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thanks very much for joining us tonight. or codes live starts right now. have a great night, everybody a bear market on donald trump or the former president tries to sell wall street on a second term it didn't go well at all. plus legal machine guns the supreme court, i'm does a trump era decision to ban bump stocks the same? bump stocks. >> the madman use to slaughter 58 people at las vegas country music festival. >> and an interview you're only going to see here, my nothing is off limits. sit down with ufc's dana white including why he's choosing donald trump is his fighter in the 2024 election donald trump coming up big lee short with war wall street thursday, he received a kind of a hero's welcome, didn't the inside of congress and who could forget that handshake with him and mitch mcconnell. but with the c-suite crowd. but the corporate titans, they're not fully buying in, at least not yet wall street was primed to go all in on trump, the headlines teased it over and over again. the new york times a month ago, in about-face wall street's big donors warm to trump a couple of weeks later this from yahoo, prominent billionaires from wall street to silicon valley are warming up to donald trump. the wall street journal had chatter about an elon musk romance inside donald trump and elon musk's growing alliance. >> and just this week, politico published this never mind wall street titans shake off qualms and embrace trump you already see that happening. >> donations from the billionaire class of float into his campaign. people like jp morgan chase's, jamie diamond went from never trump two definitely maybe trump it makes sense to, i mean, trump has promised another round of corporate tax cuts and it all led us to thursday. that's the de, that trump spoke to a roomful of the top ceos of the business roundtable meeting at trump, he probably hoped that it would play out like the wolf of wall street so i'm not leaving i'm not leaving the show well, luck that's not how it went. >> okay. not according to cnbc is well, source andrew ross, oregon listen to store again and trump's appearance felt more mr. miku then jordan belfort i was surprised. >> i spoke to a number of ceos who i would say walked into the meeting being trump supporter, ish, or thinking that they might be leaning that direction. who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought was all over the map and that they maybe not surprising bud was interesting to me because these were people who i think might have been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less supposed to. i'm actually predisposed to thinking this is not necessarily as one person said, this may not be any different or better then a biden thought, if you're thinking that way well, joining me now, shark tank, judge, kevin o'leary is also the chairman of course of o'leary ventures. kevin good to see you this friday night. hate some of the words that were used. you heard andrew meandering all over the map. doesn't know what he's talking about. could not keep a straight thought. i mean, some in the c-suite seem reportedly baffled by the former president's incoherence during the private meeting is is that surprising to you? is it concerning know, but i'd also i wouldn't agree with that analysis at all. what's going on here is really most wall street participants, were they being the c-suite or be involved in dealmaking or all right. involved in business of any kind, have figured out trump has a 50, 50 chance of becoming president's, everybody is looking at it that way. nobody knows what's going to happen in the election. >> and so really, we finished talking about porn stars, cocaine, guns, and all that. >> we're talking about policy now. and so you have to kind of make a decision. what what was floated at that meeting that is actually made. people in wall street and he held here in silicon valley. i'm in los angeles now, think about this trump talked about tax rates, corporate tax rates, the lowest he quoted was 15% all the way to 21%. we know that biden's plans at 28%, so there's a point of reference that you got to start thinking about a little bit and the whole idea about corporate tax rate is not who can be the lowest it's where you fit in the competitive strata of the g20 nations because that's what attracts capital. so you go to 28, you just kinda slip into the second, third quartile, not as competitive if you go to 15 year in the top quartile, if you so to stay where we are right now, you're in the bottom of the first quartile. that's more important to jamie diamond than anything else because he's competing globally for capital and all the rest of the loss traders. so, you know one meeting over another, meandering thoughts. i mean, both of these candidates are elderly there's no question about it. but i don't think that is really what's being debated anymore. everybody knows what they think about each of them on that. but policy and you're talking about it now and i applaud we're finally getting into policy. we're finally getting into policy. >> but what was interesting about that, kevin is, yes, you're talking about policy and i talk about policy and the electorate wants to hear about policy. i would resume. >> but the part of the meetings that took place this week seemed to be veering off when topics were including like hannibal lecter was made and can taylor swift during a particular pitch, i know and all of us have really watch you on shark tank. if i saw a contested and began to meander and go in a different direction, then the policy or the actual bare-bones and brass tacks, you would have a problem with it to the meandering doesn't that doesn't mean anything to you in this context. it just one meeting when this was the meeting for the c-suite exacts know, i think there's many meetings and it's particularly the debate coming up is really going to