people a year, unchecked, unvetted when we just had eight isis terrorists arrested on the verge of another plot, like they had on the anniversary at pulse nightclub down near my district. i don't think that's something biden is going to be proud of i wouldn't think would you call them isis terrorists or you would say connections to isis. how would you describe it? well, they were facilitated into the united states illegally by an isis facilitation network out of tajikistan. and there was ongoing plotting and planning that fortunately law enforcement intercepted. >> okay. i just want to make sure we're very smith about it very much aware on that spectrum, isis linked versus an isis, actually, yes, fighter is probably up for debate, but if they're plotting and planning to attack americans, united states, be asleep, consider arrested. well, obviously considerable concern that they could be. and so there was there were arrests made in that point, so what do you not want to see in this debate let me preface this by saying, we've seen previous debates between trump and biden. and i wonder if there's some things that you've seen in those debates that you would not like to see that you do not think either are good for trump or are good for americans as they're making their choices? >> well, look, i want to see the full spectrum. i can't think of anything. i know. trump can handle anything thrown at them. he's out there day in and day out at rallies. just one in wisconsin, just at one in pennsylvania, even in philadelphia, in the inner city. that's not necessarily considered a red part of america, having forums in brooklyn, right? in the going to a black church in detroit. so he's willing to take his message and kind of areas that haven't been and traditionally republican and i'm confident he can handle anything that's thrown out there. and i want to see the entire gamut from china to ukraine, to the middle east. how we've let the wide open border really change america in many ways. let's walk through the economy. let's walk through prime. let's walk through even the right to try legislation. for example, which allowed people that were terminally ill to try new drugs that weren't fda approved. what do the veterans choice act that allowed veterans to go to their doctor rather than have to wait in line to the va. and there's a lot to dig into from a policy standpoint. so i guess a long way of answering your question. let's talk about the policies. what worked for american, what didn't and we'll see if we can stay out of the personalities. >> julian assange struck a plea deal actually, right now, i believe unless we have any confirmation that he has landed, but as we were talking ahead of time, it's kind of a long flight he's on his way right now to a us territory not far from guam and not far from australia, where he is ultimately going to be a free man after he's pled guilty to one count. so here he is. he's going to walk free very shortly. he was indicted under the trump administration back in 2019, which is when you said this about julian assange and the whole wikileaks process. let's listen he'll let me be clear julia, to sij, bradley manning and then related but separate edward snowden, that blood on their hands and i hope the justice department throws the book atom i am looking forward to seeing them extradited back to the united states. >> it let's just talk for a second about what they did. they took all of our operational files as a green beret in afghanistan. we were nothing operations night after night after night against the taliban, al-qaeda. later on, isis, they took all of our operational files and particularly the sources, the local afghans that we're working with us, they did this in iraq as well, and put them all over the internet. >> i think what transpired with this breaches, particularly personal for someone with your background, what do you think of the plea deal look, we know that al-qaeda, the taliban isis in iraq actively monitored leaks across news organizations with english-speaking operatives to look for leaks. >> and we know they went out, they went after our sources are people that were helping american troops. i am heavily focused on chelsea manning are then bradley manning. i mean, we need to be focused on these leakers and the damage that they do. i think it's up some debate now whether assange was a journalist in the guise of maybe the new york times with the pentagon papers, but not, but people are making that comparison i have to interrupt you on. >> as a journalist if we had those kind of documents, i went back to not to do it and went through the process of releasing something. i would have you would not identify individual sources that you had worked with so that they would be killed? >> i'm absolutely no i do not. but there is some debate out there and using the pentagon papers and what's look if we prosecuted everyone for releasing something that classified, everyone would be classified. but this is what i'm trying to get into a nuanced point here. what he released put people's lives and dangerous. he served five years. i think he should have served longer but at the end of the day, we can't lose sight of it. was the government employee, chelsea manning that did the leak. >> trump floated the idea of pardoning him. why do that? >> after trump's day also indicted him. i don't know all right. >> congressman. thank