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Midst at all. Standing the test just State Capitol in atlanta. This is cnn tonight be sure to tune in for special coverage of President Bidens state of the Union Address. Ill be back here along with my esteemed colleagues, dana bash and erin burnett. Abby philip, and a cast of thousands, 08 00 p. M. Eastern on cnn. Our coverage continues right now happening now, we are learning some of what President Biden will say tonight about the state of the union. Details on that and why theres so much focus on how he delivers his message to congress and to the country. Also tonight theres Breaking News on Donald Trumps 83 million Defamation Judgment and what a judge just ruled on trumps request for a temporary delay and in uvalde, texas, parents of murdered children erupted grief and anger at a new report on the massacre at robb elementary, where 19 children and two teachers were shot and killed welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the Situation Room just three hours from now, President Biden will will address a joint session of congress. It will be his third state of the Union Message since taking office, and could be the most consequential speech of his presidency cns senior White House Correspondent mj lee is over at the white house tonight for us. Shes got the very the latest nobody plans to talk about. I understand mj, the white house has already released a few extra. Thats right wolf. We are just getting in the first excerpts of the president s speech tonight, and they are pretty insightful and telling us about some of the themes that the president will hit on and the tone that the president is going to use so first on the shou of reproductive rights, this is what the president will say. Hell say in its decision to overturn roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court majority wrote, women are not without electoral or political power. No kidding. Clearly, those bragging about overturning roe v. Wade have no clue about the power of women in america, but they found out when reproductive freedom thumbs was on the ballot and won in 2022, 2023, and they will find out again in 2024 if american send me a congress that supports the right to choose, i promise you, i will restore roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Again, this of course, wolf is an issue that white house and Campaign Officials believed to be incredibly politically salient and is a motivating factor for voters. So clearly the president wants to use this evening to tap into that Political Energy on an, on another section on the theme of protecting democracy. This is what the president will say. Hell say, my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy, a future based on the core values that have defined a man erica, honesty, decency, dignity, and equality to respect everyone, to give everyone a fair shot, to give hate, no safe harbor. Now, some other people my age see a different story, an american story of resentment, of revenge and retribution. Thats not me. Theres no question wolf, that he he is talking about former President Donald Trump here, even if that section doesnt specifically named donald trump, this is the kind of language that weve heard him use before to describe the former president. It is really fascinating that he is choosing to describe trump as some other people my age, because as you know, he has battled a lot of concerns about his own age, but its clearly decided that to go there on donald trump as well works politically. Were also told by the white house at the president is going to refer to the economic recovery as the greatest comeback story. Never told. Its a really fascinating that he is trying to signal that hes not getting enough credit for the recovery since the peak of the pandemic samak. Important excerpts already released. Mj, who has the first lady invited to attend tonights address with her yeah. Well for any state of the Union Address. If you look at the guests that are invited by the first lady, you can get a really good sense of the political and policy priorities for the president tonight. Is going to be no different if you take a look at a few of the guests that are invited. For example, on the issue of the mission to protect reproductive rights. We have kate cox and Latorya Beasley obviously, cox is texas mother who was denied an abortion in texas and put up a legal Battle And Then Baisel is the woman from birmingham, alabama who was getting Ivf Treatments and have to pause when the alabama Supreme Court ruling came down. But theres also Jazmin Cazares that is related to gun violence. Of course, her sister was killed in the Uvalde Shooting and clearly, we are going to see the president once again call on congress to take action on gun violence and fight finally, another example, a swedish Prime Minister is going to be in the audience as well. As sweden, of course, join nato just today and strengthening that Nato Alliance has been a huge part of the president s foreign policy. And this is going to be an interesting opportunity for the president to make that contrast between himself and donald trump, given what the former president recently said about nato countries that he says are not paying enough. Basically saying russia should do whatever they want to those countries. So this is again, just going to be one of the many opportunities that we expect the president to seize on to try to draw that contrast between himself and republicans and donald trump. While these are all so important themes that the president will be addressing tonight, mj lee at the