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Difference can you make in your community . For every blanket that we sell will donate a blanket to your local Homeless Shelter dedicated my life to searching for new medicines from nature to combat the worst drug resistant infections we believe prebiotics will unlock money to colleges for all humanity to live longer weve mapped more of the surface of mars than we have our oceans. So we have this ambitious goal over the next six years to map 1 million reefs theres so many things that we can be creative as native people by simply play reimagining stuff that we already have this mindblowing to know that if i could plant the seed and somebody unknowingly, but just doing my job, it will influence them to be more productive if citizen we all come together and do a small part were going to make a huge impact wed like to restore a little faith in humanity. I love this, honestly, i love this time of year. Its important to tell these kinds of stories really belege a look all right, well, weve got much more ahead in the next hour of our special coverage next saturday night, this champions for change will be airing, but for now, we are continuing our coverage this major solar storm that continues right now it is a night to remember a historic display that youll probably be telling your friends about as you go into the weekend in michigan, weve got some new pictures just in so showing this solar flare that you can see following in the dark over Western Tennessee as well, blinding light, clasping colors. Cnn just got pictures from georgia as well purple, bursting in the Night Sky Glimmers of gold as well outside of atlanta, welcome to our, to our Special Edition of newsnight. Im abby phillip, and im bill. Were thanks so much for joining us tonight. Those colors splashed across skies, not used to seeing the Northern Lights fix shade of dark blue you know, sort of lighting up the sky in various places but there could be resounding consequences to Human Infrastructure as a result of all of that Energy Crackling through the sky tonight in the rockies, Saskatoon Highway won every city you can see every color across the sky. This one is rated a g5 out of five, top of the scale. And right now it is hitting across the east coast so you probably have gotten this by now. You probably dont even remember the last time this happened, but it is extremely the rare. It is a once in two decades solar burst its aiming for cute, but it might end up being a rip tide at the end of the de, well well find out as the weekend continues, the country may soon have to say so long and good night to some of the things that we rely on every day, at least temporarily, satellites, thousands of them that are up in the solar system may go offline. Telecom companies they say that theyre prepared for some of the fallout from this and they can deploy repairs at the solar flares. Notice, but any breaks in the solar system would create a lot of panic while pretty much everywhere so we have been watching and working with our cnn affiliates All Around The World to get this information to you. So lets start off with cnns chad myers and the Weather Center with more on what the storm is exactly, what we can expect from this point forward, chad we have been seeing actually so many great images. What does it tell us about just how this thing is progressing well, i just got an email from someone in scotland that said, i see these Northern Lights all the time, but i have never seen them to myself any turn the camera around, pointed the wrong way, didnt point toward the north pole, but he showed me these pictures pointing to the south. So yes, this is a major major g5 storm started off with solar flares and All Of A Sudden we got a Coronal Mass Ejection. What is that just a bunch of plasma that the sun through at it . And were expecting a new arrival of a cme, another energetic part of this plasma storm thats coming into the earth, probably somewhere around midnight eastern time. So if youre outside and youre not seeing what you thought you were going to see . Just wait an hour because you just never know this is going to be another big one to really energize the system again. And so this Coronal Mass Ejection will certainly get us back to the pictures that we saw, maybe like in finland few hours ago, it was amazing. Things have calmed down, but with the secondary blast, now, All Of A Sudden, the us this is going to see it as well. Think about this as a seismograph that you would see in california where the earth isnt shaped. All then All Of A Sudden theres an earthquake and then you see the thing, the needle go back up and down. Well, this is the solar storm happening at about 12 45. This afternoon. And things have been shaking the entire time, and were about to shake it some more auroras farther south. I just saw some pictures from college station, texas. There are some pictures there of the pink sky that theres zinc powder outages though these are probably the biggest problems that we could see. And then of course, the Satellite Disruptions when so much solar wind comes into the atmosphere im, actually like you trying to empire when the rest of the crowd is cheering, hes not going to hear you because your voice is loud enough, like the voice of that satellite isnt loud enough. Where will you see it . Possibly almost down to the gulf coast. Now, where were you wont see it here, where the clouds are good news guys. This isnt a onenight event, this is not an eclipse event. This is going to go on for night after night after night jad. Thank you, sir. Exciting stuff. During the weather on the sun for a change. Lets go to cnns paula newton and done robin, ontario. Now, shes just not that ottawa in canada there, paula, there familiar up, theyre not