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Trial has been the focus on his decision to buy a gun for his son as a gift, just four days before the shooting. And how that weapon was toward the jury deliberated for about an hourandahalf today, it took a different jury in Jennifer Crumbleys trial, about 11 hours to reach a verdict thank you all for watching. Our coverage continues tonight on 360 the 91 Felony Counts against the former president are now 88 with a judges ruling in georgia. How he came to that conclusion and where it leaves a case already deep in turmoil over the da who brought it. Also tonight, the Trump Takeover, the Republican National committee. Now the person just hired to protect Election Integrity is one of the biggest Election Deniers out there, or keeping them honest. Plus, what comes next after the house overwhelmingly approves a bill that could shut down or forced the sale of tiktok and also divide the Republican Party. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin tonight with Fulton County Da Fani Willis is shrinking Thinking Case against the former president and his allies. Today, the Presiding Judge throughout six of the 41 charges, including three, naming trump, one of which related to this now infamous phone call with Georgia Election officials so let well, i want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 loads which is one more that we have because we won the state, seen as Nick Valencia is at the Fulton County courthouse in atlanta, georgia, us. How so . Talk about the reason that the judge gave for dismissing these charges. Well, anderson, the judge was pretty pointed in his ruling saying that the das office really didnt make clear what alleged crimes these defendants were soliciting from Public Officials that would have violated their oath of office. The charges have to do in part with this socalled fake elector scheme. And thats the scheme from trump and his allies to subvert the Electoral College unlawfully appoint a slate of president ial electors. But it also has to do with that infamous phone call january 2, 2021. We all remember the call, trump and his former Chief Of Staff mark meadows calling the Secretary Of State here and asking him to find more votes. But in this ruling today from judge scott mcafee, hes saying that the das office didnt necessarily prove or make clear to have these charges stick. Heres what hes saying. In this part of this ruling saying quote, these six counts contain all of the essential elements of the crimes, but fail to allege sufficient detail detail regarding the underlying felony solicited. They do not give the defendants enough information to prepare their defenses intelligently going on to say this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. So lets be clear here. The entire indictment is not dismissed. In fact, the most important charge of all the Racketeering Charge still stands as there has there been a response from the das office yeah. Theyre not commenting specifically. They said they star reviewing it, but theres a variety of scenarios that they can proceed going forward. They could either just proceed as is, knowing that they have that rico charge in place, they could try to appeal or they could try to to fill in these details that the judge is looking for and then try to secure yet another indictment, but that would require putting the case in front of yet another grand jury and it would only really string out this its already lengthy process. Did the did the judge give an update on when hes going to decide whether to disqualify fani willis or not from the case because he said it would likely be this week, right thats right remember we talked about last night that interview he gave to wsp radio here in atlanta, conservative talk show. But just out of pure coincidence, we ran into the the judge earlier this morning on the front steps at the Fulton County courthouse, we asked him about his timeline. He says hes still on track to make a decision by the end of the week, anderson. All right. Nick valencia so when us now, cnn legal and legal analyst, norm eisen, also former Georgia Democratic state senator jen jordan. So norm, do you agree with the judges reasoning throwing out these charges, particularly the charge related to that phone call anderson, i think its a reasonable determination. You do need to give criminal defendants an opportunity to understand exactly what the charges were against them. The judge did not dismiss the top charge. Its really the one that holds up this whole indictment. The rico charge, and that phone call, january 2, 2021, trump imploring Brad Raffensperger to just find 11,780 votes that the da alleges dont exist. Thats still there at the center of the rico count so this is a very outstanding, judge. I might not have tossed out these cats, but i see the reason of him doing so. Jen, do you agree because i mean, Defense Lawyers obviously celebrating this as a big victory despite the judge leaving the rest of the case largely intact. Yeah. I mean, i absolutely agree. The end of the day this is really about due process and the only way that you can give someone alleged of certain crimes, due process is if they know the particulars of which theyre charged and here, what we have is, the allegations are that at trump and his team really tried to get certain senators are elected officials to violate certain provisions of their oath, which really the oath is just that youll support and look, the Us Constitution of the georgia constitution are different. Georgia goes even much more further in terms of protecting the individual rights of voters we even have an express right to vote and our constitution. So look, i think the thing is that the da just needs to take this back, take it back to