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securing peace amid two major current international conflicts were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. >> cnn news central right now, the jury and hunter biden's federal gun trial continues to hear testimony from a key witness. >> prosecutors just called the police officer who it's responded to a report that hunter biden's gun had been thrown away in a grocery store dumpster in 2018 before that, hallie biden, who was bo biden's widow, who then dated hunter biden after beau's death testified for hours describing how she found and got rid of the gun. she also went into detail about her own drug use while she was dating hunter biden, cnn's paula reid is outside of the federal courthouse in delaware paul catches up what's the latest here it's been quite a day here in wilmington. >> hallie biden just got off the witness stand and she has been by far the most significant witness for the prosecution because she was able to share her observation since about hunter biden state in october 2018 and the reason that is significant is because of course that is the month when he purchased the firearm at the heart of this case and prosecutors allege that he lied on the form when he purchased it, when he's said that he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs. and his other romantic partners is ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend who testified yesterday, neither one of them wherever able to testify to his condition in an october 2018 because they didn't see him hallie biden testified that she believed that he was still using in late october around october 22, 23rd, when she saw him. but on cross-examination defense attorneys also goddaughter can see that she never saw him using drugs, but she did testify that she found drugs and drug paraphernalia along with the gun at the center of this case in the trunk of his car, october 23rd, of course. then she took that gun and threw it in a dumpster subsequently, something upon hindsight, she says was not a good idea, but her testimony has given a little for each side, but so far, she seems to be a strong witness for the prosecution. i was in court earlier and i can tell you the jury, they were very attentive. they understood that this was not only his onetime sister-in-law, though eca, widow of his let's his brother bo, this is a former romantic partner of hunter biden, she testified that hunter introduced her to crack cocaine. was she used for a period of time? it's a very compelling story that she had to share where the jury they understood her significance for this okay. well, let me tell you. they were very attentive hanging on every word that she said. well, i was in here and prosecutors were expected to wrap up their case today, but hallie biden took a long time to get through that testimony, so it's unclear if they're gonna be able to get through there other five witnesses today are we looking to see if they're able to get through that? >> paula reid live force from wilmington. thank you. boris. >> let's discuss now with anthony michael christ. he's an assistant professor of law at georgia state university. sort of thanks so much for being with us. first, i want to get your thoughts on hallie biden's testimony difficult? the times she sort of reveals this vulnerable part of herself talking about her own drug use. but then she gets into details about finding drugs and the weapon in hunter biden's car. how do you think the jury interpreted all of that? >> well it certainly seems like it's very emotional testimony and that certainly will resonate with jurors who are people who understand the kind of emotional issues that people deal with as hallie biden was doing with and hunter biden was as well it seems as if this test testimony is somewhat mixed in the sense that there is a lot of evidence to suggest that hallie biden thought that hunter biden was using drugs at the time that he purchased the firearm in question. but at the same time, she never saw anything in terms of him using it personally. so i am not surprise that the jurors are paying a lot of attention and that this testimony is really important and in fact, many ways the key testimony for prosecutors do you think prosecutors needed her to say that she saw hundred biden doing drugs in a certain range of time around the purchase of the weapon in order to get a conviction? >> well, i think if i were a juror, that's something that i would want to know. remember here that the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. and so i think if jurors are looking for some kind of reasonable doubt, if they feel empathetic in some way to hunter biden then maybe that black of a personal witnessing drug use could be incredibly important in their calculus during deliberations, but it certainly isn't. i think necessary for their case to be made. >> one thing the defense was trying to do during cross-examination of that former gun store employee that actually sold the weapon 200 biden was asked him about how quickly he processed that sale the defense, they're essentially trying to make it seem like hundred biden was rushed and didn't really know what he was filling out in that questionnaire. that's central to the prosecution's argument what do you think about that approach from abbe lowell and hunter biden's defense team yeah. >> so there seems to be this kind of pinch or movement that the defense is creating here as they're pushing back against the prosecution's case on the one hand, they're saying the hunter biden was was rushed in the process and was very quickly filling out this form and in addition to that, there are suggesting