Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

tonight, ready to collect new york's attorney >> general is moving in on sunday donald trump's prize properties, taking her first step to prepare to seize trump's assets. if he can't put up nearly half $1 by monday justice department trying to take a huge bite out of apple filing a blockbuster lawsuit accusing the phone maker of keeping hundreds of millions that america reliant on their products. but it could mean for your smartphone and free falling into chaos cnn's team sees charred corpses lying in the streets in haiti as they traveled through gang territory with police. while the us evacuated dozens more desperate americans there. i'm sarah sidner in for kaitlan collins, and this is the source donald trump only has four days left. come up with 464 million. and we now know new york's attorney general is closing in, taking the initial step to seize trump's assets. if he can't come up with the money letitia james has filed judgments in westchester county just outside new york city. the first indication the state may try to see trump's golf course and his lavish private estate known as seven springs a property very dear to the trump family. this is how the former president's son, eric trump, describes it we first bought the property in 96. i was about 12:13 years old at the time and it's really my brother and i and my father during the summers would always but as to work and we were literally riding mower surround. this is places really special to myself is really especially my brother and my father. really the whole family. i mean, this is really our compound it could very well be new york state's compound soon, we're talking about a 50,000 square foot mansion >> nestled in the heart of westchester county with 60 rooms, including 50, 15 bedrooms, three pools carrots, houses, and servants quarters. it was built in 1919 by hj heinz ketchup fame the property spans more than 200 acres. you may remember hearing donald trump himself talk about it before when he bragged about leasing part of the land to late libyan dictator moammar gadhafi to pitch a tent. trump says, he made a fortune from it what did i do with gadaffi? >> i >> least him a piece of land for his tent. >> he paid >> me more than i get in a whole year and then he wasn't able to use the piece of land in one night, more money than i would have gotten all year for this piece of land up in westchester. >> take >> advantage of a situation for a visual. here's what that tent looked like back in 2009. and now in 2024 if donald trump can't pay his nearly half $1,000,000,000 fraud fine in just days. it could end up being property of the state trump's national golf club in breyer coast, new york could also be in jeopardy. a judgment has already i've been entered in new york city where trump tower lies along with 40 wall street and the trump international hotel, things could move very quickly. come deadline de, as for trump, he's still sounding off tonight about the difficulties he's having securing a bond, saying it's flat-out impossible to do. i'm joined now by pulitzer prize journalist david cay johnston, and also a very good author. you've done a ton of reporting on seven springs over the years where do you gather this property as is basically the first target for the new york ag well, it's unencumbered and along with the golf course, pretty easy to value. you may recall trump at one point claimed that the seven springs was worth $291 million. it's worth more like 20 million or perhaps the one appraisal it said 56 million she goes after his apartment in trump tower. he will squawk and screen that you're taking my home. and he may do it here. we should expect donald trump and his lawyers will oppose every effort to seize his bank accounts. and to sell his properties. >> i would imagine just about anyone position would try to do the same just try to stop this from happening. but if donald from cannot come up with the bond which so far he has not been able to do and only has a few days left. how would the the seizing of properties actually began? how would it work? >> well, the attorney general would put out leans first, just like someone does work on your home kitchen remodel, they may put a mechanic's lien on your home that will prevent any loans or other actions. it also puts the state at the head of the line. if donald trump decides strategically to file personal bank and corrupt see in an effort to hold everything off until november 5th once the state has leans, it will then see court orders to sell the properties. and no matter what price they bring, of course, donald will screen you're selling it for pennies on the dollar. well, yeah, it's a fire sale. you had two years to arrange your final finances because two years ago you said you expected this to happen and you didn't get ready for it. >> can you give me some sense? we just step back here for a second to talk about how unprecedented this is, what this mean to donald trump and his whole persona. about wealth to see even one of his properties seized >> well, donalds life is his money. everything about him is wrapped up with his preposterous claims. i'm worth more than 10 billion. i don't need any money from donors to run for president >> and so this goes to who donald is. donald is his money. he doesn't have any regard for anyone else. we just found out today from a transcript that was made public, that when donalds valet told him someone had been shot and killed during the insurrection, he had no response because you and i were just objects next, we're not human beings. there is no empathy and donald are just objects. >> i am curious what the timeline might be if he's unable to secure a bond, his attorney has already said asked 30 different insurers to help them out, and none of them would take the case if he's unable to do this by monday, how soon could the former president lose control of something like seven springs or even trump tower for that matter? >> well, right now of course he's not a control to monitor and the independent compliance director are in control. donald is not allowed to run his business. >> the >> bank accounts can be seized very quickly, and that would propose a real problem for donald. his loans on some of his properties require him to maintain certain bank balances and net worth. so if the state goes in and seizes these bank accounts he may be in violation of his loans and menil have trouble with lenders that may decide to call the lungs. >> wow. i have a curious about the cost of these things because you talk a little bit about they've go in and they would sell it probably like a fire for sale. but are there still mortgages on it? i mean, all of this plays into how much these properties are worth, correct >> that's correct. and mortgage holders will get paid assuming that the price is here, cover that i mean, one of the ironies, this case, there is donald was found to have knowingly, deliberately, persistently inflated the value of his properties. so when something is sold for far less than what he claimed, it's worth, seven springs would be a good example he he's going to say, you're cheating me. know, you're trying to destroy me by not getting the right price. well, go find your own buyer then donald and he he at the end of the day, he's he's appealing, but there's nothing there for him to win on appeal no indication. i'm not a lawyer, but i'm professor law that judging goren made any reversible errors the best donald might get as the intermediate appellate court might say, well, instead of 354 million before interests, we're going to make it 325. that'll be immaterial to the underlying problem. >> so they >> could lower the bond by a bit, but it would still be a very high number in your prediction. i want to ask you about that. the monitor that's overseeing the trump organization because today the judge in the case expanded the role of the moniteur y. what happened >> well donald previously moved money in violation of judge engoron's orders or he supposed to notify judge barbara jones, the retired federal judge, who's the monitor. so the new order gives her expansive new powers it directs that nothing is to be done without her advanced knowledge. that requires trump his sons and his employees to cooperate and identifying every bank account, every asset not making any movements of money without approval. i mean, i don't think the monitor just going to care that they pay the liquor bill for the hotel, but anything beyond routine expenses like that are going to be scrutinized and the judge and i think this is very significant at the end of his order said, if the monitor concludes additional authority is needed, she is invited to come in and ask for that expanded authority. >> david cay johnston, we're going to leave it there. thank you so much. i know you've covered this ad nauseum over the many years. and now we're at a real inflection point. appreciate your time. >> thank you sir, >> all right. the presumptive republican nominee has been furiously posting on truth, social, and firing off campaign fundraising messages, screaming that says all a witch-hunt, both politically and personally, being short on cash is clearly weighing heavily on a man who for years has defined himself like this i know the secrets to making money. i don't know the secrets to a lot of other things, but i know how to make money and i've always known how to make money >> the old art of the deal, if you'll remember that alyssa farah griffin was his white house communications director and joins me now, are reporting trump. is that trump is extremely worried about the optics of this never mind what happens if they actually cohen sees some of these properties which he is bragged about for years. how bad is this for him as he's going through this, it's incredibly bad. this is a total blow to the brand of trump trump is as much a brand as he is a businessman in some ways, even more so well, i think that's how he was able to