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florida, more severe weather on the way and, truly the end of an era, pat's ajax final spin on wheel of fortune comes later today all right. >> some say am here in washington alive. look at the white house on this friday, testified before, not at home today, who is in france? good morning, everyone. in kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us when president biden addresses the world from the shores of normandy later this morning, he'll be standing we're ronald reagan stood an echoing what ronald reagan called for a comparison, the white house is embracing the president's mission today, focus american minds on the urgency of protecting democracy and freedom around the world. he offered a preview of this in his remarks from yesterday the fact that they were heroes here that day does not absolve us from what we have to do today democracy has never guaranteed every generation must preserve it, defended, and fight for it the cliffs that biden will stand on today were captured from the germans on d-day by us army rangers, men immortalized by reagan in his address from that spot in 1984 behind me as a memorial that symbolizes the range of daggers that were thrusted at the top of these cliffs. >> and before me the man who put them there these are the boys of quinta. whoa the boys appointed to hook. he says, a senior administration official telling cnn, quote, there's no way there's not going to be comparisons to reagan's speech 40 years ago we in america have learned bitter lessons from two world wars it is better to be here ready to protect the peace than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. we've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments within expansionist intent all right, our panel is here. let's bring and cnn political director david chaldean, republican strategist sarah longwell here and former white house in your policy adviser ashley allison. good morning to all of you laying this out this way really underscores to me just how much sarah, the republican party has changed since that time, since it was ronald reagan and now joe biden sounds almost exactly like him as a democrat in this moment. i think i've spent some time over the last 24, 36 hours watching these men who were there on d-day kind of reflecting on what a turning point moment this feels like for the country yeah, you know man, watching clips of ronald reagan, right? >> i was like a reagan baby. i was born in 1980 he had a tremendous impact me as i moved into sort of more conservative politics and he was an inspiration and watching him today and thinking about how little the republican party today looks like. the republican party that i was interested in becoming part of 20 years ago. >> it just, it's always a little bit of a gut punch still. >> and i then, then this upside down world where joe biden, he wants to reflect ronald reagan like this is on purpose. he is not accidentally sounding like a republican. >> he is purposefully trying to echo ronald reagan and bring the idea that america's role in the world is extremely important, which is an idea yes, i was raised on at which the republican party no longer believes, which is kind of amazing when you think about joe biden's history. >> you know, launching his first presidential run in 1987 as a total opponent to ronald reagan. and all things, butler reagan did for that was the joe biden then. and you are right, it is it is clearly intentional i think the white house, when they say that the comparisons are inevitable, they want those to be the comparisons on the substance, not necessarily on the oratory or the performance because those comparisons may not perform as well provided. obviously, reagan was in a sort of unique tier of a messenger. and those that peggy noonan speed we can only started at the white house a couple of months before then, but but i do think biden wants to associate himself clearly with reagan's vision of america's role in the world, because it is such, not only is it like a reach across the aisle, but it is such incomplete contrast to donald trump, who the white house, i believe let's previewed for us, is not expected to be mentioned. of course, in the president's remarks today. but who will be hanging over the contrast on display? >> yeah. and speaking of the contrast, i want to remind everyone what we heard from former president trump in the wake of the verdict that came down, the language that he used to describe the united states of america because it stands in very sharp contrast to all of the imagery that we have been seeing come out of france as this 80th anniversary of d-day has been marked. let's watch president trump talking about america as a fascist state. watch we're living in a fascist state. dog comes out of the white house crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country and then there also was this from donald trump last night, his first campaign events since that verdict came down, watch and i'm telling you we are in more danger from the enemy from within with these lunar texas fascist, these communists. >> and we're going to stop that also