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Santa newsnight starts now the circus comes to the courtroom. Thats tonight on these nine good evening. Im abby phillip the new york tonight. Tensions and chaos erupt inside of the courtroom. Let me set the scene for you. The trump team made a game time decision to call a witness, robert costello. Hes a former Legal Advisor to Michael Cohen. Now about 14 minutes into his testimony, cohen, costello vividly demonstrated why he may have caught trumps the tension. But the Presiding Judge was not amused costello rolled his eyes. A judge merchan, he let out an audible sigh after an objection. And the transcript, maybe the best way to describe what happened next in that courtroom. The judge, he says, i wanted to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom. Costello, right judge okay. So when there is a witness on the stand, if you dont like my ruling, you dont say, jeez. Okay. And then you dont say strike it because im the only one who can strike testimony in the courtroom. Do you, understand that costello . I understand. Judg okay. Then if you dont like my ruling, you dont give me the sayyed i and you dont roll your eyes. Do you understand that . Do you understand that costello i understand that. I understand what youre saying, judge. Okay. Thank you. Lets get the jury back. Are you staring me down right now costello know im just wondering how judge clear the courtroom, please cleathe courtroom bottom line judge marsha, who is normally softspoken, measured. He was furious today. The judge cleared that courtroom and dressed down the witness, all of which served mostly to distract from what would have otherwise been a pretty strong de for the defense the prosecutions star witness, Michael Cohen, while he may have flown a little too close to the sun and scorch the governments case against the former president in the process. Trumps lawyers backed Michael Cohen into a shocking admission that the fixer is a thief now on the stand, cohen said that he took 60,000 from payments that he had received from trump, which included reimbursement for the hush money that he ultimately paid to Stormy Daniels. The very payments that are at the core of this trial that is an alleged crime that cohen never faced charges four joining me now is former counsel to President Trump during is first impeachment. Robert ray, from a federal prosecutor, gene rossi, and washington correspondent for new york magazine, olivia newsy, and trial lawyer deanna paul robert. This is a pretty shocking decision actually, on the part of the defense to bring costs hello in from our reporting despite a lot of backandforth internally to give them what seemed to ultimately be not a whole lot and then in the Process Antagonize the judge. Well, i think about antagonizing the judge. Fortunately, most of what you just read, their transpired out of the presence of the jury. I mean, there were some things that this witness did that caught this judges attention. He was pretty upset about that did happen before the jury but he was reacting in real time before he took the jury out of the room. So the question is really, how much did the jury capture of this and what if any, reaction will they have looked the only purpose of calling this witness was to impeach Michael Cohens testimony with proof of a prior inconsistent statement, i e to the effect that costello knows because cohen told him that he didnt have anything on trump, which is obviously contrary was testimony now at trial, and thats the only reason that you would have called him . I mean, turning it into a circus obviously is not generally speaking, a good idea. But as far as what actually transpired before the judge, the jury, of course, doesnt is not aware of any of that. I think the obviously know about the commotion and that may have some Collateral Effect but the more important part of todays testimony was the part that you lead will, which is the stuff relatively what cohen did. And well get to that in just a moment. I mean, its so interesting to me that costello showed up on capitol hill last week. He gave this blockbuster testimony, at least according to conservatives and it was no surprise to me that that would have gotten trumps attack. It was intended to get trumps attention they bring him into the courtroom and were only halfway through this thing. The prosecutions going to get a stab at costello. And i suspect its going to be all about what you know, this kind of mafia like environment that was all around trump with giuliani, with costello and with Michael Cohen, donald trump does not have good ideas it seems possible that this was his, his legal team appeasing him in some way and saying, okay, if youd like this guy who just to testify in a way that was attractive to you on capitol hill i guess we can bring him in if it wasnt truly necessary to their case. It seems like a good guess that maybe this was about the kind of audience of one theory that all of his lawyers the padding to deal with at some point and you saw you start today after trump left the courtroom, he went to new dress to cameras that does actually play moments. This is trump speaking after the proceedings today so what happened to a highly respected bob costello ive never seen anything like that. I id be looking. Todd blanche faith in that clip he looks like hes not breathing for the entirety of this press conference. And i was worried he was going to pass out. Surely, he looked like he was not breathing and like hes just standing there bracing himself, hoping that his client does not violate this gag order, which arguably he did and does not create further calamity every day it seems like todd, blanche, and the rest of the legal team is sort of just praying