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Tonight are three, 60 just moments ago, the judge in the former president s new york Hush Money Trial expands the gag order on him in the wake of repeated online attacks by trump on his daughter, also tonight, all were learning about the attempt to breach the fbi office and lambda, who Authorities Say was behind it and whether this may have been someones attempt to political violence. And later my conversation with diet and folding along with author Column Macaron and stinging about diane son, jim fully a journalist, kidnapped and murdered by isis. His remarkable legacy what it was like to speak facetoface with one of the men who murdered her son good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin with Breaking News the judge has expanded the gag order that he imposed on the former president last week. The move follows repeated online attacks against the judge and his daughter, including by name, like this one we blacked it out here because she has no role in the case and its not a public figure seen as Kara Scannell is here with the tails from the judges rulings as the Hush Money Case in new york, whats happened . Yes. So the prosecutors had asked for a gag order to be expanded in this case because of those comments that you just highlighted in the judge just moments ago issued his order saying that he would extend the gag order, which had prevented trump from making comments about any potential witnesses, any prosecutors, court staff in the jury. Hes now extending it to include Family Members of the judge and the District Attorney, alvin bragg. Alvin bragg is not covered by the gag order, so trump can talk about him if he wants. In this order the judge rights the court now a mens the march 26 order to include the Family Members of the court and the District Attorney of new york county. This decision in order is equally narrowly tailored and in no way prevents defendant from responding to alleged political attacks, but does address defendants recent speech. He also goes on to say that this isnt a case of david and goliath and that the roles are no longer in play as demonstrated by the singular power of trumps words have on countless others. He said that there is, he finds that there is a threat to the Integrity Of Judicial Proceedings and says, the threat is very real. So now trump is not allowed to make statements about the judges family, so he can still make statements attacking the judge and the District Attorney, just not Family Members. Thats right. Hes extending it to include them within this because as you pointed out, the judges daughter, its not part of this case. And trumps lawyers had argued against expansion of the gag order, saying that the reason why trump is making these statements is because they want the judge to recuse himself from the case believing that he is biased against trump. They previously made that motion. The judge rejected it. That at the time was made based on the judges small Dollar Donations to democrats. Theyve said in their filing today, trumps side that they intend to make another motion for the judge recuse himself in. You also have some reporting about expected witnesses at this trial yes. So its the usual suspects you would expect all the wellknown people that have been part of this case, Stormy Daniels is expected to testify. Michael cohen, hope hicks, and david, who is the ceo of the company that published national enquirer. This is all part of the prosecutors effort to present this narrative to the jury. That trump and others were scrambling around the election after the access Hollywood Tape came out, he was in touch with those on his campaign because they were afraid of how a new allegation like Stormy Daniels, we potentially influence female voters. So this was all just days before the 2016 election, and thats part of the prosecutions theory why they made the payment and then why they were covering it up. And so as the theory of the case is, this is the falsifying Business Records to commit or conceal and other crime. And that crime under the theory is to influence the election. So kara stay with us or want to bring in legal analyst joey jackson also bestselling author and former federal prosecutor, jeffrey toobin. Jeff, you surprised by any of this, you know, the technical legal term for this is whacamole they he trump is trying to skirt around all of these issues on the gag order. The Family Members were not covered under the previous one. A rational person would think, you dont attack the Family Members, but you want this gag or does he think it helps him politically to say, im being gagged . Yeah, it can i think i mean, this whole defense is a political defense as much as its, its a Legal Defense thats why he goes to all the hearings. He doesnt have to go to the hearings. Idea that hes a martyr, that he is being the victim of a witchhunt that is part of his campaign and, now being gagged is another way that he is saying i am a victim here, not a perpetrator and the trump filing basically says, well, if the judge had recused himself, then trump wouldnt have to have had to go after his daughter listen im not sure about that reasoning and logic, but what i am sure about is that you have to have an integrity two are proceeding, but its beyond integrity. Its about safety and security and the reality is, is that words have consequences, particularly