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9:00 p.m. eastern. here on cnn and screaming on max, the news continues on cnn with one mr. wolf blitzer, right? next door in the situation room thanks for watching happening, now with just one week to go before the historic biden trump debate right here on cnn, will take you inside the radically different ways the two candidates are getting ready and they're strategies when they step on stage also tonight, new reporting that the judge in the trump classified documents case rejected advice to step aside when she was first assigned, ignoring the urgings of two more experienced federal judges and the biden administration appears to be expanding in agreement with ukraine allowing counter-strikes inside of russia using us weapons. >> how far will ukraine go and hitting back on vladimir putin? its own turf welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i will flits her you're in the situation room our top story? tonight, preparations for the cnn presidential debates are revving up right now. how exactly one week before the must-see showdown between president joe biden and former president donald trump are correspondence or covering the candidates and an allele heat up to their face off in atlanta, first, let's go to cnn's kayla tausche. she's over at the white house for us. kayla, how is the president preparing? >> well, president biden will be the huddling with his aides at camp david, the mountain side maryland retreat just north of here for the next several days, there'll be poring over materials of a prior trump appearance for current is binders of questions, topics possible punches, counter punches, sifting through and culminating into a mock 90 minute debate in a few today's once they feel like they've refined their message at that debate, we've now learned that the president's personal attorney, bob bauer, is likely to reprise his role standing in for former president trump behind the podium as he did four years ago in the prior election, according to sources, who are familiar with the matter, but the message and goal for the biden team is pretty simple. they believe that voters have been tuned out and disengaged up until this point. and they believe that voters have missed some of what they see if the more incendiary thing things that trump has said. so they plan to call those out and to hold the former president accountable. one of those pieces of material that i've learned that they plan to raise he's is trump's comments in december that he plans to be a dictator on day one, but that he says he won't be a dictator after that. now, as far as this setup on stage, some of those details are also starting to come together. biden's team won the coin toss and they had a choice between choosing their position on stage or having the last word on stage. they chose the right podium. so biden will be standing on the right and former president trump will speak last on stage. so certainly as these details are coming together their final preparations are being made. and now it's down to figuring out, well, what exactly they're going to say to each other. >> drugs there are kayla standby? >> i want to bring in cnn's alayna treene right now. >> she's covering the trump campaign for us. alaina, is it fair to say the former president is taking a rather different approach? >> i absolutely wall so you just heard kayla a layout that president joe biden and his team are going to host a mock debate. donald trump has no plans to do that now even though that is what he's done traditionally in the past, we know that people like rudy giuliani and chris christie, i've stood in and role played his opponents for past debate prep. they will not be doing that this year. now, when i talked to trump's campaign and what you hear them say publicly is that donald trump does not need as much variation as someone like joe biden. they're trying to really downplay the amount of preparation that he's doing. but of course, he is preparing and his advisers have told me that he's a participated in more than a dozen of what they're dubbing policy discussions with vice presidential contenders senators, policy experts, also people from his pbs administration. i know some of those people have included kellyanne conway rick renelle, stephen miller, all people who served in his white house. now, some of these policy discussions, just some of the topics that have come up are the economy and sharpening his message on inflation. we know that he met with jd vance of time top contender for vice president earlier this month at mar-a-lago to talk about that he also met last week with senator marco rubio and eric schmidt, and they discussed the january 6 or his handling of the january 6 attack on the capitol. now, i also wolf just want to bring your attention to something else that's playing out behind the scenes, which is expected dictation setting. we know for months now that donald trump and his campaign of really painted joe biden as this week feeble mentally and physically unfit person however, that's a very low bar for joe biden. and now donald trump is trying to maybe change that rhetoric event. take a listen to what he said. the other day in wisconsin is anybody going to watch the debate he's gonna be so pumped up, he's going to be pumped up, you know, all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house. they'll probably be negotiating with three people, but that's okay. >> i've done that before. >> i'll be debating three people instead of one instead of 1.5 of a person now off to be very clear, there is no evidence that joe biden has taken any sort of performance improving drug or that he plans do, but this is kind of the rhetoric that donald trump is using. >> to maybe raise those expectations for his performance. now, i can also tell you just behind the scenes that trump's team, they're not just talking about policy. they're also workshopping his rhetoric. we know pass debates. he has talked over biden, he has been very aggressive, not just toward his opponents, but also the moderators. this is something they've worked behind closed doors to rain and lastly, just to