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Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper what were going to start today with our Law And Justice lead a stern warning for donald trump today from the bench. Keep violating your gag order and your Hush Money Cover of case, and you may well end up in jail. Judge juan merchan, Finding Today The Trump via lord, violated that gag order for the 10th time. He find a trump 1,000 which is the maximum penalty. But judge, where shine went on to tell the former president , quote, at the end of the de, i have a job to do and part of that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system and compel respect as much as i do not want to impose a jail sanctioned and ive done everything i can to avoid doing so i want you to understand that i will if necessary, and appropriate, unquote. Today weve also heard testimony from two witnesses who went through check by check, the payments made by donald trump to his former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen. Those payments are at the very heart of this case because prosecutors alleged mr. Trump took part in an illegal conspiracy to reimburse his former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels right before the election. Stormy daniels, the born actress and director who had claimed she had had a sexual encounter with mr. Trump. Lets get straight to cnns keras canal, whos been inside the courtroom all day. Qarrah. Whats happening in court right now . Well that accounts payable executive Deborah Tarasoff is on the Witness Stand and trumps lawyers have just begun crossexamination of her. Shes been testifying under questioning from the prosecution, and shes explaining to them how the paperwork works, how they were with issued checks in this case, all related to the reimbursement to Michael Cohen and she described how when donald trump became president , they had fed ex, the checks and down to the white house for him to sign to be sent back to the trump world. Organization. That then she would then send out to Michael Cohen that the prosecutor is walked her through each one of these checks so the juries repeatedly seeing this pattern of a invoice from Michael Cohen saying that pursuant to a retainer agreement, you should be paid 35,000 a month, seeing that entered into the general ledger, and then seeing that on the check stub and ultimately the check that assigned by donald trump in his signature, sharpies signing that are those are the elements of this alleged crime. Those are the falsified documents that prosecutors have, 11 that trump was involved in. Now, we also heard testimony earlier today from geoff ma connie, that was her supervisor. Who was that controller of the twoport for 34 years. It was interesting when mccartney and depth tarasoff on the Witness Stand, they walked past eric trump, who still running the company, who was sitting in that first row in the public section. And we saw exchanges between them, deb tarasoff had tapped eric trump leg when she was walking out at a break. It is still a shes noting now in her testimony, a family company, a pretty small business. So you can see that familiarity and even donald trump, weve noticed this when he has someone whos worked worked for him on the Witness Stand, he really turns to face them. He did that when run a graph as longtime Executive Assistant with testifying it right now, hes dramatically turned his chair to watch tarasoff as she is giving her Testimony Question by trumps attorneys this is something that his business is obviously he knows very well. So hes been very focused on this now there his team was trying to make a distinction between the oldest bookkeeping and what donald trump knew about it. And that is something that they have brought out on crossexaminatio n of deaf mcglone asking him, did you have any conversations about donald trump related to these payments . He said no. Related to the doctor occupants said, have you ever given donald trump a tour of the Accounting Software and mcconney said, no, he hadnt. So theyre really trying to set some distance between how these documents were written into the corporate books and what donald trump knew about them, jagan and what was what was the former president is demeanor like in court today . How did mr. Trump behave . What about the jurors . Tell us about them right. So you get this. Jiri has really been paying attention. Ive seen a number of them take some notes at different times. And they do they watch the prosecutor or the leuser asking the question . Turned to watch the witnesses answer and backandforth a few times. Ive seen one or two of them look out into the galley of the courtroom, which is just packed with reporter theres no members of the public. They are watching. This you can hear Everyone Typing down every word that the witnesses are saying. Trumps he has, as i was saying at times, really seem to focus on what the witness this is. Were saying other Times Leading into the monitor thats just on the Defense Table in front of him. Thats where all the exhibits are popped up. So he can lean in and we saw him lean in a few times to look at some of the documents that were on the screen. This crossexamination is its expected to continue for a while and then it will be if the prosecutors have any additional questions that much sheet is the 11th