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really it's a total tragedy jake tapper loves k-pop and the leads starts right now is, this extreme weather our new normal believes starts right now at least 27 large wildfires are burning out west fueled by insanely high temperatures. >> and 70 million americans from indiana domain are under an alert burt from that same heat. now, first tropical storm of the season is here. we're going to dive into the reasons as to why and how to keep your family safe and what one of the most excruciating hearings in heat years had the ceo of boeing facing brutal questions from democrats and republicans, lawmakers demanding answers. and serious changes because after months of safety concerns and frankly, some pretty scary stories from passengers, i'm going to talk to one us senator who told the ceo that he is the problem. plus latin reports putin says he and kim jong-un have taken the relationship to a new level. what they're now promising each other and what that might mean for the free world welcome to believe i'm jake tapper, the extreme weather, gripping the united states right now is anything but normal and it's putting a strain on our bodies heat-related emergency room visits are surging in new york, in maine, temperatures are running 20 degrees above normal. there's been at least 38 record-breaking heat temperatures across the us and just the last three days. and at the same time, there are fast spreading wildfires burning out of control in the western united states. a former female administer trader puts it bluntly, saying this extreme weather is occurring at a frequency. we've never seen and climate change playing a part in all of it. california's leading the country right now with six major wildfires stretching from both ends of the state, burning nearly 40,000 acres. there are also major wildfires tearing through tribal lands and villages in new mexico, killing at least one person 60-year-old patrick pearson, his daughter says he was ready to evacuate, but he had recently broken his leg and does not drive the south fork fire burning near ruidoso, new mexico already destroyed about 1,400 structures and forced 8,000 people flee their home. cnn's headline and dara talks with some residents scrambling to get out of danger west of highway 48 from white mountain to highway 37 immediately evacuate to copy john michael scott escaped for you. >> so new mexico, just in time through thick smoke and an orange glow as a massive wildfire consumed his mountain neighborhood. >> my trick was being here with chunks of ash. i could feel them hidden or hood and the gray, it was almost like big gray rain hitting my truck. >> scott and his wife and his mother for able to make it out with a few belongings and they're three dogs. we met them at a motel 50 miles away where all they can do is nurse the shock that everything they own might be lost. that not knowing is a numbing feeling. he says are incredibly helpless feeling. there's literally no i think you can do it really is and for the past 24 hours, we've been in this little motel and i think well, we don't have anything left now, where did we go because i'm pretty confident we're not going to go back to grow ago. >> so that's not going to be an option too massive fires around ruidoso are burning across 20,000 acres. emergency officials say wildfires have destroyed 1,400 homes and structures. we reach some of those neighborhoods and saw the charred remains of dozens of homes even found de making their way through the scarred hillsides yeah, i can see the fire right outside this window. >> kurt delgado evacuated his home to the edge of town where he set up his puppy to love food truck and started feeding firefighters and emergency crews from the window of your food truck? yeah. >> you can see the smoke and the canyon where your houses? yeah. morehouse is literally right there. were that smoke is. >> delgado says he'll stay here as long as he can making meals and keeping one eye on the fires and ready to hook up the truck and race out my parents are in that airstrike. might there and with my brother, matthew and their dogs we're ready to go. we're going to do what we can to just stay vigilant about 8,000 people have evacuated the rio dso areas since monday, the mountain village is an eerie, smoke-filled ghost town. there are a few people left though, like jordan who we found spraying water on his home and trees. >> i imagined a moment like this is pretty nerve wracking yeah. yeah, i thought i didn't think he was going to come this close to us, next. >> you haven't so fast. >> our conversation was interrupted by police urging residents to evacuate immediately we managed to find our way into michael scott's neighborhood in rio. do so, many of the homes were burned to the ground but. somehow michael's home is still standing slice of good news, surrounded by devastation and sadness and jake, we were able to get a picture of michael scott's home to him. this afternoon. he told us he had tears of joy is seeing that, but we also must point out that he and thousands of others are not in the clear yet you can see some of the rainstorm in the distance that is starting to move over. the biggest fire here in this area michael scott holmes and others that have lost so much back in that canyon area. so here we have the wins really picking up. you have the rainstorms coming in. there's a flash flood warning on top of all of this that has just gone off as well. so the situation here still incredibly dynamic incredibly dangerous, especially for those firefighters still work out there in those conditions, jake 11 there in new mexico for us. >> thank you so much. on top of the fires causing hazardous air quality in the west, there is a dangerous heat wave striking, striking much of the northeastern united states right now, meteorologist chad myers is tracking, of course chad, where is it the hottest right now? where is it the worst with this heat dome situation? >> believe it or not boston. 