get away with inflating his wealth, with being able to secure loans that were completely out of step with web properties were actually value that. you see this, he's been absolutely losing it on social media over, over these decisions. but what i'm worried about is this, when donald trump is backed into a corner, he gets reckless and he makes reckless decisions. this may very well move forward next week and he starts seeing properties taken away from him. where's he going to turn? there's a possibility he's going to look too soren. it could be adversaries that could be individuals within nations at our adversaries to lend him money if he's not able to secure loans here. and i think that's a very real possible ability that folks need to be thinking about in the broader context of this. >> that's a really big point that he just said there. i just want to reiterate because if you look at who he's bringing back into the fold, trying to bring in people like paul manafort, who had millions of dollars that were stored in foreign counts all over the place do you really think that that donald trump being pushed to a financial point would reach out to a china or russia, or donald trump does not have a moral compass when it comes to america's standing in the world, how we interact with our adversaries. and he's certainly puts his interests before the country. so if an oligarch and, or russia, or a chinese business official wants to help him get this money. i have no question that he would end up accepting it. well, all right. as we look ahead, do you think that his money problems will also factor into the politics of all this, which is who his vice president is going to be yeah, because he's got the personal, the business side money problems which are tremendous and on top of this, by the way, we got the e jean carroll settlement, which is another gigantic some, but he's also not raising >> money at the clip that he should be. he's using his campaign is essentially a legal defense fund to deal with his multiple cases. on top of that pair that with an rnc that is not raising money the way it should be. this is wild filing today. the rnc has about 11.3 million cash on hand. this time in 2021, republicans lost when donald trump lost that 77 million. there's the donald trump factor has been a brand blow to the gop. people are just not giving, they feel like the money that they're giving is going to his legal battles not to boosting republican candidates bent down ballot. so he could get to a place where he's completely being outraised right now by joe biden. he is having to scale back some events. you may see him turn two more earned media, more calling into fox news, calling into news mess, things that don't cost as much money, but it's a very real concern. >> i'm curious. do you think that that money that is with the rnc, even though it is only 11 million, only that he's going to try to leverage that some way because his his daughter-in-law is now one of the people leading the rnc? yeah. he's essentially taken over the rnc has installed a loyalist and his daughter-in-law as the co-chair. he's taken out a lot of staffers and put once we believe they're loyal to him, so i think he's always seen it as a slush fund and even the way he hoped the rnc would engage in the primary on his behalf. so you should assume that money is gonna go as much as possible to trump and not to down-ballot republican candidates. >> when you look at his >> financial situation, we've been hearing different things from the campaign that they are trying to scale back. choose different venues they're stopping rallies in some places and going and other places kidney win the election if he's, if he's not spending a lot because if you look at the polling biden has a ton of money in comparison, but the polls are showing that donald trump is still up. >> there are so many crazy dynamics about this election. one being nikki haley, who's no longer in the race, has more cash on hand than the rnc does. 11.5 million right now while republicans decided not to nominate her, donald trump is struggling. joe biden is outraising him nearly 2 more than two to one at this point. but but but donald trump is unlike any living politician i've seen, he commands media attention. he can take over a new cycle with one statement and he's going to lean into that. it's kinda how we ran in 2016. they weren't spending money. it was he was appearing in earned media here. he was calling into networks and everyone had to cover every word he said. he's got a plan in his back pocket if he can't do his giant rallies because there's simply too expensive. >> he's got his own social media thing that he's constantly pumping out a notice and tons of emails. we all get them. and so they're reaching out in all different ways. that isn't that expensive. yes, it seems, but this is all very pretty bad for other republican candidates winning who rely on the rnc, they rely on the presidential candidate to fundraise for them and he's simply can't pay for ads and all the like. alyssa farah griffin. thank you so much. appreciate it. all right. just ahead of the da, narrowly avoided disqualification on trump's election case in georgia it's now pressing ahead with her goal to put the former president on trial before election day, exclusive reporting. that's coming up next. and the dark side of kids tv tv exposed in a new docuseries featuring former nickelodeon child star was one of them from the show, zoe e101 is here with her story backroom deals, >> cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption cross >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn doug, hello, ghostbusters. it's duck of doggedly moon. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty anyway we got a bit of a situation here >> sure. i can only pay for what you need >> those clusters. suppose an empire in theaters march 22, it's really been a gift having mom live with us. but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide so i connected with the place for mom, my senior living advisor. understood are unique situation. she quickly recommended communities and setup tours, a place for mom helped us get to a decision and now mom is so well cared for, talked to an expert senior living advisor today at no cost to your family. >> y juice asleep number slot that can >> it keep me warm when i'm cold? 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what hurdles does the da still need to face to try to get the trial going by the summer i don't think there's any hurdles within the case or illegally, he could just go ahead and set the trial date if something happens, >> something happens, but there's no reason if he is serious about trying to get the case done quickly than he should just set the trial date. obviously, the supreme court's immunity ruling could upend the apple card if that happens, but nothing stopped awesome from setting a trial date. so i think it's real mistake for him not to do that. >> and so often as is you and i both know that those dates get moved anyway, they get respond and change constantly. let's go now to the hush money trial in new york that manhattan da wants to get it started by april 15, is that likely >> that's also hard although in that case, for different reasons, there's a little bit of conflict that backstory here. but all these documents got that got turned over. it really you can trace that back to the southern district of new york being slow about producing some of these documents. and then it made it's way too the defense it's not an overwhelming number of documents in a day and age where we're dealing with electronic discovery, you have terabytes worth of documents, but it's sufficient that they have a leg to stand on to say, hey, we need some time and more importantly, within those documents, they might find issues for other kinds of motions are the things that might the lead. so i think it's hard, it's not impossible. but it is hard. and if you gave asked me to choose between the two i'd say it's more likely for brags case to go than it is for the fulton county one. >> so you think the new york case may go quicker, but maybe not april 15th i want to talk about the reason why the new york trial while was delayed at it's because the doj was late in handing over records about michael cohen. we're learning now that those records come from the molar investigation which was done five years ago. now, why all the delays in getting all this stuff where it needs to be well it's hard to say i've rhetorically asked why doj was generally kind of late with looking at the trump in higher up investigations, took a long time to appoint jack smith. there can be reasons internally why one prosecutor's office doesn't like to turn over information from there. investigation. they may be thinking we might still want to do something with this. we don't want someone else to mess it up with what they're going to use it for an traditionally, there has been a little bit of a competitive tension between the southern district of new york and the manhattan district attorney's office. so that may have played into it as well. >> that's an interesting point. shan wu. oh, it's always a pleasure get to see you. thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> all right. coming up next the us government is now suing apple accusing the tech giant of illegally monopolizing the smartphone market. what it could mean for milk millions and millions of iphone users, perhaps even you >> houston, check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn need new glasses i can i'm just >> telling everyone >> see your tax refund. >> go further with buy one, get one free of vision works. see the difference. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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because i know i come after you like pretty much daily. >> you're not the only one who comes after me daily, you know, earlier on i was visited thing with our dear friend, phil mattingly. what everyone thinks is this nice guy. he has a nice guy, except when it comes to this, he was shaming me. i'm in a group chat with him and mark preston, of course, was a vp here and they're always going, harry, what is going on here? the videos are so grainy. the pictures are so grainy. you have this green bubble that's going on it honestly it makes me feel a little self-conscious about myself, sarah, and that's why i'm here right now. so tell folks on national tv that to be nice and it is, okay. and those kids out there as well, a lot of them are actually getting teased and their groups and they actually take it personally for me, it bounces off of me like nothing else. but for those kids, it's actually a pretty big deal. yeah. >> for you, it's a little bit of a first-world problem. let's just be honest about that. the doj, this lawsuit is is basically accusing apple of creating toxic ecosystems, of devices that really only work with other apple devices. so apple phone to your apple computer, and everything else is problematic. it is correct exactly right. so i mentioned the droid here, right? the android here, but i also happen to work on an apple computer, right? so i worked on this apple computer and trying to sync these two up is very difficult. it's very difficult. i actually have to use a different message chat in which i have an imessage, a chat that goes to my gmail in order to chat with other people on my computer versus my girlfriend who has the exact opposite sort of problem going on where she has an iphone, but a windows computer and trying to sync that up. it's very difficult to get actually in touch with her because she can't get her messages on her windows computer during the day. and so she's trying to go what what what, what, and it just becomes this entire cascading problem where it just becomes, look, it's not impossible, sarah. it's just inconvenient and inconvenient to the matter of fact that it could be you go forget about this. i'm going to drop my android device. i'm going to drop my windows computer. and some ways they're creating verdun critical integration going on here, right? and trying to assume, are trying to get it so that you have to buy an apple product in each of the different ways you might in fact use technology. >> what say you about apple, which can argue, look, we're just doing good business, like we came up with all these different things and this is how good business run. >> oh, i guess it depends what you believe is good business, right? if you look at the stock price, then apple's doing very good business since the iphone came out, you know how much apple's stock is up. it is up. get this 4,544%. i don't care what language you speak. that is very high percentage. if you look at the percentage of folks who are using an iphone in a smartphone market it's basically more than doubled over the last decade. and of course, the iphone only came out in the late 20 odds. so all of a sudden, apple, which was this one company that was really known mostly for using and making computers over. son was able to jump in the smartphone market and dominate that market. and now, most folks who, who associate apple with the product they don't associate it with a laptop such as this. they associated with a phone such as your own, right? >> it's a full computer in your hands and a television station and many other things. but if this lawsuit is actually successful, what does it mean for apple products? what happened? yes. so what does it mean for apple products? well, first off, it could mean the easier cross messaging, right? so all of a sudden it'd be i wouldn't be ostracized for using this particular faloo. now it maybe, or maybe it'll be some new color who even knows maybe it'll be purple. it could also mean lower outside developer fees, right? for essentially trying to create different applications. it could allow for a competitor, apples application stores, right? because at this particular point, if you're brian a get something on this computer, you have to go to the apple or the mac app store. and it could also allow for more digital wallets. now, i of course, am not somebody who really understands what a digital wallet is. you can see right here, this is my actual wallet that's your costanza wallet. this is what you're into. this is mica stands while i don't know what a i don't know the exact usefulness for digital wallet, but the fact is you can't really use anything outside of the apple products on your digital wallet right now, that's an apple digital wallet. so they're trying to essentially say if this is in fact successful, you have to allow for more competition than people that are in crypto will care about the digital wallets day well, on where ntu harry enten, always a joy. thank you. thank you. get a different phone. maybe. all right >> thank you. thank to the hoare in haiti where violent games are attempting to take over the country and the battle to stop them is growing more dire and more difficult. one of our reporters in the middle of it all and they are joins us next >> is national police >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? 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>> when you don't v is always been scheduled get to slip is ten. these get to slip in >> reading businesswoman >> celebrity chef, like the many lives martha stewart now streaming on macs descending into complete chaos in haiti's capital, there is no food and water getting in, no fuel and no way out as the port and roads remain blocked, the streets of port-au-prince are filled and with smoke and occupied by violent gangs and police are overrun and overwhelmed. journalists and haitian pro-democracy and social justice advocate 20 class got joins me now from port-au-prince. thank you so much for being here. you are there in port-au-prince give me some sense of how safe you are at this point and are able to leave your home, for example >> no >> i'm not alone. most people do not leave their home unless it's absolutely necessary. and the last de four days have been absolutely a just terrifying a sunday night, there was a massacre are 13 people were shot by one person. monday. do my neighborhood was over by gangs tuesday, it was also in pitcher vil in another the area yesterday also. so it is everywhere. and today there was a big, huge battle in the center of town. but i think one of the thing that is important amongst all this chaos, i think it's important to say that we are resisting in different ways. it may be small ways that are not at the level of the chaos and the assault that we are feeling from the gangs. but i think it's important to note that the police killed the gang leader yesterday. so that was important today also, the kill the gang leader and astonished lng, both of them were freed from the jailbreak recently neighborhoods all organizing. they are putting barricades. >> what subgroups to >> to let you know what's going on. and so there is some organization and the police is also the populace patient worked with the police in the two cases of the gang leaders that were killed. so i think that resistance, marriage, some attention. we are not just sitting down, taking it, but we are fighting in small ways, but in ways that are important and in ways that i say are haitian yeah, it really is important to show that there is some kind of community action to try and get the >> country back in any way possible. and if not the whole country, at least the neighborhood. can you give me some sense of how difficult it is for you to get food and water and four the population to get food and water who are dealing with this in the middle of port-au-prince >> well a couple of weeks ago, i had difficulties getting water. i got water fortunately, i live in a semi rural area where they are farms. so the farmers market open but the girly very not everybody is, they are not all the sellers are there and they go home quickly. so one has to be there. and so i did go out for one hour on tuesday after the assault to get things like toilet paper, et cetera. but it really was as a feeling of everybody was just rushing, everybody was nervous, everybody was on edge and i even so bodies by the side of the road. so it is hellish kind of situation really very, very difficult. >> it is so disturbing to hear you talk about, you go out for one hour or just to get the things that you need to stay alive and you see bodies in the road just laying there it's horrific to see what is happening to the people of haiti. i do want to ask you about the politics of haiti. the prime minister rl henry says that he will resign, but there's a caveat that he'll only do so when there's a transition oh presidential council. how does that even begin to happen with the chaos that exists right now in the capital >> well, believe it or not, they're working they're working about 20 hours out of 24. and i think one thing that is extraordinary is these are people who normally would not be sitting together, but they are doing it even though a lot of it is being done by zoom, almost all of it is being done by zoom, by google meet and whatever, because nobody can move. but there is action. they are trying to work to get together. this provisional counsel and they are working on three specific things. also so one of them is accord itself. what will it entail another one is the organization and how they will work together and the third one is a world map for the first 200 days. so they are moving forward with that. now, how many? i think there is a game that's being played, perhaps with karakorum and the us government. how many will be in it before it was seven? and then there were two observers and then it's moving. and then when one group was out and then one group is in so that is a game that is being played. and i i believe they are asking for kallikak face-to-face meeting because they have not cali concepts. last monday. so that is important, that is we are hopeful that they will come to