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News out of iran where state media has confirmed the death of president Ebrahim Raisi on the countrys Foreign Minister after a Helicopter Crash, the bodies of those killed in the crash will be transported to a staging area in the city of Tabriz Iranian official say the helicopter with nine people on board ran into trouble amid heavy fog on sunday afternoon. What images of the crash site in irans East Azerbaijan province show the remote mountainous area where the aircraft went down, search teams found no survivors the president , another officials have been attending a ceremony for the opening of a new dam near the border with azerbaijan, rescues faced difficult Weather Conditions overnight including cold and heavy fog as they scrambled to locate the crash sayyed, well, iranians were urged to pray for the president before word of his death with the countrys Supreme Leader vowing, there will be no disruption in irans well, lets start with four handcuffs. Is following developments and joins us now, live from abu dhabi. What more do we know about the circumstances of this crash . Paula . Well, becky, investigators will certainly be looking at a number of factors here. The weather itself its something that we have been focusing on the fact that this Helicopter Ride took place in the Northwestern Region of around where it is understood there was heavy false at the time. Now, the rescue teams themselves, we understand what unable to put a helicopter into the air to try and help them to find the location of the crash because the Weather Conditions were simply too bad. We have heard good from our own cnn Meteorologist Apartment thats at the time of the crash. There was low hanging cloud in that particular area. We know also that the temperatures were lower than they would usually be at this time of the year. So that would be one of the key factors being looked at at this point. Of course, another question would be the fact that the president and the Foreign Minister were both on the same helicopter at the same time. Now we know that it was a convoy of three helicopters. Two of the helicopters landed safely, and one did not now you can see from the footage, the terrain of this region is very mountainous. It is in really, for vips, Helicopter Travel is the only option. The roads are not good. They are fairly dangerous and it would take hours to travel from one area to the other. But of course, the question will be the fact that this helicopter took off in such bad Weather Conditions. Just to put it into perspective, the rescue teams themselves took around 16 hours to be able to find the area where this crash happened. There were helped by a heat drone that had been sent by by turkey. Help this search to try and pinpoint exactly where this head the copter went down. But the fact that they were having to search by foot, many teams, dozens of teams searching by foot shows just how difficult the conditions were at that point becky, whats been the response from authorities, polar and wider iranian population well, it will be interesting to see the General Public reaction. Beckys, you know, he was a divisive figure, president raisi and he was certain lee not supported by all we will see some very conflicting responses and reactions from the population at large. But what we have seen in the official capacity city at this point is there has been an emergency meeting, an urgent meeting convened of the government itself state media also issuing a photo of the chair where president raisi usually sits during these meetings and it has a black sash across it to show morning and we really are seeing the beginnings of the more morning a period within the country itself. We have seen, for example, or the Television Anchors are wearing black inbetween the News Broadcasts there are islamic prayers to pay tributes and Show Commiseration for the loss of these nine people on board. We also know that the timing and details of the Mourning Process will be given shortly. This is according to a state media. So in the hours and days to come, we will be hearing a lot more about just how the commemoration will present itself in commemoration for the president s, for the Foreign Minister, one of the governors of the area. There was also an a man of friday prayers of the area. And also the crew, the pilots, and security. Becky this is the announcement of the death of the president and Foreign Minister. What does this mean for iran Going Forward after . For all the president , of course, lets remind our viewers, is not the most important leader in around that of course is the Supreme Leader and thats key, the fact that president raisi, while a very powerful individual, does not hold the ultimate power our in a so the Supreme Leader is still in place. The very powerful, Iranian Revolutionary guards is still in place. They had been playing an even more key role in no in Foreign Policy as well when it comes to dealing with irans proxies and allies in the region in recent months so the fact that this infrastructure is still very much in place has been suggested by a number of experts that suddenly the looking outward to the world, the iran will, that we will see will not be very different. What . Maybe different is the internal domestic maneuvering now and the politics that we will see, of course, there will be 50 days before there is an election called according to the iranian constitution, the Vice President will take control at this point, mohammed macaj, we know that that he is not wellknown internationally. Hes not necessarily that wellknown domestically as well. So there will be a period of internal maneuvering as we see who the next president and of course the next Foreign Minister will be. We did hear from the Supreme Leader himself for ayatollah ali khamenei, saying that this will not disrupt the workings of around. Now he did say that before the