matter, but trump isn't going to change how he or rates you've been listening to this for years. >> i don't expect them to change i don't expect buying the change. i don't actually care anymore what i really care about as an investor and i really care because i'm starving for information is give me policy. i can decide on what to do when i make investments with that's what i care about. we've had not had anything excuse me. >> i hear you, kevin, which kennedy is giving you that information that's really the rub here. i mean, obviously, you crave the information investors want the information, the economy relies on the information. do you think either is providing the information to the nuance level that would satisfy your a hungry mind well, here's a data point. >> taxes remain the same, or they go to 28%. >> i'll take the same right now. thank you. that's better for business. that's better for me. that's better for me as an investor. and frankly, i think it's better for the economy that's my position. so that's one data point. talk to me about energy. i haven't heard enough about that. i want energy security i think this to solve our national debt. we can use the anwar like norway did. i've talked about that already. tell me which candidate is going to use a royalty off the anwar to pay down a significant portion of the debt because we've never tapped one of the largest oil on earth and oils around for years to come. i mean, some people don't like that, but it is what it is. so i want to hear policy on that. i definitely want to hear border security and i finally heard some policy on immigration, for example, at mit, a third of the classes that i teach at harvard mit are foreign nationals that get kicked out of the country after i spend to educate them, make them the best they can be as engineers at mit. and then we kick them out. that's nuts. and so i would like to see policy on that and i heard some of that out of trump. i haven't heard out of biden yet. i'm all ears. i am a policy guy. gimme policy well, we certainly hope to hear more of it at the debate from both sides and not just grand overtures, but actual policy positions and what we will not hear likely is who the trump vp pick will be at the upcoming debate i has kept and likely at the rnc convention i hear though you are rooting for particular person governor doug burgum, to be trump's vp pick. >> you called him trump insurance. explain that and why you see him or want him as the vp well, i want to be totally transparent on this almost a decade ago on shark tank of all things i invest in a company called pr, prx performance in fargo, north dakota. >> i'd never been to fargo. i went back up there. would the abc cruise in february. i thought it was going to be a dark side of the moon and it was, it was like 1 million degrees below zero. but i finally met some of the administrators and burgum himself and the policy there was very interesting and he said to me, why don't you come and invest in our companies here? look at what we got, and i started to do that and now i run a mandate in north dakota investing in venture capital firms. and we've done very, very well. now i've sat with a governor or sat with his staff. this guy gets stuff done, whether you need a permit or whether you need policy or what do you want are sent taxes. you need to speak to the ceo of a company he's a business guy, so it's a personal reflection that i see here. and frankly, i think trump could use someone that's very much not like him that has executional skills. you get bergen, this mandate, you say go fix the border, go fix energy, go fix whatever that's what he does i'm just saying it from a personal perspective. like this guy is trump insurance because trump's bombastic, but he even himself said in the last few weeks, look, i made some mistakes in my first term. i'm not going to hire the same people and reposition. well, we don't care about vps normally an american election cycles, but look at what we got now, you've got longevity issues with biden. so if your vote 20 for biden is independent, you've got to think about harris, how much to like her, apparently not much. that's just the polls don't shoot the messenger. so maybe they swap her out if biden is going to run with people concerned about who's vp would ask you actually look into transpiration is is i hear the point, but we're not, we're not yet. >> he if he may fast okay. forget about that. i'm just pointing it out from the pole. she's a misleading, popular burgum, incredible track record. as you asked me, who could think of it this way, if you want it to be the richest american by sovereign wealth, where would you go right now? you would go to north dakota 750,000 american perkins are becoming the wealthiest americans. why not do that too? america let burgum do that to every american he did it so he's got the numbers and that's why if people say me, why you're talking about him i'm talking about him because he gets stuff done. >> and here you thought north dakota, which is the dark side of the moon. kevin o'leary, imagine that wipe to talk more about what this looks like. but i do wonder because he he wasn't in the room. >> this is our last couple of days with trump when trump made the statement that he likely found his pick in one of those rooms. >> he said things before in the past, i agree with that. and who knows? kevin o'leary? it's good to talk to you. thank you so much take care. well, joining us now pollster, kristin soul ties anderson, former republican congressman joe walsh, and former communications director for vice president kamala harris, ashley etienne i have to tell you all of you had some different levels of visceral reaction to every bad was the karma i was seeing people shake a twitching. it was a whole thing that was going on. >> let me begin with joe's mostly joe, i'll give you that. >> what was your thought? >> i mean, i disagree