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message to the world from the hallowed shores of normandy. well, never saying the word trump. the president implicitly warned of the threat. he believes his election your opponent poses to us democracy as for donald trump, he's using his guilty verdict on 34 counts to rile up his base on the campaign trail as some swing state voters tells cnn don't care about what happened in that new york courtroom and i'll go one-on-one with the former house speaker, nancy pelosi. she is in france for d-day commemorations and will weigh in on the president's message overseas and all of the drama with her congressional colleagues right here in washington i'm dana bash. >> let's go behind the headlines and inside politics first up, a presidential complete from the cliffs pointe-du-hoc, where american soldiers turned the tide of world war ii, 80 years ago. today, joe biden is asking the american people to honor the legacy of those heroes gather here today just not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day, june 6, 6, 1944 so listen to the echoes of their voices, to hear them because they are summing us. >> and there's somebody that's now they ask us what will we do? they're not asking us to scale these cliffs, but they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for. they're not asking us to give a risk our lives. but there are asking us to care for others in our country more than ourselves they're not asking us to do their job they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time to defend democracy, to stand up progression abroad. and at home that's speech capped off two days of d-day commemorations in normandy. biden met with an assortment of world leaders this week, including ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, where he announced a new 225 million military aid package and apologized for the months long holdup in military assistance i want to bring in three terrific reporters here on this friday with me cnn's gloria borger, cnn's jeff zeleny and molly ball of the wall street journal hello. >> how are you? happy friday. >> gloria put this biden's speech in context. next a global context of u.s. historical context of joe biden history. well, the first thing you think of obviously at 0.2 hoc is ronald reagan and his speech about the boys 0.2 hoc. and i think what joe biden was interestingly doing today was saying a lot of the same things that ronald reagan was saying. and if you remember as a young senator, he wasn't exactly a huge fan of ronald reagan's but i think he was making the point that america remains great, that it doesn't need to be made great. again and i think that he this is the whole framework of his campaign. you know, he'll talk about the economy and inflation and all the rest of it. but this is what drives joe biden is this notion of american democracy, american exceptionalism and and he was trying to be optimistic, not pessimistic. and i think that that that came through. he said, you'll never convince me america isn't great. yeah. >> i'm glad you mentioned ronald reagan. let's play a little bit of that speech from the same spot 40 years ago we in america have learned bitter lessons from two world wars it is better to be here ready to protect the peace than to take blind shelter across the sea rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. we love the way back machine here on it's also, it's a lot easier to give a speech when it's cloudy than it is when it's bright. yeah. >> for sure. i think the most striking thing just comparing the moments is the state of ronald reagan's republican party. what i mean, president biden, as you said, no fan in the 80s for the reagan policy, but the republican party and the standard bear donald trump, has a completely different view of america's place in the world. that is also front and center in this presidential campaign. so i think overall, if you talk to biden advisers and people who are close to him, they want him to be strong. they said strength is key to reelection. but what's unclear to me if foreign policy strength is actually as helpful on the domestic stage as it once was, because the foreign policy has been so roiled in the aftermath of america's luck longest wars in afghanistan, iraq, it just is a completely different moment. so the foreign policy is not president biden's ticket to reelection, it's his love, the chairman of the foreign relations committee obviously as vice president, traveled around the world as much or more than any, but it is such a different moment at molly and i want you to weigh in and when second about how the republican party is changed but you talk about the parallels. 40 years ago, a president running for reelection. at that point when ronald reagan gave that speech 40 years ago, it had a very very big effect yes, on him domestically in his race, which he ended up winning in a landslide, is numbers mine up. now, i don't know that that'll happen for joe biden because people aren't voting on foreign policy. if you look at the polling they seem to trust donald trump more on foreign policy than joe biden. maybe that comes from the withdrawal and afghanistan, i mean, who who knows, but this is definitional for biden. it's the way he sees himself. and he'd like the public to see him this way. but i don't think that's the case. >> i mean, look, he's eight years older than reagan was at that time so i mean contemporaries. but again of a very different time, but still for the voters out there who want a sense of order a break from the chaos. i think this is the message that price president biden offers