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You watching us here in the United States, canada, and all around the world. Im Kim Brunhuber. This is cnn newsroom efforts to air drop aid into gaza turned deadly as a parachute malfunctions. Were live in cyprus with look at what this says about the ongoing struggled to respond to an exploding humanitarian crisis. Plus us President Joe Biden takes his fiery state of the Union Message on the road. As he kicks off a Battleground State tour. Well look at how his message is resonating on the Campaign Trail and bragging about turning to roe v. Wade. Have no clue about the power of women reproductive rights are hot topic this Election Year will look at how the issue is motivating those going so the polls live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with Kim Brunhuber in the past hour or there has been a new air drop of aid into gaza. Have a look here. You can see the parachutes and aid pallets in this video. Now we dont know which country dropped this aid, but its one of many airdrops thats happened over the past few days in washington. New information about President Bidens plan for a floating aid pier in gaza. The pentagon now says it could take up to two months and one troops to build the pier in cyprus, European Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen toured the staging area for a new Maritime Aid Corridor Into Gaza. Cyprus is the closest eu member too. Gaza, it says it bears a moral duty to help ease the humanitarian crisis. But aid group midsized songful dont yell says, instead of trying to create a work around, the us, should insist on immediate humanitarian access using the roads and entry points that already exist. Meanwhile, one, a drop of aid has had a fatal outcome. A journalist on the scene tells cnn that at least five people were killed when airdropped packages hit them. This video obtained by cnn shows the moment things went wrong, you can see a Parachute Malfunctioning and the pallet it was holding rapidly falling its not clear which country conducted this aid drop israel says it welcomes the eu plan for a new Maritime Aid Corridor Into Gaza cnns nada bashir went to cyprus to get a firsthand look at the project and talk with some of the people making it happen. The port of larnaca, cyprus preparations are underway. Vital Food Supplies carefully loaded onto this barge ready to be transported to Gaza Ngo Workers At World Central Kitchen have been laying the groundwork for this mission for weeks following difficult ground the crossings along gazas obstructed borders and limited air drops. This is their latest effort to supplying crucial humanitarian aid to the Palestinian People what these pilots off filled with rice and flower, these volunteers are preparing to carry them by this vessel behind me to gaza. This could be one of the first, if not the first aid missions, transporting food, humanitarian aid by sea. Aboard the open arms ship. Volunteers and Rescue Workers assess the precarious route to gazas embattled coast the Mission Comes as the european union, the uae, and other International Partners announced the opening of a new maritime corridor allowing ships to carry humanitarian supplies from cyprus to the besieged strip. Today, we are facing a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine. Search and rescue coordinator, s to camps is herself preparing to make the journey to wartorn gaza first part of the 1. 2 meters, this is a deeply complex mission, but one which is desperately needed. As gaza teeters on the brink of famine, its really important because we are like the pilot phase so if we get this food inside, many other people can do the same we are proving the world that we can do it. So we must the establishment of a new maritime corridor has been endorsed by the United States President Biden himself directing the us military to establish a temporary port on gazas coast to facilitate access for humanitarian supplies. Israel, for its part, says, it welcomes the development and well continue to coordinate with International Allies but un experts have accused israeli leaders of quote intentionally starving the Palestinian People in gaza with over half 1 million according to the uns world food programme. Now at risk of starvation and nada bashir joins us now, live from cyprus. So nada President Biden announced the us military will establish a port in gaza could receive those large shipments critical medical supplies and food. But as i said earlier, the us says it could take months to build that peer. People have gaza are starving right now. Will that pure be too little too late . Well, that is suddenly the fear we know of course that discussions around a possible maritime corridor, and of course also some sort of period hello, Temporary Port Facility have been on the table for weeks, if not months, there has been mounting pressure on the International Community has come to some sort of decision to find a solution pushing to get more aid into gaza. But the situation inside gaza is growing more desperate by the hour, according to the United Nations run half 1 million the