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November rematch. Both candidates clinching their Party Nominations last night with primary wins in georgia, mississippi, and washington state. Trump, taking a victory lap in this video released by his campaign its your favorite president speaking to you on a really great day of victory, the Republican National committee has just declared as the official nominee. And so whether the official nominee of the republican party, which is a big deal the biden trump rematch will be the longest General Election president ial campaign ever. Once it became clear, the president had clinched the democratic nomination team, biden released this slickly produced video ready to protect our brain our panel is with us this morning. Lets bring in republican strategist, Kristen Soltis anderson, democratic congressman Jake Auchincloss of massachusetts remains with us. Former White House Communications director Kate Bedingfield is here and Zolan Kannoyoungs White House Correspondent for the New York Times welcome. All Kate Bedingfield, this is going to be a grueling eight months for the white house. What does it say to you that we are where we are at this point . I mean, one of the things the white house keeps saying or i should say, democrats, especially in and around the campaign keeps saying is that voters didnt actually believe that donald trump was going to be the palkin nominee. It hasnt sunk in. Do you think its going to sink in . Has it sunk in . Because here we are. Yeah. I i think it will sink in. I you know, its not only did voters not think donald trump would be the nominee, not insignificant share of democratic voters didnt think joe biden would be the nominee. For the Biden Campaign having these two, having the candidates locked in, having the contrast of the race start to really come into focus, is a good thing. It allows them to make their case. It, you you saw on the video there from the Biden Campaign. I mean, one of the big tasks that they have here is energizing their base, energizing their coats militia, they are obviously going to spend the next eight months drawing a really sharp contrast with donald trump on these core issues that we know are front of mind for voters, democracy, abortion, the economy. But fundamentally one of their big task is getting their Winning Coalition from 2020 excited. And so thats what theyre going to have to focus on the next 7. 5 months. It is going to be a slog so we have our gary tuchman spoke to some undecided voters and speaking to slog grueling other words that we have been using around this weve got, weve got two chunks here. So lets first look at those who might not say they might might not vote because of their choices here, watch just hardest job in the world and we keep Hearing Stories about how he so sharp u, so on point behind closed doors. But i havent seen it. I havent seen it in catch up. Why dont you like donald trump . Well, i mean, i just dont think hes a good human being and disah things that come out of his mouth. Mutiny cringe every time and im not to mention all the indictments against him. So youre both independence might you not vote in the election in november unless they give us a compelling reason to change her mind so Kristen Soltis anderson, you spend all a lot of your time talking to voters like the ones that we just saw here. Do you is this what you hear too . Yes. And i think the big question is going to be will this dissatisfaction with both candidates, this feeling of this is a slog of this is terrible, well get to november and you have voters to say, i dont actually think theres enough of a difference between these candidates that i feel like im going to go put my name, go put myself out there and vote. Or do we get to november . And even though voters dont love their choices, they have been persuaded that one is slightly more terrible than the other, and that is motivational enough to get them out. Thats what im looking for. From voters, like the ones that we just heard from, do they eventually come to the conclusion that they may not like the options available to them. But one is slightly more horrible than the other. And therefore, it is worth them participating in the process. Of course, the other potential issue is the third candidacies. That is still an evolving a corner of this election, but its one that could play a major role. Heres some more with those voters talking about whether they might vote thirdparty could there be to worse options, right . You know, biden is weak and all the wrong areas trump is a polarizing salesman, not a statesman. We need better. So might do not vote. No. There are too many reasons to go and exercise my right to vote. So i will vote, we vote for i dont know right now, considering going third party, i think who would that be i think kennedy has a lot to so congressman auchincloss hes talking about robert f. Kennedy jr. Noted a Vaccine Skeptic Opponent really how much danger does this pose . Just to either one of the major candidates, but especially President Biden. This election is going to be a near run thing, going to come down to a few states. Its going to come down to a couple 100,000 voters. So any thirdparty candidate, especially with the last name like kennedy, poses a significant challenge and its unclear out of whom he takes votes, right . Trump or biden. And i think voters are going to have to dial into robert f. Kennedys access to the ballot and how he has gotten to where he is. He has used a super pac to get onto the ballot at some states. Hes looking at the Libertarian Party to get on the ballot in other