Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

terrorist attack media reporting that at least 40 people have include being killed, include children after this brazen first attack inside that hall, more than 100 people have reportedly been injured or wounded. several gunman entered the building ahead of tonight show at this concert. they opened fire. sometimes at point blank range before throwing what a bystanders said, we're molotov cocktails at the crowd cnn's oren liebermann, it has been covering the story from the pentagon forest. he's in the studio. now, or what do we know as of now about this attack and about this claim of responsibility >> so in addition to the number of people who have been killed here, as you pointed out, russian media reporting 40 have been killed and many more wounded as part but the attack we now have the claim of responsibility here. isis issuing a short statement through their own news agency, the amaq news agency, claiming responsibility for the attack itself. now, it is worth noting, they provide no evidence for their claim nor have we heard any statement from the us or from russia corroborating this information, the us intelligence community had been watching this space and according to two sources familiar with the intelligence, the us had been watching a steady stream of info since back in november, warning that isis was planning to attack or at least trying to plan an attack in russia, mass casualty event, which is certainly what we're seeing play out right here. it had risen to the level of what's called a duty to warn obligation on the part of the united states to warn russia that an attack was imminent. and according to one of the sources familiar with the intelligence, that warning was, in fact given from the us intelligence community to the russian counterparts, or at least to somebody in the russia government, to warn them that the us sees the possibility of an attack. now, what was done with this information that is unclear, but clearly the us was watching this space isis course on which we normally associate with afghanistan, had the ability and the attempt to carry out an attack here now it's worth noting we haven't seen that level of cooperation from the us and russia. the investigation itself has still very early russia announced they're launching a criminal investigation into this. but we saw those live pictures are short time ago. this scene is very much still unfolding. jake. >> all right. oren liebermann. thank you so much in the news continues now with my colleague, erin burnett in new york and breaking news this our princess kate, >> revealing her shocking cancer diagnosis after weeks of widespread speculation announcing she's in the early stages of chemotherapy and recounting an incredibly tough in her words, time for her family. but the royals are not disclosing what type of cancer the princess is baffling or how far it may have progressed. another major breaking story that we are following in the situation room ice is just claiming responsibility for a terror attack and a concert near moscow. >> the >> killed at least 40 and injured dozens and dozens it's more. we are getting the first chilling images of an emerging fiery scene outside and fear and panic inside as we're learning the us tipped off russia that an isis attack might be coming and a welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm erin burnett and this is especially edition of the situation room >> skis cnn, breaking news and we begin with the breaking news out of london tonight and the outpouring of concern around the world for the princess of wales are >> stoic announcement that she has cancer, addressing some of the health questions she's been facing for weeks while leaving many others on answer cnn's royal correspondent, max foster joins us live to begin our breaking coverage outside buckingham palace tonight. and max, what is the very latest that you are learning as we all heard these shocking words from princess kate it really was a shocker. i'd say here in london, people are absolutely shocked of all the speculation we've heard in recent weeks cancer was not one of them. such a young vibrant picture of health really of a princess and the news came through this afternoon. and it's it's speaks to the timing of why she didn't speak. it speaks to why she's behave the way she has in recent times. and ultimately it comes down to the kids a devastating announcement from the princess of wales in january, i underwent major domino surgery in london on at the time it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation on cancer had been present. my medical team therefore, advice that i should undergo a course, a preventive chemotherapy. and i'm now in the early stages about treatment in a recorded message, the royal said she'd begun chemotherapy to treat an unspecified by cancer after weeks of speculation about catherine's well-being, this is her first official appearance, filmed by bbc studios on wednesday on the grounds of windsor castle according to a royal source, she explained why it had taken some time to go public with the news. >> it is taken as time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay as i've said to them, i am well, and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal. in my mind, body, and spirit when it comes to a royal source telling cnn, kate