Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

shortly after trump became the republican nominee for president , but that the enquirer never published the story. >> catch and kill, that is, pay someone and then kill a story that would be damaging to donald trump has denied having an affairir with mcdougal. >> trump was indicted nearly one year ago on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to the daniels hush money payments.. he's pleaded nt guilty. daniels herself is the subject of a new documentary on peacock, in which she details threats made against her. since the story blew up in 2018, it is direct threats. >> it is. i'm going to come to your house and slit your throat. >> the judge in the hush money case has ruled that stormy daniels could be called to testify against trump in the trial, which is now slated to begin on april 15th. sara gibson, the director of that new documentary, told cnn in recent days that daniels is ready to take the stand and is looking forward to being able to give her version about what happened in 2016, wolf. >> all right, brian todd reporting. thank you very much. let's bring in our legal and political experts. and laura coates, i'll start with you. can we definitively now say this criminal trial will begin on april 15th? well, that's only about three weeks or something. >> it actually is less time away than what even alvin bragg agreed to extend to. he said 30 days is fine with him. of course, trump wanted 90 days. this is now about 20 days away. this is, of course, jury selection, which in and of itself is going to be a bit of a feat for them to accomplish effectively, maybe multiple days or weeks for that to actually happen there. but this is going to go this is not a case that will kick the can down the road until the general election. this is the case that's going to go to trial and it's a criminal one. it's unprecedented. and frankly, according to alvin bragg, it's overdue. we'll see what happens on april 15th. >> katelyn polantz how likely is it that trump would eventually go to actual prison if, in fact, he were convicted? >> wolf. that would be a long way away, and there would be a lot of questions that the judge would have to weigh if trump were to be convicted, and then we would get to a sentencing hearing. there is the possibility with these types of charges that there could be what's called a custodial sentence, sending someone to prison. but one of the things that makes this case a little bit different from all the other criminal cases donald trump is facing, is that from what my sources are telling me, everyone in trump's legal circles seems to believe that this is a more parochial case. it's very much about new york, not the whole country. and it's one that seems to have the least likelihood of a prison sentence. the judge would have to take into account bad behavior in addition to just the charges, for it to end up in something. if trump were to convicted to also have him in jail. >> jamie gangel trump claims he would have no problem. he says he would have no problem testifying in the case. he says he did nothing >> ron, you buy that, but that's something we hear from donald trump a lot. he, he bowled, has no problem doing something. he's this was a case. >> he never wanted to happen. he never wanted any of this to be public in the first place. that's, how we got, there >> there's another >> issue and that is welcome to campaign 2024. >> this >> is his political and his legal reality going on at the same time. swing voters moderates women he's base stays with him, but a lot of the voters he needs may watch this and say enough is enough. >> interesting jeff zheli, this will be the first criminal trial of a former president or a presidential candidate for that matter. how could that impact this upcoming campaign? >> i mean, in many ways and since it is historic, there is no history to draw upon about how this will potentially impact the race. look, i mean, one thing we do know over the last year or so, anytime donald trump has a criminal case against him or legal case, his base has rallied behind him, but we're in a different stage and phase of this election, we're in the general election phase. so the base we know will stay with him. and perhaps become even more supportive if that's possible we do not know in a broader term how this will affect him personally. i think that is the thing that i'm watching the most is jamie was saying there of all these cases, this is the one that is the most personal it's an all to him. we do not know how it will affect his family, his marriage or him directly sitting in court. so the venting and the stewing that we've heard him talk about this case over the years is going to grow, obviously, but we don't know how it's going to affect it. one thing it will keep him off the campaign trail of foreshore, but be certain he'll be standing at the steps so the courtroom obviously won't be cameras in the courts in this case, but he'll be standing at the steps of the courtroom or somewhere nearby every day. so he'll be campaigning from new york >> we'll see >> what effect that has. >> we'll see, we'll watch it unfold. whatever prosecutors laura need to prove in order to get a conviction. >> well, this is about falsifying business records. now though we certainly think we know a lot about for me daniels, the michael cohen, and what happened when michael avanade was counsel for her as well? may he ball remembering this period of time they it's not enough just to have people we were reminded of that period, you actually have to prove that there were indeed these records that were falsified yet to prove beyond i reasonable doubt and also have the corroborating evidence from people whose credibility might be challenged. michael cohen, i'm a good witness and the sounds that he would be a first-hand eyewitness of things. he's also pick this felon who has credibility issues and granted in the other case involving the bond with judging goran, who rehabilitated its credibility in his holding to say that he believed would he had to say it's still going to be an uphill climb to say that this person on this instance could give you that testimony. also, where we anglos the adult film actress and director will have to be somebody as well after her documentary. i'll be curious as a prosecutor, whether everything she has said publicly will line up with what you will testify to here. and so it's not on a given that everything will stay as it did frozen in time six or so years or eight years ago. but this is going to be incumbent upon this prosecutor tuition team to carry its burden in a very public way with a very high stakes election at the end he's you're gonna be dramatic developments indeed will watch it every step of the way, guys. thank you very much. we're going to break down the other big trump ruling today drastically reducing his bond in the new york civil fraud case and later there's breaking news on the radio being conducted at some homes of sean diddy combs, stay with us you're in the situation >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight are mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> they told us to follow our dreams then said they were unrealistic because passions don't pay bills >> but what they didn't >> know is that dreamers make their own victory why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? 