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breaking news in a cnn releases a new photo of her, what we're learning about how her cancer treatment is going add when she set to make her first public appearance since christmas. plus the supreme court striking down a ban on bump stocks, ban that was originally approved by former president trump. and the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in us history. one liberal justice warning this ruling will have deadly consequences we're gonna be joined by the democratic senator who's spearheading the bipartisan bill to permanently ban bump stocks and troubling new details about counterfeit titanium used in boeing and airbus airliners. the faa investigating how it got there. and if it makes the planes hello, i'm briana keeler alongside boris sanchez in washington and we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn newsome we begin with news about the princess of wales tomorrow, catherine will be making her return to public life is a working royal after months away from the cameras to recover from cancer and the palace just made the announcement releasing this photo of the 42-year-old mother of three, the princess of wales has said that she's making quote good progress. we want to get right to our royal correspondent, max foster, live outside buckingham palace, maxon, and tell us more about the announcement and how princess catherine is doing the photo was taken earlier this week. and told it was on the winsor estate and she looks pretty well in it and they've also said to us that she will be appearing here first public engagement tomorrow. >> so as you say for the first time since christmas, she's been out of the limelight since christmas day i'm making good progress. she says but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and there are bad days on those bad days, you feel weak, tired, and had to give into your body resting. but on the good days when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well and my treatment is i'm ongoing and there'll be going on for a few months as well. so she's undergoing chemotherapy treatment or continues. so it's going on longer than many people expected. but at the same time, we just didn't know when she's going to appear. so they're taking each day as it comes. if she's not well enough tomorrow, she won't appear. we shouldn't read too much to that i'm told she's just going on the advice of the doctors, but she does want to get going again because she feels that's part of her treatment to get back into normal life. >> and tell us more max about what catherine will be doing in her duties tomorrow so she started working from home. >> we're told that's going to build up if she can do it tomorrow, is the king's birthday parade, which is quite a spectacular event with a full calvary going down the mile behind me to a big military parade, just at the other end of the road. so we will see her in a karatay precession with her children in the carriage with her. she'll come out of the palace huge amount of media already gathering for this event. now, she'll go up the mile in front of all the crowds and we are expecting much bigger crowds now now, as a result, their first chance to see the princess in such a long time. and then she will watch the parade from a balcony with a family should come back down the male and then she'll go into the palace and then she will appear with the wider family up there on the balcony, which is a scene that i know pretty well. everyone will be pouring how well she looks. hopefully. and the palace is really keen that we shouldn't speculate too much about how well she looks or exactly what type of cancer this is. she wants to keep that private. she feels she has a right to keep that private and she said, don't expect to see that much author, but she is going to try to come out over the summer but as i say, they're going to take each event as it comes all right. >> max, thank you so much for that update. we appreciate it and joining us now let's bring in dr. elizabeth komen. she is an oncologist and nyu langone doctor thanks for being with us. we know that catherine started what she called preventative chemotherapy therapy back in february. she revealed today her treatment is going to continue actually for a few more months. that was a bit of a headline. is that typical for preventative chemotherapy? and exactly what is preventative chemo well we don't know what she's been diagnosed with. and of course, we don't want to speculate as we know, this is a very private and personal journey in general, preventative chemotherapy is a type of treatment that we give after surgery to prevent any rogue cells that could have escaped a primary site if cancer and that's to try to prevent any recurrence. and that can vary the timing and how long that takes and what type of chemotherapy and treatment is very specific and individual both to the person and the type of diagnosis dr in her statement, the duchess says, quote, i am not out of the woods yet she describes having good days and bad days in cases where some of your patients or patients that you're familiar with have had this kind of treatment. >> what exactly does that entail? what are some of the things that they deal with day-to-day? >> well, it really depends on again, the type of cancer and the type of chemotherapy. but patients can feel fatigue. there is a psychological component to even just showing up to get chemotherapy. they can have different body changes. there can be hair loss. again, it really depends on the type but