107 for a heat index. right now that cannot feel good even near the water because the wind is blowing away from land and onto the water you're not getting that cooling effect. >> it is the heat dome we talked about this now a couple of days his roll up your windows, park the car in the sunshine and find out what happens. >> please don't leave pester. people or kids in there, but that's what's happening. it's a dome holding in the heat. so even right now, syracuse, she heat index is 102. so most of the biggest threat right now is great lakes tomorrow, a little bit farther to the northeast. >> but by the way, he can things get a whole lot better. >> it was 96 degrees and caribou today in maine with the highest heat index they have ever seen. but look what happens to boston by the weekend, 71. >> that's pretty good, right? not for you, jake 99. so you don't get the cold front at all? >> no soup for you meanwhile, tropical storm alberto is causing major flooding in the coastal parts of texas yes. absolutely. >> this is not a monster storm, not a rapidly intensifying hurricane. it is a rainmaker. >> and, a rainmaker in places that really need the rain obviously, we could push this all the way back to new mexico as well in a few showers will get there. but here's where the heaviest rain will be across parts of texas he. just. had a couple of stories this week about the water wars between texas and mexico now, we have flood watches and likely later on tonight, flood warnings, there's water pushing up on shore. we have very high tides into serve side beach, texas where water is completely over that rock wall that you have there in into the neighborhoods. so yes, this isn't going to be on land very long. again, be on water very long. it will die off rather quickly but we'll take the rain when we can get it. but there are indications, jake, that some spots across the mountains they're of northern mexico, could pick up ten inches to 12 inches of rain over the next 48 hours. so again, you go from an absolute drought where you have nothing to grow to a place where you have water running off so fast, you have to get out of the way it's all right. >> chad myers. thank you so much. appreciate it. let's bring in cnn's chief climate correspondent bill. we are right now, bill. >> so extreme heat kills on average more than twice as many people every year as do hurricanes and tornadoes combined on climate change is obviously ensuring these wild temperatures we're seeing and feeling are now just going to be a daily reality it's going to get longer and longer these dome events. yeah. you just look at the natural trend is we're going, this is of course, all caused by heat heat-trapping pollution in the atmosphere and the sea as well. but the more blanket we put on top of ourselves, metaphorically, the hotter it is going to get, right now. and as chad was saying, it's 104 heat index near the canadian border in maine this is these are places that were not built for this world. their infrastructure, their, their cooling were not built for these sorts of temperatures. there as well. and so we have to think about heat. the way we do think about impending hurricanes that those who are the most prepared will suffer the least our bodies take a while to cool down when it's so hot outside, so give us a little news. >> they could people watching can use, how can people keep themselves, especially children? and seniors and the homeless and other vulnerable populations? how can we keep them safe and prevent the literally thousands of deaths in the united states due to heat absolutely, it's all about, it's all about shade, it's all about hydration. >> this is a silent killer that really preys on older folks in older structures that aren't properly insulated, don't have proper air conditioning. some folks don't turn it on out of fear that they can't afford the electricity bill there as well. they they think that we already know it's the deadliest killer. some experts say that we undercount heat this by maybe a factor of five. so this is something that emergency managers are just getting their heads around. advocacy groups, one female to use it as a disaster declaration which could happen if a heat dome sat over a state long enough to wipe out, maybe a grid or overwhelmed hospitals. we could see our first ever national declaration of a heat disaster somewhere. but that's where we're moving and it's not going to change until humanity turns down the thermostat with fossil fuel use. >> and bill explain how climate change specifically plays a role in the wildfires such as it's the ones we're seeing in california. and new mexico right now because obviously wildfires happen regardless of climate change. but they're playing a role in how many and how intense they are, right exactly. >> because the water cycles have changed jake, right. so you get parched earth. it's very hot, but we did have a very wet winter because of those atmospheric rivers and those rain bombs that came in which led to a lot of growth, a lot of plant life springs up. >> but then it dies and turns to fuel and a hot, dry summer, the transpiration the way though, the speed in which water moves up through plant life is getting faster along with dehydration of the earth. >> so it's just, we're