Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

>> five-star reviews, women everywhere i breaking up with bad bros this is cnn >> the world's news hello again, everyone, and >> welcome, happy easter and fredricka whitfield. >> all right. we began this hour in the uk with king charles's first public interactions since, since his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, the 75 year-old monarch was all smiles as he greeted a crowd outside st. george's chapel at windsor her castle trials and queen camilla attended easter service with a few royal family members. the out and comes more than a week after the princess of wales revealed her own cancer fight. cnn's max foster has more lucky few royal well-wishes, given a surprise invite into windsor castle to see the king making his first major public appearance. since his cancer diagnosis. then an even bigger surprise when he went for a walk and a chance. >> you haven't got to a royal source telling cnn all future engagements remains subject to medical advice near the time. but this was an encouraging sign of how the treatment is progressing as we look towards summer and how the road ahead is looking positive, is obviously the pinion really great for me is walking. he's out there again well, we've been told that this isn't a return for public duties. what it is is it's of gentle return to the public eyes. so we are seeing charles out and about waving, seeing people. but he's not going back to the full duties of kingship and we don't yet have a timeline as to when that's going to be the service >> windsor is a tradition for the royals, prince andrew, amongst those invited, showing that he's part of the family, if not part of the firm anymore? the princess of wales didn't attend a she receives her own treatment for cancer but that was expected as she also spends time with our children during the school holidays. >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment >> it's an unprecedented time for the royal family with two senior royals sidelines due to serious illness, leaving only a handful of working royals to carry out public duties queen camilla has shouldered much of the load in charles's absence, prince william is expected to resume public engagements in mid-april, but it's been a strain on the system. >> king charles really wanted to have a slim down monarchy when he took, took on the throne, but he never could have anticipated in slimming down to where it is now and there's also a matter of trust the statement by the princess of wales diffused a frenzy of conspiracy theories about her health and whereabouts. but there are lingering questions about a digitally altered photo of catherine and the children. >> and >> concerns that the palace isn't being transparent enough media cameras were invited to film the events rather than in-house media teams behind the scenes, the king has been carrying out meetings and continuing his work as head of state as both he and catherine continue their cancer treatments royal fans often come here to windsor for a chance to see the king for a lucky few, there are invited into the castle as she spent some time with them and they're all saying how well he looked so encouraging signs for a monarchist here in the uk. max foster, cnn windsor castle still england >> meantime, at the vatican, pope francis lead easter mass today after missing some recent services including a good friday event because of concerns over his help, cnn, vatican corresponded. christopher lamb has more cool on the pope's message >> fred pope francis appeared in good spirits because he greeted crowds and some peter's square after presiding at easter sunday mass the pontiff has been battling bouts of ill health and on good friday he at the last minute pulled out of a service at roman's colosseum in order, the vatican that to preserve his health. but on easter sunday, he was back in some pizzas and he delivered a strong easter sunday message addressing conflicts that were taking place it's around the globe, including the israel hamas war >> i appeal once again, the access to humanitarian aid be ensured to gaza and cool once more for the promise release of the hostages seized on the october and for an immediate ceasefire in the strip. >> france is also warned about the winds of war, which he said were blowing across europe and the mediterranean during these days of in the run-up to holy week and easter, the pope has presided a number of services and despite his age, he is 87 and ill-health. he has said he's determined to keep going and post and is not considering resigning france's appearance on easter sunday. suggest he is determined to stay in post and keep going for as long as he can. >> fred. >> thank you so much. christopher lamb, as pope francis calls for peace in gaza, us senator chris van hollen, a member of the foreign relations committee, was asked today whether israel allegedly with holding a third of humanitarian aid delivery could constitute a war crime >> there's no doubt that blocking aid into gaza is a violation of international humanitarian law. with respect to certain individuals and the net government, people like finance minister smotrich and ben gvir, who have not only said they want to block aid into gaza, but have taken steps to block aid into gaza. that is a work right now, >> yahoo is the prime minister well, we're criminals. well, we're going to have to make a >> decision as to what the intent of the full israeli government is >> the comments, come as talks between the us and israel over potential israeli military operations in rafah, could come as soon as tomorrow israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly can't unsold his delegations, talks last week after the us abstained and a united nations vote demanding an immediate ceasefire in gaza. senator van hollen comments come as israeli prime minister doubled down on military operations in rafah, saying there is no victory over hamas without it, netanyahu also dismissed renewed calls for an early election. cnn's melissa bell is in jerusalem where protests are underway. >> federico a great deal of anger being expressed here in jerusalem tonight, this the first nice or what protesters who believe four days or valleys all the way down? >> they set up their tests. >> and what the urgent hole here tonight is for benjamin netanyahu to go. these people won elections held. they're angry about the way the war has been prosecuted. now we've heard from the israeli prime minister earlier tonight ahead of this protest saying that he believed that his policies that had been responsible for green off the hostages code. so far, and doubling down on the idea that a ground invasion of wrapping, he says be necessary to win this war. now that will be at the heart of negotiation jones conversations in washington, when israeli delegation gets there this week. >> but there are also >> tools that are now giving pacing pyro the hostage have started once so again, with egypt and the uae trying to get both sides to agree on some kind of deal that might need that six-week ceasefire. the exchange of some of the hostages there's burden. several hundred palestinian prisoners. there are still a number of outstanding issues. >> but one >> of the big themes of his life on these premises signs that we the anger that's nearly six months into this more liberal has been achieved. and show any hostages still remain in the house undergo massive gradient oppression, benjamin, not denial over the next few days as these parallel talks take le's and they come melissa bell i, thanks so much >> a >> congressman from michigan is facing backlash for statements he made at a recent town hall meeting where he appeared to suggest that nuclear bombs should be dropped on gaza. republican tim wallberg made the comments on monday day after being asked a question about us plans to build a floating pier off the coast of gaza to help deliver humanitarian aid into the war-torn territory. the michigan congressman isn't seen on the video, but can be heard saying the us should not be spending any money on humanitarian aid and then seem to advocate for bombing gaza with nuclear bombs such as the ones the us dropped on japan during world war ii. we want to know the video appears to have been distributed online by a person affiliated with a democratic advocacy group here are the congressman's comments >> you shouldn't be spending a dime you the line and nagasaki in years congressman wallberg, office released the transcript of the video and reaction to the >> distribution of the video and wallberg also issued a statement insisting he was not advocating for using nuclear weapons, saying in part, quote i used a metaphor to convey the need for both israel and ukraine to win their wars as swiftly as possible. i'm joined now by max cohen. he's a congressional reporter for punchbowl news. max, great to see you so thank you. is that will that the statements suffice >> he's wallberg is already facing a lot of condemnation from fellow members