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ordinary americans we just wrote in history good morning, waking up a convicted felon just five months before voters will have to decide whether to send him back to the oval office. donald trump has spent the last four years telling his supporters the 2020 election was stolen from him. and he has spent the last seven weeks telling them the trial was a political sham. >> here's what he said yesterday. >> the real verdict is going to be november 5, by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. this was done by the biden administration. in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent? >> and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. >> we'll fight til the end and we'll win president biden's campaign agreeing with trump on that very first part of what he said, writing this in a statement right after the verdict, quote there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, convicted felon or not. >> trump will be the republican nominee for president donald trump's allies rushing to his defense. here was his son the democrats have succeeded in their years-long quest to turn america into a whole country there can be no doubt that that has been their plan all along. this is third world banana republic looks like if like if this happened in zimbabwe, we'd like that's really bad other trump surrogates suggesting weaponizing other state prosecutors against democrats. >> and with a possible jail sentence for trump looming, it's setting the stage for the most consequential election in american history. this side of the civil war preceding a dark divisive campaign with unpredictable consequences. our panelists here, david from staff writer for the atlantic, former white house communications director, kate betting field, former federal prosecutor, and cnn legal analyst elliot williams, scott jennings, who was a former special assistance president george w bush, and the conservative lawyer and contributor to the atlantic, also a trump critic george conway at very grateful to have all of you this morning. david from, i would like to start with you and we're going to contrast what you have had to say about this with what we have heard from mr. conway, you write this wrong case, right. verdict. what has been served here is not the justice that america required after trump's plot to overturn the 2020 election first by fraud, then by violence it's justice instead of an incredible, especially ironic sort driving home to the voting public, that before trump has a constitutional criminal, he got his start as a squalid hush money paying document tampering tabloid sleeves ball, what does this mean the system is trying to difficult the whole trump to account for his crimes against the constitution, but for his crimes against the ordinary political process for the kind of stuff that gets everyone who runs any kind of dry cleaning store sent to prison and get some trouble that is tampering with your records to conceal improper activity. >> the system has held him to account, but i'm struggling the reaction that you talk so much about senator marco rubio, who has stood up for american democracy. so eloquently and so many other cases. last night, tweet of the video comparing the american justice system to that of castro's cuba i'm, i think i'm the oldest member of the ccap panel here. i got into politics on the conservative sayyed in the 1970s because i was so a fronted by those who attack the institutions of this country, by those who said things like this is a, what don trump junior said, who said things like the courts are unfair, who couldn't tell the difference between the united states and foreign dictatorships, who use the flag as an insult. fluid upside down rather than flying up correctly with pride when did, when did my team become the hippies here i thought we were carved definitely look like a hippie. the curtain team. hip. and respected juries and respected the courts and respect to the institutions of the country and flew the flag right-side-up george conway, let me bring you in on this question and let's show everyone what david was just talking about as well, which is marco rubio making that comparison. >> i believe we have that sound talking about communist cuba. let's watch we don't have that. okay. that's fine at george, you right here, the new york trump cases kind of perfect. now you wrote this before. this verdict dropped, you said his other criminal cases involve lies about the 2016 election, about the military secrets he stole but the alleged lies in the people be trump's strike at the core of his moral petra essence and trump knows it what do you make of the verdict that we saw here today? and also david from's comments considering the way to sits in our nation's consciousness. and the way it stacks up against some of the other things that donald trump is accused of doing. >> well, i actually agreed with everything that david said and in terms of this verdict, the only thing that really i wasn't i was surprised by the fact that so many people were surprised. i was in that courtroom for a number of the days. i read the transcript, i followed along very closely this case was never ever close. it wasn't there was really no defense. the only defense was that michael cohen lied on some other occasions, but on the things that he testified to about donald trump and stormy daniels and karen mcdougal and the catch and kill scheme with the width, the national enquirer but all that was corroborated many, many times over by documents. so i'm just surprised at how many people were unwilling to accept this case that that said i do. i think that it is this case really does capture donald trump in a way. >> it capture, it's where he started. >> he has been criminal his entire life and he cannot help themselves. i mean, he if you go out there and you see his son and him all claiming that they are the victims of them, some mastermind scheme. bye by president biden. i mean, it's just it's just silly and ridiculous. and marco rubio should be ashamed. i mean, if you don't want to be found guilty of falsifying business records as a felony. don't sleep with the porn star, don't lie about it, don't pay her off, don't cover up the payoff. don't cover off the payoff in the middle of a presidential campaign where you're making contribution and don't, don't roast the guy up for taxes. who use you can use those as the front man. if you own if you don't want to be held liable for rape, like donald trump has don't grab the woman's genitalia. if you don't want to be held liable for defining the woman that you rate. don't keep lying about what you did and calling her on not job. if you don't want to be indicted for overthrowing the constitution don't start a self coup. if you don't want to be indicted for classified stealing classified documents and obstructing justice. don't take the classified documents when the government asked for it back, give them back if if you if the fbi serves you with a search warrant, don't hide the documents. and don't lie about it and don't have your lawyers lie about it. this isn't that hard. donald trump is not the victim here donald trump is is does all of these things to hit himself. >> and i agree with david. i mean, once upon a time, the republican party was the party, not just a anti hippies, but a personal responsibility. >> and of law and order. what party where's that party? here? are there no one's willing to hold in the republican party is willing to hold donald trump to account for his crimes. crimes that aren't really even in dispute. and no one no one is willing to call him up and said he's he's gonna get the nomination. that's just insane and it just shows the degree of moral rot we have on the conservative side of politics today. >> scott jennings, i think this is for you. where is that party? >> well, i disagree