Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

conspiracy and they cover up the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump now underway as trump's attorney or za'id, you and i'm quoting him here. there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election it was a hush of the courtroom today is the first witness took the stand in long time. confidante who helped trump catch and kill negative stories. and good now help make the former president, it convicted felon, and trump. meanwhile, relatively the quiet incorporate ranting outside court, attacking michael cohen, the widely expected star witness for the prosecution my source tonight is michael cohen's legal adviser, lael any davis, also just in trump, but a new interview talking about the jury, did he just violate a gag order? maybe again, i'm kaitlan collins. and this is the source course for the next six weeks or so prepared to expect the unexpected, speaking of which one very well trump saying that the first true de of his criminal trial well, in his view, we've been after the prosecution accused him of trying to cover up an affair with a porn star to influence the election even after they read his own words from the infamous access hollywood tape about being able to sexually assault women because he's famous. and even after one of his longtime confidence and a tabloid king took the witness stand, there were no outburst from trump and court today, but outside of the courthouse was a very different story. as two bookkeeping which is a very minor thing in terms of the law and calm as a lawyer representing a lot of people over the years. i'm not the only one and wasn't very good in a lot of ways. he puts in an invoice or whatever avail and they can make all a legal expense. i got indicted for that checks being paid to a lawyer. whoever heard of this, yet indicted for that actually, that's not at all what this case is about. here's how the prosecution put it to the jury today. they said it is about quote, falsifying business records with the intent to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of a presidential election. 34 counts of it and trump is of course, innocent until he is proven guilty. is lawyer told the jury today that he had nothing to do with any of the 34 pieces of paper that 34 counts exempt. he signed onto the checks and the white house while he was running the country sign of checks seems like kind of a big deal. and while he was running the country at that especially given that when trump was asked back then when i was covering the white house, so that he knew nothing about this payment at all 30 payment the prosecution, as they put it, says that this was all quote, election fraud pure and simple the defense. >> and i'm quoting trump's lead attorney here says there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy of course it is wrong if it's illegal, which is what all of this is about today. the first witness took the stand, a guy whose name you might be familiar with by now. if not, you certainly will be so in the coming weeks, david as the former publisher of the supermarket checkout line, tabloid, the national enquirer. >> and he has been granted immunity in this case. >> and prosecutors today put him on the stand as they argue that he helped orchestrate a so-called catch and kill steam scheme to control the public narrative about trump ahead of the 2016 election.& trump go back to the late 90s when actually put out a magazine for guests of trump properties called trump's style. he was really seen as a guardian of trump's image, issuing glowing covers of the national enquirer that made trump look good. and his rivals look bad. how could any of us forget the one about senator ted cruz falsely linking his father to jfk's assassination. and others falsely alleging affairs ted ted cruz actually to come out and deny that and called it himself a smear. prosecutors are alleging that what's at the heart of this was a three-pronged scheme. one, positive stories for trump to negative ones for everybody else. >> three, kill the stories that could hurt trump's campaign. >> that's what this trial is now centered on david is going to be back on the witness stand tomorrow. but when he stepped down from the jury box today, he actually smiled and said hi to the defense table where trump was seated. as he walked past we've done the best legal sources here tonight to suss out everything that happened today. jennifer rodgers is a former federal prosecutor and cnn legal analyst, arthur aye dala. and we're not us to be to veteran new york attorneys. and of course, judge show kohn visor for new york state supreme court justice, who is also friends and knows the judge overseeing this case. judge juan merchan john, jen before we get to everything that happened today, it was a lot. there's a comment from trump just now where he was talking about the jury in an interview, this is what he had to say. >> that's yogi was pick so fast, 95% democrats. the areas mostly all democrat. you think of it as just a purely democrat area. it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you one, what do you make of him commenting on the jury like that outside of court and to his legal team seem to think that they did pretty well and figuring out the jury here yeah. >> i think it is another violation of the gag order. the judge put certain strictures on different pieces of the gag order, like if you could only not talk about what this is, if it had to do with their participation in the case even more strictures on when it was a violation. if you talked about personnel and so on. but the juror is the judge basically said, you may not make public statements that relate to the jurors, period, full stop. so i think any talking about the jurors is violation of the gag order, which i think brings us to 12 violations for tomorrow's hearing. so we'll see judge marsha and does about that and you know, it's just wrong. i mean, jury-selection took a week in a six-week case. that's not at all unusual sure. >> those viewer on the table will agree. >> there's just no basis to this notion that it was too fast or unfair. >> so there are two jurors on the team who actually said pretty favorable things about donald trump one of the reasons why jury selection was so fast as judge merchan did something that is not typically done and i compliment them for it. he said that if any one year it can't be fair and impartial. just raise your hand and you're dismissed. that's not typical. >> normally, you go with them one time. >> why can't you be fair and impartial? and that's what takes a long amount of time. so once they got rid of those people both sides only get ten challenges you go through those pretty quickly and they did go through them pretty quickly. and i do agree with jennifer. i think talking about the jury is verboten. i don't think you're allowed to. i mean, he didn't say anything really like attacking them. we just said the democrats as a democratic area that democrats, and it was for trump's, that's an tech. i mean, well, okay. >> he's got a lot worse detects. they just accusing them as democrats. that's all, judge. what do you make of this? >> i have a few things i'd like to say. one is for the defendant to come out and say this is unfair because it's a democratic county, a democratic state, democratic area is kinda laugh well, in a sense, we do. arthur does renato does we try cases in this system, murder cases, rape cases. i'm going to say more than 90% of new yorkers don't like murderers and don't like rapist. but those individuals get fair trials in this county every day of the week. and you know what mr. defendant? if you don't want to be tried in your county, don't allegedly committed crimes in new york county. it's a little bit silly for him to come out and say that with respect to the issue on on whether or not there's a violation of the gag order. i agree with both of you that this is a violation. i think one of the problems that judge merchan is facing thank is quite frankly, if there's not a whole lot of places to go, $1,000 for each one. it's not much for a guy who owes let's say, 400 million. i don't even know at this point or put them in jail for a limited amount of time, which i assume no one really wants to do. so i don't think there's a lot of room for him yeah. that's obviously one of the first things that the judge is it's going to be hearing tomorrow. this may have just added fuel to the prosecutor's case, but we're not living. get your take gone what else is going to happen tomorrow, which is david returning to the witness stand and coming back. what did you make of the prosecution's choice and picking of the witnesses that we do expect to testified. stormy daniels, hope hicks, maybe michael cohen, of course. what do you make of the fact? if that they'd big david to go first, well, they want to set the table that's why they're bringing him out here. he's going to explain the overall scheme that this was something that was done over and over again. i think he's gonna be on the stand all day tomorrow. is the only witness we're going to see tomorrow. >> and then i don't think we're going to see michael cohen this week because i think they wouldn't want the defense to have over the weekend to kind of look through michael cohen's testimony and come up with additional cross. >> i'm not sure who we're going to have later in the week, but it kinda makes sense to call david. >> so they'd want a shorter window before the defense has to turn around and they're able to cross-examine michael coe. >> i think so. i think we're going to see michael cohen next week so they have to do something midweek they have to pounce on him the defense tomorrow whenever they stand up either tomorrow afternoon or i guess it would be thursday morning. and say basically the domestic is you're telling the jury is this prosecutor just stood here and said the conspiracy was between the defendant and michael cohen, who's not at that table. >> and mr. becker, who's not at that table, who wasn't charged and has a cooperation agreement. >> they gave him immunity. he's is guilty, if not more guilty, because he's in charge of the headlines. he's the one who creates the headlines or doesn't create that lies. and they gave him i get out of jail god he doesn't even have a charge behind him and he's got a cooperation it's full-blown immunity, and they have to exploit that to the hill. >> but what does that, how does that come across to the jury? i mean, how did they see hearing motivation, ally, he's got every motivation elijah little or no. you don't tell us what we want to hear on the prosecutor is subpoena you. i bring in my office you don't tell me what i want to hear. you're sitting next to donald trump at the table. you tell me what i do want here. i'm giving you full blown and immunity. you got that's why you could smile coming on and just how immunity works. i mean that they have to find someone to give them unity out like it's cotton candy. >> kevin, do i think you've had plenty of clients you've represented who are operationally get a cooperative he should agreement. they usually and better than anyone is a former federal prosecutor. they make you plead guilty and then they give you a cooperation agreement. so you have that guillotine hanging over your neck. they don't just give you a unity. >> here's the problem. david is not in charge of the trump organization's internal financial documents, nor is he a candidate who is obligations to file like federal campaign finance forms. he's not criminally responsible for this scheme in the way it's been the conspiracy and he also was fill right. a conspiracy with compassion kills. he is a great candidate for immunity. there's no way you get that guy to play due cooperation agreement. the fed's didn't either. that's why he's there. and i got to say if he is credible and his demeanor is