that their client doesnt do yet another deeply silly thing to make this more complicated for them. I had the same reaction. I thought that it could very well, very well be another violation of the gag order. And well see what judge merchan says tomorrow. What stood out to me the most today was just the way judge merchan has been able to control the courtroom throughout the course of the dial, you had even when trump was muttering things, when Stormy Daniels was on the stand, he called the layers up to sidebar and said control your client, but didnt want to embarrass him. And today we saw that again, where rather than calling pastel out in front of a room full of press and full of trumps supporters clear the courtroom in order to give him as really a stern of a warning as you possibly could without actually holding him in contempt and even cleared the courtroom of the media which is actually a whole other step that weve never seen in this hearing. Borrow more. I mean, theres one thing to have a sidebar, but to take all the press out of the room so that you can do what youre gonna do without them witnessing it. Thats the only explanation. I can tell you this. Ive never seen this in my entire 30 years as a prosecutor. Wheres the defense . Attorney . But i just want to supplement something that robert said. Who brought up a couple of good points, at least de jury sends Something Wrong was happening i say yes and the reason is there are two attorneys on a jury and ill guarantee even though they didnt hear the sidebar, new cleared Courtroom Comments that you just read . Those two attorneys and probably other jurors could sense that the way mr. Costello was acting was beyond the pale. And i got to say this primacy recency, you start off with a good argument and you end with a good argument. If that is their last witness kevin forbid. Donald trump ended on the worst possible note only mr. Costello could have rehabilitated Michael Cohen because what did Michael Cohen say . I didnt trust the guy. I thought essentially he was asleep ball and he was working for giuliani. And i didnt want to tell him what i didnt need to tell him. So what did castello do . He reinforced what cohen had said about costello. Thats not a good way to end your case. I mean, look, we for not expecting castula to be the lats witness or a witness at all. Frankly sources had been telling cnn he was unlikely to be, but then instead of taking this moment, robert, where as you pointed out, they catch Michael Cohen. The lie. I mean, its not the first time weve heard this particular thing where he stole the money but it was a grand larceny. Its a theft its not just about the fact that its a lie, its its right in the middle as elie honig in a prior segment earlier today, its like right in the middle of what theyre charging donald trump with. And it turns out that donald trump is a victim of them crime itself it sounds like you cant make this stuff up. It really isnt good second half of you make of that though. I mean, robert, i mean, the whole kit thats legally a circus. The rest of the rest of it may be. Youre correct to point out the stuff with i still costello comes with a lot of baggage. I was a little worried when i saw that thats where the defense was going because you really want to make it about if youre the defense that the prosecution is politically motivated when you put costello up in there and you start raising Rudy Giuliani and other people into this. It comes with baggage. Now, how much the prosecution is going to be able to do with that and what would be admissible. Well find out in the i guess tomorrow. But the league but nevertheless the legal circles, the part that the legal circuits, theres a criminal defendant and then the criminal defendant may have been a victim of a crime as well. That is not charged. Everybody looks bad this generation, i just make your comment in roberts outstanding prosecutor, and we know what fronting is and fronting is when the prosecutor has a witness on the stand and the witness has baggage. As robert knows, you try to fronted you try to bring out the wards, the baggage im going to play a Monday Morning quarterback. We never throw interceptions. Yeah. I dont think the prosecutors fronted enough of Michael Cohens warts. And this theft thing is something that they should really have gotten in the weeds on. Yeah. I mean, well, there are two things that didnt come out but on direct examination of clouds have been the focus of the most recent crossexaminati on. One is what was happening during that october phone call. They didnt front the fact that it was about the stock are principally and then the second thing is this, which is they didnt front the fact that not only was there a theft, he didnt take Michael Cohen didnt take a guilty plea for that and it also was never mentioned during his direct examination. I mean, that makes the process not only the witness look bad, it makes the prosecution i why one thing i think about though with this whole story, i mean, theres so many ways to interpret this part of it also is that this tactic of trump having michael oh, and essentially front money for him and then reimbursing him is part of the pattern that actually the prosecution is trying to establish for what they how they handled Stormy Daniels i actually i agree with what you were saying. I think the more effective line of crossexamination was about the call with Keith Schiller any idea that that was never brought up during grand jury me, it was the first time you ever talked about it. And when it comes to Michael Cohens an opportunist so this idea that he pocketed 30,000 i mean, is it does it make or break the prosecutions case . I dont think so. I think the thing that really undercuts his credibility