witness now, in this case, for the prosecution, as we finally have shifted and turned to the false, of the allegedly falsified documents. That is she here. All right. Curious. Now, thanks so much. Were going to come back to you, standby, joining us down to discussing and legal analyst, carrie cordero, former federal prosecutor, gene rossi. Cnns jaime gan gal, and christian homes. Jane helped me. Are, first of all judge merchan jurors. Were going to stop a little little bit early today. Its a 4 04 p. M. It sounds like theyre going to end the trial today. Four for about 25 minutes ahead of time. Jane, help us explain the strategy happening in court right now. Why would you have this witness take the jury check by check explaining how donald trump signed them in sharpie well, when you do a federal crime a fraud case, a tax case, you have to make it as simple as possible for the jury did about 30 tax cases and what theyre doing from, my perspective, is theyre trying to lay out the process for why donald trump is in the oval office with a sharpie signing two checks. So you have to get to that point. What is important to me with this testimony . Is of all the people in the world who have to sign these checks of all the gin joints in the world. Thats a blanca its donald trump in the oval office signing a check over 10,000 in handing it personally to Michael Cohen, which sort of a wink and a nod at a boy. Look that to me is the punchline of what theyre trying to do here in Deborah Tarasoff, i think are danas yeah. She lays out who can sign it. Who doesnt sign it. And there was no reason in the world for Alan Yslow Berg or donald trump jr. To sign those checks . No reason for them im not two. It had to be donald trump because he was closing the deal in those checks on his personal account. Now, thats the prosecutors argument. The defense is going to say hes Sergeant Schultz doesnt know whats going on. This is just a coincidence. He happens to have been most powerful person and in the world, and he just signed a couple of checks in the oval office very innocuous thats the defense argument. Whether the jury believes the first version or the second is why were here again, carry a lot of the testimony today has been about financial documents, papers, and need to be signed, et cetera. This is something that can be confusing might even be dare i say, boring. If you dont know what youre looking at exactly, how do you convince as an attorney, as a prosecutor, how do you convince the jury that this is important . And while it might not be a fingerprint or a Blood Spatter it is, evidence of a crime. Well, its that is what this particular case is about is do you must say, i mean, this is a documents case at its heart. And so it is an important power of the foundation for the prosecutors to walk through. Now where i think they have a challenge is its one thing to articulate heres how things generally work. Worked in trump world. This is generally how we handle the books. This is the process that generally was theres a jump that you have to get through from that too, in this specific case, donald trump knew what he was signing, why he was signing it and that he had the intent to sign it for the purpose of violating another federal law, which is the other part of this case, that the prosecutors have the burden of proving the socalled election interference. So jaime gan girl, bra scooters brought up Donald Trumps Financial Disclosure form when he was president in 2017. They focused on this line at the bottom of one of the pages, quote in the interest of transparency while not required to be disclosed as reportable liabilities. On part eight in 2016, expenses were incurred by one of the one of Donald Trumps attorneys Michael Cohen. Mr. Cohen sought reimbursement of those expenses and mr. Trump fully reimbursed mr. Cohen and 2017, the category of value would be 100,000 and 1 to 250,000 and the Interest Rate would be zero. This is better, it is there it is. And this is, you think important, significant. I think its significant this follows, so we know in april, he says he doesnt know anything about it. You have to ask Michael Cohen denies then may 3, Rudy Giuliani comes and he says, oh, yes, the president reimburse Michael Cohen, trump acknowledges that in public tweets, we then have this is about may 15. This so what did showing here is a public acknowledgment by trump that he reimbursed Michael Cohen no more. I dont know anything about that. Earlier today though, two carries point about Business As Usual the people who were testifying today from Trump Organization, these were not hostile witnesses these were like david pecker, hope hicks there was no hostility there the other things we heard from them were donald trump was the brains behind the organization. Everybody was taking orders. He signed all the checks. This was a personal account. So i think when you add that together with the paper trail, which is needed for the case and then this notion of why did an Alum Weisberg they have the documents with his personal handwriting on it. Why did they have to make it larger because the payment was to cover up. It was to make it look meet the threshold for him to pay taxes on it thats where i is the juror. Im not the lawyers say, well, why did they do that . If it was just a reimbursement, chrisman homes, i have a question for you, but