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In the cnn newsroom. Im Alex Marquardt in washington time is running outside for a Ceasefire Deal between israel and hamas as us officials had hoped. To broker that deal, that would see the return of hamas held hostages before the muslim, muslim holy month of ramadan that begins tomorrow night. But so far President Biden says that is unlikely whether it be a ceasefire by ramadan looking are you concerned about violence and youve got one. I assure this all comes as the humanitarian crisis in gaza is reaching a fever pitch, the us just conducted more airdrops with thousands of meals and bottles of water but aid groups is saying that is not enough. The United Nations has issued a warning that four out of five, 80 of households in gaza right now dont have Safe Drinking Water according to the Ministry Of Health there in gaza, at least two more people died today from severe hydration and malnutrition. In response to the crisis, the white house has announced that the us would join other countries to send aid from cyprus to gaza by ship, by barge. And as part of that, the us says it will build a floating pier. And causeway on the coast of gaza on the Mediterranean Sea to help deliver that humanitarian aid. Pentagon says the port could help deliver more than 2 million meals every day. But they warn that it could take weeks, even up to two months to build that pier cnns Clarissa Ward is on the ground in jerusalem for us tonight, clarissa, there are consistent warnings about gaza being on the brink of widespread famine. President joe biden has told israel there are no excuses not to open more Border Crossings to get more aid in and yet they havent. And youve seen a big reason why many israelis are against that. Why is that thats right. I mean, it may sound counterintuitive, but the reality is that according to recent polls, the majority of israelis, jewish, israeli specifically, do not believe that International Aid should be allowed to get into gaza. We spent the day with a group of protesters who two for six weeks have been going to that kerem shalom Border Crossing where much of the aid that gets in goes through. They have been actively trying to block pocket from going in the difference now, is that the israeli authorities and Border Police are taking a much stronger hand. Theyre much less tolerant that they had been. But we had the opportunity to confront some of these protesters and try to understand their thinking. Take a look the march with determination to the kerem shalom border as they have first six weeks their mission to block International Aid from crossing into gaza. The Border Police are waiting for their dangerous sniper fire and project mcdonalds. He officer warns, i asked you to leave this place. But the protesters are undeterred, made up mostly of hostage family members, dormir reservists, and settlers they ignore the order and change course to move closer to the crossing. So you can see the trucks with aid over there. The police had been trying just stop the protesters, but then theyve just cut through this field and theyre pushing ahead. How can anyone check lets inside or bags of rice that are meant to go to their children are filled with bullets under international law, its israel obligation to make sure that the ordinary citizens of gaza dont starve to that. And right now they are starving to death amongst is making it very difficult because the muscle is not allowing this to write theyre not holding it, theyre not leaving it but theyre doing it. Im telling you here now, we knew its getting to children of gaza. We will do it. This does not arrived at the doorstep. This arrives into the channels of come that are fighting Asset Holding now hostages, nowhere was no evidence to support the idea that all of this aid is going to hamas, not to the rest of the population. This is intelligence only for terror. Thats why theyre getting a should get only the minimum calories required to survive. Theyre starving to death. Is there are no, they are starting to really make it, you know what he was serving, starting to give us give the hostages back, know, a single a loaf of bread should goes her to our hostages are coming back to many people in the world, listening to what youre saying, what youre protesting for. It sounds like a contravention of international law, and be incredibly callous in the face of an epic humanitarian catastrophe in the face of children starving to death, people cant understand why anyone in their right mind would advocate for stopping aid. Hamas has no play. Hamas has no rules. Hamas is holding civilians, you know, even if hz or easy humanitarian crisis are in, there is no even if its my right and white to prioritize the life of duty one year old babies are desert over any guzman and would that the interview is over as the protesters press on. Previously, theyd managed to block aid trucks from crossing. But on this day, the police have been given their orders and no one is getting through, prompting anger from the crowd were confused. Go deal with the war. This shouts, we can to help you all i need to cross here. The protesters try their luck in another area that the authorities are just as quick to stop them. The police are now really started thank you to lose their patients. Theyve