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Splitscreen the fastest way to reverse every single Biden Disaster is two very simply just put me back in office. Trumps legal delays pay off while biden storms the Battleground States my predecessor, fair, the most basic of any duty president owes the American People. And primary fights. I cannot save the country with the Current Congress we have new reporting speakers, attempts to rein in republicans while trump, wades into Key Senate Races he shouldve stayed out. Plus longshot. I dont know if anything in washington, these isa 100 , look, joe manchin actually run again who reaction after that widely panned speech but obviously i didnt go over too well inside politics, the best reporting from inside the Corporate Power starts now good morning. Welcome inside politics sunday, im on a raja. As we head into a new phase in the president ial race, that Trump Campaign is scrambling to catch up to the biden teams fundraising machine. Justice morning. Bidens camp announced bringing in an eye popping 53 million in february alone with a staggering 155 million in the bank they say thats the most of any democratic president ial campaign at this stage of the election cycle. Pause the biden team says an additional 10 million was brought in in the aftermath of the presence state of the union address. Earlier this month. Now, meantime, trump is purging the rnc and trying to rebuild the organization all as he faces mounting legal bills. Now, yesterday, trump was back on the Campaign Trail in ohio, where he was throwing red meat to his base, including some Dark Rhetoric about migrants if i had prisons that were teeming with ms 13 and all sorts of people that theyve got to take care of for the next 50 years, right . Young people that are in jail for years, if you call him people, i dont know if you call up people in some cases than not people in my opinion, these are animals. Okay . Now, trump also accused biden of being a threat to democracy. All the offer dire warnings about what would happen if he loses in november. And that brings us to alayna treene, who is live in dayton, ohio and was at the trump rally. So alayna, when trump was speaking, did eat moderate his message role to a general election audience. Was he really catering to the maga base is done as he tends to do in these rallies will look Mondo Donald Trump is very much in full general Election Campaign mode. However, trumps trump and hes going to continue to use that type of rhetoric that we heard yesterday throughout his time on the campaign. John, as we look to november, but here, you know, donald trump wasnt necessarily in ohio for his own campaign. Both trump and his team believed that he will handily win the state come november, according to my conversations with trumps advisers, instead, he was here to stomp for his endorsed candidate in the ohio senate primary. And thats a businessman, Bernie Moreno now, but his trip was his speech was very much a general Election Campaign speech and he went heavily after joe biden. And as you mentioned, manu, we heard a lot of Dark Rhetoric from the former president as he tried to paint a Doomsday Picture of what the country would look like if he were to lose the election at one point while talking about the Auto Industry, he warned that there would be in a bloodbath if he did not win and reclaim the white house come november. Take a listen to how he put it were going to a 100 tariff on every single car that comes across the line. And your dr. To be able to sell those guys. If i get get elected. Now, if i dont get elected, its going to be a bloodbath for the whole thats going to be the least of it. Its going to be a bloodbath for the catchy thatll be the least of it. Now, mano, it was unclear exactly what donald trump was referring to when he made those comments. However, the Trump Campaign later tried to clarify those remarks, telling us that he was referring to the Auto Industry and he was warning of an economic blood bath, but we did see the Biden Campaign immediately jump up onto those remarks. We heard this from one of their spokespeople. They said, quote, he wants another january 6, but the American People are going to give him another electoral defeat this november because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge. Now, the Trump Campaign argued that the Biden Campaign statement was being a bit deceptive and we heard this from steven truong, one of his top advisers. They told us, quote, Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively out of Context Editing that puts roman per landscape to shame. So clearly different takes on those remarks. But as you mentioned, a very very dark speech from the former president here in ohio, manu, i went to drain from dayton, ohio. Thank you for that report. And now were back here in the studio with a great panel this morning, well break this all down with us. Cnns Priscilla Alvarez and blake from the Washington Post and mariana. So to my arrow, also from the Washington Post thank you, guys. Good morning for thanks for being here the thing about trump is that every single election cycle, its been similar strategy. You might be in a general election, but in messaging is not geared towards suburban voters. Its not geared towards more moderate voters. It is that riling up the Base Strategy and hes doing getting again, it looks worked in 2016, didnt quite work in 2020. Hes obviously gambling that will work again in 2024. Yeah. And i think if you look at 20 16, the concede and this is the big Steve Steve Bannon thing like you cant let your base go. You always need to have this as youre Building Block but stuff like the january 6 pardons, stuff like