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former president trump was a steamroller in the white house, and it landed an insurrection on the steps of the capitol. if we can't shake our addiction to strongmen, to those utterly convinced of their own greatness, there will be many more like spitzer in positions of power posing even bigger threats to our fragile democracy-- crusaders wanting their portraits on the walls of history. every governor of new york has the chance to be immortalized in a painting that hangs in the new york state capitol, a self-directed monument to his or her own illustrious legacy. all of them are there-- all but two. the first served in the early 19th century and left no likenesses behind. the eliot spitzer. ♪ there was testimony from a haley bind biden. she's her name is haley biden because she was married to hunter biden's brother sadly died. beau biden and then and then hunter went out with her. so she's the ex ex-girlfriend and the widow and i know she just she testified that when she was with hunter, he got her into crack and she is ashamed and embarrassed about that part of her life really, you you bang your dead husband's brother. >> and the part you're embarrassed about is the crack she said she found hunter's gun at one point, she knew she couldn't have it, so she took it and you throw it away, like in the supermarket dumpster. perfect play so when hunter found out, you throw away his gun, he was very angry, called are insane. he called are stupid. he said, what do you want? crack. and if you are, may i have sat die? >> we all saw the stuff from hunter biden's laptop, right? i mean, why they did a reality show about hunter biden be called naked and afraid of running out of crack and it's just and it's just bad optics for the president. >> the jury is looking at sex tapes of hunter biden and the rest of his are worrying of his father couldn't walk or wreck well actually, job was doing the de d-day thing. you saw that yesterday did very well. i thought he did very well. he was over there commemorating the an anniversary of d-day. and over here in america, you know what they did? nine congressman. oh, gosh nine congressmen dressed up as military people world war two vintage stuff and jumped out of a world war ii vintage plane to commemorate d-day okay sadly, they were wearing parachutes george santos said, you know, when i do dress up, you make a whole thing out. it wow, yes, it's it's pride month in the spirit. >> in the spirit of fraught pride month story five drag queens in philadelphia. did a reading children's books, reading as they do, made the guinness book of world records for the fastest way to get trump re-elected not not that there aren't still big, it's in this country to just see this, the head of the colorado, this the head of the colorado republican parties sent out an email missives saying calling gay people godless groomer which in california is not even an insult. i kept my hair cut at a place called dogmas the first job no holds barred democratic senator from the great state of pennsylvania, john fetterman welcome welcome back to this thursday non are to be here. i'm i'm i'm a fan boy. so it's the right track. got gi have been badgering my staff for a long time now to get you on this show and i'll tell you why i've been bad during them, i guess then they badgered you lead i'm glad it worked in new here because i when i see you, especially the last couple of years you speak so freely, you speak like politician two, i get on this show, who aren't in politics anymore, the ones who are out of office when they can be honest. and that's the way you speak now and it's a beautiful thing this is true you speak for a lot of democrats that are afraid to say a lot of that stuff. >> yeah. i mean, it's a letter released for a lot of democrats to be able to be like, thank god, someone's actually platforming that like that. >> no, i think we're very much on the same page, but it's very rare. i mean, i don't have to worry about being reelected except by the but in i think even more brave for you to do it. the question i want, i'm interested in asking you is, is this connected to some of your health issues? i mean, when you've gone through it, you have both physical and mental health issues? yeah. does it give you a freedom, like, what can you know absolutely. there's like a line from the first batman, joker, he's like, now i've already been dead once already. it's overrating. and that's that's not reckless. >> that's just that's really just freeing. it's his freeing in a way. and i just think after being all of that, i just really be able to say the things that i have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there's any kind of blowback what about. mental health in america writ large? >> what do we, what is the prescription for this? because we're going to talk about it on the show degree tonight. it's certainly a big issue in this country and we have, i think 50,000 suicides in the last excellently, this is an astounding number. i think what what are your thoughts on this? >> no, it's well i