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dispute, but when house republicans and attorney general merrick garland now spilling onto the house floor where lawmakers are expected to vote soon on whether to hold garland in contempt of court honduras. but does the gop have the votes they need to get this done we're live from capitol hill and secretary of state antony blinken says he is frustrated after hamas suggested several changes to a proposed ceasefire deal. >> gaza, how negotiators are now trying to look ahead to what happens after the fighting stops and a somber ceremony that children who survived the sandy hook school shooting are now graduating from high school. how they're reflecting on 12 years since that terrible day. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central attorney general merrick garland has dedicated his career to following the law and now he could soon be sanctioned on capitol hill for breaking the rules. >> this afternoon, the house is expected to vote on whether to hold him in contempt of congress for not fully abiding by a subpoena. garland has refused to turn over audio from president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur, who in february chose not to charge the president over wrongfully possessing classified documents garland has said that he won't be intimidated and that releasing the audio could discourage future witnesses from being recorded. cnn, capitol hill report, or meloni's a nonna is with us now on this melon, it made it out of the rules committee. is the full house. they're going to pass this vote to hold the ag and contempt yeah. >> well, house republican leaders are confident that they're going to have the votes ultimately to get this over the finish line here in the next hour or so. and this is despite the fact that as me and my colleague, annie grayer reported several moderate republicans did privately voiced some concern about having to take this consequential step. but members like don bacon who represents a swing district told me that even though he doesn't like having to take this vote, ultimately, he is going to vote. yes. and just as a reminder, this all stems from the doj's refusal to hand over those audio tapes from the special counters. counsel's interview with president joe biden over these special classified documents case. now, the doj did hand over transcripts of that interview, but republicans say that is not enough. it's not the same the thing they want to be able to hear those audio tapes to check it with the transcript and make sure it's correct. just listened to congressman andy biggs, a member of the house judiciary committee, explain it because the transcripts do not reflect important verbal context, such as tone or tenor, or nonverbal context such as pauses or pace of delivery all of what which went into the decision by mr. >> her not to prosecute a crime that he said was committed that prosecutorial discretion is under review by our committee legitimately and constitutionally we have the right to that audio recording now, we should point out that biden did assert executive privilege over those audio tapes. >> and nonetheless, republicans are pushing ahead with this vote. and if it passes as we expect it to do, then it has a we're to the department of justice, but they are under no obligation to pick this one up. briana. >> yeah. very good point there, mel. thank you for that report for us let's discuss with republican congressman tom tiffany of wisconsin, congressman. >> thank you so much for joining us. this vote is expected to happen within the hour. >> how confident are you that it's going to pass yeah. i believe it will pass. i think that's why leadership is brought to a vote today. and i expect it to pass if it does, what would the next step be as are correspondent on capitol hill just pointed out, the justice department doesn't really had to do anything with this contempt referral while the justice department should act on it and provide those audio tapes that were requesting in order to get a full record? of what happened with special counsel her in his interviews we should be able to see the full documentation, not simply a transcript, but be able to hear the audio also well, because then we will get the full information and the full impact of what a president biden testified. two with special counsel, her congressman, do you have evidence that the transcripts is inaccurate or in any way has discrepancies i think the big concern there first is that since the first of the year, there's been 150 different times that the white house has altered transcripts of things that president biden has said. >> we want to make sure it's there. and by the way, president biden himself said that this was mischaracterized so if it was, let's hear the audio tape and let's just give full transparency to the american people i think he was arguing that her tried to make it seem like he wasn't fully there as he was explaining certain things. >> he argued that arguments about his memory were taken out of context that being said he pointed out the transcripts from the white house. this is the department