im told i have to squeeze a quick break so im going to come right back to you, stick with us much more from the courthouse as testimony reveals how the actual Hush Money Payments Formate and later this hour, a former Trump White House aide will be here. He was mentioned in testimony last week by Hope Hicks Plus the other Breaking News or response from israel after hamas. Accepted a ceasefire in Hostage Deal Put On The Table by mediators from egypt and khader video shows celebration on the streets of gaza today. But the deal is far from done. Were back in a moment how would really happen with jesse l. Martin . Sundays at nine on see it how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home . Theres an easier way. Dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural Essential Oils for up to 120 days of amazing fragrance its hard dual pack. Now thats a breath of fresh air wick, who daily show his back with a Special Leyen monday through wednesday checkout. Jordan clever. 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Thats super smart and the deal you make on your phone heres the deal you paid but the real deal and drive him back home how far would you go to set the ambiance of your space try the air wick way with airway is central myth infused with natural Essential Oils to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now, thats a breath of fresh air closed captioning bronchi you bye mesto book. Com our firm. Only represents Mesothelioma Victims and their families. If you are loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial lma carlos. Now youre looking at live images just in, from the raffa area of southern gaza. Its a much calmer seen after multiple explosions earlier, just to the east. This is an area where the Israel Defense forces this had ordered and evacuation of civilians right now the world is on edge waiting for israels response to a Ceasefire Deal proposed by egypt and khader that was just agreed to by hamas moments ago, israels Prime Minister put out a statement. His office did anyway saying quote even though hamas is proposal is far from israels necessary requirements, israel will send a Working Level Delegation to the mediators unquote. And meanwhile, in the israeli town of tel aviv tonight, family of hostages held in gaza called on netanyahu and other leaders of israel to accept the deal as people in gaza, were breaking out in celebration despite the fact that the goal has not yet been formally agreed to by israel, cnns Jeremy Diamonds Falling all of this from jerusalem for us, cnns empty lias at the white house. Jeremie for weeks us and israeli officials have said the ball was inflammasome. Court. Is it fair to say now that the balls and israels court well, to a certain extent thats certainly seems to be the case, and thats definitely the impression that hamas wants to lend to all of this as they came out with this very bold statement saying that they had agreed to a ceasefire proposal, although at the time, jake it wasnt yet clear exactly what proposal they were talking about. We know that theres been a proposal on the table for over a week now, an egyptian framework which israel helped craft although israeli officials have said they did not agree to every elements in that, but it did include significant in israeli concessions but my colleague Alex Marquardt and now are now learning that is that this proposal that hamas agree to is actually a different proposal than the one that israel helped craft with egypt at one this is according to a senior israeli and a senior american official, one senior american official telling alex that this latest framework that hamas agreed includes a permanent end to the hostilities, which of course has been a red line for the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And so in light of all of this, the israeli Prime Ministers office is now saying that this proposal is quote, far from israel necessary requirements, but israel is committing to sending a Working Level Delegation to meet with the egyptian and khader mediators in the coming days. Its not clear yet whether that meeting will happen in doha or in cairo, but certainly the ball is moving forward. These negotiations will carry on. But while earlier this evening, it might have seemed like a deal was perhaps imminent. We saw these images of people in gaza beginning to celebrate what they thought was cease agreement. But now jake, some cold water being thrown on that its very clear that while negotiations will continue, a deal is certainly not imminent, at least not tonight. Mj, you just asked White House National security spokesmen, john kirby about deal on the table from egypt and khader that hamas has agreed to what did kirby after saying . Well jake keep in mind when john kirby took to the white house podium, that was only moments after hamas said that they were agreeing to this Ceasefire Deal framework. And the official word from the us sayyed right now is that they are still going through the details of what this framework might actually entail and what car be made clear was that when President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke earlier today, this was before hamas had said that they were going to be agreeing to this framework. So the two liters certainly would not have been discussing seeing this particular framework. And it was