and william had been waiting until their children began their school holidays to share the diagnosis >> publicly, to try to shield them from the news coverage catherine hadn't been seen at any official public appearances since christmas off work that out of the public? hi, since then in january, the princess underwent an unspecified abdominal surgery and was in hospital for two weeks, a frenzy of conspiracy theories emerging on social media. but few guests, the princess could have been dealing with such a serious diagnosis at the age of 42 the priess is announcemt cos ju weeks after the arles hielf had cancer the king today saying he's so proud of catherine for her courage in speang as shdid accordin to buckingham palace, >> i think we all moving into a new royal world. it's totally caters open, i think it really makes us think about the royal family. we can't always imagine they're superumans going on forever >> prince harry and wife meghan, sentheirishes to saying, we whed heth and healing the case and the family and hope they e able to do so privately. and in peace despite cathere's unprecedente openness, it's unlikely any further details will be shared by the princess about her illness and she's asd to be given privacy at this time. catherine has said she's in good spirits, but a royal source said that she won't return to full-time duties until cleared by her doctors. aaron, i worked with the princess for many years i interviewed her. she gets incredibly nervous on camera. she is not necessarily comfortable being out in public at all. and that would have been a really big moment for her to sit there and say things that she did. it would have been heard decision as well. i think she's sitting there hoping that people now understand what she's going through and gives her that privacy that she desperately wants, not just for ourselves, but for our kids, and she wants them to have some sense of normality and she's asking people if they see them out on about just leave them alone don't share pictures, and let them be >> all right. max, please stay with us. i want to bring in our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, along with aaron hill, the senior royals editor for people magazine. and thanks to both of you for joining the conversation. so sanjay what is your are your main takeaways from what we are now hearing from princess catherine >> well, this was a bit of a surprise obviously to hear that she has a cancer diagnosis that is the big takeaway. i think there was a level of concern from the very beginning there there was this concern that she was going to be out of the public eye for three months. and then when she was in the hospital, i think we have a timeline, january 17, she had are operation. then we knew that she was going to be the hospital for some time. she was in personam two weeks roughly and then a month after that is when she started this chemotherapy the idea that she had some idea, they were worried about things. initially. i think that's been there for some time, but now we have a confirmation the fact that this is a cancer. we don't know what type we don't know the staging of the scam we just know that you're going to be getting chemotherapy, so it's obviously something that they're very seriously they've been, they've been concerned about for awhile. >> and sandi, let me just ask a follow-up to this, which is originally and we don't know what she went in hospital for originally and whether that was something totally separate and cancer are found where we just don't know so much of these details. but what we do know is that they told us that she would not be public again until easter in terms of public engagements but now she saying when our doctors have cleared her, which implies certainly not not not at easter so that could change, but it does it does seem to apply. things are even in these past weeks different than they anticipated. is that fair now >> i think that's fair as everyone has said, she's obviously entitled to all of her privacy here, but but having said that, not all of this of still totally fits. i mean, it makes a little bit more sense now that we heard some time ago that she was going to likely not be in the public eye for a few months. >> that's long time. >> i >> do operations on the brain for brain cancer patients will typically go home within a few days and be out and about a few weeks. so months is a long time and again, we don't know what this is, but it speaks to the level of concern i think from the very start, what we're here during from the statement as max was just talking about was that when they evaluated this tissue that was from the operation back in the middle of january sounds like they saw evidence of cancer that was unexpected or surprising to them and for that, you have to assume now there's still cancer cells remaining in her body which is why she is getting this this adjuvant chemotherapy early stages of that, as we heard, right again, we don't know for what we don't long we don't know what stage. so a lot of questions still. >> but >> that sort of speaks to where things are now yeah. i mean, there's so much that we don't know are the only thing we know about stages of that. she said it was the early stages of chemotherapy. and aaron, you cover the royal family, of course, very closely as well. what are you learning tonight >> yeah, we