treatment, but what's most important here i think is the message of compassion. she's chosen to be private about her diagnosis. but in all of this, there's a recognition that you never know what somebody is going through. they may be having the hardest de of their life and still showing up maybe even for a public appearance you know, also when, when people are having chemo and i think you correct me if i'm wrong, i think it's almost uniformly they're immunosuppressed, so they're very susceptible to germs. they might otherwise not be susceptible to. they have to be careful. can you speak a little bit about that? well, the great thing about modern medicine today is the depending on the chemotherapy and the treatment, many patients are not immunosuppressed as they used to be. >> so we used to tell patients, you might not be able to take the subway or go to a restaurant or be in a crowd. but we have newer medications that not only prevent some of the side effects that you might imagine from movies, like vomiting or whatnot. and that also includes the prevention in some instances of extreme immunosuppression. again, it depends on the diagnosis, but not often the case that patients are immunosuppressed as they used to be. so that's a really good advance and moderate medicine. >> yeah, that's a wonderful development. most patients of course, are not members of the royal family. i'm wondering how patients in general try to balance the desire of their loved ones who want to know how they're doing with what's obviously a natural desire to maintain privacy yes. >> you know, i treat patients from all walks of life and all backgrounds and all socioeconomic experiences. and i will tell you it is a very individual experience. there may be some celebrities that are very vocal about what they've been through and some that you would never know. i think the key is letting the patient dr. what feels comfortable for them and never putting them in a position where they feel like they are forced to express something that they may not be ready to ever tell the world. and that's okay too. >> absolutely. dr elizabeth komen. thanks so much for that perspective thank you for having me we're also tracking breaking news out of washington, dc because they controversial gun accessory that was used in america's deadliest mass shooting now, legal once again today, the supreme court ruling that a government agency overstepped its bounds when it banned rapid-fire gun accessories 12 and bump stocks were used by a gunman who killed 60 people at a los vegas music concert back in 2017, he sprayed the crowd with more than than 1,000 bullets from a hotel room window. he killed 60 people and he heard hundreds more. >> we have cnn's paula reid joining us now on this polowat, can you tell us about this ruling because it's not just it's not about the second amendment, even though that's what people associate it with, we'll just a few moments said before joined you here on air, we got a statement from the atf, as you know? >> so to right. this case is really about whether they overstep their bounds and classified bump stocks as machine guns. >> and they wrote quote, as the 2017 massacre of nearly 60 people at a concert in las vegas made clear weapons equipped with bump stocks pose an unacceptable level of risk to public safety in light of today's decision, the president has called on congress to take action on bump stocks and the atf stands ready to work with congress to ensure that these devices no longer pose a threat to american law enforcement and the people they protect. >> now let's be real in an election year, it is highly unlikely that congress is going to legislate on something that's controversial as guns, lins is a first time we have heard them weigh in on this future decision. now here, the decision was 6-3 with the liberal justices dissenting and ian, his decision, justice thomas really focused on the mechanisms of bump stocks, right? because vom stocks are of course something that allow a shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of hundreds rounds a minute. and justice thomas wrote, quote, fire and multiple shots using a semi-automatic rifle with a bump stock requires more than a single function of the trigger and he's very much focused on the mechanics of a gun in making this decision. this was a fiery dissent from the liberal justices, justice sotomayor, writing for her to colleagues, wrote a bump stock equipped semi-automatic rifle fires automatically more than one shot without manual reloading by a single function of the trigger because i like congress call that a machine gun. i respectfully dissent because that was a question before them. had they been improperly classified as machine guns? and she wrote that today's majority opinion we'll have deadly consequences paula, is that time of year where the supreme court is christmas? yes. yeah is issuing decisions at a rapid rate. >> others still a few cases out there, one of them looming over potentially presidential election. >> yeah, absolutely. there are 20 opinions outstanding. we have another big gun case. a question about if you have for example, are restraining order related to domestic violence, can you own a gun that's another big gun question i had in front of the supreme court. we also have the one you're referencing is of course this question about whether former president trump has immunity in the federal january 6 case. and some people even a little surprise that the supreme court took that up and oral argument, it's suggested that he might find that maybe