when you have a bully pulpit like that, not president now. All right. But was present that it has significant followers. And i think theres nothing wrong legally constitutionally, and practically with an order that ensures that integrity for the safety of others. Last point we talk about First Amendment, First Amendment. Well, you know, you cant yell fire in a Movie Theater or anywhere else, right . Where it could impair other peoples safety. You cant and defame people. Asked trump about that he owes a lot of money about that because youre impairing other peoples rights. And so i think in order thats balanced to protect constitutional freedoms of speech. But at the same time, protect other people is the right thing. I think judge juan machine has done it, and there also this is about lives on the line people are in danger. That thats why caitlin got that interview, that remarkable interview with judge Reggie Walton last week. Because judges are worried about the integrity of the judicial system when the people involved are gag orders or limit, i mean, everybodys using the term gag order, but that implies he cant say what hes feeling. This is about witnesses. Its about jurors. Now its about the judges daughter, right and judges have the obligation to do two things. They have to allow the First Amendment rights of people, but they also have to protect the integrity of a trial and you cant have the integrity pretty of a trial. If witnesses think they are going to be killed because of something that is said in the news media thats what the judge is trying to balance here. And i think allowing attacks on the judge allowing attacks on the da, but not their families does strike a reasonable and appropriate balance. So trumps lawyers already talked about appealing. I mean, were or would they appeal this, too . They would have hillock to the First Department in new york its probably not something that would get resolved before the trial starts, although this gag order will be in place throughout the trial because there are witnesses, there are jurors that the das office and the judge is looking to try to protect from trump making these public statements. Putting attention and shining the spotlight on them as this case plays out, which is going to go for two months. How long do you think this trial will go on for . Yeah. I mean, it would surprise me. Qarrah, if it were that long, you know, best. Right. You there all the time. But look, the bottom line is that the judge has to ensure the prosecution has its been put on their case, which would allow for numerous records to go in to determine whether or not they were falsification of those records. They have to establish their proof. And then well see what cross examinations look like. And then of course, the defense has an opportunity to put on witnesses if they choose to under no obligation that that witness list is a lot of witnesses they dont need to call all those witnesses. They are making a decision. It appears that they want to tell the full story of trumps relationship with the national enquirer. Thats not necessary. What this case is, the technical requirement is just approve that the documents that trump filed with the government were false. Theres a thing prosecutors say sometimes thin to win, like only prove what you need to prove. They are not going thin to win if in fact they call all those witnesses. This is now i mean, initially this was referred to as the Hush Money Case. I want bragg has now tried to sort of position and more as hush money for the result being Election Interference. That is going to be the big theme of the prosecution, which is this is not about porn, it is not about extramarital affairs. It is about getting news away from the voters on the eve of the 2016 election. Thats the theory, will the prosecution of a defense its certainly going to try to turn it into this is just a circus. This is just attacks on Donald Trumps qarrah. They have to do that, right, jeff, not the facts, but certainly you have to establish the Election Interference to get to the felony. Right. And so i think thats what were here about it into your other point theres often this huge witness list, but then to what extent to witnesses . Become what we call cumulative. Theyre all going to say the same thing. So you pare it down, but you have to give the Defense Notice of the witnesses so that they can adequately prepared even though we see all those witnesses, they may not all wrap solu right . What happens if trump actually violates this gag order and weve talked about this endlessly. Well, he it happened in the civil case and he was fined. I think it was 10,000 once and then something that you remember thousand total 15,000 total fines initially ultimately, judges can protect a can punish contempt by locking im one up. I dont think thats going to happen, but initially finds is what is, what is the usual remedy for contempt. But if it doesnt happen, why do we have a gag order . In other words absolutely. The judge has a number of options and could be fine, but you have to speak in the language thats somewhat understands clearly the economic language is not being understood because of the fines. Will you have the courage, quite frankly, to enforce the order to what we call put them in. And if you put him in, maybe that in terms of a violation of liberty politically, itd be great for him, but practically you