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War, but secret wars secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn close captioning brought to you by guilt visit guilt. Com today for up to 70 off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day curry, therell be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 or so of guilt. Com today today on Inside Politics, walking it back, the former president is now backtracking after suggesting hes when to restrictions on Birth Control and he deleted a social media video that referred to a quote, Unified Reich. If he wins, plus minority rule democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries may not have the speakers gavel, but could he be the most powerful person in the house anyway, we have new cnn reporting on how hes seizing on the gops Fracture Majority to score wins for the democrats and exasperated underwhelmed. And indifferent. Thats how some swing voters are saying joe biden makes them feel how big a problem is it for the president that voters say that they feel apathy alaska . Two top pollsters, this hour im dana bash. Lets go behind the headlines and Inside Politics first up, they say everything is bigger in texas today, donald trump is hoping that applies to the checks that people are writing him. The former president is attending a series of fundraisers in the Lone Star State and he is going to have top energy and Oil Executives there. Im going to go now to kristen holmes, who of course is covering the Trump Campaign. What do we expect their kristin it does. This is actually a pretty busy day. We know theres at least three of these events today to luncheons in houston and a dinner. And were talking about some of the wealthiest people, not only just in texas, but really across the country. I think we have one of the invitations here. This one, i believe that were going to show you. This is going to benefit his super pac, and this is hosted by three he executives. Know we had the other ones, so this is the joint fundraising committee. This is hosted by a several people as you can see, theyre three of them are energy and Oil Executives. Theres also another luncheon that is hosted by three Oil Executives. The reason why i am pointing out these specific executives is because it comes after just about a month though, donald trump hosted several of these executives at his home at maralago. And according to reports at one point, he essentially told these Oil Executives to donate one billion to his campaign to essentially bring him back to the white house so that he could roll back so many of the restrictions, particularly in environmental restrictions, that the Biden Administration has put in place. So hes clearly trying to do them for a number of reasons here. Interesting to see how it goes. I will note hes back in new york later tonight and tomorrow is actually hosting a rally in the bronx okay be interesting to see how many people hes going to get to vote for him in a bronx. I guess you never know well talk about im sure that more tomorrow. A christian. Thank you so much for that reporting. Lets talk to the three fantastic reporters and friends here at the table, cnn phil mattingly, nia malika theyre sent up cnn and bloomberg and so on. Youngs of the new york times, happy wednesday one and all lets start where kristin started, which is where donald trump is today. He it turns out hes not going to have court for the rest of the week, i guess. In fairness, going into this, he didnt know it, which is probably why he was having planning on having something in the bronx tomorrow. But today he is going to texas and really hoping to juice his coffers and one of the questions is about where hes getting his money from and whether or not as kristin alluded to, the oil money is well, if it comes without strings i mean, i dont know that any campaign she comes to that strings on some level, but the difference i think between the former president and his predecessors and the president that followed him. This, hes very explicit about the strings. It will be attached so kristen reference the fundraiser down to maralago, where people who are in that fundraiser that i spoke to basically said it sounded like he was saying well do whatever you want, just give us 1 billion it was described to me by others by saying it was a little bit more flippant in trump transactional way, like just give me a bunch of money. You know what im going to do and to be very clear, we do note what he will do on the policy front him saying, im going to roll back all of what biden did is not because hes gonna get money, its because thats where he and his advisers and the people whove been as agencies, thats where they are on the policy. But it is a very real reality right now that these are people that know if they want changes on the policy front, its a Binary Choice and trump is the choice, okay . So im going to stick with you for a second because im glad to have your political brain, your reporting, and your knowledge of the economy, and big companies. Specifically these Oil Companies, because our team looked into the profits of a couple of the very large Oil Companies chevron in 2022 under the Biden Administration, 35. 4 billion. Last year, 2023 was down, but still record, record profits exon 55. 