talking about violence if he loses or alluding to violence if he loses. These are the kinds of things that made him an unpopular present in the first place. He won in 2016, but it wasnt 145, 46 of the vote. These are not things that are going to expand his base and making kim a broadly acceptable candidate. But he may not need that in this election because of the Third Party Candidates that could dilute the vote and maybe make the winner need only 45 of the vote. Yeah, and thirdparty ganim, which we will talk about later in the show. Thank you. Aaron blake for teasing that segment for later. But you mentioned january 6 and just how the rhetoric about january sicily youve seen this. Theres been a common theme, actually throughout former President Trumps own campaign, he brings it up himself and even began his, his rally yesterday with a pledge of allegiance that was said by the january 6, prisoners and defended them as well were not going to take it any longer. The radical left democrats rig the president ial election in 2020, and were not going to allow them to rig the president ial election in 2024, forgot to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots and they were unbelievable patriots and our end, he calls them, he called them unbelievable patriots and interesting reporting from our colleagues here at cnn, who reported about biden. Why bidens bring this up . Of course, biden is going to make this a big theme i mean, come 2020. Sorry, come november because trump keeps bringing it up. Thats what thats what our colleagues are reporting its almost giving him an opening to bring back generous. Q. One of the defining themes of the Biden Campaign, which is talking about protecting democracy. This is what he launched. His reelection to bid on, and what he keeps bringing up in rallies. Ive been to some of the president s rallies across the country and he often kicks off his remarks, talking about january 6 and democracy and part of the strategy there is to remind voters who former President Donald Trump is, what happened in those four years. Thats the concern among campaign officials. Its that people forgot what happened over those years. They forgot what happened institutions, what happened with the president s, the former president s policies. And so this all plays into what President Biden is trying to do on the trail. And these moments, like the former leg trumps rally yesterday really crystallizes the general election for them. There essentially doing the work for them by using terms like bloodbath by talking about january 6, which then leads the Biden Campaign to do their Rapid Response and to point to that as here are the dangers, if you were to reelect him again, its not easy. This is going to be a tight race, but thats what theyre banking. And the, the question is does how much does that move voters who are undecided within the economy, of course, will dominate the pocketbook issues. While dominic, lastly the grid iron dinner, biden tried to tie all these things together. He talked about his he spoke to this is a dinner of insiders. Journalists, politicians is obviously an annual event here in washington. He talked about how the day got the country. He says through the pandemic, turn around the economy. This is what he said. He said about trump is at all without encouraging the people to inject bleach is referring to the trump of course, or without destroying the economy and bearing bearing us Around The World are itching for an insert reaction. Look trump has gone, as we said, he is riled up, is energized the base biden has not, and hes trying to energize juice the base by essentially scaring them about trump and the dangers of another presidency because theres so many voters were just not sold on buying yet within his own party. Yeah, i mean, if you talk to Congressional Republicans ligands on the trump front that you mentioned, they say yeah, trump is only talking to as base, but they are so energetic. It could enthuse a number of republicans who for example, didnt turn out in the midterms, are a little bit turned off in 2020 to vote for him the biden still has to do the same with his own base, which is a big one, and we have been seeing, for example, minorities being a little bit more open to the Republican Party. Weve also seen the younger base that typically turns out for democrats. Biden has to work with them it is true and its something that obviously the campaign and the white house, and were seeing and bidens remarks, people even something that i noticed during the midterm election. A lot of voters though they agreed with republican policies when it came to the questions of january 6, trumps own rhetoric that turned off a lot of people really did give them pause to vote republican. And you heard about mike pence not getting in line with donald trump. Vice president , saying that he would not endorse him. What i mean beyond just endorsements, lets see if they actually matter, but this is a significant one. Why do you think that . I mean, look, we seen a number of members of Donald Trumps cabinet, not come on board with reelected him. Weve seen people like jim madness, john kelly, mark esper be very critical of donald trump in recent months but this is his Vice President , this is his number two. This is the guy who kind of gave these evangelical, very conservative republicans the Permission Structure to come on board with trump during his presidency and in the 2016 campaign. I also think its important to look at a lot of these other republicans who were reluctant to go with trump and then came around the mcconnells, the moons. Chris sununu they said, well, i have to endorse him now because hes the nominee better than