actually i thought after i signed myself into walter reed to get help with depression, it's not it's not really a big political winner to talk about oppression, right then when i started to have the conversation, i realized that if i had to be really honest, i have to talk about self-harm harming myself because, you pointed at the 50,000 americans took their lives and i started to talk about that and saying, yeah, i've been in that kind of a place and i now tell people like i'm promise you, begin, you please just don't don't harm yourself. stay in the game. and now i'm in contacted by people on the regular saying, hey, thanks to hearing this, i got help or even saved my life and i never thought that that would resonate and that's why i decided to have that conversation because i was lucky. i got help and got better. and now i want to be the kind of guy that can say something thing that could have helped someone like me that it was in that situation let's talk a little politics here, because that is your game. >> pennsylvania is going to be one of they say probably it could be come down to three states. pennsylvania will definitely be one. >> well, i've always said that pennsylvania picks the president and there really is no legitimate path. the president, if he doesn't win. and i really do believe he will win actually, because trump was able to flip pennsylvania and that helped deliver his first victory. but joe biden carried in 2020 because you have, he has a really strong connection. there to pennsylvania and i do believe he will again, but it's gonna be very close. and that's the same conversation i've been having with pennsylvania that it's going to be very close because trump has a strong connection and pennsylvania and it's going to be very competitive. and all of that, and i've also been saying that i don't think that whole trial is going to be anything meaningful with people have already decided like, hey, that's my guy. i will never understand by somebody would say, yeah, i love that. i went more four years of that. but i do believe joe biden's going to carry pennsylvania and he's going to win as he is not yet officially the nominee of the democratic party. >> is he really the best one for them to put forward? >> joe biden? yeah. yeah yeah. he's actually the only american that's ever beat trump in an election and i do honestly believe that he's actually the only democrat that could win. and let me just say this. let me just say this another that might be provocative but the last time there was like a hot governor that with $200 million. thought that he was going to be trump. and then trump threw him into width shipper and he finished third and his own state and florida. and again, it to santa yeah. yeah, it's like trump is pretty tough and that's what the republicans want and i can't imagine why he still appealing right now, but trump has a very, and i do believe joe biden has that ability to win and we have a great, we have a great bench. but i think it's a very distinct kind of situation right now. >> i'm surprised at that, but i'll move on i'm not on the same page there, but okay. i mean, it's probably going to be joe biden and i'll vote for him. but you mentioned desantis this was very curious to meet desantis wants to ban fake meat in florida you agreed with them? i don't i don't get this willy. >> i think it's no so much about making it illegal, but it's also just talking about i really wanted to stand with i wanted to stand with american farmers and ranchers and those kinds of a thing. >> and i don't believe that it's helpful and that's the direction that i'd like to move in that. but if somebody wants to consume that, that that's okay. but i think there's gonna be states that are going to decide. i don't want to ban this, or i really want to invent and create that kinds of a product in their state. >> i think i wouldn't need it either. quite frankly, but i wouldn't ban it. i mean, that's what desantis ones to do. so you can't get it. if i thought that was the freedom party, i felt the freedom country. if people want to have fake meat or fake anything, fake, fake anything los angeles that's sloppy there, but but i don't i don't think that's really going to solve anything other than i don't i don't get why anybody that would appeal to anybody. okay. but you are you've been very out front on legalizing. we'd oh, yeah, of course. >> i heard that, you to john, that's just a character i play until never smoked, enjoyed my life i heard you say or reddit? >> maybe it was a tweet. i don't know what it was. you said. i'm not a progressive, i'm a democrat. what does that mean? how how do you, what does that distinction? because i'm always i don't think i've used the word progressive. i think i've said woke. i think there's a big difference between woke and i know that word triggers a lot of people because it had a great beginning as a meeting but words migrate and it went to something else. i think there's a big difference between an old school liberal and a wolf person. you say progressive democrat. how do you describe this? >> yeah. no, i