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well, for donald trump, money triggers him the brand triggers him >> this >> case really gets under his skin because it's about the way he has presented himself, his image, the successful business model i think there's something else, 175 million is still a lot to come up with and as laura said, the larger amount is still hanging over his head we've heard reports that he has 300 million or 400 million we don't know is the reality. >> i think one of the other >> questions is going to come up as he has ten days to come up with this money or the bond, is he going to do it? >> what's >> his default position in all court cases? fight and delay. so i think we still have to see whether he comes through with us. >> what happens. he's supposed to poke. he now has to come up with a bond jeff, by april 4 then 11 days later, this criminal trial, april 15, actually starts ten days after that, the us supreme court here in washington will begin to hear arguments i'm his presidential immunity case. this is going to be an incredible few days, incredible month. then he's also supposed to be campaigning and he's already sensitive to the criticism that he's not been campaigning for the last couple of weeks president biden has now been to every battleground state to a, he will hit the final and tomorrow and a visit to north carolina, the donald trump has been to one so this is something that is sensitive to the trump campaign. they say he's going to be out on the road campaigning, but this a is going to be weighing on him, but even more than that is going to be consuming his time and just his bandwidth here. so again, we know that it helped him in the primary. it rallies his supporters to his case. we do not know how overall well, this is going to impact the sliver of the electorate that is still open to being persuaded by this. but i think at the end of the day, what it's going to do is the supreme court case is perhaps the most important of all these ruling on the immunity case so we will see, but the there aren't that many months until the convention. >> so but on the plus side, it consumes all the oxygen and when it's all about donald trump, it has tended to benefit him that the biden campaign i was talking to many advisors there and there also slightly concerned about this because again, it consumes all the oxygen. we're talking about donald trump, not about president biden. >> interesting green, interesting. caitlin polar that's the judge1 are shawn, he's allowing the defense to file a motion on grounds of pre pre-trial publicity. what does that mean? >> well, this is again in the criminal case in new york, delay. that is the tactic here that you're seeing the judge allow even after telling donald trump's team today, april 15th, that's your trial date? what they're gonna do is they're going to file something today that says there's been so much publicity around this trial. it couldn't possibly go to trial before the election. that's been the position in all of these cases for trump's team. >> the >> da's office will respond and they've already signaled that they want to say any pre-trial publicity here. that's been exacerbated by donald trump. he's the one speaking to the camera was going in and out of court in all of these hearings. so the judge will look at that. >> but >> i don't know if we should think that there will be much that the judge will allow that could actually move that trial date of april development is, we'll watch that part as well to all of you. thank you very, very much coming up we're back to the breaking news properties owned by producer sean diddy combs rated by federal agents today we're learning new details and we'll be right back. >> the greatest age they told about >> lifetime to tbs stand for news about the new sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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we don't know that specifically what potential criminal violation it is telling that hsi is the lead because for those unfamiliar, this is a lead investigative arm of the department of homeland security. they typically we focused on transnational criminal issues, wolf, but also they have a heavy focus on human trafficking that they work as well. and so time will tell why they are there. but again, a significant action here, federal agents at this our homes, both on both coasts, owned by sean combs, >> very important indeed, our entertainment corresponding elizabeth wag meister is there's also with us elizabeth. i know you've covered sean did he comes closely over the years? we don't know if it's under investigation. they just want to be precise at that. but how significant is it for his homes in los angeles? and miami to be rated simultaneously? we do know he's been under some scrutiny that he's been under over these past few weeks >> absolutely. wall off. this is a hugely significant you can't overstate what a big deal this is. and seemingly a fall from grace for one of the biggest hip-hop moguls. and biggest musicians of all time. now, as you said, we do not know the reason for this rate, so we cannot make any connection, but this does come at a time where didi is has been sued by at least five different people. he has been accused of sexual assault, of grooming. in fact, he just had his most recent lawsuit hit him just weeks ago. now, we should point out that did he has denied all of these allegations with all of the lawsuits that he has been facing. we have not heard from daddy today. >> i reached out to his attorney. i have reached out to as global head of coms to a different pr rep. we have not heard from him yet wolf, but here is what did he said in december 20 23 when he did deny these allegations, he said i have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. he called the allegations sickening his attorney has called the most recent accuser a liar and said that they are shamelessly looking for an undeserved payday. now, this hello started wolf in november, cassie, who is an r&b singer who dated diddy for a very long time. they were together for years. she had the first