with a number of things george said, of course. i mean, he's talking about these crimes that were committed that that that that i mean, he's talking about the obvious crimes that were supposedly committed, but that's the core of what a lot of decidedly non maga, republicans are mad about. is it there is no underlying crime. i looked at the statement from maine senator susan collins, i think encapsulated it perfectly. she said this was a partisan prosecutor who promised to get trump now, it's what he did not promise to go after the law, but he promised authentic promise to go after donald trump and so the issue is here what is the crime? he's never been indicted for or convicted of? the campaign finance theory at the core of this case. and so republicans are wondering today you know, what what do you have to do to build a defense against something you've never been convicted of? in the first place. i'll tell you the mood in the party. if you're looking for a generalized attitude, is reminds me a little bit about the kavanaugh period you'd go back to the brett kavanaugh hearings, 2018. i remember that period being the maga people were mad, the non maga, the anti-trump, the prodrug. every wing of the party he was vibrating lee angry about what was being done to kavanaugh. i feel and sense that the same thing is happening today, which is why i think you're probably going to see this backfire politically on the democrats and they're going to regret it. >> i haven't george, i will say i have heard from some people who really don't want to see trump get elected in the republican party, who our concern that this is just this particular case is just going to drive additional enthusiasm for the former president. i'm mistrusted you respond to that and you got your face and your hands when he got to say scott, i have to say i mean, look, i mean, scott's lying and that's the problem with the republican party. it is continually adapt wait a minute. what about what am i? my live? you're saying it's the or line, scott, you're lying about the law you're lying about what the jury was charged to find. they don't have to find it on the underlying crime that you had to find the intent to cover up an underlying crime and the underlying crime was pretty obvious. what was the you ran for public office? office, scott, you you ran for public office scott, you know, you can't take money from somebody and reimburse them for as if it's a campaign run well okay. fine. well, you you're close enough. you're involved in politics to know that. okay. so that's the problem with the republican party, is that they are suffused with lies i don't know why this network is paying scott to compete to say it was like, oh, okay. let's it's got couple that's not good things never wanted scott is our colleague and we're going to treat him respectfully as such to continue well you shouldn't there's my question if it is if it is an obvious crime, why did the department of justice and the federal election commission take a pass on it? >> all the federal a showed action posix should have been prosecuted on january 21 to and january 20, 21, 2021. let's look at think about donald trump. schrom never been to trump has been lead off hold on, please. >> david rohde, commissioners, is a broken and paralyzed institution it require it requires a majority is got equal numbers of republicans and democrats. it requires a majority to act and it's not acted on anything for a decade because it has been it is broken. and one of the reasons that things are ending up in the criminal justice system is because the internal political system has been sabotaged by the people then complain that the criminal justice system is the wrong, is the wrong remedy i want to pick up something else. scott said this has become an important republican talking point that alvin bragg vowed to punish donald trump that doesn't seem to be true. people are looking to record to say, where is this, where's this promise that you're talking about it? and i wonder maybe they've mistaken alvin bragg for letitia james, the new york state attorney general, who did make that promise. but bragg actually was the person who declined to bring a criminal action based on the civil frauds that that then one verdict of a half 1 billion. but he's been actually quite cautious, not as consciousness merrick. merrick garland, but still quite cautious. he was not someone who has chomping at the bit to get this president scott i disagree. >> i think it's obvious that he wanted to get the president. and i think it's obvious that he, he did it. i mean, i i mean, he he these democrats in new york. i mean, it eva is the average republican had been desperate to get trump from the beginning and they finally did it. and i i'm not a lawyer, but the political impact of this, i am an expert on and i'm telling you right now this is done more to unify the republican party bind trump than anything else you could have possibly done. i've heard people on tv last night say, now they got to throw them in jail. we gotta throw him in jail. my advice would be go right ahead. asked for the maximum jail time go go right. >> go right ahead because i would love to see you it being a can deal with the consequences of that were being being a convicted felon were good for you politically, we would not have had to wait for 230 years of the life of this public for people to run for office is convicted felons. historically, everyone has agreed that it's a bad thing to be a politically he didn't he didn't run for office is a convicted felon. he was going to get every started running and running he is now today it's not too late for the republican convention to swap them out and find someone who's not a convicted felon technically it is before the convention. after the convention, we might actually see something else. let me bring in kate benningfield on this, please can you help us understand a little bit from the biden campaign side because i will say you know, when i saw the biden campaign statement, they do declined to call him convicted felon donald trump. there had been some conversations if he was going to do that. they said the same thing in the statement that it was gonna be decided at the ballot box. it was relatively restrained in some ways that does lend some credence a little bit to what scott is saying that the way that they need to use this, they're being very careful and considered in how they do it. what is your view? so of what they're doing and why? yeah. >> i think they view this as this is one paint stroke in the portrait. >> their painting of donald trump, it is not the entire portrait. and i think that actually the back-and-forth and the tenor of this conversation that's been happening this morning illustrates why it's not because being a convicted, being a former president and a convicted felon and the nominee for you your party is not an incredibly significant historic, and i would argue for most of these swing voters that trump needs to win over a totally unpalatable thing to be it's because it doesn't feel like it has an impact on the day-to-day lives of people across this country. now, we could argue that that's sort of a crazy statement that the idea that a major party candidate, isn't is now a convicted felon, doesn't have resonance with people. that that's wild, but that's what the state of our politics. but i think, i think that that's true. and so i think for the biden campaign, what they're trying to do is use this to illustrate donald trump is to illustrate their larger case donald trump is not fit to return to the oval office. he brings a sense of chaos. he is only about himself. i mean, that's the other thing about the perpetual victim hood. it may motivate his maga base. there may be partisan republicans who say this is an abuse of the system. and i'm angry about it. he certainly has figured out a way to fire those