that 100 biden said on the atf form that he was not a drug user or that he was not an addict, that kind of in that rush process he basically said, well, i'm not using it right now in addition to that, he didn't consider himself an attic. and so in that both rushed process and in open question about what the questionnaire actually is asking. that could be left up to according to the defense, reasonable interpretation that this kind of interactive effect should undermine the case that hunter biden was acting in a criminal way? >> so we are expecting that the prosecution will soon wrap up their case. i'm wondering how you think the defense is going to move forward and whether you think they have an uphill battle in front of them well, i think it's really hard to say. i mean, of course, we're we've already seen the outlines of their defense being taking shape in cross-examination this morning. >> but i do think what seems to be the case here and this, of course, has political ramifications too. >> is that these jurors are people and we live in a country that has an immense crisis with both mental health, but also with addiction and drug abuse and the like. and so i suspect that the defense is going to attempt to tap into that kind of empathetic response or hope to listen an empathetic response with themes of that nature in addition to going with this line of argument that a hunter biden was just kinda rushed along and that his interpretations of the question are quite open or, or reasonable ones and not really built in with some kind of criminal intent. >> my grice or if to leave the conversation there, appreciate the perspective thank you. of course. briana, for the first time since his conviction in his hush money trial, about falsifying documents, former president trump is stepping back on the campaign trail he's expected to attend a town hall and phoenix tonight as part of a swing out west to discuss this further, we have cnn's kristen holmes, who is there in phoenix, and we have cnn's jeff zeleny here in studio kristin to you first there, give us a preview of what's going to happen here. few hours is trump expected to play up this conviction? he is. we should note still under a gag order yeah. >> briana, we're told that he is not not going to do that, that he's going to deliver brief remarks, campaign style, very political base talking about immigration, but i will give you the caveat that he has been talking about retribution and the case almost nonstop since that verdict came down. so whether or not he's days on script will remain to be seen. but after he delivers those brief political remarks that he is going to get questions from the audience. this is a town hall with turning points shed that is a conservative group led by charlie kirk, who is a close ally of both trump and his son, don junior's. so we're not expecting any questions here to be the kind that trip trump up but everyone here that we have spoken to and seen is conservative and a trump supporter. so this is a very friendly environment for him to be. now i do want to note a couple of things. one is that jd vance, who we have reported is on the shortlist to become donald trump's vice president. he is being currently vetted, is traveling with him today. doug burgum, another potential the vp candidate is going to meet him for this west coast swing because after this event in arizona, he is going to california for a series of big dollar fundraisers across that state and in las vegas before another rally on sunday. now, again, the one thing i will point out is that while donald trump has been known own and especially recently to go off and to focus on his case. his team has stressing that they are shifting now into the political sphere and that he is time for him to be campaigning for president. >> and why phoenix kristin phoenix is look, we're in a battleground state. >> he actually hasn't been to arizona at all this year. he had to perhaps 31 of them, they said was never scheduled, but we had it on our schedule events to arizona that were later canceled. and this is a state that he desperately needs. there's also another reason for it, turning point is based in phoenix, arizona turning point is a big part of donald trump's ground game campaign. they earn outside group because of the recent ruling. the fec lifting up the communications, allowing the campaign to coordinate with outside groups. turning point is expected to spend over $100 million in an attempt to get donald trump elected, brought back to the white house. and a lot of that focus is going to be here in arizona certainly is kristin. thank you so much life for us from arizona. and jeff, how does the trump campaign think that he's a convicted felon is going to play when it comes to his support with voters at least in the short term over the last several days, it's helped in terms of raising money. they've raised an extraordinary amount of money, some 53 million dollars in the immediate de an hours after the conviction, the longer-term is a little bit less clear when you talk to advisors for the former president, they don't want him to dwell on this. they want him to continue to make this election a referendum on the biden administration. biden policies there in phoenix perhaps the border policies, but we have all covered donald trump for a long time. he often talks about what he wants to talk about, what he thinks works for him. so kind of the bigger question is how much this becomes about him and his convictions. so we will see how much the felon monographs, but in a room like that, were christian, is it absolutely rallies the base i was in wisconsin filler this week talking to trump supporters. they