joe biden pence took a very different approach to that. Hes saying no, i dont have to endorse him because im a republican. Im a conservative first less than hes not conservative eye exam a look, there are people who are in that camp. One of them is senator mitt romney, who i caught up with this week about the fact that donald trump met recently with a hungarian leaders strongman, viktor orban, prep, praised or bought and its that kind of thing that concerns republicans like romney well, viktor orban is an authoritarian ruler and the practices that hes engaged in, his nation or not, once we want to emulate here President Trump has, over the years written love letters that took kim jong lan has praised, let him or putin and welcomes viktor orban authoritarians. Were the leader of the free world were not the leader of the authoritarian world. Where every what do you mean . Get the fact that so many people you can party essentially eat up eat that. Up when he talks about those strong man i know theres some people that think itd be great to have a president that doesnt have to live by the rule of law. All right. More coming up next wire. Top republicans nervous about the Ohio Republican Senate Candidate that trump is trying to problem United States of scandal with jake tapper. Tonight at nine on cnn the day you get your clear choice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. It changes your smile. And now others smile at you clear choice. Network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants and they can change yours too because a clear choice day changes every day schedule a free consultation you know, that thing your family does yeah that thing someone made it a thing way back in the day but where did it come from and how did again, all the way to you curious . Ancestry can help you find out because that thing has a story and its still being written what are you waiting for sale . 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Birdie now is donald trump was trying to prop up ohios Senate Candidate, Bernie Moreno in a threeway gop battle for the crucial tuesday primary. There are new fears brewing privately among Top Republicans that trump is actually elevating the weakest candidate in a Marquee Senate race moreno, a businessman with no experience in office, has been embroiled in a Vicious Campaign against republicans. Frank larose and matt dolan, the latter of whom is boasting endorsements from the parties establishment like Governor Mike Dewine and former senator rob portman. Now, but trumps not the only one hoping for a marino victory on tuesday. So our democratically leaders were betting his candidacy could give their incumbent democrat share a brown, a much better chance at hanging onto his seat and help their party cling to power in the senate once Senior Senate republican told me this was a bizarre situation in which a jd vance, donald trump, and Chuck Schumer are all on the same side. My panel is back so i mean, Mariana Trump had last cycle, didnt have the batch track or occurred, it endorsing candidates, you list of the candidates there on the street and several of them did not win, like dr. Oz black masters, herschel walker, jd vance, ted, but they did in those states i didnt take the senate, which is obviously a big problem for the gop there have been cycles path to where where bad candidates lackluster candidates, one in the primaries than they collapse in the general election. Just a handful of them are on your screen there. Ive been hearing about concerns that moreno could be the same from some of those Top Republicans that same republican that i mentioned in the intro said it is illustrative of some of the problems weve had in recent years with trump dictating the nominations, referring specifically to marina, what are you to sensor what are you going from . People your talked . Yeah. Its an interesting play. Its not that surprising that democrats are getting involved in this way because it has worked at least on the house side during the midterms, we saw the d dccc do this play in the primary, just boost up and say, hey, look at this republican super, super maga bad for us, right . Just so that voters know who is the most trumpian. And obviously trump going out of his way to endorse and campaign for marino is also probably going to turn out that base. The reason why democrats do this is because they do see it as just an easier almost guarantee, guarantee that might be two strava work, but almost guaranteed way to win and Sherrod Brown is obviously super interesting in ohio politics. Every single time he runs, because we have seen ohio turn more and more reliably republican. He has made and its just still keep a constituency as a democrat there. So democrats seeing it as it easier ploy, trying to make sure that they can shore up their guy. And republican leaders. Yeah, i look, this has been a bit a different cycle of how trump has handled senate races then pass cycles. Emilys in the last cycle, hes actually been in line with the Senate Republican leaders for the most part, you can see on your screen there, i actually angering some folks on the right at some of them, even senator rand paul told me that he has said that it makes no sense for him to be supporting mike rogers. You see that thats the michigan Senate Republican hi candidate there. And thats been interesting. This cycle one of the things im back to ohio is as youre mentioning, democrats trying to prop up Bernie Moreno. This is different. Republican leaders had stayed neutral in this primary. Trump has decided to get involved and democrats are happy about it. You can tell by just the money theyre spending on the airwaves maga republican Bernie