lawsuit against him. they settled quickly, but it was a very serious lawsuit she sued him for sex trafficking, human trafficking, sexual battery, sexual assault, gender motivated violence she said that he abused her emotion emotionally for years, wolf and i have just heard from her attorney today and her attorney, douglas, we'd or tells us this. he says, quote, we will always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those who have violated the law. hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his depraved conduct. now, again, we cannot make a connection to the rain, but this does come at a time of many allegations against sean combs. >> certainly does a >> jonathan whack row. what does this signal to you that the department of homeland security is involved in two rays well, first of all, it indicates that this is a federal matter in what we're seeing with the rate and multiple >> locations means that law enforcement officers are agents believed that there's enough probable cause to believe that one, a federal crime has it's been committed in that evidence of that federal crime is located at these specific locations where the simultaneous search warrants are being undertaken. how did they do this? the wolf is really important here. federal agents and officers must go before a us magistrate and they actually have to go in basically provide an affidavit that lays out the broad elements of the crime that they believe has happened and why searching this location is critical in terms of finding items of evidentiary value that will help the prosecution of this case. so the fact that there's multiple locations going on simultaneously easily josh described the meticulous nature that the search undertakes in. one, identifying these items that were located on the search warrant, documenting them, making sure that chain of custody is maintained through the entire process all of this does not bode well for the suspects. today. >> important point, laura, what do you make of these raids? just how serious does all this scene? >> oh, it's very serious. look at the amount of resources being devoted and deploy to these different states in a coordinated execution of search warrants. remember these hedges don't take it very lightly. we think about our homes as our castles to have somebody be able to have a search or seizure of any property within it has to meet this burden of proving probable cause. and that's not beyond a reasonable doubt. it's just that probably the likelihood of finding evidence of a crime in this area is high or it's probably could happen there. so talk about what could actually be used anything could be fair game on that search warrant. you make it get at the one hand, vague enough to encompass a lot of different things, whether it's hard drives, photographs, cameras laptops, there could be safe things inside of a save is also going to be a little bit specific to make sure that you're not just going on a fishing expedition. so from to have a coordinated raid and the way that they're doing it right now without notice beforehand, you see there's discussions and imagery of who may have been in the house beforehand, who is removed from the house, and why you do it as surprise way is because you might be afraid of the information or evidence suddenly go and poof in the night and you want to have that surprise. what they're looking for is probably quite consequential, but there is still a presumption of innocence it's very important to our laura. thank you very much. and to all of our experts. thank you. once again, laura will be backed by the way at 10:00 p.m. eastern later tonight to anchor a special edition of laura coats live 10:00 p.m. eastern, a two-hour special edition coming up breaking news, baseball star show how you tawny. is speaking out right now about gambling and theft allegations against his former interpreter. we're going live to dodger stadium right after the break >> houston check. >> we hear nothing the space shuttle accident it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight for mere sunday, april seventh at night on cnn >> be obtained bring the land, the sea together the, old wisdom going to predict i placed his out there. i've got to do this >> it might just will follow not as bad as you. think >> man, and the loss kingdom, repeating 13. now streaming exclusively on macs >> congrats carol, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need to smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time just for you comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months helping mothers or grooms look their best. it's one more way, aspen dental is in your corner >> when you're home needs work, where do you go? 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nick well well within minutes of that press conference, he was out here on the field pitching, laughing, joking, seemed >> like he didn't have a care in the world. this press conference, he spoke japanese with of course, a different interpreter. and basically what he said is his long-term friend and interpreter, he pay misery. hera is a lot hire a gambler and a thief. take a listen >> i never bet on baseball in yellow, the sports are never have asked somebody to do on my behalf and i have never went through a bookmaker to bet on sports up until a couple of days ago, i didn't know that this was happening the name he has been stealing money from my account and has told lies >> now, some suspicion was heading showing a tiny his way because the bookmaker at the center of all this, he'd been telling people that if aim is a horror wasn't his client that show a attorney was his client now? i spoke to that bookies lawyer. she said a tiny and this booker bookie had zero contacts and that her client, the bookmaker, was just boasting because it was a good marketing ploy to say the greatest baseball player in the world is your client game is going to start here in a few hours and this is the start of show hello, your taney's career here at ten year deal, $700 million. he is a unicorn, a two-way player. people talk about them as the greatest player in the game right now. and amongst the great of all time. so he wants that to be the focus, not the gambling. and the highest paid to our nic. what reporting first. thank you very much. joining us now, see you of course, analyst christine brennan christine show, hey, tommy accuses his former interpreter of stealing from him and telling quote, lies, what do you make of what we just heard from him? >> this is a real nightmare for majorly baseball woolf, obviously you tawny is the biggest name in baseball and to have this kind of story just crashed land into the sport and into our consciousness and our culture as the major league baseball season is