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Situation room. The lead with jake tapper starts right now cnns Breaking News welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. We are following Breaking News out of Donald Trumps Hush Money Cover Up Trial in New York City were right, this i mean, it Michael Cohen is facing an incredibly aggressive crossexamination so far, trump attorney todd blanche has gotten cohen to confirm that he wants to see trump convicted in this case, that he makes money off of his antitrump social media posts and even sells merchandise showing trump in jail. Earlier today, prosecutors had cohen explained why he felt there was the Pressure Campaign to keep him from turning against trump. And how and why he eventually flipped from a loyal confidant to a cooperating witness. Prosecutors also tried to get ahead of the defense by having cohen admit to multiple lines. He has previously told including his plea of not guilty his plea of guilty to the tax charges the sent him to prison cohen also owned up to the fact that he lied to the American People about the payments to the two women, saying he apologized, vote for lying to them for acting in a way that suppress information that the citizenry had a right to know in order to make the determination of the individual who was seeking the highest office in the land. This is back in october 2016. Cnns paula reid is outside the courthouse for us in new york and polo, this has been a quick moving and tense back and forth between Michael Cohen and todd blanche trumps attorney. Cohen is asked he was just asked a second ago if he indeed called trump, the defendant, a chito dusted cartoon villain. I dont know if that was on your bingo card. Paula, but that is about the tone and tenor going on in the courtroom, right now. My bingo card is quite crowded for this much anticipated crossexamination and look, todd blanche, he came out swinging. His first Question To Cohen was about himself. He asked, quote, you went on tiktok and called me a crime little expletive just before the trial began, cohen responded. Sounds like something i would say. Then blanche went right to some recent attacks that cohen has made against trump during the course of this trial. And then went to emphasize how many times prosecutors have asked cohen to stop talking about this case. And he has refused all appearing to try to paint cohen as being, quote, obsessed with the defendant. No one response to that accusation. Cohen said, i wouldnt say obsessed. I admired him tremendously, but then Defense Attorneys went through a list of positive haloing things that cohen said about trump before they had a falling out, including saying that he was quote, a good man on there and who cares deeply about his family, his care about his family, of course, being central to the defense and quote, kind humble and honest. Those are not words that are usually associated with the former president. But one thing youll see here, jake, is that todd blanche is really jumping around a lot. Hes not going through a linear crossexamined termination and im told that that is tactical because they know that cohen was prepared over the past year by prosecutors for a chronological line of questioning. Shunning appeared quite comfortable under direct under that approach. So theyre jumping around a lot to try to throw them off his game. While it do we have any idea how long the defense is expected to cross examine . Then . Michael cohen, who i believe the prosecution has said, is there last witness yeah, surprising a lot of people that prosecutors wont put anyone after cohen two buttons the app. What he has to say to the jury what the Defense Attorneys, who they are expected to continue their crossexamination of Michael Cohen through thursday. The only day we have left this week friday, theres no court because trump is expected to go to his son, barrons graduation. Not means next week that could leave a redirect and r3 cross, making it somewhat less likely that the jury will get this case before memorial day. All right. Paula reid, thanks so much. Lets discuss with our panel here we have with us former Trump Payroll Corporation attorney bill brennan, cnn legal analyst carrie cordero, who worked at the us justice department, and michael van der v01, who defended trump during the second impeachment trial. First of all, michael and bill, just so you know, the files just beat the mets again, the game afforded nothing, just fyi got a few philly boys in the house here. Ive got to clear take care of business. Sorry. I assume youre a mets fan. So not from new york jersey. Anyway, lets start with the very first exchange, because after introducing himself to Michael Cohen, the very first question that todd blanche asked cohen was quote you went on tiktok and called me a crying little that was just before just before the trial began. Cohen nodded and says, sounds like something i would say the prosecution objected. The judge struck the question from the record but but obviously it michael, let me start with you. The jury remembers and whether or not its stricken from the record. Sure. And the reporting that i had was his first question. I actually was you and i have never spoken, but thats right. Thats right. So he was setting that up to then go after the tiktok its hard to sit here and second back, what what blanche did. But, you know, adam leisure, young lawyer in my stable thought that the first question should be, do you consider yourself an honest man . Because no matter