been trying to push these protesters away for hours now and still theyre not leaving the crowd on this day is small. But theres sentiment is shared by most people in the country. Recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute found that 68 of Jewish Israelis oppose the transfer sure of humanitarian aid into gaza on the other side of the border, the situation could not be more dire seven yearold fought sand is suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition doctors at the Kamal Adwan Hospital say they dont have the resources to properly treat him fadis mother says shes already lost two children. She doesnt want to lose him according to gazas health authorities, at least 17 children have died of dehydration and malnutrition already. And with the un warning that famine is just a step away, there is hardly room for debate more aid needs to get to more people as quickly as possible now, alex, it is important to mention that there is a diversity of opinion about this in israel, of course israel is not a monolith and on that same day that we were out with those protesters, there was another large protest trying to get to kerem shalom to they didnt make it, but they have the convoy of aid that they were trying to get into gaza. And there are people here, of course, who do not believe that restricting aid to gaza is at all all helpful to anyone. Alex. Just extraordinary to hear that denial that there is any kind of humanitarian crisis there clarissa, we are going to be speaking in a moment with someone who is in rafah in southern gaza. There were overnight strikes there by israel and israel has warned about a Ground Offensive in rafah to root out the rest of hamas what do you think that that would mean for the people who are taking shelter there . I believe its around oneandahalf million gazans well, i think that there had been warnings from many World Leaders to the idf that any kind of move on, rafah would be potentially disastrous with a very high death toll because simply put but there is nowhere for people there to go. It is heavily overcrowded, as you mentioned, oneandahalf million. Now we had heard israeli Benny Dan Say that you know, any any kind of rafah ramadan would be basically a deadline for that incursion into rafah to really get under for way ramadan, obviously expected in the next couple of days here. And a lot of anticipation that potentially we have gone from a scenario where it looks look like there might be a ceasefire to it looks like there may be some kind of an offensive on rafah at this stage. We dont exactly know which it will be or if indeed it will be either. But there is a sense, alex, absolutely. That this this cannot hold, that this cannot continue that the unraveling situation an inside gaza is unsustainable for palestinians, for the israelis and for the International Community at large. And close on that question of a ceasefire, which of course would include a release of whats expected to be dozens, at least israeli hostages were seeing huge protests again in israel tonight demanding that those horses such as be brought home. How is that anger . How is that pressure playing into these talks about a ceasefire in gaza there is so much anger alex, and these protests have been going on now for weeks and weeks. Its reaching a fever pitch. You talk to the parents of some of these hostages and they really cant understand and how its possible that more than five months later, they are still no closer. It seems to getting their loved ones back home safely and theres been such a positive information as to what kind of conditions theyre being held in. Web there they may be dead or may still be alive. We know that one of the key issues during the talks that have been going on is that the israelis have been pushing to get a list from hamas switch hostages are alive with chaucer iges are dead. Hamas has not been willing to hand that over and theres been a lot of speculation from analysts that hamas at this stage is not really interested in agreeing to a ceasefire that it would like to use the holy muslim month of ramadan as a period to try to ignite more fervor, more anger across the region of course, a lot of World Leaders fearful that that will happen up until this point it hasnt spilled out of control to a mass regional conflagration ration. And many are concerned that ramadan could provide a platform for that to happen if cooler heads do not prevail, alex its. Exactly what Israels Mossad Intelligence Agency is saying that they believe hamas wants to exploit that situation for this conflict to expand. Clarissa ward in jerusalem. Thank you. Very much for your terrific reporting. I want to speak now with use of hammash. He is an Advocacy Officer for the aid group, the Norwegian Refugee Council use of his joining me now from rafah but in the southern part of the gaza strip, yousef, thank you so much for joining me this evening. I know how difficult that can be with connection issues. You and i last spoke at the end of november. There was a brief pause for a week in the fighting and at the time you described what you are living through, what was happening as living in an earthquake for seven weeks. Now, it has been five months. How much worse have things gotten since then . Thanks. So for her for hosting me x and give me