folks up, but at the end of the day, those people are not going to be enough to get him to 270 votes. and we've seen a lot of voters have not turned in yet. the biden campaign's still has a significant opportunity to both shape how people think about donald trump and also shape how they think about joe biden. and so for them to get pulled down into essentially a rabbit hole of making their entire political argument about this case. but at the end of the de while incredibly troubling, doesn't have a real impact on people's day-to-day lives. i think would be a mistake. i think base you hasn't wouldn't would be a mistake. and you see that reflected in the statement, they know that ultimately this race this is gonna be one at the ballot box. they've got a lot of time to make the case. it's one piece of the argument. it's not the entire argument and it shouldn't be elliot williams. there's an incredibly weighty decision facing the judge in this case. and if we think that this was an incendiary moment in our politics, a jail sentence for the former president and the current presumptive nominee republican nominee, a week before he's supposed to be formerly nominated at the convention, would be that much more incendiary. what's weighing on his mind, it's absolutely. and i thank you for inviting me to republican family thanksgiving dinner according enjoyable to be a fly on the wall for one of the things that any judge will consider in deciding a sentence as number one, the crime itself and what's the statutory maximum for the crime? but here it's four years in prison and i believe a $5,000.05 now, other factors are going to come in. the defendant's criminal history. the defendant's conduct during trial and after wink wink the defendants behavior the defendants any violent circumstances of the crime any number of factors, the possibility of rehabilitation, the possibility of deterring future people. it becomes a big slurry in which the judge ultimately makes the decision. big picture. we can talk about this further and the odds of donald trump going to prison at all, i think are pretty slim. who'd probably end up getting probation in some way he could be sent to prison and we can talk about that. but really what the judge is looking for are the circumstances of the case. the circumstances of the defendant, and then deciding what's best for the community there after that, i would just say from a political a quick last word, trump political standpoint, the pearl clutching a monster republicans about the idea that here we go to jail from the people who are cheering donald trump's lock her up. can in 2016 is a little rich. i was a little rich. all right. i think we need some bloody mary's all around at this point but scott and george, i want to thank thank you very much for joining us. i really appreciate your contributions. let's continue this conversation. perhaps tomorrow, you'd welcome to come back anytime. >> all right ahead here. >> a potential trump vp pick governor doug burgum is here with his take on the historic guilty verdict it's plus former congressman adam chins injure a sharp critic of donald trump joining us to discuss defending democracy. >> plus oklahoma senator markwayne mullin, who calls thursday's verdict a dark day for america. okay. >> cnn this morning, brought to you by first sandra, for more information. visit for missing. out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with cassandra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma it is taken once every eight weeks to sandra is not presented breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. >> allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor, tell your doctor your asthma worsens, headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection step back out there with cassandra, ask your doctor if it's right for you i love that these dresses have shaped where i built it when i put on populace, i just feel like me, no matter what size i am, i know i'm going to feel so lesh live lush, populous if we weren't proud of the craftsmanship and level of detail that go into every pair of warby parker glasses well we probably wouldn't show you how they're made including this part which is our favorite wow. and this is also great. >> each pair comes standard with lenses that are scratch resistant anti reflective, and uv protective try five pairs for free at warby when your cat's hungry, you definitely know when you want your attention, he makes it clear, when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has ole pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain he may be saying out in different ways, it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere, but cats are really good at hiding their pain. so you just need to know what to look for. visit cat red to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help when you overdo it. undo it with the pepto that's right for you. >> do has very fast belch, cherry juice with those liquid caps that may relieve easy pick your pepto a us bank, we know how good it feels to reach your milestones but we also know what really goes into getting you there. >> that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real banker in real time to help you do anything from adding new debit card learning. he save smarter, or even creating spending wonderful strep, the one with kolb rows are always there from on your road to here because there's nothing as powerful as the power of us at granger. >> we know the ones who get it done where a lot of hats, a hard hat as one problem-solver is another whatever the job calls for, we're here for we're america's trusted source for industrial grade products with the scale and resources to deliver for m analogies to help answer tough product question because we know that has changed. but having access to real people ready to help, combined with fast delivery never goes out of style. call, click or just that i don't want you to move. i'm gonna miss you so much. you realize we'll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? 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section to the verdict in this case i mean, it's the right verdict. >> there's he violated the law. it's obvious a panel of citizens, of american citizens that were picked by both the prosecutor and the defense. i guaranteed, by the way, some of those empaneled citizens voted for donald trump heard the evidence and called him guilty. i get that there's gonna be some political hacks out there that want to defend this and want to go after watching people go after this. but my goodness, watching my party, the party of law and order absolutely turn their guns against the jury. against the judge, against the system. and it's not just like crazy people. it's people like marco rubio and lindsey graham, this party has lost all ability to think for itself. it's not my favorite case, the one that i really want to see done because this is what i think is the most important for the american people, is the january 6 case in the dark humans case. but there is no doubt that donald trump violated the law. how a single republican can stand on any network, whether they're paid by this network, whether guests on anywhere and say that what happened is a disgrace never claimed to be the party of law and order again, after that, this is this to me is just basic we should be proud that the american legal system works so congressman, there are, as you note, i mean, honestly, it's a flood of republicans, potential vice presidential contenders. >> as you note, marco rubio it probably in that category part of it is driven by it seems the political calculations over what it would mean to go against trump in this case, the governor of former governor of maryland, larry hogan now running for senate in the blue state of maryland before the verdict was announced, after we knew one was coming, he