stand behind him there even more charged up because of this. the independent voters, perhaps less so we imagine he's going to say a lot about the border especially with the president's big announcement this week, such a big issue in arizona and other border states, what are we expecting? do you think it's a local issue? the border issue of course, is that very personal issue? it's viewed in many different ways by business owners, by others. so it's not as cut and dried as we often think it is. here in washington. there's a lot of frustration that no one has gotten anything accomplish in terms of immigration reform, et cetera. but the biden administration, that campaign, the president obviously making that executive order this week to try and show that he is also trying to do something on the border we've seen some results. but again, that isn't open question how it plays long term. >> yeah, they're frustrated with washington. they're frustrated with politician who can blame them so long since any real serious discussions on immigration of happened, it's right, you can't really blame. >> i'm jeff. thank you so much. we do appreciate it. and it had this hour on cnn news central remembering d-day, we are live from normal mindy, france where dozens of world leaders and veterans gathered to mark the anniversary of the day that changed the course of history and new calls to close a wisconsin monson prison after nine people including the warden of the prison, are charged with neglecting inmates, leading to at least two deaths. those stories and many more coming up on cnn. a new 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former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max today, the world commemorates the historic invasion by us and allied troops that change the course of world war ii the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> on this day in 1944, tens of thousands of americans were among the coalition of allied forces that stormed the beaches of nazi occupied france. and they're successful landing that day marked a major turning point that led to germany's defeat the following year. in normandy, president biden and other world leaders gathered to honore the service and sacrifices those troops made on d-day earlier, he met with some of the last remaining us veterans who were actually there in normandy on d-day. and later he attended a somber ceremony that included a flyover the president also delivered remarks stressing the importance of defending democracy we live at a time when democracy and more at risk across the world than a point since the end of world war ii, since these beaches were stormed in 1944 now i have to ask ourselves, when we stand against tyranny, against evil, against crushing brutality of the iron fist when we stand for freedom, we defend democracy we stand together my answer is yes and only can be yes students melissa bell joins us now, live from the region and it appears that she's writing an a jeep melissa this is one of the jeep's american jeeps. the truth. so pivotal in allowing the allies to recall for this part of france, this is albumasar were just like a block away from the beach. and one of the first parts of france that would have been taken by the allied soldiers that they've made their way inch by inch beyond enemy lines. again, with the help of these vehicles that we spend per day and not just the amphibious vehicles, but these sorts of genes that would allow them to trump sport. the weapons, the equipment they needed to get further and further into rafah. i think it's important to remember as we consider what we just heard from president biden, that is very solemn. commemorative events that were held up at the cemetery's, which are full of the graves of american soldiers who that de, gave everything. there are lots hi, for the freedom of this continent to remember that this was a part of the world, france that had been occupied by nazi germany for four years, the german positions were extremely interesting french the formidable ambition of operation overlord has been at the heart of everything we've heard today. this was a fight against the odds to take back a land that had been occupied for so long that it was difficult to imagine that it might work out yet the remarkable bravery of the first few soldiers who set foot on the beaches themselves and all of those were involved with parachutes just further behind enemy leinz that allowed the allied forces to cut off german communication. leinz sherman resupply lines in the end succeed in the most extraordinary military campaign that europe is known as improbable as it seemed. it works. and of course, change the course it's not just of europe but of the world over the course of the loss at years, this is what at least people out here have been celebrating today. you can see the entire town has been decked out 18 80th anniversary everywhere in 6 june is everywhere. and what these people and all their vehicles have come out to mark to celebrate is that the participation of 12 allied nations in what must have seemed in 1944, nothing short of an act of falling as a cry from the ocean to try and reconquer land that was solidly held as they were. >> and yet, what historians will tell you now is that if they hadn't succeeded, if the turbans hadn't folded as quickly as they had and they've been pushed back this es probabilities would have suggested that they might be it would have taken the allies years to attend this sort of thing again. >> and so you're able to bind occupied the nazis were to remain in power with all that meant just not for the jewish population of europe but four the ability of europeans to live