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and ask about the bosley guarantee i'm pete mundane at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn it's tuesday, june 4, right now on cnn this morning president biden poised to issue an executive order on the border crisis that is going to anger some members of his own party opening statements about to begin in the federal gun trial of hunter biden and two passengers and a pilot injured after they're hot air balloon hit power lines. >> that's one of our five things you've got to see this morning. and a major league baseball player facing a lifetime ban for allegedly betting on his own team all right. 6:00 a.m. here in washington live. look at the white house and this technically it's still spring tuesday on this up and shining. good morning, everyone. i'm casey, hence it's wonderful to have you with us if congress won't do it, president biden apparently will. as soon as today, the president expected to roll out an executive order that effectively closes the southern border to asylum seekers. it will enable border officials to turn back migrants who illegally crossed the border after border crossings meet a certain threshold, reportedly 2,500 per day. the executive order relies on a regulation that was enforced under the trump administration and was widely denounced at the time by democrats. now this move by president biden is being criticized by republicans as political it's too little too late. now he's trying to desperately show the american people somehow that he wants to address the issue that he himself created. how he wants to issue some sort of executive order, i guess to show that oh, no, he he really does care about the issue. the only reason he's doing that is because the polls say that it's the biggest issue in america all right our panels here for new shimmery. she's congressional reporter for the associated press, jonah goldberg, co-founder and editor in chief of the dispatch, and former white house communications director kate benningfield. good morning to all of you. i take let me start with you because this is something that the president they've been talking about this for months. >> why do it now while he's got a debate? coming up just as glad that no, i think there are couple of things. first of all, yes. of course. look, does that factor and he's gonna be on a big national stage. he's going to want to be able to talk about everything he's done comprehensively to try to tackle this problem? yes but secondly, remember, this comes after republicans walked away from the comprehensive border bill problem. probably the most stringent and significant piece of proposed legislation on this issue in decades. and republicans walked away so by taking executive action here, no biden can now say, listen, i i wanted to do a bipartisan deal republicans didn't want to come to the table and participate in the solution. and so my hand has been four first and i'm going to do everything that i can alone to take this on. so i think it's important contextually to think about the fact that this comes after that bipartisan conversation fell apart. it's frankly, i think it strengthens biden biden's hand in this conversation because he can say we tried to get this done. they were all well, i'll talk and no walk so now i'm walking the walk. >> i've been i think the challenge though, jonah, is that the president has otherwise said, well, i can't do anything about the border. i can't fix it. i need congress. so congress tries congress fails and then all of a sudden he is now saying, well, actually, i think the argument republicans are going to level out them is why don't you do this like months ago? >> yeah, it's a look. i'm actually sympathetic to the idea that the president can't give lawler well, it's unconstitutional executive orders. i feel that way about student loan forgiveness. i feel that way about moratorium on rent president biden said that the supreme court tried to stop me on student loan forgiveness, but i didn't let them. well, maybe he should let them because it was unconstitutional, was trying to do is similarly, i think that there's colorable, decent argument that he can't do this stuff at the border that the republicans were wrong about it. i think the republicans in congress should have passed the border legislation and so now we're just gonna see both sides sort of reverse and the left-wing base is now going to say this is an outrageous executive order. he doesn't have the authority to do it and the right is going to say he does have the authority to do it, but it's too little too late. >> but of course i mean, of course it would've been better to do it through congress. i think biden would say that. i mean, you saw this executive order challenged in the courts under the trump administration. i mean, this was not his first choice but again, absent republicans playing ball on this, he's left with no other option. one thing that stuck out to me in this furnish is that they actually seem to have cut down the threshold for asylum seekers in this executive order will reporting that its 2,500 a day. the new york times reported when this was going through congress that the level was actually set at 5,000 over excuse me, over the course of the week i seated 5,000 over the course of a week. so this number seems to be lower than that. this 220, 500 a week is my understanding. but this is already also getting criticism from the left and aoc alexandria ocasio-cortez. this at when we broke this