wrote this on x. he says, regardless of the result, i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process a dangerously divided moments in our history, all leaders, regardless of party, must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship, we must reaffirm what has made this nation great lacivita. chris lacivita, who runs the trump campaign. he put on top of that you just ended your campaign what what is your reaction to that look, you and i are old enough to remember when that used to be, like two years ago, would have been the response of any republican in office are running for office on any court case we always used to save things like, look, i'm in the legislative branch the judiciary is gonna do what the judiciary, i'm not a lawyer or, or i don't have an opinion on this. >> and larry hogan did what exactly two years ago, every republican anywhere in the country would have done and by the way, if donald trump wants to try to tank larry hogan because he's going to throw a fit. and that could be the difference between the senate majority, which i probably wouldn't be. or not, it goes to show how bad donald trump really isn't politics look. the fact is they all have their marching orders. you cannot anymore. and this republican party say things like, let's to respect law and order because you're going against the call, you're going against the leader. and if you go against the leader, you get kicked out, you get made an example of an everybody else lines up and fear. did you ever think because i never did that. lindsey graham would be out there saying going against a panel of american citizens. again, some which probably voted for donald trump because he's scared to death. that in four years when he's up for reelection, he might have to answer for that i'm good luck. the american people deserve far better than the current republican party. all i can tell you as go out and do better than that. but until then, you're going to have subservient people that are going to be doing the bidding of a convicted felon who can own a weapon would be discharged from the military today, less than honorable conditions because of this crime is no longer eligible for even a secret security clearance and can't vote for himself remarkable when you lay it out that way and lindsey graham, a former jag officer, i want to show you a little bit, congressman of what some on the right in the intermediate tend to support donald trump are saying how they're characterizing this. >> let's watch then we're going to vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this republic. it's a sad day for our justice system. >> the best justice system ever created by man, the foundation of our constitutional republic it's literally dying before your eyes. so are we going to establish a precedent where the president can put his political opponent in jail. it's the type of power we usually see dictators exercise in china and cuba, and north korea what's the impact of the unified messaging from those types of voices here? well, it's devastating all they care about is the political impact in the, by the way, they're slowly killing their own party. let's just be clear about this. you do not survive as a political movement in darkness in fear, in saying that america is a garbage country or what is it the president said yesterday, we're going down the tubes or something like that the impact is significant. the constant darkness, the constant down talking of this country in this hasn't been just this election cycle. i'm going to even write what you mentioned my book i write about in my book. this has been something we've been peddling in since before. i've even ran for congress in 2010. that's like we recognize that this darkness, this fear of this turning americans against each other, raises a ton of money. it gets us a ton of attention. >> and this is ultimately a way to do it. >> let's keep in mind, i think it was george conway earlier saying this is the party that was chanting lock her up about hillary clinton for doing by the way, probably left a significantly less for being accused of doing even significantly less than what donald trump has been accused of at mar-a-lago this is the party that is cheering on the prosecution of hunter biden agree or disagree with the prosecution of hunter biden? the fact is they are weaponizing the doj or weaponizing the justice in this situation. and they're using every answer to every chance they can to talk about the legal system as it relates to a hunter biden to go after joe biden so they're like yeah, the darkness of this is just wrong. >> i think that was our kate benningfield who brought up hillary clinton. thank you for watching earlier on in our atkins, your congressman, i'm very grateful to have you and your perspective. thank you very much for joining us this morning. okay. >> you bet. >> yeah. all right. coming up next, north dakota governor doug burgum, a potential trump vice presidential pick here to talk about this guilty verdict. >> plus republican senator markwayne mullin joins us live coming up next oh, no running oil with chewy always keep their bowl full, safe. >> 35% on your first auto ship warner, get the food they delivered again and again guin's is quiet luxury at disruptive prices because mutable things should be for everyone with quinn's, you can get more summer essentials more high-quality materials and more of life's finer things because quality should never be a luxury get $20 off your first purchase at yellows not going to fly, but the lab there's toothpaste white and there's chris 3d whitestrips way whitens like a $400 professional treatment crest omaha steaks, sun's out funds out sale of it is here right now, get 50% off site wide. save on favorites like fork tender, filet, mignon juicy chicken breast, sides, desserts, and more. order now and get eight of our famous burgers free. >> visit omaha slash tv today to find the best values under the sun just in time for father's day a us bank, when we say we're in it with you, we mean not just for the good stuff. >> the grand opening celebrations, but for all the hard work he took to get there, we are in for all of it it's tough for sure. but less tough when you have the right people by your side. i kayla from kansas city, and thousands of other bankers around the country because together we're proving there's nothing is powerful as the power of us how did you get your deed? >> so you've gotta use the right toothpaste after c not all toothpastes white in the same craft, 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile hi all new personal fats. press cnn central all right welcome back to cnn. >> this morning we're joined now by oklahoma republican senator markwayne mullin, who joined us. he was one of the first republican senators to endorse donald trump in the gop primary. else want to note, sorry, recently traveled to turks and caicos. you've been working to get americans detained on those islands back home and i do want to make sure that we touch on that in our interview, but let's start with the news. we had these 12 jurors who they're normal people, new yorkers, they seem to take their job very seriously. they found the president guilty do you question their motivations? >> no, i don't question their motivation. they were there to do the job. i knew question allen begs motivation. i do question the fact that could trump actually get a fair trial there in new york where you're supposed to be obviously, your peers or josep be the ones that are judging you when you understand this is political moving forward, but the jury did their job, but this case is going to be appealed. you know, it's going to be appealed and most people will say that this is going to be overturned. and it will be eventually this was misdemeanors that years ago, the only reason why this was even brought up to criminal cases and in the