Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

high popularity, she sort of the face of the royals. will these scandals really dragged down? all right, harry enten, thank you. before we go, we wanted to take a moment to say goodbye to a member of our team. here are aligned producer christina callahan is in the control room for us right now for the last time, unless of course she ever wants to come back christina has been at 360 for nine years and over the years has become vital member of the team. she's incredibly calm incredibly calm under pressure, incredibly professional, which are two really important traits for line producer most importantly, she's an all around great human being, and we are truly going to ms her. so thank you, christina. and we wish you the best of luck moving forward. news continues right here on cnn >> outfront. next breaking news on this friday, trump's hush money criminal trial has a new date. this is the lead prosecutor in the fulton county the election case has just resigned. will trump face a criminal trial before the election? plus could a button on the back of a boeing 787 cockpit chair lead to a jet plunging and midair, causing bodies go flying into the roof will outbound has obtained the pilot's manual with revealing details about that very chair and we will speak to a pilot was flown that plane hundreds of times and she's the south dakota governor on trump's list of possible running mates. so why is she selling? now shoe inserts and dental work? let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, the trump trials in complete chaos at this hour, a new york judge just ruling that the start of donald trump's criminal hush money trial is now delayed as the lead attorney on trump's georgia election interference case has resigned tonight. so on the hush money case, let's start there. the trial had been set to start this month, ten days from now in march 25th and now the judge says, well, it likely won't start before even mid april and that comes after a dispute between trump's defense team and prosecutors over documents in the case. the delay playing directly into trump's self-declared strategy in all his legal cases we want delays, obviously, i'm running for election >> obviously, he's running for election, so we wants delays. he doesn't want verdicts here. he doesn't want people to see this and he's concerned what voters will see and hear in his legal cases during the closing days of the election. and a huge reason for concern earn is the georgia case. now, uh, judges just ruled that district attorney fani willis can stay on the case or lead prosecutor has to go, but fani willis stays in place. and that case will be televised live nationally, which means that voters will see everything that happens before election day. evidence witnesses, maybe even trump himself. that will be broadcast daily while americans are deciding who to vote for. as early voting is open. and if fani willis gets her way, that trial will still start on august 5th. that's exactly three months before election day. willis has said she believes the trial could conclude in the very early part of 2025, which would be right around the time trump is sworn in, if he's elected. so the real question becomes, how quickly can the georgia case move forward without the top prosecutor, nathan wade, because he is forced to resign. so fani willis up on top she stays it's in place, but he has to leave and trump and his co-defendants and accused willis, of course, of profiting from her now ex-boyfriend, nathan wade and immediately after this decision, the fani willis got to stay on the case. trump's campaign quickly fundraising off the judge's decision today, sending the message to supporters, quote fani willis can continue the way it can against me, rigged system against us. and then of course, links to donate money. paula reid is out front and washington and polo. what more are you learning about these delays in trump's legal calendar which have such huge significance in these months before election day earn it's incredible right now, there's not one firm trial date for former president trump ahead of the november election. and as you just said, this has been his strategy, but it's not just as lawyers who are achieving this. he's getting a lot of help from prosecutors and judges in delaying these cases. let's take what's going on in new york the hush money case that the district attorney's framing. it's an election interference case. >> that >> was the only case that was definitely expected to go before november. now, the judge overseeing that case on the de it was supposed to start in ten days. >> it's going to >> hold a hearing to figure out why federal prosecutors just handed over tens of thousands of pages of new evidence and he may move the trial. then we look at the january 6 election subversion case. there the supreme court has that case on pause while they consider whether trump has immunity. aaron, they were asked by the special counsel to resolve that issue months ago. so this case could go forward. >> now, their >> decision probably won't come until june and then they need to give lawyers several months to prepare for that case. remember, this case doesn't go before november and trump is reelected. he can make both federal cases go away. the other federal case classified documents i was in court two weeks ago when the judge heard arguments about pushing that back. we still don't have a new date. and lastly, the case we've been talking about all day down in georgia, fani willis had originally said she wanted to do this in august. a lot of folks thought that was ambitious given the scope of this case. but then these proceedings to possibly disqualify her this has pushed the case back, so her decision devil romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor helped trump delay this here, even though she was found not to have an actual conflict right now is unclear when that case we'll go again, this is an astonishing victory for the former president, but it's not his alone. he's getting a lot of help from the system certainly is and others, others poor decisions. they said, you always are your own worst enemy. i, paula, thank you very much. and i want to go now to gerald griggs, president of the georgia nwa cp. he has been friends with fani willis for 26 years. they work together at the atlanta city solicitors office. it's also been friends with nathan wade for 16 years and gerald, i appreciate your time so you know, both of them them. very well. i know you had a chance to speak with nathan wade after his resignation today on the back of judge mcafee is decision. what did he tell you >> he. told me he's going to continue to practice law and continued to do justice in the state of georgia. and he's excited about the next chapter of his life. >> was he prepared for the judge to rule the way he did. and does he feel this. was fair >> well, we had a personal conversation. it wasn't about that particular aspect of this whole endeavor. he's resolute and continued to practice law and continued to do justice for the citizens of georgia >> so the judge in his ruling, gerald talking about your friend fani willis he said she showed a quote, tremendous lapse in judgment. that's the quote from the judge that she acted unprofessionally. now, look, you've known for a long time, you don't for more than 25 years, do >> you >> know whether she has any regrets about the decisions she made and how she handled all of this i've no fani a long time. i've known her to uphold the highest standards for the practice of law and for her personal life. and i think that she will continue to uphold those standards as she has in the past. i think fani is focused on trying this case, and although the cases in fulton county and i think that's her focus so the judge warned of the potential gerald of a future gag order against willis because of these specific comments that she made at church. let me play them one white me broome muslims in a great boom in ohio. one black man, another superstar, agreeing and agree boy. >> oh lord, they don't get mad when i'm on my own first thing. they say oh she goes, play the race card. now but no guy actually >> joe specifically called those comments legally improper and any is rolling. he said the time may well have arrived for an order preventing the state from mentioning the case in any public forum to prevent prejudicial publicity. but that is not the motion presently before the court, which seems to be at least an opening, if not an invitation for there to be such an invitation gerald, what's your reaction when you hear with, uh, judges saying and you hear what your friend has said i think my friend was oh, pining on the decisions that are being made around this case. and i think she was also stating and pushing back on the attacks by politicians. i think the judge, if he's opening issuing a gag order, the gag order should be on all parties because this is not just the prosecutor's office because that is talking that's not just the defendants that are talking is not just the judge who is talking. so i think to avoid the appearance of any impropriety, if he's thinking about issuing a gag order, it should begins all parties so we can get to the actual disposition of this case in the four walls of a courtroom and i want to ask you one other thing. jail before we go, nathan wade and your conversation, obviously, if he's being replaced, someone has to come in, get up to speed. obviously, the da a fani willis being in position makes a difference, but someone else has to come in. she had tried to hire multiple people, four. she actually hired nathan wade. >> did he give any indication to you about how long he thinks it's going to take people to get up to speed what position the case situation of the case is in, whether they've had there is so much focused on this entire embroiled you about their relationship and the judge that they haven't had chance to focus on the case, did he give you any information there? >> no, but i've known ms willis for a long time. she's one of the best prosecutors in the state of georgia, and she's a trial attorney and so i think that she would have no problem getting up to speed and trying this case herself. she's tried the longest rico case in georgia history. this one is no different, so i don't think it's going to take any additional time for anyone to get up to speed she has her team, she has some of the best lawyers in the state and she is one of the best lawyers in the state. >> gerald griggs. thank you so much. i really appreciate your taking the time and sharing this with me. >> thank you for having me. all right. thank you. and so now let's go to ryan goodman are out front legal analysts and michael isacoff, who has spent extensive time with willis and her team for his new book, find me the votes. hard charging georgia prosecutor, rogue, president, and the plot to steal an american election so ryan, you heard what gerald just said you know, this is his view of his friends at fani willis knows what's knows it's going on. could try this herself with or rico experience, that there would be no reason to indicate that this would cause a delay. her remaining on nathan wade being removed how do you see it and what happens here that august 5th date is still technically her latest request for the trial. >> so i don't think it changes the baseline which is that we might be able get the date of august 5 as the start she was already ready to go to trial with others who instead decided to plead guilty and so our august 5th might be the start date. then in terms of the nuts and bolts, it'll be about seeding a jury. in the past, it has taken a long time in georgia to seat a jury in a rico case, but those other case was different in this case, you might actually have the problem of people actually wanting to serve on the jury because it's such an historic case. so that might go a little bit more quickly, but even by her standards or what she has said or expectations, the trial will