exactly a novelty in canada, but are they any brighter tonight . Is there any more excitement given the g5 status . Listen, it is still always spectacular and what canadians heard was that because of the strength of his stormy, you just heard chad go through it. The colors might be different, right . Were used to that greeny color, the milky color, sometimes some blues. Its that purples in some cases the pink, theyre really looking in different directions. In different areas to see if they can see that intense color. I will say though that the cloud covered here in the eastern part of canada where i am is kinda keeping things at bay. Im glad that chad said that perhaps by midnight, we will get a second shot at this. Hopefully itll give some time for the clouds to abate. But even though canadians are used to eat here, the magnitude of this storm, the Shear Strength of it is really what is catching everyone off guard. And i heard you guys talk last hour about 1989 and come back, come back as right over my shoulder across the river there. And they had a huge block out just talking about things that can happen massive blackout and the entire province million billions of people shut down. And again, it was because of these solar, this kind of solar ejection, i guess the issue is now we are told that this is unlikely to happen going forward, no matter the strength is storm, theyve reinforced the grids and things are done differently right now through the grids. So that wouldnt happen. But the other thing that i just find maison is the fact that chat is tracking this with satellites that in 1989, when ive big blackout happened, did not exist. So we know so much more now about these kinds of solar storms in terms of whats happening there magnitude and when theyre going to happen than we did back then. So im just extraordinary information which means people arent on there the porch every minute of the evening. But certainly keeping an eye on the sky and waiting for those clouds declared. Im sure theres folks had no learning even more as the night progresses over this big one, paula. Thank you so much and this massive solar storm is generating breathtaking aurora is that americans are seeing from maine to florida for more on this storm. And some of the problems at this event could cause to our power grids as weve been discussing and communication system. Heres Kristin Fisher the biggest solar storm in nearly two decades started with this massive burst of energy on wednesday. Its called a Coronal Mass Ejection. And those highly charged particles have been barreling towards earth at 500 miles per second ever since the first particles began striking earths Magnetic Field, friday afternoon and forecasters expect it to intensify into the night and perhaps through the weekend. Just think of gazillions of protons coming toward earth at the same time, theres also electrons in there. Theres also Magnetic Fields. And when they hit the earths Magnetic Field, or any other planets Magnetic Field, they interact with that field and knows changes generate currents which can damage power grids satellites, anything that has an electrical conductor involved, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is describing this storm as an extraordinary and very rare event. One that also has them a little concerned the biggest threats are to satellites into global power grids. Know it says it notified Critical Infrastructure operators and that mitigation efforts have been taken but its still warning of possible widespread voltage control problems. The last time we had a big power outage due to a Geomagnetic Storm was in the 80s have we fix things since then were going to find out satellites will also be tested. Most can go into a safe mode during a solar storm, but just two years ago, spacex lost 40 of its Starlink Internet satellites during a Geomagnetic Storm that wasnt a strong as this one and then theres the threat to people in space. This is jamestown actual 12 astronauts. Weve got a solar storm coming in and its a hot one. Apple tvs for all mankind envisioned astronauts on the moon running for cover to dodge the incoming radiation during a strong solar storm in reality, its the astronauts currently onboard the International Space station that may need to shelter in more protected portions of the Orbiting Outpost Space Radiation is a known phenomenon that is dangerous to biology, whether its during a Geomagnetic Storm, but just the general tryst into outer space. But despite get the potential danger a solar storm also rewards us with some of the most spectacular auroras. And this time, over a wider area extending as far south as alabama. The beauty of dice Coronal Mass Ejection is that we get to have an astronomical event basically come to us from space. Thats visible to the naked eye. We all just recently experienced this with the total Solar Eclipse that happened in april. So now see in the Northern Lights that is another extraordinary astronomical event. Kristin, thank you for that report. One thing that is very different about this Super Solar Storm is that we now have these phones and actually are so detailed and powerful that they can actually capture the lights and the changes and the differentiation in the color that wasnt there 20 years ago, the last time we saw Something Like this. Yeah. And, you know, abby, i was going to try to go out and take a picture with my phone. Im so upset that its cloudy and rainy. Its going to be like that paul weekend. Im so disappointed, but apparently, your phone can take pictures and see things that the human eye cant see. So go out, take a picture, especially if you use the Long Exposure setting on your phone, crank up some of those saturation and the contrast and apparently you can capture some really great auroras that