news at cnn, she says doing trump impressions isn't how we beat trump. how is this going to be received on the left? >> i mean, you're already saying right. like you talked about earlier in your show about who's going to show up to the announcement of this executive order, right? even tough district democratic democratic senators are not going to show up because they both see as much as they need border to be off the table for democrats this election year, they know that the way that biden has gone about this, they have not approved it, so biden is now facing difficulty and criticism from those and tough districts. and those on the progressive left who have said that this is not the humane and american way to go about immigration. i mean, those are some and people who had a huge problem with the bipartisan, i partisan border deal to begin with. but obviously they don't see that biden needs to do this. >> well, and kate, i mean, this was how the president talked about it initially when he was first elected, this was biden in 2020 on asylum this is the first president in history, united states america, there's anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country. that's never happened before in america has never happened before in america, you come to the united states and you make your case that i've seek asylum based on the following. on the following premise, why i deserve it? in american law, they're shedding its squalor on the other side of the river they're sitting in squalor on the other side of the river. >> he's now essentially going back to that. >> well, i think you have to look at the reality of what has happened over the last four years at the border. he's acknowledging that and he's acknowledging that there has been an increase and he's doing everything in his power to try to mitigate that. i think but i think the other thing to think about here, why think there are two things? first of all remember, he doesn't have to win voters who say that the border is their top priority yes, to mitigate some of the damage. right. i mean, he doesn't he the majority of voters who say that the border is their top issue are republican voters were going to vote for trump there's absolutely a cohort of swing voters who are concerned about it. but you know, he's not, he doesn't have to actually win those voters. he has to limit his damages here secondly, i would say don't forget, donald trump is not absent from this narrative. the way donald trump talks about immigration is also incredibly alienating to some of these models threat and swing voters talking about immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, calling them vermin so as this conversation unfolds over the next five months donald trump and the kind of grotesque way that he talks about immigration is gonna be a factor here too. >> yeah, i agree with that entirely at the same time i do think this is indicative of a larger pattern with biden. biden was never actually a centrist in terms of the idea of being in the midpoint of american politics. he was always trying to position themselves as the midpoint within the democratic party and we can see on this, we can see on israel can see a whole bunch of things as the party moves in various ways the center of gravity moves and so does biden. and i think that this sort of reinforces trying at this image of him just trying to chase this political compromise that will please everybody in his coalition and ends up reinforcing the image that he's, he's kind of indecisive and vacillating and i'm not sure it's going to have the political valence that he thinks it's guy does it play into this weakness i think it does. the president, but i also think that there's there is a power in recognizing, acknowledging when circumstances change. >> i mean, we have seen the numbers change at the border over the last four years. he has president is trying to grapple with that and i think that's a reasonable case to make we circumstances changed. but. if your principles are state these bold principal positions, and then you change because the facts, the political facts on the ground shift, whether it's on israel, whether it's on the border, it reinforces this image that he is just sort of trying to chase the sweet spot rather than actually stand his ground. and i do think it's an image problem. >> i think there's elements of pragmatism there that actually lot of american voters want to see. but i hear you. >> all right. well, we're going to continue this conversation that for the next hour, but coming up next you, the american people deserve to be abused like that. mr. fauci, because you're not dr. your mr. fauci and my few minutes dr. >> fauci fending off republican attacks, his four my colleague in the covid fight, dr. deborah berks, is here joining me with her reaction and a warning about the virus plus democrats struggling to come up with a strategy after donald trump's conviction and the moments after a deadly bank explosion caught on bodycam, one of the five things you have to see this morning sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary if his secret is betrayed its bullet to the back the hands, secrets and spies a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn pretty today look at the suns and every day is the same look in app to find your perfect somewhere your harvest smart farms, than alba dhabi does the technology enabled agribusiness solving global challenges. 