go until after the election nil going to be a verdict after the election, even if she gets her start. >> so you may see those some of the visuals i've it before, but important that what you're saying is that removing the lead prosecutor, you're agreeing with gerald's assessment, at least it doesn't necessarily that in and of itself does not mean that delay i think that's right. >> i think a lot of their work has already been done and they've got a lot more time to prepare for august 5th. >> all right. so on that, michael, i know you are really watching the next few weeks as an indicator for how quickly the judge, the judge gets this case back on track, right? >> sure. and it's going to be really important to see how judge mcafee rules from here. does he tried to get this case back on track, try to set a trial date very soon. >> and >> also whether the defense lawyers, the trump lawyers, are going to to try to appeal this ruling. it's interesting in their comments today, both steve sadow, the trump lawyer, and ashleigh merchant, the lawyer for michael roman, who brought the motion to begin with. did not say specifically that they're going to try to appeal, so they may realize this is it. and now we're going to pivot to the actual case in mind. and i think that's that was one takeaway from the responses today. >> another thing ryan that stood out to me was judge mcafee is reference to the georgia bar and the obviously the bar association in a state is the police for lawyers in the state would have the ability to disbar somebody or to punish them in other ways. and there are other investigations going on here. so even even separate from the appeal point that michael just raised, is this really just clear sailing or is it possible? but there are punishments that come along for fani willis here, the do derail this in these next few months. >> i think the next few minutes are going to see a number of different institutions in georgia reviewing fani willis and nathan wade, the judge almost invited that too. he listed out all the institutions, including the georgia state bar. and i can't imagine that is somebody going to take up that invitation. it just takes a group of lawyers to file an ethics complaint same thing happened to bill barr when he was us attorney journal in summer of 2020 it can happen to fani willis as the district attorney and in the court's opinion, he also says that there's an odor of mendacity remains in refers to her testimony in reverse to nathan wade's testimony and odor of mendacity. that's the exact quote and odor of mendacity. so that is an invitation or somebody to bring up an ethics charge. >> if i have the next search online yes. michael >> yeah. >> well, i just want to correct ryan, their the odor of mendacity quote, which is in that opinion, and obviously lip out at everybody. if you read it closely, he's not referring to fani willis testimony. it comes right after he's talking about terrence bradley, the lawyer who was supposed to be the star goodness for the trump lawyers. and he says, you can't credit anything he had to say, he takes shots at nathan wade for misrepresenting on his interrogatories, but he never specifically says that fani willis gave testimony that that he does not believe or that was contradicted but i just want to make one central point or two central points before you do that, before you did, i want to give ryan a chance to respond as it's pulled over odor of mendacity. >> yeah. sorry to do this, but the paragraph begins in order mendacity remains. the paragraph continues reasonable questions about whether the district attorney and her hand-selected lead sad a testified untruthfully about the timing of their relationship further underpin the finding of an appearance of impropriety on their part. that's a direct reference. >> it's not a finding by him and he does. >> but this one is ammonia is obviously a rep. prince to her. >> i did not read it that way. >> i think it >> can be interpreted differently, but in any case, the really important thing here is that this case is going to go to trial. it may not be before the election. if donald trump is elected president, he will probably not be on trial in fulton county, but what's important is everybody else will and this is the only case in which all the enablers of donald trump, all the confederates, all the coconspirators have been charged criminally, and they will have to go on trial for mark meadows to john eastman, to rudy giuliani. you can go on all the list they will be almost certainly on trial even if donald trump is on serving as president and ryan, a quick response to that, and it will be televised in these cases, right? so if it's trump, but also others. so we, we, the voters will see all of this 100% and this is the only case that will be nationally televised. the federal cases will not, and the new york case will not. this will have a national audience everyday. that's, it's before the trial, and it will be those days leading into the election, possibly if she gets she gets what she wants in the trial date. all right. thanks so much to both of you and next and out front investigation, the texas governor greg abbott says donation not public money, is being used to boss the migrants to blue states. but that does not add up >> that's my name, that's my phone number. but i definitely didn't give $2,000 to greg abbott's campaign up button people. do you see justin, mike pence officially saying? no way again, endorsed donald trump and did a button on the back of a pilot's chair, used to move the seat back and poor lead to a mid-air nosedive that's an passengers flying and hitting the ceiling by the dozens, blood everywhere. >> in front is >> just obtain the pilot's manual with revealing details on that button and the chair. and we'll speak to a pilot who this flown that jet hundreds of times >> even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into to protect mode. >> nothing kills more >> viruses on more surfaces and lysol disinfectant spray everyone loves an extra hundred dollars in their pocket. he showed us >> you do to have a turbotax expert >> file your taxes for you by march 31st to get $100 back instantly. only from intuit turbotax. >> sorry, body for knowing about >> actives, but giving >> 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with hyaluronic acid. quench vitamin c that brightened. i'm pro sarah mind that even everywhere new doves, serum, body washes get dove or get fomo the rise >> sanders winter blue sale is now on for a limited time visit. or call juanita hundred cents those fun, a registered republican, lifelong republican conservative have voted republican my whole life, 5% of our defense budget went to go via america's biggest to adversary russia. i know we want to take care of our 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what governor abbott said when the busing program started >> if people across the country are so eager to participate in this we should put a website link up and let them participate and as soon as we did that their donations have come in >> it turns out that was not true. kang law is outfront >> did you give this program $2,000? >> how know for sure not i wouldn't give a cent to any officers racist policies that he is standing for he's referring to texas governor greg abbott >> abbott's office >> has bused more than 100,000 migrants and climbing to democratic cities across the country, saying those cities should share texas's immigration influx one of the arrival cities washington, dc, where progressive activists, hendrik voss lives. >> i think it's very cruel and racist to use migrants as pawns, using as political, as a political stunt. basically, yeah, that's nothing. i want to be connected to. >> so imagine his surprise. >> so this is this giant spreadsheets when we found bosses name, on a list of donors to bus migrants out of texas. >> and there you are. >> well, $2,000. that's your cell phone number, right? yeah. >> that's >> definitely you. right? >> that's absolutely me. that's my name, that's my phone number but i definitely didn't give $2,000 to greg abbott's campaign of passing people to dc, losses. >> financial records show he did not send texas money. he has no idea how his name ended up on this list of people who donated to the migrant busing program. in fact, cnn found a number of issues with donations collected by the site promoted by the texas governor. >> but as soon as the announcement was made we were overwhelmed with phone calls, with letters, with requests about people providing buses, people driving buses, people are paying for buses. and i want to tell americans where you can go to help go-to border bus dot texas dot gop, but it likely will mean that it will be no cost to the state of texas for providing these vessels. >> but as cnn analysis shows, the donations didn't come close, abbott is collected only a tiny fraction of his goal and at least a couple of the donations are suspicious besides the mystery of boss's name appearing on the list, the largest donation, 900 mysteriously vanished. it appears to be a mistake or a hoax the donation website show the tally going from 1.3 million to just over 400 >> when we >> look through all of the information, it appears that the largest donor, a woman from texas, we could not find her. and she had donated $900,000. so that discrepancy is just been quietly corrected by texas. >> it definitely matters. it is unusual to have private donors to a government function. so there aren't always a lot of rules around it. noah bookbinder is >> president of the left-leaning citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. whether it's a mistake or whether it's intentional >> that is is potentially misleading the public. >> cnn attempted to reach those supposed $900,000 donor, but the phone number entered into the texas donor site was disconnected and cnn could not find anyone with that name calling me, not accept calls, and that's ironic that you're on here. >> yeah. so yeah, i definitely would want to know how that happened and hello, my name ended up on that list >> we did reach out to governor abbott's office to find out exactly how boss's name ended up on that list the spokesperson did not have a specific response to some of the anomalies that cnn found but we did learn that just because we were given this list with a list of donors and those cell phone numbers. it doesn't mean error and that that money actually went through aaron. >> all right. wow, it's really incredible. i'm calling number not even going through. so when it gives almost 1 million, i mean, it's stunning. >> all right. killing. thank you very much. i want to talk about this with basil michel, a former executive director of the new york state democratic party baza mean obviously killings reporting is incredible. i mean, isn't credible. and it shows some real issues with government exactly the government that gives americans so much anger and outrage these days. the issue at hand though, does remain mere atoms in new york where johnson and chicago they are very critical of joe biden joe biden specifically, i mean there's no no beating around the bush on this in terms of the crisis itself. >> so >> combined get a handle on this before the election. >> it's hard to say whether or not he actually can. he's not going to solve the problem before the election. this is a decades, this problem has been decades in the making. he is issued more executive orders and immigration then donald trump did. he's got to try to find a balance between what the policies during the obama administration, because he was actually critical of that and not engage in what i would call the politics of cruelty, which is what has transpired here. look as a child of immigrants whether it's on the border or it's in new york, what we're seeing is inhumane. and i think what joe biden can do is find a way to give those democratic or those mayors, governors order to just close the border, let the courts challenge it, but close it. >> i don't know if that's