what the answer is, there its a bad answer. And sets up the cross. It looks like blanche is very strategic in what hes going to do here and i think hes going to be making cohen bob and we bob and weve and then come at them with a big ones whats interesting is, i think at the end of what happens your did and the direct examination really streamlined and help the defense because she went she tried to take the wind out of the sails for all of his credibility problems. But really what she did is she put all of that in context. So now blanche doesnt have to go build his own context. Its already been done. Are there and he could get real direct on the cross. I think he is going to be in a good spot. So todd blanche asked cohen about his podcasts where he speaks about donald trump. Blanche asked, have you regularly commented on your podcasts that you want President Trump to be convicted in this case . Bass cohen said, yes, probably blanche said, do you have any doubt cohen said, no. Theyve also gone through times that he has really aggressively said he wants trump to be thrown in jail or whatever. Does that hurt Michael Cohen or does really even matter, what do you think . I think it hurts him some i mean, theyre going to go after any particular opportunity that they have to show that he is either compelled to lie or has an agenda and is just wants to do anything that he can in court to be able to lead towards Donald Trumps conviction. But i was here with you when this case first the indictment first came out and i thought it was underwhelming at the time. And as the trial continues, i still am not seeing the prosecutors, at least in this until this point. Get to the part where they really have demonstrated that at the former president had the intent to commit the underlying crime, which was to influence the election, to influence the election. And so theres a lot of things about the testimony of Michael Cohen and the personalities and the dynamics and the Trump Organization and the loyalty and all these parts that have come out about my Michael Cohen, but my big question is when they finally wrap up with michael cohn, what is the defense is going to do . Are they going to actually present a defense or are they going to stand up and say, you know what the prosecution hasnt met its burden, what would you do at this point, assuming theres no other big blockbusters that were not expecting, right . Assuming that this is the case and we pretty much know how the prosecutions case is going to end. Blanche is asking colon if he said trump needs to wear handcuffs and to do the purple, okay. People will not be satisfied until hes sitting in a sow. Cohen says, i dont recall saying that, but i dont put it past me. He says going through the list now bland said that of strong statements that Michael Cohen has said, the one earlier that i was paraphrasing was he said i truly effing hope donald trump ends up in prison and cohen said that sounds more like my language on may a culpa as opposed to in a different podcast. But in any case, goings, going through all this stuff, lands follows up. Is it fair to say youre motivated by Publicity Cohen response . I dont know if thats fair to say. Im motivated by many things well, what does that even mean . A motivated by many things. Well, the same way, but donald trump was motivated by many things, perhaps like trump, whether you can take multitude, donald trump, are you one of the the forum . Hes the defendant. Hes American Citizen On Trial this witness is perfect for todd, blanche, and all the pva second guessing, each and every question, sit down, get your popcorn. Mr. Blanche, to his job. Hes and the judge will will charge to this jury, jake, that if a witness has a bias our skin in the game . You take that testimony with caution when supposed to say they rob the bank, they drove the car. It was blue and it was raining out. Not i want him in jail. I got a little silly little tee shirt on this cohen is reprehensible. So cohen is asked if he loves being on tv. He says, yes but more so when he was on tv on trumps behalf less now, blanche confirms with cohen he did not meet with the Manhattan Das Office between such and such dates, cohens manner is still very even were told would you just rest your case if you were the defense, the prosecution, lets assume they finish their case whenever this Crossing Examinations over. And theres a redirect, et cetera, et cetera, and the prosecution says, okay, the prosecution rests. Would you if you were todd blanche say what we rest to like they didnt they didnt meet their burden. I think theres a good argument in favor of doing that. I mean, at this point, unless they really think that theres something that comes out from Michael Cohens testimony i think at this point there would be a strong argument for the defense to just stand up and say, look, the prosecution hasnt met its burden. Thats case. Heres all the things that they have to prove. They havent gotten there. And its time for everybody to go home. I think i dont know that theyll do that, but i think theres an argument in favor. Its kind of a baller move when Defense Attorneys do that, but i wonder would this client accepts at that he likes people fighting for them. You know that better than i do. I do i think he liked to push, push, push and get as many witnesses on as he can but i think this is probably write this case hasnt gone in the way i think it was billed to go in. So as the as the days go on, it in this case looks weaker and weaker. I think