for them. >> well, and i think the problem to your point is that so many people look at the world today and see mostly chaos. and i think that's the reason that trump gets better marks for foreign policy, despite all the chaos and instability that we remember from his term as president and so much of the world, i've just been an asia where there's a similar sense of of concern about the potential for a donald trump return to the presidency and all the uncertainty that, that potentially represents. but i think the american people look at that contrast as ever since the withdrawal and afghanistan but also with the wars in ukraine and in gaza, they see a world it's on fire, on joe biden's watch and i think some of his republican critics who are not in that more trumpian isolation a school of foreign policy would argue that trump, despite rhetoric which was very different than the high-minded rhetoric we hear from joe biden but trump in his actions was able to project strength in the world in a way that they would argue that rhetoric, trump's rhetoric could not be more different from the ronald reagan, a rhetoric we just heard and that kind of approach, the world that defined the party that donald trump heads right now. and you wrote a great piece with a spotlight on this very notion. and we have the headline up their gop hawke tries to reassure a world on edge about trump. this is about one specific senator who is, as you say, a hawk republican senator dan sullivan of alaska he and mitch mcconnell you just want to quickly put up the headline of what mcconnell said in a new york times op-ed yesterday, we cannot repeat the mistakes of the 1930s. they are trying to make the case for the party to go back to the approach of ronald reagan, but they're in the minority yeah. >> well, they aren't. if you look at the final vote on that military supplemental, in the end which 32 republicans, which is more than half of the republican conference did vote for it. so speaking with mcconnell about this issue, speaking with people like senator dan sullivan about this issue, they say, look, that is a majority of republicans. we did eventually get there. but it was an uphill battle and that does tell you that this sense of isolationism that obviously trump exemplify faisal, though he never also came out against a chair that military funding never came out against the funding for ukraine was just sort of dancing around it. but again, i think there are a lot of open questions about how he would approach the world. and so this faction of the party with which biden has a lot in common, biden a lot of the things that biden wants to do, they want to do that's why there's this continuity with reagan. but there is this rising force in the party that's pushing in the other direction in that i think is why there's just so much uncertainty about what a second isn't it isn't it a great irony though the joe biden, no fan of ronald reagan's, is now portraying himself as more in touch with ronald reagan then the republican party. yep yeah, absolutely. >> and then the republican party's nominee, such a such a crystallized way to see how much the world has strained time on the part, eric and politics all right, everybody standby because while joe biden is overseas, he got another blockbuster jobs port right here at home, the economy added 272,000 jobs last month. that is far more than economists expected. the unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 4%. now wage growth was also strong up by more than 4% from a year ago. and that means wages our growing faster than inflation. i'm guessing that's going to come to a campaign ad near you when you think coming up, i'm going to have a conversation with former house speaker nancy pelosi, who's going to join us live from france and after weeks off the campaign trail, donald trump goes on the road to ignite his base the impeachments are fake the court cases are a disgrace to our country everything is fake. >> so they come up with is order i won't say it because i don't like using the word hey mom, how many should i decorate it has ran have blue that's a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data, you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff start your day with nature me. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin 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revenge and we heard donald trump talk about that really within moments of taking the stage in arizona yesterday, he called the verdict rigged, and he also claimed that if he did not went on appeal in this case, that there would quote no country anymore. and so he really escalated some of that retribution rhetoric that we've heard from him and his allies over the past week now, but donald trump also surprisingly stayed somewhat on message and my conversations with the trump campaign, they've told me that they really want to leave his trial in the past and shift back to his general election campaign. and that means focusing on the issues that they think will help get him elected in november. and one of the most crucial issues is immigration. it's something that they think is one of joe biden's biggest vulnerabilities. and really the biden campaign and the biden administration, i should say delivered somewhat of a blow to donald trump this week on that issue with this executive order attempting to crack down on illegal immigration. we heard donald trump bash that order during his speech yesterday. take a listen you people know better than just about anybody about the southern border because they are pouring through your state at levels. nobody's ever seen