Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240613 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240613

general in history his body and his discovery and stream on max cnn, way to good morning. you relied with the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin with breaking news right now for president donald trump is meeting with congressional republicans up on capitol hill, marking a truly stunning comeback in american politics moments ago, the for president arrived at the capitol hill club in washington, right? bye the capital today, he will be trailed by a mobile billboard from the dnc playing this 11 minute video on loop of the january 6 attack. >> today's visit is apparently the first time trump has stepped foot on the hill since sending a mob of his supporters to fight like hell is he said it on january 6. >> here's how republican lawmakers reacted in the immediate aftermath of that assault on democracy. take a look the president bears responsibility for wednesday's at rioters. he should have nt me o enough is enough how times have changed three years later, the vast majority of republicans have now endorsed this. >> now convicted felon today, there are welcoming back to washington with open arms, despite the fact that he put their lives in jeopardy when he refused to call off the mob as a supporters storm the capitol hunted for lawmakers and erected gallows. if you think that political violence is all in the past record, recall just yesterday as we reported on this program, has campaign called to quote, haul out the good gene in a fundraising emails, cnn's kristen holmes and lauren fox or standby up on capitol hill kristen, tell us more about this meeting. what's going on yeah. >> jim, i didn't it's significant for the number of reasons that you laid out, but i will remind you that despite the fact that these lawmaker said that after january 6, they have long come around to donald trump, or at least most of them, the republican party really rallying around their nominee, decide what happened on january 6. this is significant so again, for a number of reasons because this is really the first time he has met with a group, a big group of lawmakers like this since he became the presumptive nominee, and also since he became a convicted felon, when talking to trump's team, they really want this to be about, quote, unquote unity, getting the party in line behind donald trump and really getting the messaging in sync before what is expected to be several very contentious month ahead of november. now, the way the donald trump's team waited out to us was that he was going to present his plan to beat joe biden in november, as well as talk about a potential 2025 agenda gives lawmakers an idea of how they could help him really lee lay the table ahead of the november election if donald trump is in case to win, but i know lauren, we'll talk about this more instead, at least the first meeting which is just with house republicans, seems to have devolved somewhat into a chaotic pep rally. are hill reporters, it's kind of really giving us a line by line of what's coming out of it. they're not so much agenda, but a lot of back-and-forth from donald trump. >> yeah, we're getting some pretty interesting tidbits. lauren fox, what, what can you tell us about that? anything you can share? >> yeah. i mean, i am standing right outside where donald trump is speaking right now. and as christine laid out when he walked into this meeting with his republican colleagues, are cnn colleagues are getting details about what's happening in the room. they saying happy birthday to the former president, his birthday coming up just right around the corner they also gave him a baseball to celebrate him coming into the room after the congressional baseball game yesterday. it's also clear that donald trump isn't staying on message and many members that i talked to you before this meeting predicted that that would be the case. he's kind of all over the map. he brought up the fact that he really wants to pass a no tax on tips bill. that is something that he's been touting on the campaign trail, something that he brought up inside the room just a few minutes ago. he's also really laying out some of his frustration with his enemies, including the justice department, including republican strategists. he doesn't like that is all part of what going on in this meeting today. so it just gives you a sense of what's happening, jim. yeah. >> lauren, thank you so much. i hate to jump in there. i hate to do that. i want to go to paula reid, who's in the bureau here with apparently we have some breaking news out of the supreme court. let's bring in our chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid. paula, what can you tell us yeah. >> it looked jim, this is one of the most significant cases that the supreme court was considering this term. it has to do with mifepristone, one of two drugs used in chemical abortion. and here are the supreme court has decided to just toss the case entirely, arguing that the group that brought this case that was challenging broader access to mifepristone. did not have what is called standing, which is it's the right to bring this lawsuit. so this was considered one of the biggest cases that the justices were reviewing this term potentially for the impact that any decision that would have restricted access to this drug could have had, obviously on people cross the country, but also potentially on the election. but here are the justices. they have decided that the group that brought it do not have the right to do so. so they have tossed it entirely the question they were looking at here is whether the fda, fda overstepped its authority and approving a broader access to mifepristone, as i said mifepristone is one of two drugs used in chemical abortion, which is the most widely used form of abortion in the the united states. there are two drugs, mifepristone and the mifepristone that are prescribed often to implement a chemical abortion. so this was obviously a hot-button issue, something that could have enormous consequences. but here, the supreme court has decided to toss the case entirely, saying that the group that brought it just didn't have standing. so we're waiting there are other opinions this morning. we're watching and waiting to see what those are, jim. >> yeah. paula said, let's just let's tell our viewers about this one more time. it sounds as though what you're saying is that women who use mifepristone are or want to have medication. abortion can continue to do that. >> that is essentially what the supreme court has done today. >> that will continue to take place. and this is a defeat to anti-abortion forces who had hoped that perhaps the supreme court would knock out mifepristone two well, do i want to clarify the supreme court has not really ruled one way or another on mifepristone, but on this particular child they have said that they're just tossing the case. they are not going to rule one way or another on the fda's authority generally, or on this drug, or they're saying, look, the group that brought this case and they don't have standing, so they are tossing this case are guilty sidestepping the issue for now, but i would fully expect that a similar challenge could come back to the court in a different form, potentially with someone who does have standing and then they may or may not opt to weigh in on the bigger question of broader, more easy access to mifepristone all right. >> probably, yes. thank you for that. and i wanna go to meg tirrell. she's also with me now. meg put this in perspective for us. this is an important ruling that we're getting from the supreme court today. hey, this rejection of this challenge, this is an incredibly important ruling because medication abortion is the most common way that people in the united states access abortion now at accounted for 63% of abortions in the most recent years worth of data from the guttmacher institute, there were more than 1 million abortions in 2023. so that's more than 600,000 people who access abortion and using these medications as paula said, though, yeah, we've heard from a lot of folks in this space who are watching this case very closely that it's not the end of this question we are expecting potentially to see these questions come back. the fact that this is tossed out on standing this is not going to be the end of the road for the questions around access to mifepristone but certainly there were concerns that a ruling against the fda in this case would rollback access to mifepristone to make it more difficult to get, especially through telemedicine, which has become an increasingly common way that people access medication abortion in the united states is more and more restrictions are put into place in different states. there were also threats to the pharmaceutical industry into the fda's purview. those aren't necessarily going away if this case does come back and then his her differently on the merits. but there were major concerns that overturning and fda judgment through the courts would threaten the way fda regulates medicines with threaten the pharmaceutical industries bloody to depend on the fda as the key regulator of medicines, gym all right, make sure we're all very significant development coming out of the supreme court. >> i want to bring in gloria borger, who's with me here in the studio. glory. i mean, this, this is a major development. i mean, obviously if the supreme court had had done something to take away access to mifepristone. this would have just sent shock waves right around the country no more than half of the women terminating pregnancies in this country right now, use this pill yeah. and so that would have had a huge effect. also, the people who petitioned the court wanted a prescription for this drug to have to be done in person as mega was saying person to dr. rather than get just getting it at your pharmacy, are doing it virtually. and that would be the case. and so, you know, as paula was saying, they didn't decide the case, they decided that people who brought the case didn't have standing butt to bring the case, but it has the same impact, which is that the mifepristone can still be used in the way that it's been used for decades, and it has been deemed to be perfectly safe. and will continue to be used by more than half the women in this country who are seeking a way to have an abortion fascinating and we have other folks who are standing by to weigh in on this. >> i want to go to doctor reiner you're with us as well. dr. reiner, you're your reaction all this well i think obviously the supreme court made made made the right decision these they're really two drugs that are used in combination for a medical abortion. mrf, pristine, and misoprostol when when used together a very effective and very safe for the termination of a pregnancy and the fda has approved the use of this combination of drugs for patients with people with a pregnancies less than less than ten weeks of gestation as meg has said, it's really become the predominant means of terminating a pregnancy in the united states. and what the supreme court action today, we'll help women all over the country, including in states that have severely limited abortion, to get this kind of health care yeah. le elie honig is with us as well. elie this would have just been