of justice. this isn't the white house. and robert hur could have come out and said that there were issues with the transcript. he has isn't yet yeah. >> this just goes back to full transparency for the american people. >> i mean, you actually made the case in the comments there that president biden said he was missing characterized with this. you have this volleying going back and forth, whether it was accurate, prove the accuracy with the audio tapes and by the way, we just asked the bill called the fair act through the judiciary committee. and the last two months, which does that with the department of justice that requires audio recordings whenever witness says they are their testimony is taken by the department of justice. every democrat and judiciary voted for this. it is for the fair act. this is very similar. let's just it's provide full information to the american people congressman, what about the argument that turning over audio of the president's interview could discourage future witnesses this is something that merrick garland has put forward i think he's just obfuscating at that point and trying to figure out a way not to do this i mean, if you have nothing to fear, then just put the audio tapes out there. i mean, let's have full transparency. that's what it all goes back to. so we have a full record i mean, there's an inquiry that's going on here at this point. we want the fullest, most complete information and we accomplish that by having the audio recordings, not just a transcript congressman, you have argued that there should be further accountability of not only the president, but his, his family this is what you tweet it out after hunter biden was convicted just yesterday, you write quote, this is just the beginning of holding the biden crime family accountable. >> now, let's do joe biden congressmen, what specific charges would you like brought against the president this. >> is, why we continue to seek the information that we've steadily methodically put together in the last year-and-a-half with the oversight committee we knew would look at it. we still have the record out there of 20 shell companies, 20 phone calls that joe biden made to his on an older 20 million. >> there hello, through those shell companies, we want to get all that information before the american people, because what happened yesterday in regards to hunter biden and the gun crime? that he was convicted of, that is just the beginning of making sure that they're held fully accountable and that actually was the least of the crimes that may have happened here when you look at all this money that's flowing in from foreign countries, including our adversaries like china or russia congressman there are some details there that i don't think reflect a record of what the oversight committee is actually put out. >> in fact, it wasn't 20 million. >> it was 15 million that went to biden family associates and there's no evidence in any of the documents put out by the oversight committee that a single dollar went to president biden when he was in office. >> therefore, there is no evidence that he did anything illegal, that he abused his power or that he abused his power in office to help his family members or friends get wealthy joe biden has a check-in and the amount of $40,000 that was has his name on it. >> you've got another $200,000 check book came from jim and sara biden, to him. i mean, sir, there's 2020 and i actually have that check here. that was a object from 2018 when he was not vice president and it actually says that this was a reimbursable. this was a loan repayment of his brother so you can make the case that the bidens did not do this. >> well, joe biden was vice president but i think it's contrary to the record. >> and its contrary to what happened when joe biden was vice president and he went and called off the prosecutor in ukraine in regards to the barista that has been that has been debunked, that prosecutor was unanimous mostly disliked by both republicans and democrats and even eu official said that he was corrupt and they wanted him out. nevertheless, congressman, we do have to leave the conversation there and we do appreciate you coming on. we hope you'll come against him welcome to join him bars take care. >> briana new developments in the war in gaza, the fate of the latest ceasefire and hostage deal now hanging in the balance. >> today's secretary of state, anthony blinken calling on hamas, hamas to accept the us back proposal. but he said because the terrorist group keeps changing its demands, blinken says, what happens next is up to hamas if one side continues to change its demands, including making demands and insisting on changes for things that had already be accepted. >> you have to question whether they're proceeding in good faith are not the longer this goes on, the more people will suffer and it's time for the haggling to stop and a ceasefire to start simple as that cnn's paula hancocks is joining us now, live from jerusalem and paula frustration there from the secretary of state during this long and difficult process. >> is there any hope that an agreement can be