people. Now inside gaza are at risk of starvation. So the pressure is certainly mounting. The hope, of course, is that this maritime corridor will allow for a significant uptick in the amount of humanitarian aid. And crucially in the amount of food and Safe Drinking Water getting into the gaza strip. But of course, there are still a lot of unknowns as he saw in that report, we were able to speak to a number of aid workers and volunteers now preparing to actually travel to gaza to take Food Supplies to the gaza strip. According to people on the ground, aid workers involved in this mission, there are still questions around how that aid will actually be at transported physically from these boats on to the gaza strip. How they will be distributed. And of course, the Security Concerns around the access and the way in which the israeli authorities and military on the ground will cooperate would this aid mission all right, so thats maritime aid. Then theres aid by air, as we showed our viewers moments ago, these aid airdrops, they mean well, but can also be dangerous for civilians. Whats the solution here . Absolutely. And we saw of course that tragic a horrifying incident. And im the People Killed as a result of a malfunctioning age up clear again, which country was behind this airdrop of humanitarian aid . The us pentagon, and it wasnt a us airdrop. They did carry out their fourth air drop on thursday and friday morning that brings the number of meals that have been adjunct so far by the United States to over 120 i wasnt meals. So this is a significant development. The hope is up. This provides some rare sight for those in gaza. But as i said, kim, this is not a perfect solution fatty this one which has drawn criticism from International Aid organizations who have described this as a temporary measure, as a sort of bandaid on the crisis at hand on the ground in gaza also, what they are calling for is for more effort, more pressure to be put on the israeli authorities, on the Israeli Government and the military by the International Community and by israels allies. In the United States to allow for more aid to get in via ground crossings. That is the focus for many aid groups. We heard from the un earlier in the week saying some 40 2 of aid missions under their coordination, getting in on the ground were either denied, obstructed by israel last one. So a lot of pressure still from International Aid organizations for International Partners, likely the us to pressure israel to allow more aid in via ground, not by air, by sea. All right, appreciate all the great reporting out there in cyprus. Nada bashir, thanks so much. House. The eve of ramadan and joe biden has doubts while on the Campaign Trail in pennsylvania, the us president appeared unsure over the prospect of striking a deal that would see a temporary ceasefire in gaza and hostages released by the start of the holy muslim month. Here is whether it be a ceasefire by ramadan its looking tough are you concerned . And about violence . And without one, i assure early i spoke with tony nemo, stuff, Senior Analyst with the International Crisis group, and we discussed the importance of striking a hostage deal before the ramadan holiday and why the stakes are so high issues ramadan is where weve usually seen some of the worst violence between israel, palestine, over the last couple of years. And especially now given whats happening in gaza, the potential looming invasion of rafah, which is really analysts are warning its not a matter of if, but when also not to mention often israel tends to use around with it. Theres an opportunity to implement them provocations in the alaqsa compound in jerusalem, which in the past weve seen has tend to offset things well beyond east. Jerusalem and where weve seen a spillover of conflict into the west bank. And in may 2021, we even saw it between in gaza and israel. Yeah, obviously a huge flashpoint. So do you think it will be a catalyst for more violence across the region it could well be, especially if israel goes ahead with its intended invasion with rafah, which has already said that israel is prepared to go i so there has been absolutely no pressure on israel in order to scale back its campaign at the same time, weve seen israeli politicians insights simply through rhetoric at the moment, nothing has been actually put in policy yet, but they have been calling for incitements such as restricting access to worship in the alaqsa compound as well as the uptick in terms of searching the rest operations weve seen across the west bank and over the last couple of months, especially we have seen a significant rise in militancy there is a real potential that this could very well spill beyond gaza President Biden is ramping up his Reelection Campaign and writing the momentum from his feisty State Of The Union speech, he kicked off a tour of Battleground States with a visit to pennsylvania on friday president went on the offensive after donald trump, after super tuesday set up their rematch in november. Here is donald trump with the maga republicans are trying to take away our freedoms. Donald trump he came to