thank you so much. it's obviously a very, very big week and we appreciate your insights. thank you so much. >> and of course, do not miss president joe biden and former president donald trump. they will be debating this thursday, june 27, that is 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. it will be a very big night. and we're also continuing to follow breaking is the judge in the criminal hush money trial of former president donald trump is rolling back parts of a gag order imposed before the trial. trump can now publicly talk about witnesses like michael cohen and stormy daniel's. so let's bring in cn as brynn gingras to talk a little bit about this, we have a response now for from the trump campaign, brynn, what are they saying? >> yeah. i mean, briana, they're saying they're still going to fight it. let's first talk about what this order does and does not do. you just mentioned the big one there. what this allows us trump now can speak about those witnesses who testified in his trial, particularly people like michael cohen, as you just mentioned, if you remember, during that trial, trump and his team railing against the fact that they felt this was stifling their campaign, that they couldn't respond to any attacks that were appearing on twitter from witnesses like michael cohen. so this gag order, rolling back just a little bit does give the trump camp a little bit more leeway what it does not allow him to do according to this judge, is to speak hello or say anything about the prosecutors in this case, any jurors names cannot be released. trump cannot talk about any of the lawyers of family or court staff, and the judge, joan more sean essentially saying that is because he's still needs to protect these people ahead of the sentencing. sing this court process when it comes to that new york trial is not over yet. he said that he wants them to feel free to do their jobs without threats, intimidation harassment, and harb. but again, like i said, trump is still going after this ruling, essentially releasing a statement to cnn saying this this is another unlawful decision by a highly conflicted judge, which is blatantly un-american as a gags, president trump, the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election during the upcoming presidential debate on thursday, president trump and his legal team will immediately challenge today's unconstitutional order and just a little backstory if you remember, of course, is that this gag order was put in place in april ahead of the criminal trial, the judge worried that anything trump would have said could have really derailed that trial. and then of course, we know that during the trial, the former president violating it ten times a one-point even being threatened by the judge to go to jail for all of those violations. since but again, it looks like they're going to continue to fight even what is left of it ahead of that sentencing on july 11, briana. >> all right. we'll be looking for more than beringia and grass. thank you for that. >> happening now, a court hearing where donald trump's lawyers are making their latest attempt to get their classified documents case against him thrown out. let's get right to cnn, chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid for the latest and paula, there's some new reporting about trump's attorneys focusing on the warrant that the fbi used to search mar-a-lago that's right. bores. we're just getting our first update from our colleagues who were inside court and they say that defense attorneys are trying to attack the legitimacy of the search warrant that was executed on mar-a-lago, arguing that it was not specific enough. now, today is day three of three days of hearings down in florida. today, defense attorneys, overall, they are focused on trying to prevent prosecutors from being able to use certain pieces of evidence against their client in an eventual trial. now, in addition to trying to get some the classified materials that were obtained, thrown out, arguing that the search warrant i was not legitimate. there are also trying to prevent prosecutors from being able to use transcripts of voice memos from trump's former lawyer, avid cork great now, that is critical evidence because that is key evidence to support a charge of obstruction. now, as we know, porous, the trump defense attorneys or they are throwing everything at the wall down there in florida, to try to undermine this case are the very least, get it delayed and here you see judge aileen cannon. she is entertaining i'm. efforts that other judges may not take the time and resources to even here in a formal hearing setting. so she is definitely more indulgent and at least hearing the defense attorneys arguments, even though she doesn't always rule in their favor all right. >> we'll keep an eye on what's happening in fort pierce, paul reid. thank you so much for coming up after years of crashes and safety lapses, federal prosecutors are now recommending criminal charges against boeing boeing whistleblowers will join us live with his reaction. >> plus, this is now the most expensive house primary ever. today, new york democratic congressman jamaal bowman is fighting for his political life, facing a he edited democratic primary challenger by bowman's views on one particular topic could impact the outcome. >> and some habits are hard to break why many older adults