Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

understand it. so you all strongly about that. that's the rfk junior. >> yeah. >> i didn't believe it yeah. >> gary, i know you're with a larger group now. how did they say they would vote if kennedy jr. wasn't in the race >> some 31 people here, i've asked all 31 people that question. if rfk junior was out of the race, would you lean towards trump, biden? or neither? 22 of those 31 people say they would not support trump or biden aid of the people. say trump, only one of the people, the woman you saw in the story says biden's. so this obviously our case can menisci in this particular place on this particular night affects trump more, but it's something we have to keep an eye on nationwide. >> gary tuckman. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn >> in front. that's the breaking news rescue were searching for at least six people still missing in the baltimore bridge collapse, the maryland governor ease out front along with an eyewitness who has new video tonight. we're live in the baltimore harbor plot trump's selling $60 bibles? yes. bibles to raise money for his legal bills. this is a judge just placed a new gag order on former president in that hush money case. if he violates it, could trump end up in jail. and robert f. kennedy jr. announcing his running mate, a wealthy lawyer who's once married to the co-founder of google, just who is nicole shanahan? >> i wish >> you pick for her politics over deep pockets. >> let's go out front >> good evening, america hill in for erin burnett outfront tonight, breaking news, dive teams at this hour searching for any survivors after the horrific bridge collapse in baltimore. and they are racing against time. >> we have left i pictures for you here of what was the francis scott key bridge is still and arches in the center span there, as you can see, a gone after a massive cargo ship plowed into a support sending cars and construction workers plunging some 185 feet into frigid 47 degree water and then tap school river below six construction workers who have been fixing potholes on the bridge when it went down are still missing. two other workers were rescued tonight. we're learning just how close this accident came to becoming an even bigger disaster. around 12, 30 the ship left the port of baltimore shortly afterward. it turns south as you can see on the map here toward the francis scott a bridge. >> now, >> i want you to take a look as we show you in this next instance here the lights on that ship at 01:24, as you see there, they suddenly go out then a minute later at 01:25 a.m. thick black smoke can be seen coming from the ship at 01:26 a.m. the lights flicker again. it's about that time that crews actually managed to shut down traffic on the bridge and then with just 40 seconds to spare, you can actually see two vehicles racing highlighted there across the bridge. it appears there the last two vehicles to make it across the whole region as well. now start sorry, whoever everybody, the whole room is just collapsed you know, hall traffic due to the other side are the bridge is down we're going to have to get somebody on the other side, the animal on a tally msp to deal appear and stop traffic coming northbound on a deep branch? >> side. of course, traffic is disrupted. that bridge carries some 30,000 plus vehicles a day. shipping traffic, and one of the nation's biggest, busiest, most important ports is also on hold. brian todd is outfront, live in baltimore harbor. this hour, right by where that blurred bridge collapsed. brian, you've been out there on the water throughout the day? what. are you learning tonight >> will erica, six people who were on the bridge when it collapsed, do remain unaccounted for tonight. as you mentioned, the ship lost power shortly before impact. we can show you from our unique vantage point here, the point of impact where the dalai, this container ship slammed into the francis scott key bridge just over my right good shoulder there you can see the records there, the tangled metal and the concrete that's just still draped over the bow of that vessel conditions here becoming more challenging for the response teams because the rescue efforts continue and the investigation ramps up tonight >> this is this is this is not just not just unprecedented from what we're seeing and what we're looking at today. it's heartbreaking. >> the middle of the one-and-a-half mile long francis scott key bridge plunged 185 feet into baltimore's per tapscott river early tuesday morning. >> hey, advise the entire bridge, entire key bridge in the harbor >> did for the other side, are the bridge >> is down. we're going to have to get somebody on the other side and tally msp to get parents stopped traffic coming northbound? one of the bridge. >> i'll container ship billowing dark smoke was moving at about 89. that's near the bridge when the ship lost power, according to maryland's governor, before the bridge collapse, that 127 in the morning, the ship's crew called in a mayday when it became clear there'd be a collision despite having dropped its anchor. >> what do you guys on the south side, what are you guys on the dorsal? i'd hoard all traffic on the key bridge. there's a ship approaching. i just lost their steering. >> a move. officials say saved lives, were thankful that between the mayday and collapse, that we had officials who were able to to begin to stop the flow of traffic. so more cars were not up on the bridge. many of the vehicles were stopped before they got onto the bridge, which which which saved lives, national transportation safety board and fbi teams are on the scene. we >> are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations authority please, on the ground, say they have a tough task ahead. the bridge itself, it does present a challenge it presents a challenge as we navigate on the surface, but more likely a greater challenges subsurface and underwater. >> in addition to a search from the air, officials had about 50 divers operating in the harbor hours after the bridge came down, the water there is frigid here right now, we believe this to be about a 60 foot dive makes these makes us an extraordinarily difficult challenge for our teams. officials have said >> they've tracked a few >> vehicles that they believe fell into the water from the bridge and you can see the distance if they might have dropped from the height of the branch there into the water because it's going to take days just to get floating cranes and other heavy equipment here in order to start the salvaging operations and an order to remove some of the remnants of the bridge here. and once they get here, they have to chop these remnants of the bridge into smaller pieces just to remove them. president biden says he's directing federal resources to help with recovery and rebuilding i'm direction my team, move heaven earth three, open the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as you emily, possible >> now at this moment, all major ship traffic coming into and out of baltimore harbor has been halted indefinitely. and that's going to cause some major economic disruptions here's a case in point. you can see these basically dormant terminals over here on the baltimore harbor that green vessel over there. that's the carmen. that's a vessel that brings automobiles and light trucks into baltimore harbor. baltimore's a major port. a port for transporting new cars and trucks into the united states at handled about 850,000 vehicles just last year. all love that has come to a sudden stop. erica brian, todd, >> appreciate the reporting as always. thank you. >> out front. now, maryland's governor wes moore, governor, it's good to have you with us tonight as we've been discussing, six people remain unaccounted for. is this still a search and rescue mission at this hour or hasn't moved into the recovery phase? >> now, this is this is still a search and rescue as of right now. and and i tell you, i think about these first responders, they have been working around the clock ever since the middle of the night last night. and just in the niaaa have instructed an ordered every resource that the state has, air, land, and sea to focus on the recovery effort. we've had other governors and we've had the federal government put any significant resources into this. so, so as long as this is a, a search rescue mission, we're going to make sure that we're doing our best to find survivors. >> i know you spoke with one person united earlier who was injured. can you tell us how he's doing tonight? can you share anything about his condition? >> yes. i had the speaking with one person who literally told me he was he was steps away when the when the bridge collapsed and how has he started watching the bridge collapse behind him? he started running in the other direction while watching his vehicle fall so his vehicle was one of the vehicles that were lost. and this is this was a harrowing moment and i remember when when i got the phone call saying that the key bridge was gone and i remember asking my chief of staff, so what do you mean by gone and he said is collapsed. >> i mean, >> this is this is this is an iconic bridge for all of us here in the city of baltimore. and so watching and seeing what what's so many, so many maryland had to endure last night. it it really is heartbreaking, heartbreaking time for the whole state. >> yeah. >> understandably. i just it's still so much disbelief in shock. i think for a lot of folks as the investigation continues, understanding it's an its early stages. are you satisfied at this point with the communication, the level of cooperation from the company that owns this cargo ship well, i know they'd been cooperating and there's gonna be a lot of a lot of entities that are gonna be involved in this >> investigation from federal assets to state assets, to the companies that are involved. i know this is gonna be a long investigation. the same way this is gonna be a long recovery period for the city the and four in for the region when while my my focus right now is on search and recovery. and so in search and rescue, i also know that making sure that we get a proper conclusion to the investigation is also going to be a core part i already it in terms of that conclusion, there are also questions about the bridge itself when we see the video of that ship hitting the bridge, it appears to crumble so quickly. do you believe there were adequate adequate protective devices, barriers around those bridge supports? >> well i think that's something we're going to have to dig into to figure out and know how can we fully make sure that our infrastructure is hard and it's something that we have put a core focus on in our time with a tremendous and the support that we've gotten from the vitamin his ration. well, when we think about the infrastructure capital that's come to states. so we know that making sure we have hardened infrastructure is going to your priority. we also know that if you look at what happened last night a ship of that size, moving at that speed, it was gonna be difficult for any form of infrastructure to be able to take that type of head and not have real impacts and effects. but we had to take a real inventory of all of our infrastructure assets to make sure that people are safe. >> the port of baltimore, as brian was just laying out how important, how integral it is for the country also for the local economy there in baltimore, for the state economy, some $80 billion worth of food we're in cargo, moves through that port in 2023 alone, a major hub for cars, trucks, farming equipment. i believe it's the leading us port for sugar imports. and of course, there are local jobs impacted. how are you preparing right now for that hit to the economy in your state? >> it's going to have, it has a huge economic impact and you pointed out, it is the largest port, four automobiles for new automobiles, the largest port in our country for, for foreign vehicles and so you think about, we're talking about $191 million a day of economic activity, 8,000 jobs that are directly related to this. so this has a significant and a seismic impact economically, not just on baltimore, but on the entire state of maryland. but the thing that i know about maryland is that we are marilyn tough and we are baltimore strong and we're going to recover, but we're going to focus on making sure that we can have have an economic recovery that really honors the work that that was taking place with the port governor wes moore. appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you so much >> out front now, jamie krauss, who was one of the first people to witness the aftermath of the bridge collapse. she took this video. you can see police arriving on the scene there. you see the lights, jaime, thank you for joining us. we're actually you're working than i chipped at the amazon factory near the bridge which i understand when this happened around 130, you actually felt