the eye cant see. But for the folks here and dont give, dont give up because it is also rainy and cloudy here in new york. And ive been getting photos from people near me in new jersey who are seeing purple skies and so go outside. Well check back with us, let us know if youre able to uptake a little peek at something. You might, you might get a little bit lucky. Thanks not to be confused with folks in new jersey who see purple skies. I dont wednesday for Different Reasons we have pictures here as this grand forks yes. North dakota. You can see the green and Pink Illuminating the sky right there. This is an exciting night for astrophysicists Around The World. Im guessing, including our next guest, jan 11 from Columbia University also author of the black hole Survival Guide thanks for being with us. Once you for having me, what do you make of tonights events . Well, it is rare and its such a traumatic event, but i want to remind people that we are also electromagnetic. Were talking a lot about technology. We have thousands of satellites and low earth orbit and some that are really quite far away. Way but were also electromagnetic. We conduct electricity thats why you dont want to dry your hair in the bath and this is dangerous to us, which is why its dangerous to the astronauts on the International Space station. But theyre not that far out there. Theyre 250 miles up above the earths surface, so theyre within the protection of the earths Magnetic Field, as are we, that literally acts like a shield. And it keeps the charged particles in these spiraled orbits where were seeing the Aurora Borealis coming from. And these Northern Lights stretching all the way down south here. But, but it doesnt let it cut all the way through. So were somewhat protected. Yeah. I mean, thats thats reassuring. Yeah. A little bit i want to ask you about black holes, but thats very well are son will not become a black yeah, ive been talking about the time horizon here for this stuff. And the sun is burning at these incredible levels and has been doing this for so long and yet these flares get to earth actually surprisingly quickly. Tell us about why its going to be a whole weekend, for example, that we might be seeing the light show. We might be experiencing this phenomenon so the sun is burning millions of essentially Nuclear Bombs every second, and its been doing that as you said on the show for fourandahalf billion years. So its an incredibly powerful system and takes awhile for some of that energy to make it out to the surface of the sun and kentucky 100,000 years really for some of it to spread out. But were getting the mass ejections from the outermost atmosphere. And these plumes are incredibly powerful right now because the sun has this magnetic cycle, its at a peak, and these Magnetic Fields, they form almost like rains or arches on the surface of the sun there, like theyre rooted in the sunspots. Sunspots are like these anchors. And when theyre injected threat incredibly high speeds, it takes light eight minutes to get to us from the sun, 3 million right . Yeah, exactly. In eight minutes the Speed Of Light is really fast but were still seeing the sun as it was eight minutes ago. But some of these mass ejections are trillions of kilograms. And in there theyre slower and theyre slow. Theyre taking longer, but still hours, maybe tens of hours. The analogy i read, i really liked was from a great piece in the new yorker has great background on this. But if solar flares or like a muzzle flash from a gun the Coronal Mass Ejections like a cannon yeah. And its pushing all these electrons and protons through the galaxy sort of drafting so all that Energy Following the cannon ball is what hits storm, correct. Is there what, what is science need to get more precise about predicting . These things . Or is it just so hard . It might not ever get that precise. Its its, its a messy system. If you look at our own magnetic wonderful shield that we have, its very compressed on the Daylight Side where the sun is bombarding it all the time with solar wind. Thats all the time and that magnetic influence stretches all the way pam as pluto, those solar winds are going really fast. These mass ejections, like he said, there are slower and theyre barreling out us there. Theyre lobbing incredibly energetic plasmas at us on that compressed side. And it may be that these are just very chaotic, irregular systems that dont you healed too precise predictions. Theres a lot of Chaotic Systems in the solar system thats why we cant perfectly predict things coming out of Asteroid Clouds or comments. Yeah, i mean, its an astrophysicist and somebody who studies and loves the universe what are you learning as youre just experiencing this and experiencing this is the g5, its not super common, not entirely unheard of, but not super well i it is amazing that weve gotten better at predicting it. Even the idea that we have this roughly 11 in your solar cycle isnt something we understood a few decades ago, we were sending astronauts to the moon without protection and then they would walk around and just like that theyre not running for a cover because there was a g5 of that. We didnt know how to predict that so i really see that one of the things thats very interesting to me, i often joke, im mostly interested in things that happened more than 1 billion years ago really like local news for me, like sellers things are billions of lightyears away and put what it tells me about things like that is that there are other Solar Systems there are possibly more stars in our Milky Way Galaxy that have planets then dont, or multiple planets around each of them. So there are these star systems we were talking about. The possibility of the emergence of life. And one of the things that we suspect might be needed for the emergence of life is it protective Magnetic Field from the radiation of their own stars . So if we didnt have it, we wouldnt be sitting here which is why for me this is big news because it is talking about the fact that maybe there are more planets in the universe and there are stars and that theres life out there. Maybe theres a News Crew Interviewing astrophysics looking get us going in like 100,000 years, theyll realize there was a g5 storm thats a little information. 