Those sport matt and wireless remote call. Now its thursday may 23, right now on cnn this morning, another controversial flag seen flying outside of a home, one by Supreme CourtJustice Samuel alito. Plus a strong gust of wind causes a stage to collapse in mexico. The death poll now rising and i will be voting for trump she said america wouldnt survive four more years of trump now, nikki haley is voting for him and the error is started with a taylor swift ticket debacle. Now, the Justice Department is suing the owner of ticketmaster and the mooc, Anthony Scaramucci joins us. He wants to be your life coach . 6 00 a. M. Here in washington heres a live look at capitol hill on this thursday morning. Good morning, everyone. Im kasie hunt. Its wonderful to be with you another provocative, controversial flags seen flying outside of home owned by Supreme CourtJustice Samuel alito, the New York Times public this photo of the flag outside alitos new jersey beach home last summer. The flag which features a pine tree and the phrase, appeal to heaven, dates back to the revolutionary war. But today as the times wrote, the flag has become quote, a symbol of support for former president donald j. Trump for a religious strand of the stop the steal campaign, and for a push to remake American Government in christian terms this is video from the january 6 riot on the right of the screen amid the mob, forcing its way into the capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power you see the same Pine Tree Flag flying just last week, the times published a photo of an upsidedown American Flag outside alitos virginia home. That is another symbol of the stop the steal protrump Movement Justice alito has not commented publicly on the Pine Tree Flag. He did release a Statement Last week about the upside down flag. He claimed claimed his wife fluid after a fight with neighbors. John bolton, the former Trump National security adviser talking to my colleague wolf blitzer last night about the Pine Tree Flag and saying its not a big deal. I think it is outrageous outrageous, and unacceptable for people to take a flag from the American Revolution and say that because some january 6 protesters fluid that its now unacceptable to fly that flag. And id like to hear a Democratic Party politician say that expressly all right, our panelists here, cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor elliot williams. Its got jannings former Special Assistant to president George W Bush and cnn senior political analyst mark preston, elliott. I want to start with you. I want well get to the politics in a second in terms of why john bolton wants to see democratic politician saying this kind of thing. But the issue is, is that Justice Samuel alito isnt accountable to anybody. Hes a Supreme Court justice who is supposed to be impartial shot in the face of the law. What our to the extent there are rules about this kind of thing. I mean, what is he supposed to be doing . What kind of signal does it sand. And do you view this monday view these two things also, i would say its equally problematic. The upsidedown American Flag and this pine tree fly, you Say Something really important and to the extent there are rules because the rules governing the Supreme Court have no teeth last year, 2023, the Screen Court Put out a code of conduct, but theres no enforcement mechanism. Theres no way the public can bring a suit or raise a claim against the justice like you can against a lowercourt justice, a lower court judge. And the language right here is justice should disqualify himself or herself proceeding in which the justice is impartiality might reasonably be questioned. Now, this has nothing to do with the specifics of the flag and i think i will agree with my friend scott eventually here about a flag from the American Revolution, okay, thats a great thing but right now, it has political significance. You can deny that theres a meaning assigned to that flag and hold on. And at the time, this was flying over the justices house the court was considering whether to take on january 6 cases. Now whether you like the flag or not, the question is, might the justices impartiality reasonably be . Questioned leading to recusal. And of course, it does just look at the simple i mean, my my my honest question looking at that, if can we put those flags backup the alito flags, the three of them like isnt the American Flag supposed to be flying at the top there by paul, i mean, well, like isnt that traditionally what where you would put it right . They were flying American Flags that january 6. I mean, look, the work reasonably is doing a lot of work here in my opinion. No reasonable person would conclude that sam alito is somehow compromised because hes flying a flag that was commissioned by George Washington himself. 98 of people who were outraged about this today didnt even know it existed. Sure. 12 hours these another example for you imagine another one of the justices delicious, say elena kagan flies a flag right now in the midst of Campus Protests and all thats going in the middle east with a slice of watermelon on it right . Now, youre looking puzzled because they were why does that matter . Its a delicious fruit, its got like a and who cares . Its also a sign of the palestinian resistance. Now we might think that sky, i think i actually think if alito wanted to be popular in the New York Times, he would fly that hed fly hezbollah flags this is crazy well . Is, there anything in any of those instances if the if the court look at the rules, if the court has business involving National Security or hezbollah or policy he should recuse from those cases too. So i think were in agreement here that because the me corridor, youd be call, i dont care about the land escaping choices of sam alito. I dont i dont and i think this is part of a yearslong effort to delegitimize this branch of government. What we did that to themselves what to murray . The big story is one