to the jury is going to be hearing over and over that he lied he lied under oath, and that directly goes to his ability to be able to be a credible witness on the stand yeah. I mean im actually just as a little sidebar here. The thing that trump did Michael Cohen paid this firm four is one of the most trumpian things ive ever heard basically unimportant cmc poll, but he paid 50,000 to try to gave easier forget all of this now because so many more important things its have happened, but they Campaign Began in the atrium of trump tower. They hired actors to pretend to be trumps supporters. We forget that. They were doing, they were doing fake polls left and right. Michael cohen ran twitter account. Women women from Michael Cohen. Lets forget, i know you were follower, but it was a very strange, Strange Campaign where they were just making up all the time. And it didnt matter in the end except for now what it does one thing that also happened today was about this video of that phone call were not a video of Michael Count of donald trump and Keith Schiller that would basically serve to kind of substantiate that phone call, that critical phone call. The defense had actually so well tried to undercut how significant is it that they were allowed to get that evidence in today, despite the vociferously objections of the defense one of one of our reporters, really said of all the things that the defenses objected to. This was probably the thing they objected to the most a video of donald trump and Keith Schiller together around the time when that phone call was supposed to well, i will say this the photo itself, i think only the photo came in. Yeah, not the video i love baseball and is a photo a home run know . Its probably a week bunt all right. What the prosecutors trying to do is just show that this shield were in trump were joined at the hip and at the precise moment that cohen called, i guess it was eight zero for a fight for years. Oh, yeah. Four minutes later schiller and trump were right together. So is it a home run . No. Does it sort of rehabilitate just a little bit . Yes. But i think the damage was done during the crossexamination of cohen when this whole thing about the as i wouldnt have fought so hard to keep it out. Yeah. And then they eventually if the jury saw that the defense was trying in too hard to exclude it, frankly, that to me is more damaging than the evidence itself. Id have let it in even if i thought jeez, thats not so great mostly because i mean, hes the guy is bodyguard. Of course, hes with them all the time with differences that make that they have a photo together, even if the timestamp is around the time that the phone call came in, that really wasnt the defenses thank you. Meant the defenses argument was this phone call was about a particular Subject Matter that you completely neglected to testify to in the grand jury. And during your direct examination, and now all of a sudden, youve got caught. So i dont really know that the photograph changes any of that to any significant degree, but it just didnt look good. Im interesting choices its made by the Defense Counsel today in court, everyone. Thank you very much for all of that. And tonight, there is a potential Arrest Warrant now for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over israels war in gaza and President Biden is livid about it, will debate next plus new details on that Helicopter Crash that killed the hard line president of iran. And what it means its for the world now and just tonight, why Sean Diddy Combs did not mention his exgirlfriend, casi in his apology after that horrific video. O of him beating her. 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Ukraine these days, it seems that war has been receding from the headlines even while the conflict is white hot russia is again on the advance and volute amirs linsky is again pleading with the west to get directly involved in its war for survival gaza, that war, again, in the Headlines Today is the International Criminal court pursues Arrest Warrants for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and for the leader of hamas the iccs message, nobody is Above The Law. The message from the white house. You cannot compare a terrorist to an elected leader and the United States is closest ally in the region theres no equivalence between israel and hamas its clear there isnt wants to all do all it can to ensure civilian protection. But let me be clear. Concert allegations against israel made by the International Court of justice. Whats happening is not genocide and iran, which suddenly finds itself confronting and internal power struggle. Helicopter crash that killed its hard liner. President leaves to ron without a bulwark of the brutal theocratic regime his death means the jockeying to replace Iran Supreme Leader ayatollah begins much sooner rather than years down the road as many observers had expected and here in the United States where of course the November 2024 election. And who wins that race may determine if the world can depend on america or if they should expect america alone. For more on the Arrest Warrants. Let me bring in mehdi hasan, author of win every argument. The art of debating. And jonathan shazam chanzeaux, former Terrorism Finance Analyst at the Us Treasury Department maddie, i want to start with you and i know that we will spend a lot of time discussing the part that has gotten this really to the front pages, which is the charges against the israeli leaders. But on the issue of hamas isnt justified for there to be such a delay in bringing charges against hamas for actions that happened many, many months ago on october 7 that weve known about those atrocities have been clear for a long time. And yet the charges only come