like a hard rumbling is how you described it. can you walk me through that moment? what you felt and what you heard? >> so around like 01:30 a.m. i was doing page cow, which is where you go through the ship dock of the warehouse and count the pages to make sure that we have like now people voting and trucks to put it out. and as i was pushing my car my whole time of hardship. right and left dumbo, like i hit something. so i look out and around my heart, see if i hit like a palliate or if it's a metal or something, there was nothing there. and then a couple other coworkers like him and it's something should be i don't know what happened. maybe it's first quick or maybe it's thunder and even my boyfriend who works with me, he was like, yeah, man, my cart shook also because he's also trying to be as low chasing. so that was at 01:32 a.m. when we went outside everybody was like, yeah, man, the births collapsed and i ran over and started recording. >> i couldn't believe it. i loved that >> when you ran out there half an hour later, as you said, you're on break with your coworkers and you realize the bridge is gone. i mean, can you describe what that's like? this is a bridge that you went over often. i know you recently moved, but used to use it all of the time. >> to see it gone. >> what's that like >> found 32 years old, i was born and raised here in baltimore. i grew up right near the bridge. i live written here my whole entire life. >> i lived in >> essence in dundalk mole. >> so >> every single day i would see the bridge i go out there at 10:00. the bridges there come back out at 02:00 a.m. the burden is gone. so it was very devastating >> it's a historical mount >> of landmark here in baltimore as one of the most historical landmarks wab besides like capitol building or whatever in an atlas. but and for baltimore en's, beekeeper to the babe ruth, design thing, like we have that for history. that's something that means a lot to a lot of baltimore en's like we use it for travel. we use it for resources. we use it for food fund everything >> it's now gone. so devastating really nice photograph at all time. and it's just corporate you knowing it's not there no more seeing these, these close-up images um, that have come out since and also seeing it in the daylight, knowing that you felt that basically at that moment of impact that you felt, was that bridge falling than the number of construction workers in vehicles also fell into the water. when did all of that sink in about just the extent of this damage and destruction around 07:00 a.m. i started crying because i was like, oh, my god, all those families are probably good and all those people are probably good >> and >> that's, that's heartbreak and you don't want to think about that while you're at work people who die in literally hundreds of feet from you, it's like, again, it's devastated as one of the most heartbreaking thing i've ever wondered >> i couldn't believe my eyes >> and just the realization that there are people who probably lost theirs their lives in that it's >> it >> doesn't even me and my wife or crackup times were very emotional people and >> because we couldn't muster the how it like if there was we don't know who was on the verge it's hard it's hard to deal with. >> i've walked >> through that every single day while i was working, i worked at amazon for two years and i've never seen anything like this. it's the worst thing i've seen at this job >> yeah. yeah. it is a lot. and it's understandable that you and your boyfriend would be emotional thinking about all but jamie really appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight. thank you. >> no problem. thank you >> for our next our breaking news coverage continues. we are just learning officials are about to hold a press conference about that cargo ship that struck the francis scott key bridge and those rescue efforts when to bring that to live as it happens also, the breaking news in trump's world, the former president just hit with a gag order. now he's also selling bibles as he faces mounting legal bills. and robert f. kennedy jr. naming his running mate may not be a household name tonight but it is someone with a lot of cash. so who is nicole shanahan >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission. >> they were doing great. i won't be >> we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart >> my dad died doing what he space shuttle columbia final flight mirror sunday, april 7 at nine cnn. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays are knowles orioles. what's missing? the andean >> condor know, walnut brain pigeons. they'd rather de, sock to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> can the riva support your brain health? >> mary 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are dead, we are expecting a news conference from officials at any moment. so as we wait for that, we also want to bring you some new details this hour about the ship itself and its track record, including multiple deficiencies and at least one other collision that we know of. will ripley is outfront with this part of the story. so what do we know about these pass inspections and these issues will so the route that the dalai, this container ship follows is that it links asian ports with the us east coast, primarily, it flies under a singaporean flag. it's actually owned by a hong kong group and was built less than ten years ago in 2015 at the korean hyundai shipyards. so this, this, this is a relatively new ship, yet as you mentioned, according to across this, which is the electronic quality shipping information system 27 inspections and two deficiencies. so the most recent inspection that we know of was september 9 of last year in new york by the us coast guard. no deficiencies found at that point, but just three months earlier in june of 2023, in chile, there were some issues found with this ship, including problems with propulsion and auxiliary machinery like gauges and thermometers. but the big incident involving this ship was actually about a year after its construction. this was seven years ago, november of 2016, in belgium, there was actually an incident. the ship was pulled pulling out of poured. it hit a query, which is a platform that's used for loading ships as it was trying to exit the north sea container terminal. and there was major whole damage affecting sea worthiness. they actually had to basically dock the ship for quite some time to repair it after that incident, it was a relatively new ship at that time still still a relatively new ship, average size container ship with 22 crew members. so certainly a lot of questions as to the state at status of this ship, even though that most recent inspection by the us coast guard in new york, september last year, didn't turn up any problems. erica will ripley appreciate it as always. thank you. out front now, bobby school, he retired hired navy captain and diver captain morgan mcmanus and instructor at suny maritime college here in new york. and mary schiavo, former inspector general with the us department of transportation. it's good to have all of you with us tonight and to have your expertise, your captain mcmann is i think what is remarkable to so many people is how quickly the scene to have happened that at 01:24 a.m. those lights go out on the ship a minute later, there's thick black smoke coming from the ship. a minute after that, the lights flicker again, and then the ship crashes into the bridge. given how quickly it happened, given what we see in that video, captain wanted to tell you about what may have happened well, thanks for having me first. >> i think the biggest takeaway is that the they realized they were having problems with that initial blackout. when you look in the video, you see the ship go dark. so at that moment down in the engine room, alarms are going off, they're trying to go through their blackout recovery restart everything up the pilot is trying to get information from the catherine of what's going on on the ship. they recover it fairly quickly. i think it's within a minute. they get power back and they get propulsion going. but it looks like in the video when that black smoke coming out as going emergency, a stern. and then they had the flicker again. so we're still there. they're still chasing issues at that time with i would venture it's an electrical switch board issues. they're generator issues are going on. so there's a lot of scrambling going on at that time >> i'm going to hold you all here for just a moment. if i could, we want it dip in this live press conference that is happening. let's listen it our district, as well as colonel roll into l butler junior superintendent, maryland state police. tonight we're going to hear from brie statement from each of them on current updates after that, we'll be able to take a few questions, but we do need to keep it brief because we want to get these folks back to work with that. i'd like to introduce rear admiral shanon gallery hey, good evening, everyone. first, i'd like to say thank you to all of the first responders that have come out today to assist in looking for these individuals? we've had tremendous support across the state and county and city and federal enterprise. you've seen for yourself to helicopter's flying over the small boats that are out there, the coast guard cutter, it's out there. the boats that go back and forth bringing people out on seeing the search for these individuals so thank you to those this entire community for helping in that regard. second, i want to say thank you to the community for the outpouring of support to those first responders. and it particularly the outpouring of support and prayers and support for the families of the six individuals. so i would like to announce tonight that based on the length of time we've gone in this search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening at a 7:30 we're going to suspend the active search and rescue efforts coast guard is not going away. none of our partners are going away, but we're just going to transition to a different i'm going to turn it over to kernel butler, please >> good evening. and thank you all for being here to echo the most comments here. >> we >> really appreciate the support from the community to all the first responders here. we appreciate your patience and allowing us to do the best job possible and get the information as it comes up. at this point, as the admiral said, we're going away from the search and rescue portion. so recovery operation the changing conditions out there have made a dangerous for the first responders. the divers in the water, we will still have surface ships out overnight at 0600 hours tomorrow we're hoping to put divers in the water and began a more detailed search to do our very best to recover those six missing people thank you. >> with that, we have time for just a few questions. we know there's a lot of questions. they still have to be answered and we do have time for just a few so if we can take few police it's still just six >> there's talk of maybe other cars on the bridge, all the information we have is six individuals. >> yes, sir. >> about how the course is. might telophase what kind of challenges >> well, i'll start by saying in i'm going to turn it over to the efforts on diving. i'm not an expert on diving, but we've got very difficult water temperatures. you have structures from the bridge they are in the water that can move with the tides and currents, making that dangerous for divers and people in the water to actually try to do recovery. and we do not want to injure any of these first responders in this recovery effort? we absolutely want to be as safe as possible for everyone involved in this and i'll let see chromosome has anything you must add. >> you go into civics about what the search and rescue and failed like where they're scuba divers or was is everything above water. sonar any sort of equipment that might have been utilized over the past 12 >> from the outset, we moved all those resources and with dive teams from various state, local and county agencies. we also use sonar we're doing our very best and some very difficult times. and conditions, which is why we're making that transition now, the last thing we want to do is put divers in the water with changing currents, low temperatures very poor visibility, visibility. and so much metal and other unknown objects in the water. all it takes is one object to breaking individual and all of a sudden we have for first responders trying to recover another first responder. i think 0600 will find ourselves in a better position to understand that in that mix of what we're dealing with and to address the issue is much safer manner did not already have six ids now and have those victims each been contacted, those family? >> i can't speak on that. that's still in the investigator portion of this >> actually have any trapped inside of vehicles that might need to