a grand jury. Resubmit it it really is more of a pleading issue rather than a proof issue. And hes hes the judge is basically shown her the way in terms of to make it right. So that they can move forward with this case. But i think theyre just cuban putin, just to leave by the wayside and keep going. So norm was this a failure by fani willis and her team . I mean, shouldnt they have predicted this for why, why bring these charges if it was weak to begin with . Anderson ive practiced criminal law for most of my 30 plus years as an attorney, judges often split the baby. Prosecutors are not perfect. I think the important thing here is that the brunt of the indictment remains intact. The top charge the rico charge, has not been touched, and this call is still a part of that rico charge. It is not at all unusual when you have a big indictment like this for the judge to find some fault with a view of the counts i have to disagree with my distinguished friend, jen. I do not think the da should delay things by going back to a grand jury that would delay to act it would risk delaying things that cases intact. Its of the utmost public importance that we get an adjudication of whether donald trump, who is seeking to return to the powers of the white house criminally abuse those before by a jury of trumps peers and the peers of the American People. So i would not take a chance on delay. Ill note that the da if the da is disqualified, i think thats also unlikely that that would be an opportunity to also appeal this. But anderson sen. Having hit the da today, i think it makes it a little less likely that the judge will do that twice in one week. I mean, jen, if the da is disqualified, this whole thing against her, ella mean that means her office gets off. The case, means its kind of goes back to square one, doesnt it . No, not really. I mean, look at the end of the day while her office may be off the case, theyll bring in another Prosecutors Office budget ensures that thats going to push him back of course it will. Of course its going to push it back. But at the end of the day, what the judge is trying to do is to make sure that the case that does go forward, no matter what he does in terms of disqualification, which i agree with, the ambassador that she shouldnt be disqualified, but it doesnt really matter what hes concerned with is to make sure that the indictment really is bulletproof in terms of any kind of appellate issue that may be brought up in the future. And thats what he did here, not to say that the das office did anything wrong. I mean, this is a case that weve never seen before. So the whole idea that you should know very specifically what you should plead and what you shouldnt play in a case that really weve never even seen brought before for the kind of crimes that have been alleged. I mean, look, they did the best they could and all in all, they actually had a pretty good day in light of the fact that so few of the charges actually, the judge a problem with ultimately are a ginger norm eisen. Thanks so much at the top the program we played a portion of the conversation the Georgia Election officials had with the former president at the rest of which consists of them debunking his Election Fraud claims. One by one georgia Secretary Of State, Brad Raffensberger i just mentioned, hes a republican. He was a trump supporter, but his facts on that call could not dispel trumps lies, even though is another republican georgia official famously warned those lies had potentially deadly consequences for the Public Servants who make elections run smoother someones going to get hurt. Someones going to get shot someones going to get killed. And its not right. Well, as it turns out, Gabriel Sterling is warning, then some threeandahalf years ago may have been prophetic only now is seen as kim law is about to report. And a sick new twist, those who would harm Election Officials are trying to make a police do it for them. Take a look at Emergency Call, reports of shooting underway sean more than a dozen cars from the sandy springs, Georgia Police department respond whats. Appeared for the inside a home in this quiet atlanta suburb but seconds, theres no lights on and house so i have a funny feeling. This is like a swap college or like a Swatting Call or Something Like that. Swatting of fake call police to Law Enforcement of a Violent Crime underway, weaponizing the local police against an unsuspecting victim. In this this case, an Election Official. We all know the intent to swatting has to have somebody come out so confused and the police come out so hyped up that somebody gets hurt or shot what is the mindset of the officer in responding to that column well, when officers in route, theyre going through their mind the scenarios are Different Things that can happen if, if theyre confronted by an individual, what theyre going to do, the hoax creates a situation of a lot of unknowns he is it for a mistake to happen . Its definitely a possibility. I anticipate well probably see some more of these as we get closer and closer to the election. Its sucks, but thats the reality of the world were living in now, swatters have at the homes of four Election Officials in recent months ahead of this novembers election . Election workers already dealing with threats now face this escalated risk, more personal and potentially dangerous attacks. A cnn analysis thats including interviews with 16 current and former election Law Enforcement officials, shows the tech swatters use is advancing faster than the tools available to investigators jefferson city, missouri a call to police a man claimed yet an ar 15 and a shot his wife. The address of the Bogus Incident was very surreal republican Secretary Of State Jay Ashcrofts home i think they sent seven