not living on really the most flammable earth in human history, given the rising heat and the fuel loads and a lot of these places near population centers. all right, bill, where thanks so much. really appreciate it coming up a cliff hanger in virginia, right now, only 342 votes are separating a sitting congressmen and the trump-backed candidate trying to replace him in the republican primary. why so much attention on this one house seat and what it might means if it goes to a recount and a growing movement to ban kids from being able to use their phones while at school. california governor gavin newsom's now on board and he's just the latest official 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house seat and this week's primary, but former president donald trump endorsed congressman goods challenger virginia state senator john maguire. >> voters went to the polls yesterday. maguire is currently narrowly ahead of good by roughly 313 votes, while malin and provisional ballots are still being counted, that did not stop john maguire from declaring victory last night. >> ladies and gentlemen the voltage are in and the people have spoken it is an honor to be your republican nominee, but bob good. >> the congressman did not concede. however, he posted on x, also known as twitter, quote. we are in a period where the law provides a process for evaluating the accuracy of all the vote totals from election de to ensure everyone can have full confidence in the certified results. good. went on to say, quote, we believe we can still will prevail unquote. so that's the latest from election night. we have so much political news to cover though. let's bring in republican senator kevin cramer from north dakota, who joins us now. thanks for joining us senator. let's start with trump's vip stakes because you're governor doug burgum is on the shortlist to be vice president. do you think he'd be a good place? what does he bring to the table i think you'd be a good pick now it's interesting, jake, because he's clearly not from a larger swing skate with a diverse population. >> however he certainly handles himself well in the stump. he defends the president. well, he advocates with president. well, but i think more than anything when he brings to the table foreign body of voters as he brings a level of stability, particularly, i think on economic matters, but a pretty much across the board. >> he his eloquence and articulation on important issues to people. >> i think gives them some confidence and rightfully so what about your colleagues in the senate? >> senator tim scott, senator jd vance, senator marco rubio obviously you're pulling for your hometown boy, your home state boy. but what about what about them? >> well, i have great respect for all of them. they all bring something different, i think to the race i think it's hard to deny that tim scott brings the greatest political advantage the best, most electoral benefit to the, to the ticket and quite honestly it, seems got to be a great president. so i put him at the front of the line in among the senators. if the president doesn't choose a governor, i will say that i think governors make, they make better candidates and they definitely make better president's than legislators do. it's a very different skill set and governor burden was proven he's really good at it. >> let's talk about the defense bill, the nda last week, the house narrowly passed the national defense authorization act. house republicans added a whole bunch of amendments targeting transgender health care, abortion access trying to eliminate climate change initiatives and whatever you think of them and you probably support them though who's will not pass in a democratic controlled senate, which is the current reality. do support what the house passed or would you rather that they send you a bill that can easily pass the us senate? >> well, first of all, i don't expect him to send a bill that can easily pass the senate anymore than wilson them when they can easily pass the house, we've passed our of committee last week. i'm on the armed services committee and we tackled some of those same issues obviously, with different outcomes, but that's the beauty of a, system that honors graded for us. and i frankly love that diversity in that opportunity to bring together the two bills. i just hope we can have floor debate this time in the last time last year, chuck schumer never did bring the senate bill to the floor. he took the marked-up bill and went straight to the conference committee with the house i would be okay with that. this time around as well because my priorities were pretty well met in the marked-up bill that said i just think the systems better and the american public appreciates it more if we have a robust, transparent discussion between the two chambers in wide open but no, i don't think they they're not obligated to center something that we're going to like anymore than we're obligated to send them exactly what they want yesterday, senate republicans blocked an attempt by democrats to legislate a ban on bump stocks. this is after the us supreme court struck down a regulatory change, a banned from president trump on bump stocks they did de, the supreme court overturned that last week. this all happened in 2018 or response to the 2017 deadly las vegas shooting? a. you call that court decision a victory why why is it important for people to be able to have bump stocks that, that it's not quite turning a semiautomatic rifle or semi-automatic weapon into a machine gun. but it's certainly in the spirit of being able to rapidly fire white. why is that needed? >> well, that's