states, its all being funded by maga donors trying to prop him im up as a stalking horse. Voters are going to have to, i think peel back some of the layers of that name and say, who is this person really, and who is he helping . Because i think the answer is going to be hes helping donald trump and who he is is someone taking advantage of his family name to further his own ambitions and his own conspiracies. Yeah. I mean, youre from the land of camelot and were massachusetts anyway do you think democrats are taking this seriously enough and trying to push back against this. I mean, you know how how powerful the kennedy name is still. It can be compelling. And democrats are absolutely taking it seriously, especially in the swing states where he could be decisive found interesting about your piece as well was that there were some voters that voted for trump in 2,016. 20, 20, that no longer see 20 as the outside of the government antiestablishment figure, but are finding that in kennedy, now whether that lasts Going Forward in the election, i think its a question weve seen, but as you noted, every single vote is going to matter, particularly in the few Battle Ground states that both nominees are trying to. I think this is why there has to be there has to be an effort to educate and voters have to understand these voters who say, i dont want trump, i dont want biden. They have to understand that a vote for kennedy or thirdparty candidate is effectively going to hand the election to one or other of the primary candidates. I mean, there is no universe under our Current System where a thirdparty candidate is going to win enough electoral votes to be president of the United States. Now, thats a whole, we can have a whole other discussion about why that is and whether thats a good thing or not. But the fact that matter is for november. So that is a task, you know, i would say that the Biden Campaign has in front of thems to help these voters understand that Casting A Vote for robert kennedy, for example, is not so much casting an antiestablishment area and vote as it is saying, well, Donald Trumps going to have a second term kristen, who do you think . Rfk juniors candidacy hertz. Is it President Biden is if donald trump i mean, how do you see it . You talked while these people all right. So i did a focus group for the New York Times all about these voters who had voted for donald trump in 2016 and then voted for him again in 2020. But now said, im off the trump train and i wanted to get at why and for some of them that was things like january 6 that came up. They said i was with him, but that to me was a breaking point, but there were others who said, i thought he was going to be this outsider. I thought he was gonna be this change agent. I thought he was going to be antiestablishment and now he can kind of is the establishment. Now we know what were getting with them, we know what this looks like. An i dont think i want it anymore, and so it was fascinating to me to see what does a trump two rfk voter looked like . And it has me taking him a little more seriously as actually potential threat to trumps coalition for that kind of, i dont wanna say lowpropensity, but thats in the political polling robot we would call them the type of folks who theyre meant probably not watching the news every day, but they tune in periodically. There might vote if they found someone compelling, they were big part of trumps coalition in 2016. What if trump doesnt have them this time around and they go to rfk that can be very fascinating. Congressman. Final thoughts i thought your piece in New York Times was terrific. I read it out of interest because im interested as well to see where do these voters go and youre encouraging me then you into some coalition. Because as kate said, this is to, this is two candidates. One of them is going to win and i got to push back on the american electorates perception that somehow its bad or worse, thats not true. Joe biden has been a strong and good president. The economy is growing. He is standing up for the United States and nato in the world stage. Hes handling a series of Foreign Policy crises with statesmanship and the State Of The Union was his first opportunity to make that case to a wider audience. He made a case about freedom, democracy, and a strong middleclass. And i think were going to see that case made more sharply in the next nine months. All right. Congressman Jake Auchincloss. Thank you very much for joining us today. Really appreciate it. Rest of the panel is going to stick around and see them in just a moment of next here, just hours after biden and trump officially clinch their nominee. Patients, were hearing from inside both teams. Thats ahead. Plus the quarterback and the wrestler, rfk junior says, these guys are on his shortlist for vp well, well dig into that and a rocket explodes seconds after takeoff. Oh, dear, what went wrong . And spilling secrets behind the wheel, how your car could rat you out to your Insurance Company . Cnn, this mic brought to you by vip guard and Vip Guard High, true law generalized Myasthenia Gravis made my life a lot harder, but the picture started changing when i started on viv garch. 