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Now safe after being evacuated by swat officers. Now this all comes after three people were shot and killed earlier in the day aCross State Lines its in Pennsylvania Outside a philadelphia suburb in what officials are calling a violent domestic related incident preliminary investigation determined that 26 yearold Andriy Gordon Driving a stolen vehicle, which was carjack from trenton, new jersey earlier in the morning forcibly he broke into the residents after which he shot and killed his 52 yearold step mother, karen gordon. And his 13 yearold sister, cara gordon who lived at the residence there were three other individuals at the residence including a minor inside the home, who were able to hide and avoid being shot by gordon as he went through the house, and searching for them following the shootings at approximately 09 01 a. M. Gordon drove to the unit block of edge would lane levittown, where he forcibly broke into a residence after which he shot and killed 25yearold Taylor Taylor daniel, with whom he has two children the suspect is identified as 26 yearold andriy Gordon Police say he fled the Pennsylvania Crime Scenes and is now barricaded inside a residence in new jersey and trenton and police consider that person armed and dangerous. We have Team Coverage of this unfolding situation. Lets begin with cnns polo sandoval, who is not far from the focal point of this investigation there in trenton, new jersey polo, what are you able to see . What are you learning . And as you and i are speaking right now, fred, you can hear off in the distance may not be able to make it out, but actually police using a pa system, loudspeaker to actually make contact apologies. Im trying to im trying to listen here, fred. But essentially what theyre doing can write down. They have been doing for the last ten minutes. They have actually been asking 26 yearold Andriy Gordon, whos barricaded himself inside the home Police Believe he is by himself inside that home here and tread new jersey and there are asking him again just now to step out of the home with his hands up to essentially surrender and again, this is happening right now. This is as close as we can take you and as we monitor the situation and listen for any more developments, fred, i can tell you that that house that he hes actually believed to be inside is just down the street. You may be able to make it an ambulance. His past a stop sign. If you take a left, that is where the home is. So i would say im about maybe 150 yards or so from the house and question neighbors behind the yellow tape, been asked to remain inside but on the other side of the yellow tape clearly certainly drawing some other people out to see. This is anything but a normal saturday for the folks in this was usually described as a quiet trenton neighborhood. What we know oh, again, as we still listen for developments, is that Andriy Gordon, according to investigators this morning at 09 00 a. M. About a 15minute drive south of here on the other side . Of the pennsylvania new jersey state line, believed to have shot and killed his stepmother 52 years old. Along with his 13 yearold sister, carer gordon before he then made his way to another home, shooting and killing a third individual according to police. And then investigators believed that he car jacked an individual in a parking lot and then made the drive here to trent, new jersey and it was about just pass noon that investigators received report that gordon was inside that house in this neighborhood . With several people inside. Weve seen those pretty dramatic images of individuals escaping that house. Police only describing them as residents. And you see them actually successfully escaping from the second floor window. And that brings us to where we are right now. Were investigators are essentially in a standoff swat team, both local, state, and federal huron scene with a standoff with this 26 yearold man pleading with him to peacefully surrender in order to avoid any further violence friday. So then polo wall, thats happening obviously, i mean, this is a densely populated community. Much of trent, new jersey is like that, but youve gotten what appears to be Apartment Building behind you and a number of other duplexes that we were able to see in the shot of the one duplex where we believed the suspect is so talk to me about residents. Its saturday. There are a lot of people home where we saw that the people who are considered hostages were released. But has there been an evacuation of the entire radius like a few blocks radius area. What can you tell us . I think thats important to keep in mind is this according to investigators that this all started as a form of Family Dispute . This was a family related violence but what takes this really expanded beyond the obvious tragedy there is how some of the neighborhoods in and around those shooting locations. So in those communities were asked to shelter in place initially. This was an individual who according to police, basically proved his intent car jacked a random individual. Fortunately, it did not hurt them according been to police, but that is why many of these neighborhoods went essentially into lockdown and st. Patricks day parade had to be canceled during the Press Conference that took place in the last hour so we heard from the bucks County District attorney, as well as other Law Enforcement personnel to describe Police Officers going down that parade route, asking people to seek shelter this is when they had no idea where theyre suspect was of course, eventually once they were able to place him at this particular location, they were able to the move those shelter in place orders, but that just speaks to the impact for so many people who were, as you pointed out, im trying to go about their saturday is whats usually supposed to be quiet