starting is just the worst possible scenario for majorly baseball for the dodgers, for o2 ani espn reported last week that the interpreter told them that, oh, tawny, that the interpreter went to to10 to tell him that he needed help on the gambling debts. now, of course tiny is saying no, that's not the case that oh, tony said he knew nothing and in fact, the old interpreter now fired is even recanted that story with espn, but you can see here how confusing this is. and the reason we're talking about it is because the trust level and it's forth if you're paying money to watch a sport, you're taking kids to the game, whatever you're doing. >> can >> you trust it? and if you can't trust that game, if you can't trust that player then that is a huge issue for that sport, for the player, for majorly baseball itself. and that's why this is such a big deal. >> do you think christine, that autonomy was able to quell at least some of the speculation about his knowledge of what his former interpreter was doing probably with some people will sports as an escape, right? you love sports. i love sports. people want to just go and enjoy a game. it don't want to have the real-world intrude. the way it has here, even though, of course it's not the fans fault that this is happening. it's of course the autonomy of the interpreter, whoever and all of the conflicting stories. i think there will be people who of course want to cheer for him. he'll get a great ovation when he's the game is nick was saying he's going to be playing at dodger stadium. >> all of that. >> but the flip side is the idea of trust and gambling. and we are now sports is so intertwined with gambling that i think that is a big part of the deal, but your average sports fan and they just want to cheer so they'll probably give them the benefit of the doubt. >> we will see a major league baseball as you know, has launched a full-scale investigation into all of this. christine, what do you still hoping to learn? >> well, i'd like to know what the truth is >> when the >> interpreter tells espn great reporters at espn that he went to who tiny to ask about the health with a gambling debt. okay. there's that story then he recant sad story. now, whoa, tiny comes out and by the way, it, of course it wasn't a press conference. it was just him talking no, questions were able to be asked. so i think i'd like to know more about the storyline and who's telling the truth? >> yeah, me too. christine brennan. thanks as usual, for joining us coming up >> vladimir >> putin, baseless lee suggests ukraine is to blame for friday is concert hall attack that killed nearly 100 people are live report for moscow right after a quick round >> are you all teams return for a waterfront redemption showdown, like in a burden but only one will make us flash. >> i think >> we nailed it, rocked the lock all new next monday night. good night on hgtv >> as the issues of distress calling the face of appending pipe crisis, i would downbeat is advancing this agenda for a greener future with an ideal climate to support what some of the world's largest solar projects and a grid that's almost completely powered by clean energy. it's the city that nurtures sustainable innovation development thank solutions in carbon capture, sustainable transportation, and coastal regeneration i would w0 is helping fast forward the uae is sustainable well, mission and important message for americans age 50 to 85 >> my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee pot. it's my inheritance. >> well, it is a family heirloom. know what the kids can just sell it to pay for my funeral. >> it's a good thing you have life insurance. life insurance with our emily history. >> don't you >> know about colonial penn? 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jeremy wolfe, the relationship was already strained before today, but this adds another wrinkle to the tension between these really prime minister and president joe biden he is prime minister indicating that he feels that the us decision to abstain rather than veto this resolution marks a clear retreat from the us as previous position and saying that it will hurt both the war effort as well as the efforts release hostages. but us officials of course, see this very differently. wolf, they view this as an overreaction by the israeli prime minister, in particular, the decision to very publicly choose to cancel a visit by two of his top advisers who were set to travel to washington tonight. and they also believed that this was an effort to unnecessarily try and create daylight between the us and israel, perhaps for the israeli prime ministers, domestic political purposes. but tonight, we're also hearing from president of prime minister netanyahu's top political rival, a member of the war cabinet, benny ganz, who is indicating that he disagrees with the israeli prime minister's decision, saying that not only should the delegation still have traveled to washington to hear the us this is alternatives to a ground offensive in rafa, but that these really prime minister himself should have traveled to washington to meet with president biden >> jeremy. i'm curious, where do things stand as far as the talks in doha, qatar, i've been an ongoing for a ceasefire and hostage release well, over the last week, there's been a sense that things are moving along that progress is being made, gaps are being bridged, but this evening, it appears very much more uncertain. hamas is now saying in a statement that they will hold onto their original position that they presented more than ten days ago indicating that they are still pushing for the full withdrawal of israeli troops for a permanent cease fire and the return of displaced palestinians to northern gaza. this coming after israel appear to agree to us proposal that would bring the israeli position and hamas is position on the ratio of palestinian prisoners to be you released in exchange for 40 israeli hostages. that proposal was trying to bring those two sides much closer. and indeed is real appears to have agreed to that, but hamas appears to be indicating that it will not budge any further saying that there are still other demands that need to be addressed that they say israel has not yet to do well there was a quick update, jeremy, on the situation inside gaza right now >> well well, if the israeli military is continuing to conduct a range of airstrikes in northern, central and southern gaza. we have seen these really military now over the course of the last week operating inside our schiff a hospital, they say that they have 1000s of suspected militants and that they have killed nearly 200 hamas and palestinian islamic jihad operatives earlier today, we were able to confirm with one