location of the crash was discovered, this was when the helicopter was missing before we knew that the president and his Dad Allegation had died in that Helicopter Crash. But he did say publicly that they will be no disruption. So certainly from his point of view, he wants to show that there will be stuff bility within the, within the country itself. But certainly when it comes to relations with other countries, as you know, it is a difficult region and there are countries that do not have good relations with iran. But this is a head of states that has died. And so we are likely to see in the coming hours and days, a number of other heads of states, even if those that do not have good relations with iran, extending their condolences theres and following proper protocol, becky good to have you paul. Thank you what happens next . Now that irans president is confirmed dead . Well, according to irans constitution, the first Vice President , mohammed mc bar well take over the role with the approval of the Supreme Leader, ayatollah. How many next the heads of the three branches of government must arrange for an election to jews, a new leader within 50 days, raisi was elected president in 2021 and the next president ial election was du to take place next year. But now it will likely take place by early july. Will joining me now is sam of archaeal, who is director of the middle East North Africa program at Chatham House here in londons good to have you your initial response on to the news of the death of the iranian prime president. And the countrys Foreign Minister good morning. This comes at a really tricky time for the Islamic Republic raisi was, of course, not a charismatic or personally powerful individual but he was important as a loyal apparatchiks within the system. He was close to the Supreme Leader, to the irgc. He had consensus within the system iran just finished parliamentary elections and turnout for those elections were very low. The lowest ever in the history of the Islamic Republics 45 years to go through another political transition with less Public Participation and to try and find a new individual that could generate support from the population as well as loyalty to the system will be tricky they will be no disruption in the countrys work says the Supreme Leader, but rices death as you rightly point out, poses important challenges two and for the ruling order, can you just explain how you expect to see things pan out here and y so i do think the supreme later statement yesterday assuring the public that things will be normal is very important and the system will abide as best i can by the constitution so they will be for the time being focusing on the Memorial Ceremonies and looking to show or pitch raisi as loyal martyr for the Stomach Republic and trying to celebrate his life he has a checkered history. He is not well loved by the popular collation. He is seen are called the butcher of tehran for his role in executing are sending many, many thousands of iranians to execution. And the late 19 so this will be about elevating raisis life and legacy. And next they will be looking at transition and looking to generate candidates for what they hope will be a contested and engaging election. But i think that will be hard to deliver within 50 days. What do we know about the Vice President mohammad, both bear is another administrator. He is close to the irgc, close to the levers of power. He has taken a lead role in implementing are managing Economic Policy and they, countries economy is of course, not in good shape. Inflation is at an all time high above 50 . The country is under maximum pressure of sanctions and its ordinary people that are very angry and frustrated and bearing the impact of inflation as well as the currencies depreciation welcome, there will step up and will again try to demonstrate Executive Accountability Businesses as usual. But beyond that, he doesnt have a Name Recognition and hes not particularly wellknown. And he ran one of iran is important paris status foundations before he comes from within the system, ultimately the reigning president s role not one that means c is responsible either four National Security or indeed for the audio logical direction of the country. So again, with the news of the passing of the uranium, president , and indeed the countrys Foreign Minister what will change . On the surface, becky, not too much. This is a system that manages Foreign Policy as you brought up in an institution known as the supreme National Security council, where the president sits alongside members of the other institutions, including in the irgc, the head of the judiciary thats speaker of the parliament. So its a consensusbased process that direction and the contours of iran, irans Foreign Policy are not going to shift at all. What, what will shift of course, is the domestic landscape that is notoriously divisive and factions iran has shifted very much to the right and all of your wrongs elected institutions are dominated by conservatives and hardline conservatives actually. So with rices death, this is certainly an opportunity for perhaps more pragmatic or leftleaning conservatives to join the race. And see if they can emerge after being marginalized. This could be also an opportunity for the system to try to bring marginalized forces, like members of present forming for precedent, rohini is team into politics again, on also important other key figures like Ally Laurie Gianni are being mentioned the speaker, former speaker of the parliament mohammad ali, both could also be brought back in. So theres some i think heres a name is being tossed around who is allowed to run the Guardian Council has to vet and approved candidates and who eventually is elected will tell us a lot about the future direction of the state. Its Domestic Capability To Marshall Public Support as well. Allies, unity within the system. There are two issues