or eight patrol cars to my house walking outstanding in my driveway with all the lights on my hands up. Well heavily armed officers come Out Of The Darkness is a different feeling. This could have gone sideways it could have. They make the most egregious allegations. They can in the phone call because theyre trying to force the police to act out of adrenaline. All your children were home. Yeah. Your wife was home . Yeah were officers all over spread out in their full tactical gear. Your big guns. Whats the purpose of it . And if its ten timid aid, if its to harass you know, its its pretty disgusting that thats what youre doing with your time strikes at the heart of our republic . Its scary that its this prevalent the criminals hide behind Technology Using altered voices like this Swatting Call to local Police Targeting florida senator rick scotts home last december. So its just my scene but extractor three times and for boys, fast, its hiding behind virtual private networks. The fake calls can bounce from Internet Locations around the world, often making it nearly impossible, say, investigators to arrest them i run a swat for higher surface and you can find them online. They operate so boldly and without fear that in about an hour we found anonymous accounts that claim to swat for money and you tell me how it works we are paid and given information on a victim, how do you avoid . Getting caught when we swap, we use Burner Phones and ai generated voices. Hence, we are not traced were not worried even a little bit about being arrested. Its also a reason im talking to a cnn reporter from my personal account you have to make sure that if people put other individuals and danger, that theyre punished appropriately, thats how you curtail this. Thats how you get people to stop doing that. Kim enjoys on saturday. I had no idea that there were actually individuals who you could hire to do others. I mean, thats crazy what else can authorities do . I mean, given the how advanced the technology is, thats being used to make these thankfully bring dangerous prank calls i mean, it to be fair, its a bit of an uphill climb because of that technological disadvantage, youre seeing some effort birds like senator rick scott, who himself was swatted. Hes trying to pass introduce some federal legislation to toughen up some penalties and to make swatting a federal crime. But what were seeing the Election Official level is that they are now starting to do Tabletop Exercises in new jersey last month, they basically ran through what swatting could do to create eight havoc and chaos on election day and on a personal level for them, anderson, what they are doing, we are hearing is reaching out to their local Law Enforcement, sharing their cell phone number, saying please call fully understanding that when 911 is called or an Emergency Call comes in, they understand it is their duty to respond thanks very much, much more now on Election Denialism, thats the backdrop to all this personified by the new Republican Party codeshare, better known as the former president s daughterinlaw, look at the Election Integrity effort, socalled. Shes Just Announced in the Election Denier thats been chosen to run it. Were keeping them honest and later in the possibility, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers could go from the injured list or president ial running mate that and what were learning about a sick Conspiracy Theory he shared privately in addition to his very public antivaxxer same beliefs anderson cooper, 360. Hes brought to you by teba visit. Sounds like td kate made progress with her Mental Health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called Tardive Dyskinesia or td so her dr. Prescribed our stead oh, xr, a oncedaily td treatment for Adults Costello Xr significantly reduced its td movements. Some people saw response as early as two weeks with aceto xr, kate can stay on her Mental Health beds. Oh, hi, buddy. A sadow xr can come lets depression, suicidal thoughts or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. Pay close attention to and call your dr. 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Hold you back, get your third gun relief for just 149 plus shipping and a 60 day money that guaranteed call 1866543890 or visit their body now, americans are doing their best to get by, but with an uncertain economy in prices still rising, budgets are stretched thin. And washingtons new capital regulation is another bill. Americans cant afford. Basel three end game will make loans utilities, and groceries more expensive and make it harder to Access Credit families, seniors, farmers, and Small Businesses are already struggling to make ends meet. Washington needs to scrap basel three endgame and start over. Sorry, body for knowing about actives. But giving 100 of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with Hyaluronic Acid that quench vitamin c tha you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball. Or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. 