a separate matter from the supreme court's decision. the supreme court's decision was a big tree because it stood up for the constitution and the elected members of congress who passed bills and it's our responsibility. your point about the issue itself and the bill from yesterday? i don't expect that yesterday's vote will be the last we hear of it bump-stock. bump-stock. don't turn again into a machine gun, but they can behave like won the letter of the law is clear that the narrow interpretation of the loss of my support, but on the issue itself you can't just bring something like that to the floor in the heat of the moment or the emotion of the moment, which is right chuck schumer has been doing not three weeks in a row, bringing piece of legislation, justice send a message just to drive a wedge but i suspect we'll have a robust discussion about maybe relevant committees will have hearings on it. and in people will be able to provide a boat or provide amendments and how they feel about the actual use of bump stocks, whether they should be legal sprinklers and they are or about a contender, kevin cramer, thanks so much, sir. i appreciate your time. >> always a pleasure jake, thank you. >> well, former president trump announced his running mate over the next few weeks and which previous rival of his is now stumping for trump across the country. we're going to talk about all that next. >> debate in america as biden and trump meet. and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follows cnn for every catalyst moment followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven, they are unpredictable sleeping giants every volcano has its own personality. and if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet. >> lives will be lost. violent earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. >> what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't there, corky self lately, they may have pain from a common 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came out in an email. here's how senator variance explained those comments last night on fox i think the simple answer is you got to respect the american people enough to just level with them. look, i was wrong about donald trump. i didn't think he was going to be good president brett. he was a great president and it's one of the reasons why i'm working so hard to make sure he gets a second term. >> let us bring in our panel. and sure. michael, i have to say jd vance is certainly an interesting politician, is a part of a new generation, et cetera, et cetera. it's hard to see trump picking him and republican and democrats not running ad after ad of this is what this is what vice president nominee j.j. said about donald trump because yeah, kamala harris attacked biden and all that stuff. but this is just like new level, i think yeah, i think democrats would take advantage of more concerning for me as a strategist, i'm not exactly sure what does jd vance bring to a trump ticket? >> what group does jd vance excite that the former president doesn't already excite he doesn't excite latino american voters. he doesn't excite african american voters. so for me as a strategist, i would preference to see someone who represents one of them those two groups who are, who are you dreading trump picking, like who would biden, would like? nikki haley, would that would that worry you? i mean, i don't think that's going to happen, but would like who yeah. >> i mean, that that glia tracks her voters, these people that i'm voted for her, that he's having such a hard time getting to to your point, there's a real deficit of people that he needs to attract and i don't think any of the people that have been out there really do it for him and really bringing those other groups of people. but i do think nikki haley's probably the person that would democrats would dread the most. >> so let's talk about others in the race. axios is tallied up quite a busy schedule for north dakota governor doug burgum. donald trump's campaign is sent north dakota governor burgum to at least ten different states to campaign width or for donald trump clearly see him as an effective surrogate. you heard senator kramer, perhaps not surprisingly, from north dakota, saying that he would be a really good pick. what what do you think? >> yeah, i do. i think the people that have been released, they're being bedded or the campaign's announcer vetting. i do think he's probably the best pick. i think that he probably is the more tolerable person he's sort of like a mike pence he has moderate views. i think he's done a lot to court himself, to donald trump the past couple of years, but i do think he probably, if you're looking at who could be vice president, i think he fits the bill. he definitely appearance wise fits the bill. >> we know that you're very loyal to dr. by harrison that is my guy, jake if dr. carson doesn't get the pec and i know that donald trump really likes, really respect some. >> but if he doesn't get to pick who, who's your second senator? tim scott yesterday, i was at an event juneteenth celebration at the library of congress that senator scott put on one of my good friends, xavi works for them, organized and staying mostly africa can americans, they're not all republicans. some democrats as well who just wanted to come to the event. and the senator did a very unique job of talking about his family's history, speaking about his grandfather growing up in south carolina and a different type of america and been able to watch him become a united states congressman. and it was the first time, but i actually got to see the senator