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they moderate watch it live thursday, 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn and streaming on max. news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer, the situation room property. >> now how president joe biden and former president donald trump are trying to get inside each other's heads with just three days to go before they face in their high-stakes debate right here on cnn also this hour the judge in the trump classified documents case is deciding whether impose a gag order on the former president. we're breaking down the signals. she seems to be sending about her eventual ruling plus the united states supreme court just added two more days to its calendar to release blockbuster opinions. how soon for the high court's decision on trump's immunity claim be revealed welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer urine the situation room right now, the president of united states and is predecessor are a little over 72 hours away from making history on the debate state in atlanta, we're getting new information about the candidates strategies just ahead of the extraordinary for nearly biden trump face off right here on cnn cnn's kayla tausche is standing by over at the white house. but first, let's get to see this. kristen ohms, cheese in florida near mar-a-lago, covering the trump campaign. kristin, how is trump managing expectations right now well, if you listened to any of the people around donald trump ball of they are really lowering the expectation patient for former president trump. >> they've started saying that biden is a formidable opponent. we heard doug burgum, who is farther north dakota governor, another shortlist for vp talking this weekend about how biden has been debating for a very long time that he knows how to debate. we her jd vance, earlier today saying the bar has been set too low for president joe biden. but some of this this has been set by former president donald trump himself now over the weekend, he was on the campaign trail talking about this debate. take elizabeth some of what he had to say crooked joe's gone to a log cabin to study, prepare no, he didn't do he's sleeping now, i say he'll come out all jacked up. right? all jacked should i be tougher, nasty and just say you're the worst president in history or should i be nice and calm? and let him speak? >> now of course, he's not going to have a toy is on letting president joe biden's the uk since he and his team agreed to the rules that they will be muting the mic when they are not speaking after they give those answers. now, terms of preparation, donald trump's team say they don't use the word preparation when it comes to talking to trump about the debate. however, they help have held more than a dozen of these policies session. that's with allied, but senior advisers, with people who could really potentially give some insight to the former president. this has been on every issue due from immigration to democracy, how to handle the questions on january 6 to abortion. obviously, an issue they believe is going to come up. i'm told he's going to continue these policy sessions with senior advisers when he's down here in mar-a-lago heading into that debate. but not any of that traditional stuff usually see well, if not someone sitting in for the moderators, sitting in for joe biden, which donald trump is going to show up on thursday, whether it's the one who has his measured tone or if it's the person who was completely off the rails that's what we remain remain to be seen and i don't think there's anyone who knows who's going to show up on the base age kristen holmes reported for us from near mar-a-lago, done a florida thanks very much. >> from there. i want to head over to cnn's kayla tausche. she's over at the white house right now. kayla, what are the president and his team anticipate from trump? >> well, if in the words of one biden adviser to me expect the unexpected that is the strategy on how they're anticipating and preparing for president biden to debate his gop opponent and predecessor who he's faced off with twice before. and in those two face-offs in 2020 encountered heard two very different versions of donald trump. and so they say that they're preparing for a wide variation of potential trump temperaments that you just heard. him speaking to right there. that could appear on stage on thursday evening. they're watching game tape from 2020 and prior and crafting all sorts of risk bonds is two different issues and accusations that could arise. and while there's one part of this that is reactionary, the biden campaign is also proactively talking about issues that it wants to focus on, like democracy and the dangers that it believes donald trump poses to the country. number two, trump's economic plan, which they say focuses on the wealthy and corporations. and number three women's right to choose and reproductive rights more broadly in this country, with the biden campaign using this week and the two-year anniversary of the overturning of roe to really try to connect the dots between donald trump's personnel and his politics that landmark decision two years ago, just take a look at this ad that the biden campaign released just this morning. >> i was right around 11 weeks when i had a miscarriage the pain that i was feeling was excruciating. i was turned away from two emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump overturning roe v. wade that's part of a 50 million ad buy across the battleground states, just part of the biden team's effort to try to frame the agenda and set the table for this conversation, even though the unexpected is likely to happen while dana tausche