the exact path that he should take. what i do think should happen is what mayors and governors what are you doing essentially asking for forgiveness, not permission, meaning that give them the space in the room to actually try to solve these problems locally, get them a pass to be able to get jobs, earn an income contributing their taxes, and then find a way after as we move on to try to see if we can solve this problem that's what's happening. anyway. so continue to give these mayors and governors and opportunity to do that. but by the way, put congress back to work to get them to find a bipartisan solution which was already on a table. >> when asked you about the other store, i mentioned a moment ago, which was my pants coming out and saying he will not we will not endorse donald trump. here's exactly how we put it >> donald trump is pursuing an articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years. and that's why i cannot in good conscience endorsed donald trump in this campaign >> now, to those who say, well, i mean, come on aaron, how do you think that's anything? i mean, this guy was almost killed. what was that like it was threatened to be exact. he's come out repeatedly against what trump did on january 6 to those who say that, i say look at mitch mcconnell, getting in line look, there are so many other examples of people who no matter what we know, they have publicly said about trump, are now backing him because he's the nominee. what do you say to my pence who refuses to do it? well >> in his statement, he said some people should not be surprised prize by this. i'm a little surprised by it because he wasn't as forthrightness, say chris christie or even later in the campaign, nikki haley and talking about their differences with donald trump and why he's not good for the party he was he was quiet on that and for him to understand perfectly. he felt his life was being threatened by how trump supporters i get that. i don't know if anybody else comes to stand with him in support of his statement against donald trump? that's what remains to be seen. how many people operationally fall in line with donald, right? >> right. as you point out, it's a lonely island. >> chris christie are roaming around. all right. thank you so much, basil. appreciate it. bax did this button on the back of the pilots cockpit seat lead to a sudden and violent plunged mid air boeing is now checking airlines and i check every single one of those seats on that plane. thank could this really been the cause though? i let who was flown this plane hundreds of times is outfront next and south dakota governor kristi noem facing questions about her for social media posts like this one for shoe inserts >> totally built me in search for running separate ones for my cowboy boots even the most chill and parents know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> this is pickleball >> is basically tennis for >> babies before adults, it should be called waffle tennis >> yet bowman, like a piano >> we have nothing to worry about with e-trade for morgan stanley. we're ready for whatever gets served up. >> do you got to work on your chest? >> rather work on saving for retirement, for college. >> since you'd like to get schooled, has pretty good burn, right? >> got gave thanks for coming do our clinic. first one's free. >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body can act of serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightened and process jeremiah than even everywhere new dumps theorem body wash, get dove or get fomo. >> 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showed us. he you to have a turbo tax expert file your taxes for you by march 31st to get $100 back instantly. only from intuit turbotax >> whatever heart for in the strikes get past relief with tom. it's time to low back >> grow your business easily with freelancers, fiber, united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn tonight, boeing telling airlines to check all seven at seven cockpit seats after the wall street journal reporting an incident with one >> of those seats may have caused this terrifying plunge. the one that sent passengers flying through the cabin hitting the plane ceiling. there was blood all over the ceiling. this was during that lactam flight from sydney to new zealand investigators now believe a flight attendant hit a switch located on the cockpit seat while serving a meal to the pilot that button moving the pilot seat forward and the pilot into the controls. well, that's how the explanation is right now. they're saying what apparently caused the plane to then nose dive in such a serious and terrifying fashion injuring 50 people on board. well, i'll find is obtained a pilot's manual to the seven at seven. so what you're looking at on your screen, there's a manual we've obtained. it shows the button in question and it explains how it works. so we're looking at it a little closer now, the manual states, quote, a secondary horizontal power control is located in the upper seat back near the head rest guarded by a cover for easier horizontal seat movement when not seated. so that's exactly how they describe it. now watch this video which shows exactly how that button works. seemingly like when you're adjusting a motorized seat in your car, it's just that instead of being next to you, right when you might be putting up forward and backward it's actually on the back of the seat, back out front. now, tom stevens, he is a retired seven at seven pilot. and tom, i really appreciate your taking the time so now, you've heard what investigators believe happened. you have actually been in that seat hundreds of times, 27,000 more plus hours of flying time. much of that on boeing aircraft. so you've sat in that chair does that explanation add up to you >> well in all the times i've used that switch, it's entering the cockpit is to gain access to the seat more easily. it's it's placed where one can activate it, move the seat backward. and then that allows for enough room to get in the seat. and then that's the last time that that switch is used after that, there are switches down closer to one seat that moves the switch forward >> so i want to pull up the pilot's manual again, are the manual for the 787 that we obtained. there's a warning about using the button. i mean, it's just described as a button to move seat back and forth. it looks fairly innocuous. i mean, you know, you does have a cover guarding it. right. >> were you ever briefed on it there any indication given that this could be an issue >> not at all. in training, i was never i was never told about the switch and didn't know it existed until i got on the airplane for the first time it was pointed out. and since it's a guarded switch, 1, all need do is lift the switch and activate it and it moves the seat back and then the cover closes. and then after that it's no longer in use and at no time, did it ever seem like it would be a problem for us and it would be very difficult to accidentally raise that guard and activate the switch. >> yeah. i'm also wondering, even if you do, you're describing something which has a function, right? the point is to move the seat back and forth to get in and out of it, not to throw you with great force at some kind of a panel. so if this is what happened, the pilot pushes it and then he's pushed into the controls by the chair. i mean, again, sets with this moving forward and backwards. so it's not like right. i mean, it's it's moving slowly. i mean, would doing this cause this harrowing dropped passengers thrown to the ceiling? >> it's hard to imagine that it would it never came close to that happening to me and all the times that i've been on the airplane, i only used it to move the seat back and then once i was in the seat, it was never used again. no other crew member would ever have touched that switch no reason to, but in no case, is that was it going to make contact with the control column since there's accommodations for that on the seat bottom itself. >> all right. so i spoke to a passenger on that plane. his name's brian jokat. he happened the pilot came back back after the plane landed and was talking to passengers. he described the conversation. and here's what he said >> he openly admitted. he said, i lost control of the plane. my gauges just kind of went blank on me and that's when the plane just took a dive >> literally, he said the gauges went blank >> yeah, he said they malfunctioned and >> did he did he say that made him so he didn't have the ability then to even control it, to fly it he. >> said for that brief moment, he couldn't control anything and that's when the plane just did what it did >> so when you hear that what do you think as a pilot? is. there anything you can interpret from that comes as a complete surprise to me. i never had are the forward panel lose power if it did, i suppose there's the possibility of autopilot disconnection. but that never happened to me. i would imagine that in order for the aircraft to pitch forward to an unusual attitude record, it would require actually pushing on the flight controls but that never happened to me and i'm quite surprised that that's that's what happened. so this is very puzzling to us all. >> all right. well, i very much appreciate your time, but we all do. thank you for coming on. >> you're most welcome >> next breaking news, one of the deadliest attacks and ukraine since the war began, as our jim sciutto reports that putin has new plans for the war the sham presidential election that is happening as i speak, and the south dakota governor kristi noem got our teeth fixed and she wants everyone to know about it >> i can be confident when i smile at people and know that they can actually appreciate and see the kindness in my face >> okay? oh, got me in order coming in, starting a business is never easy. a star anna, eight months pregnant, that's a different story >> i couldn't >> slow down. >> we were starting a business from it the ground of people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase, a car made it easy. when you go for something big like this, you're he is seated and they believe they can do the same >> arena unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business card, make more of what's yours >> even the most chilling parents, know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> everyone loves an extra hundred dollars in their pocket. he 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have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk it's per lower limb loss, call your dr. right away. if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet, taking guardians, but this will find urea or insulin may cause low blood sugar >> rallies welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pellet >> polis fiberglass is the strongest material for windows, patio doors. the fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant. hello, windows tested for extremes, designed for your home hi was still a alvarez at the white house and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette >> and rubella. >> you never faithful sees the deals on top before their shop today breaking news, new video, justin to cnn showing the aftermath of a devastating strike on the >> crucial port city of odesa. this is the deadliest strike on odesa since the entire war began at least 20 people are dead and ukraine says, one of the missiles hit as rescuers had come in to try to help the wounded. this comes as protests are breaking out in russia as the sham presidential election is underway. there. >> take a look at this as video inside >> a polling station. this is the fire said they're raging right next to a ballot box and near st. petersburg, a woman launching a molotov cocktail at the front door of a polling station. and in moscow. a woman detained after dumping green dye into a ballot box, destroying the votes inside cnn chief national security analysts jim sciutto, who has been covering this part of the world for years, is with me