white house. Thank you very much. Lets discuss whats going on with minnesota democratic senator and former president ial candidate, Amy Klobuchar, a senator. Thank you so much for joining us. Let me get right to the state of the union right now. What do you think President Biden needs to do tonight . How high are the stakes . Stakes are high . But this president is up for it. I think ive heard hes looking forward to this speech very much. I know that hes a seasoned leader and thats going to come through and he did a great job last time, even when they were heckling him. He rose to the occasion and showed his strength. I think its going to be. Do you read from these experts excerpts . Its a story of a president who is defending freedoms while there are those who are trying to take them away on the republican side, its going to be a story of someone who is standing up and defending democracy while others would diminish it. And then its the economic story. Yes, it is about the recovery and how far weve come since the pandemic with were the unemployment so low and with wages up in the light. But it is also, i hope a future oriented speech, and i believe youre going to hear that what weve done on prescription drugs, what more we need to do on prescription . Drugs to bring the cost down. Planned on housing, childcare, things that are on peoples minds right now, bread and butter issues. So im very much looking forward to the speech wolf. Yeah, its going to be an important speech should the president center, you think the president should draw an explicit contrast between himself and trump in the address tonight. And if not tonight, when the most important thing about this address be that it is future oriented and clear to the american public. But i think youre going to see those contrast right there. You already heard some of the excerpts and i think you dont even need to tell people that joe biden has stood up for a woman right. To make her own Healthcare Decisions instead of having politicians do it. And if we didnt believe that before or after the Dobbs Decision and the donald trump judges and made that decision. Look at that ivf ruling out of alabama, where now theyre saying they can make decisions about if you can even start a family so i would expect he will be talking about that in the context of the ramifications from that Dobbs Decision. That is so torn our country apart and brought people to the polls from states, from kansas to ohio, to wisconsin as you know, senator in poll after poll recent polls, the president s age has been a major concern for voters, even among many of his own supporters, his allies are urging him to bring highenergy to tonights speech. But even if he does, that, isnt enough to change voters minds on this sensitive issue. I have to say smiled when i heard that excerpt, but hadnt heard that part about talking about people of his age. I think its going to be very clear and he made this case last week, a number of times that the other candidate in this race, donald trump, is not far from his own age the issue is, whos moving our country forward with forward thinking ideas, and who wants to bring us backwards on womens choice to make her own decisions. This is not just back to the 1950s. Our party is bringing us expected the 1850s. So i hope we hear that from the president to me, its about ideas and moving forward and season leadership that ended the chaos that we saw with donald trump President Biden is also set to announce tonight, a New Port In Gaza for desperately needed lifesaving humanitarian aid. And there has been, as you know, some backlash over his handling of the israel hamas war. Does he need to go further than that, given how dire this crisis has become and how angry a lot of voters out there are first of all, the port is going to be very important. We know that there is a humanitarian crisis going on in gaza there are children who need food. So im very glad that he has stepped up and made sure that not only are we airlifting food in, but this Temporary Port is opening the long term is the most important. And that is getting too release of the hostages and a ceasefire. And i hope he makes that very clear as well as his support for the longterm twostate solution. So i would expect we are going to hear about that i suspect youre right there. The former President Trump, he focused on Border Security and illegal immigration in what is called his Pre Prebuttal to the state of the Union Address tonight. But as you know, trump helped tank the bipartisan Border Security deal in congress. How should President Biden tackle this . Issue. In his speech tonight. And is there a backup plan in the absence of that legislation i hope he asked the republicans once again to support that Border Agreement that would give a president Emergency Powers at the border an agreement that was supported by the conservative Border Guards down at the border, an agreement that was negotiated with the conservative and democrats. That is just so important. For our own homeland security. And i dont i dont know what hes gonna say about it. Im sure hes going to bring it up because he still wants to get it passed the alternative. He remains is that he has said hell do what he can and he has tried that before. The true answer. And donald trump himself has said this when he was president , that Congress Must act Congress Must do something was right there in front of them. And i hope they look at it again so we can get it passed. Senator klobuchar. Thanks. As usual for joining us. Thanks. Well, foes, great to be on appreciate it. Up next tier here in the Situation Room, well have more on the president s focus tonight on The Middle East and ukraine will go live to israel for reaction to the plan, american good led mission to get more humanitarian aid into gaza and will also have a live report from the frontlines in ukraine, where troops are hoping that president is called on House Republicans to pass a new Military Assistance for ukraine. Does it go unanswered . Well be right back. The Situation Room with wolf blitzer brought to you by chase. Make more of what you meet the jennifers gen x and y and genz each planning their future for the chase mobile app. Gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jp morgan wealth plan. Thats got whiskers. And why is working with the hs and gen z, her credits go then no new apartment. Three jens getting a head with Chase Solutions that grow with you. 