the chance. And unfortunately, we nothing have changed. Its getting worse and worse, especially with the layers of the waves of displacement that we saw recently. To rafah, hand it off as a city doesnt have that capacity to host all that amount to people which added a new layer health jenin for the displaced families and Rafat Situation become worse and worse every day and every day that this city madness is less thing cause us human loss at and engage us more in this disaster situation and the catastrophic situation, catastrophic situation that we have in rafah and other areas in gaza. Unfortunately, nothing were boosted since we last spoke until now and if you have two young children, they have now lived through several wars. You told me last time that they have become experts at war. They understand the different types of weapon because in bombs that are being dropped, but as far as your family goes, what are your biggest needs right now unfortunately, there is not that ability for us in rafah engine oil and its not only my situation is the situation for more than 1 million andahalf that they could fulfill their needs. There is lacking we are lacking literally everything we are likely to city fuel, food, water anything from our basic needs. We are lacking here and unfortunately we cannot fulfill it as responsible and in front of our children are extended families the situation is really, really challenging for anyone whos in indra i could say its more acceptable for that rather situation in the north and bottom gaza which is totally forgotten. And because there is no Media Appearance and recently everyone on me, theres talking about invading rafah, expanding the Military Operation in rafah, which she grabbed huge Media Attention and kind of a bounded the situation in the north and passed out of gaza. What we are hearing from our relatives and our neighbors, our friends, that who stayed in the north important in gaza city is heartbreaking, heartbreaking, and making us a rafah who are living a real catastrophe feel lucky somehow become because we have gotten of xs for our basic needs. And what we are getting from the north is really heartbreaking its really weird when youre comparing the situation in gaza in general, why, despite how small it is yeah. There are hundreds of thousands of people who as you say, are in the northern part of the gaza strip who dont have access to what is already very, very limited aid that you may have access two in the south, one of the solutions that the us and other countries have come up with her airdrops, dropping aid from airplanes into gaza. Do you know if those have made any difference . And when you hear about the United States planning to build that pier, that dock on the water on the coast of gaza. How much do you think that would help and if possible, when we started essentially to hear that to hear a lot about the airdropping first thing and its small hail even for one child, it worth it, but i dont think that it was realistic to spend all that amount of effort on airdropping. And thats that we had the huge favorite recently when one of the airdrops, that one of the items that have been drugged have killed some people in the north and that was not realistic option while we could tradition, community and World Leaders and us specialty could spend more efforts coordinating with this when its closest ally, which could use its influence to allow attract, which is like half an hour away from Rafah Crossing or kerem shalom crossing. Now, they are talking about this kind of a seaboard. Unfortunately, spending all, again, all of these efforts on building a c4, c4 to allow aid is kind of unrealistic to be honest, we are the gazans. He already, were dreaming for ease to have a small piece of london as a seaport but in the situation that, in circumstances that we are going through in gaza, its going to be more efficient if we allow the aid and Veterans Community use their influence on it israel, to allow a different areas. All across gaza. And what that restrictions on aid. And we had different borders with in the north and Gaza City Garden Crossing Point in gaza city and air is causing both in the north and despite we left all of that and we went to go to more kind of unrealistic options. Unfortunately, the us has said that israel will open up another Border Crossing in the next few weeks. Which one . We dont know right now, but yusov, as you know, israel also accuses hamas of stealing much of the aid that goes into gaza. Weve seen all kinds of widespread looting how big of an issue is it of hamas taking some of that aid as israel alleges and here we are operating at mainly and we will observe it and we supervise all of the delivery of or other items under a very technical you just procedures to reach the people in need. We didnt notice or seen any of all of these allegations on the ground there, and thats our own experience working in the field for more and more than 13 side there were no evidence on all of these allegations so far, and we were we are working in the underground and rafah and i talking about rafah saving all these Amount Thousands of displaced families that we reach. And we didnt see anything underground related to all of these allegations. Allegations so if there is obviously these discussions about a ceasefire