now im not sure actually, i think that karim khan, the icc Chief Prosecutor, would say that he was building a very careful case. Hes a very careful lawyer he has been there for i think a few years since 2021. And when he became Chief Prosecutor, he said he would be looking at israel, palestine because the icc said they had jurisdiction over crimes accumulate on palestinian territory. Hes interviewed survivors, he talks about it very eloquently in a statement today, and i think look, how should be held to account for what we all saw them due on october the seventh, the killing of civilians hostage, taking some of us said on the de, those are war crimes. So im glad theyre being held to account the problem. Of course is, is that some people, including the president of the United States say only hamas should be able to account for crimes committed in that part of the world, even though since october the seventh, tragically, we have seen many more innocent people killed. On the other end, killed by the israeli war machine. And i think its quite right. That is, you said in your introduction, no one is Above The Law and this whole nonsense about moral equivalents. Ive been hearing all day moral equivalents. No one saying theres a moral equivalents, people are saying that there is one Law International humanitarian law. Everyone should be held to it. Whether you are a government, whether youre militant group, whether you are terrorists, whether youre an individual, whether you are Prime Minister, no one is Above The Law. And karim khan is doing the right thing and bringing charges against people in that part of the world requesting Arrest Warrants for people hello, we weve all seen netanyahu and the leaders of hamas carry out horrific things in front of our eyes. Jonathan, your response look, im not going to get into this moral equivalence thing because i think its a ridiculous thing to talk about. We know that hamas deliberately went out and raped women, slaughter 1,200 people people took 240 people hostage in the israelis are now responding in a defensive or and they have every right to do it and theyre putting their own soldiers at risk while theyre trying to deliver aid. And thats the charge that the icc brought against israel, that they were waging is siege when in fact theyre actually putting their own soldiers at risk. But if i asked you there, let me ask you about that because i think that is as you point out, a key part of what the icc is saying theyre talking about the use of starvation and deprivation as tools of war. And you may remember it, senior israeli officials at the onset of this war, they stated pretty clearly, no power, no water would be going to gaza until the hostages were freed that was pointed out at the time to be a statement of collective punishment there is as most International Observers say, a famine on the verge of descending on gaza right now. It shouldnt that be something that is under the scrutiny of the icc . Well, let me just say on the verge is not a famine, right . And i think we need to differentiate here and everybody keeps saying on the verge, but weve not yet seen facts that back this up. There is no un criteria for how many calories need to come in every day for this, not to be a siege. The israelis are actually bringing in massive numbers of trucks and theyre doing it at parallel to their own soldiers. And more over, i think we just need to say this i have not ever seen a successful case brought by any International Court in any in any circumstance where youve seen this siege thing actually play out. I think its a hail mary. There doesnt seem to be not only have we not seen any cases brought, but we i dont think weve ever seen a successful case brought on this. We know that this icc prosecutor was actually negotiating with the israelis end with the United States up until a few days ago. This is a monkey court. If theyre negotiating about what, what kind of charges theyre going to bring and then they finally bring them and it just does not hold water and we can see now the reaction or the president of the United States, the reaction of members of congress. Theyre going to sanction this prosecutor just like they did the last one because the icc is simply illegitimate. It is not taken seriously here in the United States hey, its because they pick and choose how they want to apply this very loose interpretation of international law. Mehdi, i want you to respond, but i want to correct myself the United States it has already said Samantha Power, us official has said that famine has begun in gaza media your response to what jonathan said. So so just on the icc, america is not a party to the icc. So the rest of the world doesnt really care whether america likes the icc or not. Thats not really relevant here. The jurisdiction is the iccs as for karim card, he was actually israels favorite choice for prosecutor in 2021 as the israeli media reported at the time, now suddenly is unpopular. Hes the greatest antisemite of our times according to net. And you, simply because hes asked for Arrest Warrants jonathan says were on the verge of famine, as you said, are abby, Samantha Power disagrees . In fact, you know, who disagrees with jonathan . Cindy mccain, the head of the World Food Program, the wife of the moon its pro Israel American senator of my lifetime, john mccain says, northern gaza isnt a fullblown famine. She said the other day that children in gaza are dying as skeletons, right . That is what is going on in gaza. She also says, israel is not allowing the World Food Program full access. Johnson wants you to believe that this is a defensive war. He wants you to disbelieve every major Human Rights Group in the world that says otherwise he wants you to believe theres no