Transcripts For CNNW First 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW First 20240704

him. he's denied all the allegations and after the searches, diddy's attorney said mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name with me. now, in studio to get to the center of these cases, you've probably heard about this week christopher eight, daniel, he covers black culture for the atlanta journal-constitution also, attorney and law professor ivory, welcome to you both mole let me start with you. all right so three lawsuits filed against for lawsuits filed against diddy one was from a woman who alleged sex trafficking and gang rape when she was 17 in high school would there have to have been more than what's in that lawsuit to justify to a judge to get the warrants to searches two homes >> well, that would be obviously in order to do this ray, there had to be probable cause to get those search warrants and a judge saw what he saw and said that there was that's right. so the fact that we're dealing, there are many allegations, some are from adults, some are from under age. obviously, to whatever they're looking for, they're looking after speaking to these victims, looking to corroborate what the victims said in order to move forward. and we know moving forward means whether there will either be an indictment or some charges coming along the fact that there are under victims. absolutely. rises to another level, obviously, because under age person cannot consent to this type of activity and they would not have to be much proof if they were involved in it. so it's very, very serious and that's just one of the underage charges they are another one in one of the lawsuits and we will see after we get an opportunity to they find what they find and they let us know what they find. then we'll have a better view as to what, how it looks to move forward speaker to five we don't know where he is, >> right. there was the last video that was seen of him. he was at an airport, he was reportedly taken his twin daughters on vacation, but it's remarkable that after this search i don't know where did he is >> he is in miami they a couple of days later, he was in yeah. and then he still is in the last couple of days. he was out at top golf with his daughters playing golf and he was seen he was again seen after that in miami with a couple of friends. so i think we can be sure that there have been enough sightings that he is actually in miami and the idea that they don't know where he is at war has kind of been squashed. first-ever. >> we've not heard much support for diddy. i mean, he is responsible in part for a lot of careers where are his friends, where are his supporters if there are any i think when people look at just the success profiles that they've built, nobody really wants to attach themselves to something that's so high profile when you look >> at social media is really one of the biggest trends right now, when you see, like you said, someone the careers that he's built throughout the course of his own career, i think people are trying to play it safe and really not necessarily aligned themselves with some of the hoopla and all the controversy right now. so i think a lot of it is just kinda distancing themselves because, you know how things can be the whole issue thing with someone retweet something, i'll go back and dig multiple, multiple years down alliance, i think has just a situation where people are not trying to put themselves in a compromising position so that they won't ultimately be like the trending topic themselves gives me. >> do you expect that there will be an arrest? i mean, if they go through up to this point, they have probable cause for the searches. and he is sources tell us the target of this investigation that there will be an arrest i think it's hard to determine that there's going to be an arrest right now. obviously, you're proven innocent on your innocent until proven guilty. and he has been charged with nothing right now. there's only been one person that has been picked up which was this when this earlier this week when the young man was picked up, for the drug charge, whatever. so it's hard to i wouldn't guests at whether i know what's going to happen. his lawyers are saying that, you know, obviously he's going to fight and he's cooperating, right? that's a very big sign that he wants whatever is going to come out, to come out, he's cooperating, he's turned everything over. so really it's it's great for us to want it say what we think about it, and there's so much going on on social media, whatever. but really right now there's no charges. nobody has been charged. and we have to wait and see if he will be. >> so that's the legal element of it. there's also the business element, how it's impacting his relationships and his properties as it relates to tequila and vodka and revolt how is this impacted his profile professionally considering all of the can't stop won't stop image around. diddy. >> well, i grew up in the '90s. so if you grew up in a child to hip up in the '90s, he was living light one of the quintessential figures in the culture. he was super fly in his video deals. he was producing some of the biggest artists on the charts. and of course, you and never seen that type of dollar being generated from artistry and just from producing. so that was that part, but i'm thinking at this stage in his career, he's kinda like public enemy number one because we are having this reckoning in the culture right now where you are seeing a lot more executives, a lot more artists being called out for some of their proclivities and a lot are just some of the things that's been kinda done in the dark and kind of swept under the rug. so it's one of those things. now where it's not necessarily the same profile that i grew up around is more or less now him just pretty much being like this figure where we've seen russell simmons and we've seen are achille kinda go through what they've gone through some thinking at this stage, he's fallen into that's what a category for me >> all right. christopher. thank you so much. black mayors from across the country are teaming up to take on crime this week, memphis mayor paul young, and the african-american mayors association announced the black mirrors coalition on crime and held their first meeting. but just days before for the meeting, maire young himself was the victim of a crime. according to the cnn affiliate there in memphis. and man grabbed him, tried forcing his way into his car outside of restaurant. that man was charged with causing a disturbance, joining me now is the mayor of memphis, paul young and jackson, mississippi is bare choke way onto the moon, but gentlemen, welcome to both of you. i want to get into the conversation about this coalition, but maire young first did i get that right? can you tell me anymore about what happened outside this restaurant? >> i mean, you pretty much got it, right? he was he was someone who was nicely first and then he just wanted to talk a little bit more than i was ready to and it taught me that i'm early in my tenure that security protocols are important and i have to make sure that i do notify my security. it was my fault that i didn't have my person. and so we live in learn at all was well, all right. >> good to know that all is well, now let me ask about this coalition you all to show a couple of weeks ago because you'd gotten and met with gang leaders to try to bring down gun violence in memphis, explain the catalyst for this coalition with mayors across the country well we're appointing point in history where we have our african mayors are leading large and small cities all across the country you look at new york, la, atlanta, chicago, philly, memphis, jackson mississippi, st. louis. and so i thought it was important for us to have a dialogue array of crime we noted african american communities are often most impacted by crime. and so i thought it was important for us to have the direct dialogue or how we're going to address it. and our respective cities. >> may the mumbo, what did you learn more than and this was the inaugural meeting more than the introductions? i'm sure you've known some of these mayors for some time what practically did you learn that you can bring back to your city to continue to bring down violent crime well viktor first let me begin by commending my friend and memphis mayor mayor young for having the >> foresight to bring this all together. i think now more than ever, our communities need to be represented by those who love us moos. and so we had a robust conversation where we shared best practices we talked specifically over specific police initiatives that are taking place and in some of our neighboring and our brother and sister mayors communities, we also talked about data-driven evidence, evidence-based solutions that are coming immunity oriented and community centric we talked about, for instance operation good in jackson, mississippi and where we've seen tremendous success and ask the question whether or not we have the political will within our communities to carry these programs forward. we also talked about not only challenging those in opposition to our efforts, but challenging our friends to get us the resources nationally that are needed and so we had more than just an academic discussion we talked about proactive and practical solutions that we intend to carry forward. not only or term, but the long term as well. >> amir young. this was a coalition of black bears, but you talked about the issues and black communities. there. obviously plenty of black people who live in big cities that have white mares. you think of mayor duggan? in detroit. you've got done a deacon in jacksonville. is this open to non-black mayors? to impact black communities? they serve absolutely. i mean, the blackmails, what a catalyst. we certainly invite any and all that wants to help resolve issues and our community. we know that there are many people that are filling the impact of crime across this country and. our overall, goal is to ensure that our communities are safe and we welcome any and everybody to participate. >> marry young, the governor of tennessee has now signed the into law. would essentially overrides the local ordinance there in memphis, which was named for tyre nicholls who died at the beginning of last