a huge decision if mifepristone were somehow just taken off the market here as a result of a supreme court decision that is not happening. it's going to remain on the market now correct. >> gem. so the bottom-line practical takeaway is access to mifepristone remains unchanged. the status quo remains in place. what the plaintiffs were trying to do here was rollback a series of expansions and access to mifepristone that were passed in 2016, and then 2021 and the supreme court has left the status quo placed the basis for that ruling. and i should note, jim, this is actually a unanimous ruling. it was written by justice kavanaugh. there's one concurring opinion, but all nine justices agreed that the plaintiffs, that people who were suing here to try to roll back access to mifepristone, did not have what we call standing and the basic way to explain standing is do you have a dog in this fight? what's it to you? the plane? do you have some actual injury the group that brought this lawsuit was a group of doctors, medical practitioners, who objected to mifepristone. however, they have the right under law, various law who declined to prescribe mifepristone. so they tried to argue well, but we might have to treat women who use mifepristone and then have secondary complications. and the spring of course, that's not enough. that's not a direct enough injury. therefore, you don't have standing, therefore, you lose 90. >> yeah. i mean, i'll just read from what justice kavanaugh wrote as you said, a unanimous opinion. we recognize that many citizens, including the plaintiff, doctors here have sincere concerns about an objections to others using mifepristone in obtaining abortions. but citizens and doctors do not have standing to sue simply because others are allowed to engage in certain activities. i mean, i think elie that's what your point wasn't dr. part. now, you're with us as well you're reaction to the practical impact of all this? >> means that reproductive justice has prevailed. health equity has propelled access to care has prevailed, and what do i mean by that? what we know is that the majority of patients who need abortion care are receiving care via this prescription pill. but what's more important? saying that you don't need to be in-person. you can get this prescription via telehealth or telemedicine. nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and even midwives can prescribe the position to those who are in need of the care. and that's fundamentally important because we know and believe that health and health care is a human and civil rights shut the supreme court has ruled that a fda ruling backed by science wasn't legitimate could have been catastrophic a maxwell let me go back to you because i mean, one of the questions that i have, all of this is obviously there are lots of states now where you can't obtain an abortion legally that that procedure at a clinic can you receive this pill and the male can you have it mailed to you? >> what's the how does it? how does it work when it comes to that well, you can, but it's not legal in those states. >> abortion restrictions in those states applied to any method of accessing abortion that doesn't mean that it's impossible. there are services that will send pills through the mail. services based outside of the united states, over time, there have been challenges to those services they do exist but this sort of effected abortion across the united states. abortion access through access through telemedicine. and as we've heard, that has become an increasingly important way people access abortion regardless of where you live. so it was not legal. it is currently not legal in states where there are abortion bans to access medication through the mail. there has been a lot of discussion of an act called comstock, which is a very old law, but prohibits the shipment of things used for abortion through the mail. and i think there were a lot of questions about whether that would come up here because there are questions about whether that could be used at some point in the future to restrict access to abortion in particularly abortion through telemedicine, through using medication, abortion. so we'll have to see, does that sort of come back into the conversation and where does that go? going forward, but no, this was not currently legal in states with abortion bans yeah, mega is such important context. thank you so much for the glory. i didn't want to go back to you on political dimension and all of this. can you imagine what the political impact would have been in the heat of those presidential campaign, had the supreme court tossed mifepristone overboard well, it would have been cataclysmic. i mean, the democrats obviously the issue there, campaigning the most on is the dobbs decision. and the throwing out of the right to abortion this which is used as we were talking about by more than half the women who want to terminate pregnancies in this country. if this were thrown out the democrats would obviously use it. but what would women across the country do? would they be forced to flee the country? what would, what would the ramifications of this phi, i think that's something that supreme court was obviously considering, but but it seems to me that this may not be the end of it because the court it according to what you just got here from cabinet, right. the court said it is not clear that no one else what have the standing to challenge the fda's relaxed regulation of mifepristone. what they are, what they're saying is okay, you folks didn't have the standing because you can't prove that you personally were damaged by the use of mifepristone. but in the future yeah, i think the door the door was left open a little bit now, i'm not i'm not a legal expert here, so you've got to ask her legal experts. yeah. but that didn't seem slam shut to me. yeah. le let me go back to you on this. does this is justice kavanaugh sending some instructions to future plaintiffs here, to some extent well, glory is exactly right. this does not mean that the legal dispute over mifepristone is over. it means it's failed for now because this particular group of plaintiffs did not have legal standing. however, as gloria correctly notes, and it's in the opinion, if there is somebody who can establish standing and justice cabinet, actually it does not say who that might be. >> but if there's somebody who does have proper legal standing, they can try to revive this challenge. now, that would take a long time, probably years to work its way through the federal courts back up to the supreme court. but yeah, it's very important aspect of this opinion. the supreme court does not actually reach or address the underlying question, which is did the fda properly approved? and then explain? expand access to mifepristone. they don't even get there. they just say the people who brought this to the wrong people to bring this, you're the wrong plaintiff's case dismissed 90, so it could come back, but that will take a long time and we don't know how the supreme court would rule in that instance. >> and dr. pinel, doctor reiner, let me ask you about this because i mean, obviously with the way things stand with abortion in this country right now, meg tirrell was talking about this a few moments ago. it is very difficult for women and a whole states to obtain this procedure. now, i was looking at there's a new york times the animation this morning showing how and much more women are traveling out of their states to other states in order to have this procedure performed. and so obviously, this is going to a provider tremendous sigh of relief to a lot of women across this country that they can at least still rely on mifepristone on abortion medication. doctor pronoun what do you think? >> and rightly, so we have recent data that over 56% of black women in the united states live in a state where there is a total or near-total ban on abortion care. so this type of ruling could disproportionately impact the african american and black community. >> we he know that within that 56%, 33 states are where most of the black women live. florida, georgia, in texas. so any opportunity to continue to assert reproductive freedom reproductive justice is not only in the best interests of black and african american women, but in the best interests of all of those identity fine, as women and birthing people. this should remain a medical decision between a patient and their doctor doctor, i wanna get your take on those two, but i'm told that i need to go back to paul or rabia as paula apparently has some new information about the potential impact on all of this yeah, it's an important reminder, jim, that this is not the only abortion-related case at the supreme court is considering this term. now we still have several dozen outstanding opinions is as of this morning. so it's significant that this mifepristone case net came now because of course they didn't really do anything. they didn't make any new law. they didn't really issue a decision. they just decided to toss it out because the group that brought this case didn't have standing. so this is relatively early when it comes to when the supreme court releases their most significant and impactful decisions, we still have several weeks and there is another case. it is a case based in idaho and it has to deal with when you have state restrictions on abortion, how those can bump up against federal law specifically in that case the justice department argues that federal law should trump state laws, especially when state laws restrict a doctor's abilities to conduct abortions. in that case medically, it's dealing with emergency room care and whether you can perform an abortion to stabilize a patient. or whether you have to wait until a life is clearly in danger that is another case that hasn't been decided yet, even though we are of course watching for the major cases related to former president trump is possible immunity january 6, prosecutions, i would say that what they decided that next case, if instead of tossing it like they did there, if they actually issue a decision, whatever happens, there, could actually have potentially a bigger impact on the november election than any of the trump trump-related cases. so even though this is one big abortion question before the justices, they have sort of sidestepping that, saying the people didn't have standing. we still have another abortion case outstanding so far we've had three opinions this morning. that's gonna be it will have more tomorrow though. >> yeah. and i do want to ask beg about that as well. dr. reiner, i mean in a hospital setting, your customer, those hospital settings, that idaho case has huge implications for hospitals across the country yeah, exactly and i think all of these all of these potential actions before the court really attempt to handcuffed physicians in the treatment of their patients. i just want to go back to the case that the court did decide on today. >> this was brought by the group of physicians whose charter of their group basically states that they believe that life begins at fertilization so this was really not a case brought with concerns about the safety of the drug or whether the fda correctly approve the drug or, or changed appropriate, appropriately changed how the drug could be prescribed. it was really just a vehicle to make abortion