famine in gaza and disbelieve every major humanitarian aid agency on the planet that disagrees with him. The facts are pretty clear to people who are watching. Theres a reason why a majority of canadians want to see an acc investigation. Theres a reason why a majority of britains say israel is committing war crimes theres a reason why a majority of french, belgians, germans, swedes bull told pollsters, they think israeli official should be prosecuted for crimes. Theres a reason why plurality of americans, according to recent pulled up my Organizations A Teo did say israel is guilty of war crimes because we all have eyes. We can see children being pulled from the rubble. We can see churches, mosques, refugee camps, hospitals, schools, libraries, universities, cemetery, there is being bombed. And as for joe biden, joe biden himself accused israel of indiscriminate bombing abby, his words indiscriminate bombing. That is the literal definition of a war crime. Jonathan yeah, luck. You want to talk about the evidence thats being collected right now. Its being collected by the un. Now, dig down a little further and youre going to realize that theres only one major agency that has been active inside gaza and that has been unwra. And we know that unwra has been a partner with hamas in carrying out the war crimes that were talking about that hamas has admitted, by the way, no one is talking about the fact that hamas has been diverting aid when it comes into gaza. Why are we not talking about the siege . So get their putting on their own people. And one more thing here, ive got it just say is that if you look at what the charges are, that the icc is brought, they are not talking about shooting charges. Theyre not talking about kinetic strikes that theyre calling war crimes on the part of the israelis because they know that israel has actually conducted itself on the battlefield in ways that far exceed the United States or any other western power in recent years on the battlefield, that ratio of civilian to combat and deaths is drastically lower. They know they cant bring those charges, so they tried this hail mary and its just simply not going you know, i i hear what youre saying, but i want you to kind of address that just the substance of the issue of especially when it comes to food and water and basic human needs. The United States had to build a pier on the coast of gaza to get aid in because it was so difficult to get the israelis to allow basic aid in overland, not just aid trucks are coming in . That is true, but not as many as were coming in before the war. And independent observers have said basic things are being blocked at the borders by israel for all kinds of different reasons. All of that adds up to something that i i mean, i think some people would say at least should be under scrutiny. Do you think israel should even be subject to scrutiny for how it is carrying out this war. Look, of course, it should be under scrutiny in every country that wages war will come under scrutiny in todays day and age. I actually went to i went to cyprus a few weeks ago and i went and talked to the people that were going to build this pier and the people that were going to deliver aid to this pier and the people that were going to vet it. And i can i can just tell you that the amount of time and effort that went into this, youve got israeli Customs Agents sitting over there reviewing these packages because they were so uncomfortable with the way that it was coming in from egypt or the things that were coming in directly to their ports and they couldnt process them well enough. They took the criticism that the United States leveled and theyve taken action and so now we have this incredible system, where the United States has built up here. Weve got the cypriot authorities, weve got the emirati, weve got the israelis reviewing what comes through and approving it and then sending it on. And were going to see a massive uptake, by the way here, israeli, yes, theres are all it sounds like thats what youre acknowledging that there was there was a problem. This is a war zone. This, but there are problems in every war zone, media and there are always going to be challenges. Can i always go ahead, ready . Can i can i can i just come in and respond to something jonathan said a moment ago. He said the only evidence we have of war crimes as being collected as by un and by underwear. And there will compromise. Thats just not true. I myself have interviewed on my show multiple american doctors who are on the ground in gaza who have testified to what is going on, what theyre seeing with their own laying eyes. I have a friend who is a doctor who went out and served in the European Hospital in gaza. He saw children being brought into the hospital with Gunshot Wounds to the head, right . Those are crimes. Those have been witnessed by american consider isms, british citizens, french citizens, theyre all on the record to pretend this is just about hamas or unrwa is nonsense, right . There. Evidence is there for any man an International Lawyer and nor nor the doctors, it is not up to you to decide what crime is. And by the way, ensure that i agree. I agree. I agree. Its up to the Chief Prosecutor of the icc, who is a lawyer very respected. And can i finish my point just to go back to what abby said at the start. If they dont want to be charged with war crimes, maybe they shouldnt have done war crimes. Yoav gallant is being charged with starvation. This is amanda defense minister of israel, who said on october the 9th, im ordering a total seed of golf no fuel, no electricity, no food. Its closed. What maybe he shouldnt have said and done that, maybe he wouldnt have an Arrest Warrant or other application for an Arrest Warrant against