interesting. He was careful in choosing his words when he talked about the general sort of pressure that president by i didnt may have exerted on the Prime Minister and talking about the negotiations that have been ongoing, take a listen broadly encouraged the Prime Minister to get you yes to some sort of deal. He, as he has consistently with premised, on yeah. Yeah. Urged that we get this deal secured, but it wasnt it wasnt a pressure call, wasnt about twisting his arm towards a certain set of parameters Director Burns is in the region having these conversations with the israelis, the khardori is the as, again, as we speak, and thats the forum for working out the parameters of it and jake us officials have been intimately involved in these negotiations, including, of course, cia Director Burns, who is still in the region, and its just hard to overstate how much is on the line for the us and President Biden in terms of getting to an end to this conflict, getting the hostages out including, of course, among them, several americans, and also just avoiding a raffa, operation, which again, us officials have really expressed opposition to in recent weeks, jeremie cnns obtained some video showing multiple Explore Potions in raffa. Tonights tell us more yeah, jake, this morning shortly before 9 00 a. M. The Israeli Military began dropping leaflets, Ordering Tens Of Thousands of civilians in Eastern Rafat to begin evacuating an anticipation of major Israeli Military operations in that area. And already tonight nitric less than 24 hours after 100,000 people were told to evacuate the Israeli Military has already conducting what they are describing as Precision Strikes in eastern raffa. And were seeing these images of explosions happening in that area. Just as not too far from there. You are also seeing civilians celebrating what they thought was a ceasefire agreement, but its very clear, uh, speaking with israeli officials he is really war cabinet today agreeing to continue forward with these Operations In Rock Alpha moving forward with the evacuations and also potentially Jake Illumina ground offensive. All right. Jeremy diamond in jerusalem and mj leah at the white house for us. Thank you so much. Lets get back to our other big story, the Hush Money Cover in case against donald trump in new york, cnns keras canal its still at the Courthouse Frehse and care of prosecutors just gave an update on how much longer they think they need to present their case. Tell us more yeah, jake, thats right. So, prosecutor joshua sign glass just told the judge that he thinks that the prosecutions case well go another two weeks from tomorrow. So weve already heard from 11 witnesses over the past two weeks of testimony. Now hes thing to expect another two weeks. There are a number of witnesses that we are expecting is still testify including Michael Cohen and he is likely to be on the stand for several days. So that could be one of the witnesses that will take up a chunk of this time because it will not only be that Michael Cohen while have to tell the story to the jury from the prosecution perspective. But then Donald Trumps team has made it clear essential part of their defense is to try to discredit him and try to attack cohens credibility as a witness. So hes expected to be on the stand for several days, which could potentially take up one of the weeks. Remember, these weeks, were Hearing Testimony for four days of the weeks and there are some other witnesses that they said they may be calling that could also include Stormy Daniels. Its still to be seen if she will be taking the stand, but at least another two weeks from tomorrow, according to the prosecution, jake. All right. Curious now, thanks so much. Well check back with you in a minute. Coming up why a familiar name deeply involved in the Hush Money Payments will likely not be called to the Witness Stand and why his testimony he could be essential to the prosecutions case. Stay with us every weekday morning. Cnns five things has what you need to get going with youre de, and here are five reasons. 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Thats like 20 a month per unlimited line. I dont want to miss that. Thats amazing doc. Mobile savings are calling. Visit xfinitymobile. Com to learn more. Doc . Your cash are and 5 apy joint today and get to burst 30 days free. Im tom foreman and washington. And this is cnn and were back with our breaking News Coverage of Donald Trumps Hush Money Cover up trial, court raffa, just a few minutes ago, prosecutor said they need about two or three more weeks to finish presenting their side of the case. Hes the Prosecution Witnesses and evidence. My panels back with me and christina, we start with you when it comes to all these major witnesses who are remaining. And there are some big ones Stormy Daniels Michael Cohen karen mcdougal, potentially is there one that trump world is most nervous about . I think that they dont want, or at least donald trump doesnt really wants for me daniels on the stand. I mean, i think at the base of all of this is a salacious claim that he had an affair with a porn star, which she denies, but this is not something he really wants to revisit. Terms of what this could actually do to be damaging to him. And theyre waiting for Michael Cohen and remember their entire strategy has been and will continue to