harder. the united states, brooks brought by a group of physicians who intent is exactly to do that yeah. >> meg, what do you think? i mean, i remember when we cover the idaho case. i mean, that that has major implications as well yeah, absolutely. >> idaho has a very strict abortion ban and the emtala case, that case that polo was talking about, which we're still waiting to hear the decision on. that concerns hospitals that protect its maiden medicare, which are essentially most hospitals. and their obligation to provide stabilizing care when somebody comes in, including in a situation where that might require an abortion. and these are very sad, upsetting situations, often with wanted pregnancies but if there is not that care delivered in that emergency setting that could threaten organs, the future health of the pregnant person. so that is what that case concerns. and a lot of people are really looking forward to hearing what the outcome is. we have already seen an impact in idaho on the medical care system from its abortion ban. we've seen doctors leaving that state. we've seen patients who are pregnant. the doctors advising them on their first prenatal visit to buy life-flight insurance so that they can be helicopters are flown out of state if they have an emergency that requires abortion care because things have gotten so confusing for doctors are so scary for doctors in that state, not knowing exactly what kind of care they can provide. so that will be a very consequential decision and glory. >> i mean, it is fascinating to see the supreme court i mean, sort of write a practical pragmatic decision here, not a sweeping ruling right particularly after dobbs right. >> and it was clear to me just from what we're reading through here, is that the court just decided they didn't want to touch this because the people who brought the case didn't have those standing or the right or didn't show damage. so they didn't have the standing to bring the case so in that sense, you get a unanimous decision because it's it's kinda black and white, right? either you have the standing to bring a case before the supreme court, or you've done. now as kavanaugh said, this doesn't mean that in the future somebody who has standing who can prove some kind of damage or impact, couldn't bring this case again against mifepristone and maybe the result would be different. but now, when the supreme court sees something that says, well, you know, you don't really belong here that's, that's kind of a no-brainer for them. >> yeah, very interesting. all right. a unanimous decision in this very important case, everybody standby. we're going to take a quick break. we'll be right back debate night in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and coast of beat analysis. >> follow cnn for every catalyst moment, followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven. >> they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren't quitters impossible we're solving the meat problem with more meat from roger two, we there yet so many ways to 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back we're still covering the latest in this supreme court rejection of a lawsuit that would have challenged the use of mifepristone abortion medication in this country. >> i want to go back to paula reid. apparently there have been some other action at the supreme court, paula, what can you tell us? >> no, we've got three opinions this morning. we've already talked about the mifepristone one, but i want to talk about another case. have been watching for it is commonly referred to as trump too small. this is about a lawyer, activist who wanted to trademark the phrase trump too small. now this is a reference to a crewed remark in a 2016 debate that was made about the size of now former president trump's hands. and this activists put this slogan, t-shirt and mugs and he wanted to trade market, but the federal trademark office has limits on your ability to trademark anything related to a notable living person. now, he argued that this was a violation of his first amendment right. but the supreme court has disagreed. they have rejected this. and during oral arguments as some of the justices pointed out, the fact that nobody is stopping you from making your t-shirts or your mugs and under some state laws, if you were the person doing this consistently, you even have some protections, not exactly what you would get if you had trademark, but look, nobody's stopping you from making your merchandise. so here they reject objected this claim, but this is one that a lot of folks have been watching alright, paula, thank and i do wanna go to steve vladeck, who's here with me in the studio along with gloria borger to talk about the rest of the supreme court action today. >> the significant ruling on mifepristone is it too cynical to think? that the supreme court took a pragmatic approach today is sort of, you know, respond in a way, kind of respond to all of the criticism that the court has been taking. >> your time. i don't think it's too cynical. i think the real story that is going to start to emerge from today's decision is probably from some are getting tomorrow next week is the supreme court is as conservative as we've seen in our lifetimes. but there's a lower court that's even more conservative. i mean, the us court of appeals for the fifth circuit, which covers texas, louisiana, and mississippi, has issued a series please have opinions in the mifepristone case in the domestic violence gun case, about administrative law that really have tried to push the supreme court even further to the right. what i read in this unanimous rejection in the mifepristone case today as the supreme court saying, slowed down fifth circuit we're not we're not going there. we're not ready to go there yet. we're not going to blow up decades of jurisprudence across dozens of fields just because you think we have the votes. well, i mean, this goes to what a lot of abortion rights supporters were predicting. >> for the overturning of dobbs that there would be sort of a rush to the courthouses. okay. we're gonna go after mifepristone and now we're going after an emergency health care in idaho. and i mean, this is this is what the prim court has rod here. >> i mean, it's worth reminding folks that it was justice kavanaugh who wrote a concurring opinion in dobbs that said word sending an abortion back to the state. it's worth we're getting out of this abortion business as a bit ironic that he writes the majority opinion in today because they're not done. they still have this idaho emergency abortion case that we expect them to decide in the next two weeks. i think there are legitimate concerns that if former president trump is reelected this fall, there's going to be more aggressive efforts at the federal level to enforce this old statute, the comstock act, in ways that would further limit access to abortion even in states that have fairly permissive regimes. and so i think today is a bit of a sort of half a step into the post-dobbs space where the court's not going to let any old lawsuit come into the courts to challenge available procedures from referrer abortions and other states. but where the court is also not going to be out of the business all were the court is going to have to figure out who are the right plaintiffs, what are the right cases and how much are we really going to let individual states decide versus having a uniform federal rules? >> so you read what you sow and you do the dobbs decision and you just don't wipe your hands of it and say, well, that's it. >> worked for themselves and they've made more word for themselves and they there'll be dealing with this for years and years. i think what we're going to see, what we're seeing already is that there really are going to be two very different legal regimes in this country. there's going to the access to abortion in states that have tried to make it broadly available, where today's ruling is going to allow that to continue. you're not going to have a judge in amarillo, texas shutting down nationwide access to mifepristone. but on the other side of the coin, the idaho case is about access to abortion in states with restrictive abortion laws. and given the way that the court has acted in that case already, given what the oral argument went i think it's likely the court's going to uphold the idaho law in that case. and so i think we're going to see further pressure on individuals in states that have such restrictive regimes to travel the states that don't, that's i think the world we're going to live in at least so long as this is left up to the states. all right, fascinating discussion, all the implications that i think some considered and some did not consider coming to pass. so we're we're dealing with grappling with today. thank you both very much. and we're going to take a quick break, be back on the other side, stay with us silent birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn we just signed the lease on our third shop, my assistant went to 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president arrived at the capitol hill club in washington the last hour today, he will be a trail by a mobile billboard from the dnc playing this 11 minute video on loop of the january 6 attack. >> let's go back to kristen holmes, lauren fox. they're up on the bill with the latest chris and let me go to you first. help us out. what are we hearing behind closed doors there? >> well, again, donald trump seems to have moved on from policy or at least be going back and forth from some policy. and instead, we holding court with these republican lawmakers, just some of what he has talked about at one point, he talked about nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi's daughter, and said that this daughter was since told him that he and nancy would have a great romance in another life per one member. he also went on to discuss the wisconsin judicial race at one point, he was attacking another republican congressmen, california congressman, who had voted to impeach him saying that he never loved him. anyway, now of the significant things he's talking about, he has touched on abortion. we know that this is a very sensitive issue for republicans and donald trump has not believe that republicans have handled it well, he believes that that is why they lost so many races in 2022 that republicans have gone too extreme on the issue. but jim, i will remind you that this was painted as a meeting where donald trump could really lay out his policy proposals talk about how he was campaigning, talk about his strategies, beat do biden, talk about uniting the party? and really get into what might be down the pike for a 2025 agenda. it is seems other than the abortion comments that most of this has been donald trump free-wheeling and a meeting where he feels very comfortable with lawmakers. zoo said very different than what this was lined out to be yeah. >> laura and a huge departure from i mean, a lot of criticism. >> he did criticism coming from inside the party, from people like kevin mccarthy right after january 6 but lauren what other tidbits are we getting from inside the room? >> apparently, he made some reference to taylor swift. am i right about that? what's going on there? >> yeah. i mean, donald trump trump is really caralyn from one issue