also of course, jim has a new book, the return of great powers. and jim speaking of great powers, it is no secret that putin will be elected to an unprecedented fifth term. and you have some new reporting tonight about his plans once the election is over, what have you learned? >> that's right. i'm told by senior us military officials that the us assessment is that putin will feel emboldened by this election. and as you correctly describe a sham election in bolden to expand his war in ukraine, even further, including the possibility of another there are mobilization of military age, menn in russia to fight in the war in ukraine and adding to his confidence in the view of us intelligence, aaron, are increasing delays here in this country over us military aid to ukraine and public differences in this country over that. and in europe as well, he draws confidence from that so emboldened and broadening war the mobilization point obviously crucial, and you've got to new reporting, jim, also in your >> new book about fears of a second trump presidency. and those fears are coming from the people who know them boast best, right? the people who were in the room who were closest to him the first time around, what have you learned from them? >> that's right. the people who served him at the highest levels and this is not my word, their word catastrophic is how they describe it this from general john kelly who have his course, chief of staff, to trump in his first administration, he said to me a second i can turn with him trump, particularly when he would not be worrying about reelection. it would be fundamentally a catastrophe for us. he is not alone. i also spoke to john bolton, who of course, was his national security advisor, longtime, lifetime lifelong republican. he said, i just don't think he has enough of a brain. again, here his words direct coat quote, to have an articulated view on us, china policy because he thinks everything through the prism of how does this benefit donald trump. nato would be in real jeopardy. i think he would try to get out. they say that he will reengineer america's relationships with its adversaries. china russia, friendlier, and also walk away from decades old partnerships alliances with nato, also, south korea, japan, us allies in asia, and they've told me he has no interest in a second term of defending taiwan from a potential us invasion, chinese invasion rather, it'd be a mark turn it would be, it would be seismic. all right. jim sciutto. thank you so much. >> thank you. okay. to see you >> and china is watching the possibility of a second trump presidency tonight. the country laser-focused on the election and will ripley is out front with this report. >> in the chinese capital, beijing? no shortage of people sounding off about donald trump i think trump will probably get elected because he's pretty good, but it down put on put down. if trump were to be >> elected, you will undermine us even through economic block, key to tariffs or he could instigate waters. >> by publicly, the chinese government is playing neutral criticizing the us, china policies of former president trump and current president joe biden. state media mocking the messiness of american democracy political chaos, deep division on chinese social media comments like these, or these two old guys, all they've got left. old against old. they both are tough on china. we need to speed up our preparation for battle. and this prediction, trump is going to be back remember six years ago when then president trump traveled to beijing, chinese leader xi jinping pulled out all the stops the lavish state banquet inside the forbidden city of first for any us president since 1949 the founding of communist china, china's rulers have historically preferred leaders. they can manipulate through personal relationships and flattery. trump's ego driven diplomacy seemed at the time like a perfect match. >> i think going to do tremendous things for both china and for the united states, then came the trade war. trump's tariffs and trade barriers sense, bolster by president biden still battering beijing's economy. now, trump says, us tariffs on chinese goods will skyrocket just 60% or higher if he wins a second term china's top diplomat, wang yi, voicing concerns over those us trade and tech controls, warning of b wilderness, levels of unfathomable absurdity but experts say some aspects of trump's foreign policy actually benefit china's strategic interests. his doubts about traditional american alliances like nato admiration for strong menn, like russia's vladimir putin, and north korea's kim jong un. >> if i were a chinese leader or in the chinese leadership i won't be worry about trump's presidency simply because trump is just less predictable. that unpredictability on display this week, trump abruptly reversed his hardline stance on tiktok, opposing a bipartisan bill that would essentially ban the chinese-owned app in the us, there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it, >> trump himself, tried to ban tiktok in 2020 citing a national security threat. you turns like this could inject even more instability in a fraught us-china relations chip >> the >> bottom line essentially is the china seas trump as pretty transactional, which could be good for them, could be bad for them. they've kind of been on both ends of that aaron here and taiwan. they're very diplomatic about it. they say whether it's trump or biden, they're going to have support of the united states. but clearly there for some concern, albeit under the surface that president biden has said four times he would defend high 1 if china made a move? trump has not. one said whether he would defend taiwan. also said he hadn't, but he criticized taiwan about chips that a lot of other things. so certainly a lot to watch out here certainly so and wonder if taiwan saying they would both defend taiwan with us, whether that's the case or not. all right. well, on this early saturday morning and taipei, thank you so much. next the south dakota governor, south dakota governor kristi noem, now selling shoe inserts from her official twitter account and she's facing a lawsuit for pushing a cosmetic dentistry firm. so what's it about >> 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putin is a very evil and dangerous person. >> i've been ukraine several times. wonderful people. ukraine just wants to be independent and free got to help them. >> i see it as one of the most black and white boards since world war ii. and with their atrocities and genocide, they've got to stand our ground now, or we're going to begin a larger conflict. in the >> you're not being a conservative if you're not standing up for democracy, stand up for democracy and support ukraine against the bully if advanced lung cancer, as you searching for possibilities discover a different >> first treatment, immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapy these for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently it helps your immune system fight cancer in 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going to be perfect. i'm gonna be like bionic woman now, >> the new video coming just two days after this flashy five-minute informational style testimonial about a company that was not even based in her state with the team here was remarkable. and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of >> lavish praise of her dental work done by a houston area cosmetic dentistry firm posted to the governor's official social media accounts. >> i chose the team here at smile texas because they're the best a consumer advocacy group calling foul, alleging that she's acting like a part-time social media influencer >> and slapping her with a civil lawsuit filed in a superior court in dc alleging her post is breaking consumer protection laws, promoting medical tourism with a governor potentially cashing in the lawsuit alleging she likely either receive free dental care in exchange for this advertisement discounted dental care in exchange for this advertisement or she was paid and received free dental care for the advertisement. unfortunately, know them did not mark this as an ad or advertisement when hosting. so she is participating in an unfair and deceptive practice. cnn has reached out to the governor's office and smile texas, asking about any financial agreement and to the governor's office about why she sought treatment out of states neither have responded in south dakota. the video also leaving many puzzled a state senator calling the video strange and possibly unethical, asking for a formal inquiry. >> she paid for this dental procedure or did she agree to store in this partial or full. payment. and if so, was this unethical or illegal based on south dakota statue >> all this comes as no ms being considered as a vice presidential candidate for donald trump and kristi noem as well. >> i should say are they all on your shortlist? >> trump publicly and privately telling people she is on his potential vp shortlist with the two meeting privately mar-a-lago, just last month, i will do everything i can to help him win and save this country. >> and in south dakota, there's not yet a formal inquiry looking into all of this opened up just yet the democratic state senator who is co-chair of the committee, who would eventually potentially handle this said he intends to bring this up at the next meeting in july. >> thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now

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Thirst , Itching , Tiredness , Cough , Nervous System Problems , Joint Pain , Chest Radiation , Weakness , Fever , Flushing , Conditions , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Diva , Immunotherapies , Search , Voy , Dad , Sports , Sport , Ai , Sports Game , Plays , Fans , Ai Highlights Technology , Rocket Money Today Vegas , Want , The Story Of Sin City , Saleswoman , Selling Custom Insoles , Sunlen Serfaty , Accounts , Salts , South Dakota Business , Style , Bionic Woman , Five , Smile , Company , Estate , Praise , Area , Houston , Acting , Consumer Advocacy Group , Calling Foul , Superior Court , Post , Tourism , Slapping , Consumer Protection Laws , Dc Alleging , Social Media Influencer , Advertisement , Dental Care , Exchange , Practice , Ad , Agreement , State Senator , Inquiry , Neither , Statue , Procedure , Payment , So , Shortlist , Being , Vice , Candidate , Meeting , Potential , Vp , Mar A Lago , Situation Room , Committee , Co Chair ,