are learning that timeline is that initially actually the palace came out and said that what she was dealing with was noncancerous. so it sounds like after the operation, they were confident in that it was the post-operative tests that came back cancer cancerous. and so then they had to shift and obviously figure out any medical plan and take the time they're explains a lot. her absence and even even greater detail and what she's been dealing with behind the scenes. but we are hearing from sources that her wanting to come out today and speaks to the cameras because people directly is present her decision and it wasn't a response to any of the social media is very sick theories and rumors have been happening. everything that she's done every step that she has made in the past few months have been a direct result of her wanting to protect your children and >> max, what happens now? i mean, now that this is out there and of course the world has been, has been stunned by it as well. do you have any sense that the palace even has a plan for what happens now? >> the to have a plan. so she will not be returning to full-time engagements, of course, until the doctors give the all clear, but they're not saying she's not going to go out at all. she's going to figure it out perhaps last-minute decides to go to some events we will expecting to see her leeser weekend next weekend, they're not going to be that really the message. they really have been pressing home to me is that now that the kids are in school holidays, they want to be able to give them as much normality as possible. they're not going to stop going out and they is an appeal to the media and the public to just allow them to do that. and it's really about protecting the children and to not share share any images the invade that privacy. they're just i think they really feel that they've given out as much as they can today. and that the deal is that we then allow them now her to recuperate and allow the children to really adjust to this. and they're gonna be kept away from the news as i understand it. >> and aaron, what then changes for the media? and the coverage here >> yeah. i think that we will definitely see a shift in a lot of the theory and you're in for her online. of speculation is definitely columns of that. and now they're will hopefully be greater sympathy for her and understand why she needed this time. and that was rooted in her wanting to protect her children. and we know that william is very much concerned with privacy for his family in general. so that's just going to be even more so at the front of his nine during this time, and i think that we'll see a shift in the narrative right now. what's going on >> barren max, dr. sanjay gupta. thank you all so very much. and still had we have some more details into how princess kate chose to make this diagnosis disclosure and how she is handling the balancing act. now, before we between informing the public protecting her privacy, and later breaking news on the deadly mass shooting attack at a concert near moscow, a terrifying night unfolding there. how will respond? and right now, we can tell you isis terrorist are claiming responsibility my fellow citizens need to be better when normal, normal and makes me want you to be dead so be better good >> streaming exclusively on macs >> demand for energy is growing. and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. it's time to turn the lights on >> america is resources are abundant. our nation is a global full liter in reducing emissions and innovators and delivering more energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account >> lights the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power of ai, with the perfect name. a great logo, and a beautiful website to start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business >> make now >> the future at slash arrow university of maryland global campus 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that we heard sometimes offensive. the timing of this announcement was purely about the royal family. and by that, i don't even mean the institution. it was about the family of five and those three young children here today have broken up from school for their easter halftime break. one to have this very sad news delivered to them by their parents. their mother has cancer and she's undergoing chemotherapy. two very scary words. and of course this comes weeks after those children fan out that their grandfather has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing thank treatment. so if ever, there was a moment for people to listen to a plea for privacy. i think this video message from the princess of wales sat by herself on a bench, very frank very open about how she's feeling, how this was a shock. >> i >> would hope that this is the moment where that speculation hopefully comes to an end. and as we under standard going forward, we're not going to have lots of updates on her condition and her recovery. we have been asked to make sure that publications and outlets don't chase for photos of her coming in and out of hospitals and don't run them. if people do take those photos, going erin. >> all thank you very much. and i want to go to tricia goddard, royal expert, who have horse, knows his family and his covered this you know, all of this from so many levels, but can i just start