of the michigan congressional delegation. two democrats, dan kildee and alyssa slok and book came out immediately saying that type of rhetoric is indefensible. but what i think it's indicative of us with taken away the hair hiroshima nagasaki comments the opposition to humanitarian aid that is not rare among the house republican conference, and that's a story line which we'll come to the four ones congress returns from recess and tries to address this national security package. there's a lot of opposition to her finding humanitarian aid, not only to gaza, but also to ukraine. a lot of republican just say give weapons of war, give military assistance. but they're not in favor of humanitarian assistance here. >> so i'm this congressmen unit, he made the comments in, i guess, a district that's considered particularly safe for him a safe gop district. but how might these comments impact other election race? he says, in michigan, which is a swing state and home to the nation's largest arab american and muslim populations >> it's a great question. i think ut slotkin, who's running for senate statewide in michigan quickly seize on these comments. as you mentioned, the arab american population in michigan has been sharply critical cool of how president joe biden has dealt with israel-hamas war. they want the united states to do more to prevent israel from un afflicting civilian casualties. democrats i think are going to seize on these comments and say, look, you might not be happy with how biden this dealt with this, but look what the republicans are saying. look with the other side. their rhetoric is towards is on hamas. and democrats across the board. >> even though many of >> them do support israel there's a universal acceptance and more humanitarian aid has to be surged into the gaza strip. >> is there any response coming from others within the gop is it quiet right now >> it's been crickets. i think what really has many benefited these republican congressman is that congress will not be back in the seat for another week and a half, almost if congress is in session this week, i'm sure every single republican be asked point-blank to support these questions on the return to dc. but i think the easter holiday is providing cover. in reality, i think wallberg he's not a very well-known member of congress. let's be honest, he's probably not going to lose his reelection over this but i think this will impact michigan politics and the way i said earlier, the contrast you didn't democrats or republicans, the rhetoric here is sharply different. >> he might be better known now where among many talking about it all right, mexico and thank you so much. >> thank you >> all right. coming up at least seven children are shot in downtown indianapolis and no suspects are in custody. the latest on the search and the investigation and new developments in baltimore where crews are starting to move the first pieces of that collapsed francis scott key bridge with jake >> tapper weekdays at four on cnn cracked >> windshield, schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments we came to her with service that fit her schedule. you must be fed less than we got right to work with the replacement. she could trust. we come to you for free, scheduled now for free we'll service at safe >> gauge like me, payer safe might be placed >> i have a question does anyone here >> streaming, home yard disney plus smile, you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. >> so >> go live unfiltered the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your 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use every man checks roger mountain bike, but just to see some free lunches >> this is the big dam >> that do right? at&t is asking customers to reset their passwords after a major leak of personal data affecting 73 million current and former customers the telecom giant, quote, has launched a robust investigation supported by internal and external cybersecurity experts into the source of the league, at&t says account information, including social security numbers was exposed to the dark web, but the leak does not appear to contain financial information or paul history. this is another misstep for a company that only last month experienced a nationwide outage, the left customers without service after a network upgrade all right. saturday night out on the town fun turns deadly in indiana for the third weekend this month, police in indianapolis are investigating a mass shooting at least seven children were shot outside of downtown shopping mall. the youngest, just 12 years old officers patrolling the area say they heard several shots lots around 11, 30 last night. cnn's ivan rodriguez is getting all the details. four. so what more you learning about how this happened? well, >> fred day said indianapolis, please stay rushed to the scene. they were nearby in that downtown area, heard the shots, ran. they're found a large group of children, seven of them, as you mentioned, with gunshot wounds. now, they're recovering from their injuries. no arrests have been made so far, but we want to show you this map showing all the locations and dates of the recent mass shootings in indianapolis, all the shootings are within 25 minutes of each other. it's important to note they're not connected. on march 16th, a nightclub shooting left one person dead, five others injured. the following weekend, one person was killed, and five others, including an off-duty indianapolis metro police officer, were injured after shooting outside a bar early sunday morning and now last night and incident involving youth violence, officials say more than 25 officers were patrolling the area saturday for police to prevent this type of activity from happening >> it's extremely concerning to the mindset of some of our community members, especially some of our young community members. once again, and i know you guys have heard cheek bailey talk about it conflict should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it the consequences are eternal okay. we've got to learn how to talk to each other. we've got to learn how to resolve conflict in different ways. >> deputy chief tanya tere also says they believe multiple firearms were involved, but it's unclear what led to the shooting or how many people opened fire, although they didn't provide information on the nature of the gathering, police have noticed that in the evenings or large crowd of young people moving around the downtown area, nor do they know whether those who had the firearms were miners themselves. they don't know how the games are minor or even how they got the guns. but the big question obviously it was family values, right? and they're like, it's the day before easter, your 12-year-old isn't home maybe we should know a little bit more about what they're doing on 11:30 p.m. at an on saturday night. >> all right. ivan rodriguez. thanks so much. we're also watching big developments in baltimore where officials say they are now beginning the delicate process of removing he says of the fall and francis scott key bridge, the us coast guard tells cnn the crew of the cargo ship dali is still onboard and holding up. well, cnn's gloria pazmino toward the site with members of the us coast guard. earlier today. so what more have they told you about this ongoing investigation >> yeah. friday use, as you said the crew of the dali is still on that ship. they were headed to sri lanka originally as part of this this trip before they hit and made cost of bridge to collapse, they're doing okay. they're holding up. well, they have everything they need on board, but they're there in part because there's an investigation is still ongoing. they have already started to remove pieces off the bridge. they have to go in there, cut the pieces up, lift them, and remove them out of the water and the surrounding area all part of an extremely complicated operation that that is taking place as we speak, we got very close to the wreck site earlier this morning, we went along with the us coast guard who really helped us just understand how much work is still ahead. this is a monumental task, fried, when you go in there and you're able to see the dali up close all the containers that are still on top of it. >> and >> then all of the ships that have that have arrived and are now around the area so that they can be deployed to help with their cranes and all of their heavy equipment. take a look and listen to just what it's like when you're up close. >> so you can see we have been able to get >> extremely up close to the wreckage of the dali and we're starting to really get an appreciation on a sense of just how massive this job is going to be >> you're looking at 4,000 tons of steel and concrete great that are sitting on top of that bow that is going to be the most complicated part of this operation. moving all of that debris >> and taking it off the ship so that they can begin as cleanup process >> and then there's >> everything that's laying below the