with kevin immensely to use one of his words in that. i don't think trump is serious about selecting someone who is a serious legislator. i mean, donald trump usually a president, picks a vp that shores up their negatives, expands their base that's why he chose pence the last time, but he learns a lesson on january 6 and he learned the lesson he learned was at pins put the country before donald trump. donald trump is not going to make that mistake again, i think the most important criteria for his selection is going to be loyalty to him, not to the country, not someone who gets things done. i mean, trump is is legendary for not getting anything done. i mean, in slowing everything down, even when he has a majority in both chambers so that's that's my reaction is regrettably. he's not going to choose someone who series he's going to choose >> he's going to win. >> so i think he's going to pick somebody who's utterly loyal to him, somebody who looks good on tv somebody who will see it pointing at me, but i'm out i right you look fantastic somebody who will say the 2020 election was stolen and somebody who will say the deep state has gone after donald trump. >> that's all he wants. you've phenomenon. and paul and thinking about some of the contenders who are on this shortlist have been extraordinary critics of donald trump in the past. me, senator marco rubio for one, jd vance. jd vance. now, of course, was even at the trial at one point in time. does that strike you as strange? somebody who cover its loyalty, that even an about face would so qualified ben that shortlist. >> it is fascinating when you take a look at say, doug berger, he's almost like an alternate dimension mitt romney in some ways, or somebody like marco rubio, remember the little hands dustup we had back in 2016, so most of the names on that list that you just put up on the green they have had some conflict with trump in the past, but it's almost like the zeal of the convert, right? i think that in some way donald trump likes the idea that he's won someone over, that they used to doubt them and now they're all in on them. i think those past statements, there are some people who may try to get jobs in a new trump administration and won't because they tweeted criticism of in the past. but if you get to the level of being on that shortlist, that means you have publicly disavowed your past statements enough that he thinks you now pass that loyalty tests. >> you've done. that's interesting to think about that they trans, that change in one's mind, right? but you've done focus groups for trump supporters. is there a quality they're looking for from a vp candidate? >> well, i think they are looking for somebody who will be supportive of donald trump. >> number one, because they like donald trump. what i think is really interesting about what i think trump needs to convey with this pick is he needs to convey some level of seriousness and stability bloody because that's what those swing voters, much like the ceo's you just talked about. that's what they're really craving. that's what they felt like they were hoping to get with biden in 2020 feel they haven't gotten we're now looking for it and trump, but if he's showing up to meetings as was reported maybe there's no stability anywhere here to be found actually on this point too. i mean, one of the things we're hearing by the new york times it's actually reporting that donald trump is thinking about debate performances as who he considers. and obviously one of the factors he says, quote, is or not, he says the new york times as saying one of the factors is quote, who matches up best on the debate stage against vice president kamala harris? what does that signal to you? >> i mean, it says to me that to some degree that they think that she's somewhat of a threat. i mean, she's a former prosecutor. she's spent time in courts defending her clients and defending the interests of california. so to me it says that he might be slightly nervous, but i think there's there's one other thing we're we're we're not sort of taking into consideration. that is, i i think a j.d. vance would be pose the greatest threat to kamala harris. really, some respects. i mean, he's incredible debater. i think he has this quality that makes him seem palpable to that. one one to 2% that actually might vote or that's undecided, that will actually pay attention to the debates because most people don't pay attention to the debates. and i think he's just got a quality about him where he's super smart and sharp and quick witted. i just think they'd like i think it's going to be a challenge to see the two of them face-to-face. i mean, maybe it's just me but i think i think he's gonna be the greatest threat to i don't rule out nikki haley mic drop. >> don't rule out nikki haley. don't rule out a surprise. >> wow, i shall think about that the debate really important to think about when that will be. i'm curious as to whether he would indeed pose a threat to the formidable vice president christian joe ashley. thank you so much. >> i had another supreme court ruling, shortest supercharged tensions ahead of the election this time, striking down a ban on bump stocks. >> well, democratic congressman maxwell frost launched his political career by fighting to end gun violence. and he is my guest next one last one. >> i want to do and to be with. my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me radar now streaming exclusively on max. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because they're places you'd like to be for cql can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration urinary tract, or genital yeast infection in low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or 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faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? raw to 369369 today, the cnn presidential debates, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming on max another ruling from the supreme court. >> sure. to have a significant political impact today. the courts striking down the trump era ban on bump stocks. that's the gun accessory that enables semi-automatic weapons to fire at speeds rivaling those of machine guns a bump stock was used in the deadliest mass shooting in this country's history. the 2017 las vegas massacre that left 58 eight people dead, and over 500 injured. >> and understand just how fast bump stocks can make guns fire. i want to play the moment the shooting started at that concert and the warnings to everyone watching the video is disturbing. here it is. >> all right. hearing met how quickly the bullets were coming. the shots to talk about this, i want to bring in congressmen maxwell frost. he began his political career fighting to end gun violence and was an organizer for the march for our lives. after 14 students and three a faculty members were gunned down in parkland, florida notably, the scene of that bloody massacre, marjory stoneman douglas high school. it was demolished just today congressman, thank you so much for being here. >> just hearing the the pace of those shots it makes your stomach drop, your heart sank, and it makes you well aware of your cause and why you have been fighting so hard for this and this decision that this reversal, it was decided in a six to three decision, congressman justice alito concurring with the opinion, put the ball back in your court. >> congress's court writing. >> now that the situation is clear, congress can act saying that of course congress can amend the law. >> congress, i'd love for you to react to what that he feels like to hear the supreme court say? it's your turn now congress already does a job on this fully automatic rifles are 11 to be purchased by consumers in the united states bump stocks when added on a weapon essentially create it and make it a fully automatic weapons. >> so we already did our job on this. this is already the law and this is one of the many reasons why this decision is completely disastrous and i love what sonia sotomayor row, supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. sure. look, if it quacks like a duck, and it seems like a duck. i'm going to call it a duck if there's a gun that has a bump stock and it can shoot the way that video you just showed and that audio can shoot. it is a fully automatic assault weapon, which is already illegal united states to buy for consumers. and so this has already been done. and it's just a shame that this corrupt supreme court with nowhere a fixed that's been completely bought off in the process by the nra, the gun lobby and billionaires and incorporations put out this decision and it's going to result in more people dying. >> congressmen. and clearly there has been a spotlight put on the supreme court for quite some time from the ethics questions you've raised as well. and also the for many the head head-scratching idea of matching reality. and what is present in america and what the law is. they believe mandating them to do but you are not without hurdles even in congress. you're a fellow congressmen. actually your fellow florida congressman, byron donalds, who happens to be, we're told a trump vp shortlist contender. he called all the bump stock ban dumb. listen to what he said bump stock does not cause anybody to be shiny united states of america that is the shooter that does that, not a piece of equipment the bump stocks, if you will, is really just a brace for people who have arm injuries who still actively shoot you know, when i was younger, that sound a whole lot like guns don't kill people, people kill people, and people are killed by guns. congressman, what's your reaction? >> my reaction is exactly what you said. i mean, i've been in this fight since i was 15 and i can't tell you the amount of times i've had people look at me after a shooting happens and kids and people have died and pools of their own blood and someone wants to look me in the eye and sought my intelligence by telling me that guns don't kill people, but people kill people and i say exactly what you just said. that's true. 100%, i'm insulted that you would say something like that. do you think i'm an idiot? >> but it's because people killed people that we want to make sure that we have good laws in place. >> so people can't pick, kill people like shooter did in las vegas. we're just in a matter of minutes. he injured over 500 people and murdered and killed 60 or over 60 and the bump-stock allowed him to kill more people to injure more people, and to do more harm. and so that's what i would say to my colleague about that. don't insult us by saying people killed people we know people kill people i can introduce uses some parents, you know that very well, like man, why oliver, whose son joaquin died in parkland congressman for so many people. and this is the cross, the political spectrum. sadly, none of us live comfortably any longer. you know that whether it's schools, whether it's churches and synagogues walmart's, whether it's movie theaters night clubs, you can name it. there is a fear that so many of us live with as a parent. i know i live with it. i look at my kid's teachers and i thank them for the fact that they might very well have someone's life in their hands. and yet, this issue for so many does not seem to be the highest priority when it comes to the polling. i wonder from your perspective, well, something like this move the needle for the electorate to feel more motivated about getting out to vote i think it will for certain groups of people, but you're 100% right? and this has been as someone who's been in this fight for over a decade the sad part and the traumatic part of the gun violence prevention movement is oftentimes the times when the most people care, when the most people are donating, when the most interviews are happening. in the