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This will be coordinated with israel, with United Nations and with cyprus, where the humanitarian aid is likely to go at first and be checked by Israeli Security officials. Now, this is not an immediate solution to the rampant and growing hunger that we are watching unfold in gaza, us officials well say that this is expected to take weeks at a minimum before it can actually take place in the meantime, the United States is still airdropping more aid, but un officials, even as they said that this is a good move on the us as part, they said the need is for the us to ramp up the pressure on israel to open up more land routes into northern gaza. That is where the need, of course course is most acute as you know, jeremy today marks five months since the october 7 hamas Terror Attack against israel. Is there any hope for a ceasefire by the start of ramadan this sunday, as you know, President Bide was initially hopeful for a ceasefire by this past monday, but that clearly didnt happen. It clearly did not. And right now, wolf talks very much appear at a standstill as much as there was a lot of optimism last week as progress seems to be happening in these negotiations now, it seems like both sides are kind of pointing fingers, both saying that there are different sticking points at issue here, but clearly things are not moving in the direction that they need to in order to get a deal in place by ramadan, of course, israeli officials have warned that if there isnt a deal in place by ramadan, that they could move forward with a Major Military offensive in rafah. And at the moment, it doesnt appear like that deal will materialize now, a hamas delegation has been an easy just for the last few days, but they left today with no clear breakthrough in place israeli officials for their part say that they still need a list of hostages from hamas about who would potentially be released under this agreement. But now we understand that a top us official has actually been in the region. My colleague, Alex Marquardt reporting that cia drone electric bill burns, has been in egypt. Hes also been in qatar working to see if a breakthrough is possible. But again, the clock very much ticking down. Well, lets hope that breakthrough happens at Jeremy Diamond in tel aviv. Appreciate it very much from telaviv. Lets head over to ukraine where what President Biden says about us military aid to ukraine and how Congress Responds is of course, A Matter Of Life And Death for those are the front lines fighting off the russian invaders, but running out of the ammunition to do it is unfolding right now. Cnns Nick Paton Walsh is on the front lines where hes joining us live right now. I know youve been talking nic with soldiers on the brown there. What are they hoping President Biden says tonight about aid for ukraine and we hear some sirens going off in the background yeah, were in a desk, so which has been under constant attack pretty much every night to pianist over the past weeks. And sometimes those attacks do indeed get through because of the lack of it. Air defenses that is paid for by american money. And indeed, president zelenskyy himself was here just yesterday and subjective, i think its fair to call it a near ms where some kind of missile appears to have landed about hundreds of yards away from him. And a greek official delegation that were visiting here with the greek Prime Minister. So i dont quite now what were going to hear behind us in the coming hours at back to your question, wolf, look at as matter of life and death, they are already in some cases out of shells. We are with a tank unit that pan fired for 72 hours because they have to conserve ammunition for very important moments. Weve heard medics who say, look, you know, this is matter of how many people are going to die until we eventually get some kind of external assistance. I mean, yes, ordinary troops dont spend their entire time thinking about Speaker Mike Johnson and exactly how he can conjure this through if indeed he feels the obligation to do so. But it is remarkable how ukrainian troops on the front line facing death seemed to have an almost intimate grasp of the dysfunctionality of republican politics at the moment. And its something thats being harshly felt here. Certainly were near the front lines near avdiivka a town thats ukraine, pulled out of voluntarily over two weeks ago. But they said theyd build to hold the defensive line. Number of villages back. That is looking very precarious right now with some suggestions that one of the main villages theyre trying to hold the air is almost over half in russian hands. Why is that important . Well, if ukraine cant hold defensive lines as suggest, maybe they lack the equipment to do so. Maybe