kayla's point about biden winning that coin flip onstage. donald trump also got to choose who would get to speak last and they chose that they want to give closing arguments so trump will have the last word next thursday all right. >> alayna treene and kayla tausche to both of you. thank you very, very much. excellent reporting. let's get some analysis with our political experts, right now, jeff zeleny, this decision by the biden campaign to pick the right lectern as opposed to the left lectern. and let trump for all practical purposes, have the last word what's up with that? it was interesting. i talked to a couple of biden advisers and no one exactly seemed to no one person said you know, perhaps he prefers, that's his good side to be on camera. look, i think at the end of the day, both of them will have plenty of time. and the last word probably does not matter as much as what happens in the the full debate going up until that period. but it's so striking, i've been spending a lot of time going back watching both of the debates from 2020. the same men, but boy everything has changed not only in the world, but also between them. so much of the last debates were dominated by coronavirus in trump's handling of it in his record again and again then former vice president joe biden was going after trump's record. now, it's president biden's record that he has to defend. and in the history of these debates, that's one thing that often trips up incumbents because defending your record does not allow you to talk about the future and it gives some other attack, leinz. but what's so interesting about this history is probably not our best guide here in terms of the struggles of incumbents, because both of them are incumbent presidents and neither one of them have debated for four years. they both did not have primary debates. so, so much is on the line. but again, this is a unique situation. a sitting president versus a former sitting president. we've never seen it before. >> interest again, nima like a henderson is with us as well. sources are telling us at cnn that president biden is likely to pick his personal lawyer bob bauer to play trump in these mock sessions that he's going to be going through preparing for the debate. what does that tell you? >> well, listen to biden obviously has a team of people around him we're very familiar to him who have prepped him for debates prior, people like ron klain, people like bob bauer and, that's a team of people he trusts. that's a that's a team of people who really i think have served him well in the past. if you look at those past debates, he pretty much one of the last abates against donald trump. and it really, i think field the momentum he had in that 2020 rates, they're looking for that momentum again here, they expect donald trump to be donald trump for all this talk about all the sort of prep in policy breedings he supposedly in donald trump will likely show up as donald trump, which is someone who tends to be meandering in terms of his speech disjointed in terms of his speech. very disjointed overall in terms of what his arguments will be in living in the past, right expect him to litigate 2020. again so listen, i think out of the two joe biden is the more practiced and pi eilish debater. i do think he's got to figure out about how do you lay a vision ford for the country rather than getting mired down in his own policy and his own legislative achievements, which are quite formidable. but he's gotta be more forward-looking okay. >> we're gonna be doing a lot of practice sessions going into that debate when week from today, meghan hayes is with us biden officials say they will try to hold trump accountable on the debate stage. how do they do that? >> i mean, i think that the president needs to just cut them off when he's not being honest, are telling miss truce and i think that you do that by wanting him with what you've done and what you had to do to fix the economy that he went but and some of the other things that he laughed the when when we got into office in 2021, there was a lot of different legislative things and different tactics that the president took and he can backed away, he can talk about his achievements by blunting the foreign president yeah but their mics are gonna be turned off so it's gonna be harder to interrupt it in the course of this debate. >> sure. michael singleton is with us as well. trump has largely not bothered with trying to set expectations for this debate, other than to belittle, tried to be a little biden as much as possible. the new york times is writing this and let me from. the new york times, the expectations game is a particular challenge for the trump campaign. mr. trump has spent months casting the 81-year-old, mr. biden as a husk of a man who can barely walk or formulae complete sentences but mr. biden clears the very low bar that mr. trump has now set for him. that's from the new york times it's an interesting question. >> it is a wolf i would allow optics to speak for themselves if i'm advising the former president on preparation, i think tone matters. i wouldn't interrupt once a microphones are muted, and i would constantly make the current president speak about his current record. i would make him have to defend the fact that household incomes from for family of four or at the lowest they have ever been in over a decade. i would make him have to defend that the ability to buy a home is almost nonexistent for a large percent of the american people. i would make him defend the fact that inflation he's driving up costs for everyday goods. i would make him to defend the fact that the immigration crisis is out of hand. i would make him defend the fact that we're seeing aggression from adversaries such as russia and china. and it does not appear to be a path forward or strategy from this administration to tackle those issues? that is what i think could separate the former president and to a nice point, we didn't see once in 2016 after the former president one, he gave that speech and everyone was surprised to go, wow, this is a different version of trump that we're not used to seeing. he needs to tap into that version