ashley allison, this is not actually new language, at least not about the people from donald trump. >> the idea that america itself is fascist is a little bit a further step here. but i just think it's important to focus in on what these words actually mean in historic context and point out what former president trump is doing here. >> yeah, one of the things that donald trump and this current republican party has done is they appropriate language and then they re-engineer the definition of words. and so for donald trump to say that this current administration is fascist or you didn't say dictator, but to imply that there's a deep state, it is it's kinda controlling and taking on people like him because he's deliberate or is contradictory to every factual point that we've seen right now. let me stop you actually, because there was also a fundraising email, unfortunately, i'm not i don't think i can put it up on the screen, but this went out yesterday as we recovering biden's speech and the meetings with these d-day veterans. >> it's does the headline is biden's soviet tactics don't scare me. and then it's about restoring power where it belongs to you, the people, and ending the tyrannical biden regimes, reign of terror, right so let's just review some of the language donald trump has also said that he would be the dictator on day one of his presidency. >> that he is the one who deployed a mob of folks to try and overturn an election in overturn our democracy on january 6. these are the actions that donald trump has done not too far in the past and the irony is that joe biden and standing on the shores moralizing d-day and saying, that's what we actually fought again hence that is what sunday when you were talking to her about ronald reagan and being a republican, i was like, i think it's actually just joe biden and ronald reagan being americans that believe in our constitution and believed that at some point it's not about the difference of policy. you a democrat would be saying this about ronald? >> i know. i know. right, right. four the final thing, i'll just say is yesterday, i was watching those clips two and i was thinking probably that in every generation we're seeing people who have lost folks because they are they are of an age where they are passing away. and every generation has to make a choice who will be in the toughest moments. and i think this election is a choice point for us right now when we become 80 or 90-years-old god willing that where the age of some of these soldiers standing on the shores today, will we be able to actually say we did set up against tyranny? we did stand up against fascism. and i think that means not enabling a second trump term, not saying not enabling republicans to win, but not only we, donald trump to win this election because that because actually what he stands for yeah, mitch mcconnell wrote in an opinion piece yesterday in the new york times and honestly, david sounded a lot like joe biden. >> he says, we forget how influential isolation is persuaded millions of americans that the fate of allies and partners, marital gluteal to our own security and prosperity. we glossed over the powerful political force does the downplayed, the growing danger resisted providing assistance to allies and tried to limit america's ability to defend its natural interests. of course, americans had much less from our disgraced isolationists after the attack of pearl harbor. >> yeah, and i think what you'll hear from biden today is this real push against this isolation is strength, not just here in the us, but globally as well obviously, mcconnell aligned himself with that. but also supports the candidacy of donald trump, who has these isolation as tendencies pulling back from nato and the like, which is totally antithetical to what mcconnell's states is his vision of america because while i'm laura yeah, for sure. >> all right. >> we've got to pause here. millions of americans coping with dangerous storms and record-breaking heat will have your rough weekend forecast ahead plus two capitol police officers who put their lives on the line on january 6, booed by republican lawmakers in pennsylvania plus the boston celtics, drawing first blood and the nba finals cnn's this morning, ron, to you by for sandra, for more information, visit for sandra missing out on, the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with for sandra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every eight weeks for sandra is not present in breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions, allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking dr. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens, headache and 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testifying to the january 6 committee about their harrowing experiences on that day. you can see gonell here in his riot gear while the capital was being overrun by rioters they both visited the pennsylvania state house this week where their introduction caused some republican state representatives to walk out in protest they are traveling the nation and sharing their stories to raise awareness to the threats of democracy in our nation. >> sgt. go gonadal, and officer done, please stand. welcome to the floor of the house right. >> you heard some cheering now, that was apparently from democrats who were cheering them. david chaldean, it's, it's just sort of stunning to me that this is where we are, that these guys you know, i've repeated i mean, i was in the building. i was in the complex that de these people protected me and everyone else who was in the building that day. and it's really hard to see them booed yeah. obviously, what they did that day deserves nothing but the respect of all americans. there is this inherent political piece of this, which is why you end up getting a reaction like, i mean, how are you done himself was just running as a democratic candidate for congress lost the primary the went outside donald trump's trial, which got so politicized and so what happens is once you sort of enter the realm of the political arena, all of this, it's like and i don't blame them. they have a mission that they're on and they want to defend democracy and promote that mission. but once you enter the arena, you invite this kind of reaction, which is totally out of pounds because of what they're there to talk about their experience on january 6 and how they did try to defend democracy that day that she seems like you should be able to separate that from just pure partisan politics. but, but this issue of defending democracy, i mean, look at all the polling around in situ. you'd like evenly splits the country. it's like high priority issue for voters republicans and democrats see it from two totally different vantage points. and so you end up taking these heroes of that day and now they're sort of mired in the mud of our toxic politics. >> i just think it's important to underscore that it's donald trump that dragged them there yeah. >> they weren't just defining democracy they were defending the legislators who are at the capitol that day who had a mob sect on them. >> and this is where republicans have completely lost the plot, mean it is like the alitos flag at their house. it is completely upside down in terms of what, what the republican party has decided that it is going to side with the insurrectionists actively and you're going to see a lot of signs in here, a lot rhetoric about backing the blue. and that is going to exclude people who backed the blue against insurrections and instead they're going to sing a national anthem. to defend the people who attacked the capitol that day. it's not just politics, like, and this goes back to the conversation we're having about ronald reagan and joe biden right now, these people this maga, republicans, that movement, they don't like america, donald trump doesn't like america. one of the characteristics of the republican party that i was attracted to is that it thought america was a good place. we did things right here. we would never do something like storm our own capital. that's third world banana republic stuff. and it's not what happens in the united states of america. and the maga movement and donald trump has decided to lie ionize these people to the point where legislation its leaders, it is in a state house, think that it is okay to boo the people who defended us actively when they show up yeah, it's your point about america. i mean, it's built into the message of the trump campaign, right? that america is not great right? fundamentally. and it's gotten darker with this, with this third, i guess, presidential run hasn't biden on the record about the possibility of pardoning his son, hunter. we'll have that next i am really interested to know more about this story. a texas toddler who almost became lunch for a hungry giraffe oh, my goodness birth with liev schreiber. >> and good night on cnn at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real old-school grid, new world ideas. >> morgan stanley, it's the stackable saving sale at cabinets to go gjolmunne today for cabinets countertops, flooring installation, and more than stored in join your dream kitchen for it's literally just 139 for a month wait the stackable saving sale in sun cabinets to go. >> wow, for less this is the story of the one, the one who believes being prepared is not just a way of life it's how we helps everyone stay safe he sweats the small stuff before it becomes big stuff. >> for the one being an unsung hero 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montreal police in riot gear deploying tear gas to disperse pro-palestinian protesters at mcgill university demonstrators lock themselves inside a campus building, calling for an end to the war in gaza. wow, spacex's mega rocket starship blasting off successfully in its fourth attempt from texas on thursday. flight forced booster and rocket, both splashdown and he controlled re-entry about an hour later and row the boston celtics cruising to a dominant 10789 victory over the dallas mavericks in game one of the nba finals jaylen brown leading the way for the celtics with 22 points game too. >> scheduled for sunday night in boston. >> then there's this oh, my god, a two-year-old texas girl lifted straight out of her family's trot while