before. >> two days ago, joe biden signed an executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border or invasion in the history of the world. >> so this has been the largest invasion in history. we've never, we are being invaded so if you hear things here, dana and i want to be very clear, the biden executive order actually does the opposite of what donald trump was saying in that speech. >> it attempts to shut off access to asylum for immigrants who cross the southern border illegally. and also remember that this is one of this is an order that donald trump actually attempted to do himself while in office, but got blocked by the courts. but i think the key thing here to remember what this messaging is, that this is an issue that donald trump wants to be the key voice on. he wants immigration to be the issue that he owns. >> and so he's doing as much as he can try and to attack this order during his speeches yesterday and also later this weekend in las vegas. >> yeah. >> very important points there. >> lana. thank you so much for that reporting. my colleagues and friends are here with me still, geoff, you were in wisconsin this week? >> maybe. >> all of the swing states are important, but i would say right now, wisconsin seems to be like the most important when it comes to what's going to happen i want to play for our viewers your conversation with tony decayed duker. duker, you know, i look to you because i am i he's a trump supporter a blob of the bird's eye back conviction last week helps present on trump file. i think it's going to make president trump more popular. it's going to give him james have more popularity. i think he's going to do great this time round the next five months. i'm hoping that keeps that type of rhetoric to a minimum i'm hoping you focuses on the policies of the past and what president biden's done, and what his view, his vision of the future well-being let's see pretty much indicative of the other voters you talked to their about not really caring very much about what happened in new york. >> sharma, he thinks it's a sham. he's glad that it's over and thinks it's indicative that trump raised a lot of money over it. but he said he hopes he doesn't dwell on it. and that is sort of a central question here. in one respect, it's like good luck with that. i mean, because that's what donald trump does. but in tune into the dr. phil interview? exactly. yeah. but in another respect, he speaks to the kind of republican that i think is so interesting. >> he wanted desantis to win the primary, not because he didn't like donald trump, but he was ready to move on. and he lives in a suburb in zaki county wisconsin, the town of cedar berg, the joe biden won by 19 votes, the first democratic carried in a quarter century. so those are the places in america that we'll have our ion on on november 5 and he believes that if trump talks about policies it will help him in the suburbs not dwell on the conviction will see, well, i think this is so relevant to the conversation we were having previously about foreign policy, right? because a lot of what joe biden has tried to do with his soaring rhetoric about marci is also connect that to the domestic debate. the importance of democracy at home, the attack on democracy that he would argue that donald trump represents in the way he's attack the rule of law and institutions like the court in the wake of, for example, the criminal verdict. but that's only one of many, right instances where trump has done this. so i think we see that the biden campaign doing this more and more, trying to connect the democracy argument between foreign policy and domestic policy because he knows that trump is going to continue to marinate in these grievances. he's not going to suddenly turn this election into a seminar on tax policy for final word on this. well, all these all these voters who are we're saying, you know, i wish he would just stick to the topics i like him. i wish you would stick to the topics of the rhetoric. well, that's just never going to happen. it's never going to happen. it's going to be about retribution is going to be about revenge. it's going to be about the rig trial and he talks about immigration. but his campaign wants him to talk about other things. and that's not who donald trump is. and your debate, dana, it'll be interesting to see whether he turns every conversation back to the rig, the rig trial, the rigged election, his grievances, retribution, et cetera, et cetera. >> thank you, guys. all vio for great reporting. you can see more objects. traffic reporting from wisconsin on coming up next, nancy pelosi is in france for the d-day commemorations, and she's going to be we're live after a short break to weigh in on president biden speech and much more sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary. if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet the back of the hand secrets a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn. >> work play link relief. >> work, play. blake, really, the only three in one extended release formula for dry eyes thank steel tools or as tough and dependable as the people who use them. his father's de, give him the gift that's built for dad right now, save $20 on the ms1 62 gas-powered chainsaw real still why choose asleep numbers, smart bad. >> i need help whether snoring sleep number does that thank you. >> now say 40% of the speed numbers specializations martha-ann plus for you bolivia, when you add an adjustable base shop now and sleep okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins harold 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they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy my colleagues are back with me now. it was really noteworthy how he had that play on, make america great again effectively saying america's already great. we've heard versions of that before from not just a joe biden, but from other democrats but the context and the location of where he did that was very telling. >> absolutely. i mean, as we were talking about before, it's so ironic to see all the indications of reagan make america great again, was literally a reagan slogan as well. one that trump has adopted. this kind of nostalgia is nothing new even in republican politics, but but you know, we've seen biden do relatively better with older voters and it may be in part because he does represent this sort of nostalgic return to a re-ignite worldview. whereas the younger voters, this might not do anything for immuno. >> and i just want to incorporate this conversation into one of the things that i mentioned, which is these really good job numbers today. and it's not just job numbers, it's wages and how it relates to the rate of inflation. and it's oh, it has been for the past many, many months and will continue to be the question of which issue democracy the fear of trump or the rose-colored glasses is democrats call it about the trump presidency or just the plain dollars and cents that sometimes people vote most on the jobs numbers are good, but the question is, are people still feeling it? it also still high. but what i was struck by in the speech really calling the country to a greater moment. he said, were the keeper of the mission. so i do think you make such a good point about older voters, baby boomers now are seniors, and that is a the biden campaign believes that they can win older voters and the older demographic for the first time for a democratic candidate. so that is something that i think he absolutely is talking about about the normalcy of all. >> i also must say i heard the echoes of john mccain in this speech when he talked about a cause creating greater than yourself, which we heard during the cane campaign over and over and over again. and biden said it quite a few times. and, you know, that was that was a rub at donald trump who you know all about himself but i also it just did remind me of the mccain campaign a little bit. and of course, mccain's foreign policy would be in line, i think with with joe biden's right now, and cindy mccain, of course, spoke at the democratic candidate. that's right four years ago talking about the unlikely alliance between mccain and biden, their worldview was similar. but that is one sort of stark moment. this isn't a foreign policy election per say but the differences are so stark, okay, we're going to take a break and on the other side we will talk to the former house speaker, nancy pelosi, who is in france. don't go anywhere the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable, 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biden had on the importance of america's role in standing up for democracy. now, as it was 80 years ago well, first i wanted to say how exhilarating it is to be here. are purpose and coming. >> to the d-day, celebrate observance as we have done for a number of years, is to thank our men, women, and you are our veterans. and each year the number the smaller the ages, older, the enthusiasm is evermore increased to see them to hear about there. they don't talk about their bravery. they just said we we did our job. we generate job. so let me just let me just say the purpose of coming of course, is to observe but to thank first and foremost, it is the most exhilarating experience to hear from these veterans. what it was like from them, whether practically teenagers, some of them. now, maybe 100-years-old, some of them. and or more one from baltimore, hundred and 4-years-old, mr. mountain a cough. he's from baltimore, maryland anyway, i've seen him along the way. in any case in that in that atmosphere, the president's speech was almost prayerful. it was so beautiful in terms of the sacrifice that they made at the time the purpose of it all for democracy and freedom and the inspiration they are to us, to protect it as we go forward. he referenced the speech today, referenced, of course, the reagan speech, which is exactly halfway. it's the 80th anniversary. that was a 40th anniversary. and it was a speech and isolationism for our country brilliant speech. and the president referenced that with our own call for understanding our role in the war world. and as president reagan said at the time, it's better to prevent war than. to have to deal with the consequences of it afterward or words to that effect. so we're very proud of hasn't speech. both states speeches both days yesterday at the ceremony then in the evening at the international ceremony when he was magnificently received being brought in by president macron and then the speech, the speech today, it was about values, about patriotism, as about what america is all about and has been about but it's mostly about the veterans and the sacrifice they made for love of country. it wasn't even any question i took pride in telling them 19 1970, when i let adenylation their 19 me excuse not 197. the 70th anniversary. the 75th anniversary. and on this end, first three that my uncle johnny dell was sandro died on the way to a battle. the bulge he's buried in france. and they said to me, they said, oh yeah, we went there next. so they not only did they stormed the beaches it's just the beginning kept fighting for six more months. >> yeah. yeah. >> to the battle of the bulge, which was a turning