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510200, coventry direct redefining insurance the cnn present hello everyone. thanks for joining me. >> i'm alison camera radha in for fredricka whitfield debate week starts today we are four days away from the cnn presidential they, between president biden and former president trump. >> thursday night's showdown is the first of the 2024 race. >> it has the potential to shake up a race that has been deadlocked in the polls for months. and the two candidates are preparing for this high-stakes event in very different ways president biden hunkering down at camp david all weekend, reportedly holding intensive prep work and mock debates with a team of advisors. >> donald trump has spent the weekend about the campaign trail speaking to a christian group in dc and holding a rally in the swing state of pennsylvania where he told reporters he expects his upcoming vice presidential pick to join him at thursday's debate. but let's begin with president biden's debate prep. cnn's kevin look tack joins us now kevin, how is he getting ready? >> yeah, he is now on day three of debate camp out in western maryland at camp david. he does have quite a large group of advisors with him as he proposed paris for this debate going through policy contrasts with president trump coming up with zingers with retorts with responses. basically trying to be ready for anything that trump throws at him there on the debate stage. and it was interesting, we're getting some new insight into the strategy from the biden campaign in this memo that they released this it's morning, heading into this critical week ahead of the debate, they say they're holding more than 1,000 different events leading into this event. they're going to hold more than 100 watch parties on the night of the debate. i think it's interesting if you were to boil down the strategy as laid out in this momo, it's essentially trying to put them this contrast on display with president trump. that is their overarching goal. they really do feel that so many americans just haven't tuned into this election yet. this will be the moment for them to realize that they have a choice this november, it's between biden and trump, and they do really hope, as they say in this memo to put a magnifying glass glas on that choice. just in reading it, you do get a sense of the three top issues that president biden is going to try an underscore during this event. one is the potential threat from president trump to democracy his threats of political violence really trying to underscore that to the television audience. there we're also going to underscore president trump's economic plans, which they say would benefit the wealthy and they'll also discuss president trump's record on abortion his taking credit for the overturning of roe versus wade. and to that point the biden campaign plans to emphasize tomorrow the anniversary of the dobbs decision at the supreme court that overturned the nationwide right to an abortion. now, the real question i think for the biden folks is what candidate trump shows up on the debate stage. is it the ferocious trump that we saw in 2020 who interrupts who is bombastic in his appearance and his language, or is it a more rustic? restraint trump a more presidential trump? and we did here from a key surrogate for the biden campaign this morning, mitch landrieu, he's a co-chair of the campaign, who is talking about what trump, which version of trump might show up? listen to what he said it really doesn't matter how donald trump shows up if he comes in unhinged like he is most of the time, or he sits there and his quiet people are gonna know that he's a twice-impeached, convicted felon, who has been found to have defame somebody sexually abused somebody, and going bankrupt six times, they will always know that and that is something that the american people have to think about so certainly the biden campaign, very ready for whatever trump throws at them on the debate stage. but as you heard there for mitch landrieu are also ready to throw it right back okay, kevin, thank you very much for that preview. while the trump campaign is already looking past the debate and towards next month's republican national convention cnn, steve contorno was with the former president in philadelphia where he announced news of a running mate ellison, we have learned that three names have emerged as front runners in trump's vp search. senator j.d. vance of ohio, senator marco rubio of florida, and north dakota governor doug burgum, trump yesterday said he's made his decision, but he's not living that person know yet, nor the public in, my mind yeah. >> did they know nobody knows. that's what do you like spp those remarks came during a stop for philly cheesesteaks amid a full day of campaigning by the former president trump really enjoying juxtaposing how he spent his final saturday before the debates versus joe biden's more studious approach listen to what he told his philly rally later that night, right now, crooked joe's gone to a log cabin to study prepare no, he didn't do he's sleeping now because they want to get them good and strong so a little before debate time, he gets a shot i say he'll come out all jacked up, right. all jacked. >> trump went on to criticize biden over the border, inflation crime really sharpening those attacks heading into this critical debate with joe biden we really expect to fireworks to fly. allison okay, steve, thank you very much for joining me now, is larys alberto the