media governing extensively is also coupled with the most death, the most people dying in the most shootings happen and that's been the reality of this movement. and what we've been trying to do is organizers is make sure that we tell people we need to handle this before that death happens and do this before children and people in this country lose their lives. and what i always like to tell people well, i'll speak to all the parents that america watching right now is if god forbid, you lost your child tomorrow and they're under the age of 18 the most likely reason in this country right now would be because they were shot. and i don't know about you and i don't care what any political party says. there's a party that likes the claim freedom but i don't feel free in a country where the leading cause of death for a child is to be shot congressman maxwell frehse. >> thank you so much for joining this evening. >> thank you for having me head. >> there was indeed a when they can be one for sandy hook families, but maybe not as big as they'd hoped conspiracy theorist alex jones forced to sell his personal assets, but there's one other part of the ruling that has jones apparently pleased will break down today's ruling next can the riva support your brain health mary janet, hey eddie, know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge consumer cellular is fast and reliable coverage. it's easy to win re-send and good two months free when you buy any iphone, like i felt 15 pro with titanium, our right to reproductive health care is being stolen from us. the rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids gone just like that i can't believe this is the world we live there where we're losing the freedom took 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official message from medicare about fraud, tree knee brace for my medicare number, medicare fraud can happen through text call or email hold in china next hello, i'm calling about your medicare. i don't give out my information to confirm my medicare number. >> nope. >> delete. don't give your medicare number to someone you don't know, regularly check your medicare claims to make sure they're right. learn more at slash fraud paid for by the us department of health and human services, whether dance vehicle is his prized possession or the family hauler, he needs to protect it this fathers de given the gift of whether tack from laser measure for liners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. it's a sea protector to guard against hey haynes and sunshade, to block harmful uv rays. the cup capone perfectly secures his phone while driving border these american made products or a gift card, a wtic four imprint for certain. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta and this is cnn payback literally and figuratively, alex shown just starting to make good on the $1.5 billion that he owed the sandy hook victims families. jones has agreed to liquidate his personal assets to help cover that cost. but his business assets may remain intact. >> that includes infowars, the platform or jones tormented the families with lies to his millions of listeners at the deaths of 21st graders 21st graders, and six teacher isn't sandy hook elementary school back in 2012, was a hoax ally? those lives prompted his followers to harass the grieving families whom he's smeared as coached actors. >> now this week, those 20 children, they would have graduated from high school. and just so it's not lost on anyone i want to show you some of the horrific lies that jones told that led to the billion dollar ruling the official story of sandy hook has more holes in it that swiss cheese laughing on once this method acting you just use the thetas thing since $3 any ready for more on the fox, they took me about a year was sandy hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole thing was fake i mean, even i couldn't believe and i knew they jumped on it. >> use the crisis harb up, but then i did deep research and my gosh it just pretty much didn't have every time i hear it i can't believe that that was what was being said well, joining me now, are jordan homes and dan freezing? >> they are the co-host of the knowledge fight podcasts, which for the last seven years has followed the roller coaster life of alex jones. gentlemen, thank you for being here with me this evening. nay, and just thinking, every time i hear what he said at those moments, it is unbelievable to think that somebody would have said those things. and if there'll be people who believed it as well, and jordan, i want to begin with you because you actually started you're podcasts back in 2017 and at that time, could you ever imagine that jones was getting the kinda come up and that he is financially getting now well, i mean, first dan started the podcast in 2017. >> start so now this is a guy i say, i say loud things loud enough. i look pretty. that's basically what i do so yeah, he started it and we when we began it, we really didn't even know what was going on with the lawsuit at all. the lawsuit had just started or was about to about hadn't started and restarted oh yeah consequences in general seem like almost impossible. >> they still do tripoli really, why is that? the poorest people you have on your show today we're not used to rich people getting consequences for things. it's unusual and our world, well, and i think the last number of years have been characterized by like it all always seeming like it's just about to fall apart for the next hearing. yeah. yeah. there's there is a constant sense of like he barely gets out of tight spots pretty regularly. and so it's just kind of it's a little disappointing. it's a little sometimes. i mean, you know, today's today's ruling as we'll see you in a couple of weeks like that seems like every ruling has been, hey, guys will see you will see you next time signing off it almost feels like