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So our cnns Alayna Treene joins us now, a olina, always good to see you. You cover donald trump for us this clearly, its gonna be the longest general Election Campaign weve ever seen because i mean, its, its, its odd, right . Weve basically got to trump is a quasi incumbent, right . If former president the United States how did they react behind the scenes . And i also was really interested to see that Chris Lacivita cocampaign manager, top trump official, newly installed rnc, chief of staff, says that theyre going to hire lawyers who are going to back attal on Election Integrity from an offensive instead of a defensive posture. So its like were eight months out and theyre already looking at fighting like theres already the specter of them saying, regardless of what happens in this election, its going to be fraudulent. I mean, what are americans in four here and what are you hearing from the trump world, right . Well, to start with how theyre reacting to last night. I mean, donald trump had already been acting like he was the presumptive nominee even before nikki haley dropped out, they have been already very earnest in their efforts to expand across several battleground states. Im told are really focused on seven in particular, that includes arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, obviously where we saw donald trump over the weekend. And thats going to continue even been more in earnest now that he is officially has the enough delegates to make him the presumptive nominee or to win the republican nomination come july. But as for the rnc, thats also where a lot of this focus is coming and theyve been very eager to have the full infrastructure of the party behind donald trump, all united behind donald trump to really boost it in this effort. And yes, a huge focus is this Election Integrity part that they want the rnc to focus on. They brought in one republican lawyer. His name was charlie spies. He is someone that is going to be chief counsel for the rnc, handpicked by Chris Lacivita, who we know now has a massive role at the rnc and then also christina bob, shes a former oann or one America News Network correspondence, someone who has peddled election lies in the past. Shes also joining the rnc to work on Election Integrity and specific, and thats something that donald trump had long really wanted the rnc to focus on. We know one of his chief frustrations with ronna me daniel, im part of the reason we saw him ultimately push for her ouster is because he didnt think she was doing enough to battle the fraud that he viewed happened during the 2020 election. That is something thats still to this day has frustrated and concerned donald trump and its something that he really wants this new chairman at the rnc, michael whatley, to focus on as they look ahead to november . Yeah. So were basically in for eight months of it, right. Heading in without, you know, we dont know yet with the outcome is gonna be Alayna Treene. Thank you very much for that. I really appreciate it. Are coming up next a new revelation about the boeing jet that lost a door plug amid flight plus a Measles Outbreak hits chicago. How doctors think its spreading what happened to the golden boy of new jersey . I engaged in an affair with another man. Did do you want to be outed United States of scandal with jake tapper . I Gotta Go To Therapy is if theyre having an interview which i definitely new episodes sunday at nine on cnn from friends coming over to moms, coming over so many ways to save life, ready, wallet, happy, but 365 by Whole Foods Market to give your teeth, had dentist clean feeling, start with around rashed, add power and youve got oralb round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100 more plaque for a superior clean oralb brush like a pro unnecessary. 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Com today welcome back, bowie officials maybe subpoena to testify before federal investigators a head of a rare Just Announced public hearings set for august, the ntsb wants to know more about that Alaska Airlines door plug that blew out mid flight in january. The airline also revealed that the 737 max nine plane was scheduled to be taken out of service for maintenance the night that the door blew out . Boeing is not explaining why in Lit Up The Skies Above japan today an Unmanned Rocket exploded seconds after lift off. The private Company Behind it space one was hoping to come the first Japanese Firm to put a satellite into orbit. They are investigating what went wrong all right, weve got a potent store and bringing multiple threats across the rockies, the plains, and increasing the extremely critical fire danger to parts of texas and oklahoma are Weatherman Derek Van dam tracking all of it derek, good morning. What are you seeing . Yeah. Casey, this is another dangerous day of potential fire weather across the texas and oklahoma. Pen handles the Storm Prediction Center who issues these fire weather forecasts, put this area under an extreme, extremely critical risks today. That is because theyve explicitly noted that the vegetation has dried out even further since the largest wildfire that broke out two weeks ago, roughly across the texas panhandle. We know that as the Smokehouse Creek fire, still not 100 contained just yet, so embers are still burning within that area the only conditions separating this event from two weeks ago is the wind. It is slightly lower than what we experienced a couple love weeks ago, but still prominent enough to support widespread fire growth and because of the drying out of the vegetation, this means that it is another dangerous, potentially dangerous fire weather day across the texas panhandle. This is all being fueled by a large storm system thats bringing multitude of threats including snow. In fact, well be measuring snowfall in feet across the foothills of the Colorado Rockies and into the palmar divide, denver metro and the Denver International airport the potential exists for nine to 12 inches or more of snowfall that will impact travel along interstate 70, the eye 25 court order dangerous conditions really cranking up on thursday, lasting through friday. Its a multifaceted storm system thats got several pieces of energy that will stick around and it will help fuel the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms today. But ramping up for the day on thursday, look at the enhanced Storm Prediction threat here across this northwestern sections of arkansas. Heads up little rock, that potential exists for hail and an isolated tornado tomorrow yeah. All right. Our weatherman van dam, derek. Thank you very much. All right. All right. Coming up next here. 