director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. >> he's also the editor of the book, return to normalcy. the 2020 election that almost broke america. you may need an addendum to that larry for the 2024 election but i'll i'll let you update that on your own. okay. so how do you analyze these very two different it appears debate preparation styles for president biden and donald trump well, we have to assume that we're being told the truth about what donald trump is really doing in preparation for the debate. i, i don't know why i'm suspicious allison, but they have misled us on occasion over the past eight or nine years. but if he really is doing little preparation well, that's donald trump i, think one of your commentators, or maybe it was on another network said well, is he going to show up as the ferocious donald trump? and the second debate in the first debate back in 2020, or is he going to appear presidential? hey, if he wasn't presidential while he was president how is he going to be presidential after? all this, water has gone under the trump bridge there's only one donald trump and it's the attack mode donald trump, he is not going to sit there for an hour-and-a-half or stand there and be sweet and nice. that's not in his makeup so as you know, are the poles have been very tight between biden and trump for months. what could happen in this debate? the changes that this is, this is a really interesting race. i wish i'd been around for the rematch between benjamin harrison and grover cleveland because then we'd have some ideas what people think about 21 incumbent president, a former president running against one another. >> people think they know everything they need to know about trump and biden since they've both had essentially four years as president. >> but that's not true everybody evolves and particularly people in positions like there's both have evolved biden because he's been president for nearly four years. and trump because he's been well indicted multiple times and convicted on 34 felony counts, among other things they're different people than they were in 2020 or before tuning in and will eventually communicate to people that, well, they're, they're different than i thought. >> they've they've learned this or they haven't learned that. and pieces of this debate are going to be aired all the way to the election, but particularly between now june 20 but the debate and september 10, which is the second to debate on abc, that's a lot of ground to cover. a lot of real earrings of at least pieces of it during the two conventions plus trump's sentencing, right before the convention, lots of things are going to happen. so i think people will be surprised and they will gradually learn more about the candidates, maybe not all at once on debate night, but over time as they see and receive pieces of the debate as you know, donald trump's team has a hard time deciding if joe biden is mentally unfit or a formidable debater. >> so here's one of trump's vp contenders, doug burgum touting biden's debate skills on state of the union this morning i think we have to look at the guise. >> run for office more than a dozen times. he's run for president four times. he's been campaigning since president nixon was in office. this guy has got the ability and we've seen it. we've seen him in debate of four years ago. we've seen them in the state the state of the union this year, that when he needs two, he can step up. so i mean, which characterization is it well, the trump campaigns covered isn't it? >> if biden does well, they predicted it. if biden doesn't do well, they predicted it. and neither bothers. and of course that's the official line. matters is how the 25% who don't like either one of them, how they react, how the handful of true independence and true swing voters react. and that may not be obvious immediately. well, we'll have to see what the candidates say about the other candidates performance is really they are relevant. i mean, what do you expect them to say, boy, that he was good. i was surprised he was that good that's an another universe someplace great point thanks for giving us all of that context. larry sabato, great to talk to you. >> thank you, alison to an end to see the cnn presidential debate right here on cnn. >> that's coming up on june june 27th, 9:00 p.m. eastern. it's also streaming on max we do have some breaking news out of russia right now. we are monitoring what authorities are calling coordinated attacks across the southern part of the country right now, a synagogue is on fire, and a priest is dead. after an attack on a church police say, armed gunman opened fire with automatic weapons on these houses of worship. this happened a short time ago in the city of der bent. >> police say two militants were killed. >> authorities believed there are several priests still hiding from attackers in another incident, and gunman opened fire on a police traffic post in a city just north of their authorities are opening a terror investigation. let's bring in steve hall. he's the former cia chief of russia operations. what do you see here? steve? >> allison is very early, early days, early hours. we don't exactly know what's what's going on, what we do know is this part of russia has long been very restive. there's a large islamic community there. of course, the relationship between the kremlin and those area of the country which are, which are largely muslim, has always been fraud. it's always been difficult after remember that this is also the region that does are rna of brothers, of the, of