its probably less that they have to put on for defense. I in the beginning of the trial, i thought for sure he was going to testify. Hes the kind of guy who wants to testify. Hes testified before. And now im not sure if it would be a smart move because hes got a lot are open books to go into, too. Yeah. And i have to say he has seemingly in the last few days, at least shown that he is listening to his lawyers. He hasnt violated the gag order when he goes out there. He only attacks the people hes allowed to attack, not the witnesses, not the family of the prosecution, not im sure he only attacks the judge in the case itself, which permitted to know exactly. Thats what im saying. Hes abiding by his instructions you dont kinda move whats that again . If they dont call any witnesses baller, the baller, like a basketball or yeah. Ill tell you what and i dont want to fall into the trap that i just set up myself, which is dont second guess this wonderful defense team i would like to we spoke about this a little earlier and elie honig made a great point, you call an f auc laura, you calling on Elections Lawyer and ask them anything . But what about this . If you did this, would that be illegal . Dependent brands . I thought that would be a great move, but normally whove and thank jake, that four weeks into it, Prosecution Putatively Resting now, theyre not calling anybody else. There. Youd have three lawyers on this networks. I am. We dont see anything here. It is interesting, although, yes, it is interesting. Blanche asked cohen whether he thanked the new da team for continuing their investigations. Shin in january 2021, when Da Alvin Bragg had just taken office replacing sayyed vance junior. Sounds correct. Cohen says plants, then asks cohen about meeting with someone who worked for the de at the time. Mark pomeranz, hopkins, your Objects Attorneys are now at the bench. This is i think the attorney trying to muddy the waters are introduced its the fact that theres questions about Mark Pomeranz wrote a book in which he said that the De Alvin Bragg was two chicken to bring this case and then the bright da bragg pomeranz, who was a former federal prosecutor, write it along, distinguished career doing white collar defense. He was basically retired and sayyed vance asked him to come back to look at the trump case. I believe the case that mike and i did and also the evaluation case. And during that time, he saw the Inner Workings of the office. This case was poopooed and this case was not supposed to be bought. I dont think its gonna be that helpful for the difference to go after the prosecutors though . Especially now in the last couple of days as the former president has perhaps buttoned up, is activity a little bit because one of the ways that he could harm himself the most is to really push a confrontation with the court and with the judge so i think its in the interests of his defense for them not to go after the prosecutors and for for the client, but just some of the contexts at the time the das investigation was focused on the accuracy of trumps Financial Statements used to obtain loans and insurance that investigation was essentially dropped and then the new York Attorney general, letitia james, filed civil charges on that. That case went to trial, as you know, the judge ordered trump to pay nearly half billion dollars in penalties planche is restarting. The judge has ended the sidebar, asking cohen if its correct that he wasnt meeting with the da about this case. Cohen says sounds correct because it was about the different case. It was about financial fraud, alleged financial fraud, although i guess proven now, during the time period between his meetings with the de and 2019 and 2021, blanche asked whether cohen wanted the District Attorneys Office to publicly and knowledge he was cooperating. I would say so, yes. Cohen says, this is all ongoing right now were bringing it to you from inside the courtroom. Everyone stick around. Were going to squeeze in a quick break this in felt tents backandforth with Michael Cohen on the stand question by trumps legal team, were going to take a look right back in a moment this is a secret secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt want to see you all know subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, well advisor row finally, a refreshing lunch that tasted murphy for pro athletes like me, right . Get off, finish all new rafah subway today. 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Lets bring in Trial Attorney misty marris and criminal defense attorney jeremy saw land. Jeremy, what is blanches overall strategy right now . What is he trying to show . So the jury its all about credibility, honesty, ethics, integrity and blanche can make this more about the guy whos standing or sitting there in court as opposed to his client and falsifying Business Records, hes winning. So thats his goal its goal is to make Michael Collins unable to give it straight answer, which hes doing. Okay. Im going im reading that his tone is all right. But hes not being on equivalencies. These sorted equivocating. So i think hes a good Job Poking Holes and showing the agenda, showing that hes dishonest and show me is not to be trusted. One of the things going on right now, misty is the attorney. Trumps attorney, todd blanche is driving at the confinement of Michael Cohen when he went away to prison during he said hes asking about his Home Confinement because he was sent home. This is during a period where a lot of prisoners were