good, he seems like a reluctant witness. jury's going to believe he is also someone who when the karen mcdougal payment was being made, he researched, is this a campaign finance contribution violation because he was worried that his corporation his entity paying that that would constitute once this is certainly something they had on the brain over that course the period of suppressing these stories. >> and i think that'll be part of the cross-examination clearly, he's a he's low-hanging fruit for across it for good cross examiner. but at the end of the day, when you look at who had something to gain here, it was the defendant more than mr. packer. >> problem is they're going to go after all these witnesses and they're going to say all have an ax to grind. everybody has an actor well, eventually you run out of axes and not everybody here is going to have a motive. and some of their stories are going to corroborate the stories of the people they say have motives. so it only takes you so far to say everybody is motivated to lie and david wanted trump to be president. >> he was someone who covered for trump when he was had the he went to trump and said, how can can i help your campaign? and this was how they came up with a way to help the campaign, right? >> right. i think one thing though, in the prosecution's opening statement that was kind of interesting, we still don't really know what the underlying crime is. i mean, did anybody catch that now it seems to be it's going to be a new york election law violation 17-152, which by the way, is a misdemeanor itself. >> so i wanted to have this conversation, but just for everyone who's watching at home and is like, what are you talking about i got a little rock, don't no, but it's important because when this was brought by, the district attorney last year, he there were essentially three potential underlying crimes. he didn't say which one it could be, but it seemed to me and tell me if i'm wrong from the prosecution's argument today that they thought that it relied on convincing them trump violated the state law that forbids conspiracy to promote or prevent an election. >> exactly. that's a statute i referred to that what they're referring to there is new york election law 17-152, which says if you use unlawful waffle means i don't know what the unlawful means are. i guess we'll find out, but a few is unlawful means to promote a candidate that, that in new york is an a misdemeanor. and so the theory is records were falsified, i guess the cover up this, a misdemeanor in new york state. >> i think this is the hard part of the case. what is that? other crimes they do not have to prove what that other crime is. just that with intent to defraud he entered or omitted with intent to commit another crime. they don't have to prove what that is, but it's a good idea if they do because the jurors will be looking for i talk about what it was like inside the courtroom as well today, would just the opening statements were being made in prosecutors objected several times during todd blanche is opening, which was probably half as shortages as the prosecutions was. and you know, this is just opening statements. i mean, is this a preview of what the next maybe six weeks however long this takes is going to look like. >> yeah, maybe it's unusual to object during an opening statement, lawyers try not to do it, but if the lawyer tries to sneak in something that's not allowed, which is what todd blanche did when he referred to michael cohen's having pleaded guilty to something and then tried to back off of that that was excluded by the judge and so starting to reference that as he did in the opening statement, is worthy of an objection& i do think we're going to have a very fraught objection series in this case because there's going to be a lot of really high-intensity, for example, and so least, thanks everyone for being here crazy day one, many more of them to come. soon enough. it is not going to be david on that stan, but another key witness, former trump attorney and fixer, michael cohen, who already went to prison in connection with this case, his lawyers tried to convince the jury today that he can't be trusted. my source disagrees. cohen's legal advisor as your next and later question, did trump violated his gag order even before the comment that he made tonight about the jury will talk about it with a former judge source with kaitlan collins? >> he's brought to you by up devo plus your boy find out more at up diva if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults, newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently. it helps 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hearing a lot about michael cohen, trump's former attorney, and it's personal fixer. of course, very different viewpoints what that testimony is going to mean and the impact of it. trump's attorney went with what you might call the mariah carey defense, saying that he's obsessed with trump. he's a criminal and it can't be trusted. on the other side though, prosecutors were linking michael cohen two key evidence backing up their argument that trump was part of a criminal conspiracy and a cover up in fact, the da's team told the jury they will here this surreptitious recording of trump and michael cohen talking about a hush money payment that was made to the playboy model karen mcdougal i need to open up a company before the transfer of walder back info regarding our friend he did so i'm going to do that right away. >> i'd actually come up back and i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with the funding yes and it's all the stuff jurors will hill here that later on in this trial, but joining me here tonight, michael cohen's former attorney, his current legal adviser, landy davies, who i should note, can't talk about the specifics of this case because it's on trial right now, but as known cohen for five years and is here tonight lane, it's great to have you have been by michael cohen side through all of his own legal troubles that he was dealing with and, you know, right out of the gate, trump's attorney was going after him saying he's not credible as a witness. what do you say about what he provides is a witness, what he could provide well, first of all, thank you for allowing me to have a personal comment on this interview and not do anything about the legalities or the testimony or the evidence i do believe we should remind ourselves and everyone that mr. trump is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt so that presumption of innocence guides me that to do nothing to influence or comment on the evidence. and that's up to the jury now. >> okay. but i just specifics and now what what do you make? m is as a credible witness he's number one, been found credible after scorching cross examination by the trump team during the new york attorney general's trial. and the judge judging found him to be credible secondly, i know him on a personal basis as a father, as a husband, as a friend and i think he's a person of great integrity who owned what he did for ten years when he did a lot of wrongdoing for mr. trump on his behalf at the direction and for the benefit of mr. trump, including all the lies that the defense team accused him of. that was not for his benefit. that was for mr. trump's benefit my own view as a personal opinion, and don't want to affect this evidence that the jury needs to hear is that he's a man of character& a man of integrity. >> so you seem to think that it's kind of a mistake to undermine or underestimate how he may come off to the jury when he's on the witness stand. >> well, to some extent, he has owned his mistakes in testimony before the country, even the world streamed in the house oversight committee in february of 2019. he started out his testimony by saying, i'm ashamed. i allied and i did wrong for mr. trump. and he owned that ten year history that says a lot and we'll say a lot to the jury when they have to decide and it's up to them. to decide, is it credible in addition, there will be other witnesses and other documents as you've mentioned, that they'll have to decide for themselves whether he's credible, but i do remind you that after being cross-examined by another set of lawyers judge engoron, in the new york supreme court found him to be credible. >> yeah, that was in the civil fraud case when the judges but out his judgment of that, we all we all read that one thing that trump's attorneys have been arguing is that he was just getting paid for legal work and for legal fees, and it reminded me today of something we actually asked to trump attorney about a few weeks ago, which was this moment from rudy giuliani when he was on tv when trump was in the white house and he was talking about as all of this was unfolding, what michael cohen was actually being paid for. and this is what rudy giuliani had to say publicly when i heard cohen's retained are 35,000 when he was doing no work for the president i said, but that's how it repaying that's how he's repaying it with a little profit and a little margin foot paying taxes for michael. he didn't know about the general arrangement that michael would take care of things like this does that wasn't that undermine it, mean he's saying he wasn't actually doing legal work for donald trump. well, again, i'm not going to comment on how the jury is going to view his own lawyer contradicting what he said today, that it was only about legal expenses, but i would remind everyone which in the public record by federal prosecutors who worked for donald trump's justice department they wrote on december 7, 2018, and a public document that these checks written while he was just sitting president to michael as mr. giuliani said, were reimbursements for what? for my cohen's advanced payment to stormy daniels. he didn't make that payment for his benefit. he did it. he believed for mr. trump's benefit. so that's got to be in minds of the jury and everybody else that's in the public record by federal prosecutors who would then working for the donald trump justice department. they were reimbursements as mr. giuliani said, not legal expenses. >> one bill barr was the attorney general, correct. so when when trump comes out today and he brings up michael cohen, just given how well you know, michael cohen. this is what trump said about him as he as he was leaving the courtroom she got in trouble for things that had nothing to do with me that a troubling went to jail. >> this had nothing to do with me you're basically saying, well, it was connected to donald trump so all i'm saying is we'd the public record. >> i will i don't want to say anything at all about that comment. by mr. trump i said he's entitled to a presumption of innocence and let the jury decide on the evidence. but i do want to remind everybody, watching michael cohen for the last five plus years that i've worked with him has been attacked. his family has been threatened. i know his family i know his children, and i know has michael has stood up in front of the world publicly and owned his mistake takes if he does that in front of a jury, i believe that what judge engoron decided, i hope that the jury will decide this is a credible man who has been through a lot & owned his mistakes, and that contrition adds to his credibility i think people are reading between the lines here, lady davis, great, great to have you want thanks for joining tonight. i really appreciate you. >> thank you. thank you, kate. >> and as we all know, this testimony is going to resume tomorrow, but before it does something that may have just gotten a whole lot more different, even just when those comments tonight, a hearing on whether trump violated his gag order, prosecutors are asking the judge to fine hat for attacking witnesses. will see if they folded his new comments about the jury that you just heard here on the source night more next