saturday but now for people in this neighborhood, now ending in this fairly tense standoff. But this point police are really trying trying to bring this to a peaceful end still able to hear a police using that system to try to come in a week, youve communicate with the suspect inside. Yeah. Yeah. So youve been to tell us that theyre using a megaphone asking him, i think you said earlier, asking him to step out with his hands up. Is it kind of like just a repetition of that message that you can tell . It seems to be at this point, we started hearing that about ten minutes ago and just about an hour before that took place . Did see Police Launch a police drone into the air to basically try to get a birdseye view of the situation here. We dont actually see that in the era anymore. There they are again. So does seem to be this repeated message that theyre trying to get to the suspect inside fred. All right. Okay. Ongoing situation. Polo sandoval. Thank you so much. I will check back with you. Tom, i want to bring in now ed davis. He is a former Boston Police commissioner all right. Commissure talked to me about that familiarity here. I mean, this is very similar to what a lot of big cities and how they would handle what seemed to be a barricaded suspect in this case, since pole is able to hear theyre using a megaphone, that means communication might be limited, right . Sometimes theres a cell phone involved, a landline involved but theyre communicating with this aspect because i still want it to end peacefully. They want to be able to take this suspect into custody tell me what you understand to be he usually the protocol in situations like this should we think you should riga one thing that stands out to me here is the fact that theyre having to resort to a loudspeaker to try to talk to the suspect. Thats an indication to me that he is not cooperating with them they have special phones that they can throw inside a situation like this. Theyd much rather be talking to this guy oneonone so that they can try to reason with him and talk through some of the psychological things that are occurring in a situation like this. They especially trained to do that. And im sure the hoska this is negotiators a frustrated if they have any use, a loudspeaker but this was eerily reminiscent of the attack on the branch. Video and compound in waco when i saw the what officers climbing up on the rooftop, theyre thinking back to that incident. It is an indication of how dangerous what they were doing is if someones got a highpowered rifle, it was talk about an ak 47 theres no protection against that. So those offices literally risking their lives to get up there and get this guy to get them, get the victims away from this guy. The good news is it seems like theyve evacuated everyone. So you can turn things down a little bit. Time. Is your friend in a situation like this. And you can do your best with stablished contact meaningful attacked with the suspect. So that you can make sure that he doesnt hurt anybody else. Are himself, which is another possibility to zero in some more on the risks because while were looking at these integers right here from earlier in the day, maybe about two hours ago when we saw that the Law Enforcement came but the ladder to reach the second floor and they were able to bust out a window. They were able to safely bring out some of the hostages that in and of itself brought great risk as you were just underscoring. But now theres continued risk to because like you mentioned, there may not be the cooperation they were looking for from the suspect. Theyre still trying to negotiate or communicate with this person, but they also know that that person, the suspect has a Vantage Point that perhaps they dont know, given that hes inside presumably this unit talk to me about the risks that still persist for Law Enforcement. Thats there whether they have to move around continuously, they have to worry about what communication or information the suspect is getting about the activity around the home right. So so theres a bunch of issues theyre dealing with right now. The biggest risk is the type of weapon thats been involved these, these bullets can cut through wood in plaster and literally just, just basically blow through anything that that building is constructed. So they really use no effective cover from from, from an attack from someone who has a rifle like that. Thats uppermost in the minds. But one of the things that theyre trying to do is determined exactly where the individual is in the house. And they may have eyes on him. There could very well be sniper posts that are watching him through the windows. And there are a number of different strategies that police use to try to isolate the person to make sure that they can safely evacuated people from the front of the building. If say he has barricaded himself in a bathroom in the back of the building is Something Like that. So weve got to hope that the offices have good intelligence and theyre making these decisions that clearly are dangerous, but probably with a bit of sort of calculated risks involved. All right. Commissioner, ill hold on. I want to bring back tom bernie. I he is a former nypd detective and so i wonder, you know, tom, while im at great risk, Law Enforcement was able to get those hostages out as we were just kinda describing that situation. What how are they now an asset in the investigation . How are those hostages or residents who were safely evacuated . What kind of information can they now provide . Law enforcement as they tried to navigate the best way to get at communicate with the suspect yes so fred, they basically the investigators here are going to want to in the hostage negotiate Hostage Negotiation Team is going to want to speak to these people, get any sort of a beat on on what State Of Mind this guy may have been in when they, just before