a decision. they will come to an agreement. so we can get out of this and then to start the hard work in terms of pacifying, in terms of getting to even step out of their house security and justice. >> this >> also, because we need justice monic. i >> thank you for explaining what is happening there to you and to the other people of haiti as you deal with this really, really, really difficult situation and chaos, there i appreciate your time and your expertise. i want to go now to cnn's david culver. we have a reporter who is on the ground in haiti. he and his crew risking theirselves to try and bring us these stories, david, you've been on an extremely dangerous trip into gang territories, give us some sense of what you saw hey, there sarah. yeah, we were embedded with the haitian national police and i'm going to show you some of those images in just a moment, but i want to go back to something monique just set and she referenced been out for about an hour in the middle of the day and scene bodies. she is by no means exaggerated. here's a sampling of what we have seen just in the past 24 hours what i'm looking at right now here on the streets of port-au-prince is too disturbing to show you in full, but it's the charred remains of a >> body sitting in the middle of a very busy street here in the morning rush hour. and this is part of these extra judicial killings, essentially, the community take the justice into their own hands when they believe that there is a suspected gang member or somebody that has any ties to gangs, maybe even an advanced member who's trying to get some intelligence if they suspect that person is in their community at the wrong time and in the wrong place as they see it, they we'll take action. but it's also just become the reality when police are so short staffed, their resources are strained and they don't have the ability to enforce or sla, so it falls on folks in the neighborhoods to do it themselves. and you can even see here, look at this, a police car is just going right past and it will continue on does it even stop >> just from one to four bodies here that >> we have seen charred remains in the past couple of days here. yeah, it's really difficult to see. you also saw that we were embedded with police that was in gang territory as you've mentioned, that was a police operation that happened in that same area just a few hours after we left. and we do know that it has ended with several gang members dead, but police struggling to hold the line. sara, david culver got to tell you those pictures of just a chart body and the street where people just driving by like there's nothing to see there, nobody moving the body, nobody taking it anywhere to be buried really, really? a starving. thank you so much to you. and you're a photographer. avail you who i know is with you. all right. a new documentary on alleged abuse on the sets of some of the most popular children shows at nickelodeon. a former child stars from zoe one-on-one with her story coming up next >> this is the big dam. that's great today. >> the music, the magic of madness. >> it's time to dance while you can >> came through that. do at morgan stanley old hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see in tap possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real >> when mario needs to be at his best, do nice protection that goes beyond dove men with 72 hour protection and one-quarter moisturizer so he can forget his underarms and focus on being unforgettable. dove men, forgettable under arms, unforgettable. you >> doug. >> hello, ghostbusters it's duck of dudley moon. we help people customize and saved hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> anyway we got a be the situation here sure i can only pay for what you need it. goes much presuppose an empire in theaters. march 22. >> welcome to the erez swift. >> here was tour taylor's version downstream make only on disney plus. its partial with the business on making easier on yourself we shall provide you can have your inventory payments and customers in sync across all the places you start your journey with the fleet trout today >> it's a new day one. we're our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generation several readings and build something stronger together. security dickey, peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going and stay together >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightened and pro sarah mind that even ever everywhere new doves theorem, body wash, get dove or get fomo >> did you not turbotax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax life full service. you're full-service expert will do your taxes for you as soon as today, plus, they'll only sign and file when they no, it's 100% correct. and you're getting the best outcome possible for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax live full service, visit when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? 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yeah >> why don't you think of the worst stuff that someone can do to somebody as a sexual assault and that'll. answer your question >> i don't know how else to put it. >> we disturbing to hear that for him, quiet on the sat from investigative discovery owned by cnn's parent company, warner brothers discovery also zeros then on the actions of the man behind many of those nickelodeon hits, producer dan schneider, the series alleges shnaider oversaw instances of fat shaming, reduce salaries praised for female writers and children being sexualized, forced to perform and suggestive scenes including a disturbing scene described by zoe e101. then child star alexa nicholas my the tip. >> here, these gu pops and my character can't get it open not coming out and squirting onto jamie's face. it lands on her face so firstly, it was dan barring laughing and then everyone kind of giggling we heard the boys >> saying, it's a shot here with me tonight as alexa nicholas, one of the child actors who helped to bring these allegations to like, you weren't >> 12 on the set. i think at that time, correct. you worked on these sets. you were just a kid tell us about this experience. working on the nickelodeon show that you are on what did you see? what did you experience >> i experienced a lot of bullying a lot of emotional, verbal abuse >> i >> essentially experienced a toxic work environment. but when you think of toxic work environments, you usually think it's adults that are having to be in them. you don't really think about children having to experience that yeah. >> and for people who are familiar with with nickelodeon, just how big it was, especially in the '90s and early 2000s. this is something that people saw as a kid show. it was for kids. you kid actors were in it. and then you have the all of these issues coming up in this series, which are extremely disturbing dan shnaider was the producer of these shows that got very popular. he got very powerful. he recently apologize during a friendly interview with another actor who was on the show. after seeing the documentary. here is what he said in his apology. >> watching over the past, tonight's was very difficult. meet placing my past behaviors some of which are embarrassing and that i regret rep. and i definitely owe some people are pretty strong apology >> what do you think about that apology >> i feel like an apology is to the person that you have harmed. you know, when you hear an apology through other people, i don't really feel like that is a genuine apology and so it's very hard for me to believe him, let alone forgive him. >> i want to read this statement that came out from nickelodeon to cnn. they say, quote, our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests, not just of our employees, cast and crew, but of all of our children. and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience i am curious from you. did anything surprise you as you watch this docuseries and saw actor after actor who was a child at the time now, adults talking about some things that were really hard, hard to watch hard for anybody to watch as a survivor, i feel like you always think you're the only one and because of that, you end up holding a lot of what happened to you in and so to experience and witness so many others have their own similar for experiences was not only horrible to watch and sad, but it was so extremely validating to know that i was not the only one you've been a really passionate voice. i know you were out protesting front and center for people to see to try to bring light to this. but you've argued that still not enough is being done to protect children on the set. there is such a balance in an equal balance because they're both working in getting money and they have these bosses that are really big, important foe what do you want to see done >> i mean eventually i would love to see some type of legislation that gets put into place where not only obviously are the children protected, but that there are some type of hopefully a therapist the mental health professional that is onset at all times checking in on the children's well-being confidentially, so that the child can find someone who they can tell their emotional internal world to you without feeling they have to right away go to the executives because i think one of the scariest parts about being in a child star is the power dynamic. and not only the power dynamic as a child being surrounded by adults, but the power dynamic of having these people be your bosses and these people are executives. and you don't want to get fired, you don't want to have the show gets shut down because of what's happened and so there's so much pressure that even adults have a hard time going to the ball sometimes. so for a child of 12, that would be nearly impossible, alexa nicholas thank you so much for being willing to share your story with us. and thank you. thank >> you >> for joining us. cnn news night with abby phillip starts right now.