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high popularity, she sort of the face of the royals. will these scandals really dragged down? all right, harry enten, thank you. before we go, we wanted to take a moment to say goodbye to a member of our team. here are aligned producer christina callahan is in the control room for us right now for the last time, unless of course she ever wants to come back christina has been at 360 for nine years and over the years has become vital member of the team. she's incredibly calm incredibly calm under pressure, incredibly professional, which are two really important traits for line producer most importantly, she's an all around great human being, and we are truly going to ms her. so thank you, christina. and we wish you the best of luck moving forward. news continues right here on cnn >> outfront. next breaking news on this friday, trump's hush money criminal trial has a new date. this is the lead prosecutor in the fulton county the election case has just resigned. will trump face a criminal trial before the election? plus could a button on the back of a boeing 787 cockpit chair lead to a jet plunging and midair, causing bodies go flying into the roof will outbound has obtained the pilot's manual with revealing details about that very chair and we will speak to a pilot was flown that plane hundreds of times and she's the south dakota governor on trump's list of possible running mates. so why is she selling? now shoe inserts and dental work? let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, the trump trials in complete chaos at this hour, a new york judge just ruling that the start of donald trump's criminal hush money trial is now delayed as the lead attorney on trump's georgia election interference case has resigned tonight. so on the hush money case, let's start there. the trial had been set to start this month, ten days from now in march 25th and now the judge says, well, it likely won't start before even mid april and that comes after a dispute between trump's defense team and prosecutors over documents in the case. the delay playing directly into trump's self-declared strategy in all his legal cases we want delays, obviously, i'm running for election >> obviously, he's running for election, so we wants delays. he doesn't want verdicts here. he doesn't want people to see this and he's concerned what voters will see and hear in his legal cases during the closing days of the election. and a huge reason for concern earn is the georgia case. now, uh, judges just ruled that district attorney fani willis can stay on the case or lead prosecutor has to go, but fani willis stays in place. and that case will be televised live nationally, which means that voters will see everything that happens before election day. evidence witnesses, maybe even trump himself. that will be broadcast daily while americans are deciding who to vote for. as early voting is open. and if fani willis gets her way, that trial will still start on august 5th. that's exactly three months before election day. willis has said she believes the trial could conclude in the very early part of 2025, which would be right around the time trump is sworn in, if he's elected. so the real question becomes, how quickly can the georgia case move forward without the top prosecutor, nathan wade, because he is forced to resign. so fani willis up on top she stays it's in place, but he has to leave and trump and his co-defendants and accused willis, of course, of profiting from her now ex-boyfriend, nathan wade and immediately after this decision, the fani willis got to stay on the case. trump's campaign quickly fundraising off the judge's decision today, sending the message to supporters, quote fani willis can continue the way it can against me, rigged system against us. and then of course, links to donate money. paula reid is out front and washington and polo. what more are you learning about these delays in trump's legal calendar which have such huge significance in these months before election day earn it's incredible right now, there's not one firm trial date for former president trump ahead of the november election. and as you just said, this has been his strategy, but it's not just as lawyers who are achieving this. he's getting a lot of help from prosecutors and judges in delaying these cases. let's take what's going on in new york the hush money case that the district attorney's framing. it's an election interference case. >> that >> was the only case that was definitely expected to go before november. now, the judge overseeing that case on the de it was supposed to start in ten days. >> it's going to >> hold a hearing to figure out why federal prosecutors just handed over tens of thousands of pages of new evidence and he may move the trial. then we look at the january 6 election subversion case. there the supreme court has that case on pause while they consider whether trump has immunity. aaron, they were asked by the special counsel to resolve that issue months ago. so this case could go forward. >> now, their >> decision probably won't come until june and then they need to give lawyers several months to prepare for that case. remember, this case doesn't go before november and trump is reelected. he can make both federal cases go away. the other federal case classified documents i was in court two weeks ago when the judge heard arguments about pushing that back. we still don't have a new date. and lastly, the case we've been talking about all day down in georgia, fani willis had originally said she wanted to do this in august. a lot of folks thought that was ambitious given the scope of this case. but then these proceedings to possibly disqualify her this has pushed the case back, so her decision devil romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor helped trump delay this here, even though she was found not to have an actual conflict right now is unclear when that case we'll go again, this is an astonishing victory for the former president, but it's not his alone. he's getting a lot of help from the system certainly is and others, others poor decisions. they said, you always are your own worst enemy. i, paula, thank you very much. and i want to go now to gerald griggs, president of the georgia nwa cp. he has been friends with fani willis for 26 years. they work together at the atlanta city solicitors office. it's also been friends with nathan wade for 16 years and gerald, i appreciate your time so you know, both of them them. very well. i know you had a chance to speak with nathan wade after his resignation today on the back of judge mcafee is decision. what did he tell you >> he. told me he's going to continue to practice law and continued to do justice in the state of georgia. and he's excited about the next chapter of his life. >> was he prepared for the judge to rule the way he did. and does he feel this. was fair >> well, we had a personal conversation. it wasn't about that particular aspect of this whole endeavor. he's resolute and continued to practice law and continued to do justice for the citizens of georgia >> so the judge in his ruling, gerald talking about your friend fani willis he said she showed a quote, tremendous lapse in judgment. that's the quote from the judge that she acted unprofessionally. now, look, you've known for a long time, you don't for more than 25 years, do >> you >> know whether she has any regrets about the decisions she made and how she handled all of this i've no fani a long time. i've known her to uphold the highest standards for the practice of law and for her personal life. and i think that she will continue to uphold those standards as she has in the past. i think fani is focused on trying this case, and although the cases in fulton county and i think that's her focus so the judge warned of the potential gerald of a future gag order against willis because of these specific comments that she made at church. let me play them one white me broome muslims in a great boom in ohio. one black man, another superstar, agreeing and agree boy. >> oh lord, they don't get mad when i'm on my own first thing. they say oh she goes, play the race card. now but no guy actually >> joe specifically called those comments legally improper and any is rolling. he said the time may well have arrived for an order preventing the state from mentioning the case in any public forum to prevent prejudicial publicity. but that is not the motion presently before the court, which seems to be at least an opening, if not an invitation for there to be such an invitation gerald, what's your reaction when you hear with, uh, judges saying and you hear what your friend has said i think my friend was oh, pining on the decisions that are being made around this case. and i think she was also stating and pushing back on the attacks by politicians. i think the judge, if he's opening issuing a gag order, the gag order should be on all parties because this is not just the prosecutor's office because that is talking that's not just the defendants that are talking is not just the judge who is talking. so i think to avoid the appearance of any impropriety, if he's thinking about issuing a gag order, it should begins all parties so we can get to the actual disposition of this case in the four walls of a courtroom and i want to ask you one other thing. jail before we go, nathan wade and your conversation, obviously, if he's being replaced, someone has to come in, get up to speed. obviously, the da a fani willis being in position makes a difference, but someone else has to come in. she had tried to hire multiple people, four. she actually hired nathan wade. >> did he give any indication to you about how long he thinks it's going to take people to get up to speed what position the case situation of the case is in, whether they've had there is so much focused on this entire embroiled you about their relationship and the judge that they haven't had chance to focus on the case, did he give you any information there? >> no, but i've known ms willis for a long time. she's one of the best prosecutors in the state of georgia, and she's a trial attorney and so i think that she would have no problem getting up to speed and trying this case herself. she's tried the longest rico case in georgia history. this one is no different, so i don't think it's going to take any additional time for anyone to get up to speed she has her team, she has some of the best lawyers in the state and she is one of the best lawyers in the state. >> gerald griggs. thank you so much. i really appreciate your taking the time and sharing this with me. >> thank you for having me. all right. thank you. and so now let's go to ryan goodman are out front legal analysts and michael isacoff, who has spent extensive time with willis and her team for his new book, find me the votes. hard charging georgia prosecutor, rogue, president, and the plot to steal an american election so ryan, you heard what gerald just said you know, this is his view of his friends at fani willis knows what's knows it's going on. could try this herself with or rico experience, that there would be no reason to indicate that this would cause a delay. her remaining on nathan wade being removed how do you see it and what happens here that august 5th date is still technically her latest request for the trial. >> so i don't think it changes the baseline which is that we might be able get the date of august 5 as the start she was already ready to go to trial with others who instead decided to plead guilty and so our august 5th might be the start date. then in terms of the nuts and bolts, it'll be about seeding a jury. in the past, it has taken a long time in georgia to seat a jury in a rico case, but those other case was different in this case, you might actually have the problem of people actually wanting to serve on the jury because it's such an historic case. so that might go a little bit more quickly, but even by her standards or what she has said or expectations, the trial will go until after the election nil going to be a verdict after the election, even if she gets her start. >> so you may see those some of the visuals i've it before, but important that what you're saying is that removing the lead prosecutor, you're agreeing with gerald's assessment, at least it doesn't necessarily that in and of itself does not mean that delay i think that's right. >> i think a lot of their work has already been done and they've got a lot more time to prepare for august 5th. >> all right. so on that, michael, i know you are really watching the next few weeks as an indicator for how quickly the judge, the judge gets this case back on track, right? >> sure. and it's going to be really important to see how judge mcafee rules from here. does he tried to get this case back on track, try to set a trial date very soon. >> and >> also whether the defense lawyers, the trump lawyers, are going to to try to appeal this ruling. it's interesting in their comments today, both steve sadow, the trump lawyer, and ashleigh merchant, the lawyer for michael roman, who brought the motion to begin with. did not say specifically that they're going to try to appeal, so they may realize this is it. and now we're going to pivot to the actual case in mind. and i think that's that was one takeaway from the responses today. >> another thing ryan that stood out to me was judge mcafee is reference to the georgia bar and the obviously the bar association in a state is the police for lawyers in the state would have the ability to disbar somebody or to