office, determined to overturn roe v. Wade. Donald trump now she wants to repeal the Affordable Care act. Donald trump ignite enacted a 2,000,000,000,000 tax cut when he was president overwhelmingly benefited the very wealthy biden is looking to highlight the stark differences between himself and trump as he hits the Campaign Trail in the coming days, the president is expected to hold a rally here in georgia later today. Meanwhile, donald trump cozied up to hungarys authoritarian leader, viktor orban at his florida resort on friday, a meeting with biden pounced on you know who hes meeting with today . Down to maralago or ban hungary, who stated flatly he doesnt think democracy works. Hes looking for dictatorship cnns mj lee reports the Biden Campaign is going on the offensive and fridays rally in pennsylvania. It was just the beginning President Biden hitting the road the day after delivering one of the most pivotal speeches of his presidency in his First Campaign stop after his state of the Union Address, our freedoms really are on the ballot this November Donald trump with the maga republicans are trying to take away our freedoms. Thats not an exaggeration or guess what we will not let him the Biden Campaign announcing a flurry of upcoming travel, promising to send biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to every Battleground State in the coming weeks other top surrogates, including the first lady and the second gentleman also preparing to hit the road also coming for the campaign in the month of march 1 hundred new offices and 350 new staff. Always be president for all Americans Plus A Brand New digital well and Tv Ad Campaign to the tune of 30 million over six weeks. The state of our union is strong and getting stronger all of this part of a major push by the Biden Campaign to build on the political momentum coming out of the State Of The Union in a fiery and highly political speech. This is a moment to speak. The truth and the bury the lives, the president repeatedly invoking his 2024 gop rival though not by name. Mark processor, my predecessor, hot furnace my predecessor fail, and at times taunting the republican lawmakers in the chamber. Thats the proposal you guys dont want another two trillion dollar tax cut. I kind of thought thats what your plan was. Biden 69 minutes speech heavy on economic populism, are see a future finally as a fair shot, and the wealthy have to pay their fair share in taxes. A vision of strong American Leadership abroad. History is watching. United states walks away it will put ukraine at risk and protections of individual freedoms and rights, including access to reproductive care, guard promise you ill restore roe v. Wade as the law of land again. The evening, appearing to rally the president s supporters and National Democrats as they all anxiously anticipate a biden trump rematch in november and this banter caught on a hot mic after the speech. Speaking volumes about the president s increasingly strained relationship with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shes are just and President Biden did address that hot mic moment, telling reporters and joking with them that they were eavesdropping on his conversation. But on a more serious note, he did say that prime minute mr. Netanyahu does need to do more to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in gaza the israel war does remain a tough issue for President Biden politically, as we were coming into this event in the suburbs of philadelphia, we spoke with protester who said that she would like to see the president call for a permanent ceasefire. Of course, a position that the president has yet to take, mj lee, cnn, and wallingford, pennsylvania the Us Senate Passed a slate of Government Funding bills just hours before the deadline to avert a partial government shutdown, lawmakers on friday approved the package of six spending bills by a vote of 75 to 22, hut to President Bidens desk for his signature. The bills were backed by the Top Democrats and republicans in both the senate the house. Now its a significant breakthrough in bipartisanship after months of lawmakers waiting until the 11th hour to pass stop gap bills theyre not done yet. They still need to finalize and pass a second slate of Funding Bills before march 22, us military Helicopter Crash near the border with mexico on friday, killing two soldiers and a Border Patrol agent, a local judge tells Cnn The Helicopter was following migrants before going down in an open field near Rio Grande City in texas both of the soldiers who died were national guardsman. Another soldier was injured. The cause of the accident is under investigation donald trump is paying up posting a nearly 92 million bond in one new york case. But really have enough money to cover other massive legal fees thats still to come plus big question in a michigan courtroom, should the father be held responsible if his teenage son committed a Massacre Shooting thats ahead and flash floods and Severe Weather in store for the southeast and beyond. Therell be a soggy day hey, across the east coast all day today. And then toward the northeast tonight, forecast coming right up can the riva support your brain health . Mary janet. Hey, eddie know fraser, frank, frank bred. How are you . Fred fuel up to devin brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva Brain Health Check their skin is ever changing take care of it with gold ponds, age, renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. 