next thursday. >> talk about substantive issues. absolutely not. the other stuff. it's interesting. there's a new poll and who fox poll, jeff and you've seen it. i've seen it and it shows that this is still a very, very tight race. >> but look at this biden is ahead in this new fox news poll, ahead of trump. very slightly 50% to 48%. that's clearly within the so-called margin of error. so there's no clear leader, but it does show that biden in these polls over these past few months has improved without a doubt, i mean, he has made gains among some independent voters in the wake of the convictions or during that timeframe, we don't know if it's because of that, but look, will by and large, this is a very stable race, perhaps in an unstable world, but the contest between the two has barely moved i mean, despite everything that has happened, that convictions have not moved at the terminal in the middle east really hasn't moved at the national polls are, there are some limits to what we can gain from those, but state-by-state, when you look in all of these battlegrounds, it is remarkably tight, almost always within the margin. >> now that's not necessarily good for the incumbent president because the incumbent president would certainly like to have an advantage. that's why the debate, the earliest debate in history, could be defining a shakeup this race or not, if it doesn't, it's hard to imagine anything else for the remainder of the campaign. doing something dramatic, just shake up the earliest debate and i think probably the the most important two beta any of us have ever covered over the last many years, covering politics. biden is obviously hoping to gain some more momentum. you see some of that in this spots news ball, donald trump, of course it doesn't like this pole because it does show independence as you said, are moving closer to the president it shows biden doing very well among older voters. that's a trend he started in 2020 and doing a little better among african american voters as well. i think he's got a sort out. how do you piece together a coalition, a winning coalition, biden the national polls are one thing, but in these states like michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, it's a whole different thing. >> what is this new fox poll? and some of the other polls in recent days come out, tell you about the importance of this upcoming debate. >> i'm going i think it's an extremely important, but i think that optics here matter more than almost a substance. people or look at them and how they look and how they sound and who can be the president for the next four years, both of them our could be the oldest presidents here are elected and i just think that that's really going to matter more than most things. and so they need to come out strong. they both need to sound strong. and what they're saying it's interesting because trump did like this pole, this fox news probably put on his truth social account. >> he said the latest fox news poll is trash. fox news should get rid of paul ryan i am get a new pollster the pole is somewhat alarming for the fact that you do worry about some of those independent. >> but what i took out of that pool and i read through it, it's pretty lengthy. the economy is still top of mind for most people when you look at, when you ask individuals, what do they think about the state of the economy? i think 68% we're worried when you asked if many americans felt that they were financially okay, most of them said they were not. that's good for donald trump. >> but on that poll stability and democracy also were in the top three issues that people are concerned about. and those are two things that former president trump is not doing well on. >> that's fair. >> it's still the economy stupid. is that what you're saying? well, if i didn't want to say that, but that's what i'm saying. names curve. all right, guys. thanks very, very much. just ahead, the judge overseeing donald trump's classified documents, trial welcome back in the spotlight new details on the early days of the case when colleagues reportedly urged judge cannon to step aside, plus the united states supreme of course, just adding another new de to its calendar to announce decisions of the outstanding blockbuster cases that remain including whether donald trump is his immune from prosecution in his federal election subversion trial historically, the soviet union hill traders i started to run two kgb cause had come behind us. i didn't know what to do secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game sunday hey attend on cnn 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case? >> it's a new dimension to the criticism and scrutiny that she's faced. and she was randomly assigned this trial here, the new york times reporting that to more senior or experienced judges or try to pass it off to someone else because she has scant trial experience, but she refused to do that. now, another isn't there are urging her to pass it off is because the first time she got involved in this case early on, she got what we call bench slapped by the court of appeals saying that she didn't have the authority to do some the things that she was doing related to the surface which warrant that was executed at mar-a-lago. now, since she has been overseeing this case, like i said, she's been under scrutiny, especially for all the things. she hasn't yet done. she currently has six motions to dismiss outstanding. there's still a question lingering about a possible gag order, and there's no trial date now, some people have also asked if some of her delay tactics are meant to help the former president. if he talked to his legal team, they'll be the first people to tell you that they don't feel like she has really helped them. she often rules against them. but when it comes to their most important objective, which is to delay this case until after the election. she has helped them achieve that. >> looks like there's no way this case is going to be decided before the election. >> no way. yeah. >> elliot what's your reaction to this new york times report? it's anything i clerked on the southern district of