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million donati the future of soda as now, it's called poppy june 19th cnn celebrated juneteenth, which special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson, everyone should celebrate juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn mr. president, can you tell us her top republican self as a political prisoner and blames you directly what's your response to that, sir? >> it looks like me when i use the fast passage disney world kids want to go on the ride? >> let's take a guy who just make eye contact with his wife and he see alice commercial oh, dear, more fall out from the conviction of donald trump as president biden makes his first comments about his rivals criminal record on the campaign trail. he told donors last night that quote it's the first time in american history a former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency and quote, and warning of trump's quote, all out assault on the american justice system. some democratic lawmakers however, are advising the president to not make trump's conviction a major focus on the campaign trail i take the president needs to campaign on his record and what he's delivered a for the american people. >> i think people see it they feel it. >> and in their heart, dave, internalize it so you don't have to go out and beat the drum on that all right. >> panels back who's right here well, i think actually the way biden and the biden team are handling it so far is right. >> which is to say it is not the central focus of their message. they have not pivoted the entire messages of the campaign to be about this verdict but they've made very clear they're not going to shy away from something that we are seeing in the data post-verdict is is a hurdle for people to sending donald trump back to the oval office. so i don't think that they need to be shy. i don't think they need to be afraid to say he's a convicted felon, to say that a jury of his peers found him guilty of crimes. that is a relevant event piece of information. if you're deciding who you want to be president of the united states however, it's not the entire ballgame. it is not it is the outcome of this trial is not something that is going to impact people's lives day-to-day and by nastic could keep driving the contrast on the things that are going to impact people's lives day-to-day, like abortion, like the tummy, like as you're seeing them do today, the border so i think this is one piece of the puzzle. it's not the entire puzzle. >> yeah, jonah goldberg here was thom tillis talking about this from the republican side. he says, quote those kitchen table issues are the key issues that are driving voters on november why on earth would we shift our attention away from that for any sort of quick fix on this decision. it doesn't make sense to me, so he's coming at it from the other direction. is he right? because certainly there are a lot of republicans who are out there seizing on this i mean, i think a lot of we're performing probably for donald trump but what do you make that yeah, i think he is on to something i think i just wrote my la times column about this. >> i think that the impact of this with voters is going to be minimal over the next hundred and 50 days and is going to seem like ancient history at some point. and the fact that donald trump's a felon. and so we're going to be just priced in as part of the chaos of donald trump the real impact of this is how it changes candidate behavior, not voter behavior. and i agree with kate, if biden makes this a centerpiece, that would be really bad if trump makes it the centerpiece where he uses it as an excuse to do 20 minutes at rallies where he just gets reinforced from his fans about how this is the most important thing that's ever happened. and he listens to all the people who say you're a political prisoner, which is such an unbelievably stupid. it's not a prisoner. i mean, whatever, i mean, just not bringing prisoner but if if he takes from this, they can start talking about themselves again, rather than sort of stay disciplined about the economy that could be a big impact absolutely. i mean, this is the thing, right? this is fundamentally an argument about donald trump on both, on both sides for trump and for biden focused on this too. i mean, it's ultimately about trump. it's not about the voters, which in some ways it's sort of like a crazy thing to say. hey, that's somebody who is a former president united states, who was convicted of multiple felonies. and that is somehow removed from our politics. that's a completely wild statement about the state of things right now. but i do think for for biden and for democrats to take their eye off the ball and let this argument subsume all the other importance of they're talking about and all the ways in which donald trump is going to have a negative impact on your life. if you're a voter in michigan or wisconsin, i do think that would be a mistake and joan is right. this is it is all because it is through the lens of trump and a successful campaign is about making an argument to people about what you're gonna do for them, not right. you know, what the candidates doing himself. >> all right, coming up next here, senator joe manchin's next move after switching from democrats to independent, plus a higher balloon crashes into power lines in indiana, it's one of the five things you have to see the smart finally, we have schreiber, so get knocked on cnn sometimes investing can feel like you're going at it alone especially, when it comes to adding crypto to