reporting from the white house. thank you very much. are the big countdown continues now with our political experts at david chelyan, i'll start with you, the biden campaign wants to focus in on this extremely sensitive issue of abortion rights for women. they also want to focus you said on the issue of democracy and trump's economic plans. what does all this say to you about their strategy well, i think they're leaning into especially on the abortion rights issue, an issue that they are doing well in the polls on. >> that is an issue that is played to democratic advantage. democracy has an issue wall for this one that clearly rallies democrats on joe biden talks about it. but when you look at the polling republicans and democrats come into democracy issue from very different perspectives. and that's sort of an evenly divided issue. and you put into trump's economic proposals that joe biden no doubt wants to highlight so too i'm just donald trump. probably he wants to focus in on his proposal to cut taxes. we know that in much of the polling that is out there, americans given advantage to trump over biden as it relates to the economy? to immigration. so i'd imagine that the trump team probably wants to lean into those issues more at the debate. but what you cited there at the top clearly is how biden world sees their sort of, sort of strong suits in this debate. >> joe lockhart is with us as well, and joe, i remember when you help prepare bill clinton and john kerry for that matter, for their presidential debates. so how should biden approach all of this? it's really critically important, sensitive moment i think we have an unusual situation. we're both sides have the same strategy. donald trump is going to be donald trump, no matter what they're doing in prep, he's going to come out and i think if he's punched a couple of times and you hear the word convicted felon a few times. he's going to revert to his normal self. i think for biden, it's wet. donald trump. donald trump. because i think they are very focused in on making sure the public knows that this is a choice between two between donald trump and joe biden. they think that worship is very important. democracy very important. but i think what they want to get out of this debate is, you have a choice. look at the two of us yeah. >> alyssa farah griffin, his journey as well alyssa typically, as you know, a sitting president is the one that often has trouble defending his or her record during a debate like this. but the new biden campaign ad on abortion, for example, shows how they want to put trump on the defensive. what do you make of that i think that democrats know their strongest issue is an abortion. >> donald trump bears responsibility for robing pulled back. but what i would say is, the winner of this debate is going to be who can substantively talk about the key issues americans cared about, the economy, immigration, health care, and do it in a forward-looking manner. so it's not just about re-litigating your record, whether you're biden or trump, but presenting a vision to the undecided americans who still somehow exist out there of what your plan is and being the adult in the room, the person who doesn't lose their temper, who doesn't get rattled. and there's so many variables here. the know audience of this, the fact that it's really just going to be a room with the moderators and the candidate that's there's a world in which you get disciplined. donald trump for 90 minutes. biden needs to be ready for that. and to joe's point work in those diggs, call them a convicted felon tried to get a rise out of him, tried to make him show that side of him, but it's really unpredictable where this goes. but the one thing that candidate should be prepared on is a forward looking for your ahead can unpredictable. the keyword right now. sure. michael singleton, how does trump navigate these sensitive issues for example, abortion and democracy? >> hello wolf, i think the former president needs to make clear that abortion is an issue that state should decide and voters in those states should be able to vote on the issue. and what we have found is when voters are given a choice, whether many in the evangelical wing of the party like it or not, an overwhelming majority of voters, including many republican voters, are voting to protect reproductive rights. and i think many evangelicals who may not like that position for the former president will understand the position because there are principally concerned with 11 success, i think for the former president is going to be fundamentally important war for him to showcase his ability to be a statesman and his tone will matter to a lot of those independent as swing vote voters people are very concerned about the economy. they're very concerned about immigration. i think president biden's going to have a very difficult time wolf trying to convince the american people that he can somehow change the clock on what they have seen over the last four years, which the vast majority of sandi do not like let me go back to david. david, you saw that new cbs yougov poll, which asked likely voters about the major factors in this upcoming debate and look at this, the economy and inflation top of the list, while abortion was cited by just over half of voters, given this, why is president biden? his campaign. why are they choosing to play such a heavy focus on this abortion issue well, because it plays to their strengths, because democrats have seen success at the ballot box on this issue. >> and obviously in that poll, it's not ranking as high as the economy let me and inflation which is clearly v top of mind issue for voters. but the abortion rights issue is one that unifies the