be to paint Michael Cohen like a liar, which Michael Cohen is a known liar. So the issue is easy lying about this. And can they actually try to prove that point or not . And that seems to be some think the jury is going to ultimately have to decide at the end of the day but when theyre talking about these two or three weeks, thats actually moving a lot slower than what Trump Lawyers had told me that they thought they thought this case might be wrapped up by the end of next week, just because all of these, we look at what we saw today. They asked one or two questions of mcconney, then of terrorists off afterwards, they arent planning a long crossexamination of anyone except for Michael Cohen, and that includes Stormy Daniels. They dont want to get into the nittygritty with or they might ask a couple of pointed questions to kind of point out what kind of a witness she is. But other than that, im told its not going to be david packer or or the length of my the end of next this week is two weeks, essentially, right . I mean, but that would be for the whole thing for any witnesses that the cross the defense had as well. Okay. So they would say, i mean, unless they are really, truly not planning on bringing a single witness, which is possible. Oh, i see. Interesting gene. One person we dont expect to see on the Witness Stand is former Trump Organization cfo alan weisberg. Hes currently behind bars after admitting to having falsely testified in trumps civil fraud case the one brought by lutetia james, the attorney general of new york is what he had been a better witness than the Trump Organization witnesses that we saw today . No the Defense Attorneys are probably be praying. He doesnt go to the Witness Stand in closing argument. I would hammer that alan, why sobered, did not step into that courtroom and testify under oath forget his credibility problems. Alan yslow berg, if he told the truth probably would have the Keys To The Kingdom on this agreement. And for the Defense Attorneys, if he doesnt show up, that is a big seed of Reasonable Doubt for donald trump because he can explain this whole payment. The foreigner and 20,000 why it went from one 30 and grew like a souffle hey, 2420. It was because he wanted to avoid a taxes. Coleman did. So Allan Weisberg should not be called as a witness. Hes a pathological liar, even more than cohen and thats saying a lot. But i got to say this about Michael Cohen. He may benefit from the rule of low expectations. People thinking hes gonna be a pathological liar. Hes going to be hated. If he comes in and is tone is demeanor, is reasonably reasonable. Yeah. He is corroborated by documents and other witnesses theres a very good chance he could be a powerful witness, a decent chance, carrie cordero, trump attorney todd blanch, said complained that the defense only got 30 minutes notice of who the witness would be. This afternoon that i dont im not a lawyer, but that seems unusual, right. So it isnt unusual situation in this particular case that the defense is not getting much notice for the witnesses. Now, my understanding is that its because of the Contempt Issues and the fact that the former president was making public statements about witnesses, court personnel, lets plays into this entire issue of the fact that the judge is trying to keep the courtroom safe. And so the prosecutor heres have been given more leeway so that witnesses are not potentially intimidated and subway before they appear. I do think as to Michael Cohn Ventrally taking the stand, one of the more interesting things as it relates to the contempt is whether or not his presence alone and his being on the Witness Stand, especially as this question is saying for a few days potentially might really bring this Contempt Issue to a head because if any witness is going to sort of generate a rigueur energy from the former president , it will be michael cohn and then the judge is really going to have a decision about whether his threats im serious consequences are going to come to and just a reminder that today there were four different instances that the prosecution had brought to say were violations of a gag order only one the judge was found was a violation of the gag order. Two of them that he did not say were violating the guy where they actually said he said were qualified under political speech because they were essentially going back to Michael Cohen. They were attacks on Michael Cohen after Michael Cohen had spent an extensive amount of time on television on his podcast in a book that he called revenge, going after donald trump, the judge found okay, this particular stands are these two are not going to come into this as political speech. So thats also an interesting factor in all of this as the two of them obviously have a toxic history together. All right, everyone stick around coming up next to form a trump aid will be here to respond to his name being mentioned by hope hicks and testimony. Keep it here. Wow, theyre shooting ill show you whats from him as a whole now, and theyre giving orders to disperse any fields like, oh la happened, bring into savings this moving season with pods, save up to 25 . Now im moving in storage in see why pods its been trusted with over 6 million move, but dont wait, save up to 25 . Now, visit pod. Com today. 