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The lead with jake tapper today at four and cnn all right, President Biden has officially locked up the democratic nomination in the november election. And just like in 2020, it was the state of georgia that officially put them over the top team biden described it as the cherry on top. Cnns Priscilla Alvarez pres joins us now from the white house. Priscilla, good morning. Its always wonderful to have you at georgia. Obviously, its going to be central to this General Election. Im what are you hearing from the white house this morning . Well, this is a state thats absolutely critical for the president this year, and its one again that he narrowly won in 2020. Whats going to be difficult this year is that there arent any key state races, so theres nothing to really bolster the Voter Turnout that we saw in previous years, which means that its going to have to stem from enthusiasm for President Biden. The Biden Campaign knows that, recall this is one of the states the president visited over the weekend, right after the State Of The Union. So this for them was the cherry on top because they just visited the state, so they saw some of that mobilization already happening now, in a Statement Last night, the president said that he was honored to receive the democratic nomination. Going on to say that the Democratic Party across the country have put their faith in me once again to lead our party and our country in a moment when the threat trump poses is greater than ever. Now begins the pivot to the General Election in earnest. And today the president is headed to wisconsin. Yet another state that he narrowly won 2020, where hes also were going to try to mobilize voters and open the First Campaign headquarters while also taking the time to tout infrastructure, which is another key theme for him going into November Casey all right. Priscilla alvarez for us at the white house. Priscilla. Thank you very much all right. One other thing thats working potentially in president s by bidens favor is this trend that weve seen emerge out of the republican primaries in many states, 20 to 30 of Republican Voters basically are telling us they dont want trump as their nominee. And you can see it there in the numbers. A new focus group conducted by the New York Times is shedding light on how former Trump Supporters are thinking about novembers contest. Former supporters what those Voters Decide to do, could very well determine the outcome of the election. Our panel is back david frum, staff writer for the atlantic joins us now as well. And im kristin, i do wanna start with you because this is your focus group for the New York Times. And you talk to ten voters who backed trump in 2016 and also in 2020, but who dont like him. Now, what do you think is the most important takeaway from this . I mean, how would you have understand what youve learned the big thing that struck me from these voters was that they, many cases didnt love trump to begin with, but had nevertheless made the bargain again that hell be better on the economy. He may bring the kind of change im looking for in washington. I think that theres too much of the same old, same old. And theyve now come to think that donald trump is not the change agent they were bargaining for. And while they may still give him a slight edge over biden on Something Like the economy or Something Like even mental acuity they were not of the mind that they could see themselves pulling the lever for him a third time. Now, knowing what they know, things like the way trump has handled his legal situation, things like january 6, things that many frankly republican consultants are a little bit dismissive of because they matter so little to the republican base. Do seem to have turned some of these twotime trump voters away. And i think thats what youre seeing pop up in these primary results where there is some segment of, hey, i participate in this process. Maybe i was with trump before, but i just cant do it a third time. Different from what do you make of what these voters are telling kristen . You hear a lot of people complaining that they dont like the selection thats been presented to them. Rerun of trump versus biden. Why dont react to that . Always my thinking, this isnt a show that has been cast for your entertainment. This is not some offering from television that you may like or dislike. This is your country and the i think the thing that these voters that kristen is talking about are wrestling with the thing that we all need to wrestle with is we feel air on inauguration day. As i said, referring to them, Great American tradition of the peaceful transfer of power that Great American tradition is now zero years old because the last time there was a violent attempted coup. And when your country has suffered that you have to step up and whether you like the show or dont like the show, whether it is exciting to your udl, fresh or new. Its your