breathe and challenging to deploy. >> all of that is unknown at this point. and as i said, we have to cease operations. we can start again until we can ensure the safety. if those divers and the rescue personnel, that again, to participate in this, if we look at how how challenging it is at a simple motor vehicle crash to extract an individual, i'm sure we can all imagine how much harder it is to do it. and climate, weather when it's cold under the water with very limited to no visibility. >> to clarify that is correct. >> so criminal, you're confident than that no other vehicles made onto that bridge collapse or aza collapsing actually based upon the fact the original information was provided, the maryland transfer chasing 30 police department was able to shut down traffic. is there the possibility there was another vehicle on there other than those vehicles involved in the construction process? i think we all would have to understand. yes, that's a distinct possibility. it's unfortunate is maybe it's a distinct possibility however, we don't have any information to support that at this point. like, ma'am we do not know at this point. i'm sure as you've seen, some of the areas the photos, there is a tremendous amount of debris in the water from containers hanging off ships. we have to make sure there assured up. we're going to work with structural engineers to help them understand how to navigate and address the challenges of having bridge structure in the water that may be sharp they could puncture issue they could puncture an airline all of these things that we must take our time with >> that. >> last question >> i'm sorry at this point we do not know where they are, but we intend to give it our best effort to help these families on closure. how might inclement weather tomorrow impact the recovery efforts >> very clearly it could, but >> we're going to do everything in our power to help these families find closure now both stable at both spellings joining us here, we've just been listening in on this >> update or this important update from the coast guard is that this effort to find those six missing people who of course went missing in the wake of this bridge crash and collapse in the early plea hours of this morning. this has now changed from a from a search search mission to this is in a recovery phase. now, they were very clear there officials, they are not going away. but this is now a recovery operation citing these changing conditions as well, not only the fact that this is very cold water, this was 40 6248 degrees when this accident happened. it is very difficult to survive, frankly, in water that cold for a long period of time. >> but officials >> also noting there the poor visibility in addition to low temperatures changing currents the amount of metal two in the water, we're back now with captain morgan mcmanus and instructors any maritime college and mary scab, a former inspector general with the us department of transportation captain. i just want to pick up on a little bit of what we heard there from officials. these concerns about what is in that water right now. they don't know. they said where the victims are located. there is a possibility there could be other cars they don't have the information to support that, but said there is a possibility there fair. when you're dealing with so many challenges in front of you, including the large amount of metal and debris could potentially be sharp. i mean, just put in perspective for us what a massive operation this is even in terms of a recovery effort at this stage i think it's the best way to look at it as a giant metal jigsaw puzzle that's now upside >> down underwater and pitch-black conditions everything's tangled mess of metal right now. that's below the waterline, that you can't see you see on the surface how chaotic it looks it's probably worse beneath the waterline right now as they mentioned, containers are hanging off the ship, which provides other issues of that they fall in. they can disrupt everything that's in the water and that could have a cascading effect of all the structure that's down there >> mary, we had heard earlier today, but the anti-b ntsb was holding back a little bit to let the coast guard continue with these search and rescue efforts. the fact that this has now moved into a recovery operation. what does that change in terms of the ntsb and how their involvement rather in this investigation all right well this. afternoon, the ntsb had indicated that they hadn't gone to the ship yet and that of course that would have meant that they hadn't >> talked assumed meant they hadn't spoken with all of the crew and the staff on the ship, although obviously they could have used other communications, but ordinarily the ntsb tries to get to the witness particularly those who were involved in the accident, us to get to them right away. they want to get their statements while they're fresh. they don't want people to have to think about other things you're fill in the blank and they usually do that right away, but they said we don't want to do that because we want to give the coast guard every opportunity to find find any of the victims in the water and therefore, we're not going out to the ship now at this point with that with them having declare that they have been in the water so long that the survivability chances have dissipated. tomorrow, they will be able to do that. they wouldn't be able to get to that ship, start doing all those interviews of course they've already made made it clear that they have kept the recordings. they've got the recording group there to go through the recordings from the ship's command and from all of the engines and equipment on the ship. and so tomorrow they will really have an opportunity to start digging in and get a lot of information sure they, will be briefings tomorrow as well. >> yeah, absolutely. i really appreciate you both taking the time to join us tonight and staying with us through that press comes with some really important updates. thank you. again. >> outfront. >> next, as we continue our coverage of this breaking news, investigators searching for answers as we just talked about a bit there, why did this bridge come down so fast? and what does this say about the state of america's other bridges? we have a special report plus breaking news. donald trump just sit with the new gag order in new york. he's now banned from saying anything about potential witnesses and court staff. put the former president i didn't go to jail if he violates that order >> this is cnn 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their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now breaking news, new gag order tonight for donald trump, if he violated the former president, could end up in jail. the judge in trump's criminal charge money trial issue, that order banning him from making any statements about witnesses. prosecutors are court staff and specifically called out trump's history of quote threatening inflammatory, denigrating, comments, comments like the ones you're about to see, which he said about the assistant district attorney in his case just yesterday colangelo's is a radical left from the doj, who is put into the state working with letitia james. >> and then was put into the district attorney's office to run the trial against trump but remember this collegial or was it? doj guy? he's a biden doj guy. these are all biden trials because colangelo's worked for biden outfront legal analyst, ryan good. good. ryan goodman, you would think i've know your name by now. ryan joins me now. good to see you. so it seems almost like in reading that order, the judge may have been watching some of those comments at donald trump was making yesterday. you've called this a pretty solid order. is there any wiggle room here for donald trump >> no, not really. i mean, the order is identical. identical to the order and the dc circuit that they approved, except this one goes one step beyond and also protects jurors. but the dc circuit hadn't considered whether or not to protect jurors at this stage narrowly drawn the judge. and in fact is in fact saying i have to do this in order to protect the administration of justice. i don't think the order is going anywhere, so i don't think trump could even think really about appealing it successfully. and he really has to stay within this line. if he doesn't, then i think there could be serious consequences, serious consequences including jail time yes. at a certain point and just last night, maggie haberman was on cnn explaining is going to be quiet interesting to see him sitting there as a former president in this courtroom four days a week. and then with people who doesn't like to see getting under his skin and then going on the campaign trail on the weekends. what does he say on the weekends? now we have a gag order that says if he goes after those witnesses, et cetera, there could be consequences and at a certain point, he could be held in contempt, and that could mean jail time because there's nothing else that the court would be able to use to in order to deter him and he seems under terrible otherwise. >> some interesting is to watch that ryan. thank you. we also have more breaking news tonight involving donald trump, his media company i think which of course includes truth, social soaring, and its first day of trading on nasdaq, surging 56% at some point during training to $78 a share before closing at 58 as a majority shareholder, trump's 60% stake is now worth nearly $5 even as the company itself has actually bleeding money outfront. now, bloomberg reporter barely bailey lipchitz, who's covered trump's truth, social deal since the beginning, it's good to have you with us. so as we look at what happened today, i mean, look, i don't want to date myself, but i remember covering the boom, so we remember what it's like when there's a lot of excitement about a stock and we see it's surge in its first day of trading when that excitement starts today, down the question is, does it maintain? pain that valuation >> what are you watching? four, >> we're trying to see if that follow-through continues. we're seeing a lot of likely retail trader buying. so people who drove gamestop for instance, to valuations that were kinda based on fundamental. so the big question is, can there be follow-through looking at today's intraday trading, you mentioned that 58 present pop at one point closed up closer to 16%. so the big thing is, well, those volumes continue to play out. >> there's also when we look at the value itself, so valued at about $8 after trading today, there are less than 500,000 users on truth social, right, which is part of this company. if you compare that with x, for example 75 million users, it's valued at five 0.6 billion. so in looking at those traditional valuations, is, are those traditional metrics rather, is this trading at a higher valuation than other similar companies? >> the best comparison that we have is looking at price to sales. so as you mentioned, close to 8 billion through the first nine months of last year, they brought in just 3.4 million dollars. so that valuation is north of 2000, for instance, nvidia, one of the best performing stocks in the market, trades about 38. so this is evaluation that everyone i talked to you would most likely agree is not really based in what the company currently is offering right now, there's been a lot made of how well this, looks for donald trump, right? being a majority stake holder almost $5 billion today. he can't touch that money for six months unless there is a big unless here, write the big thing would be for the board which he kind of knows and is very closely tied to a number of people would be moving forward that lock-up exploration, which right now is tied to september or altogether waving at the big question, then would be he would he take out loans against those shares or would he outright sell shares? how do those trading dynamics evolve? because the big question right now is there not a lot of shares available for trading? so there could be a flood of sales, which then in turn would likely pressure the stock, at least according to the market experts i talked to. it's a >> lot to watch, bailey. i appreciate it. thank you. >> well, as we continue our breaking news coverage here, we also are looking at politics. robert f. kennedy jr. making it official a short time ago, the independent presidential candidate choosing political newcomer nicole shanahan as his vice presidential running mate, shanahan is an attorney, was once married to the co-founder of google. so what more do we know about her? and could she help kennedy move the needle? even mckend is outfront >> a political newcomer, propelled into the spotlight as part of robert f. kennedy jr. independent bid for the white house. >> it is so good to be here in oakland extra sturdy, eight years old and the cold shower hi, my hand is a wealthy silicon valley lawyer and investor who was