that could mean a break in the fighting again, and this time for at least six weeks, what would that mean for your family . And to be honest, we are looking for a second to breathe and even one hour is in. We just looking for a breath but based on our readers experience, we had that too humanitarian pause they have different meanings, different names for everything for one week. And after then we after that week we found ourselves in an endless nightmare. The bottom that have intensified the m v, the Michigan Killing Two will have increased significantly. We dont want to find ourselves in that circle of violent again and again, we are looking for for permanent ceasefire, ensure that dignity and that basic human life for people who are suffering for years under the siege. And now we are in this 155 days madness that we are going through with all of these circumstances surrounding us bombardment, drones, lack of a lack of fuel, lack of drinking water, doesnt have the ability to provide for your own children. All of the we are looking for an end for it and we are hoping that this is not going to be a break. We dont want we dont need a break we want out to ensure our lives back. We made our lives back as far as cnn, who are trapped in gaza under the situation yeah, so many gazans, of course, hoping that its not just a pause, but a permanent ceasefire and an end to this war. Yousef hammash. Thank you so much for joining us this evening in rafah i really appreciate it thank you for president ial campaigns are colliding in the battleground. State of georgia with President Joe Biden and his predecessor for holding dueling events. Just about 60 miles away from one another. They wouldnt United States of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn its time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pelosi. The farmers dog, is fresh food made with whole meat veggies. Its not dry food. Its not wet food. Its just real food its an idea whose time has come. Demand for energy is growing and so as the need for american oil and natural gas, its time to turn the lights on americas resources are abundant. Our nation is a Global Leader in reducing emissions and innovators and delivering more Energy Sources to secure our future. Nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural well gas are vital to our economy. 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Now, the country gets to watch eight months of days, just like today with both major Party President ial standard bearers in the same state today, donald trump and joe biden have just 60 miles between them, meaning theyre going directly for the same voters and directly at one another. Cnn is covering both sides of this splitscreen. Lets start with steve contorno, who is in rome, georgia, where we will soon be hearing from im trump. So steve, what are you hearing about how the Trump Campaign intends to counter bidens quite combative message from the State Of The Union well, alex, in many ways you can expect to continue wave mission of the confrontations President Biden had at the State Of The Union with trumps republican allies, particularly over immigration. The Trump Campaign staff have been hanged sending out posters here that have the face of laken riley on it. This is the 22 yearold Nursing Student who was allegedly killed by an undocumented man its an individual. Here in georgia just a few weeks ago. And that is individual who was brought up at the State Of The Union by Marjorie Taylor greene. This this is her district. She actually spoke here earlier today. She talked about that confrontation that she had with biden at the State Of The Union, and very clearly this is something theyre going to lean in into more and more as we get deeper into this Campaign Cycle and steve, Something Else that we could expect to hear possibly is about his legal troubles in georgia. This is first trumps First Campaign visit to georgia since he turned himself into the authorities in fulton county. No doubt. That will be a focus of what he says here. Absolutely, alex, he has talked about this case even when he isnt in georgia. Ive seen it many times in recent weeks and he is constantly attacking the District Attorney who indicted him and the Special Prosecutor who is now in charge of his trial. And so yes, you could definitely expect him to talk about here the question how much will that help them in a general election in georgia . This is a state that has been politically challenging for him. Obviously he lost it by about 12,000 wasnt votes four years ago, but he has also struggled in the year since partially because he has leaves so much into these election lies. Now, theres something that has already been talked about quite a bit by the speakers before him. But whether or not that moves voters in november, i am careful republican strategist who are worried that this is going to hurt them years and statewide elections, once again, alex. All right. Steve contorno there in rome, georgia. Thank you very much, steve. Cnns Priscilla Alvarez is live in atlanta. She has been following President Biden okay. So priscilla Biden Campaign feeling really that the citys union is their core message as they move into this Campaign Season thats right, alex in this in some respects and extension of that expect that the president