11, read the Black Hole Survivals guide as this peaks your interest lets thank you so much. Sure. Middleman and tonight, another blast of plasma expected within the hour weve got much more ahead as we follow the latest develops in this massive solar storm including a photographer who captured that incredible image youll join us live with more of what hes seen next and an astronaut who was on the International Space station while a similar severe solar storm happens the myth has to be reimagined feed if you didnt know whether you were next they were both tied up . Yeah. Yeah. I was calling aldis saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history he went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah how would really happen with jesse l. Martin . Sundays at nih on cnn for 13 million americans were affected. My Identity Theft in 2022, and the threats are more than you realize if youre a victim of Identity Theft lifelong works to fix it on your behalf backed by the Million Dollar protection package enroll. 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We dont see it that often. Ive seen it a few times on the horizon. A pink or green glow ten in the distance, but nothing like weve had tonight. And continuing, im still outside and it is one of the most incredible things ive ever seen on one almost doesnt even look real these it just looks like something ai generate no filters you are a photographer. Did you have to do anything different to capture the range of colors . Array of the aurora. In these photos im almost embarrassed to say that those are photos of the back of my camera and i havent done any editing or anything, uh, to the images tibet havent had time to sit down at the computer but it is true that when you take a Long Exposure you pull out a little bit more color than the human eye can see in person. But ive seen those colors very clearly myself, with my own eyes this evening, but it might be a little more vibrant. And images youre seeing on the screen yeah, it looks like your under one of mainz iconic lighthouses. There. Is that in portland yes. There were Portland Headlight in cape elizabeth, which is worldfamous lighthouse just south of portland and is it are you a Solo Scott Stargazer tonight or is the community out celebrating this, enjoying this its just the excitement in your voice and mayfly hope theres people that are share it with you there was one other personnel here which was very surprising to me. I think a lot of people here went norris thinking that they would have to travel some distance to see this when really, you know my sister and louisiana said shes seeing get down there and its overhead here. Here and i didnt have to travel far. Yeah. How does this compare for you to i mean, i dont know what you normally photograph in your work, but when you get a chance to capture this pretty rare occurrence, how does that compare as an experience . The first comparison that comes to mind is the Solar Eclipse, which i just got to witness over mains. Great Mountain Katahdin not long ago, last month and that was amazing and absolutely incredible. But this is better right there with it. My whole Photography Practice really is centered around awe and wonder thought photograph. A lot of extreme weather, Winter Storms here. And the beauty of nature along with the beauty of the custom made so for the photography, the photo bugs out there. What, what kind of setup do you have . You you spend in the night out there to try to capture this with time lapses or anything. What are you doing . Ive got a mirrorless camera, a sony mirrorless theres a really good job in low light. Im not doing any time though. I wish i was mostly focused on gathering still images ive got a really brisk Business Selling Prints in the area, and i know that these will do really well as prints. And also lead photography workshops. So this will be great promotional material, not promising to anyone else will see an aurora like this that maybe bringing some attention to my business yeah. You couldnt be in a better state to do this. You couldnt be a better person, somebody whos out there looking for the wonder in nature benjamin, thanks for being with us tonight really interesting and i cant wait to see the actual if this is a photo through the back of your camera . Yeah, its not wait to see what the actual images end up looking like. I guess ill have to come up to maine and purchase them therell be on my website and im so happy to hear you say that because i cant wait it either its going to be fantastic. Thanks for being with us and regulations benjamin. Thanks for having made the right side. You bet. Thanks for sharing your wonder with us and gazillions. Gazillions and gazillions of protons coming at earth right now, the effects, of course, dazzling lights but also potential problems with the electrical grid. And were going to speak to an expert about that concerns right after this he was trumps former lawyer and fixer. Now, Michael Cohen is expected to testify against his old boss. Will we hear any new bombshells from this key player witness . Testimony in the trump hush money trial. Monday at nine eastern on cnn time tune ard bottom singular dot, and noon become an icon of modern design a diode fee to the new zealands Around The World the museum classic by Roboto Swiss Made since 18, 81 yeah its great yeah. I can do a cartwheel in here would you like to join us now . We would love to join you whoa whoa yes focus on an American Home. She had warranty. I can protect your covered homes it was an appliances like this ac when the repair or replacement . Yes. Thank you its not home. Yeah, its pretty sure its home American Home shield. Dont worry, be warranty if you have graves disease, gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. 