feeding a hungry giraffe at a drive-thru sorry. >> that's a thing. >> the giraffe quickly dropped the child back into the arms of her mom early. >> everyone is okay. the fossil room wildlife center says it will no longer allow desks to. ride through the park in truck beds, weights. we have the wide shot of this because the wide shot is like totally crazy okay. >> maybe we'll find it in a minute it anytime time for whether oppressive heat over california and nevada expanding north and east. >> this morning after shattering records across several states or meteorologist allison chinchar char joins us now alice and good morning good morning. >> yes. and even though it's expanding, it's also not really going away for a lot of the places that have been dealing with the heat this week here you can see where that heat dome has really kind of set up and it's still really focused over much of the southwest that's where you still have a lot of these excessive heat alerts that includes las vegas, phoenix, tucson, even around the albuquerque area, looking at those heat advisories and excessive heat warnings. now we will get a little bit of a reprieve as we go into the weekend, meaning the temperatures will come back down, but there's still going to be above average. take for example, palm springs 107 today down to 10 to sunday. so coming back down, but they're averages 101 phoenix las vegas, look at that. 109 on friday down to 104 on sunday, but normally, they'd still be about 97. so here's the thing. we will see those temperatures coming back down, still going to be above average, but it's also only going to be a temporary reprieve look at phoenix, for example, going from 110 down to 105, but then right back up to the 110111 is we get get into the rest of the week that average, again, keep in mind only about one au to las vegas and i'm pretty much the same thing seeing triple digit temperatures for every single one of the next seven days, even though their average is only 97 yeah it's all right allison chinchar for us. alison. thanks very much. have a great weekend. coming up next. here are the nba commissioner are weighing in on the lot. so warm. welcome. caitlin clark's been receiving in the wnba plus what does comedian jimmy fallon, sake of trump's criteria for running mate they're vetting a shortlist of candidates. yeah, you've got to appreciate the irony of a convicted felon running a background check my question is, what could they possibly dig up that would be a red flag for trump's this person only committed arson, not a deal breaker the athletes and awr pushing the limit of what is capable ready to show the world how good i am. i trained all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see ian aw, whole, whole different b, c w wednesday night dynamite. >> it aid on tv. it's kubota, orange days shot the years biggest election of komodo equipment, hey, get 0% apr our for at four months, or up to $3,300 off select gop directors find your nearest dealer at your botha orange rising costs, selective coverage for countless americans the complex specialty care they need is always felt just out of reach at ever north. >> we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best 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vetting materials to several prospective candidates in recent days, among them, north dakota governor doug burgum, also, senator jd vance of ohio, and marco rubio of florida. cnn reports advance and burgum are accompanying trump on his west coast swing this week so i mean david chaldean, where are we on the vip stakes? speculation. >> who's up, who's down? >> what do you think? i mean, we are definitely in a new phase. there's no doubt about that this request for materials this is amping up and we're in the window where that would make sense. i do love, if indeed trump does reveal the pick at the convention because for decades it's always been like are the conventions have any news anyway, they're just messaging vehicles that would be an actual news event at at a republican national convention. and that would be great to cover for us, but be a little trumpian, right? >> like to go ahead and do that real dramatic reveal yes exactly. >> but nonetheless, it is interesting. donald trump is kinda revealed for us in an interview last month, where he said that he really thinks people vote for the top of the ticket and the bpd is not really a major factor. >> i tend to agree with that analysis. >> i think he's probably right about that, but nonetheless, these are the two oldest men seeking the president so looking at who they're number two is a heartbeat away from the presidency is something that i think in this environment. >> it may not be a thing people vote on, but i do think it's like information that voters are going to take in as part of their overall calculus so let's just refresh. i mean, because this is sir, we can talk about those too, but donald trump is obviously choosing among a group of people who, while they have all turned around and become very interested, apparently, and taking on this kind of a role with him didn't actually start out that way. let's just play that tape would you