surface, the part that we can't see there is more metal, more concrete, more debris in the water. >> and >> that's going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the diverse first whose mission is to get back into the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost. but as we're sitting here now finally being able to really see it and get up close to it you really just get a sense of the enormity of the job at hand >> and fred, in >> terms of the debris that's in the water, i was told earlier today that even after they deploy the sonar to try and map out the floor and understand exactly where the debris ria sitting. they have lost one piece of equipment in there. it got tangled in the metal in the debris that's in there. so it gives you a sense of just how difficult this is they have to make that area safe for the diverse to be able to go back in into the water as you know, there are still four bodies that have yet to be recovered. so that part also extremely critical. i do want you to hear from one of the kernels that is directly involved in helping to lead this mission. what her message was to those families and the people of baltimore we're not just looking at how we're going to engineer this. we are scanning to make sure that if we identify any vehicles or any any of the fallen that we're able to react. commitment to the pupil baltimore and the state of maryland that that is a very integrated effort in the overall salvage operations that are taking place >> so it's going to be a long road ahead, but they have the confidence that they have all the tools they need in order to make it happen, even as we travel around the area here in baltimore, we can see you've got people are stopping to take in the loss of this essential part of their skyline. right? this is affecting their day-to-day lives. and they're looking forward to recovering soon. >> fred all right. gloria pazmino. thank you. so much >> all right. for the first time in >> decades, the us government is changing the way it inquires about race in this city on those us census forms, what you'll see the next time you get one check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space. shuttle columbia, final flight premieres next sunday at nine on seats. so would you get to >> nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? three classes? contenders 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overgrown, descendants of people buried there can't even visit and now there's a legal fight over who is supposed to maintain the site of these graves. cnn's rafael romo went there >> this was cleared it was you could walk up the hill that first sight. >> this looks >> like a forest, but look closer and you'll see the rocks here are engraved. >> you can see a tombstone right there. look, this one >> acre plot of land, this back in the heart of buckhead, an upscale community in atlanta. >> can you tell us how many members of your family we're buried here. >> my grandmother, my grandfather >> i have a >> baby, brother too great grandmother's uncle and piney grove cemetery, a historic african american graveyard that traces its roots to the 19th century, is now at the center of a legal >> battle between sisters rhonda jackson and audrey collins, descendants of people buried here. and the bluffs at lenox homeowners association, which now owns this land we cleared all of this. all this was clean a few years ago in the lawsuit filed in january, the sisters claimed the hoa has failed to clean and maintain the cemetery, but also has interfered with plaintiff's rights under georgia law to care for and maintain the cemetery but the hoa claims the cemetery was abandoned before it acquired the land. and until recently, no one took responsibility for maintaining it. >> the plaintiffs themselves had been to the cemetery when they were children and had not been back in years. and when they got back, it was overgrown and it was difficult to find grave markers and boundaries the thick vegetation here has made a very difficult, if not impossible for the surviving relatives of the people buried here to visit their graves. but we were able to get to the top of the hill and this is what we found. this is the grave of joshua tamas, buried in 1987. he happens to be the grandfather of the two sisters who filed the lawsuit according to the georgia trust for historic preservation at piney grove there are over 300 burials, some of which are believed to be burials for enslaved individuals and other people who came from thriving african american communities that were displaced over several decades >> that's been going on since emancipation, where african american communities are displaced through a measure of different tactics for the last few years, the sisters in a small group of supporters have been fighting a losing battle against the vegetation that is so thick, they can no longer reach their grandmother's grave treacherous, going up the hill and 71 years old, almost 72 with a bad hip, i guess i get emotional because on the very first cleanup, i promised my grandma when we cleaned her grave, i said, i promise you, this is not going to happen again. we're going to make sure that you he's are treated with respect after the first hearing on the case held in february, both parties made an agreement that, among other things, gives the sisters access to >> the cemetery, which had been a problem before. >> the agreement also >> allows the plaintiffs to take measures to clear vegetation including the use of goats, which was a source of disagreement in the past. rafael romo, cnn atlanta >> get your viewing glasses ready, eclipse across america, april 8 did one on seep. >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move your business forward with a streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers. >> for >> more value, more of a liability, and more on-time deliveries the united states postal service is built for how you business and how you business is with simple, affordable, and reliable shipping usps ground advantage >> progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto online so you can get back to your monster to-do list >> really get a >> quote, if progressive when bbs was to turbotax, i wrote four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume >> so i meet bbs, new 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>> seize >> the day with zyrtec. >> this is the greatest age and almost me awhile moments to >> talk about for all light time, where you would champions, tbs so some of the questions that you see on government forms when it comes to your race and >> ethnicity right >> now, you might see a question asking if you have hispanic or latino background and a separate question on racial identity well, under the new standards, the government will collect race and ethnicity using a single question that will now include seven broad categories. white, hispanic, or latino, black or african american asian american, indian, or alaskan alaska native, middle eastern, or north african and native hawaiian or pacific islander. i laugh because i feel like we should have something that you can see because i hope you can follow all of that. joined me right now to discuss this and these changes is congresswoman judy chu. it's a lot to keep up with. it's a very important issue. she's a democrat from california and the chair of the asian pacific american caucus congresswoman good to see you >> oh, thank you for having me. okay. so you have called for these changes that you say as a once in a generation breakthrough. why was this so important? how does this either simplify or does it address what is become a very complex tap? the stray of america >> we have been asking for these changes for decades actually, it hasn't been changed and 30 years since 1997 and finally, in 2022, the biden administration took up this challenge and tad so many listening sessions, public comment, 20,000 comments i mean, race and ethnicity is very, very important to so many americans and being accurately portrayed is very critical to the services that we have as well as the kind of images that we have in society. now now, for asian american, native hawaiian, pacific islanders, which is what we call aaa, nh pis. it is so important not to be lumped together. we have over 100 different race and ethnicities and over 70 languages that are spoken and if you just lump us together, it masks the vast differences that are between our different groups and how they you believe these changes that will give a better representation of the racial and ethnic diversity in the also be advantageous to those who are filling out the paperwork >> oh, it'll make a huge difference say, for instance, in education, for our population on, there is an average of 56% of those who get a four-year degree or higher. but if you look at the differences between the different asian groups, then you see some startling statistics. for instance, those in the southeast asian categories, that is, those were among