their strategic planning, their defenses have been poor, and maybe two, that russia has the momentum here, has the personnel. Weve seen extraordinary signs or what theyre willing to sacrifice for tiny gains here, yes, theres elections coming forward in moscow, in russia soon, but a mere putin looking to rubber stamp his administration again. But ultimately, it is carriers moment here for all of ukraine, one, that for me has felt like ukrainians slowly beginning to lose hope. Youve got to bear in mind wolf, the fact theyve been able to hold on now in their third year is because of that western assistance, because of the munitions, the weapons, the money that has enabled ukraine to hold russia off, quiet its against everybodys expectations that money with some european exceptions, nothing like the kind of assistance they need and would have got from the United States is beginning to run out. And in some cases has run out. And thats changing the tide of the war. And so i think people are desperately looking to President Biden tonight here to see if you can do something. Is it russian assets that frozen, that can be potentially used to help ukraine, who knows, but ultimately its urgent and its changing peoples lives here now. And the security of ukraine, the freedom of ukraine, ukrainian say, is a european and American Security question that possibly the most urgent one on the plate right now of President Biden wolf, we are very, very urgent, indeed very precarious situation unfolding, and we are told both ukraine and israel, gaza, therell be major themes that later tonight in the president s state of the Union Address, Nick Paton Walsh, stay safe over there. Well stay in close touch with you. Theres more Breaking News. Were following here in the Situation Room, including to trump court cases including the monday deadline, hes been trying to get extended for coming up with 83 million in damages for defaming e. Jean carroll. What the judge the case just ruled. We have details and that will be coming up right after this cnns coverage of the state of the Union Address hes brought to you by vip guard. And vip guard high, true. 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Kara scannell is covering all of this worse, she has the latest what does this mean now for the former president kara well, if the judge hasnt ruled on the big ask and that is trump asking the judge to delay him having to post this money or even a smaller amount of the judgment for 30 days after the judge decides trumps posttrial motions to try to lower the damages amount overall the trump had made those motions, asked the judge to rule on them by monday this past monday, the judge did not do so so than yesterday, trumps lawyers said, well, when you do rule, can we have three days in order to finalize our bond and get everything together today, the judges saying no, you cannot have three days once i rule, he reiterated that hes not ready to rule yet et on The Big Question, but he said he would not give trump more time because in part this is all of trumps fault for filing this requests pretty late in the game. The judge writing mr. Trumps Current Situation is a result of his own dilatory actions. He has had since january 26 to organize his finances with the knowledge that he might need to ban this judgment the Court Ordered expedited briefing and assured the parties at the motion would be decided as promptly as was reasonably appropriate. But due to the delay in its filing, the court notified that it could not render any decision as quickly as mr. Trump requested. That remains true today. The judge also noting that trump has not provided any information about how costly it will be for him to get a bond, something that could be relevant in this decision. So as of now, donald trump still needs to post this at 3. 3 million by monday, wolf, then if he doesnt post the 83 million by monday, what happens . Well, then E Jean Carrolls team could move to try to enforce this judgment that would require some additional steps as well, you know, trump has previously this plea in another case, the other big new york case said that he could come up with 100 bonds. So its possible he will be able to cobble this together, but were going to wait and see how close to the wire this comes down to. We shall see Kara Scannell in new york for us. Thank you very much. And that development is taking place as the Special Counsel, jack smith has responded to trumps latest motion to dismiss the classified documents case down in florida. He calls trumps immunity claims and im quoting now outlandish and says they are aimed simply at delay. Paula reid is with me here in the Situation Room with the latest to be clear, this is a separate immunity claim from the one that the former president is making in some of the other issues thats right. Were talking about the classified documents case where he allegedly mishandled classified materials after leaving office. Hes claiming that president ial immunity should shield him in that case. That that sounds familiar. Thats because thats exactly what hes doing in the other federal case. The january 6 election subversion case, at least in that case, he was in office this at the time of his alleged efforts to subvert the election, but he has lost at the trial court on that issue, lost at the appellate court. That Supreme Court has said theyre going to take up that issue of immunity, which will help him delay that case. But now that hes trying this in the maralago case, the Special Counsel is not having this. They are saying, quote, such a claim has not only unprecedented it is entirely