him today, if you havent done that all right. Maddie and jonathan, this man seriously we have to leave it there. Thank you both very much for joining us and up next as Donald Trumps Vice President ial contenders swarm the airwaves, Election Denialism seems to be a prerequisite for even being considered for the job will show you the tape next in the Stanley Cup Fairclough life is on the line right now to now, the distractions goodness still feel hi hi. From pep in their step to shine in their coats. And people switch their dogs foods. The farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic but theres no magic involved its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans for male like evan, who lost 50 pounds, ive never really was a salad guy. Thats just not who i am even through the Pickiness Num taught me the that building better habits built a healthier lifestyle get started today and lose 15 pounds and 15 weeks. 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Will you accept the Election Results of 2024 no matter what happens, senator no matter what happens, no, if its an unFair Election heres the if if it is a Fair Election widespread voter fraud need i remind you, is not widespread and its the boogie man right now and the republican party, theres nothing actually under that bad no matter what Nightmare Republicans say is real. The republican senator from florida though, wants you to keep clutching your sheets and if you cant get you to do that, just wait for the end. I think youre asking the wrong person to democrats are the ones that have opposed every republican victory since 2000, every single one. Its refused to concede. Hillary clinton conceded, senator, will you accept the election . Clinton said the election was stolen from her and that trump was illegitimate. Kamala harris, we have democrat rubio says, and the democrats, theyre doing a two. But there is a real difference between what clinton has said since 2016 and what clinton did after the results were clear clinton while sure. You can accuse her of being a sore loser she said the words that donald trump never has. I lost last night. I congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country i hope that he will be a successful president for all americans this is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard hard four. And im sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share in the vision we hold for our country now if you dont buy that, rubio says, try this one but what about the other things that undermine elections . But listen undermines elections is when meet the, when nbc news and every major news outlet in america in 2020 censored, the Biden Laptop Story, which turned out to be true, not russian misinformation, unprecedented you couldnt even talk about it on social media. They were deep platform. You did you guys to cover the laptop provoke joe biden, 2020, the media okay so to follow rubios logic and the Biden Laptop Story that is, as damaging according to rubio as the american, to the american experiment as claiming that the Election Results can only be fair if you or your Candidate Win were start rubio is far from alone here. Tim scott wont answer the same question will you commit to accepting the Election Results of 2024 bottom line . At the end of the day the 47th president United States Moby First It donald trump, yes or no. Will you accept the Election Results of 2024, no matter who wins . That is my statement. Is just yes or no. Will you accept the Election Results of 2024 i look forward to President Trump being the 47th president multiple times. Just a yes or no answer . So the American People, the American People will make the decision jd vance also made his answer conditional will you commit to accepting the results of this years election look, dana, i totally plan to accept the results of 2024, even if joe biden wins sure. If its a free and Fair Election, i will accept the results stand whoever wins and lindsey graham, same question. Same non answer will. You accept the results of the 2024 election no matter who wins yeah, ill accept them, but i think theres no massive cheating this is not a hard question but heres the point. Donald trump says the election was rigged, and so republicans have to warn about rigged elections. And theyre betting that you are already willing to buy into that same myth, the same way you buy into bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster but the cost here is an imaginary. The cost is the thing that makes the United States, the United States, that we dont make what happens to our democracy, just conditional on who wins up next, we are now learning why sean combs did not mention his ex girlfriends name and his apology after that disturbing video of diddy Assaulting Cassie emerged rapper cameron, who coined the slang term, no diddy in response to the recent lawsuits, hes going to join me next riyadh saves new album is breaking records what country is comey country beyond, say a nashvilles renaissance. Next monday, that aid on cnn carney isolde its one i saw them. Thats what i said. Godman, saada gotten knee gotten me, got juicy your skin is ever changing take care of it with gold pons, age, renew Formulation Of Seven Moisturize and three vitamins for all your skins cold Bond Thinking im think about her honeymoon, about africa. So far hot air balloon and rice when with elephants 342 safari great question. 