the boston marathon bombings spent some formative years in. so it's a difficult area. it is interesting that the, the, the actual targets of the attack appear to be a synagogue. there's also some reporting that there might be a catholic church in a priest involved. >> so it doesn't it sounds something like something like something against the russian state. but of course the russian state does have the responsibility in the form of the investigative committees in the fsb to try to find out what's going on. so i think the story has got to develop a little more before we know exactly what's going on. alison yes, i understand it's very fluid saved, but i do think it's curious that there the latest reports, the earliest reports we have is that a priest has been killed. >> so it is an attack on a church. >> churches, as well as a synagogue. so what does that tell us? >> yeah, i think if you asked me for right now, what do you think's going on? what's what are all indications it looks to me like this is this is un-islamic attacker and islamic based attack because again, most of the population in that region is islamic, is muslim. so it would it would make less sense for it to be an attack against say, a mosque because it is a synagogue. and perhaps as well as the catholic church. one is sort of pushed in the direction of okay, who are the enemies are, who are the likely attackers of such fates. and it may very well be muslim. now again, we don't know yet because the russians so we're still trying to investigate this. it wouldn't surprise me if the kremlin tried to blame, for example, the ukrainians or some other foreign entity like for it, perhaps even the united states or the west, for at least contributing somehow to this instability. but early on it seems like it seems like it might just be inhabitants of the region. they're author attacks. we'll have to see see if you brought up the boston marathon bombing. and i too thought of that immediately when i read that this is happening in dagestan because that's where this rna of brothers were from. so what is dagestan like today? >> dagestan and these areas in this part of russia is sort of an uneasy, sort of arrangement. i suppose that they have with moscow, for example, in neighboring chechnya, you've got this crazy guy by the name of could veer off, who has essentially been deputizing by putin to say, look, you can run chechen, the whole of the chechen population, as long as you keep them repressed and there are no attacks against against the kremlin. dagestan is a little bit different, but there are still this sort of uneasy relationship. i think with moscow, because there's a lot of resentment on the part of the population of the repression of course, right across the border in kyrgyzstan there's, there's, there's lots of, lots of attention as well. so it's a tense region and it's sort of, it's been common the last couple of years. but there's always the potential for something like this to pop up in some way, shape, or form i'm reminded that there was this incident last year were a mob in this region stormed through an airport. we have video of it here. this is just as a flight from tel aviv landed do you know any more about that well, again, i don't know anything specific behind any of these attacks, but it does point to the tensions that we have that are oftentimes the breakdown oftentimes along religious lines or societal leinz or are those types of blows, types of demographics so again, the connection between al flight coming in from tel aviv, israel a jewish element there. >> these attacks, we have a perhaps a synagogue, perhaps a catholic church as well. so it could just be religious tensions in the area. but again, the russians will have to investigate this then we will have to try to figure out here in the west what happened because of course, whatever the russian say isn't necessarily going to be the truth. it's going to be what's most convenient for whatever point the kremlin wants to prove or to make on this understood. steve hall, always great to get your expertise. >> thank you sure. >> stay on that story. back here across the midwest, catastrophic flooding is prompting evacuations in several states. plus triple digit heat in the east. more than 100 million people under heat alerts the nation's capital hit the 100 degree mark for the first time since 2016, we have a look at the latest forecasts for you next there's no war, so hateful between kin bloody war between tracks house of the dragon streaming, excuse lucidly on macs first no biggie. >> we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in, relax, don't be nervous come for wax tastes. >> game smoother skin, less ingrown hair, less irritation in now, in under 15 minutes, then our products, they're amazing. i have on deodorant 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which po4 life tosses limits away circle available at walmart and drinks celebrate, go forwards in america thursday, july for it, they 70s due cnn dangerous flash flooding, forced evacuations across the midwest this weekend, governor kim reynolds issued a disaster proclamation for 21 counties in northwest iowa some of which like rock valley saw catastrophic floodwaters. >> this drone footage shows stranded vehicles and water rising as you can see, beyond the windows of several of these buildings as the river rose, officials scrambled to get residents to safety the river rose to historic levels that we've never seen her before. he had it's hard to deal with that much water it's it's a monumental