without basis in the law, immunity claims here are so holy without merit that it is difficult to understand it, except as part of a strategic effort to delay. And we know of course, the trump legal strategy is to delay both of these federal cases. Because if the former president can get these pushback, if hes reelected, he can make them go away. How jack smith . Dismissed, and then also have these cases dismissed. Theyre also asking here, notably for the judge to label this as, quote, frivolous, that is significant because if judge cannon does that, which would be surprising, it would block his ability to continue this litigation very interesting. The thrust of trumps legal team is delayed, delay, delay as much as possible. Paula reid. Thank you very much for that. We have more on the state of the Union Address coming up soon, but coming up next, theres more Breaking News parents are outraged at a shocking new report on the Robb Elementary School shooting well have a live report from Shimon Prokupecz. Hes standing by in uvalde, texas. Thats next byebye cough Chest Congestion. 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Shimon well jake, certainly im wolf, i should say to you that this was certainly a surprise to everyone to hear the investigator there was hired by the city to do this investigation. He came out saying thats officers acted in good faith, that there was no wrongdoing, that there was no violation of policy, even at one point saying that one of the officers showed measurable strength. This was just completely shocking to the families that investigator jessie prado, he was hired by the city yes. 25 years of experience. I tried to ask him some questions about how he came to his conclusions. Take a look sir. Why wont you answer our questions . Youre free to speak now, your report is complete, so youre an independent person . You were paid a significant amount of money to do this, speak, tell us how you could come up, sir. Wade the least. I am i have read that report, whatever you said, i have i have i saw that at every single officer, you if exonerated every single officer, ive gotta get you and thats the thing wolf that was so shocking all of this that every Police Officer that he investigated from the city of uvalde, he exonerated. He specifically used those words in his report and in the testimony that he gave to the city council, here a short time ago she wrote, what was the reaction to the families theyre shocked upset. Many of them were crying. They just couldnt believe what they were hearing and take a listen to some of what they were saying in the city council. On hearing how dare you how dare you. There were multiple Law Enforcement officers from multiple agencies that stood by for 77 minutes as children and teachers died. And im not going to stand by and so wolf now, The Big Question is, what happens. This report is centrally clears these officers from any kind of disciplinary action. The families want accountability, they want some of these officers that were in the hallway in the moments after the shooting, fire. It now seems that that is going to be very difficult. Club for the city to do because of this report she wrote prokupecz. Thank you for your excellent, excellent reporting for us on this important story. Appreciate it very much. Just ahead, were counting down to President Biden, state of the Union Address. But former President Trump has already responding to it. Any promises . Im quoting him now. A play by play of bidens speech tonight, we have details thats next this making you uncomfortable. Good. When youve got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal. Discomfort can help you act im not trying to scare you. 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Kristen holmes is joining us for West Palm Beach near maralago with details, kristen, the former president , has already had plenty to say today about tonights speech. Yeah, thats right. He actually issued a video straight to camera, edited link the video going on about immigration, calling it his prebuttal to biden state of the Union Address. He also hit biden for the economy. Of course, as we know, both immigration and the economy are the two issues that donald trump wants to be campaigning on in november now, as for tonight, he has said that hes going to be watching from his maralago home live, tweeting, not tweeting. Sorry. Truth, social posting on his social media. Obviously, he has done this before, but this has more significance this time because now he is the Presumptive Republican nominee thing. Well be watching for wolf is just what trend lines he hits. What is he going to go . After biden for in all as we head into november, i want to point out one thing, his super pac has already been attacking biden all day today, launching a new ad that will just run for this 24 hours, hitting biden over his mental acuity and fitness, age, and even at one point asking if biden could make it through another their presidency. So we know speaker johnson has called for decorum for respect. Thats within the chamber. Think its unlikely youre going to see that from the former president himself, wolf Kristen Holmes on the scene for us, not in florida. Thank you very much. A senior white house official tells cnn President Biden is prepared for another possible round of hecklers at the state of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress Later tonight. And as christian just said to Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said today, house members should quote, need to to get back to decorum his words. Were going to see in a few hours if