7000000036 billion. So this is how Oil Companies are doing with joe biden in the white house. So it begs the question what are they expect to get when donald trump is in office that theyre not getting with joe biden, despite the regulations that donald trump talks about a lot, everything. I think they genuinely expect to get anything they want. I think the most nearterm difference between where President Biden is the former president is on policy, was the pause on lng exports, which the Biden Ministration put into place. But if you look behind the scenes over the course of the last threeandahalf years. And i think the Company Profits straight that sort is oral production in the country which has been at a record high now for several years, despite the attacks on regulations, completely squelching their ability to make any money the reality is that when these Oil Companies and what theyre able to send back to their shareholders, they recognized that all the paths will be cleared and i think that while they have done quite well, and i think theyve had a uneasy but very real relationship with the white house, particularly because of gas prices. What happened in europe and ukraine, that is actually been productive on some level over the course of the last nine years, the Lng Pause Freak them out, and they were surprised by it. They thought it was overkill and they thought he was by biden was pivoting back hard towards Climate Policies and kind of climate hawks in a way that he hadnt because of the necessity to try and keep gas prices luck. I know you knew they know i want to shift to a couple of walk backs that the Trump Campaign has had to do over the last. I dont know, 24 hours or so starting with something we touched on on the show yesterday, which is a video that was initially forwarded and put on trumps social media account. That talked about what hes going to do in the next term. And in it, they didnt make it, but he folded in it. Youll see there it says Unified Reich not surprisingly, the Biden Campaign, the president himself has jumping on it is this on his official account. Wow, a Unified Reich thats hitlers language, that is not americas. He cares about holding onto power. I care about you yeah. Listen, i mean, this is disturbing because of what we know about donald trump. And so the idea that this was sort of a mistake or somebody he didnt know or whatever, you can i can say about this. Its kinda hard to believe given his rhetoric, whether its about dictators, whether its about the idea that maybe hes had feelings about hitler in terms of maybe hitler did some good things are having nine on his nightstand, things that weve heard about Donald Trumps past and present rhetoric listen i think if youre the biden team, you want to highlight these instances of Donald Trumps see me to embrace anti semitism in nazism and i think voters should be concerned. I mean, if you have a campaign and a president ial candidate who is embracing weve seen this idea of america. And as you come in, i just want to read something from our friend josh green at bloomberg, who wrote this trumps flirtation with smashing limits on president ial power while thrilling to many of his followers, alarm other voters, including some who wants supported him. Laurie macaj, a grandmother, and elmo, wisconsin voted for trump in 2016, but said she recoiled at his recent comments and wont be supporting him in november, she said shes worried that trump wont cede power if he is realized this kind of reminds me of what mostly moderate republicans have voiced, particularly around the last midterms, which is there still this donald trump is going to have moments like this. Hes going to go back to the previous election and say that it was fraudulent. And theres a lot of moderate republicans that would rather the focus beyond sort of talking about some of the issues and present de that might be vulnerable for the Biden Administration. Each of these kind of moments are going to also cause anxiety in the Republican Party because it could alienate some suburban voters, some independent voters that they might be trying to win if youre the Biden Administration to your point. I mean, this is a campaign that has hey democracy, a central focus. And anytime you have a post that indicates any sort of signaling support for nazis are dictators that goes right into the messaging for the Biden Campaign. Im saying democracy is under threat, but its not yet showing up in polls. Its, its just not whether its a national poll, which obviously is starting to matter less and less as we get closer to the election or polls in the swing states, particularly among independent voters who are among the most important now, one question is whether the comments, that the former president made yesterday are going to matter. He was asked about contraception. Listen to what he said do you support any restrictions on a persons right to contraception were looking at that and im going to have a policy on that very shortly and i think its something that youll find interesting. That suggests that that you may want us support some restrictions we are also things really do have a lot to do with the states where does say this is the way that trump reversed course on that or deadliest tried to clarify it is probably a better way to say it i have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on Birth Control or other contraceptions. This is a democratic fabric fabricated lie even though we just heard him say that misinformation disinformation, so on and so forth i mean, to me, its like spinning the wheel of what happens when you Ask Donald Trump a question . If he doesnt know the answer or doesnt have it fully formed. He says we have a policy coming really soon and then oh, were going to put it back in the states because that is a safe space for republicans lets be candid. Both imad answer in the head interview with time where he talked about the comps he was asked with the comstock act is related to all this. He said he would have a statement and a policy coming out and ten days we were talking about this before this show that its like Anytime Trump has no idea what hes talking about, he says hes going to do something about it in seven to ten days. One week, two weeks, something on those lines. I think this is the case, then i think he very clearly has shown that he has a gut instinct which has been proven out by the pools that this is an issue just in general that he wants no part of and hes tried to communicate that to republican allies like stay away from this, dont take hardline positions. The reality is, hes got a record. He has a fouryear record and you can talk about a nationwide ban