he has some immunity and that would send that case back down, guarantee it won't go before november. so so another big outstanding abortion case that i repeatedly say the outcome of that case, a question about what do you do if you have restricted state laws related to abortion and they came come up against more expansive federal laws, right? they thought, oh, we'll toss it back down to the state this is now what you need to hash out, whatever they decide there, i would argue might even have a bigger decision odd impact on the election, then whatever they decide with trump in an unrelated january 6 case. such an important thing to remember, this court should make us all feel better. all of us about procrastinating say june with the supreme court paula reid. thank you so much. we appreciate it. and joining us now for more reaction to this supreme court ruling as senator martin heinrich, he's a democrat from new mexico, ascender or how are you reacting the ruling? >> i find this ruling to be incredibly offensive as as somebody whose own guns my entire life these things function as machine guns. >> and this ruling will undoubtedly cost innocent american lives. >> there's just no legitimate use for both sides i want explore that a little more because i think part of what you're pointing to is what justice clarence thomas said in his majority opinion, where he wrote a bump stock does not convert a semi-automatic rifle so a machine gun anymore than a shooter with a lightning fast trigger finger does. so i want to take a look at the difference between an automatic rifle with and without a bump stocks. so i'm going to play two quick videos here. this is zach nelson of the jerry rig, everything youtube channel. he is a self-described gun enthusiast who, you know, this is something he's done with his family for years. he's using an ar-15 that he says he purchased the day before this video was shot without a bump stock here it is. and, here is the part of the video where he is using the ar-15 with the bumps stock and for the first time that he's ever used it he was very surprised in the video by how many bullets he could shoot, how many rounds would go off there? it's an undeniable difference. i mean, what do you saved that sentence from justice thomas it's just not honest. >> like, i know these mechanisms i i've seen not just the videos, but i've used some of these weapons. he's not being an honest about what this does. and it is incredibly dangerous. there's no legitimate use for these who's going to use these bump stocks? it's going to be street gangs and cartels, and mass shooters. and innocent americans aren't going to die. because of this decision. >> i find it incredibly trough the supreme court is pointing to congress in this ruling to legislate here, you actually first introduced by partisan legislation to ban bump stocks in 2018. and this ban, which is president, former president trump's ban, he, his campaign now today signaling support for this move by the court saying that it should be respected. so i mean, what do you think of the chances for legislation like yours in the future if for instance, trump is elected, even if he isn't, and republicans in the house and the senate just want to follow his lead well, what i've found is that oftentimes things are impossible and congress until the moment that they're not. and unfortunately, oftentimes that moment is some incredible tragedy i was very involved in negotiating the bipartisan gun safety bill that we passed a couple of years ago. that was completely impossible until the issue i'm worried that it's going to take some some moment like las vegas where so many people were gunned down by those by those assault rifles with bump stocks attached to create some sobriety and congress and say that we have to do something about i think some folks might be surprised to learn that according to atf data, americans bought more than half 1 million bump stocks when they were legal in the course of just a little over ten years between 2008 and 2017 previously, legal right now, we have this decision. >> do you know how many of those people actually turned in or destroyed their bump stocks in 2019 when this now overturned rule officially went into effect. >> i don't think we have any good data on that and it would i would be concerned that many, many of these devices are still out there i'm also worried that the supreme court basically wrote a road map for how to get around gun law that we've all accepted for 100 years around machine guns or is the industry going to figure take this decision and figure out how to apply the same logic two block switches, which we're seeing more and more and street crimes now there's nothing good that comes out of this decision. >> and i just i don't understand when you weigh the equities, this is really troubling i mean, it sounds like you're saying because this is a ruling that is really about atf rulemaking authority. >> it sounds like you're saying that you do have a lot of worry. this is going to impact atf rules when it comes to other machine gun conversion devices and there are a lot exactly right. >> and, you know, i was talking to my attorney general the other day. he's saying he's seeing these devices used more and more often and street crimes and by gangs this is a huge problem and it's a criminal justice problem like we're going to see these devices used in ways that harm the public materially versus what the argument is. on the other side, it's really hard to manage senator martin heinrich. we appreciate your time this afternoon. thank you so much for being with us thanks for covering this still ahead. questionable. titanium on boeing and airbus planes. what we know about how the metal that about how the metal was used and if it's safe. and alex jones admits the end of infowars is likely a judge now approving liquidation of his personal assets and his media company could be next, what this means for the families of the victims of the sandy hook massacre? 