first case is because alan bragg, he literally ran on prosecuting trump. so this doesn't surprise anybody and it doesn't change the outcome. in fact it just really, really big rates the base and says, if you're going to attack our guy, we're just going to stand with him strong do you see any i mean, do you have any concerns about the potential damage to the system overall in telling americans, hey, you can't trust, address the system you had to repeat that. >> i'm sorry, we lost connection there for just a second. >> no problem at all. do you think there's any danger in saying to americans, hey, you can't trust your justice system i didn't i didn't say that. i do think that it sets i'm sorry. >> i don't want to put words in your mouth. president trump has been saying that yeah, what i think this does damage judicial system and the simple fact that it's been weaponized, you've had a judicial system that went after a political opponent at you have a a district attorney that literally ran and on convicting donald trump. >> that's a problem when you have when you have a district attorney that can have this much leeway, would you have attorney general's that are that are that are in a liberal state or district attorney and the liberal city that can sorry i lost i'm losing connection again, but you have them that they can go after a political opponent that's a huge problem, that's what needs to be looked at. our initial system is still something that the rest of world looks into. >> and we can't weaponize it to go out your political opponent, opponents like because what happened yesterday or actually over the life? >> last year, there have been some local, state and local officials and i elected folks who have argued that now state attorney generals, particularly in red states, should look at democrats more closely. do you agree with those types of calls? >> no, i don't. because at some point this has to stop if we were going to do that, we could have done that with the clintons, but we chose not to. i believe we need allow the political system to work out the way that political system should. and, and the judicial system should stay out of the way, just like we tried to stay out of getting involved in the judicial branch and additional branches belden political system as well senator, let me ask you about the work that you've been doing in turks and caicos because a number of americans who, for the most part i've accidentally included ammunition in their luggage, have run a foul of a new law. >> there aimed at reducing gun crimes and trafficking. but it potentially puts them in prison for up to 12 years. is my understanding. what did you see on the ground there and what are your hopes to try to make to help the americans who are stuck in this predicament we've been working on this for a couple of months. >> we didn't go public with it until we got back from turks and caicos the turks and caicos who's doing what they can to curb gang violence has been falling over from jamaica and haiti. understand what they're trying to do, what happened here is that you had several americans that had no weapon with them. they had a bag that had loose rounds of ammunition and they were caught up in an unintentional consequences of a law that was going after game violence. and tourist on the other hand, there was a they also had a law and i'm sorry about hang on one second with me sorry. >> sorry about that. but they have a law that was 100% designed to go after gang violence and when they did that, they actually pass a law that trump no pun intended there, that trump to current law that they could have used called the customs act and the customs act was designed for when someone accidentally brings in a product or something that's illegal in the country you're entering. but legal in the country. you left that you could be charging into customer, zach this trump that. and so now you have americans that are caught up based in a minimum of 12 years when we had a conversation with them, honestly it wasn't that productive and and what we were heard, we understood each other. they have a job to do and that's to protect their island. i respect that. we haven't dropped due to protect american people. and if there if they're ball is unfortunately catching americans and phone would they, we really do have to have a longer conversation about saying should americans traveled to turks and caicos. and it'll tell they changed their law very glad to have a little bit of bipartisanship on our show this morning, senator markwayne mullin. >> thank you very much for your time. i'm very grateful. noteworthy there. i think david, that he actually said he doesn't think that we are seeing some calls to further weaponize the system in a political manner from the right, especially the far right. he seemed to say no, don't wanna do that. >> well, but that buys into a notion about what has already happened. that is simply false. that's fair that first this is an action by new york state, the president of the united states had no authority one way or the other about the actions of new york state. he seems to have the talking point seem to mix up the new york state attorney general, who is a political figure who says political things with the district attorney alvin bragg, who was not a political configure and who didn't say the things that letitia james successful candidate for attorney general, did set so just, you start but when you start with a presumption that there is no law, there's only politics. you're already a marxist so let's the whole point to the non-market is law and politics are different. and not only he should they be, they actually are. and that's the thing that is everyone in our all of our daily lives we know about the american justice system. you know, it's not perfect. no one who's ever been convicted of a crime said yes, they got me fair and square. are they all every everybody in prison? is there as a result of miscarriage of justice. you know that you've sent people to prison and a couple of things on this. >> no one likes sending it in really quick, yes or no one likes sending people to prison. i have it happens. >> just 11 quick thing i want to know most i think it's 94 or 5% of the prosecutors in america are elected. >> they are political figures. they run in part, it's an elections that does not mean that every task that they take when they get on the job as a partisan choice. and we can talk about why that's the case. there's a lot i mean, it's it's why faith in the system matter so much. yes. right. the idea that we can believe that people are able to set aside what they believe politically and actually make, make the right decisions. all right, just ahead here, north dakota governor doug burgum joins me with his reaction to the the historic conviction of donald trump. let's not forget, he's under consideration for vice president plus i wish trump hadn't been indicted on any of this stuff, get distorted the primary if that was true for ron desantis in the primary, what does that mean for president biden now see idp disrupts cid p derails. >> let's be honest sucks but living to see idp doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patient stories helpful tips, reliable information, and more. >> cid p can be tough. >> but finding hope just got a little easier sign up is shining through you heard be hopeful be you at granger. we know the ones who get it done where a lot of hats that's why we're always here for you with professional great product and the knowledge to help answer tough product question. call, click or just that by granger for the ones who get it done? 