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They wont stop me. Nothing beats allegro. Its the fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief live. Your greatness. Laura coates live mix on cnn now if youll permit me to have a moment of personal privilege i just want to say a few words about my friend and now former colleague, alice stewart. Its hard to even say that losing a good one so soon its deeply unfair she wasnt just a colleague to me here at cnn. I really got to know alice a couple of years ago because we were both members of the Institute Of Politics is Senior Advisory Committee at harvard. My alma mater she was a former harvard iop fellow in 2019 and boy, did she love her students . The part of alice that most of you all did not see was the one who was always a text or a phone call or an email away for virtually any student who wanted her advice or her ear. She was a mentor who do to flee, sought to nurture harvards young conservative community, urging them to stay in the game, but engage with their more liberal peers with kindness and respect now, in the true spirit of the iop, she believed in this country and that its future required all of us to engage and healthy, principled disagreement. Alice had actually worked for some of the most polarizing figures in American Politics. Ted cruz, michele bachmann, my kochab be, among others but when i thought about it over the weekend, i think that thats actually what gave her such an important perspective. She had seen the firebreathing part of American Politics upclose as she was determined to foster a political culture that rewarded thoughtfulness kindness, and respect. Now all of us here at cnn and at the Institute Of Politics, miss her so much. Pressed. 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Now tonight truly sorry, or at least thats what Sean Diddy Combs wants the world to believe that he is. Did apologizing and an Instagram Video just days after cnn exclusively obtained hotels Surveillance Video showing the Media Mogul Kick king tossing and brutalizing his then the singer, Cassie Ventura by behavior on that video is inexcusable i, take full responsibility for my actions in that video disgusting i was disgusted. Then when i did it im disgusted now, truly sorry joining me now is cameron guys better known as the wrapper cameron, hes also the cohost of the podcast. It is what it is. Thanks for being here. First, when you saw that video of diddy, casi in that hotel did you recognize that sean combs what i wanted to say, first of all, when i seen a Video Everything in a video was agreed to. So im against i dont support all the charges this alleged against them. I dont support any of that traffic and minors domestic violence. Im totally against it. So when i seen a video, yeah, i was trying to upset with it not being that i normally is not necessarily a friend, but i was also when ive seen it but did you just say did you recognize that anger at all . From your experience, what do you mean . Do i be recognize that . I recognize it might seem what do you mean . My experiences ive seen him and i thought i thought it was disgusting. I didnt do a zoom in to see if it was really him. And what he admitted it was him. So yeah, it was what did you think about the apology that he gave in that other video amy, for the policy for me to decide for casie, what i think about it, dont matter hey, du me, cassie, need the need is cast your she accept apology i told you i feel i said what i said. I want to play a conversation that you had on your podcasts back in september with maize. Listen yeah when you add your record deal, why did you take me to Biggie Smalls and not gameboy and its almost gone. Bring me to tears. They said is i being i saw you as such a good friend. I wanted to which you wish on my annuity thank you, man. I really appreciate that. A lot of people asked me that on her crying good its the only i knew biggie would would do right by can you tell us a little bit more about that . I mean, is there is there something known in the industry about how did he treated his artists . Sorry, im going get some cheeks after this Horsepower Joint ill, just going may say it makes took me to biggie. I dont really know. Puff is like mason oh, puff. So i appreciate what may said and of course, thats my brother. So if he felt that way, then he felt that way. I cant really tell you how puff moves or anything like that makes me know better than me because he was signed a puff. I was by my show. Does come on at 8 00 a. M. Eastern or youtube is called. It is what it is. Make sure you check it out. I mean, i might give some more information, not a maze from there, but for me to tell you how prof. Agnatha i dont know. I never was santo. Yeah. What about the industry in general . I mean, so many people have pointed out that did he couldnt get away with this stuff if there werent a lot of people protecting him do you think thats the case who did talent agent for this joint . Right . There. Ill be sitting around watching what did he do and all this. I didnt know this was a dirty joint. Are invited me to book me for this joint all right. Well, and ill be watching diddy and all that. Thanks. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for your time tonight. Thank you. Thank you for having me. You enjoy thank you for watching news ews night. La coates live starts right now well, lives, theft, and i roles the wild day 19 trump trial. The Transcript Johnson tonight really exactly what was said inside the courtroom. Plus diddys diddly squat apology. The word salad uh, but did nothing except race a very, very serious questions and openai, just pick the wrong voice to mess with wife Scarlet Johanson its putting the company on blast tonight. Uh, Laura Coates Live all right so just hours from now, we could get the answers to the one while one of the main questions weve all had and Donald Trumps criminal trial. Well, he actually take the stand and testify in his own defense. Now, trump, he has previously dingell the

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