once married to a billionaire google co-founder for the first time in a long time. i felt hope for our democracy again >> we can do this earlier this year, putting her considerable wealth behind kennedy, helping fund this $7 million super bowl ad they drew inspiration from his uncle's 1960 d campaign shanahan has long been a large donor to democratic candidates and causes, giving the $25,000 individual maximum to biden's election effort in 2020. but now she says the party has lost its way in this moment. i i am leaving the democratic party and was drawn to kennedy after listening to him speak chronic disease >> addiction, poverty, depression. this is where americans are hurting the most >> just time for >> politician cillizza the oakland native, is largely unknown to the public outside of elite tech circles. her marriage to google co-founder sergey brin, ending in divorce last year. the wall street journal reporting she had an affair with 11 musk something. she and musk both strongly denied shanahan writing in people last year. i can't think of anything worse for professional woman's career than publicly shaming her for a sexual act. shanahan rules from a difficult upbringing. >> i don't think we would have made it without food and government help to become the founder and president of her own foundation, focusing on climate change, reproductive health, social justice, and finding a cure for autism. in issue close to her as her daughter with brin has autism conditions like autism used to be one in 10,000. now, here in the state of california, it is 1.20 >> and she now shares a presidential ticket with someone who has repeatedly pushed misinformation about the efficacy and risks of vaccine, including the discredited link between vaccines gains and autism. >> i do believe that autism does come from back to shanahan saying it's only rfq junior really taking the issue of chronic health seriously, i will be his ally and making are nation healthy again and erica, it is clear that democrats view kennedy as a real threat earlier today. a d&c mobile billboard driving around lincoln kennedy to trump than they held a press conference where they characterize kennedy as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists who could lead to trump getting reelected. erica, eva mckend, >> appreciate the reporting is always thank you. joining me now in studio said hernan, national political reporter at the new york times. he just interviewed rfk junior on his podcast, the run-up which you should listen and subscribe to it said is we look at this, what does, what does it call shanahan bring to this ticket for rfk junior? >> well, the campaign staff that she someone's going to energize young people that she is someone who could actually bring in women. they have all these kind of things, but we don't really know what she brings because she's a political new car as rfk juniors himself, she's never run for public office. she's a tech lawyer, yes. but we mostly see her as a kind of liked like mine with rfk juniors kind of conspiracy driven lane when i asked him last week about what is this candidacy about what he really said was about challenging the orthodoxy of america challenging the medical institutions to political institutions. he sees himself as someone who is an active vote for breaking the system. i think he sees his vp pick in the same type of layne. it's important that she has that personal connection to autism because he has made that a central thesis of his campaign. this campaign is built off of covid backlash, built off a vaccine backlash, and he is using that discredit get discredited conspiracy to continue that claim. so i think we should see her as yes, a vice president source selection that could bring in some people as they're saying, but they're not testing that. they're not running a campaign in that time. type of sense, they're really seeing this as a way to further his message. and that's what's core to think about. you >> went on to sort of his campaign is almost a protest of institutions is not necessarily a vision of where the country should be in that some of these speeches you said are almost like a red herring because it's not really what they're about. >> absolutely in these types of moments. this is when you're going to get the most traditional version of the rfk junior campaign this is when he's going to say speeches about bringing in independence, bringing in democrats. but when you're actually they're the people i've talked to you on the road, i've not heard that disgruntled democrat say they're interested in rfk junior, you're mostly hearing republicans are mostly hearing people who never voted. all people were kind of buy into his long-term branding as someone who is anti-vaccine, it has pushed other conspiracies to that 5g wireless has a causes cancer, things like that. those are the people who are coming to this. it's important to remember though, i remember being at donald trump rallies and hearing that kind of ln of person there before. so we shouldn't presume that he just takes from one side or the other. this is really a scatter shot type candidacy. and frankly that's what worries the biden and trump campaign exactly in to that point, right when we look at some recent polling, some recent cnn holding from michigan, kennedy gets 18% of the vote in michigan. trump's at 40 binds it 34% pennsylvania, he gets 16%. you look at it 40 versus 38. the fact that is eva was reporting, right? you had mobile billboard out there today. >> the >> concern that is there. are they actually going after that concern in the right way? >> it's interesting because there's undoubtedly concern there that dnc has just opened up a kind of a group of their office to focus specifically on third party candidates as eva mentioned, there was that billboard today and they're really trying to make sure to get that message out there. but i think it's more about the fear of that name recognition we think of that 18% number that's partially because there is no better name to have in democratic politics. maybe then the kennedy won. but the question is whether when people hear him more, will they like him more, or were they like him last night? and i have the presumption that when you start hearing, but rfk junior is about that this might be the ceiling rather than the floor. and so that's what the campaigns aren't necessarily worried about him winning. they're worried about one loss vote in a critical state, right? because if this is closed, that's what this can come in and that's my sister rory kennedy told me last night she thinks he's a danger, not necessarily. president's policies, but because he will take votes away from me. >> that's like a sorry. yeah. i said always good to see it. thank you. my friend >> next here at breaking news, the six people who were missing are now presumed dead. after that bridge collapse in baltimore. and especially report just ahead on american troubling history when it comes to deadly bridge, disastrous check >> we hear nothing >> the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling this stub fractions you up, >> this stub winds you down, this stub, the deep glowing, and this stub keeps you going so whenever care do you care about, there's a dove for everybody >> were you 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showing up left and right so did our business needs the chase, a car made it easy when you go for something big like this, your kids seated and they believe they can do the same for an unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business on living sorry, make more of what's yours. >> i'm evan perez federal court in washington. and this is cnn >> tonight live pictures here of what remains of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. the coast guard announcing and just this hour they have now moved to the recovery phase of this operation. those six missing singh people now presumed dead. >> the >> incident understandably frightening, but it is not isolated and it's strong questions and questions about whether there are parallels with other deadly bridge collapses jason carroll, ease out front investigators still in the early stages of piecing together the events that led to the collapse of baltimore's >> francis scott key bridge already comparisons being made to pass deadly disasters involving america's bridges. i 40 bridge, weber's balls, oklahoma, mate 2002, 14 people killed nearly a doesn't hurt after freight parch is being transported on the arkansas river, struck a peer supporting the bridge, a 580 foot section of road collapsed, sending vehicles careening into the water. queen isabella causeway, port isabel, texas, september for 200018, people lost their lives when a tug boat and barge struck the causeway 11 people drove into the opening below the three survived big bayou cannot near mobile, alabama, september 1993 people died and more than 100 injured. and what was seen at the time is one of the worst disasters of its kind. i didn't the united states, it happened after barges being pushed by a tow boat in dense fog hit the bridge, causing an amtrak train

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Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

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understand it. so you all strongly about that. that's the rfk junior. >> yeah. >> i didn't believe it yeah. >> gary, i know you're with a larger group now. how did they say they would vote if kennedy jr. wasn't in the race >> some 31 people here, i've asked all 31 people that question. if rfk junior was out of the race, would you lean towards trump, biden? or neither? 22 of those 31 people say they would not support trump or biden aid of the people. say trump, only one of the people, the woman you saw in the story says biden's. so this obviously our case can menisci in this particular place on this particular night affects trump more, but it's something we have to keep an eye on nationwide. >> gary tuckman. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn >> in front. that's the breaking news rescue were searching for at least six people still missing in the baltimore bridge collapse, the maryland governor ease out front along with an eyewitness who has new video tonight. we're live in the baltimore harbor plot trump's selling $60 bibles? yes. bibles to raise money for his legal bills. this is a judge just placed a new gag order on former president in that hush money case. if he violates it, could trump end up in jail. and robert f. kennedy jr. announcing his running mate, a wealthy lawyer who's once married to the co-founder of google, just who is nicole shanahan? >> i wish >> you pick for her politics over deep pockets. >> let's go out front >> good evening, america hill in for erin burnett outfront tonight, breaking news, dive teams at this hour searching for any survivors after the horrific bridge collapse in baltimore. and they are racing against time. >> we have left i pictures for you here of what was the francis scott key bridge is still and arches in the center span there, as you can see, a gone after a massive cargo ship plowed into a support sending cars and construction workers plunging some 185 feet into frigid 47 degree water and then tap school river below six construction workers who have been fixing potholes on the bridge when it went down are still missing. two other workers were rescued tonight. we're learning just how close this accident came to becoming an even bigger disaster. around 12, 30 the ship left the port of baltimore shortly afterward. it turns south as you can see on the map here toward the francis scott a bridge. >> now, >> i want you to take a look as we show you in this next instance here the lights on that ship at 01:24, as you see there, they suddenly go out then a minute later at 01:25 a.m. thick black smoke can be seen coming from the ship at 01:26 a.m. the lights flicker again. it's about that time that crews actually managed to shut down traffic on the bridge and then with just 40 seconds to spare, you can actually see two vehicles racing highlighted there across the bridge. it appears there the last two vehicles to make it across the whole region as well. now start sorry, whoever everybody, the whole room is just collapsed you know, hall traffic due to the other side are the bridge is down we're going to have to get somebody on the other side, the animal on a tally msp to deal appear and stop traffic coming northbound on a deep branch? >> side. of course, traffic is disrupted. that bridge carries some 30,000 plus vehicles a day. shipping traffic, and one of the nation's biggest, busiest, most important ports is also on hold. brian todd is outfront, live in baltimore harbor. this hour, right by where that blurred bridge collapsed. brian, you've been out there on the water throughout the day? what. are you learning tonight >> will erica, six people who were on the bridge when it collapsed, do remain unaccounted for