Moreno is too conservative for ohio in washington, marina would do donald trump thats why trump endorsed marino, calling him exactly the type of mega fighter that we need. And the United States senate not so subtle there. The money is really been spent on the republican side. Theyve been passing each other on the airways in ohio 34 million in the Republican Senate primary compare eight for the democrats. Just the hope of the democrats, they bloodied each other up and that they can somehow managed to get away with victory. Here is both Sherrod Brown and gary peters, whos the top Campaign Chairman on the Senate Democratic side about Bernie Moreno and about this strategy by this outside world is Chuck Schumer, super pac to prop up Senate Majority pac is trying to prop up, earn him right now. Im not a pundit. But the two rich guys i mean, they obviously thinking hes the weakest, you didnt use the weekend, do you make an assumption . Im not a pundit. Theres a really spirit at primary going on in ohio and we expect that its going to be hard hitting and the weakest candidate will come out. Is that moreno so well wait to see who comes out. Well see who ends up surviving, but its likely to be a brutal primary. Thats the hope brutal primary. Its a terrible map for them, but maybe they hang on because its a brutal, it is a terrible map. And so they need to think outside the box a little bit. Look, this is a strategy that didnt just in 2022 at worked as marianna mentioned, it goes back a lot further than that. Im thinking about Claire Macaskill and her campaign to elevate todd akin with his comments about legitimate rape, and then she beat him very easily in the general election. So this is something that democrats are employing a lot more. And in this case, i think it makes some sense but there is a danger here. Bernie moreno, they may see him as the less electable candidate. This is ohio. He this is a state that donald trump carried by eight points this is a candidate who is talking about january 6. Defendants as Political Prisoners just like trump, it worked in 2022. None of the candidates that democrats elevated, actually one of the general election, they were easier to beat the general election, but the downside is you put people like this potentially in the senate and thats why we see a very thorough debate. And the Democratic Party about whether they should be doing these kinds of things a president ial election youre right, and thats whats different about 20 22. Now where former President Donald Trump is front and center. I mean, you have him rallying his base. And so his backing could have a different effect. And youre like this one compared to where we were in the midterms. Yeah. And a lot of these candidates, like as you see the map here on your screen, there really democrats will have to pick up shes texas and florida, and theyre defending so many difficult states, ohio being one of them, West Virginia being one of them, montana being another one. West virginia is an open senate seat or does it i tend to chance to talk to senator joe manchin about his decision to retire. Now, there is some talk happening in the democratic side that maybe we mentioned can make a lastditch run because theres a controversial candidate, a convicted felon. In fact, don blankenship, who went to jail for a year over his handling of the Coal Mine Disaster that happened several years ago in West Virginia. Hes a democratic candidate. Perhaps he could win the nomination there on the republican side, theres a governor, the governor jim justice, expected to be the nominee, leases the front runner for the nomination there. Chuck schumer brought up the idea to joe manchin that consider running again, consider designed not to entire, especially if this primary turns out the way that they fear and the democratic side and mentioned would point i asked him about it. He didnt quite rule it out thats going to happen. I think thats a long, long longshot scenario. Theres ive heard that then youve had conversations with Chuck Schumer, been well were tracking have conversations about everything. And i understand the scenario which have to see what unfolds relabel this primary after the primary may i think the second tuesday at mayors . The primary. Ill tell you a lot more. Its just its been brought up to me many times on that. Yeah. But i have no i havent given serious thought. Lets put it that way. It sounds like its a highly unlikely but not 100 now, is that fair . I dont know if anything in Washington Dc is 100 geomagic and never close the door. Yeah exactly what i was going to say if theres anything he loves, its keeping us on. Are you just dont know what movie is going to do next. So we can keep pursuing him and asking them, asking thank him the same question. What are you going to do right well, i was just going to say that it was interesting when he announced that he was going to leave it as President Biden put out a statement and he took a moment to acknowledge all of the things that asunder helped him with his biggest legislative accomplishments are setting up or whatever happens next. There was help that was provided to the Biden Administration again, they wanted to pass it. The reason why this is being bought up just shows you how difficult was senate map it is for democrats, theyll take any opportunity to improve their chances, which are moment, not so good. All right. Coming up the republican and republicans squabbling that a speaker johnson telling his members to quote, knock it off the texas contest. 