punish them in other ways. and there are other investigations going on here. so even even separate from the appeal point that michael just raised, is this really just clear sailing or is it possible? but there are punishments that come along for fani willis here, the do derail this in these next few months. >> i think the next few minutes are going to see a number of different institutions in georgia reviewing fani willis and nathan wade, the judge almost invited that too. he listed out all the institutions, including the georgia state bar. and i can't imagine that is somebody going to take up that invitation. it just takes a group of lawyers to file an ethics complaint same thing happened to bill barr when he was us attorney journal in summer of 2020 it can happen to fani willis as the district attorney and in the court's opinion, he also says that there's an odor of mendacity remains in refers to her testimony in reverse to nathan wade's testimony and odor of mendacity. that's the exact quote and odor of mendacity. so that is an invitation or somebody to bring up an ethics charge. >> if i have the next search online yes. michael >> yeah. >> well, i just want to correct ryan, their the odor of mendacity quote, which is in that opinion, and obviously lip out at everybody. if you read it closely, he's not referring to fani willis testimony. it comes right after he's talking about terrence bradley, the lawyer who was supposed to be the star goodness for the trump lawyers. and he says, you can't credit anything he had to say, he takes shots at nathan wade for misrepresenting on his interrogatories, but he never specifically says that fani willis gave testimony that that he does not believe or that was contradicted but i just want to make one central point or two central points before you do that, before you did, i want to give ryan a chance to respond as it's pulled over odor of mendacity. >> yeah. sorry to do this, but the paragraph begins in order mendacity remains. the paragraph continues reasonable questions about whether the district attorney and her hand-selected lead sad a testified untruthfully about the timing of their relationship further underpin the finding of an appearance of impropriety on their part. that's a direct reference. >> it's not a finding by him and he does. >> but this one is ammonia is obviously a rep. prince to her. >> i did not read it that way. >> i think it >> can be interpreted differently, but in any case, the really important thing here is that this case is going to go to trial. it may not be before the election. if donald trump is elected president, he will probably not be on trial in fulton county, but what's important is everybody else will and this is the only case in which all the enablers of donald trump, all the confederates, all the coconspirators have been charged criminally, and they will have to go on trial for mark meadows to john eastman, to rudy giuliani. you can go on all the list they will be almost certainly on trial even if donald trump is on serving as president and ryan, a quick response to that, and it will be televised in these cases, right? so if it's trump, but also others. so we, we, the voters will see all of this 100% and this is the only case that will be nationally televised. the federal cases will not, and the new york case will not. this will have a national audience everyday. that's, it's before the trial, and it will be those days leading into the election, possibly if she gets she gets what she wants in the trial date. all right. thanks so much to both of you and next and out front investigation, the texas governor greg abbott says donation not public money, is being used to boss the migrants to blue states. but that does not add up >> that's my name, that's my phone number. but i definitely didn't give $2,000 to greg abbott's campaign up button people. do you see justin, mike pence officially saying? no way again, endorsed donald trump and did a button on the back of a pilot's chair, used to move the seat back and poor lead to a mid-air nosedive that's an passengers flying and hitting the ceiling by the dozens, blood everywhere. >> in front is >> just obtain the pilot's manual with revealing details on that button and the chair. and we'll speak to a pilot who this flown that jet hundreds of times >> even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into to protect mode. >> nothing kills more >> viruses on more surfaces and lysol disinfectant spray everyone loves an extra hundred dollars in their pocket. he showed us >> you do to have a turbotax expert >> file your taxes for you by march 31st to get $100 back instantly. only from intuit turbotax. >> sorry, body for knowing about >> actives, but giving >> 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with hyaluronic acid. quench vitamin c that brightened. i'm pro sarah mind that even everywhere new doves, serum, body washes get dove or get fomo the rise >> sanders winter blue sale is now on for a limited time visit. or call juanita hundred cents those fun, a registered republican, lifelong republican conservative have voted republican my whole life, 5% of our defense budget went to go via america's biggest to adversary russia. i know we want to take care of our 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what governor abbott said when the busing program started >> if people across the country are so eager to participate in this we should put a website link up and let them participate and as soon as we did that their donations have come in >> it turns out that was not true. kang law is outfront >> did you give this program $2,000? >> how know for sure not i wouldn't give a cent to any officers racist policies that he is standing for he's referring to texas governor greg abbott >> abbott's office >> has bused more than 100,000 migrants and climbing to democratic cities across the country, saying those cities should share texas's immigration influx one of the arrival cities washington, dc, where progressive activists, hendrik voss lives. >> i think it's very cruel and racist to use migrants as pawns, using as political, as a political stunt. basically, yeah, that's nothing. i want to be connected to. >> so imagine his surprise. >> so this is this giant spreadsheets when we found bosses name, on a list of donors to bus migrants out of texas. >> and there you are. >> well, $2,000. that's your cell phone number, right? yeah. >> that's >> definitely you. right? >> that's absolutely me. that's my name, that's my phone number but i definitely didn't give $2,000 to greg abbott's campaign of passing people to dc, losses. >> financial records show he did not send texas money. he has no idea how his name ended up on this list of people who donated to the migrant busing program. in fact, cnn found a number of issues with donations collected by the site promoted by the texas governor. >> but as soon as the announcement was made we were overwhelmed with phone calls, with letters, with requests about people providing buses, people driving buses, people are paying for buses. and i want to tell americans where you can go to help go-to border bus dot texas dot gop, but it likely will mean that it will be no cost to the state of texas for providing these vessels. >> but as cnn analysis shows, the donations didn't come close, abbott is collected only a tiny fraction of his goal and at least a couple of the donations are suspicious besides the mystery of boss's name appearing on the list, the largest donation, 900 mysteriously vanished. it appears to be a mistake or a hoax the donation website show the tally going from 1.3 million to just over 400 >> when we >> look through all of the information, it appears that the largest donor, a woman from texas, we could not find her. and she had donated $900,000. so that discrepancy is just been quietly corrected by texas. >> it definitely matters. it is unusual to have private donors to a government function. so there aren't always a lot of rules around it. noah bookbinder is >> president of the left-leaning citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. whether it's a mistake or whether it's intentional >> that is is potentially misleading the public. >> cnn attempted to reach those supposed $900,000 donor, but the phone number entered into the texas donor site was disconnected and cnn could not find anyone with that name calling me, not accept calls, and that's ironic that you're on here. >> yeah. so yeah, i definitely would want to know how that happened and hello, my name ended up on that list >> we did reach out to governor abbott's office to find out exactly how boss's name ended up on that list the spokesperson did not have a specific response to some of the anomalies that cnn found but we did learn that just because we were given this list with a list of donors and those cell phone numbers. it doesn't mean error and that that money actually went through aaron. >> all right. wow, it's really incredible. i'm calling number not even going through. so when it gives almost 1 million, i mean, it's stunning. >> all right. killing. thank you very much. i want to talk about this with basil michel, a former executive director of the new york state democratic party baza mean obviously killings reporting is incredible. i mean, isn't credible. and it shows some real issues with government exactly the government that gives americans so much anger and outrage these days. the issue at hand though, does remain mere atoms in new york where johnson and chicago they are very critical of joe biden joe biden specifically, i mean there's no no beating around the bush on this in terms of the crisis itself. >> so >> combined get a handle on this before the election. >> it's hard to say whether or not he actually can. he's not going to solve the problem before the election. this is a decades, this problem has been decades in the making. he is issued more executive orders and immigration then donald trump did. he's got to try to find a balance between what the policies during the obama administration, because he was actually critical of that and not engage in what i would call the politics of cruelty, which is what has transpired here. look as a child of immigrants whether it's on the border or it's in new york, what we're seeing is inhumane. and i think what joe biden can do is find a way to give those democratic or those mayors, governors order to just close the border, let the courts challenge it, but close it. >> i don't know if that's the exact path that he should take. what i do think should happen is what mayors and governors what are you doing essentially asking for forgiveness, not permission, meaning that give them the space in the room to actually try to solve these problems locally, get them a pass to be able to get jobs, earn an income contributing their taxes, and then find a way after as we move on to try to see if we can solve this problem that's what's happening. anyway. so continue to give these mayors and governors and opportunity to do that. but by the way, put congress back to work to get them to find a bipartisan solution which was already on a table. >> when asked you about the other store, i mentioned a moment ago, which was my pants coming out and saying he will not we will not endorse donald trump. here's exactly how we put it >> donald trump is pursuing an articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years. and that's why i cannot in good conscience endorsed donald trump in this campaign >> now, to those who say, well, i mean, come on aaron, how do you think that's anything? i mean, this guy was almost killed. what was that like it was threatened to be exact. he's come out repeatedly against what trump did on january 6 to those who say that, i say look at mitch mcconnell, getting in line look, there are so many other examples of people who no matter what we know, they have publicly said about trump, are now backing him because he's the nominee. what do you say to my pence who refuses to do it? well >> in his statement, he said some