undertaking one man snapped these images before evacuating his neighborhood. >> he tells cnn that he flagged down a boat to pick him up along with his wife and his cat meteorologist elisa rafah is tracking this from the cnn weather center. so elisa, which areas are still under a flood warning? >> we still have flood warnings, not because there's more rain coming down right now, but because these rivers are still so aggravated, they stretch from parts of southern minnesota like mankato all the way into south dakota, sioux falls, south dakota included spence or northwest iowa. and then you could see the rivers are warned going down the missouri river from suu city down into omaha again, as they're just aggravated with so much rain, some spots got up to ten to 15 inches of rain just in the last three days and you could see that pocket they are in northwest. i would just south of sioux falls, north of sioux city. but look how widespread some of these four to six inch totals we're, you had some heavier pockets up towards mankato as well. so just incredible rain that just came down in such a short amount of time, which is why these rivers are still at major and moderate flood stage. a lot of them, almost 50 of them still dealing with some of this flooding. now this same system pushed east and now we have a tornado watch for much of new england. this is a part of the country that typically doesn't see too many tornado watches a year. it includes places like burlington albany, and some of the suburbs there, a boston, we have this front coming through with some strong and severe storms. atmosphere is very juiced up. you've got some tornado warnings right now, just south, there are burlington where it looks like we've got a little bit of a supercell thunderstorm there. there could be rotating and producing a tornado. so here's that severe risks today. it's a level three out of five up where we've got that watch from portland to albany for large hail damaging winds and a couple of tornadoes possible. this front continues to push east as we go into the evening with some showers and storms making it to new york city. as we go into the morning hours, this will finally cut back some of that keep briefly along the east coast, high temperatures today still looking at 94 degrees in raleigh, 97 in atlanta, 100 degrees for that. hi, today possible in oklahoma city, dc could get up near 100 again, if you're hitting 100 degrees yesterday for the first time since 2016, more than 2000 days. and if you look at when we hit hundred degrees in june, it was even longer than that, more than ten years ago, because it's just so early in the season to get heat. this extreme temperatures up near 100 from philly to dc and richmond as we go through the day today. but again, notice the cool cooldown temperatures moderating some back down a little bit closer to 90 degrees it's that front comes through allison. >> okay. so everybody needs to enjoy it tomorrow, elisa. thank you very much so it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was doubling down on criticism of the biden administration for what he calls the withholding of weapons and ammunition and to israel will give you the facts next baked in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat and analysis. >> follow cnn for every catalyst moment, followed debate night in america it's 7:00 p.m. by iphone 12 with super-fast five g and a dual camera system. then get real unlimited data on the silver unlimited plan for just $20 a month for a whole year? >> that's $300 in savings, less dollars, more sense. now with straight talk life is better with the credit god's on your side rewards once available to the we are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback rewards and liz large. >> first, we did the impossible you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out and now they're by the footlong cookies back-end subway see idp disrupts the idp derails. let's be honest socks but living see idp doesn't have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. >> cid p can be tough. >> but finding hope just got a little 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the us after he says months of private discussions did not get him anywhere. cnn's paula hancocks is in jerusalem for us. does netanyahu think that public criticism will help well, i will send it appears so. >> i mean, he's had every opportunity to let this die down and the prime minister hasn't taken any of those opportunities he brought this up on tuesdays saying it was inconceivable that the u.s. was withholding these weapons, which biden admin administrator patient officials quickly said was simply not true and they weren't actually shot. he was talking about he boarded up in an interview which was published on friday and sunday. he's boarded up in the cabinet meeting saying that about four months ago, there was a sharp drop in the weapons and armaments that were coming from the us to israel and set the private discussions for weeks did nothing. so he decided to go public now, there has been a white house official speaking today who has said that we have made our position very clear and we are not going to keep responding. so clearly, showing a little bit of frustration there this is continuing to carry on and netanyahu is continuing to double down on this very public spat. the white house official though did say that they were looking forward to seeing the defense minister yoav gallant who is heading to washington for talks this week, we heard from gullah in a statement on