the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday? at nine on cnn to test the toughness of the key is sorrento expo, and the key is sorrento turbo-hybrid we recreated some of the wettest spring hottest summer wendy is false it's, coldest winters all on one track to prove these three roe suv was built for the unstoppable yeah movement that inspires what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? >> 185, 169, or $155? >> same room. same service, just different prices it's, really up to you well, nobody asks you this a perception but that's exactly what trivago does. trivago compares hotel prices from hundreds of booking sites so save 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broadest, most reliable network of sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. healthy idea's take back day, april 27th i had to go montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn tomorrow, morning. a key hearing is going to happen before the trial resumes. >> at 11:00 a.m. judge juan merchan is going to consider accusations from prosecutors that trump violated his gag order by attacking key witnesses in this case and just tonight, a new comment from him in a new interview talking about not the witnesses, not the prosecutors, but the jury that she already was pick so fast, 95% democrats the areas mostly all democrat. you think of it as just a purely democrat area. it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you a big question right now is whether or not prosecutors will bring up that comment tomorrow. is they are already claiming trump violated the gag order, at least ten times, and they want to find him $1,000 each time he does so joining me tonight, retired, judge ladoris cordell is but 19 years on the bench in california? and then is now a source regular, judge? you know, i'm reading from the gag order directly right now and it says making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective jurors or any juror in this criminal proceeding is a violation of this gag order. what do you say if you're talking about the comedy made today? >> i think he's got a problem. they just saying, well, they're democrats, 95% itself doesn't seem like it's violating the order is just making a comment about demographics uneven. know that that's accurate. i think he's made it up but the point is he's sending a message to his maga base that who are not democrats said that this is bad, that these folks, 95% of them are bad. and so i think he has a big problem. it's not going to come up tomorrow. it's unlikely that it will because it isn't a part of the motion that's before the judge tomorrow, so they i think the prosecutor would have to file another motion about this particular violation okay. >> so for what does come up tomorrow, all of these statements of him and the witnesses, how do you believe the judge? what does the judge does do here? how does he decide on this? >> so tomorrow is a criminal proceeding. it take criminal contempt and that means that the prosecutor who was filed this motion is asking the judge to find beyond a reasonable doubt three things. and this is for each violation that there was a legitimate order, the gag order secondly, that donald trump had notice of it, had knowledge of it, which he did, and third, that he'd knowingly and willfully violated that order. so those are the three things that have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt for each violation. it's up to the judge. this is not a jury issue. it's up to the judge to determine if indeed those violations have been established beyond a reasonable doubt when that happens and should it happen. and i think it likely will, then the judge has three options the purpose of contempt is two deter conduct and also to punish the conduct that when the order is violated. so the judge can impose a fine in new york. it's up to $1,000 per violation. the judge can order jail time incarceration up to 30 days for each violation or put them together. so the maximum could be 300 days in jail if there are ten violations and then $10,000 total if you're watching this tonight and we've seen already how trump has handled this i mean, how does the judge realistically do that in this case? >> i mean, obviously, he's got a lot to balance here. and the way of how he handles this right so, the fi is easy and the fine is not going to be a deterrent at all. think th donald trump would go to his maga base and have them the money and pay it. the other issue is imprisonment incarceration in jail. and if the judge were to say okay, you're going to jail, that would delay the trial. it would just put a hold on it so my view and if i were the trial judge, hairiness and did find a violation, and i decided that incarceration would be the way to deter it. i think what i would do is stay any kind of sentence, maybe hold up on it until the end of the trial and then decide what kind of jail time i would impose.& a lot will depend upon how trump reacted during the course of the trial. so i could hold them in contempt and say i'm going to send you the jail and then wait until the end of the trial to impose a jail sentence. >> well, we know tomorrow what the judge decides yes. >> the judge will decide the contempt. i mean, that's why he's having the hearing and it's not going to be a long one. and by the way, it's a criminal proceedings. so donald trump has the right, against self-incrimination. he can take the fifth and not have to say anything or he could be he asked by the judge to explain why he posted on his website on social media. all of these things that are clearly in violation of the gag order judge ladoris hazard cordell. great to see you again, and we'll see what the judge decides tomorrow. thank you and of course, a lot of questions of the political implications of what all this is going to look like. >> also, another major case that is very clearly on the president's mind tonight the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn. >> did you know you you can save with good rx even if you have insurance amount of medicare had checked good rx because it can beat my copay. going to like that even if you have insurance, we've got our x cannot be saved another good reason to check, good rx what's a push of a button? constant contexts, ai tools help, you know what to say even when you don't constant contact, helping the small santo life is better with the credit god's on your side rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large? jen sugar ray leonard, you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves hi bert 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in is really getting meanwhile, back here in new york, trump was complaining today that is supporters weren't allowed to be closer to the courthouse to protest courts. we have been there on the ground multiple days. is this has been playing out only a small number of supporters were actually there joining me tonight, former deputy assistant president biden jamal simmons, and also seen as a political commentator, s. e. cupp. and as trump was on truth, social complaining that they couldn't get closer to the courthouse, which i should note is still open to the public essentially saying that's more of this plot that he has been claiming to undermine his campaign yeah. >> again, the victim hood and it doesn't have to be true. >> people were allowed to go. i mean, they were allowed to gather. they have done that before they were allowed to amass outside of the courthouse. i think people have just kinda moved on with their lives and don't really feel the need to go and do trump's like fandom during the today. and i know that really, really gets to him. >> i mean, it does affect the campaign trail because he's gotta be in the courthouse four days a week. we've seen some truncated days today and tomorrow, but on the aspect of robin, he was saying he wished he could be in florida campaigning. biden actually going to florida tomorrow. i mean, the biden campaign has been handling this by really putting biden now they're on the campaign controllable his trials, but underway. >> yeah. no sleepy joe has been busy, right listen, i i wonder why it is that he wants his camp, his campaign supporters would be so close. is this part of a does he want the jury to hear them chanting his name for the windows, like what is this going on? because it does feel like yes, his jury intimidation thing. right. and what he does is he raises the stakes on all of us and then dares people to try to stop them. and i think this is another one of those attempts to try to influence what's happening inside the courtroom, not just influencing what's happening on television, but also inside the courtroom, but why did he want people to go to the captain? get along january 6 what does he want? >> i mean, it's a pretty i think it's a pretty sinister desiring wants to go, he wants people to interfere. he wants people to intimidate other people on his behalf and maybe even change an outcome. >> well, i'm glad you bring up january. oh, go ahead because i'm going to talk about january 6. >> now, let's go to jail. i'll get there because i noticed something about at how they're spending their money. right. if you look at what they've done at the rnc campaign, trump campaign, the rnc, what they've done is they've closed these community centers, these community access centers around the country. they had 38 of them. they had they closed them down. the only got seven left now but what they're doing is they're hiring election integrity officers around the country's look at these election integrity directors in 15 states who are focused, not just on trying to get in the way or monitor elections on election day, but also collecting information for post-election legal action yeah. right. so this is not really a campaign. it seems as focused on winning the majority of the american people over to his sayyed as a campaign focused on how do we keep pressing the system to try to break it, to win, are getting him back into the white house. >>hat's testing. and it also reminds me of what liz cheney wrote in an op-ed today, because thother thing at trump is carly preoccued with, what's going to happen on thursday of this week when the prosecuted because he as tal cheney wte today in an op-ed saying that essentially if they don't rule, she doesn't think that they age with trump, but she's saying if they don't rule quickly on this, she says it cannot be that a president of the united states can attempt to steal an election and seize power. but our justice system is incapable of brinng him ttrial befo thnext electio four years later. yeah. >> well, yeah. and she obviously she was on their jan. sixth committee. she knows a the stuff d she knows the's more stuff that e public didn't get to hear she wants a full airg of all of that and she really thks it's important to do this bere the nt electiont i think wha's interesting if we're talking about republans and how they see all of this this week, both the hush money trial and the immunity trial. i have talked to republicans who believe it or not are relieved. these trials are finally here. you know why? because the last month they have had to defend the republican war on women. and theyhink that is worse they think it's easi to just still width tis about these trials. eemlcd gross, awful their own policies on abortion ivf, the arizona ban. >> i talked to one republican who said, we can't message that, we cannot message that. >> you're talking to republicans who are telling you really grateful that trump i'll is on trial analysts, they could talk about this case and i would brag imagine having to make this choice as the republican party, these two stories are a huge drag on the party and there's one person responsible for both of them, donald trump. >> you happier to talk about the president paying awfully porn star. >> then you more to talk about