speak in a very personal way to a broad audience of people who are all very intrigued by his story and intrigued by his message of moving forward and he sort of had this interest in analogy said, a lot of people of colored need to have more mountains to climb. and i think that should be conservative message speaking about economic opportunity, educational opportunities. and i said now this is the tim scott they gets on the campaign trail and donald trump picks him. this can make a substantial numeric difference in some swing states. so will it be, do you think? >> well, i was just going to add, do you think that attempts got really will appeal to the battleground states and the people on the margins like is he going to appeal tends to bourbon white women outside of philadelphia, like are those really going to make the difference? and because we all know it's going to come back down to these suburban places, suburban women. and i like reproductive rights and i'm just wondering if, uh, tim scott will cut the mustard for him there and make make a big difference. >> that's a good point. i think some suburbanites may look at senator scott said, look, this is someone who's measured. he's worked in a bipartisan way on the senate with democrats on some pretty key pieces of legislation. and also for men of color, i think they look at tim scott, some of them is say, wow, this guy makes a lot of sense. he speaks about self person, perseverance. he speaks about x economics, holding one's self accountable. those are things that i think many men would sort of find intriguing. and so this is someone that i could support. yeah, maybe not the white suburban women, may be so, but maybe also some of the african-americans in philly and delaware county and montgomery county also different for some of those people out senator lindsey graham was on fox last night. >> this just to change the subject completely bint on the south carolina tip here, he made this accusation about president biden's border policies. take a listen. >> the next time you hear the word felon in this election on think the felon in this election is joe biden, hoodies doing to the country is criminal. the crime in this election cycle, is the crime of joe biden against the american people. what happened to trump in new york was a bunch of bs what do you think? i mean, joe biden has not been convicted or charged with a felony, so i'm a little confused where he's coming from. also, the fbi put out that's not too long ago that the crime rates actually going down. so i'm not i'm very confused when he's talking about but i think this is just a way to more muddy the waters. but joe biden is not a felon, has never been charged with a felony, so it just it just more marking the waters for donald trump, michael, what do you make of what's going on in that virginia congressional race where congressman bob good, who is very, very conservative but endorsed ron desantis and the primary is now trump endorsed his challenger maguire, who last time i checked is up 300 or so vote counting ballots on the one hand, you wonder like, well, this is what happens if you cross donald trump on the other hand, trump's pretty influential and it's kind of surprising that it's still also tight and it is type but jake, i have a different perspective on it and maguire has made this case yesterday on the network. he said that bob good is a part of the chaos caucus. >> they remove the speaker of the house and look at the ramifications for republicans were what down what, two or three seats. >> now i think are very slim majority, and there's a lot of questions among members in the conference whether or not we can keep the majority pretty grow the majority. so i think this is a broader question of do we want members like that a part of the republican conference? my answer would be no. and i think most republican voters out there will say absolutely not. you can replace bob good with a conservative who actually worked to expand the conference, not deduct. all right. thanks to both. we really appreciate it. kim jong-un and vladimir putin say they're taking their relationship to a whole new level more on putin's warm welcome to north korea and his latest stop in vietnam. >> today, what 2 night. >> cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend, lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tonight at ten on cnn and stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson, we all have that list of home improvement projects would need to do. >> and if replacing your home's windows and doors is on that list want to know that it's going to be affordable i'm from renewal by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who were on a budget get our windows and doors for their home. how do we do it? well, here's something you don't expect to hear from a window company. you don't have to upgrade all your windows and doors at the same time. we're really good at identifying the bad windows and those you can wait on replacing and here's something we offer that you don't find with a lot of winning companies are contractors, great financing options with renewal by anderson, you can have monthly payments that'll probably be lower than your 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russian president vladimir putin, the two authoritarian leaders road past crowns that appeared to be adoring and they held meetings which putin says resulted in a mutual defense agreement. soon as matthew chance is watching these developments from moscow, russia, and cnn's will ripley, as in hanoi, vietnam, which has poor in this next up. matthew first eu, the russians are