democratic base, which is also part of joe biden's mission here, i agree with joe. i think one of the reasons that the biden campaign was eager to have this general election debates earlier than any previous general election debate was to get that side-by-side contrast with trump on the stage out before american voters. now to try to shake them by their lapels and say the election is happening. and this is your choice. >> i will say part of the trump campaign strategy in my understanding from talking to people in trump world about sort of saying will debate you anywhere for anytime any place. >> and accepting this debate invitation was also because they think that side-by-side contrast on the stage benefits their candidate as well alyssa. >> alyssa, a trump is signaling. he could be in his words either quote, tough and nasty, or quote nice and calm during the upcoming debate, what are you expecting from him? >> we've seen both versions of them. we saw they'll first debate last time where he shouted out a domestic terrorism terrorism organization, the proud boys the second debate he was more substantive, he was more nuance. he i have seen him do it. he is capable of getting through 90 minutes and talking about a vision, talking about policy. but this is where joe biden needs to be working on strategy, is trying to pull the other side out of him. there's not an audience that's going to make them want to be bombastic. so it's going to be really discussing issues, you know, the moderators are going to ask about january 6, you know, they're going to ask about criticizing our instance the tuition's and that's where i think he's most likely to slip into that sort of rage and retribution side of himself. but no one should sleep on the fact that there's a world in which donald trump gets through this very substantively with no major missteps joe locker, what do you think well, i think it's going to be very hard for donald trump. >> i think it was just right with the lack of an audience maybe what gets him through this. but i think the biden campaign and president biden are going to be looking for ways to go after him, whether it's convicted i on january 6, and to get arise because what they really want out of this is to show donald trump the way he is out on the campaign trail as someone who's out of control and then his has got a temper whether maybe he can get through it. i don't think his track record shows that he can to all of you. >> thank you very, very much coming up new tests of the judge in the trump classified documents case as she considers restrictions on who the former president and can attack in public. we have new information debate like in america, as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage unrivaled access, and exclusive pre and post of beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment, followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. >> you need to hire a new indeed. >> indeed, you do. >> indeed instant match, instantly delivers while living candidates matching your job description visited slash higher at fisher investments, we may look like other many managers, but were different. >> you can't be that different. >> we are we have a team of specialists, not only in investing, but also in financial and estate planning and more your clients rely on you for all that? yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. but you 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trump classified documents case wrapped up just a short while ago, judge aileen cannon. now weighing whether to impose a gag order on donald trump as well as the challenge to the legitimacy of the special counsel, cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez, is just inside the courtroom and fourth piece, florida, just north of palm beach. evan did prosecutors make any headway on their push for a gag order on donald trump? >> certainly not any indication right now, will if that they're going to get this gag order from judge aileen cannon. she expressed certainly a lot of skepticism about some of the arguments that the government was making. prosecutors have come here because they say that some of the former president's inflammatory comments about that in 2022 search of mar-a-lago raised the possibility of danger to some of the fbi agents who carried out that search as some of whom could end up being witnesses in this case if it ever goes to trial and a cite some of his comments where he said that he was put in danger, that they could have they could have taken him out keep in mind, of course, that the former president was president wasn't even here at the time when that search happened, he was up in new jersey. here's what prosecutor david harbach said to the judge. he said, quote, the government is at a loss to conceive why mr. trump would say something so false. so inconceivable or inviting a violence, he called what the former president was saying as beyond a irresponsible, but the pushback that he got immediately from judge can judge aileen cannon is she said, where do you see a call for violence and he pointed again to some of his social media posts and he said that they ultimately could result in all kinds of threats two, law enforcement now, we have also heard from the former president's attorneys, todd blanche, said in court that what the government was asking for is a day sets a dangerous precedent for a candidate who's running for high office, obviously for the presidential office, he said that what the government was seeming to do was having any comments from steve bannon, for instance, be the reason why donald trump could be thrown in jail. so we expect that this is going to take a little time before the judge