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shortly after trump became the republican nominee for president , but that the enquirer never published the story. >> catch and kill, that is, pay someone and then kill a story that would be damaging to donald trump has denied having an affairir with mcdougal. >> trump was indicted nearly one year ago on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to the daniels hush money payments.. he's pleaded nt guilty. daniels herself is the subject of a new documentary on peacock, in which she details threats made against her. since the story blew up in 2018, it is direct threats. >> it is. i'm going to come to your house and slit your throat. >> the judge in the hush money case has ruled that stormy daniels could be called to testify against trump in the trial, which is now slated to begin on april 15th. sara gibson, the director of that new documentary, told cnn in recent days that daniels is ready to take the stand and is looking forward to being able to give her version about what happened in 2016, wolf. >> all right, brian todd reporting. thank you very much. let's bring in our legal and political experts. and laura coates, i'll start with you. can we definitively now say this criminal trial will begin on april 15th? well, that's only about three weeks or something. >> it actually is less time away than what even alvin bragg agreed to extend to. he said 30 days is fine with him. of course, trump wanted 90 days. this is now about 20 days away. this is, of course, jury selection, which in and of itself is going to be a bit of a feat for them to accomplish effectively, maybe multiple days or weeks for that to actually happen there. but this is going to go this is not a case that will kick the can down the road until the general election. this is the case that's going to go to trial and it's a criminal one. it's unprecedented. and frankly, according to alvin bragg, it's overdue. we'll see what happens on april 15th. >> katelyn polantz how likely is it that trump would eventually go to actual prison if, in fact, he were convicted? >> wolf. that would be a long way away, and there would be a lot of questions that the judge would have to weigh if trump were to be convicted, and then we would get to a sentencing hearing. there is the possibility with these types of charges that there could be what's called a custodial sentence, sending someone to prison. but one of the things that makes this case a little bit different from all the other criminal cases donald trump is facing, is that from what my sources are telling me, everyone in trump's legal circles seems to believe that this is a more parochial case. it's very much about new york, not the whole country. and it's one that seems to have the least likelihood of a prison sentence. the judge would have to take into account bad behavior in addition to just the charges, for it to end up in something. if trump were to convicted to also have him in jail. >> jamie gangel trump claims he would have no problem. he says he would have no problem testifying in the case. he says he did nothing >> ron, you buy that, but that's something we hear from donald trump a lot. he, he bowled, has no problem doing something. he's this was a case. >> he never wanted to happen. he never wanted any of this to be public in the first place. that's, how we got, there >> there's another >> issue and that is welcome to campaign 2024. >> this >> is his political and his legal reality going on at the same time. swing voters moderates women he's base stays with him, but a lot of the voters he needs may watch this and say enough is enough. >> interesting jeff zheli, this will be the first criminal trial of a former president or a presidential candidate for that matter. how could that impact this upcoming campaign? >> i mean, in many ways and since it is historic, there is no history to draw upon about how this will potentially impact the race. look, i mean, one thing we do know over the last year or so, anytime donald trump has a criminal case against him or legal case, his base has rallied behind him, but we're in a different stage and phase of this election, we're in the general election phase. so the base we know will stay with him. and perhaps become even more supportive if that's possible we do not know in a broader term how this will affect him personally. i think that is the thing that i'm watching the most is jamie was saying there of all these cases, this is the one that is the most personal it's an all to him. we do not know how it will affect his family, his marriage or him directly sitting in court. so the venting and the stewing that we've heard him talk about this case over the years is going to grow, obviously, but we don't know how it's going to affect it. one thing it will keep him off the campaign trail of foreshore, but be certain he'll be standing at the steps so the courtroom obviously won't be cameras in the courts in this case, but he'll be standing at the steps of the courtroom or somewhere nearby every day. so he'll be campaigning from new york >> we'll see >> what effect that has. >> we'll see, we'll watch it unfold. whatever prosecutors laura need to prove in order to get a conviction. >> well, this is about falsifying business records. now though we certainly think we know a lot about for me daniels, the michael cohen, and what happened when michael avanade was counsel for her as well? may he ball remembering this period of time they it's not enough just to have people we were reminded of that period, you actually have to prove that there were indeed these records that were falsified yet to prove beyond i reasonable doubt and also have the corroborating evidence from people whose credibility might be challenged. michael cohen, i'm a good witness and the sounds that he would be a first-hand eyewitness of things. he's also pick this felon who has credibility issues and granted in the other case involving the bond with judging goran, who rehabilitated its credibility in his holding to say that he believed would he had to say it's still going to be an uphill climb to say that this person on this instance could give you that testimony. also, where we anglos the adult film actress and director will have to be somebody as well after her documentary. i'll be curious as a prosecutor, whether everything she has said publicly will line up with what you will testify to here. and so it's not on a given that everything will stay as it did frozen in time six or so years or eight years ago. but this is going to be incumbent upon this prosecutor tuition team to carry its burden in a very public way with a very high stakes election at the end he's you're gonna be dramatic developments indeed will watch it every step of the way, guys. thank you very much. we're going to break down the other big trump ruling today drastically reducing his bond in the new york civil fraud case and later there's breaking news on the radio being conducted at some homes of sean diddy combs, stay with us you're in the situation >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight are mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> they told us to follow our dreams then said they were unrealistic because passions don't pay bills >> but what they didn't >> know is that dreamers make their own victory why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? 