lawmakers agree joining us now to discuss cnn senior political analyst gloria borger, ashley etienne, former Communications Director to Vice President harris, and a 2020 Biden Campaign senior adviser, also with us cnn political commentator Kristen Soltis anderson. Kristen, let me start with you. Do you think President Biden would actually welcome another chance to spar with republican members in the audience tonight esharp might last year, most people can forget the first 20 minutes of the speech, which i found to be a little bit low energy, a little bit not really headlinemaking, but it was at moment when he began to spar and had those backandforths over things like Social Security that he really kind of came to life. And thats the thing Everybody Saw the day after. So im assuming that for biden Something Like that, if he handles at the same way he did last time, would play to his advantage rather than a speech that is a little sleep year more lowenergy. And she how he does tonight . So gloria, what stands out to you from what were learning about what to expect from the president s speech well, what stands out to me, wolf, is that the white house seems to be raising expectations about this speech you know, usually when youre in the white house and you want to spend something you say, well, were going to do this, were going to do that, but the white house Chief Of Staff found the record as saying this is a particularly big moment. This is the start of the campaign. And so i think theyre raising expectations about how biden is going to be energetic and how his agenda will be clear and how hell be able to take on those republicans if they do hear him. But i think they want to put a message out there that this is a feisty president. And, you know, to me the way he delivers this speech is almost as important as whats in it. Its absolutely a good point actually, who does President Biden most de to reach the night . Yeah. No. I think one of the most important audiences tonight wolf, are going to be those undecided voters. I, ii, nikki haleys voters that are looking for a home on tuesday, both trump and biden sort of solidified their base absent an endorsement from nikki haley, those voters are up for grabs. So im going to be watching to see what the president says so those folks, how does he bring them into the fold, right from a political perspective, hes got, we would say he has to do a persuasion message, right . Hes got to draw the contrast between him, donald trump in the gop, and thats what the president plans to do tonight. And the republicans in that regard have pretty much written a speech for him no action to close the border no action to lower costs for the American People, no action to support our allies that are at war. And then no votes on ivf. So the team biden are ready for tonight. I think that hes got the right message and then he isnt it well positioned to draw in those voters . Im curious whats more important for President Biden tonight, selling the American People on his specific suffolk policies are proving that hes still physically up to the job. I think its the latter. I think he has to prove that hes physically up to the job because for the most part, his Policy Agenda is either stuff hes going to do through pen and phone or its stuff thats going to die a slow death in congress stopped by republicans so policy, things he talks about, i think guard less important for his Electoral Prospects than proving to these voters who you might call the doublehaters, the ones who really dont like donald trump, theyre not excited about the prospect of voting for donald trump in november. But they really have a lot of deep misgivings about joe bidens ability, his mental acuity, his stamina. Thats what is going to be under the most i do think the double haters, i love are going to be really important and, you know, in looking at the excerpts that weve gotten of the speech, one thing that was fascinating to me as well, he doesnt mention donald trump by name. Hes contrasting their visions for the country. Hes going to be positive, optimistic donald trump said, the other day america is dying, right . And he said now some other people, my age see a different story. You know, an american story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. Thats not me. And i think thats a really Important Message because they want this to be a Choice Election and dont forget donald trump has effectively running as an incumbent. And so biden wants this to be a choice and he wants to make that very clear tonight. What that choice is going to be. You know, its interesting actually because in his prebuttal, trump really went after President Biden repeatedly calling him crooked joe and the people that surround him, they are radical left marxists, fascists, and communists and socialists. This is what the former president is saying in this prebuttal. From my perspective, every time you can always tell when Donald Trumps in trouble, when his back is against the wall, but it can because then his read it becomes more divisive and to visit but heres the thing. Ive im going to be interested in watching in terms of the president. And i know that theyre very excited and anticipating the republicans are asking the American People their Closing Argument is, are you better today than you were four years ago . The president is ready to answer that question and well answer that question in the speech tonight, four years ago 1 million americans had died from covid, 2 million women had dropped out of the workforce. My kid was take was going to school remotely, right . It was a terrible time