agree it's like i've just say i've been saying that for years actually, i said that i didn't leave the label. >> it left me on that. right. and that really after happened now, on october 7, i was really knew that that whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and they're not gonna be any kind of way how the democrats are going to be able to reply to that kind of respond to that kind of and i really decided early on that i believe that what's going to be the right side with israel throughout all of that? and i knew that would be democrats would continue to peel away and walk away from its, from standing with israel on that. but that's where i decided after how do you explain that? if you can that the people who considered themselves the most liberal have abandon israel, which was always a liberal darling for the people who a terrorist organization, the people who outwardly say they want a genocide, who outwardly or the one side of this, who was against the two-state solution. so how they wound up with them? why do you think that is? and will this split the democratic party? >> well, it does because it, there's an appeal there and i think e. to talk about that, last week, you really hit with the gender or apartheid. yes, i'm talking about a lot of these issues and some of the most progressive and left a parts of the democratic party or are standing for the side that have kinds of organizations like hamas or these kind of nations that there are no rights for women. and they certainly don't embrace the lgbtq fans of lifestyle and even in philadelphia, the queers for palestine blocked the pride for aid in philadelphia. and i never saw that on the bingo card, but really all right, well, it may seem lonely out there sometimes when you're brave, like you are, but you have a lot of fans. >> fans here, and then you have a lot of fans all over the country. when i told people you were coming on, a lot of them were really excited that you're here, but they all had one question. didn't they wanted me to ask you, which is what is the deal with the wardrobe please ask last year i noticed you had a great joke. >> you're really now, if you put a picture of b in your life, he dresses like a guy that the airline lost his luggage and i know address like a slob. i'm not making a statement or anything. but it's like i'm in the comfort. yeah. it's just comfort and i'm kind of it's like i don't have to iron and it's like it it's really good. i can't, you know, it's kinda hard to find suits and all those things and i put i never understood why anybody thought that, why that was interesting, but but what's really crazy is just like it was more controversial. and i want to be clear. i wasn't behind the train changing the dress code or anything. i really wasn't. but more people were seemed more concerned about me me could wearing a hoodie on the floor as opposed to we have senators taking bribes and i'm still a freshman you seem like we're in a really good place well, i'm sitting sitting across having a near-death experience and going through that kind of a blowtorch of $100 million. >> in an attack acts and all of the kinds of things to emerge on the side where i'm grateful to be here, both right. with you and back with my kids and my family and everything. and i just decided i really want to be the kind of voice that's consistent and has a moral clarity on issues that may not be controversial for democrats and but i'm not sure why anya, that's controversial for democrats, whether it's about israel or the border, or people just want a these days, john, everything everything is controversial to everybody. >> yeah. but you keep doing what you're doing i thank you hey, mom how many should i decorated have ran lu that's a really tough call. >> who are you? 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so this is the week where we celebrated the greatest generation saving democracy. so we could learn about hunter biden's smoking crack weekend and nutshell so i feel like it's one of those stories were both sides have a lot of wrong in their handling. >> a member at the beginning when the laptop came mount the left-wing media just would not even admit it was a thing, right? it just had to be a hoax or it had to be russian this information. it just didn't exist. they wouldn't write about it that was wrong. and the right is wrong to pretend it means something except possibly about joe biden's parenting the question i want to ask because i know your book is about it and you've written about parenting. okay. why do all the political families have this near dwell up family it isn't just because they're famous. we went into every family that have that have a billy carter are roger clinton george bush himself was the ne'er-do-wells the beginning of time we've known that children basically need three things and these are essential. >> they need parental authority, they need to hear no, they need independence, and they need loving community and kids with high-profile families often get none of those. no one's willing to tell them no they never get independence because i