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I thought there was going to be finished today and then 1234 weeks, the judge asked and play right into the judges and the judges so happy about two to three waves because they all want to keep me on the Campaign Trail thats all this is about, this about a legend interference. And we stop it. All right, just an excerpt from mr. Trumps remarks after court adjourned today. Lets bring in cnns daniel jiao, de. Hes Fact Checking what we just heard from mr. Trump. Daniel, anything jump out at you . Well, obviously cant definitively fact check what mr. Trump thought would be the timeline for the trial, but i cant say theres no basis for thinking the Prosecution Case would be done today. All coverage, including ours, has emphasized that Michael Cohen is likely to be a key witness that hes likely to take a while to do as testimony. Well, we havent heard from him yet. Theres an extensive witness list, of course not everyone will be called, but the prosecution does not near done it. So him saying he thought it was gonna be done today, i think is a curious statement at best, and ill add theres a couple of things he said and comments after chord that we havent played yet, that were just not true. He said hes leading in every poll. Hes not leading in every poll. Hes leading in many poles, but weve had a couple of polls in recent days from abc, from tip in which hes trailing. He also claimed that the fec the federal election commission, tossed out, not only tossed out this matter, but said you gotta be kidding me with this. Thats not what happened. In fact, the fec as often with the fec was deadlocked. Its divided between republican and democratic appointed commissioners, the democratic ones voted to proceed. The republican ones voted against it. So it was dropped. They didnt say it was absurd, are ridiculous, interesting stuff into daniel. I always like your factor x. I also like it when you find comments curious thanks, jake, ill, ill continue to try to do so. Its like its like a different its a new zone. Of fact managing my repertoire. I know when i find that curious, what youre honest man, you for can fact jakob all right. Thank you so much really appreciate it lets bring in a hogan. Goodly, he served as Deputy Press Secretary in the Trump White House. Good to see you, hogan. As we await more key witnesses to take the stand this week. I want to talk about testimony from former top trump advisor hope hicks because she mentioned you once and testimony a prosecutor read a Statement Given to the Wall Street Journal about whether trump had been aware of a payment to Stormy Daniels, also known as definitely clifford, that article reads, quote, these are old recycled reports which were published in strongly denied prior to the election, a white house official said, responding to the allegation of a sexual encounter involving mr. Trump and ms clifford, the official decline to respond to questions about an agreement with ms clifford it is unknown whether mr. Trump was aware of any agreement or payment involving her thats the Wall Street Journal, january 12, 2018 Court Transcripts show that that hope hicks was asked if shes the one that gave the statement she said, no, im not. Prosecutor says who was the white house official quoted in the story hope hicks said, i cant say for sure. I cant say for sure, but i i think that it was hogan good lee, he was the Deputy Press Secretary unquote hey, was it you i dont know if you have any memory of that and what did you make of this moment your name coming up in the trial nothing like being named, checked in this trial. In fact, i got a lot of texts from reporters saying, hey man, its the first time youve been named jack, get ready. Youre gonna be pulled into this somehow some way. So it kinda made me a little bit and honestly, i dont even remember that situation or that comment im not afraid to stand up and say if i said im the one who did it, of course, but i dont remember that. But its always kinda funny to watch these things kind of bleed out of the courtroom and, you know, kind of capsulated other people. So no big deal, no harm, no foul, but its just kinda funny. Are you are you still in touch with hope hicks oh, yeah. Yeah. We talk in texts pretty regularly. I was reading through some of the transcripts that she she with what she said in the courtroom, just vintage hope saying that cohen id like to refer to himself as the fixer, but he was the one who usually brick it. I just had to chuckle at some of those comments she made, obviously saying that this was to protect Donald Trumps wife. Clearly, which i think really hurt the prosecutions case, bringing her up in that way. And just knowing or the way i do, i can imagine how a Gut Wrenching this is for her, someone who served the white house, who always had Donald Trumps best interests at heart. I then she kinda goes into private life doing what she wants to do personally, professionally, and then kinda gets pulled back into these types of things and you saw kind of where her heart is on these matters when she broke down in tears, i think they had even take a recess because of it. So shes a great person and i hate the fact that that these slime balls are trying to bring her into this whole process. Have you have you talked to her since she had that moment where she broke down. They had to take a ten minute recess. Have you have you talked