florida and sort of i'm familiar with some of the judge's at issue here. one of the main points that they raise in the article is that there's a practical reason of where her chambers are located. she sits enforced fort pierce florida, which is about two hours north of miami, where most of the litigants are further south in palm beach county in miami-dade county and it might have just been practical. it's also it's not surprising to me that federal judges, more senior federal judges might approach another judge to step off the case because there's all kinds of reasons why judges step off of cases whether it's a matter of recusal or a conflict of interests, or simply, this judge may not based on their workload, be the right person to take it. so i'm not stunned by this and particularly given some of the some of the points that paul had raised about why people were concerned about how she's doing in the case. it's not a big shock. >> carrie cordero is with us as well. or cnn legal analysts, as you know, judge cannon island cannon will hold a hearing tomorrow on trump's request to declare the special counsel, jack smith's appointment invalid. what's going on with well, so it is surprising that she took she's giving the former president this much opportunity to argue on this issue. i think most observers would agree that the special counsel is legit get a minute and so she is giving a wide amount of latitude to the former president and his legal arguments. but i have to say, i think that some of the commentary regarding judge cannon really is getting sort of condescending or some the article that came out of the new york times. it said that some of the other judges urged her to turnover the case because to someone who was quote older and more experienced of a jurist and other judges sometimes are new on the bench she maybe has made decisions that certainly i disagree with in terms of a law. but the way for that to be geolocated as for the appellate process to work out. so in the example of the search warrant, she issued a decision i happen to disagree with the decision that she made to have a special master and she was overturned by the appellate level, and that's actually the way that it's supposed to work. >> the legal system of play in a polo, we're just learning that the supreme court will release more opinions on wednesday. yeah. >> meaning that the earliest we get a decision in the trump immunity case could come potentially, then we're maybe a few days later what's your sense that this is such an important case? >> when do we suspect the supreme court? finally reach a decision or the one that i've learned about the supreme court is don't even try to gas when they're going to release their sessions. but presumably that happened in the next ten days. we also have tomorrow. but the reason this is such a critical decision, this question on whether the former president has any immunity to protect him from the other federal case is facing from jack smith related to january 6, is this is a question that could have implications for presidential power in this united states. something that has really never been examined before. do you have criminal immunity? how far does that extend? so it's not just about that case is for all future presidents of the united states, which is why we are watching that one so closely. there is another related pace. i having to do with another defendant who was charged in january 6 and a question about obstruction. now, depending on how that case is decided, that could also have implications for trump's case. but it's not just about trump, it's this larger question of presidential power but remember the justices, they have lifetime appointments, they have no bosses, they do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. but we'll be watching over the next ten days because no one is above the law that's what they keep saying. and the question is, is trump above the law all right. >> i hope not. and yes, it's a little bit of a platitude. no one is above the law. now this question of immunity, it all depends on what they do. here with it. and it seems based on oral argument that they're probably going to send it back down to the lower court to sort out the difference between what's a personal action of the president versus an official act of him. but we don't know. and this is an important principle in american law. wolf who is above the law and we don't know yet. >> we will be watching every morning over the next several days, guys. thank you. very, very much coming up the white house and the pentagon publicly confirming cnn reporting today on ukraine, a live report on what one senior officials calling a truly extraordinary change in policy the most anticipated moment of this election and the state takes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president. one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate next thursday night. good 99 hi funds cnn and streaming on back. >> if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rin folk a once-daily pill. >> when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduce fatigue with brin vote when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got last steroid free remission with print book when my doctor saw damage, brynn vote helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and 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the biden administration appears to be giving ukraine more leeway to launch counterattacks inside of russia using us weapons seen as the tasha return is working the story for us. natasha, tell us about this change in policy and what it means. it could be very, very hey get significant. >> yeah. well, so us officials are now saying that us made weapons can be used by the ukrainians to strike over the border into russia in response to russian attacks against ukrainian territory anywhere along that border? quarter. so previously it was understood that those us made weapons could only be used by the ukrainians and a very narrow, limited region, just across the border from kharkiv region in ukraine launching attacks right across that area into russian territory. but now