freely. so what we heard today, varus were remarkably moving words, not just from the american president, but also from a number of world leaders here today to say that what was done here at years ago needs to be remembered by everyone and celebration. and mark in order that we can remember that, that freedom that was congruent as such, great expense 80 years ago is something that we continue to fight for today and heads the president or president, the presence of presence, lenski on that extraordinary beach commemoration we saw on omaha earlier today, not just the allied nations and their leaders present but the leader of ukraine as well, an important reminder that that fight continues 80 years on boards yeah, and we actually saw president zelenskyy exchange a moment with a u.s veteran that was quite touching. >> they were sort of referring to each other as heroes, deflecting credit and really just sharing a genuine momentum. i'm wondering melissa what you've heard from those veterans that were there on d-day now, 80 years later, returning to normandy one of the most poignant things about these commemorative events need this here these events looks like we're having some technical difficulties there with melissa bells shot will try to get back to her if we get that sorted out, melissa. thank you so much still ahead. >> there's new cnn reporting on senator tim scott and his multi-million-dollar plan to woo more voters of color to the gop plus the cheeky response from south korean activists. >> after hundreds of bags of trash and filth floated across the border, sent from north korea. >> their response just moments away the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming the need to do something is urgent. slightly. with we have schreiber and good night on cnn, shop etsy until 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only black republican senator tim scott is launching a multi-million-dolla r effort to draw more black and latino voters to the gop. >> source it's familiar with the 14 $14,000,000 recruitment plan says this was not a directive from the trump campaign. recent polls, a battleground states showed trump is making headway with male voters of color compared to his 2020 showing. we have seen a national politics correspondent even mckenna here with the story. this is kind of interesting, eva rate is due doing this on his own you know, he's apparently in the running for being vice president. maybe this sort of sweetens the pot. >> well, as you can imagine, briana, he did not state that as his motivation too funny when he met with me and some other reporters this week to detail this plan but listen, this does give him a platform to illustrate how he would perform as trump's top surrogate if he ultimately is selected as the running mate, it is an ambitious effort. they are promising to spend $14 million on voter outreach on advertising, on digital marketing, on small events so he plans to visit battlegrounds cities in the weeks ahead and intimate settings with black and latino voters. >> and they think that they have a path here because of some of the polling that we've seen you don't see new york times polling that suggests that trump could capture 20% of the vote. >> lots of are skeptical, but that's number that we're seeing now. and at the same time, we're seeing black support for president biden waning in that polling. >> yeah, and that polling set off alarms at the biden campaign. how is the president now responding to this latest news? >> well, the president's team is pushing back hard against this. they say that this is a last ditch effort to defend trump's racist agenda. >> i put that question to senator scott this week. >> even though he thinks he can appeal to conservative black voters who vote for democrats. he says that they have in a roadway with the faith-based community. as i told him, you know, some of the reason why you don't get those faith-based black democrats is because of the racism that comes from the former president. some of the racist comments that he's made well, he told me, listen, democrats have made racist comments as well. and then ultimately this is going to be about going where republicans are not necessarily invited to make this case and having them battle it out on policy. >> yeah. look, trump doesn't have to win all of the black vote. he just has to peel off part of the black vote to really make a difference. and he's well aware of that eva. >> thank you so much for the reporting. we certainly appreciate it still to come. >> they were supposed to be responsible for the inmates in their care, but authorities say a prison warden some of his staff did everything. but that you're now facing some very serious accusations will explain in detail and just a few minutes hey mom how many should i decorated have ran have blue. 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facilities the warden specifically faces charges related to the death of a mentally troubled inmate who died of malnutrition and dehydration. >> the county sheriff called the alleged misconduct a mockery of the state's vowed to take good care of those in its custody the dodge county, wisconsin sheriff deal schmidt is joining us now to talk a little more about this. thank you so much for taking the time out. this is so important and i know that you've said that this, which is the oldest prison who was constant, is being operated in a dangerous manner. and that the care of inmates and over site were shati tell us what your investigation uncovered it really was very disappointing for me as a sheriff, somebody who runs a correctional facility of my own and it has the jail. >> you're in dutch coney to