your portfolio but it doesn't have to be that way as, the world's largest crypto asset manager. >> you'll find a lot of people holding grayscale funds which means you're investing in good company grayscale crypto investing begins here ou've got better things to do than clean out clog gutters, falling filter today, and never clean out clog gutters again, we filters 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represents mesothelial of victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms ophelie kalisa. now all right. >> 23 minutes past the hour. five things you have to see this morning. the faa is investigating why a hot air balloon crashed into power lines an indiana on sunday two passengers and a pilot were taken to the hospital with burn injuries evacuation orders are being lifted for some people living near and eight alarm fire at a construction site outside of san jose, california. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. shin no one was hurt a warning. this next video may be disturbing police in ohio releasing bodycam footage of the moments following a deadly gas explosion at a bank in youngstown last week a chase bank employee was killed and several others were injured hawaii's a kyla volcano erupting. it's happening in an area within hawaii volcanoes national park that last erupted in 1974. officials say it does not pose an immediate threat to human life or critical infrastructure and this man, a fee lab, a woman shania twain laughing, often onstage, faux pas, sharing video of herself at a recent show accidentally singing into a drumstick. for microphone she is calling the incident hilarious who could disagree with that all right. >> time now for whether parts of the central us under severe storm threats this morning while millions cope with excessive heat from california to texas over the next several days, or weatherman van dam tracking all of it. >> derek, good morning. what are you seeing? >> is this thing on my clicker? >> sorry not a drumstick love that video okay. >> that's okay. >> so this is the time of year we're talking about the heat that is going to impact the southwestern us. >> it's all about this heat dome that's just an area of high pressure that suppresses cloud cover, brings maximum sunshine, but also allows for the southwest is just bake other excessive heat and that's what's going to happen for the next several days right through the rest of the week. 100 record temperatures could be potentially set, get this the mercury in the thermometer. if you're headed to vegas? yeah, it could reach 120. that's just incredible. that would be the feels like temperatures you step outside, but the actual temperature there right around 100 110 degrees, just incredible. so that heat dome, of course provides that opportunity for severe storms to develop on the eastern side of it. so over 60 million americans today from minneapolis all the way to dallas chance to severe storms casey, all right. >> man, van dam, derrick. >> yeah. the the microphone is right here oh, yeah. >> that's what that is still to come here opening statements about to begin in hunter biden's federal gun trial, plus and a brassica woman pronounced dead in hospice, found still breathing at the funeral home the ceo is about the tape there's no one that does the things i do. >> we are personal and what for wrestling can be we 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accused of failing to disclose his use of illegal drugs when he purchased a firearm in 2018, he is pleading not guilty to all three felony charges. yesterday, 12 jurors and four alternates were seated in the case, among them gun owners and relatives of addicts. the president issuing a statement of support for his son writing this quote as the president, i don't and won't comment on pending federal cases. but as a dad, i have boundless love for my son confidence him in him, and respect for his strength our panel is back jonah goldberg. this of course something that is incredibly difficult for any father to have to go through he is also though the president of the united states how, what are the right way to balance these two roles here for him, for the president, i don't know. i think the statement is about as good as he game expect from a president i don't know. it would be inappropriate for him to go outside the four corners of being the defendants dad at the same time they're kind of in a way they're kind of lucky that this is as narrowly focused on the gun charge and not the full rich tapestry of a hunter biden problems which is one reason why the talking point with a lot of republicans doesn't work when you say well the doj isn't targeting trump, it's also going after hunter biden. they're like yeah, but they're only going after this very narrow thing so look, i don't know. i think he should that should be his last statement. it's fine. just stay out of it. is it's the only advice i would give them in kate's the pro at this stuff. >> well, i was curious from someone who's not quite has not been in the sympathetic corner or the official, shall we say the corner for president biden? but i mean, how does this mean you've been inside the white house? for the family, this is obviously been an ongoing thing. it is not it is not new and it's clear the president himself feels a lot of geldof was talking to alex thompson, the axios reporter earlier, who's been covering the trial and he was saying that there's no small amount of guilt felt by the president in terms of the timeline of