ever do business with donald trump i don't think so why i would i just think that it's important that you're judged by the company you keep. there's a movement to sort of gloat over the fact that the elites were right about donald trump, wright, i'm an never trump guy. >> i never liked him. >> you all have friends, you all have friends that are thinking get about voting for donald trump. friends do not let friends vote for con artists i mean, sarah well, yeah look, it's brutal, but this is, this is the worldwide have watched most republicans. >> i don't know what jd vance, thanks. never trump means actually, because it means never. but they all bent the knee. and now there's nothing donald trump levs more than taking these people who wants opposed to him and making them bowed down and bag for a job. i will say that's interesting. i really thought trump was going to pick a woman ultimately, but we have seen multiple of the women who would have been taught i contenders kind of self emulate on the tarmac, like kristi noem had the unfortunate incident with the dog and katie britt had her unfortunate very strange response after the state of the union. and so they're no longer on their at least to phonics. the only woman sort of still on the mix. donald trump does like the theatrical though of some of these things. i always kind of thought he would try to pick somebody who was newsy, but the more i watched this, the more i think marco rubio makes sense for him, in part because you've got to humiliate them just a little bit by making him change, move out of florida so he could do it, but also it does bring normally republicans onside in a way that donald trump is mostly done anyway. but for people who are, it's the equivalent of taking nikki haley without taking somebody who actively ran against him, harb in the primary. >> but do you think to the normal republican that's your term, not mine do you think though, if he whoever he picks their scripts, is going to have to change and fall in line with donald trump's script, which then doesn't make them onside with the normal republicans or does he just kind of let them be so my new in the coverage of his campaign, i just it's also the interesting like ark of the never-trumper is like most people started like, okay, i'll vote for trump and then slowly progress to never-trumper as these people reverse engineered it, and to jd vance thank started at a never-trumper and the work the things he continued to do that was worse and worse he was like, oh, yeah. >> okay. i'm good with that yeah. >> but you have to understand something about the republican psychology here, which is that many of them are not marco rubio codes normally does is it doesn't matter what he says. he's a pre-trump politician. that for a lot of voters who are really uncomfortable where the republican party has gone under trump is kinda like, okay, that makes me feel better even when what he says now is very much in line with trump all right, i want to turn out of this because there is a critical group of voters. this election cycle that we're constantly talking about, and they're the so-called double-haters. they say they won't vote for donald trump, but they're also not committed to voting for joe biden and sarah longwell spoke to nine of these double-haters this is what she writes about, many of them they had familiar stories. they supported trump in the past as the lesser evil. they couldn't stomach hillary clinton in 2016, they were lifelong republican who couldn't imagine voting for a democrat. some of them remember watching the apprentice and admiring trump for his perceived business savvy. but the events of january 6 and general fatigue with trump's antics have made these voters not very likely or not at all likely to vote for him. again, in 2024 at sarah, bring us inside the room here. what did you hear from these people? >> we talk to these voters the day after trump's conviction, and we'd specifically screened for people who had voted for trump twice. but really didn't want to vote for him again because i view this as our persuadable group of voters. the problem is, is that they're out on trump. there, just like i can't vote for this guy again, he's two toxic. you know, he's, he's whiny. >> but then they're like but also i can't vote for joe biden. >> the reason we talk about the double-haters is that these are people who it is. it's different, right? because we have two functional incumbents the persuadable set are people who don't want to vote for either person. and right now, it's tough to actually get a good look at them in the polling because for a lot of them, they're like math third party, they're like third party curious. but then if you ask them anything about rfk or owe them something about them, they're like, oh, you know, like it's maybe i don't like that. >> and so they're just and they're not that tuned in either. they just know that they don't like them and so they're not paying that much attention because they know both these guys in there like, but when push came to shove in that group five of them went for biden which was really interesting to me in the wake of the conviction, in