Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

>> and be ready for monday, sign up for free visit, ai or download the app. dr. sanjay >> gupta. >> and this is cnn hi everyone. >> welcome to the cnn newsroom. i'm alice and camerota tonight. >> the >> biden campaign is calling out donald trump for quote inciting political violence after he shared a video on social media that shows president biden tied up like a hostage in the back of a pickup truck. >> cnn's >> steve contorno joins us now with more steve >> awesome, former president donald trump once again facing accusations that he has encouraging violence against a political opponents. this time for a social media post involving president joe joe biden. we're only going to show you a clip of this briefly, but take a look at this video captured on thursday in long island. it shows two trucks decked out in trump flags and decals. and on the second truck, there's this image of president joe biden hogtied on the back of the truck trump posted that video to his social media site truth social on friday. on saturday, his campaign defended it, telling cnn in a statement quotes that picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway democrats and crazed lunatics have not only called for despicable violence against president trump his family, they are actually weaponizing the justice system against him. the biden campaign meanwhile, wasted little time responding to this. they told cnn in a statement, quotes this image from donald trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the proud boys to stand back and standby, trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously just ask the capital police officers who were attacked, protecting our democracy on january 6. now, allison, these are images that we are used to seeing from trump's supporters at his rallies. certainly online. and yes, sometimes even on vehicles but it is striking to see the former president and someone who aspires to be president once again, amplifying these kind of images. of course that has become common place for trump going back to his 2016 campaign and through this week allison, when he attacked the judge who is overseeing one of his new york cases yeah, steve contorno, thank you for that. >> joining >> me now is cnn senior political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic. ron brownstein and defense attorney and former federal prosecutor shan wu. >> shan >> posting a violent image of a sitting president is, that legal answer is it depends. >> but what >> would normally happen if any regular person like me, are you posted that is we would get a visit probably from the secret service. the visit itself isn't bringing charges, not an arrest, but they need to do with threat assessment. and certainly the people who created the image and those displaying it are deserving of such a visit. now, the biden administration's response, i thought ron has picked this very political response. of course, they can't tell doj or law enforcement to do something because they want to up your hands off. but really doj should make an inquiry. they should make sure that these things as are being checked out. and frankly, they could talk to the former president's campaign and say, hey, this kind of thing is very dangerous, doesn't mean they're investigating him, are bringing charges but that's a proper thing for them to do to keep the peace. >> ron, why isn't the secret service paying a visit to donald trump's house? >> yeah. we can i mean, if it was your me they would be and certainly they are hesitant. and as we have seen, many institutions in american life are hesitant about fully grappling with something we have not faced in our political history, which was the leader of one of art undisputed leader of one of our two parties regularly. routinely and it seemingly as part of his strategy encouraging political violence when he says he's going to pardon the january 6 rioters and he calls them patriots and hostages. he is sending a very clear signal when he tweets what he is about for various judges and lung what's involved in his cases, he is sending a very clear signal and as we know from january 6, this does not all just dissipate into the air. there are people who will hear this in a very specific way. and i think alyson, all of this is a reminder to voters that there is a lot that comes with donald trump. i mean, at this point in the campaign, there are a lot of voters who are kind of looking at him and his presidency and saying things didn't cost as much when he was president. but this is a reminder that that is not all you get. if you get even if you do get that at all, with trump, you also get a routinization of threats of violence that we have not seen before in american history in which no institution i think is grappling with fully >> shan one of the judges involved in one of his criminal cases in new york judge merchan issued a gag order against president trump this week, not to threaten jurors or our witnesses. >> do you think that's working >> not at the moment, but the latest threats all use that term that trump has done is actually very carefully designed to avoid the language of the gag order because it's talking about members of the judges family, and that gag order like others before, have actually accepted the judge themselves or the main prosecutors. i think frankly that's a mistake, somewhat echoing what drawings saying it's a failure of the institutions in this case, the judiciary to really grapple