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Its a fact that a significant percentage of americans more than a third in recent polling, say they do not believe that President Biden was legitimately elected, even though theres no evidence to back that up. Keeping them honest tonight, Election Denialism is now being deeply embedded in the dna of Donald Trumps Republican Party. His daughterinlaw, the new Republican National Committee Cochairs is it seems like pleased about that you have the first ever Election Integrity division at the rnc. That means a massive resources going to this one thing, if people out there, sean, dont feel like their vote counts, they dont trust the system we have, then we are no longer the country we once thought we were so thats lara trump, the new Republican National Committee Cochair an Election Denier herself talking about overseeing Election Integrity. Just two days ago, she also presided over a purge of rnc officials. And who did the rnc choose to run this socalled Election Integrity division . Christina bobb, another Election Denier, and i dont mean an Election Denier curious type. She has been in this business from the beginning. She worked with none other than americans disgrace mayor rudy giuliani, and others to push baseless Election Fraud claims after the 2020 election she was also involved in that socalled vote audit in arizona. Remember by the socalled cyber ninjas who ended up failing to uncover Election Fraud. But thats certainly has not stopped ms bobbitt. She is it seems impervious to shame and relentless in pushing just proven and unfounded claims do you honestly expect President Trump to concede the race . He knows he won. Its becoming glaringly apparent that donald trump absolutely crushed joe biden in the election. Theres massive amount of evidence of voter fraud and statistical anomalies that indicate cheating. They hope that by bombarding us with this news that biden is the president elect, well all just give up and go on with our lives and allow the democrats to steal the election yeah, all the claims she made there been debunked and rejected by courts across the country, dozens and dozens of them. But that doesnt matter to ms bobb or any of the Election Deniers. The grand old party is now Donald Trumps those who run it are all dancing to his tune. Reaction now from mark mckinnon, former adviser to both the john mccain and George W Bush president ial campaigns. What does it say to you that Christina Bobb of all people, one of the biggest Election Deniers there is now in charge of this socalled Election Integrity push at the rnc well, youre right. Anderson, shes been the tip of the spear on election denial from the very beginning, start. And when she was a reporter at oan whats clear though, is that this is become the decoder ring for trump world. In other words, you cant find anybody in the inner circle or the outer circle of trump world anymore. That will not say that the election was stolen. In fact, if you want to make any republican today, squirm just ask him at the 2020 election was stolen and this despite all the evidence that the us side and we all know and yet we also know that donald trump by repeating the lie over and over again as convinced more than half of republicans at the election was stolen and the bottom line is that we know the trump playbook now, which is if he wins, it was fair if he loses it was rigged and i want to play something that larry trump the foreign president daughterinlaw, the new rnc cochair said last month about trumps legal bills do you think paying for President Trumps legal bills is something that is of interest of Republican Voters absolutely. Go fund me, get started. Thats why people are furious right now. They say the attacks against him. They feel like exhibit not just on donald trump, but on this country. I think that is a big interest to be know lara trump is saying that according to cnns reporting, trumps senior advisers insist they have no plans to use the rnc to help pay his legal expenses. Do you think the rnc . May end up paying some though, of the foreign president s legal bills well, she seems to think so and shes in charge. So i would gather that thats absolutely the case. And whats interesting about that, you may know that Henry Barbour Haley Barbour son is been leading an effort to try and ensure that that doesnt happen because he knows is as republicans have open working in politics for years, that low point of the rnc is not just to elect the president , but to provide resources and help for republicans running everywhere across the country. And whats happening with trump in the takeover the rnc is its turning into a trump only effort. And its clear to everybody else down bow and the rest of the country that theyre not going to get any help from the arms. Yeah. I mean, what is the ripple effects of this downballot races across the country . I mean, every does every candidate then basically have to echo trump well, they have to echo trump. Yes, of course they do. But it also means they have to fend for themselves because they just wont have the resources. If the money is going to trumps Legal Support or trump or anything, trump related. Of course, some of it wouldnt a president ial election, but in any other time frame, a lot about that money would be going to help candidates across the board in all 50 states and if the moneys going to legal efforts, obviously, thats not going to happen. The trump team is sort of been celebrating these mass layoffs at the rnc. Whats the what is the effect of that . Well, i mean, the effect is that they have made it very clear that the Trump Takeover of the party is now complete and that you have to pass a loyalty test in lt. Tested moved to florida. I gather to be part of the new rnc, but also again, it goes back to the original point of this report, anderson, which is if youre not willing to to repeat the lie, the main lie of of the Trump Mission here, which is that the election was stolen in 2020. Then you cant be part of trump world anymore. Mark mckinnon. Thanks very much for your time. Coming up, i understand. Thanks. Foreign presence, influence over House Republicans apparently does not extend to the tiktok app, at least for now, both parties overcame his opposition to a ban today, the house vote could potentially end tiktoks presence in the us if its chinese owner does not sell the company, which likely would why it has come to this next. Also, nfl quarterback Aaron Rodgers is on rfk juniors vp shortlist. Sign