the wake of that conviction, and they did say that the conviction mattered to them, although for a lot of them, they also like january 6, was a red line for a certain kind of voter who isn't going back to trump. >> and it just is yeah. david as we're kind of having this conversation, i do want to bring in there's some new swing-state pulling out from flux news this morning. and sarah is suggesting there might be a lot of voters out there who after january 6 just can't do it. there are some striking numbers in virginia which biden won. i believe, by ten points. >> yeah. yeah and now it shows it 48, 48 obviously registered voters, margin of error of 3% there. what, what is this yeah, i it is not the only poll that has showed virginia within the margin of error, but it is the most recent and reputable one that we have. >> that's an astonishing number of seeing that is going to sentence some chills in wilmington down the spine of the folks working there. because if you look at where the biden campaign right now is targeting and advertising, virginia is not currently on the list. if there's another poll, if this is not a one-off and we see this repeated trust me, they're going to start out driving virginia to when you're adding states that you think are already sort of in your corner. the road two to 70 is getting a lot more complicated for you, right now. the thinking in the biden world is that the easiest path to 270 is repeat the blue wall, pennsylvania and michigan, wisconsin. that's hang on to that omaha area. single electoral vote, nebraska. and you're there. i mean, that doesn't, you can lose nevada, arizona, georgia, to donald trump if you win a state like virginia, if that gets into the real toss-up category, your math to, to 70 becomes a lot more. >> we're talking about virginia on election night. i mean, the map is the map has changed shall we say? all right, come on up here. more financial trouble for right-wing conspiracy theorist alex jones. and with a six-week abortion some ban now in effect in florida, we're live with a democratic senate hopeful who believes reproductive freedom could be her winning issue this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn if you have this consider adding this an arp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare medicare supplement plans helped by paying some of what medicare does and let you see any doctor, any specialist anywhere in the u.s. >> who accepts medicare patients? so if you have this consider adding this calling united healthcare today, for your free decision guy this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts and minutes ai, ai like who wants to come see the future, get your business 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how does it feel as you are out there campaigning? >> every day casey, i have been traveling to st. >> now for a few months and i can tell you that this is a top issue for republicans, democrats, independents, it's an issue that really unifies floridians over 60% of floridians reject such an extreme ban on abortion. a six-week ban when most women don't know that they're pregnant, rick scott has doubled down saying that he would vote against this abortion amendment. he has said that he would support any anti-abortion bill that comes in front of him and just an example, i was having a conversation with a 72-year-old man and i asked him what his top issue was and he said abortion. i was surprised to hear that, but he said that he had lost his aunt before roe v. wade had been enacted, and it had completely destroyed his family. he now has two daughters and he said, you know, for me, we need to make sure that we protect our daughters and a women's freedoms here in the state of florida, it's extremely dangerous as you know, i come from latin america, casey we have legalized access to abortion and colombia and venezuela, not, not been as well, sorry. and colombia and argentina and in mexico. and because it's directly linked to high rates of violence against women, i'm a mom. i have two daughters. i'm extremely concerned about this ban and it won't mean anything. it florida passes this aboard pushing amendment. and then rick scott gets back to the senate and then pushes for a national abortion ban. so this race has become much more critical than ever congresswoman, i want to show everyone what senator scott has had to say about ivf and then also about the dobbs decision because they are of course linked together ivf coming into jeopardy and alabama and potentially elsewhere because of the ramifications of the fall of dobbs. >> let's watch and then i'll ask you about it i support ivf. >> i've got family members going through ivf it's a way to build a family. >> so would you support legislation then that would federally protect ivf well, i mean, i'll look at anything like that due to the dobbs decision was correct. well that was the result of these decisions should go back to the state. that was a good decision so he's saying that the dobbs decision was a good one, but also that he might consider federal legislation to protect ivf. >> do you believe he would do that? >> absolutely. not and i think that