i mean, i think a lot of people have the impression about this sort of the sisyphean boulder rolling back down the hill when you've got some momentum going foaming and i think the frustration that it's tied to something is tragic is what it's tied to is all the more telling about an, a sad commentary. >> but since you started the podcast, i wanted this has been since 2017, whichever one if you started the podcast, i'll give you both credit today talk to me about the fine being on a friday night. look, we can do a whole greek mythology. i am a generation of fash, the tight and we can do as all day baby. >> let me ask you the presentation that for alex jones in particular, have you seen a change over these last seven years as you've been following what's going on with him? >> yeah definitely i mean, i think that he talks a whole lot more about how demonic aliens are like controlling his enemies now, yeah he definitely has always been like a little bit open about how god chose him to fight the devil. and all this stuff like literally the devil, but he's been a little bit more explicit and overt about it, certainly in the last little bit to give it, to give an idea, his origins story. >> god spoke to him when he was eating chicken fried steak. >> what do you have to drink? >> i don't remember what he added during iced tea. >> i see that's what the real story is. the real origins three times. >> i mean, it depends on if you believe him when he has said good the real story to say. >> but in his world have you noticed any remorse that he is devastated in any way, shape, or form no if anything, i'm capable if anything, combativeness blaming everybody else for what's happened? yes. and periodical emotional outbursts, but i wouldn't say any kind of apologetic minus are sincere recognition of the harm. >> this he's going to claim you worked for the fbi at the end of itself. >> well, i do not. but he got emotional on his show earlier. >> this one i want to play for a second. have you as reactor either side in terms of what he said? >> we're going to beat these people trying to be dramatic here, please. hoard fight now in court, by the way, he said he is done apologizing to families and has repeatedly railed against the courts and his defamation ruling. and just what is your react? >> actually, when you, when you hear him say that for him, it has been a hard fight i guess if that's the only variable you can care about, then it probably does feel that i if i was him, i would suggest that that is an accurate statement. >> it has been a difficult fight for him. that is true yeah. >> you know i don't particularly care. yeah, those but i was fine. >> yeah. yeah. it was nice jordan hall off first, do you think, oh gosh. >> well, i think he said the ranch the ranch first, there was something that's been made a big deal of. has he already sold the tank probably i think that is the least that's about it is neither you were kidding about the assets we're talking about and that's that's why with the shock, nothing about that as jordan homes, dan freezing really great to talk to both of you and i love that your reaction was a laugh. thank you so much and you go ahead go ahead and google sisyphean. >> i'm not going to spell it on air. >> it's a thing thanks. >> fellas i do. well, up ahead. mike tyson, herschel walker, darryl strawberry, all black sports icons. some who became household names decades ago, and they're all embracing trump. >> how they're shaping his take on big 2024 races next filing burst we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn deliveries happened ordered that this happens. >> socks that happened. he get out of there the pitch all that's happened, either with ring, learn more and at morgan stanley old-school hard work meets bold new thinking. >> to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with 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recently spoke with kadena go before a new article for semaphore and go, but initially had reached out to the trump campaign to talk the former president about his recent gains in the polls with black men instead, she was given a number of interviews this is the number of 80s sports icons like lt. eventually though goal was spoke with trump himself and asked him about what the takeaway should be from his warm relationship with the black men who had been singing his praises. >> they see what i've done, and they see strength they want strength they don't want to have millions of people come and take their jobs and that's what's happening. >> these people that are coming into our country, taking jobs away from african-americans and they know it. >> could diego but joins us now and ashley scn is also back with us. could he really interesting piece of course, it's all your work is frankly, i know what quite well, so i'm glad to have you here tonight. >> you had a pretty interesting time trying to get that sit down with trump talking about the chronology though, why were you not offered him initially and instead had to go through these lists of people instead, but forgot to access. >> yeah, i guess they don't the campaign doesn't know me. >> i guess. and this was about about seven or eight week ordeal of just talking to a lot of his friends. it started with dow strawberry with a phone call, guess i pass that test and then it was like, oh, come on down to new jersey, went to new jersey, interviewed ltu or launched taylor from that clip, you just saw, then winter i went to ended up going to florida to say to interview don king. that was interesting. and then, you know, her trump's prompting the campaign then connected me to lawrence taylor. and that was my final interview right before i started writing a week ago. >> what's happening? i mean, i'm i'm curious to know about what the conference would live with don king or darryl strawberry. are they they're also giving full-throated endorsement of