are still taking a daily aspirin, even though they should not be what experts are saying about it the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? i had no idea with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you with via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months. >> and the majority stayed clearer at five years i'm phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after two starter doses cbd is allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you dr, if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge 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is but home is also your body. >> last one, i asked myself, why does it pilates exist in harlem i started my own studio, get in a brick-and-mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help i think with that for me, earn up to 5% cash back home business essentials. but the chase ink business cash heart, and chase for business make moment. what's yours i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn yet another blow for boeing's. >> cnn has learned that federal prosecutors are urging the justice department to file criminal charges against the jet maker over safety issues with the 737 max. but doj though, has not made a final decision. >> this is happening as there's this federal probe into quality control and safety issues at the company, and that came, of course, after this that alaska airlines door plug blowout and also two fatal 737 max crashes. there was a crash in october of 2018 that killed 189 people off the coast of indonesia and one the very next year in ethiopia that killed 157 people. these are incidents that led to a 20 month grounding of the 737 max at pearson is a boeing whistleblower and a former boeing 737 programs senior manager. he's now the director of the foundation for aviation safety. thank you so much for being with us. i wonder what your reaction is to prosecutors urging that boeing should be criminally charged well, thanks for having me and i guess there's we've heard conflicting messages, but the word about the prosecutors recommending to their bosses at department of justice is very encouraging. >> but ultimately, i believe it's gonna be the attorney general, merrick merrick garland's decision and we certainly hope that he makes the right decision for not only for the families, but also for everybody that bores airplanes are made by boeing i'm wondering, as someone who worked for them, what red flags you witnessed while you were there and why you don't trust the max jets? well the reason i don't trust the max jets is because when those airplanes were being built and i was working as a senior manager, i saw the ridiculous amount of pressure that was put on factory workers by executives to rush to get the planes out the door and this pressure to produce these airplanes and get them out the door. there was a lot of talk about safety and a lot of talk about quality, same things. we currently here. but the actions were get the plane out the door, schedules king we even though we had plenty of reports of defects all of our performance metrics we're going in the wrong direction. in every possible indicator that the factory was unstable. what's happening in the corporate leadership knew about this. this is not a secret and they continue to produce these planes and they continued to prove some even after the first crash. >> and up to the recent alaska accident how ed and you speak to it a little bit there. >> but as you have watched, as we have learned, everything that you just said, that clearly the culture problems at boeing, we're moving away from a safe environment and now you have watched boeing respond as they have been called out and we've seen the outgoing ceo called before congress how do you think the company is handling all of this boeing is a master at as my wife would say, the magic words, though, they're great about making a lot of broken promises saying they're going to do things. >> but again, it comes down to their actions. so when we see incidents that are currently happening on these airplanes that gives us every reason to believe leave that there's manufacturing issues with these airplanes the company is refusing to admit it they dismiss all of these incidents. they say those things happen. well, that's the same thing they said after the first crash, after the second crash, after the last accident? >> and so they need to be honest, they need to emit the truth that these airplanes need to be checked out. >> and i'm not just talking about the 737 max. we've recommended our foundation has recommended a phase grounding approach for that plane but we just think that the company needs to really get back to be an honest and we got to taste of the lack of integrity at the senior level by the hearing of the senate last week on that question of returning to integrity. >> the ceo is stepping down at the end of the year and critics are calling for cultural changes at the company. i'm wondering what steps you think boeing can take to get back on track. and if you think the ceo stepping on his enough well, the ceo should never been hired as a ceo. he was on the board of directors for ten years, so he was at the very top of the company and allowed was party to the company deteriorating as much as it did. that led to the two fatal crashes and then he was hired as a ceo and we know what's happened