what we are learning us officials and this was underscored earlier this week by the national security advisor. is that note this policy actually extends to really the entire border region between ukraine russia, as long as russia continues to use its territory along that border to launch attacks inside ukraine. here's what national security adviser jake sullivan said about this earlier this week it extends to anywhere that russian forces are coming across the border from the russian side to the ukrainian side to try to take additional ukrainian territory now this is something that the secretary general of nato, for example, had been pushing for essentially saying that it makes sense that if ukraine is being attacked from russian territory than they should have the right to strike back. but us officials are emphasizing that the policy with regard to those long-range missiles, those attack of missiles launching deep inside russian territory that has not changed, that is still a no go. they really want to keep it limited to that border area, wolf natasha, understand the us has also moved ukraine to the top of the list of countries receiving shipments of sophisticated american air defense systems. >> what will that do? >> yeah, this is something that a us official is calling a very extraordinary policy change because essentially what it's doing is that is making it so that these patriots interceptors, those missiles is that intercept incoming from the russians as well as nay sam interceptors. all part of the air defense systems. those that are rolling right off the production leinz in the us, they're going to go straight to ukraine. so basically ukraine is going to the top of the list and other countries that have ordered these interceptors are going to have to wait. and the reason for that is that official say that ukraine simply he is not going to have enough of these air defense munitions to last it through the winter. and therefore, it is going to be extremely vulnerable to russian attacks on critical infrastructure. for example, if the us doesn't make this very dramatic policy shift, which they are now having to inform in a very diplomatically sensitive manner. these other countries that have been waiting for quite some time to get the he's interceptors, but the priority right now is ukraine wolf, very significant developments. so tasha, thank you very much. not a us tensions and they're very serious right now with israel amid the war in gaza, biden administration officials are sharpening their public push-back against the prime minister benjamin that time you, after he claimed the united states was withholding holding weapons from israel, listen you'd have to talk to the prime minister about what prompted him to do that again, it was vexing and disappointing. >> does as as as much as it was incorrect, i'm not exactly sure what the prime minister is talking about or what he was trying to accomplish. there is one shipment of high-payload munitions that we have put on under review and that remains under review. that's not a bottleneck. that's a policy review or let's bring in our chief national security correspondent, alex barak word alex, these tensions are on full display right now. >> but what's behind, what's happening behind the scenes? >> we're hearing similar frustration behind it seems will i was speaking with a senior biden restoration official earlier today who told me that the anger is palpable. it is remarkable to hear these administration official saying these things about netanyahu two days ago, the white house press secretary saying, we genuinely don't know what he's talking about. the us has been the biggest supporter of israel diplomatically and militarily since this war began, they assembled a multi-country coalition to help israel when it was attacked by iran as the state department spokesman was saying there is exactly one shipment of large bombs that is being held up by the biden ministration nothing more than that. now, netanyahu almost certainly for public, for domestic consumption is painting himself out to be a victim. there was a slight walk back from the prime minister's office. he tweeted that the prime minister met with the us ambassador. and during that meeting, the weapons that the prime minister referred to in his angry video against the vitamin striation are indeed in the process of being delivered to israel netanyahu is closest aide, ron dermer is in washington today, you can certainly imagine that this kerfuffle came up in those meetings. but whether this changes the administration's posture towards netanyahu, that remains to be seen, also have some new reporting. and this is also very significant about major us it's concerns right now over a potential war between israel and the uranium hezbollah forces in south lebanon, because we appear to be closer to an all-out war between those two sides. and we have been since the october 7 war began effect, the idf talked about the possibility of an all-out war earlier this week, i've been speaking with senior officials as well as my colleagues have as well. they say that we are entering a very dangerous period and us officials are deeply concerned because they know that a fight with hezbollah is very different than a fight with hamas has bulla is much more formidable. they have many thousands more men and they have a vast arsenal of short and long-range missiles that can reach deep inside israel. they have drones they have precision weapons that could thwart an overcome israel's air defenses. we know that israel's air defenses, the iron dome that we talked about all the time, they are vulnerable to those to those hezbollah systems and missiles. >> the us is now pushing for a diplomatic resolution. >> there's a deal that they believe it could work if the war in gaza were to end. >> well, hizballah has a lot more weapons, missiles, rockets in south lebanon. then hamas has in gaza could be a very, very serious situation indeed, alex, thank you very much coming up. a bruen court battle with major implications for the separation of church and state over what dell louisiana's governor is mandating, be put inside every 