calling this strategic partnership with north korea a breakthrough. what are the practical implications here, especially for the us or south korea? >> yeah, hi jake. i think they could be pretty serious in the sense that the security aspect of this strategic partnership deal may mean and of course, we haven't seen the text yet, so we don't know, but it may mean are much closer military relationship between north korea and russia. already us officials say but millions of rounds of artillery shells, for example, of mayday way from factories in north korea to support the bombardment that russia is undertaking on the front lines in ukraine, that, that provision of ammunition could be stepped up and of course, the other concern is what will north korea get in return? it's got a ballistic missile program. it's got a nuclear program. it's got a space program. all of which it's used to threaten the united states and its allies and to destabilize the korean peninsula that could be stepped up as well. and so there's a whole range of concerns associated with this burgeoning alliance between the two countries and this is putin's first visit that matthew right to north korea in 24 years. >> it seems like kim jong going really put on a show yeah, the first of 24 years. >> and i think that's a reflection of the fact that up until now at north korea hasn't really been a foreign policy priority for moscow. he could have gone at any point, but he didn't in 24 years between visits, and it just shows you how sanctions and isolation and i sort of desperate need for ammunition and support from i'm from russia have brought these two countries together, but i show tens of thousands of people in the streets of central pyongyang, the north being capital in a highly choreographed display of welcoming, affection for full blood him, if putin, people they do this all the time. but there were clapping as if that lives depended on it and perhaps their lives did depend on it. who knows but really an extraordinarily extravagant and lavish display of a vladimir putin as he was paraded standing shoulder to shoulder with the north korean dictator, that through the streets of the greek capital. both of these leaders showing they're not isolated, they're not ostracized. they have each other now let's go to well, will ripley in hanoi, vietnam. >> so potent arrived in vietnam just a little while ago. >> what are his plans there well, he has basically two main goals here. >> jake, one, he wants to figure out if he can grow his economic relationship with vietnam while navigating these western sanctions which vietnam doesn't want to break for obvious reasons. i mean, they just hosted president biden here a matter of months ago. but russia does have oil, gas potentially nuclear energy cooperation with vietnam. there are major, in fact, the majority arms supplier for vietnam, but probably even more crucial for putin is that he wants to show the world jake that russia still has allies here in southeast asia, even if for vietnam, it puts them in a very tricky spot. they have an old friendship with russia, but to have putin come here right after north korea even though he's not getting anything near the level of pageantry that he saw in pyongyang. they're still welcoming him with russian flags and hoping that they don't off the west well, yeah, that's the question. >> i mean, doesn't vietnam has a lot to lose here, especially given that putin came directly after visiting north korea yeah, i mean, this is going to be a real test, jake, of what of what they love to call bamboo diplomacy here in vietnam, where they have bamboo trees growing a plenty. >> bamboo is known for bending but not breaking. and this is going to be real test of whether they're strategic autonomy approach to international diplomacy, whether it's going to be able to bend enough to account how many vladimir putin is needs and not alienate russia and not break and alienated not only the united states, but also much of the west and also japan and south korea, by the way. there are real concerns, genuine concerns here, and annoy about the optics and the international perception for him to come right after visiting north korea. but at the end of the day, vietnam as they don't have any direct conflict with russia, they 0.2 decades-long alliance and friendship between north korea and russia. and so that's why they are choosing to welcome vladimir putin. here, albeit cautiously, j. >> all right. will ripley and matthew chance, thanks to both of you coming up next, the growing movement to ban cell phones in schools from the classroom. the second-largest school district in the united states just voted to do so. we'll others do the same with us hey, mom, how many should i decorated has ran have blue that's a really tough call. >> are you that's john king from cnn? >> let's look at the data. >> your county leaned read, eye 15 points in the last presidential election. however, looking at the latest polling you're going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows this stuff $5 a cupcake, you know, the average cost of a cupcake around. here's $3 no. comes the furniture business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates whose gba we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter tutor and had our guy on-site and five days he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all our jobs. >> they helped us build a dream jiang than you did affair does that too fast for you 44 out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter 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israel-lebanon border. and this cnn and our tech lead