when this all unfolded, which was when president biden and was thinking about running for president the first time yeah. >> i think that's true and look, you really can't underestimate are under appreciate how close-knit the biden family is. i sat in countless meetings in many situations where joe biden stop the meeting and took a call from his kids it has grandkids, his sibling. i mean, he truly is somebody who puts family first and for him family supersedes all else. so it is hard for him, obviously, as a father is hard for all of them for their family member to be going through this but also don't forget. he's somebody who is balanced personal tragedy, and chat and familial challenges with the obligations of public services entire life. i mean, he lost his his first wife and his daughter in a car crash weeks after he was elected to the senate. so he i think he will remain very focused, laser-focused on his duties as president. i certainly saw him do that as he was grappling with family issues but the other thing i would say about this is this is also something i had a front row seat to in 2019 and 2020, republicans have really tried to make this line of attack against hunter driving an effective attack. and it really just hasn't worked. i mean, if you look at go back and look at the first debate between trump and biden and trump really wound up and tried to go at hunter and it's spent all this time. at his rallies with a wears hunter and all of that and biden just looked in the camera and said, i love my son and i think everyone in this country can relate to having somebody they love struggling with addiction or mental illness. >> and i will tell you that was one of the most powerful moments in the debate. it was, it was a moment that we saw popped in focus groups after the debate we saw on the campaign, i should say, the biden campaign popped in focus groups, popped in polling. it's what people remembered. so this notion that coming at joe biden's family is a way to undermine joe biden. it doesn't work well and we've also seen hunter biden's team change their strategy for new. this was abbe lowell, who is hunter biden's very high-powered, well-known washington attorney at talking about the oversight, chairman comer, this was back in september of 2023. watch it is the folks like chairman comer and the republican maga crazies, who have been pressuring this us attorney to do something to vindicate their political position and guest what they succeeded. so this is really for news. she somewhat trumpian strategy and while we have jamie raskin out there saying, look, we're not doing what democrats are not doing, what republicans are doing around donald trump. abbe lowell is doing a little bit of it saying this is political yeah. no. i mean, it's really fascinating if you also go back to the conversation, we were just having about the president's statement about his son. right? he is making a statement about his son's case days after the former president is that he knows that he has a set the tone for what he thinks is the responsible behavior in a quarter of an in-court proceeding. right? >> how much should a former president or a current president get involved in the legal proceedings, whether it's against him was his son. i think thank you. know what what abdul's tactics are. obviously, he is the attorney for the president's done so him, but raskin said this many times and so many members of congress, including democrats, we are not electing hunter biden to become president. no one is saying hunter biden is perfect. i have said that several times. i think many democrats that's want to stop talking about hunter biden and want to focus on the accomplishments of president joe biden. but that's clearly not the case since become a political toy for republicans all right, let's turn now a to capitol hill today, where attorney general merrick garland will fend off gop attacks against his department of justice during his annual oversight hearing before the house judiciary committee, his testimony will come just a week after two republican-led committees voted to advance contempt proceedings against garland over his refusal to turn over audio recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel, robert hur according to remarks shared with cnn, the aig plans to say this, quote, i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated. we will continue to do our jobs free from political influence and we will not back down from defending our democracy jonah. this is an interesting i mean when these contempt charges against garland were moving forward. he came out and made a rare public comments, really defending the department. now he's gonna go in and say this scores after he's gotten some criticism behind the scenes from democrats for not being aggressive enough on january 6, he's been very protective of the department. it seems like you are seeing that here, but in a more aggressive way. so is it the right move? >> yeah. i mean, look, i think both the criticism and the defense of garland is that he is a pretty passionate into the analysts before he's anything else i just wanted to just as a level setting thing, i think the administration's arguments for not handing over the audio our constitutional garbage. and i think the congress's arguments for demanding it a constitutional garbage. >> they're both entirely journal. by the way, there garbage their both just doing this for partisan reasons. >> they, because they both think the audio will hurt biden. that's