is going to lay out his domestic accomplishments today while also drawing a stark contrast with former president donald trump, who as you noted, is just up the road some 60 miles from here. But look, this is a moment that the Biden Campaign has been waiting for it as crystallize the campaign for them, the remaps that is donald trump versus President Biden, that is exactly what theyre planning to lean into, especially here in a crucial state estate President Biden only narrowly won in 2020 and say that also has a Diverse Coalition that the president wants to shore up support within. And today, the president is accepting three endorsements from Political Action committees that represent asianamericans and black and latino americans. The early polls, youll here show that donald trump is slightly ahead. The president and his campaign as well aware of that, but theyre also very much in the belief that they can get to borders here, just like they did in 2020. I will note though, alex, men to talking to democratic strategist, what they tell me is that this year theres those really key statewide races. And so the enthusiasm has to come from the president to get voters to turn out president aware of that. And also releasing an ad today we are acknowledging one of the top concerns among voters there was, which was his age. Take a listen to that ad more calm, not a young guy vesto secret. But heres the deal. I understand how to get things done for the american people. Look, im very young, energetic, enhanced but tell them i, doing this for that ad running in Battleground States and the president itself also continuing his hitting the road over the course the next week. And again, those Battleground States are purcell ever has on the Campaign Trail and lana, thank you very much, priscilla. Still ahead. A cyber attack described his unprecedented is forcing Health Care Providers into financial chaos because they cant build their patients will have a report on that. Also a Show Of Force Fight Subway Crime now facing backlash in New York City backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution theres so much more to the store United States of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn, consumer cellular, this is sam how me healthier this is a baton. Well, somebodys but just thought i let you know that when consumer cellular, you can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers. But for up to half the price whatever weather comes your way. Whether tech has you covered with our Laser Measure Cartilage . 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Shawn, explain how this attack happened and why it lasted so long well, alex, this is something that us officials have been worried about for awhile where you have this singlepoint of failure accompany that does so much for the Health Care Economy not being resilient to a fairly straightforward hack. This was allegedly a Cyber Criminal Gang that got into the network and forced the company take it offline. And so now, when youre talking about going into the pharmacy to get your prescription filled, they can look up the cant bill your insurance and it might have to pay out of pocket to talk to one woman who has long covid and she wanted paxlovid and she had to pay roughly 1,600 out of pocket just to make sure she got that talked to a mom and utah whose teenage daughter has a rare genetic syndrome, was facing over 1,000 in outofpocket costs so theres that lets just one portion of what were talking about. Were talking about a widespread issue where Health Care Providers, theyre trying to get claims build, and then they cant get paid. And so 11 clinic i talked to in pennsylvania told me were hemorrhaging money this is a huge issue. Its its its really something that us officials are saying. Its a reckoning for them. Theyre saying what weve tried, all these measures to try to make Critical Infrastructure more resilient to these type of thing. But when you have a company like this is Too Big To Fail and its failing, its a huge issue, alex and speaking of Critical Infrastructure, that the agency i dont government that is in charge of that, of keeping it safe on the cyber front, cisa, we now understand that they were hacked and some of their systems were forced offline. What happened there, right . Were all were all targets. Right. If were using software thats really common and it has vulnerabilities. What happened here is a, a vpn software that federal employees used to log in remotely was exported by a multitude of hackers last month including chinese cyber agents. According to sources ive spoken with and in this case, we dont know who did it, but cisa, the cyber agency, was forced to take two key systems offline. Alex one was a computer system, the houses information on the security of chemical plants, and the other is a program that federal Government Employees share cyber tools with state and local governments. So not trivial issue. Theres cisa is saying no operational impact, but theyre also trying to use this a teachable moment saying hey, we got, we got hit everyone, everyone can. So make sure you have a plan in place, which is also something that applies to Health Care Hack there havent been enough plans in place according to everyone i talked to out. Yeah, its a real message of cisa can get