now, a managing you or your kids smartphone vanishes tomorrow. he might feel like you're going through withdrawal. you might feel disconnected, you might feel loss what about the positive effects? because california just joined a growing list of blue and red states. looking to ban these distracting devices from classrooms. joining us now cnn's splint difference, audie cornish, and addi you recently covered this. you're always waiting well, your head of us and the tv world you recently covered this on your podcasts, the assignment, let's listen to what one school official in massachusetts told you. roll the podcast when we first locked the phones up. i would say for two weeks, the nurse's office, the counseling office, and other offices were full of kids upset because they had no phone. that was for about nurse's office anywhere anywhere there's a trusted adult where they could be upset. so counseling, nursing now team chairs, teachers, they liked the first week tiers upset they're in all the offices, they're trying to get all the advice this cafeteria thing blows my mind because i always think of cafeterias as loud. >> but after the cafeteria, tell me about the hallways and the classrooms what do teachers start to notice right away? so you start seeing them talk more, having more conversations. you start see them slowly talking to each other more weathered on test are off off-task. they're not in another world in their online world. >> we definitely saw fights go down. >> we saw videotaping of bytes, go down. that was huge i would say the first i wouldn't say the success part, but the first change was the lunch room because all of a sudden the lunch room was really loud and it had nothing to it wasn't a bad loud. it was a good loud. but they had no phone, so they were actually talking to each other so that was the first thing that we noticed so you know what this reminds me of philadelphia phillies first baseman bryce harper went to london a few weeks ago to play the mattson, a specialty game. >> and that was his takeaway from london people were not on their phones. they were on the streets. they were talking to each other why would anybody oppose this? >> but i imagine you've talked to some parents who oppose it, who well, first of all, there's a big growing movement going on that is asking for a couple of things, a bell to bell ban. so having schools who many have rules on the books folks, they just can't enforce them. i mean, how are you going to take $1,000 phone or an $800 phone from any given kid, put it in a box if it goes loss, what happens? so there were some people who are like, this is hard to deal with in a school day. there are people who also want to say no social media before the age of 16 that's something we actually heard from our own surgeon general who said for his own kids, he's hoping to wait until after middle school. and then there's a movement of people who are giving what they call dumb phones. the idea is a kid can have a phone, they can be in communication with their parents, but they don't need the array of social media in their pocket 24/7. >> so former vice president mike pence he's like an app such as tiktok to quote digital fentanyl. i suppose because it's so addictive and destructive, is this an area where democrats and republicans could agree? i mean, we have gavin newsom on the left talking about no more cell phones in schools mike pence, don't agree on very much. >> certainly tiktok has been the nexus of a kind of strange bedfellows situation. you have republicans who very much are frustrated with china and what they perceive as its connection to tiktoks ownership. you also have a broader movement of lawmakers, richard blumenthal and connecticut, et cetera, who say there are harms caused let's do by social media in general. and that's when he saw mark zuckerberg of instagram and meta up on the hill actually having to testify at one point and at one point being goaded by senator hawley into a apologizing to all of the families who are in the audience who felt that their kids who had dealt with eating disorders, suicide, or hurt themselves doing all kinds of bizarre challenges the in effect been harmed by these companies yeah. >> you also spoke with somebody who's working with the phone free schools movement told me about that. >> what's interesting is i actually spoke to a student she's 18. she talked about how when she was a kid, she gave her parents a powerpoint presentation saying, here's why i need a phone. and she talked about the isolation and frustration and trying to go without if you think about when we were kids, if you didn't have cable, you didn't know any of the jokes, you didn't know what was going on tv. you're missing a huge part of kind of cultural currency to be able to communicate and bond with people your age you're missing out on all that now, if you are not in your phones, so to speak. and so she found herself wanting to be in an environment with no phone. she found one sort of short-term environment and it brought her into this world of activism which is now called the phone-free from the school free funds moment. >> so i can ask i can't do this interview or this conversation without asking you about how you feel as a mom, i know how old your kids my kids are under the age of ten and it's funny when i talked to my husband about this, actually put them in the story. he was like when they can vote, like he really, but i think it's an block. i know exactly. >> it's not going to hold, but the tricky part is it's not just about kids. >> it's about parents and one of the things we heard from the school pool's where parents want