don't want anyone to let make the big guy look bad and they don't have loving community. they're raising a political battlefield. and unfortunately too many of american kids today also don't have those. >> you, the way you describe it, you suddenly everybody's from a prominent family because i read in your book the kids go off to college and they've never heard the word no, that's right or the word wait, that's right. well, it's today are under a microscope. they're under a microscope. they're literally because of the protection, of course, social media and whatnot, but also because their parents are so afraid of traumatizing them, they've been told by mental health experts that say hey, no, punishing can be traumatizing. so they don't exert their own authority. so these kids are basically we have a generation being raised as shrinks kids and they're miserable. >> there's a link with your d-day tie-in, which is that we understood that generation and others, but especially that one to have a sense of stoicism right? like you're gonna go through some bad stuff. it's going you're going to fail. there's gonna be unfair things that happened to you. >> the question is, what are you going to do that the father of a 15-year-old and a nine-year-old, they're not teaching lot of stoicism and the brooklyn public school system last time i checked, it's at some point she starts to use as an excuse to get out of chores like that's not my journey i'm not going to holding a laundry. so i mean, at least they're making some fun out of it. but there is something to that and there's also, i think when you think about the greatest generation, they probably couldn't use a little bit more therapy than they actually, yes. >> there's a happy medium, but i mean, you mentioned d-day i couldn't help think of it because i was reading the new york times says, among college students, ptsd among adolescents is surging. ptsd, that fact that we have so my father was in that he wasn't on omaha beach, but he was in that campaign in france ptsd. but then allow kids to think they have ptsd that's right. >> they don't have ptsd raised gently and brentwood don't have ptsd combat vets sometimes do have ptsd and they always treatment when they have it. it is real, but that's not what kids at universities have. what they have is what i call in my book bad therapy. i'd they have a kind of emotional hypochondria. they have focused so so much on their own bad feelings that they magnified these feelings. they make them in an organizing principle of their lives and then they have trouble escaping them. >> okay, so here's my question. we had a meat to reckoning about zach's 2017. we had a racial reckoning in 2020. >> i feel like there's a parenting reckoning coming what a roll back pushback on gentle parenting. i think that people are realizing that this kind of stuff has raised a lot of up kids rather six. >> maybe it's a mere book 49 49.5%. so let's just say half of adolescents at some point have a mental health disorder die. so half of the kids in the country are diagnosable okay. either they really are that up or we're over diagnosing. >> that's right. it's the latter. we are way over diagnosing exam. this generation has had more mental health intervention in schools, more mental health treatment, 40% of them been in therapy. they've had therapeutic parenting and it's making them worse. these kids don't need therapy, they need less therapy. they need to be told, i love you. you live. >> now, get out of my house and have an adventure generations, let's say 15 to 22, they got banged up during covid pretty bad. >> and the more you were in places where schools and society was locked down, the more banged up you got. and also that's tied up with social, media and kind of knew what you're doing on your phone all the time. the stuff that john height talks about. so i think there is a legitimate mental health thing going on with teenagers and especially teenage girls in this country. the question is, are we teaching them to get out of it and also to have fun and to take some kind of initiative in their lives, or are we encouraging? thank them to think of themselves as victims? and i hope it's not the latter because you're not going to get much pasture 18th birthday, walking around and saying that it's somebody else's who still this is so obvious. >> and we all agree who still defending this? i think the trauma industry is they basically have brought in i mean, that's what we have. >> we convinced a generation that any distress is trauma. >> it's permanent psychopathology. now you have a disability and you have to live with that forever. and these kids are behaving like mental patients, right right. >> i mean and. >> their medicated than like that to me is where it really goes off the rails when you start picking a lot of them are on whatever the psychiatric drugs they put them on. and, you know, when i think about the two big ones that i see always talking about better now pathologized, shyness which is like social anxiety disorder. >> if you pathologize it and depression. i mean, that's just being