some Exclusive Reporting On Rodgers History Of Embracing Fringe Conspiracy Theories and is now extends to the Mass Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School lets add what happened to the golden boy of new jersey. I engaged in an affair with another man did you want to be outed . United states of scandal with jake tapper . Ive got to get a therapist if theyre having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn with the Planet Fitness black card. You can join for 1 down and bring a friend for free Anytime Workout at any of our 2,500 plus locations and a joint access to the black card spot joined. Now, 1 down 21, 99 a month. Cancel anytime delands march 15th. Americans are doing their best to get by, but with an uncertainty and prices still rising, budgets are stretched thin and washingtons new capital regulation is another bill. Americans cant afford. Basel three end game will make loans utilities, and groceries more expensive. Make it harder to Access Credit. 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We also make proactive urinary tract health products. You korea is a lifestyle tried today at your core. Com the wildly popular app tiktok could be banned in the us possible in later this year, if yours, the apps ability to let China Snoop On Americans lead huge bipartisan numbers in the house today to vote for the ban for sale cant be reached from a sale would be likely. President biden has said he will sign it should the senate also passed the bill will have more on that in a moment interestingly, most republicans voted for the bill even after former President Trump flipped on a ban and in 2020, he issued an Executive Order to force a sale last week he came out against the ban, was after meeting with the republican donor who is a major tiktok investor, trump denied this week that that meeting had any influence on him. Well get to the concern among policymakers over tiktok moment. But first the politics and Melanie Zanona joins us with that. So talking about the backstory on on why this past despite trumps opposition yeah. Its not often that you see Republicans Defying Donald Trump on capitol hill, but there were a few dynamics at play that made this vote different. Number one, donald trump did not explicitly call on republicans to reject this bill the way he did with the Senate Bipartisan border deal. And number two, donald trump has somewhat softened his stance on this piece of the in recent days. In fact, anderson, im told that multiple republicans have reached out to donald trump and his team to try to educate him and explain exactly what the bill would do it as a reminder here, it is not not an outright ban on tiktok. It would require its Chinese Parent Company bytedance to sell the app or else be banned in United States app stores. And it also does not require american ownership it just dictates that a foreign adversary cant own it. So in the end, even some of Donald Trumps staunchest allies like Marjorie Taylor greene felt comfortable with there their vote and supporting this legislation, even though donald trump seem to be against it, what are the chances is going to pass the senate will there really is a divide in the senate right now. So far. Chuck schumer, the Senate Majority leader, has been noncommittal about whether he would put this bill on the floor or perhaps a different version. And the other complicating factor is that this issue really doesnt fall neatly along party lines. You have progressive senator Elizabeth Warren expressing support for a bill from republican senator lindsey ground that would dictate more strong hunger, privacy, regulations for tiktoks. So for tiktoks part, they are feeling still hopeful that this legislation will not pass. Let me read you part of their statement. They said, we are hopeful that the senate will consider the facts, listen to their constituents, and realize the impact on the economy. 7 million Small Businesses and their 170 million americans who use our service. But anderson, after that big bipartisan vote in the house, it is certainly going to put a lot of pressure on senate to act. No, no, no, thanks more now on why so many policymakers heres a lawmakers support the forced sale of tiktok perspective from mark esper, who was Defense Secretary under the former president and supports the Bill Security as for given your background, can you just walk us through the nature of the threat that you think tiktok poses . I mean, is it purely about Data Collection by a foreign power or is there more to it i think theres more to it, anderson, what is Data Collection . The second is disinformation put out by tiktok to the hundred and 70 million or so american users and of course there is but we know that the tiktok censored certain topics, such as tianamen square, uyghurs, hong kong security, things like that. So you have a number of factors there the fbi director chris wray has spoken about this on numerous occasions as well. And i would note in december of 2019, when i was running the pentagon, we put out a Security Warning about tiktok, the military departments banned it from government phones. And we also put out a warning to Service Members and dod employees that they should take it off of their personal phones. So this is not a new issue either. If, you know, if this forces the sale of tiktok to have it be in different hands, would that satisfy you in terms of your concerns about it . Look, i think so and that seems to be the view of the Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher and his democratic counterpart that that would that would make sense. Clearly, something happened in the last week. Some people think it might have been the recent intelligence briefing that may be prompted this action. So as such, they drew up