have to give it teeth if you dont give it teeth, that is the gag order. Why and pose one in the first instant care. Is it your understanding that trump is actually going to go to this trial this whole time . Yeah. I mean, at one of the very first appearance is the judge told trump that he expects him to be at every one of the days of the trial and that if he doesnt want to come, he needs to get a waiver to do so. Notice the judge warning him we will move forward without you. So if hes not there, the evidence is still going to go on. Theres still gonna bring their case and trumps the video he understood that, but the judge making it clear he wants some there. So maybe hell be campaigning only on wednesdays because the judge sits monday, tuesday, thursday, friday, and he hell deals with other matters, so trump will be out on the Campaign Trail just wednesday, but this is the Campaign Trail, right . Hell be making a statement after every single appearance about the system. Its real take that cetera. So and people be covering this. I mean, it is it is its history been absolutely. Look how much attention he gets and he crowds out everything else. You would think being a criminal defendant isnt the best thing, but donald trump has rewritten a lot of political rules of tube and joe jackson. Thank you. Kara scannell, always. Thank you. Coming up next. All were learning about the im to breach the fbis atlanta field office. The drivers now in custody. What investigators are looking at and later rare public appearance on easter weekend by britains king charles. The latest. And what lies ahead for the royal family . Long after guests leave viruses and bacteria linger. Air fresheners at ascent, but only lysol Air Sanitizer helps erase the trace eliminating odor and killing 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria in air sent cant sanitizer lysol can. Why is everyone talking about no blockage and Nasal Irrigation . I was dealing with some just bad nasal congestion, Postnasal Drip nevada is simple. 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But then theres Breaking News, so weve just learned that the former president has posted that 175 million bond in the new york civil fraud case back here with the team. What do we know about this . Yes. This bond just hit the docket. Its underwritten by night Specialty Insurance Company is a california based ensure its for the total amount, the 175 million have been knocked down from the higher amount initially, right . Initially, he was supposed to post them on a 464 million. He asked for a reduction. Were not to have to post it at all. Appeals courts said that he could post 1705, which is less than half, and he had until thursday to do it. So hes done it today signed it today. So this is now posted that is satisfied. So it means that the new York Attorney Generals Office is not going to move forward to try to seize any of trumps acids which is very good news for donald trump to do this if he had not been able to post this bond, that meant that the state of new york could start seizing his property. Now, the situation is frozen for the duration at least of the appeal to the appellate division. First department, which is a notoriously slow court so i think this means months of no action in this case against his properties. Good news. The whole idea of of a fee like this, its not supposed to be punitive. So i mean, that was one of the arguments that was made of well, it should be lowered because its not supposed to be punishing him in order to be able to appeal. No, its not punishing him, but at the same time, there was a judicial judgment that was made. The judgment was in the amount of almost a half 1 billion. And you have an obligation to satisfy that. There was a trial that went forward. They were proof and evidence that were presented in the judges decision. He parsed every single witness assess the credibility of the witness, talked about how the narrative of that witness further, the cause of the attorney general, what am i saying . Im saying that there was adjudication of liability after a trial and as a result of that, the system provides for you to post a bond in the amount that was against you. So were you surprised dropped it to 1705 . You know what . I was not not overly surprised and i think its good for the judicial system. And heres why i say that. You have a president repeatedly railing about everyone against him and everythings against me. And i think the system looked at it and said, look, lets be fair, lets be reasonable. Lets give him an opportunity to have his appeal on the merits while we stop this clock of continual interests interests accruing, accruing, accruing. And thats what this does. The appeal bond allows everything to be stayed he can have that is mr. Trump is appeal on the merits and its a system thats inviting him to give meritorious arguments as to why he should prevail, even though we lost the new York State Attorney general case. And if he does, it will be reversed. And if he doesnt, itll go as is and that hundred 75 million will revert back to the half 1 billion maybe the state of the state of new yorks argument is, look, we won this case. We should not have to have to chase him for the money later on if its affirmed down appeal as most cases are affirmed on appeal, if this is as affirmed on appeal, the state of new york will take that hundred 75 million. But