see what was going out to these inmates and to see how they were treated it was very disturbed some of the things that we saw as listed in the criminal complaint, very simply where we had one individual who had his water turned off wasn't fed nine out of 12 times during 40 stretch. we had individual who weren't receiving all of their medications as they're supposed to be we had individuals who weren't be more being checked on a regular basis and they're supposed to have hourly checks as part of your daily duty as a correctional officer? >> that's your job. >> and that wasn't being done, but the problems one even higher. they went to the level of supervisors administration not holding staff accountable and that goes to the level of warden and it really even goes beyond that and it's very frustrating and i really struggled with this case and from the governor to the secretary of the department of corrections, there needs to be a vast change in the state of wisconsin and the department of corrections culture, the accountability of staff and that starts at the top. but certainly those pick frontline staff also need to make sure they're holding themselves accountable yeah. >> i mean, the culture of rot and the lack of accountability is so clear here where people were not being checked on and not receiving basic care why do you think conditions i'll say allegedly got to this point at this prison it really boils down to a lack of leadership from the, from the highest levels in the state. >> i i've spoken with some of the individuals i spoke with the former department of corrections secretary who three days after my conversation decided it was time for him to leave office and express that there are things that need to be done and he didn't want to take any any responsibility for any of that. you pass it onto a ward in which the word and certainly has culpability here. but as a leader myself in an organization that has about 200 people in my organization, much smaller than department of corrections. i set expectations for my staff from the top down and i make sure that the supervisor pfizer's that i have those frontline leaders that i have are ensuring that they are being maintained, that they're being i've done it in accordance to the standards that i have set that just did not happen and it's very unfortunate. so what number one is we have to have accountability from the the top and making sure that that accountability flows through the entire organization. but number two, there has to be changes within that organization within the prisons themselves. we have the oldest prison in the state of wisconsin right here and get dodge county. and it cannot meet the met meet the mental health needs that physical health needs or even the efficient operation of a prison for you, this is it, does it? >> does it need to be closed? i mean, there have been calls that it needs to be shut down and what you're talking about sounds like just a complete overhaul that sounds very necessary. but isn't necessary to close the prison and start a new i think that would be the best approach, but it either needs to be closed or renovated. significant changes need to be made for the safety of the staff. we are setting up for failure. we have good correctional officers that work within these walls and they're being set up for failure because of the lack of leadership and the failure to make sure sure that have the needs, the physical needs of a building that as efficient and the needs of goods supervision, or setting our staff up for failure. and as a result, we have for people who have died in dodge county in these presence that likely should be alive today, have they received the proper trait treatment and care that they need? >> it is just horrific and it's so important that we pay attention to it and we really appreciate you taking the time to go through these details with us. sheriff dale schmidt. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me boris return to sender south korean activists have now replied to the tons of trash balloons sent by north korea. the responding not with garbage, but with k-pop and k-dramas that have been forbidden by the kim jong own room gim. soon as mike valeria has more police, the blooms with life, a serine and stunning setting, 60-year-old farmer, kim jong un been cares for his giant onions with water flowing from north korea it's part of a beautiful and he says, inseparable bond between north and south now fraught with tension. once again, pillai you money now, they're used to be a time when we talked about keys says, but it's all changed now, we difficult situations between the korea, we farmers are very uncomfortable as human kim tells us he's farm this land and cheddar ones south korea for 36 years. and he disagrees with this free north korea activists from south korea sending balloons northbound filled with american dollar bills, k-pop and k-dramas downloaded onto thousands of usbs. there's also 200,000 leaflets bags tied to the balloons denouncing the regime of north korean leader kim jong-un. park sang-hak is the founder of the group behind this latest launch, fighters for a free north korea. he has been doing this since 2006, and its latest balloon deployment is in direct response to about a third house in trash-filled balloons sent from north korea yeah, mingle one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return. that's an inhumane and barbaric act. >> park defected from north korea in 2000 and he remembers in the early 90s when a balloon similar to one of these pomp above him and he secretly collected a leaflet from south korea. >> it told him of a better life. >> and he says, it told him