year after he was beaten by police officers the local law would have reduced the reasons that police could stop drivers for some of the minor infractions. what's your reaction to that? >> well, i certainly wasn't supported at the people who memphis spoke loud and clear. i've city council overwhelmingly passed 130. those ordinances. and so i think it's important to local elected officials are able to dictate their path and future. it's been passed into law i'll now certainly would want to follow the law. and there were still things that were part of that set of ordinances that were passed that we can do there were things around tracking data and making some of that information available to the public on traffic stop. so we'll continue to do those things. and i'll legal team is working to ensure that we have policies in an appropriate manner. so we are following the law. but we think preemption is something that is not good for our community and we're going to continue to speak out about it whenever it happens, may the moment let me ask you about pieces of legislation involves the water treatment facility there. now, with the house committee, they've got to believe until april 2 to get that through for the legislation to have a chance to be passed and signed into law would would essentially forced the city to sell or give up its control and ownership of the water treatment facility. we know the jacksons had issues with water service. there is money on the way to repair it the president is promised 600,000,115 on the way, 60 some of the money already being used what's your reaction to this legislation? and do you think it's going to cross that threshold coming up next week >> well, i'll be cautiously optimistic and certainly encourage our legislative delegation to oppose that legislation but as mayor young has spoken about the challenges, memphis is seen with its state leadership. jackson has seen its fair share of state preemption after decades of a willful neglect by the state to support the city of jackson now that the city of jackson went through the extraordinary means of our administration, going to watch and securing direct funding to the city of jackson notably after president biden himself shared that he had concerns about the state of mississippi not providing money to the city of jackson and so representative or senator parker who has authored that legislation, said from the dais. now that we he have gotten this money, we need to consider taking over jackson well, they weren't with me in washington when i was advocating in front of senate appropriations staffers to get that money so it is a self-serving mission, i believe by those who are sponsoring this legislation, not to support the people of jackson but to take advantage of the resources that are now at hand any instances to pass contracts to their friends. and so are our central and sole concern will always be the health and safety of our water system and ensuring that we not only a dependable, but equitable water system. and we have to make sure that we can carry that mantra through to the end. mayor stroke weight lama, and paul young. thank you so much for your time today coming up. >> the reparations fight >> for latino, families whose homes were buried by a stadiums construction and whose stories have been buried by tan. plus, we're digging into the music, the history of the features all packed in it beyond today's country album, one of the artists who sings on two of the songs is here one said space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on >> 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began with the city started acquiring land. it said was to build affordable housing their families who held out on selling their homes we're forced out.ndth' i mean, physically forced out. look at these pictures from 1959, these families were physically carried out by police locally. it's known as the battle of chavez ravine well now there's a new bill in california to get reparations for these families. they want compensation, yes. but also broader acknowledgment of what happened. joining me now is wendy korea. she is the state assembly woman who introduced the chavez ravine accountability act thank you so much for being with me and we're not talking the 18th century here. we're talking the 19. so there are people who are alive today who were physically as children, as young people brought out of these homes is there a clear count of how many there are still alive >> well, thank you for having me on. >> there's about >> well, we don't know how many are alive to be quite honest, but we do know that there were about 1,800 families that were unjustly evicted and removed from their homes during the period of 1950 he wanted 195091 of whom is what for good friend of mine and mentor carroll jaquez, who was just a little girl. she was only eight years old when she was removed, when her family was removed from her home. and so right now, we're in the process i'm moving the policy forward to establish the commission that will ultimately determine what happens next. and in that process, find the families or the descendants of those families. >> so this is to create the commission leading toward rep. reparations what is it that you want? and i understand it's more than just a >> and we want the healing to start this was just a terrible time in history, in history in general, if you think about the 1950s during in los angeles, there was the mccarthy era. there was a desire for public social housing that never happened. a promise for housing to these families that was never fulfilled by the city of los angeles and then a few years later the city moving forward and voting after an election and new people in office to bring in the brooklyn dodgers to los angeles in that in that effort the homes that were promised to these families was never fulfilled. >> so there's a lot of hurt. there's a lot of pain. there's a lot of history that was never told. and for the first time, we're bringing the story to the local government from the state level, which was also involved at the time, to the city of los angeles which ultimately made the decision to really ensure that we have justice for those families that were robbed of their homes. and quite honestly, robbed of generational wealth. >> melissa, are achieved her mother and her aunt were children at the time. and were pulled out of their homes. listen to what she said this week but we are not the only families to face the vital evictions on may 8, 1959 known as black friday. we must hold all city state, county, and federal agencies accountable for their part in the destruction of the three communities plus stealing all future generational wealth from the residents, both owners and renters. and more importantly, your los angeles dodgers that still benefit and occupy our homes today. >> i understand that you're seeking reparations from the public sector, from government, and not the dodgers. why? >> well, the dodgers weren't involved in the initial conversations and negotiations with the federal administration under truman, which actually had secured the funding for public housing during that time with the los angeles housing authority at the time? and so the dodgers come into play later and i completely hear and understand the frustration the generational trauma that has occurred in this community. and there are many families, some of whom with time have become huge dodger fans. so the dodgers are definitely in the conversation. >> they know now the intention of the policy. >> but more >> importantly, our goal is to establish the commission that'll start the conversations as to what happens next. this has never been done before. it's a step forward in ensuring that the voices and the stories of these families are told that those three communities are recognized and represents hunted, and that we are moving forward with starting a conversation of what it looks like when the city itself did not fulfill the promise of housing. >> assembly woman, wendy koryo. i thank you for your time and sharing a story that unfortunately many of us are hearing for the very first time. thank you so much. >> beyonce is new album is >> a lesson on the black roots of country music. and it's introducing some of countries newest stars one of the singers featured on cowboy carter is here. >> next the day i die >> this is the big dam >> that do okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition, are strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for 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drill rods that are beyonce's new album is breaking records spotify says that cowboy carter is the most streamed album in a single day so far this year they're more than two dozen tracks on the album, sweet honey bucket, which you heard a little bit of their is one of my favorites. when you hear the whole song, it just lays out the mixes of influences on cowboy carter bianna tay said, this isn't a country album. it is beyond say album. this embraces the black roots of country music and the black women leading countries, new generation. so i have here two great guests to talk with us from nashville. highly g is the founder of the black op, rape. and country singer songwriter tiera kennedy is he or she is on two songs on cowboy carter. ladies, welcome to you both here. let me start with you with, uh, congratulations. i know it's been the butterflies of keeping the secret after you saw the track list, how do you feel this morning >> oh, my gosh honestly, i'm still trying to process everything >> i >> think crying since yesterday it's just been a whirlwind and i'm really honore to be a part of this album. i mean, i love beyond say, and i'm always dreamed of getting to work with her blood, never mountains that it would happen in this way. >> so it's really special. >> your blackbird and pirate, let's play a little of blackbird now. >> waiting for the small meant to be three >> you're on with bianna, say, and three other black women it country what what is the feeling of the message of that song between the five of you? >> it's really special i honestly didn't know the importance of that song until after we recorded it and so it just made it that more special. and all ofs girls, we were texts and this morning, just about how how fun it's been, and how cool it is