your own policies on abortion. that's how toxic, you know, they are. >> it is a wild state of affairs, but that's where the republican party's. i gotta tell you. i think that they're probably missing the boat on this. i hadn't experienced just tonight getting ready to come here. i'm getting my kids food in the kitchen as i'm trying to get dry lesson, do all the things. and the televisions on when my kids walk in the room and we're talking about porn stars and playboy in hush money. i had to hit the volume control as fast as possible to get the get the volume down, i got to believe all over america there are people who are being returned to a part of their lives. they thought was over and the idea that we have to go back to trump land where we're talking about national enquirer important stars, all these things all over again, that just doesn't feel like a place we ought is the biden campaign worried that if there's a hung jury or trump is a credit here, which even his team doesn't think is likely that it helps trump in hertz biden no, i don't think they're worried about that. it hurts trump in health. biden. i mean, it could it could help trump is from sin, do everything. but again, these reminding people about what happens when you get trump in your life, right? these are the things that you're going to have to matt manage and deal with your life if you've got four more years of this, i'm not sure they want to even melannie is just out selling that. let's she's not she's not even really participating that much. and the oldest was at a fundraiser over the weekend for logcat wrote republicans, who also as he can both as as trump isn't making his pitch to return to the white house as john was just noting, there are special programming note because this wednesday we have a source who was once inside the last trump white house, cassidy hutchinson is going to be here as this historic trial against her former boss unfolds wednesday night also a tale of two trump's up next, one on his best behavior in court, inventing outside of it, a question is, what are the next six weeks look like for him? >> will ask one of his former attorney attorneys the whole myth has to be re-imagined you didn't know whether you were next they were both yeah. >> yeah. i was called it makes saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history it went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah how. >> would. >> really happened with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn? this friday, making this wave must see booby of the spring arrives. >> i'll make kentucky when she's like you've never seen her before. >> you're saying i should be flattered it's intoxicating and hilarious why mine in your car, because you're stupid, stupid. i know. i'm just not as disturbed by it is you are an absolute blast not miss this movie challengers can i oh, maybe this friday. >> and alternative two pills, ball terrane is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly plea at the source, volterra and the joy of movement smile you found in the feeling of findings, psoriasis can filter out the real you. >> so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so take to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. >> once daily. so tick two was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too 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trump's man that we're all seeing. of course, is renting outside the courtroom, going in. and often when he's leaving. >> but when he's inside the courtroom, he has been relatively subdued at least for today and so far as this trial, as really just got underway today, being the first true de know outburst, no disruptions. >> he was often seen today passing notes and whispering to his attorneys when the prosecution was up for opening statements, we are told trump's stared at a screen showing a view of the courtroom essentially watching himself, watch the trial. want to bring in trump's former attorney, tim parlatore, who is joining us tonight and tim, as you are watching this you know, trump obviously is someone who likes to be in command of his schedule, his environment, his ability to respond to that environment. what do you think that these next few weeks are going to be like for him? >> no. i mean, i think they're going to be torture in every sense of the word because not only is he not in control, he has to sit there quietly let other people speak on his behalf where he's so used to getting up and speaking for himself and then he also has two basically sit down, stand up whenever the judge asked him to. and this is going to happen all day every single day. so i think it is, it is something that particularly for somebody of his stature is difficult experience to go through. >> yeah, it's also quite cold in that courtroom, which even reporters who were complaining about today. but as far as the arguments that you've heard from today, given you were on the trump legal team previously, todd blanche, who is the lead counsel on this, was arguing he was saying that there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election shani said that's democracy. i wonder if you had been in that courtroom today. if you were in that position, is that what you would have argued i don't disagree with the arguments cities made and i think one of the things that he's trying to get at here is that there is a difference between things that are illegal. >> and things that are maybe a moral. i mean, when we talk about these type of hush money payments to keep things out of the out of the view of the voters. that is something that people do all the time. and unfortunately, politicians often are dealing with that kind of thing. and people in positions of power like donald trump he's probably been having people come to him with these types of stories long before he got into politics very similar situation. >> yeah. >> and john edwards is argument was i did i paid this to protect my wife, my relationship with her essentially not template the election. >> but when you argue that it's democracy, i don't think anyone for teaching about democracy or help the elections work in the united states would say, yeah, this is just part of that well influencing an election as opposed to interfering an election. >> i mean, anytime a politician gets up and gives a speech anytime that there's a, an endorsement, anytime that you run a campaign ad that is meant to influence an election. so i mean, when you say it that way, influencing an election, it's democracy yeah, that's why we have debates. that's why we have tv. that's why we have all these different things. >> so i think there's a difference between influence and interfere and what do you believe this did did it influence or was it interference in the election honestly, i don't think it really had that much of an effect and don't forget at the time donald trump was saying that he could shoot people in the middle of fifth avenue and it wouldn't change things i don't think that anybody went into this thinking that donald trump was a, you know, a perfectly clean white night. >> yeah, but his campaign was melting down at the time because the access hollywood tape it come out, that's why they went back to stormy daniels and offered to pay her. but but on stormy daniels herself. what we do expect her to potentially take the stand. it was clear trump's team thinks that she's going to take this stay in they were kind of characterizing her as an opportunist and saying that she's bias. i wonder what you made of the effort to do that in their opening statements today, if you think that was wise i don't really see her as being a relevant witness to this case. i don't think you really need to attack her credibility. whatever she's going to testify about is something that's not really in dispute. you know, she she went and she said that she wanted to tell the story publicly she asked to get paid off. she got paid off and she didn't tell the story publicly at the time. that's not really in dispute. so i don't know what she's really going to add and therefore, what purpose there is to attack her credibility. >> do you think trump ultimately testifies here? >> what's your sense i don't think he should. we'll he obviously that's his choice that a decision that really comes down to the wire and based on how the trial has progressed up to that point of is it worth it is it worth taking the risk to have them testify or do they think that they've made their point without it? you think i personally would suggest that he probably should not. does it increase or decrease the chances of a conviction if he testifies? >> oh, i think it would significantly increase because if the jury disbelieves him on anything however small that's something they're going to hold against him. and be much more likely to convict ten parlatore got more questions for you. we'll be back with you and join you as we got much

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

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conspiracy and they cover up the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump now underway as trump's attorney or za'id, you and i'm quoting him here. there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election it was a hush of the courtroom today is the first witness took the stand in long time. confidante who helped trump catch and kill negative stories. and good now help make the former president, it convicted felon, and trump. meanwhile, relatively the quiet incorporate ranting outside court, attacking michael cohen, the widely expected star witness for the prosecution my source tonight is michael cohen's legal adviser, lael any davis, also just in trump, but a new interview talking about the jury, did he just violate a gag order? maybe again, i'm kaitlan collins. and this is the source course for the next six weeks or so prepared to expect the unexpected, speaking of which one very well trump saying that the first true de of his criminal trial well, in his view, we've been after the prosecution accused him of trying to cover up an affair with a porn star to influence the election even after they read his own words from the infamous access hollywood tape about being able to sexually assault women because he's famous. and even after one of his longtime confidence and a tabloid king took the witness stand, there were no outburst from trump and court today, but outside of the courthouse was a very different story. as two bookkeeping which is a very minor thing in terms of the law and calm as a lawyer representing a lot of people over the years. i'm not the only one and wasn't very good in a lot of ways. he puts in an invoice or whatever avail and they can make all a legal expense. i got indicted for that checks being paid to a lawyer. whoever heard of this, yet indicted for that actually, that's not at all what this case is about. here's how the prosecution put it to the jury today. they said it is about quote, falsifying business records with the intent to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of a presidential election. 34 counts of it and trump is of course, innocent until he is proven guilty. is lawyer told the jury today that he had nothing to do with any of the 34 pieces of paper that 34 counts exempt. he signed onto the checks and the white house while he was running the country sign of checks seems like kind of a big deal. and while he was running the country at that especially given that when trump was asked back then when i was covering the white house, so that he knew nothing about this payment at all 30 payment the prosecution, as they put it, says that this was all quote, election fraud pure and simple the defense. >> and i'm quoting trump's lead attorney here says there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy of course it is wrong if it's illegal, which is what all of this is about today. the first witness took the stand, a guy whose name you might be familiar with by now. if not, you certainly will be so in the coming weeks, david as the former publisher of the supermarket checkout line, tabloid, the national enquirer. >> and he has been granted immunity in this case. >> and prosecutors today put him on the stand as they argue that he helped orchestrate a so-called catch and kill steam scheme to control the public narrative about trump ahead of the 2016 election.