decides but she did not rule from the bench. today, we'll i've been perez. thank you very much, evan reporting from florida down there. let's bring and see cnn legal analyst norm eisen, along with former federal prosecutor, at least adamson, annalisa. let me get your thoughts. prosecutors are arguing and being very forceful on this trump's speech should be restricted. he should have a gag order down in florida because of their words everything he says endangers the safety of others in the community how strong of an argument do you think they have? >> i think it's a very strong argument. i mean, look, we have data points to suggest that the former president's words not only have a lot of power, but also incite violence. i think january 6 being the most significant example of that. and what prosecutors are asking for is narrowly tailored gag order to prevent the former president from advancing what has been shown to be a complete lie and twist of a very standard fbi policy to rile his base. and so i understand the argument. i also understand why the prosecutors seem to be so passionate because they see the potential for excel stream danger as the election season goes on, because trump legal team, they argue that trump is a presidential candidate, right now and he needs to speak out on a lot of these sensitive issues. well, wolf, that first amendment balancing is all important and it's at its height. >> when you have a presidential candidate. but remember, the history of donald trump making these inflammatory remarks, and we have seen an attack on an fbi office in ohio relating to this case that was mr. shiffer would tack that office after the search of mar-a-lago. so there's a pattern of dangerousness. once again, you see judge cannon taking a completely different approach. judge chutkan gag order. judge marie sean gag order balancing trump is allowed to attack judge chutkan, allowed to tag judge merchan, but protect law enforcement personnel doesn't look like that's happening here. >> it was interesting special counsel, prosecutor, and it was very sensitive. have to apologize to judge cannon for being, quote unprofessional during today's hearing can address down the prosecutor twice today. this is a potential misstep. how big of a misstep is this? >> well you never want to have to be in that situation of having to apologize of crossing the line. i thought it was vigorous advocacy that got a little too hot that happens. but again, judge cannon is a special case. normally, judges will countenance a bit more of that back-and-forths. so i think the apology in the end was the right thing to do and whatever she may do on the gag order, they can't afford to have a rule against the legality of smith's appointment. >> there was interesting, judge cannon, as you know, at least heard arguments today targeting the special counsel, jack smith's illegality and doing what he's doing. she asked many pointed questions the prosecutors, what could that suggest to you? >> well honestly, wolf, when i read about that, i thought, well, she has to be asking questions at this point to justify holding these hearings. otherwise, why didn't she just rule on the paper's presumably, she must have had questions if she needed all of this oral argument and look, i think the question he was asking with a right one. she was also asking the former president's team about various arguments they were making in the briefs. so i think it's kind of hard to read the tea leaves there because that's what you expect in a hearing. i do think with respect to the appropriations issue that she took up today, she's most likely going to deny that based on what i saw on we will find out fairly soon, elise. thank you very much. norm. thanks to you as well. up next, the conflict between israel and hezbollah is intensifying right now, is israel plans to shift its military focus? to its northern border with lebanon. what the escalating tension means for the middle east and beyond this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. >> cnn lumina whitening strips, know peroxide, no pain. >> i can use them every day if i want what i want drink what i want, probably aluminium strip and l0 my smile is back on point easy had to take our old gas heating. >> that was a huge project. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people off of anjie to work with people that knew what they were doing it was a game changer get started today at running a business, takes everything you have and there's no such thing as off the clock. no one else can do what you do. funding from bus to 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will shift to the northern border with lebanon, where fighting with the iran-backed group has as balah has dramatically intensified, cms ben wiedemann has this report it's a day of joy and celebration here in south lebanon israeli forces or just about five miles away from here. >> but nonetheless here in the town of baia waiting, going on it didn't seem right to spoil his special day for newlyweds, taymor, in fact, in with questions about the dark clouds hovering over lebanon. but one guest told us off camera, we're celebrating here while war is around the corner has the buyer has been spared the worst of the barrages and counter barrages between israel and hezbollah here they stop anyone from firing towards israel parliament member alias gerardi was elected to represent christians in this area majority of the south and people majority of the lebanese people from all sex or religions, all parties they are in one way or another. >> there are committed with the palestinian. >> everyone we spoke with had a completely contrary opinion few people wanted to speak on camera about the looming