fresh over the over the years you and i've been speaking. but this story hits so close to home for you. a cancer diagnosis and the decision to talk about it in the suffering that you go through and the fear. so when you saw up princess kate sit down alone both strong and yet very vulnerable and very frail looking. and tell the world about her cancer. >> what went through your head? >> well, as you say, i know that feelings like i've been living with not suffering with i think the language is really important here. aaron, with my return on my cancer, the 19 months as you know, you and i worked together with all the cnn the nobody knew until last week >> and like >> catherine, i chose the time when foot for many reasons, my my i actually believe catherine's children probably knew about it. >> yeah >> we're told something about it in an age appropriate way. >> but i don't think it's a coincidence that the records that the whole story about staff being taken to task at the london clinic >> because apparently had access king charles and her record. one guess is it could have been within the cancer unit that fear of some amedi else leaking or are putting out a really personal story >> pick your because it cancers, you feel at the mercy of cancer and the mercy of the medical profession. >> one grabs >> power, where one can >> and if you're in the public i it's like, you know what, i'm going to own this news and i'm going to talk about it in a way that's true that's not over sensationalized not the headline screaming. i'm dying or anything like that. >> so i totally, totally get it. it's a scary moment, but in many ways it's a way when you take back some power right? and of course, we know, we know very little and i don't know and no one knows when or if we'll find out more. but as she talked about her diagnosis, which of course the world didn't everyone's hanging on every word. tricia. she also said something to everyone else who is battling cancer. here's what she said >> at this time. i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease in whatever form please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone >> i mean, powerful words and, you know, obviously she is stoic as she delivers them, but it feels as if you can feel and see the emotion behind them obviously, we don't yet know the type of cancer and whether she'll talk about that and get more specific and speak to others who are also going throue words mean to you? >> i tell you what they mean a lot on many different faces she didn't use the phrase battling cancer it's funny because i'm just about to put out a whole thing on social media about the language we use is jerne less than the languages language that people use towards us. >> battling cancer, winning the battle of cancer, losing it, it's deeply personal. >> i mean, how do you battle >> cancel bit fifth, but you don't >> we >> take it step-by-step. >> it's not >> a fight to be won or lost. and when people losing counts it feels like you're saying you were too weak. you gave up when you talk about battling, you talk about bravery. when you call someone with cat who has cancer, brave, it shuts them down from wanting to cry to say, i'm scared, i can't new with this word i know she works with children a lot and mental health a lot as dy who words are very careful they're very powerful in that they don't use those tropes that we've come to rely on when talking about people live cancer. >> there's >> millions of us living with cancer, million and medical breakthrough has meant that we live a lot longer. so i think i love watching. said they're very powerful. >> all right, well, trisha, thank you so much for sharing that with us and for highlighting those words that we do all use in our profession so frequently i've us all a different view of the power of those words. thank you >> so welcome >> all right. next more on the news from the princess of wales, pretty to take a closer look at the health of the royal family, king charles, of course, also dealing with cancer right now. plus, we're following breaking news out of russia where the ice is terror group it was just claimed responsibility for today's horrific attack on a concert hall near moscow >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn, fewer of chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because they're places like to be for seekers can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital 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r chief global fairs correspondent matthew cha in moscow. so matthew, what's the latest as you understand it and when what are you able to tell us about this venue and what was happening? who was there >> yeah. aaron i mean, horrific scenes. so many you hear those gunshots there. and this would have been a shopping mall and a concert venue that was absolutely packed with people. in fact, there was this soviet era ban that was playing that night so six-and-a-half thousand tickets for the concert. and that's when we see those images of the auditorium that was absolutely packed. they've gone there to see this concert that didn't happen. this attack happened before the band got on stage. but what we know is that at least for individuals according to local authorities, according to the video we've seen as well, some of which is absolutely horrific, shows that these four of these people dressed in camouflage fatigues carrying automatic weapons. there are some videos that show them firing indiscriminately into crowds of people in the shopping mall. absolutely terrible. you can see the response of the emergency services there 50 ambulances at one moment that were sent to that shopping mall on the outskirts of moscow, firefighters as well? apparently now they've controlled the blaze that has been raging through the shopping center that was set by the attack as it's been localized, but it's not been extinguished. 