& trump go back to the late 90s when actually put out a magazine for guests of trump properties called trump's style. he was really seen as a guardian of trump's image, issuing glowing covers of the national enquirer that made trump look good. and his rivals look bad. how could any of us forget the one about senator ted cruz falsely linking his father to jfk's assassination. and others falsely alleging affairs ted ted cruz actually to come out and deny that and called it himself a smear. prosecutors are alleging that what's at the heart of this was a three-pronged scheme. one, positive stories for trump to negative ones for everybody else. >> three, kill the stories that could hurt trump's campaign. >> that's what this trial is now centered on david is going to be back on the witness stand tomorrow. but when he stepped down from the jury box today, he actually smiled and said hi to the defense table where trump was seated. as he walked past we've done the best legal sources here tonight to suss out everything that happened today. jennifer rodgers is a former federal prosecutor and cnn legal analyst, arthur aye dala. and we're not us to be to veteran new york attorneys. and of course, judge show kohn visor for new york state supreme court justice, who is also friends and knows the judge overseeing this case. judge juan merchan john, jen before we get to everything that happened today, it was a lot. there's a comment from trump just now where he was talking about the jury in an interview, this is what he had to say. >> that's yogi was pick so fast, 95% democrats. the areas mostly all democrat. you think of it as just a purely democrat area. it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you one, what do you make of him commenting on the jury like that outside of court and to his legal team seem to think that they did pretty well and figuring out the jury here yeah. >> i think it is another violation of the gag order. the judge put certain strictures on different pieces of the gag order, like if you could only not talk about what this is, if it had to do with their participation in the case even more strictures on when it was a violation. if you talked about personnel and so on. but the juror is the judge basically said, you may not make public statements that relate to the jurors, period, full stop. so i think any talking about the jurors is violation of the gag order, which i think brings us to 12 violations for tomorrow's hearing. so we'll see judge marsha and does about that and you know, it's just wrong. i mean, jury-selection took a week in a six-week case. that's not at all unusual sure. >> those viewer on the table will agree. >> there's just no basis to this notion that it was too fast or unfair. >> so there are two jurors on the team who actually said pretty favorable things about donald trump one of the reasons why jury selection was so fast as judge merchan did something that is not typically done and i compliment them for it. he said that if any one year it can't be fair and impartial. just raise your hand and you're dismissed. that's not typical. >> normally, you go with them one time. >> why can't you be fair and impartial? and that's what takes a long amount of time. so once they got rid of those people both sides only get ten challenges you go through those pretty quickly and they did go through them pretty quickly. and i do agree with jennifer. i think talking about the jury is verboten. i don't think you're allowed to. i mean, he didn't say anything really like attacking them. we just said the democrats as a democratic area that democrats, and it was for trump's, that's an tech. i mean, well, okay. >> he's got a lot worse detects. they just accusing them as democrats. that's all, judge. what do you make of this? >> i have a few things i'd like to say. one is for the defendant to come out and say this is unfair because it's a democratic county, a democratic state, democratic area is kinda laugh well, in a sense, we do. arthur does renato does we try cases in this system, murder cases, rape cases. i'm going to say more than 90% of new yorkers don't like murderers and don't like rapist. but those individuals get fair trials in this county every day of the week. and you know what mr. defendant? if you don't want to be tried in your county, don't allegedly committed crimes in new york county. it's a little bit silly for him to come out and say that with respect to the issue on on whether or not there's a violation of the gag order. i agree with both of you that this is a violation. i think one of the problems that judge merchan is facing thank is quite frankly, if there's not a whole lot of places to go, $1,000 for each one. it's not much for a guy who owes let's say, 400 million. i don't even know at this point or put them in jail for a limited amount of time, which i assume no one really wants to do. so i don't think there's a lot of room for him yeah. that's obviously one of the first things that the judge is it's going to be hearing tomorrow. this may have just added fuel to the prosecutor's case, but we're not living. get your take gone what else is going to happen tomorrow, which is david returning to the witness stand and coming back. what did you make of the prosecution's choice and picking of the witnesses that we do expect to testified. stormy daniels, hope hicks, maybe michael cohen, of course. what do you make of the fact? if that they'd big david to go first, well, they want to set the table that's why they're bringing him out here. he's going to explain the overall scheme that this was something that was done over and over again. i think he's gonna be on the stand all day tomorrow. is the only witness we're going to see tomorrow. >> and then i don't think we're going to see michael cohen this week because i think they wouldn't want the defense to have over the weekend to kind of look through michael cohen's testimony and come up with additional cross. >> i'm not sure who we're going to have later in the week, but it kinda makes sense to call david. >> so they'd want a shorter window before the defense has to turn around and they're able to cross-examine michael coe. >> i think so. i think we're going to see michael cohen next week so they have to do something midweek they have to pounce on him the defense tomorrow whenever they stand up either tomorrow afternoon or i guess it would be thursday morning. and say basically the domestic is you're telling the jury is this prosecutor just stood here and said the conspiracy was between the defendant and michael cohen, who's not at that table. >> and mr. becker, who's not at that table, who wasn't charged and has a cooperation agreement. >> they gave him immunity. he's is guilty, if not more guilty, because he's in charge of the headlines. he's the one who creates the headlines or doesn't create that lies. and they gave him i get out of jail god he doesn't even have a charge behind him and he's got a cooperation it's full-blown immunity, and they have to exploit that to the hill. >> but what does that, how does that come across to the jury? i mean, how did they see hearing motivation, ally, he's got every motivation elijah little or no. you don't tell us what we want to hear on the prosecutor is subpoena you. i bring in my office you don't tell me what i want to hear. you're sitting next to donald trump at the table. you tell me what i do want here. i'm giving you full blown and immunity. you got that's why you could smile coming on and just how immunity works. i mean that they have to find someone to give them unity out like it's cotton candy. >> kevin, do i think you've had plenty of clients you've represented who are operationally get a cooperative he should agreement. they usually and better than anyone is a former federal prosecutor. they make you plead guilty and then they give you a cooperation agreement. so you have that guillotine hanging over your neck. they don't just give you a unity. >> here's the problem. david is not in charge of the trump organization's internal financial documents, nor is he a candidate who is obligations to file like federal campaign finance forms. he's not criminally responsible for this scheme in the way it's been the conspiracy and he also was fill right. a conspiracy with compassion kills. he is a great candidate for immunity. there's no way you get that guy to play due cooperation agreement. the fed's didn't either. that's why he's there. and i got to say if he is credible and his demeanor is good, he seems like a reluctant witness. jury's going to believe he is also someone who when the karen mcdougal payment was being made, he researched, is this a campaign finance contribution violation because he was worried that his corporation his entity paying that that would constitute once this is certainly something they had on the brain over that course the period of suppressing these stories. >> and i think that'll be part of the cross-examination clearly, he's a he's low-hanging fruit for across it for good cross examiner. but at the end of the day, when you look at who had something to gain here, it was the defendant more than mr. packer. >> problem is they're going to go after all these witnesses and they're going to say all have an ax to grind. everybody has an actor well, eventually you run out of axes and not everybody here is going to have a motive. and some of their stories are going to corroborate the stories of the people they say have motives. so it only takes you so far to say everybody is motivated to lie and david wanted trump to be president. >> he was someone who covered for trump when he was had the he went to trump and said, how can can i help your campaign? and this was how they came up with a way to help the campaign, right? >> right. i think one thing though, in the prosecution's opening statement that was kind of interesting, we still don't really know what the underlying crime is. i mean, did anybody catch that now it seems to be it's going to be a new york election law violation 17-152, which by the way, is a misdemeanor itself. >> so i wanted to have this conversation, but just for everyone who's watching at home and is like, what are you talking about i got a little rock, don't no, but it's important because when this was brought by, the district attorney last year, he there were essentially three potential underlying crimes. he didn't say which one it could be, but it seemed to me and tell me if i'm wrong from the prosecution's argument today that they thought that it relied on convincing them trump violated the state law that forbids conspiracy to promote or prevent an election. >> exactly. that's a statute i referred to that what they're referring to there is new york election law 17-152, which says if you use unlawful waffle means i don't know what the unlawful means are. i guess we'll find out, but a few is unlawful means to promote a candidate that, that in new york is an a misdemeanor. and so the theory is records were falsified, i guess the cover up this, a misdemeanor in new york state. >> i think this is the hard part of the case. what is that? other crimes they do not have to prove what that other crime is. just that with intent to defraud he entered or omitted with intent to commit another crime. they don't have to prove what that is, but it's a good idea if they do because the jurors will be looking for i talk about what it was like inside the courtroom