tonight. as you mentioned, the ship lost power shortly before impact. we can show you from our unique vantage point here, the point of impact where the dalai, this container ship slammed into the francis scott key bridge just over my right good shoulder there you can see the records there, the tangled metal and the concrete that's just still draped over the bow of that vessel conditions here becoming more challenging for the response teams because the rescue efforts continue and the investigation ramps up tonight >> this is this is this is not just not just unprecedented from what we're seeing and what we're looking at today. it's heartbreaking. >> the middle of the one-and-a-half mile long francis scott key bridge plunged 185 feet into baltimore's per tapscott river early tuesday morning. >> hey, advise the entire bridge, entire key bridge in the harbor >> did for the other side, are the bridge >> is down. we're going to have to get somebody on the other side and tally msp to get parents stopped traffic coming northbound? one of the bridge. >> i'll container ship billowing dark smoke was moving at about 89. that's near the bridge when the ship lost power, according to maryland's governor, before the bridge collapse, that 127 in the morning, the ship's crew called in a mayday when it became clear there'd be a collision despite having dropped its anchor. >> what do you guys on the south side, what are you guys on the dorsal? i'd hoard all traffic on the key bridge. there's a ship approaching. i just lost their steering. >> a move. officials say saved lives, were thankful that between the mayday and collapse, that we had officials who were able to to begin to stop the flow of traffic. so more cars were not up on the bridge. many of the vehicles were stopped before they got onto the bridge, which which which saved lives, national transportation safety board and fbi teams are on the scene. we >> are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations authority please, on the ground, say they have a tough task ahead. the bridge itself, it does present a challenge it presents a challenge as we navigate on the surface, but more likely a greater challenges subsurface and underwater. >> in addition to a search from the air, officials had about 50 divers operating in the harbor hours after the bridge came down, the water there is frigid here right now, we believe this to be about a 60 foot dive makes these makes us an extraordinarily difficult challenge for our teams. officials have said >> they've tracked a few >> vehicles that they believe fell into the water from the bridge and you can see the distance if they might have dropped from the height of the branch there into the water because it's going to take days just to get floating cranes and other heavy equipment here in order to start the salvaging operations and an order to remove some of the remnants of the bridge here. and once they get here, they have to chop these remnants of the bridge into smaller pieces just to remove them. president biden says he's directing federal resources to help with recovery and rebuilding i'm direction my team, move heaven earth three, open the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as you emily, possible >> now at this moment, all major ship traffic coming into and out of baltimore harbor has been halted indefinitely. and that's going to cause some major economic disruptions here's a case in point. you can see these basically dormant terminals over here on the baltimore harbor that green vessel over there. that's the carmen. that's a vessel that brings automobiles and light trucks into baltimore harbor. baltimore's a major port. a port for transporting new cars and trucks into the united states at handled about 850,000 vehicles just last year. all love that has come to a sudden stop. erica brian, todd, >> appreciate the reporting as always. thank you. >> out front. now, maryland's governor wes moore, governor, it's good to have you with us tonight as we've been discussing, six people remain unaccounted for. is this still a search and rescue mission at this hour or hasn't moved into the recovery phase? >> now, this is this is still a search and rescue as of right now. and and i tell you, i think about these first responders, they have been working around the clock ever since the middle of the night last night. and just in the niaaa have instructed an ordered every resource that the state has, air, land, and sea to focus on the recovery effort. we've had other governors and we've had the federal government put any significant resources into this. so, so as long as this is a, a search rescue mission, we're going to make sure that we're doing our best to find survivors. >> i know you spoke with one person united earlier who was injured. can you tell us how he's doing tonight? can you share anything about his condition? >> yes. i had the speaking with one person who literally told me he was he was steps away when the when the bridge collapsed and how has he started watching the bridge collapse behind him? he started running in the other direction while watching his vehicle fall so his vehicle was one of the vehicles that were lost. and this is this was a harrowing moment and i remember when when i got the phone call saying that the key bridge was gone and i remember asking my chief of staff, so what do you mean by gone and he said is collapsed. >> i mean, >> this is this is this is an iconic bridge for all of us here in the city of baltimore. and so watching and seeing what what's so many, so many maryland had to endure last night. it it really is heartbreaking, heartbreaking time for the whole state. >> yeah. >> understandably. i just it's still so much disbelief in shock. i think for a lot of folks as the investigation continues, understanding it's an its early stages. are you satisfied at this point with the communication, the level of cooperation from the company that owns this cargo ship well, i know they'd been cooperating and there's gonna be a lot of a lot of entities that are gonna be involved in this >> investigation from federal assets to state assets, to the companies that are involved. i know this is gonna be a long investigation. the same way this is gonna be a long recovery period for the city the and four in for the region when while my my focus right now is on search and recovery. and so in search and rescue, i also know that making sure that we get a proper conclusion to the investigation is also going to be a core part i already it in terms of that conclusion, there are also questions about the bridge itself when we see the video of that ship hitting the bridge, it appears to crumble so quickly. do you believe there were adequate adequate protective devices, barriers around those bridge supports? >> well i think that's something we're going to have to dig into to figure out and know how can we fully make sure that our infrastructure is hard and it's something that we have put a core focus on in our time with a tremendous and the support that we've gotten from the vitamin his ration. well, when we think about the infrastructure capital that's come to states. so we know that making sure we have hardened infrastructure is going to your priority. we also know that if you look at what happened last night a ship of that size, moving at that speed, it was gonna be difficult for any form of infrastructure to be able to take that type of head and not have real impacts and effects. but we had to take a real inventory of all of our infrastructure assets to make sure that people are safe. >> the port of baltimore, as brian was just laying out how important, how integral it is for the country also for the local economy there in baltimore, for the state economy, some $80 billion worth of food we're in cargo, moves through that port in 2023 alone, a major hub for cars, trucks, farming equipment. i believe it's the leading us port for sugar imports. and of course, there are local jobs impacted. how are you preparing right now for that hit to the economy in your state? >> it's going to have, it has a huge economic impact and you pointed out, it is the largest port, four automobiles for new automobiles, the largest port in our country for, for foreign vehicles and so you think about, we're talking about $191 million a day of economic activity, 8,000 jobs that are directly related to this. so this has a significant and a seismic impact economically, not just on baltimore, but on the entire state of maryland. but the thing that i know about maryland is that we are marilyn tough and we are baltimore strong and we're going to recover, but we're going to focus on making sure that we can have have an economic recovery that really honors the work that that was taking place with the port governor wes moore. appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you so much >> out front now, jamie krauss, who was one of the first people to witness the aftermath of the bridge collapse. she took this video. you can see police arriving on the scene there. you see the lights, jaime, thank you for joining us. we're actually you're working than i chipped at the amazon factory near the bridge which i understand when this happened around 130, you actually felt like a hard rumbling is how you described it. can you walk me through that moment? what you felt and what you heard? >> so around like 01:30 a.m. i was doing page cow, which is where you go through the ship dock of the warehouse and count the pages to make sure that we have like now people voting and trucks to put it out. and as i was pushing my car my whole time of hardship. right and left dumbo, like i hit something. so i look out and around my heart, see if i hit like a palliate or if it's a metal or something, there was nothing there. and then a couple other coworkers like him and it's something should be i don't know what happened. maybe it's first quick or maybe it's thunder and even my boyfriend who works with me, he was like, yeah, man, my cart shook also because he's also trying to be as low chasing. so that was at 01:32 a.m. when we went outside everybody was like, yeah, man, the births collapsed and i ran over and started recording. >> i couldn't believe it. i loved that >> when you ran out there half an hour later, as you said, you're on break with your coworkers and you realize the bridge is gone. i mean, can you describe what that's like? this is a bridge that you went over often. i know you recently moved, but used to use it all of the time. >> to see it gone. >> what's that like >> found 32 years old, i was born and raised here in baltimore. i grew up right near the bridge. i live written here my whole entire life. >> i lived in >> essence in dundalk mole. >> so >> every single day i would see the bridge i go out there at 10:00. the bridges there come back out at 02:00 a.m. the burden is gone. so it was very devastating >> it's a historical mount >> of landmark here in baltimore as one of the most historical landmarks wab besides like capitol building or whatever in an atlas. but and for baltimore en's, beekeeper to the babe ruth, design thing, like we have that for history. that's something that means a lot to a lot of baltimore en's like we use it for travel. we use it for resources. we use it for food fund everything >> it's now gone. so devastating really nice photograph at all time. and it's just corporate you knowing it's not there no more seeing these, these close-up images um, that have come out since and also seeing it in the daylight, knowing that you felt that basically at that moment of impact that you felt, was that bridge falling than the number of construction workers in vehicles also fell into the water. when did all of that sink in about just the extent of this damage and destruction around 07:00 a.m. i started crying because i was like, oh, my god, all those families are probably good and all those people are probably good >> and >> that's, that's heartbreak and you don't want to think about that while you're at work people who die in literally hundreds of feet from you, it's like, again, it's devastated as one of the most heartbreaking thing i've ever wondered >> i couldn't believe my eyes >> and just the realization that there are people who probably lost theirs their lives in that it's >> it >> doesn't even me and my wife or crackup times were very emotional people and >> because we couldn't muster the how it like if there was we don't know who was on the verge it's hard it's hard to deal with. >> i've walked >> through that every single day while i was working, i worked at amazon for two years and i've never seen anything like this. it's the worst thing i've seen at this job >> yeah. yeah. it is a lot. and it's understandable that you and your boyfriend would be emotional thinking about all but jamie really appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight. thank you. >> no problem. thank you >> for our next our breaking news coverage continues. we are just learning officials are about to hold a press conference about that cargo ship that struck the francis scott key bridge and those rescue efforts when to bring that to live as it happens also, the breaking news in trump's world, the former president just hit with a gag order. now he's also selling bibles as he faces mounting legal bills. and robert f. kennedy jr. naming his running mate may not be a household name tonight but it is someone with a lot of cash. so who is nicole shanahan >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission. >> they were doing great. i won't be >> we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart >> my dad died doing what he space shuttle columbia final flight mirror sunday, april 7 at nine cnn. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays are knowles orioles. what's missing? the andean >> condor know, walnut brain pigeons. they'd rather de, sock to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> can the riva support your brain health? >> mary 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are dead, we are expecting a news conference from officials at any moment. so as we wait for that, we also want to bring you some new details this hour about the ship itself and its track record, including multiple deficiencies and at least one other collision that we know of. will ripley is outfront with this part of the story. so what do we know about these pass inspections and these issues will so the route that the dalai, this container ship follows is that it links asian ports with the us east coast, primarily, it flies under a singaporean flag. it's actually owned by a hong kong group and was built less than ten years ago in 2015 at the korean hyundai shipyards. so this, this, this is a relatively new ship, yet as you mentioned, according to across this, which is the electronic quality shipping information system 27 inspections and two deficiencies. so the most recent inspection that we know of was september 9 of last year in new york by the us coast guard. no deficiencies found at that point, but just three months earlier in june of 2023, in chile, there were some issues found with this ship, including problems with propulsion and auxiliary machinery like gauges and thermometers. but the big incident involving this ship was actually about a year after its construction. this was seven years ago, november of 2016, in belgium, there was actually an incident. the ship was pulled pulling out of poured. it hit a query, which is a platform that's used for loading ships as it was trying to exit the north sea container terminal. and there was major whole damage affecting sea worthiness. they actually had to basically dock the ship for quite some time to repair it after that incident, it was a relatively new ship at that time still still a relatively new ship, average size container ship with 22 crew members. so certainly a lot of questions as to the state at status of this ship, even though that most recent inspection by the us coast guard in new york, september last year, didn't turn up any problems. erica will ripley appreciate it as always. thank you. out front now, bobby school, he retired hired navy captain and diver captain morgan mcmanus and instructor at suny maritime college here in new york. and mary schiavo, former inspector general with the us department of transportation. it's good to have all of you with us tonight and to have your expertise, your captain mcmann is i think what is remarkable to so many people is how quickly the scene to have happened that at 01:24 a.m. those lights go out on the ship a minute later, there's thick black smoke coming from the ship. a minute after that, the lights flicker again, and then the ship crashes into the bridge. given how quickly it happened, given what we see in that video, captain wanted to tell you about what may have happened well, thanks for having me first. >> i think the biggest takeaway is that the they realized they were having problems with that initial blackout. when you look in the video, you see the ship go dark. so at that moment down in the engine room, alarms are going off, they're trying to go through their blackout recovery restart everything up the pilot is trying to get information from the catherine of what's going on on the ship. they recover it fairly quickly. i think it's within a minute. they get power back and they get propulsion going. but it looks like in the video when that black smoke coming out as going emergency, a stern. and then they had the flicker again. so we're still there. they're still chasing issues at that time with i would venture it's an electrical switch board issues. they're generator issues are going on. so there's a lot of scrambling going on at that time >> i'm going to hold you all here for just a moment. if i could, we want it dip in this live press conference that is happening. let's listen it our district, as well as colonel roll into l butler junior superintendent, maryland state police. tonight we're going to hear from brie statement from each of them on current updates after that, we'll be able to take a few questions, but we do need to keep it brief because we want to get these folks back to work with that. i'd like to introduce rear admiral shanon gallery hey, good evening, everyone. first, i'd like to say thank you to all of the first responders that have come out today to assist in looking for these individuals? we've had tremendous support across the state and county and city and federal enterprise. you've seen for yourself to helicopter's flying over the small boats that are out there, the coast guard cutter, it's out there. the boats that go back and forth bringing people out on seeing the search for these individuals so thank you to those this entire community for helping in that regard. second, i want to say thank you to the community for the outpouring of support to those first responders. and it particularly the outpouring of support and prayers and support for the families of the six individuals. so i would like to announce tonight that based on the length of time we've gone in this search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening at a 7:30 we're going to suspend the active search and rescue efforts coast guard is not going away. none of our partners are going away, but we're just going to transition to a different i'm going to turn it over to kernel butler, please >> good evening. and thank you all for being here to echo the most comments here. >> we >> really appreciate the support from the community to all the first responders here. we appreciate your patience and allowing us to do the best job possible and get the information as it comes up. at this point, as the admiral said, we're going away from the search and rescue portion. so recovery operation the changing conditions out there have made a dangerous for the first responders. the divers in the water, we will still have surface ships out overnight at 0600 hours tomorrow we're hoping to put divers in the water and began a more detailed search to do our very best to recover those six missing people thank you. >> with that, we have time for just a few questions. we know there's a lot of questions. they still have to be answered and we do have time for just a few so if we can take few police it's still just six >> there's talk of maybe other cars on the bridge, all the information we have is six individuals. >> yes, sir. >> about how the course is. might telophase what kind of challenges >> well, i'll start by saying in i'm going to turn it over to the efforts on diving. i'm not an expert on diving, but we've got very difficult water temperatures. you have structures from the bridge they are in the water that can move with the tides and currents, making that dangerous for divers and people in the water to actually try to do recovery. and we do not want to injure any of these first responders in this recovery effort? we absolutely want to be as safe as possible for everyone involved in this and i'll let see chromosome has anything you must add. >> you go into civics about what the search and rescue and failed like where they're scuba divers or was is everything above water. sonar any sort of equipment that might have been utilized over the past 12 >> from the outset, we moved all those resources and with dive teams from various state, local and county agencies. we also use sonar we're doing our very best and some very difficult times. and conditions, which is why we're making that transition now, the last thing we want to do is put divers in the water with changing currents, low temperatures very poor visibility, visibility. and so much metal and other unknown objects in the water. all it takes is one object to breaking individual and all of a sudden we have for first responders trying to recover another first responder. i think 0600 will find ourselves in a better position to understand that in that mix of what we're dealing with and to address the issue is much safer manner did not already have six ids now and have those victims each been contacted, those family? >> i can't speak on that. that's still in the investigator portion of this >> actually have any trapped inside of vehicles that might need to breathe and challenging to deploy. >> all of that is unknown at this point. and as i said, we have to cease operations. we can start again until we can ensure the safety. if those divers and the rescue personnel, that again, to participate in this, if we look at how how challenging it is at a simple motor vehicle crash to extract an individual, i'm sure we can all imagine how much harder it is to do it. and climate, weather when it's cold under the water with very limited to no visibility. >> to clarify that is correct. >> so criminal, you're confident than that no other vehicles made onto that bridge collapse or aza collapsing actually based upon the fact the original information was provided, the maryland transfer chasing 30 police department was able to shut down traffic. is there the possibility there was another vehicle on there other than those vehicles involved in the construction process? i think we all would have to understand. yes, that's a distinct possibility. it's unfortunate is maybe it's a distinct possibility however, we don't have any information to support that at this point. like, ma'am we do not know at this point. i'm sure as you've seen, some of the areas the photos, there is a tremendous amount of debris in the water from containers hanging off ships. we have to make sure there assured up. we're going to work with structural engineers to help them understand how to navigate and address the challenges of having bridge structure in the water that may be sharp they could puncture issue they could puncture an airline all of these things that we must take our time with >> that. >> last question >> i'm sorry at this point we do not know where they are, but we intend to give it our best effort to help these families on closure. how might inclement weather tomorrow impact the recovery efforts >> very clearly it could, but >> we're going to do everything in our power to help these families find closure now both stable at both spellings joining us here, we've just been listening in on this >> update or this important update from the coast guard is that this effort to find those six missing people who of course went missing in the wake of this bridge crash and collapse in the early plea hours of this morning. this has now changed from a from a search search mission to this is in a recovery phase. now, they were very clear there officials, they are not going away. but this is now a recovery operation citing these changing conditions as well, not only the fact that this is very cold water, this was 40 6248 degrees when this accident happened. it is very difficult to survive, frankly, in water that cold for a long period of time. >> but officials >> also noting there the poor visibility in addition to low temperatures changing currents the amount of metal two in the water, we're back now with captain morgan mcmanus and instructors any maritime college and mary scab, a former inspector general with the us department of transportation captain. i just want to pick up on a little bit of what we heard there from officials. these concerns about what is in that water right now. they don't know. they said where the victims are located. there is a possibility there could be other cars they don't have the information to support that, but said there is a possibility there fair. when you're dealing with so many challenges in front of you, including the large amount of metal and debris could potentially be sharp. i mean, just put in perspective for us what a massive operation this is even in terms of a recovery effort at this stage i think it's the best way to look at it as a giant metal jigsaw puzzle that's now upside >> down underwater and pitch-black conditions everything's tangled mess of metal right now. that's below the