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If you have a parasitic infection may cause Headache Injection Site the whole story with Anderson Cooper tonight at eight on cnn one of The Big Story Lines And 118th Congress has been the seemingly endless feuding among the House Republican majority. Now theyre adding fuel to the fire, setting. Republicans are actively campaigning to take out their own colleagues in primaries. A major breach of protocol. But 1, that underscores the bad blood in the house gop conference. Now when at least four primary elections, republican lawmakers are maneuvering to defeat their own colleagues and speaker johnson has had enough. He told my colleague Melanie Zanona at this past weeks gop retreat that hes told us members to cool it. Its not productive and causes division for obvious reason but as my new reporting with melanie reveals, johnsons warnings havent changed the tide yet, especially with florida firebrand, matt gaetz, who led the charge to oust Kevin Mccarthy from the speakership in the fall. Gates skip the retreat this past week and instead fluted texas to rally within look candidate challenging incumbent republican congressman Tony Gonzales. If the second primary that gaetz has tried to meddle with in this past year. My panel is back, so ive talked to gaetz is not the only one which there are several others that are trying to knock other colleagues. I did talk to gaetz about why hes doing this and why is targeting congressman so why 20 gonzalez . I cannot save the country with the Current Congress we have, were going to need new members and better members. I would love nothing more than to just go after democrats but if republicans are going to dress up like democrats and drag, im gonna go after them too, because at the end of the day, were not judged by how many republicans we have in congress were judged on whether or not we saved the country i mean, so much its a fight about tactics and how to achieve their objective, no compromise versus some incremental progress. But gaetz, obviously enjoys stirring the pot. Absolutely not surprising. I have to say it is a question about governing right and how its defined by House Republicans, you have this pragmatic, more pragmatic wing who is willing to compromise among republicans and sometimes with democrats. And then you have that maga wing who just wants to keep pushing policies further and the way that they like to see it. So theyre both arguing. I need my kind of republican to make up the House Republican conference so that we can pass whatever what kind of legislation each group thinks is best. Thats why were seeing a lot of farright members trying to oust more of those compromising republicans if you want to call them that way, like Tony Gonzales did Back Gun Reform because he represents uvalde but were also now see more of those pragmatic republicans, the main Street Partnership represents this main street caucus, one of the five ideological families in the Conference Also start to go after Freedom Caucus chair bob good because they want more quote, unquote, governing republicans to make up the company. Yeah, and thats one of the four republicans so actually im going, bob, good. Theres, we have, the people who are attending a fundraiser for bob goods challenge. Are there several of these conservative, some more moderate members somewhere establishment members, people who are aligned with the leadership, trying to oust the leader of the Freedom Caucus that hardright block, but just getting back to texas because i think one of the things thats revealing about all this as you alluded to here, is the issue of compromise and how that creates problems in primaries Tony Gonzales represents uvalde. He voted for this change and gun laws in the last congress. Also, he voted to codify samesex marriage as caused him some problems on the right as well. I asked with these stood by those two votes those votes are you stand by those two votes . Of course. Yeah. Look, what happened in uvalde should have never happened, not because he was 18 years old, not because he was an ar because he was crazy. Right . So crazy people should not have access to kill innocent people. Im a father of six. Whatever gay is, im about his further away, far away from that is possible. But ive served with all different kinds of people in the military you name it, and i look, i look at the merit of an individual but luck it run out. Are very difficult, especially when youre facing people who are buying go to the right of you in a low turnout election, he could be double. Yeah. And the gun vote, i think especially is an issue here these are these are were seeing a situation which with these members coming out against Tony Gonzales targeting him for these kinds of votes. Were already seeing the Republican Party kind of coalesce around a vision that has Donald Trumps, were going to see less and less of votes like that. So this is a guy who comes from a district that had a very localized experience on this issue and he voted according to the district what were seeing from gates and others is theyre basically trying to push him into a different direction, vote more along the party lines, not step outside of the norm of your party. And its gonna be really interested, interesting to see whether he can survive in a primary and look, this is not just gates are others as well. Congressman ralph norman, target of fellow South Carolina republican will timmons and other house Freedom Caucus members also going after the sitting congressman as i told him, i think hes to change this place. We have to make some drastic changes were losing a country. Were going bankrupt. He just hadnt taken a Leadership Role in my opinion and weve got man now that heading the Freedom Caucus kristen South Carolina, he will fight for freedom and he will be one of us. Hell be one of us. Thats what