as well today, would just the opening statements were being made in prosecutors objected several times during todd blanche is opening, which was probably half as shortages as the prosecutions was. and you know, this is just opening statements. i mean, is this a preview of what the next maybe six weeks however long this takes is going to look like. >> yeah, maybe it's unusual to object during an opening statement, lawyers try not to do it, but if the lawyer tries to sneak in something that's not allowed, which is what todd blanche did when he referred to michael cohen's having pleaded guilty to something and then tried to back off of that that was excluded by the judge and so starting to reference that as he did in the opening statement, is worthy of an objection& i do think we're going to have a very fraught objection series in this case because there's going to be a lot of really high-intensity, for example, and so least, thanks everyone for being here crazy day one, many more of them to come. soon enough. it is not going to be david on that stan, but another key witness, former trump attorney and fixer, michael cohen, who already went to prison in connection with this case, his lawyers tried to convince the jury today that he can't be trusted. my source disagrees. cohen's legal advisor as your next and later question, did trump violated his gag order even before the comment that he made tonight about the jury will talk about it with a former judge source with kaitlan collins? >> he's brought to you by up devo plus your boy find out more at up diva if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults, newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently. it helps 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hearing a lot about michael cohen, trump's former attorney, and it's personal fixer. of course, very different viewpoints what that testimony is going to mean and the impact of it. trump's attorney went with what you might call the mariah carey defense, saying that he's obsessed with trump. he's a criminal and it can't be trusted. on the other side though, prosecutors were linking michael cohen two key evidence backing up their argument that trump was part of a criminal conspiracy and a cover up in fact, the da's team told the jury they will here this surreptitious recording of trump and michael cohen talking about a hush money payment that was made to the playboy model karen mcdougal i need to open up a company before the transfer of walder back info regarding our friend he did so i'm going to do that right away. >> i'd actually come up back and i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with the funding yes and it's all the stuff jurors will hill here that later on in this trial, but joining me here tonight, michael cohen's former attorney, his current legal adviser, landy davies, who i should note, can't talk about the specifics of this case because it's on trial right now, but as known cohen for five years and is here tonight lane, it's great to have you have been by michael cohen side through all of his own legal troubles that he was dealing with and, you know, right out of the gate, trump's attorney was going after him saying he's not credible as a witness. what do you say about what he provides is a witness, what he could provide well, first of all, thank you for allowing me to have a personal comment on this interview and not do anything about the legalities or the testimony or the evidence i do believe we should remind ourselves and everyone that mr. trump is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt so that presumption of innocence guides me that to do nothing to influence or comment on the evidence. and that's up to the jury now. >> okay. but i just specifics and now what what do you make? m is as a credible witness he's number one, been found credible after scorching cross examination by the trump team during the new york attorney general's trial. and the judge judging found him to be credible secondly, i know him on a personal basis as a father, as a husband, as a friend and i think he's a person of great integrity who owned what he did for ten years when he did a lot of wrongdoing for mr. trump on his behalf at the direction and for the benefit of mr. trump, including all the lies that the defense team accused him of. that was not for his benefit. that was for mr. trump's benefit my own view as a personal opinion, and don't want to affect this evidence that the jury needs to hear is that he's a man of character& a man of integrity. >> so you seem to think that it's kind of a mistake to undermine or underestimate how he may come off to the jury when he's on the witness stand. >> well, to some extent, he has owned his mistakes in testimony before the country, even the world streamed in the house oversight committee in february of 2019. he started out his testimony by saying, i'm ashamed. i allied and i did wrong for mr. trump. and he owned that ten year history that says a lot and we'll say a lot to the jury when they have to decide and it's up to them. to decide, is it credible in addition, there will be other witnesses and other documents as you've mentioned, that they'll have to decide for themselves whether he's credible, but i do remind you that after being cross-examined by another set of lawyers judge engoron, in the new york supreme court found him to be credible. >> yeah, that was in the civil fraud case when the judges but out his judgment of that, we all we all read that one thing that trump's attorneys have been arguing is that he was just getting paid for legal work and for legal fees, and it reminded me today of something we actually asked to trump attorney about a few weeks ago, which was this moment from rudy giuliani when he was on tv when trump was in the white house and he was talking about as all of this was unfolding, what michael cohen was actually being paid for. and this is what rudy giuliani had to say publicly when i heard cohen's retained are 35,000 when he was doing no work for the president i said, but that's how it repaying that's how he's repaying it with a little profit and a little margin foot paying taxes for michael. he didn't know about the general arrangement that michael would take care of things like this does that wasn't that undermine it, mean he's saying he wasn't actually doing legal work for donald trump. well, again, i'm not going to comment on how the jury is going to view his own lawyer contradicting what he said today, that it was only about legal expenses, but i would remind everyone which in the public record by federal prosecutors who worked for donald trump's justice department they wrote on december 7, 2018, and a public document that these checks written while he was just sitting president to michael as mr. giuliani said, were reimbursements for what? for my cohen's advanced payment to stormy daniels. he didn't make that payment for his benefit. he did it. he believed for mr. trump's benefit. so that's got to be in minds of the jury and everybody else that's in the public record by federal prosecutors who would then working for the donald trump justice department. they were reimbursements as mr. giuliani said, not legal expenses. >> one bill barr was the attorney general, correct. so when when trump comes out today and he brings up michael cohen, just given how well you know, michael cohen. this is what trump said about him as he as he was leaving the courtroom she got in trouble for things that had nothing to do with me that a troubling went to jail. >> this had nothing to do with me you're basically saying, well, it was connected to donald trump so all i'm saying is we'd the public record. >> i will i don't want to say anything at all about that comment. by mr. trump i said he's entitled to a presumption of innocence and let the jury decide on the evidence. but i do want to remind everybody, watching michael cohen for the last five plus years that i've worked with him has been attacked. his family has been threatened. i know his family i know his children, and i know has michael has stood up in front of the world publicly and owned his mistake takes if he does that in front of a jury, i believe that what judge engoron decided, i hope that the jury will decide this is a credible man who has been through a lot & owned his mistakes, and that contrition adds to his credibility i think people are reading between the lines here, lady davis, great, great to have you want thanks for joining tonight. i really appreciate you. >> thank you. thank you, kate. >> and as we all know, this testimony is going to resume tomorrow, but before it does something that may have just gotten a whole lot more different, even just when those comments tonight, a hearing on whether trump violated his gag order, prosecutors are asking the judge to fine hat for attacking witnesses. will see if they folded his new comments about the jury that you just heard here on the source night more next the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday? at nine on cnn to test the toughness of the key is sorrento expo, and the key is sorrento turbo-hybrid we recreated some of the wettest spring hottest summer wendy is false it's, coldest winters all on one track to prove these three roe suv was built for the unstoppable yeah movement that inspires what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? >> 185, 169, or $155? >> same room. same service, just different prices it's, really up to you well, nobody asks you this a perception but that's exactly what trivago does. trivago compares hotel prices from hundreds of booking sites so save 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broadest, most reliable network of sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. healthy idea's take back day, april 27th i had to go montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn tomorrow, morning. a key hearing is going to happen before the trial resumes. >> at 11:00 a.m. judge juan merchan is going to consider accusations from prosecutors that trump violated his gag order by attacking key witnesses in this case and just tonight, a new comment from him in a new interview talking about not the witnesses, not the prosecutors, but the jury that she already was pick so fast, 95% democrats the areas mostly all democrat. you think of it as just a purely democrat area. it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you a big question right now is whether or not prosecutors will bring up that comment tomorrow. is they are already claiming trump violated the gag order, at least ten times, and they want to find him $1,000 each time he does so joining me tonight, retired, judge ladoris cordell is but 19 years on the bench in california? and then is now a source regular, judge? you know, i'm reading from the gag order directly right now and it says making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective jurors or any juror in this criminal proceeding is a violation of this gag order. what do you say if you're talking about the comedy made today? >> i think he's got a problem. they just saying, well, they're democrats, 95% itself doesn't seem like it's violating the order is just making a comment about demographics uneven. know that that's accurate. i think he's made it up but the point is he's sending a message to his maga base that who are not democrats said that this is bad, that these folks, 95% of them are bad. and so i think he has a big problem. it's not going to come up tomorrow. it's unlikely that it will because it isn't a part of the motion that's before the judge tomorrow, so they i think the prosecutor would have to file another motion about this particular violation okay. >> so for what does come up tomorrow, all of these statements of him and the witnesses, how do you believe the judge? what does the judge does do here? how does he decide on this? >> so tomorrow