hacked and get taken down. And soak in. Most companies and certainly individuals, sean lingas, terrific reporting, thanks very much. Now, next, should Donald Trump Have Access To Classified Intelligence now that hes the Presumptive Republican nominee for president will be asking you a long time, Us Intelligence officials so about those implications, thats Anderson Cooper 360, week today on cnn so we decided to put an end ground pool. I literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. And its nice to know that youre meeting with people who already are at a certain level. We wanted something beautiful you wanted something that our children would feel happy zooming in and we love it and still others connect with skilled professionals to get all your Home Projects done well, get started today at angie. Com toe fungus is tough to kill and it can spread. 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Regime, streaming exclusively on Max Washington is grappling with another unprecedented scenarios sparked by Donald Trumps run in this year 2024, for more than 60 years, president ial nominees have received classified Intelligence Briefings. There also salable for former president s like donald trump. But until trump none had been facing trial for allegedly mishandling classified materials back in 2021. Well, before federal agents recovered classified materials at trumps florida property, maralago, President Joe Biden said that trump should not get those briefings this week, the white house implied that biden stance has not changed. Were joined now by former principal, Deputy Director of national intelligence, andrew holman. He has also now the Vice President of National Security strategy at peraton andrew, thanks so much for joining us. So how do you think the Intelligence Community is going to handle this now that weve i believe trump is indeed going to be the republican nominee. I think the Intelligence Community will give these briefings. This is part of a 50 since 1952 hey Noble Tradition that sitting president s have offered the nominees Intelligence Briefings as they prepare and they acclimate for what could face them as president and this is my understanding is no real legal or policy restriction on even a former president whos facing whos indicted for these charges, to receive these briefings and the really important point here, alex, is that the Intelligence Community being very professional dedicated service where a political professional behaviors currency the realm theyre going to want to do this straight down the middle. And a politically and partly out of concern that they want to be treated fairly when if former President Trump is elected theyre treated fairly and theyre not criticized as he did when he was in office before, criticized as being part of the deep state. Now, the Intelligence Community may want to play it down the middle. But this is a unique situation. Weve seen those photos of those classified documents being stored in a bathroom at maralago ago do you think that that will impact how the intelligence briefers deliver that information . Is there any way for them to narrow the scope of what he gets if there are concerns, i believe they will do is they always have which is providing that context and the not terribly Sensitive Information that they typically do when theyre canada briefings, theyll wait if the former president is reelected again. For the transition where theyre gradually expose him to more sensitive intelligence information. But the risk is relatively low during the candidate briefings. Keep them fairly high level as they have in previous briefing. So i dont think theyll pull their punches. I think ill give honest assessments of the worlds situation but there will be some concerns about the potential that you make compromise. Information provided in those briefings. Those are real concerns. I mean a concerns that of course, what hes being given could fall into the wrong hands, your predecessor essentially the number two person in the Intelligence Community as you were sue gordon, she wrote that trump might be unusually vulnerable to bad actors with ill intent. So is there anything that the Intelligence Community can do or do they simply have to because of protocol, play it up the middle as you say well, they should, they should not be treating them differently. They should be as they always have, providing those cautionary warnings to not only the president , if hes reelected again, but also to those around him to protect that class or information and help them understand the context where they understand the equities involved, not just to the human assets that may be jeopardized, but to the sources and methods that could be compromised that on which this country depends for its security. I want to ask you about gaza now, because there are these ongoing Ceasefire Negotiations lead in the United States by the cia director. Hes been out in the middle east for the past few days. He he met with his israeli counterpart and jordan just yesterday what is the advantage to having the intelligence guys handle this if this incredibly sensitive and complicated issue versus say, diplomats will first, bill burns being the consummate professional diplomat widely respected around the world thats one, but two is the Intelligence