reached? >> well, brianna there's certainly continuing attempts to make sure that an agreement can be reached. i mean, we've heard optimistic words from from some of those mediators, but also very realistic words. we heard secretary blinken, for example, saying that he does believe that the gaps are bridged able, but it doesn't necessarily mean that those gaps we will be bridged, being very clear that it does depend on certain people saying yes to this us backed proposal. so at this point, we know that it took her mouth 11 days to come back with an official response after the us president joe biden publicly endorsed this proposal that was on the table. so certainly there is concern that that it could take even longer to get another response even when a responses given back to her mass they have said that they want certain amendments. for example, they want a specific timeline when it comes to i permanent ceasefire in gaza. and this is something that we know the israelis. certainly the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, has not been willing to put an exact timeline on the phase one of this three phase deal is a six-week ceasefire, and that is meant to evolve into a more permanent cessation of hostilities. but certainly from the israeli standpoints, they prefer that second part to be more vague. they don't want it to be an exact timeline. hamas also saying that they want the complete withdrawal of troops from gaza. but in phase one of this proposal, it is only meant to see the israeli troops come back out of the populated areas in gaza. gaps still remain even after all these months of negotiations going back and forth. so i think you really do hear the frustration coming out from the secretary of state at this point, he is pointing out that he believes that her mass is now asking for things that previously they had already 32 riana you and inquiry paula into the first few months of the war in gaza has concluded that both israel and hamas committed war crimes as well as grave violations of international law. >> what can you tell us about this report so this is a reports the un has been preparing for some months now, a 200 page report, it looks at the timeline from october 7 until the end of 2020 three and what it says when it comes to her mass is that they believe are mass intentionally attacked civilians, they accused them of murder torture, taking hostages including children. >> and when it comes to the israeli side, this report alleges that that israel committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, specifying about starvation, arbitrary detention, and killing, and maiming tens of thousands of children. now, israel has rejected this site of hand, saying that it's trying to create a false equivalency between israel, the state of israel hamas also pointing out that it proves systematic anti-israeli discrimination when it comes to this, this particular group. so it's been rejected out of hand by the united nations excuse me, by israel. we have asked hamas saw, hamas has been approached about a response, but at this point is, is not responding to this kind of report, but it is something that israel is an goodbye and has said that it does try to create that false equivalency between israel and hamas, which would simply does not exist. brianna alright. >> paula hancocks, we appreciate the report and ahead the value of former president from support as tuesday's primary races in several states bring the november elections into sharper focus plus why unexpected supreme court ruling could potentially help hunter biden with his expected appeal. and survivors of the 2012 sandy hook school shooting we're now graduating from high school. how they honoring the classmates and they lost. we have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing expertise you know, the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great's tomb next wednesday, if nine and discovery and stream on max, the ups stores, not just the ship and store where the shipping store the leave, the packing to watch sto the we understand this is more than a package with a packet shifted guaranteed store the peace of mind store where the right around the corner go to. >> we should get all store the ups store be unstoppable. when we pack it in shipping week guaranteed bonds, your local store today, and ship with confidence. >> here's to getting better with age here's the beat least to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein. >> complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you 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endorsement were winners in multiple state primaries. >> and here they are. all six were endorsed by trump and it paid off for them. they all took home victories and the race's yesterday, we have seen in senior political analyst mark preston here with us. all right. mark and look every race is different. what's your takeaway with these? >> well looked 6462 hat-tricks. if you're playing hockey, i mean, good night for donald trump. but the fact is he is the republic we can nominate one race certainly. well, certainly a couple of races, but let's