danger of war for fear of repercussions, off camera, we got an earful there is zero appetite for escalation, little support for his butler at five-year-old. double nobile has seen it all war and civil war invasions and occupation hang of how war is ruined nation. >> he says in war, everyone loses even the winner of wood nobile knows of what he speaks. since october, israel and hezbollah and its allies have been engaged in low intensity warfare largely limited to the border. if full scale war breaks out, that war will spread well beyond the front tear on both sides last week israeli generals approved a plan to attack lebanon while his bullet leader hassan nasrallah, recently warned if it comes to war, the group will fight israel on land, sea, and air and also inside israel itself what the iranian back to groups sophisticated attacks have surprised israeli officials, including precision strikes on surveillance posts on the border, shooting down high flying israeli drones, and knocking out anti-missile and anti-drone defenses and post steam own line more than nine minutes of what it claimed was drone footage of sensitive military and civilian infrastructure in and around the city of haifa but the bells summons the faithful to mass in the predominantly christian town. much more than 90,000 people have already left the south for safer ground. >> nothing have no says she's determined to stay but if things escalate to war and it reaches here like it did before with some shelling. >> of course, like others, will have to leave for now, they can only pray for peace and hope. those prayers are heard and that tripping predation that we saw down south is starting to be felt here in beirut. >> may understand that hotels are receiving cancellations at the beginning of what is normal play a big season for lebanese to return from the diaspora and spend hard cash here. and also sweden kuwait, and north macedonia have all told their nationals in lebanon to either leave or don't come if they were planning wolf are, then we'd have been in beirut for us, ben. thank you very much. stay safe over there joining us now to discuss the latest tensions in the middle east is the former us defense secretary, mark esper secretary esper, thanks so much for joining. it looks like this could potentially spiral into a full-scale war between israel and hezbollah, iranian-backed hezbollah forces in southern lebanon. and they have a lot of missiles, a lot of rockets, they potentially could cause a lot more damaged israel that hamas can from gaza. >> they absolutely i will hezbollah is much bigger than hamas. hamas had about 30,000 soldiers are so and nassrallah claims he has over 100,000 militants under his command and control. and as you noted, over a 150,000 rockets and missiles and drones that could do considerable damage. and at the employed correctly could overwhelm israel's iron dome and other air defense system you really think it could overwhelm the iron dome absence of very sophisticated missile defense system, very sophisticated with a 95% plus or so effectiveness rate. but look, if you shoot enough missiles at one time, it's hard to shoot them down, reload, and be prepared for the next salvo. so look, i think that's why the united states is moving forces back into the region. we know carriers coming from the pacific. the marines are moving an amphibole back to the eastern mediterranean you see a lot of talk in dc trying to calm things down and so it looks like they are inching toward a conflict you think israel has the capability of launching airstrikes, a preemptive airstrike against various missile sites within south lebanon where hezbollah has hundreds of them. short look, i think they do they have that capability? the question is, why now? why start a front now they're not yet finished with with hamas in gaza, in rafah in particular. and of course, iran is the bogey out there right there. you have a presidential action happening 34 days there's a lot of uncertainty there. how will they weigh in on the conflict if israel strikes first against hezbollah would be the impact if there was a full-scale war between israel and hezbollah and lebanon? on the fate of the hostages still being held in gaza. >> yet look, that's a great question, but i've been long convinced that yahya sinwar in gaza has no intended leader of hamas, leader of hamas in gaza has no intention of releasing those hostages until he gets his two key demands, a permanent ceasefire, and the removal of aldi idf forces out of gaza, which the ladders completely contrary to what benjamin netanyahu wants, because we're getting obviously it's sort of conflicting statements from the israeli leadership, including the prime minister who now says that israel still supports that hostage deal proposal that president biden spoke about and said was on the table yeah. >> but as you said, though yesterday, sunday, he said very clearly that there's gonna be no end to the war in gaza until hamas is defeated or is i'd like to say dismantled. and that means getting rid of leadership, making sure that the four battalions are combat ineffective, knocking out the infrastructure which we've know they've done, they've taken up many tidal, many tunnels and to curing that southern border where they believe arms are coming across from egypt into gaza. >> the israeli defense minister has been in washington over the past few days, met with secretary blinken at the state department today for a few hours. what's going on well, he is supposedly talking to them about what phase c means facie being presumably the governance of gaza, how it will be can control with regard to security and how public services will be provided. >> but i imagine he's also