that we get to experience this together this is such an important time and i'm so thankful to the art say for including us. and i think that it's reading such as a special message to the world and hopefully the young girls want to get into country music monday. >> yeah, paul mccartney wrote that song back in the 60s for the beatles. end, he wrote it not about a black bird, but a black woman in the context of the civil rights movement and then beyond say now has a cover of it. holly, let me come to you. i learned from you when we spoke a year ago about tracy chapman and fast car that country music is one of the remaining genres in which radio play rules. and we learned from a study from song data, tracked airplay between 22.20, 11,484 songs played in those 19 years songs by black women, three black women artists had songs in that 11,484. how much does this album change country music and country radio? >> i think that's still left to be decided as far as what the radio programmers decided to do. i spoke to dr. dana watson yesterday, who pulls this data and she's the one who hold the industry accountable. and that way. >> and since those two songs >> have dropped, there had been no other black women that have been added to the country radio programming and so we're still get to see what impact that will make but i do want to thank patients tier. i'm a big fan of yours and it's great to see you on his album >> thank you. >> so if they're not adding any other black women to country radio include the we know now the names of at least four others who could be on country radio as mickey guyton as well. i mean, there are others who perform is this potentially there opportunity to say, here's beyond, say see, we do include black women and then that is where it ends unfortunately i think that's what's happening. i was at country radio seminar a couple weeks ago and that was the vibe. everybody was patting themselves on the back for embracing beyond, say and so i think in their minds, work is done, which just leads us to pivot in a different direction. i think that the blessing of bianna in this moment is that the beehive is very strong and they have already begun to show interest in his artists and tried to figure out ways to support them and so i think we have a huge opportunity here to build an alternative to the mainstream video. >> yes. since texas hold em was released, the streams immediately after that was released for reyna roberts for tanner adell went up dramatically in the days after that one track hit. so yes, the love is being spread around cape michelle as well, waiting for our country the album to be released highly g tiera kennedy. thank you to you both and tiera has some new music of her own coming out soon. i in a cow girl on april 26. so watch out for that coming up a mom in texas who was staring down years in prison for a voting error, reacts to the major decision in her case. >> anytime i'm really shocked, right now. like is this real sanity leads a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation. hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn >> jorge is always 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appeal by one foot in one foot out not knowing if i'm going to phrase it than that. so this has been very, very hard. well, you can see is two systems that's, that's exactly what i saw when i realized that i filled out a provisional ballot. i didn't vote and i was sentenced to five years in were these people have actually voted in dead moms names and their wife things going up there to vote and they own son name >> this was >> showing me that there's two systems >> and historically black university and tennessee is getting new leadership after controversial move made by state republicans to get rid of its entire board of trustees tennessee state university's finances have been under scrutiny after recent audits. but democratic lawmakers argued the move to get rid of the original board was a bad look by their white gop colleagues, and that the bigger problem is not the management, but the chronic underfunding some students and alumni also said that they felt left out of the decision the governor's office says the new board is made up of tsu graduates now in all the coverage of the tons of metal and the laws of infrastructure and clean up i want to make sure that we remember the people lost in that bridge collapse in baltimore and say their names starting from scratch and a new country often means you'll take the job you can get. and sometimes that's the one that nobody else wants. we were reminded of that this week when we learned the victims of the baltimore bridge collapse were immigrant construction workers alejandro hernandez fuentes was from mexico. his body was one of two recovered from the wreckage. his uncle tells us the family is pleading for humanitarian visa four his sister to be able to come to the us to say goodbye dorlian castillo cabrera worked on the bridge too. he was from guatemala. his cousin told cnn and he was here pursuing his dream and helping his mother maynor sandoval mood from honduras, 18 years ago for a better life, his brother says, he also started a maintenance company, was an entrepreneur maynor had a wife and 18 year-old son and a five-year-old daughter miguel luna, was from el salvador, a husband and father of three, both miguel and maynor war involved with a group called casa. that group helps working class immigrant families. and the organization got together to make this point what you hear is negative things about the immigrant community >> while you, while you >> don't here are the positive thins of workers, like the ones that i hear and the one they die, those six men that were working, one in the morning when most of us were asleep to take care of the road foss so we can drive those roads with peace and without obstacles i will like to go one day. what i want immigrant working in this country one day. so there you all can feel what it will be like and i'll add this to that remember that all the work to clear the wreckage and to build the new bridge immigrants will likely be doing much of that work coming up on this easter weekend and surprising statistic on black saints from the us. there are none and of the thousands of saints worldwide, not one is african american meet a member of the baltimore church, who traveled all the way to the vatican the tried to change that >> houston check we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight hey, premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on realtor dot com's real view maps show you precise wildfire flood, and noise ratings on every homeless. they don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one app real estate sectionals trust, download the app today, my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back. now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin, we've sky rizzi three out of four people achieved 90% clear skin at four months. and most people were clear even at five years sky rosie is just four doses a year 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the saintly six st. ann's has sent thousands of letters to the pope francis about this. a members of the church have traveled to the vatican for meetings. ralph moore was there. he's a member of st. and social justice committee. ms moore. thank you so much for being with us. thousands of saints from around the world, 11 americans. is there a clear answer? the question of why there are no black american saints? >> i think it's because the catholic church hierarchy has not been able to see us. i mean, there have been instances when they have but in this particular matter they just haven't been able to see us and understand that we've endured enslavement segregation within catholic churches, where we were second-class members mass incarceration, mass poverty, as well as over 4,000 lynchings where they were silent and they just haven't been able to see that we have been the remnant. we'd been faithful to the catholic church, despite all that explain that. how can they not see you? i mean catholics, the catholic church knows. the nose american history knows that there was hundreds of thousands of black catholics across this country. how is it possible they don't see you >> is it >> is it possible that they are ignoring you instead? >> it's >> entirely possible and actually there are three lee in black catholic, 3 million entry, okay. out of the 75 million catholics and the country. and i think they just choose not to acknowledged what we've been through and give any value to ipt in terms of what we've endured are on honore and suffering as martin luther king would call it became, are unrequited love from the church so you say you say that they don't see you possible they're ignoring you, but with thousands of letters and a visit >> to the vatican, they certainly know about the saintly six. they certainly, these are venerable venerated members now as well as it go through the process of canada's age haitian what's been the reception, what was the reception at these meetings at the vatican >> well, they listen to us they appreciate our presentation as we talked about the six candidates for sainthood, who include mother mary lang, the founder of the oscillates, father augustus told them the first black caolic priests known black catholic priest mother only at allele, who also started an order for women, black women be'er, two songs the grade philanthropists juliette greeley, who was also very generous and sister thea bowman as we talked about them, they said it seemed as if we knew them personally and in fact they said at the end of the session bravo. but we haven't heard too, too much from them since then we didn't get a chance to meet with the pope, but we were actually following the process, which is that there's a castrating for the cause house of saints, the group that we met with are the ones who bet the lives of the candidates and also bet the miracle that they are expected to perform to be declared saints >> conversation about >> a representation mattering and we think a lot about entertainment and politics. it's certainly matters in the church as well. ralph more of st. ann's catholic church, social justice committee thank you so much and happy easter to you coming up, an artist who tells in an ai server, listen