to the next jan it's very clear that despite the fact that light kristen said this was supposed to be a policy discussion it opened with members singing happy birthday to the former president because his birthday is just right around the corner and it's clear that this is a cheerleading moment for donald trump. yes. as you noted, there are some republicans who were vocally criticizing him after the january 6 insurrection. many of those republicans are not doing so in the same way anymore. in fact, donald trump's sort of boasting in this meeting that most of those numbers aren't even around anymore, that obviously the people who have survived and the republican party or the people who are backing him. he did talk about abortion. he did remind republicans that they should not be afraid of the issue that they should talk about how now this is up to states, which is always what the republican party wanted this issue to be decided by. >> all right, chris and lora and i will note from our melanie zanona, who was in the room and sending some of these tidbits out. apparently the former president made reference to hannibal lecter and said, nice guy quote, he even had a friend over for dinner. so we've seen trump out on the campaign trail praising hannibal lecter apparently did it again, the sporting, not sure we fully understand the context of that, but thanks to both you appreciate are coming up quote, no reason for concern. that's what the kremlin is saying about its military exercises in cuba but is that just russian spin more on that next this is a secret war. >> secrets and spies. >> sunday at ten on cnn okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins 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looks like allergy season it back time to start saving on your prescriptions another good reason to check, good rx closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 right now, the republican-led house judiciary committee is holding a hearing on what they're calling manhattan da alvin bragg's political persecution or prosecution, i should say for president donald trump, let's discuss that now with one of the committee members, democratic congressman eric's wall, wall of california congressman, i guess i did want to ask you about trump's visit up on capitol hill, but your response to this hearing on alvin bragg and obviously on the hush money case, there was a item in politico this warning that said that trump was so furious about his verdict that he called the house speaker and said, i want you to do something about this. >> yeah, the house speaker runs a law firm now they only have one client, but it's a pretty big firm and they worked every day on behalf of that client donald trump. >> and that's the cost of everything that your viewers probably care about. keeping their kids safe from gun violence in their schools, making sure corporation these aren't gouging you on your gas in your groceries, lowering your health care costs. none of that's being addressed, but we are going to bring in eventually a district attorney who presented get it over a local case and question that verdict. and at the same time, by the way, jim these guys were praising the verdict and delaware were a jury of hunter biden's peers found him guilty and so it's really about donald trump's choices though, right? donald trump chose to live in manhattan he had a jury of his peers that drew me, that he picked, decided his fate and that jury decided 34 times that he is guilty. so that's 408 straight times that they said guilty and now they're going to seek to undermine what donald trump's neighbors had to say about his criminality and i do want to ask you about what's taking place. so just a stone's throw from where you are, right? another former president meeting with republican lawmakers. he's meeting with house republicans right now, will meet with senate republicans later on this afternoon. a handful of senate republicans are not going to that meeting. meeting. they're saying they have scheduling conflicts. what's your response to seeing the former president up on capitol? apparently the first time since january 6 that we know of maga republicans right now, rather than legislating in this building, are hanging out with a felon, a felon who wants to be president, a felon who, if he is president as an ordinary citizen would be denied as security clearance as an ordinary citizen would be denied entry into the military that he would preside over as ordinary citizen is not allowed to carry a weapon and would oversee millions of law enforcement officers who can is not allowed to visit nearly 40 countries, which seems pretty important. when you're the kind of the lead country in nato and in many other organizations. and again, is running this mimi me campaign where if president, he's going to carry out a revenge tour rather than focus on priorities. so democrats, what's important for us is we have to show we're going to choose families over felons. we prefer verdicts over vengeance, and when it comes to what matters to you, we're going to choose people over politics. >> and i don't know if you saw this, but so the former president's campaign put out a fundraising email yesterday. we highlighted it on this program that says haul out the guillotine and talking about vengeance and getting back at trump's perceived enemies and so on. what did you see that what was your response to that? >> well, someone who's had a lot now, those death threats aimed at me and my colleagues. we're not going to be intimidated but we do prefer voting over violence and that type of rhetoric shows the losing streak that donald trump is on his best de, was in november 2016, and he has been a serial loser since he lost the house in 2018. lost the white house and the senate. we kept the house in 2020 in 2022, that big red wave that was supposed to come to not come. in fact, we added a seat in the senate, and most of the candidates dorsey last year, whether it was referenda in ohio or the kentucky governor's race or in virginia. democrats, won. he's on a losing streak. he doesn't have the votes so he's choosing violence and that's what this upcoming election is very much going to be about. who do we prefer a person of character or a person who has? felony conviction but lacks any moral conviction. >> all right. congressman eric swallow, thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it. thanks. jim. >> all right. in the meantime, widening tensions between russia and the us as president vladimir putin flexes his military might just 100 miles from florida right now, a convoy of russian naval ships is docked in the havana harbor for drills with qubit includes a worship and a nuclear-powered submarine. but russia, cuba, and the pentagon all downplaying how significant this is. joining us now is seen as patrick oppmann are man in havana. patrick, if everybody is downplaying this, why did the russians send this armada? it almost looks like at our monitor havana well, let me show you a little bit of that. our motto, because yes, it's true. well, what cuban said that other military send ships unfriendly visits, but not like this. there has never been a nuclear submarine. i'm told, docked in the port of a man as you have behind me, there, the submarine because on really just breathtaking sight when it came in to the harbor yesterday to see such a massive weapon of war to the other side, on the other side of the pier now that is a gorshkov jim and i should highlight this because this is one of the most modern ships the russian navy volodymyr couldn't has and let me tell you a little bit about this. it can send hypersonic missiles tested a hypersonic missiles are those fly at a speed of what, 6,000 miles per hour. it's not believed that the us is any a weapon system that can counter those hypersonic missiles, jim, point of reference, ahmed, nevada, your washington do you dc, you're only a little bit over 1,000 miles away. four i am right now. so while these are a peaceful visit, we are told they've left a nuclear warheads at home. the cuban ministry of defense says the vehicles, vessels behind me or anything but peaceful. vladimir putin is sending a message. you send it very publicly. and they've been put not in a secret military port here thank you. but in most visible places. there is right in front of our offices, which makes it very convenient. so certainly it message in washington, they are watching this very, very closely. >> yeah. i mean, patrick as the son of a cuban refugee who came to this country, right before the cuban missile crisis. i mean, i just kind of wonder what the reception is in havana and what do you folks think are that are we seeing echoes of all of that echoes of that chapter in our history? we are due folks are sort of shrug their shoulders and say, okay, the russians are in town you know it's interesting because surely the russians have come here throughout the year, sometimes secret at least sometimes a bore publicly but never like this before and certainly among certain a certain class of cubans, there's the stalled you for the way the economy was better under the russians most cubans have relatives in florida. >> most cubans receive remittances from those relatives. they follow us music, us baseball there is an affinity, a much greater affinity with the country that is closer to them. so for many, many cubans that i know, they look at this and they feel it's a return to the not-so-great days of the past. >> anchor saying, all right, patrick robin will stay in touch with you fascinating developments there i always appreciate your your coverage are reporting. thanks so much and finally today before we go, one fan at the cincinnati reds, cleveland guardians game took getting his 15 seconds of fame to the extreme or in this case 19 seconds. take a look the other runners certainly out there, it was a show stealing moment and impressive backflip. a brief chace than that, a taser take down by a police officer of target for their capture the moment and stunning fashion. take a look at this shot right here we had a cairo on built that's a taese me out to the ballgame and we're not showing that right now. >> the look on the fan, the determination of the officer, it says it all it's unclear why the fan isn't wearing shoes according to our affiliate wcco, the 19-year-old college sophomore of course, it's a college sophomore was later arrested in charged with criminal trespassing and obstructing official business. probably got to talking to you from his parents, too. all right. thanks a lot for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after a short break, play ball every day the athletes in awe or pushing the limits of what is capable inside i'm ready to show the world how good i am. >> i trained all over the globe, and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different beast bst we wednesday night, dynamite it aid on tv at new products objects means new project managers. >> you need to hire any. >> indeed, you do when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today filling u-haul we don't ever family moves at their own pace. >> it's not the snow that's why we have you rocks. >> we can story worship that. thanks. you've been lightsaber. >> how and when you want him reserve today at u-haul dot com? >> with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my 