they were taken out of the house, how well they know him is there anything that they could possibly use to negotiate with him and to be honest, we also have to take into account that this this barricaded person might be watching us right now, right on tv. So if, if they are, i would advocate that they just kinda maybe just call it a day and come out with their hands up. So no further harm come to anybody. Does the police just want this to end, but they want this to end without any further bloodshed. They dont want any innocent people in the neighborhood being harmed they dont want to be harmed. Certainly their safety is paramount because unless theyre safe, then they can protect anybody else so they want to try to appeal to whatever good nature that this person has and hope that at some point they will realize that the only way out of there is is to surrender peacefully. Let the police take them into custody, and then let the chips fall where they may because this point, the damage has been done, right. So the person that has committed these acts knows that theyve, theyve turned saudi in pennsylvania and new jersey into a running bit of chaos for a lot of people. So they its a tough situation to be in time is on the side of the police because theyre gonna be there all day and potentially all night. And its moreover, they have to. So suspect knows if they dont know oh, they should now know that the police arent going anywhere. And the police do want this to end peacefully. And with that person preferably coming out on arms with their hands in the other, they could see that theres no weapons available to them and just bring this to a conclusion. So based on cooperation or lack thereof, the suspect is kinda dictating how long this is going to happen though, right . But at Law Enforcement would want this to end before nightfall. I know you just said therell be there all day and all night. But it is the hope that Something Like this is going to end before nightfall, especially to keep the community surrounding community allay their fears and help them feel safe correct . I mean, look, the local police there, im sure being aided by state and potentially federal authorities at this point. So there has been a net thats been cast upon that neighborhood. So theres really going to be nowhere to go. So if the suspect is considering trying to escape theres really going to be no would run at this point. So theyre theyre being watched by 360 degree of officers on the ground, potentially in the air, or whether its be via drone would be via aviation, by the way of helicopters and so forth. At some point im not sure exactly what sort of tools that they have there, but new york, for instance, they may send him like a robot with a camera, which will kind of go in there and take a look around. If the suspect is board harm to himself and is unable to respond to the police so that that may come lead. Ron. Time is on this side because they are isolating containing the suspect as they would with anyone whos emotionally disturbed, especially emotionally disturbed, with highpowered weapon as was previously mentioned by our other guests we can wait them out and we dont want to put anyone else into harms way, especially with facing a weapon like that, which can reach great distances as was already mentioned. Tom bernie. Thank you so much and thank you for sticking around if you can as well as commissioner ed davis. And andy mccabe also sticking with us for and take a short break for now as we continue to watch the developments there in trenton, new jersey the whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn now at t professionally installed google nest products. Youre all set are in the system we should go with the most trusted name and Home Security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt my friends call me sam. I naturally hold a lot of stress in my Digestive System as a lot of women do when i travel, i get constipated. I get really poop shy. When i started taking dso one, i immediately noticed how much lighter i felt vibrant alive. It really helps me stay regular and youre not bloated at all. 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Then as you see in this tape, that was shot earlier than breaking through a window and aml to escort residents, which have also been described as hostages in the house there weve talked to a variety of experts who have said a lot of those hostages now, our sources for information to describe the demeanor of the suspect so that they know who and what theyre dealing with. Our polo sandoval, who is on the ground theyre also heard police using m mega horn to communicate with the suspects, saying you know, come out with your hands up. Also joining me right now as colleagues, stimson, he was an assistant us attorney for Violent Crime in the washington, Dc Us Attorneys Office and prosecuted Homicides In Dc and maryland and so i wonder to, you heard from one of our experts earlier who said that this is kind of a sign of desperation. Now when youve gotta mega horn, thats being used, that perhaps the suspect is not cooperating. They may have even tossed him some sort of phones to communicate that way. It would be their preference not to be Blasting Information Communication out publicly. This is a very dense we populated residential area. How do you assess what might be the i guess assess whats an ongoing phase of this negotiation doesnt seem like thats desperate to you to have to communicate with this person via megaphone is it optimal or not . I dont think its desperate, but its part of their protocol. And when they cant talk to him in any other way, theyre going to do that. And again, theyre gonna do it in a calm, cool, collected tone to try to dial the temperature down. He may be expired. Are ready. We dont know. Maybe maybe he turned his phone off, worried about them pinging his