the truth. >> when south korea is not an american colony or a wasteland of humanity, like i learned in north korea, north koreans are filled with anger and hatred and only sing military songs. but south korea is a gentle country. >> kim tells us, well, touring his fields, the new arial for tat should stop. and if it doesn't, his life in his farm could be upended. >> now, once you get up into the hills, you can actually see into north korea. >> we're not talking about the fields in the foreground. we're talking about way in the background, the dmz about four kilometers, two-and-a-half miles away from where we're standing now, farmer kim has told us that during moments of heightened tension in the past, the south korean army has kept him from entering about half of his property because it is so close to the dmz in order to keep him and others safe the question now, how will north korea respond especially after a show of force by the united states? >> b1, bomber on wednesday flying over the korean peninsula. and for the first time in seven years, engaging in land target practice with live munitions we asked kim if he wants to leave his answer. >> was she put in there? >> i want to move to somewhere else, but i can't afford it. >> we're very upset that the blue we're making our daily lives and convenient are areas isn't a war zone. >> it's very unfortunate and there's nothing we can do. >> if i could maybe would want to stop them, but it's difficult so for chim, there's no choice staying in his field, surrounded by waters from the north longing for a time before new heights for tensions in the sky. mike valeriia, cnn shuttle one, south korea our thanks to mike valeria for that report. >> so around half the contrary, 162 million americans have some money in the stock market. but now many are getting out, taking billions with them. we're going to ask a financial expert why do 19th cnn celebrated juneteenth, with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel smokey robinson, everyone she celebrated juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn recipes recipes that are more than their ingredients recipes written by hand can now be analyzed and restored using the power of delhi reserving memories and how to write new uh you know looking asked to find your perfect somewhere. sure. i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake up work can help your business. such talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not happen house more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now type two diabetes discovered the ozempic tries zone i got power of three. >> i lowered my a1c cdi risk and lost some weight and studies the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it. i'm under seven ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults, also with known heart disease. i'm laura, my risk adults lost up to 14 pounds i lost weight as epic isn't for people with type one diabetes, don't share needles or pens or reuse needles, don't take ozempic if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome and type two or have allergic to stop ozempic and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction, serious side effects may 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hurdling through space. there she is sunny williams thrilled to stretch her arms and legs their boarding the international space stationary. >> yeah, the starliner capsule successfully docked at roughly 1:30 p.m. eastern. astronauts butch wilmore and sunny williams will stay the on the iss for about eight days before they returned to earth. an important piece of equipment they're taking with them, a pump that helps the astronauts on the iss change urine into drinking water and important, no, you need that. >> yeah. >> so you remember the excitement of the dow jones hitting 40,000 investors are feeling the opposite of that right now, bank of america analysts say last week their clients sold off 5.7 billion more in stock than they purchase. that is the highest outflow since last july joining us now co-host of the ramsey show and author a breaking free from broke. george camel is with us, are in george. what's happening right now at the stock market? >> well, this happens every year, the investors before the summertime before they hit vacation, they sell off some stocks, but this does not represent the average investor like you and me. so i tell people don't jump off the roller coaster because you will get hurt. be a crock-pot in a world full of microwaves, you've got to think about the long term because as wealth is patients i love. >> would you say that there's any alternative other than the stock market? maybe t-bills, another place where you might be able to put your money that wouldn't be weathering such volatility when it comes to investing, we found that the s&p 500, the general us stock market, is the best bang for your buck. and we've even seen four will, four or 1k a millionaire shoot up 43% versus last year because they just consistently put money away into those index funds and mutual funds, those giant groups of stocks. and they're not stressed out well, what's happening in the market day-to-day and there's good news out there. the s&p 500, the nasdaq, hitting record highs just as of yesterday. and so we've got to focus on the good news to how do you think people should be approaching this? >> you know, if they're looking for one year out there close to retirement or if they're looking for the long run ten in 15 years well, for starters, fear is a terrible financial advisor and i just saw the cnn's fear and greed index right now, people are leaning into that fear and it's causing them to