why the republicans want it. and that's why the doj doesn't want to release it. >> all. other things being equal tie goes to congress could occur congress is the supreme grandeur according to our constitution, but is all of the high minded this, of this i just find utterly unpersuasive. this is purely a partisan gutter fight i actually think the fact that this is a partisan gatera makes this makes this moment today politically problematic for republicans coming on the tail of the trump verdict. >> and what we know about how their argument that the weaponization of the justice system is landing with independent voters, which is to say not all that well based on, based on i'm pulling so i think to see them front and center today, like hard charging at this idea that the department of justice has weaponized again, while the president's son is literally on trial in delaware. so not sure that argument holds, but it's not a good argument for them. i would also remember this is but remember this is the consolation prize of sorts since they're biden impeachment effort fell apart. they pivoted to this to save face a little bit. so i just think that this argument across the board is not a winner for republicans. and so the ag, i think will be forcible defender of process and department of justice today. and i think for americans were paying attention that that will land with the best thing that could happen is if the whole fight descends around whether or not biden ordered the assassination of donald trump at mar-a-lago. that will bring out all the crazy garland will look like a normal human being and odds are lottery public well, those are going to take that big, again, jonah is talking about some right-wing. >> i would describe them as conspiracies around a pretty standard fbi procedure that was used when the raid i was conducted on mar-a-lago. let's move on. coming up next. sad aid. so majorly baseball, maybe dealing with another betting scandal, plus dr. deborah this is here to talk to us about covid and republican attacks on dr. kaci simons are going on. and the tornado here i'm thinking in grades die and i thought that was it while in earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn a us bank. we know how good it feels to reach your milestones but we 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aided chinese efforts to create the coronavirus hid pandemic data and made up social distancing guidelines fauci choked up at one point, as he described the threats that his family has faced as a result of all of those claims there have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals and credible death threats mean someone who clearly was on their way to kill me. >> it is very troublesome to me it is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters all right. >> joining me now is dr. deborah berg. she was response coordinator for the white house coronavirus task force in the trump administration. dr. burke's very grateful for your time today you obviously have worked closely in your career at with dr. fauci and you have a come to understand some of the same dynamics that he was talking about there in terms of the threats what when you see something like what played out with marjorie taylor greene happened in this hearing i mean, how do you understand the real-world ramifications of that my parents taught me that we can have an honest and transparent dialogue without name-calling and without disparaging people as humans as their families i appreciate where dr. >> fauci is and what he's experienced i've experienced much of the same. i have two daughters, two and they screened my mail because there was so many death threats that came by mail, by text. and then i just death threats, their sexual threats, which are very disconcerting to your daughter's. can you're trying to teach than that america is safe. so we have to be able to i was on the debate team a little bit of a nerd and you got to argue both sides and you understood that you could make your points in a collegial way and the one thing good coming out of the hearing, i believe. and i think dr. fauci made this point over and over again. we're at a place where we can definitively say we do not know if it was lab or zoonotic from animals. we do a lot of zoonotic work. it's our opportunity to really decide as a global community how we're going to control laboratory experiments in a way that protects the public do you think there is any veracity to some of the republican accusations that there was an effort to discredit the lab-leak theory i think early on, people did take very definitive sides. >> and it did divide along party lines. and we're still suffering from that four years later in a whole set of issues related to pandemic and pandemic preparedness. sure. but on the lab-leak specifically, you think that happened i do think it happened. i think people were if you look at what people said about bob redfield and how they disparaged him as a scientist because he wanted to bring forward the lab leak potential. and i think the reason he felt he needed to bring it forward to push was to push against this. it had to be this way because we didn't know and we knew we would never know. i mean, we knew as stars that china was not transparent. we knew with the second stars china was not transparent, so we were not going to get an answer, but that shouldn't have held us back 4.5 years later from both ensuring that we protect against lab leaks and we protect that public. >> people got infected