point. >> absolutely. and what you have described and what we saw from president biden on this trip clearly intentionally, not just sending a message to the world that is first and foremost, his goal but also back here in the us, cautioning about the fragility of democracy and it was quite a contrast from what we heard from the former president, his rival, to take the white house again, donald trump, i want you to listen to what he said yesterday. >> lord revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge to success for revenge this time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified for i have to be honest. sometimes they can what's your response well, i don't respond. >> i mean, let me just say this we came here and we thanked the french were their health and our own revolution. and that was part of our conversation with the chamber of deputies today, the president of the chamber of deputies the speaker of the house of woman with the members of the chamber, with all along the way, we've been thanking the french. we have in the chamber a picture of george washington, and a picture of lafayette, and the chamber of the house of representatives. so we've talked about that democracy. we talked about what happened 80 years ago on the beaches of normandy. when our troops went there too for freedom. freedom at the beginning of our country and they're helped to us, our help to them and to the world for democracy, to fight hitler. and 80 years ago and then we had with us the linskey, the response that he received was so overwhelming. i don't know if you saw it there, but in these theater theater stadium that we were in was just overwhelming people from all over the world, but mostly all over the country or the countries that had fought against naziism and fascism. just giving them an uproarious, uproarious applause. and see him hugging. are veterans and there hugging him back calling him a hero. was just so beautiful. so why don't we be inspired by what is good out there and not have this really, quite frankly, there's so many good things to be happy about. and at the time that we're celebrating observing the 80th anniversary of dwight david eisenhower, the supreme allied commander would then become president of the united states masterminding this victory over, over nazism. it's so so to hear that kind of thing is save it for another day or if i ever but i don't i don't want to respond to that. i'm not too much of a high from the veterans to spend any time listening to him i want to ask you about another democracy, the one in the middle east, israel, of course and the fact that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now set to address congress on july 24th. >> one of your close colleagues congressman steny hoyer said, quote, there will be a lot of disruption and it will not be helpful for israel or its supporters if you were so, speaker, would you have invited him no, absolutely not absolutely not. i think that i think this is wrong frankly, i didn't approve of his being invited the last time but the speaker just on his own invited him without consulting with the rest of the leadership. and he came and he criticize president obama for the masterful work that he had done with the nuclear agreement regarding iran, it has stopped them from jbeil thing a nuclear weapon. and i thought it was completely inappropriate i am i feel it's very sad that he has been invited, but who knows by then? well, he's still be prime minister what is benny gantz going to be saying tomorrow? what, what's happening? everything i read is that they're unhappy about this. they're unhappy about that. not just benny, but other members of his cabinet. i wish that he would be a statesman and do what is right for as we, we all love israel, we fought for as of october 7 was terrible. hamas is a terrorist organization. their dedicated to the destruction of israel, the hostages are not free. the people of gaza are suffering. we need to help them and not have him stand in the way of that for such a long time. he'd been netanyahu so i think it's, it's just i think it's going to invite more of what we have seen in terms of discontent among our own about what's happening there. let's try to have a two-state solution to make it to make it make peace in the region rather than coming to the capital to draw protesters so just real quick, the near your colleague in the senate, chuck schumer, effectively said he is agreeing to this because this is about more than just one man and it's about the support of, by the united states of israel were almost at a time, but do you think that that is fair or do you think that just the entire notion of him coming is wrong-headed? well, i i don't think it's a wise decision, but i respect other people to have their own view of it. >> got a chuck is a strong supporter of israel, as am mi because i don't support netanyahu, doesn't mean we don't support israel, but i'm not making a judgment about anybody's invitation. >> got anybody? he's a attendance. it's completely up to them. and again, took has no better friend in the congress of the united states and israel has no better friend than chuck schumer. so i respect his view. i don't necessarily share it former house speaker, nancy pelosi. thank you so much for being here all the way from paris. appreciate you coming and sharing what it was like to be there to commemorate this important milestone in history thank you, my pleasure. thank you. so we did not plan these outfits. you can't see us, but just for the record, we did not up next more than 100 hostages remain captive in gaza. we speak to one family american citizens praying every day for the safe return of their son this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow though voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn zehr take house you relief works fast. it lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can be the deliverer of dance okay. >> dave let let's be more than our allergies. sees the de with zyrtec. karni is awda. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i got saddam harnik got to me but with more flavored gotten me carnage icing it like this, juicy cabinet. >> hernia saada, harnik, and useful tools. >> 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nova music festival in late april, hamas released a proof of life video of hersh. cnn will only show an image of that hamas video. but as you can see hersch. he has a mutilated arm. his parents, john polin and rachel goldberg. polin join me now, live from israel. thank you so much for being here we all see the number on your shirts. you wear every day. the number of days that your son has been held captive today is 245 which is really remarkable and it's impossible for anyone who's a parent or anyone who you know just has a sense of right and wrong to imagine what you're going through you have been dealing with that, but you've also been dealing with the ups and downs of the negotiations. i wanted to start there. egypt does say that they're receiving encouraging signs from hamas are you hopeful we are always hopeful. >> we every morning say to each other, hope is mandatory. it's not an option. it's not a suggestion. it's not advice. it's absolutely mandatory and yet, we have been on this ride before with all of the hostage families, so we are optimistic and praying, but we also know that this is a very complicated, complex tangled situation and you we're frightened. we don't want to count our. hostages until their home and were hugging them yeah. >> i mean, that's completely understandable. there's so many players in the negotiations i mentioned. there's the u.s. there's qatar, there's egypt, but really any deal comes down to two people at this point. the hamas leader, yahya sinwar and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu what is your message to netanyahu, right now? >> or message to prime minister netanyahu is the hostages must come home. that should have happened 245 days ago. it's got to happen today. there can be no politics, not domestically, not internationally across any of the mediators. this is a human issue. people are suffering hostages. the hostage families israelis innocence in gaza, and it's time to end the suffering and put politics aside, get a deal done. there's something close. we applaud president biden and the entire administration for pushing something aggressively last week hopefully, that gets over the finish line and the coming few days and we do get to hug our hostages, as rachel said, john, you mentioned the u.s. administration, the national security adviser, jake sullivan, i know, met with a number of hostage families and you were among them do you feel confident that the biden administration is doing everything in its power to bring hersh home so as we always say, until the hostages, our home the answer is people are not doing enough. that includes the us, includes israel, qatar, egypt, hamas, the hostage families. we need results. that being said, we have tremendous gratitude for the fortitude of united states to can you push for 245 days specifically, you mentioned the meeting with jake sullivan. i want to give them a little shout out here. we don't have the results we want yet. but he has been available. he has been sharing information with us. he always does it with grace and dignity and we just hope that we can keep doing that and get this thing as we said over the finish line and all of us get our loved ones home, the living to be real rehabilitated. and those who we know unfortunately are no longer alive to give them and their families the burial and the closure that everybody needs on this. >> rachel, what should the world know about your son hersh? >> well parishes, laid back, happy go lucky. curious citizen of the world. he's obsessed with learning about other people. he loves geography, he loves music and music festivals he's obsessed with soccer. he has been very active in the coexistence peace movement and locally in israel, working with youth, bringing them together through the lens of soccer arab israelis and jewish israelis to sort of demystify the other he is just a regular 23-year-old, lovely young man, as and i'm not just saying it because i'm his mother and you'll meet him you'll say, oh wow, what he legit is a really lovely young them i have no doubt and i certainly do hope that i get to meet him someday and i have confidence that i will as well, thanks to both of you, your strength is absolutely boundless and its stunning appreciate it thank you for telling the story. thank you. >> thanks. >> thank you for joining inside politics. join me on state of the union this sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern, among my guest is michigan governor gretchen witmer, south dakota governor kristi noem. cnn news central starts after the break merrick, his joy please. >> 2024 he's brought to you by adt when every second counts, cow on adt now, at t professionally installed google nest products you're all set. so your home is safe and smarter. >> we're going to miss this. system. should go the. >> most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt it was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover 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