sunday, he said that the us is a very important ally. he was highlighting the importance of that relationship, saying it is very important, maybe more so now than ever. so, he certainly trying to if not repair damage, show that he fully appreciates how important that ally is for israel. he was also saying that he's going to talk to us officials, obviously about what's happening in gaza, what is happening potentially on the northern front with hezbollah and lebanon and said that he will talk about this faith he's see transition now, we've asked the idf for more details about what this phase c is, but he said it may enable them to be able to make moves elsewhere. so the assumption that people, un, experts are making this point is that potentially it is the start of a drop down in gaza, but then does that mean that israel will turn its attentions elsewhere? >> allison? >> okay paula hancocks. >> thank you very much for reporting from jerusalem. an emotional ceremony and pittsburgh today, the tree of life synagogue broke ground for a new campus. >> it will include a memorial to the 11 worshipers who were killed in that 2018 attack first gentleman doug emhoff was there and cnn's wolf blitzer spoke today, we break ground on a new path to peace the new tree of life will not only be attributed to those we lost at a home for the pittsburgh jewish community for generations to come it will also be a place to teach and share profoundly important lessons against hey the original synagogue was torn down after that 2018 shooting, which was the deadliest attack ever on jewish people in us history. up next, new details on the shooting that killed four people at an arkansas grocery store historically the, soviet union killed traders i started to run two kgb cars, had come behind us. i didn't know what to do secrets and spies. a nuclear game. tonight at ten on cnn. >> if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease put it in check with rent folk a once-daily pill. >> when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with brin vote. >> when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got lasting steroid free remission with print book share. when my doctor saw damage okay helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and crohn's rapid symptom relief lasting steroid free remission, and visibly reduce damage maj check check and check. we're invoking lower your ability to fight infections including tv series infections and blood clots, some fatal cancers, including lymphoma and skin heart attack, 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smart, dependable in steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 100 and 60 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. >> so you can be happily fulfill which is pretty and boring if you think about it, well this is cnn the world's news network. we're learning new details about the deadly mass shooting at a grocery store in arkansas. a fourth victim has now died after friday's rampage at the mad butcher store in fordyce witnesses say panicked shoppers had to hide in freezers nine victims are still recovering and hospitals including one woman in critical condition. the suspected gunman is first court appearance is tomorrow. cnn's rafael romo is following developments while fail. we expect to hear from police. i understand in the next hour, but in the meantime, do they have any theory? on why the shooter targeted this store? >> high ellis? >> there's no theory or motive that authorities have disclosed just yet, at least publicly last night, arkansas authorities revealed that a fourth victim in the shooting has died among the four people killed is surely taylor. she would have turned 63 on july 1st. her daughter, angela, actually confirmed her identity to cnn and said that her mother who loved her, her family and children was the hardest working woman. she knew and a great person, adding that her family, it's now completely lost the arkansas department of public safety also publish the names of the other three people who died kelly weems was a 23-years-old, roy sturgis 50, and ellyn trump at one, according to the arkansas state police total of 13 people were injured by gunfire in the shooting friday, including to law enforcement officers and 11 and the civilians and allison, as we previously reported, the suspect identified as 44-year-old travis eugene posey was also wounded when he exchanged gunfire with police and was taken into custody. this is how arkansas state police director mike hagar described what happened approximately 11, 38 not 11 calls were received that there was an active shooter situation at the mad butcher grocery store in fordyce? law enforcement responded immediately and exchanged gunfire with the lone suspect and allison, we've also heard from witnesses like a tree nut doherty who told us she and her 18-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son ran to hide in a freezer along with others. >> the 39-year-old mother said, she heard about nine or ten rounds fired before making it into the icy shelter. officials say posey, the suspect is expected to be charged with four counts of capital murder he suspected to have his first court appearance on monday, and it is unclear if he has retained legal counsel at this point, allison, it's an awful story. rafael romo. thank you. so very much. >> a texas woman charged with attempted capital murder for allegedly trying to drown a three-year-old at an apartment complex pool. >> the child we're happy to report has survived. now, a muslim advocacy group