going home because of covid so cohen is explaining the terms of his Home Confinement where he could spend three hours a day outside side anywhere in the borough of manhattan. He said he could go anywhere. Initially, he wore an ankle bracelet, but that turned him a turned into him carrying a cell phone. The bureau of prisons would track him via the phone, randomly call to check on his whereabouts. He is still on supervised release. He tried to get out of it, but he was denied. I was looking for a reduction in the Home Confinement portion. Cohen says adding that in addition to his cooperation and also wanted his work at otis fill thats the prison to be credited. This is a presumably mr. Blanche reminding folks, hey, this guy is of this guys, if convicted felon folks yeah, definitely reminding hes a convicted felon. Also reminded that hes always looking for an easier way out. Something that will lower his sentence. And thats really all wrapped in what were talking about, the credibility theres several different aspects. Number one, hes a known liar. Hes lied multiple times. Hes lied to federal courts. Hes lied before congress. Hes a liar. The second part is he has a direct animus. Again donald trump and thats where were seeing the breakdown of the relationship and were also jake coming out the gate with those tiktoks. Thats Michael Cohens mindset at the time of the trial, not looking back to 2017, 2018, and thats really the Defense Strategy to just undermine his credibility at every turn. So cohen was seen wearing a tshirt on tiktok, the chose donald trump handcuffed, wearing an Orange Jumpsuit that says maralago correctional facility behind bars presumably jeremy you there theres the picture right now, quite a fashion statement, presumably, the prosecution would rather have a Michael Cohen who had spent the previous three years just going about his business quietly, privately, although i guess he cant be an attorney anymore and not being so vituperative. An angry against trump. So that he could come on the stand in more sorrow than anger thats but as Donald Rumsfeld once said, you go to war with the army, you have not the one you want yeah you know, some little kids saves you get what you get. You dont get upset. Theyve got donald apartment pecker cohen used two years. I think they should have or at least tried and id like to believe they did try to get him under wraps much better. Its opposed to allowing him to go on these Rehabilitation Redemption Tours And Tiktok and podcasts. But he has created this of his own making and one of the problems that they have now is i dont think they did the job. They shouldve on the director bring everything out so clearly, and now on the defense, they really needed to hammer home michael, just say yes or no stopping chasiv, stopping equivocating, just to own up to it. Yeah. Was angry. Yeah, i tried to get a better deal. I dont want to be in jail that time. Who would want to be in jail that time so i think that hes not doing himself any favors then and hes really not doing himself any favors. Now, even if its calm and part of me in Blanches Poking Holes to make this a not the credibility and integrity of Michael Cohen. So that ultimately its the Michael Cohen show not falsifying Business Records and misty Michael Cohen just testified that hes made roughly 3. 4 million in sales of his two books over the past four years, he says he doesnt know exactly, but he would say around 400,000 for the book review binge. Thats a lot of money for two books. I mean, that is like, i know lots of authors. Ive written books two, thats very, very successful being a member of the resistance, as it were, has been lucrative for Michael Cohen. I assume that will be something that todd blanche tries to hit home yeah, theyve already talked about it a bit isnt there a financial incentive . I believe that tshirt we were just talking about was merch. I dont i doubt it will be as successful as the books. But the books thats a significant financial incentive to be out there and be anti donald trump. And does that matter if youre just a citizen . No but does it matter if youre the star witness in his criminal trial . Of course and so thats why the defense is going to focus on that and keep in mind, jake, there will be an instruction in the Jury Instructions that will say, if you dont believe one thing he said Michael Cohen, you can choose to believe none of it. And i think thats what the defense is going to say. Theyre going to say you should district guard his testimony in total. Now its up to the jury. None, some or all of the testimony but this is where the defense is going and why credibility is such a fundamental part of this crossexamination. Misty marris, jeremy cillian, thanks to both you were closing in on the final minutes of trial today, it has been an eventful day in court. Trumps defense team trying to tear down the test one of the prosecutions star witness, michael dean cohen, how will this intense de end . Keep it here to find out were going to pay some bills. Well be right back still not confident about which used car to buy no. 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He usually has many thoughts about what happened in court and he has been pretty good in recent days and abiding by the gag order that prevents him from a attacking witnesses or jurors, which apparently was also something he had to be reminded to do. So jamie blanche asked Michael Cohen about his motivations. He quoted an excerpt of cohens book, disloyal. First of all, 3. 