Court transcript former lawyer revealing new details about the Hush Money Payment been for the Adult Film Star, Keith Davidson, drawing connections between the deal and the 2016 president ial election, acknowledging he asked what have we done when trump won the defense seizing on davidsons history of Celebrity Clients with sensational cases in hopes of undermining his credibility. For the next hour, well take you inside the courtroom from gavel to gavel will break down todays most important developments and look ahead to whats next welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world im wolf blitzer with a Special Report in the Situation Room that trump trial today. De six of the testimony against donald trump wrapped up in New York City just a short while ago. Lets get right to the breaking news on what we learned the final witness of the De A Tech Analyst open the door for the prosecution to introduce a phone call involving trump into evidence. Cnns Kara Scannell is outside of the courthouse, would be york for us. Kara, tell us more about this recording and its significance. Well, if the jury heard several recorded conversations that were taken by Michael Cohen, trumps former attorney in this recording, cohen is speaking with former president and theyre discussing the 150,000 payment made to Karen Mcdougal. She is the former playboy model who alleged she had a monthslong affair with trump this is what the jury heard i need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend david yeah. So im going to do that right away. Id actually come about and ive spoken to Allen Weisselberg about and how to set the whole thing up with the funding that yes and its all the stuff all the stuff because you never know that company, never know what hes gonna be, correct. So im im all over that. And i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be hey, listen wont have to pay yourself if no woman on. I got no now wealth ultimately, the 150,000 was paid by american media, the publisher of the National Enquirer and was not coming out of trumps pocket. That was one piece of evidence. The prosecution to introduce today earlier, trumps attorneys were crossexamining Keith Davidson, the attorney for those women. They spent most of the morning trying to attack his credibility and suggests that he was trying to extort trump new details from a key witness. The exattorney of an Adult Film Star and playboy model, who brokered Hush Money Deals at the center of former president Donald Trumps criminal case. Getting ready to spend another day in the courthouse, which is bogus trial Keith Davidson, back on the stand on day ten of trumps trial, crossexamined by trumps attorney, who attempted to discredit davidson by painting him as a shady lawyer. Meanwhile, prosecutors tried to show how davidsons arrangement with a tabloid and trumps ex lawyer, Michael Cohen, to kill, to Bombshell Stories about trumps alleged affairs directly impacted the 2016 election. Trump denied hi is both affairs in his testimony, davidson recalled texting National Enquirer editor dylan howard on Election Night in 2016 as a results came in in favor of Trump Davidson said he texts howard, what have we done . Oh, my god. Howard replied davidson testified there was an understanding that our efforts may have in some way strike that. Our activities may have in some way assisted the president ial campaign of donald trump prosecutors played in Audio Recording of cohen saying, trump hates that they paid off Adult Film StarStormy Daniels. Cohen was heard saying, i cant even tell you how many times he said to me, i hate the fact that we did it. And my comment to him was but every person that youve spoken to tells you it was the right move . The payment and conspiracy of trumps involvement in daniels Hush Money Deal is the crux of the prosecutions case. Prosecutors also questioned davidson about daniel sitting down with jimmy kimmel in january 2018 before the interview, daniels and her attorney released a statement denying an alleged affair with trump, but hours later, she told kimmel it did it didnt look like her signature and you sign this letter that was released today i dont know. Wait a minute that you can say with like my signature does after davidson said cohen threatened to rein legal held down upon her, and threatened to sue daniels multiple times and saying, dont f with us, you dont know who your ethics in with later that year, daniel said she felt she had to sign the letter denying and a fair which she said was alive if it was untruthful why did you sign it because they made it sound like i had no choice throughout the sometimes testy crossexamination, trumps attorney, emile bove ease sought to paint davidson as untrustworthy. He zeroed in on a 2012 fbi investigation into possible extortion involving the selling a former wrestler Whole Colgan Sex Tape Davidson said he was not charged in connection to the case. Boves attempted to tie davidsons involvement with hogans alleged extortion plot to his Hush Money Deals for daniels and 40 her playboy model, Karen Mcdougal, bow vs davidson. If he goes right up to the line without committing extortion, davidson responded, i dont understand the question. After court, trump said