to this, she tells an ai server about her dreams and then turns that into our jordan must >> what do you think >> now streaming exclusively on macs by a 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only see how a that's me >> if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rin folk, a once-daily pill. >> when symptoms tried to take care control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with brin vote >> when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got lasting steroid free remission with print book share when my dr. saw damage run folk helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and 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and restlessness or common side effects, stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. >> i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a checkout for in brynn for certain, small carnage >> next on cnn it feels like artificial intelligence is everywhere and it scares some people, but some people are excited by it. a key, a breon found a way to use artificial intelligence to make art its art that still requires a human touch. she's using the tech to turn her dreams and thoughts and to tapestries >> my name is a cambrian. i am based in detroit, michigan and i'm a lens and textile based artist so the process for me, it begins with either self portraits appropriated images that i'm collecting from the internet, and also family photos often, i'm recounting my dreams or sort of landscapes that i've created in my mind. and then that ai basically create it's the image from what i've put into it. i then put it through a digital louk. i adorn it with jewels and glitter, and doll stuffing i think that there's healthy levels of fear and cynicism. i think historically has been on that side when it came to technology. but i also realized that as a woman of color, it was very, very limited in terms of what it was pulling from so a lot of it was rooted in a lot of racist archetypes and stereotypes. and so it can only learn from what it's being fed. so my way of sort of combating that is educating myself and educating the software isn't that cool >> acute will be showing some of her work at expo chicago next month that at a group show at the mass art museum in boston, opening a june. and could check out a work at a key or well, thank you for joining me today. i will see you back here next saturday at 08:00 a.m. eastern. if i don't see, you don't see me before then. happy easter it's mcconnell is up next

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Security Protocols , Security , Tenure , Catalyst , Gang Leaders , Gun Violence , History , Cities , Chicago , Philly , Atlanta , New York , La , Communities , African American , Dialogue , Dialogue Array , St , Louis , City Of Los Angeles , Mumbo , Introductions , Friend , Foresight , Well Viktor , Police , Place , Initiatives , Best Practices , Moos , Sister , Evidence , Solutions , Immunity , Community Centric , Question , Programs Forward , Will , Operation Good , Resources , Opposition , Discussion , Efforts , Issues , Term , Amir Young , Coalition Of Black Bears , Duggan , Jacksonville , Deacon , Mares , Detroit , Community , Impact , Blackmails , Tennessee , Law , Marry Young , Everybody , Goal , Tyre Nicholls , Ordinance , Reasons , Police Officers , Drivers , Dry Eye Disease Don T , Reaction , City Council , Infractions , 130 , Ordinances , Officials , Path , Set , Information , Traffic Stop , Tracking Data , Public , Team , Policies , Manner , Chance , Legislation , Pieces , 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Government , Time , Decision , Melissa , Wealth , Justice , Mother , Evictions , Aunt , May 8 1959 , 8 , City State , County , Owners , Agencies , Residents , Destruction , Black Friday , Renters , Los Angeles Dodgers , Dodgers , Dodgers Weren T , Conversations , Negotiations , Truman , Public Sector , Play , Frustration , Housing Authority , Trauma , Intention , Whom , Dodger Fans , Voices , Step , Assembly Woman , Wendy Koryo , Country Music , Album , Beyonce , Roots , Hearing , Lesson , Countries , Cowboy Carter , Singers , Dam , Mission , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Everyone , Nutrients , Protein C Idp , Fleet , Nutrition , Strength , 30 , 27 , C Dp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Idp Derails , Patients , More , Tips , Inspiration , Finding Hope , Cit P Com You , Restoration , Leader , Brandy , Bro , Pro , Mover , Battery Power , Steel , Fsa 57 Battery Trimmer , 57 , Breathing Problems , Asthma , Add On Injection , Attack , It Help , Column , Nikola , Q , Shingles , Breathing , 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, Three Black Women Artists , Radio , Radio Programmers , Dana Watson , She S The One , Industry Accountable , Data , Radio Programming , Names , Fan , Patients Tier , Others , Beyond , Mickey Guyton , Four , Patting , Back , Vibe , Country Radio Seminar , Work , Beehive , Minds , Direction , Pivot , Blessing , Ways , Interest , Alternative , Texas Hold Em , Track Hit , Reyna Roberts , Cape Michelle , Tanner Adell , Mom , Cow Girl , Texas , April 26 , 26 , Prison , Case , Voting Error , Ones , Sanity , Cnn Presents An Encore Presentation , Space , Real Time With Bill Maher , Cnn Jorge , Hbo , Technology , Aspen Dental , Maintenance , Care , Backseat , Take , Staff , Teeth , Equipment , Gears , Corner Emergency Crystals Pop , Quality Care , Plans , Insurance , X Rays , Exams , 20 , Doesn T , Throwback , Emergency Crystals Copd , Hasn T , Metrology , Breath , Beauty , Trilogy , Medicines , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Elegy , Function , Airways , High Blood Pressure , Trilogy Won T , Chest Pain 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Look , Board Of Trustees , White , Gop , Board , Students , Management , Underfunding , Alumni , Bridge Collapse , Baltimore , Laws , Infrastructure , Coverage , Tons , Scratch , Metal , Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes , Immigrant Construction Workers , Job , Bridge , Wreckage , The Family , Visa , Uncle , Mexico , To Say Goodbye Dorlian Castillo Cabrera , Company , Dream , Cousin , Guatemala , Maynor Sandoval Mood , Honduras , Group , Father , Miguel Luna , Entrepreneur , Husband , Maynor , Working Class Immigrant Families , Miguel , El Salvador , Called Casa , Immigrant Community , Organization , Workers , Thins , Roads , Men , Road Foss , Peace , Immigrant , Obstacles , Easter Weekend , Immigrants , Saints , Thousands , Member , Vatican , Statistic , Baltimore Church , None , Series , Space Shuttle Accidents , Houston , Homeless , Realtor , Noise Ratings , Wildfire Flood , Wing , He Final Flight Hey , Dot Com S Real View Maps , App , Sectionals Trust , Sky Rizzi , Realtor Com , Starter , Day One , Future , Values , Biologic , Dermatologist , Taggers , Partnership , Technologies , Prosperity , Submarines , D Arte , American Australian , Edge , British , Sides , Allies , Protein , Statement , Juror , Waiting In , Sleeping , Sugar , Fiber , Prebiotic , Lying Dormant , 99 , 25 , Rash , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Atjust , 9 , Captioning , Book , Loved One , Mesothelial , Questions , Call , 14000 , 808 , Black Catholics , Ann S Catholic Church , Black , Happening , Catholic Saints , Time To Change T That St , Attention , 11 , Members , Church , Candidates , Pope , Letters , Canonization , Saintly Six St , Ann S , Ralph Moore , Meetings , Americans , Committee , Social Justice , Ms , Member Of St , Around The World , Answer , Catholic Church Hierarchy , Haven T , Churches , Matter , Enslavement Segregation , Mass Incarceration , Mass Poverty , 4000 , American History , Remnant , Hundreds Of Thousands Black Catholics , Lee In Black Catholic , 75 Million , 3 Million , Suffering , Value , Martin Luther King , Ipt , Visit , Reception , Presentation , Canada , Mother Mary Lang , Sainthood , Oscillates , Allele , Black Caolic Priests Known Catholic Priest , Grade Philanthropists , Juliette Greeley , Thea Bowman , Black Women Be Er , Bravo , We Haven T Heard Too , House , Castrating , Miracle , Politics , Ralph More Of St , Representation Mattering , Entertainment , Artist , Ai Server , Easter , Social Justice Committee , Jordan , Taxpayers , Edition , Credits , 1040 , 37 , Care Control , Rin Folk , Folk , Saw Damage Run , Series Infections , Steroid , What Uc And Crohn S , Red Book , Voc , Gastroenterologist , Eye Disease , Irritation , Discomfort , Design , Dre , Prescription , Nature , Antidepressant , Depression , Pharmacist , Lift , Velar , Vitamin Supplement Brand , Studies , Dementia , Thoughts , Fever , Movements , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Muscles , Muscle , Confusion , Coma , Behavior , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Appetite , Stomach , Sleep , Movement Dysfunction , Dizziness , Cholesterol , Artificial Intelligence , Checkout , Everywhere , Imprint Com , Small Carnage Next , Brynn , Breon , Art , Key , Tech , Human Touch , Images , Cambrian , Textile , My Name , Self Portraits , Lens , Michigan , Internet , Image , Ai , Landscapes , Mind , Dreams , Family Photos , Side , Levels , Doll Stuffing , Jewels , Cynicism , Fear , Glitter , Louk , Archetypes , Color , Stereotypes , Software Isn T , Sort , Fed , Cool Acute , June , Breon Com , Art Museum , Me Today , Expo Chicago , Boston , Eastern , 08 , 00 ,