40 people according to the the preliminary figures have been killed more than 100, something like 140 people now, in fact, the authorities are saying have been injured, but obviously that figure to get much, much higher, it could go much, much higher. and as you put the emphasis on preliminary when it comes to the killed, we just don't know at first a russian authorities, it seemed there had been immediate slam coming ukraine and it's unclear where this was going to go but obviously now isis is claiming responsibility. >> how >> does an attack like this inside russia? reflect on vladimir putin, obviously in the days following his obviously sham election >> yeah, it's extraordinary, isn't it? because vladimir putin cells himself to the russian people as the provider, the guarantor of stability and security. but russia at the moment looks more unstable than it has for years. there are a number of fronts in which russians, frankly are dying. i mean, you talk about the ukraine war, hundreds of thousands of people from russia have been killed or injured according to western estimates in that conflict last year, there was that uprising from uv guinea gausian, a putin ally, an uprising from his own ranks. and now these terrorists attacks. so this terrorist attack in moscow, it's like all sides putin is facing a security challenge. >> all right, matthew chance. thank you very much. i said, mother, you just returned from moscow. i want to bring in now the retired general wesley clark, the former nato supreme allied commander and military analysts here, of course. and also cnn contributor on russian affairs, long time, russia and moscow bureau chief jill dougherty. so thanks so much to both of you and jill to the point where matthew saying right, that putin is prides himself and maintains his power. by maintaining security and now you have in the context of a war, mass mobilizations and many dead. one of the deadliest terror attacks in russia in decades. can you put that into perspective? >> yeah. >> i think it's kind >> of complicated. >> aaron, because immediately people who know russia are going to think of previous incidents, terrorist attacks that were used exploited by president putin to take action could be cracking down on society more. mobilization, whatever it is, and they go back and i covered all of them. 1999 back to 2000 to 2004 et cetera. so that's one side of it, but the other side of it is this really looks bad for vladimir putin because it is a major attack and if this is happening on his watch when he is supposedly the protector of russia it just pales in comparison. so i think the most important thing now is that we have to watch his who are they going to blame for this that's number one. and then blaming somebody. what would they do with that? how will they exploit and use that blame? >> yeah. in general, clark, first, there had been from moscow the slamming of the kyiv regime. so it seemed that that's the direction they were going right? blamed ukraine now though isis is claiming responsibility and has come out and claimed responsibility, whether they did or didn't do it, they are claiming it is that in line with what youth may have happened? >> it isn't a line because i don't think the ukrainians are going to go after a target like this. i think they go after oil refineries, right? radar. so i was very targets. >> this is >> clearly a war crime. >> they wouldn't do it >> as much as they're angry at russia and has much of something like this. we're bring the war home to the people in moscow who have been relatively supportive of mr. putin, but still, i think the ukrainian government just wouldn't thithere's no doubabout ukrainians wking ainst the russians their attacks and belgorod, there are ukrainian agents in your trading. russia. there's drones coming in. this security in russia as storable out of balance, i would gss from all of this. and as jo said, putin is trying to mobilize people and send them to the front. and so there's a lot going on there. this has all the hallmarks of isis and ll that the, the interesting thing about this is, is that when you talk about the deadliestttack in decades, remember who perpetrated it 40 dead, the injured counties going up the dead count very well may rise significantly. we simply don't know. and yet silence putin is still has not spoken publicly, has not said anything what, what do you make of that that the media, the toe state-corolled media, are not saying much of anything either so i think right nown the kremli they are trying to figure it number one, who did this and number two, what do ey say about it? bause until they say something about it everyone is frozen in place. there will be a narrative, there will be something that they will say and then it will be spread all across the media and with all of their officials. but we just have