bummed out my whole adolescence, my whole childhood through past college was about those two things i was just todd todd both of those things and drugging me would not have helped. that's right i discovered pot when i was 19. >> that drug helps organic yeah. >> okay. so i read about sel and i froze everybody who has kids knows what this is. this, explain this is social, emotional learning, like this takes front and center in. this explains a lot to me, wondering why they're so stupid because this is the priority above learning. is that right? >> that's right. and what is social? >> i mean, obviously it sounds like what it is. >> well, purportedly, it's supposed to teach kids things like emotional regulation, which we want them to have of course. >> but in fact how do you teach kids how to handle that emotions, right? because we're not worried about them having too much joy. we're worried about them having too much sadness, regret, bad feelings. so it necessarily always goes negative. it becomes a kind of group therapy. therapy, and it forces kids to ruminate, to pathologically focus on their bad feelings on their pain. and those are the number one symptoms of depression. >> and it's interesting 70% of very liberal liberal, the students, they say, this is when the american enterprise institute, so they're a little right leaning reported feeling anxious, 52% of conservatives but it does seem like the liberals are more in their own head and our more suffering from this is that, is that right? and why i have seen that statistic luck. >> the reason that i think so, that might be it's because those are the parents in general who are giving their kids more therapy. they're highly educated and they're more anxious because are highly educated, they're more anxious themselves. they are pushing their anxiety onto their kids. and we know you can communicate anxiety. >> p parents need to be tougher for their kids. >> they need to set an example here and they need to stop obsessing over kids happiness and start worrying about making kids strong also involved in the other book you wrote your famous one that was banned, right? your book irreversible damage was about gender reassignment, i think is the proper term we call it. well, now we have the cast review from england which said you must feel somewhat vindicated by this, because america is now an outlier country. this scandinavian countries that were doing in england that was doing it. they've all pulled back to cast report says that the evidence supporting the use of puberty-blocking drugs and other hormonal medications and adolescents was remarkably week why why is america so behind? why, why are we usually when we look at those countries, you go, these are what the liberal as they're doing. so we're just going to know, we're we're alone on this. >> yeah, we are. i mean, i think two reasons england had national centralized health care. >> so they got into this faster and they also were able to shut it down faster and that because ours is our health care is obviously decentralized. it's harder to shut bad medicine down in this country, but there's something else that i have to say. they had something really special in england. they had jk rowling and she helped gender-critical feminist pry away from the progressive left on this issue and stand up for the bodily integrity of girls and stand up for the integrity of medicine elements in the professional practice. >> it's worth pointing out to the extent that your audience might not, that abigail is book was targeted by people who worked for the aclu? >> yes. >> saying that, oh, it'd be the highest thing to do, correct. to block the distribution of this book, it speaks to a kind of aggressive, illiberal conformity that takes place, not just on this issue, but other issues. having to do with covid and i think it's kind a new thing, glass ten years, especially those has a semi d ranging moment where people who are involved in journalism or academia, or whatever we'll just say, we've created a new taboo. >> and you're on the wrong side of the taboo we must attack this person. we must attack jesse singal, other people who've been working in this, and yes, it hurts their careers, but we don't necessarily have to cry for them for you. she's on bill maher, so she's doing okay. but it hurts them. that's what people don't get when you block off the information that's coming in. particularly on a contested subject particularly that's affecting kids and life and death situations. and you're blocking off the information. so i enforcing a taboo, you are hurting yourself. one thing to critique, it's another thing to say, no one should be able to do even look at this to even read it as if you were some sort of crazy person. again, i'll just say one more thing, you know, in the, you know, three or four years it took between the time i wrote my last book to talk about the same risks that are in the cas report two, until they mainstream media worked up the backbone to actually do some reporting tens of thousands of american children were harmed. >> and i don't think you're saying i certainly wouldn't be the one saying that there aren't trans folks who who we do need some transition exenatide i think you were just saying was there's no guardrails on this and these are children. these are children not about the bodies of whatever they want with their body as long as they don't using children as cannon fodder in their culture wars is what it looked like to me. the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine lives and cnn and streaming on max michelin, innovate on the road and far beyond with errorless tire's designed exploring new frontiers michelin motion for life >> let's any landlord find qualified renters and signed leases and polite payments from any place even here. >> and where's here? 