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him. he's denied all the allegations and after the searches, diddy's attorney said mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name with me. now, in studio to get to the center of these cases, you've probably heard about this week christopher eight, daniel, he covers black culture for the atlanta journal-constitution also, attorney and law professor ivory, welcome to you both mole let me start with you. all right so three lawsuits filed against for lawsuits filed against diddy one was from a woman who alleged sex trafficking and gang rape when she was 17 in high school would there have to have been more than what's in that lawsuit to justify to a judge to get the warrants to searches two homes >> well, that would be obviously in order to do this ray, there had to be probable cause to get those search warrants and a judge saw what he saw and said that there was that's right. so the fact that we're dealing, there are many allegations, some are from adults, some are from under age. obviously, to whatever they're looking for, they're looking after speaking to these victims, looking to corroborate what the victims said in order to move forward. and we know moving forward means whether there will either be an indictment or some charges coming along the fact that there are under victims. absolutely. rises to another level, obviously, because under age person cannot consent to this type of activity and they would not have to be much proof if they were involved in it. so it's very, very serious and that's just one of the underage charges they are another one in one of the lawsuits and we will see after we get an opportunity to they find what they find and they let us know what they find. then we'll have a better view as to what, how it looks to move forward speaker to five we don't know where he is, >> right. there was the last video that was seen of him. he was at an airport, he was reportedly taken his twin daughters on vacation, but it's remarkable that after this search i don't know where did he is >> he is in miami they a couple of days later, he was in yeah. and then he still is in the last couple of days. he was out at top golf with his daughters playing golf and he was seen he was again seen after that in miami with a couple of friends. so i think we can be sure that there have been enough sightings that he is actually in miami and the idea that they don't know where he is at war has kind of been squashed. first-ever. >> we've not heard much support for diddy. i mean, he is responsible in part for a lot of careers where are his friends, where are his supporters if there are any i think when people look at just the success profiles that they've built, nobody really wants to attach themselves to something that's so high profile when you look >> at social media is really one of the biggest trends right now, when you see, like you said, someone the careers that he's built throughout the course of his own career, i think people are trying to play it safe and really not necessarily aligned themselves with some of the hoopla and all the controversy right now. so i think a lot of it is just kinda distancing themselves because, you know how things can be the whole issue thing with someone retweet something, i'll go back and dig multiple, multiple years down alliance, i think has just a situation where people are not trying to put themselves in a compromising position so that they won't ultimately be like the trending topic themselves gives me. >> do you expect that there will be an arrest? i mean, if they go through up to this point, they have probable cause for the searches. and he is sources tell us the target of this investigation that there will be an arrest i think it's hard to determine that there's going to be an arrest right now. obviously, you're proven innocent on your innocent until proven guilty. and he has been charged with nothing right now. there's only been one person that has been picked up which was this when this earlier this week when the young man was picked up, for the drug charge, whatever. so it's hard to i wouldn't guests at whether i know what's going to happen. his lawyers are saying that, you know, obviously he's going to fight and he's cooperating, right? that's a very big sign that he wants whatever is going to come out, to come out, he's cooperating, he's turned everything over. so really it's it's great for us to want it say what we think about it, and there's so much going on on social media, whatever. but really right now there's no charges. nobody has been charged. and we have to wait and see if he will be. >> so that's the legal element of it. there's also the business element, how it's impacting his relationships and his properties as it relates to tequila and vodka and revolt how is this impacted his profile professionally considering all of the can't stop won't stop image around. diddy. >> well, i grew up in the '90s. so if you grew up in a child to hip up in the '90s, he was living light one of the quintessential figures in the culture. he was super fly in his video deals. he was producing some of the biggest artists on the charts. and of course, you and never seen that type of dollar being generated from artistry and just from producing. so that was that part, but i'm thinking at this stage in his career, he's kinda like public enemy number one because we are having this reckoning in the culture right now where you are seeing a lot more executives, a lot more artists being called out for some of their proclivities and a lot are just some of the things that's been kinda done in the dark and kind of swept under the rug. so it's one of those things. now where it's not necessarily the same profile that i grew up around is more or less now him just pretty much being like this figure where we've seen russell simmons and we've seen are achille kinda go through what they've gone through some thinking at this stage, he's fallen into that's what a category for me >> all right. christopher. thank you so much. black mayors from across the country are teaming up to take on crime this week, memphis mayor paul young, and the african-american mayors association announced the black mirrors coalition on crime and held their first meeting. but just days before for the meeting, maire young himself was the victim of a crime. according to the cnn affiliate there in memphis. and man grabbed him, tried forcing his way into his car outside of restaurant. that man was charged with causing a disturbance, joining me now is the mayor of memphis, paul young and jackson, mississippi is bare choke way onto the moon, but gentlemen, welcome to both of you. i want to get into the conversation about this coalition, but maire young first did i get that right? can you tell me anymore about what happened outside this restaurant? >> i mean, you pretty much got it, right? he was he was someone who was nicely first and then he just wanted to talk a little bit more than i was ready to and it taught me that i'm early in my tenure that security protocols are important and i have to make sure that i do notify my security. it was my fault that i didn't have my person. and so we live in learn at all was well, all right. >> good to know that all is well, now let me ask about this coalition you all to show a couple of weeks ago because you'd gotten and met with gang leaders to try to bring down gun violence in memphis, explain the catalyst for this coalition with mayors across the country well we're appointing point in history where we have our african mayors are leading large and small cities all across the country you look at new york, la, atlanta, chicago, philly, memphis, jackson mississippi, st. louis. and so i thought it was important for us to have a dialogue array of crime we noted african american communities are often most impacted by crime. and so i thought it was important for us to have the direct dialogue or how we're going to address it. and our respective cities. >> may the mumbo, what did you learn more than and this was the inaugural meeting more than the introductions? i'm sure you've known some of these mayors for some time what practically did you learn that you can bring back to your city to continue to bring down violent crime well viktor first let me begin by commending my friend and memphis mayor mayor young for having the >> foresight to bring this all together. i think now more than ever, our communities need to be represented by those who love us moos. and so we had a robust conversation where we shared best practices we talked specifically over specific police initiatives that are taking place and in some of our neighboring and our brother and sister mayors communities, we also talked about data-driven evidence, evidence-based solutions that are coming immunity oriented and community centric we talked about, for instance operation good in jackson, mississippi and where we've seen tremendous success and ask the question whether or not we have the political will within our communities to carry these programs forward. we also talked about not only challenging those in opposition to our efforts, but challenging our friends to get us the resources nationally that are needed and so we had more than just an academic discussion we talked about proactive and practical solutions that we intend to carry forward. not only or term, but the long term as well. >> amir young. this was a coalition of black bears, but you talked about the issues and black communities. there. obviously plenty of black people who live in big cities that have white mares. you think of mayor duggan? in detroit. you've got done a deacon in jacksonville. is this open to non-black mayors? to impact black communities? they serve absolutely. i mean, the blackmails, what a catalyst. we certainly invite any and all that wants to help resolve issues and our community. we know that there are many people that are filling the impact of crime across this country and. our overall, goal is to ensure that our communities are safe and we welcome any and everybody to participate. >> marry young, the governor of tennessee has now signed the into law. would essentially overrides the local ordinance there in memphis, which was named for tyre nicholls who died at the beginning of last year after he was beaten by police officers the local law would have reduced the reasons that police could stop drivers for some of the minor infractions. what's your reaction to that? >> well, i certainly wasn't supported at the people who memphis spoke loud and clear. i've city council overwhelmingly passed 130. those ordinances. and so i think it's important to local elected officials are able to dictate their path and future. it's been passed into law i'll now certainly would want to follow the law. and there were still things that were part of that set of ordinances that were passed that we can do there were things around tracking data and making some of that information available to the public on traffic stop. so we'll continue to do those things. and i'll legal team is working to ensure that we have policies in an appropriate manner. so we are following the law. but we think preemption is something that is not good for our community and we're going to continue to speak out about it