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All in one, dont take if allergic to nurtac, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtac go dt. If you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a Domino Effect new Periodontics Act Of Gummer pair Breath Freshener clinically proven to help reverse the for signs of early gum disease. A new toothpaste from periodontics, the dom experts were tracking Donald Trumps enormous cash crunch from multiple legal judgment fees and penalties you just posted a nearly 90 2 million bond in the E Jean Carroll Defamation Cases. He appeals the judgment against him and thats just a drop in the bucket. Hes on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars more. Cnns brian todd takes a closer look. They attack my business. I built a great business. The former president s projection of himself as a Star Businessman with deep pockets facing a stern challenge. Donald trump on friday, posted a bond of nearly 92 to cover the damages in the E Jean Carroll Defamation Case as he appeals the judgment against him in that case, and Insurance Company called chubb, Underwrote The Bond Trump posted on friday, but trump still owes damages of 454 Million Dollars for a separate judgment against him in the new York Attorney generals civil fraud case. And while hes appealing the case, hes only got until march 25th to pay that off. That isnt really big buying up, particularly because theres a Clock Ticking on it its a very tight timetable, one in someone would that wealth might be able to raise cash if you give them enough time. But would this kind of situations where a hard another hit, hes been ordered to pay 385,000 in legal fees to accompany. He sued in the Christopher Steele dossier case and hes got other mounting legal fees that he owes for litigation in the four criminal trials, hes facing. All of this raising questions about trumps ability to pay. This has gotta be really straining his finances. A donald is always had a House Of Cards financial structure the former president s finances are an opaque, complicated tangle. Forbes estimates his net worth and about 2. 6 billion. But most of it is tied up in real estate could he sell one or more of his Famous Properties to cover it . Thats are the cell real estate very quickly. Unless youre doing a fire sale on the assets, which you wouldnt want to be doing, could he spend Campaign Money to pay the new york civil judgment . The New York Times recently reported that one of trumps Political Action committees spent about 50 million in donor money the last year to pay Legal Expenses for him. But because that new york civil case was not related to his campaign or his conduct as president. He likely wouldnt be able to use his packs to pay that judgment. He could sell his stake in his social media platform. Truth social, a pending merger between the Parent Company of truth social and another firm could make trumps stake worth about 4 billion. But if this company can even merge to go public he would have to wait six months to be able to sell anything that raises another possibility. I think donald may file personal bankruptcy as a strategic move to delay collection of these cases. His goal would be to get past november 5, day of the president ial election. Another hurdle trump is facing is that some of the worlds biggest banks stopped lending to him a while ago, deutsche bank, which often lended money to trump for his property deals, ended its relationship with him after the january 6 attack on the capitol. Axos bank from california, did give trump a 100,000,000 loan in 2020 but its not clear if that bank would lend to them again cnns calls to axos and its Chief Executive were not returned. Brian todd, cnn, washington the trial of a father whose son was convicted in a deadly Michigan School shooting has adjourned for the weekend. James crumbley faces Manslaughter Charges because prosecutors say he bought the Murder Weapon for his son four days before the attack and failed to secure it despite signs, his son was struggling with his Mental Health companies. Wife was recently convicted of the same charges. Detective who interviewed crumbley, took the Witness Stand on friday i just six minutes and 45 seconds. James told you that he had a six hour handgun . Yes. Its six minutes and 50 seconds. He said that it was hidden in an armorer in a case correct . Its six minutes and 58 seconds. And these are approximate time stamps. Im not holding you to them to take really appreciate it. Six minutes and 58 seconds that the bullets were hidden in a different spot under genes Ethan Crumbley killed four people and wounded seven at a high school in oxford, michigan in 2021, he serving a life sentence. James crumbley has pleaded not guilty. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted Severe Weather is making its way through parts of the us. Potential tornado was reported overnight in Southeast Alabama and Flash Flooding and other Severe Weather is expected to sweep across the deep south and beyond. More than 20 Million People from louisiana to the carolinas are at risk for excessive rain today cnn meteorologist chad myers has details good morning, kim. A very wet day across the east and southeast today and eventually up toward the northeast all the way even into new england by later on tonight, cold front coming through through a lot of rainfall along it to the north of this warm front here. Thats where the heaviest rain will be running up over the top. You may not see the sky at all today. Low clouds, fog all the same two to three inches of rainfall could be likely. And then we could see six to ten inches of snow in that colder air on up toward the north. And yes, there you see it as it begins to build on up into the catskills, the adirondacks, and all the way up through the green of White Mountains of into new england. Theres going to be an awful lot of rain. Theres even a Flash Flood Threat today. Some spots could see two to four inches. If you see one of those areas that has already seen a thunderstorm and the overnight and another one goes over it and then another thats the likelihood of seeing that Flash Flooding there. But some of these numbers of where we are our for 2024 montgomery, alabama, not even counting how much rain they got last night yet because we dont just know, but already six inches of rain abovenormal forward the year and still more rainfall possible for later on. Now this is the area that could see some Severe Weather. Were talking about some hail, maybe some gusty winds, and even the potential for another there are tornado or two. But its still very mild in the plains. This is not a very potent cold front. This is still going to be fairly mild and were talking about 52 in kansas city. This is still above normal for this time and it stays that way all the way through the week. We arent going to see a cooldown. And in fact, look at minneapolis 64 degrees monday and tuesday. When you should be out there still playing hockey on the ranks or at least maybe ice fishing up north but not this year and know how can we see 38 degrees for an average high. And were going to be in the middle 60s. Kim anger over the loss of reproductive rights in the us has been driving voters to the polls and helping democrats score big wins while dig deeper in a tank with a gender equity Advocate Get Plus Crane moves ahead with a plan to get more arms and ammunition as western Military Supplies run low backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution theres so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on dry skin is sensitive skin too. And its natural treated that way with a Vino Daily Moisture formulated with nourishing prebiotic. Okay. Its clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours the vena. With so many choices on booking. Com, there are so many tina feys. I could be. So i hired her body doubles 30,000 followers, tina and a boutique hotel. Her 30,000 steps gene at a mountain cadden booking. Com. Booking dot yeah allergies with allegro. They wont stop me. Nothing beats allegro. 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And called for more action on womens rights and gender equality, including additional protections for reproductive rights now here in the us, anger over the 2022 Dobbs Decision which ended the constitutional right to abortion led to a string of democratic victories in 2020, 2. 20, 23, the Biden Campaign has put reproductive rights front and center in 2024 the president acknowledged the power of that voting bloc in the state of the Union Address on thursday, areas bragging about overturning roe v. Wade. Have no clue about the power of women, but they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot, we want in 2020, 2. 20, trying to win again in 2024 a recent poll from kff found that respondents trust biden more than former President Donald Trump on Abortion Policy. 38 say they think biden will move us Abortion Policy in the right direction compared to 29 for trump. He really knows maguire is the Executive Director of urge unite for reproductive and gender equality. And she joins us from silver spring, maryland. Thank you so much for being here with us. So if the State Of The Union was any indication, abortion will be a main issue for democrats so starting off, what did you make of what biden said, how he set it and how it will be a preview of what well hear no doubt from bananas allies during the next eight months or so thank you so much for having me. What we heard in the State Of The Union is the cold truth, which is that the Dobbs Decision overturning Abortion Rights has infuriated voters. We have seen overwhelming Voter Turnout to defeat bans on abortion and fight for access in the last several cycles. And were going to see it again in 2024. Yeah, it is clear is something democrats feel will be a winning issue for them and tying donald trump to