here. What happens with regard the presidency am indeed, the kind of wider story and, and more consequential story will be what is the impact on succession . The Supreme Leader of course, is at five years old and Ebrahim Raisi, there now former president announced dead in his Helicopter Crash in the past few hours, was one of the prospective candidates for that role. Can you just explain where this leaves that kind of wider story for iran well, i think thats important question. I would first caveat all of this discussion are around succession that i have also been involved in this is our assumptions about succession, the discussion about succession, however, remains very opaque. Its taking place within a very closed circle of individuals from the outside, raisi was seen as a potential candidate. But within these closed circles, its unclear what individuals were thinking the king raisi was seemed to be a Potential Successor by myself included, because he ticked a lot of the boxes that harmony himself had indicated were important relatively young, very loyal ideological, and revolutionary, and raisi had also worked throughout the iranian this them. He was head of the judiciary. He had some important appointments that indicated that he was trusted and had consensus among he individuals, but also key centers of power, including the irgc with raisi is deaf this opens up the prospect for more contested space, not just within the Executive Branch and the presidency, but also for succession. Other people suggest that khameneis sun much sharper harmony is now a shooin for Supreme Leader. Im less inclined to support that view this remains the system and iran remains an Islamic Republic. It hasnt built in a hereditary function. Much have a homininae, has no base, he has no administrative history. He, he operates and supports his Fathers Office Behind The Scenes certainly, if the Islamic Republic is going to continue in its current form, theyre going to try to find in an individual who is relatively wellknown and can continue to build legitimacy within the system that is declining protests driven and very divisive so i was good to have you. Thank you very much. Indeed, Salman Vacuole Luck joining us. What this means for the country, for its relations or non relations as it were with, with washington, with israel with the rest of the world we will discuss. So all of that more after this very quick break, well be back with the latest on our Breaking News story, the death of the iranian president Hi Brian Raisi in a Helicopter Crash is after this stay with this pardon months lets any landlord find qualified renters and sign leases and collect payments from any place even here. And wheres here . Exactly. 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Cnn Sayyed Watson is Tracking Developments and joins us now live from washington and from the point at this aircraft was reported down to having experienced what was originally reported as a hard landing. It was hours before the news broke that no survivors were found. Ivan, why . The area where this helicopter went down and i might add, im in hong kong, not in washington, becky, the area where this helicopter went down is remote corner of iran. Ive actually been by car through this area to cross the border into turkey years ago. And it is rugged and mountainous and sparsely populated. So the iranian authorities actually reached out to their neighbor of turkey to help with having a drone search for the crash site, which the turks then sent over it it also illustrates how difficult the Weather Conditions were that they needed to rely on a drone rather than fly their own aircraft in this area to try to search for the missing president and his entourage as the confirmation of his death has emerged, as iran now embarks on what will be a period get of official morning. Were getting more and more voices from Around The World responding to the unexpected death of president Ebrahim Raisi of the Foreign Minister of their entourage and the crew aboard the helicopter as well. For example, the president of venezuela expressing condolences, the Prime Minister of iraq, which has very close ties with its neighbor iran. And this is quite interesting. You have Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of india, with a statement his condolences for the death of irans president Ebrahim Raisi. And then indias rival pakistan, its Prime Minister declaring a Day Of Mourning in pakistan for the death of Ebrahim Raisi. And one of the reasons i want to highlight that not only are iran, india, and pakistan rivals who have fought Border Conflicts in the past that are both in agreement that this is a tragedy. The death of the iranian president. But in just january of this year iran and pakistan were engaged in crossborder bombing incidents. And there was great anger in pakistan after iranian, after the bronny and military launched a strike into pakistani territory, i think this underscores the fact that despite complicated border issues in this very complicated part of the world that these neighbors were able to overcome from this. And now pakistan calling for a Day Of Mourning, of flying flags at halfmast after this unexpected, deadly Helicopter Crash, becky while Ebrahim Raisi isnt the most powerful man in the country. That of course is the Supreme Leader it is as some of ive described it the day after kermani, who is at five years old and reportedly over the past couple of years, not in the best of health. It is the day after that, the parsing of the president now would be so impactful. Can you just explain further if you will . Okay. Well as one expert, i was just talking to said you know, when you look at the middle east and you look at the elderly leaders in the region and the potential for somebody to pass away ali common at the Supreme Leader, is 85 years old. He would be much higher on that potential speculative list, then Ebrahim Raisi, who