this legislation that would go after. And interestingly as well anderson, here are the politics of this. Theres some reporting that the white house actually helped the House Committee draft the language in this bill, which shows theres executive, legislative Branch Coordination here, which is a little bit unusual. Does it surprise you that House Republicans defied the former president on this because this is reported he recently reversed course on tiktok, indicating he now opposes a ban. He says it would help facebook, which he calls an enemy of the people and he denies it. This way. Gop donor yeah, it doesnt have good way. I mean, im pleased only 15 republicans opposed the legislation despite donald trump reversing his own position and saying he doesnt support the cell. The politics on this, a really interesting again, the fact that joe biden, who was very concerned about the youth vote, has said that he will swiftly sign it if the coms he wants the senate so quickly. When you have antagonists like Marjorie Taylor greene, and aoc, both voting to oppose it. Very interesting as well. And so all the politics in here make this is going to be really interesting to see how plays out here in the senate to in the coming days, if not weeks, do you think its a mistake for people to be talking about this as a ban on tiktok because theres in fact what the idea is really that it will promote the sale of tiktok to an American Company or just taken out of chinese hands tiktok would still be available but that would be the effect, but its not a ban and its certainly i dont think its an attack on the First Amendment or free, free speech the way the legislation is set up, again with the assistance, apparently the white house would, as you said, force them to to sell tiktok and to get it out of control. The Chinese Communist party in beijing which is under the influence or which influences bytedance, the owner. So there is a way to do this. Look, its not unusual either. United states as the committee on foreign influence, the United States, cepheus, which reviews acquisitions of american companies, other companies, because we dont want foreign control particularly controlled by an adversary which doesnt which doesnt favor us are there other apps are companies out there that you think pose a similar threat to privacy and Data Security well, i think people would argue that yes, there are there other apps out there that threatened private security are privacy and security in this case though again, its the Chinese Communist party that has control over bytedance which controls tiktok or at least has influence with tiktok that would have the ability to influence, again, 170 million americans to put out this information. Arguably the conflict in gaza is another flashpoint that really raised this alarm and concern and then my understanding is that there are other chinese social media sites out there that should also be looked at because they fall into this broad bucket as well. So grasp thanks for your time. Thank you, anderson. Coming up a Cnn Exclusive Nfl quarterback Aaron Rodgers is on rfk junior shortlist for Vice President. Apparently we have new information on how his history of controversial remarks extends to Sandy Hook Elementary School. And the six adults and 20 children murdered there more than 11 years ago. Details and what he thinks ahead looking for a smarter way to mom for the swiffer power mob and all in one cleaning tool with a 300 and 60 Degree Swivel head that goes places of regular mop, just cant mop smarter with this Swiffer Problem introducing the all new therapy the done relieved by theravada. Fda registered signs back because of therapy. 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Jude, how many lives they do save a schist so many charlies progress warms my heart memories a Little Angels like stacey, ai weiwei need your help, please become a st. Jude partner and hope, right now not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. New science shows. Listerine is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing back above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. This three, feel the world vegas, The Story Of Sin City sunday at ten on cnn Our Cnn Exclusive On One of the top names on robert f. Kennedy jr. Shortlist for Vice President kennedy says hell announce his running mate 13 days from now, the early declaration is due to Ballot Access requirements. Some states make of independent candidates a number of prominent names are on the shortlist apparently, but the one attracting the most attention is an nfl quarterback and four time mvp Aaron Rodgers. Partly because of the star appeal, but also for his history of controversial remarks, not just about vaccines but as cnn has exclusively learned comments, hes made in private conversations about the 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting not being real. Gary tuchman has more i know rfk junior personally, Aaron Rodgers, who want a super bowl during his 18 seasons with the Green Bay Packers and now plays for the New York Jets, has been friends with Robert Kennedy jr. For years hiking with them as recently as last month. Im robert f. Kennedy jr. And showing his support for the candidates rebuttal to president joe bidens State Of The Union speech i realize im in the crosshairs of the woke mob bob, right now these days though, Aaron Rodgers, like his friend rfk junior, is his wellknown for his embrace of fringe theories, as he has for his day job cnn has learned that in private conversations, including with cnn journalist pamela brown, rodgers has shared wild and unfounded theories about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting calling the shooting where 20 children and six adults were murdered a government inside