lotion or cambodian only earn a bachelor's degree at 15:17 and they need the help without knowing these differences, they will not get the help. and so it has a lot of implications for what we do in k12 education in higher ed in so many ways and actually on income we have the greatest income disparity between all of our different groups. but highest earners are ten times higher than the 10th lowest earners. >> so what that >> means is that those at the low end aren't getting the help from the agencies such as the small business administration and other programs at combat poverty >> what kinds of program or policy changes do you see forthcoming as a result of these changes? >> well, i could see education programs being more finely attuned to those those populations that need the help rent in the asian population certainly, that is southeast asians and pacific islanders. i could see programs that service those who are vulnerable that is, those who have greater needs such as in our sba loan programs that they would be better able to get the assistance they need to be successful in their businesses and to be able to get the loans that they need to expand their businesses. so it can have such tremendous differences. let me also say that knowing these differences can have a tremendous beneficial effect on society as a whole. because when you have these big differences, people operate on model minority stereotypes and we, in the aaa and hpi population have had that stereotype for a long time. and it becomes a wedge between groups and can stoke anti-asian hate so by having the true picture of what our population is about, we can stop those terrible stereotypes and also have a better quality of life for everybody. >> congresswoman judy chu, glad you could be with us today. happy easter >> thank you >> are coming up. >> the polar ice caps are >> melting and it could be flowing downtime itself. the new findings from a time-shifting study next >> if you work in spaceflight, this is it's the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved, spatial colombia to find i'll flight premieres next sunday at nine on tourists >> tourists that turn into scientist tourist taking photos that are analyzed so researchers can help life underwater flourish >> don't only lost a 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and environmental science, michael mann is joining us right now to discuss, he's also the author of our fragile moment how lessons from earth's past can help us survive the climate crisis. professor man, good to see you. i think i think i don't know because it's not good news actually, maybe i'm not so happy to see you. >> okay. so still can't precisely say when this might happen, but for starters, can you help better explain to us why this is even a possibility? one less second of our lives yeah, it's not really that bad. we're not really losing time from our lives. it's just the, the length of the day is fluctuating a little bit neck. it actually fluctuate the weights from year to year because of things like changing air currents and ocean currents, the el nino phenomenon actually changes the length of the year. it changes the length of the day by on the order of microseconds. so we're talking about small fractions the second, but they add up over the course of the year to maybe a second or so and you have to make these little adjustments in the clock because of that. so this is something that happens naturally for example, with the own nino phenomenon. but what's so interesting about this latest study it shows that it's happening to a slightly larger extent now because of the loss of ice from the polar ice sheets if you think about it, it's sort of like if you've ever watched a skater that's spinning on the ice, and when they stick their arms out they slow down. and when they bring them back in, they speed up that has to do with how they are changing their moment of inertia. we could call it and it relates to a physics principle called the conservation of angular momentum i won't get into sort of geeky physics of it. but the bottom line is that the earth is sort of the same thing in a sense, it's spinning around, its polar axis. and there's all this ice at the north and south poles. and when that ice disappears, then it flows into lower latitudes, flows towards the equator. and so you're redistributing that mass from the axis of rotation away from the axis of rotation, just like that skater, when they stick their arms out so that's sort of what's happening it's a small fraction of a second. it's not really going to impact our lives, but it does speak to the profound impact of climate change is having on our entire planetary system. it's literally changing the length of the day. >> wow you're an excellent professor. i would love to be in your class because that was really fun learning but are standing and you helped us visualize it perfectly. so who will make, i guess that declaration and how will we learn are know? >> that? >> i guess the slower rotation, the consequences is going to be that we lose a second of our lives >> yeah. so it's literally happening continuously. the thing is, we make those adjustments at a particular time, right? we don't constantly make adjustments like for leap year, we wait for years and we make that adjustment. it's the same idea here. we wait until enough of those tiny fractions of a second have built up enough to add up to a second. >> and >> then when they do, we make that adjustment that year in the number of seconds. so it is important for timekeeping and their systems that depend on very accurate timekeeping so it is important for us to recognize that this this happening and take it into account. for example, in our time devices and our various ways of establishing precise chronologies for instrumentation that's all important. >> its >> impact on us in the planet and our environment is pretty small, but the impact of climate change itself, which this speaks to, is much greater >> and that's the important way to punctuate this too, is that it sounds like you know you, might be thinking, are we should all be thinking that sadly it will only get warmer. and so one second loss is ultimately going to be two seconds loss and on and on and on. >> or are you hopeful and thinking it will go the other way? >> yeah. and you don't i'm not too worried about this a few seconds here are there over the course of our lives, the way time is sort of accounted for, it's a tiny little effect. the, the bigger effect. and what i am worried about is if we continued to put carbon pollution into the atmosphere and warm up the planet, then we're going to melt more of that polar ice and it's not just affecting our time-keeping. it is flooding our coastlines is adding to these more destructive hurricanes to literally pose a threat to us. and other living things along with droughts and wildfires and heat waves. that's the problem. the good news, we can stop it from getting worse if we move away from carbon pollution, if we move away from fossil fuel burning, habits have to change a all right, professor michael mann, thank you so much and happy easter >> you too. thank you. >> all right. >> and people around the world are getting ready for the upcoming total solar eclipse, a us cities like dallas, indianapolis cleveland, buffalo, new york there'll be in the path of totality, which means people in those cities will see the sun entirely blocked by the moon. and cnn will have special live coverage of this rare moment that won't come around again for another few decades, eclipse across america starts live monday, april 8 at 01:00 p.m. eastern time. and you can also stream our coverage on macs. i'm fredricka whitfield again, happen the you, sir. thank you so much for being with me this weekend, cnn newsroom continues with omar jimenez in a moment >> your favorite rock diblock teams are back for redemption and the burst ever waterfront the patient showed and i could do this. it's time to secrets when the block all new monday, 99 on hgtv mu from real real view maps now feature precise heat, wind and air quality ratings on every home listing trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust download the app today >> this is your invitation to experience the versatility of alexis 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Buffalo , Cleveland , Coverage , Won T , Eastern Time , Eclipse , Macs , America Starts , Moon , 01 , Monday April 8 At 01 00 Pm , 00 , Cnn Newsroom , Sir , Fredricka Whitfield Again , Omar Jimenez , Waterfront , Teams , Redemption , Real Two Com View , Rock Diblock , On Hgtv Mu , 99 , Louk , Wind , Home Listing , Air Quality , Heat , Ratings , Realtor Com , Real Estate , Mom Invitation , Suv , Streaming , Butterfly Shrink , Moderate , Prac , Subject Two , Infection Liver , Inhibitor , Jackpot , Jak Inhibitors , Name , Windshield Schedule , Proposition , The Go Tos , Clock Partnership , Network Solutions , Comcast Business , Round ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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>> five-star reviews, women everywhere i breaking up with bad bros this is cnn >> the world's news hello again, everyone, and >> welcome, happy easter and fredricka whitfield. >> all right. we began this hour in the uk with king charles's first public interactions since, since his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, the 75 year-old monarch was all smiles as he greeted a crowd outside st. george's chapel at windsor her castle trials and queen camilla attended easter service with a few royal family members. the out and comes more than a week after the princess of wales revealed her own cancer fight. cnn's max foster has more lucky few royal well-wishes, given a surprise invite into windsor castle to see the king making his first major public appearance. since his cancer diagnosis. then an even bigger surprise when he went for a walk and a chance. >> you haven't got to a royal source telling cnn all future engagements remains subject to medical advice near the time. but this was an encouraging sign of how the treatment is progressing as we look towards summer and how the road ahead is looking positive, is obviously the pinion really great for me is walking. he's out there again well, we've been told that this isn't a return for public duties. what it is is it's of gentle return to the public eyes. so we are seeing charles out and about waving, seeing people. but he's not going back to the full duties of kingship and we don't yet have a timeline as to when that's going to be the service >> windsor is a tradition for the royals, prince andrew, amongst those invited, showing that he's part of the family, if not part of the firm anymore? the princess of wales didn't attend a she receives her own treatment for cancer but that was expected as she also spends time with our children during the school holidays. >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment >> it's an unprecedented time for the royal family with two senior royals sidelines due to serious illness, leaving only a handful of working royals to carry out public duties queen camilla has shouldered much of the load in charles's absence, prince william is expected to resume public engagements in mid-april, but it's been a strain on the system. >> king charles really wanted to have a slim down monarchy when he took, took on the throne, but he never could have anticipated in slimming down to where it is now and there's also a matter of trust the statement by the princess of wales diffused a frenzy of conspiracy theories about her health and whereabouts. but there are lingering questions about a digitally altered photo of catherine and the children. >> and >> concerns that the palace isn't being transparent enough media cameras were invited to film the events rather than in-house media teams behind the scenes, the king has been carrying out meetings and continuing his work as head of state as both he and catherine continue their cancer treatments royal fans often come here to windsor for a chance to see the king for a lucky few, there are invited into the castle as she spent some time with them and they're all saying how well he looked so encouraging signs for a monarchist here in the uk. max foster, cnn windsor castle still england >> meantime, at the vatican, pope francis lead easter mass today after missing some recent services including a good friday event because of concerns over his help, cnn, vatican corresponded. christopher lamb has more cool on the pope's message >> fred pope francis appeared in good spirits because he greeted crowds and some peter's square after presiding at easter sunday mass the pontiff has been battling bouts of ill health and on good friday he at the last minute pulled out of a service at roman's colosseum in order, the vatican that to preserve his health. but on easter sunday, he was back in some pizzas and he delivered a strong easter sunday message addressing conflicts that were taking place it's around the globe, including the israel hamas war >> i appeal once again, the access to humanitarian aid be ensured to gaza and cool once more for the promise release of the hostages seized on the october and for an immediate ceasefire in the strip. >> france is also warned about the winds of war, which he said were blowing across europe and the mediterranean during these days of in the run-up to holy week and easter, the pope has presided a number of services and despite his age, he is 87 and ill-health. he has said he's determined to keep going and post and is not considering resigning france's appearance on easter sunday. suggest he is determined to stay in post and keep going for as long as he can. >> fred. >> thank you so much. christopher lamb, as pope francis calls for peace in gaza, us senator chris van hollen, a member of the foreign relations committee, was asked today whether israel allegedly with holding a third of humanitarian aid delivery could constitute a war crime >> there's no doubt that blocking aid into gaza is a violation of international humanitarian law. with respect to certain individuals and the net government, people like finance minister smotrich and ben gvir, who have not only said they want to block aid into gaza, but have taken steps to block aid into gaza. that is a work right now, >> yahoo is the prime minister well, we're criminals. well, we're going to have to make a >> decision as to what the intent of the full israeli government is >> the comments, come as talks between the us and israel over potential israeli military operations in rafah, could come as soon as tomorrow israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly can't unsold his delegations, talks last week after the us abstained and a united nations vote demanding an immediate ceasefire in gaza. senator van hollen comments come as israeli prime minister doubled down on military operations in rafah, saying there is no victory over hamas without it, netanyahu also dismissed renewed calls for an early election. cnn's melissa bell is in jerusalem where protests are underway. >> federico a great deal of anger being expressed here in jerusalem tonight, this the first nice or what protesters who believe four days or valleys all the way down? >> they set up their tests. >> and what the urgent hole here tonight is for benjamin netanyahu to go. these people won elections held. they're angry about the way the war has been prosecuted. now we've heard from the israeli prime minister earlier tonight ahead of this protest saying that he believed that his policies that had been responsible for green off the hostages code. so far, and doubling down on the idea that a ground invasion of wrapping, he says be necessary to win this war. now that will be at the heart of negotiation jones conversations in washington, when israeli delegation gets there this week. >> but there are also >> tools that are now giving pacing pyro the hostage have started once so again, with egypt and the uae trying to get both sides to agree on some kind of deal that might need that six-week ceasefire. the exchange of some of the hostages there's burden. several hundred palestinian prisoners. there are still a number of outstanding issues. >> but one >> of the big themes of his life on these premises signs that we the anger that's nearly six months into this more liberal has been achieved. and show any hostages still remain in the house undergo massive gradient oppression, benjamin, not denial over the next few days as these parallel talks take le's and they come melissa bell i, thanks so much >> a >> congressman from michigan is facing backlash for statements he made at a recent town hall meeting where he appeared to suggest that nuclear bombs should be dropped on gaza. republican tim wallberg made the comments on monday day after being asked a question about us plans to build a floating pier off the coast of gaza to help deliver humanitarian aid into the war-torn territory. the michigan congressman isn't seen on the video, but can be heard saying the us should not be spending any money on humanitarian aid and then seem to advocate for bombing gaza with nuclear bombs such as the ones the us dropped on japan during world war ii. we want to know the video appears to have been distributed online by a person affiliated with a democratic advocacy group here are the congressman's comments >> you shouldn't be spending a dime you the line and nagasaki in years congressman wallberg, office released the transcript of the video and reaction to the >> distribution of the video and wallberg also issued a statement insisting he was not advocating for using nuclear weapons, saying in part, quote i used a metaphor to convey the need for both israel and ukraine to win their wars as swiftly as possible. i'm joined now by max cohen. he's a congressional reporter for punchbowl news. max, great to see you so thank you. is that will that the statements suffice >> he's wallberg is already facing a lot of condemnation from fellow members