is only he 63 years old or the king of saudi arabia, who is undergoing a medical procedure, right now. And his son has postponed a trip to japan as a result of that. So now we suddenly have not the top position in iran, but a lower level succession question that has emerged runin competent constitution explains what to do in that event that the Vice President , to probably very few iranians know about this is muhammad mock bear that he would become an interim president and then would pave the way four elections in some 50 days. But then theres an additional question that in the history of the Islamic Republic since 1979, you have had falling Voter Participation rates in the election. Were raisi was elected in 2021. It was historically the lowest Voter Participation rate in a president ial election since 1979, which the government there doesnt like to admit, but that shows a lack of legitimacy from a significant portion of the pie Appalachian Add on top of that, the government crackdown of the last two years on the Protest Movement that erupted after the death in Police Custody of mahsa for mahsa amini, you have a challenge inside iran of real legitimacy from a portion of the population Islamic Republic will make great shows of the death of this martyr. Theyve, theyve already called him a martyr on the front page of the tehran times for example but it will be a challenge to control and navigate the period of succession of the next 50 days. And then there is the broader question of who could one day takeover as Supreme Leader in the country. And that is a big question because to date youve only had the original Ayatollah Khomeini as khomeini as Supreme Leader after the Islamic Revolution and now coming e. So this raises a lot of Big Questions and theres, let me just to add another point, becky raisi and his entourage died. A a decades old, we believe us manufactured helicopter. Why . In 2024 is the president of the Country Flying in a helicopter possibly older than i am in a storm and crashing for some people that is evident, that is evidenced of the real economic challenges that the Islamic Republic is facing, that perhaps it wasnt putting all of its priorities in the right basket. The fact that this accident could have taken place in these circumstances then what says is not hong kong ivan, thank you all want to bring in our senior white house report. Kevin lip tag, hes been traveling with us President Joe Biden in michigan whats been the response from the administration in the first instance cert kevin youre or theyve said very little. And i think thats highly intentional. Certainly they want to see details on the ground and they want to be able to ascertain exactly what happened. But i also think just given how much what President Biden says about this will be part first, they really do. I want to be cautious and think through exactly what they want to say. Certainly they dont want to provide any pretense in iran for suggesting that the us was somehow behind this and that wouldnt be the first time that iran would make some kind of claim like that. And so they are, i think thinking through exactly what they you wouldnt want to say. And i think really all to a mind of containing some of the volatility that youll see in this transition period in a region where uncertainty has really been the order of the day for the last several months. Certainly President Biden, confronting the situation and israel end broader conflict with iran that has come with it. I think he has throughout this conflict really worked to prevent the us from becoming dragged in further to that conflict, including through backchannels, discussions with orawn and youll remember becky just a couple of weeks ago when iran and israel were engaging in this for tat backandforth and iran fired those missiles and drones towards israel. There was an understanding. After all, it was finished that neither side wanted the conflicts to escalate any further. And i think the question for President Biden for the secretary of state, antony blinken, when they wake up tomorrow morning, is whether a new Leadership Structure in tehran would similarly want to contain that crisis from escalating any further thats certainly very much the hope in reality, of course, everyone in the white house knows that the decisions in iran are made at the Supreme Leader level in the irgc, there is no real hope according to officials that im speaking to you today, that this will mean anything greatly different and how tehran approaches its relationship to the united states. But it is, i think a moment of uncertainty and volatility. And that is very much something that President Biden wants to prevent from becoming a greater crisis. Kevin lived. Thank you well, thanks. We will have a lot more ahead on todays Breaking News. The death of the iranian president Ebrahim Raisi in a Helicopter Crash. 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And this is cnn well, more now on our Breaking News out of iran, he radian News Agencies say the government there has convened an urgent meeting following the announcement that iranian president Ebrahim Raisis died in a Helicopter Crash, that chair that meeting was left vacant and a black sash was placed in his memory age, how other people im board were also killed, including irans Foreign Minister iranian Officials Say the Helicopter Ran into trouble and heavy fog on sunday was returning from a trip to the iran, Azerbaijan Border where the president had attended the ceremony for the opening of a new dam. This video shows president racy during that trip onboard a helicopter over the weekend. He was of course, elected in 2021 and irans government is expected to move quickly to organize a new election for his replacement. Will cnn chief Global Affairs correspondent Matthew Chance now looks back at the impacts of Ebrahim Raisis presidency let me she was a staunch critic of the west even seen