job, one source saying that several years ago, rodgers claimed, quote, all those children never existed. They were all Actors Rodgers through his agent, has declined to comment to cnn thats just one of the Conspiracy Theories. Rodgers says promoted a lot of people, including jimmy kimmel are really hoping that doesnt thats rodgers falsely implying jimmy kimmel may somehow be linked to jeffrey epstein. So elicit trafficking of underage girls after kimmel threatened asu rodgers back down. Im not stupid enough to accuse you of that with absolutely zero evidence. Rodgers stance on vaccines have also gained national attention. Use that he shares with rfk junior when asked his Vaccination Status at the height of the covid pandemic. This was his response. Yeah. Im in sderot a few months later, a different story that i knew that this was coming down, that at some point i was going to talk about my status because ive chosen to not get vaxx after testing positive for Covid Rodgers detailed as an orthodox treatment plan. Ive been taking monoclonal antibodies. Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin c, and d hbq, hci q is shorthand for Hydroxychloroquine A debunk therapy also embraced by his friend Rfk Junior Rodgers even challenged Fellow Super Bowl winning nfl player travis kelce, who appeared in a pfizer vaccination ad campaign to a Vaccine Debate using a trump nickname. Mr. Pfizer said he didnt think youd be in a vax war with me oh boy in fact, for me, because they in a on, me this is just conversation im going to take my man, rfk junior independent, right. And we can have tony fauci, his men rfk junior, with designs on white house. Im not super political person okay. Aaron rodgers with injured last season, but is expected to be playing when the jets start their new nfl season in september 2 months before election day gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta jaunes now to discuss the impact rfk junior and whomever he made his running mate may have on the race or senior data reporter harry enten. So how is rfk junior doing polls . You know, i think a lot of rfk junior supporters are those who are not necessarily supporters, but those who just liked us against the machine type of thing, almost think this is almost a joke. But the fact is, its not a jokat look at his polling right now. Hes polling at north of 15 nationally. And i want to put that in some Historic Context for you. The only two other men are the only other two times its just one man who polled at that level this late in the campaign are at this particular point as ross perot in 1990, 2. 19, 96. And of course perot got nearly 20 of the vote in 92 got near 10 of the vote in 1996. And i think the question though is anderson, who would he pulls support from, right . What do you be more likely to pull support from joe biden or donald trump . The polling has a little mixed on it, but it does suggest that he would put more support apart from donald trump, them from joe biden. And i think additionally, if he decides that hes going to go down this road of nominating someone to be are choosing someone to be his Vice President , who is quoteunquote antivax that could only hurt donald trump because the fact is, republicans are more likely to be against the covid19 vaccine. Vaccines in general than democrats pratts are. So this is something i think could definitely play out during the campaign and could have a major impact on the race. He is not on the ballot in every state what swingstate would you qualify for . Yes. So this is the big question, right . I was talking with a pollster friend of mine. He said, i am not going to ask the rfk junior the third party as a thirdparty candidate at this particular point because im not sure hes going to be on the ballot that may be true in a lot of states, nationally, states like california, new york, well wait and see, you know, you have to get a lot of signatures to get on the ballot there. But in the swing states that actually matter if you look at the six closest swing states that joe biden won in 2020, you can see that his camp pain or his super pac says he has already gotten the signatures to qualify in four of them. Arizona, georgia, michigan, and nevada, and in pennsylvania, wisconsin, you need 5,000 signatures or less to qualify in both of those states. So in my opinion, at this particular point, yes. He may not qualify and some of these states that are not going to be competitive in the fall, but in the states that are close, that could actually make a difference in this campaign, the Electoral College were ultimately matters. Rfk is going to be on the ballot. And based upon how high he is pulling it, this particular point, he could in fact make a major difference in turn, one loser into a winter. And when winter into a loser his supporters opinions on them. This to me is the most interesting question we have seen throughout last couple of campaigns, whether it be 2016 or 2000, these Third Party Candidates are these independent candidates polling very high and then sort of fall apart the end, most recently, gary johnson in 2016 and i think the question is, will he fall apart at the end . And if we look at the voters who say theyre going to support them at this point, their opinions on them. Do they actually like them . Two thirds actually hold a favorable view of him. But in fact about onethird have no opinion of him whatsoever. Theyre just choosing him in my opinion because they dont like either joe biden or donald trump. And my question is when they really learn about his views, will they stick by them based upon history . I will admit im a little bit skeptical. All right. Harry enten, thanks very much. Thank you. Next, what reportedly having to Alexey Navalnys Chief Of Staff this weekend exile, plus russian president Vladimir Putins warning for the west on Nuclear Weapons just days before president ial election, the Lab Report From Moscow Next did you know most dish soaps dont remove all the grease even with scrubbing. What i just clean them john platinum, it removes 99 of greece and food residue. Thats why don is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. 