Political Party has been conditioned to believe that because trump was illegitimate, the Supreme Court is illegitimate because he put three people on it and everything that flows from it as illegitimate. And there is a Concerted Campaign to delegitimize all these people. And it has, it has come now down to critiquing the choices me are out. Its not. Okay. Heres another example. I care deeply about the Boy Scouts Of America, as you know, i know your boys are cub scouts two, if i carve the scout florida lee in my lawn, fine. If im a Supreme Court justice and the boy scouts have litigation in front of me. That is a sign of bias under the Supreme Courts rules. And so it i think were conflating a bunch of things the left versus the right. And what democrats say about the Supreme Court and what the rules that he signed last year governing his own conduct say and plainly, that its a political symbol, even if its one says, stock, theres people flag it as a says who an American Flag . No, im talking about the pine tree before either of them though, which no one which is not a popularly known symbol. But youre ascribing a meaning to it. A look by the way, i worked on letos confirmation. Im the only person here that didnt. I know him a little. Yeah. I there is no conceivable way in my opinion that hes flying a flag to give anyone a reasonable idea that he is about to take my eight does underscore his position in our political system. He is using that symbol to allied himself with other people who fly, who also present the symbol. And what i think eliot is saying is that thats not right for adjust this to do regardless. Keep putting these out there. Its got a black lives matter flag, but justice glides that over their home. Is that there are Racial Justice or Police Brutality issues coming for the core. Is that not assign a bias or but it says its a nonprofit. But that but that but that flag has been created in the moment to make a political stay kind of like why didnt know the flag. The flag that youre criticizing was created by George Washington to flow over frigates in the revolution you cant see the difference in that. Its got unbelievable. No, its not unbelievable. Its this is these are all reasonable. All of the examples i gave your old boss way before the Supreme Court and said they would reap the whirlwind if they dont start out and write all, i understand how you all view it. I just know im not going to be be im just im just literally reading the rules that these folks wrote and giving you examples live things that like the American Revolutionary, but your equation, George Washingtons flag with the blm flag, im acute. Im equating different example, but they dont matter. That is my point, but they do. But they they literally are all things that dont themselves have the Boy Scouts Of America logo was also political symbol. It is if theyve got scott its not, its not a question of the political symbol. Its the question of matters that could come before the Supreme Court. They were weighing issues related to that very protest that people were talking about here is necessarily i mean, thats the right, like they still are they have before them this massive question of immunity right . Now, it all relates to the flying of this and why shouldnt he does he need to fly it, right . Like we couldnt you look at it that way like this. How about this, right . Why do to fly it . I mean, he does this man not live under the same First Amendment as the rescue does, but he also looked at ease because im all right. So so let me put in a couple of things in perspective. I actually live near the justice knew nothing about this flag. Okay. A year ago. In fact the neighborhood didnt necessarily know about flags, so somebody kliger, youre talking about the one in virginia. One of virginia, yes. Yes. Which which scott, by the way, happens to be on George Washingtons farm. George washington used to. Are you still on that land if theyre okay. Heres heres the issue in washington dc. There are many couples in washington dc who have conflicted relationships in the sense, the husband or the wife works for something, works for somebody where there could be a conflict where theyre supposed to work its okay. So that happened called hartle and Mary Madeline were married to each other. I dont know if that follows it, but anyway, well, right look, the reality is he should have been flown the flag. Know scott, he shouldnt have flown the flag, should he be allowed to fly the flag . Like theres nothing stopping him from doing it. But hes a Supreme Court justice. He answers to no one why would you want to put the flag of i mean, thats it. I agree with you that its an issue that is blowing up and its going to be made of something maybe making something out of nothing basically. But the reality is, he shouldnt have done it anyway, because this is what is going to have. I got to wrap this up, scott i just want to just nail down something. You do see a distinction between the upsidedown American Flag and this George Washington flank no, i dont really, i dont personally believe that the flag choices at alitos house have anything to do with his impartiality or ability to render his duties as a Supreme Court justice. So youre cool with him flying an upsidedown American Flag. Because again, even lins agree im looked at that and said like mine, your suffering part justice. I dont care. And i think his and i have no reason to disbelieve his explanation. Everybody seems to think hes lying about his explanation. Do i have do i believe that his wife had a dispute with a neighbor . Yeah. I think hes an honest person and if thats what he says happened, i believe my luck if hes blaming his wife and its not true. I mean, id like to see it with lets Dinner Table Conversation is like but okay. All right. On that note, were going to move on next to this tornadoes tear through the midwest, but threat theres not over yet. 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