with what's happening with this kind of platform that trump can use to harass and impugn the integrity of the system, but just so i understand, the gag order is they cannot threaten the jurors or the witnesses, but he can threaten judges. i mean, that in other words, that there's a loophole in that there is a loophole. i think i'm using the term threatened a little bit too loosely if he actually threatened the judge, like i'm going to hurt them or something that would not be encompassed. but saying disparaging things about the judge, about alvin bragg, jack smith in this case, the judges adult daughter that is a loophole in the gag order right now, and it's sounds like the district attorney, alvin bragg's office has started the process to maybe ask the judge to expand that. the judge being a judge, it's probably unlikely to take that on himself to expand it. so it really is up to the prosecution to ask for that change. >> ron, your thoughts >> yeah. well, as i said, i mean, i don't think there's really any institution from the media to the legal system, to the executive branch that really has been able to wrap its arms around what we are, what we are now facing. i mean, donald trump is the dominant figure in the republican party. there are a lot of people who support him for a lot of reasons, including legitimate policy, disagreements with the current administration. but part of the package that he has presented throughout his political career, going back to 2016 when he when he offered to pay the legal fees of people who beat up demonstrators at his rallies. if you remember, is that he brings a threat of political violence into the day-to-day life of american politics in a way that we have not seen probably since the run-up to the civil war i remember one of the experts on domestic terrorism saying to me toward the end trump's presidency that we could be heading toward a period like the troubles in ireland, not at the same level of violence, but where there are threats routinely. i mean, it's not just january 6. i mean, there was kidnapped plot on gretchen whitmer. what we saw during the covid pandemic with public health officials in school board meetings. there is a with a violence that has now been introduced into our politics in a way that simply was not there before, maybe in the jim crow south to defend segregation. but on a nationwide basis, we have not seen anything like this. and no one no one is responding fully to the magnitude of what we are seeing i'm sure it speaking of that, a sitting federal judge sat down with our kaitlan collins because he was so moved to talk about >> how this is basically an attack on the rule of law. so let me play you if we have it, that clip i think it's important that as judges, we speak out and, say things in reference to things that >> conceivably are going to impact on the process. because if we don't have a viable court system, that's able to function efficiently, then we have tyranny. and i don't think that would be good for the future of our country and the future of democracy in our country >> what about a judge, a sitting judge going about length >> well, i applaud what judge walton says. i've been before him many times, both when he was in superior court and in federal court. i think the key distinction here is he's not commenting on the merits of the case, saying that the defendant is guilty or not guilty, he's really talking about the threat to the institution that's happening by allowing this type of escalation of harassment of impugning the integrity of the court's it's one thing to come out to the courtroom steps and say, i disagree. i still think i'm innocent. i think the judgment about ruling, it's another to say that the judge is corrupt to call them names like thugs. and i think judge walton is very properly pointing out that is a big problem for the way that our institutions function. and i applaud them for speaking out that way. >> ron, let's move on and talk about politics and all the numbers even crunching the different demographics and how they'll affect the election. so you wrote a piece this week for cnn that talks about the huge role that the hispanic and black vote could play. so tell us more yeah. yeah >> you know, for good reason there has been a lot of attention to the polling this spring showing trump not only winning more support among black and hispanic voters, then he did in 2020, but more allison than any republican presidential nominee since the civil rights era. i mean, he's running consistently impulse around 20 20 to 25% nationally among black voters 45% or so among hispanic voters, george w bush didn't do that. ronald reagan didn't do that. but for all of the deserve attention that is getting the other side of the racial ledger has largely been ignored, which is that joe biden in the same polls is somewhat surprisingly running as well bell or maybe even a little better than he did in 2020 among white voters, despite all of the headwinds, he's facing. and if biden can do that in hold that support that he now has where he is at or a burden 2020 number with whites. it kind of turns around, it flips the main question in this election. i think the decisive question can becomes, can trump continue all the way through november to maintain the elevated historic level of support. he's posting now among black and hispanic voters, given everything else that he is talking about, mass deportation, internment camps, unilateral military action against mexico, pardoning the white