to her . Is she doing okay obviously, shes very loyal to mr. Trump still. Im sure that wasnt pleasant to do no, it wasnt i havent spoken with her, but its going to take a lot more than this. Sham hopes ridiculous trial to hurt hope hicks. I mean, she obviously face some of the toughest fires we all did in that white house and that administration, doing one of the most high pressure, highly consequential jobs . On the face of the planet. And she handled herself really well. A lot of people went to her, obviously whenever they wanted to talk to trump, they went to her first because they clearly understood her her wisdom and knowledge on how to deal with him, but also on matters with Public Relations and how to deal with the press and other things. So she was a constant in that white house, did a great job and i just hate this its kinda stuff for her today. Judge merchan found mr. Trump, President Trump in contempt for the 10th time he is has violated or seans gag order. Heres what trump said on real americas voices radio that the judge said violated his gag order by talking about the jiri. Take a listen. You know, hes rushing the trial like crazy. Nobodys ever seen a thing like this. Thats yogi was picked so fast 95 democrats the areas mostly old democrat. Do you think of it as just a purely democrat area . Its a very unfair situation that i can tell you so i know its difficult to get any primary let alone mr. Trump, to take advice in terms of what you should say or should not say. But would you advise him to be more careful about talking about the jiri or witnesses . Well, first things first, i mean, hes obviously right. We know the Judges Payments to joe biden and political contributions. We know the history of his daughter and the way shes making money, millions of dollars for Democratic Candidates clearly against donald trump thats all part and parcel with where donald trump has made mentally here. And when he comes out and makes those statements, its obvious the judge is bias and this gag order really, as i understand it, attorneys tell me theyre designed to protect the defendant against what the prosecution may say publicly. So its unconstitutional from the standpoint of donald trump didnt get to defend himself. But of course they can attack him. And you see that kind of manifests itself two with someone like Michael Cohen on your air today and ive been watching all de people have been saying that, quite frankly, they havent made the case against donald trump here, that they cant prove the violated the law and theyre hinging the entire case on someone whos unhinged. I mean, have you seen this guys tiktok videos lately . I mean, i have more confidence in the the future of britney spears, who dances around with knives, then Michael Cohen, hes got some Serious Problems and i dont think hes gonna do well on that Witness Stand, especially considering hes a convicted leyen. Hes gone to jail for heaven sakes. So i think the rhoad is bright for donald trump at this point, despite the odds being stacked against them, despite the fact this judges against them and its a Weaponized System against someone they just disagree with politically. But should he be saying these things publicly look, thats up to him and attorneys, but ill tell you this as you know, donald trump is a counter puncher. Hes not gonna be silently feel like when he feels like hes being wronged. The only thing im going to say and that was a lot i dont have tiktok anymore but because of the National Security threat from china. But i appreciate your, your younger, so it makes sense to me, you can still watch him. Okay. Well, in any case bill brennan is a former trump attorney, has said the judge merchan is a fair and honorable, decent man and thats all im going to say in response to what you said. Well, thats not yeah. Yeah, but thats not what im saying. Im saying is biased is a little background is a little least. Yeah. Hes youre saying is a political bias and his daughter works for democrats or the daughter part is factual and he himself donated to biden them, voted for him. So look, thats fine. But as a judge, i can be fair. But just to protect my family, to protect my own name, to protect a ct, and the proceeding, i would step back, but this guy no way i think hes kind of drunk on the thought of being the Toast Of The Town and being invited all the cocktail parties, because thats a tough drug to give get rid of im promise you that. Okay. Hogan. Good. Its always good to see you, sir. Thank you so much for joining us thanks, jake, who scratches todays show. Donald trumps crn reaction as judge juan merchan found him in contempt for the 10th time. Thats a Jane Rosenberg special. I can tell with the shading of the cheekbones, attempts time over gag order, and threatened jail time in this case. Here, what mr. Trump said that got him into trouble this time, were going to talk about the gag order issue next. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space . Try the air wick way with Airway Essential Myth infused with natural Essential Oils to fill your mobile with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now thats a breadth of guys airway. Why choose asleep numbers, smart bad . Can i make my sayyed softer my side firmer . Sleep number. Does that now say 50 of them asleep Number Limited Edition smart bend plus free Home Delivery would you add an Adjustable Base shop. Now at sleep number dotcom how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home . Theres an easier way, dry airway, vibrant with two times more natural Essential Oils, but up to 120 days amazing fragrance pur, dual pack. Now, thats a breath of fresh air wick. Yeah, introducing neds plaque psoriasis, he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see. 