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well, for donald trump, money triggers him the brand triggers him >> this >> case really gets under his skin because it's about the way he has presented himself, his image, the successful business model i think there's something else, 175 million is still a lot to come up with and as laura said, the larger amount is still hanging over his head we've heard reports that he has 300 million or 400 million we don't know is the reality. >> i think one of the other >> questions is going to come up as he has ten days to come up with this money or the bond, is he going to do it? >> what's >> his default position in all court cases? fight and delay. so i think we still have to see whether he comes through with us. >> what happens. he's supposed to poke. he now has to come up with a bond jeff, by april 4 then 11 days later, this criminal trial, april 15, actually starts ten days after that, the us supreme court here in washington will begin to hear arguments i'm his presidential immunity case. this is going to be an incredible few days, incredible month. then he's also supposed to be campaigning and he's already sensitive to the criticism that he's not been campaigning for the last couple of weeks president biden has now been to every battleground state to a, he will hit the final and tomorrow and a visit to north carolina, the donald trump has been to one so this is something that is sensitive to the trump campaign. they say he's going to be out on the road campaigning, but this a is going to be weighing on him, but even more than that is going to be consuming his time and just his bandwidth here. so again, we know that it helped him in the primary. it rallies his supporters to his case. we do not know how overall well, this is going to impact the sliver of the electorate that is still open to being persuaded by this. but i think at the end of the day, what it's going to do is the supreme court case is perhaps the most important of all these ruling on the immunity case so we will see, but the there aren't that many months until the convention. >> so but on the plus side, it consumes all the oxygen and when it's all about donald trump, it has tended to benefit him that the biden campaign i was talking to many advisors there and there also slightly concerned about this because again, it consumes all the oxygen. we're talking about donald trump, not about president biden. >> interesting green, interesting. caitlin polar that's the judge1 are shawn, he's allowing the defense to file a motion on grounds of pre pre-trial publicity. what does that mean? >> well, this is again in the criminal case in new york, delay. that is the tactic here that you're seeing the judge allow even after telling donald trump's team today, april 15th, that's your trial date? what they're gonna do is they're going to file something today that says there's been so much publicity around this trial. it couldn't possibly go to trial before the election. that's been the position in all of these cases for trump's team. >> the >> da's office will respond and they've already signaled that they want to say any pre-trial publicity here. that's been exacerbated by donald trump. he's the one speaking to the camera was going in and out of court in all of these hearings. so the judge will look at that. >> but >> i don't know if we should think that there will be much that the judge will allow that could actually move that trial date of april development is, we'll watch that part as well to all of you. thank you very, very much coming up we're back to the breaking news properties owned by producer sean diddy combs rated by federal agents today we're learning new details and we'll be right back. >> the greatest age they told about >> lifetime to tbs stand for news about the new sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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we don't know that specifically what potential criminal violation it is telling that hsi is the lead because for those unfamiliar, this is a lead investigative arm of the department of homeland security. they typically we focused on transnational criminal issues, wolf, but also they have a heavy focus on human trafficking that they work as well. and so time will tell why they are there. but again, a significant action here, federal agents at this our homes, both on both coasts, owned by sean combs, >> very important indeed, our entertainment corresponding elizabeth wag meister is there's also with us elizabeth. i know you've covered sean did he comes closely over the years? we don't know if it's under investigation. they just want to be precise at that. but how significant is it for his homes in los angeles? and miami to be rated simultaneously? we do know he's been under some scrutiny that he's been under over these past few weeks >> absolutely. wall off. this is a hugely significant you can't overstate what a big deal this is. and seemingly a fall from grace for one of the biggest hip-hop moguls. and biggest musicians of all time. now, as you said, we do not know the reason for this rate, so we cannot make any connection, but this does come at a time where didi is has been sued by at least five different people. he has been accused of sexual assault, of grooming. in fact, he just had his most recent lawsuit hit him just weeks ago. now, we should point out that did he has denied all of these allegations with all of the lawsuits that he has been facing. we have not heard from daddy today. >> i reached out to his attorney. i have reached out to as global head of coms to a different pr rep. we have not heard from him yet wolf, but here is what did he said in december 20 23 when he did deny these allegations, he said i have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. he called the allegations sickening his attorney has called the most recent accuser a liar and said that they are shamelessly looking for an undeserved payday. now, this hello started wolf in november, cassie, who is an r&b singer who dated diddy for a very long time. they were together for years. she had the first lawsuit against him. they