in the last four years you know, people talk about the culture and i think anybody can realize in any organization you have culture at different levels, right? so you could have one work group that has tremendous leadership and then a group right next door that has a terrible leadership. this is all about leadership. it really comes down to treating people with respect listening, and taking in bad news, and then appropriately handling it. but telling people just get your jobs done, get the planes out the door. look the other way. that's not how we build airplanes. that's not how the boeing company should build airplanes. this company is too important to our economy, to our national security. and this is why the department of justice decision attorney general merrick garland's decision to hopefully continue to pursue prosecution of boeing will identify who are these bad actors and those hold those individuals accountable. otherwise i'm afraid that we're going to see more airplanes that are going to have problems and we're probably going to see more accidents and run accident. >> that that is a very good point and thank you so much. it's so important to get your perspective are rare. one of someone who has been inside and wants to see this company changed for the better and certainly for all of our safety. we appreciate it yes. >> thank you very much for having me head on cnn news central, its primary de in new york, in colorado, we will look at the big races as to outspoken lawmakers could be in danger of losing their seats tonight it's friday. >> kevin costner, reserve the western. >> we've got ourselves a bad man right here. >> see it on the biggest screen. >> let's go in american saga. >> one and theaters friday, we did harm i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic it's so easy to get your windshield and place using safe flight, telling people why you 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xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. added our logo, and placed my order. bring your own team together with custom gear, get started today. i'd, debate in america thursday at 7:00 p.m. the presidential race, maybe sad, but there are still primaries happening across the country and it is primary de, we're watching two key races, one in new york and the other in colorado. >> that's where republican congresswoman lauren boebert faces her first test since switching to the states. ruby red, fourth district after early close call two years ago she is vying for former republican congressman ken buck seed after he stepped down earlier this year. >> and in new york 16th district progressive congressman jamaal bowman is fighting to keep his job in a bitter primary that is amplifying some deep divides among democrats. the second term squad member is up against former state lawmaker george latimer, who is moderate democrat now serving as county executive and the district. cnn's miguel marquez is following the new york race live from a polling place in westchester county. all right. miguel, this is the most expensive house primary on record incredibly expensive, 25 million bucks. so far being spent. that's been accounted for. >> look in bowman's campaign and the progressive left are incensed that much of that money, most of that money about 15 million of it is coming from the super pac associated with the american israel political action committee, bowman among other things, lucky, he pulled a the fire alarm when democrats wanted to buy time on the house floor to read through a bill, he got caught on camera. >> he apologize for that, but there was a that's been part of this race but it was really his take on the israeli offensive in gaza, calling very early before anybody else for a ceasefire, there saying calling israel's situation in gaza in an occupation for the last 75 years and calling it genocide repeatedly, he's sort of walked back on some of those things, but it hasn't given really a full-throated apology his opponent george latimer, well-known in this district because he's serve at every level is now the county executive, which is a very powerful position in westchester county and counties across the state he says that look, anybody can get his campaign and he has money coming from everywhere i appointed has made much of the support that i have over 50% of my financial support comes from people in the district those people may be affiliated with a pack or they may be involved in other jewish causes, but they're donating because of his radical point of view regarding israel. that's why they're donating and jamaal bowman has tried to turn this around and use that as a reason for people to come out saying you cannot give it to the billionaire's, the oligarchs and special interests. >> but so far at least talking to voters that we have, it does not seem to be resonating back to you guys. >> mecole marquez reporting from mountain vernon, new york. thanks so much for the update i've next one of the most popular social media platforms is cracking down on online predators. the new moves, snapchat is rolling out to protect teams the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. this cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming unmasked okay, everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein hen the saw dust settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about is the job