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>> yes. so remember there's a compat complex supply chain and to build a plane, suppliers are buying materials from all over the world that get built into these parts and sent along to boeing and airbus to be put together into an aircraft. in this case boeing reported to the faa that accompany at the front of that supply chain was selling titanium titanium that would be used not just in boeing planes, but an airbus planes scenes as well. selling it using fake documents to verify the authenticity of that titanium. that of course raises questions that potentially they were selling counterfeit titanium that didn't meet safety standards. they shouldn't be used on plans for parts like doors or the component that attaches the engine too the aircraft. these are serious parts that we're talking about critical components. it was caught by a supplier who noticed little holes in the titanium. it was an immediate red flag. but since then, there has been a lot of testing on that material. and so far it is indicated that it does seem to have been the correct type of titanium alloy so there's no clear safety threat at this point, boeing put out a statement saying a to ensure compliance, we are removing any affected parts on airplanes prior to delivery. those are the plane's still being built for the ones that are already flying. they say our analysis shows the in-service fleet can continue to fly safely let's put out their own statement very similar saying numerous tests have been performed on parts coming from the same source of supply. they showed that the a2 20s airworthiness remains intact. so clearly the companies don't think there's any sort of imminent safety threat for the planes that are already flying with this titanium. but we know that the faa is now investigating. they want when i make sure there's no safety hazard because of those titanium parts. >> yeah. gave the faa is also investigating this incident with a boeing 737 max rolled back and forth. tell us about that. yes. so this is a really rare movement. it's called a dutch roll. so imagine when a car skids and fish tails essentially the rear tires lose traction. the front ends up over correcting, wobbling back and forth. same concept, but this time 30,000 feet in the air. so you can imagine how frightening that would be, but it's essentially the tail of the plane is wobbling back and forth. the wings moving up and down as the front of the plane, the nose of the plane is making this little figure out. figure-eight, i should say in this was happening on this flight to o'quinn from phoenix last month. fortunately, the pilots of the southwest flight were able to get it under control. no injuries on board, and they were able to land safely in oakland, but once they got there, they figured out that there was damage to a power system onboard a power system that is used to control the rudder. >> we don't know. >> did the dutch roll cause the power system issue? did the power system issue cause the dutch roll? that's something that's under investigation right now. but this is a 737 max eight. we're talking about and it really thrust that boeing plane right back into the spotlight because back in february, the faa told all aaron lines they need to inspect the rudders of these aircraft looking for missing nuts and bolts because they feared that that rudder assembly issue could make it harder for pilots to control the rudder with their petals. we don't know if that's what happened here. the ntsb is now investigating. they say they've downloaded the flight data from that plane. so hopefully we'll know more in the coming weeks, but lot of quality control issues for boeing. >> yeah, there really are. i mean, it makes passengers uncomfortable. these are such important questions to ask and to have confidence in the answers game. thank you for that report. we appreciate it. >> still ahead. a historic moment in italy, pope francis becoming the first pontiff to attend and speak at the g7 summit. what he warned about next we go john mcguire, keith bagasse it's going. to be doggy dog out there. >> the came crab fisherman. that's what everyone wants to be it's precious time depress rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. >> it has derm proven met now, expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena steel tools or as tough than dependable as the people who use them this bothers de, given the gift that's built per day, right now, say $50 on select ak system battery tool sets real steel. this will be a goldmine of local intel just you weigh so tell us about this corn festival. >> he got your corn pudding. you've got your corn chowder. it's always it safe around here? 