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>> russian, we're trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret, war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn organic soil from miracle grow has grown me the best garden i have ever had. >> good soil and you get get good results. >> look at that. the broccoli was fantastic. >> that broccoli, i think some of them were 67 pounds most knows who projects come with questions. >> so we have answers like how to keep your yard looking lush which paint color matches your bold style with the myeloma rewards credit card, you can say 5% every day. you got. and we got, you have heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr cn are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr san okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy sure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein michelin innovates once more with michigan acoustic technology du sin kevin noise by cushioning road vibrations raw to 369369. today anyone can ban eric. i want to be world heavyweight champion and to be with my family the iron claw now streaming exclusively on max airlines can feature these new first-class suites that feature a curved 42 inch screen for a full cinematic experience. but only if they're paired with those new double-decker seats and economy on a new carrier called inequality airlines yes, inequality honey airlines. there's something special in the air. it's just not, you neural don't bring your kid to the office. if your office is just the united states congress tennessee representative jon rozi just that while making a furious speech denouncing the trump prosecution and look what happened someone acted as someone acted like a goofy, childish moron and his and his poor kid had this sense. rowan euro let's stop rewarding every family that has too many kids with a reality show on tlc the latest one is the bold woods seven kids born in a ten year span. wow guess there were no blanks fired in that house well, they shouldn't prosecuted men's theory is pointing to that new role now that are remote amazon tribe has connected to elon musk's starling internet and become addicted to porn i say congratulation oh sure. the liberal inclination is to bemoan the encroachment of modernity on such an innocent, unsullied people but that's not what the amazon tribe themselves are saying. >> they're saying, thanks ilan at your beef, jerking off to this tree neural. >> now that researchers say marijuana use has surpassed alcohol as americans drug of choice they have to answer i've answered this question, if alcohol use is declining, why did still not safe to eat at a waffle house i mean not, not to always be the marijuana advocates but do you know what this donors are doing while the fight is going on, eating their waffle i am finally neural. someone has to look into the puzzling paradox of why it is that rape jokes are completely unacceptable and unthinkable and totally out of bounds. but raped in prison jokes. >> larry is never a bad time to do the one about how if you dropped this up in the prison, jaume, don't bend over and look with all the talk now about trump, possibly going in jail. we've we've all been doing it. i mean, come on. it's donald trump given the opportunity. it's natural to want to imagine june him getting in the i'm just saying maybe we shouldn't if not for him, then for the nearly 2 million people behind bars at any given time in this country. that's more people than in 12 states. they should have their own two senators one can be bob menendez america has a higher incarceration rate than russia or china, or almost any of the other evil doer conjugates. row is are passover. and yet for some reason everything at walgreens is still locked behind plexiglass but for some reason, americans simply accept that only do we lock up way more people. but that if you're a criminal of any kind, yes. sodomy is the appropriate come up is they say if you want his survive prison first thing you do when you get there, what you have to do is go up to the biggest baddest guy and punch him in the face which i find also works if you're a passenger on delta as a prisoner here in america, you'll either be alone in solitary, which drives you out of your mind, or completely on top of everybody else. inmates in america are routinely forced to sleep on the floor and