or you can talk about Ivf For Comstock Act or whatever the people who are going to be in his agencies who will be making the rules, who will be making the decisions on whats happening on the ground level, hhs doj theyve proven his policy in the first term and they were hardline anti hardline i dont mean that in a pejorative way. They were antiabortion and they were very clear that they were going to use every lever of power they had in the government to implement what their goals were policywise and trump stayed out of the way. And theres no sign thats going to be different and that is whats going to happen if donald trump is elected, they are going to try to severe really restrict access to abortion around the country. I think this is why antiabortion activists are sort of okay with his, what about contraception . It possibly, i mean, in some ways, i think his answer there is right. I mean, i think if this is what folks in his Administration Want to do. And certainly i think conservatives do want to restrict some of this, whether its ivf, whether its contraception, i think they will try to find ways to do that and he will stand by and do. This might be why voters havent been moved by some of these sort of moments where were talking about extremist language. Because the Policy Record is there from the Previous Term and if youre somebody that wants restrictions on abortion, Donald Trumps statements and rhetoric aside, he can try to separate himself from it. All he wants. Hes still yeah. I mean, formed a Supreme Court that has done what weve seen. Yeah, thats right. Thats one of those. Remember what i did for you . In the past despite what im not saying about the future. Okay. Everybody standby up next while we wait for Closing Arguments and trumps Hush Money Trial, there are big developments in one of his other criminal cases. New details about the classified documents, charges next week temporary today its for on cnn not flossing. Well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. New Science Shows listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing flag above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. This three, feel the wo time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. It has durham proven retinal expertly formulated to Target Stem Cell Turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging. Physical results in just one week, neutrogena this has pickleball with etrade for Morgan Stanley were ready for whatever gets served up, didnt get to win the trust. Id rather work on saving for Retirement College since youd like to get schooled. Thats pretty good burned, right . Oh, carney asada. Its gotten me. I saw them. Thats what i said. Godman, Saada Carnegie got a meeting well, with more flavored, got any carnage icing it like this. Juicy and use holes if youre shopping for a home realtor. 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Com today for up to 70 off designer brands, youll have the designers that get your heart racing. Had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, theyll be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 shop guilt. Com today remember the classified documents case . Well, today, the judge is overseeing arguments from Defense Attorneys on two separate bids to throw out charges. The first motion is from Donald Trumps body man and codefendant, walt nauta, who is seen in these photos, moving boxes around round maralago before trumps attorney was set to review them cnns Elliot Williams and Katelyn Polantz are here. Caitlin, i want to start with you. What is the significance of what we just showed, which we can put up again, those boxes being moved, especially as it relates to the hearing. Yeah. As it relates to the hearing its really significant because what nauta is arguing in court today in the Southern District of florida for aileen cannon, that he was retaliated against by the Justice Department because he told them he didnt know much about the movement of boxes at the time that they were asking him questions about that he said that in his testimony to investigators and then the government gathered some more evidence. This evidence showing him moving boxes at maralago, and then he clammed up. And so hes saying he shouldnt have been charged with any crime. He was vindictively chosen to be a codefendant of Donald Trumps, the Justice Department says thats how bug. And thats what theyre arguing today. He wants his case to be dismissed, so hes Making Arguments to judge cannon on. And then youve been doing one of your favorite things. I know kaitlan to do, which is going through Court Records on this case. In particular, what have you found . Yeah, theres a lot knew core of new record records that are now available just this week because judge cannon and it is working through slowly whole lot of things. One of the things that we just received yesterday is an opinion from judge beryl howell, the judge in dc, who allowed investigators a key part of the Obstruction Case against donald trump to get the testimony from his former attorney, Evan Corcoran on how he was being misled whats interesting about this is that one of the things that judge howell looked at, which she looked at a lot of evidence, and she looked at what happened after the search of maralago in august of 2022, after that search, the trump team went out, scoured for more records and found bore, including four records at maralago and an empty folder marked classified Evening Summary in Donald Trumps bedroom. Judge howell, at the time said, this stinks tie ev and this is the reason that were im going to let you question his lawyer breed creech, attorneyclient privilege, and get more information in this case that though is something that Donald Trumps team has not wanted to fully kotb. Do they say, oh, we were trying to be very helpful after that search and found these things heres one of the explanations about that classified folder in his bedroom that we heard previously on cnn more