talking to them about hezbollah, what they intend to do. of course, what they want is hezbollah moved back off the border and stopped shooting rockets at them because as we know, 60, 80,000 or so israelis have been displaced from their homes in northern israel, plus seriously strained is the us is really relationship right now. certainly the relationship between the white house and netanyahu is very strange. i think you know, the relationships between our countries are governments and people will remain intact, but it's very, very strained. and of course you have politics, wolffian, all this, you have a presidential debate coming up here with cnn in a couple of nights. this topic will be, i'm sure as part of that discussion netanyahu is trying to balance domestic politics. he has two prime objectives that the israeli people want. free the hostages and defeat hamas. and in some ways those two are in conflict. and he has his own coalition. he's trying to hold together at a time when when benny gantz just walked out a couple of weeks ago and it's important to keep in mind at the minister of defense. so you rightly said his here this week is the one who said publicly, look, we need an end planned for gaza. we need to know what the end state is, who's going to govern what's it going to look like down the road and netanyahu's has yet to offer that mark esper. >> thanks so much for joining us. thank you. well, good discussion. just ahead. multiple headlines from the us supreme court today the justices adding more days to their decision calendar have agreed to hear a blockbuster case. this fall the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes it's couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president. one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate. live on then and streaming on max. >> when you get a pool with dr. time, you get the real deal time real deal maker lets you customize the real down payment and monthly payment of the car you want to buy, super smart and the deal you make on your phone here's the deal you paid if the real deal and drive 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gun trial. >> following his conviction on three felony charges. cnn's zachary cohen has more on the court filings that were made today, zachary on what grounds is hunter biden as legal team? what what grounds are they making this request? >> yeah. well, hunter biden is asking for a redo in the trial of his federal gun case, and specifically, he's not arguing with the merits of that case, but a procedural hiccup. he's saying that because the appeals court and didn't issue what is called a mandate before a jury wasn't paneled at the trial court level, the jurisdiction was never transferred back to the trial court. therefore, a trial never should have happened. he actually writes in this filing that all of his three felony convictions should be vacated because of this procedural mix-up. look, the trial court has already said that any issue dealing with the appeals court wouldn't impact the jurisdiction of the trial itself. therefore, this attempt does look like a long shot attempt by 100 bought into wipe away his felony convictions and get a new trial oh, but at the end of the day, we'll have to see what the court ultimately does rule, but 100 button again, trying to get his felony convictions overturned, get a new day in court. >> zachary cohen reporting with for us. thank you very much. also tonight, the united states supreme court has agreed to decide whether states can restrict gender affirming care for minors, taking on a complicated and politically charged issue with huge consequences for young people who are transgender. cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid, is here in the situation room. she's got details, layout, the issue the court has now agreed to consider so will this is the first time that the court is really going to delve into the issue of gender, affirming care. this will be a blockbuster case with nationwide implications of the case they agreed to hear focuses on transgender care in tennessee another state has issued a ban, is enacted last year, which bans hormone therapy and puberty blockers from miners and doctors who violate the law can face civil penalties. nearly half of all states have banned on transgender care for minors. legal challenges have been working their way through the federal courts for over a year now, republican lawmakers who support the band say decisions about care should be made after an individual becomes an adult. but opponents argue bands violate the civil rights of trans children and conflict with parents rights to make decisions about their child's medical care when the biden administration, along with families of transgender minors, challenge the tennessee law, and we expect this case will be heard in the fall we expect the supreme court to becoming up with other important decisions very soon they're adding some calendar days to their schedule. they're supposed to go on to their summer break very soon, but they may have to delay that wednesday, thursday, and friday. >> we've learned that they're going to continue to release their opinions and they have some seriously important questions unanswered. first of all, we're looking to see what they say about whether former president trump has immunity to protect him from the federal election subversion case. there's a related case brought by a january 6 defendant who has challenged the fact that he was charged with obstruction, saying that's not what the law was designed for. now that depending on how it's decided, could also have an implication to the former president. there's also a big outstanding question about abortion, one