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Hes a professor at the University Of Oklahoma and the head of the electrical focused moses lab. Dr. Moses, thanks for being here any signs that youre picking up from your networks about any issues large or small with the power grid. This says seems to be based on just the light show that were seeing a very wide ranging very powerful our full solar storm right . Thank you for having me first of all, and yeah, ive been monitoring the situation like everyone else. I havent heard of any reports of any Equipment Damage or outages so far so thank goodness, knock wood with that, that holds University Of Oklahoma a great Electrical Engineering school there as well. So youre equipped to tell us how far have we come as a country to prepare for these sorts of things . How much can you solar wind proof . A transformer, for example okay, theres been a lot that weve learned over the last several decades, especially since 1989 when a major storm happened, knocked out the quebec power grid. The main thing i think as we have more measurement, and instrumentation out, theres more for situational awareness, so that we can see a problem developing. This deployment of extra sensors and measurement equipment and also the north American Reliability Commission had mandated all utilities to have action plans ready for such an event. So i think were well prepared. Yeah. I mean, what do you think is left to be done . I mean, you studied this very closely do you see vulnerabilities out there that are not yet addressed . Yeah one area. That im focusing on which is the role of Renewable Energy the power grid has changed quite fundamentally of the past 2030 years have been the most more wind. So its an, its an unknown how this disturbance will interact with these new resources coming online, so thats ive got some funding from the National Science foundation to study that very problem. Yeah, a lot of folks dont may not realize that texas is the greenest state in the union because of the prices of solar and wind now texas, which has its own grid, essentially leads the nation in those sources of energy. And if i understand it right, dr. Moses most of our grid, which is this big Rube Goldberg machine from coasttocoast with thousands of different inputs and Connection Leinz is, running on alternating current ac. But the sun is shooting Direct Current Dc at us. And thats what causes the problem. And does that manifest itself in like blown transformers or what does it look like . What did you notice it . Yes. Thats i think you described it well, so the power system operates an alternating currents like its sine wave, very fast and the current thats induced actually in the ground by this Magnetic Field variation is more like a dc direct current so when you mix the ac and the dc in Power Systems that, thats designed for ac alternating current you get some strange effects transformers, for example, were only designed to operate on alternating current. Now you have ac plus dc and that causes transformers to operate in a higher temperature. And so the more under Thermal Stress and they may not last as long. If that current gets very high. And are you finding that with what youre studying with renewables . And its increased usage in the how we power this earth, that the people who are in charge of passing laws and allocating funds are taking these risks seriously. It strikes me that a g5 event like this one is probably a pretty good wakeup call that these things can get pretty powerful thats right. I would say one of the regulators the North American electro electric Reliability Commission they have ive been talking with them and they have definitely this is on their radar, the role of Renewable Energy this new system thats going to be increasingly more prevalent in the future. How thats going to interact with this new, with this disturbance, definitely, weve been doing a lot of modeling and simulation to try and predict where the vulnerabilities are so id say weve, were still in the early stages of that study and theres a lot more to explore a couple of years ago, a femur looked at all the threats out there to society and said only two could shut down the country and mass a pandemic or a solar storm like this one. Weve already seen the pandemic. Wed rather not do the second one. These days. So we hope that the worst possibilities arent happening. Dr. Paul moses. Thank you. Get for your insight tonight. We appreciate it thank you all right. Multiple agencies across the country monitoring the extreme Solar Storm Tonight will tell you who else is concerned and why. After this Oscar Pistorius was at the absolute peak of his celebrity the heroes shotgun murder trial, we learned of a much darker individual. How would really happen with jesse l. Martin sunday at nine on cnn . King down debt can feel overwhelming, upstart makes it fast and easy. Borrowers can access the funds they need in as little as one business day, checking your rate is fast with no cost to you or your credit clark, joined over 1. 8 million customers who have turned to upstart for a personal loan at planet fitness, you can get Energy Without the hello. Its bobby from iran flag. Hey, we interest you in upgrading tough muscle or lee for 99, 99. You think . 