of the michigan congressional delegation. two democrats, dan kildee and alyssa slok and book came out immediately saying that type of rhetoric is indefensible. but what i think it's indicative of us with taken away the hair hiroshima nagasaki comments the opposition to humanitarian aid that is not rare among the house republican conference, and that's a story line which we'll come to the four ones congress returns from recess and tries to address this national security package. there's a lot of opposition to her finding humanitarian aid, not only to gaza, but also to ukraine. a lot of republican just say give weapons of war, give military assistance. but they're not in favor of humanitarian assistance here. >> so i'm this congressmen unit, he made the comments in, i guess, a district that's considered particularly safe for him a safe gop district. but how might these comments impact other election race? he says, in michigan, which is a swing state and home to the nation's largest arab american and muslim populations >> it's a great question. i think ut slotkin, who's running for senate statewide in michigan quickly seize on these comments. as you mentioned, the arab american population in michigan has been sharply critical cool of how president joe biden has dealt with israel-hamas war. they want the united states to do more to prevent israel from un afflicting civilian casualties. democrats i think are going to seize on these comments and say, look, you might not be happy with how biden this dealt with this, but look what the republicans are saying. look with the other side. their rhetoric is towards is on hamas. and democrats across the board. >> even though many of >> them do support israel there's a universal acceptance and more humanitarian aid has to be surged into the gaza strip. >> is there any response coming from others within the gop is it quiet right now >> it's been crickets. i think what really has many benefited these republican congressman is that congress will not be back in the seat for another week and a half, almost if congress is in session this week, i'm sure every single republican be asked point-blank to support these questions on the return to dc. but i think the easter holiday is providing cover. in reality, i think wallberg he's not a very well-known member of congress. let's be honest, he's probably not going to lose his reelection over this but i think this will impact michigan politics and the way i said earlier, the contrast you didn't democrats or republicans, the rhetoric here is sharply different. >> he might be better known now where among many talking about it all right, mexico and thank you so much. >> thank you >> all right. coming up at least seven children are shot in downtown indianapolis and no suspects are in custody. the latest on the search and the investigation and new developments in baltimore where crews are starting to move the first pieces of that collapsed francis scott key bridge with jake >> tapper weekdays at four on cnn cracked >> windshield, schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments we came to her with service that fit her schedule. you must be fed less than we got right to work with the replacement. she could trust. we come to you for free, scheduled now for free we'll service at safe >> gauge like me, payer safe might be placed >> i have a question does anyone here >> streaming, home yard disney plus smile, you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. >> so >> go live unfiltered the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your 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use every man checks roger mountain bike, but just to see some free lunches >> this is the big dam >> that do right? at&t is asking customers to reset their passwords after a major leak of personal data affecting 73 million current and former customers the telecom giant, quote, has launched a robust investigation supported by internal and external cybersecurity experts into the source of the league, at&t says account information, including social security numbers was exposed to the dark web, but the leak does not appear to contain financial information or paul history. this is another misstep for a company that only last month experienced a nationwide outage, the left customers without service after a network upgrade all right. saturday night out on the town fun turns deadly in indiana for the third weekend this month, police in indianapolis are investigating a mass shooting at least seven children were shot outside of downtown shopping mall. the youngest, just 12 years old officers patrolling the area say they heard several shots lots around 11, 30 last night. cnn's ivan rodriguez is getting all the details. four. so what more you learning about how this happened? well, >> fred day said indianapolis, please stay rushed to the scene. they were nearby in that downtown area, heard the shots, ran. they're found a large group of children, seven of them, as you mentioned, with gunshot wounds. now, they're recovering from their injuries. no arrests have been made so far, but we want to show you this map showing all the locations and dates of the recent mass shootings in indianapolis, all the shootings are within 25 minutes of each other. it's important to note they're not connected. on march 16th, a nightclub shooting left one person dead, five others injured. the following weekend, one person was killed, and five others, including an off-duty indianapolis metro police officer, were injured after shooting outside a bar early sunday morning and now last night and incident involving youth violence, officials say more than 25 officers were patrolling the area saturday for police to prevent this type of activity from happening >> it's extremely concerning to the mindset of some of our community members, especially some of our young community members. once again, and i know you guys have heard cheek bailey talk about it conflict should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it the consequences are eternal okay. we've got to learn how to talk to each other. we've got to learn how to resolve conflict in different ways. >> deputy chief tanya tere also says they believe multiple firearms were involved, but it's unclear what led to the shooting or how many people opened fire, although they didn't provide information on the nature of the gathering, police have noticed that in the evenings or large crowd of young people moving around the downtown area, nor do they know whether those who had the firearms were miners themselves. they don't know how the games are minor or even how they got the guns. but the big question obviously it was family values, right? and they're like, it's the day before easter, your 12-year-old isn't home maybe we should know a little bit more about what they're doing on 11:30 p.m. at an on saturday night. >> all right. ivan rodriguez. thanks so much. we're also watching big developments in baltimore where officials say they are now beginning the delicate process of removing he says of the fall and francis scott key bridge, the us coast guard tells cnn the crew of the cargo ship dali is still onboard and holding up. well, cnn's gloria pazmino toward the site with members of the us coast guard. earlier today. so what more have they told you about this ongoing investigation >> yeah. friday use, as you said the crew of the dali is still on that ship. they were headed to sri lanka originally as part of this this trip before they hit and made cost of bridge to collapse, they're doing okay. they're holding up. well, they have everything they need on board, but they're there in part because there's an investigation is still ongoing. they have already started to remove pieces off the bridge. they have to go in there, cut the pieces up, lift them, and remove them out of the water and the surrounding area all part of an extremely complicated operation that that is taking place as we speak, we got very close to the wreck site earlier this morning, we went along with the us coast guard who really helped us just understand how much work is still ahead. this is a monumental task, fried, when you go in there and you're able to see the dali up close all the containers that are still on top of it. >> and >> then all of the ships that have that have arrived and are now around the area so that they can be deployed to help with their cranes and all of their heavy equipment. take a look and listen to just what it's like when you're up close. >> so you can see we have been able to get >> extremely up close to the wreckage of the dali and we're starting to really get an appreciation on a sense of just how massive this job is going to be >> you're looking at 4,000 tons of steel and concrete great that are sitting on top of that bow that is going to be the most complicated part of this operation. moving all of that debris >> and taking it off the ship so that they can begin as cleanup process >> and then there's >> everything that's laying below the