repealing of roe v. Wade is crucial strategy here was Vice President Kamala Harris on the Campaign Trail talking about donald trump here he is proud proud that women across our nation are suffering proud that doctors and nurses could be thrown in prison for admission in a string care proud of that, young women today have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers how did he . That was where i was, you know, no one has been jailed for administering care under these new laws, but the suffering shes talking about, democrats tried at the State Of The Union to humanize that story with some of the guests they brought a dr. Who said she provided an abortion to a girl whod been raped and denied care to women who fled their home states because they wanted to abort fetuses that had fatal abnormalities . What have you been seeing and hearing about womens suffering as they tried to get access to abortions and reproductive care well, what we know and unfortunately weve had a lot of new research coming out postdobbs. But about a third of the patients who needed abortions have been forced to leave their states. Now, were not talking about a 45minute drive. Were talking about hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles, people taking plane rides to stay somewhere else for weeks at a time and about a third of the people who would have sought Abortion Care have been forced to continue a pregnancy that they did not want. And so what we have is a generation of families that are struggling when they knew that they did not want another child and are now forced into both the health and economic consequences of a pregnancy that they did not choose yeah, i think this statistic is 1. 3 women live at least an hour away from that kind of care. So according to a new poll by camp, have one in eight, say abortion is the most important issue in the 2024 election. So now in the months leading to november, what kind of Grassroots Efforts are happening right now to mobilize voters on this issue. Well, first and foremost, theres a tremendous amount of energy going into putting abortion on the ballot. We are seven for seven in wins when abortion has been on the ballot over the last two years. And folks in maryland, new york, arizona, and nebraska, nevada, montana, arkansas, colorado, florida and missouri are all organizing to put the issue of abortion directly to voters every time voters have had the opportunity to cast ballots on abortion, they have come out clearly in favor of supporting access. We expect to see that again in november all right. So flipping it around as a political issue, republicans know its a tough issue for them in their rebuttal the State Of The Union. They said directly that they quote, strongly support continued nationwide access to in vitro fertilization. And we heard that on the Campaign Trail from donald trump as well here he is i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby i support the Republican Party should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of money others and fathers, and beautiful little babies have to be on that side so how hard will that be . Do you think treading that line, mobilizing their own voters on antiabortion while not scaring independents and swing voters who poll after poll, favor the democratic position on the issue you know, fortunately, we dont have to listen to the politicians speeches. We can just look at their records and the reality is conservative antiabortion politicians have not only tried to ban abortion, they have been trying to ban birth control, and they have attacked Fertility Treatment and in vitro fertilization. And voters, voters know that they see those records, those records are going to speak louder than any Campaign Speech all right. Really appreciate getting your perspectives on this issue, kimberly and as maguire. Thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate from an outdated gravity bomb to a powerful modern weapons still have russia gives an upgrade to his Old Fashioned aerial bomb bombs to gain an advantage on the Ukrainian Battlefields Plus the International Communitys urging haitian Prime Minister in all lead to act as the country continues its descent into chaos. What later . Just after the break, please do cnn saturday first of all, with Victor Blackwell smerconish, the Chris Wallace show, the oman, who are our the weeks biggest stories. 