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windows into part of our planet lives will be lost, violent earth with leah yep. >> schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn right now, the state of louisiana is bracing for legal challenges over an unprecedented new mandate for public schools to display the ten commandments cnn's isabelle resolve says more on the newly signed law and the backlash that is a big deal. >> it's just great louisiana public schools are now required to display the ten commandments in all classrooms. >> a first in the nation republican governor jeff landry, calling it one of his favorite bills before signing it into law this is one of the bills i got the press over year i think so because if you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given, which was moses, the new law, requiring a poster-size display of the commandments by the sort of 2025. >> and every school that receives state funding from kindergarten through university level with a commandments as the central focus in large easily readable font. the law also specifies the exact abbreviated language that must be printed on classroom displays, which will be paid for through donations. >> and what a great diet is louisiana, it's like hope is that they're everywhere. >> state rubber presented a dodie horton, the republican author of the bill dismissing concerns from democratic opponents, insisting the commandments are rooted in legal history, and that the bill would return a moral code to classrooms. but critics argue mandating the religious texts be displayed in schools would violate the establishment clause of the us constitution which says that congress can make no law respecting an establishment of religion. >> i was raised to vallow ten commandments and i think we're godless of how you feel about the ten commandments nobody would dismiss the fact that they are pretty good set of rules, however it is a clear violation of separation of church and state to enforce this. another louisiana educator fiercely against the new law says she teaches students of all fates i'm very opposed to it. and it's not anything to do with disliking religion. it's just that there are different religions that exist in our communities. >> i've taught jehovah's witnesses i've taught muslim students. >> i have really great muslim teacher friends who are going to now have to display christianity as the excepted or promoted religion in our state. for civil liberties groups, including the aclu, wout to sue, saying public schools are not sunday schools in a joint statement, the groups argued the new law we'll turn students into a captive audience for school-sponsored religious messages. you may have heard the saying goes the south, so goes the nation. i want folks to pay very close attention to what this governor is doing. >> i think if he is in fact successful, you will see this kind of religious indoctrination happening across the american south hey, you might remember this, this upcoming court fight comes nearly 23 years after similar controversy in neighboring alabama. >> that is when ray moore then chief justice of the state supreme court installed a 5,000 pound granite block of the commandments in, the rotunda of the state supreme court building. that was a move that ultimately led to his removal. as the state's highest judge will if i just interviewed more over the phone and he told me he welcomes this new louisiana law and he hopes that other states catch on, and that is precisely the reason louisiana becoming a blueprint for other states that has critics of this new law. so their concern, and certainly in keeping a very close watch on the court's wolf, isabel results. thank you very much for that report. and just ahead, a live report from new mexico where new rainfall is bringing relief and creating headaches for firefighters trying to paint two very deadly wildfires debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only he cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed, debate night in america next thursday at 7:00 p.m. protect against rsv with the wreck sv or x v is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. >> and people 60 here's an older, a rexx v does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients, those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common when side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. a rexx v is number one and rsv vaccine shots rsv make it a wrexham here are small business owner you to doulas can be a log that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online. so you can take on all your other to do's already did see if you could say he the progressive if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse mega because they're places you'd like to be for secular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis kendra riva support your brain health? no. a. >> janet, hey eddie, now, frazer, franck. >> franck, brad, how are you? brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge it's critical going to go back so chris you this most damario tiktok vision works see the difference there last month, massive solar flare out at a 24 hour to the day, businesses are wondering what should we do with them making eggs 20 5-7, your daughter, right? >> so response to them 20% with the additional hour with the extra hour, i'm thinking a py our now, let's put it through a book this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of working from visit four now, this offer ends july 8th at midnight hi. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles. >> in this is cnn the white house says president biden is just to declared a major disaster in new mexico expediting federal assistance to fight deadly wildfires cnn's 11 dura is on the scene for us and lincoln county, new mexico. >> and what's the latest that the effort to can date contain these fires well firefighters say that they have gotten some help from the rainfall that has come down since yesterday evening and into this morning as well. and that rainfall did cause some problems. there was in some places as almost as much as two inches of rain, it might not sound like a lot, but a lot of that rainfall fell on the scarred terrain of the mountains in the canyons. you see behind me. and that created flash flooding and mud slide sides as well, creating very treacherous situations for those that are not evacuated in that community. and also for the firefighters in the crews working on the ground here because these wildfires, despite the rain, are still at 0% contained, they've scorched more than 23,000 acres and firefighters are still trying to battle. they do say that the rain that came has slowed the spread of this fire. so that is welcome news and that the firefighters will say they'd been focused on the areas in the edges of the wildfire that are closest to the home combs and vital infrastructure to their here in the ria dosa area and when will residents be able to start returning to their homes and see what they lost we don't really know exactly when that's going to happen, and local officials here having given any indication as to when that could happen, mostly because the fire is still remain at 0% contained. it's still quite extensive. the areas that are affected by all of this, there is a community virtual meeting where people will be able to ask questions or hear from local officials. so i imagined that that topic would come up because right now, wolf access into the rio dosa area in the ruidoso downs area is completely cut off by law enforcement roadblocks and 11 der on the scene for us, stay safe over there. thank you very much coming up new video as the trial of another american starts in russia today, an update on what's being called the $50 tree's in case of a los angeles ballerina the athletes and eight over your question, no limit of what is capable ready to show the world how good i train all over the globe. >> and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different b, c w wednesday night dynamite it aid on tbs the cockroach resilient creatures, where there is one others aren't far behind oh, that's fine. >> ortho home defense. max, indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. nature's wild, your home doesn't have have to be if you are moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis 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pneumonia in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients adults with weakened immune systems name you have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects for pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. >> i want to be able to keep my plans i don't want to risk ending up the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose have now to ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia erin burnett outfront next on cnn yet another us citizen has been jailed in russia and is now on trial this time mixer russian-american ballerina accused of treason after she donated to a ukrainian charity. that's going to see it as brian todd, he's following the case, were us as well as the cases of other americans now being detained in russia, tell us more, brian wolf, this young woman's name is cosine of karelina. what she is accused of doing seems almost laughably benign. but she could still face up to 20 years in a russian prison she smiles nervously from inside a cage in a russian courtroom. this is 33-year-old kosinski, karelina, a russian american dual citizen and amateur ballerina from los angeles. one of vladimir putin's growing slate of high high-profile americans in custody karelina's trial in the city of yekaterinburg began today. she's accused of treason by fundraising for ukraine's military. >> well, let's put trial in quotation marks because it is nothing but a sham. >> karelina's employer says, all she did was allegedly donate $51.80 to a ukrainian charity in the us how would russian intelligence no. if she donated less than $52 to a charity, that this person has, not only russian citizenship, but also has friends and family back in russia, they're able to monitor your email activity, telephone activity, all the different powers that any state has to basically conduct espionage on their own city this ends or whoever they like, karelina's employer, a spot in beverly hills said karelina had been, quote, wrongly accused, and that she was in russia to visit her 90-year-old grandmother, her parents and younger sister, her boyfriend said this to cnn in february. >> she is so proud to be russian and she she doesn't watch the news. she doesn't intervene with anything about the war. >> karelina faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted her trial, which will be held behind closed doors, will be presided over by the same judge who will soon handle the trial of another american wall street journal reporter, evan gershkovich, according to russian state media, the records for this judges, he puts people away unjustly gershkovich is accused by the kremlin of espionage. >> he and former us marine paul whelan, who's been held in russia for more than five years on espionage charges, have been declared as wrongfully detained by the state department, which again warned americans to day not to travel to russia for any reason. you're running tremendous risk by traveling to russia of being detained, being imprisoned being convicted a us army soldier, sergeant gordon black has just been sentenced to nearly four years in a penal colony in russia for theft and threatening to murder a woman russian media says he did not admit to the threat charges, but partially admitted to theft. why does putin seemed intent on accumulating american prisoners if he has a whole cohort of americans that are being held, that's going to put a lot of pressure continued pressure on the american government to come up with some kind of deal now the problem with the us trying to bargain with vladimir putin for the release of cosine of karelina, evan gershkovich, paul whelan, or gordon black, is that the us really does not have any high level rush since spies in its custody and has had to approach other countries around the world to see if they can help package someone in a trade. >> one russian who vladimir putin really wants back vadim krasikov, a former colonel