especially knowing how donald trump operates, good luck, trying to get the other 300 million or whatever its going to be because he is notoriously difficult to pin down the argument that the state of new york made was fine if if you want to appeal put up the money because we dont want to have to chase you after we win. The appeal as we expect. We know any details of what was put up for this. Well, he has to supply cash in order to back the bond and his lawyers have said he has the money to do that. This doesnt say specifically the breakdown if it fits mostly cash or if includes some stock, it wouldnt be the new stock for the company that he just got because thats locked up for six months. But it doesnt break it down specifically. But part of trumps argument about the harm that you were referencing was that if he was forced to sell a property to raise the cash to post a bond, and then he were to prevail or say the Appeals Court knocked down the judgment. He wouldnt be able to get that property back. So the Appeals Court gave him this lifeline of saying you dont have to sell a property if you can come up with 1205 and its lawyers view that as victory. All right. I think its now turn to you guys didnt do with enjoy jackson Kara Scannell. Thanks very much. Moving on. And still more questions and answers. 90 about the attempted breach of the fpl guys atlantic field office. It happened during the lunch hour, Car Ramming One of the entry gates. It was stopped by moving barrier. The driver then taken into custody. You may remember less than two years ago, a gunman wearing body armor was shot and killed after trying to breach the bureaus cincinnati office, seen as john miller joins us, hes a former new York Police Department Deputy Commissioner for intelligence in counter so what are your sources telling you about what happened well, theyve been looking into this individual since this happened at 12 25, trying to figure out what his motive was to crash in and try and get through that barrier . And what were finding is someone who is a former navy man whos been working for the last six years at an Insurance Company in south carolina. Somebody whos social media so far is very noncontroversial, nonpolitical, familyoriented. So its raising as many questions as its answering and four fbi agents, obviously, when Something Like this happens, are they always on alert given recent history . Well, yeah. I mean, you look at the cincinnati case. You just mentioned there was a guy with an ar15 who tried to breach the security at the cincinnati fbi i office, who ended up being killed by state police and the fbi and a shootout hours later. So they take this very seriously. Its why those barriers are there. Its why the double barriers are there. So if you get past one, you dont get passed another. But those initial moments once a car rams into that Barrier Anderson your heart is thumping as you approach that car, right . Theres a Security Booth not far away and youre wondering, is this an active shooter whos about to pop out with an ar15 is like cincinnati is this whole car a massive car bomb . Whats about to happen . But you have to keep going and when they pulled this man out of the car, he did not say one single word, so the gut right now on the part of the people who are looking into it and my own is this is probably an individual whos going through a difficult mental episode probably not trying to attack the fbi. May be trying to get in to tell themselves something thats so far is only in his mind, but it certainly set off alarm bells and it certainly reminded 55 other Field Offices that security is a top priority, especially with talk about Weapon Weaponization of the fbi, which on and all the other thread threats that are increasing two fbi agents, federal prosecutors, and judges what might somebody be charged with if i mean, if it is a Mental Health episode, what happens . Well, on the federal side, destruction of government property, attempted to trespass on federal line on the local side, its going to be reckless endangerment, but those are were gonna be Holding Charges really anderson what theyre going to first do is get through the evaluation of this individual with the medical professionals, figure out whats really going on with him, talk to family and friends, and then tried to get him to care. John miller. Thanks very much. Appreciate it coming up next the deadly airstrikes in syria, eating irans consulate iran is blaming israel what israel is saying and not saying about it, and who was being targeted next introducing finish Ultimate Engineered for the toughest Condition Dry burn tons, stains, dishwashers, hard water, new finish, elton with second sick Technology Helps deliver the health its clean. Dry skin is sensitive skin two, and its natural treated that way with a Vino Daily Moisture formulated with nourishing prebiotic ode. Its clinically proven to moisturized dry skin 24 hours of vina victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated 30 billion and Asbestos Trust Funds with over 50 billion awarded. 