supremacists who attack the capitol on january 6. he at this moment is getting the best of both worlds. he is energizing his social conservative base with some very polarizing ideas about race and policies, and also winning and unprecedented number of non-white voters on other issues, primarily the economy and the question of whether he can stay on that time i wrote all the way to november could be decisive if biden stays where he is now among white voters. >> thanks for explaining all of that. ron brownstein, shan wu, thanks great to see you guys. >> thanks. >> right now, the first costs are being made to start removing the pieces of the francis scott key bridge from the water. the very latest from maryland coming up next sanity needs to save space >> he had a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of 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see here power saws working to cut the metal do smaller pieces, but it is slow going >> this is going to be a remarkably complicated process even after that initial lyft takes place, there needs still needs to be an understanding of what forms of adjustments have happened. how has lifting that one piece since begin the removal process? how does that impact the remainder of the bridge that's still sits inside of the bay >> cnn's gloria pazmino has been with us here live from the scene. gloria, any word on if they think they will be able to recover the bodies of the for victims that are still in the water yeah, allison, that is certainly the top question for those families who are waiting for the first responders to be >> able to get back into that water. the governor told us earlier today that it's not safe enough for them to do so just yet that's why the removal of the debris, lifting that metal in that concrete off off the vessel and clearing the area around it is so critical because one of the most important parts of this mission is for those divers to be able to get back in an continue the search for the body, the body of those four victims, a total of six people were killed during this terrible incident. they were six workers who were on the bridge in the middle of the night working to fixed potholes. we know that they plummeted into the river two of them have been recovered, but four or more are still yet to be found. and i do just want to highlight the fact that we have for families both here in the united states, but also in mexico, in in honduras and el salvador people who are waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones. in fact, our cnn colleagues and mexico were able to speak to the uncle of alejandro earn undoes fuentes. he is one of the bodies that has been recovered, but his family is in mexico and they're pleading with the mexican government asking to be granted humanitarian visa so that they can come here and join the rest of the family in this moment that they're going through, they want to be able to be together to say goodbye. and they have questions. frankly, they want to just be able to get some closure. so we were able to get to that family in mexico and speak to them directly. so as we focus on the mechanics of the cleanup, which are critical in a really complicated mission involving hundreds of people and a lot of machinery. >> we >> also want to highlight the fact that there is a human factor in the middle of all of this people who want some closure. and of course, the people of baltimore and the larger community who have lost an essential piece of their skyline and something that is essential to their economy and their way of being and living here in baltimore thus ghraieb thank you very much for being their reporting for us coming up a father's plea for the body of his son to be returned by hamas stick with cnn newsroom. we'll be right back >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can 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brought to you by our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial oma collis. now tonight egypt's state-run media reports, a new round of talks set for tomorrow in cairo >> between israel and hamas. negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage deal are on the table. we're told in israel tonight, protesters accused their government of misleading the public and failing the hostages who are still being held inside gaza. cnn's melissa bell is in jerusalem with more >> another de of violence. allison in the gaza strip possess war nears its six month mark. all lies very much on raffa. that's southernmost point the gaza strip were 1.2 million gazans are currently seeking refuge. many of them intense. the fear that the threatened israeli ground invasion would have a huge cost for the civilians that are seeking shelter in that part of the gaza strip. that of course will be at the heart of conversations that will now take place. we expect as early as monday when an israeli delegation finally makes its way to washington here, the us administrations fears about what that ground invasion would mean. >> these talks will come in an >> extremely delicate time, of course, because it's also the hostage talks that are picking up again, we know that an israeli delegation is on its way to birth, qatar and cairo to continue those indirect conversations with hamas to, see how close they can get to negotiating the release of the remaining more than 130 israeli hostages in exchange for some 700 palestinian prisoners. we understand those talks could start as early as sunday in cairo. meanwhile, in tel aviv