for america. We were on the heels of the president s first attempt at cheating the election. So the president s ready to answer that question. Hes going to fan out how the cabinet fan out and continue to answer that question over the next 30 days . Yeah. Kristen, you probably know more about this than any of us, which is this notion that some folks in the white house are talking about the sort of Trump Amnesia that people in your focus groups. I dont know if you see it, but they need to remind people what it was like under donald trump. Well, i think youre right at there are people that look back on the trump era and they do get the answer to that question is, in some ways they sort of look back precovid, that they dont blame trump for covid. And so they say the economy was good before all that happened. And maybe i want to go back to that for me, the person whos got a really interesting challenge tonight is senator katie britt of alabama, whos giving the republican response. Lets not very many people stay tuned into watch this, but clips again will make their way around. And shes a Young Rising Star in the party. How can she present maybe something that is a little bit more optimistic than what we are likely to see from trump on social media. What do you think actually . No i think thats absolutely right. I mean, the challenges, how do you how do you answer this full throated record of accomplishments from the president . How do you counter that . So thats why people dont feel it. Thats yeah. Yeah. And i think what James Carville said many, many years ago, it going into an election, its the economy stupid. I think its still as the economy and immigration and abortion, youve already got very, very much up. Next well take a closer look at the long tradition of having president ial guess attend the state of the Union Address dont call the sky demand for energy is growing and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. Its time to turn the lights on. Americas resources are abundant. 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Brian, the president ial guests at state of the Union Addresses have provided some unforgettable moment home. Its over the years. Tell us about that, right . Well, if there have really been some enduring stories to come out of these moments, and it took a president from hollywood to come up with the genius idea to have notable guests in the first ladys box at the state of the Union Address . President of United States Ronald Reagan started the practice of having illustrious state of the union guests with his address in 1982. And he had one of the most memorable guests of all time in the midst of a terrible tragedy on the potomac we saw again the spirit of american heroism at its finest. Just two weeks before that address, Lenny Scutnik and obscure federal Government Employee had jumped into the icy Potomac River to save a womans life after an air florida Passenger Plane slammed into a bridge and plummeted into the water Time Magazine later reported the scutnik was unnerved when first Lady Nancy Reagan sat down next to him in the house gallery for the state of the Union Address, that he hadnt expected to be called out by name, and that he was so stunned when he was that it took a shove in the back to get them to stand up. Ronald reagan understood drama while reagan understood theater. And from that moment on president s have invited guests and made that guests story part of the state of the Union Address. One of the most controversial president ial guests, the Late Conservative Radio Talk Show host rush limbaugh, who then President Donald Trump had in the box for his 2020 state of the the Union Address. Trump not only acknowledged limbaugh, rush limbaugh. Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our but hes the tearyeyed broadcast. Are they having First Lady Melania Trump put the president ial medal of freedom around limbaughs neck, right then and there, a spectacle that led to some blowback because of limbaughs previous often disparaging characterizations of minorities and the Lgbtq Community he took the reaganesque human moment and turn into a polarizing moment. Wrestling bob is a polarizing figure for americans. It was a, we emotional moment for limbo because at the time he had been diagnosed with lung cancer, he died the following year. At that same address, trump ever the showman surprised amy williams and her children by reuniting them on the spot with amys husband, Army Sergeant townsend williams, whod returned from afghanistan then there are other, celebrities invited, like rockstar, bano, who was President Bidens guest last year, honored for his humanitarian work, is a twofer for the president that they get to seem like they know famous people but also they get to highlight an issue that that famous person is associated with it advocates for now as for the potential pitfalls of having a notable guest in the box, historian tim naftali says, when a president and the white house aides are vetting a guest, they do have to make sure they know the full background of that person, that there arent any surprises attached to that individual because these days he says within minutes of the state of the Union Address that persons name is going to be splashed across. Social media will brian todd, i remember all of those special moments indeed, thanks very much for that report. And to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. Ill see you tomorrow, 11 00 a. M. Eastern for cnn newsroom. And later in the day, 06 00 p. M. Right here in the Situation Room

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