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>> well bar is unprecedented. unity doesn't mean full unit. you just means a little bit more unit. he then we had before. and the fact is that the united states in europe are both facing essentially the same huge problem, which is that the chinese government is using unfair trade practices and predatory investment to take over the industries of the future into flood other countries with goods that are meant to destroy their own domestic industry is and it's a big problem in there really is no unity on how to defeat it. but at least now we have a roadmap and that involves some tariffs, some economic protections but to be honest, the us and europe are still pretty far apart on how far to go. so i think there's a common assessment of the problem, but not really a common plan for the solution. >> there was an interesting moment yesterday, josh, when president biden and president zelenskyy of ukraine spoke to the press and president zelenskyy was asked specifically about china's role and helping russia in its war in ukraine. and he sort of hedged and he essentially said that he believes that a respectable leader would keep his word referencing president xi when she told him that he would not be supplying russia with weapons immediately after that biden came out in said, yeah, he's not sending weapons, but he's sending everything that they need to make weapons. what did you think of that moment and more broadly, china's role with regards to ukraine sure. >> well, there's a ton of evidence that china is sending a ton of dual use items. you know, anything from gunpowder to microchips to machine tools which help the russians make weapons and whether or not you call that lethal aid is really a distinction without a difference. now, is the linskey is in a tough spot. he can't afford to just alienate china. he needs all the friends that he can get, even the friends who are really frenemies and president biden is the guy who's supposed to call out these things. so in that sense, the fact that they're saying two different things isn't really a problem. the problem is that there's no way to convince trying to, to stop doing this other than to sanction them and their again, you have the us in one place, the european a different place in the ukrainians in a third place yes. so these china's threat and the russia threat are linked and we should ideally have a link to and unified response. we're not there yet i. want to get your thoughts on russian president vladimir putin outlining conditions for a ceasefire in ukraine today. among those conditions were ukraine dropping its bid to join nato and also giving up all the territory's in the east and south that russia has clawed from them. those of course are john starters for the west, but i'm wondering what you think about the timing of this announcement right? >> well, the first thing to know about any putin proposal is that putin always lies, okay? when he's talking, he's lying and so this offer cannot be taken at face value, but even if you were to take it on face value as you just said, it's a crap deal. surrender you're everything and then we'll negotiate. take all, give up a bunch of your territory and then we'll talk. it's obviously a non-starter. it seems pretty evident that what putin is doing is trying to divide the west during the g7 by giving those europeans who want an excuse to argue for a ceasefire on russia's terms, it won't work, but for certain elements of the right in europe and in the united states, frankly, it'll be enough for them to say, oh look, putin's the peacemaker and zelenskyy is the problem even though the opposite is the case nato defense ministers in brussels also moved to put nato in charge of coordinating ukraine aid, giving europe much greater control over aid and security coordination. >> what did you think of? that i think this is part of trump proofing the ukraine issue. >> when i travel around the world, everyone is worried that if trump gets reelected, that heel pull all the ukrainian aid. you can't solve that problem altogether because the us funding is essential. but at least if you move some of this stuff to nato and assuming trump doesn't scott on nano, which is not 100% assumption that you can rely on that might institutionalize it more. that's why biden and zelenskyy signed that ten-year agreement, even though who knows what happens in two years, much less ten years they're trying to make this into something that's immune from the divisions and distractions and toe molten us politics. and that's a basically impossible, but doing it a little bit as better than doing it. not at all. >> josh rogan. thanks so much for sharing some time with us anytime still ahead. a bankruptcy judge giving alex jones permission to liquidate his assets in order to start paying the families of sandy hook victims ahead with the families that sued him are expecting and when they could see that money and a full circle moment, more than eight decades in the making wait until you see what dr. opal lee, the grandmother of juneteenth just received these terrier tories and then we'll come try you use enlarge this year at. much needed, but yeah in american saga, we did are in type two diabetes, but i manage it. >> wow, it's a little bill with the big story to tell. i take once daily jati stays as time went on, it was easy to see. i'm lowering my a1c he chaldeans works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and heart disease, guardians can lower the risk of cardiovascular death to serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to several worsening of kidney function and genital yeast for urinary tract infections are rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stuff giardia and some call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk for lower limb loss. >> call your doctor right away. if you its symptoms of infection in your legs or feet, taking guardians with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar, jati and says really little with the bag stolen i'll read its terms de but neutrogena ultra shear sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep block 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen you've seen this what is the dish? 