to wait in general clark, the us last weekend said within i believe it was 48 hours that they thought there could be an attack. they said on public spaces. they mentioned specifically music performance is in concert venues. now, they were wrong in the 48 hour timeline. but a few days later that exact thing occur they warned americans they publicly put this out there apparently they warned russia. so what do you make it out that it still happened >> i think that there's joel allow communications during the united states government and russian government. and particularly in in this case, it sounds like the united states picked up some indicators either listening or informants or something, and pass thenformation to the russian government is just, is not just a threat to russia. it's it's rep. beyond russia so it's in the united states interests to take action against isis, even if it were going to do a strike in russia. >> all right. thank you both very much, general clark and jill. thank you. and ahead, we're going to stay on top of this gruesome attack because we're working here to gather some more information from our teams, also had more on our other top story, catherine princess of wales, are really her cancer diagnosis the latest serious health setback for the royal family as king charles also is dealing with cancer merely to turn off the alarm. >> emilia, whether reason, son >> today, emilia unlocked the door. >> i'm afraid i can't do that. can >> why not? >> did you forget something? >> i protein shake >> the future isn't scary. >> not investing >> in it is here so dramatic. emilia, by qian, 100 innovative companies, one etf, before 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anywhere >> get intelligent >> alerts, like what a package has arrived are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt >> this is remington. he's a member of the family for sure. >> we >> always send them kibble. it just seemed like the thing to do, but he was getting picky we heard about the farmers dog and there was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no brainer that were made have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. an investing in my dog's health and happiness ellow v0 to three-to-one, three-to-one. >> today. >> i'll probably in yangon, jackson, mississippi. and this is cnn all right. >> i want to get back to the breaking news out of the united kingdom where catherine princess of wales, is telling the world she has cancer. the announcement coming just weeks after king charles revealed his own cancer diagnosis and brian todd is with us now with a closer look at the royal family and their history of health. and brian, what have you found as you've gone? through this? >> what aaron through the decades, the royal family has endured some very dramatic illnesses, often not disclosed to the public until much later. the princess is current battle with cancer. the latest in a recent sequence of some pretty bad luck this of course, came as a huge shock while british citizens and royal-watchers around the world deal with the reverberations >> of the princesses, announcement of a cancer diagnosis. the princess herself would only say she's in the early stages of treatment. a royal source telling cnn, she started chemotherapy in february the specific type of cancer unknown to the public. that's also the case with king charles the third, who announced only last month that he has cancer and will step back from public duties while he undergoes treatment. >> row, it was probably a brutal shock accounted diagnosis for the king as well. at his age it's, it's less of a shock than it is for a young woman, a young mother one dinners, acknowledging an unfortunate run recently for the royal family. >> how much kind of family take in such a short time it's terrible news i mean, obviously, it's a shame for the family. i feel like they've been through quite a few hard years. >> it was just in january that sarah ferguson, the duchess of york, and ex-wife of prince andrew, was diagnosed with malignant skin cancer months after she battled another illness. >> now, fergie had breast cancer last year that was announced last june >> but to beat it, this string of bad luck comes after a rather impressive run of relatively good health for both queen elizabeth the second and her husband, prince philip, the queen, died in late 2022 at the age of 96, about a year-and-a-half after her husband passed at 99 years old, both from natural causes causes, but other health issues had plagued the queen's generation. and the previous one, the queen's sister, princess margaret, died in 2002 aftea sees of strokes. their fatherking grge the xth, died in 12, months ter having a lung remove margaret and her father had both been heavy smokers. >> i don't even think that then princess elizabeth new, the depth of her father's illness. i don't even know if he fully knew if king george the sixth knew his, the depth of his illness in 1952 when he unexpectedly passed away royal illness that got the world's atck tsion was princess dna's struggle with bolivia, which she told the bbc in 1995. she suffered as her marriage collapsed. >> playmate for a number of years and that's like a secret disease you inflicted upon yourself because your self-esteem us to low ebb and you don't think are worthy or valuable. >> one analyst says, now, the