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I want to bring in now craig few gate, hes the former Femur Administrator and former member of the noahs Space Weather Advisory Group, also with us, dr. Jennifer me han, assistant director for space policy at the white house, dr. Mann and craig few gay. Thank you both for being here with us. Dr. Mann, i want to start with you. What are the steps that the government has taken to get us to the point where as of right now its been a couple of hours and were not really hearing a lot of reports that anything catastrophic has happened yeah. No. So great question. So over the past decade, we, the federal government has realized that this is a huge problem on a global scale. And so theyve really taken the steps to ensure that our nation could build resilience in towards the effects of Space Weather. And so in the Obama Biden Administration there was a space where theyre subcommittee developed in the white house, which got together over 30 different departments, agencies, and offices to come up with some strategies and space for their strategy and action plan that the government can take to ensure that our that our nation would be prepared and also, Congress Took note and said, okay, well, the federal government is doing the role, but we need to have an Advisory Group. And so they passed the process of fact, our Space Weather legislation in 2020, which developed the space, will Advisory Group that we have the pleasure of having craig, you get on to give the academics and give the private industry and give the nongovernment endusers the advisory role to kind of help guide us on what we need to do to protect our nation from Space Weather. Craig, i was reading an account of early in your days, there had female like most of the folks tonight . People within the Emergency Management community werent even sure what a G5 A Solar Storm was at the time i imagined so many people have come so far from there. But do you agree with those scientists who worry that theres a 12 chance that a big storm like hit earth in the next decade yeah, its what we dont know. We have some historical events like the keratin vint back in the 1850s that if you looked at it today, and our dependence on pawn technologies were not sure that we have done what could be many cases the steps to mitigate, or as was pointed out earlier were changing our system so fast bringing on Renewable Energy and having to manage very complex cred, operations over long distances. We dont know if these are increasing our vulnerabilities are making them less. So for the Emergency Management community, its that unknown. And i think thats part of the work weve been doing. Ill Space Weather Advisory Group is making sure that we are able to inform congress. These are the questions we still need to answer to make sure we can build resilient infrastructure against these stream storms. I mean, dr. Mia, i wonder what your take is on that. Weve been talking a little bit more recently about those renewables. And the way that its changing on the ground so rapidly, its also in the United States are fairly decentralized system in terms of how our energy is managed and distributed across the country so where do you think we stand given that so far, it seems that theyre not any catastrophic reports, is it so far so good . Right. So thats the thing about Space Weather, right if you dont hear anything, it means we did our job, we took are mitigating procedures. We protected ourselves right. So its unlike a hurricane, we could see it coming. Its coming regardless of what you do, right . And so a Space Weather, we could take those mitigation steps that weve been working really hard on the federal Energy Regulatory commission, also known as far back in 2012, actually said, hey, grid owners and operators look at your vulnerabilities, do your assessments and come up with ways that you can mitigate the effects of Space Weather storms. And so youre seeing that happening as soon as we hit that g5 today, we call that narcotics fine and we alerted the Grid Operators and they started taking the actions needed. They are seeing effects and their systems. But because we have as mitigation techniques, we were able to kind of alleviate those right now, right. So we dont know whats coming through the weekend. We keep seeing cme after cme as youve heard. And so right now, all is okay. That. Were seeing effects, but is because we have been taking those steps for mitigation over the past decade that were really building that resilience that were seeing now yeah, craig the i wonder if sort of folk is there somebody every utility who has to think about this problem now is it, is it that sort of wellknown the threat of these things that wherever you happen to be in the country, somebody tonight is monitoring things and try to keep things from going dark yeah, across Industry Sectors actually is. So its not just you, its not just the electric utilities, but this is really a watershed moment. Yeah, weve got about 2009 when i walked in the famous and whats our plan for spacewalks . They said what Space Weather. And tonight the federal agencies, including prima, are monitoring this event and themis case. Were looking. Are there any impacts to infrastructure, any disruptions that potentially would require some response. But in 2009, the federal government didnt even have a coherent plan across all the agencies thats one of the things that president obama directed that something has been carried through. And the next menstruation. And that is resulted i think in not only the federal government having you in my plant, but a lot of these organizations that could be impacted by Space Weather the awareness is much higher, more frequent communication between the Space Weather prediction center, which is the National Hurricane center for Space