talk about south carolina. were nancy mace? >> she is somebody who is on the wrong side of donald trump. >> got on the right side of donald trump, but she got on the wrong side of kevin mccarthy. kevin mccarthy, the former house speaker, spent money, certainly had money directed towards that to try to have her defeated. yet she one. so kevin mccarthy lost that battle yeah. >> he was not influential. we see that kind of continuing a little bit key victory for republicans in ohio special election and actually means that republicans have expanded their narrow majority in the house, still narrow, just to be clear, but it's important to look at what the victory was. it was a nine point victory, and trump actually won this district by 40 points. so how are you reading this? well, a couple of things. one is, this is an incident where every vote counts specifically now, where we see the divisions in congress. so, so so dividing, not only the house, but the us senate look at if you're republicans, you're going to have some concern, obviously, because that is an incredible drop-off. however let's remember, this was a special election. you're not going to see the same turnout. you are in a special election as you are in a general election. we'll see in november, i bet you democrats are going to be looking at this as well, branded to see if any of these moments in ohio helps cut into that lead. the trump had in that very conservative district. >> i always think it's a now freeze when both contestants have the same name, michael and michael wright, that can be difficult here. okay. looking at north dakota, right what are democrats doing to fortify their position? well, well well, a couple of things. one is you know let's talk about nevada and what they're doing in nevada, florida five to stay. right. because what they're doing there is trying to put as much money as they can to jacky rosen. in fact, before i came on set today, gavin newsom has a fundraising email out for jacky for jacky rosen trying to make sure that she has enough money to fight back this challenge and this republican challenger who was endorsed by donald trump the last minute, this gentleman is a direct decorated war hero, so they really have to battle there in nevada. that is a seat that could potentially decide what happens to control of the united states senate yeah, that's a big one. >> mark preston. >> thank you so much. we do appreciate edge porous nauta, a hunter biden's historic conviction on three felony gun charges. >> the president's son could face up to 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine but it's possible that the supreme court could help him appeal his conviction. cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic joins us now with the details. so joan help us understand how this could work share good to see you, boris, and the timing is really interesting and very coincidental. hunter biden's can verdict just came yesterday, and this supreme court or deal has been building for the past two years. and let me just bring you back for to 2022 when it all started, when the supreme court really expanded second amendment gun rights and said that a federal gun regulation or state regulation could be upheld only if it's in keeping with historical tradition of firearms regulation. if there's some sort of historical analogue comparison dating back centuries to whatever the modern regularly relation is. now, that's a really tough standard for governments to meet as their gun regulations are being challenged. and it's also a very confusing standards. so the supreme court got lots of appeals up to it, and it's now resolving a case that involves federal prohibition on firearm possession for anyone who would have been subject to a domestic violence restraining order. now, that's not at issue in the hunter biden case, but it's another provision of federal firearms that prohibits gun possession if someone is an unlawful drug user or addict and the test for historical analogue comes into play in both situations. the federal government is urging the supreme court to rule. and this could happen as soon as tomorrow and i'll explain a little bit that the timing second boras. but the federal government is urging the supreme court to rule that when lower court judges and when the supreme court itself looks at a monitoring gun prohibition, and it's trying to compare it to some sort of historical tradition to look more broadly, to look at is this something that is aimed? dad people who would be dangerous to society? it doesn't have to be a complete match to something that might have existed back in the late 1700s, early 1800s. so this is a really important test that the justices are going to weigh in on. and however they decide the case involving this individual who was convicted because of a restraining order for domestic violence, it could shed light on all sorts of other gun prohibitions, including in hunter biden's case, somebody who would fall under the prohibition on gun possession if he or she had been a drug user, a drug addict. now for timing, boris, you know exactly where we are right now. we're in june