people should not be surprised prize by this. i'm a little surprised by it because he wasn't as forthrightness, say chris christie or even later in the campaign, nikki haley and talking about their differences with donald trump and why he's not good for the party he was he was quiet on that and for him to understand perfectly. he felt his life was being threatened by how trump supporters i get that. i don't know if anybody else comes to stand with him in support of his statement against donald trump? that's what remains to be seen. how many people operationally fall in line with donald, right? >> right. as you point out, it's a lonely island. >> chris christie are roaming around. all right. thank you so much, basil. appreciate it. bax did this button on the back of the pilots cockpit seat lead to a sudden and violent plunged mid air boeing is now checking airlines and i check every single one of those seats on that plane. thank could this really been the cause though? i let who was flown this plane hundreds of times is outfront next and south dakota governor kristi noem facing questions about her for social media posts like this one for shoe inserts >> totally built me in search for running separate ones for my cowboy boots even the most chill and parents know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> this is pickleball >> is basically tennis for >> babies before adults, it should be called waffle tennis >> yet bowman, like a piano >> we have nothing to worry about with e-trade for morgan stanley. we're ready for whatever gets served up. >> do you got to work on your chest? >> rather work on saving for retirement, for college. >> since you'd like to get schooled, has pretty good burn, right? >> got gave thanks for coming do our clinic. first one's free. >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body can act of serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightened and process jeremiah than even everywhere new dumps theorem body wash, get dove or get fomo. >> 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showed us. he you to have a turbo tax expert file your taxes for you by march 31st to get $100 back instantly. only from intuit turbotax >> whatever heart for in the strikes get past relief with tom. it's time to low back >> grow your business easily with freelancers, fiber, united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn tonight, boeing telling airlines to check all seven at seven cockpit seats after the wall street journal reporting an incident with one >> of those seats may have caused this terrifying plunge. the one that sent passengers flying through the cabin hitting the plane ceiling. there was blood all over the ceiling. this was during that lactam flight from sydney to new zealand investigators now believe a flight attendant hit a switch located on the cockpit seat while serving a meal to the pilot that button moving the pilot seat forward and the pilot into the controls. well, that's how the explanation is right now. they're saying what apparently caused the plane to then nose dive in such a serious and terrifying fashion injuring 50 people on board. well, i'll find is obtained a pilot's manual to the seven at seven. so what you're looking at on your screen, there's a manual we've obtained. it shows the button in question and it explains how it works. so we're looking at it a little closer now, the manual states, quote, a secondary horizontal power control is located in the upper seat back near the head rest guarded by a cover for easier horizontal seat movement when not seated. so that's exactly how they describe it. now watch this video which shows exactly how that button works. seemingly like when you're adjusting a motorized seat in your car, it's just that instead of being next to you, right when you might be putting up forward and backward it's actually on the back of the seat, back out front. now, tom stevens, he is a retired seven at seven pilot. and tom, i really appreciate your taking the time so now, you've heard what investigators believe happened. you have actually been in that seat hundreds of times, 27,000 more plus hours of flying time. much of that on boeing aircraft. so you've sat in that chair does that explanation add up to you >> well in all the times i've used that switch, it's entering the cockpit is to gain access to the seat more easily. it's it's placed where one can activate it, move the seat backward. and then that allows for enough room to get in the seat. and then that's the last time that that switch is used after that, there are switches down closer to one seat that moves the switch forward >> so i want to pull up the pilot's manual again, are the manual for the 787 that we obtained. there's a warning about using the button. i mean, it's just described as a button to move seat back and forth. it looks fairly innocuous. i mean, you know, you does have a cover guarding it. right. >> were you ever briefed on it there any indication given that this could be an issue >> not at all. in training, i was never i was never told about the switch and didn't know it existed until i got on the airplane for the first time it was pointed out. and since it's a guarded switch, 1, all need do is lift the switch and activate it and it moves the seat back and then the cover closes. and then after that it's no longer in use and at no time, did it ever seem like it would be a problem for us and it would be very difficult to accidentally raise that guard and activate the switch. >> yeah. i'm also wondering, even if you do, you're describing something which has a function, right? the point is to move the seat back and forth to get in and out of it, not to throw you with great force at some kind of a panel. so if this is what happened, the pilot pushes it and then he's pushed into the controls by the chair. i mean, again, sets with this moving forward and backwards. so it's not like right. i mean, it's it's moving slowly. i mean, would doing this cause this harrowing dropped passengers thrown to the ceiling? >> it's hard to imagine that it would it never came close to that happening to me and all the times that i've been on the airplane, i only used it to move the seat back and then once i was in the seat, it was never used again. no other crew member would ever have touched that switch no reason to, but in no case, is that was it going to make contact with the control column since there's accommodations for that on the seat bottom itself. >> all right. so i spoke to a passenger on that plane. his name's brian jokat. he happened the pilot came back back after the plane landed and was talking to passengers. he described the conversation. and here's what he said >> he openly admitted. he said, i lost control of the plane. my gauges just kind of went blank on me and that's when the plane just took a dive >> literally, he said the gauges went blank >> yeah, he said they malfunctioned and >> did he did he say that made him so he didn't have the ability then to even control it, to fly it he. >> said for that brief moment, he couldn't control anything and that's when the plane just did what it did >> so when you hear that what do you think as a pilot? is. there anything you can interpret from that comes as a complete surprise to me. i never had are the forward panel lose power if it did, i suppose there's the possibility of autopilot disconnection. but that never happened to me. i would imagine that in order for the aircraft to pitch forward to an unusual attitude record, it would require actually pushing on the flight controls but that never happened to me and i'm quite surprised that that's that's what happened. so this is very puzzling to us all. >> all right. well, i very much appreciate your time, but we all do. thank you for coming on. >> you're most welcome >> next breaking news, one of the deadliest attacks and ukraine since the war began, as our jim sciutto reports that putin has new plans for the war the sham presidential election that is happening as i speak, and the south dakota governor kristi noem got our teeth fixed and she wants everyone to know about it >> i can be confident when i smile at people and know that they can actually appreciate and see the kindness in my face >> okay? oh, got me in order coming in, starting a business is never easy. a star anna, eight months pregnant, that's a different story >> i couldn't >> slow down. >> we were starting a business from it the ground of people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase, a car made it easy. when you go for something big like this, you're he is seated and they believe they can do the same >> arena unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business card, make more of what's yours >> even the most chilling parents, know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> everyone loves an extra hundred dollars in their pocket. he 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have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk it's per lower limb loss, call your dr. right away. if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet, taking guardians, but this will find urea or insulin may cause low blood sugar >> rallies welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pellet >> polis fiberglass is the strongest material for windows, patio doors. the fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant. hello, windows tested for extremes, designed for your home hi was still a alvarez at the white house and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette >> and rubella. >> you never faithful sees the deals on top before their shop today breaking news, new video, justin to cnn showing the aftermath of a devastating strike on the >> crucial port city of odesa. this is the deadliest strike on odesa since the entire war began at least 20 people are dead and ukraine says, one of the missiles hit as rescuers had come in to try to help the wounded. this comes as protests are breaking out in russia as the sham presidential election is underway. there. >> take a look at this as video inside >> a polling station. this is the fire said they're raging right next to a ballot box and near st. petersburg, a woman launching a molotov cocktail at the front door of a polling station. and in moscow. a woman detained after dumping green dye into a ballot box, destroying the votes inside cnn chief national security analysts jim sciutto, who has been covering this part of the world for years, is with me also of course, jim has a new book, the return of great powers. and jim speaking of great powers, it is no secret that putin will be elected to an unprecedented fifth term. and you have some new reporting tonight about his plans once the election is over, what have you learned? >> that's right. i'm told by senior us military officials that the us assessment is that putin will feel emboldened by this election. and as you correctly describe a sham election in bolden to expand his war in ukraine, even further, including the possibility of another there are mobilization of military age, menn in russia to fight in the war in ukraine and adding to his confidence in the view of us intelligence, aaron, are increasing delays here in this country over us military aid to ukraine and public differences in this country over that. and in europe as well, he draws confidence from that so emboldened and broadening war the mobilization point obviously crucial, and you've got to new reporting, jim, also in your >> new book about fears of a second trump presidency. and those fears are coming from the people who know them boast best, right? the people who were in the room who were closest to him the first time around, what have you learned from them? >> that's right. the people who served him at the highest levels and this is not my word, their word catastrophic is how they describe it this from general john kelly who have his course, chief of staff, to trump in his first administration, he said to me a second i can turn with him trump, particularly when he