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>> yeah. this hearing is ongoing, so just in the last few hours, the judge did approve liquidation of alex jones personal assets, but the bigger question right now that the judge is considering their hearing witnesses on this is whether the parent company of infowars that's known as free speech systems, should also be liquidated and essentially dismantle to help hey, off the nearly $1.5 billion that jones owes these families for defamation and emotional distress. and jones himself seems to be acknowledging that this could mean the beginning of the end of his company and he has been pushing this now for several days, several weeks on infowars, partly as a ruse to get more people to listen and to get more people to by the supplements, of course that he hawks take a listen to what he said just today outside of court is this the end? >> this is probably the end of infowars here very, very soon, if not today, the next few weeks or months but it's just the beginning of my fight against tyranny as another really interesting request from the families as they have actually asked the judge two also sees alex joneses account on x, formerly known as twitter, arguing that that accounts also acts as sort of a customer base. now, to be clear, even if infowars goes away, even if all of alex jones's assets are liquidated, that does not prevent alex jones from going on any other platform and continuing to spout his conspiracy theories and lies and hadas are these families going when are they going to see any kind of money from this? it will take some time before they actually start getting money in hand. these processes can take time, but i should also note that even if all of alex jones personal assets are liquidated, even if all of the company's assets are liquidated, it will only make a very small dent in the more than $1 that he owes them because all of those because together are going to amount only about tens of millions. but alex jones will continue owing these families money likely for the rest of his life until he somehow reaches that more than $1 billion that he owes. but the lawyers i spoke actually to a lawyer for some of the families the other day and he said the money is not really what's most important for them, what's most important? four un is the most amount of accountability that the legal system can deliver, that the money is just one component of it. and what they really want to do, at least for some of these families, they just want to dismantle infowars that as of course cause them than themselves so much harm and so much distress yeah, that makes sense. hadas. thank you so much for that report. boris nauta, some of the other headlines were watching this hour and we want you to go enjoy it for many years, your brand new home a historic moment in fort worth, texas, 97-year-old opal lee, known as the grandmother of juneteenth reclaiming her family's land at five years after their home was burned down by rioters in 1939. this is video of her taking the keys her new home just a short time ago. she was forced to flee the original property when she was just 12-years-old, moments before it was attacked by a mob the home has been rebuilt and furnished with support from habitat for humanity and several other organizations patients also, suntegrity is recalling nine lots of impeccable skin sunscreen foundation. after tests revealed potentially unsafe levels of mold in some bottles while no adverse events have been reported, customers are advised to stop using products from the affected batches. you can find more information on the fda's website and a big announcement from taylor swift in liverpool, england last night during the 100th show show of her record-breaking eras tour this is the very first time i've ever acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to in december that's right. all great things must come to an end. the eras tour is set to wrap december 8 in vancouver and vancouver hoover. it's already the first show in history to make over 8 billion in revenue. >> the highest grossing tour of all time still ahead, we have an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. >> and how would good change our understanding of the universe? they would see on a new central or back and just moments debate in america as biden and trump meet. >> and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access it's an exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america begins june 27th. it's start your de with nature made the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand. lactate is 100% real milk just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin now going like enjoying the coal one while watching the game who's willing? we are my friend we are. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because they're places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary retract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis it's, terms de but neutrogena, ultra your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. >> like me neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen. from medium rare too well done so many ways to save life. ruddy while it happy. >> but 365 by whole foods market xhr take allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours. >> so dave can be the deliverer. dance okay. dave let's be more than our allergies seize the de with zyrtec with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which dad is pain? 