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Org ukraine and its allies are scrambling to come up with more weapons and ammunition as Foreign Military aid remains in short supply on friday, president Volodymyr Zelenskyy met his turkish counterpart in istanbul discussing joint Military Production and black sea navigation its linskey says, ukraines priorities must be front and center of any future Peace Agreement with russia. Curious, um, would you keep propositions should any proportions for the settlement of this war must begin with the formula proposed by the state that today, defense its land and its people because we own this land in ukraine at home. And protecting today, our proposals are moving to the practice gold this is difficult path. Unfortunately, a long one. Lets nevertheless, we want to those bombs into Gliding Precision Weapons as fred plague and reports their effects on the battlefield is devastating. Massive explosions as the russians were driving Ukrainian Forces out of aviv cut on the Eastern Front after they retreat. Key of Ground Troops saying Vladimir Putins air force has become a lot more or affective thanks to a special weapon, lose the water. Was this a four Will Equal Gill the enemy used the aircraft a lot, attacking with cab bombs before they advance, they clean up the area ahead of them with Cab Bombs Cabs stands for correctable air bomb, old unguided bombs, retrofitted with wings that unfold and Precision Guidance kid using russia as version of gps the impact has been to give russia additional firepower, particularly very heavy fire power. So its a lot more explosive than an Artillery Shell or a rocket. So essentially almost a kind of diy style version of an american Glide Bomb Kit you can see the bombs in flight here. Their wings already extended. The wing kids allow the russians to release the bombs further away from the front lines and out of range of ukraines short distance air Defense Systems the bombs then glide dozens of miles to their targets with devastating effects, the ukrainian say, the russians dropping large quantities of bombs weighing between 503,000 pounds, able to their goal is not only to hit our frontline positions, a guided glide bombs are also flying further behind our defenders to hit rear command posts, rear supplies, ammunition, and so on the aerial bombs are huge. This is a mediumsize one that didnt explode when dropped on a house near the Eastern Front and the russian say theyre just getting started. Defense minister Sergey Shuiguo saying moscow will drastically ramp up production of the wing and guidance kits on a recent visit to the factory, making them its a form of munition that russia has potentially very large quantities. And did enables their fighter aircraft, which so far have been fairly ineffective in the war to contribute really heavy firepower to the ongoing russian push against ukrainian line the ukrainian say, the only way they can stop putins Glide Bomb Blitz is with more longrange air Defense Systems and they hope soon with us made f 16 fighter jets that could help push russian aircraft even further away from the front lines and the ukrainian say they have managed to shoot down some of those russian jets, dropping those glide bombs, but they also say the only weapon they currently have capable of achieving that is the us made patriot surface to air missile system. Now of course, the ukrainians need a lot of missiles to shoot down those russian jets. However, getting additional missiles is a problem as funding for additional Us Military Aid remains held up by Republican House leadership. Fred pleitgen, Cnn Berlin The Future of haitis government hangs in the balance is ramping Gang Violence continues in the Security Situation deteriorates gunman attacked two Police Stations near haitis National Palace friday night, a Security Source told cnn, meanwhile, the United Nations says there has been no request by embattled Prime Minister ali anomaly or any other officials for un peacekeepers to intervene. And theres no word when a un backed Multinational Security force will be deployed. And questions remain and over the future of the Prime Minister, yes, Secretary Of State Antony Blinken spoke with all the on thursday urging him to form a Transitional Government to mitigate the ongoing violence at Top State Department official said a number of people in gaza have been injured after israeli missiles reportedly struck a residential building in rafah, the palestinian news agency, wafa, says, scores of civilians were hurt. A cnn stringer on the ground in rafah reports that five missiles hit the building. Now were not independently able to verify the casualty numbers. Cnn has reached out to the Israel Defense forces for comment well be right back there. Take allergy relief works fast and last 24 hours. So dave can be deliverer, dance okay. Dave, lets be more than our allergies xis the day with so many choices on booking. Com, there are so many tina fey as i could be. So i hired Body Doubles Indoorsy tina loves to look sweet booking. Com, Booking Dot Yeah. My name is cody archie. Now im erica. And were firstgeneration ranchers from central texas. And because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. We have dollar per sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. 