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Allegations , Sketcher Lipids , Slip Ins , Shoe Horn , Children , Set , Writers , Kids Tv , Actors , Nickelodeon Productions , Television Network , Quiet On Set , 90 , 2000 , Drake Bell , Sexual Assault , Sexism , Racism , Child Actor , The Guitar Playing Charismatic Step Brother And Hit Series Drake Josh , Brian Peck , Contest , Charges , Minor , Victim , Dan Schneider , Parent Company , Zeros , Hits , Sat , Investigative Discovery , Warner Brothers Discovery , Dan Shnaider , Star Alexa Nicholas , Scenes , Scene , Fat Shaming , Sexualized , Instances , Salaries , Character , Tip , Squirting , Gu , Giggling , Boys , Jamie , Child Actors , Shot , You Weren T , Kid , Work Environment , Work Environments , Bullying , Yeah , Kid Show , Kid Actors , Apology , Actor , Producer , Interview , Rep , Behaviors , Well Being , Priorities , Expectations , Safeguards , Audience , Standards , Cast , Saw , Survivor , Anybody , Others , Experiences , Sad , Similar , Voice , Light , Bosses , Balance , Working , Foe , Type , Mental Health Professional , Legislation , Therapist , Executives , Well Being Confidentially , Power Dynamic , Parts , Dynamic , Pressure , Ball , Cnn News Night ,

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tonight, ready to collect new york's attorney >> general is moving in on sunday donald trump's prize properties, taking her first step to prepare to seize trump's assets. if he can't put up nearly half $1 by monday justice department trying to take a huge bite out of apple filing a blockbuster lawsuit accusing the phone maker of keeping hundreds of millions that america reliant on their products. but it could mean for your smartphone and free falling into chaos cnn's team sees charred corpses lying in the streets in haiti as they traveled through gang territory with police. while the us evacuated dozens more desperate americans there. i'm sarah sidner in for kaitlan collins, and this is the source donald trump only has four days left. come up with 464 million. and we now know new york's attorney general is closing in, taking the initial step to seize trump's assets. if he can't come up with the money letitia james has filed judgments in westchester county just outside new york city. the first indication the state may try to see trump's golf course and his lavish private estate known as seven springs a property very dear to the trump family. this is how the former president's son, eric trump, describes it we first bought the property in 96. i was about 12:13 years old at the time and it's really my brother and i and my father during the summers would always but as to work and we were literally riding mower surround. this is places really special to myself is really especially my brother and my father. really the whole family. i mean, this is really our compound it could very well be new york state's compound soon, we're talking about a 50,000 square foot mansion >> nestled in the heart of westchester county with 60 rooms, including 50, 15 bedrooms, three pools carrots, houses, and servants quarters. it was built in 1919 by hj heinz ketchup fame the property spans more than 200 acres. you may remember hearing donald trump himself talk about it before when he bragged about leasing part of the land to late libyan dictator moammar gadhafi to pitch a tent. trump says, he made a fortune from it what did i do with gadaffi? >> i >> least him a piece of land for his tent. >> he paid >> me more than i get in a whole year and then he wasn't able to use the piece of land in one night, more money than i would have gotten all year for this piece of land up in westchester. >> take >> advantage of a situation for a visual. here's what that tent looked like back in 2009. and now in 2024 if donald trump can't pay his nearly half $1,000,000,000 fraud fine in just days. it could end up being property of the state trump's national golf club in breyer coast, new york could also be in jeopardy. a judgment has already i've been entered in new york city where trump tower lies along with 40 wall street and the trump international hotel, things could move very quickly. come deadline de, as for trump, he's still sounding off tonight about the difficulties he's having securing a bond, saying it's flat-out impossible to do. i'm joined now by pulitzer prize journalist david cay johnston, and also a very good author. you've done a ton of reporting on seven springs over the years where do you gather this property as is basically the first target for the new york ag well, it's unencumbered and along with the golf course, pretty easy to value. you may recall trump at one point claimed that the seven springs was worth $291 million. it's worth more like 20 million or perhaps the one appraisal it said 56 million she goes after his apartment in trump tower. he will squawk and screen that you're taking my home. and he may do it here. we should expect donald trump and his lawyers will oppose every effort to seize his bank accounts. and to sell his properties. >> i would imagine just about anyone position would try to do the same just try to stop this from happening. but if donald from cannot come up with the bond which so far he has not been able to do and only has a few days left. how would the the seizing of properties actually began? how would it work? >> well, the attorney general would put out leans first, just like someone does work on your home kitchen remodel, they may put a mechanic's lien on your home that will prevent any loans or other actions. it also puts the state at the head of the line. if donald trump decides strategically to file personal bank and corrupt see in an effort to hold everything off until november 5th once the state has leans, it will then see court orders to sell the properties. and no matter what price they bring, of course, donald will screen you're selling it for pennies on the dollar. well, yeah, it's a fire sale. you had two years to arrange your final finances because two years ago you said you expected this to happen and you didn't get ready for it. >> can you give me some sense? we just step back here for a second to talk about how unprecedented this is, what this mean to donald trump and his whole persona. about wealth to see even one of his properties seized >> well, donalds life is his money. everything about him is wrapped up with his preposterous claims. i'm worth more than 10 billion. i don't need any money from donors to run for president >> and so this goes to who donald is. donald is his money. he doesn't have any regard for anyone else. we just found out today from a transcript that was made public, that when donalds valet told him someone had been shot and killed during the insurrection, he had no response because you and i were just objects next, we're not human beings. there is no empathy and donald are just objects. >> i am curious what the timeline might be if he's unable to secure a bond, his attorney has already said asked 30 different insurers to help them out, and none of them would take the case if he's unable to do this by monday, how soon could the former president lose control of something like seven springs or even trump tower for that matter? >> well, right now of course he's not a control to monitor and the independent compliance director are in control. donald is not allowed to run his business. >> the >> bank accounts can be seized very quickly, and that would propose a real problem for donald. his loans on some of his properties require him to maintain certain bank balances and net worth. so if the state goes in and seizes these bank accounts he may be in violation of his loans and menil have trouble with lenders that may decide to call the lungs. >> wow. i have a curious about the cost of these things because you talk a little bit about they've go in and they would sell it probably like a fire for sale. but are there still mortgages on it? i mean, all of this plays into how much these properties are worth, correct >> that's correct. and mortgage holders will get paid assuming that the price is here, cover that i mean, one of the ironies, this case, there is donald was found to have knowingly, deliberately, persistently inflated the value of his properties. so when something is sold for far less than what he claimed, it's worth, seven springs would be a good example he he's going to say, you're cheating me. know, you're trying to destroy me by not getting the right price. well, go find your own buyer then donald and he he at the end of the day, he's he's appealing, but there's nothing there for him to win on appeal no indication. i'm not a lawyer, but i'm professor law that judging goren made any reversible errors the best donald might get as the intermediate appellate court might say, well, instead of 354 million before interests, we're going to make it 325. that'll be immaterial to the underlying problem. >> so they >> could lower the bond by a bit, but it would still be a very high number in your prediction. i want to ask you about that. the monitor that's overseeing the trump organization because today the judge in the case expanded the role of the moniteur y. what happened >> well donald previously moved money in violation of judge engoron's orders or he supposed to notify judge barbara jones, the retired federal judge, who's the monitor. so the new order gives her expansive new powers it directs that nothing is to be done without her advanced knowledge. that requires trump his sons and his employees to cooperate and identifying every bank account, every asset not making any movements of money without approval. i mean, i don't think the monitor just going to care that they pay the liquor bill for the hotel, but anything beyond routine expenses like that are going to be scrutinized and the judge and i think this is very significant at the end of his order said, if the monitor concludes additional authority is needed, she is invited to come in and ask for that expanded authority. >> david cay johnston, we're going to leave it there. thank you so much. i know you've covered this ad nauseum over the many years. and now we're at a real inflection point. appreciate your time. >> thank you sir, >> all right. the presumptive republican nominee has been furiously posting on truth, social, and firing off campaign fundraising messages, screaming that says all a witch-hunt, both politically