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Ive tried before testimony started today, judge juan merchan rode donald trump, did violate the gag order in this case for the 10th time when he attacked the jury, my panels back with me lets talk about What Hogan Ghibli just said. Former Trump White House Deputy Press Secretary, because he had a lot of tough comments about well, Michael Cohen, but thats to be expected about judge merchan saying that he thought he was biased because hed given money to biden, which he had he gave donation and that his daughter is part for of a firm that makes millions of dollars for doughnut for democrats, which is i dont know about the Financial Wellbeing of the firm, but she works or affirm that helps democrats. Thats for sure what did you make of those arguments . You to well, i think appearance of conflict is important, so theres sort of a, you can either have the actual Conflict Of Interests or you can have an appearance a Conflict Of Interests. Judges do have to be concerned with that. And so based on probably more the daughters engagement, 35 cents, pretty small. There is an argument that he should have recused, but he didnt. And judges do have discretion about whether or not to do that generally, in our current environment i dont like the arguments that go after the judges and trying to find oh, this judge should recuse that. Judge should recuse. We have to at some point, have confidence that the system is going to work itself out, right . I mean, one of the judges, the judge in florida hearing the classified documents case, donald trump actually appointed her to the bench i mean right. I mean all right well, you can have that in all sorts of circumstances where judges are appointed by the particular precedent. So then would any federal judge. So you can think about the january 6 cases many january 6 cases have been heard by Federal Judges who were appointed by jan, by donald trump and president donald trump. And they have served honorably, fairly you make. When, i when i got hired by the justice department, im dating myself in 1989. I remember vividly i wont mention his name. He said when youre a federal prosecutor, you have to be pure than caesars wife if you. Apply that test to merge sean he probably you could make the argument. He probably should have recused but heres where the rubber meets to rhoad. He has bent over backwards with these gag orders. Hes done everything in his power to show he can be fair and impartial. I would argue hes treated mr. Trump to fairly violations for anyone else. Any other defendant by 30 closer 30 years, that person would have been in lockup after the fifth gag awda violation. So when they say he should have recused, he has done everything to benefit President Trump. But if you apply the pure than caesars wife test, the mission, maybe put a few apply that test to the United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas. He has an actual conference, so we only have a minute left. But one thing that interesting that you two have in common in addition to being amazing reporters, as youre both the children of judges, your dad was a federal judge. Your mom was one as well. What do you think . Well, lets start with you because you talked with your dad about whether michelle should recreate this yeah. I mean, look, hes not going to make the choice for someone else, but he did say that he would have probably recused himself just given the high profile nature because the daughter because it because of the daughter because the fact that it was being brought up and you have to remember that this is not just about a Conflict Of Interest in no way hey, shape or form. Did he imply that murdaugh maybe has a Conflict Of Interests, but its all about appearance of a Conflict Of Interest. And if theres an appearance, you also can bring that up in an appeal. And part of that is you never want your cases to be appealed and have you be part of that appeal process. So in this conversation, he said that he would have likely recused himself from that and what about your mom . My mother would not have recused herself because she thinks that im a separate person and she could she could judge. She would never have made even the 35 contribution to any Political Campaign or cause never would have happened. Thats an odd donation. I must have been like for a tshirt or Something Like that. Sounds right. Very interesting. Thanks so much for the panel. Much more of this big de in the husbandry cover up Trial Prosecutors saying just moments ago, they expect the case to go on for at least two more weeks. The other big story today, the ceasefire and hostage deal that israel is considering right now, we just learned its not the same. Kozol that israel helped craft. In recent weeks. So what exactly is on the table here . Thats next my moderate to severe plaque rice is held me back. Now with skype rizzi. 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