to fight for access to toilets and showers of the world's 25 most dangerous prisons. four are here in the us. attica san quentin. the super max and colorado and the state pen in new mexico, where for $45.00? yes. >> you can. toward the cell block we're in 1980, 33 inmates were killed in one of the worst prison riots in history. so bring the kids and don't forget that selfie and the gas chamber here in california, the prison had dublin made headlines because it's where they sent laurie laughlin after her college cheating scandal. but allows its closing why because the rape club that the guards had going was so impervious and ingrained, it was easier just to shutter the whole place and prison in america is a place that forces the people in. >> it, forces them to become racists. if you're black, you're with the brothers. if you're white, you have to join the arians, get heads. there's no oh, leave me out of it. >> i like everybody let's just all go get co-exist tattoos on our knuckles what kind of society is cool with all this? we call them correctional facilities, but that's like calling the nfl brain development program i'm not saying that it's not okay to lock people up. it is, of course it is. did he does it all the time but it's not okay to deliberately violate the eighth amendment's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. fake tough guys think, hey, if prisons bet enough, it will incentivize people to stay at a treble after they get out, but they're wrong. it actually does the opposite when a year of release around 40% of prisoners or rearrested within ten years. it's 82% i don't think they want back in because they missed the toilet wine if we're trying to make inmates into criminals for life, it's working because prison is like linkedin for low-lifes you can't beat the networking. it's a taxpayer funded criminal mentorship program. but here's the thing. around 95% of all inmates eventually do get out. so the question becomes who do we want returning to society? some hapless broke du goes in for selling drugs or passing a bad check, and a few years later it comes out as sexual predator with white power written on his neck. and we also to just accept that like, well, that's how prison works. you go embed and you come out worse. if you're lucky when you get out, we'll let you work the tilta world, the carnival or date britney spears it almost makes stealing catalytic converters not worth it. but it doesn't have to be this way. >> we could change. there are even places in the world that offer a model as to what that would look like. norway's recidivism rate is 20% prisoners, their du, yoga, they learn a trade, is a playground for the kids when they visit and the guards aren't maniacs who failed the police psych exam and it's a place that and a place that looks less like our prisons and more like what you'd find on an american college campus only of course, with bless antisemitism of course the, big difference is that unlike here scandinavian countries don't have private for profit prisons. that's what we have here. >> and corporations, it turns out, don't run prisons to improve society. >> they run them to make money which means putting more people in the system. the more prisoners, the more profit. this is why they lobby congress for three strikes, rules, and keeping weed illegal. they don't want them rehabilitated they want return customers. all right, that's our show. and if you enjoyed this editorial this june 21st, here's what 22nd at the end 22nd 26 and 27. >> thank you. matt welch hi i'm, now, going to. watch ver time on youtube michelin innovates on the road and far beyond by manufacturing acetic leg belt should allow for greater flexibility of movement michelin motion for life. you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because their places like to be for segal can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacteria we will infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis brynn real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard. steel tools, or as tough and dependable as the people who use them this fathers de, give him the gift that's built for dad right now save $50 on select ak system battery tool sets real still first we did the impossible then you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out and now they're the cook is back at subway compared with other choose one verb recto chu protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer. >> use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurological disorder protection that last longer. >> bravo rafat. bravo with a freestyle libre three system. >> know your glucose levels