whenever it happens, may the moment let me ask you about pieces of legislation involves the water treatment facility there. now, with the house committee, they've got to believe until april 2 to get that through for the legislation to have a chance to be passed and signed into law would would essentially forced the city to sell or give up its control and ownership of the water treatment facility. we know the jacksons had issues with water service. there is money on the way to repair it the president is promised 600,000,115 on the way, 60 some of the money already being used what's your reaction to this legislation? and do you think it's going to cross that threshold coming up next week >> well, i'll be cautiously optimistic and certainly encourage our legislative delegation to oppose that legislation but as mayor young has spoken about the challenges, memphis is seen with its state leadership. jackson has seen its fair share of state preemption after decades of a willful neglect by the state to support the city of jackson now that the city of jackson went through the extraordinary means of our administration, going to watch and securing direct funding to the city of jackson notably after president biden himself shared that he had concerns about the state of mississippi not providing money to the city of jackson and so representative or senator parker who has authored that legislation, said from the dais. now that we he have gotten this money, we need to consider taking over jackson well, they weren't with me in washington when i was advocating in front of senate appropriations staffers to get that money so it is a self-serving mission, i believe by those who are sponsoring this legislation, not to support the people of jackson but to take advantage of the resources that are now at hand any instances to pass contracts to their friends. and so are our central and sole concern will always be the health and safety of our water system and ensuring that we not only a dependable, but equitable water system. and we have to make sure that we can carry that mantra through to the end. mayor stroke weight lama, and paul young. thank you so much for your time today coming up. >> the reparations fight >> for latino, families whose homes were buried by a stadiums construction and whose stories have been buried by tan. plus, we're digging into the music, the history of the features all packed in it beyond today's country album, one of the artists who sings on two of the songs is here one said space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on >> 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began with the city started acquiring land. it said was to build affordable housing their families who held out on selling their homes we're forced out.ndth' i mean, physically forced out. look at these pictures from 1959, these families were physically carried out by police locally. it's known as the battle of chavez ravine well now there's a new bill in california to get reparations for these families. they want compensation, yes. but also broader acknowledgment of what happened. joining me now is wendy korea. she is the state assembly woman who introduced the chavez ravine accountability act thank you so much for being with me and we're not talking the 18th century here. we're talking the 19. so there are people who are alive today who were physically as children, as young people brought out of these homes is there a clear count of how many there are still alive >> well, thank you for having me on. >> there's about >> well, we don't know how many are alive to be quite honest, but we do know that there were about 1,800 families that were unjustly evicted and removed from their homes during the period of 1950 he wanted 195091 of whom is what for good friend of mine and mentor carroll jaquez, who was just a little girl. she was only eight years old when she was removed, when her family was removed from her home. and so right now, we're in the process i'm moving the policy forward to establish the commission that will ultimately determine what happens next. and in that process, find the families or the descendants of those families. >> so this is to create the commission leading toward rep. reparations what is it that you want? and i understand it's more than just a >> and we want the healing to start this was just a terrible time in history, in history in general, if you think about the 1950s during in los angeles, there was the mccarthy era. there was a desire for public social housing that never happened. a promise for housing to these families that was never fulfilled by the city of los angeles and then a few years later the city moving forward and voting after an election and new people in office to bring in the brooklyn dodgers to los angeles in that in that effort the homes that were promised to these families was never fulfilled. >> so there's a lot of hurt. there's a lot of pain. there's a lot of history that was never told. and for the first time, we're bringing the story to the local government from the state level, which was also involved at the time, to the city of los angeles which ultimately made the decision to really ensure that we have justice for those families that were robbed of their homes. and quite honestly, robbed of generational wealth. >> melissa, are achieved her mother and her aunt were children at the time. and were pulled out of their homes. listen to what she said this week but we are not the only families to face the vital evictions on may 8, 1959 known as black friday. we must hold all city state, county, and federal agencies accountable for their part in the destruction of the three communities plus stealing all future generational wealth from the residents, both owners and renters. and more importantly, your los angeles dodgers that still benefit and occupy our homes today. >> i understand that you're seeking reparations from the public sector, from government, and not the dodgers. why? >> well, the dodgers weren't involved in the initial conversations and negotiations with the federal administration under truman, which actually had secured the funding for public housing during that time with the los angeles housing authority at the time? and so the dodgers come into play later and i completely hear and understand the frustration the generational trauma that has occurred in this community. and there are many families, some of whom with time have become huge dodger fans. so the dodgers are definitely in the conversation. >> they know now the intention of the policy. >> but more >> importantly, our goal is to establish the commission that'll start the conversations as to what happens next. this has never been done before. it's a step forward in ensuring that the voices and the stories of these families are told that those three communities are recognized and represents hunted, and that we are moving forward with starting a conversation of what it looks like when the city itself did not fulfill the promise of housing. >> assembly woman, wendy koryo. i thank you for your time and sharing a story that unfortunately many of us are hearing for the very first time. thank you so much. >> beyonce is new album is >> a lesson on the black roots of country music. and it's introducing some of countries newest stars one of the singers featured on cowboy carter is here. >> next the day i die >> this is the big dam >> that do okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition, are strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for 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drill rods that are beyonce's new album is breaking records spotify says that cowboy carter is the most streamed album in a single day so far this year they're more than two dozen tracks on the album, sweet honey bucket, which you heard a little bit of their is one of my favorites. when you hear the whole song, it just lays out the mixes of influences on cowboy carter bianna tay said, this isn't a country album. it is beyond say album. this embraces the black roots of country music and the black women leading countries, new generation. so i have here two great guests to talk with us from nashville. highly g is the founder of the black op, rape. and country singer songwriter tiera kennedy is he or she is on two songs on cowboy carter. ladies, welcome to you both here. let me start with you with, uh, congratulations. i know it's been the butterflies of keeping the secret after you saw the track list, how do you feel this morning >> oh, my gosh honestly, i'm still trying to process everything >> i >> think crying since yesterday it's just been a whirlwind and i'm really honore to be a part of this album. i mean, i love beyond say, and i'm always dreamed of getting to work with her blood, never mountains that it would happen in this way. >> so it's really special. >> your blackbird and pirate, let's play a little of blackbird now. >> waiting for the small meant to be three >> you're on with bianna, say, and three other black women it country what what is the feeling of the message of that song between the five of you? >> it's really special i honestly didn't know the importance of that song until after we recorded it and so it just made it that more special. and all ofs girls, we were texts and this morning, just about how how fun it's been, and how cool it is that we get to experience this together this is such an important time and i'm so thankful to the art say for including us. and i think that it's reading such as a special message to the world and hopefully the young girls want to get into country music monday. >> yeah, paul mccartney wrote that song back in the 60s for the beatles. end, he wrote it not about a black bird, but a black woman in the context of the civil rights movement and then beyond say now has a cover of it. holly, let me come to you. i learned from you when we spoke a year ago about tracy chapman and fast car that country music is one of the remaining genres in which radio play rules. and we learned from a study from song data, tracked airplay between 22.20, 11,484 songs played in those 19 years songs by black women, three black women artists had songs in that 11,484. how much does this album change country music and country radio? >> i think that's still left to be decided as far as what the radio programmers decided to