4 million for two books in the lesson all right. Well, i forgot i was talking to daniel syllabus, wife. Never mind. Sorry. Sorry about that. Petty cash for them to be in so much. Silver households. All right. Well, for most authors, unless youre david ball dodgy, james patterson, or dan cell. But 3. 4 million is a lot of my friends okay. Anyway blanche asked Michael Cohen about his motivations. He quoted an excerpt of cohens book, disloyal, where he writes quote, i wanted it all power the good life public acclaim, fame, big deals, fast car is private planes, the excess and glamour and zest for life. Cohen says and then hes asked about that and cohen says, yes, those are my words. Yes. Yeah. First of all, he lives in mid manhattan. What hes gonna do it that car. I grew up there beyond me. What ive been curious about is we spoke about this before cross began Michael Cohen has really kept an even tone throughout the direct, even when the questions got difficult i wish there were cameras in the courtroom and sounds, so we dont know. Yeah, its crazy. Just let me just underline that is wildly anachronistic that theyre not lighting cameras in the courtroom. I understand that doing it for every case or whatever, but like this is hugely of the public interest. Its not 18, 32, i mean, like the public is sophisticated about these things open up, open up the Court Cameras anyway. Sorry. Go ahead. At the very least audio the Supreme Court does audio. You can tell a lot from audio, but at least in reading the transcript and thanks to our college legs, who were in court as theyre giving us this realtime translation it doesnt feel as if it reads so even and so calm. Yeah, he seems to be playing some semantics and some of the answers im not sure thats great with the jury, but i dont know. Im not in the room im curious to see what thats like. Michael, let me let me ask you. Todd blanche, trumps Attorney Says he anticipates hes going to finish by thursday to take a break on wednesday. That court hears other cases, so court resumes for this trial on thursday, and todd blanche, things are going to be done by thursday, then then the prosecutions cases essentially over are you surprised a day and a half . Are really surprised me. I dont know how many times you can call him a liar and continue to keep making your point and you know 3. 5 million, im not sure. I believe that anyway, coming from cohen, so but crossexamination is where the maddock its a beat and sometimes you just like shooting threepointers sometimes just hit ten in a row and it all comes in, crosses the same way. If youre in rhythm, itll go and you can end if youre out a rhythm, youre going to want to cut it shorter if you cant, judge, more sean saying to todd, blanche, no rush. Take your time. Do what you need to do. Judge merchan says, i have to say for all the criticism of him, i think at least based on what ive read and my when i got to go to court on thursday, he has run for very professional yeah. Ive been knocking around this courtrooms in this country for 35 years. Mike and i spent eight weeks in front of the judge merchan im not talking about his political but i dont know what his political bent is. I dont care the man starts on time hes consistent, hes even killed he let you do your thing. Yeah. I mean, a pleasure to work in front. He just seems very professional and i have no ireland zero idea what he thinks about the case. No i just want to be treated. Well, he was a total gentleman to work in front of you. I do think some of the Stormy Daniels testimony was not wrong were two it could have just cut you out. Let me cut you off. Well come back to you on an sec. Heres mr. Trump, the defendant, which is, you know, im under a gag order so i can thats really answer this very simple questions that youre asking im under a gag order. Nobodys actually seen anything like it. But we talk about subjects who allowed to talk about would love to not be the republican nominee for president of lading, every ball and i have a gag order so i think its totally unconstitutional. They will test that this will be tested because this should never happen to another candidate or another person. Whats happening here and today we had a very, i think a very good de and see whats happening youll have reported because they cant talk about it too much. But i think it was a very, very good day the voters are getting a job with laughlin probably number one. Hold on with german, not has probably the number one poster. And voters are getting it. They dont like the idea that the courts are deciding the president ial election. Well so far my numbers were leading by a lot. As you know, against group good joe biden. Jolie hurt your grade person, reporter. The problem for democrats is that the extensive polling data shows that the voter see through this scam and dont like whats going playing on. Watching 100,000 enthusiastic people gathered along the boardwalk. New jersey beaches as you probably so the workflow for President Trump on saturday evening gives you some idea how terrified democrats are trump. Im not saying that hes saying i dont think get anything that fascists whatever happens, they get raise him the fair honest election theres no way anybody else is going to be dropped. And they using Election Interference to dry and good and then goes because they lose and they know it Fair Election basically saying they lose jeff zeleny, cnn cnn as a drug to the voters. Across the country and is battleground answering straits states, many of them arent