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The firstHand Specialist i saw only offered surgery, so i went to a secondHand Specialist who also offered Nonsurgical Options which felt more right for me so what id say two other people with do patrons contractures this dont write find a Hand Specialist trained and Nonsurgical Options today, i found mine had find a Hand Specialist dot com. Did you know theres no t in skechers when he told about it is always been scheduled z and these get to slip deserve a sat phone Luxury Mattress United States of scandal with jake tapper. Sunday, a nine on cnn Vladimir Putin is warning again to moscow is ready to use Nuclear Weapons if theres a threat to russias existence. He also has a message for washington, have us troops are ever put in ukraine. Putins comments came in a wide ranging interview on State Run Media Today ahead of a president ial election that begins on friday, where hes obviously expected to easily get a fifth term in office it comes with his war in ukraine. Now in its third year and proukrainian groups claiming to target inside russia more in all this. Now from Matthew Chance, whos in moscow they called themselves the siberian battalion, one of several ukraine based russian paramilitaries. Now striking across the russian border. Cant verify their video, but the group says it shows their latest assault on russian soil ahead of a president ial vote that Vladimir Putin is certain to win lets talk with me. Never mind voting at the ballot box says this fighter taking cover, join us in vote with the governor. He says his idea is that if its go with it on more dramatic video from another group. The freedom of russia legion, say they assaulted Russias Belgorod and kursk regions two russian villages they say were captured russian Officials Say all the attacks were pushed back with dozens of invaders killed, as well as several tanks destroyed it is ukrainian election interference according to the russian president , who set regardless to secure a fifth term in the kremlin its the main goal. I have no doubt about it is to if not disrupt the president ial elections in russia, then at least somehow interfere with the normal processes of expressing the will of citizens or practice human Rights Groups say that normal processes already been distorted the kremlin crackdown on dissent treating hundreds of detentions at memorials for Opposition Leader alexey navalny, who died suddenly last month in an Arctic Penal Colony all right, you get off chromic just this week. His former Chief Of Staff in exile, lenin volkov, said he was brutally attacked by a man with a hammer outside his home in neighboring lithuania, left with painful wounds and a broken arm meanwhile, the kremlin strong man, hes already looking beyond the Russian Election to the us president ial race insisting he will work with whoever, in his words, is trusted by the American People but he warned us forces to stay out of the war in ukraine abuela, the us has said its not sending troops to ukraine. But we know what american troops would be on russian territory. Interventionists this is how we would treat them even if they appear on the territory of ukraine, they understand this but for now it is ukraine doing the fighting, unleashing a barrage of Drone Attacks across russia like this one in belgorod. These images show a drone flying near a russian oil facility in the city of Rozan Question Authorities Say at least 25 Ukrainian Drone attacks have been thwarted with russias president ial election nears the impact of its War Next Door is being increasingly felt Matthew Chance joins us now from russias capital were more Environment Putin saying that that interview today quite a lot. Certainly anderson about security in russia. He talks about how russia was going to bolster its forces in the west of the country on the finish border to counter the nato threat, finland has recently joined that that military alliance, hes not just talking to the world or to the United States as the election here in the next few days. And this was putin messaging the russian population that hes the strong man and that hes the person they can try he, they can trust to protect them from all these external threats, real or imagined that putin and the kremlin has been talking about for years. There is anyone actually running against putin . Oh, yeah, there there are three people who have been allowed to run against vladimir, Vladimir Putin at none of them are stand any chance at all. In fact, latest Opinion Polls so much you can trust them here, said they dont even register in the double digits in terms of popular i actually spoke to one of them at an Election Event a few days ago. Leonard sloot ski and he told me, look, he wasnt even trying to when he was trying to come second which is extraordinary for a president ial candidate, although its realistic given how the odds stacked against anyone in this Country Standing against putin. Matthew chance from moscow, matthew, thank you. The news continues right here on cnn id right next, don lemon live on why elon musk is telling him that his ex contract is quote canceled. The abrupt announcement after lemons wide ranging interview with moscow we now have never before seen clips from that interview. Whats that musk gauff plus putins red line, the russian dictator directly

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