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>> fred fuel up to seven brain health the windsor close captioning is brought to you by tableau. watch, pause and record live tv subscription free. start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing porter today at tableau all right, welcome back. >> the word guilty, ringing out 34 times in a manhattan courtroom, donald trump facing sentencing in six weeks, just days before the republican convention, and an election in less than six months here's how the former president and the man who prosecuted him reactant i did my job. >> we did our job many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken this was a rigged, disgraceful trial the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people our next guest is on donald trump's shortlist of possible running mates. >> let's bring in republican north dakota governor doug burgum, governor, very grateful to have you here today. >> you were outside the courthouse yesterday meeting with trump's team. >> have you spoken to the former president about this verdict yet this was a very weighty day for him, regardless this how is he taking it in can you see i was with him yesterday, but that was before the verdict. >> but i would just have to say that yesterday was sad day for america, but i'm optimistic this morning, i'm optimistic because i think this trial is part of a eight-year long attempt to people are been trying to take down donald trump's since you want in november 16. and i think the reason why the people have a hard time understanding why this may not change the outcome in november or why people are donating and record dollar $2 trump yesterday is because the verdict doesn't affect the average american of yesterday. you're struggling to pay your grocery bill and yesterday you're struggling to pay if you're your electric bill or you couldn't buy a house because interest rates are too high. you have those same set of problems today if the border being open, i had led to some family member who died of a fentanyl poisoning. you still have that same problem today in this election, this fall is going to be about the issues that are affecting american people. it's not going to be about this trial does it give you any pause to potentially serve as the vice president or in another role in the trump administration. considering the fact that he is the first convicted felon who is a former president well, can you see is i've been clear many, many times. >> i wasn't when i was running for president, i was running to be part of somebody else's team. and when i'm supporting president trump right now, i'm not doing that for a cabinet position or any other consideration. as a governor of a natural resources state. i just i can see right now that the policies of the biden administration are affecting every american inflation is up. and we've got wars abroad in part because of the energy policies of the biden administration. when we try to shut down us energy here we shove that supply overseas to places that produce it less cleanly than us. so it's bad for the environment, it's bad for the economy and it's actually funding iran and russia. their war efforts against us. and so that's why i'm doing this, because if we want our country to succeed, if we want americans to be able, to be able to afford the food, the gas, and have the life, have the american dream be able to buy a house we've got to turn things around in a different direction and that's why i'm doing what i'm doing. and i think we're the it's not causing me any pause because i think everybody knows that it's a very tough the very tough for to get a fair trial for donald trump in new york so that's a no, it doesn't give you pause does not give me pause. >> what is your view of how this was handled, these these business records were handled your businessman. i you have been extraordinarily successful is what donald trump did here in terms of these payments and the way his company operated, do you view that as aboveboard? >> well, it can you see i mean, as a businessperson, part of this whole reasons why it doesn't give me pause to keep sporting the president because i'm in shock. this is a 7-year-old, 7-year-old set of records, payments that were if there was an alleged that there was a business records filing issue that's the core of this case. it's about business since records and how they were filed. and since seven years ago in manhattan, there's probably been what, millions, tens of millions of records filed by all of these companies is there any other ceo that's been dragged into court for six weeks to somebody in their accounting department, called a legal expense of legal expense on a check and then check went out 34 times and then all of a sudden now that's 34 felonies magically, it gets transformed from a misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations into something that becomes a felony thing. and then the america i mean, if if you're a north dakota today and you're some farmer ranch or having coffee is not about guilty or innocent, they're probably having coffee this morning. what was the crime? because the legal experts that have been camped outside of the courthouse the last six weeks. i've watched them all and all these channels. they can explain in what was the crime that was attached to a business filing that magically turn it from a misdemeanor into 34 felony. so if their legal experts can understand it, americans can understand it. they're going to fall back on. what are the issues that i would just say as a test, this is a thought test why aren't there 100 other ceos that have been dragged accord in manhattan if this is the every day every day, businesses usual like alvin bragg said yesterday, where are all the other cases? for 7-year-old business violin cases, there are none. so then you just have to say, well, it looks like it's political to me okay governor, before i let you go you and former president trump's seem to disagree on who should be the next governor of your state. what do you have to say on that? >> well i think competition's great for the republican party and we're so fortunate in our state, we have two great candidates might lieutenant governor danny miller, and our one congressman kelly armstrong and they're i'm supporting one president trump was supporting the other, but whoever wins that primary in about 12 days from now, north dakota is going to have a great governor. >> all right. governor doug burgum, very grateful to have you on this consequential day. thanks very much for your time. >> thank you, casey all right. >> if it's friday, it must be smerconish here to discuss all things trump and maybe a few other topics. michael smerconish, host of cnn's smerconish. michael good morning. your reaction? gen. to what the governor had to say, they're particularly i mean, he's kinda saying, well, he doesn't get americans are going to care. what do you think i think that was a preview of coming attractions offered in a very calm and level-headed manner. >> what you heard from doug burgum, i think is what you're about to hear from the trump campaign. writ large, although probably with more emotion and the primary point that they're going to make is that none of this solves what ails biden, namely acuity issues the border and as he stated inflation, nobody knows the impact of this yet, and i've studied all the polling data that preceded the verdict and those individuals who said why might have pause, i might reconsider. i just think the dust needs to settle, but i would be shocked if the bottom were to fall out of the trump campaign because nothing has caused that. i go back to the access hollywood tape that was the moment that i really thought he was done and i was wrong. so i'm the last one who's going to say this is going to have a significant impact. i don't think that it will. >> i mean, as someone who covered every twist and turn of both that campaign and the subsequent trump administration. i think there were a lot of people who thought, not just the access hollywood everyone you can go back to him criticizing john mccain as a pow, as a thing that a lot