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Com today for up to 70 off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. Therell be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 or so of Guilt Com Today is the destruction in syrias capital after ron says its console was targeted in a deli airstrike, both iran and syria, or blaming israel for the attack. What israel is saying and not saying in a moment, according to iran, seven Revolutionary Guard officials were killed, including two Senior Commanders. She now has and did Harsha Bertrand joined us now with more so what more do we know about who and what was targeted will understand the iranians are placing the blame for this strikes squarely on the israelis. Theyre saying that it was six missiles fired from an israeli war plane that brought down this consulate in damascus and theyre saying that they are going to take decisive revenge, essentially, they are calling this unacceptable. And of course, as you said, seven then at least officials from the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps were killed, including two very Senior Commanders in the irgc. Israel, iran, vowing to take revenge here, but israel neither confirming nor denying that they were behind this strike instead telling cnn earlier today, according to a spokesperson, that this comment sled was not a consulate at all, according to their intelligence, they do believe that it was actually being used by the irgc and was being portrayed globally as a consulate when in fact it was being used for military purposes. So were not getting really any confirmation from these rallies that this was them. But the iranians, of course, placing the blame squarely on the israel rallies and saying that they are going to take some kind of retaliatory measures, which is of course something that us does not want to see. They dont want to see this escalate beyond the war between israel and hamas in gaza. So theyre reaching out to allies and partners in the region now, trying to get a sense of what happened here, but clearly this does not bode well for the tensions between israel and iran, given that if israeli did do this, then that would have been an attack that iran csis an attack on its sovereign territory. Anderson. Meanwhile, the us is close to approving a deal to sell fighter jets to israel. What more do we know about that . So were learning that the administration is expected to greenlight and 18 billion sale of f 15 fighter jets to israel. And it comes, of course, at a very delicate moment in the relationship with israel where the Weapons Sales that the us is greenlighting to the israelis are really under a microscope as administered as lawmakers are urging the administration to condition aid to israel because of the number of civilians that have been killed in gaza. As they tried to get israel to rein in their operations in gaza, these Weapons Sales have really been under scrutiny, but were learning that the administration is preparing to approve this sale. It does have to be notified to congress and they will have 30 days to basically reject did if they are able to come up with a joint resolution, but its a very high bar and it seems unlikely at this point that that is actually going to be blocked and the sale would send weapons and fighter jets to israel within about three to four years. But of course, it is the symbolism in it is the fact that the administration is agreeing to approve this sale that many people are likely to have a big issue with especially on the hill. And natasha bertrand, thanks very much. Tony south, david sanger, white house and National Security correspondent for the new york times. His latest book is out april 19. The title is new cold wars chinas rise, russias invasion, and america struggled to defend the west. So first of all, what is your assessment of this strike . Well, three interesting things about it. First, the iranians say that this was an embassy property. If it truly was, its akin to hitting iranian territory and thats something the us has been trying to see is considered sovereign territory. Even a number is a Foreign Embassy in the United States is considered usually to be on the property of the foreign country so the iranians could make the case that you struck iranian territory. The second thing is theres been a covert war thats going on for a long time between the israelis and the iranian to seeing Nuclear Scientists who were killed and bombings. Youve seen attacks on facilities. This, theres nothing covert about this. You saw the scope of that destruction . This is where the war turns overnd thats where countries feel like they have to show theyre not going to be embarrassed that they will respond the third really interesting element of it, i think though, is that the iranians have to wonder how did they know that so many commanders from the quds force, the elite group of the iranian military, were gathered in one place theres either a human phi or there was some kind of intercept. But it was remarkable intelligence that they could kill six of these commanders seven of these commanders, and one in the same way that there has been remarkable intelligence that allowed whomever to kill Nuclear Scientists in iran thats right. And as they were commuting to work and so forth. So it shakes the iranians. It makes them begin to look for spies within mit. So in addition, into the actual event, what youre getting is sort of a psychological warfare that were so plugged into you that we can get at it. And thats of course been the key whenever the us and iran together have gone after an Iranian Nuclear facility, of course, remember it was President Trump who ordered the killing the Senior Commander of the quds force, general soleimani, back