in russia's intelligence services. he is serving a life sentence in germany for murdering a former chechen fighter. their wolf i believe, and correct me if i'm wrong, brian, that the us had hoped that more americans would get out of russia would be freed, released at the time when brittney griner was released, they really did hope that will brittney griner was released just before christmas of 2022. >> she had served several months in that russian prison because of what the us game save up to get her. they had hoped at least to get paul whelan back with her, but the russians refused to give wieland up. >> the us gave up victor boot. >> he was a notorious arms dealer, very violent man with american blood and a lot of other blood on his hands. he had been serving time in a federal penitentiary once the united states gave up victor boot, they got griner back they wanted paul whelan back. they did not get whelan back. now, the us doesn't really halves. we pointed out a lot of other russians, really any other high-value russians, and it's custody to get these four americans out is going to be extremely difficult. very. difficult to lead brian time. thank you very much. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. i'll see you tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern on cnn newsroom. of course, back here tomorrow night in the situation room until thanks very much once again for watching. erin

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Isabelle Resolve , Commandments , Nation , Louisiana , Classrooms , Jeff Landry , Republican , Bills , Press , Moses , Law Given , Rule Of Law , Law , School , Kindergarten , State Funding , University , Focus , Font , 2025 , Hope , Donations , Classroom Displays , Everywhere , Diet , Language , State Rubber , Critics , Dodie Horton , Code , Bill Dismissing , Democratic , Religion , Establishment Clause , Establishment , Texts , Us Constitution , Congress , Educator , Violation , Rules , Nobody , Set , Religions , Students , Communities , Disliking Religion , Fates , Teacher Friends , Jehovah , Witnesses , Muslim , Groups , Aclu , Sunday Schools , Christianity , Excepted , Liberties , Wout To Sue , Folks , Statement , Messages , Audience , Court Fight , Indoctrination , The American South , 23 , Move , Chief Justice , Controversy , The State Supreme Court , Rotunda , Removal , Neighboring Alabama , State Supreme Court Building , Ray Moore , 5000 , Will , Blueprint , Phone , Rainfall , Firefighters , Concern , New Mexico , Wildfires , Meet , Access , Pre , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Wreck , Beat Analysis , Debate Night In America Next , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Rexx V , Ingredients , 60 , Shots Rsv , Number One , Small Business Owner , Wrexham , Progressive , Log , Doulas , Commercial Auto Quote Online , Places , Secular , Mega , Chronic Kidney Disease , Progressive Commercial Com , Kidney Failure , Yeast Infections , Sika , Perineum , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract , Genital , Brain Health , Disinfection , Franck , Brad , Ketoacidosis Kendra , Hey Eddie , A Janet , Frazer , Neretva Brain Health , Brain Health Indicators , Brad Fuel , Seven , Damario Tiktok Vision Works , Businesses , Solar Flare , 5 , 20 , 24 , Py , Book , Overtime Approvals , Havoc , Midnight Hi , Los Angeles , Pages Com , Offer Ends July 8th , Elizabeth Wagmeister , July 8th At Midnight , 8 , Scene , Expediting , Effort , Dura , Latest , Lincoln County , Disaster , 11 , Problems , Fires , Rain , Terrain , Mountains , Canyons , Mud Slide , Flash Flooding , Community , Situations , Ground , Crews , 23000 , Areas , Wildfire , Spread , Combs , Edges , Ria Dosa Area , Residents , Homes , Indication , Topic , Dosa Area , Safe , Stay , Law Enforcement Roadblocks , Der , Ruidoso Downs , Trio , Ballerina , Starts , Update , Athletes , Russia Today , Tree S , No Limit , Awl , Globe , Night Dynamite It Aid On Tbs The Cockroach , Cw , Creatures , Home Defense , Fine , Bugs , Application , Skills , Ortho , Indoor Insect Barrier , Nature , Dose , Cancer , Serious , Injections , Premis , Skin Growths , Lung Inflammation , Brain Condition , Cost Support Options , Progress , Guilt , Laura Johnson And , Hands , Movements , Steck Xr , Mental Health , Tardive Dyskinesia , Medication , Adults Costello Xr , Face , Feet , Kate , Acetyl Xr , Td Movements , Buddy , Actions , Oh Xr , Patients , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Fast , Tetra Benzene , Vow , Mood , Reserpine , Huntington S Disease , E1 Asado Xr , Muscles , Sleepiness , Insomnia , Throat , Saw Dust Settles , Job , Tools , Engine , Harbor Freight , Price , Ship , Safe Flight Com , Safe Flight Com Seif , Rupert , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Pneumonia Vaccine , Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine Syllabi , Weiser , Heart Disease , Asthma , Krever , Protection , Copd , Prevnar , 65 , 19 , Pneumonia , Strains , Injection Site , Bank Bacteria , Hospital , Pharmacist , Erin Burnett Outfront , Pfizer , Treason , Citizen , Mixer Russian American Ballerina , Charity , Cosine , Woman , Custody Karelina , Name , Brian Todd , Prison , Courtroom , Cage , Old Kosinski , Russian American Dual Citizen , 33 , City , Let S Put Trial , Slate , Military , Fundraising , Yekaterinburg , Karelina , Employer , Quotation Marks , Sham , 1 80 , 52 , 51 80 , 2 , Powers , Citizenship , Telephone Activity , Email Activity , Friends , Espionage , Ends , Grandmother , Spot , Sister , Parents , Boyfriend , Beverly Hills , Of Another American Wall Street Journal Reporter , State Media , Records , Evan Gershkovich , Espionage Charges , Kremlin , Soldier , Sergeant Gordon Black , Us Army , Cohort , Theft , Charges , Prisoners , Colony , Threat , Russian Media , Pressure , Problem , Government , Release , Custody , Vadim Krasikov , Trade , Package , Brush , Wolf , Intelligence Services , Fighter , Life Sentence , Chechen , Brittney Griner , Game Save , Least , 2022 , Blood , Arms Dealer , Penitentiary , Up Victor Boot , Wieland Up , Watching , Cnn Newsroom , Eastern On ,

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