of people thought, i think was going to end the camera pain at the time and never did michael let me show you what marco rubio had to say about this, who it was raised earlier on in the program because the way that he put this is very, very stark, especially considering rubio's heritage here. let's watch what you see in communist countries. this is what i grew up. >> having people in this community tell me about it happened in the days after the castro evolution. obviously those lead to executions. this on the other hand, is an effort to interfere in an election what's the impact of sand something like that it's going to resonate with the base. >> i have to say, hey, see my own view is that he slept with her he paid her and he did it with an eye toward the election, having said that it gives me pause the way in which the misdemeanors were elevated to felony status? in this particular case. that doesn't mean i'm carrying water for donald trump it as a lawyer. i feel the same way that i felt is going to sound odd about o j. i think he killed nicole brown simpson. i think he killed ron goldman. but when they sent him away in las vegas for stealing his stuff for seven or eight years. as an attorney, i thought that doesn't sound right to me. >> do you think that's ultimately going to mean that swing voters discount this that's i mean, you know, you and die conversant in the philly burbs. >> if we could go out and knock on neighbor's doors today and find out what they think. i think that would be critical. the base isn't going to move. but what do those swing voters say that's really the the critical question i have to say something else about the polling data that i've been studying. what i noticed is that when individuals have said it might give me pause to vote for donald trump, it, it hasn't necessarily been to president biden's benefit. they go into this amorphous category of well, maybe i'll vote for somebody else, or i'm not sure. so it seemed was like both of their numbers are really baked in. it's a game of inches. so if this were to impact even a handful of people in those six battleground states, it could be outcome determinative all right. michael smerconish always grateful to have you on the program and agree with you. >> those philly burbs going to be the absolute center of the next five months. watch smerconish tomorrow morning. everybody don't miss at 9:00 a.m. et. >> all right. our panel is back and i want to kind of flashback to december when there were more than just two candidates it's in the republican race. and this is what one of donald trump's honestly his at the time, at most significant when he first got into the race, he was donald trump's most significant republican rival. this is what he said about donald trump's indictments if i could have one thing, change. i wish trump hadn't been indicted on any of this stuff, but it also is just crowded out. i think so much other stuff and it's sucked out a lot of oxygen. you're saying it made them stronger in a way. >> and it made it tougher for you and others. >> i think for the primary it distorted. >> yeah. i think it distorted so keep betting field. i had a source say to me is especially if donald trump ends up with jail time. here is the biden campaign going to look back on this and think, man, this is actually a turning point where perhaps we lost the election and it's counter-intuitive. but the idea is basically that this is something that may galvanize his people behind him. and when you're running as an incumbent, it's a referendum on you. that enthusiasm potentially has a pretty sharp challenge and we've seen from this trial, i mean, the level of oxygen for the president, the sitting president has been much lower and they've been frustrated by it. >> yeah. look, i think you kind of hear desantis get to this. i mean, i do think it is motivating for donald trump space. i think that is true. we've, that's demonstrably true. we've seen that throughout the primary process. that's true. >> i. don't think it is appealing. i don't think it's an appealing argument to the swing voters that the biden campaign is trying to win. and i think what i think the way that they have to thread the needle here and i think that they will i mean, he sort of saw this in the statement they put out yesterday, but the way i think they have to thread the needle is they have to use this to illustrate the larger argument that donald trump is only about donald trump. it isn't about, it's not going to be about the specifics of this case. and i think that is something that the democrats have to absorb and accept and bake into their campaign strategy moving forward. the ins and outs of how, whether he was found guilty on these particular accounts and what the specifics were. it is not going to matter to most swing voters. what will matter? i think is this larger notion that he's a convicted felon who lies and cheats and makes everything about him and will do anything to win and they can draw the large, they can paint get to a larger picture of what he did to try to incite the january 6 riot, which we've seen is problematic for people voters feel uncomfortable about that. they feel like it. >> it's fundamentally un-american. so i don't think at the end of the day, i don't think the end of the day this is going to help donald trump win in a general election. but i do think the biden campaign has to be smart about how they use it in order to ensure that outcome. david, from what do you think it means that we're going to have a verdict in this case, but that it is let's just say it incredibly unlikely that we will see a trial in the january 6 case before voters have to make a decision. well, the latter is really a problem, but i think the former is powerful when we talk about swing voters. i think the biden, if i were the biden campaign, i would think what two pools of them. the first are the people who are disaffiliate it from the political system. younger people, poor people, and they, they're the people that feel that the prices and the interest rates, and they're disaffected for a lot of reasons. energizing them is going to be talking about basic issues. but biden is present the first place because a lot of people who normally vote republican voted for mitt romney, voted for john mccain cross-link line to vote for him uniquely for present. and in an election, republicans did well down the ballot. they voted for a republican senator, republican member of the house, and then for joe biden, those people and there are pretty big bunch of them they're they're highly connected, highly affiliated, they own homes, they have iras, they follow the news, they watch you. >> they can they care about the law and they don't believe this countries, cuba and they get mad when someone says it is, oh, there are cuba stuff drives me nuts and particularly when going back to the black lives matter protests and so on. >> the allegations that we are worse than south africa or venezuela, it's nonsense. and for back to things that make this country great. and we're going to end the program soon. let's just talk for a second about the jury we have all as american citizens either been called for jury duty and sat for jury duty is an awesome responsibility. i have dealt with jurors and it's very powerful. they're those 12 people's opinions are the only ones that matter, not jack smith, not donald trump, not anybody else is popping off about what's right or wrong. and they took on an awesome responsibility and handled it with distinction whether we like the outcome or not, and we should all be grateful for them and keep them safe and protected. one other point, this idea that you can't get a fair trial in new york city. i note that we had guests on today, one of whom markwayne mullin comes from a district that was 73 or 72% voted for donald trump, 23, not bismarck, north dakota, governor burgum is from voted for trump 69 to 28%. i'd love to ask them if