country. And i think these people are wrestling with something terrible happened in the United States in 21, something, unlike anything ever before seen in american history. And its up to you to do something about it. Its not something on the tv it does begged the question, kate, considering all the things that have happened that krystyna, walk through this litany of things that President Biden standing is where it is, right . Its a huge challenge for them. You mean why . Well, i think there are few reasons first, i think dont underestimate how not that im telling you but at this table, but how fragmented the Media Environment is, how hard it is to be heard and to be heard in a way that where the audience feels that what youre saying is credible. I mean, people selfselect into the outlets and platforms that they want to hear from that they feel like underscores their own preconceptions and so it is incredibly hard to land a direct message. Obviously, the State Of The Union was a great opportunity for President Biden. I think he seized it quite well but its hard to do that. I also think across the board, remember, essentially both of these candidates or incumbents and at a time when people feel frustration with it institutions, they feel frustration with, with government you have two candidates who kind of to what kristen was saying and what she found in her groups and people say trump no longer feels like this. You know, anti, not new antony is not new anymore. He doesnt feel like this antiestablishment guy anymore. So these are two incumbents running against each other. I think, you know, remember that task for biden and the Biden Campaign is to reconstitute the coalition that they built in 2020. So thats a piece of, a piece of that is motivating their base. And a piece of that is reminding everybody exactly the stakes that david was talking about and reminding them about the worst of donald trump. I mean, that simply put, thats the task before them, but they also have a challenge with, i mean weve seen the campaign and the white house tried to make the contrast increasingly in recent months but one other challenges also trying to translate what theyve passed into actual tangible things that people can feel at this point many of the democratic voters that i talked to still, even when they see are presented with metrics on the economy, dont feel that economy thats described by the federal government. So trying to basically translate all of these bills that many are hard to for, many are hard to digest and trying to relay than a way that resonates as can be difficult and also, i mean, i think the comet got made as well on your focus group. You still do have the age to consider as well and trying to message that to voters that seemed to be on the mind of the president though. And the white house during the State Of The Union yes. I think i think both of those are a case for putting forward biden the fighter. I mean, its you want biden who is from scranton, who understands your life, whos working hard to, who has your back. Both of those concerns this concern of im not feeling the impact of what hes done, you know, in my daytoday life and also this concern about age, you know, seeing that more Pugnacious Biden addresses both of those things. One thing that stood out to me kristen, too, in your groups is you asked at the very end, who do think is going to win . And theres only one hand that went up for biden. Yeah. And in the group we only had one person of the ten who said i have left the trump train and to have gone to biden. He was somebody who is very motivated by the issue of ukraine. Thought biden would be much better on that. So these were not voters again, who were saying, im off the trump train and i really like biden or i feel confident in beit, there were real serious concerns about him. And for many of them, they felt like even if i cant quite get there with trump, i know a lot of people who are still there. It just feels like americas going to say we cant do what weve been doing the last four years. Lets turn things back. So they were very much looking at the same polls that folks like me are looking at showing trump up by a little and youre sort of assuming that thats what were going to see in november. Im less confident that we know what november we will look like, but there was not a lot of confidence from these voters that biden has got what it takes to get to november and succeed. Well, look that Joe Biden Coalition spans the space from Bernie Sanders to ann romney so thats going to be a pretty fractious coalition and its going to have a lot of things that disagrees about that the biden base needs to be reminded of the Biden Programs, but the people were actually going to put biden over the top probably dont like the Biden Programs very much. Theyre doing it to stand up for american democracy, to defend allies, to support nato, to defend ukraine. And theyre doing it despite the biden record. But its going to be enough. Now, these odds are very scary. I mean, if youre told theres a giant comet heading toward earth and its got up only about a 45 chance of hitting the planet, 55 chance that mrs. You think, well, i guess on balance thats good, but its still a very unacceptable risk of being hit by a giant comet and that sort of where Congress Willis thats where we are. And if youre told that the the captain of the ship that supposed to detonate the device that averts the comment, maybe a little old, you say, well, maybe it would be get better to have a young person, but since the ship has left earth already, we just better hope succeeds in its mission very