than a year ago has one of those Landline Telephones next to his bed and it has a blue light on it and it keeps them up at night so he took them in a folder and put it over it so that it would keep the light down so you can Sleep At Night. And its just this folder. It says classified evening brief Evening Summary on it is not a classification marking its not anything that is controlled in any way. Theres nothing illegal about it. Theres nothing in it so dana, a lot of information in that case to remember that were likely to hear at a trial someday, very far away from now, an empty folder that says classified documents. Got it. Lets turn to the case that weve been hovering for weeks and weeks. That of course, is the Hush Money Trial in new york. Now that we are waiting for next week for each sayyed to give Closing Arguments. Can you just give our sure. Wears a synopsis of where we are at this moment. So yesterday was what was called the Charge Conference and i dont dont know if most people really understand how critical Jury Instructions are this set of words that can take hours, almost a full day at times where the judge explains everything from what is reasonable doubt, what is your role as jurors . What does evidenced, and what exactly is the defendant charged with . And they spent a lot of time yesterday im almost bickering are arguing before the judge about how to instruct the jury. And so lets look at some of the things here theres an open question as to how to read the actual statue of what donald trump has been charged with. Hes been charged with falsifying Business Records. In this, we have a graphic of it of the Statute Falsifying Business this records in the first degree in new york law, which requires a finding that number one Business Records were falsified and here we have it to aid in with the intent to commit another crime or aid in the commission thereof. Now that language thats highlighted there to aid in the commission of their or another crime goes into the second thing here, which is, well, whats the other crime even know what it is . Well, theres new york election law, which the trump is. The prosecutors have claimed that donald trump is as violated conspiracy and why should we have a graphic on this as well where were one seeks to prevent the election by unlawful means. Okay so now a lot of what they went back and forth on yesterday was how those two things fit together there. That language of by unlawful means, how they fit together, right . So this question of what does unlawful means even mean is something a crime and they, and they argued backandforth about this. Does the jury had to be unanimous on this question of whether an individual engaging something by unlawful means. Do they can be prosecutors just say under does the jury have to make it a separate finding did they have did they have to prove that there was actually actually a conspiracy between trump and david pecker and michael cohen. All of these things are debated for hours yesterday in court, we will see once the judge doesnt struck the jury next week, where he lands on a lot of these things, but theyre very sensitive very complicated questions and a place where a judge really can make a mistake. They can get a whole case thrown out thank you so much. This is so important because weve been sitting for days and days and hours and hours listening to all kinds of testimony and the question does boil down to what actually are the charges literally debated the meaning of the word willfully for probably a half hour yesterday oh, you lawyers i know or i dont i dont need to know to make fun. We do want to now turn to factcheck some, frankly, very dangerous accusations that are ricocheting through the conservative media echo chamber. Donald trump is accusing President Biden of trying to quote, take me out. Yes. You heard that, right assassinate him. Now this is a Fundraising Text sent last night from the Trump Campaign. Doj was authorized to shoot me. They were Locked And Loaded for deadly force at maralago hes basing that on documents released yesterday about the search of maralago, documents taken wildly out of context by trump and many of his allies biden unleashed armed agents into trumps house authorizing them to use deadly force. Bidens politicized the attorney general Merrick Garland at joe bidens weaponized doj, actually authorize get this the use of deadly force during that august 22, 2022 rate at maralago. This was an attempted Assassination Attempt on Donald John Trump or People Associated with him. They wanted a Gunfight Want to bring in tom format to help fact check these claims, tom, we dont often give oxygen to things that are just wildly exaggerated. But in this case i think we all think including you, it is important to fact check and set the record straight extremely, extremely important if you are in maga world or you know, anybody in maga world, its important to understand right now what you just heard from those people is absolute poppycock. It is absolutely not through nonetheless, donald trump is trying to raise funds off of it. Hes got a post out there right now that that goes on and on about how much he feels that people should be donating money to him because they were trying to take him out. He put out a truth social post in which he said the fbi was authorized to use deadly, lethal force. Now, we know first sure. That joe biden is a serious threat to democracy. This was his response to all of this. And what has them so exercised what has been going on with all these ridiculous claims and they are ridiculous . Standard protocol for police agencies, not just the fbi the judge said yes, as part of this war, you see everything included, including the Standard Police procedure, which is to say fbi agents should have their weapons with them in case something happens, they should have handcuffs with them in case something happens. Remember, when they went in on this right . They were wearing like normal polo shirts. They werent