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general in history his body and his discovery and stream on max cnn, way to good morning. you relied with the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin with breaking news right now for president donald trump is meeting with congressional republicans up on capitol hill, marking a truly stunning comeback in american politics moments ago, the for president arrived at the capitol hill club in washington, right? bye the capital today, he will be trailed by a mobile billboard from the dnc playing this 11 minute video on loop of the january 6 attack. >> today's visit is apparently the first time trump has stepped foot on the hill since sending a mob of his supporters to fight like hell is he said it on january 6. >> here's how republican lawmakers reacted in the immediate aftermath of that assault on democracy. take a look the president bears responsibility for wednesday's at rioters. he should have nt me o enough is enough how times have changed three years later, the vast majority of republicans have now endorsed this. >> now convicted felon today, there are welcoming back to washington with open arms, despite the fact that he put their lives in jeopardy when he refused to call off the mob as a supporters storm the capitol hunted for lawmakers and erected gallows. if you think that political violence is all in the past record, recall just yesterday as we reported on this program, has campaign called to quote, haul out the good gene in a fundraising emails, cnn's kristen holmes and lauren fox or standby up on capitol hill kristen, tell us more about this meeting. what's going on yeah. >> jim, i didn't it's significant for the number of reasons that you laid out, but i will remind you that despite the fact that these lawmaker said that after january 6, they have long come around to donald trump, or at least most of them, the republican party really rallying around their nominee, decide what happened on january 6. this is significant so again, for a number of reasons because this is really the first time he has met with a group, a big group of lawmakers like this since he became the presumptive nominee, and also since he became a convicted felon, when talking to trump's team, they really want this to be about, quote, unquote unity, getting the party in line behind donald trump and really getting the messaging in sync before what is expected to be several very contentious month ahead of november. now, the way the donald trump's team waited out to us was that he was going to present his plan to beat joe biden in november, as well as talk about a potential 2025 agenda gives lawmakers an idea of how they could help him really lee lay the table ahead of the november election if donald trump is in case to win, but i know lauren, we'll talk about this more instead, at least the first meeting which is just with house republicans, seems to have devolved somewhat into a chaotic pep rally. are hill reporters, it's kind of really giving us a line by line of what's coming out of it. they're not so much agenda, but a lot of back-and-forth from donald trump. >> yeah, we're getting some pretty interesting tidbits. lauren fox, what, what can you tell us about that? anything you can share? >> yeah. i mean, i am standing right outside where donald trump is speaking right now. and as christine laid out when he walked into this meeting with his republican colleagues, are cnn colleagues are getting details about what's happening in the room. they saying happy birthday to the former president, his birthday coming up just right around the corner they also gave him a baseball to celebrate him coming into the room after the congressional baseball game yesterday. it's also clear that donald trump isn't staying on message and many members that i talked to you before this meeting predicted that that would be the case. he's kind of all over the map. he brought up the fact that he really wants to pass a no tax on tips bill. that is something that he's been touting on the campaign trail, something that he brought up inside the room just a few minutes ago. he's also really laying out some of his frustration with his enemies, including the justice department, including republican strategists. he doesn't like that is all part of what going on in this meeting today. so it just gives you a sense of what's happening, jim. yeah. >> lauren, thank you so much. i hate to jump in there. i hate to do that. i want to go to paula reid, who's in the bureau here with apparently we have some breaking news out of the supreme court. let's bring in our chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid. paula, what can you tell us yeah. >> it looked jim, this is one of the most significant cases that the supreme court was considering this term. it has to do with mifepristone, one of two drugs used in chemical abortion. and here are the supreme court has decided to just toss the case entirely, arguing that the group that brought this case that was challenging broader access to mifepristone. did not have what is called standing, which is it's the right to bring this lawsuit. so this was considered one of the biggest cases that the justices were reviewing this term potentially for the impact that any decision that would have restricted access to this drug could have had, obviously on people cross the country, but also potentially on the election. but here are the justices. they have decided that the group that brought it do not have the right to do so. so they have tossed it entirely the question they were looking at here is whether the fda, fda overstepped its authority and approving a broader access to mifepristone, as i said mifepristone is one of two drugs used in chemical abortion, which is the most widely used form of abortion in the the united states. there are two drugs, mifepristone and the mifepristone that are prescribed often to implement a chemical abortion. so this was obviously a hot-button issue, something that could have enormous consequences. but here, the supreme court has decided to toss the case entirely, saying that the group that brought it just didn't have standing. so we're waiting there are other opinions this morning. we're watching and waiting to see what those are, jim. >> yeah. paula said, let's just let's tell our viewers about this one more time. it sounds as though what you're saying is that women who use mifepristone are or want to have medication. abortion can continue to do that. >> that is essentially what the supreme court has done today. >> that will continue to take place. and this is a defeat to anti-abortion forces who had hoped that perhaps the supreme court would knock out mifepristone two well, do i want to clarify the supreme court has not really ruled one way or another on mifepristone, but on this particular child they have said that they're just tossing the case. they are not going to rule one way or another on the fda's authority generally, or on this drug, or they're saying, look, the group that brought this case and they don't have standing, so they are tossing this case are guilty sidestepping the issue for now, but i would fully expect that a similar challenge could come back to the court in a different form, potentially with someone who does have standing and then they may or may not opt to weigh in on the bigger question of broader, more easy access to mifepristone all right. >> probably, yes. thank you for that. and i wanna go to meg tirrell. she's also with me now. meg put this in perspective for us. this is an important ruling that we're getting from the supreme court today. hey, this rejection of this challenge, this is an incredibly important ruling because medication abortion is the most common way that people in the united states access abortion now at accounted for 63% of abortions in the most recent years worth of data from the guttmacher institute, there were more than 1 million abortions in 2023. so that's more than 600,000 people who access abortion and using these medications as paula said, though, yeah, we've heard from a lot of folks in this space who are watching this case very closely that it's not the end of this question we are expecting potentially to see these questions come back. the fact that this is tossed out on standing this is not going to be the end of the road for the questions around access to mifepristone but certainly there were concerns that a ruling against the fda in this case would rollback access to mifepristone to make it more difficult to get, especially through telemedicine, which has become an increasingly common way that people access medication abortion in the united states is more and more restrictions are put into place in different states. there were also threats to the pharmaceutical industry into the fda's purview. those aren't necessarily going away if this case does come back and then his her differently on the merits. but there were major concerns that overturning and fda judgment through the courts would threaten the way fda regulates medicines with threaten the pharmaceutical industries bloody to depend on the fda as the key regulator of medicines, gym all right, make sure we're all very significant development coming out of the supreme court. >> i want to bring in gloria borger, who's with me here in the studio. glory. i mean, this, this is a major development. i mean, obviously if the supreme court had had done something to take away access to mifepristone. this would have just sent shock waves right around the country no more than half of the women terminating pregnancies in this country right now, use this pill yeah. and so that would have had a huge effect. also, the people who petitioned the court wanted a prescription for this drug to have to be done in person as mega was saying person to dr. rather than get just getting it at your pharmacy, are doing it virtually. and that would be the case. and so, you know, as paula was saying, they didn't decide the case, they decided that people who brought the case didn't have standing butt to bring the case, but it has the same impact, which is that the mifepristone can still be used in the way that it's been used for decades, and it has been deemed to be perfectly safe. and will continue to be used by more than half the women in this country who are seeking a way to have an abortion fascinating and we have other folks who are standing by to weigh in on this. >> i want to go to doctor reiner you're with us as well. dr. reiner, you're your reaction all this well i think obviously the supreme court made made made the right decision these they're really two drugs that are used in combination for a medical abortion. mrf, pristine, and misoprostol when when used together a very effective and very safe for the termination of a pregnancy and the fda has approved the use of this combination of drugs for patients with people with a pregnancies less than less than ten weeks of gestation as meg has said, it's really become the predominant means of terminating a pregnancy in the united states. and what the supreme court action today, we'll help women all over the country, including in states that have severely limited abortion, to get this kind of health care yeah. le elie honig is with us as well. elie this would have just been a huge decision if mifepristone were somehow just taken off