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Idea , Candidate , In The Dark Humans Case , Estate , Resonance , Wild , Maga Base , Abuse , Chaos , Perpetual Victim Hood , Votes , Opportunity , Folks Up , 270 , Argument , Shape , Rabbit Hole , Dude , Hasn T Wouldn , Mistake , Race , Lives , Piece , Judge , Decision , Shouldn T , Mind , Family , Dinner , Defendant , Factors , Sentence , Maximum , Fly On The Wall , 5000 05 , 000 05 , Defendants , Possibility , Circumstances , Conduct , Behavior , Rehabilitation , Wink , Slurry , Probation , Odds , Big Picture , Word , Community , Monster , Pearl , Trump Political Standpoint , Point , Bloody Mary , Clock , Doug Burgum , Adam Chins Injure A Sharp , Pick , Contributions , Former , Markwayne Mullin , Democracy , Plus Oklahoma , Asthma , Information , First Sandra , Sandra Com , Conditions , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Reactions , Breathing , Eosinophilic Asthma , Add On Treatment , Asthma Treatments , Headache , Cassandra , Eight , Dresses , Sore Throat , Populace , Infection Step , Level , Matter , Craftsmanship , We Weren T , Detail , Size , Populous , Lush , Pair , Wow , Glasses , Warby Parker , Cat , Attention , Lenses , Pairs , Uv , Anti Reflective , Warby Warbyparker Com , Condition , Spain , Osteoarthritis Pain , Flags , Walking , Climbing , Pepto , Red Flags Com , Cats , Vet , Oa Pain , Everywhere , Signs , Visit Cat , Bank , Edo , Cherry Juice , Belch , Milestones , Liquid , Cobras , Rows , Debit Card Learning , The One , Banker , Strep , Kolb , Ones , Nothing , Power , Hats , Hat , Road , Solver , At Granger , Calls , Source , Product Question , Products , Resources , Access , Analogies , Help , Grade , Scale , Call , Internet Waiting , Style , Delivery , Xfinity , Sleep , Scene , Move , Services , Honey , Generation , Dot Com , Will , Russia , War , Spies , Nuclear Game Premier Sunday , Ten , End , Prison Cafeteria Tray , 34 , Panel , Adam Qizan , Back , Commentator , Counts , Committee , Author , Renegade , Liberty , Section , On The House January 6 , January 6 , Citizens , Evidence , Hacks , Lindsey Graham , Goodness , Guns , No Doubt , Ability , Anywhere , Guests , Single , Congressman , Category , American , Contenders , Flood , Governor , Senate , Calculations , Larry Hogan , Maryland , Result , Partisanship , Leaders , Fire , Fuel , On X , Chris Lacivita , Trump Campaign , Top , Great Lacivita , Court Case , Response , Two , Judiciary , Branch , Opinion , Fit , Isn T Politics Look , Wouldn T Be , Leader , Marching Orders , Example , The Call , Fear , Death , Reelection , Luck , Weapon , Security Clearance , Bidding , Military , Intermediate , Republic , Forces , Justice System , Eyes , Foundation , North Korea , Precedent , Type , Dictators , China , Types , Political Movement In Darkness Fear , Messaging , Darkness , Constant , Garbage Country , Tubes , Book , Peddling , Election Cycle , Congress , 2010 , Ton , Each Other , Chanting Lock , Cheering , Hillary Clinton , Mar A Lago , Prosecution , Answer , Hunter Biden , Chance , Doj , Situation , Atkins , North Dakota , Perspective , Running Oil , You Bet , Food , Chewy , First Auto Ship Warner , 35 , Prices , Luxury , Quinn , More , Quality , Materials , 0 , Toothpaste , Treatment Crest , Purchase , Lab , Chris 3d Whitestrips , 400 , 3 , Site , Sale , Favorites , Omaha Steaks , Sun , Filet , Fork Tender , 50 , Burgers , Values , Sides , Chicken Breast , Desserts , Father , Visit Omaha Steaks Com Slash , Work , Celebrations , Grand Opening , Bankers , Thousands , Kansas City , Sure , Deed , Toothpastes , Craft , Stains , 3d White , 100 , Smile , Fats , Press Cnn Central , Primary , Turks And Caicos , Senators , Interview , Islands , Jurors , News , Motivations , New Yorkers , Motivation , Question Allen , Peers , Forward , Josep , Outcome , Alan Bragg , Reason , Misdemeanors , Anybody , Doesn T Surprise , Base , Rates , Damage , Concerns , Second , Connection , Danger , Trust , Words , It Sets , Mouth , Yeah , District Attorney , Weaponized , Leeway , Attorney General , City , World , Opponents , Rest , Weaponize , Local , Folks , Red States , Officials , State Attorney , Generals , Clintons , Branches , Senator , Who , Turks , Caicos , Ammunition , Ground , Gun Crimes , Understanding , Hopes , Luggage , Trafficking , Have Run A Foul , Gang Violence , We Didn T Go Public , Predicament , Bag , Rounds , Haiti , Jamaica , Hand , Game Violence , Tourist , Hang On One Second , No Pun , Customs Act And The , Product , Customer , Minimum , Island , Ball , Phone , Show , Bipartisanship , Notion , Manner , Right , New York State , Don T Wanna , Mother , Figure , Political Configure , Actions , Authority , Marxist , Presumption , Didn T , No One , Non Market , Daily , Likes , Square , Miscarriage , Prosecutors , Figures , 11 , 94 , Choice , Elections , Task , Faith , Yes , I Wish Trump Hadn T , Vice President , Consideration , Conviction , Decisions , Ron Desantis , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Idp Doesn T Have To , Idp , Cid P Derails , Cid P Com , Cid P , Tips , Finding Hope , Knowledge , Expectations , Shipping , Advantage , Brandon , Shipping Thanks , Usps Ground Advantage Carney , Zelda , Godden , Saada , Teeth , Temper P Adic , Doctors , Consultation , Implants , 100000 , Peta Breeze , Kicking , Air Conditioning , Covers , Sweating , Kuilan Technology , Experience , Memorial Day , Sets , Sales , Body , Heat , P Adic , Deep , Undisturbed Dressed , 500 , Brain Health , Bread , Razor , Windsor Close Captioning , Kinda Riva , Fred Fuel , Hey Eddie , Married Janet , Tableau , Subscription , Watch , Porter Today , Switching , Money Saver , Tableau Tv Com , Times , Manhattan , Sentencing , Guilty , Six , Guest , Shortlist , Courthouse , Running Mates , Meeting , 16 , November 16 , Grocery Bill , Record , Dollar , 2 , , House , Set , Interest Rates , Family Member , Problems , Electric Bill , Led , Fentanyl Poisoning , Border Being Open , Issues , Pause , Role , Somebody Else , Inflation , Policies , Natural Resources , Cabinet Position , Wars , Places , Iran , Energy , Supply , Economy , Environment , War Efforts , Gas , The American Dream , Direction , Businessman , No , Reasons , Payments , Is , Company , Businessperson , Business , Filing , Shock , 7 , Tens Of Millions , Court , Accounting , Companies , Ceo , Millions , Department , Misdemeanor , Expense , Felony Thing , Statute , Felonies , Limitations , Check , Experts , Coffee , Channels , Farmer Ranch , Business Filing , Test , None , Businesses , Thought Test , Accord , Ceos , Business Violin , Competition , Danny Miller , Candidates , Kelly Armstrong , Thanks , Michael Smerconish , Topics , Preview , Attractions , Gen , Care , Emotion , Writ Large , Polling Data , Individuals , Border , Acuity , Nobody , Access Hollywood , The Last One , Dust , Bottom , It Will , Thought , John Mccain , Twist , Program , Camera Pain , Pow , Countries , Rubio , Heritage , Let , Castro Evolution , Effort , Sand , Executions , Felony Status , Eye , Water , O J , Attorney , Doesn T Sound , Nicole Brown Simpson , Ron Goldman , Las Vegas , Conversant , Philly Burbs , Doors , Neighbor , It Hasn T , Both , Handful , Game , Benefit , Battleground States , Center , Watch Smerconish , I Don T , Miss , Flashback , 9 , Rival , Indictments , Change , Oxygen , Say , Others , Field , Think , Turning Point , Referendum , Incumbent , Challenge , True , Space , Needle , Thread , Saw , It Isn T , Specifics , Campaign Strategy , Bake , Outs , Ins , Accounts , Cheats , Riot , Picture , The End , Win , Latter , First , Pools , Mitt Romney , Ballot , Bunch , Homes , Iras , Allegations , Protests , Nonsense , Venezuela , South Africa , Jury Duty , Jack Smith , Opinions , Sat , Distinction , District , Bismarck , 72 , 69 , 73 , 23 , 28 ,

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