is calling for a state and federal hate crime investigation into what it calls this racially motivated attack. cnn's camila bernal is here. what happened hey, allison? >> so the council for american islamic relations says that this was a family that was muslim and that's why they're calling for a hate-crime investigation. but authorities say that this all happened back on may 19. they were called to a pool at an apartment complex and euless texas and they say they were called about a disturbance. a woman who was intoxicated and an attempted drowning. so when authorities got to the pool, they arrested 42-year-old elizabeth wolf for public intoxication. and so after all of this happened, they say that they were able to to investigate further and talk to the mother of the victim. and there's mother told police that wolf had asked her where she was from, had asked her if these were her children in the pool and that once she answered, that, yes, these were her children. she grabbed her six-year-old son. take a listen to how the exact i could have director of the dallas fort worth chapter of the council described what happened next according to the mother to six-year-old son was able to escape, but her petite three-year-old daughter was unable the alleged attacker snatched off the mother's head scarf and used it to beat them other way, as well as kicking her to keep her away from forcing her child. >> he had underwater the mother told police that her three-year-old child was yelling for help, was coughing up water, but she was able to pull her out of the water. >> authorities had a medical check on both children. they say they're both. okay. and wolf was charged with attempted capital murder. her veil for that was set at $25,000 and then she was also charged with injury to a child and bail for that was $15,000. now, she posted bail, which is why the council is now asking for higher bales. they're asking for this to be investigated as a hate crime. and they're asking for the safety and just in general protection of the muslim community. and that's why they're so concerned and it's part of the reason why they're coming out and speaking out and saying that this was racially motivated and feeling like they absolutely need authorities to do more about this because they believe that this all happened because his family was muslim and they say from palestine, elizabeth so thank goodness, the kids are okay. so what happens next for the suspect? she's out on bail now yeah, she is. >> and that's why the council is so upset about this allison, they say that this is not a crime where she should be out and free, especially because this is attempted capital murder here. i mean, this is a serious charge and so that's part of the reason why the council is saying that something needs to be done here and we have not been able to reach out to an attorney or if we don't know for sure if she is being represented by someone but of course, we'll have to wait and see what happens with all of this. allison okay. camila bernal. thank you very much for the reporting coming up to astronauts are stuck in space as nasa delays their return trip for a third time we'll tell you what's going wrong and what they're going up there we're the most prestigious black company interest three generations of black excellence. >> now, it's out to be with this family empire, houston, new series 287 central sandals, your mega sales now odd with race from 199 per person per night, these its or call 1800 sandals. i want a lot of businesses. so my ten and my network need to keep up. >> thank you. verizon business now our business get fast and reliable internet on the same network that powers our phones. >> so whatever is next, what cooking with fire switch to the partner businesses rely on the future is not just going to happen you have to make it if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea. >> and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality it's waiting for you. mere 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health products. >> you korea is a lifestyle tried today at your for a third time, nasa is delaying the planned return of two astronauts stranded at the international space station. >> they made the announcement in a blog post saying the return flight on boeing's starliner spacecraft well, not happen before july, but they did not give any specific dates after multiple delays, the starliner, you'll remember launched back on june 5 for its mission to the iss. the entire trip was only expected to last about a week but now engineers are racing to deal with helium leaks and thruster problems as they try to get the spacecraft and the astronauts home let's bring in retired nasa astronaut leroy chao. leroy, how worrisome is all of this? >> well, it is a little bit perplexing. i mean, the starliner had a number of issues before launch. finally got cleared for launch, and then on the approach to the station had some fairly minor problems, some helium leaks, they were pretty small thruster failures, which were a little bit more eyebrow-raising, but they cleared four out of five thrusters to be reactivated for return nasa delaying a few times the return saying, hey, look, we want to get more data, do some testing because the service module, which is a piece that's having the problems, it detaches and burns up in the atmosphere on the way home. so they they're not going to get it back. so that all made sense. tents and all along the way, they were saying, okay, well, but everything's fine with the spacecraft, the