and personally, being short on cash is clearly weighing heavily on a man who for years has defined himself like this i know the secrets to making money. i don't know the secrets to a lot of other things, but i know how to make money and i've always known how to make money >> the old art of the deal, if you'll remember that alyssa farah griffin was his white house communications director and joins me now, are reporting trump. is that trump is extremely worried about the optics of this never mind what happens if they actually cohen sees some of these properties which he is bragged about for years. how bad is this for him as he's going through this, it's incredibly bad. this is a total blow to the brand of trump trump is as much a brand as he is a businessman in some ways, even more so well, i think that's how he was able to get away with inflating his wealth, with being able to secure loans that were completely out of step with web properties were actually value that. you see this, he's been absolutely losing it on social media over, over these decisions. but what i'm worried about is this, when donald trump is backed into a corner, he gets reckless and he makes reckless decisions. this may very well move forward next week and he starts seeing properties taken away from him. where's he going to turn? there's a possibility he's going to look too soren. it could be adversaries that could be individuals within nations at our adversaries to lend him money if he's not able to secure loans here. and i think that's a very real possible ability that folks need to be thinking about in the broader context of this. >> that's a really big point that he just said there. i just want to reiterate because if you look at who he's bringing back into the fold, trying to bring in people like paul manafort, who had millions of dollars that were stored in foreign counts all over the place do you really think that that donald trump being pushed to a financial point would reach out to a china or russia, or donald trump does not have a moral compass when it comes to america's standing in the world, how we interact with our adversaries. and he's certainly puts his interests before the country. so if an oligarch and, or russia, or a chinese business official wants to help him get this money. i have no question that he would end up accepting it. well, all right. as we look ahead, do you think that his money problems will also factor into the politics of all this, which is who his vice president is going to be yeah, because he's got the personal, the business side money problems which are tremendous and on top of this, by the way, we got the e jean carroll settlement, which is another gigantic some, but he's also not raising >> money at the clip that he should be. he's using his campaign is essentially a legal defense fund to deal with his multiple cases. on top of that pair that with an rnc that is not raising money the way it should be. this is wild filing today. the rnc has about 11.3 million cash on hand. this time in 2021, republicans lost when donald trump lost that 77 million. there's the donald trump factor has been a brand blow to the gop. people are just not giving, they feel like the money that they're giving is going to his legal battles not to boosting republican candidates bent down ballot. so he could get to a place where he's completely being outraised right now by joe biden. he is having to scale back some events. you may see him turn two more earned media, more calling into fox news, calling into news mess, things that don't cost as much money, but it's a very real concern. >> i'm curious. do you think that that money that is with the rnc, even though it is only 11 million, only that he's going to try to leverage that some way because his his daughter-in-law is now one of the people leading the rnc? yeah. he's essentially taken over the rnc has installed a loyalist and his daughter-in-law as the co-chair. he's taken out a lot of staffers and put once we believe they're loyal to him, so i think he's always seen it as a slush fund and even the way he hoped the rnc would engage in the primary on his behalf. so you should assume that money is gonna go as much as possible to trump and not to down-ballot republican candidates. >> when you look at his >> financial situation, we've been hearing different things from the campaign that they are trying to scale back. choose different venues they're stopping rallies in some places and going and other places kidney win the election if he's, if he's not spending a lot because if you look at the polling biden has a ton of money in comparison, but the polls are showing that donald trump is still up. >> there are so many crazy dynamics about this election. one being nikki haley, who's no longer in the race, has more cash on hand than the rnc does. 11.5 million right now while republicans decided not to nominate her, donald trump is struggling. joe biden is outraising him nearly 2 more than two to one at this point. but but but donald trump is unlike any living politician i've seen, he commands media attention. he can take over a new cycle with one statement and he's going to lean into that. it's kinda how we ran in 2016. they weren't spending money. it was he was appearing in earned media here. he was calling into networks and everyone had to cover every word he said. he's got a plan in his back pocket if he can't do his giant rallies because there's simply too expensive. >> he's got his own social media thing that he's constantly pumping out a notice and tons of emails. we all get them. and so they're reaching out in all different ways. that isn't that expensive. yes, it seems, but this is all very pretty bad for other republican candidates winning who rely on the rnc, they rely on the presidential candidate to fundraise for them and he's simply can't pay for ads and all the like. alyssa farah griffin. thank you so much. appreciate it. all right. just ahead of the da, narrowly avoided disqualification on trump's election case in georgia it's now pressing ahead with her goal to put the former president on trial before election day, exclusive reporting. that's coming up next. and the dark side of kids tv tv exposed in a new docuseries featuring former nickelodeon child star was one of them from the show, zoe e101 is here with her story backroom deals, >> cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption cross >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn doug, hello, ghostbusters. it's duck of doggedly moon. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty anyway we got a bit of a situation here >> sure. i can only pay for what you need >> those clusters. suppose an empire in theaters march 22, it's really been a gift having mom live with us. but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide so i connected with the place for mom, my senior living advisor. understood are unique situation. she quickly recommended communities and setup tours, a place for mom helped us get to a decision and now mom is so well cared for, talked to an expert senior living advisor today at no cost to your family. >> y juice asleep number slot that can >> it keep me warm when i'm cold? 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what hurdles does the da still need to face to try to get the trial going by the summer i don't think there's any hurdles within the case or illegally, he could just go ahead and set the trial date if something happens, >> something happens, but there's no reason if he is serious about trying to get the case done quickly than he should just set the trial date. obviously, the supreme court's immunity ruling could upend the apple card if that happens, but nothing stopped awesome from setting a trial date. so i think it's real mistake for him not to do that. >> and so often as is you and i both know that those dates get moved anyway, they get respond and change constantly. let's go now to the hush money trial in new york that manhattan da wants to get it started by april 15, is that likely >> that's also hard although in that case, for different reasons, there's a little bit of conflict that backstory here. but all these documents got that got turned over. it really you can trace that back to the southern district of new york being slow about producing some of these documents. and then it made it's way too the defense it's not an overwhelming number of documents in a day and age where we're dealing with electronic discovery, you have terabytes worth of documents, but it's sufficient that they have a leg to stand on to say, hey, we need some time and more importantly, within those documents, they might find issues for other kinds of motions are the things that might the lead. so i think it's hard, it's not impossible. but it is hard. and if you gave asked me to choose between the two i'd say it's more likely for brags case to go than it is for the fulton county one. >> so you think the new york case may go quicker, but maybe not april 15th i want to talk about the reason why the new york trial while was delayed at it's because the doj was late in handing over records about michael cohen. we're learning now that those records come from the molar investigation which was done five years ago. now, why all the delays in getting all this stuff where it needs to be well it's hard to say i've rhetorically asked why doj was generally kind of late with looking at the trump in higher up investigations, took a long time to appoint jack smith. there can be reasons internally why one prosecutor's office doesn't like to turn over information from there. investigation. they may be thinking we might still want to do something with this. we don't want someone else to mess it up with what they're going to use it for an traditionally, there has been a little bit of a competitive tension between the southern district of new york and the manhattan district attorney's office. so that may have played into it as well. >> that's an interesting point. shan wu. oh, it's always a pleasure get to see you. thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> all right. coming up next the us government is now suing apple accusing the tech giant of illegally monopolizing the smartphone market. what it could mean for milk millions and millions of iphone users, perhaps even you >> houston, check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn need new glasses i can i'm just >> telling everyone >> see your tax refund. >> go further with buy one, get one free of vision works. see the difference. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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because i know i come after you like pretty much daily. >> you're not the only one who comes after me daily, you know, earlier on i was visited thing with our dear friend, phil mattingly. what everyone thinks is this nice guy. he has a nice guy, except when it comes to this, he was shaming me. i'm in a group chat with him and mark preston, of course, was a vp here and they're always going, harry, what is going on here? the videos are so grainy. the pictures are so grainy. you have this green bubble that's going on it honestly it makes me feel a little self-conscious about myself, sarah, and that's why i'm here right now. so tell folks on national tv that to be nice and it is, okay. and those kids out there as well, a lot of them are actually getting teased and their groups and they actually take it personally for me, it bounces off of me like nothing else. but for those kids, it's actually a pretty big deal. yeah. >> for you, it's a little bit of a first-world problem. let's just be honest about that. the doj, this lawsuit is is basically accusing apple of creating toxic ecosystems, of devices that really only work with other apple devices. so apple phone to your apple computer, and everything else is problematic. it is correct exactly right. so i mentioned the droid here, right? the android here, but i also happen to work on an apple computer, right? so i worked on this apple computer and trying to sync these two up is very difficult. it's very difficult. i actually have to use a different message chat in which i have an imessage, a chat that goes to my gmail in order to chat with other people on my computer versus my girlfriend who has the exact opposite sort of problem going on where she has an iphone, but a windows computer and trying to sync that up. it's very difficult to get actually in touch with her because she can't get her messages on her windows computer during the day. and so she's trying to go what what what, what, and it just becomes this entire cascading problem where it just becomes, look, it's not impossible, sarah. it's just inconvenient and inconvenient to the matter of fact that it could be you go forget about this. i'm going to drop my android device. i'm going to drop my windows computer. and some ways they're creating verdun critical integration going on here, right? and trying to assume, are trying to get it so that you have to buy an apple product in each of the different ways you might in fact use technology. >> what say you about apple, which can argue, look, we're just doing good business, like we came up with all these different things and this is how good business run. >> oh, i guess it depends what you believe is good business, right? if you look at the stock price, then apple's doing very good business since the iphone came out, you know how much apple's stock is up. it is up. get this 4,544%. i don't care what language you speak. that is very high percentage. if you look at the percentage of folks who are using an iphone in a smartphone market it's basically more than doubled over the last decade. and of course, the iphone only came out in the late 20 odds. so all of a sudden, apple, which was this one company that was really known mostly for using and making computers over. son was able to jump in the smartphone market and dominate that market. and now, most folks who, who associate apple with the product they don't associate it with a laptop such as this. they associated with a phone such as your own, right? >> it's a full computer in your hands and a television station and many other things. but if this lawsuit is actually successful, what does it mean for apple products? what happened? yes. so what does it mean for apple products? well, first off, it could mean the easier cross messaging, right? so all of a sudden it'd be i wouldn't be ostracized for using this particular faloo. now it maybe, or maybe it'll be some new color who even knows maybe it'll be purple. it could also mean lower outside developer fees, right? for essentially trying to create different applications. it could allow for a competitor, apples application stores, right? because at this particular point, if you're brian a get something on this computer, you have to go to the apple or the mac app store. and it could also allow for more digital wallets. now, i of course, am not somebody who really understands what a digital wallet is. you can see right here, this is my actual wallet that's your costanza wallet. this is what you're into. this is mica stands while i don't know what a i don't know the exact usefulness for digital wallet, but the fact is you can't really use anything outside of the apple products on your digital wallet right now, that's an apple digital wallet. so they're trying to essentially say if this is in fact successful, you have to allow for more competition than people that are in crypto will care about the digital wallets day well, on where ntu harry enten, always a joy. thank you. thank you. get a different phone. maybe. all right >> thank you. thank to the hoare in haiti where violent games are attempting to take over the country and the battle to stop them is growing more dire and more difficult. one of our reporters in the middle of it all and they are joins us next >> is national police >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? 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>> when you don't v is always been scheduled get to slip is ten. these get to slip in >> reading businesswoman >> celebrity chef, like the many lives martha stewart now streaming on macs descending into complete chaos in haiti's capital, there is no food and water getting in, no fuel and no way out as the port and roads remain blocked, the streets of port-au-prince are filled and with smoke and occupied by violent gangs and police are overrun and overwhelmed. journalists and haitian pro-democracy and social justice advocate 20 class got joins me now from port-au-prince. thank you so much for being here. you are there in port-au-prince give me some sense of how safe you are at this point and are able to leave your home, for example >> no >> i'm not alone. most people do not leave their home unless it's absolutely necessary. and the last de four days have been absolutely a just terrifying a sunday night, there was a massacre are 13 people were shot by one person. monday. do my neighborhood was over by gangs tuesday, it was also in pitcher vil in another the area yesterday also. so it is everywhere. and today there was a big, huge battle in the center of town. but i think one of the thing that is important amongst all this chaos, i think it's important to say that we are resisting in different ways. it may be small ways that are not at the level of the chaos and the assault that we are feeling from the gangs. but i think it's important to note that the police killed the gang leader yesterday. so that was important today also, the kill the gang leader and astonished lng, both of them were freed from the jailbreak recently neighborhoods all organizing. they are putting barricades. >> what subgroups to >> to let you know what's going on. and so there is some organization and the police is also the populace patient worked with the police in the two cases of the gang leaders that were killed. so i think that resistance, marriage, some attention. we are not just sitting down, taking it, but we are fighting in small ways, but in ways that are important and in ways that i say are haitian yeah, it really is important to show that there is some kind of community action to try and get the >> country back in any way possible. and if not the whole country, at least the neighborhood. can you give me some sense of how difficult it is for you to get food and water and four the population to get food and water who are dealing with this in the middle of port-au-prince >> well a couple of weeks ago, i had difficulties getting water. i got water fortunately, i live in a semi rural area where they are farms. so the farmers market open but the girly very not everybody is, they are not all the sellers are there and they go home quickly. so one has to be there. and so i did go out for one hour on tuesday after the assault to get things like toilet paper, et cetera. but it really was as a feeling of everybody was just rushing, everybody was nervous, everybody was on edge and i even so bodies by the side of the road. so it is hellish kind of situation really very, very difficult. >> it is so disturbing to hear you talk about, you go out for one hour or just to get the things that you need to stay alive and you see bodies in the road just laying there it's horrific to see what is happening to the people of haiti. i do want to ask you about the politics of haiti. the prime minister rl henry says that he will resign, but there's a caveat that he'll only do so when there's a transition oh presidential council. how does that even begin to happen with the chaos that exists right now in the capital >> well, believe it or not, they're working they're working about 20 hours out of 24. and i think one thing that is extraordinary is these are people who normally would not be sitting together, but they are doing it even though a lot of it is being done by zoom, almost all of it is being done by zoom, by google meet and whatever, because nobody can move. but there is action. they are trying to work to get together. this provisional counsel and they are working on three specific things. also so one of them is accord itself. what will it entail another one is the organization and how they will work together and the third one is a world map for the first 200 days. so they are moving forward with that. now, how many? i think there is a game that's being played, perhaps with karakorum and the us government. how many will be in it before it was seven? and then there were two observers and then it's moving. and then when one group was out and then one group is in so that is a game that is being played. and i i believe they are asking for kallikak face-to-face meeting because they have not cali concepts. last monday. so that is important, that is we are hopeful