phone. There may not be a home phone. A lot of pace. People dont even use home phones anymore. That issues cell phones and so what we dont know, at least that i have not seen in reporting is whether he is communicated back at all all and so while thats happening, fred the crime scenes, the two cars, the homicide scenes etc. Theyre being exploited for forensic evidence. And im sure this prosecutor who is a nononsense prosecutor, she spent her entire career in the bucks county das so is working with the police. There to start a stitch together. The evidence and the other key thing that people whove tried homicides think about early on, even while this thing is fluid, is what potential defenses could he put forward and how can we rebut that . While were building this case . So for example, could it be selfdefense . Could he claim that he could so then youd look at the autopsies, youd look at the crime scene and where the shots were fired and the entry and exit wounds. And so theres a lot happening that has nothing to do with new jersey. That is building this this case in the off chance. He turns myself in and then he gets prosecuted, right. Because there are multiple crime scenes as you put it, youre talking about the bucks County District attorney, gen. Shore, and who we heard a little bit earlier in a Press Conference, try to give the sequence of events. There were two residences involved where this sunday fact went. There was the use of a long arm to kill either the stepmother and or a daughter. The age of 13, and then a bludgeoning of a woman with whom he shared two kids. And then the alleged carjackings that took place and then Crossing State Lines. But of course, there was an alleged car jacking. It took place even before getting to the residences and pennsylvania before then making its way to new jersey. So talk to me about these multiple locations. The accumulation of evidence who takes the lead in this kind of investment . While this continues to be ongoing and unclear how this portion of the investigation will end. Yeah. Well, first off, the situs of almost all the crimes that we know about is in bucks county. And so they will take the lead. The das office will be the prosecuting agency yes. He Cross State Lines with a car. And so therefore, its theoretically a federal nexus. But really this is a State Homicide case along with carjackings, et cetera this has hall all the hallmarks fred, of a domestic beef gone really bad. I mean, interesting thing about this he killed his loved ones and one of his offsprings, he killed his wife for the person he shared children with and then he goes to a different place and he doesnt know this person and he takes their car doesnt harm them and then he goes aCross State Lines. He goes to i guess his ancestral home, whereas relatives are in jersey and they get out. Maybe he let them get out. So his real beef was something happened. And so im sure the bucks county das office will be seen whether there were Domestic Violence restraining in orders, stay away orders, custody orders, whether there were 911 calls for domestic disputes before maybe theres a Child Custody Thing going on. This is starting to look and feel like one of those horrible cases that went wrong because of a family involved violence . Yeah. Colleagues, stimson, very fascinating information you bring to a very complex case. Thank you so much. Green, continue to watch the developments taking place from pennsylvania to new jersey for this if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen my dad died doing what he loved. Space shuttle columbia. 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Heres more of what authorities in pennsylvania had to say about the victims at a time of the shooting, there were four other individuals present inside that home, one of which was injured after being bludgeoned by gordon with the Assault Rifle she was transported to jefferson towards dau campus for her injuries at approximately nine a. M. Bored and committed a Car Jack Picking at gunpoint of a 44 yearold man from morris fill at the parking lot of the Dollar General On Bristol Pike and more seville the operator of the vehicle did not suffer any injuries. Cnns Paula Santa Ball is on the scene in trenton, new jersey where its believed the suspect who is being linked to those crimes in pennsylvania, Cross State Lines. And now barricaded inside trend new jersey. What are you hearing and seeing . And fred, you may have actually better eyes on the situation through our affiliate pictures to take you behind that yellow tape through some of those aerial shots. So do interrupt me at any point of view, Decent Soucie some activity on your end. But in terms of what weve seen for the last hour here, police have been using a pa system, basically a loudspeaker to communicate with Andriy Gordon as they believe that he is barricaded themselves inside a trenton, new jersey home the home itself, you may be able to see it about a hard yards away from where were standing. Its at Red Brick Face Duplex Structure that is where Police Received a report about 12 22 p. M. So about three hours ago that he was inside likely armed with other individuals other residents of that home sorry, fred, were hearing some noises coming from the home and so they have been in the last few hours, six, able to successfully remove those residents from inside that home. Some of those pictures from a few hours ago showing those residents escaping from one of the second can floor windows. And since that investigators, a swat team, local, state, federal officers have been here on the ground sexually office area, not allowing anybody but again, in order to keep that perimeter secure as theyre essentially taking their time, making sure theyre able to bring this to a peaceful end. In the last few minutes, we have heard police using that pa system, pleading with