paying attention. The reason the president is having trouble, President Biden was having problems is because young voters voters have color, and inflation, young voters, voters of color and inflation that is a problem for i byron york grade person reporter, journalist. For months, democrats had hoped that the spectra trump won dry, will cut into the former president s support now were in the fifth week. Can you believe ive been any for five weeks instead of campaigning its a shame which of course is it might not be working the way they anticipated, but thats what they wanted to do and keep me in here as long as long as possible. Now were in the fifth week of the trial. With all the Media Coverage appears to have not affected trumps support at all. The Real Clear Politics analyst, john trend wrote recently the Political Science literature is pretty consistent this is the time when the electrodes views are about the election and it starts to harden and basically the segment doing really well, youre seeing all the calls under shoe. Its a great gentlemen. This is Election Interference at the most obvious and every american, no matter whether youre on the trumps team or against them whatever political affiliation is it goes on to say, he said he cant be right about everything as hes making a big mistake if youre jewish and your endemic correct. And that includes out and hersh dershowitz, yogev, hand examine. You see whats going on with israel. But he goes up in you should be equally concerned how the legal system is being weaponized and abuse who are partisan purposes. Remember this All Over The World. They are watching this trial and theyre saying what . Its racist and a big disgrace the new york i love this state. I was sitting and theyve got to get back. Im going to get the legal system vectors, business this is a leaving people are flagrant businesses, alaimo, because they cant go through what im going Speaker Mike Johnson was here a little while ago. He says, just applied a common sense. Take a look at whats happening. Just applied common sense a great gentleman, Victor Davis Hanson. None of the five civil or criminal case it is currently lives against former president donald trump, by the way, all going through washington. This is all Election Interference by biden ive ever had merit another come have had these criminal or civil trials are merely the continuation of extra legal efforts of the last eight years to destroy president ial candidate and ruv opposing him in a transparent election. Enemies like china and russia now boast that americans new political prosecutions are similar to those of their own system. And even more so Victor Davis Hanson and he goes on with a beautiful statement and i wont bore you with the public is important by him at all. And they agree with them 100 . Lets see, any president who would go through the justice system, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, its a disgrace. Whats happening . This is something it shouldnt be happening. Thom fit ive carefully track the Real Donald Trump trial up in new york. The prosecution in quotes, prosecution, meaning persecution has been presented. Any evidence of a crime by trump whatsoever judge very shyness the laces very negative things about a matter of what about the gentile . Im not going to say that today about the matt whitaker, warmer acting attorney general, deeply concerned about drought. New york targeting President Trump is very a fair and Sentence Entrance that read jomon gag order is a tool utilized to protect defendants. Rarely, if ever applied to one side, theyve never seen anything like his gag order, you affidavit and hopefully you will never again, its never seen before. It applied to only defendants. You have a constitutional problem without a village say anything about it, your own case. I am not allowed to talk about big portions of my cash and nothing like that ever happened. Theyre allowed to draw the other but im not governance but burger, who is zero so many politicians were here today, but he, Congressman Set for you, but some of them we know from the holzer President Trump is leading all over the country and the conclusion is that the American People have already acquitted President Trump. I believe thats true, and i believe that a large portion at some Ocher Sensing in this trial is a disgrace and so on the others, by the way, we look at the way theyre going to take a look at whats going on in florida with derange jack smith yeah with his hand in the cookie jar, he got caught doing things in youre not supposed thats why we call the range jackson. Hes a deranged person representative. Byron donalds, Terrific Young Congressman This is a travesty of justice. Look around new york. New york. Scott a lot of issues that he talks about, the issues we have people being killed right outside and yet we have 20 prosecutor sitting over there for what most people, almost every single legal analyst says, no crime. Theres no crime. But weve got old das in there and this is no crime, 40 males, this is nothing Election Interference. And his finest, the American People see the sham indictment for what it is so thats enough. New trial is knowing very well its fourth week. Ive been stuck in here for four weeks and i call it the ice box and we call it the xbox now today, very this is what they should are you looking at right here as what they should. This is called. Our new wave of crime, migraine prime. I call it bike biden migrate because hes allowed probably 1,516 Million People