princesses illness seems to be all the more unsettling given that it comes at a time of transition for the royal family health scares of this larger family. you also call into question the future of the monarchy and the support for the monarchy within the broader public >> kensington palace is not expected to reveal any further medical details of the princesses illness, like the type of cancer she has or what stage it is. catherine had been expected to return to official duties after easter? but a royal source now says, shall postpone all of that until you've been cleared by her medical team, erin. >> all right. brian. thank you very much and i want to bring in now dr. otis brawley, the former chief medical officer at the american cancer society, and dr. i. appreciate your time so just trying to understand here at the cancer was discovered during may get your abdominal surgery. >> we don't know >> what that surgery was four and we understand it was successful. and somehow in the process of it, they found cancer. so it's really unclear sort of what happened and whether these things were related >> but >> from what you hear, does it give you any information about the type of cancer? that princess catherine could be suffering from? >> well, i can only tell you thank by the way. thank you for having me i can only tell you that gynecologic cancers like endometrial and ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancers sometimes we will have a patient who has a problem. it might be pain, it might be a mass. they get a surgery before that. and then after the surgery, the pathologist examining the specimen finds that there is cancer there and this is it's very common for women to get hysterectomies and removal of the ovaries. and this does occasionally happen. i don't know if that's what happened here. >> yeah. >> i can tell you that we frequently will give chemotherapy after something like that is discovered also, we give chemotherapy by the way, after colon cancer surgery. i think the most important lesson for all of us to get from this is the parenthesis talked about having cancer and it being a terrible experience. it is especially terrible if you have to go through this in public, it's especially terrible if you have to go through this without supports and many of our patients don't have the supports economic and family wise. she reached out to them and that was very nice of her yeah, absolutely >> let me just understand you know, as as i know, you know, people of course around the world want to understand when she went in for that abdominal surgery, they said it was planned. they said that it would be a hospital stay of two weeks and they said she wouldn't be taking public engagements until easter and all of that was predicated upon whatever that was related to are supposed to be was not cancer so does that fit that that's something that could have been planned that would have taken months and months to both undergo and recover from and then on top of it, now, you have cancer >> yeah. i've seen this scenario actually happened where someone will have abdominal pain. perhaps there'll be a diagnosis of an ovarian cyst or a benign uterine tomer at a major surgery is done, it involves removal of the the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the ovaries, and the cancer is diagnosed 12 or three days afterwards. i have seen this happen before, so this is not if this is the scenario. i don't think they're hiding anything from us at all. this is a possible scenario, at least and just a final point here. at 42 years old for any of those sorts of scenarios is that young? >> that is very young for all of those diseases, although we do see people in their 30s and 40s with these diseases, the majority of women are going to have any of these diseases of the abdomen are going to be in their '60s and 70s. but yes, we do suit people who are 42, who have these sorts of things. and i will add and see people who are 42, who end up doing well. so i'm there's some hope here >> and of course everyone, everyone hopes that she will be well and this will be a recovery all right. thank you so much, dr. brawley. i appreciate your time and much more ahead on the crisis at buckingham palace as they deal with the newly revealed cancer diagnosis. and also next new information on how donald trump has come out and undercut his own claim. the claim made the court, but he doesn't have the money to pay the $464 million clock is ticking. it's due on monday. i guess what he says he's got it space shuttle columbia, the final flight or amir sunday, april 7 at nine on >> so i can take all these trips because prices fine has all these amazing deals. and that's when i said deal on your right is our jd deal >> i am the deals deals army can you heavy price >> i love your dress. >> thanks. >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds that's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone >> did you hear that >> i >> just set her first word can you >> say mom luck? >> never >> can you say on >> how many people did you tell? >> only pay for what you need >> lucky. >> hi, i'm jason. i've 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portfolio is managed and attacks efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matter. we're spoke your free meeting today at creative >> so would you give