that could have significant significant repercussions before the election in november, it's a question about what do you do when you have restricted state laws that come up against more permissive federal laws, specifically in idaho, when it comes to emergency room care, also outstanding questions about the power of federal agencies and the regulation of social media. so they have a lot that they're still working on. and we'll be watching and covering all of those huge cases. >> so what i hear you're saying is will be busy every morning over the next several several days watching all of this unfold. paula reid. thank you very, very much coming up. the deadly aftermath of the a shooting rampage. i'm churches because and synagogues on russian soil the final episode of violin earth, they're deadly violence and unleash masters structure. hurricane impacts are worsening, is it too late to undo decades of climate change? violin, earth, would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn? >> my name is karen and i'm from brooklyn. i worked for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp and i realized my memory was just changing. it did my own research and i decided to give province in a try. my memory hey, much sharper. i remembered more. >> i've been taken for epogen for four years now. it's a life changer provision at 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haunts him. now pitched battles in the southern region of dagestan where likely islamist militants attacks jews and christians in synagogues and churches for hours in which police struggled into the night to gain control we still have an incomplete picture of what sin security services into a frenzy sunday as evening prayers began but it is clear, the flames spread along dagestan's coast down to this synagogue in southern der bent and the police were also targeted their ranks strip thin by mobilization to putin, other war in ukraine russia, security services keen to emphasize their swift reaction, releasing this video of them securing the assumption of our lady cathedral in march, karla dagestan used over two decades to scenes of mangled metal and police hunting militants. but this time absorbing whether putin's war in ukraine he taken away the security forces from their own homes, streets, and the disturbing news that three of the gunmen were related to a local official won his son, another nephew, and the third cousin. a local mma fighter a key victim, father nikolay pictured here, apparently having his throat slit amid reports, there was a hostage standoff for awhile the deaths announced so far, mostly police, leaving questions as to whether more civilians have been killed when they came to evening worship. and the main suspect here, isis k, yet to claim the attack the officials slow to name them. >> you who've lotto when you mind. >> of course, we understand who is behind the organization of these terrorist attacks. he says, we understand what the organizers were trying to achieve extremism has long cursed dagestan. but boston bombers, partially linked back to here, and it's militants in 2013 police have long been ferocious and they're spots fueling yet more extremism analysts say yet in 2022, protests are rotted and so many dagestan each man was sent off to you praying and so now the old agony of terror, perhaps made worse by police being thinned out for putin's long war of choice and nick paton big walsh is joining us live right down nick. >> so who might be behind this and what does it say about putin's control of russia right now yeah, ultimately, i think fingers will point towards isis-k, the offshoot of isis. >> there's predominantly in afghanistan, central asia, and was behind the savage attacks on crocus city hall in the capital moscow. just three months ago. now, although isis have not claimed responsibility here over the channels have celebrated this particular attack. these guys appeared to all be related a large number of them, and that might suggest there's perhaps an isolated cell planning this attack without wider infrastructure behind them. but really the finger is pointing here at the kremlin, essentially, for the lack of security in this area? yes, there was higher security at some of these installations but i think many dagestan is. we'll be asking where the troops were, where the police were. the answer is simply there in ukraine, they'd be moved to that war of choice for vladimir putin. and really now, two decades since putin came to power, saying he would eradicate what he called back then, this extremist threat it's now entirely clear that it's mega size and found new generations and is a problem still. the kremlin can't get their hands around, so no worries. thank you very much. nick paton walsh reporting for us from london coming up a closer look at the warm up for cnn's historic trump biden debate. as the candidates onstage strategies or not? now taking shape the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine, life on cnn and streaming on max and see idp disrupts the idp derails. let's be honest, sucks but living to see idp doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration 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your podcasts happening. now, president biden is hunkered down as preparation christians wrap up for his pivotal debate with donald trump, here on cnn, we're breaking down the stakes with three days to go. as a biden advisers. now, warning to expect the unexpected ask for trump. he's taking new jabs at his opponent and teasing the possibility that he could be nasty or nice when he takes the stage in atlanta, on thursday, standby for details on how both

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