in 2020, iran had said that they were going to respond after the killings soleimani, what sort of response did they end up . They did some response, but nothing anywhere near what we had expected that they would heres their problem. If youre the iranians, youre thinking am i falling into Prime Minister netanyahus trap here, that netanyahu has Many Political reasons to want to see this war expand a bit to the north make him deal with the totality of israels adversaries at one time, youll remember that early in the war, the United States had to talk the israelis down from opening a second front in the north, said you have plenty to do in gaza, dont spread your resources. Netanyahu has always been edging to go deal with hezbollah in the north. And theres plenty of domestic concerns. I mean, he has about his political survival and israel i mean, he claims that most israelis are behind his actions in gaza but we feel look at Public Opinion polling. They dont naturally i mean, they may be backing the war. Theyre not necessarily backing him. Thats right. And you saw the size of those protests in israel over the weekend out on the streets. What that tells you is that enough time has gone passed since the october 7 attack . That were getting back to the politics as usual in israel, of those who are pro and anti netanyahu, that was all suppressed to some degree because israel was pretty unified by the need to go after hamas the other element of this that is big of course, is what are our Arms Shipments have been in the State Department is under a lot of heat for that today david sanger. Thank you so much. Thank you. Just had its been nearly ten years since american journalist james foley was beheaded by isis terrorist. 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Jim foley was murdered after being kidnapped and tortured for nearly two years following his death, his mother, diane, fully formed the james foley legacy foundation, which has worked to help other americans whove been kidnapped or wrongly imprisoned overseas. I spoke to her in 2014 shortly after jim was killed. Keeps us going, is definitely the Way Jim Lift The Gym will live on and that is our deepest desire that this Foundation Make that happen in the best sense that our government can have better response to american hostages and their families that we can continue to promote Freedom Of Speech and education in the world that the best of america can be promoted thats our hope anderson, and thats his legacy. That is his legacy will now a decade later, dying fully is released and extraordinary new book. Its called American Mother, along with Author Column mccann. Its deeply moving book about jim foley in about grief encourage didnt fully stories so move the singer staying that he wrote a song about him. Earlier i spoke with dianne foley and Column Mccann and stay first of all, thank you so much for doing this. This book is truly incredible. It is probably one of the best books i have read in many, many years, if not in my life. And the writing is just so stunning the story is so incredible can you just talk, first of all dane, about your decision to tell the story, to tell jim story well, ive always wanted to tell jim story. I just was not able to myself. I really needed a brilliant author who could hear it and give it the form so that others might enter in. I really feel its a story of of loss and grief that we all go through. But also of the threat of the targeting of americans internationally that we went through and plagues our national shall security today. So to me there are many reasons i really wanted to get out there. So thanks to call them and staying ntu, you were given the opportunity to actually speak to one of the isis members who was involved in the murder of your son and you chose to sit down with them . Sure. Yeah. You write in the book, he said it was what jim would have done to rescue something from the baron to know who, to know why there was no doubt gm would have been first in line to talk with him he wouldve your friends thought you shouldnt. Oh, many that i was crazy to do that. Many of the return hostages, but thanks to call them, who was willing to accompany me. And the prosecutors who allowed it. You know it was a bit of healing, just to sit with alexander. Thats the mans name. Alexander . Yes can you talk about sitting in that room what would one point you talked about almost almost smelling his breadth across from you you shook his hand at the end it was awkward at first, you know, but there was an openness and alexander, he here two of the british jihadis who had kidnapped and tortured gyms, Stephen Peter cassock, and many others alexander chose to plead guilty to all those charges and offered to meet with victims. So there was an odd openness in him can you what was it like for you to be in that room to witness that incredible. We walked into this Big Echoey Room in the center of a courthouse in virginia there were prosecutors, their defense people, fbi agents, court clerks, dianne walked across the room sat down at this table in front of her is alexander coty, whos killed her son. Hes wearing shackles on his ankles and hes in a prison jumpsuit. And she says, hi, alexander it is a pleasure to meet you. And after that moment everything dissolved and everything kept became about diane and him and to meet was mythic to have somebody go in an meet the killer of