wearing flak vest with fbi on it. That was also part of the order because they didnt want to create a big spectacle around this but agents have to be ready in case something crazy happens out there. Thats all this is. About. The bottom line is there was no thing different about nothing different about this. And the fbi said itself, they followed standard protocol in this search as they do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. There was no departure from the norm in this matter that statement is the truth, not just based on what the fbi said, but based on decades and decades of me covering these things, this is what they do. And for trump world to claim that this was Something Else is just a flatout lie top to bottom tom. Form. And thank you so much. Appreciate it up. Next, new reporting on how House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries and seizing on the fractured republican majority to wield on present that did power for a minority leader. They witness russia for trying to spy on us. We were spying on them. I was hadi friday this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game per year, sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn from roger to we there yet so many ways to save life, ready, while it happy thats 3605 by Whole Foods Market kim, the riva support your brain health. Mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. How are you . Fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain Health Challenge zyrtec allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours. So dave can be deliverer, dance okay. Dave, lets be more than our allergies seize the de with zyrtec if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. 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The nba playoffs, i always get emotional. You more concerned about whats going on inside the nba than whats going on inside . You you know, dark the right . And thats all the time we have. Thanks for watching. Are you cutting to a commercial Western Conference finals presented by at t began tonight on tnt House Minority leader is a fancy title. It comes with a bully pulpit. It comes with a pretty nice office but generally speaking, it doesnt come with a lot of legislative power. Good afternoon. The question now is whether or not the Republican House dysfunction has transformed that role, at least in the short term, and made the man youre looking at democrat Hakeem Jeffries, one of the most powerful lawmakers ever to hold the job of house nardi leader, little can get done in the fractured house without democratic buyin house, democrats or change agents. We effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority because we continue to provide a majority of the boats necessary to get things done. The political thing to do is always to let the extreme maga, republicans crash and burn because they have so many outofcontrol members. They cannot govern on their own. But when we say were going to continue to put people over politics, we actually mean it we have new reporting today from cnns lauren fox and melonis and nonna, that unpacks how jeffries scored pretty major wins, holding his caucus together through really a tumultuous two years. Melanie joins our panel now, nice to see you such great reporting that everybody can read on cnn. Com. And just kinda give us the overall view from not just democrats, but also republicans on why and how hes been able to take advantage hes chosen to do so i mean, certainly will help him politically, but hes chosen to take advantage in order to further policy, legislative initiatives. Yeah, the Minority Party has had really an extraordinary and unusual level of power. This congress over both the legislative agenda and the fate of two republicans speakers just think about it. Democrats have put up the votes for everything from the debt ceiling the Government Funding bills to foreign aid to a Foreign Surveillance package, to blocking the motion to vacate the speakership under speaker mike johnson. Now some people would say this is the reality of a razor thin divided house and a divided washington, right . Theyre going to have to have compromised to get things done but republicans could have had a whole lot more leverage if they wouldve stuck together on the front end, they would have had a lot more impact and say on the final product if they had done that and that infighting has just made that impossible. And so its been really interesting to watch how Hakeem Jeffries has played democrats hands. And one thing that lauren fox and i learned in the course of this reporting is that during the last round of Government Funding, he actually quietly negotiated a major Bumping Earmarks which are congressional projects, money for those earmarks for democrats back in their districts. So democrats have gotten something in return for playing ball here and im going to unleash your, youre not so inner nerd here matters yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want to weigh in there they, were much more, say right now is just trying to keep it in about the fact that this is a part of this story that i absolutely loved, which is the democrats got all of this pork, frankly, for their members, every single district got something to take home. And they didnt put out Press Releases and they didnt crow about it because jeffries understood that that would hurt the, republican hurt the speaker. If they did that, it would be even worse for him. A hot look, youre letting the democrats do what they need to do. But thats kind of how it used to work. The leaders used to do with you still horse trade and the immediate analog, or at least the now analogue is the biden white house. Thats very much how biden present biden operates and his top advisers, dvr, Shati Mcdonald and his legend fair steam, which has a lot of former House Democratic senior staffers of were going to let them act like they want something. Were not going to try and put spike football or rub their