butch and senate can return at anytime if necessary but what was missing in yesterday's announcement, first of all, in delayed indefinitely while we look at the data and then they admitted the statement that while butch and sunny can come back anytime raise my eyebrows a little bit like, did you miss some data before did you get some new data what what's going on and why haven't you told us more if i had to guess, i would say it's probably fine. it's probably a poorly worded press conference or press a press release which frankly wouldn't be the first time. so it's hard to know exactly what's going, what's going on though how are they going to fix the helium leaks in the thruster problems from down here on earth well, the thruster issues were cleared four of the five thrusters were cleared to be reactivated for entry. >> but even if none of them were reactivated, there are enough left to safely control the vehicle back down. >> the helium leaks are pretty small. unless they've gotten worse the last we've all heard it nasa can tolerate and 100 times bigger leaks, then they're seeing now. so if nothing's changed, everything should be still fine, which is why i'm kinda leaning towards maybe the poorly worded or less than forthcoming press release but i think everything is still good. that's that's my that's my gut reaction right now. >> we hope so. i mean, we were live on the air for the launch. and so i know and i learned during that whole process about these two astronauts, butch wilmore, sunny williams there of course, highly experienced. they've trained for years for this. so what do they do while they wait this extra week or two to come back sure. >> that's kinda tough for them because they're up there. i mean, they're pitching in there, helping out the astronauts on board, but you know, it's great being up in space is great being up on the space station, but it's also great being busy if you're not busy, you're sitting around twiddling your thumbs, looking at the grid view, but i mean, you're you're not feeling very useful and time drags and so hopefully they're being utilized and helping out. but they were expecting, as you pointed out, to come back after a week and now it's looking like they're going to be there at least over three weeks and, you know, hopefully they'll gets come back soon yes, we hope so. >> we'll obviously keep watching all of this i'll leave rochelle. thank you very much my pleasure. >> thank 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viewed as dangerous and destructive, but some countries like iceland are realizing these eruptions can have a big upside cnn's fred pleitgen has more awesome power of nature on full display in southwest iceland the reykjanes peninsula, close to the capital, suffering a string of violent volcanic eruptions in the past years iceland, massive activity, both a burden and a blessing for those who live here the town of grindavik, close to the eruption site, evacuated the fisher running right through the streets and the houses cracks clara holders, dots tier, one of the more than 3,000 residents evacuated last november says she's had enough and will never move back i get goosebumps when i talk about it because it was really, really strange to you as long lines of cars exiting town, it was like an a terrible movie or something. when things appear to get more calm, a few months later, another violent eruption occurs as the rate tiana's peninsula seems to have entered into a period of hi volcanic activity that could last months, years, or even centuries. experts say keeping the specialists that iceland's meteorological office tasked with predicting eruptions, busy round the clock, the gps station that telling us if the ground is changing, it is the forming. we are maintained in the jail chemical monitoring that is telling us which are the kind of gases that are leasing leaving the volcanoes while volcanoes often have an impact on life here in iceland, the icelanders have found ways to harness the power of our violent earth geothermal power plants, feeding off the heat, providing emission free energy in abundance. >> and leading companies from around the world to move energy intensive manufacturing like aluminum production to iceland. our team traveled all the way to the northeast of iceland to the craft law geothermal plant when drilling a new borehole here at cruft lot, they accidentally hit a shallow magma chamber and now are working on harnessing the earth's energy almost directly from the extremely hot magma the project's director says, this technology could provide clean energy for hundreds of millions of people. >> we have very big part of humanity living close to a volcano and if we are able to harness the volcano directly, reducing the risk by, by lowering the pressure and lowering the the tension in the in the volcano. then of course we have a win-win situation using the earth's natural energy without burning fossil fuels the scientists acknowledge there is still a long way to go and a lot to be learned. >> but they also believe the potential energy supply could be virtually limitless and orderly, clean for pleitgen, cnn, berlin and you can turn into violent earth with liev schreiber, not tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. and pacific hello everyone thanks for joining me. i'm alison chemla, radha. >> we are just four days away from a pivotal moment in the 2024 campaign. >> this thursday night, right here on cnn president biden and former president donald tr

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