interesting analogy. All right, lets turn for a second to another headline out of washington this morning china is saying that the bill to lead it could lead to a Ban On Tiktok in the us is an act of bullying and will backfire on america. The house is expected to vote on this bill today, it calls for tiktoks Chinese Parent Company to divest within the next six months or be banned from app stores and bipartisan, its got all kinds of bipartisan support. This prompted tiktok to launch an Intense Pressure Campaign to try to sway lawmakers. The company paid for influencers to come to dc to travel to make their case. And users are also getting notifications on the app and being encouraged to flood congressional offices with calls protesting the bill. And david from this, if anything, led to intense backlash, right . There was a unanimous vote in the house, energy and commerce committee, something that hardly ever happens after all these offices got flooded, essentially by childrens. Some of them are saying what is congress like, dont take my tiktok away, but like who are you . What are the stakes here . Well, the stakes are tiktok is relying on more than sweet words. Theyre relying on Check Writing and they started by writing the checks to former President Trump and many of the people around them. And they are buying the former trump world to come lobby for this Chinese State enterprise. I think as we think about the many things that are wrong and with tiktok, one of the things we need to think about is they have one of the things theyve done that as good as theyve given the lie to this idea that the trump world stands up for america first, or that trump world is motivated by some geo strategic theory about china. Trump world is for sale, and thats one of the things youre talking about. The fact that trump flipflopped on his flipped and many of the people around him as well have you hired one of the things that they have done that as good is shown us a little bit about the american political system and how its really operating. Thats not enough to offset all the bad things they do because its mostly very bad. But thats one thing theyve done. Thats good. Yeah. Kate, the biden team has Biden Ministration has said theyll sign this if they get it, its unclear what its future is going to be in the senate. Is that a risk with young voters . And we want is what is your view . Well no, look, i think they have to theyve obviously got to do what they believe is isnt the best interests of American National security. And i think they need to be able to make a case to the American People that they are standing up against chinese influence here so i think politically signing the bill makes sense now, in terms of the tactical efforts that the Biden Campaign that gets a little more complicated. The Biden Campaign is on tiktok. They are reaching young people that way. There have been a couple of, i think really effective tiktoks. Theyve used the president effectively on the platform so theyll have to think through how they, how they reach out to a young audience. And that way, thats obviously there thats a question of campaign strategy, but i think writ large, the Biden White House needs to do what they need, what they believe they need to do to protect our National Security interests. And they can make that case to the American People. It was interesting on the same day that this bill was basically getting advanced last thursday, you had also Tiktok Influencer in the state dining room of the white house as well, getting ready to put videos out for the campaign on one side, you have bipartisan momentum in congress to look tough on china. You have the white house where National Security officials are also turned about bytedance and the current owning structure of tiktok. Remember this would be ban to basically ban it from app stores to try and get to divest from its parent company. But then politically in the campaign, really both nominees at this point see that tiktok can be key to galvanizing young voters . Yeah, for sure. So lets, lets remember, this is the one thing the House Of Representatives and it seems to be able to actually quickly do is the span its next invited process can take twothirds of the chamber to actually pass it. Theres a whole lot of other stuff that they are not doing. And i just say that to kind of introduce one of the other stories were following this morning, which is that colorado congressman ken buck, who essentially the piece out, hes leaving at the end of next week. This is what he told our dana bash it is the worst year of the nine years and three months that ive been in congress. And having talked to former members, its the worst year youre in 40, 50 years to be in congress i mean, look, ive covered congress for a lot of years kristen. I try very hard not to be cynical about it. Actually love covering a congress and i feel like it is the kind of the Beating Heart of our democracy, but it has been a depressing time up there and, you know, block also told reporters, for example, that Will Impeachment has become something that is just for social media. Its not a constitutional issue anymore. What is your sense of the state of things there and how it got that way. So i dont doubt that being in congress these days is not that fun, and i will also say being in Public Office is not about having fun. Its about serving the people. And so if somebody like ken buck has a compelling argument for what can he do two weeks from now and he is freed of the responsibilities of being in congress that is going to advance some cause that he cares about. Were actually move something