huge emotion as family members of the hostages gathered with many thousands of people very angry scenes that spoke really to the frustration and the fear here in israel that these hostages may not come home at all more than 130 of them still there when we're coming up. as i said, to the sixth month mark of their captivity in just two weeks time, allison moos. >> thank you. >> the >> family of an idf soldier, 19 year-old, each i can only recently learned that he was killed on october 7 during the attack by hamas, jens body was taken into gaza that day and has not been returned to his family for burial. earlier tonight, i spoke to his father, ruby about where things stand almost six months later what is the israeli government telling you about those negotiations? >> first of all, else alison, thanks for having me and good evening. 176,100.76 days of this held that we all living through each day all over again we have the opportunity to meet the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. two days ago the message is more or less the same from the israelis government perspective and there's a lot of frustration as you see today and we are at the marcuse, which is legitimate to be able to have an opinion that might be a bit different than the government when it comes to the pace then negotiation and the gap that still exists but i'm also look at the people in gaza that they should go to that elected officials hamas, which is similar to isis and tell them we demand that will be a ceasefire. and the way they get to a ceasefire is the lease of all of the hostages. and hamas have been so difficult in just time to talk to them and have been so stumbling and then negotiations. this has been going on for six months and i'm looking at the humanitarian crisis in gaza, which i feel four as well. and look at the people then and ask them and urged them guilty light officials go to hamas question them to get to a deal. similar to what we are doing to the israeli government yeah i we will get to hamas in a second, but first i just wanted to ask you a little bit more about that meeting that you had with the prime minister, did you >> confront netanyahu directly? and what did you say to him? what did he say to you? >> the prime minister has had the same strategy for the last five months with the same components about hush on hamas and looking at it all fell office that the main item on the agenda, in my opinion again, the way the event isabel going until offer is something that israel has been very consistent on, which is saying that the ceasefire, will not happen until all the hostages come out and there's a need to put more pressure on hamas to get them to the negotiation table. so that will continue according to the prime minister and that's why it to be kind of as possible assigned to find ways to get to a deal done and we need that deal i would like to also leach out to the muslim view as on the show and wanting to wish them a llama done colleen for their celebration. >> and would like >> to approach them and ask them the way in that hamas are dealing with the deceased is this part of a slum >> to use dead bodies as bargaining chips >> i'm pretty sure it's not. >> and i would be more than >> happy to hear the muslim leaders in the united states calling to hamas to have some dignity for the deceased and maybe start negotiations around the deceased and let the families us families where elba 40 us citizens were killed on until the seventh to have the minimum, which is being having a place to mourn for sun, the us citizen, as well as many others where we can also expressed his thanks to the white house for its efforts to resolve the hostage crisis and he said that he believes benjamin netanyahu needs to step down >> coming up, cnn >> goes to arizona to talk to undecided voters with all the talk on immigration here, why some voters? say things are not what they seem >> we're here to get your side of the store >> don't ms a. single scandal, why do we keep ending? now? >> you can't write this stuff >> united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tomorrow at eight on cnn >> get your backyard ready for any occasion with the help of quality battery tools by steel oh me to prove still dealers right now save $50 on select aka system battery tool sets, real 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were the launching point for a world breathtaking action. and excitement from deep sea quest's shallow-water pursuits to living history lessons and journeys on the bounding main key west, close to perfect far from normal hi brian that's >> how you make like a never even happened >> serve for cnn this morning with kasie hunt, with david five eastern throughout this presidential campaigns, cnn's john king is traveling the country, speaking to americans about what matters to them. his series is called all over the map. and this week he's in arizona, are talking with arizonans about their border concerns a wall as far as the eye can see this is the tucson sector, by far the busiest corridor for illegal border crossings, smuggling is a big problem and a big business faith ramon knows all too well >> i needed money. i needed money quick and because of my alcohol and my addiction, i just went to a party, met some friends. they offer me some quick money. i took it and it was so easy, it will so easy. i did it again and i did it again. sure enough. i was doing it for years because of it. it's so easy. >> when he got caught and then i got caught. my luck ran