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So carolyn, whats left for the 22yearold its a good question, kim, i mean, shes one of one and shes having a dream season, just one game after passing pistol Pete Maravich should become the the Ncaa Division one alltime leading scorer in college basketball. She is now the ncw, a division one record holder for most threepointers in a singleseason. Shes doing it all. Shes making history. The iowa started draining her 100 triple of the year on friday night, passing current Golden State Warriors star and former davidson wild katz, Steph Curry Clark hit the big three in the Fourth Quarter after missing her first 11 attempts from beyond the arc, which is pretty unusual for her. She would end up scoring 24 points, but this rare cold streak had no impact on the games outcome as iowa went onto win 95 to 62 over penn state and the Big Ten Tournament quarter finals george. She was asked about her mock celebration. They just saw after making the historic bucket i was just kind of trolling and messing around when i made that, you know, youve gotta have some font. I thought our team had a lot of fun tonight and yeah, im just proud of our girls. Hopefully if i shoot it even better, it would even be, you know, wed probably be in the hundreds so thats the exciting part about this meantime, the nbas alltime leading scorer, lebron james, had to watch his lakers take on the Milwaukee Bucks and his teammate Dangelo Russell put on a show he carried the team on his back, scoring 21 of his seasonhigh 44 points in the Fourth Quarter alone, russell hitting a goahead jumper with less than six seconds on the clock to seal the lakers won 203122 when he told reporters after the game, he welcomes being in this kind of spotlight. I never lacked confidence. Id never fear confrontation. I want all to smoke. I want to talk about it less high iq players. Lets get in the room and talk about it. I just feel confident when i bring to the basketball game nick star Jalen Brunson returning to the starting lineup after a one game absence for a bruise, left knee, and he didnt ms a. Beat against the Magic Brunson scoring 26 points as new york went off on a sizzling start hitting eight out of their first nine threes in a game that they never trailed and they were doing it on defense as well. The knicks held orlando to the lowest points total in the nba this season, winning 98, 74, and then the lock room brunson admitted that the previous injury hes been dealing with really scared him i thought of the thousands of situations and what it could have been and im just glad it wasnt that hes been dealing with a lot of stuff this season. Timberwolves center, rudy gobert letting his frustrations getting a better of him and it cost him dearly against the cavaliers. This is minnesota up by one with less than 30 seconds left in regulation, the officials whistled him for a loose ball fell. He didnt like it. And then he made a Money Gesture towards referees scott foster, implying the gambling might have influenced the call that drew a technical foul, which allowed cleveland to tie the game and force overtime. The cavs went on to win one 13104 in the extra period. But kim, it is almost certainly going to be reviewed by the league. There could be fines to come after this and not the best moment for gobert. Know i imagine yeah, they wont let him get away with that for sure. Carolyn manno in new york. Thanks so much. Ill excitement is just growing for hollywoods biggest night, the 2024 Academy Awards will be held in los angeles. Tomorrow. Ceremony will be televised live to woman 200 countries and territories rina race against the nazis and i know what it means if the nazis have a bomb some of the movies nominated for best picture include oppenheimer, poor things, and barbie. Comedian jimmy kimmel is back as this years host. One hope george santos. Yeah, is safe, but i think he would i think it would make him so happy if he was mentioned that the oscars and im not interested in making him happy. The hollywood strikes. The strikes, yes. This is something i will talk about. Sure. Can being nominated, but not barbie. Therell be some version of that. Yes. Taylor swift and travis kelce, not off limits, but probably played out cruise literally rolled out the red carpet ahead of tomorrow nights show. Thats as actors are handling those lastminute wardrobe fittings thanks for your out. Which shoes to wear and how to stay off the worst dressed list. Even those who dont take home statues wont go home empty handed this years gift bags for the top nominees include nearly 60 items reportedly including things like wellness retreats, luxury, kitchen appliances, a number of books and our rubiks cube, 50th anniversary collectors edition. Now all worth more than 170,000 and right on cue with interest in the movie, oppenheimer, so high a very particular item is up for sale. How to look, its a report from 1945 on the Manhattan Project signed by 24 prominent scientists, including J Robert Oppenheimer he led the secret us program to develop the powerful weapon, of course, which was dropped on japan to end reward to the report is described as a comprehensive overview of the scientific and administrative journey leading to the atomic bomb beating is now at 35,400 in the auction ends on wednesday all right thats it im kimbrunhuber for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world, its african voices, changemakers to be a headliner long as vegas, thats what i want to do. Vegas, The Story Of Sin City next sunday at ten on cnn were building a Better Postal Service all parts working in sync to move your business forward. 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