into our country. Having no idea who they are. Many are from prisons and jails, Video Mental Institutions and even say this allens their epm All Over The World theyre coming into our beautiful usa and this is a man just george with the death of a three monthold baby is right here. This is what were allowing into our country. No checks know nothing and then on the academy Interest Rate its arising at a rapid rate and inflation is going up very, very powerfully. And have you know what in take place you really its a Country Buster Inflation over the last and you looked over 500 years you look if countries with inflation they have busted, they bust up countries and thats what we have. Were breaking Record Inflation. And its back and people are dying because you would have had no inflation with me. We were down to practically nothing i you have Record Inflation and his back and youre very high Interest Rates. People can buy homes. Cant buy anything. They go for food and its 40, he 70, 80 more than it was just a couple of years ago. So thats a shame will be back tomorrow. Again, we had a very good day. I think were disposing this scam for what it is. Thank you very much all right. The defendant, donald john trump, going through a litany a of issues he has with the trial Reading Number of supportive statements from maga media and from republican politicians who accompanied him to court today, including the house speaker, mike johnson. He had a lot to say there. And the man for the job is our factcheckers for cnns daniel dale daniel. A lot there, a lot going on there. Anything you want to correct . There certainly is jake. Firstly Groundhog Day fact check. I think ive done like five times on your show, former President Trump claimed that this trial is all Election Interference by President Joe Biden their remains zero evidence whatsoever that President Biden has had any involvement in this case, which as we know, was brought by a locally elected prosecutor, manhattan De Alvin Bragg flora, President Trump claimed that we have Record Inflation. We do not have Record Inflation. We have a 3. 5 Inflation Rate that is relatively high by recent standards, but its nowhere close to the alltime record of more than 20 . We did have a 40 year high back in june of 2022. But it has since come way down to about a third of that he again said that we have many miants cing in from mental institutions and insane asylums. I repeatedly asked his campaign to substantiate that story with any evidence whatsoever. Theyve been completely unable to do so. He said hes leading in every pool, as we know, we certainly leading and many poles, but not all of them. Ive looked at an abc ipsos poll from this month. What the kindness interrupt for one second. Im sorry. Just on the migrant thing, he also said, unless my ears deceived me that joe biden has let 15 to 20 million migrants into this country there has certainly been illegal immigration in the last few years. Ive never heard anyone come close to that number in terms of the estimates, 15 to 20 million, thats actually the estimates of how many undocumented immigrants there are in the country right now in agra, even higher than the aggregate number. And its hard to factcheck jake because theyll say well, the gottaways, we dont know the total number who evaded border patrol. I cant give you a precise number, but that number, according to experts, is way too high back to the polls. Hes, you know, he said on leading it every poll, hes, hes certainly not. He said hes not allowed to talk about big portions of my case and nothing like that has ever happened. Thats kinda vague, but this is not the first gag order in american history. These gag orders are relatively commonplace. He is not the first person to be barred from attacking the witnesses in his criminal trial. All right. Daniel dale with a sampler sampler, some fact checking. I appreciate it. Thank you for sticking up for those facts. We always appreciate it. We have heard from prosecutors and from Defense Attorneys. My next guest is a retired judge were going to get a new take on the case so far, plus the potential influence of trumps highprofile guestlist in court, speaker johnson, among them, with us and the furniture business, things move fast. Ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who can keep up. We needed a Project Manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter and had our guy onsite five days. He was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all our jobs. They helped us build a dream team and they did it fast was that too . 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Feel more competent. Whats dog ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when youve got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management. Im thoughts on capitol hill were back with more of our continuing coverage of Donald Trumps Hush Money Cover Up Trial day two of Michael Cohens testimony just wrapped up with me. Now for uh, judges perspective on the cases, retired Us District Court judge shira scheindlin, to channeling thanks for joining us. What do you make of the crossexaminati on . So far . Do you think todd blanche . Shes doing a good job at undermining pick up Michael Cohens credibility i think hes doing what i expected he would do. Hes trying to say over and over again that cohen is a liar, that cohen has a motive to get trump and hes repeating that as a mantra over and over again that hes out for revenge. He wants to see cohen behind im sorry, trump