settled quickly, but it was a very serious lawsuit she sued him for sex trafficking, human trafficking, sexual battery, sexual assault, gender motivated violence she said that he abused her emotion emotionally for years, wolf and i have just heard from her attorney today and her attorney, douglas, we'd or tells us this. he says, quote, we will always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those who have violated the law. hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his depraved conduct. now, again, we cannot make a connection to the rain, but this does come at a time of many allegations against sean combs. >> certainly does a >> jonathan whack row. what does this signal to you that the department of homeland security is involved in two rays well, first of all, it indicates that this is a federal matter in what we're seeing with the rate and multiple >> locations means that law enforcement officers are agents believed that there's enough probable cause to believe that one, a federal crime has it's been committed in that evidence of that federal crime is located at these specific locations where the simultaneous search warrants are being undertaken. how did they do this? the wolf is really important here. federal agents and officers must go before a us magistrate and they actually have to go in basically provide an affidavit that lays out the broad elements of the crime that they believe has happened and why searching this location is critical in terms of finding items of evidentiary value that will help the prosecution of this case. so the fact that there's multiple locations going on simultaneously easily josh described the meticulous nature that the search undertakes in. one, identifying these items that were located on the search warrant, documenting them, making sure that chain of custody is maintained through the entire process all of this does not bode well for the suspects. today. >> important point, laura, what do you make of these raids? just how serious does all this scene? >> oh, it's very serious. look at the amount of resources being devoted and deploy to these different states in a coordinated execution of search warrants. remember these hedges don't take it very lightly. we think about our homes as our castles to have somebody be able to have a search or seizure of any property within it has to meet this burden of proving probable cause. and that's not beyond a reasonable doubt. it's just that probably the likelihood of finding evidence of a crime in this area is high or it's probably could happen there. so talk about what could actually be used anything could be fair game on that search warrant. you make it get at the one hand, vague enough to encompass a lot of different things, whether it's hard drives, photographs, cameras laptops, there could be safe things inside of a save is also going to be a little bit specific to make sure that you're not just going on a fishing expedition. so from to have a coordinated raid and the way that they're doing it right now without notice beforehand, you see there's discussions and imagery of who may have been in the house beforehand, who is removed from the house, and why you do it as surprise way is because you might be afraid of the information or evidence suddenly go and poof in the night and you want to have that surprise. what they're looking for is probably quite consequential, but there is still a presumption of innocence it's very important to our laura. thank you very much. and to all of our experts. thank you. once again, laura will be backed by the way at 10:00 p.m. eastern later tonight to anchor a special edition of laura coats live 10:00 p.m. eastern, a two-hour special edition coming up breaking news, baseball star show how you tawny. is speaking out right now about gambling and theft allegations against his former interpreter. we're going live to dodger stadium right after the break >> houston check. >> we hear nothing the space shuttle accident it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight for mere sunday, april seventh at night on cnn >> be obtained bring the land, the sea together the, old wisdom going to predict i placed his out there. i've got to do this >> it might just will follow not as bad as you. think >> man, and the loss kingdom, repeating 13. now streaming exclusively on macs >> congrats carol, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need to smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time just for you comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months helping mothers or grooms look their best. it's one more way, aspen dental is in your corner >> when you're home needs work, where do you go? 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nick well well within minutes of that press conference, he was out here on the field pitching, laughing, joking, seemed >> like he didn't have a care in the world. this press conference, he spoke japanese with of course, a different interpreter. and basically what he said is his long-term friend and interpreter, he pay misery. hera is a lot hire a gambler and a thief. take a listen >> i never bet on baseball in yellow, the sports are never have asked somebody to do on my behalf and i have never went through a bookmaker to bet on sports up until a couple of days ago, i didn't know that this was happening the name he has been stealing money from my account and has told lies >> now, some suspicion was heading showing a tiny his way because the bookmaker at the center of all this, he'd been telling people that if aim is a horror wasn't his client that show a attorney was his client now? i spoke to that bookies lawyer. she said a tiny and this booker bookie had zero contacts and that her client, the bookmaker, was just boasting because it was a good marketing ploy to say the greatest baseball player in the world is your client game is going to start here in a few hours and this is the start of show hello, your taney's career here at ten year deal, $700 million. he is a unicorn, a two-way player. people talk about them as the greatest player in the game right now. and amongst the great of all time. so he wants that to be the focus, not the gambling. and the highest paid to our nic. what reporting first. thank you very much. joining us now, see you of course, analyst christine brennan christine show, hey, tommy accuses his former interpreter of stealing from him and telling quote, lies, what do you make of what we just heard from him? >> this is a real nightmare for majorly baseball woolf, obviously you tawny is the biggest name in baseball and to have this kind of story just crashed land into the sport and into our consciousness and our culture as the major league baseball season is starting is just the worst