do. i spoke to dr. dana watson yesterday, who pulls this data and she's the one who hold the industry accountable. and that way. >> and since those two songs >> have dropped, there had been no other black women that have been added to the country radio programming and so we're still get to see what impact that will make but i do want to thank patients tier. i'm a big fan of yours and it's great to see you on his album >> thank you. >> so if they're not adding any other black women to country radio include the we know now the names of at least four others who could be on country radio as mickey guyton as well. i mean, there are others who perform is this potentially there opportunity to say, here's beyond, say see, we do include black women and then that is where it ends unfortunately i think that's what's happening. i was at country radio seminar a couple weeks ago and that was the vibe. everybody was patting themselves on the back for embracing beyond, say and so i think in their minds, work is done, which just leads us to pivot in a different direction. i think that the blessing of bianna in this moment is that the beehive is very strong and they have already begun to show interest in his artists and tried to figure out ways to support them and so i think we have a huge opportunity here to build an alternative to the mainstream video. >> yes. since texas hold em was released, the streams immediately after that was released for reyna roberts for tanner adell went up dramatically in the days after that one track hit. so yes, the love is being spread around cape michelle as well, waiting for our country the album to be released highly g tiera kennedy. thank you to you both and tiera has some new music of her own coming out soon. i in a cow girl on april 26. so watch out for that coming up a mom in texas who was staring down years in prison for a voting error, reacts to the major decision in her case. >> anytime i'm really shocked, right now. like is this real sanity leads a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation. hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn >> jorge is always 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appeal by one foot in one foot out not knowing if i'm going to phrase it than that. so this has been very, very hard. well, you can see is two systems that's, that's exactly what i saw when i realized that i filled out a provisional ballot. i didn't vote and i was sentenced to five years in were these people have actually voted in dead moms names and their wife things going up there to vote and they own son name >> this was >> showing me that there's two systems >> and historically black university and tennessee is getting new leadership after controversial move made by state republicans to get rid of its entire board of trustees tennessee state university's finances have been under scrutiny after recent audits. but democratic lawmakers argued the move to get rid of the original board was a bad look by their white gop colleagues, and that the bigger problem is not the management, but the chronic underfunding some students and alumni also said that they felt left out of the decision the governor's office says the new board is made up of tsu graduates now in all the coverage of the tons of metal and the laws of infrastructure and clean up i want to make sure that we remember the people lost in that bridge collapse in baltimore and say their names starting from scratch and a new country often means you'll take the job you can get. and sometimes that's the one that nobody else wants. we were reminded of that this week when we learned the victims of the baltimore bridge collapse were immigrant construction workers alejandro hernandez fuentes was from mexico. his body was one of two recovered from the wreckage. his uncle tells us the family is pleading for humanitarian visa four his sister to be able to come to the us to say goodbye dorlian castillo cabrera worked on the bridge too. he was from guatemala. his cousin told cnn and he was here pursuing his dream and helping his mother maynor sandoval mood from honduras, 18 years ago for a better life, his brother says, he also started a maintenance company, was an entrepreneur maynor had a wife and 18 year-old son and a five-year-old daughter miguel luna, was from el salvador, a husband and father of three, both miguel and maynor war involved with a group called casa. that group helps working class immigrant families. and the organization got together to make this point what you hear is negative things about the immigrant community >> while you, while you >> don't here are the positive thins of workers, like the ones that i hear and the one they die, those six men that were working, one in the morning when most of us were asleep to take care of the road foss so we can drive those roads with peace and without obstacles i will like to go one day. what i want immigrant working in this country one day. so there you all can feel what it will be like and i'll add this to that remember that all the work to clear the wreckage and to build the new bridge immigrants will likely be doing much of that work coming up on this easter weekend and surprising statistic on black saints from the us. there are none and of the thousands of saints worldwide, not one is african american meet a member of the baltimore church, who traveled all the way to the vatican the tried to change that >> houston check we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight hey, premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on realtor dot com's real view maps show you precise wildfire flood, and noise ratings on every homeless. they don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one app real estate sectionals trust, download the app today, my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back. now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin, we've sky rizzi three out of four people achieved 90% clear skin at four months. and most people were clear even at five years sky rosie is just four doses a year 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the saintly six st. ann's has sent thousands of letters to the pope francis about this. a members of the church have traveled to the vatican for meetings. ralph moore was there. he's a member of st. and social justice committee. ms moore. thank you so much for being with us. thousands of saints from around the world, 11 americans. is there a clear answer? the question of why there are no black american saints? >> i think it's because the catholic church hierarchy has not been able to see us. i mean, there have been instances when they have but in this particular matter they just haven't been able to see us and understand that we've endured enslavement segregation within catholic churches, where we were second-class members mass incarceration, mass poverty, as well as over 4,000 lynchings where they were silent and they just haven't been able to see that we have been the remnant. we'd been faithful to the catholic church, despite all that explain that. how can they not see you? i mean catholics, the catholic church knows. the nose american history knows that there was hundreds of thousands of black catholics across this country. how is it possible they don't see you >> is it >> is it possible that they are ignoring you instead? >> it's >> entirely possible and actually there are three lee in black catholic, 3 million entry, okay. out of the 75 million catholics and the country. and i think they just choose not to acknowledged what we've been through and give any value to ipt in terms of what we've endured are on honore and suffering as martin luther king would call it became, are unrequited love from the church so you say you say that they don't see you possible they're ignoring you, but with thousands of letters and a visit >> to the vatican, they certainly know about the saintly six. they certainly, these are venerable venerated members now as well as it go through the process of canada's age haitian what's been the reception, what was the reception at these meetings at the vatican >> well, they listen to us they appreciate our presentation as we talked about the six candidates for sainthood, who include mother mary lang, the founder of the oscillates, father augustus told them the first black caolic priests known black catholic priest mother only at allele, who also started an order for women, black women be'er, two songs the grade philanthropists juliette greeley, who was also very generous and sister thea bowman as we talked about them, they said it seemed as if we knew them personally and in fact they said at the end of the session bravo. but we haven't heard too, too much from them since then we didn't get a chance to meet with the pope, but we were actually following the process, which is that there's a castrating for the cause house of saints, the group that we met with are the ones who bet the lives of the candidates and also bet the miracle that they are expected to perform to be declared saints >> conversation about >> a representation mattering and we think a lot about entertainment and politics. it's certainly matters in the church as well. ralph more of st. ann's catholic church, social justice committee thank you so much and happy easter to you coming up, an artist who tells in an ai server, listen to this, she tells an ai server about her dreams and then turns that into our jordan must >> what do you think >> now streaming exclusively on macs by a 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only see how a that's me >> if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rin folk, a once-daily pill. >> when symptoms tried to take care control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with brin vote >> when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got lasting steroid free remission with print book share when my dr. saw damage run folk helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and 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and restlessness or common side effects, stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. >> i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a checkout for in brynn for certain, small carnage >> next on cnn it feels like artificial intelligence is everywhere and it scares some people, but some people are excited by it. a key, a breon found a way to use artificial intelligence to make art its art that still requires a human touch. she's using the tech to turn her dreams and thoughts and to tapestries >> my name is a cambrian. i am based in detroit, michigan and i'm a lens and textile based artist so the process for me, it begins with either self portraits appropriated images that i'm collecting from the internet, and also family photos often, i'm recounting my dreams or sort of landscapes that i've created in my mind. and then that ai basically create it's the image from what i've put into it. i then put it through a digital louk. i adorn it with jewels and glitter, and doll stuffing i think that there's healthy levels of fear and cynicism. i think historically has been on that side when it came to technology. but i also realized that as a woman of color, it was very, very limited in terms of what it was pulling from so a lot of it was rooted in a lot of racist archetypes and stereotypes. and so it can only learn from what it's being fed. so my way of sort of combating that is educating myself and educating the software isn't that cool >> acute will be showing some of her work at expo chicago next month that at a group show at the mass art museum in boston, opening a june. and could check out a work at a key or well, thank you for joining me today. i will see you back here next saturday at 08:00 a.m. eastern. if i don't see, you don't see me before then. happy easter it's mcconnell is up next