as a possible successor to the iranian Supreme Leader Ebrahim Raisi into power in 2021, winning an election with a record low turnout. And for three years enacting policies that made him a polarizing figure at home and abroad his presidency saw a dangerous escalation and tensions with israel in a he supported a major attack against the country in an unprecedented response to a suspected israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria, which killed several iranian commanders throughout races presidency, it ran pressed ahead with its new Nuclear Program violating an International Agreement while blaming the us for withdrawing and european states for not living up to their end of the deal. Tehran also supplied lethal Drone Technology to russia fueling the conflict in ukraine, allowing moscow to strike deep behind the front lines meanwhile, at home, raisi oversaw a brutal crackdown on dissent suppressing a 2022 uprising sparked by the death of mahsa amini, a young woman in the custody of irans religious Morality Police it all cemented his status as a loyal, hard liner potentially in line does exceed irans 85yearold Supreme Leader president races sudden death plunges that succession into chaos racy died along with his minister of Foreign Affairs has seen a mere 1 ian the top iranian diplomats took office in 2021 after a long career with the Foreign Ministry nothing challenge reporting cnns Paula Hancocks joins us now, live from abu dhabi and youve been working Behind The Scenes to establish more detail on what we understand happened and what happens next. Paula what at this point, we know that the rescue teams are still in place close to the location where the wreckage was found. Now we also know that they have moved the bodies of those onboard that helicopter. They were nine people on board, including the president s and the Foreign Minister. Those bodies have now been transported according to the Iranian Red Crescent to the nearby city of tabriz now, we understand that this point there will be an investigation that will find out exactly what did happen. There are a number of things that they will be looking at. Of course, the Weather Conditions have been spoken to at lense. The fact that when this helicopter was in the air, there was believed to be thick fog, visibility. We can see from the footage of those rescue teams was severely restricted and we also know that rescue teams were unable to put their own helicopter in the air to try and find this location faster because of those conditions, it was simply too dangerous. So we have heard from the red crescent that the Search And Rescue operation is now officially ended as they have transported those bodies to the nearby city. But there will be many questions about what happened why this particular helicopter it was in a convoy of three helicopters, did land safely. The helicopter carrying the president and the Foreign Minister did not. But why these helicopters were in the area in the air at this time when conditions were so bad it is an area we know this is quite inhospitable. It is a mountainous region, it is not an easy region. Certainly to move through by car with the roads certainly not not ideal for Vip Transport but we also will be Hearing Questions about the age of the helicopter itself and why such vips would have been traveling in it. Becky thank you. All are bringing malcolm davis, whos a senior analysts in Defense Strategy and capability at the australian Strategic Policy institute, joins us live via skype from canberra. Its good to have you and just to to follow on from what paula was talking about there, lets start with the limited images that we have of the crash. Sayyed at this point, given your experience, when you look at those images, what do you see as clues as to what . May have happened and why when you look at the impact area, you see the rays of heat and energy from the impact expanding out from the center of that crash site that tends to suggest a high speed impact that rather than a heartland as the iranians were trying to claim given the mountainous nature of the area the Weather Conditions, which was fog and bad weather. The fact that were flying in an old helicopter my guess is the paulette probably misjudged Zip Situation or basically misjudged the terrain distance essentially flu the helicopter highspeed into the side of a mountain this was a decades old helicopter, a much talk already about why it was that the second most important man in the country was flying in that alongside his Foreign Minister and a delegation of Civil Servants what do we know about the make model of that helicopter . And the impact over the years of sanctions in the denigration of the Airline Industry as a whole in iran, i am what sort of condition . Therefore, that helicopter might have been in muster mate, you would have thought that the iranian president and the Foreign Minister would have been traveling in some sort of business jet or some sort of airliner. They heavy aligners that could be tasked to carry vips instead, theyre flying in a 40 yearold bill for one to helicopter that is not really designed to fly at High Altitude of a mountainous ranges, particularly not embed wherever. So it does raise questions about the choices that were made in terms of this particular trip by the iranian president and indeed the people, other people on board that helicopter and as you say, it does raise questions about the state of iranian aviation. If they cant get spears to keep a more powerful and aircraft in the air. So its an odd situation that you would have an iranian president essentially flying in a 40yearold helicopter that really is probably quite unsafe. The Search And Rescue the search at least undertaken under, as you rightly point out, very difficult conditions and with limited resources, there were offers of help from around the region. And beyond. And and offers of support and concern from