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Trauma Industry , Trauma , Distress , Psychopathology , Disability , Rails , Patients , Drugs , Shyness , Social Anxiety Disorder , Childhood , Adolescence , Drug , Drugging , Both , Todd , Learning , Center , Sel , Regulation , Priority , Joy , Regret , Sadness , Emotions , Group Therapy , Spain , 70 , Suffering , Liberals , Conservatives , Students , American Enterprise Institute , 52 , General , Luck , Example , Anxiety , P Parents , Obsessing , Happiness , Cast Review , Gender Reassignment , Term , England , Countries , Use , Medications , Cast , Report , Evidence , Health Care , Reasons , Medicine , Jk Rowling , Integrity , Left , Medicine Elements , Bodily Integrity , Practice , Worth , Extent , Audience , Aclu , Distribution , Conformity , Covid , Whatever , Person , Taboo , Semi D , Journalism , Academia , Ten , Careers , Jesse Singal , Bill Maher , Subject , Situations , Death , Critique , Risks , Sort , Cas Report Two , Folks , Aren T , Backbone , Transition Exenatide , Tens Of Thousands American , Guardrails , Body , Culture Wars , Bodies , Cannon Fodder , Stage , Stakes Couldn T Be Higher , June 27th , Dana Bash , Jake Tapper , 27 , Thursday June 27th , Innovate On The Road , Frontiers , Max Michelin , Nine Lives , Errorless Tire , Tada Apartments Com , Renters , Payments , Leases , Landlord , Let , Life Apartments Com , He Sled , Psoriasis , Feeling , Moderate , Findings , Smile , The One And Only , Background , Prac , Finding , Better , Pill Don T , Changes , Liver , Lymphoma Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Cancers , Labs , Tiktok , Vaccine , Jacket Family , Plaque Psoriasis , Stick , Septic , Hiding , Triglycerides , Jak Inhibitors , Results , Soil , Garden , Miracle Grow , Plants , Aspirin , Energy , Protein , Sugar , Chew Max , Martha Stewart , Xfinity , Move , Scene , Internet Waiting , Services , Sleep , Honey , Text , Mesothelioma , Loved One , Firm , Book Com , Mesothelial , Meso , Closed Captioning , They Wouldn T , Court Collecting , Hugo , Tech Companies , Google , Abusers , Bits , Browser , Felony Convictions , Melania Trump , Searches , Prenup Rfk Junior , Brain Worm Poop , Nick Cannon , Sound , Baby , License Plates , Elon Musk , Googled , Justice , Richard Wright , Samuel Alito , Divorce Lawyers , Appearance , Opiates , Amount , Ben Affleck , Woman , Party , Memorabilia Kanye , Rupert Murdoch , Sdb , Hand , Secret , Secrets , On Cnn Organic Soil , Russian , Broccoli , Questions , Projects , 67 , Heart Failure , Paint , Credit Card , Style , Myeloma , 5 , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Shortness Of Breath , Heartbeat , Attr Cn , Mission , Cardiologist , Disease , Attr San Okay , Michelin Innovates , Strength , Nutrients , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrition , Michigan Acoustic Technology Du Sin , Cushioning Road , Kevin Noise , 369369 Today , 369369 , Airlines , Heavyweight , Champion , The Iron Claw , Suites , 42 , Experience , Carrier , Economy , Seats , Inequality Honey Airlines , You Neural Don T , Hair , Something Special , Inequality Airlines , Childish Moron , Jon Rozi , Kid , Speech , Prosecution , United States Congress , Tennessee , Goofy , Rowan Euro Let , Bold Woods Seven Kids , Tlc , Seven , Shouldn T , Blanks , House Well , Tribe , Internet , Theory , Starling , Role , Men , Amazon , Congratulation Oh Sure , Inclination , Modernity , Encroachment , Innocent , Tree , Beef , Marijuana Use , Alcohol , Choice , Researchers , Alcohol Use , Donors , Fight , Marijuana , Waffle , Paradox , Out Of Bounds , Prison Jokes , Jokes , Rape , Larry , Prison , Talk , Don T Bend Over , Jaume , Opportunity , Donald Trump , Jail , Come On , Bob Menendez , 12 , 2 Million , Passover , Row , Incarceration Rate , Evil Doer Conjugates , China , Plexiglass , Criminal , Walgreens , Come Up , Sodomy , Face , Baddest , Prisoner , Passenger , Delta , World , Inmates , Prisons , Showers , Toilets , Mind , Top , Access , Everybody Else , Attica San Quentin , 25 , Super Max , Cell Block , Pen , Prison Riots , New Mexico , 5 00 , 45 00 , 1980 , 33 , Headlines , Gas Chamber , Selfie , Dublin , Laurie Laughlin , Guards , College Cheating Scandal , Closing , Rape Club , Brothers , Racists , Arians , Get Heads , Knuckles , Tattoos , Go Get Co Exist , Brain Development Program , Cool , Facilities , Nfl , Guys , Treble , Eighth Amendment S Prohibition Of Cruel And Unusual Punishment , Prisoners , Release , Toilet Wine , 82 , Criminals , Linkedin , Taxpayer , Networking , Broke Du , Mentorship Program , 95 , Tilta World , Like , Check , Neck , Predator , Carnival , Prison Works , Doesn T , Catalytic Converters , Britney Spears , Guards Aren T Maniacs , Trade , Playground , Recidivism Rate , Model , Yoga , Du , Norway , 20 , Police Psych Exam , Campus , Antisemitism , Profit Prisons , Don T Run Prisons , System , Money , Congress , Profit , Corporations , Return Customers , Strikes , Rules , Keeping , Editorial , June 21st , 21 , 26 , Youtube , Chronic Kidney Disease , Manufacturing Acetic Leg Belt , Side Effects , Yeast Infections , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Ketoacidosis , Sega , Bars , Blood Sugar , Genital , Dehydration , Bacteria , Reaction , Sika , Perineum , Disinfection , Ketoacidosis Brynn , Dad , On Select Ak System Battery , 50 , Recto , Mother , Subway , Verb , Fleas , Times , Freestyle , Neurological Disorder , Caution , Dogs , Seizures , Glucose Levels , Bravo , Bravo Rafat ,

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