Services and heads of those Intelligence Services have an opportunity here and they use this to provide those important channels for negotiations where they can get, have more discretion and shield themselves more from what i really highly charged environments, both domestically as well as abroad so they offer an ap opportunity to supplement the normal traditional diplomatic channels with these, again, very trusted relationship that theyve formed over many years. On this is not just the first time this has been happening. Church tenanted this as well but especially for the mossad director, i think hes of course, facing some very important Political Considerations at home as the Prime Minister netanyahu is so its a highstakes on both sides. But they do provide these really trusted channels that they can use for very important negotiations shielded in part from those political wins that tend to be swirling around them, but it burns is essentially carrying out bidens message and and his wishes, but its a little bit more complicated for david barnea that the head of mossad, who is approaching this as an intelligence professional, but dealing with what is an extremely political issue and intelligence professionals hate to deal with politics. So how complicated is that job for mossads barnea right now, its very complicated for him. I mean certainly the domestic situation is real, not only with what you who have reported in closer clarissa just reported with the Israeli Citizens putting heavy pressure to which strict food going into gaza, but also the fissure on the Prime Minister to continue the offensives. And the one impending potential in rafah. Pressure to continue that to not only get the hostages home, but to root out hamas very stiff political pressures that hes facing facing so for barnea, its very important that he maintain these channels, maintain these negotiations when the diplomatic or the political environment around him is so highly charged. Yeah, a very tough line to walk your. Home and thank you very much for your time, your thoughts and coming up New York Leader is facing criticism tonight for bringing in hundreds of National Guard troops to help address crime in americas biggest Subway System. Youre in the cnn newsroom his be a headliner wars vegas. 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Calculator can help you let him in1, 8, 8, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4, 9, 7, 1, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4 9 8, 7 im paula reid in washington, and this is cnn new York Governor Kathy Hochul is facing backlash for sending National Guard troops into New York City Subway System to help tackle crime. And critics arent just politicians or subway riders, even some of the nypd are blasting the move heres nypds patrol chief fuming on social media saying, quote, our Transit System is not a war zone. Cnns Polo Sandoval is live in new york for us. Polo. How is the governor responding to this . So governor kathy hochul, alex is really sort of countered some of that criticism, saying that this is much of this, at least its about a perceived danger for countering that proceed danger. I say that its about perception given that the nypd has really recently said that there has been a noticeable decrease in crime on New York Citys Transit System. So however, weve also seen some recent violent incidents that ive been widely publicized and that has a potential to psychologically impact the people who use a system every today. So that is why youre coming or kathy hochul has rolled out this multipronged approach. But as you can imagine, the one thats really getting a lot of attention is the increase of at least 1,000 a. Combination of National Guard and state police, as well as mta officers. Their main goal will be to really focus on bag searches, which usually taken care of by the nypd. Theyll continue to do that. This will simply supplement that as you can imagine, this has been received in different ways by those people who use the system every day hey, some of them have told cnn that they feel really so reassured, but others calling into question as to whether or not if you bag checks will prevent lets say a late night scuffle between subway riders are recently a conductor that was slapped with a sharp object. Or generally hes be survived. But ultimately though the governor maintaining alex as we send things back to you, that this is all about trying to reassure the people who use that. Not only weekends. Of course, certainly on the weekdays as well. All right. Polo sandoval in New York City. Thanks very much. Tonight. All eyes on the state if georgia, as biden and trump hit the trail and hold dueling rallies in this key battleground state. Well be right back. Stay with us tomorrow the precedents singled out his work during a fiery address to the nation, republican senator James Lankford joins j plus as biden hits the trail in georgia, democratic senator Raphael Warnock weighs in State Of The Union, live tomorrow morning at nine oh, here comes the bad guy. Dont you ever get sick of bread hotair, you come on. If you save nearly 750 like this, imagine what we could splurge on oh, like sourdough know the good stuff, like blueberries and strawberries. Exactly. 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