is a criminal proceeding. it take criminal contempt and that means that the prosecutor who was filed this motion is asking the judge to find beyond a reasonable doubt three things. and this is for each violation that there was a legitimate order, the gag order secondly, that donald trump had notice of it, had knowledge of it, which he did, and third, that he'd knowingly and willfully violated that order. so those are the three things that have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt for each violation. it's up to the judge. this is not a jury issue. it's up to the judge to determine if indeed those violations have been established beyond a reasonable doubt when that happens and should it happen. and i think it likely will, then the judge has three options the purpose of contempt is two deter conduct and also to punish the conduct that when the order is violated. so the judge can impose a fine in new york. it's up to $1,000 per violation. the judge can order jail time incarceration up to 30 days for each violation or put them together. so the maximum could be 300 days in jail if there are ten violations and then $10,000 total if you're watching this tonight and we've seen already how trump has handled this i mean, how does the judge realistically do that in this case? >> i mean, obviously, he's got a lot to balance here. and the way of how he handles this right so, the fi is easy and the fine is not going to be a deterrent at all. think th donald trump would go to his maga base and have them the money and pay it. the other issue is imprisonment incarceration in jail. and if the judge were to say okay, you're going to jail, that would delay the trial. it would just put a hold on it so my view and if i were the trial judge, hairiness and did find a violation, and i decided that incarceration would be the way to deter it. i think what i would do is stay any kind of sentence, maybe hold up on it until the end of the trial and then decide what kind of jail time i would impose.& a lot will depend upon how trump reacted during the course of the trial. so i could hold them in contempt and say i'm going to send you the jail and then wait until the end of the trial to impose a jail sentence. >> well, we know tomorrow what the judge decides yes. >> the judge will decide the contempt. i mean, that's why he's having the hearing and it's not going to be a long one. and by the way, it's a criminal proceedings. so donald trump has the right, against self-incrimination. he can take the fifth and not have to say anything or he could be he asked by the judge to explain why he posted on his website on social media. all of these things that are clearly in violation of the gag order judge ladoris hazard cordell. great to see you again, and we'll see what the judge decides tomorrow. thank you and of course, a lot of questions of the political implications of what all this is going to look like. >> also, another major case that is very clearly on the president's mind tonight the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn. >> did you know you you can save with good rx even if you have insurance amount of medicare had checked good rx because it can beat my copay. going to like that even if you have insurance, we've got our x cannot be saved another good reason to check, good rx what's a push of a button? constant contexts, ai tools help, you know what to say even when you don't constant contact, helping the small santo life is better with the credit god's on your side rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large? jen sugar ray leonard, you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves hi bert 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in is really getting meanwhile, back here in new york, trump was complaining today that is supporters weren't allowed to be closer to the courthouse to protest courts. we have been there on the ground multiple days. is this has been playing out only a small number of supporters were actually there joining me tonight, former deputy assistant president biden jamal simmons, and also seen as a political commentator, s. e. cupp. and as trump was on truth, social complaining that they couldn't get closer to the courthouse, which i should note is still open to the public essentially saying that's more of this plot that he has been claiming to undermine his campaign yeah. >> again, the victim hood and it doesn't have to be true. >> people were allowed to go. i mean, they were allowed to gather. they have done that before they were allowed to amass outside of the courthouse. i think people have just kinda moved on with their lives and don't really feel the need to go and do trump's like fandom during the today. and i know that really, really gets to him. >> i mean, it does affect the campaign trail because he's gotta be in the courthouse four days a week. we've seen some truncated days today and tomorrow, but on the aspect of robin, he was saying he wished he could be in florida campaigning. biden actually going to florida tomorrow. i mean, the biden campaign has been handling this by really putting biden now they're on the campaign controllable his trials, but underway. >> yeah. no sleepy joe has been busy, right listen, i i wonder why it is that he wants his camp, his campaign supporters would be so close. is this part of a does he want the jury to hear them chanting his name for the windows, like what is this going on? because it does feel like yes, his jury intimidation thing. right. and what he does is he raises the stakes on all of us and then dares people to try to stop them. and i think this is another one of those attempts to try to influence what's happening inside the courtroom, not just influencing what's happening on television, but also inside the courtroom, but why did he want people to go to the captain? get along january 6 what does he want? >> i mean, it's a pretty i think it's a pretty sinister desiring wants to go, he wants people to interfere. he wants people to intimidate other people on his behalf and maybe even change an outcome. >> well, i'm glad you bring up january. oh, go ahead because i'm going to talk about january 6. >> now, let's go to jail. i'll get there because i noticed something about at how they're spending their money. right. if you look at what they've done at the rnc campaign, trump campaign, the rnc, what they've done is they've closed these community centers, these community access centers around the country. they had 38 of them. they had they closed them down. the only got seven left now but what they're doing is they're hiring election integrity officers around the country's look at these election integrity directors in 15 states who are focused, not just on trying to get in the way or monitor elections on election day, but also collecting information for post-election legal action yeah. right. so this is not really a campaign. it seems as focused on winning the majority of the american people over to his sayyed as a campaign focused on how do we keep pressing the system to try to break it, to win, are getting him back into the white house. >>hat's testing. and it also reminds me of what liz cheney wrote in an op-ed today, because thother thing at trump is carly preoccued with, what's going to happen on thursday of this week when the prosecuted because he as tal cheney wte today in an op-ed saying that essentially if they don't rule, she doesn't think that they age with trump, but she's saying if they don't rule quickly on this, she says it cannot be that a president of the united states can attempt to steal an election and seize power. but our justice system is incapable of brinng him ttrial befo thnext electio four years later. yeah. >> well, yeah. and she obviously she was on their jan. sixth committee. she knows a the stuff d she knows the's more stuff that e public didn't get to hear she wants a full airg of all of that and she really thks it's important to do this bere the nt electiont i think wha's interesting if we're talking about republans and how they see all of this this week, both the hush money trial and the immunity trial. i have talked to republicans who believe it or not are relieved. these trials are finally here. you know why? because the last month they have had to defend the republican war on women. and theyhink that is worse they think it's easi to just still width tis about these trials. eemlcd gross, awful their own policies on abortion ivf, the arizona ban. >> i talked to one republican who said, we can't message that, we cannot message that. >> you're talking to republicans who are telling you really grateful that trump i'll is on trial analysts, they could talk about this case and i would brag imagine having to make this choice as the republican party, these two stories are a huge drag on the party and there's one person responsible for both of them, donald trump. >> you happier to talk about the president paying awfully porn star. >> then you more to talk about your own policies on abortion. that's how toxic, you know, they are. >> it is a wild state of affairs, but that's where the republican party's. i gotta tell you. i think that they're probably missing the boat on this. i hadn't experienced just tonight getting ready to come here. i'm getting my kids food in the kitchen as i'm trying to get dry lesson, do all the things. and the televisions on when my kids walk in the room and we're talking about porn stars and playboy in hush money. i had to hit the volume control as fast as possible to get the get the volume down, i got to believe all over america there are people who are being returned to a part of their lives. they thought was over and the idea that we have to go back to trump land where we're talking about national enquirer important stars, all these things all over again, that just doesn't feel like a place we ought is the biden campaign worried that if there's a hung jury or trump is a credit here, which even his team doesn't think is likely that it helps trump in hertz biden no, i don't think they're worried about that. it hurts trump in health. biden. i mean, it could it could help trump is from sin, do everything. but again, these reminding people about what happens when you get trump in your life, right? these are the things that you're going to have to matt manage and deal with your life if you've got four more years of this, i'm not sure they want to even melannie is just out selling that. let's she's not she's not even really participating that much. and the oldest was at a fundraiser over the weekend for logcat wrote republicans, who also as he can both as as trump isn't making his pitch to return to the white house as john was just noting, there are special programming note because this wednesday we have a source who was once inside the last trump white house, cassidy hutchinson is going to be here as this historic trial against her former boss unfolds wednesday night also a tale of two trump's up next, one on his best behavior in court, inventing outside of it, a question is, what are the next six weeks look like for him? >> will ask one of his former attorney attorneys the whole myth has to be re-imagined you didn't know whether you were next they were both yeah. >> yeah. i was called it makes saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history it went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah how. >> would. >> really happened with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn? this friday, making this wave must see booby of the spring arrives. >> i'll make kentucky when she's like you've never seen her before. >> you're saying i should be flattered it's intoxicating and hilarious why mine in your car, because you're stupid, stupid. i know. i'm just not as disturbed by it is you are an absolute blast not miss this movie challengers can i oh, maybe this friday. >> and alternative two pills, ball