hes pleased with how his team is doing. A long day in court is always very happy about the way things you know now, trump was mainly sitting still for a lot of the testimony, but when his lawyers were crossexamining Keith Davidson, he leaned forward, he looked toward in the direction of davidson, it seemed to be pairing paying close attention jurors throughout the day, even when it was more salacious testimony are some of the drier parts, they all seem pretty engaged. What . Between the monitor in front of them and their Heads Bobbing between the witness and the lawyers asking a questions that the das witness right now is a computer forensic analysts. He is expected to be back on the stand tomorrow where they will introduce some more records obtained from Michael Cohen cell phones both Kara Scannell outside the courthouse in new york for us. Thank you. I want to break down right now just released Trial Transcript with our legal and political experts, Elliot Williams is here elliott, Keith Davidson testified at length about his contacts with Michael Cohen, right . He did add a look. We all know that Michael Cohen looms large over these proceedings. Certainly came up a lot today and there was an Interesting Exchange about an interaction that the two of them had. So lets get right into it. So steinglass, Joshua Steinglass, the prosecutor, asks, after the election, did you continue to speak with Michael Cohen and davidson says, i did did well, did their Company Times during the month or two that followed the election when the topic of Stormy Daniels came up . Answer. Yes. Can you tell the jury a little bit about that . Cohen on pardon me, a dance after the election, Michael Cohen called me fairly frequently and there was one particular day it was on a weekend in middecember and this is the period of time after the election, but before donald trump had been sworn in as president , and it was, i think it was on a saturday morning and i was shopping for a holiday and i got a call from a very despondent and saddened Michael Cohen and i was added Department Store, which is a whole kind other story because it was sort of strangely decorated. The whole situation was very yeah that he was calling me and i was in a strangely decorated Department Store and it was a long phone colony told me he was depressed and despondent and he said that he used very colorful language about that stage of his life. Question, you are quoting. So you can repeat the language. Answer. He said something to the effect of jesus christ. Can you effing believe im not going to washington after everything ive done. Important there for that f thing guy, i cant believe im not going to washington. Ive saved that guys as so many times. You dont even know question. And did answer. And then im sorry. I didnt mean to interrupt you. Answer from davidson and then he made a reference to he said, you know, i never even got paid. He said that ethene guy is not even paying me the hundred and 30,000 back very interesting from the transcript will have more of that coming up on course khardori, what do you see the significance of that conversation between Keith Davidson, the lawyer, and Michael Cohen . Well, there are a few things i say theyre one is cohen clearly was on the outs with trump at this time, right . And thats a riff that of course grew over time. And so i think were going to see the defendant and say, look, colon has always had a motive to kinda smear trump and try to extract some revenge against him. Second, i think when you hear that that exchange, it becomes clear that cohen was really the Driving Force behind at least the mechanics behind the deal and that trump may have had little to no involvement in thats particulars of it. And we get that with the Audio Recording to im sure well get into and i think the third theme that i think was teased out today by the defense that is also addressed in that exchanges. Were dealing with a bunch of sleeves, margins, to be honest, these are not sympathetic people in the story at all. And i think that offense is going to want to emphasise besides that, because ctims and sympathetic people in these cases, someones interests that they can vindicate. And there is no ones interest of indicate here yet. Sarah mathews is with us as well. What do you see is the significance of this i am not sure if this trial is going to have much significance. Ill be honest. They think when youre looking at this case, a lot of this has already been known in the court of public opinion. A lot of people are aware that donald trump had this affair with Stormy Daniels and i dont know how many people are paying attention look voters often dont start paying attention until just a couple of months before the election. Usually at the end of the summer. And so i will say though that for those that are paying attention maybe we those voters who were on the fence about donald trump and maybe arent sure they really want to support him because they dont really like his character, but maybe they kind of like the policies a case like this that the forefront of their minds certainly doesnt help them with their with their image of donald trump. Look, he had an affair with a porn star and then tried to cover it up and mind