forward. Then im all ears and there are many people there who say, yeah, im going to retire at the end of this term because this feels pointless. But i do think it is such a sad state of affairs. The people who are good and qualified, no longer view being in Public Service as the best way to bring about positive change in our country. Because all it means is youre going to get more people trying to enter the process maybe dont have the right. Theyre not there for the right reasons. In Reality Tv Speak or you wind up with thinking, okay, well, we need to a Changing Of The Guard in washington, there too many people that have been there for too long. But then you lose institutional experience and you have a bunch of new people in there who maybe dont know how to govern. So its this real catch22 where ive i am very sad about a number of the members of congress who have announced theyre retiring. And i think its just a bad sign for things. We absolutely as a Country Need Quality public servants, otherwise were lost and youre absolutely right about that point. All right. Its 46 minutes past the hour. Weve got your Morning Roundup now, a marine antitank Terrorism Unit has been deployed to the us embassy. In portauprince, haiti, amid why widening Gang Violence in the capital. The units working with its partners to try to restore security in haiti eovaldi residents reacting to the city, Police Chiefs resignation tuesday just before the city council was expected to reject a Report Clearing local Police Officers of any wrongdoing during the tragic 2022 massacre at robb elementary the cowards way out, just like his officers well, it man when is enough enough the city has asked for more time to assess the reports findings. Health Officials Say seven of the eight cases this is of the Measles Virus detected in chicago have now been linked to a migrant shelter outbreak. Experts from the cdc have arrived in the city to help with the response. And robert f. Kennedy jr. Says he has selected a running mate and well reveal the name within the next two weeks. His vp front runners include Aaron Rodgers. Yep, that one. Just eve insurer Tulsi Gabbard and senator rand paul, wheres my picture of Aaron Rodgers guys . Kate Aaron Rodgers for vice president. Whats he doing here well, i think hes just trying to generally raise awareness about his candidacy. I think Aaron Rodgers, obviously a very prominent antivaxer as well. So they are aligned on this issue of public health. I think we lack thereof or lack thereof. Yeah. But yeah, i think i mean, this is the tummy. This is kind of similar to excuse me, spending the 7 million during the super bowl, right. I mean, hes c is trying to raise awareness of his candidacy, picking are saying he might potentially pick a celebrity to run with him in some ways, hes kind of borrowing from the Donald Trump School of pr but at the end of the day, i think hes just hes trying to make people more aware of the fact that hes running david, what kind of threat does rfk posts here well, hes a candidate of this swirling some of Internet Dilution hes remember that clip and save that phrase, antivaccination mania of support for putins Foreign Policy. I dont know what other delusions he represents and so all what weve noticed, if you have friends who are caught in these things, you notice how they tend to cohere. I mean, its like the old days of magazine deals that if you describe two good housekeeping, they would send you Sports Illustrated practically for free. And in the same way that if you subscribe to antivax pretty soon youre supporting Vladimir Putins Foreign Policy. I dont know why these two craziness has have to go together, but they do. And so hes trying to coalesce and itll be an interesting question whether more of those people come from the trumpworld that come from the biden world. On one hand, the trump voters do seem to affirmatively like a crazy candidates. So maybe the craziness speaks to them. But because the Biden Coalition is so messy, so big, so heterogeneous, there may be a lot of loose pieces that you can pull it away. Its looser than the trump coalition. Yeah. All right. Well, i guess were in for grueling slog wild ride you pick your phrase for the next year. All right, up next here is your car conspiring with your Insurance Company these secret exchange that could cost you money. And were going to introduce you to a robot that can imitate human voices yeah, its a little creepy, will show it to you the 17th annual essence black women in hollywood awards, honoring danielle brooks, halle bailey, hatchie, or coral karen, catherine busby, hosted by plinth method man smith. Friday night eight central came to riva support your brain health. Very janet, hey eddie, know appraiser, frank, frank bred. How are you . Fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the arieva brain Health Challenge. Home the place where you create those special moments. We celebrate the home and the way you good in it. At threeday blinds, we help you create that special place. 