gordon to dial 911 fine if he would like to turn himself in this after the began asking him to step out of the home with his hands up. We have not seen or heard any indication that Police Outside have received any response from their 26 yearold suspect. So the result now is essentially a standoff here between police outs side and who they believe is Andriy Gordon, a 26 yearold man believed to have shot and killed some of his own relatives about a 15 mile drive from where . We are right now, just on the other side of the new jersey, Pennsylvania State line. So again, as we send things back to you up, police still using that pa system, still encouraging according to step out of the home as they keep a print, as police keep a pretty locked down perimeter on this neighborhood where the police drone in the air and polish just to follow up on what you said among those believed to have been killed or at least the District Attorney for bucks county and pennsylvania said, among those killed gordons stepmother a, his 13 yearold daughter and a woman with whom he shared two kids, and then allegedly there was a car jacking. He then made it over aCross State Lines from pennsylvania to new jersey, trent, new jersey is a place that authority say, is familiar to him, perhaps even family. There are once lived, we havent heard any elaboration of those details, but have you learned anything more about why this name . Neighborhood we have not heard anything. We have heard from some of the residents here and were still trying to confirm reports that may have been a residence that how omar duplex that he was familiar with possibly may have stayed there at some point, but police have not confirmed those reports. But thats certainly wouldnt be surprising. If we do here that down the line from investigators after this hopefully comes to a peaceful land that he may have been familiar with that home possibly with the owner fortunately, there was no further violence splints that took place inside that house after he arrived here just after noon. But important to sort of summarize the chain of events that took place earlier this morning at about 09 00 a. M. Thats when police say born arrived at the first location already in a stolen vehicle shooting and killing two of his relatives. You mentioned his stepmother and a little girl before he then made his way to another residents near by after he allegedly committed that third murder. Thats when police say he then car jacks a small driver of a small suv and then made his way over the state line here to new jersey. And thats why there are so many Law Enforcement agencies involved, many of them still here were on the ground on the air and in surrounding homes to make sure that they can try to bring this to a peaceful land. But again, at this point in time now, just over three our instead, initial report of a barricaded individual, the situation is still very much ongoing. Is some of the neighbors look on from behind the yellow tape . Yeah. I wonder if you could tell hi more about the residents in that area. You know, obviously people who were not at their homes or in the neighborhood. I cant get back in there. But what about those residents who were already in the area . Have they been hold to just stay put where they evacuated . What can you tell us i did have an opportunity to speak to one of the onlookers here whos told me that but one of her one of their relatives actually lives in the neighboring duplex and they were able to successfully remove their relative from inside the home without any incident. So that leads us to believe after being here for quite some time and really sort of evaluating the situation and hearing from Law Enforcement and other other folks that they police have been able to remove any people. It could be dangerously close to the situation and that way authorities can really focus on there main goal here, which is to try to get their hands on the suspect. Hopefully its still alive inside and to be able to bring this to a peaceful end. But there are really just dozens of people around them. Police tape that are looking on and in terms of folks who live behind the police tape, i have had an opportunity of what you folks looking out from the window the 30s are recommending that those folks shelter in place, stay inside while this is still ongoing. Again, wall over three hours into the standoff with police and a man believed to have shot and killed some of his own relatives. All right. Polo sandoval. Thank you so much in trenton, new jersey. Were going to get right back to you after this short break. Our mission here at cnn is that news comes first thats the promise of the Situation Room. We work as hard as we can to get the facts. The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Weekdays and six on cnn. My hair is thinning all around my Hairline Dermatologist recommended neutrophil. Its 100 drugfree and clinically tested. Ai harris, longer, thicker neutrophil is life changing for me . Get growing at neutrophil. Com. Let crimea film on your teeth. 