the market here as a result of a supreme court decision that is not happening. it's going to remain on the market now correct. >> gem. so the bottom-line practical takeaway is access to mifepristone remains unchanged. the status quo remains in place. what the plaintiffs were trying to do here was rollback a series of expansions and access to mifepristone that were passed in 2016, and then 2021 and the supreme court has left the status quo placed the basis for that ruling. and i should note, jim, this is actually a unanimous ruling. it was written by justice kavanaugh. there's one concurring opinion, but all nine justices agreed that the plaintiffs, that people who were suing here to try to roll back access to mifepristone, did not have what we call standing and the basic way to explain standing is do you have a dog in this fight? what's it to you? the plane? do you have some actual injury the group that brought this lawsuit was a group of doctors, medical practitioners, who objected to mifepristone. however, they have the right under law, various law who declined to prescribe mifepristone. so they tried to argue well, but we might have to treat women who use mifepristone and then have secondary complications. and the spring of course, that's not enough. that's not a direct enough injury. therefore, you don't have standing, therefore, you lose 90. >> yeah. i mean, i'll just read from what justice kavanaugh wrote as you said, a unanimous opinion. we recognize that many citizens, including the plaintiff, doctors here have sincere concerns about an objections to others using mifepristone in obtaining abortions. but citizens and doctors do not have standing to sue simply because others are allowed to engage in certain activities. i mean, i think elie that's what your point wasn't dr. part. now, you're with us as well you're reaction to the practical impact of all this? >> means that reproductive justice has prevailed. health equity has propelled access to care has prevailed, and what do i mean by that? what we know is that the majority of patients who need abortion care are receiving care via this prescription pill. but what's more important? saying that you don't need to be in-person. you can get this prescription via telehealth or telemedicine. nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and even midwives can prescribe the position to those who are in need of the care. and that's fundamentally important because we know and believe that health and health care is a human and civil rights shut the supreme court has ruled that a fda ruling backed by science wasn't legitimate could have been catastrophic a maxwell let me go back to you because i mean, one of the questions that i have, all of this is obviously there are lots of states now where you can't obtain an abortion legally that that procedure at a clinic can you receive this pill and the male can you have it mailed to you? >> what's the how does it? how does it work when it comes to that well, you can, but it's not legal in those states. >> abortion restrictions in those states applied to any method of accessing abortion that doesn't mean that it's impossible. there are services that will send pills through the mail. services based outside of the united states, over time, there have been challenges to those services they do exist but this sort of effected abortion across the united states. abortion access through access through telemedicine. and as we've heard, that has become an increasingly important way people access abortion regardless of where you live. so it was not legal. it is currently not legal in states where there are abortion bans to access medication through the mail. there has been a lot of discussion of an act called comstock, which is a very old law, but prohibits the shipment of things used for abortion through the mail. and i think there were a lot of questions about whether that would come up here because there are questions about whether that could be used at some point in the future to restrict access to abortion in particularly abortion through telemedicine, through using medication, abortion. so we'll have to see, does that sort of come back into the conversation and where does that go? going forward, but no, this was not currently legal in states with abortion bans yeah, mega is such important context. thank you so much for the glory. i didn't want to go back to you on political dimension and all of this. can you imagine what the political impact would have been in the heat of those presidential campaign, had the supreme court tossed mifepristone overboard well, it would have been cataclysmic. i mean, the democrats obviously the issue there, campaigning the most on is the dobbs decision. and the throwing out of the right to abortion this which is used as we were talking about by more than half the women who want to terminate pregnancies in this country. if this were thrown out the democrats would obviously use it. but what would women across the country do? would they be forced to flee the country? what would, what would the ramifications of this phi, i think that's something that supreme court was obviously considering, but but it seems to me that this may not be the end of it because the court it according to what you just got here from cabinet, right. the court said it is not clear that no one else what have the standing to challenge the fda's relaxed regulation of mifepristone. what they are, what they're saying is okay, you folks didn't have the standing because you can't prove that you personally were damaged by the use of mifepristone. but in the future yeah, i think the door the door was left open a little bit now, i'm not i'm not a legal expert here, so you've got to ask her legal experts. yeah. but that didn't seem slam shut to me. yeah. le let me go back to you on this. does this is justice kavanaugh sending some instructions to future plaintiffs here, to some extent well, glory is exactly right. this does not mean that the legal dispute over mifepristone is over. it means it's failed for now because this particular group of plaintiffs did not have legal standing. however, as gloria correctly notes, and it's in the opinion, if there is somebody who can establish standing and justice cabinet, actually it does not say who that might be. >> but if there's somebody who does have proper legal standing, they can try to revive this challenge. now, that would take a long time, probably years to work its way through the federal courts back up to the supreme court. but yeah, it's very important aspect of this opinion. the supreme court does not actually reach or address the underlying question, which is did the fda properly approved? and then explain? expand access to mifepristone. they don't even get there. they just say the people who brought this to the wrong people to bring this, you're the wrong plaintiff's case dismissed 90, so it could come back, but that will take a long time and we don't know how the supreme court would rule in that instance. >> and dr. pinel, doctor reiner, let me ask you about this because i mean, obviously with the way things stand with abortion in this country right now, meg tirrell was talking about this a few moments ago. it is very difficult for women and a whole states to obtain this procedure. now, i was looking at there's a new york times the animation this morning showing how and much more women are traveling out of their states to other states in order to have this procedure performed. and so obviously, this is going to a provider tremendous sigh of relief to a lot of women across this country that they can at least still rely on mifepristone on abortion medication. doctor pronoun what do you think? >> and rightly, so we have recent data that over 56% of black women in the united states live in a state where there is a total or near-total ban on abortion care. so this type of ruling could disproportionately impact the african american and black community. >> we he know that within that 56%, 33 states are where most of the black women live. florida, georgia, in texas. so any opportunity to continue to assert reproductive freedom reproductive justice is not only in the best interests of black and african american women, but in the best interests of all of those identity fine, as women and birthing people. this should remain a medical decision between a patient and their doctor doctor, i wanna get your take on those two, but i'm told that i need to go back to paul or rabia as paula apparently has some new information about the potential impact on all of this yeah, it's an important reminder, jim, that this is not the only abortion-related case at the supreme court is considering this term. now we still have several dozen outstanding opinions is as of this morning. so it's significant that this mifepristone case net came now because of course they didn't really do anything. they didn't make any new law. they didn't really issue a decision. they just decided to toss it out because the group that brought this case didn't have standing. so this is relatively early when it comes to when the supreme court releases their most significant and impactful decisions, we still have several weeks and there is another case. it is a case based in idaho and it has to deal with when you have state restrictions on abortion, how those can bump up against federal law specifically in that case the justice department argues that federal law should trump state laws, especially when state laws restrict a doctor's abilities to conduct abortions. in that case medically, it's dealing with emergency room care and whether you can perform an abortion to stabilize a patient. or whether you have to wait until a life is clearly in danger that is another case that hasn't been decided yet, even though we are of course watching for the major cases related to former president trump is possible immunity january 6, prosecutions, i would say that what they decided that next case, if instead of tossing it like they did there, if they actually issue a decision, whatever happens, there, could actually have potentially a bigger impact on the november election than any of the trump trump-related cases. so even though this is one big abortion question before the justices, they have sort of sidestepping that, saying the people didn't have standing. we still have another abortion case outstanding so far we've had three opinions this morning. that's gonna be it will have more tomorrow though. >> yeah. and i do want to ask beg about that as well. dr. reiner, i mean in a hospital setting, your customer, those hospital settings, that idaho case has huge implications for hospitals across the country yeah, exactly and i think all of these all of these potential actions before the court really attempt to handcuffed physicians in the treatment of their patients. i just want to go back to the case that the court did decide on today. >> this was brought by the group of physicians whose charter of their group basically states that they believe that life begins at fertilization so this was really not a case brought with concerns about the safety of the drug or whether the fda correctly approve the drug or, or changed appropriate, appropriately changed how the drug could be prescribed. it was really just a vehicle to make abortion harder. the united states, brooks brought by a group of