he said about this challenge are now i spent last week also talking about a lot of republicans about all of intraparty warfare. And it just speaks to just the low morale within the house. Republican conference right now this is depressing when you have your own team turning on each other because you dont want when that happens, teams and weve undermined the norms of what weve had going back really a couple of centuries, frankly, now were campaigning and other, each others districts that undermines the team. So i think its wrong and were not going to get much involved in their stuff. They shouldnt get all dinars. Thats not a healthy situation when you start targeting other members and especially when the republican conference does, it cant do that. Youve covered the white house. How did they view all this gop on gop infighting . Well, they have to be a little careful here because it does undermine governing, which is what they want. They want to see legislation pass. And this stops or at least creates a massive hurdle for them to do that. But then they can also use it to their advantage. We saw that so clearly with the Senate Border bill that the House Republicans wouldnt take up. Now that hadwin reached through bipartisan compromise and including with the help of white house and administration officials. And then it was completely tanked. And so now you hear the president using now the Campaign Trail to say, look, House Republicans dont want to work with us. Theyre not doing their job. But then within the white house, they want them to do their jobs so that they can make sure that the government is funded so they can try to get other legislation passed. They can also tout on the Campaign Trail. So its all pretty delicate. But if anything, in an election year, it does help them boost their Campaign Messaging by saying House Republicans are so tied up amongst themselves that they cant get anything done. And democrats, can, you look a lot of these districts that theres in fighting the incumbents are endorsing it so theyre incumbents. These are not terribly competitive districts, so its not like getting a more extreme candidate through the primary is going to cost the party in the general election. But on the margins, the fact that the conferences is going after each other like this its not the only example of this kind of infighting. Were seeing rules felkel four, were seeing measures supported by the speaker fell on the floor. If a very close House Majority heading into the 2024 election, even on the margins hurting them in a few of these districts potentially could matter greatly. Yeah. And the makeup of the members does matter is seen in a narrow majority we want to compromise, not compromise youve seen a lot of nadh compromise. All right. Coming up spoiler alert who some democrats or why some democrats are worried, rfk junior could potentially cause joe biden, the white house. 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Did you want to be outed United States of scandal with jake tapper . Ill go there there are if theyre having an interview with i definitely new episode tonight at nine on cnn robert f. Kennedy jr. Is trying to build momentum in his independent bid for the white house and both biden and trump may have reasons to worry. He plans to announce his pick for vp and just over a week as his Campaign Starts to get his name on ballots and swings states across the country. My panel is back just to get a sense on the impact that rfk junior could have in some states, look at this fox news poll in pennsylvania recently, 9 , that is what r of k junior polls in general headtohead matchup. Its really no clear leader. There. Its down to 40 242 also no clear leader between biden and trump. If rfk junior is theyre getting 9 . You talked to the Biden Campaign, you cover the Biden Campaign. How are they dealing with the threat of rfk junior . Well, its very real that in 2016, millions of votes went to Third Party Candidates. They dont want to see that play out again in Battleground States. And so the way theyre dealing with it is sending the president , the Vice President and out on the road, they know they have to shore up these votes because otherwise, its very real possibility theyre gonna go to Third Party Candidates or not go to vote at all. And so just look at what the president s doing since the state of the union he is hitting multiple Battleground States. Its being on the road. Yeah, its not if you look at your map there on the screen, theres all hes thats where allocate junior the number of swing states youd priscilla also mentioned the fact that the thirdparty candidates, it was obviously a big issue. Jill stein and wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania in 2016 pulling always in kyiv vose probably would have when many of those two hillary clinton, i asked democrats how trump now biden should deal, should he go after rfk junior or not . Have a real clear sense, but there is concern im wondering, do we construct but threat that rfk junior made pose to joe biden by siphoning off keyvault, including in michigan. I really dont. I think that fans . Hes taken are very radical and i dont think every mpi post as much of a threat. Im deeply concerned about the threat of a third candidate. So i think the danger of a third party is in some the Battleground States where could be very close and what he ought to be doing is directly confronting issues that are raised. So difference in strategy you confront, are not confront. Yeah. Well, at least the dnc, theyre trying to confront unlike 2016, they actually have entire staff devoted to trying to turn people off from thirdparty candidates. So there arguing that they are not