surface, the part that we can't see there is more metal, more concrete, more debris in the water. >> and >> that's going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the diverse first whose mission is to get back into the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost. but as we're sitting here now finally being able to really see it and get up close to it you really just get a sense of the enormity of the job at hand >> and fred, in >> terms of the debris that's in the water, i was told earlier today that even after they deploy the sonar to try and map out the floor and understand exactly where the debris ria sitting. they have lost one piece of equipment in there. it got tangled in the metal in the debris that's in there. so it gives you a sense of just how difficult this is they have to make that area safe for the diverse to be able to go back in into the water as you know, there are still four bodies that have yet to be recovered. so that part also extremely critical. i do want you to hear from one of the kernels that is directly involved in helping to lead this mission. what her message was to those families and the people of baltimore we're not just looking at how we're going to engineer this. we are scanning to make sure that if we identify any vehicles or any any of the fallen that we're able to react. commitment to the pupil baltimore and the state of maryland that that is a very integrated effort in the overall salvage operations that are taking place >> so it's going to be a long road ahead, but they have the confidence that they have all the tools they need in order to make it happen, even as we travel around the area here in baltimore, we can see you've got people are stopping to take in the loss of this essential part of their skyline. right? this is affecting their day-to-day lives. and they're looking forward to recovering soon. >> fred all right. gloria pazmino. thank you. so much >> all right. for the first time in >> decades, the us government is changing the way it inquires about race in this city on those us census forms, what you'll see the next time you get one check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space. shuttle columbia, final flight premieres next sunday at nine on seats. so would you get to >> nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? three classes? contenders 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overgrown, descendants of people buried there can't even visit and now there's a legal fight over who is supposed to maintain the site of these graves. cnn's rafael romo went there >> this was cleared it was you could walk up the hill that first sight. >> this looks >> like a forest, but look closer and you'll see the rocks here are engraved. >> you can see a tombstone right there. look, this one >> acre plot of land, this back in the heart of buckhead, an upscale community in atlanta. >> can you tell us how many members of your family we're buried here. >> my grandmother, my grandfather >> i have a >> baby, brother too great grandmother's uncle and piney grove cemetery, a historic african american graveyard that traces its roots to the 19th century, is now at the center of a legal >> battle between sisters rhonda jackson and audrey collins, descendants of people buried here. and the bluffs at lenox homeowners association, which now owns this land we cleared all of this. all this was clean a few years ago in the lawsuit filed in january, the sisters claimed the hoa has failed to clean and maintain the cemetery, but also has interfered with plaintiff's rights under georgia law to care for and maintain the cemetery but the hoa claims the cemetery was abandoned before it acquired the land. and until recently, no one took responsibility for maintaining it. >> the plaintiffs themselves had been to the cemetery when they were children and had not been back in years. and when they got back, it was overgrown and it was difficult to find grave markers and boundaries the thick vegetation here has made a very difficult, if not impossible for the surviving relatives of the people buried here to visit their graves. but we were able to get to the top of the hill and this is what we found. this is the grave of joshua tamas, buried in 1987. he happens to be the grandfather of the two sisters who filed the lawsuit according to the georgia trust for historic preservation at piney grove there are over 300 burials, some of which are believed to be burials for enslaved individuals and other people who came from thriving african american communities that were displaced over several decades >> that's been going on since emancipation, where african american communities are displaced through a measure of different tactics for the last few years, the sisters in a small group of supporters have been fighting a losing battle against the vegetation that is so thick, they can no longer reach their grandmother's grave treacherous, going up the hill and 71 years old, almost 72 with a bad hip, i guess i get emotional because on the very first cleanup, i promised my grandma when we cleaned her grave, i said, i promise you, this is not going to happen again. we're going to make sure that you he's are treated with respect after the first hearing on the case held in february, both parties made an agreement that, among other things, gives the sisters access to >> the cemetery, which had been a problem before. >> the agreement also >> allows the plaintiffs to take measures to clear vegetation including the use of goats, which was a source of disagreement in the past. rafael romo, cnn atlanta >> get your viewing glasses ready, eclipse across america, april 8 did one on seep. >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move your business forward with a streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers. >> for >> more value, more of a liability, and more on-time deliveries the united states postal service is built for how you business and how you business is with simple, affordable, and reliable shipping usps ground advantage >> progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto online so you can get back to your monster to-do list >> really get a >> quote, if progressive when bbs was to turbotax, i wrote four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume >> so i meet bbs, new 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>> seize >> the day with zyrtec. >> this is the greatest age and almost me awhile moments to >> talk about for all light time, where you would champions, tbs so some of the questions that you see on government forms when it comes to your race and >> ethnicity right >> now, you might see a question asking if you have hispanic or latino background and a separate question on racial identity well, under the new standards, the government will collect race and ethnicity using a single question that will now include seven broad categories. white, hispanic, or latino, black or african american asian american, indian, or alaskan alaska native, middle eastern, or north african and native hawaiian or pacific islander. i laugh because i feel like we should have something that you can see because i hope you can follow all of that. joined me right now to discuss this and these changes is congresswoman judy chu. it's a lot to keep up with. it's a very important issue. she's a democrat from california and the chair of the asian pacific american caucus congresswoman good to see you >> oh, thank you for having me. okay. so you have called for these changes that you say as a once in a generation breakthrough. why was this so important? how does this either simplify or does it address what is become a very complex tap? the stray of america >> we have been asking for these changes for decades actually, it hasn't been changed and 30 years since 1997 and finally, in 2022, the biden administration took up this challenge and tad so many listening sessions, public comment, 20,000 comments i mean, race and ethnicity is very, very important to so many americans and being accurately portrayed is very critical to the services that we have as well as the kind of images that we have in society. now now, for asian american, native hawaiian, pacific islanders, which is what we call aaa, nh pis. it is so important not to be lumped together. we have over 100 different race and ethnicities and over 70 languages that are spoken and if you just lump us together, it masks the vast differences that are between our different groups and how they you believe these changes that will give a better representation of the racial and ethnic diversity in the also be advantageous to those who are filling out the paperwork >> oh, it'll make a huge difference say, for instance, in education, for our population on, there is an average of 56% of those who get a four-year degree or higher. but if you look at the differences between the different asian groups, then you see some startling statistics. for instance, those in the southeast asian categories, that is, those were among