waterline, that you can't see you see on the surface how chaotic it looks it's probably worse beneath the waterline right now as they mentioned, containers are hanging off the ship, which provides other issues of that they fall in. they can disrupt everything that's in the water and that could have a cascading effect of all the structure that's down there >> mary, we had heard earlier today, but the anti-b ntsb was holding back a little bit to let the coast guard continue with these search and rescue efforts. the fact that this has now moved into a recovery operation. what does that change in terms of the ntsb and how their involvement rather in this investigation all right well this. afternoon, the ntsb had indicated that they hadn't gone to the ship yet and that of course that would have meant that they hadn't >> talked assumed meant they hadn't spoken with all of the crew and the staff on the ship, although obviously they could have used other communications, but ordinarily the ntsb tries to get to the witness particularly those who were involved in the accident, us to get to them right away. they want to get their statements while they're fresh. they don't want people to have to think about other things you're fill in the blank and they usually do that right away, but they said we don't want to do that because we want to give the coast guard every opportunity to find find any of the victims in the water and therefore, we're not going out to the ship now at this point with that with them having declare that they have been in the water so long that the survivability chances have dissipated. tomorrow, they will be able to do that. they wouldn't be able to get to that ship, start doing all those interviews of course they've already made made it clear that they have kept the recordings. they've got the recording group there to go through the recordings from the ship's command and from all of the engines and equipment on the ship. and so tomorrow they will really have an opportunity to start digging in and get a lot of information sure they, will be briefings tomorrow as well. >> yeah, absolutely. i really appreciate you both taking the time to join us tonight and staying with us through that press comes with some really important updates. thank you. again. >> outfront. >> next, as we continue our coverage of this breaking news, investigators searching for answers as we just talked about a bit there, why did this bridge come down so fast? and what does this say about the state of america's other bridges? we have a special report plus breaking news. donald trump just sit with the new gag order in new york. he's now banned from saying anything about potential witnesses and court staff. put the former president i didn't go to jail if he violates that order >> this is cnn 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their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now breaking news, new gag order tonight for donald trump, if he violated the former president, could end up in jail. the judge in trump's criminal charge money trial issue, that order banning him from making any statements about witnesses. prosecutors are court staff and specifically called out trump's history of quote threatening inflammatory, denigrating, comments, comments like the ones you're about to see, which he said about the assistant district attorney in his case just yesterday colangelo's is a radical left from the doj, who is put into the state working with letitia james. >> and then was put into the district attorney's office to run the trial against trump but remember this collegial or was it? doj guy? he's a biden doj guy. these are all biden trials because colangelo's worked for biden outfront legal analyst, ryan good. good. ryan goodman, you would think i've know your name by now. ryan joins me now. good to see you. so it seems almost like in reading that order, the judge may have been watching some of those comments at donald trump was making yesterday. you've called this a pretty solid order. is there any wiggle room here for donald trump >> no, not really. i mean, the order is identical. identical to the order and the dc circuit that they approved, except this one goes one step beyond and also protects jurors. but the dc circuit hadn't considered whether or not to protect jurors at this stage narrowly drawn the judge. and in fact is in fact saying i have to do this in order to protect the administration of justice. i don't think the order is going anywhere, so i don't think trump could even think really about appealing it successfully. and he really has to stay within this line. if he doesn't, then i think there could be serious consequences, serious consequences including jail time yes. at a certain point and just last night, maggie haberman was on cnn explaining is going to be quiet interesting to see him sitting there as a former president in this courtroom four days a week. and then with people who doesn't like to see getting under his skin and then going on the campaign trail on the weekends. what does he say on the weekends? now we have a gag order that says if he goes after those witnesses, et cetera, there could be consequences and at a certain point, he could be held in contempt, and that could mean jail time because there's nothing else that the court would be able to use to in order to deter him and he seems under terrible otherwise. >> some interesting is to watch that ryan. thank you. we also have more breaking news tonight involving donald trump, his media company i think which of course includes truth, social soaring, and its first day of trading on nasdaq, surging 56% at some point during training to $78 a share before closing at 58 as a majority shareholder, trump's 60% stake is now worth nearly $5 even as the company itself has actually bleeding money outfront. now, bloomberg reporter barely bailey lipchitz, who's covered trump's truth, social deal since the beginning, it's good to have you with us. so as we look at what happened today, i mean, look, i don't want to date myself, but i remember covering the boom, so we remember what it's like when there's a lot of excitement about a stock and we see it's surge in its first day of trading when that excitement starts today, down the question is, does it maintain? pain that valuation >> what are you watching? four, >> we're trying to see if that follow-through continues. we're seeing a lot of likely retail trader buying. so people who drove gamestop for instance, to valuations that were kinda based on fundamental. so the big question is, can there be follow-through looking at today's intraday trading, you mentioned that 58 present pop at one point closed up closer to 16%. so the big thing is, well, those volumes continue to play out. >> there's also when we look at the value itself, so valued at about $8 after trading today, there are less than 500,000 users on truth social, right, which is part of this company. if you compare that with x, for example 75 million users, it's valued at five 0.6 billion. so in looking at those traditional valuations, is, are those traditional metrics rather, is this trading at a higher valuation than other similar companies? >> the best comparison that we have is looking at price to sales. so as you mentioned, close to 8 billion through the first nine months of last year, they brought in just 3.4 million dollars. so that valuation is north of 2000, for instance, nvidia, one of the best performing stocks in the market, trades about 38. so this is evaluation that everyone i talked to you would most likely agree is not really based in what the company currently is offering right now, there's been a lot made of how well this, looks for donald trump, right? being a majority stake holder almost $5 billion today. he can't touch that money for six months unless there is a big unless here, write the big thing would be for the board which he kind of knows and is very closely tied to a number of people would be moving forward that lock-up exploration, which right now is tied to september or altogether waving at the big question, then would be he would he take out loans against those shares or would he outright sell shares? how do those trading dynamics evolve? because the big question right now is there not a lot of shares available for trading? so there could be a flood of sales, which then in turn would likely pressure the stock, at least according to the market experts i talked to. it's a >> lot to watch, bailey. i appreciate it. thank you. >> well, as we continue our breaking news coverage here, we also are looking at politics. robert f. kennedy jr. making it official a short time ago, the independent presidential candidate choosing political newcomer nicole shanahan as his vice presidential running mate, shanahan is an attorney, was once married to the co-founder of google. so what more do we know about her? and could she help kennedy move the needle? even mckend is outfront >> a political newcomer, propelled into the spotlight as part of robert f. kennedy jr. independent bid for the white house. >> it is so good to be here in oakland extra sturdy, eight years old and the cold shower hi, my hand is a wealthy silicon valley lawyer and investor who was once married to a billionaire google co-founder for the first time in a long time. i felt hope for our democracy again >> we can do this earlier this year, putting her considerable wealth behind kennedy, helping fund this $7 million super bowl ad they drew inspiration from his uncle's 1960 d campaign shanahan has long been a large donor to democratic candidates and causes, giving the $25,000 individual maximum to biden's election effort in 2020. but now she says the party has lost its way in this moment. i i am leaving the democratic party and was drawn to kennedy after listening to him speak chronic disease >> addiction, poverty, depression. this is where americans are hurting the most >> just time for >> politician cillizza the oakland native, is largely unknown to the public outside of elite tech circles. her marriage to google co-founder sergey brin, ending in divorce last year. the wall street journal reporting she had an affair with 11 musk something. she and musk both strongly denied shanahan writing in people last year. i can't think of anything worse for professional woman's career than publicly shaming her for a sexual act. shanahan rules from a difficult upbringing. >> i don't think we would have made it without food and government help to become the founder and president of her own foundation, focusing on climate change, reproductive health, social justice, and finding a cure for autism. in issue close to her as her daughter with brin has autism conditions like autism used to be one in 10,000. now, here in the state of california, it is 1.20 >> and she now shares a presidential ticket with someone who has repeatedly pushed misinformation about the efficacy and risks of vaccine, including the discredited link between vaccines gains and autism. >> i do believe that autism does come from back to shanahan saying it's only rfq junior really taking the issue of chronic health seriously, i will be his ally and making are nation healthy again and erica, it is clear that democrats view kennedy as a real threat earlier today. a d&c mobile billboard driving around lincoln kennedy to trump than they held a press conference where they characterize kennedy as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists who could lead to trump getting reelected. erica, eva mckend, >> appreciate the reporting is always thank you. joining me now in studio said hernan, national political reporter at the new york times. he just interviewed rfk junior on his podcast, the run-up which you should listen and subscribe to it said is we look at this, what does, what does it call shanahan bring to this ticket for rfk junior? >> well, the campaign staff that she someone's going to energize young people that she is someone who could actually bring in women. they have all these kind of things, but we don't really know what she brings because she's a political new car as rfk juniors himself, she's never run for public office. she's a tech lawyer, yes. but we mostly see her as a kind of liked like mine with rfk juniors kind of conspiracy driven lane when i asked him last week about what is this candidacy about what he really said was about challenging the orthodoxy of america challenging the medical institutions to political institutions. he sees himself as someone who is an active vote for breaking the system. i think he sees his vp pick in the same type of layne. it's important that she has that personal connection to autism because he has made that a central thesis of his campaign. this campaign is built off of covid backlash, built off a vaccine backlash, and he is using that discredit get discredited conspiracy to continue that claim. so i think we should see her as yes, a vice president source selection that could bring in some people as