taking this for granted, and we have also seen a number of different democratic groups try and sue a super pac that rfks affiliated with trying to get his name off of a number of balance and air and you wrote about rfk junior impact. They have mine here could antivaccine Republicans Ditch Trump for rfk junior, how do you see it . Yeah. I mean, this is also about persuasion. This is not just about diminishing their vote totals rfk junior, they could credibly make a case that he is more aligned with some of these trumps supporters. And the vaccines are an issue on which that could be the case. Right now, rfk juniors drawing about evenly between the two candidates. Hes taking a lot more from independence Third Party Candidates are whole, seemed to be pulling more from biden, but not rfk. But hes a lot more popular among republicans than he is democrats. So if democrats can message this correctly and maybe push some of those trumps supporters who maybe feel very strongly about a Vaccine Issue into rfk juniors camp. They may not necessarily want him to do that poorly. Look, i wouldnt be surprised of Democratic Super Pac emerges and such rfk jr. Maybe the Biden Campaign doesnt want to spend its money and resources. But as my going and said, the dncs starting to make some noise about it and maybe some thirdparty group has good as well. Yeah, very much so i mean, thats why you build the infrastructure and shore up the funds to do exactly that. Yeah. I mean, when youre talking to members, just generally, i mean, how concerned are today about rfk junior right now or about any of these any other third party . Yeah. I mean, it is absolutely concern, especially since the democrats have to turn out their base its right, especially when you talk to house democrats, they kind of feel like its on them to even shore up biden. Yeah so if theyre also having to compete with others, it can get a little tricky there. Absolutely. All right. Coming up more after senator katie britts widely panned response to the state of the union. Some praise and criticism from your fellow republican senator from Alabama Football Field this is the big dam that do i thought we had a plan for dad. He was set to go to the Senior Living community by my house, then a friend suggested i talked to a place for mom. They really opened my eyes, my advisor and listened and understood his needs and showed us options that were still near ban i bought a better fit for dad. Now, hes in a warm, Engaging Community with the pick group of friends. I know he made the better choice for free Senior Living i go to a place for mom. Com dan made progress with his Mental Health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called Tardive Dyskinesia or td so his dr. 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But britt did take time to join a friendly fellow republican senator ted cruz on his podcast, where she chastised the journalists who factchecked her they want to silence a conservative woman for speaking out on this topic. They dont want to bring light and help the women who are actually being trafficked now when i caught up with the other republican senator from alabama, senator tommy tuberville. He largely plate praised her, but also acknowledged there were some discrepancies in her story attacking biden over his Border Policies by citing something that happened in the Bush Administration and in mexico. Yeah. Well, obviously i didnt go over too well. I would think that our leadership would have vetted that a little bit more because im i would imagine they helped her with that and thats again, thats a mistake made but it was a good point of emphasis of what really goes on from the border. And i think this what she was trying to get over more than anything and tuberville of former Football Coach shared his thoughts and bridgetown were getting a better delivery. I thought it was good she you know, she she really expressed hard and shes a type she gets emotional. Its not like that wasnt something that was just brought up. I mean, it was shes shes really emotional about being a mom almond or kids and then delivering it from the kitchen i mean, if i had done it, what id done it from a Football Field you know, who knows . You just got to make the decision you think fits the best for you. And she obviously was up there because she was a mom. And thats just what some are saying publicly about bread speech thats a friend side politics sunday, you can follow me on x formerly known as twitter at mk raju follow the show at inside politics. And if you ever, ms an episode, you can of course catch that one. Wherever you get your podcasts, this search for inside politics. Now up next year, the union with jake tapper and dana bash, dennis guests include israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaker america and nancy the plo said, and thank you for sharing your Sunday Morning with us. Go badgers, beat those fighting align i this afternoon. See you next time next israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joints dana on the latest in the war. Then House Speaker emerita nancy pelosi, plus Ohio Governor Mike Wine On Trump and the states key primary state of the union live next so i didnt think i needed swiffer and i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it it only takes a minute. Look at that the heavyduty thoughts are extra thick, four amazing trapping even for his hair. Wow, and for dust. I love my heavyduty duster. The Fluffy Fibers tap desk on contact up high and all around without having to lift a thing. So hooked, youll love swiffer or your money back when youre the leader is after cleanup and restoration . 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