out a >> felony conviction set ramon in search of sobriety under 2018 tohono o'odham tribal ritual would again put the border front and center, the sweat lodge ceremony >> and by walked in and that was the very first time i heard that there was a border wall that was going to be built on the reservation separating and destroying some of our sacred sites. >> the mode is now an active is two registers voters and is eligible to have her own voting rights restored. her first choice for president would be this november in battleground, arizona. >> i will vote provider donald trump is not an option. >> i don't like the fact that our reservation was destroyed by racist wall to win here again, biden needs big margins here in south central arizona tucson itself, to the mexican border ray flores is no fan of biden or trump thinks both are too old to be president. >> at this juncture, they both had four years and i am just eight years more frustrated than i was before. >> flores runs el charro, a family business for 102 years we're going tucson landmark, famous for carney seca and the chimichanga washington's immigration paralysis hurts business. >> i mean, a clear process for work visas would be amazing. you have your technology company, you can get an engineer and you can get them immigrated and you can get a work visa. why should i deal to do that with a chef? or with a really good waiter? >> the immigration conversation tends to be different in places at or near the border. more polite, more nuanced, focused on solutions, not slogans. so how long it's a unique situation where you have two countries that create a community and actually it's mutually beneficial for both countries. >> walk through the nogales border crossing in the first business you see is kory's bridal shop on evan kory is fine with the wall but didn't like it when trump added the razor wire he bristles when the former president talks about the border and mexicans we've always depended on our mexican neighbors to support our local economy. >> corey, a democrat also bristles though, and liberals oppose more money for the border patrol and other security measures >> yeah. >> i mean, >> that's. equally frustrating too, because you have to have a balance between all the needs and find a way to somehow work together. >> handmade boots or a specialty at david's western wear for 44 years of favorite of customers on both sides of the border that david moore says 99% of his business was from mexico before the covid utdown. it's about 70% now in the last, moore says the wall helps stop illegal crossings and he wants more agents to cut long wait times that discourage mexicans for making day trips to shop. and he says, the asylum process is broken. >> the i don't know how that works, that people from africa are coming in through mexico up through the mexican border. i would want them to regulate that a little more more as a registered republican, but a likely biden voter because trump offense him. he said that, you the immigrants are poisoning or blood what would you say? >> i'd say my my mother was born in mexico and she came across the border legally so that's poison. i can deal with, i guess >> more says the way trump and allies talk about the border is exaggerated and alarmist. and he says he pays the price customers call and say they're worried about making the trip to nogales pupil from everywhere do that because when they say on the news that the borders are award zone that's those are the images they get. they think it's unsafe, but your host, not a warsaw, my home is not a war zone. now, we've, been here for a long time, a long time. at what is now a major line of america's political divide. john king, cnn nogales, arizona our, thanks to john king, always enlightening reports. >> all right, pope >> francis celebrating an easter vigil inside st. peter's basilica. what we know about the pope's health tonight get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for >> another two decades joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies eclipse across america, april 8 did one on cnn or streaming on macs >> monies, allergies don't have to be scary, right? flown a sense of ms daily for non drowsy, long-lasting relief leaf and a scent free gentleness slowness, all good also try are allergy headache and nighttime pills were always so dedicated we worked hard to build up the sharp save for college in our retirement but we got there thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for it was always for you >> seeing >> you carry on our legacy. >> i'm so proud at vanguard, you're more than just an investor. you're an owner setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. >> if you try 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edouard back. father great to see you >> nice to see you. allison >> so does pope francis his last-minute absence. where are you? >> not really. i don't know if you remember, but he did the same thing last year because it was a particularly cold evening and rome and again, holy because very packed with holy thursday and then the easter vigil, which he celebrated tonight and tomorrow and good friday services at 03:00. he was there so i think it was just prudent for a man who's 87, just say, you know what? this is a little bit too much. i think i'm going to watch he wrote the meditation's for the evening and just like last year, he decided to sit the evening out and just let it go on as it would and can serve as energy. because as you say, he is