physicians who intent is exactly to do that yeah. >> meg, what do you think? i mean, i remember when we cover the idaho case. i mean, that that has major implications as well yeah, absolutely. >> idaho has a very strict abortion ban and the emtala case, that case that polo was talking about, which we're still waiting to hear the decision on. that concerns hospitals that protect its maiden medicare, which are essentially most hospitals. and their obligation to provide stabilizing care when somebody comes in, including in a situation where that might require an abortion. and these are very sad, upsetting situations, often with wanted pregnancies but if there is not that care delivered in that emergency setting that could threaten organs, the future health of the pregnant person. so that is what that case concerns. and a lot of people are really looking forward to hearing what the outcome is. we have already seen an impact in idaho on the medical care system from its abortion ban. we've seen doctors leaving that state. we've seen patients who are pregnant. the doctors advising them on their first prenatal visit to buy life-flight insurance so that they can be helicopters are flown out of state if they have an emergency that requires abortion care because things have gotten so confusing for doctors are so scary for doctors in that state, not knowing exactly what kind of care they can provide. so that will be a very consequential decision and glory. >> i mean, it is fascinating to see the supreme court i mean, sort of write a practical pragmatic decision here, not a sweeping ruling right particularly after dobbs right. >> and it was clear to me just from what we're reading through here, is that the court just decided they didn't want to touch this because the people who brought the case didn't have those standing or the right or didn't show damage. so they didn't have the standing to bring the case so in that sense, you get a unanimous decision because it's it's kinda black and white, right? either you have the standing to bring a case before the supreme court, or you've done. now as kavanaugh said, this doesn't mean that in the future somebody who has standing who can prove some kind of damage or impact, couldn't bring this case again against mifepristone and maybe the result would be different. but now, when the supreme court sees something that says, well, you know, you don't really belong here that's, that's kind of a no-brainer for them. >> yeah, very interesting. all right. a unanimous decision in this very important case, everybody standby. we're going to take a quick break. we'll be right back debate night in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and coast of beat analysis. >> follow cnn for every catalyst moment, followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven. >> they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren't quitters impossible we're solving the meat problem with more meat from roger two, we there yet so many ways to 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back we're still covering the latest in this supreme court rejection of a lawsuit that would have challenged the use of mifepristone abortion medication in this country. >> i want to go back to paula reid. apparently there have been some other action at the supreme court, paula, what can you tell us? >> no, we've got three opinions this morning. we've already talked about the mifepristone one, but i want to talk about another case. have been watching for it is commonly referred to as trump too small. this is about a lawyer, activist who wanted to trademark the phrase trump too small. now this is a reference to a crewed remark in a 2016 debate that was made about the size of now former president trump's hands. and this activists put this slogan, t-shirt and mugs and he wanted to trade market, but the federal trademark office has limits on your ability to trademark anything related to a notable living person. now, he argued that this was a violation of his first amendment right. but the supreme court has disagreed. they have rejected this. and during oral arguments as some of the justices pointed out, the fact that nobody is stopping you from making your t-shirts or your mugs and under some state laws, if you were the person doing this consistently, you even have some protections, not exactly what you would get if you had trademark, but look, nobody's stopping you from making your merchandise. so here they reject objected this claim, but this is one that a lot of folks have been watching alright, paula, thank and i do wanna go to steve vladeck, who's here with me in the studio along with gloria borger to talk about the rest of the supreme court action today. >> the significant ruling on mifepristone is it too cynical to think? that the supreme court took a pragmatic approach today is sort of, you know, respond in a way, kind of respond to all of the criticism that the court has been taking. >> your time. i don't think it's too cynical. i think the real story that is going to start to emerge from today's decision is probably from some are getting tomorrow next week is the supreme court is as conservative as we've seen in our lifetimes. but there's a lower court that's even more conservative. i mean, the us court of appeals for the fifth circuit, which covers texas, louisiana, and mississippi, has issued a series please have opinions in the mifepristone case in the domestic violence gun case, about administrative law that really have tried to push the supreme court even further to the right. what i read in this unanimous rejection in the mifepristone case today as the supreme court saying, slowed down fifth circuit we're not we're not going there. we're not ready to go there yet. we're not going to blow up decades of jurisprudence across dozens of fields just because you think we have the votes. well, i mean, this goes to what a lot of abortion rights supporters were predicting. >> for the overturning of dobbs that there would be sort of a rush to the courthouses. okay. we're gonna go after mifepristone and now we're going after an emergency health care in idaho. and i mean, this is this is what the prim court has rod here. >> i mean, it's worth reminding folks that it was justice kavanaugh who wrote a concurring opinion in dobbs that said word sending an abortion back to the state. it's worth we're getting out of this abortion business as a bit ironic that he writes the majority opinion in today because they're not done. they still have this idaho emergency abortion case that we expect them to decide in the next two weeks. i think there are legitimate concerns that if former president trump is reelected this fall, there's going to be more aggressive efforts at the federal level to enforce this old statute, the comstock act, in ways that would further limit access to abortion even in states that have fairly permissive regimes. and so i think today is a bit of a sort of half a step into the post-dobbs space where the court's not going to let any old lawsuit come into the courts to challenge available procedures from referrer abortions and other states. but where the court is also not going to be out of the business all were the court is going to have to figure out who are the right plaintiffs, what are the right cases and how much are we really going to let individual states decide versus having a uniform federal rules? >> so you read what you sow and you do the dobbs decision and you just don't wipe your hands of it and say, well, that's it. >> worked for themselves and they've made more word for themselves and they there'll be dealing with this for years and years. i think what we're going to see, what we're seeing already is that there really are going to be two very different legal regimes in this country. there's going to the access to abortion in states that have tried to make it broadly available, where today's ruling is going to allow that to continue. you're not going to have a judge in amarillo, texas shutting down nationwide access to mifepristone. but on the other side of the coin, the idaho case is about access to abortion in states with restrictive abortion laws. and given the way that the court has acted in that case already, given what the oral argument went i think it's likely the court's going to uphold the idaho law in that case. and so i think we're going to see further pressure on individuals in states that have such restrictive regimes to travel the states that don't, that's i think the world we're going to live in at least so long as this is left up to the states. all right, fascinating discussion, all the implications that i think some considered and some did not consider coming to pass. so we're we're dealing with grappling with today. thank you both very much. and we're going to take a quick break, be back on the other side, stay with us silent birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn we just signed the lease on our third shop, my assistant went to 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president arrived at the capitol hill club in washington the last hour today, he will be a trail by a mobile billboard from the dnc playing this 11 minute video on loop of the january 6 attack. >> let's go back to kristen holmes, lauren fox. they're up on the bill with the latest chris and let me go to you first. help us out. what are we hearing behind closed doors there? >> well, again, donald trump seems to have moved on from policy or at least be going back and forth from some policy. and instead, we holding court with these republican lawmakers, just some of what he has talked about at one point, he talked about nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi's daughter, and said that this daughter was since told him that he and nancy would have a great romance in another life per one member. he also went on to discuss the wisconsin judicial race at one point, he was attacking another republican congressmen, california congressman, who had voted to impeach him saying that he never loved him. anyway, now of the significant things he's talking about, he has touched on abortion. we know that this is a very sensitive issue for republicans and donald trump has not believe that republicans have handled it well, he believes that that is why they lost so many races in 2022 that republicans have gone too extreme on the issue. but jim, i will remind you that this was painted as a meeting where donald trump could really lay out his policy proposals talk about how he was campaigning, talk about his strategies, beat do biden, talk about uniting the party? and really get into what might be down the pike for a 2025 agenda. it is seems other than the abortion comments that most of this has been donald trump free-wheeling and a meeting where he feels very comfortable with lawmakers. zoo said very different than what this was lined out to be yeah. >> laura and a huge departure from i mean, a lot of criticism. >> he did criticism coming from inside the party, from people like kevin mccarthy right after january 6 but lauren what other tidbits are we getting from inside the room? >> apparently, he made some reference to taylor swift. am i right about that? what's going on there? >> yeah. i mean, donald trump trump is really caralyn from one issue to the next jan it's very clear that despite the fact that