with hiv in the lab. >> it happens it definitely happens. and so we have to put different rules and regulations and guidelines in place to protect the public. we can do that. we've done that before. >> i realize hindsight is 2020 and you and everyone in our government who worked hard to keep americans safe, deserve all of the, all of the thanks in the world for taking that on on behalf of all of us. but with hindsight being 2020, is there anything you think you would do differently? it does strike me in figuring trying to figure out how to cover this, that if we do face another pandemic, it's gonna be a serious crisis trust in the people that are going to be trying to battle it in the types of roles you and dr. fauci held and in 2020, because we didn't address community issues and we learned that in hiv, this is what bothers me because tony and i am bob all faced hit be an understood the way you battle and the way we're controlling hiv without a vaccine is working with the community and listening to what they need and still, we're not listening to their concerns and saying this is a study that addresses that are we don't have the study that addresses that and we're going to get the information because we no, it's important to you. we can't ignore people. and when you ignore people, they get pushed to the side. they even got more vehement because they know they're being ignored when you look at what happened in rural health people died in rural communities because they've been dying at 20% higher rates across all diseases for more than a decade. they know that, they know that they've been ignored from the health care system. so these are the kinds of things that we have to address to rebuild trust. it's not going to happen as a one-off it's going to happen as a continuously listening, not sitting in atlanta or washington by getting out in the communities and listening to their concerns. >> if we do that, you did enough of it in 2020. >> well, it's why i went out state by state because every what was i think not appreciated is amazing. things were done we're not capitalizing on that. we're not capitalizing on the fda nimbleness. and really creating that is a future pathway. we're not capitalizing on bringing the private sector to all pandemic preparedness because they're the ones that brought us tests. there's the one that brought us treatments are the ones that brought his vaccines in a very quick period of time. but we have an onshore rd are active pharmaceutical ingredients. were still very dependent on elsewhere. >> you mean we don't make the stuff that goes into her hearing america, i'm sorry to translate yes. >> that's absolutely thank you. >> but we're not on shoring critical essential medicines that can protect american people. >> yeah, so while i have you, i can i just ask and again, i'm sort of thinking about how does this look if we potentially face another pandemic, which i know again, everyone in this system is constantly preparing for. we're seeing a lot of concerning reports about bird flu at the moment the outbreaks it's in cows leading to test and milk. i'm getting questions from my friends who are also moms as this is the safe, is it not? what is the level of concern right now about that potentially becoming a pandemic? >> well, thank you. >> because this is why i'm really concerned because we're making the same mistakes today that we made with covid. >> okay. and what do i mean by that? we're not testing to really see how many people have been exposed and got asymptomatically infected we should be testing every cow weekly. you can do pull pcr. we have the technology where the great thing about america, as we're incredibly innovative and we have the ability to have these breakthroughs we could be pooled testing every dairy worker i do believe that there's on detected cases and humans because we're once again only tracking people with symptoms when we did that with covid, the virus spread throughout the northeast on detected because it took a long time to get to the vulnerable individuals. but in in the meantime, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people were infected with asymptomatic or mild disease and never came to medical attention. we have to switch from symptoms to actually definitive laboratory testing. we have the capacity to do that today, right? like that. >> hi well that's cheerful know exactly what to say. but it does, it doeshathat happenede saw play out in 2020 that i think is going to matter in terms of future. >> you write that we learned a lot as well in terms of pcr testing, dr. brooks, i'm very grateful for your time today. thank you very much for having me on all right. >> 54 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up. a 74-year-old woman in nebraska pronounced dead by a doctor at a nursing home and transported to a funeral home. where an employee notice that she was still breathing. she was given cpr and taken to the hospital a juror in minnesota dismissed yesterday after reporting a woman dropped a bag with $120,000 in cash at her home and offered her more money. >> if she voted to acquit seven people in a fraud case wow gambling scandal, it major league baseball, a sandi, san diego padres in infielder to compete on mark cano facing a possible lifetime ban and for allegedly betting on games involving the pittsburgh pirates while he was on the team last season and the story there's carrying factors marion tapper's one, july let's surprises me because anybody drink dr. pepper i was like a young