lotion or cambodian only earn a bachelor's degree at 15:17 and they need the help without knowing these differences, they will not get the help. and so it has a lot of implications for what we do in k12 education in higher ed in so many ways and actually on income we have the greatest income disparity between all of our different groups. but highest earners are ten times higher than the 10th lowest earners. >> so what that >> means is that those at the low end aren't getting the help from the agencies such as the small business administration and other programs at combat poverty >> what kinds of program or policy changes do you see forthcoming as a result of these changes? >> well, i could see education programs being more finely attuned to those those populations that need the help rent in the asian population certainly, that is southeast asians and pacific islanders. i could see programs that service those who are vulnerable that is, those who have greater needs such as in our sba loan programs that they would be better able to get the assistance they need to be successful in their businesses and to be able to get the loans that they need to expand their businesses. so it can have such tremendous differences. let me also say that knowing these differences can have a tremendous beneficial effect on society as a whole. because when you have these big differences, people operate on model minority stereotypes and we, in the aaa and hpi population have had that stereotype for a long time. and it becomes a wedge between groups and can stoke anti-asian hate so by having the true picture of what our population is about, we can stop those terrible stereotypes and also have a better quality of life for everybody. >> congresswoman judy chu, glad you could be with us today. happy easter >> thank you >> are coming up. >> the polar ice caps are >> melting and it could be flowing downtime itself. the new findings from a time-shifting study next >> if you work in spaceflight, this is it's the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved, spatial colombia to find i'll flight premieres next sunday at nine on tourists >> tourists that turn into scientist tourist taking photos that are analyzed so researchers can help life underwater flourish >> don't only lost a 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and environmental science, michael mann is joining us right now to discuss, he's also the author of our fragile moment how lessons from earth's past can help us survive the climate crisis. professor man, good to see you. i think i think i don't know because it's not good news actually, maybe i'm not so happy to see you. >> okay. so still can't precisely say when this might happen, but for starters, can you help better explain to us why this is even a possibility? one less second of our lives yeah, it's not really that bad. we're not really losing time from our lives. it's just the, the length of the day is fluctuating a little bit neck. it actually fluctuate the weights from year to year because of things like changing air currents and ocean currents, the el nino phenomenon actually changes the length of the year. it changes the length of the day by on the order of microseconds. so we're talking about small fractions the second, but they add up over the course of the year to maybe a second or so and you have to make these little adjustments in the clock because of that. so this is something that happens naturally for example, with the own nino phenomenon. but what's so interesting about this latest study it shows that it's happening to a slightly larger extent now because of the loss of ice from the polar ice sheets if you think about it, it's sort of like if you've ever watched a skater that's spinning on the ice, and when they stick their arms out they slow down. and when they bring them back in, they speed up that has to do with how they are changing their moment of inertia. we could call it and it relates to a physics principle called the conservation of angular momentum i won't get into sort of geeky physics of it. but the bottom line is that the earth is sort of the same thing in a sense, it's spinning around, its polar axis. and there's all this ice at the north and south poles. and when that ice disappears, then it flows into lower latitudes, flows towards the equator. and so you're redistributing that mass from the axis of rotation away from the axis of rotation, just like that skater, when they stick their arms out so that's sort of what's happening it's a small fraction of a second. it's not really going to impact our lives, but it does speak to the profound impact of climate change is having on our entire planetary system. it's literally changing the length of the day. >> wow you're an excellent professor. i would love to be in your class because that was really fun learning but are standing and you helped us visualize it perfectly. so who will make, i guess that declaration and how will we learn are know? >> that? >> i guess the slower rotation, the consequences is going to be that we lose a second of our lives >> yeah. so it's literally happening continuously. the thing is, we make those adjustments at a particular time, right? we don't constantly make adjustments like for leap year, we wait for years and we make that adjustment. it's the same idea here. we wait until enough of those tiny fractions of a second have built up enough to add up to a second. >> and >> then when they do, we make that adjustment that year in the number of seconds. so it is important for timekeeping and their systems that depend on very accurate timekeeping so it is important for us to recognize that this this happening and take it into account. for example, in our time devices and our various ways of establishing precise chronologies for instrumentation that's all important. >> its >> impact on us in the planet and our environment is pretty small, but the impact of climate change itself, which this speaks to, is much greater >> and that's the important way to punctuate this too, is that it sounds like you know you, might be thinking, are we should all be thinking that sadly it will only get warmer. and so one second loss is ultimately going to be two seconds loss and on and on and on. >> or are you hopeful and thinking it will go the other way? >> yeah. and you don't i'm not too worried about this a few seconds here are there over the course of our lives, the way time is sort of accounted for, it's a tiny little effect. the, the bigger effect. and what i am worried about is if we continued to put carbon pollution into the atmosphere and warm up the planet, then we're going to melt more of that polar ice and it's not just affecting our time-keeping. it is flooding our coastlines is adding to these more destructive hurricanes to literally pose a threat to us. and other living things along with droughts and wildfires and heat waves. that's the problem. the good news, we can stop it from getting worse if we move away from carbon pollution, if we move away from fossil fuel burning, habits have to change a all right, professor michael mann, thank you so much and happy easter >> you too. thank you. >> all right. >> and people around the world are getting ready for the upcoming total solar eclipse, a us cities like dallas, indianapolis cleveland, buffalo, new york there'll be in the path of totality, which means people in those cities will see the sun entirely blocked by the moon. and cnn will have special live coverage of this rare moment that won't come around again for another few decades, eclipse across america starts live monday, april 8 at 01:00 p.m. eastern time. and you can also stream our coverage on macs. i'm fredricka whitfield again, happen the you, sir. thank you so much for being with me this weekend, cnn newsroom continues with omar jimenez in a moment >> your favorite rock diblock teams are back for redemption and the burst ever waterfront the patient showed and i could do this. it's time to secrets when the block all new monday, 99 on hgtv mu from real real view maps now feature precise heat, wind and air quality ratings on every home listing trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust download the app today >> this is your invitation to experience the versatility of alexis 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Buffalo , Cleveland , Coverage , Won T , Eastern Time , Eclipse , Macs , America Starts , Moon , 01 , Monday April 8 At 01 00 Pm , 00 , Cnn Newsroom , Sir , Fredricka Whitfield Again , Omar Jimenez , Waterfront , Teams , Redemption , Real Two Com View , Rock Diblock , On Hgtv Mu , 99 , Louk , Wind , Home Listing , Air Quality , Heat , Ratings , Realtor Com , Real Estate , Mom Invitation , Suv , Streaming , Butterfly Shrink , Moderate , Prac , Subject Two , Infection Liver , Inhibitor , Jackpot , Jak Inhibitors , Name , Windshield Schedule , Proposition , The Go Tos , Clock Partnership , Network Solutions , Comcast Business , Round ,

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