well done. >> but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the job feels different. your wallet, whatever you do, do it for less at harbor freight time to press 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the eye. >> tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects every moment counts act now to slow ga, with safe ovary ask your retina specialist about safe ovary you know what's brilliant think about it. >> boring is the unsung catalyst for bolt what straps mold to a rocket and hurdles and into space. >> orange boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable in steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 the years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happy to fill which is pretty and boring if you think about it closed captioning, brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 now, snapchat is announcing new safety tools that are aimed at protecting its teenage users from being exploited online are the popular social media platform says it's new features will help make it harder for teens to be contacted on the app by people they don't know this is the latest effort to stop the sexual and financial exploitation scams known as six torsion. >> cnn's clear, duffy joins us now, lives are clear. what are the details on these new measures? >> yeah, boris briana, these measures are interesting because snapchat has for a long time tried to prevent strangers from contacting teens on the app. but what's unique about these new features is that they use location data to try to detect potential scammers so now, when a teen receives a message request from somebody who is not in their contacts within they don't share any mutual friends and his inner region where most of that teens friends aren't located, they'll receive a pop-up message warning them that they might be about to communicate with a scammer. the app is also going to prevent teens from receiving friend requests from accounts that again, aren't in there mutual friends are in a region where scammers typically operate. there are also some other changes they're going to make it easier for teens to block other accounts, easier to see who they're sharing their live location data width, and all of this is really important because this type of scam, financial extortion is becoming so prevalent that even the fbi is warning parents about it. in these cases, often you have that actors who are misrepresenting themselves as other young teens, they be befriend these teenage users gain their trust, get them to send nude images and then threatened to release those images if the teens don't pay them. so snapchat is hoping that by warning to teens on the front-end that they might be communicating with a scammer that will make the these scams less likely yeah. >> let's hope i mean, this is seriously a concern for children using this app. clear, duffy, thank you so much for that update. >> many older adults across the united states still take an aspirin every day to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. >> but actually, experts are saying that's no longer recommended for many people and that taking a daily aspirin, especially without your doctor's guidance, can bring some serious room risks. >> let's bring in sun and health reporter jacqueline howard with the details. so jacqueline, what are you hearing about this trend? >> yeah, boris and brionna. well, we just saw new research on this showing that nearly a third, 29.7% of adults 60 or older here in the united states who do not have cardiovascular disease have said that they take a daily aspirin to reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke. now, it's no longer recommended, as you said, briana to do this, if you're someone who has not had a history of heart attack or stroke medical groups now say the risk of taking a daily low-dose aspirin because it thins your blood, it comes with the risk of excessive bleeding that risk no longer or the benefit of aspirin olga outweighs that risk and that's why guidelines have been updated to say according to the us preventive services task force, their guidelines say it is no longer recommended to take low dose aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults 60 or older. now what i mean by primary prevention, that's to reduce your risk of having a first-ever heart attack or stroke if you're 60 or older and you have had a heart attack or stroke before, you may be recommended to take a daily low-dose aspirin as a secondary prevention tool according to the american heart association the group says, quote aspirin is part of a well-established treatment plan for people with a history of heart attack or stroke. so that's the main takeaway here. boris and brionna. if you're 60 or older and you have never had a heart attack or stroke before and you're taking daily aspirin on your own that's no longer recommended if you're 60 or older and you have had a heart attack or stroke before and your doctor has said, you may want to take a low dose daily aspirin to prevent a secondary or third or fourth heart attack or stroke that's the demographic that these recommendations are for some really important guidelines to keep in mind. jacqueline howard. thank you so much coming up on cnn news central, the countdown to the presidential debate is on what we know about how the candidates are preparing just today hey, is out plus