expected to preside over the eastern mass tomorrow in st. peter's square. and so we understand that he'll deliver this message of prayer for the end of global crises. how important is his eastern message to catholics around the world? >> i think it's very important, allison, because look at what's happening in the world right now. we know that the pope's very concerned about what's been happening in gaza in the ukraine all over the world. i mean, there's conflict we see in our own country here. i mean, people are at their wits end with the division right now. and i think the pob tries to take all of this into his own heart and prayer and pray for peace, and pray for justice. and so i think what the message to the world will be is that good friday is not the final word. if that's suffering and death is not that the hope of the rest of direction gen. gives us a newness of life that we all desire. i think it's really important message right now, especially with what's been happening in our world. >> i was going to ask you about that just personally, how are you feeling about the state of humanity on this easter eve? >> i've done a little discouraged to, as you watch the news, as you watch cnn, of course i just think that there's so much hatred and division and violence, right now. and so it's kinda hard to say where is the light in this tonight at his homily for the easter vigil. pope francis talked about the women who were grieving. and went to the tomb wondering who would roll the stone away? and when they got there, it was rolled away. >> so >> they didn't have to and that it was empty >> and so i think that's really what >> this is about. yeah, it does a lot of struggle that a lot of suffering. no one's going to deny that. that's what good friday is about. but the real message for us is that good friday is not the final word. that's what we're celebrating this evening with the visual that's what we'll celebrate as christians, chemali with easter. that there is the potential, then possibility of new life if we embrace it and so i'm hopeful for that. i mean, that is my faith. that's what i hold onto, but i lied to you. if i said i wasn't discouraged at times, what i see and at the amount of division right now, especially in our own country, because we're so close to it right here and it is discouraging. but my faith does give me hope >> well, that is the >> secret to be able >> to hold discouragement and optimism and hope in your head at the same time, father edouard back. thank you very much for your word. it's great to talk to you >> thank you else and happy easter. do your two >> well, there is some sticker shock. this easter. >> anyone >> shopping for chocolate bunnies and easter eggs has noticed that the price of cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate, has soared two levels, apparently never seen before the rise is being partially blamed on el nino. that's the weather phenomenon that's bringing dry weather to west africa, which produces the bulk of the world's cocoa supply cnn's ivan rodriguez is following this for us for chocolates, here's the last several months have been nonstop to get halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, valentine's day, a little bit of break >> easter, and now things kinda slow down a little bit. >> jocelyn to byu because the owner and chef of dirty chocolates she's tasked with making chocolate confections of different flavors shapes, and colors but this year since the price of cocoa has got significantly more expensive, she's rethinking the kind of treat she makes. and how she makes them like this marshmallow chocolate bunny. >> it's a chocolate cookie with a vanilla bean marshmallow, and then it's covered in milk chocolate. so for the you know, 30 grams that you're getting only 18 grams of that is chocolate, which means it's a much lower ingredient cost for me, much lower labor for me as well, which means that i can pass along those lower costs. >> in january of 2023, the buccal is paying $13.50 a kilo for chocolate this week, she's paid $15.71, sense of hello >> so that's 16 1% increase >> the white chocolate, like i said, has gone up >> 35% in less than a year >> and with no end in sight for when prices could normalize. the buccal have to contain finding creative ways to create delicious chocolate while keeping her business so float and allison, i'm personally a fan of that marshmallow toggling bonnie, but it is also a bit of an uncomfortable situation sometimes for these chocolate tiers, cef, the buccal told us that a times consumers feel like they're the only ones saying these price increases, especially at a time when everything feels like it's getting more expensive, but she does say that she's lucky to have the customer that she does because they've been so understanding >> ivan, i feel like that marshmallow chocolate bunny never expires. so i really think you can from last, you can, so you can also eat last year's if you can't afford this year. so thank you. >> thank you for that report. i've been great to talk to you. >> well the superbloom is here and california is a wash in wildfire wildflowers, they're all right. we're going to show you more when we come back >> sanity, needs to save space >> you have a 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a flurry of flowers. >> i think it's amazing as brain begins to unfurl in california, flower fans are hoping for another show stopper, a phenomenon known as a superbloom >> superbloom is many, many flowers, millions, if not