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yes i mean so much has been said about this telescope because as you say, it is truly an engineering marvel. >> but what we wanted to do is tell a story about the scientists behind it. so we spent two years following two teams to scientific teams as they became some of the first people to ever finally get their hands and actually get to use the most powerful telescope ever built. here's a clip the james webb space telescope unprecedented in science and scale this is effectively the best time machine that we've ever created james webb is revealing the cosmic story where do we come from? are we alone in the universe? these are big questions unlocking the secrets that we never knew well over 10,000 individuals, 10 billion behind schedule, over budget there's thousands of ways this can go back adelie in one way it goes right. james, when begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe and those other worldly images displayed on a cosmic tapestry this is a historic moment for humanity and i feel we are super privilege that we can actually see this hopefully we'll be able to see a reflection of ourselves and to learn more about where we came from replacing our reality. >> i rekindling a childlike imagination we are all astronomers as a kid, as an adult, you look up, you say, what's out there and so in that clip you could see one of the astronomers that we profiled dan really salvage getting choked up as he walked into webs can control for the very first time and for a lot of these astronomers, this is the holy grail of astronomy. >> they've been waiting their entire careers to finally get to use this thing 30 years in development. and it takes a long period of time from the time you submit your proposal to the time you get selected, to the time you get awarded time in the telescope. so what we wanted to do is not just focused on the hardware at the telescope or even these incredible images that we've gotten so used to seeing, we wanted to focus on the scientists to get to ask to come up with the questions that the telescope then tries to help them answer yeah. >> and it seems like you went really deep into this piece. it took two years to put this together. >> yeah, two years because it really does take that long for these teams to come up with a proposal. think of the right questions to ask the telescope and then to find out if they've been accepted or rejected. and then to actually get a chance to use it. so the thing that of course is just so fascinating is the fact that the questions that they're coming up with to ask the telescope are questions that cut to the core of who we are and what does it all mean? why are we here? no spoilers, obviously, because we're going to watch sunday night, but are we alone? you're going to have to i can't answer that or this tells me that would be breaking news. we'd be leading every show with that if i could ask you must do the pictures are so beautiful. i want to blow them up in like wallpaper my house with them. but then on the flip side, i'm afraid that the telescope is going to find something that will destroy your honor destroyed destroying fan like in a tom cruise optimists, just the range of emotions did this thing elicits, i'm just telling you it's amazing. >> kristin fisher, we cannot wait. be sure to watch kristen on the whole story with anderson cooper that will air sunday night. it eight on stealing in an and still ahead, catherine, the princess of wales, saying, there are good days and bad days during her cancer treatment, but new details that we're learning about her fight. and when should appear in public sanity needs to save space you have you were right and left talk to each other. cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight and on cnn time do press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging physical results in just one week, neutrogena don't holding you back all your ambitions, all in one low fixed hey, it's far left, 100 k, no fees required. >> so phi get your money, right cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, city in the world food programme empower families occurred across the globe men tell us when they use just for men to eliminate gray, there's a great before and after then. >> there's the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more menchu, just for men from roger to why we there yet so many ways to save life ready while it happy. that's 36 s5 by whole foods market with car gurus do as much or as little as you want online if only you could do a things your way all the time a delightful thought get it with gurus you're calling some people find there's at an early age. >> others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that's why trucks are what we do. we put our everything and every truck so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering now, during the ram, make just the summer event, get $1,000 cash allowance plus finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase so most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks nine out of ten people don't get enough fiber. >> bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it's plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit number is your fiber, your way? 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