noses in it because we know in order to get or to keep relationships alive in an order to get what were going to need in the future, you need to kind of maintain a balance there. I thought one of the story is outstanding. I had no idea about the Earmark Stuff that is used to be a Scarlet Letter when republicans took power it feels like seven decades ago. During the, during the banner years. But now coming back into force and democrats finding a way to kind of wield there, negotiate and power to get more on that front. But also whenever we are talking, taking jeffries when mike johnson looked like he was on the verge of becoming speaker. And i asked him, whats your relationship like you said, have great relationship with Kevin Mccarthy that fell apart and democrats writ large, hated Kevin Mccarthy by the time everything is done, trophy said he didnt know mike johnson at all. Mike johnson gave a state or talk to mel and was somewhat a few said in a statement and their relationship, his ability to build, keep discipline in his caucus, while also build a relationship with the speaker is very tenuous. Lets quickly play that. Lets play that sound bite from john i think hes a trustworthy individual and i think he believes the same about me. So that is very helpful when youre political adversary on the other side of the Table Outside could be assured that he is shooting straight up i think that makes a big difference Breaking News Members of Congress Getting along at the highest levels of each party. I mean, weve talked so much about chaos. It is important to show this. It might not be exactly helpful for mike johnson politically with his conference but it is the reality, right . And even though they disagree politically, they have a level of respect for one another and one of the things that we learned that they really bonded over was their faith are both very religious and one of the first time they ever met was actually an a Prayer Breakfast on capitol hill. So they have that level of respect and i do think at least for jeffries, theres a recognition that soon the roles make the reverse where jeffries as speaker, and they have a razorthin majority. It might need to fly and republican want to quickly shift gears a bit to talk about the election yesterday, there were the primaries and several states including in oregon and the progressives did not do well. Yeah, thats right. I mean, it seems like i it really wasnt that long ago post 2020 protests after the murder of george floyd, that there was a lot of momentum behind some of these sort of Progressive Prosecutorial policies and approaches that we are seeing. But momentum has shifted and its interesting because yes, we did see a crime spike nationally during covid, but we have a national decline right now. But in a place like Oregon Disorder and crime, even the perception of it continues to be the bogeyman particularly for democrats. And it seemed moderate democrats are claiming some of that moment so quick final are no, and you saw some of his, i think in some of the previous elections, you see some of this going on in california to in new york for instance, they went with eric adams, who was the kotb, who of course is how having his own issues now, but it was the thought that he was a former Police Officer and he can tackle crime, but this is going to continue to be an issue nationwide. Okay. Thanks, guys. Dont go anywhere because we are going to talk after the break to two women who have their fingers on the pulse of what is happening in the electorate because they are pollsters, a democrat and republican. Theyre going to come and explain what theyre seeing next sirens are going off the tornado here. Im thinking, im going to die. And i thought that was it earth with Liev Schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cia with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor lets work more kliger by 20, get five back through may 31st. When migraine strikes, youre faced with the choice, except the tradeoffs of treating or push through the pain and symptoms weve you rarely theres another option. One dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. Treated anytime anywhere without worrying where you are or if its its too late. Do not take with strong cyp 3a4 inhibitors, allergic reactions to draw, they can happen. 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Im not making that mistake again, thats what one 12016 trump 2020 biden voters said when asked why he would vote for robert f. Kennedy jr. Over trump or biden that apathy towards the top choices, or maybe even just discussed in some cases, is part of the 2024 election story. Another big story is inflation cooling stocks at record highs so far, the question is, as it has been for months is that or will that change the president s Reelection Chances so far, it has not seemed to, at least in the polls, which is why we have two fantastic pollsters here, joining me to help explain republican strategist, end pollster kristin told his anderson and democratic pollster and a greenberg, im so glad to have you both here. Welcome back from maternity. Leave your back congrats on your on your new gorgeous baby and i want to start with you and play for you. What . Some voters, who again, where they were trump 2016, biden 2020, told our Friend Richard Tau in a focus group oh, a wound aggravation exasperated. Fill in different like, i dont really know how to feel. So i dont really feel anything hopeless in different or maybe a little underwhelmed. Just to be clear, thats how they feel about joe biden got it in your research . What does it tell you about how to combat that for democrats well, ive also been doing a lot of focus groups and thats how they feel about the country to not just show biden and hes in charge . No. No no. Clear. Im just saying its a water issue, than just that. Got it look, i think that theres the confluence of a few things that are are not great for biden, but i also i think sort of fixable if you