light kristen said this was supposed to be a policy discussion it opened with members singing happy birthday to the former president because his birthday is just right around the corner and it's clear that this is a cheerleading moment for donald trump. yes. as you noted, there are some republicans who were vocally criticizing him after the january 6 insurrection. many of those republicans are not doing so in the same way anymore. in fact, donald trump's sort of boasting in this meeting that most of those numbers aren't even around anymore, that obviously the people who have survived and the republican party or the people who are backing him. he did talk about abortion. he did remind republicans that they should not be afraid of the issue that they should talk about how now this is up to states, which is always what the republican party wanted this issue to be decided by. >> all right, chris and lora and i will note from our melanie zanona, who was in the room and sending some of these tidbits out. apparently the former president made reference to hannibal lecter and said, nice guy quote, he even had a friend over for dinner. so we've seen trump out on the campaign trail praising hannibal lecter apparently did it again, the sporting, not sure we fully understand the context of that, but thanks to both you appreciate are coming up quote, no reason for concern. that's what the kremlin is saying about its military exercises in cuba but is that just russian spin more on that next this is a secret war. >> secrets and spies. >> sunday at ten on cnn okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins 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looks like allergy season it back time to start saving on your prescriptions another good reason to check, good rx closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 right now, the republican-led house judiciary committee is holding a hearing on what they're calling manhattan da alvin bragg's political persecution or prosecution, i should say for president donald trump, let's discuss that now with one of the committee members, democratic congressman eric's wall, wall of california congressman, i guess i did want to ask you about trump's visit up on capitol hill, but your response to this hearing on alvin bragg and obviously on the hush money case, there was a item in politico this warning that said that trump was so furious about his verdict that he called the house speaker and said, i want you to do something about this. >> yeah, the house speaker runs a law firm now they only have one client, but it's a pretty big firm and they worked every day on behalf of that client donald trump. >> and that's the cost of everything that your viewers probably care about. keeping their kids safe from gun violence in their schools, making sure corporation these aren't gouging you on your gas in your groceries, lowering your health care costs. none of that's being addressed, but we are going to bring in eventually a district attorney who presented get it over a local case and question that verdict. and at the same time, by the way, jim these guys were praising the verdict and delaware were a jury of hunter biden's peers found him guilty and so it's really about donald trump's choices though, right? donald trump chose to live in manhattan he had a jury of his peers that drew me, that he picked, decided his fate and that jury decided 34 times that he is guilty. so that's 408 straight times that they said guilty and now they're going to seek to undermine what donald trump's neighbors had to say about his criminality and i do want to ask you about what's taking place. so just a stone's throw from where you are, right? another former president meeting with republican lawmakers. he's meeting with house republicans right now, will meet with senate republicans later on this afternoon. a handful of senate republicans are not going to that meeting. meeting. they're saying they have scheduling conflicts. what's your response to seeing the former president up on capitol? apparently the first time since january 6 that we know of maga republicans right now, rather than legislating in this building, are hanging out with a felon, a felon who wants to be president, a felon who, if he is president as an ordinary citizen would be denied as security clearance as an ordinary citizen would be denied entry into the military that he would preside over as ordinary citizen is not allowed to carry a weapon and would oversee millions of law enforcement officers who can is not allowed to visit nearly 40 countries, which seems pretty important. when you're the kind of the lead country in nato and in many other organizations. and again, is running this mimi me campaign where if president, he's going to carry out a revenge tour rather than focus on priorities. so democrats, what's important for us is we have to show we're going to choose families over felons. we prefer verdicts over vengeance, and when it comes to what matters to you, we're going to choose people over politics. >> and i don't know if you saw this, but so the former president's campaign put out a fundraising email yesterday. we highlighted it on this program that says haul out the guillotine and talking about vengeance and getting back at trump's perceived enemies and so on. what did you see that what was your response to that? >> well, someone who's had a lot now, those death threats aimed at me and my colleagues. we're not going to be intimidated but we do prefer voting over violence and that type of rhetoric shows the losing streak that donald trump is on his best de, was in november 2016, and he has been a serial loser since he lost the house in 2018. lost the white house and the senate. we kept the house in 2020 in 2022, that big red wave that was supposed to come to not come. in fact, we added a seat in the senate, and most of the candidates dorsey last year, whether it was referenda in ohio or the kentucky governor's race or in virginia. democrats, won. he's on a losing streak. he doesn't have the votes so he's choosing violence and that's what this upcoming election is very much going to be about. who do we prefer a person of character or a person who has? felony conviction but lacks any moral conviction. >> all right. congressman eric swallow, thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it. thanks. jim. >> all right. in the meantime, widening tensions between russia and the us as president vladimir putin flexes his military might just 100 miles from florida right now, a convoy of russian naval ships is docked in the havana harbor for drills with qubit includes a worship and a nuclear-powered submarine. but russia, cuba, and the pentagon all downplaying how significant this is. joining us now is seen as patrick oppmann are man in havana. patrick, if everybody is downplaying this, why did the russians send this armada? it almost looks like at our monitor havana well, let me show you a little bit of that. our motto, because yes, it's true. well, what cuban said that other military send ships unfriendly visits, but not like this. there has never been a nuclear submarine. i'm told, docked in the port of a man as you have behind me, there, the submarine because on really just breathtaking sight when it came in to the harbor yesterday to see such a massive weapon of war to the other side, on the other side of the pier now that is a gorshkov jim and i should highlight this because this is one of the most modern ships the russian navy volodymyr couldn't has and let me tell you a little bit about this. it can send hypersonic missiles tested a hypersonic missiles are those fly at a speed of what, 6,000 miles per hour. it's not believed that the us is any a weapon system that can counter those hypersonic missiles, jim, point of reference, ahmed, nevada, your washington do you dc, you're only a little bit over 1,000 miles away. four i am right now. so while these are a peaceful visit, we are told they've left a nuclear warheads at home. the cuban ministry of defense says the vehicles, vessels behind me or anything but peaceful. vladimir putin is sending a message. you send it very publicly. and they've been put not in a secret military port here thank you. but in most visible places. there is right in front of our offices, which makes it very convenient. so certainly it message in washington, they are watching this very, very closely. >> yeah. i mean, patrick as the son of a cuban refugee who came to this country, right before the cuban missile crisis. i mean, i just kind of wonder what the reception is in havana and what do you folks think are that are we seeing echoes of all of that echoes of that chapter in our history? we are due folks are sort of shrug their shoulders and say, okay, the russians are in town you know it's interesting because surely the russians have come here throughout the year, sometimes secret at least sometimes a bore publicly but never like this before and certainly among certain a certain class of cubans, there's the stalled you for the way the economy was better under the russians most cubans have relatives in florida. >> most cubans receive remittances from those relatives. they follow us music, us baseball there is an affinity, a much greater affinity with the country that is closer to them. so for many, many cubans that i know, they look at this and they feel it's a return to the not-so-great days of the past. >> anchor saying, all right, patrick robin will stay in touch with you fascinating developments there i always appreciate your your coverage are reporting. thanks so much and finally today before we go, one fan at the cincinnati reds, cleveland guardians game took getting his 15 seconds of fame to the extreme or in this case 19 seconds. take a look the other runners certainly out there, it was a show stealing moment and impressive backflip. a brief chace than that, a taser take down by a police officer of target for their capture the moment and stunning fashion. take a look at this shot right here we had a cairo on built that's a taese me out to the ballgame and we're not showing that right now. >> the look on the fan, the determination of the officer, it says it all it's unclear why the fan isn't wearing shoes according to our affiliate wcco, the 19-year-old college sophomore of course, it's a college sophomore was later arrested in charged with criminal trespassing and obstructing official business. probably got to talking to you from his parents, too. all right. thanks a lot for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after a short break, play ball every day the athletes in awe or pushing the limits of what is capable inside i'm ready to show the world how good i am. >> i trained all over the globe, and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different beast bst we wednesday night, dynamite it aid on tv at new products objects means new project managers. >> you need to hire any. >> indeed, you do when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today filling u-haul we don't ever family moves at their own pace. >> it's not the snow that's why we have you rocks. >> we can story worship that. thanks. you've been lightsaber. >> how and when you want him reserve today at u-haul dot com? >> with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my 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