would not be worrying about reelection. it would be fundamentally a catastrophe for us. he is not alone. i also spoke to john bolton, who of course, was his national security advisor, longtime, lifetime lifelong republican. he said, i just don't think he has enough of a brain. again, here his words direct coat quote, to have an articulated view on us, china policy because he thinks everything through the prism of how does this benefit donald trump. nato would be in real jeopardy. i think he would try to get out. they say that he will reengineer america's relationships with its adversaries. china russia, friendlier, and also walk away from decades old partnerships alliances with nato, also, south korea, japan, us allies in asia, and they've told me he has no interest in a second term of defending taiwan from a potential us invasion, chinese invasion rather, it'd be a mark turn it would be, it would be seismic. all right. jim sciutto. thank you so much. >> thank you. okay. to see you >> and china is watching the possibility of a second trump presidency tonight. the country laser-focused on the election and will ripley is out front with this report. >> in the chinese capital, beijing? no shortage of people sounding off about donald trump i think trump will probably get elected because he's pretty good, but it down put on put down. if trump were to be >> elected, you will undermine us even through economic block, key to tariffs or he could instigate waters. >> by publicly, the chinese government is playing neutral criticizing the us, china policies of former president trump and current president joe biden. state media mocking the messiness of american democracy political chaos, deep division on chinese social media comments like these, or these two old guys, all they've got left. old against old. they both are tough on china. we need to speed up our preparation for battle. and this prediction, trump is going to be back remember six years ago when then president trump traveled to beijing, chinese leader xi jinping pulled out all the stops the lavish state banquet inside the forbidden city of first for any us president since 1949 the founding of communist china, china's rulers have historically preferred leaders. they can manipulate through personal relationships and flattery. trump's ego driven diplomacy seemed at the time like a perfect match. >> i think going to do tremendous things for both china and for the united states, then came the trade war. trump's tariffs and trade barriers sense, bolster by president biden still battering beijing's economy. now, trump says, us tariffs on chinese goods will skyrocket just 60% or higher if he wins a second term china's top diplomat, wang yi, voicing concerns over those us trade and tech controls, warning of b wilderness, levels of unfathomable absurdity but experts say some aspects of trump's foreign policy actually benefit china's strategic interests. his doubts about traditional american alliances like nato admiration for strong menn, like russia's vladimir putin, and north korea's kim jong un. >> if i were a chinese leader or in the chinese leadership i won't be worry about trump's presidency simply because trump is just less predictable. that unpredictability on display this week, trump abruptly reversed his hardline stance on tiktok, opposing a bipartisan bill that would essentially ban the chinese-owned app in the us, there are a lot of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it, >> trump himself, tried to ban tiktok in 2020 citing a national security threat. you turns like this could inject even more instability in a fraught us-china relations chip >> the >> bottom line essentially is the china seas trump as pretty transactional, which could be good for them, could be bad for them. they've kind of been on both ends of that aaron here and taiwan. they're very diplomatic about it. they say whether it's trump or biden, they're going to have support of the united states. but clearly there for some concern, albeit under the surface that president biden has said four times he would defend high 1 if china made a move? trump has not. one said whether he would defend taiwan. also said he hadn't, but he criticized taiwan about chips that a lot of other things. so certainly a lot to watch out here certainly so and wonder if taiwan saying they would both defend taiwan with us, whether that's the case or not. all right. well, on this early saturday morning and taipei, thank you so much. next the south dakota governor, south dakota governor kristi noem, now selling shoe inserts from her official twitter account and she's facing a lawsuit for pushing a cosmetic dentistry firm. so what's it about >> 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putin is a very evil and dangerous person. >> i've been ukraine several times. wonderful people. ukraine just wants to be independent and free got to help them. >> i see it as one of the most black and white boards since world war ii. and with their atrocities and genocide, they've got to stand our ground now, or we're going to begin a larger conflict. in the >> you're not being a conservative if you're not standing up for democracy, stand up for democracy and support ukraine against the bully if advanced lung cancer, as you searching for possibilities discover a different >> first treatment, immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapy these for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently it helps your immune system fight cancer in 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going to be perfect. i'm gonna be like bionic woman now, >> the new video coming just two days after this flashy five-minute informational style testimonial about a company that was not even based in her state with the team here was remarkable. and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of >> lavish praise of her dental work done by a houston area cosmetic dentistry firm posted to the governor's official social media accounts. >> i chose the team here at smile texas because they're the best a consumer advocacy group calling foul, alleging that she's acting like a part-time social media influencer >> and slapping her with a civil lawsuit filed in a superior court in dc alleging her post is breaking consumer protection laws, promoting medical tourism with a governor potentially cashing in the lawsuit alleging she likely either receive free dental care in exchange for this advertisement discounted dental care in exchange for this advertisement or she was paid and received free dental care for the advertisement. unfortunately, know them did not mark this as an ad or advertisement when hosting. so she is participating in an unfair and deceptive practice. cnn has reached out to the governor's office and smile texas, asking about any financial agreement and to the governor's office about why she sought treatment out of states neither have responded in south dakota. the video also leaving many puzzled a state senator calling the video strange and possibly unethical, asking for a formal inquiry. >> she paid for this dental procedure or did she agree to store in this partial or full. payment. and if so, was this unethical or illegal based on south dakota statue >> all this comes as no ms being considered as a vice presidential candidate for donald trump and kristi noem as well. >> i should say are they all on your shortlist? >> trump publicly and privately telling people she is on his potential vp shortlist with the two meeting privately mar-a-lago, just last month, i will do everything i can to help him win and save this country. >> and in south dakota, there's not yet a formal inquiry looking into all of this opened up just yet the democratic state senator who is co-chair of the committee, who would eventually potentially handle this said he intends to bring this up at the next meeting in july. >> thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now

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Spray , Enamel , It Back , To , Acid , Pro , Will Repair Mouthwash , Sharp , Repair , Brushing , Vanguard , Advisor , Legacy , Hard Work , Investor , Ownership , Urine Owner Setting , Value , Meat Free Monday , Whole Foods Market , 365 , Doves Serum Body Washes , Rise Sanders , Diabetes , Story , Jati , Hundred Sandals , 10 , Sugar , Jordanians , 24 , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Death , Risk , Side Effects , Dehydration , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Yeast , Giardia , Heart Disease , Skin , Worsening , Symptoms , Insulin , Urea , Limb Loss , Guardians , Feet , Legs , Stuff Guardians , Perineum , Fiberglass , Windows , Heights , Polis Fiberglass , Material , Blood Sugar , Patio Doors , Rallies , Hello , Rule , Hi , Extremes , Alvarez , Home , Captioning , White House , 70 , Deals , Retail , Rubella , Roulette Law Com , Strike , Port City , Missiles , Rescuers , Odesa , Aftermath , 20 , Polling Station , Ballot Box , Fire , Look , Protests , Wounded , Woman Launching A , Molotov Cocktail , Door , Dye , Chief National Security , Petersburg , Moscow , Term , Great Powers , Reporting , Secret , Return , Sham Election , Officials , Senior , Confidence , Menn , Intelligence , Another , Mobilization , Military Age , Mobilization Point , Broadening , Military Aid , Europe , Presidency , Fears Of A Second Trump , Fears , John Kelly , Catastrophic , Levels , Chief Of Staff , John Bolton , Second , Catastrophe , Him , Reelection , Communist China , Coat Quote , Words , National Security Advisor , Brain , Relationships , Adversaries , Nato , Prism , Jeopardy , Taiwan , Invasion , Alliances , Partnerships , South Korea , Japan , Allies In Asia , Shortage , Report , Biden Still Battering Beijing , Chinese Capital , Tariffs , Waters , Block , Messiness Of American Democracy Political Chaos , State Media , Deep Division , Guys , Old , Battle , Preparation , Prediction , Six , Leader , State Banquet , Forbidden City , To Beijing , Xi Jinping , Diplomacy , Leaders , Rulers , Founding , Flattery , 1949 , Match , Economy , Sense , Trade War , Goods , Concerns , Wang Yi , 60 , Foreign Policy , Interests , Experts , Trade , Aspects , Tech Controls , B Wilderness , Absurdity , Doubts , Leadership , Admiration , North Korea , Kim Jong Un , Tiktok , Stance , Display , Unpredictability , Kids , Crazy , Bottom Line , Security , Instability , Relations Chip , Ends , Surface , Biden Has , Move , Chips , Hadn T , Shoe , Wonder , Lawsuit , Account , Cosmetic Dentistry , Firm , Twitter , Theorem Body Washes , Weight , Anchor , Britney , 15 , Adversary , Have , Person , Lives , Boards , Possibilities , Lung Cancer , Bully , Voice , Treatment , Immune System , Cell Lung Cancer , Attack Cancer , Immunotherapy , Combination , Alk , Egfr , Devo , Pd L1 , Parts , Up Devo , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapy , Memory Problems , Constipation , Confusion , Shortness , Breath , Chest Pain , Stomach Pains , Heartbeat , Appetite , Muscle Pain , Urine , Dizziness , Fainting , Thirst , Itching , Tiredness , Cough , Nervous System Problems , Joint Pain , Chest Radiation , Weakness , Fever , Flushing , Conditions , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Diva , Immunotherapies , Search , Voy , Dad , Sports , Sport , Ai , Sports Game , Plays , Fans , Ai Highlights Technology , Rocket Money Today Vegas , Want , The Story Of Sin City , Saleswoman , Selling Custom Insoles , Sunlen Serfaty , Accounts , Salts , South Dakota Business , Style , Bionic Woman , Five , Smile , Company , Estate , Praise , Area , Houston , Acting , Consumer Advocacy Group , Calling Foul , Superior Court , Post , Tourism , Slapping , Consumer Protection Laws , Dc Alleging , Social Media Influencer , Advertisement , Dental Care , Exchange , Practice , Ad , Agreement , State Senator , Inquiry , Neither , Statue , Procedure , Payment , So , Shortlist , Being , Vice , Candidate , Meeting , Potential , Vp , Mar A Lago , Situation Room , Committee , Co Chair ,

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