you, this affair happened just days after his wife gave birth to their son so it could go both ways. I think that with his base theyre going to be hardened in their support for him. Its not going to make any difference. They have shown theyre going to stand by him no matter what, even if theres a conviction but for some voters, this could potentially persuade them is fair, is also around the same timeframe as the affair with Karen Mcdougal. If the sweep of Donald Trumps timeline here wolf, but to sarahs point, im not sure that were going to know the impact of this trial until there is a verdict. I dont think the the course of events out the trial that were covering day in and day out here is likely to shape much public opinion. I do think once there was a verdict, one way or the other, i think then we will have a stronger sense what the actual political impact here. I just want to note in listening to your very dramatic its of this. The fact that Michael Cohen ever thought he was going to washington in some big capacity as Attorney General or white house chief of staff, or Secretary Of State. I think he floated all of those things. Is beyond the realm of reality, even in a donald trump plan for an administration where it house council, white House Counsel because other thoughts, theres another part of the transcript that youre looking at is of interest, right . So one of the things that Kara Scannell had mentioned in her report at the top of this was that these relationships that are 11 are at the crux of the case. Prosecutors have to establish at least they happen, not just that they happen, but that conduct was done to suppress them from american voters. And there was an exchange regarding a statement made by Stormy Daniels that came up that she made. And so whats get into it right here so Joshua Steinglass, the prosecutor, asks, okay. Can you read for us the statement . This is a stormy daniel, a statement drafted for Stormy Daniels davidson sets to whom it may concern over the past few weeks, ive been asked countless times the comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship that i had with donald trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011 2016, 2017, and now again in 2018 i am not denying this a fair because i was paid quote, hush money as has been reported in overseas own tabloids im denying this a because it never happened, period. Next paragraph, i have no further comment on this matter, period please feel free to check me out on instagram at the Stormy Daniels and he says, excuse me, at the Stormy Daniels, Joshua Steinglass then asks mr. Davidson, how would you characterize the truthfulness of this statement davidson . I think its technically true question from steinglass, how do you explain that . Can you explain that . Can you explain how its true that it says an alleged sexual relationship which basically denies them having a sexual relationship. Is that right . Answer. Yes. Its question, how is that . How is that technically true answer or from davidson because i dont think that anyone had ever alleged that there was a relationship between Stormy Daniels, and donald trump . I believe their relationship is an ongoing interaction. Let me get on krister react to that. What do you think . I dont find that to be a terribly compelling defense of the statement that said shes repudiated that statement. Right. And the jury is gonna get to hear from her and theyre gonna be able to assess for themselves how seriously they should they should take that inconsistent statement its not great for her, but i think its something that the prosecutors can manage and potentially rehabilitate. Youd are david chang and these are clearly imperfect witnesses that the prosecution is calling to testify. Yeah. Because there is no perfect person in this entire scenario i mean, nothing about it is normal course of business for a president ial candidate seeking the highest office in the land. So while it might be normal course of business in other realms, it is not in that that realm. I do have one question for the lawyers here. I just what does so as davidson saying that this statement is true, the one that shes repudiated because i dont what is the point of him standing by the statement and they went on a little bit further in the trial today and theyre saying that it wasnt a relationship. It was an encounter. What does the word relationship . Shipments . Its bill clinton very literally. No it literally is depends on what the relationship is or what sexual relations with that woman mean. Because when you parse the legal definitions of the term, but can i just yeah, i completely agree with all of that, but i just want to add because remember, there are two lawyers on this jury right . That testimony is not particularly compelling, are credible. And again, it makes him unsympathetic. We also have of course, Michael Cohen having a recorded a conversation with client, also very unseemly, surreptitiously doing that. Some of this conduct i think is not going to sit well, at least with the lawyers who will know that this is not how youre supposed to conduct yourself i . Want to get your reaction, sara, something that trump posted on his social media site earlier today, y