when the justices biggest cases are going to come down and we're going to see another set tomorrow on thursday, and that case of united states versus rahimi, that's the one that's could clarify hi the 2022 standard that could come as soon as tomorrow, or it can come as late as the end of the month. but whenever it does come, i'm certain that 100 hunter biden's lawyers and lawyers for plenty of other defendants involved in gun-related offenses will be scouring the opinion to see will it help them on appeal? heels? >> boris yeah. it is decisions season and this is one of many we are dissipating joan biskupic. >> thank you so much so it's been nearly 12 years since a school shooting in newtown, connecticut took the lives of 20 students now those survivors of that horrific de, want to make sure the memories of those lost live on through them as they graduate high school the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes could behind the president and the former president. >> one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 20, nine live on cnn and streaming unmapped. >> once retired, mark is decided, i will never again work for another man or woman. i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan. with consumers 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their diplomas almost 12 years after 20 of their classmates and six adults were killed sienna national correspondents, brin jin grass is in new town brand. it has to be a very emotional day. there yeah you can feel it. >> briana, really all over this town, not only just talking to those students are about to get there diploma. and you said it right there, bittersweet. that's how it's been described. he's, high-school seniors are excited, they're trying to celebrate the fact that they're reaching this major milestone in their life, but they are very much aware of the classmates that will be missing in the serum i'm one today and they'd been living with that for almost 12 years. i want you to hear from them about what this day means to them i think it was really important for a lot of us. >> take meaning out of us getting out that day so for me, everything i do in life is for them you have these big moments in your life. things that are supposed to be solely exciting but they get clouded by this and a way that we want to be remembering our friends and we are going to keep them with us, but it's also something that we wish we never had to deal with. >> ultimately, what should be the biggest de of most of our lives and so it's still gonna be like that. but you know, it's still, it's still hurt knowing they should've been here and look, i mean, there's a tradition here in new town, briana, where essentially the students who are graduating go back to to their elementary school and they see those educators that really shaped their lives. >> obviously that was a different experience for many of them as their high school, i mean, rather so there are elementary school no longer exists, if you remember, that was destroyed, they built a new one. so there's constant reminders of this horrific tragedy that happened but in their lives, but certainly today, they are trying to focus on the fact that they have bright future ahead and that they want to celebrate while also keeping their memory alive and they are going to do that am i wearing ribbons during the ceremony? there's going to be a moment of silence during the graduation as well. the reading of the names of the 20 students have passed along with those six educators yeah. >> it's beautiful to hear how they're living for those who did not survive and what a difficult de, for so many families they're brynn, thank you for that report the basketball world is mourning the loss of an all-time nba great ahead. >> why the impact of jerry west was so strong that he literally became a symbol for the league alder james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> sunday at ten on cnn. >> this is the easiest nontoxic swapped. you'll ever make lumina to paste made by dentists designs, a break up back and remove toxins in them now it's a little deep, clean your teeth, whitening your teeth without any sensitivity, find 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sales that up to 70% or so of today there were very few nba players like jerry west, the hall of famer, passed away this morning at the age of 86 the la laker legend had formed, considered so perfect his silhouette is literally the inspiration for the league's logo and while west only 11 title as a player, despite going to the nba finals multiple times. >> as an executive, he had a hand in eight nba championships, helping to establish the play lakers as one of the league's premier team's. we're joined now by joe virden. he's the senior nba writer for the athletic joe, your reflections on jerry west passing away yeah i mean with him and bill walton in the last couple of weeks, it's just it is a tough time for the nba family for sure. >> and not only for the los angeles clippers, which that was the last team that he worked for and was a really a guiding force in that in that organization. but his history