possible scenario for majorly baseball for the dodgers, for o2 ani espn reported last week that the interpreter told them that, oh, tawny, that the interpreter went to to10 to tell him that he needed help on the gambling debts. now, of course tiny is saying no, that's not the case that oh, tony said he knew nothing and in fact, the old interpreter now fired is even recanted that story with espn, but you can see here how confusing this is. and the reason we're talking about it is because the trust level and it's forth if you're paying money to watch a sport, you're taking kids to the game, whatever you're doing. >> can >> you trust it? and if you can't trust that game, if you can't trust that player then that is a huge issue for that sport, for the player, for majorly baseball itself. and that's why this is such a big deal. >> do you think christine, that autonomy was able to quell at least some of the speculation about his knowledge of what his former interpreter was doing probably with some people will sports as an escape, right? you love sports. i love sports. people want to just go and enjoy a game. it don't want to have the real-world intrude. the way it has here, even though, of course it's not the fans fault that this is happening. it's of course the autonomy of the interpreter, whoever and all of the conflicting stories. i think there will be people who of course want to cheer for him. he'll get a great ovation when he's the game is nick was saying he's going to be playing at dodger stadium. >> all of that. >> but the flip side is the idea of trust and gambling. and we are now sports is so intertwined with gambling that i think that is a big part of the deal, but your average sports fan and they just want to cheer so they'll probably give them the benefit of the doubt. >> we will see a major league baseball as you know, has launched a full-scale investigation into all of this. christine, what do you still hoping to learn? >> well, i'd like to know what the truth is >> when the >> interpreter tells espn great reporters at espn that he went to who tiny to ask about the health with a gambling debt. okay. there's that story then he recant sad story. now, whoa, tiny comes out and by the way, it, of course it wasn't a press conference. it was just him talking no, questions were able to be asked. so i think i'd like to know more about the storyline and who's telling the truth? >> yeah, me too. christine brennan. thanks as usual, for joining us coming up >> vladimir >> putin, baseless lee suggests ukraine is to blame for friday is concert hall attack that killed nearly 100 people are live report for moscow right after a quick round >> are you all teams return for a waterfront redemption showdown, like in a burden but only one will make us flash. >> i think >> we nailed it, rocked the lock all new next monday night. good night on hgtv >> as the issues of distress calling the face of appending pipe crisis, i would downbeat is advancing this agenda for a greener future with an ideal climate to support what some of the world's largest solar projects and a grid that's almost completely powered by clean energy. it's the city that nurtures sustainable innovation development thank solutions in carbon capture, sustainable transportation, and coastal regeneration i would w0 is helping fast forward the uae is sustainable well, mission and important message for americans age 50 to 85 >> my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee pot. it's my inheritance. >> well, it is a family heirloom. know what the kids can just sell it to pay for my funeral. >> it's a good thing you have life insurance. life insurance with our emily history. >> don't you >> know about colonial penn? 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jeremy wolfe, the relationship was already strained before today, but this adds another wrinkle to the tension between these really prime minister and president joe biden he is prime minister indicating that he feels that the us decision to abstain rather than veto this resolution marks a clear retreat from the us as previous position and saying that it will hurt both the war effort as well as the efforts release hostages. but us officials of course, see this very differently. wolf, they view this as an overreaction by the israeli prime minister, in particular, the decision to very publicly choose to cancel a visit by two of his top advisers who were set to travel to washington tonight. and they also believed that this was an effort to unnecessarily try and create daylight between the us and israel, perhaps for the israeli prime ministers, domestic political purposes. but tonight, we're also hearing from president of prime minister netanyahu's top political rival, a member of the war cabinet, benny ganz, who is indicating that he disagrees with the israeli prime minister's decision, saying that not only should the delegation still have traveled to washington to hear the us this is alternatives to a ground offensive in rafa, but that these really prime minister himself should have traveled to washington to meet with president biden >> jeremy. i'm curious, where do things stand as far as the talks in doha, qatar, i've been an ongoing for a ceasefire and hostage release well, over the last week, there's been a sense that things are moving along that progress is being made, gaps are being bridged, but this evening, it appears very much more uncertain. hamas is now saying in a statement that they will hold onto their original position that they presented more than ten days ago indicating that they are still pushing for the full withdrawal of israeli troops for a permanent cease fire and the return of displaced palestinians to northern gaza. this coming after israel appear to agree to us proposal that would bring the israeli position and hamas is position on the ratio of palestinian prisoners to be you released in exchange for 40 israeli hostages. that proposal was trying to bring those two sides much closer. and indeed is real appears to have agreed to that, but hamas appears to be indicating that it will not budge any further saying that there are still other demands that need to be addressed that they say israel has not yet to do well there was a quick update, jeremy, on the situation inside gaza right now >> well well, if the israeli military is continuing to conduct a range of airstrikes in northern, central and southern gaza. we have seen these really military now over the course of the last week operating inside our schiff a hospital, they say that they have 1000s of suspected militants and that they have killed nearly 200 hamas and palestinian islamic jihad operatives earlier today, we were able to confirm with one

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