billions of flowers blooming simultaneously. >> expanses of orange, yellow, and purple flowers. so densely cluster that they are visible from space like in 2023, after one of the what is winters on record, the thing is super blooms aren't a guarantee. it takes the right conditions for that right of hues to appear during california corneas devastating drought years. there's no brilliant display there when those conditions come together and you get a lot of rain and cool days, you're going to see tons of flowers and this year i think we're on track for that >> all of these beautiful blooms just draw people in. but this is nature so naturally there are threats. and here in california that often is snakes, like 12 mail-in found out what is the coolest thing you've seen when you've come out here a snake >> i got dog and i saw running in 2017, some california parks were crushed with superbloom seekers. the town of lake elson are banned visitors to one canyon in 2019 after hundreds of thousands of people trudged off trails destroying precious petals the quest to take the perfect picture. >> these are fragile ecosystems. they're wild ecosystems, and they can be damaged pretty easily by being stepped on sat on, driven on. >> yet experts say respectfully, viewing a superbloom is a great way to connect with nature. >> you'll just see one of the most incredible things that happens in our natural world. >> stephanie elam, cnn very beautiful >> and before we go, i hope you'll allow me a quick mention of my new memoir, combat love. it is just out this week. it's about my turbulent teenage years and how my challenges during those days paved my path to becoming humming a tv reporter and a news anchor. so whether you are a gen x or yourself, or you just want to know how i overcame some obstacles. i hope you will check out combat, love available at all bookstores nationwide thank you for joining me this evening. i'm alison camerota, wishing you a peaceful easter sunday. join us again tomorrow night. cnn newsroom starts at five eastern in an encore of real time with bill maher, is next

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Pope , Peter S Basilica , Experience , Glasses , Viewing , Pope Francis Celebrating An Easter Vigil Inside St , Coverage , Spectacle , Skies , Macs , 8 , April 8 , Sense , Allergy Headache , Monies , Relief Leaf , Gentleness Slowness , Work , Save , College , Retirement , Advisor , Vanguard , Ones , Investor , Ownership , Progress , Legacy , Owner Setting , Quit Smoking , Cravings , Pack , Caret , Luck , Apes , Cigarettes , Nicotine , Loop , Reality Shows , Sports , Big Change , Sling Tv , Lung Cancer , Channels , Mom , Voice , Immunotherapies , Combination , Devo , Cell Lung Cancer , Attack Cancer , Possibilities , Alk , Egfr , Problems , Fight Cancer , Boy , Death , Stomach Pains , Chest Pain , Shortness Breath , Lead , Confusion , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Appetite , Urine , Dizziness , Thirst , Itching , Rash , Vomiting , Fainting , Memory Problem Rooms , Cough , Extreme Tiredness , Side Effects Problems , Nervous System Problems , Joint Pain , Weakness , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Flushing , Fever , Organ , One Up Diva , Chance , Voy , Lutely , Text , Raw , 369369 , 369369 Today , Mesothelial Oma Kalisa , Closed Captioning , Easter Vigil At St , Pope Francis , Appearance , The Cross Procession , Rome , Vatican , Events , Commentator , Quote , Author , Edouard Back , Holy , Absence , Holy Thursday , Man , Services , 00 , 87 , 03 , Energy , Meditation , Prayer , Around The World , Crises , Peter S Square , World , Conflict , Wits End , All Over The World , Division , Justice , Pob , Hope , Suffering , Newness , Desire , Direction Gen , To , Estate , Humanity , Hatred , Light , Women , Homily , Tomb , Stone , Visual , No One , Christians , Struggle , Chemali , Faith , Potential , Amount , Possibility , Head , Secret , Discouragement , Optimism , Well , Sticker Shock , Anyone , Chocolate , Ingredient , Cocoa , Weather Phenomenon , Levels , Chocolate Bunnies , Weather , Rise , El Nino , Cocoa Supply Cnn , Chocolates , Halloween , Christmas , Bulk , Ivan Rodriguez , Break Easter , Making Chocolate Confections , Owner , Shapes , Flavors , Colors , Valentine S Day , Byu , Jocelyn , Marshmallow Chocolate Bunny , Milk Chocolate , Treat , Vanilla Bean Marshmallow , Chocolate Cookie , Labor , 30 , January Of 2023 , 2023 , Buccal , Increase , Kilo , Hello , 35 , 1 , 3 50 , 16 , 15 71 , 5 71 , 13 50 , Prices , Float , No End In Sight , Marshmallow Toggling Bonnie , Consumers , Price Increases , Chocolate Tiers , Cef , Customer , California , Superbloom , Wash In Wildfire Wildflowers , Report , Cnn Okay , Nutrition , Nutrients , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , Strength , 27 , Skin , Will Psoriasis , Confidence , Psoriasis , Wings , Plaques , Results , Psoriasis Control , Inflammation , Blocks , Moderate , Targets , Zelig , 17 , Standard Where Black Again , Shorts , Infections , Dose , Behavior , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Dermatologist , Ability , Groceries , Bag , Assignment , Bunch , Trade , Celebration Event , 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, 2019 , Ecosystems , Sat On , Driven On , Viewing A Superbloom , Combat Love , Mention , Challenges , Tv Reporter , Yourself , Path , News Anchor , Humming A , Gen X , Combat , Obstacles , Bookstores , Peaceful Easter Sunday , Encore ,

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