with the lakers and of course the golden state warriors, where he was among the executives at a time when they were winning and then you just think about throughout the league, like all the players, all the coaches that he's that he's touched, that he's guided, that he's inspired so yeah, i mean, when we all woke up to the news this morning, it was a gut punch for sure as i noted before, he only won one title as a player. do you think that hurts where he stands historically, his view he's not necessarily viewed as one of the top players of all time as many argue he should be well my access to jerry west actually it goes like this early when i was covering the nba and the cavs and cleveland, we're losing to the warriors and lebron james was putting up these outrageous personal numbers, even though the calves we're going to lose the series. >> and i started doing research about well does he have a chance to be the mvp in a series in which his team loses. >> and of course i found jerry west he is the only person in nba history to do that and so to me, um, i'll be 44-years-old in september. >> i've been covered in this league now for ten years, most of it as a national writer but i just think his legacy more than anything is hurt by time i think that the people who saw him play up into the 70s, remember one of the all-time greats. i mean, he retired as the third all-time leading score so yes, now that we people my age and younger didn't get a chance to watch him play we don't rank him as high as maybe he should be, or maybe people older do. >> but make no mistake here. >> he is one of the great players in nba history. >> yeah, definitely in the discussion among the greatest shooting guards of all time, and we're talking about very, very great company at that level i'm wondering when you look at the way that he's been portrayed in recent years, and i'm thinking specifically of a series that ran on hbo winning time, which he did not like the way that he was portrayed in that series to be clear. >> but he did have a reputation among some circles. four for being perhaps toxic le, obsessed with basketball. is that fair to say i don't know that. >> and i do know a number of people who have worked with him very closely in san francisco with the warriors, and certainly in los angeles with the clippers and that is not that is not what people say about him. so when he was running the lakers i was between the ages of one and eight so i don't i don't know that. i wasn't much into that show. i just know that we are talking about somebody who who was a giant to anybody who worked with him yes no question. >> and he was famously competitive. he reportedly broke his nose like nine times. he could shoot, he could play defense. he was he was very tough. >> what player in the modern nba does it remind you most of oh goodness boy, that is, that is tough. >> i think that he i don't have a great answer for you. so what i would say is i think he really admired kawhi the game of guai leonard. and you talk about when someone who's who's struggled with injury, but when he's healthy, kawhi leonard as a two-way player, just a dominant fierce defender, who also can get a bucket anytime, anytime that he wants, and the last great player, he and paul george that jerry worked with. i'll say kawhi yeah jordan, as we just showed there, he was the logo jerry west passing away at 86-years-old joe. >> thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me. >> yes of course, brown now on to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour in atlanta is suspected gunman is now behind bars, accused of hijacking a public click transit bus and shooting a passenger who later died at the hospital. the suspect led police on a chase across three counties investigators say he got into an argument with another passenger for shooting him, threatening the rest of the passengers, an ordering the bus driver to flee the scene. a state trooper was finally able to stop the bus by using a rifle to shoot the engine. the suspect now facing more than two dozen charges, including murder and kidnapping. also today, the oklahoma supreme court has dismissed and appeal by survivors first of the 1921 tulsa race massacre to restore a lawsuit against the city. those survivors argued they had a right for reparations and claimed the city offloaded from promoting the massacre site as a tourist spot without helping the community. the court found while their grievances are legitimate, they did not qualify for compensation under the law. and a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from closing the gun show loophole in texas, and three other gop led states. >> the new rule requires there's background checks for firearm sold online and gun shows for now, sellers and texas, louisiana, mississippi, and utah are exempt. >> and coming up, we're taking you inside one states, brand new effort to bring the ballot box two people behind bars, and how it ties into a growing national movement next wednesday cnn celebrated juneteenth expression performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson still have a lot of work to do juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. next wednesday at oh, and cnn. >> sure. i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake up. work can help your business. >> so talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not happen house more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now yeah, when you can get a u-haul, i every family moves at their own pace that's why we have you box is that heavy? >> where you can pack it a day in a week? >> it's done in a month. >> we can store it worship in the kitchen. >> pow sayyed about and when you want it, thanks. >> you been don't want to lift a finger. we got you covered there too. you box by u-haul move at your pace, reserve today at >> with car gurus, you can start your financing from home. only you could do things your way all the time maybe someday get it with gurus trains kane's 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no one ever underestimate me look bad, but i kinda georgie all you have to do to make the plane britain's their streaming exclusively on max from roger to we there yet so many ways to save life ready direct redefining insurance. >> the league with jake tapper. >> next on cnn we're back with exclusive new reporting on voting behind bars. a unique development in the narrowly divided state of nevada, which could determine when who wins the white house or the state is also going to play an important role in determining control of the senate. >> sit and sara murray has more inside the largest jail in sin city it's my first time voting. for the first time that you've ever voted in any election is when is here in the detention center? >> yeah. >> natalie inmate's escorted to this holding cell and then a voting booth. the first one ever set up in the clark county detention center in las vegas. nor are you surprised that there was gonna be a voting booth here today? >> yeah, i was surprised. yeah, it was i didn't expect to its debut just in time for primary de the result of a new law requiring improved valid access for thousands of non felons detained in nevada's jails soon after the booth opened, the first voter casts her ballot. how did it feel to be able to cast your vote? >> it felt nice actually felt good for activists chiquita chambers you can put that on my epa ten it's a hard-fought victory. there's a pressure for us to shine brightly on this first run. a felony conviction after a violent altercation during college, cost chambers his freedom and his voting rights it's for more than five years. >> i feel that someone who is doing this work needs to be formerly incarcerated to engage their population now we worked for the non-profit silver state voices running outreach to thousands of potential voters behind bars one of the first bullet points on here it says why you can have okay, that's the key you cannot vote if you are serving a sentence on a felony conviction in a city or county jail that it makes clear if you're pretrial for serving on a misdemeanor, you're eligible jackpot. >> one of the biggest hurdles, convincing eligible incarcerated voters to cast a ballot amid polarization misinformation, more than 2,500 ballots are cast by individuals whose names and dates sippar match, incarcerated felons. >> do you think that has an impact on even people who are eligible to vote without question, without question. >> it took months and the threat of lawsuits for jails to get up to speed. >> we had an election happened, but no jail fully. what's compliant with the law facilities across the state worked with voting rights groups like the aclu and election workers to finally ensure valid access ahead of tuesday's primary, their vote should not be any less important than the individuals that are out here. and unfortunately, they faced those barriers that we were here on outside, don't even really think about those barriers, the basics for those who are behind bars postage for change of address forums, blue and black pens to fill in balance. >> and at least in this jail, a polling booth something that goes beyond what the law requires. this is something that is a first for us and i think we're going to probably do it better than anybody else would try to pride ourselves on that there really was no model for us to follow. we've had a couple of opportunities to make sure we get it right for the general election in november chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county you have potential victory is lying in those sales, at least for now. >> i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night a step toward voters like elliott carter hall, having their voices heard, it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little, just a little bit, a little tiny bit could be a big deal. yeah. >> sara marie. thanks so much for that report. >> so this takes the adage, everything is bigger in texas two, a whole new level. >> yeah, up next, a look at the newest and officially biggest button he's in the world. i love a bikinis. have you been no, that's all right let's go. >> okay. >> great. >> well, when we come back the assignments are going off. >> the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of