will. And so i think it is both the combination that this economic recovery is sort of uneven. So if youre older, if youre collegeeducated, if youre affluent, actually this economys great for you. If youre younger, lowerincome, especially lowerincome hispanic voters, this economy is not been great for you so what you see happening, whether its 35 insulin for seniors, doesnt help you. It would help seniors, right . And so a lot of the really big accomplishments, whether if the student loan debt, if you didnt go to college, it didnt help you write. And so i think that there is a realistic assessment of how this economy is working for them layer on top of that, those are the same groups that are always lower Information Voters less likely to follow politics and less likely to vote. So its kind of a deadly combination of being disaffected economically and also being the kinds of folks who tend not devote as much. Anyway i do think there is a very specific conversation that the Biden Campaign and democrats who are running down valid can have with those voters. I was doing Focus Groups Last Night and a woman said to me, very conservative. We said, we started with key name one good thing biden is done because we feel like if we start with all the negative, its hard to have a conversation and she is well, you know i work for a nonprofit and ive not been able to pay for 20 years any of my student loan debt. In fact, its even higher now. And he actually wiped out my debt and i dont feel bad about it. I dont think i trick the system and she almost looked bashful or a bash about it, right . So i think figuring there are things that actually this administration has done for people who are younger is not communicated to them effectively. And i think there has to be a more concerted effort to have that conversation with younger people and not just accomplishments, but what are we going to do with systemic problems like the cost of housing that are not solvable in an instant. But there are things that are actually being done. Yeah. So communication good . Yeah. The concern about the economy is a huge problem for the biden team. And one that the polls do not show that even as the economy on paper looks like its getting better, voters are picking up on as you headed into the election in 2020 biden and trump are tied on the attribute of who would do better job handling the economy back in october of 2020. And nowadays when you ask voters in Battleground States that question, trump wins by a 20 point margin. I think the real question that this election is going to hinge on is, does that 20 point advantage for the economy . Stay for donald trump . And if it does come the biden team say, well that may matter, but what about issues like row, et cetera, an override. So on that note, i dont know if this is related to that, but maybe its adjacent to it. What to look at, what we have seen in the republican primary contests . Over the last few months. And of course this is mostly not entirely, but mostly since donald trump has been the clear nominee, nikki haley has gotten 18 18 7 in an even up to 21 in maryland. Obviously, we dont expect donald trump to necessarily when maryland, but even in the swing states, there is a sizable percentage of republicans are closed primaries and Republican Voters who are choosing to vote for somebody whos no longer running as opposed to donald trump. I still think in the end, most of them will come home to trump i think in the end, these voters, who they say they liked, nikki haley depends in some ways, i think on who trump picks as vp if he picked someone who is of a little more unusual flavor like that could scare those voters away. But if you pick someone like a tim scott, for instance, somebody who even more establishment Old School Republicans kind of like maybe that does set them at ease. But ultimately, i think this is such a polarized country that even those who say i cannot believe were doing this again as a party will come around to trump in the end real quick. Youre going to get those haley voters. I think some of them already were biden voters. They were republicans who voted for biden and they came out to show that displeasure. I think it shows that theyre just as theres weakness in the democratic base, theres actually a weakness in there couple base. We spent a lot less time talking about that. But if you look at the most likely voters these days, theyre more likely to be democratic voters. When you guys come back because we really, really want to talk about independence but you can come back anyway. But whatever you thank you both appreciate it much more ahead. Stay with us dont know, ive got to go thanks django you dream about it for years we were made to help you book as in minutes from medium rare to whelmed die so many ways to save life ready while it happy. But 3605 by Whole Foods Market zyrtec, allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours. So dave can be deliverer dance okay. Dave lets be more than our allergies sees the de with xhr tech can the riva support your brain health . 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Political news across the pond, british Prime Minister rishi sunak just called for a surprise early election on july 4, determine who will govern the uk. Sue next Conservative Party is in big trouble, posh, whole show. Theyre struggling to retain a 14 year hold on. Power our against the labour party now, july 4th is 43 days away. July 4th also, of course, is the day that several hundred years ago more than 200 years ago, rebels declared their independence from Great Britain here in the United States there. It just means a sixweek campaign. Imagine that thank you so much for joining Inside Politics. Cnn, news central starts after the break ake your first move with Battery Power made by speed right now save 50 on the Fsa 57 Battery Trimmer said real still, find yours oh, carney isolde. Its got an answer them. 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