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Flares , Brin Book , Rin Folk A , Symptom Relief , Uc , Crohn , Intestinal Lining , Damage Check , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Blood Clots , Gi , Tears , 50 , Crohn S , Brain Health , Gastroenterologists , Know , Rin Voc , Rinpoche , Kinda Riva , Hey Eddie , Mary Janet , Franck , Brain Health Indicators , Memory , Brad , Neretva Brain Health Challenge , Fraser , Story , Backstory , History Books , California , Chavez Ravine , Mexican American , Palo Verde , Loma , Neighborhoods , Housing , City , Land , Bishop , Dodger Stadium , 1800 , Pictures , Battle Of Chavez Ravine , Out Ndth , 1959 , State Assembly Woman , Compensation , Bill , Yes , Acknowledgment , Chavez Ravine Accountability Act , Korea , 18 , 19 , Children , Well , Count , Many , 1950 , 195091 , Process , Commission , Little Girl , Policy , Mentor Carroll Jaquez , Home , Descendants , Rep , Healing , General , Desire For Public Social Housing , Voting , Promise , Election , Effort , Office , Pain , Brooklyn Dodgers , Hurt , Government , Time , Decision , Melissa , Wealth , Justice , Mother , Evictions , Aunt , May 8 1959 , 8 , City State , County , Owners , Agencies , Residents , Destruction , Black Friday , Renters , Los Angeles Dodgers , Dodgers , Dodgers Weren T , Conversations , Negotiations , Truman , Public Sector , Play , Frustration , Housing Authority , Trauma , Intention , Whom , Dodger Fans , Voices , Step , Assembly Woman , Wendy Koryo , Country Music , Album , Beyonce , Roots , Hearing , Lesson , Countries , Cowboy Carter , Singers , Dam , Mission , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Everyone , Nutrients , Protein C Idp , Fleet , Nutrition , Strength , 30 , 27 , C Dp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Idp Derails , Patients , More , Tips , Inspiration , Finding Hope , Cit P Com You , Restoration , Leader , Brandy , Bro , Pro , Mover , Battery Power , Steel , Fsa 57 Battery Trimmer , 57 , Breathing Problems , Asthma , Add On Injection , Attack , It Help , Column , Nikola , Q , Shingles , Breathing , Tongue , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Headache , Kala , Trouble , Asthma Specialist , Don T Stop Steroids , Face Malveaux , Most , Times , Cleans , Model , Loads , Tides , Close , 61 , Laundry , Anyone , Imprint , Mesothelioma Victims , Mesobook Com , Glasses , Closed Captioning , April 8 , Stuff , Mesothelial Oma , Isn T A Country Album , Records Spotify , Drill Rods , Song , Sweet Honey Bucket , Cowboy Carter Bianna Tay , Bit , Tracks , Influences , Their , Favorites , Mixes , Women , Founder , Generation , Rape , Op , Nashville , Tiera Kennedy , Congratulations , Secret , Butterflies , Ladies , Uh , Track List , Whirlwind , Say , Mountains , Blood , Blackbird , Let S Play , Pirate , Small , Little , Message , It Country , Importance , Texts , Ofs Girls , Paul Mccartney , Art Say , Girls , World , Reading , Context , Cover , Bird , Civil Rights Movement , The Beatles , Holly , Tracy Chapman , Tracked Airplay , Radio Play Rules , Genres , Song Data , Fast Car , 22 20 , 11484 , Three Black Women Artists , Radio , Radio Programmers , Dana Watson , She S The One , Industry Accountable , Data , Radio Programming , Names , Fan , Patients Tier , Others , Beyond , Mickey Guyton , Four , Patting , Back , Vibe , Country Radio Seminar , Work , Beehive , Minds , Direction , Pivot , Blessing , Ways , Interest , Alternative , Texas Hold Em , Track Hit , Reyna Roberts , Cape Michelle , Tanner Adell , Mom , Cow Girl , Texas , April 26 , 26 , Prison , Case , Voting Error , Ones , Sanity , Cnn Presents An Encore Presentation , Space , Real Time With Bill Maher , Cnn Jorge , Hbo , Technology , Aspen Dental , Maintenance , Care , Backseat , Take , Staff , Teeth , Equipment , Gears , Corner Emergency Crystals Pop , Quality Care , Plans , Insurance , X Rays , Exams , 20 , Doesn T , Throwback , Emergency Crystals Copd , Hasn T , Metrology , Breath , Beauty , Trilogy , Medicines , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Elegy , Function , Airways , High Blood Pressure , Trilogy Won T , Chest Pain , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Thrush Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Force , Mouth , Life , Problems , Vision Changes , Watch Daily Trilogy , Copd , Sirna , Blend , De , Carb , Blood Sugar Response , Mousavi , Gonna Kill Alkyl , Macs My , Kingdom , Covid , Treatment , Covid Packs , Risk Factor , Covid 19 , Pack Slovic , Virus , Body , Birth Control , Couldn T Medicines , Id , Pecs , Liver Problems , Breastfeed , Ritonavir , Kidney , Tests , Dosage , Hiv , Don T Take Packs , 12 , 1 , Anaphylaxis , Medicare , Terms , Programs , Conditions , Film , Medicaid , Covid Packs Lovin Carbon , Pax Low Bid Com , Slash Paxos , Mason , Eventuality , Sunday , Crystal Mason Facedown , 2016 , Sunday April 21 , 21 , Court , Conviction , Ballot , Conclusion , Felon , Release , Opinion , Last Night , Systems , Foot , Appeal , Six , Wife , I Didn T Vote , Moms , Son , Move , Tennessee State University , Leadership , State Republicans , Problem , Colleagues , Finances , Scrutiny , Audits , Lawmakers , Look , Board Of Trustees , White , Gop , Board , Students , Management , Underfunding , Alumni , Bridge Collapse , Baltimore , Laws , Infrastructure , Coverage , Tons , Scratch , Metal , Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes , Immigrant Construction Workers , Job , Bridge , Wreckage , The Family , Visa , Uncle , Mexico , To Say Goodbye Dorlian Castillo Cabrera , Company , Dream , Cousin , Guatemala , Maynor Sandoval Mood , Honduras , Group , Father , Miguel Luna , Entrepreneur , Husband , Maynor , Working Class Immigrant Families , Miguel , El Salvador , Called Casa , Immigrant Community , Organization , Workers , Thins , Roads , Men , Road Foss , Peace , Immigrant , Obstacles , Easter Weekend , Immigrants , Saints , Thousands , Member , Vatican , Statistic , Baltimore Church , None , Series , Space Shuttle Accidents , Houston , Homeless , Realtor , Noise Ratings , Wildfire Flood , Wing , He Final Flight Hey , Dot Com S Real View Maps , App , Sectionals Trust , Sky Rizzi , Realtor Com , Starter , Day One , Future , Values , Biologic , Dermatologist , Taggers , Partnership , Technologies , Prosperity , Submarines , D Arte , American Australian , Edge , British , Sides , Allies , Protein , Statement , Juror , Waiting In , Sleeping , Sugar , Fiber , Prebiotic , Lying Dormant , 99 , 25 , Rash , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Atjust , 9 , Captioning , Book , Loved One , Mesothelial , Questions , Call , 14000 , 808 , Black Catholics , Ann S Catholic Church , Black , Happening , Catholic Saints , Time To Change T That St , Attention , 11 , Members , Church , Candidates , Pope , Letters , Canonization , Saintly Six St , Ann S , Ralph Moore , Meetings , Americans , Committee , Social Justice , Ms , Member Of St , Around The World , Answer , Catholic Church Hierarchy , Haven T , Churches , Matter , Enslavement Segregation , Mass Incarceration , Mass Poverty , 4000 , American History , Remnant , Hundreds Of Thousands Black Catholics , Lee In Black Catholic , 75 Million , 3 Million , Suffering , Value , Martin Luther King , Ipt , Visit , Reception , Presentation , Canada , Mother Mary Lang , Sainthood , Oscillates , Allele , Black Caolic Priests Known Catholic Priest , Grade Philanthropists , Juliette Greeley , Thea Bowman , Black Women Be Er , Bravo , We Haven T Heard Too , House , Castrating , Miracle , Politics , Ralph More Of St , Representation Mattering , Entertainment , Artist , Ai Server , Easter , Social Justice Committee , Jordan , Taxpayers , Edition , Credits , 1040 , 37 , Care Control , Rin Folk , Folk , Saw Damage Run , Series Infections , Steroid , What Uc And Crohn S , Red Book , Voc , Gastroenterologist , Eye Disease , Irritation , Discomfort , Design , Dre , Prescription , Nature , Antidepressant , Depression , Pharmacist , Lift , Velar , Vitamin Supplement Brand , Studies , Dementia , Thoughts , Fever , Movements , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Muscles , Muscle , Confusion , Coma , Behavior , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Appetite , Stomach , Sleep , Movement Dysfunction , Dizziness , Cholesterol , Artificial Intelligence , Checkout , Everywhere , Imprint Com , Small Carnage Next , Brynn , Breon , Art , Key , Tech , Human Touch , Images , Cambrian , Textile , My Name , Self Portraits , Lens , Michigan , Internet , Image , Ai , Landscapes , Mind , Dreams , Family Photos , Side , Levels , Doll Stuffing , Jewels , Cynicism , Fear , Glitter , Louk , Archetypes , Color , Stereotypes , Software Isn T , Sort , Fed , Cool Acute , June , Breon Com , Art Museum , Me Today , Expo Chicago , Boston , Eastern , 08 , 00 ,

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