nightmares geared and feel it. >> nick eyes and my throat or brain i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it along with earth, with liev schreiber? sunday at nine on cnn, rozi engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks your skin is ever changing he care of it with gold ponds, age, renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. >> for all your skin's gold bond for gentle dependable constipation really tries seneca. it works differently than other 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turned a coal following with its now famous grinning beaver looking down at drivers from highway billboards across the south and parts of colorado. and today it boasts 50 locations, 36 of them, of course, in texas. bucky says, it's new behemoth location in lu ling. it's going to be hiring more than 250 people that's pretty cool. i wouldn't say it's a commercial because i'm not that excited about it i mean, it's a gas station. >> i go to a gas station. >> it's pretty great. you can also buy like close there. >> cowboy hats. >> have you heard of them the same thing at a mall and gas up your car and get beef jerky. >> and get a pulled pork sandwich. >> let's say the jury genji is a clique clean bathrooms at the mall. >> i don't think so. they have like

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Answer , Boy , Kawhi Leonard , Injury , Guai Leonard , Paul George , Bucket Anytime , Thanks , Brown , Jordan , Old Joe , Passenger , Bars , Headlines , Hijacking A , Transit Bus , Gunman , Chase , Hospital , Atlanta , Suspect Led Police , Counties , Bus Driver , State Trooper , Bus , Passengers , Rest , Engine , Rifle , Scene , Investigators , Suspect , City , Massacre , Kidnapping , Oklahoma Supreme Court , Murder , Lawsuit , 1921 , Community , Compensation , Massacre Site , Preparations , Judge , Tourist Spot , Grievances , Rule , Texas Two , Background Checks , Firearm , Gun Shows , Led , Sellers , Administration , Gun Show Loophole , Mississippi , Louisiana , Ballot Box , National Movement , Brand New , Utah , Juneteenth , Juneteenth Expression Performances , Celebrating Freedom , John Legend , Hadi Lewbel , Smokey Robinson , Dover , Skills , Fortune 500 , 10000 , 30 , 500 , Family Moves , U Haul , Move , Reserve Today , It Worship , Kitchen , Sayyed , Pow , Finger , Financing , Car Gurus , Ul Com , Trains Kane , Schedule Train , Del Ai , Hundreds , Trax , Married Janet , Frank Bred , Kim , Hey Eddie Now Appraiser , Freedom , Car , Tape , Cashback , Brain Health Challenge , Sound System , Chase Freedom , Neretva , Limits , Sabbath , Festival , Care , Cash , Renaissance Fair , Rnc Com , Kinda Georgie , Plane Britain , Ways , Voting , Development , Reporting , Estate , Jail , Control , Sin City , Sit , Sara Murray , Role , Voting Booth , Time , Holding Cell , Detention Center , Natalie Inmate , Clark County Detention Center In Las Vegas , Jails , Felons , Thousands , Gonna , Debut , Result , Voter , Ballot , Booth , Activists , Cost Chambers , Felony Conviction , Pressure , Voting Rights , College , Run , Altercation , Voices , Silver State , Population , Outreach , Bullet Points , County Jail , Key , Misdemeanor , Sentence , Individuals , Jackpot , Ballots , Hurdles , Polarization Misinformation , Cast , 2500 , Lawsuits , Threat , Incarcerated Felons , Sippar Match , Workers , Law Facilities , Primary , Voting Rights Groups , Tuesday , Aclu , Postage , Basics , Outside , Change Of Address , Polling Booth , Forums , Pens , Politicians , Model , Clark County , Pride , Opportunities , Difference , Elliott Carter Hall , Adage , Empowerment , Little , Up Next , Sara Marie , Bikinis , Button , Let S Go , Assignments , Tornado , Brain , Nightmares , Throat , Eyes , Sunday At Nine On Cnn , Earth , Row Com , Rozi , Formulations , Vitamins , Ponds , Moisturizers , Plant , Center , Ingredient , Constipation , Bond , Vegetable , Laxatives , Gummies , Seneca , Dependable , Gentle , Patches , Carousel Patches , Look , Nighttime Patches , Coloration , Thickness , Damage , Fungus , Udp , Sleep , Calling , Trucks , Truck , Others , Ram , Finance , Payments , Trucks Bids , Summer Event , Purchase , 2025 , 1500 , 1000 , 000 , Else , Certain , Challenges , Kinda Leader , Clock , Problems , Drive , Determination , Successes , Brock Side , Spain , Smile , Aluminium , Lumina Whitening Strips , Pop , Sandals , Resorts , Grenadines , Vincent , Med School , Bad News , Norman , Savings , Line , Wifi , Gig , Xfinity Mobile , The Go , Doc , Smarter , Mom , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Beef Jerky , Road Trippers , Story , News Bikinis , Pork , Daughter , Fix , Boss , Opening , Square Feet , Convenience Store , Fuel Pumps , Lu Lin , 120 , 75000 , Bathrooms , Bucky , Cleanest , Coal , Sad , Drinks , Snacks , Sets , Award , 2012 Yeah This , Drivers , Parts , Locations , South , Them , Highway Billboards , Colorado , Beaver Looking , 36 , 50 , Gas Station , Because , Cool , Behemoth Location , Lu Ling , 250 , Mall , Pulled Pork Sandwich , Cowboy Hats , Clique , Jury , Genji ,

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