i shouldn't have been drinking it, but as a child, i can get a lot dr. pepper in a delicious yeah focused i'm from atlanta. satan's that all right. >> now to this story, two more us senators leaving the democratic party for very different reasons, west virginia senator joe manchin and new jersey senator bob menendez, both filing to become independence menendez its decision comes after a criminal indictment on federal corruption charges that led him to lose support from members of his party manchin chose to drop the democratic label because he claims it became toxic in his home state our own manu raju spoke to manchin yesterday about his political future no, i'm not running for any office. >> political office. i've been very clear about that. >> closing the door completely on both of those. >> well, i'm not i have knocked university. i'd never leave any you never leave any political opportunity and walk away from that. so you always have options because life is full of surprises, but i have no intention of running for political office. i've intention of being in the political fray by talking to people that's joe manchin's like political philosophy right there and a 30-second soundbites never leave a political opportunity on available to you herself look, i mean, i think all these guys have very healthy egos and they can envision this moment where america calls forth for cincinnati as the lay down his plow and save us. and that's what i think he's referring to, but i don't think he's organizing that run for anything. i think he wants to be called to service. >> yes we for news comes out about menendez for a second because again, i mean, we're talking about these two stories together because they're both running as independence. but i do want to make sure that we separate the reasons for that, right. this is joe manchin choice entirely senator menendez was basically pushed off the democratic stage by a primary because he has refused to step down in the context of these allegations. still allegations he is currently on trial the thing that i kind of wonder about menendez is, is this the first test we get of whether donald trump is the only one who can, who can overcome stuff like this because i mean, i'd be really surprised if he were to actually win a senate race, but he seems to be trying the thing that trump has successfully tried. >> yeah, i think with one end has i mean, past this pretense provided here already beat. this is the second time he's going through allegations of this kind of second time he's going through an indictment. he survived that one. the party stood by him. he regained his chairmanship of the senate foreign relations committee at high perch for any senator. and you're seeing this happen for the second time and we'll see if he survives it mean obviously, the andy kim, the new jersey democrat who is running for the senate seat, is likely to become the democratic favorite. and there is some conversations about republicans, but new jersey has not had a republican senator and 40, 50 years. so i don't see that happening, but menendez future beyond this moment will be interesting right? we've seen a lot of people take some time off from public life after facing legal troubles or any sort of controversy and then come back stronger. but i think you're right. i think we'll see if donald trump is going to be the only political character of our time who can overcome legal battles and still get public office? yes. >> yeah. >> this takes in the level of it is is definitely senator and president are a little different. yeah. yeah. >> alright. >> i'll leave you with this in a political climate. we talked about here all the time. lawmakers seem to unfortunately, sometimes behave like school children. it is only fitting that it was a kindergartener who stole the show on the house floor on monday, tennessee republican john rose was passionately defending donald trump, but i'm pretty sure no one listened too wordy. he said, because his six-year-old son was behind him putting on quite a show we'd be well-served to remember the long and cherished tradition we guy ended up for the cameras, went viral on social media. >> we've got these comments from capitol hill staffers quotes, so sorry, i was slow responding to your email. i was tied up watching this over and over again. and this quote, he knows that was something from the minority leaders press secretary rose soon got wise

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Went Out State By , Tests , Future Pathway , Sector , Fda Nimbleness , Vaccines , Elsewhere , Rd , Ingredients , Essential Medicines , Thinking , Reports , Concern , Bird Flu , Milk , Outbreaks , Cows , Questions , Friends , Moms , Mistakes , Cow Weekly , Asymptomatically , Breakthroughs , Pull Pcr , Tracking , Dairy Worker , Disease , Asymptomatic , Hundreds , Laboratory Testing , Capacity , It Doeshathat Happenede , Play Out , Morning Round , Pcr Testing , Brooks , 54 , 74 , Nursing Home , Funeral Home , Employee Notice , Cpr , Nebraska , Juror , Minnesota , 120000 , Seven , 20000 , Mark Cano , Lifetime , Games , Ban , Gambling Scandal , Infielder , Sandi , Major League Baseball , San Diego Padres , Fraud Case Wow , Story , Carrying , Season , Marion Tapper , Pittsburgh Pirates , Surprises , Pepper , Young I Shouldn T , Drinking It , Satan , Child , Indictment , Bob Menendez , Corruption , Filing , New Jersey , Independence Menendez , West Virginia , Home State , Led , Label , To 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