to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? >> what about you? good classic tenders? >> for big butterfly shred, for the kind >> i said, always a >> what, does it mean to be outfront? >> it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. its context and curiosity so you can be out front two. >> let's >> go out front. >> erin burnett, outfront next on cnn >> tonight, donald trump, just three days away from the deadline to post nearly half bond and the new york civil fraud case. and he's undermining his own argument that he doesn't have the money cnn senior justice corresponded evan perez as more on that and evan, you know, on the things i might've had in my bingo card, of things that donald trump on the friday before this was all do coming back and undercutting everything he said and saying he has the money. i just did not what i would've picked yeah. >> look, it's gets it gets more complicated and strange as this goes along, he has said for days and days and days that he doesn't have the money, he cannot get it. he's been rejected by 30 underwriters to post this bond of nearly half $1 billion. and then today he goes on his, on his social media account and says, this he says through hard work, talent and luck, i currently have almost $500 million in cash and substantial amount of which i intended to use in my campaign for president, which again, we can talk a little bit about that later. he attacks the judge and the attorney general, letitia james kim's and says that they knew this and wanted to take it away from me. that's his post. so we heard from his lawyer chris kight, he told kara scannell earlier today, aaron, that what the former president is talking about is that this is money that he had accrued from his years of doing business. but the attorney general went back to the court today and said, the claims whether foreign president are not believably that the expert that he put forward, again was found not a believable by the judge. and so they're asking still for trump to come up with some explanation of what they've exactly done to try to meet these obligations. which are true as you pointed out, the deadline for which is monday >> all right. evan, thank you very much. and joining me now, cnn, senior legal analyst, elie honig. so le he hasn't posted the bond, although end he said he didn't have the money or no guarantee the money, but then he came out today and said he actually had more than enough to pay it. so there's all that >> i love the look of skepticism on your face. >> is there anything that could happen though alley between now and monday that could that could prevent him from having to come up with this well, you know me well, erin, there are two potential outs left for donald trump here as we head into the weekend, one perhaps he can scrape up the cash. he needs. we remember he is now much richer on paper that he was a few hours ago because of the public offering of truth social stock. the problem is he can't access that value, right? the way so maybe some third person comes forward, maybe he finds it in his couch cushions. who knows, maybe he comes up with the money. the other potential out is let's remember, he has asked the appeals court in new york to either delay or reduce that bond. we've not heard from them yet. we could hear from them at any moment. maybe they'll deny him, maybe they'll grant him some relief, or maybe they'll do nothing at all. >> so well, then there's also the irony, ally that he says he's got the money even though he said he didn't have the money. but even as he's reaching out to his supporters, right. to get them to donate right. he's saying that he wants to other people to pay for this >> what are the legal >> implications if he fails to post bond by monday >> his lawyers have to hate that truth social post that evan just showed us because when he went to the appeals court, he said essentially it is in a possibility that was his lawyers words. it is an impossibility to get these bond companies to post a bond for us. well, there's a big difference between it's impossible on the one hand, and i may have the money, but i don't feel like posting it for this purpose. on the other hand, and so the court of appeals, as we just said, that's one of his two remaining outs. they're going to take note of that. and i think they're going to view the arguments that he made to them earlier this week with some skepticism. >> and what i mean, yeah, what are the implications of that? i mean, i know a truth social post is not something in a core, but the implication is that what they did file but what the court has ally >> yeah, it's a statement by one of the parties. it's well within the court's discretion to take that into consideration for sure. >> and so le what what do you hazard happens on monday? >> so important to know donald trump will still have his right to appeal the underlying case and verdict itself, regardless of the bond. but here's why it matters. if donald trump does somehow get a bond together by monday, then he does not have to pay the judgment. then letitia james can enforce the judgment until after the appeals done. if he fails to post a bond, letitia james james can start collecting on that judgment on monday. >> on monday. all right? >> thank you very much. >> there we go. >> and our special coverage >> continues. now

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