terrane is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly plea at the source, volterra and the joy of movement smile you found in the feeling of findings, psoriasis can filter out the real you. >> so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so take to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. >> once daily. so tick two was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too 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trump's man that we're all seeing. of course, is renting outside the courtroom, going in. and often when he's leaving. >> but when he's inside the courtroom, he has been relatively subdued at least for today and so far as this trial, as really just got underway today, being the first true de know outburst, no disruptions. >> he was often seen today passing notes and whispering to his attorneys when the prosecution was up for opening statements, we are told trump's stared at a screen showing a view of the courtroom essentially watching himself, watch the trial. want to bring in trump's former attorney, tim parlatore, who is joining us tonight and tim, as you are watching this you know, trump obviously is someone who likes to be in command of his schedule, his environment, his ability to respond to that environment. what do you think that these next few weeks are going to be like for him? >> no. i mean, i think they're going to be torture in every sense of the word because not only is he not in control, he has to sit there quietly let other people speak on his behalf where he's so used to getting up and speaking for himself and then he also has two basically sit down, stand up whenever the judge asked him to. and this is going to happen all day every single day. so i think it is, it is something that particularly for somebody of his stature is difficult experience to go through. >> yeah, it's also quite cold in that courtroom, which even reporters who were complaining about today. but as far as the arguments that you've heard from today, given you were on the trump legal team previously, todd blanche, who is the lead counsel on this, was arguing he was saying that there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election shani said that's democracy. i wonder if you had been in that courtroom today. if you were in that position, is that what you would have argued i don't disagree with the arguments cities made and i think one of the things that he's trying to get at here is that there is a difference between things that are illegal. >> and things that are maybe a moral. i mean, when we talk about these type of hush money payments to keep things out of the out of the view of the voters. that is something that people do all the time. and unfortunately, politicians often are dealing with that kind of thing. and people in positions of power like donald trump he's probably been having people come to him with these types of stories long before he got into politics very similar situation. >> yeah. >> and john edwards is argument was i did i paid this to protect my wife, my relationship with her essentially not template the election. >> but when you argue that it's democracy, i don't think anyone for teaching about democracy or help the elections work in the united states would say, yeah, this is just part of that well influencing an election as opposed to interfering an election. >> i mean, anytime a politician gets up and gives a speech anytime that there's a, an endorsement, anytime that you run a campaign ad that is meant to influence an election. so i mean, when you say it that way, influencing an election, it's democracy yeah, that's why we have debates. that's why we have tv. that's why we have all these different things. >> so i think there's a difference between influence and interfere and what do you believe this did did it influence or was it interference in the election honestly, i don't think it really had that much of an effect and don't forget at the time donald trump was saying that he could shoot people in the middle of fifth avenue and it wouldn't change things i don't think that anybody went into this thinking that donald trump was a, you know, a perfectly clean white night. >> yeah, but his campaign was melting down at the time because the access hollywood tape it come out, that's why they went back to stormy daniels and offered to pay her. but but on stormy daniels herself. what we do expect her to potentially take the stand. it was clear trump's team thinks that she's going to take this stay in they were kind of characterizing her as an opportunist and saying that she's bias. i wonder what you made of the effort to do that in their opening statements today, if you think that was wise i don't really see her as being a relevant witness to this case. i don't think you really need to attack her credibility. whatever she's going to testify about is something that's not really in dispute. you know, she she went and she said that she wanted to tell the story publicly she asked to get paid off. she got paid off and she didn't tell the story publicly at the time. that's not really in dispute. so i don't know what she's really going to add and therefore, what purpose there is to attack her credibility. >> do you think trump ultimately testifies here? >> what's your sense i don't think he should. we'll he obviously that's his choice that a decision that really comes down to the wire and based on how the trial has progressed up to that point of is it worth it is it worth taking the risk to have them testify or do they think that they've made their point without it? you think i personally would suggest that he probably should not. does it increase or decrease the chances of a conviction if he testifies? >> oh, i think it would significantly increase because if the jury disbelieves him on anything however small that's something they're going to hold against him. and be much more likely to convict ten parlatore got more questions for you. we'll be back with you and join you as we got much

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Bet Food , Kibble , Dogs , Approach , Moore , Smarter , Pet Food , Dog , Box , Veggies , Meat , Healthier , 50 , Allergies , Nostril , Allergens , Notes , Bij , Saline , Nose , 2 , Relief , Mucus , Spot , Sleep , Dustin Germs , Novi , Sam S Club , Life Insurance , Policy , John A , Heart Attack , Poll , 29 , 9 , 500000 , 00000 , Insurance , Wife , Price , Quote Com , 21 , 1 , Dirt , Same , Nutrients , Miracle , Soil , Gold , Garden , The Future , Nerd , 100 , Dealers , Technology , Sales , Network , Broadest , Go Montgomery , Healthy Idea , 27 , April 27th , Key Hearing , Trial Resumes , Accusations , Tokyo , 11 , 00 , Ladoris Hazard Cordell , Me Tonight , Retired , Proceeding , Bench , Making , California , 19 , Comedy , Order , Message , Base , Folks , Demographics , Isn T A , Criminal Contempt , Knowledge , Doubt , Notice , Jury Issue , Contempt , Conduct , Options , Purpose , Will , Fine , Jail , Maximum , 0000 , 10000 , 300 , Fi , Deterrent , Think Th , Maga , Trial Judge , Hold , Imprisonment Incarceration , Incarceration , Sentence , Hairiness , Jail Sentence , The End , Proceedings , Fifth , Right , Self Incrimination , Social Media , Website , Questions , Implications , Mind , Rx , Medicare , Copay , Sex , Push , Reason , Ai Tools Help , Button , Constant , Contexts , Credit , Contact , The Small Santo Life , God , Sugar Ray Leonard , Hi Bert , Credit One Bank , Tasks , Boxing Gloves , Frehse Getchar , Ira , Rule , Comfort , Skechers , Slip Ups , April 30th , Arch , Robert , Goodbye , 3 , Pain , Most , Migraine Strikes , Market , Retirement , Symptoms , Match , Trade Offs , Boost , Robin Hood , Migraine , Reactions , Option , Anywhere , Tracks , Cyp 3 , Breaths Tree , Pain Relief Starts , Sleepiness , Race , Breathing Symptom Improvement , Copd , Ralphie , Risk , Registry , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Call , Osteoporosis , Thrush Pneumonia , Don T Take Breaths , Breathing , Breaths , Plan , Living Community , Eye , Tree , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Vision Changes , Dad , To A Place For Mom , Community , Fit , Pick Group , Needs , Warm , Place , News Programming , Sling Tv , Senior , Mom Com Stock , 40 , Light , Before Dawn With Cap , Lows , Medicines , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Capital , Weight Gain , Movement Disorders , Polar One , Aren T , Risks , Mood Changes , Report Fever , Behaviors , Muscle Movements , Antidepressants , Dementia Patients , Stroke , Stiff , Permanent , Cap Lighter , Savings , Icecap , Smile Crest , Stain Removal , Smile , The World S News Network , Game , Florida , Georgia , Listing , Campaign Staff , Campaign Events , Plants , Races , Weather , North Carolina , Biden Jamal Simmons , Supporters , Weren T , Courts , Ground , Number , Former , Complaining , Public , Commentator , Truth , Plot , S E , Cupp , Lives , Victim Hood , Trump , Need , Campaign Trail , Fandom , Aspect , Gotta , Four , Campaigning , Wonder , Robin , Sleepy Joe , Jury Intimidation Thing , Camp , Campaign Supporters , Windows , Yes , Stakes , Attempts , Sinister , Captain , Television , 6 , January 6 , Rnc , Outcome , Community Access , Community Centers , Officers , Election Integrity Directors , Doing , 38 , Seven , Elections , States , Information , Action , Election Day , Majority , 15 , Testing , Op Ed Today , Win , Liz Cheney , Sayyed , Thother , Op Ed , Tal Cheney Wte , Carly Preoccued , Ttrial Befo Thnext Electio , Power , President Of The United States , Brinng , Airg , Committee , Stuff , Wha , Bere The Nt Electiont , Stuff D , Immunity Trial , Theyhink , Policies , War On Women , Easi , Abortion Ivf , Eemlcd Gross , Trial Analysts , Arizona Ban , Party , Drag , Paying Awfully Porn Star , State Of Affairs , Abortion , Stars , Hush Money , Kids Food , Hadn T , Lesson , Kids , Televisions , Boat , Kitchen , Land , Volume Control , Volume , America , Hung Jury , Doesn T Think , Do Everything , Health , Oldest , Let , Fundraiser , Logcat , Cassidy Hutchinson , John , Programming , Pitch , Last , Boss , Court , Attorney Attorneys , Tale Of Two Trump , Behavior , Up Next , Myth , Saw , Icon , Medal , Heist , Jesse L Martin Sunday , Would , Wave , Before , Spring , Booby , Car , Movie Challengers , Blast , Pills , Medicine , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Ball Terrane , Feeling , Pill , Psoriasis , The One And Only , Findings , Joy , Volterra , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Background , Moderate , Better , Infections , Muscle Problems , Ability , Changes , Cancers , Liver , Infection , Lab , Lymphoma , Tb , Kidney Problems , Vaccine , Tick , Triglycerides , Jak Inhibitors , Hiding , Jackpot , Though Tiktok , Inventory Payments , Shopify , Sync , Go Home Happens , Journey , Sox , Fleet Trout , Lysol , Bacteria , Detergents , Ring , 8 Million , 99 9 , My Name Is Oluseyi , Sanitize , Removal , Design , Stomach , Installation , Step , Products , Sports , Plays , Ai , Sports Game , Ai Highlights Technology , Sport , Fans , Mesobook Com , Captioning , Mesothelioma Victims , Ophelie Oma , Trunk Trial , Families , Seeing , True De Know Outburst , Opening Statements , Passing Notes , Disruptions , Whispering , Tim Parlatore , Environment , Command , Schedule , Tim , Word , Torture , Arguments , Somebody , Stature , Experience , Reporters , Counsel , Position , Shani , Difference , Cities , Hush Money Payments , Politicians , Type , Voters , Moral , Politics , The , Positions , Types , John Edwards , Relationship , Template , Teaching , Politician , Speech , Endorsement , Campaign Ad , Election , Influence , Debates , It Interference , Effect , Much , Middle , Fifth Avenue , Thinking , Anybody , Melting , Wouldn T , Stay , Characterizing , Bias , Opportunist , Effort , Dispute , Decision , Wire , Chances , Conviction ,

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