the majority of florida and know who god is and they don't trust them. you can not trust them. this is someone who when he was ceo of a health care company, committed the largest medicare fraud in the history of this country. they had to pay out almost $1.7 billion back on that fraud. and he's now using that money to lie to floridians. he has bought a seven-figure ad to say that he supports his, but he sends next so extreme it. who have signed onto the life except for bill. we actually voted just a couple of days ago against protecting access to contraception. he has become a poster child of extremism in the senate. and that is why this race really is extremely critical. not only does he want to go back to the senate case, but he now wants to become senate majority leader, and he will absolutely enact an agenda that will attack a woman's right, not only to choose, but also to have access to contraception congresswoman, we've been talking today about some new polling that's out this morning in swing states especially in the state of virginia, where it is showing that that state, which has voted blue recently by ten points in the last election. >> now tied for between president trump former president trump, and president biden. there have of course been many national polls that show, if anything, donald trump's seems to have an edge in this race. what is president biden doing wrong? that this is the case well, look, i've been talking about the disinformation that we've been seeing now for over two years at people are relying on receiving their news on their phones. >> and we know that social media is filled with conspiracy theories and we continue to see that. and i also think that it's an extremely important for the president to travel all over the country to make sure people know all the policies. not only that he has enacted, but policies that he wants to continue to work on if he gets reelected we haven't affordability crisis in florida. casey and i can tell you that a lot of the issues that we're facing in florida are because of the failed policies that have been enacted in the state by the legislature. we have the highest property insurance rates that we have seen in the country. and so there are things that we can do at the federal level to make sure that we find relief to the high cost of living for florida and send for people all over the country. and i think that it's important for us to make sure that we continue to connect not only with voters in the swing states, but voters, young voters all over the country that right now feel disengaged congresswoman, do you think democrats should go out of their way to label donald trump a convicted felon and campaign more aggressively on that well, i don't know if it's going out of our way. >> casey, let's let's be honest here. it's the reality that the former president is now facing this was a trial, a fair trial. he had every opportunity and 80 to defend himself and 12 jurors independent jersey. this has nothing to do with party. this has nothing to do with the white house or the department of justice. this was an independent trial brought by the state of new york and 12th independent jurors found the former president guilty on all counts. it was a unanimous decision it's a fact and i think that it's important for americans to realize what happened in new york and the dangers that we're facing if the former president has a chance to get back to the white house. i was in congress when he was in the white house and we saw the attacks not only against women, against families, but we also saw his the tags and demonizing immigrants. we have to make sure that people understand the rise in anti-semitism right now, it won't stop there. there will be targeted attacks against all groups that don't belong. his maga colt all right. >> former congresswoman debbie mucarsel-powell, congresswoman. thank you very much for your time this morning. i appreciate it. thank you now, this president biden said in a recent interview from france, he would not pardon his son hunter, if hunter is found guilty in his federal gun trial let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son yes. you have all right. today marks de five of the trial, which has at times been painful for the biden family court proceedings, delving into a difficult period in which hunter struggled with drug addiction after the passing of his brother bo. >> those widow, hallie biden, whom we had a romantic relationship with hunter at one point, described how he introduced her to crack cocaine david champion this many layers to this trial. but the president's statement about pardoning his son, a remarkable one not pardoning son, to be clear, yes. >> that he would not pardon his son, which when you think about how for joe biden family, above all else. >> and yet and yet he sees that it seems in some way untoward for a president. just like he won't go to the trial as president, which is happening in federal court to pardon his son in this matter. now, we'll see if he holds to that and how this all plays out. he clearly also enjoys the contrast for how trump handled pardons. there's no doubt. i just want to say