they're saying, but they're not testing that. they're not running a campaign in that time. type of sense, they're really seeing this as a way to further his message. and that's what's core to think about. you >> went on to sort of his campaign is almost a protest of institutions is not necessarily a vision of where the country should be in that some of these speeches you said are almost like a red herring because it's not really what they're about. >> absolutely in these types of moments. this is when you're going to get the most traditional version of the rfk junior campaign this is when he's going to say speeches about bringing in independence, bringing in democrats. but when you're actually they're the people i've talked to you on the road, i've not heard that disgruntled democrat say they're interested in rfk junior, you're mostly hearing republicans are mostly hearing people who never voted. all people were kind of buy into his long-term branding as someone who is anti-vaccine, it has pushed other conspiracies to that 5g wireless has a causes cancer, things like that. those are the people who are coming to this. it's important to remember though, i remember being at donald trump rallies and hearing that kind of ln of person there before. so we shouldn't presume that he just takes from one side or the other. this is really a scatter shot type candidacy. and frankly that's what worries the biden and trump campaign exactly in to that point, right when we look at some recent polling, some recent cnn holding from michigan, kennedy gets 18% of the vote in michigan. trump's at 40 binds it 34% pennsylvania, he gets 16%. you look at it 40 versus 38. the fact that is eva was reporting, right? you had mobile billboard out there today. >> the >> concern that is there. are they actually going after that concern in the right way? >> it's interesting because there's undoubtedly concern there that dnc has just opened up a kind of a group of their office to focus specifically on third party candidates as eva mentioned, there was that billboard today and they're really trying to make sure to get that message out there. but i think it's more about the fear of that name recognition we think of that 18% number that's partially because there is no better name to have in democratic politics. maybe then the kennedy won. but the question is whether when people hear him more, will they like him more, or were they like him last night? and i have the presumption that when you start hearing, but rfk junior is about that this might be the ceiling rather than the floor. and so that's what the campaigns aren't necessarily worried about him winning. they're worried about one loss vote in a critical state, right? because if this is closed, that's what this can come in and that's my sister rory kennedy told me last night she thinks he's a danger, not necessarily. president's policies, but because he will take votes away from me. >> that's like a sorry. yeah. i said always good to see it. thank you. my friend >> next here at breaking news, the six people who were missing are now presumed dead. after that bridge collapse in baltimore. and especially report just ahead on american troubling history when it comes to deadly bridge, disastrous check >> we hear nothing >> the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling this stub fractions you up, >> this stub winds you down, this stub, the deep glowing, and this stub keeps you going so whenever care do you care about, there's a dove for everybody >> were you 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showing up left and right so did our business needs the chase, a car made it easy when you go for something big like this, your kids seated and they believe they can do the same for an unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business on living sorry, make more of what's yours. >> i'm evan perez federal court in washington. and this is cnn >> tonight live pictures here of what remains of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. the coast guard announcing and just this hour they have now moved to the recovery phase of this operation. those six missing singh people now presumed dead. >> the >> incident understandably frightening, but it is not isolated and it's strong questions and questions about whether there are parallels with other deadly bridge collapses jason carroll, ease out front investigators still in the early stages of piecing together the events that led to the collapse of baltimore's >> francis scott key bridge already comparisons being made to pass deadly disasters involving america's bridges. i 40 bridge, weber's balls, oklahoma, mate 2002, 14 people killed nearly a doesn't hurt after freight parch is being transported on the arkansas river, struck a peer supporting the bridge, a 580 foot section of road collapsed, sending vehicles careening into the water. queen isabella causeway, port isabel, texas, september for 200018, people lost their lives when a tug boat and barge struck the causeway 11 people drove into the opening below the three survived big bayou cannot near mobile, alabama, september 1993 people died and more than 100 injured. and what was seen at the time is one of the worst disasters of its kind. i didn't the united states, it happened after barges being pushed by a tow boat in dense fog hit the bridge, causing an amtrak train

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Sea Worthiness , Container Terminal , North Sea , Status , Crew Members , Didn T , Inspector General , Instructor , Suny Maritime College , Navy Captain And Diver Morgan Mcmanus , Bobby School , Us Department Of Transportation , Mary Schiavo , Captain , Expertise , Takeaway , Crashes , Alarms , Blackout , Engine Room , Blackout Recovery Restart Everything , Pilot , Ship Go Dark , What S Going On , Catherine , Emergency , Flicker , Stern , Generator Issues , Electrical Switch , Scrambling , It Dip , Updates , Junior Superintendent , Brie , Statement , District , Each , Maryland State Police , Butler , Everyone , Shanon , First , Rear Admiral , Individuals , County , Federal Enterprise , Boats , Regard , Coast Guard Cutter , Second , Outpouring , Prayers , Search Efforts , Water Temperature , Length , Partners , None , Kernel Butler , Comments , Patience , Divers , Conditions , Portion , Admiral , Dangerous , 0600 , Few , Kind , Telophase , Talk , Sir , Challenges , Efforts , Diving , Expert , Water Temperatures , Currents , Structures , Tides , Everything , Scuba Divers , Chromosome , Civics , Sonar , Sort , Outset , Agencies , Temperatures , Transition , Visibility , Individual , It Takes , Object , Objects , Issue , Victims , Position , Responder , Mix , Ids , Manner , Investigator Portion , Rescue Personnel , Safety , Motor Vehicle Crash , Again , Weather , Cold , Climate , Fact , Collapsing , Criminal , Police Department , Possibility , Construction Process , Ma Am , Containers , Engineers , Debris , Amount , Ships , Photos , Areas , Bridge Structure , Airline , Effort , Closure , Recovery Efforts , Spellings , Listening , Update , Bridge Crash , Wake , Recovery Operation , Recovery Phase , From A Search Mission , 6248 , College , Instructors , Us Department Of Transportation Captain , Mary Scab , Bit , Concerns , They Don T Know , Operation , Stage , Perspective , Waterline , Mess , Jigsaw Puzzle , Structure , Cascading Effect , Mary , Hadn T , Involvement , Afternoon , Communications , Staff , Witness , Statements , Opportunity , Coast , Find , Chances , Declare , Recordings , Wouldn T , Interviews , Recording Group , Command , Engines , Briefings , Investigators , Coverage , Press , Court , Witnesses , Say , Special Report Plus Breaking News , Puppy , Magic , Dog , Dogs Food , Farmers Dog , Kibble , Fresh Meat , Brand New , Shower , Health , Flavor , Nutrients Dogs , Vegetables , Dogs , Just Food , Dried Pellets , Stub , Dove , Care , Ideas , You , Stuff , Trend , Schwab Investing Themes , Stocks , Themes , Space Economy , Passion , Gaming , Algorithm , Plans , Millions , Weight , Clicks , Goals , Up To , Stephanie , 100m , Foundation , Lyrics , 15 , 38 , Home , Disney Plus Lima Phi , Wow , Flight , Customer , Lumify , Eye Drops , Redness , Difference , My Go To Is Lumify , Limma Five , Windshield Schedule , Eight , Service , Schedule , Morning Walk , He Let S Be Pascal , Like Google , Duckduckgo , Searchs , Devie Duckduckgo , Replacement Sheikh , Trust , Pi , Ads , Companie , Privacy , Catch , Chrome , Blocks Cooi , Fre , Comb , Viewing Glasses , Reading , Mesobook Com , Spectacle , Skies , Closed Captioning , 8 , April 8 , Loved One , Mesothelioma , Mesothelial , Court Staff , Criminal Charge Money Trial Issue , Prosecutors , Out Trump S History Of Quote Threatening Inflammatory , Ones , Assistant District Attorney , Yesterday Colangelo S , Doj , Letitia James , Denigrating , Office , Trials , Analyst , Biden Outfront , District Attorney , Trial , Colangelo , Ryan Goodman , Ryan Good , Jurors , Wiggle Room , The Dc Circuit Hadn T , No , Whether , One Step Beyond , Dc Circuit , Justice , Anywhere , Line , Administration , Consequences , Maggie Haberman , Courtroom , Campaign Trail , Skin , Et Cetera , Media Company , Contempt , Interesting , Trading , Truth , Share , Majority Shareholder , Stake , Training , Social Soaring , Nasdaq , 5 , 78 , 58 , 56 , Deal , Reporter , Bailey Lipchitz , Covered Trump , Beginning , Dot Com Boom , Bloomberg , Valuation , Stock , Excitement , Surge , Valuations , Fundamental , Retail Trader Buying , Pop , Intraday Trading , Gamestop , Users , Value Itself , Volumes , X , Truth Social , 500000 , 16 , Metrics , 75 Million , 0 6 Billion , Sales , Comparison , Price , One Of The Best , Nvidia , 3 4 Million , 8 Billion , 2000 , 3 4 Million Dollars , Stake Holder , Offering , Evaluation , Market , 5 Billion , Billion , Lock Up Exploration , Big , Board , Shares , Loans , Trading Dynamics , Flood , It Official , Market Experts , Turn , Candidate , Attorney , Newcomer , Needle , Spotlight , Bid , Outfront A Political Newcomer , White House , Eva Mckend , Lawyer , Time , Hope , Investor , Democracy , Hand , Hi , Oakland , Silicon Valley , Campaign Shanahan , Inspiration , Ad , Wealth , Uncle , D , Super Bowl , 1960 , Million , Candidates , Election Effort , Causes , Donor , 5000 , 25000 , 2020 , Depression , Cillizza , Native , Public , Poverty , Marriage , Elite Tech Circles , Musk , Divorce , Ending , Affair , Writing , Sergey Brin , Wall Street Journal , 11 , Career , Help , Upbringing , Sexual Act , Autism , Daughter , Climate Change , Founder , Brin , Autism Conditions , Cure For Autism , Ticket , Vaccine , Risks , Efficacy , Misinformation , California , 1 20 , 10000 , Junior , Vaccines , Gains , Link , Ally , Rfq , D C Mobile Billboard , Threat , Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy Theorists , Lincoln Kennedy , Erica , Campaign Staff , Hernan , Rfk Junior On , Run Up , New York Times , Podcast , Studio , Public Office , Tech Lawyer , Rfk Juniors , Women , Institutions , Conspiracy , Candidacy , Orthodoxy , Rfk , Campaign , Vaccine Backlash , System , Vp Pick , Thesis , Connection , Covid Backlash , Layne , Discredit , Claim , Vice President Source Selection , Saying , Vision , Message , Speeches , Protest , Sense , Red Herring , On The Road , Version , Types , Independence , Cancer , Conspiracies , Branding , 5g , Republicans , Mother , Scatter Shot Type Candidacy , Ln , Eva , Holding , Polling , Michigan , Pennsylvania , 18 , 34 , Concern , Billboard , Dnc , Name Recognition , Fear , Presumption , Campaigns , Floor , Ceiling , Rory Kennedy , Policies , Votes , Loss , Danger , Friend , Events , Space Shuttle Accidents , Series , Check , The Deep Glowing , Wedding , Sisters , Destination , Epoch , It Knapp Book , Control , Dashboard , Jamaica Fight , Real Life Conversations , 18 Million , Tv , Big Change , Sling Tv , Idea , Reality Shows , Channels , Mom , Children , Right , Babies , Mla , 19 , General , Risk , Down Syndrome , Myeloid Leukemia , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Life Threatening Disease , Diagnosis , Treatment , Plan , Draw , Gonna Take , Earth , Donors , Nobel , Bill From St , Child , Housing , Travel , Research , Jude For Treatment , Kids , Credit , Debit Card , Big Business , Matter , Jude T Shirt , Anybody , Grandmother , Step Trisomy Silk , Styling , Jazz , Phrase , B , Zero , Business , Orders , Trisomy Keratin Smooth Collection , The Star , Ink Business , Same , Purchase , The Chase , 1 5 , Pictures , Evan Perez Federal Court In Washington , Parallels , Comparisons , Piecing , Jason Carroll , Disasters , Mate , Balls , Arkansas River , Oklahoma , Doesn T Hurt , Weber , Freight Parch , 2002 , 14 , September , Road , Peer , Section , Queen Isabella Causeway , Port Isabel , Texas , 580 , 200018 , Tug Boat , Causeway , Barge , Opening , Mobile , Alabama , Bayou Cannot , September 1993 , 1993 , Tow Boat , Train , Barges , Fog , Amtrak , 100 ,

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