Weather events. And that my. Hope is, is that what were seeing is theres mitigation effects are working and were at a level we havent been before. And again, this is a g5, is a very significant event, but every g5 is going to be a little different. And as gene, so were going to see is this goes to the weekend how systems are performing and more importantly, what we see in Learning Anything that we could do differently next time. Yeah, i mean, to that point every g5, im sort of astounded as weve been talking to all these experts. G5 could be like a tidal wave or could be a tsunami. It could be either of those things which is huge huge range. I wonder dr. Me, when when when you at the federal level are looking at building resiliency, i mean, what did it look like . Did you go back to that major event in the 1980s, that kind of shut parts of the canadian grid down for a bit. And you just studied that like a hawk okay. I mean, was that the point of reference . Did you go all the way back to the carrington effect . I mean, how much are you studying these past events that is such a great question. And we call these benchmark events, right . So we took as many benchmark events that we have seen in modern history that we have record of and we did studies and saying, well, how big is big and so we did this a few years ago were actually going through a process now to revisit those benchmarks to say, okay, well, weve seen the carrington, weve seen the halloween storm, we seen the hydroquebec storm are the late 80s taking out part of the grid, but really is thank is and powerful as it or are we missing something so the best way to do it is take what weve seen before and then just maybe take it a little bit higher to say, okay, well, we could build our systems with sandi is impacts, but what about a little more resilience just in case we havent truly experienced the biggest story from the sun has unleashed on this yet yeah. Well, i cover the climate and energy beat. So this is a rare chance to point out the fact that there is more Renewable Energy waiting online to get on the grid. That is already on the grid that exists right now. So the National Grid needs help in a lot of different ways. Resiliency electrification as We Decarbonize in the wake of the climate crisis. But at least were paying attention to our role in the universe on nights like this. And thinking about these connections a little bit more, craig, few gay dr. Jenny han. Thank you both so much. We appreciate it. And lets bring in chad myers in the space Weather Center tonight what can we expect in the next couple hours while were waiting for the arrival of the very next cme, we know its not that far away. Its probably an hour plus or 30 minutes. So if youre outside like my friend is in denver not seeing anything, just wait a minute because things are going to start to ramp up here. All the red youre going to see it except if youre under these clouds, the clouds are a problem today, but this is not an eclipse. This will happen for the next probably three nights in a row. So if you miss it today, thats okay. Because weve had more than one will be called Coronal Mass Ejections this big plasma that has thrown at the earth. And then we have more than one this right here in the middle. Thats the sun. Even though its blocked out by the satellite here and by the pictures here, you would notice the sun under there. If i took it up, but then Everything Else would be completely blownout. You wouldnt be able to see anything, but you see these waves kinda Little Smokey waves coming out. Thats how we know that these ejections are coming toward earth. In the first place. If you think about it, the sun, the big round ball, the earth way out here. Think about how many other directions these Coronal Mass Ejections go every single day, usually, especially in a solar maximum, and we dont even notice them, but were only caring about this one because its headed right toward us. This is the big event for us and i think probably somewhere plus or 12, 30 is when well start to see that. If you want to go to space, weather. Com you can go to Space Weather. Com. Great website. Look for a little thing in the left, top, left, and it says discover, its dsc ovr acronym. If you take a look at that, you click on that, you can actually see the top line up here. This is, ive been showing you this all day. When these to leinz started go crazy. Thats a 30 minute warning because this satellite here is one million miles away. And the solar wind is going 1. 6 million Miles Per Hour wrap your head around that i can. Ask us to do some math here, known as no, theres no math. This is not a new math, but we have thats thats gonna be your ta 30 minute window when these things start to go crazy again, like they did here, see this was all day long until 12, 30. Nothing happened that All Of A Sudden, boy, the atmosphere shook and its still shaking right now, but its going to shake again as soon as that next cme thats going to arrive anytime now really when come get outside, get ready, put your codon. If you have two, thats a 30 minute warning all right, guys, you got your 30 minute warning from chad myers chad. Thank you very much for you at home. God side go see something you might you might be surprised what you can see in most of the country right now, we wake up the kids so many incredible images coming from those of you at home. Thank you so much. Watching this Special Edition of news night and for monitoring this extreme solar storm with us. Im abby, phillip, and im bill. Were cnns coverage of the extreme solar storm from continues right after this no yeah this great yeah i can do a cartwheel in here would you like to join us now we would love to join you Sandals Jamaica sales. 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