about the first lady though here leaving france coming back, expected back in court today to go back to france tomorrow and a state visit sort of the matriarch of this family. i think she gets under noticed in that role because we think of it as such, joe biden's klan. but what jill biden is doing in i think standing in for her husband who can't be there to try and be the rock for the family at this it's time is a role we just haven't seen from her on the public stage some really interesting sarah, you have talked with focus group participants about hunter biden. what do they say about all of this? yeah, it's so interesting because hunter biden comes up a lot and wave voters the voters are very compassionate about it, almost to a surprising degree where they say man, everybody's got somebody like this in their family like and people talk about their own experiences and dealing with whether it's kids or people in their family. and so what they say about is they say, look if if it turns out that joe biden well, somehow involved in hunter's activities, they will take that into account. but like other than that, they see it as a hunter biden just being sort of a black sheep and they feel a certain amount, yeah, compassion really interesting all right. i will leave you with this it's the end of an era after four decades of hosting the beloved game show wheel of fortune, pat say jack's fair. well, episode set to air today. gosh, look at that. he was so young and say jack has hosted the show for 41 years alongside vanna white and his voice. i mean, we've all heard it, right. he has been in all of our houses for decades any glazed tab yeah, that's it and then the strange coincidence that was my mic name. >> and has been warmer yeah my nickname in high school i think nickname in high school with big shoes to fill, ryan seacrest set to take over hosting duties. >> vanna white will continue as co-host. she had this good-bye for say jack 8,000 episodes went by, heightened. that you're like a brother to me and i consider you a true lifelong friend, who i will always adore. >> i love you pat well, i mean, i grew up i grew up on wheel of fortune can you believe it? >> i can't believe it. first jeopardy. now this we'd be hosting the show 41 absoluly

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Real Estate , Bird Squawks , Shops Craig , Boxes , Comcast Business Mobile , Smarter Savings , Equipment , At T , Thunder Shirt , Thunder , Pet , Fear , Fireworks , Separation , Constant , Back , Retailers , Craze , Roller Coaster , Thunder Shirts , Anxieties , Gamestop , Petco , Isn T Morning Roundup , Meme Stock Shares , 46 , Invention , Sentence , Mr , Kitty , Arizona Court Today , Election Loss , Chief Of Staff , Arraignment , Efforts , Meadows , 2020 , Move , Wing , Assets , Theorist , Damages , School Massacre , Sandy Hook , 2012 , 1 5 Billion , Info Wars , Platform , Nba Commissioner , Wnba , Rough Treatment Caitlin Clark , Adam Silver , Care , Basketball , League , Rookies , Sarah Z , Everybody , Shane , Meander , Women S Basketball , Whole Arca Women S Basketball , Underneath , Little , Elections , Supreme Court S Dobbs Decision , Fortunes , Roe Versus Wade , Debbie Mucarsel , Case , Amendment , Ballot , Foothold , Viability , Championing Reproductive Freedom , 41 , Rick Scott , Show , Casey , Powell S , Congresswoman , Evidence , Reality , Ballot Initiative , 60 , Abortion Amendment , Front , Aunt , 72 , Daughters , Freedoms , Rates , Colombia , Well , Argentina , Violence , Venezuela , Mexico , Race , Abortion Ban , Ivf , Watch , Jeopardy , Ramifications , Elsewhere , Dobbs , Alabama , Family Members , Decisions , Result , Health Care Company , Majority , Fraud , 1 7 Billion , 7 Billion , Couple , Contraception , Poster Child , Extremism , Agenda , Right , Majority Leader , Contraception Congresswoman , Swing States , Polls , Case Well , Wrong , Disinformation , Social Media , Conspiracy Theories , Phones , Policies , Issues , We Haven T Affordability Crisis , Property Insurance , Legislature , Level , Label , Let S , New York , Jurors , Party , Opportunity , Independent Jersey , Department Of Justice , 12 , Counts , Dangers , Attacks , Chance , Tags , Debbie Mucarsel Powell , Groups , Rise , Demonizing , Anti Semitism , Immigrants , Colt , Son Hunter , Gun Trial , Jury , Son , Outcome , Pardon , Biden Family Court , Delving , Proceedings , Marks De Five , Hallie Biden , Relationship , Drug Addiction , Passing , Brother Bo , Widow , Statement , Players , Crack Cocaine David , Else , Federal Court , Pardons , No Doubt , First Lady , Plays Out , Jill Biden , Court , State Visit , Matriarch , Klan , Husband , Participants , It S Time , Haven T , Stage , The Rock , Dealing , Wave , Degree , Kids , Account , Activities , Black Sheep , Compassion , Amount , Gosh , Hosting , Episode Set , Air Today , Jack , Game Show , Wheel Of Fortune , Pat Say Jack S Fair , Vanna White , Houses , Voice , Glazed Tab , High School , Nickname , Coincidence , Mic Name , Shoes , Ryan Seacrest , Duties , Episodes , Brother , Good Bye , Say Jack , 8000 , Friend , Absoluly , First Jeopardy ,

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