to be in touch with their kids during the day for a variety of reasons for their emotional health, for their fears around mass shootings and lockdowns. and so you're actually kind of fighting this cultural battle, not just with the kids but with the people who were in charge of giving them the phones and that's why it'll be interesting to see how this develops because it's not just a movement of looking a kid in the face and saying, you can't have this it's also talking to parents about why do you think you need it? >> yeah. by the way, there's some parents who should have their phones taken away, and write. another whole thing, and i'll be charged of audie cornish. thanks. so much for having me. of course. and as you know, audio podcast, it's called the assignment with already corners, you can download it anywhere you get your podcasts drops on thursdays, we had are a little early this week, but usually we honor audie cornish, thursday's coming up. i'm going to talk to one senator who pressed the boeing ceo for answers during a very tense hearing on the hill and a follow-up to a story we did weeks ago on the lead about a program for goldstar families that the us government had killed we have some good news for you on that. 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Pipe Dream , Dream Come True One Second , Single , Secret War Secrets And Spies Sunday , Display , Russian , Ostentatious Mutual Flattery , Matthew Chance , Leaders , Meetings , Developments , Road , Crowns , Defense Agreement , In Hanoi , Moscow , Will Ripley , Partnership , Russians , Breakthrough , Implications , Eu , We Haven T , Don T Know , Partnership Deal , Text , Military Relationship , Security Aspect , Millions , Ammunition , Bombardment , Factories , Provision , Artillery Shells , Lines , Mayday , Rounds , Example , Ukraine , Allies , Concern , Ballistic Missile Program , Space Program , Korean Peninsula , Concerns , Alliance , Visit , Orange , Countries , Burgeoning , Show , North Korea Hasn T , Foreign Policy Priority For Moscow , First , Reflection , Isolation , Sanctions , Streets , Tens Of Thousands , Capital , Affection , Central Pyongyang , Welcoming , Blood , Clapping , Shoulder , Standing , Dictator , Let S Go , Will Ripley In Hanoi , Greek , Plans , Goals , Arms Supplier , Energy , Cooperation , Gas , Soil , Friendship , Crucial , Spot , Southeast Asia , Doesn T Vietnam , Pageantry , Flags , Pyongyang , Test , Bamboo , Bamboo Trees , Bamboo Diplomacy , Plenty , Bending , Diplomacy , Autonomy , Approach , Japan , Conflict , Optics , Perception , 0 2 , Schools , J , Mom , Same , Classroom , Call , School District , Ran Have Blue , County , Points , Polling , Sprinkles , John King , Ziprecruiter , Cost , Cupcake , Furniture Business , Project Manager , Hire , Gba , 5 , 3 , , Tutor , Affair , Guy On Site , Build A Dream Jiang , 44 , Order , Employers , Sox , Rnc Com , Pinch , Isa To Locka Silently Proclaimed , 18th Green , 18 , Golfer , Superior , Moms Dimples , Witty Conversation , Consumer Cellular , Shelf , I M The One , Porcelain Doll , Bone , Vanity , Events , Fracture , Bone Loss , Osteoporosis , Affinity , Heart Attack , Entity , Bones , Spine Fracture Risk , Bone Event , Stroke , 73 , Calcium , Jawbone Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Hip , Thigh , Groin , Life Insurance , Break Put , Life Insurance John , Policy , John A , Quote Com , 9 , 21 , 00000 , 500000 , 1 , 29 , Insurance , Price , Tech Lead , Israel Lebanon Border , Walmart , Effects , Smartphone , Withdrawal , Splint , Classrooms , Red , Devices , Addi , Audie Cornish , Assignment , Podcasts , School Official , Tv World , Podcast , Massachusetts , Office , Offices , Nurse , Anywhere , Counseling Office , Adult , Teachers , Counseling , Cafeteria Thing , Advice , Nursing , Tiers , Team Chairs , Hallways , Cafeterias , Cafeteria , Mind , Conversations , Saw Fights , Task , Lunch Room , Success Part , Saw Videotaping , Bytes , Thing , Wasn T A Bad Loud , Cloud , Philadelphia Phillies , First Baseman , Bryce Harper , Specialty Game , Takeaway , Anybody , London , Mattson , Big Growing Movement , Books , Rules , Bell To Ban , 800 , 000 , 1000 , Age , Kid , School Day , Box , Surgeon General , Communication , Idea , Middle School , The , App , Array , Tiktok To Quote Digital Fentanyl , 24 7 , Area , Talking , Connection , Nexus , Ownership , Strange Bedfellows Situation , Tiktoks , Connecticut , China , Richard Blumenthal , The Hill , Hawley , Harms , Do By Social Media In General , Instagram , Meta , Mark Zuckerberg , Effect , Kinds , Challenges , Apologizing , Suicide , Eating Disorders , Somebody , Free Schools Movement , Powerpoint Presentation Saying , Student , Bond , Tv , Cable , Frustration , Jokes , Currency , Environment , Sort , Activism , Interview , School , Funds , The School Pool , Block , Hold , Husband , Battle , Fears , Variety , Lockdowns , Shootings , Charge , Corners , Audio Podcast , Thursdays , Write , Coming Up , Government , Stay , Bus Due Credit , Legacy , Knee Brace , Step , Credit Funding , Medicare , Fraud , Text Call , Journey , Nope Delete , Information , Ocean , Spreadsheets , Claims , Department Of Health And Human Services , Kayak , Progressive , Auto , Pat Garrett , Billy The Kid , Progressive Commercial Com , Game , Law Doesn T , Ain T A , Roi , Know , Billy , Settlement , Experience , Ceiling , Hr , Professional , Young Gc , Gc Drive Time Com , Shop , Slighty Thing , Rail Cars , Campaign Smart , Budget Reminder , Maria , Tamar , Son Home , Fight , Down , Mission , Alzheimer , Hope , Signs , Sanjay Gupta , 7 Million ,

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