behind bars. So its not an unexpected crossexamination little bit disconnected. Its a little bit all over the place. Its been a little bit difficult to follow. But other than that, hes making the points you would expect them to make, all of which is helpful when he gets to summation, are you surprised and do you think its wise for the prosecution to and their case with Michael Cohen given the givens when it comes to his credibility i think so. They wanted him to tie up all the loose ends to be the one who could say i was in the room with President Trump. And this is what he said. So you needed that dramatic ending because because up until then all the evidence was there, it was circumstantial. It was documents but now you have the man in the room saying what happened now. Of course, its only his word as to what trump said in the room. Theres no third person in the room. In the meetings that cohen testified to the jury is going to have to believe his version of what trump im said in the room. Youve noted that trump has an obvious workaround on the gag order against him talking about the jury or witnesses by having his supporters such as Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and other political figures come to the courthouse and themselves openly complained about cohen on trumps behalf as speaker, johnson did today, criticizing Michael Cohen before the cameras. What about their presence inside the courtroom . Do you think can that dynamic influence the jury in any way . I dont think the jury knows who these three people are, but i do think it was wrong of them to walk in during the testimony, walked to the front were ill be seated. And i thought the judge did the exact right thing in ignoring it and not making a big point of it if he had done that in front of the jury, the jury would have focused on these people and maybe even figured out who they were. But i must say, i thought it was very inappropriate for this speaker of the house to do what he did today. I guess the speaker of the house didnt walk into the room itself. It was todd burgum, the governor of north dakota, and two members of congress from florida. So maybe they wouldnt have been recognized. But as a general note, do you think the presence of these political hi vips in the room or even the presence of his family. Im certainly im not suggesting theres anything wrong with any of them being there, but but do you think it has any impact on the jury at all any of them . I dont think the political figures have any effect on the jury because i dont think the jury knows who these people are, but family, its always interesting jurors look at the family and the family. It feel a little badly sometimes for defendant when their family is there, i dont know that would be the case with this person and this family, but often it is and defendants do like to bring their family to try to get sympathy from the jury. What do you make of the missing witness as it were . Allen weisselberg, who wrote the document that is perhaps the most damning document in this case. Its the one where it looks as though at least this is the prosecutions theory of the case. And michael Michael Cohens argument is that this is the repayment of the hush money in such a way so as to disguise what it was does mr. Weisselberg not testifying undermine the prosecutions case at all. Well, i do think thats gonna be a big theme of the defense summation. I expect the defense to say, wheres the man who really knows . Obviously the the de was afraid to call him the de didnt call him. The de has a burden of proof here. The da should have called them, by the way, when i say de, people people should have called this witness. So i expect theyre really going to hammer on that missing witness idea. Absolutely. What do you think of the case so far . Do you think the prosecution has met the burden and proved that not only was worthies, Business Records false, but it was done in issue in the service of a different crime, Hiding Information from the public, Election Interference. Now that is exactly the right question. So i think the misdemeanor of of Business Records has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. The felonies a little tougher because you have to say that trump knowingly and willfully intended to violate the election law of the state of new york by unlawful means. And the unlawful means kanes as to violate the federal Campaign Finance law. So its a little bit complicated because the unlawful means in the state statute refers to the federal statute of Campaign Finance violations. The very charge that cohen pled guilty to, and that the federal authorities would not charge trump width so thats the harder part, but cohen went a long way toward making that case in his testimony, he said as much at the purpose of this and trump knew it was to make sure that that this didnt get out before the election. And he had that great quote that trump allegedly said, if i win up, doesnt matter, ill be present and if i lose, who cares . So he really makes that he ties that together. So if the jury believes that trump said it, then well, then thats proven that trump did this with the intent to commit a different crime and that would make it a felony. All right. Retired Us District Court judge shira scheindlin. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate it. Well, donald trump is dealing with this hush money trial, one of his former top advisers is one step closer to go into prison. 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