a new look at the top issues central to this debate. >> that's still ahead the, most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one state, which are two very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein i didn't redo this last year before you were fermenting 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whereas more star power in knoxville than anyone else. and it is dolly, dolly parton, and she's more than just a music star in knoxville. she is a way of life. derek van dam shows us number 9 on our list. knoxville, tennessee welcome to knoxville, tennessee, known as the cradle of country music, were country legends like dolly parton got started and where she's still celebrate dali's part of the culture of not so, not so loves dali and they love everything dali this is ut vault orange. dali. >> you could not be more knoxville than this really jolie jolene. jolene one reason she so beloved, her songs capture everything that's special about knoxville including its fireflies. chase, the glowing fireflies when even shadows the luminescent bugs are kind of a thing out here. >> it's one of the few places in the country where you can see synchronous fireflies. >> they start thinking up and flashing at the same time they flashing anywhere between 6080 times a minute. >> the synchronized light show is part of the firefly mating ritual and deepen these woods. people come to experience the natural phenomenon. >> recording the bugs on video can be challenging. >> so i did my best to grab a few snaps this is just so beautiful like creating a line that goes all the way into the background makes us stop for a second. >> and appreciate once you've got in front of you true love it's a perfect great symphony of nature all coming together at the same time pretty cool wow, that was beautiful. >> and we're going to act like we didn't just see their grand dam in iridescence sequence let that go now, wig with the jolie's. >> hit that no i was impressive yeah. yeah. all right. derek, thanks so much for that and learn more about visiting knoxville or other best american towns to visit. you can visit our website or scan the qr code. it's right there on your screen brought the t-shirt out for you? he brought the team i love this series. >> i'm excited to see where it has, where the countdown leads us yeah. it coming up soon you're going to see me in tennis pinks. so there's a hint for you. i'm not going to tell you which city, but look i got a few guesses, but no spoilers victor blackwell thank you so much stay with cnn. we'll be right back merrick, his best towns to visit. >> he's brought to you by audi getting to an audi and go your own way. >> find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of aly sales event at your local audi dealer okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming in, starting a business is never easy. the star name, eight months pregnant. that's a different story i couldn't slow down. >> we were starting a business it's from the ground-up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase car and made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids said it and they believe they can do the same, earn a limit 1.5% cash back like one every purchase. but the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business, make 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Location Data Width , Type , Extortion , Images , Trust , Front End , Children , Cardiovascular Disease , Jacqueline Howard , Showing , Room Risks , Guidance , Trend , Boris , 29 7 , Third , 29 7 , History , Groups , Bleeding , Guidelines , Dose Aspirin , Benefit , Us Preventive Services Task Force , Aspirin Olga , Prevention , Tool , American Heart Association The Group , Aspirin , Treatment Plan , Takeaway , Demographic , Dose , Recommendations , Daily , Mind , Lecture , Migraine , Worry , Fermenting Migraine , Look At Me Now , Kuleba , Zero , Cgrp , Migraine Feeling , Sleepiness , Nausea , Lip , Constipation , Frequencies , Dequeue , Q Lepto , Api , Repair , Migraine Medicine , Cell Turnover , Morgan Stanley , Thinking , Old School Hardware , 88 , Possibilities , Grid , New World , Ideas , Memory , Amyloid Plaques , Buildup , Trading , Trading App , Top , Options Chain , Market , Brain , Power E , Earnings Tool , Trading Opportunities , Trades , Scans , Market E Trade , E Trade , Jeep , Payments , Suv , Summer Event , Wrangler , Jeep Compass , Pickup , Cheap Gladiator , Dealer , Brand , Summer , Mo Monter With T Aura , Deals , Geo Grid Cherokee , 2000 , Podcasts , Towns , Fireflies , List , Synchronized , University Of Tennessee , Tennessee Orange Burns , Phenomenon , Something Special , Victor Blackwell , Viktor , Dolly Parton , Star Power , Derek Van Dam , Anyone Else , Dolly , Music Star In Knoxville , Legends , About Knoxville , Dali , Country Music , Cradle , Tennessee , Number , Everything Dali This Is Ut Vault Orange , Jolene One , Songs , Jolie Jolene , Places , Bugs , Synchronous Fireflies , Best , Mating , Video , Ritual , Synchronized Light Show , Woods , 6080 , Few , Stop , Symphony , Front , Nature , Dam , Sequence , Twig , Website , No , Qr Code , Jolie , Series , Tennis Pinks , Hint , T Shirt , Yeah , Spoilers , Stay , Guesses , Saudi , Business , Borders , Offers , Event , The Star , Aly Sales , Story , Ground Up , Business It S , Same , Ink 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