that they will come to a decision. they will come to an agreement. so we can get out of this and then to start the hard work in terms of pacifying, in terms of getting to even step out of their house security and justice. >> this >> also, because we need justice monic. i >> thank you for explaining what is happening there to you and to the other people of haiti as you deal with this really, really, really difficult situation and chaos, there i appreciate your time and your expertise. i want to go now to cnn's david culver. we have a reporter who is on the ground in haiti. he and his crew risking theirselves to try and bring us these stories, david, you've been on an extremely dangerous trip into gang territories, give us some sense of what you saw hey, there sarah. yeah, we were embedded with the haitian national police and i'm going to show you some of those images in just a moment, but i want to go back to something monique just set and she referenced been out for about an hour in the middle of the day and scene bodies. she is by no means exaggerated. here's a sampling of what we have seen just in the past 24 hours what i'm looking at right now here on the streets of port-au-prince is too disturbing to show you in full, but it's the charred remains of a >> body sitting in the middle of a very busy street here in the morning rush hour. and this is part of these extra judicial killings, essentially, the community take the justice into their own hands when they believe that there is a suspected gang member or somebody that has any ties to gangs, maybe even an advanced member who's trying to get some intelligence if they suspect that person is in their community at the wrong time and in the wrong place as they see it, they we'll take action. but it's also just become the reality when police are so short staffed, their resources are strained and they don't have the ability to enforce or sla, so it falls on folks in the neighborhoods to do it themselves. and you can even see here, look at this, a police car is just going right past and it will continue on does it even stop >> just from one to four bodies here that >> we have seen charred remains in the past couple of days here. yeah, it's really difficult to see. you also saw that we were embedded with police that was in gang territory as you've mentioned, that was a police operation that happened in that same area just a few hours after we left. and we do know that it has ended with several gang members dead, but police struggling to hold the line. sara, david culver got to tell you those pictures of just a chart body and the street where people just driving by like there's nothing to see there, nobody moving the body, nobody taking it anywhere to be buried really, really? a starving. thank you so much to you. and you're a photographer. avail you who i know is with you. all right. a new documentary on alleged abuse on the sets of some of the most popular children shows at nickelodeon. a former child stars from zoe one-on-one with her story coming up next >> this is the big dam. that's great today. >> the music, the magic of madness. >> it's time to dance while you can >> came through that. do at morgan stanley old hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see in tap possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real >> when mario needs to be at his best, do nice protection that goes beyond dove men with 72 hour protection and one-quarter moisturizer so he can forget his underarms and focus on being unforgettable. dove men, forgettable under arms, unforgettable. you >> doug. >> hello, ghostbusters it's duck of dudley moon. we help people customize and saved hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> anyway we got a be the situation here sure i can only pay for what you need it. goes much presuppose an empire in theaters. march 22. >> welcome to the erez swift. >> here was tour taylor's version downstream make only on disney plus. its partial with the business on making easier on yourself we shall provide you can have your inventory payments and customers in sync across all the places you start your journey with the fleet trout today >> it's a new day one. we're our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generation several readings and build something stronger together. security dickey, peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going and stay together >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightened and pro sarah mind that even ever everywhere new doves theorem, body wash, get dove or get fomo >> did you not turbotax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax life full service. you're full-service expert will do your taxes for you as soon as today, plus, they'll only sign and file when they no, it's 100% correct. and you're getting the best outcome possible for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax live full service, visit when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? 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yeah >> why don't you think of the worst stuff that someone can do to somebody as a sexual assault and that'll. answer your question >> i don't know how else to put it. >> we disturbing to hear that for him, quiet on the sat from investigative discovery owned by cnn's parent company, warner brothers discovery also zeros then on the actions of the man behind many of those nickelodeon hits, producer dan schneider, the series alleges shnaider oversaw instances of fat shaming, reduce salaries praised for female writers and children being sexualized, forced to perform and suggestive scenes including a disturbing scene described by zoe e101. then child star alexa nicholas my the tip. >> here, these gu pops and my character can't get it open not coming out and squirting onto jamie's face. it lands on her face so firstly, it was dan barring laughing and then everyone kind of giggling we heard the boys >> saying, it's a shot here with me tonight as alexa nicholas, one of the child actors who helped to bring these allegations to like, you weren't >> 12 on the set. i think at that time, correct. you worked on these sets. you were just a kid tell us about this experience. working on the nickelodeon show that you are on what did you see? what did you experience >> i experienced a lot of bullying a lot of emotional, verbal abuse >> i >> essentially experienced a toxic work environment. but when you think of toxic work environments, you usually think it's adults that are having to be in them. you don't really think about children having to experience that yeah. >> and for people who are familiar with with nickelodeon, just how big it was, especially in the '90s and early 2000s. this is something that people saw as a kid show. it was for kids. you kid actors were in it. and then you have the all of these issues coming up in this series, which are extremely disturbing dan shnaider was the producer of these shows that got very popular. he got very powerful. he recently apologize during a friendly interview with another actor who was on the show. after seeing the documentary. here is what he said in his apology. >> watching over the past, tonight's was very difficult. meet placing my past behaviors some of which are embarrassing and that i regret rep. and i definitely owe some people are pretty strong apology >> what do you think about that apology >> i feel like an apology is to the person that you have harmed. you know, when you hear an apology through other people, i don't really feel like that is a genuine apology and so it's very hard for me to believe him, let alone forgive him. >> i want to read this statement that came out from nickelodeon to cnn. they say, quote, our highest priorities are the well-being and best interests, not just of our employees, cast and crew, but of all of our children. and we have adopted numerous safeguards over the years to help ensure we are living up to our own high standards and the expectations of our audience i am curious from you. did anything surprise you as you watch this docuseries and saw actor after actor who was a child at the time now, adults talking about some things that were really hard, hard to watch hard for anybody to watch as a survivor, i feel like you always think you're the only one and because of that, you end up holding a lot of what happened to you in and so to experience and witness so many others have their own similar for experiences was not only horrible to watch and sad, but it was so extremely validating to know that i was not the only one you've been a really passionate voice. i know you were out protesting front and center for people to see to try to bring light to this. but you've argued that still not enough is being done to protect children on the set. there is such a balance in an equal balance because they're both working in getting money and they have these bosses that are really big, important foe what do you want to see done >> i mean eventually i would love to see some type of legislation that gets put into place where not only obviously are the children protected, but that there are some type of hopefully a therapist the mental health professional that is onset at all times checking in on the children's well-being confidentially, so that the child can find someone who they can tell their emotional internal world to you without feeling they have to right away go to the executives because i think one of the scariest parts about being in a child star is the power dynamic. and not only the power dynamic as a child being surrounded by adults, but the power dynamic of having these people be your bosses and these people are executives. and you don't want to get fired, you don't want to have the show gets shut down because of what's happened and so there's so much pressure that even adults have a hard time going to the ball sometimes. so for a child of 12, that would be nearly impossible, alexa nicholas thank you so much for being willing to share your story with us. and thank you. thank >> you >> for joining us. cnn news night with abby phillip starts right now.

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Working , Foe , Type , Mental Health Professional , Legislation , Therapist , Executives , Well Being Confidentially , Power Dynamic , Parts , Dynamic , Pressure , Ball , Cnn News Night ,

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