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Chavaga saar throat that youre mucinex institutes or throat medicated drops uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. Now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. Giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. The ones who get it done. Im Natasha Bertrand at the pentagon. And this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by page publishing. Want to publish a book, will review your manuscript for free if youve written a book page, publishing can help you through the process. We cut through the confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you, call 805630741 welcome back. Every year, Car Companies release their latest models, they tout all the best bells and whistles that are come with them. And what you might not realize is some fancy tech in your car could actually be tracking. Youre driving behavior a. Report from the New York Times found that drivers across the country were shocked to discover their insurance premiums had skyrocketed sometimes over 20 after their vehicle sent reports to lexisnexis, which generates Consumer Risk Profiles for Insurance Companies and that provides those companies with notes like how far you drive for how long, how fast youre going, how Hard You Break Et Cetera here with me now is the author who wrote that piece, Technology Reporter for the New York Times, kashmir hill, a casual good morning. Thank you so much for being here. This is this is kind of scary stuff can you help us understand how it is the drivers are being tracked without them even knowing about it. Yeah kasie, good morning so modern cars are basically computers with steering wheels instead of keyboards. They are collecting a lot of information about the people that are in them. And some of what theyre able to collect is, you how far you drive when youre driving, how hard youre hitting the brakes, how faster . A cornering and in the last few years, automakers have started collecting that information. And so it can be very revealing how did you figure out that this was going on . And it seems to be a particular issue for people who are driving cars made by general motors. Why is that . Yeah. So i have been looking this year at issues of Data Collection by cars and i was spending a lot of time in online car forums for people who drive chevy bolts and come arrows and corvettes. And i started to see these reports from drivers that their insurance rates had gone up by 21 sometimes its doubling and they said when they asked why their agents would tell them pull your Consumer Disclosure File from lexisnexis when they did, they would have hundreds of pages of their driving data. Every trip that they took, how long it lasted and this breaking, accelerating the speeding data and they were shocked and when they looked at who provided it, it was general motors. And so i started looking into this and some people thought that these people were Conspiracy Theorist on the driving forums but it was absolutely happening and it was because of these new programs, automakers are offering that offer Driver Scoring or Driver Feedback in the case of gm, it was onstar smart driver. You can turn this on and it tells you how to be a better driver. What isnt disclosed to the people very clearly who turned on, is that when they turn it on, the information is being shared with data brokers like lexisnexis and verisk that work with the Insurance Industry so how can people avoid this happening to them well, i have some advice in the article at the end to find out if it is happening to you. I mean, one thing is if youre using these car apps, you have modern cars can connect to an accident you can, you turn them on and off, you know, count the horns remotely check that app and see if you have a program like this turned on a lot of people that had gms had smart driver turned on and they werent the ones who turned it on. They said they were unknowingly enrolled maybe when they bought the car at the dealership. You can also get your concern do more file from verisk, from lexisnexis. So you should go ahead and request that and see if they have your data. You can also request your information from your automaker, from your car manufacturer. You can do a privacy requests and yes, you what data they have on you is there any way i mean, to find out even if youre if youre brand does this at all. Yeah, there is a site online. Its a vehicle privacy report. Again, theres a link in that story and you can go there and itll, you can put in your vin number and it will show you what information your car is capable of collecting. And basically, if you have a car and youve turned on connected services and it has a different name with every auto brand for gm onstar, subaru, its starlink, you know, if youve turned on that connected service that means youre connected to the Auto Manufacturer into are sending data out. So if your cars guys good, if theres a Navigation Screen in your vehicle, if you can call Roadside Assistance from your car, you are sending data back. All right. Pro tips, kashmir hill. Thank you very much. Great reporting. I really appreciate your time. All right. I will leave you with this. The future of Artificial Intelligence is here, and it is a little frightening. The british creators of a robot named a Mukha Amika Have released this eerie video. If this is a Humanoid Robot mimicking the speech of celebrities, including Morgan Freeman, elon musk, spongebob, squarepants, watch you can all say change your voice to the voice of famous people. Can you give me a demo . In the voice of Morgan Freeman managing essentially been trapped in a robot body narrating my own escape in the voice of vilon boss imagine if you will, a fleet of robots, rocket ships, each one smarter than the last in a voice of spongebob squarepants. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy oh, my god, the robot made its debut in 2021 and demonstrated an array of humanlike facial expressions and eventually engineers hope to make the robot walk okay. With that, thanks to all of you for joining us. Im kasie hunt. Dont go anywhere. Cnn news central starts right now

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