her son and to talk about faith and to talk about courage, and to talk about forgiveness, and also to talk about violence and all those things that operated between them. It was one of the most extraordinary moments of my life and i saw such moral courage, which is what dan learned from her son jim, because he talked about moral courage. I want to read just a passage that i think this is page 30 in page 39, i think these are like the sum of the two best pages ive ive ever read in a book. And youre talking about how you said it will she knows b. Almost impossible to tell others, her family, her friends about this moment hard to believe that the man who tortured her son is sobbing no more than four feet in front of her. Hard to explain that it is most likely not an act hard to illustrate how shes contained her emotions, hard to judge if hes exploiting the moment, even harder to explain that is not just the story of a oneyearold child taken from the rubble or father crying in a documentary three or anonymous drone strike, or a tortured son or journey across a mountain or screed of hatred or tower coming down, or a city filled suddenly with poison gas or scorched earth, or peddling of fear, or three Young Children in front of a camera in a refugee camp, or man who ventured out from New Hampshire or soldier who got it or remote drone when or politician sitting in a suddenly small office or a woman in east london edging her fingers along the photograph or sixyearold wondering about his uncle or chain hanging the air of a basement and abu ghraib or blow of a steel pipe against the bottom of a pair of feet and rafah or the thought of a fist and the kidneys are murdered messenger or the in candid prayers, the way it is all knitted together from wisconsin to london to to New Hampshire, to tripoli, to virginia. All these wild and braided things somehow held together and not by language. There is no word for it that she knows thats incredible well, it was it was an incredible story to inhabit when i first stepped into it. When we stepped into that room, i knew those were story here for the ages that within that moment, we will be able to capture all those other moms because they it, its sad. Its sad for alexander. Its sad for all the people in damascus. Its sad that jim is not here. Theres so such a an amazing coffee one of sadness around this. And yet she decides that shes going to take something from it. Theres not only to keep her son alive, but to change the whole landscape of how we think about hostages and wrongfully detained people over the next few years, that takes courage, the courage of a mother, but also the courage of a courageous citizen as well. So for me, the story was just expensive stinging. How did you get involved in this well, i was asked by the composer of the documentary about about jims life. If i would write a song for the end and i watched the documentary was totally devastated by it. I said i simply cannot write a song. Its theres nothing that appropriate. I mean, how could i possibly do that and then i went home and i tried to put myself in gyms place. So the member of his familys place what what would be a ritual that the family could go through . That. Would bring them together somehow. And i had this idea of a Table Being Set for an evening meal and jim being late, but an empty chair being there, addressing the empty chair and somehow jim enters that Family Situation completely in my imagination but it seemed to do the trick and the fact that im here with diane and column refers it did something but im very proud to its a hard song to sing, especially with diane, but im glad to be part of the story. I mean, your person is strong faith. How are you able to survive the unimaginable what you have gone through is unimaginable for most. Wow, its, its the goodness of god through good people like all of you, through people bove, really supported us and care cared about us. And held us up through it all and just gods goodness, its like almost been like a superpower. Like i had to pray very hard before we went into see alexander. I really wanted to be able to pray to see him as a human being, see him. Same age as one of my sons, just to see him as a young man whos made terrible choices and, you thats whats helped me is just to know that im not alone in this, that god is with me and other good people make good things possible anderson i really firmly believe that column. What do you hope comes out of this . I think id love to see people recognize that the possible actually exists within the supposedly impossible. I mean, dianne is a woman who lives in New Hampshire and in an ordinary house and was a nurse practitioner. And its awful thing happened and she could have retreated and she decided, no, im going to take the world on and im going to change things for other people thats sort of faith is, is extraordinary and the fact that we can actually change the world and not refuse to or not, become cynical and refuse he was the hope. I think theres a daring this there that want people to see a risk to embarrassment or risk to do to all sorts of things and to tell your story is an important part of all of this. I think the world is held together with stories and storytellers and one of the beautiful things is the jim, jim story. Even though hes gone, is alive and his voice is alive through diane sting, you said about this book. This is a book that