trump. yeah. these are trump's friends. >> they support the president, the former president they think that they're saying the same talking points that you would hear from any republican lawmaker or they're saying talking about the border, talking about immigration and talking about a lot of lgbtq concerns also were there saying that men are been pushed to the side or you're not giving being or they're not comfortable with some of the rhetoric, some of the rhetoric that's being said or, or democrats pushing lgbtq priorities specifically around like sports saying like, you know, ford's, this should be a man and a woman. >> i, i've come out about that. thank lauren herschel walker's that that just saying we actually, when you hear that, i mean, there is there's been a lot of talk about obviously, trying to widen the tent if you are republican too broadly, but also if you're trump's specifically and the polling does suggest that he has made some gains according poland, with black voters in particular, and he has doubled his support from blackboard as compared to his time in 2020. of course, it is literally less than what biden enjoys and said. but why do you think that messaging might result in these different pole increases? >> well, i think what really matters is less the poll in more about actual voter voter engagement, how voters voted if you look at votes, it's still true to your point. he's actually making some headway among black voters, especially black male voters. >> but i think that that's on the margins, right? >> it's the large majority of black men aren't falling for this. they believed trump when he says, i don't care anything about you, i just want your vote. they remember how he tried to diminish barak obama, the first black president with a birtherism movement. they remember that blackmail unemployment or black unemployment was double record high under trump so they're not forgetting these, they're not falling for this rhetoric and all of these efforts. but could he and i were talking backstage and green room and my point to her was this focus on black men and black voters and all of this polling. i really am enjoying because it is really having the reverse effect. and what i think trump wants, it's it's putting the democratic party in a position to focus on black voters. earlier, sooner and more aggressively than they ever have. i've done four presidential campaigns. i've been in all the war rooms and it's not until october, mid october where the black staff or screaming, pulling out their hair saying, please pay attention to us, right? like we're bleeding black voters. so for it puts the democratic party in a position to actually start to organize better appeal to black voters. they put 25 million in ad that's a record number record earliest in the campaign cycle, right? so all of this talk about black voters is really putting the party in a position to really make take a full-throated appeal to the constituent? >> yes, i am care. it's a great point and thinking about how this is playing out strategically, but i am on the surface some people might look at, there's a disconnect between obviously there's concerns about the age of both presidential candidates and trying to appeal to the youngest voters, 18 and up. and the tiktok of it, all. >> the people that we are talking about, 80s so-called sports icons and beyond. >> i mean, you write that they may not be a stand-in for black voters more generally, but you say quote they do represent a recognizable part of black culture that trump has long been plugged into his success in the election may partly depend on whether in this shifting cultural moment there are enough american thinking about the election, the way mike tyson does do you think that they're just difficult to walk of americans who are looking at these particularly men who are endorsing and saying, i see myself, i'll give you an example when i went to florida for a don king fight, i talked to the two leading fighters that and both of them were trump's supporters. one actually said use an explicit use the expletive about how much he supports. trump. >> another one, remember the platinum plan, the winner of the boxing match, remembered the platinum plan and was looking forward to new policy that the campaign was going to put out so this is this is definitely resonating. >> i'm not saying to a lot of people, but it's definitely resonating to younger people. these are, these remember between 2030, 5-years-old yet it's not just these 80s for sports icons. >> i mean, you've got current day modern rappers. that are supporting trump from snoop dogg to low wane and ice cube. so it's not just these older black men that they're pulling from the past, but there are current ones that are actually still doing as much damage, if not more, the real test will be in november. thank you both for being here so much codec go, but ashley at tm ahead, my wide-ranging interview with ufc president dana white, including why he's not holding back any punches in supporting his friend donald trump plus president biden looks to hollywood for support, but will he be able to get the attention? >> young influencers online? >> we'll discuss two presidents under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten. he no longer the current democracy is still a sacred car no country in the world, better positioned to lead the world on america. who will be the next, the most anticipated moment of this election, the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper in dana bash the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, and none live on cnn and streaming on max. >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janice, hey, edey know fraser, franck, franck bread. how are you, fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge make the most of your summer by taking a vacation from 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