the light. So the uae, saudi arabia, these are countries which have recently had a rapprochement with iran. I wonder what you believe malcolm at this stage . The impact of this crash on the loss of the lives of the president and Foreign Minister. What have on irans influence around the region . Okay, i think the key thing is how does this affect the process of succession for ayatollah ali khamenei, his son mujer toba, khamenei was the probably one of the contenders to succeed Ayatollah Khomeini as was president raisi so now were president raisi. Did theres the question there in terms of does someone else step up to fill his shoes or does ali khamenei son measure toba try and prevent that from happening. If thats the case, then is there a Power Struggle between various different factions inside the array . I mean government, the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps has to play a role in this because theyve been trying to increase their influence and control over the iranian government. This does raise the prospect of a Power Struggle that in turn then raises the potential for uncertainty and instability in terms of irans relations in other countries in the region, how respond to events in gaza and of course, the relationship with other countries such as saudi arabia and turkey so this is all creating additional instability and uncertainty in a very volatile and dangerous region. Nothing, davis, its good to have you. Thank you very much, indeed will still we continue to follow the Breaking News out of iran and bringing you the very latest updates on that story. Stay with this the Trump Hush Money Trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you legal insight, expert analysis, and realtime updates live from the courtroom. Follow the facts, follow the testimony follows. Cnn there are giant so mug they the minute woman building daibes next general ration submarines they are giant and what they do because they worked in a place where they can grow. 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Preferred, better science, better results about to a Breaking News is our irans government has called an urgent meeting after present, Ebrahim Raisi died in a Helicopter Crash on sunday. This according to state media, now the helicopter was carrying eight other people and click coding the countrys Foreign Minister, iranian News Agencies are reporting no survivors were found at the crash site. And rons East Azerbaijan province and the bodies of those killed holding the crash will be transported to a staging area and the city of tabriz, a rotten Officials Say the Helicopter Ran into trouble while navigating through heavy fall look im already seeing others on board were returning from the inauguration of a new near the iran Azerbaijan Border. Now, lets take a look at some other major stories developing Around The World and with a ceasefire and hostage talks stalled between israel and hamas. The us National Security advisor, jake sullivan, met with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on sunday israels Government Press office says that they discussed the war with an emphasis on rafah, humanitarian aid, the status of israeli hostages, and renewed fighting in northern from gaza. Meanwhile, in southern gaza, the Israeli Military released new video. It says shows idf troops in eastern rafah. Now the idf says it is conducted targeted raids. Theyre killing at least at hamas members. Now russias nonstop assault on northern ukraine has left another five people dead and 16 injured. And police say russian missiles hit a village in Kharkiv Region on sunday, 20 minutes apart, targeting Emergency Workers who responded to the initial attack. An officer and a medic were injured and a woman who is seven months pregnant is among those killed meanwhile, the Ukrainian Ambassador to the us says that her country has a right to strike Russian Troops outside ukraine to defend itself and she addressed concerns that american weapons could be used in those attacks. In an interview on sunday its clear that russia is an aggressor. Here is clear when they are preparing samson so the un rules, the International Law and every other rules that exist in this country which russia violated by the way, give us a clear right to defend ourselves by striking an aggressor was on our territory or for for all where they are launching authority in the attack from now, she went on to urge ukraines allies to send more air defenses, saying it is the fastest way to protect civilians from russian strikes now, im still ahead right here on cnn newsroom, we will continue to bring you all the latest developments from iran as we cover the Breaking News a president raju cs death, stay with us with flonase allergies, dont have to be scary. Spraying flow nets daily gives you longlasting, non drowsy reliefs flonase, all good. Also try are allergy, headache and nighttime. Ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy just to weeks. 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Skechers massage that sandals that give you what massage with every step the secret is skechers, patents Wave Technology that gently massage is your foot with every step Skechers Massage that sandals update you now on the Breaking News out of iran phrase it Ebrahim Raisi has died in a Helicopter Crash that also killed the countrys Foreign Minister. And seven other people. This is video of searches, transferring the bodies of the victims from the crash site reaction is being coming in from Around The World with indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying, raisi help to strengthen ties between the two countries. Hamas and Yemens Houthis have separately send condolences to iran, overt races death. Well, thats it for this hour. Im Becky Anderson in london. We will be back with a lot more on cnn newsroom after this short break engineered. 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