will shake your soul out. What was it about . About Jim Story About Diane story that i think jims stories, all of our stories, obviously were not in the exact situation, but anything that happens to any of us happens to all of us. We are a community, a world community, not just american than english. Irish would i look upon it . Refugees, for example, as us, they are not a separate species. They are also in a different situation and every person can make a difference just to try to do good, make a difference for others well, thank you so much. This book is really, truly extraordinary. Thank you. Thank you. Again de foley and Column Macarons new book. Its called American Mother and i really found it incredibly moving and wellworth reading right now. You can watch actually sting perform the song he wrote in honor of jim foley. Its called the empty chair recorded it in there. Are you played it in our studio. You can watch it on cnn. Com and on cnn app right now. Later tonight, youll also find it on instagram and twitter as well. Still ahead. After stepping back from public duties following his cancer diagnosis, king charles was seen in good spirits, welcoming crowds and attending Easter Sunday Church Service. 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Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Im taylor available on the Apple App Store or android. Cnn this morning with kasie hunt. Next in a rare public appearance. King charles attended Easter Sunday service in windsor just weeks after he was diagnosed with cancer. This was the monarchs most significant outing since his diagnosis and it comes just a week after his nephew, the son of princess and said the king was frustrated that his recovery was quote, taking a little longer were now from cnns Max Foster Members of the public, hoping for a quick glimpse of king Charles Waiting Outside windsor castle. But some were invited in by star to get a closer look it was a surprise because we were told that doctors had advised charles not to interact with large groups in case It Compromise is he immunity. That advice appears to have changed after a Church Service and the chapel in windsor castle, an even bigger surprise when he came out and shook hands confidence enough, fracked with large groups in case It Compromised his immunity. That advice appears to have changed after a Church Service and the chapel in windsor castle, an even bigger surprise when he came out and shook hands confident enough, not to wear gloves, though Queen Camilla was spotted with a bottle of Hand Sanitizer a royal source told cnn, the kings appearance could be seen as an encouraging sign of how his treatment for cancer there was progressing never give were told the road ahead looks positive that is encouraging to see that happen in saying suggests the patient is tolerating their treatments. Well, there, you know what actively under treatment or whatever phase that theyre and theyre recovering, theyre tolerating and getting through ill those treatments. The king was clearly in good spirits. Im told hes been keen to get out and about again, frustrated that he hasnt been able to commit to his diary of engagements can imagine how hard it is for the mall with The Public Eye being on them. Its even more difficult, isnt it for them to cope with . The measure of The Public Eye and the media. I think it will find weve hundred it really well. And i think they need that privacy and the need that time two good together as a family and support each other most of the rest of the family joined the king to the Traditional Easter Service including Prince Andrew hes bracing for this litigation surrounding jeffrey epstein, include his friend Prince Andrew heavily promoted netflix movie out this week, dramatize the disastrous bbc 2019 interview that cost him his royal position probably the last thing the monarchy needs right now, as it tries to rebuild your royal highness, notable by their absence, where the prince and princess of wales shes receiving her own cancer treatment. It is being an incredibly tough couple of months. Crimson palace isnt suggesting any dates for her return to public duties. Careful less pressure now, perhaps that the king appears to be cautiously returning to his own public appearances next, i mean, it was nice to see king charles seemingly well enough to go out without a mask and gloves on. What more are your sources telling you about the decision that the palaces is making right now about his health well, i think it was a big reassurance exercise for the public, but also for the family. Theyre ultimately there to support the king and now that hes going to be able to do a bit more, theyre going to take each engagement one by one depending on the medical advice. Then if hes able to do more than less pressure on them, particularly the princess of wales, whos going through chemo, has to consider that and also has got the kids off school. At the moment. I think the next big challenge probably is friday. This big netflix movie its such Prince Andrew was unempathetic to view, is going to remind everyone of that. Its going to open up a new audience. And its not just the associations with epstein youre going to see a lot of very realistic Behind The Scenes footage as well, showing how frankly outoftouch print sandi was unempathetic towards epsteins victory timms, and

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