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Stuffed up again. So congested, you need fai neck saline from just sine x, breathe what his Wow Sine X Breed Vegas Story Of Sensitive Tomorrow at ten on cnn or in a tense standoff are taking place in trenton, new jersey in the middle of a neighborhood involving whats believed to be at 26 yearold suspect who is being linked to three killings in pennsylvania before Crossing State Lines, making his way to trenton, new jersey. There. And our polo sandoval, who is there in that neighborhood . I Hearing Police using megaphones to ask that suspect to come out of the home with his hands up back with me right now, as former Boston Police commissioner, ed davis. Great. You could be back with us commissioner. So this has been going on for about three hours since the initial reports went out that the suspect was now in trenton, new jersey in this neighborhood. They were able to police, were able to successfully evacuate residents who were in the duplex, which is now the center of attention there with the suspects still believed in psi, theyre using megaphones to communicate with them unclear what other means are being used to communicate with the suspect, but how do you see this happening right now theyre trying all sorts of means. They will not just rely on the loudspeakers that theyve been utilizing. They will continually tried to reach out to him either through his own cell phone or through other means. A phone inside the house or throw phone, they call it that might be able to establish communication since with him. When you look at this issue, it is a horrible tragedy is an extreme case of extreme violence against women but it is all. Too common in the United States, thousands of women are killed every year by domestic partners. And in this particular case, this man has killed every female that was close to him his his stepmother what was described as either his daughter or his sister his hit the mother of his child. And then he bludgeoned the grandmother of his own children and interestingly, he he left the male that he kidnapped the kidnapped they kidnapped in the car. He left him alive. So theres something going on with this guy that is extremely dangerous. And makes it very difficult to have an a rational conversation and so the mo is going to be really important in the way that they address him. As this proceeds so very volatile and talk to me about the dynamics here. Were talking about trent, new jersey is pretty densely populated. And on this just looking at the duplexes here is densely populated residential area. Here it is a saturday, people ordinarily would be at home or running errands, et cetera. So talk to me about how that dynamic further complicates matters for Law Enforcement there, who certainly dont want anyone injured as they try to coax the suspect out apprehend him right. So they have this Geographic Area locked down and the uk cognizant of what they call fields and fire, how far that rifle can reach. If in fact he starts to use it indiscriminately. So they go into evacuated people, not just in that house, but all around that area. And what happens is youve got locked down in a neighborhood. Youve got people in convenience. Theyre moved to other places. You have to find temporary locations for them to be housed logistically, its a nightmare for the city and for the police. But frankly the key thing here is to avoid any loss of life, including the life of the suspect so they will suffer the inconvenience over a period of time. If if its necessary to try to save even one life and thats what were going to see here. This may progress into the evening hours. It does complicate things when night paul occurs because you need to tighten up the perimeter even closer. So no one can squeak through it. But but again, this is all about saving as many lives as you can and keeping as many people out of danger as you can at this point . Hi, Apollo Boston commissioner ed davis. Thank you so much. Running container to keep tabs on all the developments there in trenton, new jersey. Well be right back chaos now grips much of haiti. Rival gangs are now working together launching a while id series of attacks against the government on an abandoned airfield turned makeshift camps site. We need eightyearold woodjina. She was playing with friends when they were caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout. Do you remember where you were when the bullet hit you when you got shot . Some of the gang members themselves, just kids. This 14yearold says he was recruited at 11 david culver, cnn lot of people asked me kathie lee, what are you doing these days . 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The source with kaitlan collins, weakness tonight at nine on this weeks episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper, cnn anchor and chief legal analyst, laura coates, investigates two Missing Persons cases with one mysterious connection that was first reported on by our crime reports porter, thomas lake there are several details that appears that what Caulkins Account of the events are not accurate. He didnt check out with mr. Williams on the radio as youre supposed to . He didnt notify dispatch that was transporting someone from mother location to another. The timeline when he said it occurred versus the independent witnesses. All of that appeared that he was not being truthful about the encounter between Terrence Williams and himself those inconsistencies surface during a monthslong internal investigation Corporal Caulkins took three Polygraph Test during the probe. One of those tests indicated deception mircea, there was a time when caulkins was interviewed. I want to play this for you in this meet scum bags. My son wasnt a scumbag maybe his colors. I dont cef a scumbag maybe. He was a dirty car an all new episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper or one hold our one whole story airs tomorrow at 08 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific only on cnn all right. Stay with cnn for the very latest on the triple killing outside philadelphia and the ongoing barricades situation in new jersey. Thank you so much for joining me today. Im fredricka whitfield, cnn newsroom continues with paula reid after a quick break backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution so much more to the store United States of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn when you hear iphone, an apple watch Consumer Cellular is fast and reliable coverage. Its easy to win get up to 300 off when you combine iphone 15 pro and any apple watch most probiotics dont survive digestion. 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