pull out of the market. >> but that's like unplugging your crock-pot, your food's going to stop cooking and you're gonna go hungry in retirement. so if you're heading into those retirement years, you've got to think long-term two, you could live another 30 years and that's 30 years of growth. you could be seeing in the stock market. so now is not the time to pull it out and stick it into a savings account making 1% george do, you see any warning signs about the stock market that loom large over what the rest of this year is going to look like well i think the big elephant in the room is the election and i actually looked up how the stock market has performed every election year for the past five elections. >> here's what's crazy. the stock market was up every single election year for the past five, except for the 2008 housing crisis. so i hope that puts people at ease going. >> i'm not concerned about what's going on in the white house. >> i'm sorry about what's going on in my house. let's make our investing a political, let's keep them separate all right. >> and let's be crockpot in a world full of microwaves. i love that george and great to have you. things with us. >> thank you all right. >> we'll be right back the assignments are going on and the tornado here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it marlin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn. you introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. >> he thinks is flaky red patches are all people seek oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque 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singular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking for sica and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis water would help with this dry spots. >> that's long disease. but scots healthy plus will cure it lyme disease going around so like other people have it and it'cleaner, and enjoy a spotles house for $19 with jake tapper next odd cnn closed captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. you, cora. we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive here coronary tracks health products. >> you core is a lifestyle tried today at your >> don't sailors and airmen of the allied expeditionary force you are about to embark upon the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months the eyes of the world are upon you the hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere, march with you in company with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts you will bring about the destruction of the german war machine the elimination of nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of europe and security for ourselves in a free world that was general dwight d eisenhower, the supreme commander of the allied forces in europe on june 6, 1944, for d-day, his order of the de was distributed to the 175,000 members of the petition every four and for some of them, it was the last thing that they would read before they sacrifice their lives in service of their country. we want to read the rest of that letter, quote, your task will not be an easy one. your enemy is well-trained, well-equipped, and battle-hardened. he will fight savagely but this is the year 1944. much has happened since the nazi triumphs of 194041 the united nations have inflicted upon the germans great defeats in open battle, man to man our air offensive is seriously reduced. their strength in the air. and their capacity to wage war on the ground our home friends have given us an overwhelming superiority and weapons and munitions of war and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. the tide has turned. the free men of the world are marching together to victory. >> i have full confidence in your courage devotion to duty, and skill in battle i don't we will accept nothing less than full victory. good luck, and let us be sieged. the blessing of almighty god upon this great and noble undertaking today we honor their courage and sacrifice and the lead with jake tapper starts right now

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Resupply Lines , Town , Loss , 6 , 6 June , 18 , Everywhere , Nothing , Participation , Cry , 12 , Hadn T , Turbans Hadn T , Reconquer , Ocean , Historians , Es Probabilities , Sort , Power , Nazis , Number , Europeans , Words , Population , Ability , Varus , Mark , Expense , Celebration , Presence , Leader , Reminder , Beach Commemoration , Ukraine , Zelenskyy Exchange A Moment , Each Other , Veteran , Heroes , Momentum , Deflecting Credit , Normandy One , Reporting , Color , Plan , Difficulties , Bells , North Korea , Trash , Activists , Filth , Bags , Plus , Increase , Hundreds , South Korean , Wildfires , Gop , Need , Unpredictable , Gift , Gear , Dads , Beyond The Classic Go To Save , Shop Etsy , 30 , June 16 , 16 , Offer , Friends , Jacuzzi , Bathroom Model , 65 , Price , Bathroom , Model , Design , Payments , Specialty , Installation Costs , Shower , Stress , Mess , Burden , Joy , Safer , Safe , Grab Bars , Situation , Seat , Solution , Matter , Features , Warranty , Upgrade , 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Alarms , Ditch , Democrats , Senator , Broadway , Listen , Comments , Community , Racism , Trump Doesn T , Republicans , Policy , Care , Eva , Difference , Authorities , Staff , Prison Warden , Accusations , Guy , Call , Data , Sprinkles , Challenge Uncertainty , Have Ran Blue , Pricing , Fees , Shipping , Surcharges , Usps , Consumer Cellular , Customers , Billy The Kid , Cost , Coverage , Phone , Carriers , Color Go , July 31st , Sheriff , Game , Royal Billy , Pat Garrett , Bus , Credit , Small Business Owner , Chance , Funding , Challenge , To Credit Funding , Step , Journey , Prac , Cash , Cashback , Cash Back , Pro , Will Chase Freedom Unlimited , Practicing Good Financial Strategy , Settlement , Frenemies , Pets , Beverage Companies , Ring , Read Com Slash Pets , Bottles , Models , Same , Harb , Place , Men , Submarines , Women , Building Babies , Skills , Careers , Captioning , The Beast , Designers , Prices , Guilt , Heart Racing , Brands , Flash Designer Sales , Guilt Com , 70 , Charges , Misconduct In Public Office , Investigation , Felony Charges , Facilities , Employees , Residents , Eight , Dodge County , County Sheriff , Inmate , Custody , Misconduct , Malnutrition , Mockery , Constant , Manner , Time Out , Sheriff Deal Schmidt , Somebody , Facility , Site , Jail , Shati , Water , Individual , Complaint , Dutch , Individuals , Medications , Weren T , Being , Wasn T Fed Nine Out , Who Weren T , 40 , Duty , Level , Correctional Officer , Supervisors , Basis , Checks , Wasn T Being Done , Governor , Accountability , Secretary , Change , Pick Frontline Staff , Starts , State Of Wisconsin , Top , Department Of Corrections , Department Of Corrections Culture , Conditions , Culture , Rot , Leadership , Levels , Responsibility , Many , Three , Organization , Award , Expectations , Culpability , Frontline Leaders , Supervisor , Standards , Set , Pfizer , Changes , Prisons , Needs , Met , This Is It , Operation , Overhaul , Sounds , Failure , Officers , Safety , Walls , Goods Supervision , Result , Building , Trait Treatment , Tons , Dale Schmidt , Me Boris Return To Sender , K Pop , Mike Valeria , Garbage , Police , And K Dramas , Kim Jong Own Room Gim , Kim Jong Un , Tension , Serine , Cares , Farmer , Setting , Beautiful , Bond , Onions , 60 , Pillai You Money , Farm , Human Kim , Farmers , Situations , The , Cheddar , Keys , Balloons , Dollar Bills , Onto Thousands Of Usbs , 36 , 200000 , Park Sang Hak , Fighters , Founder , Balloon Deployment , Regime , Launch , 2006 , House , Facts , Love , Medicine , Return , Mingle One , Balloon , Leaflet , Pomp , 2000 , 90 , Fields , Military Songs , Danger , Hatred , Arial , Humanity , American Colony , Wasteland , Dmz , Background , Chills , Foreground , Tat , Farmer Kim , Half , Property , South Korean Army , Munitions , Force , Land Target Practice , Bomber , B1 , Korean Peninsula , Seven , Somewhere , Lives , Blue , Areas , North , Waters , Field , Chim , Isn T A War Zone , Tensions , Sky , Heights , Mike Valeriia , 162 Million , Stock Market , Expert , Billions , 19 , Recipes , Juneteenth , With Special Performances By , Smokey Robinson , John Legend , Eddie Lewbel , Celebrating Freedom And Legacy Wednesday , Wednesday June 19 , Ten , Memories , Delhi , Hotels Com , Isn T A Real Company , Factor , Diabetes , Work , Dover , Power Of Three , Talent , Zone , Ozempic , Fortune 500 , 500 , 10000 , Weight , A1c , Cdi , Seven Ozempic , Majority , Heart Disease , Risk Adults , Epic Isn T , Reuse Needles , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Adults , Stroke , Heart Attack , Share , Pens , Don T Take Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Type , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Provider , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney , Problems , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Karni Isolde , Freshest , Kara Metals Com , Flavors , Caramels , Someone , Go Today To Caramels Com , 26 , God Man , Saada , Kevin Hart , Coventry , Bragg , Zero , 5102 , Liebermann , Insurance , Astronauts , Sunny Williams , Space , Boarding , Arms , 24 , Space Stationary , Kiss , Piece , Butch Wilmore , Marlin Earth , Starliner Capsule , Eastern , 1 , Investors , Pump , Hitting , Drinking Water , Opposite , Bank Of America , Excitement , Iss Change Urine , Dow Jones , 40000 , Stock , Outflow , Author , Analysts , Ramsey Show , George Camel , Broke , 5 7 Billion , Stocks , Vacation , George , Patients , Crock Pot , Microwaves , You And Me , Investor , Wealth , Roller Coaster , Investing , Wouldn T , T Bills , Volatility , S P 500 , Funds , Will , Index Funds , Bang , Buck , Millionaire , 1k , 43 , Highs , Nasdaq , Fear And Greed Index , Market , Advisor , Starters , Retirement , 15 , Growth , Cooking , Food , Gonna Go Hungry In Retirement , Rest , Savings Account , Warning Signs , Elections , Housing Crisis , Big Elephant In The Room , 2008 , Crockpot , Assignments , Tornado , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Sunday At Nine On Cnn , Liev Schreiber , Satellite , Games , Roof , Cardinals , Orioles , Blue Jays , Confidence , Walnut Brain Pigeons , Socks , Spirit , Dating Scene , Boost , Smile , Andean Condor , Aspen Dental , Interest , Financing , Budget , Down Plus , Dentures , Plus 0 , , 0 , Corner , Symptoms , Singular , Bar , Johnson And , Genital , Sica , Lyme Disease , Scots Healthy Plus , It Cleaner , Closed Captioning , Cora , 9 , Don T Sailors , Tract , Utis , Proactive , Airmen , Relief Products , You Core , Core Com , Tracks Health Products , Prayers , Crusade , Liberty , Eyes , Hopes , Allied Expeditionary Force , Peoples , Fronts , Destruction , Security , Elimination , Brothers In Arms , War Machine , Members , Petition , Supreme Commander Of The Allied Forces In Europe , Dwight D Eisenhower , June 6 1944 , 175000 , Enemy , Task , Quote , Letter , United Nations , Defeats , Battle , Germans , Triumphs , Battle Hardened , 194041 , War , Ground , Superiority , Air Offensive , Strength , Oman , Hair , Reserves , Capacity , Disposal , Courage , Victory , Fighting Men , Skill , Tide , Battle I Don T , Devotion , Lead , Luck , Sacrifice , Blessing , Almighty God , Sieged ,

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